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Find content across the European environment - state and outlook 2010
Statistically significant trends of ocean colour intensity 1998–2009

The figure shows statistically significant trends of ocean colour intensity 1998–2009 at the 95 % confidence level (Mann–Kendall test)

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Change in winter oxidized nitrogen concentrations in coastal and open waters of the North East Atlantic, Baltic, Mediterranean and North Seas

The figure shows change in winter oxidized nitrogen concentrations in coastal and open waters of the North East Atlantic, Baltic, Mediterranean and North Seas, 1985–2008

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Annual average river nitrate concentration (mg/l NO3-N) in 2008, averaged by river basin district

This map shows the mean annual concentrations of Nitrate (NO3) as mg/L NO3-N measured at Eionet-Water River monitoring stations during 2008. All data are annual means. For most countries these are based on measurements over the whole year, whereas some countries have samples only from the growing season (due to ice cover in winter)

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Triazine pesticides found in groundwater on at least one sampling occasion between 2003 and 2007, at concentrations above 0.1 μg/l

This map shows - for those countries that have reported data to the EEA – which of the triazine group of pesticides have been found in recent years in groundwater, on at least one sampling occasion, at a concentration greater than 0.1 µg/L, the standard under both the Groundwater and Drinking Water Directives. The data does not reflect the frequency with which the threshold has been exceeded.

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Exceedances of critical loads for eutrophication due to the deposition of nutrient N in 2000 and 2010

The results were computed using the 2008 Critical Loads database hosted by the Coordination Centre for Effects (CCE).

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Rural concentration map of the ozone indicator AOT40 for crops, 2006 and 2007

AOT40 for crops are vegatation exposure related indicators and are based on rural background station observation only

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Active land uses

Active land uses

01 Dec 2010

Development and economic growth with less urban sprawl — simulation of urban land‑use development in the Algarve region (Portugal) Different scenarios for regional development to 2020 have been simulated to evaluate the impacts of economic trends and spatial policies on land use: • Scenario A Business as usual: continuation of current conditions, where agriculture, fisheries and tourism are the main economic activities. Internal demographic movements are the major drivers of land‑use changes. GDP increases by 2.9% per year. • Scenario S Scattered development: urban land-take is the result of high population growth, especially due to the influx of tourists, and economic growth both in the industrial and service sectors. Increase in GDP is twice that in Scenario A at 6 %. • Scenario C Compact development: spatial policies and restrictive planning aim at concentrating urbanisation in designated areas. GDP growth is as in Scenario S, 6 %.

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Example of different urban patterns

Example of different urban patterns in the neighbouring areas of the Netherlands (rather compact) and Belgium (rather sprawled), 2006

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Exceedances of critical loads for eutrophication due to the deposition of nutrient nitrogen in 2000 and 2010

The maps shows the exceedances of critical loads for eutrophication due to the deposition of nutrient N in the 2000 and 2010

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Proportion of cycle trips to work in a selection of European cities, 2004

The graph shows the proportion of cycle trips to work in relation of all trips to work in selected cities

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