
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Carbon storage in EU terrestrial and marine ecosystems

These excel data files contains the result of a quickscan of literature regarding information on carbon stocks and carbon sequestration rates in terrestrial and marine ecosystems. Based on this information, supplemented with expert knowledge, a list has been drawn up in which the EUNIS habitat types are classified based on their total carbon stock and carbon sequestration rate. This list is available as separate excel worksheet for marine and terrestrial ecosystems and also included as annex in the report that documents the project.

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Malta noise fact sheet 2021

These country fact sheets summarise information on noise pollution for selected EEA member countries. The fact sheets are based on the latest official noise data reported every five years by EEA member countries under the Environmental Noise Directive (END).

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Projected change in annual (left) and summer (right) precipitation, 2071-2100

Projected changes in annual (left) and summer (right) precipitation (%) in the period 2071-2100 compared to the baseline period 1971-2000 for the forcing scenario RCP 8.5. Model simulations are based on the multi-model ensemble average of RCM simulations from the EURO-CORDEX initiative.

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Areas in Europe with additional water stress in the future under a temperature increase of 3 °C.

Percentage of water use against water availability under the temperature scenario of 3 degree increase

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WISE EIONET spatial data sets

The European environment information and observation network (Eionet) spatial data sets include information about European river basin districts, river basin district sub-units, surface water bodies, groundwater bodies and monitoring sites. The data sets are part of the Water Information System for Europe (WISE), and compile information reported to the European Environment Agency (EEA) since 2001. For the EEA Member countries and cooperating countries not reporting under WFD, the EIONET spatial data sets are the most up-to-date information available in WISE. The coverage is complete for Switzerland, Serbia and Kosovo and partial for the remaining countries (Liechtenstein, Turkey, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia). For the 27 European Union Member States, Iceland, Norway and the United Kingdom, the Water Framework Directive (WFD) reference spatial data sets are the most complete and up-to-date information available in WISE (only the EIONET monitoring sites and EIONET water bodies that could not be mapped to WFD spatial objects are included in the EIONET spatial data set).

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EUNIS habitat classification

The EUNIS habitat classification is a comprehensive pan-European system for habitat identification. The classification is hierarchical and covers all types of habitats from natural to artificial, from terrestrial to freshwater and marine. The habitat types are identified by specific codes, names and descriptions and come with cross-walks to other habitat typologies.

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Landscape fragmentation in Functional Urban Areas, 2018

Landscape fragmentation is the physical disintegration of continuous ecosystems into smaller units, which is most often caused by urban or transport network expansion. Breaking structural connections between habitats results in decreased resilience of habitats and a decrease in their ability to provide various ecosystem services and support biodiversity. This dashboard enables the exploration of landscape fragmentation in Functional Urban Areas (FUAs) in Europe for the year 2018.

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Land take in protected areas of Functional Urban Areas, 2012-2018

Land take and the associated soil sealing causes less resilient ecosystems through landscape fragmentation and habitats destruction, soil sealing, decreased carbon sequestration and impaired flood protection. These processes are one of the major drivers of land degradation. Restoring wetlands, peatlands, coastal ecosystems, forests, grasslands and agricultural soils are essential for avoiding biodiversity decline and for climate change adaptation. This dashboard presents an overview of land take processes in protected areas of Functional Urban Areas in EEA and EU member states for the years 2012-2018. The amount of land take was derived from the Urban Atlas datasets of the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service.

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Land take in floodplains of Functional Urban Areas, 2012-2018

Land take and the associated soil sealing causes less resilient ecosystems through landscape fragmentation and habitats destruction, soil sealing, decreased carbon sequestration and impaired flood protection. These processes are one of the major drivers of land degradation. Restoring wetlands, peatlands, coastal ecosystems, forests, grasslands and agricultural soils are essential for avoiding biodiversity decline and for climate change adaptation. This dashboard presents an overview of land take processes in floodplains of Functional Urban Areas in EEA and EU member states for the years 2012-2018. The amount of land take was derived from the Urban Atlas datasets of the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service.

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Impact of soil sealing in Functional Urban Areas, 2012-2018

Soil sealing is the covering of the soil surface with materials like concrete and stone, as a result of new buildings, roads, parking places but also other public and private space. Depending on its degree, soil sealing reduces or most likely completely prevents natural soil functions and ecosystem services on the area concerned. Particularly in urban areas, soil is being sealed off with increasing housing and infrastructure. This dashboard give insight into loss of estimated carbon sequestration and water holding capacity due to sealing.

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Water intensity of crop production in Europe, 2007-2016

• Total water input is expressed in m3/ha and gross value added is expressed in purchasing power standard (PPS)/ha, where the area in ha represents the sum of arable land and land with permanent crops. The monetary unit being used (PPS) accounts for purchasing power differences among countries. Theoretically, one PPS can buy the same amount of goods and services in each country. • Water use intensity of crop production is classified at the regional level according to the quartile (Q) distribution of all time series (2005-2016): below Q1 (light blue) indicates a low water intensity of crop production; above Q3 (dark blue) indicates a high water intensity of crop production; and between Q1 and Q3 (mid-blue) indicates a moderate water intensity of crop production. • Regional groupings of EU Member States and the UK are based on UN Geoscheme — Standard M49: eastern Europe (Bulgaria, Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia), northern Europe (Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Ireland, Lithuania, Latvia, Sweden and the United Kingdom), southern Europe (Cyprus, Greece, Croatia, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Slovenia and Spain) and western Europe (Austria, Belgium, Germany, France, Luxembourg and the Netherlands). • Gap filling has been performed for certain years and countries: 2010 data have been used for 2011 Greece data; 2006 data have been used for 2007 Hungary data; 2005 data have been used for 2007 Luxembourg data; 2009 data have been used for 2010 Portugal data; 2015 data have been used for 2016 Sweden data.

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Circular Economy with new emerging data streams

The existing European Union’s (EU) monitoring framework for circular economy was established to track how the EU is transitioning to a more circular economy. To avoid unnecessary added costs and quickly establishing the EU’s monitoring framework, it has been predominantly based on existing data and covers essential elements of the transition. To complement this macro-view on how circular economy progresses in Europe, the European Environment Agency is exploring opportunities to collect new types of data generated for other purposes and, working with other partners, use them to better understand this transformation of Europe’s economy.

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Annual average change in environmental tax revenues and labour tax revenues between 2002 and 2019

A comparison of the trends in the average annual growth of environmental tax revenues as compared to labour tax revenues

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Total direct impact on receipts of the transition to net zero emissions

Long-term projection of environmental tax revenues in the UK

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Positive and negative trends in environmental tax revenues in EU-27, EU Member States and Norway between 2002 and 2019

Overview of changes in environmental tax revenues as a share of total tax revenues in EU-27, EU Member States and Norway between 2002 and 2019

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Probability of occurrence of whales in the Europe Seas

This raster dataset represents the probability of occurrence of whales in the Europe Seas, where the species included are: Blue whale, Sei whale, Humpback whale, Sperm whale, Fin whale and Northern right whale.

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Areas burnt by wildfires

Areas burnt by wildfires (2000-2017), Jan. 2020 This vector dataset presents the extent of areas in European countries directly affected by wildfires (period 2000-2017). This dataset can be used as one of the indications where the danger of wildfires may persist or increase in the future under the changing climate.

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Risk of collision with whales in Europe Seas

This raster dataset represents risk of collision of whales with vessels in the Europe Seas. Species included are: Blue whale, Sei whale, Humpback whale, Sperm whale, Fin whale and Northern right whale. The northern right whale model only describes the range of the western population of this species, since the eastern population is probably almost extinct. Thus, the northern right whale model only partly overlaps with the EEA area on interest.

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