
Global search on data, maps and indicators

European river water bodies with significant pressures from barriers

The map shows European river water bodies with significant pressures from barriers. ‘Significant’ means that the pressure contributes to an impact that may result in failing to meet the WFD objectives of not having at least good status. Each redish line on the map indicates a river water body affected by barriers according to the country-specific assessment system of significant pressures. The map was created from WISE-WFD data reported for the 2nd RBMPs under the WFD (EU-27, and Norway)

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Winter dissolved inorganic nitrogen (NH4 + NO3 + NO2) concentration observed in European seas, 2013-2017

The map shows dissolved dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) (NH4 + NO3 + NO2) concentrations in the upper 10 m of the water column, observed in winter of the years 2013-2017.

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Winter mean orthophosphate concentrations in European seas, 2013-2017

The map shows mean orthophosphate concentrations in the upper 10 m of the water column, observed in winter of the years 2013-2017.

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Annual mean total phosphorus concentrations in European seas, 2013-2017

The map shows total phosphorus concentrations in the upper 10 m of the water column, observed in the years 2013-2017.

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Intensity of and area affected by water deficit in Europe, 2000-2016

The map shows the long-term impact of water deficit on vegetation productivity, and the area of low vegetation productivity under water deficit impact, aggregated by NUTS3 regions. Negative anomalies are expressed in standard deviation and indicate vegetation productivity conditions that are lower than the long-term average under normal, non-drought conditions.

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Drought impact on ecosystems in Europe

Monitoring  vegetation response to water deficit due to droughts is necessary to be able to introduce effective measures to increase the resilience of ecosystems in line with the EU’s nature restoration plan — a key element of the EU biodiversity strategy for 2030. Between 2000 and 2016, Europe was affected by severe droughts, causing average yearly vegetation productivity losses covering around 121 000 km 2 . This was particularly notable in 2003, when drought affected most parts of Europe, covering an estimated 330 000 km 2  of forests, non-irrigated arable land and pastures. Drought impact was also relatively severe in 2005 and 2012.

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Pollution and other impacts of agriculture on the environment

Agriculture has multiple impacts on the environment, climate and human health. Unsustainable farming practices lead to pollution of soil, water, air and food and over-exploitation of natural resources.

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Effects of PFAS on human health

Per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of extremely persistent chemicals that are used in many consumer products. PFAS are used in products because they can, for example, increase oil and water repellence or resist high temperatures. Currently, there are more than 4 700 different PFAS that accumulate in people and the environment.

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What is pollution?

What is pollution?

15 Oct 2020

Pollution changes a medium such as air, water or soil in a way that can make it harmful to people or nature. Different types of pollutants include chemicals, dust, noise and radiation. EEA Signals 2020 looks at pollution through different lenses related to the Agency’s work and EU legislation.

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State of water in Europe

Waste water treatment and reductions in nutrient losses from agriculture have led to significant improvements in water quality in Europe. However, many of Europe’s freshwater bodies are still not doing well and the condition of Europe’s seas is generally poor, partly because of pollution.

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The national surface runoff risk map in Switzerland

The map shows which regions of Switzerland are at risk from surface runoff and how deep they may be under water, as well as the anticipated flood paths of the water.

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The maximum WBGT [°C] during a hot summer day in the Antwerp city centre

The map shows the maximum WBGT values; those exceeding 25 °C indicate heat stress. Locations with trees and/or water surfaces are the coolest, whereas the highest heat stress values are found over paved squares and streets where there is no shading.

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Bathing water quality in Albania in 2015 (left) and 2019 (right)

Map is divided into two frames; left frame shows the achieved bathing water quality in Albania in 2015 whereas the right frame shows the achieved bathing water quality in 2019. Bathing water locations (points) are colored in accordance to achieved quality class: Excellent (dark blue), Good (blue), Sufficient (light blue), Poor (red). If not enough samples for quality classification are available, status Not classified (grey) is applied.

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Bathing waters in the Guadalupe Island

Map shows achieved bathing water quality on Guadalupe Island in 2018 as well as bathing waters affected by IRMA cyclone (green diamond) and Sargassum algae (pink diamond). Bathing water locations (points) are coloured in accordance to achieved quality class: Excellent (dark blue), Good (blue), Sufficient (light blue), Poor (red). If not enough samples for quality classification are available, status Not classified (grey) is applied.

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Nutrient trends in European water bodies

The data series are calculated as the average of annual mean concentrations for groundwater bodies/river stations/lake stations in Europe. Only complete series after inter/extrapolation are included (see indicator specification). The number of groundwater bodies/river stations/lake stations included per country is given in the notes below the individual substance charts.

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