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Lithuania – air pollution country fact sheet

A significant proportion of Europe's urban population lives in cities where EU air quality standards for the protection of human health are regularly exceeded. Air pollution continues to have significant impacts on the health of Europeans, particularly in urban areas. These health impacts have economic costs, cutting short lives, increasing medical costs and reducing productivity through lost working days. The pollutants with the most serious impacts on human health are particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide and ground-level ozone.

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Liechtenstein – air pollution country fact sheet

A significant proportion of Europe's urban population lives in cities where EU air quality standards for the protection of human health are regularly exceeded. Air pollution continues to have significant impacts on the health of Europeans, particularly in urban areas. These health impacts have economic costs, cutting short lives, increasing medical costs and reducing productivity through lost working days. The pollutants with the most serious impacts on human health are particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide and ground-level ozone.

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Italy – air pollution country fact sheet

A significant proportion of Europe's urban population lives in cities where EU air quality standards for the protection of human health are regularly exceeded. Air pollution continues to have significant impacts on the health of Europeans, particularly in urban areas. These health impacts have economic costs, cutting short lives, increasing medical costs and reducing productivity through lost working days. The pollutants with the most serious impacts on human health are particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide and ground-level ozone.

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Estonia – air pollution country fact sheet

A significant proportion of Europe's urban population lives in cities where EU air quality standards for the protection of human health are regularly exceeded. Air pollution continues to have significant impacts on the health of Europeans, particularly in urban areas. These health impacts have economic costs, cutting short lives, increasing medical costs and reducing productivity through lost working days. The pollutants with the most serious impacts on human health are particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide and ground-level ozone.

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Bulgaria – air pollution country fact sheet

A significant proportion of Europe's urban population lives in cities where EU air quality standards for the protection of human health are regularly exceeded. Air pollution continues to have significant impacts on the health of Europeans, particularly in urban areas. These health impacts have economic costs, cutting short lives, increasing medical costs and reducing productivity through lost working days. The pollutants with the most serious impacts on human health are particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide and ground-level ozone.

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Czechia – air pollution country fact sheet

A significant proportion of Europe's urban population lives in cities where EU air quality standards for the protection of human health are regularly exceeded. Air pollution continues to have significant impacts on the health of Europeans, particularly in urban areas. These health impacts have economic costs, cutting short lives, increasing medical costs and reducing productivity through lost working days. The pollutants with the most serious impacts on human health are particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide and ground-level ozone.

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Croatia – air pollution country fact sheet

A significant proportion of Europe's urban population lives in cities where EU air quality standards for the protection of human health are regularly exceeded. Air pollution continues to have significant impacts on the health of Europeans, particularly in urban areas. These health impacts have economic costs, cutting short lives, increasing medical costs and reducing productivity through lost working days. The pollutants with the most serious impacts on human health are particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide and ground-level ozone.

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Denmark – air pollution country fact sheet

A significant proportion of Europe's urban population lives in cities where EU air quality standards for the protection of human health are regularly exceeded. Air pollution continues to have significant impacts on the health of Europeans, particularly in urban areas. These health impacts have economic costs, cutting short lives, increasing medical costs and reducing productivity through lost working days. The pollutants with the most serious impacts on human health are particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide and ground-level ozone.

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Cyprus – air pollution country fact sheet

A significant proportion of Europe's urban population lives in cities where EU air quality standards for the protection of human health are regularly exceeded. Air pollution continues to have significant impacts on the health of Europeans, particularly in urban areas. These health impacts have economic costs, cutting short lives, increasing medical costs and reducing productivity through lost working days. The pollutants with the most serious impacts on human health are particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide and ground-level ozone.

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EEA greenhouse gas projections - data viewer

Data viewer on projections of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reported to the EU/EEA by European countries. The viewer integrates historical GHG emissions from GHG inventories.

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Fossil fuel subsidies in EU Member States, 2015 and 2022 (in 2022 prices)

The development of fossil fuel subsidies in EU Member States, i.e. the trend between 2015 and 2022.

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Fossil fuel subsidies in the 27 EU Member States, 2015-2022

The trend in the amount of fossil fuel subsidies in the 27 EU Member States

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Premature deaths attributable to exposure to PM₂.₅ at NUTS3 level for European countries in 2021, adjusted for population

The map shows the number of premature deaths (PDs) attributable to PM₂.₅ in 2021 at NUTS3 level for European countries. The PDs, which in absolute terms are higher for those NUTS3 level regions with the highest populations, have been normalised by 100,000 inhabitants, to make the numbers comparable among regions. For countries where NUTS3 regions are not available, the national value is shown.

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EU progress towards the worldwide hydrofluorocarbon consumption phase-down under the Montreal Protocol

This graph shows the EU contribution to the global phase-down of HFCs under the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol, which introduces limits to the consumption of HFCs, starting in 2019. HFC, hydrofluorocarbon; Mt, million tonnes. HFCs covered under the Montreal Protocol do not include HFC-161. A country’s baseline for the Montreal Protocol HFC phase-down is defined as the average HFC consumption during the period 2011-2013, plus 15% of the HCFC baseline in 1989, all expressed in million tonnes (Mt) CO2 equivalent. As set out in the Montreal Protocol, the HCFC baseline also includes 2.8% of 1989 chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) consumption.

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EU progress under the hydrofluorocarbon phase-down set out in the EU F-gas Regulation

This graph shows the progress of the hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) phase-down under EU regulation. HFC, hydrofluorocarbon; POM, placing on the market; RACHP, refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump. Data shown for 2022 are preliminary and subject to further validation by the European Commission. Values from 2007 to 2013 are based on the reporting obligations of the old F-gas Regulation (EC) No 842/2006 and are therefore not fully comparable with data from 2014 onwards (based on the obligations of the current F-gas Regulation (EU) No 517/2014). The maximum quantities of the EU HFC phase-down shown for 2015-2019 apply to EU-28, for 2020 to EU-27 and UK. EU-27 maximum quantities for 2021 onwards have been recalculated to reflect the effects of Brexit.

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Up-to-date air quality data

Latest measurements from Europe's air quality monitoring network

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Newly registered electric cars by country

This chart reports the number of newly registered electric cars (battery electric vehicles (BEV) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV)) in the EU-27 and non-EU EEA countries (i.e. Iceland, Norway and Switzerland)

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