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See all EU institutions and bodiesEco-innovation, which is crucial for achieving the European Green Deal objective of transitioning to a carbon-neutral and sustainable economy, has increased in the European Union. The European Commission’s eco-innovation index increased by 27.5% from 2014 to 2024, mainly driven by improvements in resource efficiency. This steady increase in recent years is expected to continue, as the European Green Deal has set ambitious environment- and climate-related objectives. Its associated initiatives are very likely to create favourable conditions for more eco-innovation.
Figure 1. Eco-innovation index, EU-27, 2014-2024 (EU-27=100 in 2014)

Eco-innovation refers to any innovation that reduces impacts on the environment, increases resilience to environmental pressures or uses natural resources more efficiently. Eco-innovation is essential for achieving the objectives of the European Green Deal, such as the transition to a climate-neutral, circular economy.
The European Commission’s eco-innovation index is a composite indicator based on five dimensions:
- eco-innovation inputs;
- eco-innovation activities;
- eco-innovation outputs;
- resource efficiency outcomes, and;
- socio-economic outcomes.
Performance in each of these dimensions is measured using relevant indicators, which are published by, for instance, Eurostat, the European Environment Agency and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
The EU’s performance between 2014 and 2024 improved markedly, as shown by the by steady 27.5% increase in the eco-innovation index score. Increases were seen in all of the five themes, however the increasing eco-innovation index score can mostly be attributed to improvements in resource efficiency outcomes. This theme increased by 62% during the period, particularly in greenhouse gas (GHG) emission productivity (i.e. decreases in GHG emissions generated per unit of gross domestic product (GDP)). At the indicator level, the greatest improvement was seen in the number of eco-innovation publications, while the worst performance was in eco-innovation related patents.
The steady increase in the eco-innovation index score between 2014 and 2024 is expected to continue in the future. This is because the improvements in resource efficiency and other contributing indicators are likely to continue due to the highly ambitious environment- and climate-related objectives of the European Green Deal and its associated initiatives.
Figure 2. Eco-innovation index by EU Member State, 2014-2024 (relative to EU-27=100 in 2014)
The Nordic countries, Luxembourg and Austria were the best performers of eco-innovation from all individual EU Member States in 2014 and 2024. Apart from Finland, all of these countries performed well in resource efficiency outcomes. Finland and Austria scored particularly highly on socio-economic outcomes.
Index scores improved between 2014 and 2024 for all Member States except Romania. Eighteen Member States achieved increases of above the EU-27 average. Lithuania achieved the largest growth, followed by Ireland and Malta. Lithuania’s improvement is largely driven by strong growth in eco-innovation related academic publications, water productivity (GDP/total freshwater abstraction), the number of ISO 14001 certificates, and indicators included in socio-economic outcomes.
Some countries showed substantial progress over the period, reflecting concerted efforts to foster eco-innovation activities. For example, Greece experienced a steady improvement in its eco-innovation, increasing from 56 in 2014 to 91 in 2024. However, there remains a gap between the top performers and those still in need of further progress. The top-performing member state, Finland, scored three times higher than the lowest-performing member state, Bulgaria.