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Map (static)
This figure shows the proportion of assessed stocks per regional sea that are in Good Environmental Status (GES), as described in the Marine Strategy Framework Directive.

- Marine Arctic Ocean
- Marine Baltic sea
- Marine Black sea
- Marine Macaronesian/Atlantic ocean
- Marine Mediterranean sea
- Marine North sea
- North Atlantic Ocean
Two criteria are applied for assessing Good Environmental Status (GES), as described in the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD): criteria 3.1 - Level of exploitation (i.e. Fishing mortality - F) and/or criteria 3.2 - Reproductive capacity (i.e. Spawning Stock Biomass - SSB). The status of the commercial fish stocks in relation to the MSFD criterion 3.3 - Population age and size distribution - cannot be assessed at present since no reference points are available.
Assessed stocks are those for which the level of exploitation and reproductive capacity can be assessed against a reference point in line with the MSFD methodological requirements. Assessed stocks were therefore analysed to identify those for which only the fishing mortality is in GES i.e. F≤FMSY, those for which only reproductive capacity (SSB) is in GES i.e. SSB≥MSY Btrigger, those for which for both criteria are in GES and those for which either criteria is not in GES.