

Projected percentage change from 2017 to 2030 in the number of people highly annoyed by noise from rail, road and aircraft under a conservative and an optimistic scenarios in EU-27

Figure Created 16 Aug 2022 Published 23 Sep 2022 Last modified 18 Aug 2022
1 min read

European data


Additional information

- The dataset covers population exposed in EU-27 to noise sources such as roads with more than 3 million vehicle passages a year, railways with more than 30,000 train passages per year and airports with more than 50,000 aircraft movements per year, as well as all roads, railways and airports in urban areas with more than 100,000 inhabitants

- High annoyance is based on functions outlined in the WHO Environmental Noise Guidelines (WHO Europe, 2018) and number of adults exposed to noise levels above 55 dB Lden due to road, rail and aircraft noise in areas covered by the END

- The projections are based on different hypotheses, assumptions and approximations, each of which has associated uncertainties. The projections assume uniform implementation of the measures in all countries. A decrease in noise levels due to the noise reduction measures is assumed to result in an annoyance decrease of at least that predicted by the WHO exposure-response relationship.

- The full methodology is described in “Projected health impacts from transportation noise-Exploring two scenarios for 2030” published by ETC/HE (2022)


Geographic coverage

Temporal coverage



Filed under: human health, transport, noise
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