
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Trends in winter mean orthophosphate concentrations in European seas

The map shows the trends per station in orthophosphate (PO4) concentrations in the upper 10 m of the water column, observed during winter of the years 1990-2017.

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Trends in annual mean total phosphorus concentrations in European Seas

The map shows trends per station in phosphorus concentrations in the upper 10 m of the water column, observed during winter in the years 1990-2017.

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European city air quality viewer

Policies to reduce air pollution have led to improved air quality in Europe over the last three decades. However, in some European cities air pollution still poses risks to health. You can use the European city air viewer to check how the air quality was in your city over the past two years and to compare it with air quality in other cities across Europe.

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Length of station record available in the E-OBS dataset for daily max and daily min temperatures

Stations available in the European Climate Assessment and Datasets (ECA&D) (with different lengths of records) for daily maximum and minimum temperature.

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Locations of stations with temperature and precipitation data

Stations available in the European Climate Assessment and Datasets (ECA&D) (with different lengths of records) for daily mean temperature and daily precipitation amount. Green dots represent downloadable data and red dots present station used in addition in gridded products.

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Trends per station in oxidised nitrogen concentrations in European seas

Stations showing a statistically significant decrease (green), increase (red) or no trend (grey) of winter oxidised nitrogen concentrations within the period 1985 to 2012. Selected stations must have data, at least, in the period 2007-2012 and must have at least five years data in all.

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Annual changes in concentrations of PM10, O3 and NO2 in the period 2001–2010

The data presented were derived from a consistent set of stations in all years. Statistically significant trends (level of significance 0.1) are calculated by applying the Mann-Kendall test. Increasing concentrations are indicated with red dots and decreasing concentrations with green dots, when statistically significant. The applied method is described in de Leeuw, 2012.

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Trends in NO2 annual mean (top) and NO2 hourly concentrations (bottom) in μg/m3, 2002–2011, per station type

The graphs are based on annual mean concentration trends (top) and the trends in percentile 99.78 of NO2 hourly values (bottom); they present the range of concentration changes per year (in μg/m3) per station type (urban, traffic, rural, and other — mostly industrial). The trends are calculated based on the officially reported data by the EU Member States with a minimum data coverage of 75 % of valid data per year for at least 8 years out of the 10-year period. The diagram indicates the lowest and highest trends, the means and the lower and upper quartiles, per station type. The lower quartile splits the lowest 25 % of the data and the upper quartile splits the highest 25 % of the data.

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Daily variation (in μg/m3) of PM10 concentrations in 2009

The daily variation and exceedances of PM10 concentrations during 2009 at a monitoring station that is directly affected by the port in each of these five European port cities. The red line shows the daily limit value. This illustrates significant exceedances.

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Trends in NO2 and PM10 concentrations at urban background and traffic locations

Trends of NO2 and PM10 atmospheric concentration at urban background and traffic locations. Comparison in several European urban area

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Trends in spring phenology in Europe

This figure shows the spring trends of phenology 1971-2000 grouped by their mean onset date. Each dot represents a station. Dot size adjusted for clarity. A negative phenological trend corresponds to an earlier onset of spring.

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Trend in average annual mean C6H6 concentrations

All stations in EU Member States, with at least 75 % data coverage for at least eight years were included in the analysis. Concentrations per station type are given in μg/m3. In the diagram a geographical bias exists towards central Europe where there is a higher density of stations.

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Trend in annual mean CO concentrations (2001–2010) per station type

All stations in EU Member States, with at least 75 % data coverage for at least eight years were included in the analysis. Concentrations per station type are given in mg/m3. In the diagram a geographical bias exists towards central Europe where there is a higher density of stations

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Attainment situation for BaP, 2010

The graphs are based on the annual mean concentration values. They present the range of concentrations at all station types (in ng/m3) officially reported by the EU Member States and how the concentrations relate to the target value set by EU legislation (marked by the red line). The diagram indicates the lowest and highest observations, the means and the lower and upper quartiles. The lower quartile splits the lowest 25 % of the data and the upper quartile splits the highest 25 % of the data. Based on a minimum of 15 % data coverage.

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Distance-to-target graphs for the annual (top) and hourly (bottom) NO2 limit value, for different station types, 2010

The graphs show the percentage frequency distribution of stations (on the y-axis) in the EU Member States versus the various concentration classes (on the x-axis, in µg/m3). Vertical lines correspond to target or threshold values set by the EU legislation.

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Trend in average annual SO2 concentrations (2001–2010) per station type

All stations in EU Member States, with at least 75 % data coverage for at least eight years were included in the analysis. Concentrations per station type are given in μg/m3. In the diagram a geographical bias exists towards central Europe where there is a higher density of stations.

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