
Sites data table:

Data Table
This page was archived on 31 Oct 2014 with reason: Other (New version data-and-maps/data/nationally-designated-areas-national-cdda-9 was published)
Table contains main information (name, location, area, IUCN category etc) of each individual designated area at national level.
European data
Table definition
Field name Field Definition Note Data type Primary key
SITE_CODE Unique record identifier for nationally designated areas int(2) -1
SITE_AREA Surface area in hectares (ha) float(8) 0
LAT Latitude (Y) International Geographical Co-ordinates of the monitoring station in decimal degrees format float(8) 0
LON Longitude decimal degrees float(8) 0
SITE_CODE_NAT National site code unique record identifier in the national source database nvarchar(20) 0
PARENT_ISO ISO 3 characters country code nvarchar(3) -1
ISO3 Country ISO code nvarchar(3) -1
DESIG_ABBR National designation type code nvarchar(5) -1
SITE_NAME Site name as given in local language. nvarchar(120) 0
IUCNCAT IUCN management category nvarchar(4) 0
CDDA_Dissemination_code Code for instructions to EEA regarding dissemination of geographical data. 00 - use dissemination instructions provided in metadata for the spatial dataset, 01 - vector data can be published for this feature, 02 - public dissemination restricted to presence/absence in European raster dataset, 03 - public dissemination restricted to European scale maps, 04 - dissemination to CDDA partner institutions (WCMC and CoE) for their internal use only. Other interested parties should contact national representative, 05 - no dissemination by EEA. Interested parties should contact national representative nvarchar(2) 0
Notes Remarks about the site record nvarchar(max) 0
NUTS Administrative Region Code according to the coding system of EUROSTAT nvarchar(5) 0
Year Year
nvarchar(4) 0
Last_leg_chng_year Year of last legal change nvarchar(4) 0
Last_leg_chng_code Code of last legal change nvarchar(2) 0
CDDA_Coordinates_code Code for derivation of tabular coordinates of sites. 00 - unknown, 01 - national calculation, 02 - EEA to calculate from reported boundary data nvarchar(2) 0
CDDA_Resolution_code Codes for spatial resolution of dataset from which geographical data for this feature (boundaries, coordinates) has been derived. 00 - use resolution information provided in metadata for the spatial dataset, 01 - unknown, 02 - less than 1:1 000 000, 03 - between 1:250 000 and 1:1 000 000, 04 - between 1:100 000 and 1:250 000, 05 - greater than 1:100 000 nvarchar(2) 0


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