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Greenhouse gas emissions trends and projections under the scope of the Effort Sharing legislation, EU-27

This figure shows the EU-27 Effort Sharing emissions as well as the Member States' projections covering emissions under the Effort Sharing Regulation ('with existing measures' (WEM) and 'with additional measures' (WAM) scenarios).

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Changes in emissions covered by the EU Emissions Trading System by sector, 2013-2022, relative to 2013

This figure shows change in greenhouse gas emissions under the European Union Emissions Trading System since 2013 by industry type.

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Average greenhouse gas intensity of road transport fuels in the EU, 2010-2021

The EU has not succeeded in meeting its target to reduce, by 2020, the greenhouse gas emission intensity of fuels sold for road transport to 6% below 2010 levels. Between 2010 and 2020, the emission intensity decreased by 5.5%, mostly due to the increased use of biofuels. Eleven countries have succeeded in decreasing their emission intensities by more than 6%. If Indirect Land Use Change (ILUC) effects of biofuel production are considered, the emission intensity of fuels sold in the EU decreased slightly between 2019 and 2020.

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Average greenhouse gas intensity reduction of road transport fuels in Member States, between 2010-2021

In 2020, eleven countries succeeded in decreasing their emission intensities by more than 6%, with Sweden and Finland achieving the highest reductions (19.1% and 7.2% respectively).

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Effort Sharing, ETS, LULUCF trends and projections in the EU-27

This figure shows the EU-27 greenhouse gas emission targets, historical and future emission trends of emissions covered by the Effort Sharing legislation, the EU Emission Trading System (ETS) and the Land Use, Land Use Change, and Forestry sector (LULUCF).

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EU emissions and removals of the LULUCF sector by main land use category

The figure shows the historic trend of emissions and removals of the Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) sector by main land use category. The figure also shows projections for the LULUCF sector.

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Progress towards achieving climate targets in the EU-27

This figure shows the historical and future trends in net greenhouse gas emissions (including international aviation) for the EU-27, alongside key targets for 2020, 2030 and 2050.

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Key affected sectors reported in 2023

Overview of the key affected sectors reported per country

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EU Member States’ material footprints in 2010 and 2022

The graph shows the material footprint level for the EU Member States, meaning the sum of materials needed to produce the goods demanded by EU citizens.

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