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Chart (static)
The figure shows the CO2 emissions in the industry in EU Countries
- Austria
- Belgium
- Bulgaria
- Cyprus
- Czechia
- Denmark
- Estonia
- Finland
- France
- Germany
- Greece
- Hungary
- Ireland
- Italy
- Latvia
- Lithuania
- Luxembourg
- Malta
- Netherlands
- Poland
- Portugal
- Romania
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Spain
- Sweden
- United Kingdom
Additional information
CO2 emissions from energy uses split between direct emissions and indirect emissions; direct emissions refer to emissions from the combustion of coal, gas and oil products; indirect emissions (or electricity related) refer to emissions in the power sector corresponding to the electricity consumption in the sector.
CO2 emissions from energy uses split between direct emissions and indirect emissions:
- Direct emissions refer to emissions from the combustion of coal, gas and oil products (source: EEA inventories 2010)
- Indirect emissions (or electricity related) refer to emissions in the power sector corresponding to the electricity consumption in the sector
Indirect CO2 = Eind/E tot * CO2 ie
with E : electricity consumption (ind for industry, tot for all sectors) (source ODYSSEE database);
CO2 ie : CO2 emissions from public electricity and heat production ( source EEA, inventories 2010)
For all the EU countries, data are extracted from the ODYSSEE database (last update in August 2009); Source of data : national data
For EU, the data sources are the following:
- Energy consumption : source Eurostat except for:
- Wood (NCE 20): source Enerdata / IEA
- Construction (NCE 45): source Enerdata / IEA
- Machinery (NCE 28-32) and transport vehicles (NCE 34-35) [in Eurostat energy consumption for these 2 branches are given together] for ODYSSEE this overall consumption has been split into 2 sub branches according to the desagregation given in the Enerdata ‘ s database (coherent with IEA)
- Other branches : in Eurostat this residual branch includes also construction , wood; for ODYSSEE energy consumption of this branch has been recalculated as total industry minus sum of the energy consumption of the branches
- Intensive branches:
- Cement : physical production for EU is the sum of the production of the 27 countries (source Odyssee). Energy consumption : based on the energy consumption of 12 countries : UK, Sweden, Spain, Portugal, Netherlands, Italy, Greece, France, Germany and Belgium, Poland and Hungary (source Odyssee) – the consumption for EU-27 as a whole is extrapolated, based on the EU12 consumption weighted by the ratio (production EU-27/production EU-12)
- Paper : physical production for EU-27 is the sum of EU-27 countries (source Odyssee). Energy consumption : source Eurostat
- Steel : physical production for EU-27 is the sum of EU-27 countries (source IISI). Energy consumption : source Eurostat