

Estimated distribution of impulsive underwater noise in Europe's seas

Figure Created 22 Jan 2020 Published 25 Feb 2020 Last modified 24 Jun 2020
1 min read
Input of impulsive anthropogenic sound was created by combining pulse-block-days (PBD) data from the ICES Registry (for HELCOM and OSPAR areas) and ACCOMBAS (for the Mediterranean Sea).

European data


Additional information

The data available from the ICES register and the ACCOBAMS demonstrator pulse-block-days (PBD) indicator do not give exact locations of impulsive noise emitting activities being carried out (the data shows the number of activities per spatial grid cell of the grid they use).

These data layers were overlaid with the EEA 10 x 10 km grid, which means that information in the grid is not actual pulse-block-days. For example, if cell of the EEA grid has a PBD value of 200, it does not mean that there were 200 PBDs in that 10 x 10 km area, but that 200 PBDs were recorded in a larger area (ICES or ACCOBAMS grid cell) over which this 10*10 km area was overlaid.


Geographic coverage

Temporal coverage



Filed under: noise, human health, transport
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