
Indicator Specification

Energy efficiency and energy consumption in industry

Indicator Specification
  Indicator codes: ENER 025
Published 30 Apr 2012 Last modified 09 Feb 2021
6 min read
This page was archived on 06 Nov 2013 with reason: Other
Specific consumption per tonne produced : Energy consumption divided by the physical production (for steel, cement , paper) Energy efficiency index of industry (ODEX) is a weighted average of the specific consumption index of 10 manufacturing branches; the weight being the share of each branch in the sum of the energy consumption of these branches in year t and the sum of the implied energy consumption from each underlying industrial branches in year t (based on the unit consumption of the sub-sector with a moving reference year). CO2 emissions from energy uses split between direct emissions and indirect emissions: Direct emissions refer to emissions from the combustion of coal, gas and oil products (source: EEA inventories 2009); Indirect emissions (or electricity related) refer to emissions in the power sector corresponding to the electricity consumption in the sector       Indirect CO2 = E ind/E tot * CO2 ie with E : electricity consumption (ind for industry, tot for all sectors) (source ODYSSEE database); CO2 ie : CO2 emissions from public electricity and heat production ( source EEA, inventories 2009)

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Assessment versions

Published (reviewed and quality assured)
  • No published assessments


Justification for indicator selection

The indicator tracks progress made in energy efficiency and reducing the energy consumption in the industry sector in EU-27 countries. Reducing the energy consumption in the industry sector will have a positive impact on the environment due to reduced environmental pressures associated with the production and consumption of energy. The indicator is complementary to ENER 21 and ENER 16.


Scientific references

  • No rationale references available

Indicator definition

  • Specific consumption per tonne produced : Energy consumption divided by the physical production (for steel, cement , paper)
  • Energy efficiency index of industry (ODEX) is a weighted average of the specific consumption index of 10 manufacturing branches; the weight being the share of each branch in the sum of the energy consumption of these branches in year t and the sum of the implied energy consumption from each underlying industrial branches in year t (based on the unit consumption of the sub-sector with a moving reference year).
  • CO2 emissions from energy uses split between direct emissions and indirect emissions: Direct emissions refer to emissions from the combustion of coal, gas and oil products (source: EEA inventories 2009); Indirect emissions (or electricity related) refer to emissions in the power sector corresponding to the electricity consumption in the sector
          Indirect CO2 = E ind/E tot * CO2 ie
    with E : electricity consumption (ind for industry, tot for all sectors) (source ODYSSEE database);
    CO2 ie : CO2 emissions from public electricity and heat production ( source EEA, inventories 2009)



Production: kt

unit consumption: toe/t

CO2: Mt


Policy context and targets

Context description

Policy context is not defined


No targets have been specified

Related policy documents

No related policy documents have been specified

Key policy question

Is energy efficiency improving in the industrial sector?

Specific policy question

Is energy consumption decreasing in Europe?

Specific policy question

What are the key drivers behind the energy consumption in selected industrial branches?



Methodology for indicator calculation

  • Specific consumption per tonne produced : Energy consumption divided by the physical production (for steel, cement , paper)
  • Energy efficiency index of industry (ODEX) is a weighted average of the specific consumption index of 10 manufacturing branches; the weight being the share of each branch in the sum of the energy consumption of these branches in year t and the sum of the implied energy consumption from each underlying industrial branches in year t (based on the unit consumption of the sub-sector with a moving reference year). The 10 branches considered in the calculation are: chemical, steel, non ferrous, cement, other non metallic, paper, food, machinery, transport equipment and textile. For steel, cement and paper, energy savings are calculated using specific consumption per tonne produced; for the other branches, the indicator used is the ratio on energy consumption related to production index.


The variation of the weighted index of the unit consumption between t-1 and t is defined as follows:

It -1/It = SUMi ECi,t *(UCi,t/UCi.t-1)

with : energy share EC i  (consumption of each branch i   in total industry consumption); unit consumption index UC i (ratio : consumption related to production index or ratio : consumption related to physical production of steel, cement  and paper) 

t refers the current year, t-1 to the previous year

The value at year t can be derived from the value at the previous year by reversing the calculation:It /It -1= 1/( It -1/It)

ODEX is set at 100 for a reference year and successive values are then derived for each year t by the value of ODEX at year t-1 multiplied by It /It -1

CO2 emissions from energy uses split between direct emissions and indirect emissions:

  • Direct emissions refer to emissions from the combustion of coal, gas and oil products (source: EEA inventories 2009)
  • Indirect emissions (or electricity related) refer to emissions in the power sector corresponding to the electricity consumption in the sector


Indirect CO2 = E ind/E tot * CO2 ie

  with E : electricity consumption (indfor industry, tot for all sectors) (source ODYSSEE database);

  CO2 ie : CO2 emissions from public electricity and heat production ( source EEA, inventories 2009)

Geographical coverage:
The Eurostat database covers all 27 EU member states plus Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, Croatia and Turkey. Odyssee database covers EU-27 plus Norway and Croatia. Not always data is available for all countries.

Temporal coverage:
1990-2009 with a focus on the period 2000/2009 for detailed analysis by country (due to data non available or reliable for new EU countries before 2000).

Methodology and frequency of data collection:
Data collected annually in the framework of the ODYSSEE MURE project

Methodology of data manipulation:
More information on ODYSSEE available on the website

Methodology for gap filling

  •  Energy consumption : source Eurostat except for :
    - Wood (NCE 20): source Enerdata / IEA
    - Construction (NCE 45): source Enerdata / IEA
    - Machinery (NCE 28-32) and transport vehicles (NCE 34-35) [in Eurostat energy consumption for these 2 branches are given together]  for ODYSSEE this overall consumption has been split into 2 sub branches according to the disaggregation given in the Enerdata ‘ s database (coherent with IEA)
    - Other branches : in Eurostat this residual branch includes also construction , wood; for ODYSSEE energy consumption of this branch has been recalculated as total industry minus sum of the energy consumption of the branches
  • Energy intensive branches:

- Cement :
o physical production: sum of the production of the 27 countries (source Odyssee)
o energy consumption : based on the energy consumption of 12 countries (10  EU-15 countries: uk, swe, esp, prt, nld, ita, grc, fra, rfa, bel) + Poland and Hungary (source Odyssee), which is extrapolated for EU-27, based on the  share of production these 12 countries in the total production of cement (consumption EU-27= consumption 12* (production EU-27/production 12)).

- Paper
o physical production for EU-27 is the sum of EU-27 countries (source Odyssee)
o energy consumption : source Euro stat

- Steel :
o physical production for EU-27 is the sum of EU-27 countries (source IISI)
o energy  consumption : source Eurostat

Methodology references

No methodology references available.


Data specifications

EEA data references

External data references

Data sources in latest figures



Methodology uncertainty

No uncertainty has been specified

Data sets uncertainty

Not all data is available for all countries. Availability for data on years earlier than 2009, is higher.
Odyssee data is recently updated (October 2011)

The reliability of total industry energy consumption and related CO2 emissions is reliable due to trustworthy statistics underlying it. 

Rationale uncertainty

No uncertainty has been specified

Further work

Short term work

Work specified here requires to be completed within 1 year from now.

Long term work

Work specified here will require more than 1 year (from now) to be completed.

General metadata

Responsibility and ownership

EEA Contact Info

Anca-Diana Barbu


European Environment Agency (EEA)


Indicator code
ENER 025
Version id: 2
Primary theme: Energy Energy


DPSIR: State
Typology: Efficiency indicator (Type C - Are we improving?)





Filed under:
Filed under: energy
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