
Interactive maps and data viewers

Emissions of fluorinated gases (F-gases)

The figure shows the emissions of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs) and sulphur hexafluoride (SF6). Emissions are provided in million tonnes CO2 equivalent using the Global Warming Potential values of the 2nd IPCC Assessment report (SAR).

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Greenhouse gas trends and projections until 2050

Dotted lines until 2030 represent projected emissions from Member States and the European Commission. In the ‘with existing measures’ scenario, projections from Member States take into account implemented or adopted national measures at the time of the preparation of projections, i.e. by mid-2012. These projections do not cover the full implementation of the 2020 EU Climate and energy package and underlying legislation, which are included in the European Commission's 'with adopted measures' baseline scenario. In the 'with additional measures' scenario, projections take into account the national measures that were at planning stage in Member States at the time of the preparation of projections.

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Average statistics of new passenger cars by member state

registrations, average emissions and average mass of new passenger cars by member state

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