{ "items": [ { "bookmark": "http://semantic.eea.europa.eu/sparqlbookmarks/-3637185103296548007", "query": "PREFIX e: \r\nPREFIX dwc: \r\n\r\nSELECT ?n2000code ?name ?authority?eunisurl WHERE {\r\n ?eunisurl e:sameSynonymN2000 ?n2000code ;\r\n e:binomialName ?name;\r\n dwc:scientificNameAuthorship ?authority\r\n} ORDER BY ?n2000code", "label": "List of species with Natura 2000 codes and EUNIS links" }, { "bookmark": "http://semantic.eea.europa.eu/sparqlbookmarks/2889283866111318528", "query": "PREFIX rdfs: \r\nPREFIX skos: \r\n\r\nSELECT DISTINCT ?vocabulary STR(?label) AS ?title\r\nWHERE {\r\n ?vocabulary a skos:ConceptScheme .\r\n { ?vocabulary rdfs:label ?label }\r\n UNION\r\n { ?vocabulary skos:prefLabel ?label}\r\n FILTER(LANG(?label) = 'en' || LANG(?label) = '' )\r\n} ORDER BY ?label", "label": "Vocabularies in the database" }, { "bookmark": "http://semantic.eea.europa.eu/sparqlbookmarks/7431098683120358771", "query": "PREFIX dcterms: \r\nPREFIX rdfs: \r\nPREFIX s: \r\n\r\nSELECT DISTINCT * WHERE {\r\n _:bookmark a s:Specification ;\r\n s:id ?id;\r\n s:dpsir ?dpsir;\r\n s:typology ?typology;\r\n dcterms:title ?title\r\n}", "label": "List of Indicator Specifications" }, { "bookmark": "http://semantic.eea.europa.eu/sparqlbookmarks/4192399402114854625", "query": "PREFIX fao: \r\n\r\nSELECT * WHERE {\r\n [] a fao:self_governing ;\r\n fao:isInGroup fao:Europe;\r\n fao:codeISO2 ?code;\r\n fao:nameShort ?name;\r\n fao:landAreaTotal ?landarea;\r\n fao:countryAreaTotal ?totalarea.\r\n FILTER(LANG(?name) = 'en')\r\n} ORDER BY ?code", "label": "Area of European countries (FAO)" }, { "bookmark": "http://semantic.eea.europa.eu/sparqlbookmarks/-1896528077057874440", "query": "PREFIX skos: \r\n\r\nSELECT * WHERE {\r\n ?theme skos:inScheme ;\r\n skos:prefLabel ?label\r\n} ORDER BY ?label", "label": "EEA themes queried as a SKOS vocabulary" }, { "bookmark": "http://semantic.eea.europa.eu/sparqlbookmarks/-2279484858719720842", "query": "PREFIX rdfs: \r\nPREFIX cr: \r\nPREFIX s: \r\nPREFIX ed: \r\nPREFIX d: \r\nPREFIX dct: \r\n\r\nSELECT DISTINCT sql:sample(?items) AS ?url ?title ?dataseturl sql:sample(?obligations) AS ?obligation\r\nWHERE {\r\n ?specification s:relatedItems ?items .\r\n ?items a ?type .\r\n OPTIONAL {?items ed:dataset_url ?dataseturl }\r\n OPTIONAL {?items dct:title ?title }\r\n OPTIONAL {?items d:reportingObligations ?obligations }\r\n FILTER(?type IN ( , ))\r\n} ORDER BY ?title", "label": "Referenced datasets from indicator specifications" }, { "bookmark": "http://semantic.eea.europa.eu/sparqlbookmarks/6199112345960261408", "query": "SELECT ?code ?name ?SDF WHERE {\r\n ?site ?name .\r\n ?site ?code .\r\n ?site ?SDF .\r\n}", "label": "Natura 2000 sites" }, { "bookmark": "http://semantic.eea.europa.eu/sparqlbookmarks/1457704810160049751", "query": "PREFIX dcterms: \r\nPREFIX rdfs: \r\nPREFIX s: \r\n\r\nSELECT DISTINCT * WHERE {\r\n ?bookmark a s:Specification ;\r\n s:codes ?subject;\r\n s:dpsir ?dpsir;\r\n s:typology ?typology;\r\n dcterms:title ?title\r\nFILTER(?subject IN ('CSI001','CSI002','CSI003','CSI008','CSI010', 'CSI011','CSI018','CSI029','CSI033'))\r\n} limit 100", "label": "SENSE II specifications (9 items)" }, { "bookmark": "http://semantic.eea.europa.eu/sparqlbookmarks/4001076049521143419", "query": "PREFIX e: \r\nPREFIX itis: \r\nPREFIX dwc: \r\n\r\nSELECT ?eunisname ?eunisauthor ?itisname ?itisauthor WHERE {\r\n ?eunisurl e:validName 1;\r\n e:sameSynonym ?itisurl;\r\n e:binomialName ?eunisname;\r\n dwc:scientificNameAuthorship ?eunisauthor.\r\n ?itisurl itis:nameUsage \"invalid\";\r\n itis:completename ?itisname;\r\n itis:hasAuthor _:auurl.\r\n _:auurl itis:taxonAuthor ?itisauthor\r\n}", "label": "Species that are valid in EUNIS, but invalid in ITIS" }, { "bookmark": "http://semantic.eea.europa.eu/sparqlbookmarks/-4537076113860538368", "query": "PREFIX rdfs: \r\nPREFIX eea: \r\n\r\nSELECT DISTINCT ?code ?countryname ?publishingCode\r\n IF(bound(?eumember),'Yes','') AS ?eu\r\n IF(bound(?eeamember),'Yes','') AS ?eea\r\n IF(bound(?eionetmember),'Yes','') AS ?eionet\r\n IF(bound(?eun22member),'Yes','') AS ?eun22\r\nWHERE {\r\n ?ucountry a eea:Country ;\r\n eea:code ?code;\r\n eea:publishingCode ?publishingCode;\r\n rdfs:label ?countryname\r\n OPTIONAL { skos:member ?ucountry, ?eumember }\r\n OPTIONAL { skos:member ?ucountry, ?eun22member }\r\n OPTIONAL { skos:member ?ucountry, ?eeamember }\r\n OPTIONAL { skos:member ?ucountry, ?eionetmember }\r\n} ORDER BY ?code", "label": "Country memberships (EU, EUN22, EEA, EIONET)" }, { "bookmark": "http://semantic.eea.europa.eu/sparqlbookmarks/7279832685263796754", "query": "PREFIX skos: \r\nPREFIX rdfs: \r\nPREFIX eea: \r\n\r\nSELECT ?code ?countryname ?publishingCode WHERE {\r\n ?ucountry a eea:Country ;\r\n eea:code ?code;\r\n eea:publishingCode ?publishingCode;\r\n rdfs:label ?countryname.\r\n skos:member ?ucountry\r\n} ORDER BY ?code", "label": "EEA member countries" }, { "bookmark": "http://semantic.eea.europa.eu/sparqlbookmarks/5276366884876196697", "query": "PREFIX skos: \r\nPREFIX rdfs: \r\nPREFIX l: \r\nPREFIX eea: \r\n\r\nSELECT ?code ?countrycode ?languagename ?countryname WHERE {\r\n ?language a l:Language ;\r\n l:officialOf ?ucountry;\r\n eea:code ?code;\r\n rdfs:label ?languagename.\r\n ?ucountry eea:code ?countrycode;\r\n rdfs:label ?countryname.\r\n skos:member ?ucountry\r\n} ORDER BY ?code", "label": "Languages used by EEA member countries" }, { "bookmark": "http://semantic.eea.europa.eu/sparqlbookmarks/8526082216353463375", "query": "PREFIX rdfs: \r\nPREFIX lrtap: \r\nPREFIX eea: \r\nPREFIX skos: \r\n\r\nSELECT ?country ?year ?pollutant ?pollutantcode ?emissions ?unit \"National total\" AS ?sector ?notation\r\nWHERE {\r\nGRAPH { \r\n ?subj a lrtap:Emission;\r\n lrtap:forCountry ?countryUri;\r\n lrtap:forSector ;\r\n lrtap:forPollutant ?pollutantUri;\r\n lrtap:year ?year;\r\n lrtap:emissions ?emissions;\r\n lrtap:unit ?unit.\r\n OPTIONAL { ?subj lrtap:notation ?hasNotation .\r\n ?hasNotation rdfs:label ?notation }\r\n }\r\n ?countryUri rdfs:label ?country .\r\n skos:member ?countryUri .\r\n ?pollutantUri rdfs:label ?pollutant;\r\n skos:notation ?pollutantcode\r\n} ORDER BY ?country ?sector ?year", "label": "Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (LRTAP) National totals per pollutant (9333 records)" }, { "bookmark": "http://semantic.eea.europa.eu/sparqlbookmarks/-4808651405979017634", "query": "PREFIX a: \r\nPREFIX dcterms: \r\n\r\nSELECT DISTINCT ?subj ?issued ?title ?description WHERE {\r\n ?subj a a:Data ;\r\n dcterms:title ?title ;\r\n dcterms:description ?description;\r\n dcterms:issued ?issued.\r\n} ORDER BY ?effective", "label": "All EEA datasets" }, { "bookmark": "http://semantic.eea.europa.eu/sparqlbookmarks/5626811883626411719", "query": "PREFIX rdfs: \r\nPREFIX eea: \r\n\r\nSELECT ?Code ?Name\r\n (if(?is_marine,'Marine Region','Bio-geographical Region') AS ?Region) ?Code_used_until_2012 \r\n\r\nFROM \r\nWHERE {\r\n ?region a eea:BiogeographicalRegion ;\r\n eea:code ?Code;\r\n eea:art17Code ?Code_used_until_2012;\r\n eea:isMarine ?is_marine;\r\n rdfs:label ?Name.\r\n} ORDER BY ?Region ?Code", "label": "Codelist for bio-geographical regions, Europe 2011" }, { "bookmark": "http://semantic.eea.europa.eu/sparqlbookmarks/-4506678806623749703", "query": "PREFIX qb: \r\nPREFIX estat: \r\nPREFIX measure: \r\nPREFIX dimension: \r\nPREFIX attribute: \r\nPREFIX dataset: \r\nPREFIX rdfs: \r\nPREFIX skos: \r\n\r\nSELECT ?country ?year ?pollutant ?value\r\nWHERE {\r\n ?obs qb:dataSet dataset:env_air_emis;\r\n dimension:freq ;\r\n estat:unit ;\r\n estat:airsect ;\r\n estat:geo ?ucountry;\r\n estat:ai ?upollutant;\r\n dimension:timePeriod ?year;\r\n measure:obsValue ?value.\r\n ?ucountry rdfs:label ?country.\r\n ?upollutant rdfs:label ?pollutant.\r\n} ORDER BY ?country ?year", "label": "Air pollution for NH3, NMVOC, SOX and NOX per country per year (EEA)" }, { "bookmark": "http://semantic.eea.europa.eu/sparqlbookmarks/-8011263055660014139", "query": "PREFIX rdfs: \r\nPREFIX qb: \r\nPREFIX estat: \r\nPREFIX sdmx-dimension: \r\nPREFIX sdmx-measure: \r\nPREFIX geo: \r\nPREFIX dataset: \r\nPREFIX skos: \r\n\r\nSELECT ?country ?iso2 ?percentage ?year\r\nWHERE {\r\n ?obsrec qb:dataSet dataset:nrg_ind_333a ;\r\n sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?year;\r\n sdmx-dimension:freq ;\r\n estat:unit ;\r\n estat:geo ?ucountry;\r\n sdmx-measure:obsValue ?percentage.\r\n ?ucountry rdfs:label ?country;\r\n skos:notation ?iso2.\r\n} ORDER BY ?country ?year", "label": "Electricity generated from renewable sources (1990-) (Eurostat nrg_ind_333a)" }, { "bookmark": "http://semantic.eea.europa.eu/sparqlbookmarks/-5277434325430085422", "query": "PREFIX owl: \r\nPREFIX rdfs: \r\nPREFIX qb: \r\nPREFIX estat: \r\nPREFIX sdmx-dimension: \r\nPREFIX sdmx-measure: \r\nPREFIX geo: \r\nPREFIX dataset: \r\n\r\nSELECT ?ucountry\r\n sql:sample(?totalarea) AS ?totalarea\r\n sql:sample(?landarea) AS ?landarea\r\n sql:sample(?country) AS ?country\r\n\r\nWHERE {\r\n ?areaobs qb:dataSet dataset:demo_r_d3area ;\r\n sdmx-dimension:timePeriod \"2009-01-01\"^^xsd:date;\r\n sdmx-dimension:freq ;\r\n estat:unit ;\r\n estat:geo ?ucountry\r\n { ?areaobs estat:landuse ;\r\n sdmx-measure:obsValue ?totalarea\r\n } UNION {\r\n ?areaobs estat:landuse ;\r\n sdmx-measure:obsValue ?landarea\r\n }\r\n OPTIONAL { ?ucountry rdfs:label ?country }\r\n ?eeacountry owl:sameAs ?ucountry\r\n\r\n} GROUP BY ?ucountry ORDER BY ?ucountry", "label": "Area of European countries in 2009 (Eurostat)" }, { "bookmark": "http://semantic.eea.europa.eu/sparqlbookmarks/-4626061118178514952", "query": "# ten00095 (Final energy consumption per country in thousand tonnes of oil equivalent 1999-)\r\n\r\nPREFIX rdfs: \r\nPREFIX qb: \r\nPREFIX estat: \r\nPREFIX sdmx-dimension: \r\nPREFIX sdmx-measure: \r\nPREFIX geo: \r\nPREFIX dataset: \r\nPREFIX skos: \r\nPREFIX eont: \r\n\r\nSELECT ?country ?iso2 ?year ?obsvalue AS ?toe\r\n\r\nWHERE {\r\n ?obsrec qb:dataSet dataset:ten00095 ;\r\n sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?year;\r\n sdmx-dimension:freq ;\r\n estat:product ;\r\n estat:geo ?ucountry;\r\n sdmx-measure:obsValue ?obsvalue.\r\n ?ucountry rdfs:label ?country;\r\n skos:notation ?iso2.\r\n} ORDER BY ?country ?year", "label": "Energy consumption per country in thousand tonnes of oil equivalent 1999- (Eurostat ten00095)" }, { "bookmark": "http://semantic.eea.europa.eu/sparqlbookmarks/6377596960698554404", "query": "PREFIX rdfs: \r\nPREFIX dctype: \r\nPREFIX void: \r\nPREFIX dcterms: \r\nPREFIX estattoc: \r\nPREFIX skos: \r\nPREFIX otoc: \r\nPREFIX cr: \r\n\r\nSELECT ?title ?code ?values ?datastart ?dataend ?dataset\r\nWHERE {\r\n ?dataset a void:Dataset ;\r\n dcterms:creator estattoc:Eurostat;\r\n rdfs:label ?title;\r\n cr:tag \"environment\";\r\n skos:notation ?code;\r\n otoc:dataStart ?datastart;\r\n otoc:dataEnd ?dataend;\r\n void:entities ?values.\r\n} ORDER BY ?title", "label": "Eurostat datasets related to environment" }, { "bookmark": "http://semantic.eea.europa.eu/sparqlbookmarks/912716897883996198", "query": "PREFIX rdfs: \r\nPREFIX qb: \r\nPREFIX estat: \r\nPREFIX sdmx-dimension: \r\nPREFIX sdmx-measure: \r\nPREFIX dataset: \r\n\r\nSELECT STR(?country) AS ?country ?year ?gdp\r\nWHERE {\r\n ?obs qb:dataSet dataset:nama_aux_gph ;\r\n sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?year;\r\n sdmx-dimension:freq ;\r\n estat:geo ?ucountry;\r\n estat:unit ;\r\n estat:indic_na ;\r\n sdmx-measure:obsValue ?gdp.\r\n ?ucountry rdfs:label ?country.\r\n} ORDER BY DESC(?year) ?country", "label": "GDP per capita per country for the years 1949-2011 (Eurostat)" }, { "bookmark": "http://semantic.eea.europa.eu/sparqlbookmarks/-4181441865268706038", "query": "PREFIX rdfs: \r\nPREFIX qb: \r\nPREFIX estat: \r\nPREFIX sdmx-measure: \r\nPREFIX sdmx-dimension: \r\nPREFIX skos: \r\nPREFIX g: \r\nPREFIX dataset: \r\n\r\nSELECT ?nuts2code ?nuts2\r\n ?population\r\n ?wateruse\r\n xsd:decimal(?wateruse)*1000000/SUM(xsd:decimal(?population)) AS ?percapita\r\nWHERE {\r\n GRAPH dataset:demo_r_pjangroup.rdf.gz {\r\n ?observation qb:dataSet dataset:demo_r_pjangroup ;\r\n sdmx-dimension:timePeriod \"2007-01-01\"^^xsd:date;\r\n estat:age ; \r\n estat:sex ;\r\n estat:geo ?ugeo;\r\n sdmx-measure:obsValue ?population.\r\n }\r\n\r\n GRAPH dataset:env_n2_wu.rdf.gz {\r\n ?wuregion qb:dataSet dataset:env_n2_wu ;\r\n estat:geo ?ugeo;\r\n estat:cons ; \r\n sdmx-dimension:timePeriod \"2007-01-01\"^^xsd:date;\r\n sdmx-measure:obsValue ?wateruse.\r\n }\r\n ?ugeo rdfs:label ?nuts2;\r\n skos:notation ?nuts2code\r\n} ORDER BY DESC(?percapita)\r\nLIMIT 25", "label": "Water use per capita and NUTS2 in 2007 (Eurostat demo_r_pjangroup and env_n2_wu)" }, { "bookmark": "http://semantic.eea.europa.eu/sparqlbookmarks/8398759721491149450", "query": "PREFIX skos: \r\nPREFIX qb: \r\nPREFIX e: \r\nPREFIX code: \r\nPREFIX measure: \r\nPREFIX dimension: \r\nPREFIX rdfs: \r\nPREFIX dataset: \r\n\r\nSELECT ?country ?iso2\r\n ?year\r\n xsd:double(?gdp) AS ?gdppercapita\r\n 1000.0 * xsd:double(?ghgtotal) / xsd:double(?population) AS ?ghgpercapita\r\n ?population\r\n ?ghgtotal\r\nWHERE {\r\n GRAPH {\r\n ?popobs qb:dataSet dataset:demo_pjanbroad ;\r\n dimension:timePeriod ?year;\r\n dimension:freq code:freq-A;\r\n e:age ;\r\n e:sex ;\r\n e:geo ?ucountry;\r\n measure:obsValue ?population.\r\n }\r\n GRAPH {\r\n ?ghgobs qb:dataSet dataset:env_air_gge ;\r\n e:geo ?ucountry;\r\n dimension:timePeriod ?year;\r\n e:airsect ;\r\n measure:obsValue ?ghgtotal.\r\n }\r\n GRAPH {\r\n ?gdpobs qb:dataSet dataset:nama_aux_gph ;\r\n dimension:timePeriod ?year;\r\n dimension:freq code:freq-A;\r\n e:geo ?ucountry;\r\n e:unit ;\r\n e:indic_na ;\r\n measure:obsValue ?gdp.\r\n }\r\n GRAPH {\r\n ?ucountry skos:prefLabel ?country;\r\n skos:notation ?iso2.\r\n }\r\n} ORDER BY ?country ?year", "label": "GDP vs. GHG per capita per country from 1990-2010 (Eurostat)" }, { "bookmark": "http://semantic.eea.europa.eu/sparqlbookmarks/5398259541246397332", "query": "# Caution: The average is not weighted with population size in each country.\r\n\r\nPREFIX owl: \r\nPREFIX rdfs: \r\nPREFIX qb: \r\nPREFIX estat: \r\nPREFIX sdmx-dimension: \r\nPREFIX sdmx-measure: \r\nPREFIX geo: \r\nPREFIX dataset: \r\nPREFIX skos: \r\n\r\nSELECT ?region AVG(xsd:int(?percentage)) AS ?percentage ?year ?source\r\nWHERE {\r\n GRAPH dataset:env_watq4.rdf.gz {\r\n ?obsrec qb:dataSet dataset:env_watq4 ;\r\n sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?year;\r\n sdmx-dimension:freq ;\r\n estat:src ?usource;\r\n estat:unit ;\r\n estat:geo ?ucountry;\r\n sdmx-measure:obsValue ?percentage.\r\n }\r\n ?eeacountry owl:sameAs ?ucountry.\r\n ?uregion skos:inScheme ;\r\n skos:member ?eeacountry;\r\n skos:prefLabel ?region.\r\n\r\n ?ucountry rdfs:label ?country.\r\n ?usource rdfs:label ?source.\r\n FILTER(?year >= \"1990-01-01\"^^xsd:date)\r\n} GROUP BY ?region ?year ?source ORDER BY ?region ?year ?source", "label": "Percentage of wastewater treatment in regions of Europe (1990-) (Eurostat env_watq4)" }, { "bookmark": "http://semantic.eea.europa.eu/sparqlbookmarks/-7146413543025253899", "query": "PREFIX skos: \r\nPREFIX owl: \r\nPREFIX rdfs: \r\nPREFIX fao: \r\nPREFIX qb: \r\nPREFIX p: \r\nPREFIX dimension: \r\nPREFIX measure: \r\n\r\nSELECT ?code ?countryname\r\n bif:sprintf(\"%.1f\",?faogdp) AS ?faoGDP\r\n bif:sprintf(\"%.1f\",xsd:float(?estatgdp) * 1.395871) AS ?estatGDP\r\n bif:sprintf('%.2f',?faogdp / xsd:float(?estatgdp) / 0.01395871) AS ?differencePercentage\r\n ?faogdpyear\r\n WHERE {\r\n skos:member ?ucountry.\r\n ?ucountry a skos:Concept ;\r\n skos:notation ?code;\r\n rdfs:label ?countryname;\r\n owl:sameAs ?faourl;\r\n owl:sameAs ?estaturl.\r\n ?faourl fao:GDPTotalInCurrentPrices ?faogdp;\r\n fao:GDPYear ?faogdpyear.\r\n ?obs qb:dataSet ;\r\n p:geo ?estaturl;\r\n p:indic_na ;\r\n dimension:timePeriod ?year;\r\n p:unit ;\r\n measure:obsValue ?estatgdp.\r\n FILTER(?year = \"2009-01-01\"^^xsd:date)\r\n} ORDER BY ?code", "label": "Comparison of FAO and Eurostat GDP for EEA members" }, { "bookmark": "http://semantic.eea.europa.eu/sparqlbookmarks/-6468351171283079891", "query": "PREFIX qb: \r\nPREFIX e: \r\nPREFIX code: \r\nPREFIX measure: \r\nPREFIX dimension: \r\nPREFIX rdfs: \r\nPREFIX dataset: \r\nPREFIX eont: \r\n\r\nSELECT ?country\r\n bif:left(STR(?year),4) AS ?year\r\n 1000.0 * xsd:int(?ghgtotal) / xsd:decimal(?population) AS ?ghgpercapita\r\n ?population\r\n xsd:int(?ghgtotal) AS ?ghgtotal\r\nWHERE {\r\n GRAPH {\r\n ?popobs qb:dataSet dataset:demo_pjanbroad ;\r\n dimension:timePeriod ?year;\r\n dimension:freq code:freq-A;\r\n e:age ;\r\n e:sex ;\r\n e:geo ?ucountry;\r\n measure:obsValue ?population.\r\n }\r\n GRAPH {\r\n ?ghgobs qb:dataSet dataset:env_air_gge ;\r\n e:geo ?ucountry;\r\n dimension:timePeriod ?year;\r\n e:airsect ;\r\n measure:obsValue ?ghgtotal.\r\n }\r\n\r\n GRAPH {\r\n ?ucountry rdfs:label ?country.\r\n }\r\n} ORDER BY ?country ?year", "label": "GHG per capita 1990-2009 (Eurostat env_air_gge)" }, { "bookmark": "http://semantic.eea.europa.eu/sparqlbookmarks/-3049153028536253036", "query": "PREFIX rdfs: \r\nPREFIX v: \r\nPREFIX dbo: \r\nPREFIX cube: \r\nPREFIX p: \r\nPREFIX dimension: \r\nPREFIX measure: \r\n\r\nSELECT ?len ?name ?population ?sex\r\nWHERE {\r\n ?len a v:County ;\r\n v:code ?code;\r\n rdfs:label ?name;\r\n owl:sameAs ?ld.\r\n?ds p:geo ?ld.\r\n ?ds cube:dataSet ;\r\n dimension:timePeriod \"2011-01-01\"^^xsd:date;\r\n measure:obsValue ?population;\r\n p:age ;\r\n p:sex ?usex.\r\n?usex rdfs:label ?sex FILTER(LANG(?sex) = 'en')\r\n} ORDER BY ?name ?sex", "label": "Swedish counties from L\u00e4nsstyrelsen combined with population statistics from Eurostat" }, { "bookmark": "http://semantic.eea.europa.eu/sparqlbookmarks/5971358899151821186", "query": "# Note: the GRAPH clause makes it much faster\r\nPREFIX owl: \r\nPREFIX skos: \r\nPREFIX rdfs: \r\nPREFIX qb: \r\nPREFIX estat: \r\nPREFIX sdmx-dimension: \r\nPREFIX sdmx-measure: \r\nPREFIX c: \r\nPREFIX dataset: \r\n\r\nSELECT ?ucountry ?country ?population\r\nWHERE {\r\n GRAPH dataset:demo_pjanbroad.rdf.gz {\r\n ?popobs qb:dataSet dataset:demo_pjanbroad ;\r\n sdmx-dimension:timePeriod \"2011-01-01\"^^xsd:date;\r\n sdmx-dimension:freq ;\r\n estat:age ;\r\n estat:sex ;\r\n estat:geo ?ucountry;\r\n sdmx-measure:obsValue ?population.\r\n }\r\n ?eeacountry owl:sameAs ?ucountry .\r\n c:EU27 skos:member ?eeacountry .\r\n ?eeacountry rdfs:label ?country.\r\n\r\n} ORDER BY ?country", "label": "EU country populations in 2011 (Eurostat)" }, { "bookmark": "http://semantic.eea.europa.eu/sparqlbookmarks/-859863030625221999", "query": "PREFIX owl: \r\nPREFIX rdfs: \r\nPREFIX qb: \r\nPREFIX estat: \r\nPREFIX sdmx-dimension: \r\nPREFIX sdmx-measure: \r\nPREFIX geo: \r\nPREFIX dataset: \r\nPREFIX skos: \r\n\r\nSELECT ?country ?percentage ?year ?source\r\nWHERE {\r\n GRAPH dataset:env_watq4.rdf.gz {\r\n ?obsrec qb:dataSet dataset:env_watq4 ;\r\n sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?year;\r\n sdmx-dimension:freq ;\r\n estat:src ?usource;\r\n estat:unit ;\r\n estat:geo ?ucountry;\r\n sdmx-measure:obsValue ?percentage.\r\n }\r\n ?eeacountry owl:sameAs ?ucountry .\r\n skos:member ?eeacountry.\r\n ?ucountry rdfs:label ?country.\r\n ?usource rdfs:label ?source.\r\n FILTER(?year >= \"1980-01-01\"^^xsd:date)\r\n} ORDER BY ?country ?year ?source", "label": "Percentage of wastewater treatment in Central region of Europe (1980-) (Eurostat env_watq4)" }, { "bookmark": "http://semantic.eea.europa.eu/sparqlbookmarks/5697338927318524417", "query": "PREFIX foaf: \r\nPREFIX dcterms: \r\nPREFIX ca: \r\n\r\nSELECT ?title sql:group_concat(?country,', ') AS ?countries ?description ?website\r\nWHERE {\r\n GRAPH {\r\n ?project a ca:Measure ;\r\n dcterms:title ?title;\r\n dcterms:description ?description;\r\n foaf:page ?website;\r\n dcterms:spatial ?ucountry\r\n }\r\n ?ucountry rdfs:label ?country\r\n}", "label": "List of Climate-adapt case studies" }, { "bookmark": "http://semantic.eea.europa.eu/sparqlbookmarks/4909081381588765377", "query": "PREFIX qb: \r\nPREFIX sdmx-measure: \r\nPREFIX sdmx-dimension: \r\nPREFIX sdmx-attribute: \r\nPREFIX property: \r\nPREFIX data: \r\n\r\nSELECT ?date ?geo (?gasprice * 100 / ?index AS ?relindex)\r\nWHERE {\r\n# Gas prices by type of user - MSHH = Medium sized households\r\n GRAPH data:ten00118.rdf.gz {\r\n _:ten00118 qb:dataSet data:ten00118 .\r\n _:ten00118 sdmx-dimension:freq .\r\n _:ten00118 sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?date .\r\n _:ten00118 property:indic_en .\r\n _:ten00118 property:geo _:geo .\r\n _:ten00118 property:unit .\r\n _:ten00118 sdmx-measure:obsValue ?gasprice .\r\n }\r\n# Harmonised indexes of consumer prices - CP00 = all items\r\n GRAPH data:prc_hicp_aind.rdf.gz {\r\n _:prc_hicp_aind qb:dataSet data:prc_hicp_aind.\r\n _:prc_hicp_aind sdmx-dimension:freq .\r\n _:prc_hicp_aind sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?date.\r\n _:prc_hicp_aind property:infotype .\r\n _:prc_hicp_aind property:geo _:geo .\r\n _:prc_hicp_aind property:coicop .\r\n _:prc_hicp_aind sdmx-measure:obsValue ?index .\r\n }\r\n _:geo skos:notation ?geo .\r\n}", "label": "Relative natural gas prices (Eurostat datasets ten00118 and prc_hicp_aind)" }, { "bookmark": "http://semantic.eea.europa.eu/sparqlbookmarks/-1044098601592653620", "query": "#DEFINE input:same-as \"yes\"\r\nPREFIX owl: \r\nPREFIX rdfs: \r\nPREFIX qb: \r\nPREFIX measure: \r\nPREFIX who: \r\nPREFIX dimension: \r\nPREFIX dataset: \r\nPREFIX estat: \r\n\r\n\r\nSELECT ?country ?time\r\n (xsd:int(?whopop) AS ?whopop)\r\n (xsd:int(?estatpop)/1000 AS ?estatpop)\r\nWHERE {\r\n GRAPH {\r\n ?bookmark qb:dataSet ;\r\n who:country ?wcountry;\r\n dimension:timePeriod ?time;\r\n measure:obsValue ?whopop .\r\n }\r\n\r\n ?wcountry owl:sameAs ?ucountry.\r\n\r\n GRAPH {\r\n ?popobs qb:dataSet dataset:demo_pjanbroad ;\r\n dimension:timePeriod ?time;\r\n dimension:freq ;\r\n estat:age ;\r\n estat:sex ;\r\n estat:geo ?ucountry;\r\n measure:obsValue ?estatpop.\r\n }\r\n ?ucountry rdfs:label ?country. FILTER(LANG(?country) = '')\r\n\r\n}", "label": "Comparison between WHO and Eurostat populations" }, { "bookmark": "http://semantic.eea.europa.eu/sparqlbookmarks/489534846925181018", "query": "PREFIX cr: \r\nPREFIX amp: \r\nPREFIX r: \r\nPREFIX dc: \r\nPREFIX bibo: \r\n\r\nSELECT DISTINCT * \r\nWHERE {\r\n ?subject a amp:Output .\r\n ?subject a ?type FILTER( !?type IN ( amp:Output, bibo:Webpage, cr:File ) )\r\n OPTIONAL { ?subject dc:created ?created }\r\n OPTIONAL { ?subject dc:modified ?modified }\r\n OPTIONAL { ?subject dc:issued ?published }\r\n OPTIONAL { ?subject dc:title ?title }\r\n OPTIONAL { ?subject dc:description ?description }\r\n OPTIONAL { ?subject amp:managementPlan ?MPScode }\r\n OPTIONAL { ?subject r:serial_title ?serial_title }\r\n OPTIONAL { ?subject r:isbn ?isbn }\r\n OPTIONAL { ?subject r:order_id ?catalogue_number }\r\n OPTIONAL { ?subject r:id ?id }\r\n}", "label": "EEA published products for Intranet MPS integration" }, { "bookmark": "http://semantic.eea.europa.eu/sparqlbookmarks/-827861145687036979", "query": "PREFIX e: \r\n\r\nSELECT ?nuts ?nutscode ?level ?name ?enddate\r\nWHERE {\r\n ?nuts a e:NUTSRegion ;\r\n e:code ?nutscode;\r\n e:level ?level;\r\n e:name ?name\r\n OPTIONAL {?nuts e:enddate ?enddate }\r\nFILTER(?level < 3)\r\n}", "label": "NUTS regions level 0 to 2" }, { "bookmark": "http://semantic.eea.europa.eu/sparqlbookmarks/-2082223201218876477", "query": "PREFIX owl: \r\nPREFIX qb: \r\nPREFIX sdmx-measure: \r\nPREFIX sdmx-dimension: \r\nPREFIX sdmx-attribute: \r\nPREFIX skos: \r\nPREFIX property: \r\nPREFIX wproperty: \r\n\r\nSELECT ?country ?date (?homicide * 1000 / ?population AS ?Homicides)\r\nWHERE {\r\n GRAPH {\r\n _:crim_gen qb:dataSet .\r\n _:crim_gen sdmx-dimension:freq .\r\n _:crim_gen property:crim .\r\n _:crim_gen property:unit .\r\n _:crim_gen property:geo ?geo .\r\n _:crim_gen sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?date .\r\n _:crim_gen sdmx-measure:obsValue ?homicide\r\n }\r\n\r\n ?ucountry owl:sameAs ?geo\r\n\r\n GRAPH {\r\n _:WHS9_86 qb:dataSet .\r\n _:WHS9_86 sdmx-dimension:freq .\r\n _:WHS9_86 sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?date .\r\n _:WHS9_86 sdmx-dimension:refArea ?ucountry .\r\n _:WHS9_86 sdmx-measure:obsValue ?population\r\n FILTER((?ucountry != && ?population < 400000)\r\n || (?ucountry = && ?population < 500) )\r\n }\r\n ?ucountry rdfs:label ?country\r\n} ORDER BY ?date ?country", "label": "Homicides per million (Eurostat crim_gen and WHO WHS9_86 datasets)" }, { "bookmark": "http://semantic.eea.europa.eu/sparqlbookmarks/-1769057037362946420", "query": "PREFIX owl: \r\nPREFIX qb: \r\nPREFIX sdmx-measure: \r\nPREFIX sdmx-dimension: \r\nPREFIX sdmx-attribute: \r\nPREFIX skos: \r\nPREFIX property: \r\nPREFIX wproperty: \r\nPREFIX code: \r\nPREFIX c: \r\n\r\nSELECT ?country ?date\r\n (xsd:int(if( bound(?epopulation),\r\n ?homicide * 1000000 / ?epopulation,\r\n ?homicide * 1000 / ?wpopulation)) AS ?Homicides)\r\nWHERE {\r\n GRAPH {\r\n _:crim_gen qb:dataSet .\r\n _:crim_gen sdmx-dimension:freq code:freq-A .\r\n _:crim_gen property:crim .\r\n _:crim_gen property:unit .\r\n _:crim_gen property:geo ?geo .\r\n _:crim_gen sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?date .\r\n _:crim_gen sdmx-measure:obsValue ?homicide\r\n }\r\n FILTER(!?geo IN (,\r\n ))\r\n ?geo rdfs:label ?country\r\n\r\n OPTIONAL {\r\n ?ucountry owl:sameAs ?geo\r\n\r\n GRAPH {\r\n _:WHS9_86 qb:dataSet .\r\n _:WHS9_86 sdmx-dimension:freq code:freq-A .\r\n _:WHS9_86 sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?date .\r\n _:WHS9_86 sdmx-dimension:refArea ?ucountry .\r\n _:WHS9_86 sdmx-measure:obsValue ?wpopulation\r\n FILTER((?ucountry != c:ISL && ?wpopulation < 400000)\r\n || (?ucountry = c:ISL && ?wpopulation < 500) )\r\n }\r\n }\r\n OPTIONAL {\r\n GRAPH {\r\n _:demo_pjanbroad qb:dataSet .\r\n _:demo_pjanbroad sdmx-dimension:freq code:freq-A .\r\n _:demo_pjanbroad property:age .\r\n _:demo_pjanbroad property:sex .\r\n _:demo_pjanbroad sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?date .\r\n _:demo_pjanbroad property:geo ?geo .\r\n _:demo_pjanbroad sdmx-measure:obsValue ?epopulation\r\n }\r\n }\r\n FILTER(BOUND(?wpopulation) || BOUND(?epopulation))\r\n} ORDER BY ?date ?country", "label": "Homicides per million (Eurostat crim_gen and demo_pjanbroad supplemented with WHO WHS9_86 datasets)" } ], "properties": {"label": {"valueType": "text", "order": 0}, "bookmark": {"valueType": "url", "order": 1}, "query": {"valueType": "text", "order": 2}} }