country iso3 desig_abbr category Designate Odesignate CDDA_sites Law Lawreference Agency Number TotalArea remark
Albania ALB AL00 None No Protection Status No Protection Status FALSE None 0 0 None
Albania ALB AL01 A National Park (category II) Park Kombetar TRUE Ligji "Per Zonat e Mbrojtura",Nr. 8906, date 06.06.2002, art.4 Fletore Zyrtare Nr.29, published 26.06.2002 Ministry of Environment, Forests and Water Administration 16 221316.1 Due to the institutional changes of November 2005 the Protected Areas Administration is now under the Ministry of Environment, Forest and water Administration
Albania ALB AL02 A Strict Nature Reserve (category I) Rezerve Strikte Natyrore TRUE Ligji "Per Zonat e Mbrojtura",Nr. 8906, date 06.06.2002, art.4 Fletore Zyrtare Nr.29, published 26.06.2002 Ministry of Environment, Forests and Water Administration 2 4800 Due to the institutional changes of November 2005 the Protected Areas Administration is now under the Ministry of Environment, Forest and water Administration
Albania ALB AL03 A Managed Nature Reserve (category IV IUCN) Rezerve Natyrore e Menaxhuar TRUE Ligji "Per Zonat e Mbrojtura",Nr. 8906, date 06.06.2002, art.4 Fletore Zyrtare Nr.29, published 26.06.2002 Ministry of Environment, Forests and Water Administration 20 40888.9 Due to the institutional changes of November 2005 the Protected Areas Administration is now under the Ministry of Environment, Forest and water Administration
Albania ALB AL05 A Protected Landscape (category V IUCN) Pejsazh i Mbrojtur TRUE Ligji "Per Zonat e Mbrojtura",Nr. 8906, date 06.06.2002, art.4 Fletore Zyrtare Nr.29, published 26.06.2002 Ministry of Environment, Forests and Water Administration 4 72837.4 Due to the institutional changes of November 2005 the Protected Areas Administration is now under the Ministry of Environment, Forest and water Administration
Albania ALB AL06 A Nature Monument (Category II IUCN) Monument Natyre TRUE Ligji "Per Zonat e Mbrojtura",Nr. 8906, date 06.06.2002,art.4 Fletore Zyrtare Nr.29, published 26.06.2002 Ministry of Environment, Forests and Water Administration 749 8193.47 Due to the institutional changes of November 2005 the Protected Areas Administration is now under the Ministry of Environment, Forest and water Administration
Albania ALB AL09 A Resource Reserve (category VI) Rezerve e Burimeve te Menaxhuara TRUE Ligji "Per Zonat e Mbrojtura",Nr. 8906, date 06.06.2002, art.4 Fletore Zyrtare Nr.29, published 26.06.2002 Ministry of Environment, Forests and Water Administration 4 18245 Due to the institutional changes of November 2005 the Protected Areas Administration is now under the Ministry of Environment, Forest and water Administration
Albania ALB AL99 None Others Other FALSE None 0 0 None
Austria AUT AT01 A National Park Nationalpark TRUE L1 (Nationalpark) Gesetz vom 28. November 1988 über den Nationalpark Neusiedlersee-Seewinkel, Kärntner Nationalparkgesetz, NÖ Nationalparkgesetz vom 28. März 1996, Landesgesetz vom 5. Dezember 1996 über die Errichtung und den Betrieb des Nationalparks „OÖ Kalkalpen“, Salzburger Nationalparkgesetz, Tiroler Nationalparkgesetz, Gesetz mit dem das Wiener Naturschutzgesetz erlassen und das Wiener Umweltschutzgesetz, LGBl. Für Wien Nr.25/1993 i.d.F. LGBl. Für Wien Nr.36/1996, das Wiener Baumschutzgesetz, LGBl. Für Wien Nr. 27/1974 i.d.F. LGBl. Für Wien Nr. 54/1996, sowie das Wiener Nationalparkgesetz, LGBl. Für Wien Nr. 37/1996, geändert werden, LGBl. Burgenland 27/1991 § 44, 28/1993, LGBl. Kärnten 55/1983, LGBl. Niederösterreich 26/1996, 3/1977 § 8a, LGBl. Oberösterreich 20/1997, LGBl. Salzburg 1/1993 § 21, LGBl. Steiermark 65/1976 § 9, LGBl. Tirol 103/1991 § 14, LGBl. Wien 45/1998 § 21, 37/1996 A1 (Nationalparks) Amt der Burgenländischen Landesregierung Natur- und Landschaftsschutz Europaplatz 1 7000 Eisenstadt Amt der Kärntner Landesregierung Abt. 20 Landesplanung Wulfengasse 15 9020 Klagenfurt Amt der Niederösterreichischen Landesregierung Naturschutz Landhausplatz 1 3109 St. Pölten Amt der Oberösterreichischen Landesregierung Naturschutz Promenadegasse 33 4020 Linz Amt der Salzburger Landesregierung Abt. Naturschutz Friedensstraße 1 5020 Salzburg Amt der Tiroler Landesregierung Umweltschutz Eduard Wallnöfer Platz 2 6020 Innsbruck Amt der Wiener Landesregierung MA22 Umweltschutz Ebendorferstraße 4 1010 Wien 9 235608.87401 None
Austria AUT AT02 A Nature Park Naturpark TRUE L2 (Naturpark) Gesetz vom November 1990 über den Schutz und die Pflege der Natur und Landschaft im Burgenland, Kärntner Naturschutzgesetz, Niederösterreichisches Naturschutzgesetz, Kundmachung der Landesregierung vom 24. April 1995 über die Wiederverlautbarung des OÖ Natur- und Landschaftpflegegesetzes 1982, Steiermärkisches Naturschutzgesetz, Tiroler Naturschutzgesetz 1997, LGBl. Burgenland 27/1991 § 25, LGBl. Kärnten 44/2000 § 26, LGBl. Niederösterreich 3/1977 § 8, LGBl. Oberösterreich 37/1995 § 9, LGBl. Salzburg 1/1993 § 22, LGBl. Steiermark 65/1976 § 8, LGBl. Tirol 33/1997 § 12 A2 (Naturpark) Amt der Burgenländischen Landesregierung Natur- und Landschaftsschutz Europaplatz 1 7000 Eisenstadt Amt der Kärntner Landesregierung Abt. 20 Landesplanung Wulfengasse 15 9020 Klagenfurt Amt der Niederösterreichischen Landesregierung Naturschutz Landhausplatz 1 3109 St. Pölten Amt der Oberösterreichischen Landesregierung Naturschutz Promenadegasse 33 4020 Linz Amt der Salzburger Landesregierung Abt. Naturschutz Friedensstraße 1 5020 Salzburg Amt der Steiermärkischen Landesregierung Naturschutz Karmeliterplatz 1 8011 Graz Amt der Tiroler Landesregierung Umweltschutz Eduard Wallnöfer Platz 2 6020 Innsbruck 49 467934.65308 None
Austria AUT AT03 A Nature Reserve Naturschutzgebiet TRUE L3 (Naturschutzgebiet) Gesetz vom November 1990 über den Schutz und die Pflege der Natur und Landschaft im Burgenland, Kärntner Naturschutzgesetz, Niederösterreichisches Naturschutzgesetz, Kundmachung der Landesregierung vom 24. April 1995 über die Wiederverlautbarung des OÖ Natur- und Landschaftpflegegesetzes 1982, Salzburger Naturschutzgesetz, Steiermärkisches Naturschutzgesetz, Tiroler Naturschutzgesetz 1997, Gesetz über Naturschutz und Landschaftsenwicklung (Vorarlberg), Gesetz mit dem das Wiener Naturschutzgesetz erlassen und das Wiener Umweltschutzgesetz, LGBl. Für Wien Nr.25/1993 i.d.F. LGBl. Für Wien Nr.36/1996, das Wiener Baumschutzgesetz, LGBl. Für Wien Nr. 27/1974 i.d.F. LGBl. Für Wien Nr. 54/1996, sowie das Wiener Nationalparkgesetz, LGBl. Für Wien Nr. 37/1996, geändert werden, LGBl. Burgenland 27/1991 § 21, LGBl. Kärnten 54/1986 § 23, LGBl. Niederösterreich 3/1977 § 7, LGBl. Oberösterreich 37/1995 § 21, LGBl. Salzburg 1/1993 § 18, LGBl. Steiermark 65/1976 § 5, LGBl. Tirol 33/1997 § 20, LGBl. Vorarlberg 22/1997 § 26, LGBl. Wien 45/1998 § 23 A3 (Naturschutzgebiet) Amt der Burgenländischen Landesregierung Natur- und Landschaftsschutz Europaplatz 1 7000 Eisenstadt Amt der Kärntner Landesregierung Abt. 20 Landesplanung Wulfengasse 15 9020 Klagenfurt Amt der Niederösterreichischen Landesregierung Naturschutz Landhausplatz 1 3109 St. Pölten Amt der Oberösterreichischen Landesregierung Naturschutz Promenadegasse 33 4020 Linz Amt der Salzburger Landesregierung Abt. Naturschutz Friedensstraße 1 5020 Salzburg Amt der Steiermärkischen Landesregierung Naturschutz Karmeliterplatz 1 8011 Graz Amt der Tiroler Landesregierung Umweltschutz Eduard Wallnöfer Platz 2 6020 Innsbruck Amt der Vorarlberger Landesregierung Umweltschutz Römerstraße 16 6901 Bregenz Amt der Wiener Landesregierung MA22 Umweltschutz Ebendorferstraße 4 1010 Wien 451 303529.79874 None
Austria AUT AT04 A Landscape Protection Area Landschaftsschutzgebiet TRUE L4 (Landschaftsschutzgebiet) Gesetz vom November 1990 über den Schutz und die Pflege der Natur und Landschaft im Burgenland, Kärntner Naturschutzgesetz, Niederösterreichisches Naturschutzgesetz, Kundmachung der Landesregierung vom 24. April 1995 über die Wiederverlautbarung des OÖ Natur- und Landschaftpflegegesetzes 1982, Salzburger Naturschutzgesetz, Steiermärkisches Naturschutzgesetz, Tiroler Naturschutzgesetz 1997, Vorarlberger Landschaftsschutzgesetz, Gesetz mit dem das Wiener Naturschutzgesetz erlassen und das Wiener Umweltschutzgesetz, LGBl. Für Wien Nr.25/1993 i.d.F. LGBl. Für Wien Nr.36/1996, das Wiener Baumschutzgesetz, LGBl. Für Wien Nr. 27/1974 i.d.F. LGBl. Für Wien Nr. 54/1996, sowie das Wiener Nationalparkgesetz, LGBl. Für Wien Nr. 37/1996, geändert werden LGBl. Burgenland 27/1991 § 23, LGBl. Kärnten 54/1986 § 25, LGBl. Niederösterreich 3/1977 § 6, LGBl. Oberösterreich 37/1995 § 9, LGBl. Salzburg 1/1993 § 15, LGBl. Steiermark 65/1976 § 6, LGBl. Tirol 33/1997 § 10, LGBl. Vorarlberg 33/1973 § 6, LGBl. Wien 45/1998 § 24 A4 (Landschaftsschutzgebiet) Amt der Burgenländischen Landesregierung Natur- und Landschaftsschutz Europaplatz 1 7000 Eisenstadt Amt der Kärntner Landesregierung Abt. 20 Landesplanung Wulfengasse 15 9020 Klagenfurt Amt der Niederösterreichischen Landesregierung Naturschutz Landhausplatz 1 3109 St. Pölten Amt der Oberösterreichischen Landesregierung Naturschutz Promenadegasse 33 4020 Linz Amt der Salzburger Landesregierung Abt. Naturschutz Friedensstraße 1 5020 Salzburg Amt der Steiermärkischen Landesregierung Naturschutz Karmeliterplatz 1 8011 Graz Amt der Tiroler Landesregierung Umweltschutz Eduard Wallnöfer Platz 2 6020 Innsbruck Amt der Vorarlberger Landesregierung Umweltschutz Römerstraße 16 6901 Bregenz Amt der Wiener Landesregierung MA22 Umweltschutz Ebendorferstraße 4 1010 Wien 247 1238434.49539 None
Austria AUT AT05 A Rest Area Ruhegebiet TRUE L5 (Ruhegebiet) Tiroler Naturschutzgesetz 1997, Gesetz über Naturschutz und Landschaftsenwicklung (Vorarlberg), LGBl. Tirol 33/1997 § 11, LGBl. Vorarlberg 22/1997 § 26 (5) A5 (Ruhegebiet) Amt der Tiroler Landesregierung Umweltschutz Eduard Wallnöfer Platz 2 6020 Innsbruck 9 133836.46626 None
Austria AUT AT06 A Protected Landscape Section Geschützter Landschaftsteil TRUE L6 (Geschützter Landschaftsteil) Gesetz vom November 1990 über den Schutz und die Pflege der Natur und Landschaft im Burgenland, Wiederverlautbarung des OÖ Natur- und Landschaftpflegegesetzes 1982, Salzburger Naturschutzgesetz, Steiermärkisches Naturschutzgesetz, Tiroler Naturschutzgesetz 1997 Gesetz mit dem das Wiener Naturschutzgesetz erlassen und das Wiener Umweltschutzgesetz, LGBl. Für Wien Nr.25/1993 i.d.F. LGBl. Für Wien Nr.36/1996, das Wiener Baumschutzgesetz, LGBl. Für Wien Nr. 27/1974 i.d.F. LGBl. Für Wien Nr. 54/1996, sowie das Wiener Nationalparkgesetz, LGBl. Für Wien Nr. 37/1996, geändert werden LGBl. Burgenland 27/1991 § 24, LGBl. Oberösterreich 37/1995 § 10, LGBl. Salzburg 1/1993 § 11, LGBl. Steiermark 65/1976 § 11, LGBl. Tirol 33/1997 § 13, LGBl. Wien 45/1998 § 25 A6 (Geschützter Landschaftsteil) Amt der Burgenländischen Landesregierung Natur- und Landschaftsschutz Europaplatz 1 7000 Eisenstadt Amt der Oberösterreichischen Landesregierung Naturschutz Promenadegasse 33 4020 Linz Amt der Salzburger Landesregierung Abt. Naturschutz Friedensstraße 1 5020 Salzburg Amt der Steiermärkischen Landesregierung Naturschutz Karmeliterplatz 1 8011 Graz Amt der Tiroler Landesregierung Umweltschutz Eduard Wallnöfer Platz 2 6020 Innsbruck Amt der Wiener Landesregierung MA22 Umweltschutz Ebendorferstraße 4 1010 Wien 339 8422.1275 None
Austria AUT AT08 A Protected Natural Objects of local importance Geschützte Naturgebilde von örtlicher Bedeutung TRUE L8 (Geschützte Naturgebilde von örtlicher Bedeutung) Salzburger Naturschutzgesetz LGBl. Salzburg 1/1993 § 9 A8 (Geschützte Naturgebilde von örtlicher Bedeutung) Amt der Salzburger Landesregierung Abt. Naturschutz Friedensstraße 1 5020 Salzburg 8 11.09549 None
Austria AUT AT10 A Natural Monument or Site Naturdenkmal TRUE L9 (Naturdenkmal) Gesetz vom November 1990 über den Schutz und die Pflege der Natur und Landschaft im Burgenland, Kärntner Naturschutzgesetz, Niederösterreichisches Naturschutzgesetz, Kundmachung der Landesregierung vom 24. April 1995 über die Wiederverlautbarung des OÖ Natur- und Landschaftpflegegesetzes 1982, Salzburger Naturschutzgesetz, Steiermärkisches Naturschutzgesetz, Tiroler Naturschutzgesetz 1997, Gesetz über Naturschutz und Landschaftsenwicklung (Vorarlberg), Gesetz mit dem das Wiener Naturschutzgesetz erlassen und das Wiener Umweltschutzgesetz, LGBl. Für Wien Nr.25/1993 i.d.F. LGBl. Für Wien Nr.36/1996, das Wiener Baumschutzgesetz, LGBl. Für Wien Nr. 27/1974 i.d.F. LGBl. Für Wien Nr. 54/1996, sowie das Wiener Nationalparkgesetz, LGBl. Für Wien Nr. 37/1996, geändert werden, LGBl. Burgenland 27/1991 § 27, LGBl. Kärnten 54/1986 § 28, LGBl. Niederösterreich 3/1977 § 9, LGBl. Oberösterreich 37/1995 § 19, LGBl. Salzburg 1/1993 § 5, LGBl. Steiermark 65/1976 § 10, LGBl. Tirol 33/1997 § 25, LGBl. Vorarlberg 22/1997 § 28, LGBl. Wien 45/1998 § 28 A9 (Naturdenkmal) Amt der Burgenländischen Landesregierung Natur- und Landschaftsschutz Europaplatz 1 7000 Eisenstadt Amt der Kärntner Landesregierung Abt. 20 Landesplanung Wulfengasse 15 9020 Klagenfurt Amt der Niederösterreichischen Landesregierung Naturschutz Landhausplatz 1 3109 St. Pölten Amt der Oberösterreichischen Landesregierung Naturschutz Promenadegasse 33 4020 Linz Amt der Salzburger Landesregierung Abt. Naturschutz Friedensstraße 1 5020 Salzburg Amt der Steiermärkischen Landesregierung Naturschutz Karmeliterplatz 1 8011 Graz Amt der Tiroler Landesregierung Umweltschutz Eduard Wallnöfer Platz 2 6020 Innsbruck Amt der Vorarlberger Landesregierung Umweltschutz Römerstraße 16 6901 Bregenz Amt der Wiener Landesregierung MA22 Umweltschutz Ebendorferstraße 4 1010 Wien 63 1831.21945 None
Austria AUT AT23 A Protected Habitat Geschützter Lebensraum TRUE L19 (Geschützter Lebensraum) Gesetz vom November 1990 über den Schutz und die Pflege der Natur und Landschaft im Burgenland, LGBl. Burgenland 27/1991 § 22a A19 (Geschützter Lebensraum) Amt der Burgenländischen Landesregierung Natur- und Landschaftsschutz Europaplatz 1 7000 Eisenstadt 6 54.63927 None
Austria AUT AT25 A Flora Protection Area Pflanzenschutzgebiet TRUE L21 (Pflanzenschutzgebiet) Salzburger Naturschutzgesetz, Gesetz über Naturschutz und Landschaftsenwicklung (Vorarlberg) LGBl. Salzburg 1/1993 § 28, LGBl. Vorarlberg 22/1997 A21 (Pflanzenschutzgebiet) Amt der Salzburger Landesregierung Abt. Naturschutz Friedensstraße 1 5020 Salzburg Amt der Vorarlberger Landesregierung Umweltschutz Römerstraße 16 6901 Bregenz 5 10961.40204 None
Austria AUT AT29 A Biosphere Park Biosphärenpark TRUE L25 (Biosphärenpark) Gesetz über Naturschutz und Landschaftsenwicklung (Vorarlberg) LGBl. Vorarlberg 22/1997 § 27, LGBl. Kärnten 142/2012 A25 (Biosphärenpark) Amt der Vorarlberger Landesregierung Umweltschutz Römerstraße 16 6901 Bregenz 4 143246.26437 None
Austria AUT AT39 A landscape and nature protection area Landschafts- und Naturschutzgebiet TRUE Gesetz vom November 1990 über den Schutz und die Pflege der Natur und Landschaft im Burgenland, LGBl. Burgenland 27/1991 Amt der Burgenländischen Landesregierung Natur- und Landschaftsschutz Europaplatz 1 7000 Eisenstadt 4 50132.52081 None
Austria AUT AT52 A ex-lege landscape protection Ex-lege Landschaftsschutzgebiete TRUE Gesetz mit dem das Wiener Naturschutzgesetz erlassen und das Wiener Umweltschutzgesetz, LGBl. Für Wien Nr.25/1993 i.d.F. LGBl. Für Wien Nr.36/1996, das Wiener Baumschutzgesetz, LGBl. Für Wien Nr. 27/1974 i.d.F. LGBl. Für Wien Nr. 54/1996, sowie das Wiener Nationalparkgesetz, LGBl. Für Wien Nr. 37/1996, geändert werden LGBl. Wien 45/1998 § 24, Abs. 4 Amt der Wiener Landesregierung MA22 Umweltschutz Ebendorferstraße 4 1010 Wien 1 1170.40174 None
Austria AUT AT54 A special conservation areas Sonderschutzgebiete TRUE L30 (Sonderschutzgebiete) Salzburger Nationalparkgesetz, Tiroler Naturschutzgesetz 1997 LGBl. Salzburg 106/1983 § 6, LGBl. Tirol 33/1997 § 21 A30 (Sonderschutzgebiet) Amt der Tiroler Landesregierung Umweltschutz Eduard Wallnöfer Platz 2 6020 Innsbruck 6 2849.64945 None
Austria AUT AT55 A townscape protected area Schutzgebiete nach Ortsbildgesetz TRUE steiermärkisches Ortsbildgesetz 1977/1998 LGBL. Steiermark 54/1977 § 2 A28 („Wald-und Wiesengürtel“) Amt der Wiener Landesregierung MA22 Umweltschutz Ebendorferstraße 4 1010 Wien 1 78.02189 None
Bosnia and Herzegovina BIH BA00 A No Protection Status Podrucje bez zaštite FALSE None None 0 0 None
Bosnia and Herzegovina BIH BA01 A Strict Nature Reserve (former RBIH law) Strogi prirodni rezervat TRUE Zakon o zaštiti prirode Sl.list BiH 4/1965 Bureau for monument protection 16 776 None
Bosnia and Herzegovina BIH BA02 A Managed Nature Reserve (former RBIH law Upravljani prirodni rezervat TRUE Zakon o zaštiti prirode Sl.list BiH 4/1965 Bureau for monument protection 9 5148 None
Bosnia and Herzegovina BIH BA03 A National Park (former RBIH law) Nacionalni park TRUE Zakon o zaštiti prirode Sl.list BiH 4/1965 Bureau for monument protection 2 20625 None
Bosnia and Herzegovina BIH BA04 A Special Reserve (former RBIH law) Specijalni rezervati TRUE Zakon o zaštiti prirode Sl.list BiH 4/1965 Bureau for monument protection 6 8150 None
Bosnia and Herzegovina BIH BA05 A Reserve of Natural Landscape (former RBIH law) Rezervati prirodnih predjela TRUE Zakon o zaštiti prirode Sl.list BiH 4/1965 Bureau for monument protection 10 510 None
Bosnia and Herzegovina BIH BA06 A Nature Reserve (FBIH law) Zašticena prirodna podrucja FALSE Zakon o zaštiti prirode, Clan 25 Sl.list FBIH 33/2003 Federal Ministry for Physical Planning and Environment (FBIH) 0 0 None
Bosnia and Herzegovina BIH BA07 A National Park (FBIH law) Nacionalni park FALSE Zakon o zaštiti prirode, Clan 25 Sl.list FBIH 33/2003 Federal Ministry for Physical Planning and Environment (FBIH) 0 0 None
Bosnia and Herzegovina BIH BA08 A Nature Monument (former RBIH law) Spomenici prirode TRUE Zakon o zaštiti prirode Sl.list BiH 4/1965 Bureau for monument protection 110 1520.76 None
Bosnia and Herzegovina BIH BA09 A Protected Landscape (FBIH law) Zasticeni pejzaž TRUE Zakon o zaštiti prirode, Clan 25 Sl.list FBIH 33/2003 Federal Ministry for Physical Planning and Environment (FBIH) 1 367.36 None
Bosnia and Herzegovina BIH BA10 A Nature Monument (FBIH law) Spomenici prirode TRUE Zakon o zaštiti prirode, Clan 25 Sl.list FBIH 33/2003 Federal Ministry for Physical Planning and Environment (FBIH) 2 2033.7 None
Bosnia and Herzegovina BIH BA11 A Protected Landscape (RS law) Zasticeni pejzaž FALSE Zakon o zaštiti prirode None Ministry for Physical Planning, Building and Ecology (RS) 0 0 None
Bosnia and Herzegovina BIH BA12 A Nature Reserve (RS law) Zašticena prirodna podrucja FALSE Zakon o zaštiti prirode None Ministry for Physical Planning, Building and Ecology (RS) 0 0 None
Bosnia and Herzegovina BIH BA13 A National Park (RS law) Nacionalni park FALSE Zakon o zaštiti prirode None Ministry for Physical Planning, Building and Ecology (RS) 0 0 None
Bosnia and Herzegovina BIH BA14 A Nature Monument (RS law) Spomenici prirode FALSE Zakon o zaštiti prirode None Ministry for Physical Planning, Building and Ecology (RS) 0 0 None
Bosnia and Herzegovina BIH BA99 A Others Ostalo FALSE Zakon o zaštiti prirode Sl.list BiH 4/1965 Bureau for monument protection 0 0 None
Belgium BEL BE00 None No Protection Status Geen beschermingsstatus - Aucun status de protection FALSE None None 0 0 None
Belgium BEL BE01 A State Nature Reserve (Wallone Region) Réserve naturelle domaniale TRUE Loi sur la conservation de la Nature de 1973 SPW-DGARNE 149 7239.32392 None
Belgium BEL BE02 A Certified Nature Reserve (Wallone Region) Réserve naturelle agréée TRUE Loi sur la conservation de la Nature de 1973 SPW-DGARNE 138 2352.78429 None
Belgium BEL BE03 A Forest Reserve (Flemish Region) Bosreservaat TRUE Bosdecreet van 13.06.1990 en Besluit van de Vlaamse Regering tot vaststelling van regelen betreffende de aanwijzing of erkenning en het beheer van de bosreservaten van 20.01.1993 ANB 60 2862.33358 None
Belgium BEL BE04 A Forest Reserve (Wallone Region) Réserve Forestière TRUE Loi sur la conservation de la Nature de 1973 SPW-DGARNE 14 623.42106 None
Belgium BEL BE05 B Nature Park (Wallone Region) Parc naturel TRUE Loi sur les parcs naturels et les espaces verts SPW-DGARNE 9 313453.77339 None
Belgium BEL BE06 C Certified Forest (Wallone Region) Forêt certifiée TRUE Certification forestière PEFC SPW-DGARNE 225 261362.01634 None
Belgium BEL BE07 A Regional Nature Reserve (Flemish Region) Vlaams natuurreservaat TRUE Decreet van 21 oktober 1997 betreffende het natuurbehoud en het natuurlijk milieu. ANB 74 6701.57366 None
Belgium BEL BE08 A Certified Nature Reserve (Flemish Region) Erkend natuurreservaat TRUE Decreet van 21 oktober 1997 betreffende het natuurbehoud en het natuurlijk milieu. ANB 339 15134.11554 None
Belgium BEL BE09 A Certified Forest Reserve (Flemish Region) Erkend boserervaat TRUE Decreet van 21 oktober 1997 betreffende het natuurbehoud en het natuurlijk milieu. ANB 14 242.33094 None
Belgium BEL BE10 B Military zones (Flemish Region) Militaire domeinen onder het protocol TRUE Agreement between Flemish and federal government ANB 20 9773.48506 None
Belgium BEL BE11 B Protected Dunes (Flemish Region) Beschermd duingebied TRUE Decreet houdende maatregelen tot bescherming van de kustduinen van 14.07.1993 ANB 104 1104.58947 None
Belgium BEL BE12 B Protected Landscape Gerangschikt landschap FALSE None None None 0 0 None
Belgium BEL BE13 B Public Forest (Flemish Region) Openbaar bos TRUE Bosdecreet van 13.06.1990 en Besluit van de Vlaamse Regering tot vaststelling van regelen betreffende de aanwijzing of erkenning en het beheer van de bosreservaten van 20.01.1993 ANB 5 48483.0754 None
Belgium BEL BE14 A Scientific Interest Site (Wallone Region) Site naturel d'interêt scientifique TRUE Loi sur la conservation de la Nature de 1973 SPW-DGARNE 135 1204.35835 None
Belgium BEL BE16 B Flemish Ecological Network (Flemish Region) Vlaams Ecologisch Netwerk TRUE Decreet van 21 oktober 1997 betreffende het natuurbehoud en het natuurlijk milieu. ANB 220 89500.65242 None
Belgium BEL BE21 C Private Nature Reserve (Wallone Region) Réserve naturelle privée TRUE Loi sur la conservation de la Nature de 1973 SPW-DGARNE 339 8130.80057 None
Belgium BEL BE30 A Regional nature reserve (Brussels Capital Region) Réserve naturelle régionale - Regionaal natuurreservaat TRUE Ordonnance du Gouvernement de la Région de Bruxelles - Capitale du 27 avril 1995 relative à la sauvegarde et à la protection de la nature None IBGE-BIM 13 114.09992 None
Belgium BEL BE31 A Certified Nature Reserve (Brussels Capital Region) Réserve naturelle agréée - Erkend natuurreservaat TRUE Ordonnance du Gouvernement de la Région de Bruxelles - Capitale du 27 avril 1995 relative à la sauvegarde et à la protection de la nature None IBGE-BIM 1 13 None
Belgium BEL BE32 A Forest Reserve (Brussels Capital Region) Réserve forestière - Bosreservaat TRUE Ordonnance du Gouvernement de la Région de Bruxelles - Capitale du 27 avril 1995 relative à la sauvegarde et à la protection de la nature None IBGE-BIM 2 111.89999 None
Belgium BEL BE33 B Protected zone in the forest (Brussels Capital Region) Zone de protection en forêt - Beschermingszone in het bos TRUE Arrêté du 27 septembre 2007 du Gouvernement de la RBC donnant à certaines parties de la Forêt de Soignes le statut de zone de protection spéciale None IBGE-BIM 4 586.99997 None
Belgium BEL BE34 B Green zones of high biological value (Brussels Capital Region) Zone vertes de haute valeur biologique - Groengebieden met hoogbiologische waarde TRUE Arrêté du Gouvernement de la Région de Bruxelles - Capitale du 3 mai 2001 adoptant le Plan Régional d’Affectation du Sol (PRAS) None AATL-BROH 39 179.49989 None
Belgium BEL BE99 None Others Andere - Autres FALSE None None None 0 0 None
Bulgaria BGR BG00 None No Protection Status No Protection Status FALSE None None None 0 0 None
Bulgaria BGR BG01 A Strict Nature Reserve Rezervat TRUE Law for the protected territories, art. 5, art.16 State gazette № 38/2012 Ministry of Environment and Water, Sofia 1000, 67 Wiliam Gladstone str. 55 77083.45053 In the table "sites" total area is different. Table "sites" contains more actual information, that is not published.
Bulgaria BGR BG02 A National Park Nacionalen Park TRUE Law for the protected territories, art. 5, art.18 State gazette № 38/2012 Ministry of Environment and Water, Sofia 1000, 67 Wiliam Gladstone str. 3 193047.89843 In the table "sites" total area is different. Table "sites" contains more actual information, that is not published.
Bulgaria BGR BG03 A Natural Monument Prirodna Zabelezhitelnost TRUE Law for the protected territories, art. 5, art.23 State gazette № 38/2012 Ministry of Environment and Water, Sofia 1000, 67 Wiliam Gladstone str. 348 18236.33921 In the table "sites" this number and total area are different. Table "sites" contains more actual information, that is not published.
Bulgaria BGR BG04 A Managed Reserve Poddarzhan Rezarvat TRUE Law for the protected territories, art. 5, art.26 State gazette № 38/2012 Ministry of Environment and Water, Sofia 1000, 67 Wiliam Gladstone str. 35 4510.55868 In the table "sites" total area is different. Table "sites" contains more actual information, that is not published.
Bulgaria BGR BG05 A Nature Park Priroden Park TRUE Law for the protected territories, art. 5, art.29 State gazette № 38/2012 Executive Forest Agency, Sofia 1000, 55 Hristo Botev Blvd. 11 275920.30668 In the table "sites" total area is different. Table "sites" contains more actual information, that is not published.
Bulgaria BGR BG06 A Protected Site Zashtitena Mestnost TRUE Law for the protected territories, art. 5, art.33 State gazette № 38/2012 Ministry of Environment and Water, Sofia 1000, 67 Wiliam Gladstone str. 536 74765.83629 In the table "sites" this number and total area are different. Table "sites" contains more actual information, that is not published.
Bulgaria BGR BG08 A Protected Zone in accordance with the Bird Directive Zashtiteni Zoni po Bird Directive FALSE Law for the biological diversity, art. 5 State gazette № 77/2012 Ministry of Environment and Water, Sofia 1000, 67 Wiliam Gladstone str. 0 0 This category is not included in the table "sites". Information for these sites has sent directly to EC with Natura 2000 database.
Bulgaria BGR BG09 A Protected Zone in accordance with the Habitat Directive Zashtiteni Zoni po Habitat Directive FALSE Law for the biological diversity, art. 5 State gazette № 77/2012 Ministry of Environment and Water, Sofia 1000, 67 Wiliam Gladstone str. 0 0 This category is not included in the table "sites". Information for these sites has sent directly to EC with Natura 2000 database.
Bulgaria BGR BG21 B State Game Husbandries Darzhavni Lovni Stopanstva TRUE Law for hunting and protection of the game, art. 9 State gazette № 15/2013 Executive Forest Agency, Sofia 1000, 55 Hristo Botev Blvd. 28 871777.6 According to law amendment (2008) this category has new name. Twelve of the State Game Husbandries are re-categorized in state forest enterprises, which have another functions. The total area is higher because is make correction of sites area.
Bulgaria BGR BG22 B Protected Forests Zashtitni gori FALSE Law on forests State gazette № 102/2012 Executive Forest Agency, Sofia 1000, 55 Hristo Botev Blvd. 0 0 The protected forests fulfil basically water feeding, anti-erosion, meliorate, recreational and other functions
Bulgaria BGR BG23 B Recreation Forests Rekreatzionni gori FALSE Law on forests State gazette № 102/2012 Executive Forest Agency, Sofia 1000, 55 Hristo Botev Blvd. 0 0 There are included resort forests;green zones; out-of-town parks.
Bulgaria BGR BG31 C Fish Farm Ribovadni stopanstva FALSE Law of the fishery and aquacultures, art. 16 State gazette № 15/2013 Executive Fishery and Aquaculture Agency, Sofia 1040, 17 Hristo Botev Blvd. 0 0 The fish farms are specialised sites for aquacultures – basins and other facilities, constructed for this purpose. The area is for 2010.
Bulgaria BGR BG99 None Others Others FALSE None None None 0 0 None
Switzerland CHE CH01 A Swiss National Park Schweizerischer Nationalpark TRUE Bundesgesetz über den Schweizerischer Nationalpark im Kanton Graubünden (Nationalparkgesetz, 19.12.1980) SR 454 FOEN, Species, Ecosystems, Landscapes Division, Postfach, 3003 Bern , Postfach, 3003 Bern 1 17032.75 None
Switzerland CHE CH02 A Federal Inventory of Raised and Transitional Mires of National Importance Bundesinventar der Hoch- und Übergangsmoore von nationaler Bedeutung TRUE Verordnung über den Schutz der Hoch- und Übergangsmoore von nationaler Bedeutung (21.01.1991) SR 451.32 FOEN, Species, Ecosystems, Landscapes Division, Postfach, 3003 Bern , Postfach, 3003 Bern 545 1525.11367 None
Switzerland CHE CH03 A Federal Inventory of Alluvial Zones of National Importance Bundesinventar der Auengebiete von nationaler Bedeutung TRUE Verordnung über den Schutz den Auengebiete von nationaler Bedeutung (28.10.1992) SR 451.31 FOEN, Species, Ecosystems, Landscapes Division, Postfach, 3003 Bern 283 22639.05927 None
Switzerland CHE CH04 A Federal Inventory of Fenlands of National Importance Bundesinventar der Flachmoore von nationaler Bedeutung TRUE Verordnung über den Schutz der Flachmoore von nationaler Bedeutung (07.09.1994) SR 451.33 FOEN, Species, Ecosystems, Landscapes Division, Postfach, 3003 Bern 1171 19217.93737 None
Switzerland CHE CH05 A Federal Inventory of Amphibian Spawning Areas of National Importance Bundesinventar der Amphibienlaichgebiete von nationaler Bedeutung TRUE Verordnung über den Schutz der Amphibienlaichgebiete von nationaler Bedeutung (15.06.2001) SR 451.34 FOEN, Species, Ecosystems, Landscapes Division, Postfach, 3003 Bern 824 13886.17175 None
Switzerland CHE CH06 A Federal Inventory of Dry Grasslands and Pastures of National Importance Bundesinventar der Trockenwiesen und -weiden von nationaler Bedeutung TRUE Verordnung über den Schutz der Trockenwiesen und -weiden von nationaler Bedeutung (13.01.2010) von nationaler Bedeutung SR 451.37 FOEN, Species, Ecosystems, Landscapes Division, Postfach, 3003 Bern 2941 21565.18607 Newly updated surface: ordonnance review 2012
Switzerland CHE CH09 A Federal Inventory of Reserves for Waterbirds and Migratory Birds of International and National Imp. Bundesinventar der Wasser- und Zugvogelreservate von internationaler und nationaler Bedeutung TRUE Verordnung über die Wasser- und Zugvogelreservate von internationaler und nationaler Bedeutung (21.01.1991) SR 922.32 FOEN, Species, Ecosystems, Landscapes Division, Postfach, 3003 Bern 36 22012.10103 None
Switzerland CHE CH10 A Federal Hunting Reserves Bundesinventar der eidgenössischen Jagdbanngebiete TRUE Verordnung über die eidgenössischen Jagdbanngebiete (30.09.1991) SR 922.31 FOEN, Species, Ecosystems, Landscapes Division, Postfach, 3003 Bern 41 149633.43784 None
Switzerland CHE CH13 A RAMSAR Sites RAMSAR-Gebiete TRUE Übereinkommen über Feuchtgebiete von internationaler Bedeutung (02.02.1971) SR 0.451.45 FOEN, Species, Ecosystems, Landscapes Division, Postfach, 3003 Bern 11 8726.45961 None
Switzerland CHE CH14 A Emerald Sites Smaragd-Gebiete TRUE Übereinkommen über die Erhaltung der europäischen wildlebenden Pflanzen und Tiere und ihrer natürlichen Lebensräume (19.09.1979) SR 0.455 FOEN, Species, Ecosystems, Landscapes Division, Postfach, 3003 Bern 37 64245.21771 Sites were approved at the Council of Europe in November 2012
Switzerland CHE CH21 A Cantonal Nature Reserves Kantonale Naturschutzgebiete FALSE Several cantonal legislations (up to 26) cp. Law 26 Cantons 0 0 Cantonal data not reported to FOEN
Switzerland CHE CH22 A Communal Nature Reserves Kommunale Naturschutzgebiete FALSE Several comunal legislations cp. Law 26 Cantons 0 0 Comunal data not reported to FOEN
Switzerland CHE CH23 B Contracts of Management for Compensating Areas in Agriculture Ökologische Ausgleichsflächen FALSE Verordnung über die regionale Förderung der Qualität und der Vernetzung von ökologischen Ausgleichsflächen in der Landwirtschaft (04.04.2001) SR 910.14 FOAG (Federal Office of Agriculture), Mattenhofstrasse 5, 3003 Bern 0 0 Temporal structures in agriculture with no geographic relation
Switzerland CHE CH24 B Cantonal Hunting Reserves Kantonale Jagdbanngebiete FALSE Several cantonal legislations (up to 26) cp. Law 26 Cantons 0 0 Cantonal data are not reported to FOEN
Switzerland CHE CH32 A Waterside Vegetation Ufervegetation FALSE Bundesgesetz über den Natur- und Heimatschutz (01.07.1966) SR 451 Art 21 FOEN, Species, Ecosystems, Landscapes Division, Postfach, 3003 Bern 0 0 Cantonal data not reported to FOEN
Switzerland CHE CH33 A Protection of Hedges Heckenschutz FALSE Bundesgesetz über den Natur- und Heimatschutz (01.07.1966) SR 451 Art 18b FOEN, Species, Ecosystems, Landscapes Division, Postfach, 3003 Bern 0 0 Cantonal data not reported to FOEN
Switzerland CHE CH34 C Private Nature Reserves Private Naturschutzgebiete TRUE No legal base no reference Private sources, mostly ProNatura, 4000 Basel 18 25204 Private protected areas not reported to FOEN
Switzerland CHE CH51 B Geoparks Geopärke FALSE in preparation no reference yet FOEN, Species, Ecosystems, Landscapes Division, Postfach, 3003 Bern 0 0 No official designation yet
Switzerland CHE CH52 B Forest Reserves Waldreservate TRUE in preparation no reference yet FOEN, Species, Ecosystems, Landscapes Division, Postfach, 3003 Bern 2 64 Reserves will be reported presumably in 2014
Cyprus CYP CY00 None No Protection Status No Protection Status FALSE None 0 0 None
Cyprus CYP CY01 B State Forest Area State Forest Area FALSE None None None 0 0 None
Cyprus CYP CY02 B Permanent Forest Reserve Permanent Forest Reserve FALSE None None None 0 0 None
Cyprus CYP CY03 A National Forest Park National Forest Park TRUE None None None 10 15523.78 None
Cyprus CYP CY04 A Nature Reserve Nature Reserve TRUE None None None 7 4710.63 None
Cyprus CYP CY05 A Game Reserve ("Hunting Preserve") Game Reserve ("Hunting Preserve") TRUE None None None 4 66668 None
Cyprus CYP CY06 A Turtle Nesting Beach Turtle Nesting Beach FALSE None None None 0 0 None
Cyprus CYP CY07 A National Park Milli Park FALSE None None None 0 0 None
Cyprus CYP CY08 A Marine Reserve Marine Reserve TRUE None 2 650 None
Cyprus CYP CY99 None Others Other TRUE None 22 291303.53 None
Czech Republic CZE CZ01 A National Nature Reserve Národní prírodní rezervace (NPR) TRUE Zákon c.114/1992 Sb. o ochrane prírody a krajiny § 28 Sbirka zakonu Ministry of Environment 109 28226.2702 None
Czech Republic CZE CZ02 A Nature Reserve Prírodní rezervace (PR) TRUE Zákon c.114/1992 Sb. o ochrane prírody a krajiny § 33 Sbirka zakonu Ministry of Environment 808 40945.9752 None
Czech Republic CZE CZ03 A National Nature Monument Národní prírodní památka (NPP) TRUE Zákon c.114/1992 Sb. o ochrane prírody a krajiny § 35 Sbirka zakonu Ministry of Environment 113 4524.1036 None
Czech Republic CZE CZ04 A Nature Monument Prírodní památka (PP) TRUE Zákon c.114/1992 Sb. o ochrane prírody a krajiny § 36 Sbirka zakonu Ministry of Environment 1308 25167.8332 None
Czech Republic CZE CZ07 A National Park Národní park TRUE Zákon c.114/1992 Sb. o ochrane prírody a krajiny § 15 Sbirka zakonu Ministry of Environment 4 119515.3322 None
Czech Republic CZE CZ09 A Protected Landscape Area Chránená krajinná oblast (CHKO) TRUE Zákon c.114/1992 Sb. o ochrane prírody a krajiny § 25 Sbirka zakonu Ministry of Environment 25 1085989.1892 None
Czech Republic CZE CZ13 A Cave jeskyne FALSE Zákon c.114/1992 Sb. o ochrane prírody a krajiny § 10 Sbirka zakonu Ministry of Environment 0 0 areas are situated under ground
Germany DEU DE00 None No Protection Status Ohne Schutzstatus FALSE None None 0 0 None
Germany DEU DE01 A National Park Nationalpark TRUE BNatSchG - Bundesnaturschutzgesetz vom 29.07.2009, § 24 BGBl. I S. 2542 Bundesamt für Naturschutz 14 1029496 None
Germany DEU DE02 A Nature Reserve Naturschutzgebiet TRUE BNatSchG - Bundesnaturschutzgesetz vom 29.07.2009, § 23 BGBl. I S. 2542 Bundesamt für Naturschutz 8541 2008892.10539 None
Germany DEU DE03 A Natural Monument Flächenhaftes Naturdenkmal FALSE None None None 0 0 None
Germany DEU DE04 A Protected Landscape Component Geschütztes Landschaftsbestandteil FALSE None None None 0 0 None
Germany DEU DE06 A Species Protection Area Artenschon- und Artnschutzgebiete FALSE None None None 0 0 None
Germany DEU DE07 A Landscape Protection Area Landschaftschutzgebiet TRUE BNatSchG - Bundesnaturschutzgesetz vom 29.07.2009, § 26 BGBl. I S. 2542 Bundesamt für Naturschutz 7700 10255777.05741 None
Germany DEU DE08 A Nature monuments Naturmonumente FALSE None None None 0 0 None
Germany DEU DE11 B Forest Protection Area - No exploitation Waldschutzgebiet ohne forstliche Nutzung FALSE None None None 0 0 None
Germany DEU DE12 B Forest Protection Area - Limited exploitation Waldschutzgebiet mit eingeschränkter Nutzung FALSE None None None 0 0 None
Germany DEU DE13 B Protection Forest (Soil, Erosion, Avalanche) Schutzwald (Boden-,Erosions-, Lawinenschutz) FALSE None None None 0 0 None
Germany DEU DE21 C Nature Conservation Organisation Property im Besitz/Eigentum einer Naturschutzorganisation FALSE None None None 0 0 None
Germany DEU DE22 C Private statue (contracts) providing durable protection for fauna, flora and habitats privatrechtliche (vertragliche) Sicherung, die einen dauerhaften Schutz für Fauna, Flora oder Lebens FALSE None None None 0 0 None
Germany DEU DE23 C Agreements on nature conservation on military used estates Vereinbarungen zum Naturschutz auf militärischen Liegenschaften FALSE None None None 0 0 None
Germany DEU DE99 None Others Anderen FALSE None None None 0 0 None
Denmark DNK DK01 A Protected by conservation order, excl. Church surroundings Fredet ved afgørelse, exl. Kirkeomgivelser TRUE Naturbeskyttelsesloven, § 33-50 Lov nr. 1042 af 20.10.2008 Danish Nature Agency 2155 201521.70796 both cultural and natural national protected
Denmark DNK DK03 A §3 protected habitats (all lakes, bogs, streams, heaths and meadows etc.) §3 beskyttet natur (alle søer, moser, vandløb, heder, enge mv) TRUE Naturbeskyttelsesloven, § 3 Lov nr. 1042 af 20.10.2008 Danish Nature Agency 97 405680.42342 IUCN cat. IV
Denmark DNK DK04 A Ancient monument surroundings Fortidsminde-omgivelser FALSE Naturbeskyttelsesloven, §18 Lov nr. 1042 af 20.10.2008 The Heritage Agency of Denmark, Agency for Spatial and Environmental Planning 0 0 not available yet, could be included in future deliveries
Denmark DNK DK05 A Nature and Wildlife reserve Natur- og vildtreservater (inkl. statsejede arealer til havs) FALSE Naturbeskyttelsesloven, § 51 og Jagtloven, § 33 Lov nr. 1042 af 20.10.2008 Danish Nature Agency 0 0 not available yet, could be included in future deliveries
Denmark DNK DK06 A EU Habitats Directive area EF Habitat områder FALSE Naturbeskyttelsesloven, § 71 Lov nr. 1042 af 20.10.2008 Danish Nature Agency 0 0 reported throug other mechanisms
Denmark DNK DK07 A EU Birds Directive area EF Fuglebeskyttelsesområder FALSE Naturbeskyttelsesloven, § 71 Lov nr. 1042 af 20.10.2008 Danish Nature Agency 0 0 reported throug other mechanisms
Denmark DNK DK08 A Ramsar area Ramsar områder FALSE Naturbeskyttelsesloven, § 71 Lov nr. 1042 af 20.10.2008 Danish Nature Agency 0 0 reported throug other mechanisms
Denmark DNK DK11 B State Forest with untouched or biodiversity managed forest Statsskov udlagt urørt / med gl.driftsform FALSE Skovloven, naturskovsstrategi, statsskov Lov nr. 1044 af 20.10.2008 Danish Nature Agency 0 0 IUCN cat. I and IV(not adjusted)
Denmark DNK DK21 C Owned by foundation with Nature protection Aims Ejet af Private Fonde med naturformål FALSE None None None 0 0 not available in a central database
Denmark DNK DK22 A National Park Nationalpark TRUE Nationalparkloven m. Bekendtgørelse Lov nr. 533 af 06.06-2007 Danish Nature Agency 3 189000 no IUCN category
Denmark DNK DK91 A Coast protection line Strandbeskyttelseslinier FALSE Naturbeskyttelsesloven, § 15 Lov nr. 1042 af 20.10.2008 Danish Nature Agency 0 0 could become available in future
Denmark DNK DK92 A River and lake protection line Å- og søbeskyttelseslinier FALSE Naturbeskyttelsesloven, § 16 Lov nr. 1042 af 20.10.2008 Danish Nature Agency 0 0 could become available in future
Denmark DNK DK93 A Forest protection line Skovbyggelinier FALSE Naturbeskyttelsesloven, § 17 Lov nr. 1042 af 20.10.2008 Danish Nature Agency 0 0 could become available in future
Denmark DNK DK94 A Forest reserves - multiple use forestry areas Fredskovsarealer - flersidig skovdrift FALSE Skovloven, § 4 Lov nr. 1044 af 20.10.2008 Danish Nature Agency 0 0 IUCN category VI?(not adjusted)
Denmark DNK DK95 A Oak scrub protected by law Egekrat beskyttet efter skovloven FALSE Skovloven, § 26 Lov nr. 1044 af 20.10.2008 Danish Nature Agency 0 0 IUCN category IV(not adjusted)
Denmark DNK DK96 B Indigenous/semi-natural forest protected in State Forests Naturskov generelt beskyttet i Statsskov FALSE Skovloven + Naturskovsstrategien Lov nr. 1044 af 20.10.2008 Danish Nature Agency 0 0 IUCN category VI(not adjusted)
Denmark DNK DK97 B Forest untouched or biodiversity managed, protected by statute Skovlovsaftale om urørt eller gl. driftsform FALSE Skovloven, § 18 Lov nr. 1044 af 20.10.2008 Danish Nature Agency 0 0 IUCN category IV(not adjusted)
Denmark DNK DK98 A Protected dune areas (§8) Klitfredede arealer FALSE Naturbeskyttelsesloven, § 8-11 Lov nr. 1042 af 20.10.2008 Danish Nature Agency 0 0 IUCN category IV(not adjusted) - could become available in future
Estonia EST EE01 A Strict nature reserve of nature reserve Looduskaitseala loodusreservaat TRUE Nature Conservation Act, par 4 (2), 27 (2) and par 29 RT I 2004, 38, 258 Ministry of Environment, Narva mnt 7a, Tallinn, Estonia 12 6671.85 None
Estonia EST EE02 A Wilderness conservation zone of nature reserve Looduskaitseala looduslik sihtkaitsevöönd TRUE Nature Conservation Act, par 4 (2), 27 (2) and par 30 RT I 2004, 38, 258 Ministry of Environment, Narva mnt 7a, Tallinn, Estonia 168 112164.50974 None
Estonia EST EE03 A Managed conservation zone of nature reserve Looduskaitseala hooldatav sihtkaitsevöönd TRUE Nature Conservation Act, par 4 (2), 27 (2) and par 30 RT I 2004, 38, 258 Ministry of Environment, Narva mnt 7a, Tallinn, Estonia 283 91886.97915 None
Estonia EST EE04 A Limited management zone of nature reserve Looduskaitseala piiranguvöönd TRUE Nature Conservation Act, par 4 (2), 27 (2) and par 31 RT I 2004, 38, 258 Ministry of Environment, Narva mnt 7a, Tallinn, Estonia 144 47490.7478 None
Estonia EST EE05 A Nature reserve Looduskaitseala TRUE Nature Conservation Act, par 4 (2) and 27 RT I 2004, 38, 258 Ministry of Environment, Narva mnt 7a, Tallinn, Estonia 131 258489.67942 None
Estonia EST EE06 A Strict nature reserve of national park Rahvuspargi loodusreservaat TRUE Nature Conservation Act, par 4 (2), 26 (3) and par 29 RT I 2004, 38, 258 Ministry of Environment, Narva mnt 7a, Tallinn, Estonia 17 1286.5399 None
Estonia EST EE07 A Wilderness conservation zone of national park Rahvuspargi looduslik sihtkaitsevöönd TRUE Nature Conservation Act, par 4 (2), 26 (3) and par 30 RT I 2004, 38, 258 Ministry of Environment, Narva mnt 7a, Tallinn, Estonia 63 64553.15344 None
Estonia EST EE08 A Managed conservation zone of national park Rahvuspargi hooldatav sihtkaitsevöönd TRUE Nature Conservation Act, par 4 (2), 26 (3) and par 30 RT I 2004, 38, 258 Ministry of Environment, Narva mnt 7a, Tallinn, Estonia 68 27769.81484 None
Estonia EST EE09 A Limited management zone of national park Rahvuspargi piiranguvöönd TRUE Nature Conservation Act, par 4 (2), 26 (3) and par 31 RT I 2004, 38, 258 Ministry of Environment, Narva mnt 7a, Tallinn, Estonia 21 103207.29601 None
Estonia EST EE10 A National park Rahvuspark TRUE Nature Conservation Act, par 4 (2) and 26 RT I 2004, 38, 258 Ministry of Environment, Narva mnt 7a, Tallinn, Estonia 5 196809.70268 None
Estonia EST EE11 A Wilderness conservation zone of protected landscape Maastikukaitseala looduslik sihtkaitsevöönd TRUE Nature Conservation Act, par 4 (2), 28 (3) and par 30 RT I 2004, 38, 258 Ministry of Environment, Narva mnt 7a, Tallinn, Estonia 85 12513.37176 None
Estonia EST EE12 A Managed conservation zone of protected landscape Maastikukaitseala hooldatav sihtkaitsevöönd TRUE Nature Conservation Act, par 4 (2), 28 (3) and par 30 RT I 2004, 38, 258 Ministry of Environment, Narva mnt 7a, Tallinn, Estonia 214 59287.08638 None
Estonia EST EE13 A Limited management zone of protected landscape Maastikukaitseala piiranguvöönd TRUE Nature Conservation Act, par 4 (2), 28 (3) and par 31 RT I 2004, 38, 258 Ministry of Environment, Narva mnt 7a, Tallinn, Estonia 523 126184.66819 None
Estonia EST EE14 A Protected landscape (nature park) Maastikukaitseala (looduspark) TRUE Nature Conservation Act, par 4 (2) and 28 RT I 2004, 38, 258 Ministry of Environment, Narva mnt 7a, Tallinn, Estonia 150 194774.03992 None
Estonia EST EE15 A Unzoned protected area Tsoneerimata kaitseala TRUE Nature Conservation Act, par 91 (1) RT I 2004, 38, 258 Ministry of Environment, Narva mnt 7a, Tallinn, Estonia 318 30315.7834 None
Estonia EST EE16 A Species' protection site Püsielupaik TRUE Nature Conservation Act, par 4 (1,5) and 50 RT I 2004, 38, 258 Ministry of Environment, Narva mnt 7a, Tallinn, Estonia 1264 94592.536 Coordinates are not publicly available for security reasons
Estonia EST EE17 A Limited-conservation area Hoiuala TRUE Nature Conservation Act, par 4 (1,3) and 32 RT I 2004, 38, 258 Ministry of Environment, Narva mnt 7a, Tallinn, Estonia 344 762155.56186 None
Estonia EST EE18 A Protected nature monument Kaitstav looduse üksikobjekt TRUE Nature Conservation Act, par 4 (1,6) and 68 RT I 2004, 38, 258 Ministry of Environment, Narva mnt 7a, Tallinn, Estonia 1223 256.62597 None
Estonia EST EE20 A Spawning area Koelmuala FALSE Nature Conservation Act, par 51 RT I 2004, 38, 258 Ministry of Environment, Narva mnt 7a, Tallinn, Estonia 0 0 Site data status under preparation at national level
Estonia EST EE23 B Woodland key habitat Võtmebiotoop ehk vääriselupaik TRUE Forest Act, par 31 State Herald / RT I 1998, 113/114, 1872 Ministry of Environment, Narva mnt 7a, Tallinn, Estonia 4899 9417.79329 None
Estonia EST EE24 B Heritage conservation area Muinsuskaitseala FALSE Heritage Conservation Act, par 4 State Herald /RT I 1994, 24, 391; RT I 1996, 86, 1538 Ministry of Culture, Suur-Karja 23, Tallinn, Estonia 0 0 Site data status under preparation at national level
Estonia EST EE25 B Cultural monument Mälestis FALSE Heritage Conservation Act, par 3 State Herald /RT I 1994, 24, 391; RT I 1996, 86, 1538 Ministry of Culture, Suur-Karja 23, Tallinn, Estonia 0 0 Site data status under preparation at national level
Estonia EST EE27 B Environmental monitoring station or site Keskkonnaseire jaam või ala FALSE Environmental Monitoring Act, par 11 and par 13 State Herald / RT I 1999, 10, 154 Ministry of Environment, Narva mnt 7a, Tallinn, Estonia 0 0 Site data status under preparation at national level
Estonia EST EE28 B No-construction zone of shore or bank Ranna või kalda ehituskeeluvöönd FALSE Nature Conservation Act, ch 6, par 38 RT I 2004, 38, 258 Ministry of Environment, Narva mnt 7a, Tallinn, Estonia 0 0 Site data status under preparation at national level
Estonia EST EE29 B Limited management zone of shore or bank Ranna või kalda piiranguvöönd FALSE Nature Conservation Act, ch 6, par 37 RT I 2004, 38, 258 Ministry of Environment, Narva mnt 7a, Tallinn, Estonia 0 0 Site data status under preparation at national level
Estonia EST EE30 B Water protection zone of shore or bank Ranna või kalda veekaitsevöönd FALSE Nature Conservation Act, ch 6, par 39, Water Act, par 29 RT I 2004, 38, 258 and State Herald / RT I 1994, 40, 655; RT I 1996, 13, 241 Ministry of Environment, Narva mnt 7a, Tallinn, Estonia 0 0 Site data status under preparation at national level
Estonia EST EE33 B Sanitary protection zone of water intake Veehaarde sanitaarkaitseala FALSE Water Act, par 28 State Herald / RT I 1994, 40, 655; RT I 1996, 13, 241 Ministry of Environment, Narva mnt 7a, Tallinn, Estonia 0 0 Site data status under preparation at national level
Estonia EST EE34 B Nitrate sensitive area Nitraaditundlik ala FALSE Water Act, par 26 State Herald / RT I 1994, 40, 655; RT I 1996, 13, 241 Ministry of Environment, Narva mnt 7a, Tallinn, Estonia 0 0 Site data status under preparation at national level
Estonia EST EE41 A Natural object protected at municipal level Kohaliku omavalitsuse tasandil kaitstav loodusobjekt TRUE Nature Conservation Act, par 4 (1,7) and ch 7 RT I 2004, 38, 258 Local governments of Estonia 20 3527.37988 None
Estonia EST EE42 A Habitat/species management zone of species' protection site Püsielupaiga sihtkaitsevöönd TRUE Nature Conservation Act, par 50 RT I 2004, 38, 258 Ministry of Environment, Narva mnt 7a, Tallinn, Estonia 1219 40055.04 Coordinates are not publicly available for security reasons
Estonia EST EE43 A Limited management zone of species' protection site Püsielupaiga piiranguvöönd TRUE Nature Conservation Act, par 50 RT I 2004, 38, 258 Ministry of Environment, Narva mnt 7a, Tallinn, Estonia 253 54545.041 Coordinates are not publicly available for security reasons
Estonia EST EE44 A Limited management zone of natural object protected at municipal level Kohaliku omavalitsuse tasandil kaitstava loodusobjekti piiranguvöönd TRUE Nature Conservation Act, par 4 (1,7) and ch 7 RT I 2004, 38, 258 Local governments of Estonia 22 3527.40996 None
Spain ESP ES01 A Nature Reserve (Special ) Reserva Natural Especial TRUE Ley 42/2007; Ley 5/2005 de Illes Balears; Decreto legistaltivo 1/2000 de Canarias Boletín Oficial del Estado nº 299 de 14/12/2007; BOIB 01/06/2005; BOCAnarias 15/05/2000 Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente 17 18416 Updated: Number_reference, Total_Area_reference, Agency
Spain ESP ES02 A Integral Reserve Reserva Integral TRUE Ley 42/2007; Ley 9/1996 de Navarra Boletín Oficial del Estado nº 299 de 14/12/2007; BON nº 78 28/06/1996 Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente 3 553 Updated: Number_reference, Total_Area_reference, Agency
Spain ESP ES03 A Marine Protected Area Área Marina Protegida TRUE Ley 42/2007 Boletín Oficial del Estado nº 299 de 14/12/2007 Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente 1 234952.2 Updated: Number_reference, Total_Area_reference, Agency
Spain ESP ES04 A Nature Reserve Reserva Natural TRUE Ley 42/2007 y las respectivas normativas autonómicas Boletín Oficial del Estado nº 299 de 14/12/2007 Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente 105 111722.205 Updated: Number_reference, Total_Area_reference, Agency
Spain ESP ES05 A Nature Reserve (Wildlife) Reserva Natural de Fauna Salvaje TRUE Ley 42/2007; Ley 3/1988 de Cataluña Boletín Oficial del Estado nº 299 de 14/12/2007; D.O.G.C nº 966 y 967 de 18 de marzo de 1.988 Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente 13 2379 Updated: Number_reference, Total_Area_reference, Agency
Spain ESP ES06 A Nature Reserve (Parcial) Reserva Natural Parcial TRUE Ley 42/2007; Ley 12/1985, de 13 de junio de 1985 de Cataluña Boletín Oficial del Estado nº 299 de 14/12/2007; D.O.G.C. de 28/06/1985 Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente 64 15695.78 Updated: Number_reference, Total_Area_reference, Agency
Spain ESP ES07 A Nature Reserve (Integral) Reserva Natural Integral TRUE Ley 42/2007; Ley 5/1991 del Principado de Asturias; Ley de 13 de junio de 1985 de Cataluña; Decreto legistaltivo 1/2000 de Canarias Boletín Oficial del Estado nº 299 de 14/12/2007; BOPA Nº 87 DE 17/04/1991; D.O.G.C. de 28/06/1985; BOCAnarias 15/05/2000 Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente 19 14994.81 Updated: Number_reference, Total_Area_reference, Agency
Spain ESP ES08 A Nacional Park Parque Nacional TRUE Ley 42/2007 y las respectivas normativas autonómicas Boletín Oficial del Estado nº 299 de 14/12/2007 Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente 14 347081.59 Updated: Number_reference, Total_Area_reference, Agency
Spain ESP ES09 A Periurban Protected Area Parque Periurbano TRUE Ley 42/2007; Ley 2/1989 de Andalucia Boletín Oficial del Estado nº 299 de 14/12/2007; BOJA nº 60 de 27/07/1989 Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente 21 5994 Updated: Number_reference, Total_Area_reference, Agency
Spain ESP ES10 A Natural Park Parque Natural TRUE Ley 42/2007 y las respectivas normativas autonómicas Boletín Oficial del Estado nº 299 de 14/12/2007 Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente 130 3490295.6 Updated: Number_reference, Total_Area_reference, Agency
Spain ESP ES11 A Regional Park Parque Regional TRUE Ley 42/2007; Ley 8/1991 de Castilla y León; Ley 4/1992 de Región de Murcia Boletín Oficial del Estado nº 299 de 14/12/2007; BOCYL Nº 101 DE 29/05/1991; BORM Nº 189 DE 14/08/1992 Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente 12 368582.57 Updated: Number_reference, Total_Area_reference, Agency
Spain ESP ES12 A Periurban Park Parque Periurbano de Conservación y Ocio TRUE Ley 42/2007; Ley 8/1998 de Extremadura Boletín Oficial del Estado nº 299 de 14/12/2007; Boletín Oficial de Extremadura nº 86 de 28/07/1998 Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente 4 385 Updated: Number_reference, Total_Area_reference, Agency
Spain ESP ES13 A Nature Place Paraje Natural TRUE Ley 42/2007; Ley 9/1999 de Castilla La Mancha; Ley 11/1994 de la Comunidad Valenciana; Ley 5/2005 de Illes Balears; Ley 2/1989 de Andalucia Boletín Oficial del Estado nº 299 de 14/12/2007; BOCM Nº 40 DE 12/06/1999; DOGV nº2423 de 09/01/1995; BOIB 01/06/2005; BOJA nº 60 de 27/07/1989 Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente 33 153640 Updated: Number_reference, Total_Area_reference, Agency
Spain ESP ES14 A Nature Place (National Interest) Paraje Natural de Interés Nacional TRUE Ley 42/2007; Ley de 13 de junio de 1985 de Cataluña Boletín Oficial del Estado nº 299 de 14/12/2007; D.O.G.C. de 28/06/1985 Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente 7 12021 Updated: Number_reference, Total_Area_reference, Agency
Spain ESP ES15 A Nature Place (Local Interest) Paraje Natural Municipal TRUE Ley 42/2007; Ley 11/1994 de la Comunidad Valenciana Boletín Oficial del Estado nº 299 de 14/12/2007; DOGV nº2423 de 09/01/1995 Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente 58 26460.034 Updated: Number_reference, Total_Area_reference, Agency
Spain ESP ES16 A Site of national interest Sitio Natural de Interés Nacional TRUE Decreto 2868/1974 Boletín Oficial del Estado, 10 de octubre de 1974 Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente 4 307 Updated: Number_reference, Total_Area_reference, Agency
Spain ESP ES17 A Site of scientific interest Lugar de Interés Científico TRUE Ley 42/2007; Ley 8/1998 de Extremadura; Ley 5/2005 de Illes Balears Boletín Oficial del Estado nº 299 de 14/12/2007; Boletín Oficial de Extremadura nº 86 de 28/07/1998; BOIB 01/06/2005 Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente 1 10 Updated: Number_reference, Total_Area_reference, Agency
Spain ESP ES18 A Nature enclave Enclave Natural TRUE Ley 42/2007; Ley 9/1996 de Navarra Boletín Oficial del Estado nº 299 de 14/12/2007; BON nº 78 28/06/1996 Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente 28 1050.085 Updated: Number_reference, Total_Area_reference, Agency
Spain ESP ES19 A Natural Monument Monumento Natural TRUE Ley 42/2007 y las respectivas normativas autonómicas Boletín Oficial del Estado nº 299 de 14/12/2007 Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente 247 118358.553 Updated: Number_reference, Total_Area_reference, Agency
Spain ESP ES20 A Natural Monument (National Interest) Monumento Natural de Interés Nacional TRUE Real Orden 213 de 1930 Gaceta de Madrid, 12/10/1930 Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente 1 2.65 Updated: Number_reference, Total_Area_reference, Agency
Spain ESP ES21 A Singular tree Árbol Singular TRUE Ley 42/2007; Ley 16/1994 del Pais Vasco; Ley 8/1998 de Extremadura Boletín Oficial del Estado nº 299 de 14/12/2007; BOPV Nº 142 DE 27/07/1994; Boletín Oficial de Extremadura nº 86 de 28/07/1998 Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente 59 26 Updated: Number_reference, Total_Area_reference, Agency
Spain ESP ES24 A Natural Area (recreational) Área Natural Recreativa TRUE Ley 42/2007; Ley 9/1996 de Navarra Boletín Oficial del Estado nº 299 de 14/12/2007; BON nº 78 28/06/1996 Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente 2 446.86 Updated: Number_reference, Total_Area_reference, Agency
Spain ESP ES25 A Nature Place (picturesque) Paraje Pintoresco TRUE Decreto 2418/1961 Boletín Oficial de Estaado, 1961, Ministerio de Educación Nacional Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente 1 1538.6 Updated: Number_reference, Total_Area_reference, Agency
Spain ESP ES30 A Nature Reserve Reserva Natural Concertada TRUE Ley 42/2007; Ley 2/1989 de Andalucia Boletín Oficial del Estado nº 299 de 14/12/2007; BOJA nº 60 de 27/07/1989 Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente 5 804.5 Updated: Number_reference, Total_Area_reference, Agency
Spain ESP ES31 A Nature Reserve (Management) Reserva Natural Dirigida TRUE Ley 42/2007; Ley 6/1998 de Aragón Boletín Oficial del Estado nº 299 de 14/12/2007; BOA Nº 64 DE 03/06/1998 Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente 3 2861 Updated: Number_reference, Total_Area_reference, Agency
Spain ESP ES32 A Microreserve Microrreserva TRUE Ley 42/2007; Ley 9/1999 de Castilla La Mancha; Ley 5/2005 de las Illes Balears; Decreto 218/1994 del Gobierno Valenciano Boletín Oficial del Estado nº 299 de 14/12/2007; BOCM Nº 40 DE 12/06/1999; BOIB 01/06/2005; DOGV Nº 2379 DE 3/11/94 Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente 48 7446.81 Updated: Number_reference, Total_Area_reference, Agency
Spain ESP ES33 A Biosphere Reserve Reserva de la Biosfera TRUE Ley 42/2007; Ley 5/1989 del Pais Vasco Boletín Oficial del Estado nº 299 de 14/12/2007; BOPV Nº 142 DE 27/07/1994; Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente 1 22041 Updated: Number_reference, Total_Area_reference, Agency
Spain ESP ES34 A Protected Wetland Humedal Protegido TRUE Ley 42/2007; Ley 9/2001 de Galicia Boletín Oficial del Estado nº 299 de 14/12/2007; Boletín Oficial de Galicia nº 171 de 04/09/2001 Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente 5 7709 Updated: Number_reference, Total_Area_reference, Agency
Spain ESP ES40 A Natural Area (singular) Área Natural Singular TRUE Ley 42/2007; Ley 4/2003 de La Rioja Boletín Oficial del Estado nº 299 de 14/12/2007; Boletín Oficial de La Rioja de 01/01/2003 Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente 1 59 Updated: Number_reference, Total_Area_reference, Agency
Spain ESP ES43 A Protection Plan Plan Especial de Protección (PEIN) TRUE Decreto 328/1992, de 14 de diciembre, el Plan de Espacios de Interés Natural de Cataluña DOGC nº 1714, de 30/12/92 Generalitat de Catalunya 166 1064393.21 Updated: Number_reference, Total_Area_reference
Spain ESP ES44 A Wild Fauna Reserve Reserva de Fauna TRUE Ley 42/2007; Decreto 32/2004 de la Comunidad Valenciana Boletín Oficial del Estado nº 299 de 14/12/2007; DOGV 4705 DE 04/03/2004 Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente 22 1002.53 Updated: Number_reference, Total_Area_reference, Agency
Spain ESP ES46 A Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) Zona de Especial Conservación de Importancia Comunitaria TRUE Ley 4/2003 de La Rioja Boletín Oficial de La Rioja de 01/01/2003 Gobierno de La Rioja 5 165924 Updated: Number_reference, Total_Area_reference
Spain ESP ES47 A Area of regional interest Zona de Interes Regional TRUE Ley 8/1998 de Extremadura Boletín Oficial de Extremadura nº 86 de 28/07/1998 Junta de Extremadura 4 239852 Updated: Number_reference, Total_Area_reference
Spain ESP ES48 A Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) Zona de la Red Ecológica Europea Natura 2000 TRUE Ley 4/2006 de Cantabria Boletín Oficial de Cantabria nº 105 de 01/06/2006 Gobierno de Cantabria 29 216665 Updated: Number_reference, Total_Area_reference
Spain ESP ES50 A Wetland Site Zonas Húmedas TRUE Ley 42/2007; Ley 11/1994 de la Comunidad Valenciana Boletín Oficial del Estado nº 299 de 14/12/2007; DOGV nº2423 de 09/01/1995 Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente 48 44841.33 Updated: Number_reference, Total_Area_reference, Agency
Spain ESP ES51 A Cave Cuevas TRUE Ley 42/2007; Ley 11/1994 de la Comunidad Valenciana Boletín Oficial del Estado nº 299 de 14/12/2007; DOGV nº2423 de 09/01/1995 Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente 134 0 Updated: Number_reference, Total_Area_reference, Agency
Spain ESP ES88 B Marine Reserve Reservas Marinas TRUE Ley 3/2001, de 26 de marzo, de Pesca Marítima del Estado (art.14) Boletín Oficial del Estado núm. 75 de 28/03/2001 Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente 10 102297 Nuevo registro en la tabla designaciones
Spain ESP ES89 A Nature Reserve (Marine) Reserva Natural Marina TRUE Ley 42/2007; Ley 11/1994 de la Comunidad Valenciana Boletín Oficial del Estado nº 299 de 14/12/2007; DOGV nº2423 de 09/01/1995 Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente 4 4835 Updated: Number_reference, Total_Area_reference, Agency
Spain ESP ES90 A Protected Biotop Biotopo Protegido TRUE Ley 42/2007; Ley 16/1994 del País Vasco Boletín Oficial del Estado nº 299 de 14/12/2007; BOPV Nº 142 DE 27/07/1994 Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente 6 5200.7 Updated: Number_reference, Total_Area_reference, Agency
Spain ESP ES91 A Fluvial Reserve Reserva Fluvial TRUE Ley 42/2007; Ley 9/1999 de Castilla La Mancha Boletín Oficial del Estado nº 299 de 14/12/2007; BOCM Nº 40 DE 12/06/1999 Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente 6 4307.86 Updated: Number_reference, Total_Area_reference, Agency
Spain ESP ES92 A Rural Park Parque Rural TRUE Ley 42/2007; Decreto legislativo 1/2000 de Canarias Boletín Oficial del Estado nº 299 de 14/12/2007; BOCAnarias 15/05/2000 Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente 7 83545 Updated: Number_reference, Total_Area_reference, Agency
Spain ESP ES93 A Site of scientific interest Sitio de Interés Científico TRUE Ley 42/2007; Ley 5/2005 de Illes Balears; Decreto legistaltivo 1/2000 de Canarias Boletín Oficial del Estado nº 299 de 14/12/2007; BOIB 01/06/2005; BOCAnarias 15/05/2000 Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente 81 1284 Updated: Number_reference, Total_Area_reference, Agency
Spain ESP ES94 A Protected Landscape Paisaje Protegido TRUE Ley 42/2007 y las respectivas normativas autonómicas Boletín Oficial del Estado nº 299 de 14/12/2007 Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente 53 149591.59 Updated: Number_reference, Total_Area_reference, Agency
Spain ESP ES96 A Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) Zona de Especial Protección de los Valores Naturales TRUE Ley 9/2001 de Galicia Boletín Oficial de Galicia nº 171 de 04/09/2001 Xunta de Galicia 74 452022.47 Updated: Number_reference, Total_Area_reference
Spain ESP ES97 A Ecological corridor Corredor Ecológico y de Biodiversidad TRUE Ley 42/2007; Ley 8/1998 de Extremadura Boletín Oficial del Estado nº 299 de 14/12/2007; Boletín Oficial de Extremadura nº 86 de 28/07/1998 Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente 4 6124 Updated: Number_reference, Total_Area_reference, Agency
Spain ESP ES98 A Animal Refuge Refugio de Fauna TRUE Ley 42/2007; Decreto 5/1991 de 14 de Febrero de la Comunidad de Madrid Boletín Oficial del Estado nº 299 de 14/12/2007; BOCM 18/02/1991 Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente 1 47 Updated: Number_reference, Total_Area_reference, Agency
Finland FIN FI01 A Strict Nature Reserve Luonnonpuisto TRUE Nature Conservation Act Chapter 3, Section 12 Statutes of Finland 1096/1996 Metsähallitus P.O.Box 94 01301 Vantaa, Finland, +358 205 64 100, Telefax +358 205 64 4350 FIN-01301 Vantaa Tel. +358 205 64 100 19 153590.05 None
Finland FIN FI02 A National Park Kansallispuisto TRUE Nature Conservation Act Chapter 3, Section 11 Statutes of Finland 1096/1996 Metsähallitus P.O.Box 94 01301 Vantaa, Finland, +358 205 64 100, Telefax +358 205 64 4350 FIN-01301 Vantaa. (Koli National Park is administered by Finnish Forest Research Institute, Unioninkatu 40 A, FIN-00170 HELSINKI, FINLAND, Ph. +358 10 2111, fax +358 10 211 2101, E-mail: Tel. +358 205 64 100 37 980719.69 None
Finland FIN FI03 A State Nature Reserve Valtion luonnonsuojelualue TRUE Nature Conservation Act Chapter 3,Section 17 Statutes of Finland 1096/1996 Metsähallitus P.O.Box 94 01301 Vantaa, Finland, +358 205 64 100, Telefax +358 205 64 4350 FIN-01301 Vantaa Tel. +358 205 64 100 37 46937.68 None
Finland FIN FI04 A Natural Monument on State Owned Land Luonnonmuistomerkki valtion maalla FALSE Nature Conservation Act Chapter 3,Section 23 Statutes of Finland 1096/1996 The state authority or agency in charge of the site of the natural monument 0 0 Point objects
Finland FIN FI11 B Wilderness Area Erämaa-alue TRUE Acts on the Protection of Wilderness Reserves Statutes of Finland 62/1991 and 1104/1996 Metsähallitus P.O.Box 94 01301 Vantaa, Finland, +358 205 64 100, Telefax +358 205 64 4350 FIN-01301 Vantaa Tel. +358 205 64 100 12 1490303.09 None
Finland FIN FI12 B State Hiking Area Valtion retkeilyalue FALSE Outdoor Recreation Act Chapter 2, Section 16 and 17 Statutes of Finland 606/1973 Metsähallitus P.O.Box 94 01301 Vantaa, Finland, +358 205 64 100, Telefax +358 205 64 4350 0 0 Data source: the website of Metsähallitus
Finland FIN FI13 B State Forest Protected by Decision of the Forest and Park Service Metsähallituksen päätöksella suojeltu valtion metsä TRUE Nature Conservation Act Chapter 3,Section 17 Statutes of Finland 1096/1996 Metsähallitus P.O.Box 94 01301 Vantaa, Finland, +358 205 64 100, Telefax +358 205 64 4350 24 808.76 None
Finland FIN FI14 B Esker or Rock Area Protected by the Land Extraction Act Maa-aineslain nojalla suojeltu harju-tai kallioalue FALSE Land Extraction Act Statutes of Finland 555/1981 Regional Environment Centres 0 0 None
Finland FIN FI15 B Watersystem protected by the Act on Protection of Rapids Koskiensuojelulain nojalla suojeltu vesistö FALSE Act on the Protection of the Rapids Statutes of Finland 35/1987 Regional Environment Centres 0 0 None
Finland FIN FI16 C Private Nature Reserve Yksityinen luonnonsuojelualue TRUE Nature Conservation Act Chapter 3,Section 24 Statutes of Finland 1096/1996 Regional Environment Centres 8689 273409 None
Finland FIN FI17 C Natural Monument on Private Land Luonnonmuistomerkki yksityismaalla FALSE Nature Conservation Act Chapter 3,Section 26 Statutes of Finland 1096/1996 Municipalities 0 0 Point objects
Finland FIN FI92 C Temporary Protection Order Määräaikainen rauhoitus TRUE Nature Conservation Act Chapter 3,Section 25 Statutes of Finland 1096/1996 Regional Environment Centres 181 1485.24 None
Finland FIN FI93 A Site of Species Under Strict Protection Erityisesti suojeltavan lajin esiintymispaikka TRUE Nature Conservation Act Chapter 6, Section 47 Statutes of Finland 1096/1996 Metsähallitus P.O.Box 94 01301 Vantaa, Finland, +358 205 64 100, Telefax +358 205 64 4350 FIN-01301 Vantaa Tel. +358 205 64 100 on state owned land and Regional Environment Centres on private land 190 417.53 None
Finland FIN FI94 A Protected Habitat Type Suojeltu luontotyyppi TRUE Nature Conservation Act Chapter 4,Sections 29 and 30 Statutes of Finland 1096/1996 Metsähallitus P.O.Box 94 01301 Vantaa, Finland, +358 205 64 100, Telefax +358 205 64 4350 FIN-01301 Vantaa Tel. +358 205 64 100 on state owned land and Regional Environment Centres on private land 1117 2092.08 None
Finland FIN FI95 A Grey Seal Protection Area Hylkeidensuojelualue TRUE Decree on Grey Seal Protection Areas Statutes of Finland 736/2001 Metsähallitus P.O.Box 94 01301 Vantaa, Finland, +358 205 64 100, Telefax +358 205 64 4350 FIN-01301 Vantaa Tel. +358 205 64 100 7 18843.14 None
Finland FIN FI96 A Old Growth Forest Reserve Vanhojen metsien suojelualue TRUE Nature Conservation Act Chapter 3,Section 17 Statutes of Finland 1096/1996 Metsähallitus P.O.Box 94 01301 Vantaa, Finland, +358 205 64 100, Telefax +358 205 64 4350 FIN-01301 Vantaa Tel. +358 205 64 100 92 10720.25 None
Finland FIN FI97 A Herb Rich Forest Reserve Lehtojensuojelualue TRUE Nature Conservation Act Chapter 3,Section 17 Statutes of Finland 1096/1996 Metsähallitus P.O.Box 94 01301 Vantaa, Finland, +358 205 64 100, Telefax +358 205 64 4350 FIN-01301 Vantaa Tel. +358 205 64 100 51 1169.29 None
Finland FIN FI98 A Protected Mire Soidensuojelualue TRUE Nature Conservation Act Chapter 3,Section 17 Statutes of Finland 1096/1996 Metsähallitus P.O.Box 94 01301 Vantaa, Finland, +358 205 64 100, Telefax +358 205 64 4350 FIN-01301 Vantaa Tel. +358 205 64 100 171 461828.28 None
France FRA FR00 None No Protection Status Aucune protection FALSE Sans objet Sans objet None 0 0 None
France FRA FR01 A National Park - Core Area Parc national, zone cœur TRUE Origine : Loi n°60-708 du 22 juillet 1960. Loi n°2006-436 du 14 avril 2006, JORF 15 avril 2006 ; Décret n° 2006-944 du 28 juillet 2006, JORF 29 juillet 2006 et Décret n°2007-397 du 22 mars 2007, JORF 23 mars 2007 ; Arrêté du 23 février 2007, JORF 6 avril 2007. Espaces maritimes des parcs nationaux : Loi n°2006-1772 du 30 décembre 2006, JORF 31 décembre 2006 ; Décret n° 2006-944 du 28 juillet 2006, JORF 29 juillet 2006. Parc Amazonien de Guyane : Loi n°2006-436 du 14 avril 2006, JORF 15 avril 2006. Le Journal Officiel de la République Française (JORF) est accessible sur : Les codes sont accessibles sur : Code de l’environnement : Articles L. 331-4 à L. 331-5 et R. 331-15, R. 331-18 à R. 331-19. Départements d'Outre-Mer : Articles L. 331-15 et R. 331-52. Espaces maritimes des parcs nationaux : Articles L. 331-14 et R. 331-46 à R. 331-51. Parc Amazonien de Guyane : Articles L. 331-15-1 à L. 331-15-7. French Ministry in charge of the environment. In march 2012, name, acronym and address as follows : Ministère de l'Écologie, du Développement durable, des Transports et du Logement (MEDDTL) 92055 La Défense Cedex France. For national parks network, contact also : Parcs Nationaux de France, Château de la Valette, 1037 rue Jean-François Breton 34090 MONTPELLIER, France. 9 2506124 With the two new national parks designated in french overseas in 2007 (Parc national de la Réunion, Parc amazonien de Guyane), there are now (2010/01) 6 national parks in metropolitan France and 3 national parks in french overseas departements. Cévennes and Guadeloupe NP core areas have also been extended recently. Please note that the strong protection afforded by the national park leads to the following situation : two nature reserves located inside Réunion national park are no more valid ; the same applies to one nature reserve in Guadeloupe after extension of the Guadeloupe national park.
France FRA FR02 A National Park - Integrale Reserve Réserve intégrale de parc national TRUE Loi n°2006-436 du 14 avril 2006, JORF 15 avril 2006 ; Décret n° 2006-944 du 28 juillet 2006, JORF 29 juillet 2006 ; Arrêté du 23 février 2007, JORF 6 avril 2007. Code de l’environnement : Articles L. 331-16 et R. 331-53 à R. 331-54. French Ministry in charge of the environment. In march 2012, name, acronym and address as follows : Ministère de l'Écologie, du Développement durable, des Transports et du Logement (MEDDTL) 92055 La Défense Cedex France. For national parks network, contact also : Parcs Nationaux de France, Château de la Valette, 1037 rue Jean-François Breton 34090 MONTPELLIER, France. 2 756.0336 One national park integral reserve was created in 2007 (îlots de Port-Cros, part of Port-Cros National Park core area). The other one dates back to 1995 (Lauvitel, part of Ecrins N.P.)
France FRA FR03 A National Nature Reserve Réserve naturelle nationale TRUE Origine : Loi n°76-629 du 10 juillet 1976. Loi n°2002-276 du 27 février 2002, JORF 28 février 2002 et Décret n°2206-665 du 7 juin 2006, JORF 8 juin 2006 ; Décret n° 2007-397 du 22 mars 2007, JORF 23 mars 2007 ; Décret n°2007-942 du 15 mai 2007, JORF 16 mai 2007. Code de l’environnement : Articles L. 332-1 à L. 332-27 et R. 332-1 à R. 332-29. French Ministry in charge of the environment. In march 2012, name, acronym and address as follows : Ministère de l'Écologie, du Développement durable, des Transports et du Logement (MEDDTL) 92055 La Défense Cedex France. For nature reserves network, contact also : Réserves Naturelles de France, 6 bis rue de la Gouge, B.P. 100 - 21803 QUETIGNY Cedex, France. 163 2748214.75922 Most of our nature reserves are designed to protect biodiversity, though some aim to protect geodiversity (geological reserves, IUCN code set to III). There is no distinction between continental and marine reserves (all are treated here, and categorized IUCN IV, though part of them sometimes clearly relevant for IUCN I). Note also that corsican reserves are now legally distinct and to be found under a different entry.Since the last update (number 155), 7 new sites have been created and one has been deleted in Guadeloupe (due to National Park extension), there are now 161 nature reserves.
France FRA FR05 A Biotope Protection Order Arrêté de protection de biotope TRUE Origine : Loi n°76-629, 10 juillet 1976. Décret n°77-1295 du 25 novembre 1977, JORF 27 novembre 1977. Code de l’environnement : Articles L. 211-1 et R. 211-4, R. 411-15 à R. 411-17 et R. 415-1. Pour le littoral : Code de l’urbanisme : Articles R. 146-1 b. Préfets de département (local State ; will not be listed here as there are 100 of them). Also French Ministry in charge of the environment. In march 2012, name, acronym and address as follows : Ministère de l'Écologie, du Développement durable, des Transports et du Logement (MEDDTL) 92055 La Défense Cedex France. 767 182762.62538 In the future this protection type will also cover geological sites (arrêté de protection de géotope). Check out our internet site for more information : after 30 years of existence, the “arrêté de protection de biotope” (biotope protection order) has become a major nature protection tool in France, with a total of 672 sites distributed all over the country, covering more than 324,000 hectares. For the 1st time, a synthesis is available on the species and habitats protected through this device in mainland France, Corsica and overseas (Réunion, Guadeloupe, Martinique, French Guyana, Mayotte). Commonly used for the protection of bogs and marshes, it includes many other habitats such as cliffs, caves and dry grasslands. This document highlights the key role played in the conservation of species of fauna and flora of community interest, especially as a framework of the Natura 2000 network (mainland France and Corsica) and also as a tool for the protection of globally threatened species (overseas). Since the last update (number 678), 41 new sites have been created, 1 deleted, there are now 718 biotopes. The difference with the area mentioned earlier comes from a few large sites that have been degazetted since, espececially overseas with the creation of national parks
France FRA FR06 A Forest Biological Reserve Réserve biologique TRUE Convention générale du 3 février 1981 concernant les réserves biologiques domaniales, entre les ministères de l'environnement et de l'agriculture et l'ONF. Convention du 14 mai 1986 concernant les réserves biologiques dans les forêts non domaniales relevant du régime forestier, entre les ministères de l'environnement et de l'agriculture et l'ONF. Instructions ONF, approuvées par les ministères en charge de l'environnement et des forêts : instruction 95 T 32 du 10 mai 1995 sur les réserves biologiques dirigées et séries d'intérêt écologique particulier ; instruction 98 T 37 du 30 décembre 1998 sur les réserves biologiques intégrales. Pas de codification. Ministry in charge of Environment, Ministry in charge of Agriculture and the National forest office (in march 2012, name, acronym and address as follows : Office National des Forêts (ONF), 2 avenue de St Mandé, 75570 PARIS Cedex 12 France). 221 163489.65531 Close to nature reserves in terms of status and management, forest biological reserves have been transferred from CDDA category B to A (cf our answers for EEA, 2008/11). Two types of Réserves Biologiques can be considered : "Réserve Biologique Domaniale" implying that the reserve is situated in a State Forest, and "Réserve Biologique Forestière" meaning a reserve in a community forest. These two types are further splitted into management categories which are more relevant and can be checked in the sites database : IUCN IV = managed reserves (réserves dirigées), I = integral reserves (réserves intégales). All but one integral reserves have been assigned to IUCN Ia, the exception being a large integral reserve in French Guiana (Lucifer Dekou Dekou, Ib). Since the last update (number 204), 3 new sites have been created, there are now 207 forest reserves
France FRA FR07 A Forest Managed Biological Reserve Réserve biologique dirigée FALSE Convention générale du 3 février 1981 concernant les réserves biologiques domaniales, entre les ministères de l'environnement et de l'agriculture et l'ONF. Convention du 14 mai 1986 concernant les réserves biologiques dans les forêts non domaniales releva Pas de codification. Ministry in charge of Environment, Ministry in charge of Agriculture and the National forest office (in march 2012, name, acronym and address as follows : Office National des Forêts (ONF), 2 avenue de St Mandé, 75570 PARIS Cedex 12 France). 0 0 None
France FRA FR08 A Forest Integral Biological Reserve Réserve biologique intégrale FALSE Convention générale du 3 février 1981 concernant les réserves biologiques domaniales, entre les ministères de l'environnement et de l'agriculture et l'ONF. Convention du 14 mai 1986 concernant les réserves biologiques dans les forêts non domaniales releva Pas de codification. Ministry in charge of Environment, Ministry in charge of Agriculture and the National forest office (in march 2012, name, acronym and address as follows : Office National des Forêts (ONF), 2 avenue de St Mandé, 75570 PARIS Cedex 12 France). 0 0 None
France FRA FR11 B Protection Forest Forêt de Protection FALSE Loi du 28 avril 1922 ; loi n°76-626 du 10 juillet 1976 ; Loi n° 84-1273 du 4 décembre 1985 ; Décret n° 79-812 du 19 septembre 1979 ; Décret n°86-1148 du 23 octobre 1986. Code forestier : Articles L. 411-1 à L. 413-1 et R. 411-1 à R. 413-4. Ministry in charge of Agriculture. In march 2012, name, acronym and address as follows : Ministère de l'Agriculture, de l'Alimentation, de la Pêche, de la Ruralité et de l'Aménagement du Territoire (MAAPRAT), 78 rue de Varenne, 75349 PARIS 07 SP, France. 0 0 None
France FRA FR12 B Registered natural monument/site Site inscrit selon la loi de 1930 FALSE Origine : Loi du 2 mai 1930 Ordonnance n°2004-637 du 1er juillet 2004, JORF 2 juillet 2004 modifiée Loi n°2005-157 du 23 février 2005, JORF 24 février 2005 Code de l’environnement : Articles L. 341-2 à L. 341-15 et R. 341-1 à R. 341-31. French Ministry in charge of the environment. In march 2012, name, acronym and address as follows : Ministère de l'Écologie, du Développement durable, des Transports et du Logement (MEDDTL) 92055 La Défense Cedex France. 0 0 None
France FRA FR13 B Classified natural monument/site Site classé selon la loi de 1930 FALSE Origine : Loi du 2 mai 1930 Ordonnance n°2004-637 du 1er juillet 2004, JORF 2 juillet 2004 modifiée Loi n°2005-157 du 23 février 2005, JORF 24 février 2005 Code de l’environnement : Articles L. 341-1 à L. 341-22 et R. 3431-1 à R. 341-31. Sur le littoral : Code l’urbanisme : Article R. 146-1. French Ministry in charge of the environment. In march 2012, name, acronym and address as follows : Ministère de l'Écologie, du Développement durable, des Transports et du Logement (MEDDTL) 92055 La Défense Cedex France. 0 0 Previous translation "Registered Site" was misleading (cf FR12), it has been changed to "Classified natural monument/site".
France FRA FR14 B Land acquired by Conservatoire du Littoral (national seaside and lakeside conservancy) Terrain acquis par le Conservatoire du Littoral TRUE Origine : Loi n°75-602 du 10 juillet 1975 et Décret 11 décembre 1975. Loi n°2005-157 du 23 février 2005, JORF 24 février 2005. Code de l’environnement : Articles L. 322-1 à L. 322-14 et R. 322-1 à R. 322-42. Ministry in charge of Environment, and the national seaside conservatory. In march 2012, name, acronym and address as follows : Conservatoire du Littoral (CdL), 27 rue Blanche, 75009 PARIS France. 669 90150.64401 None
France FRA FR15 B Regional Nature Park Parc naturel régional TRUE Origine : Décret n°88-443 du 25 avril 1988 ; Loi n°93-24 du 8 janvier 1993 et Décret n° 94-765 du 1er septembre 1994 Loi n°2006-436 du 14 avril 2006, JORF 15 avril 2006 et Décret n°2007-673 du 2 mai 2007, JORF 4 mai 2007. Code de l’environnement : Articles L. 333-1 à L. 333-8 et R. 333-1 à R. 333-16. French Ministry in charge of the environment. In march 2012, name, acronym and address as follows : Ministère de l'Écologie, du Développement durable, des Transports et du Logement (MEDDTL) 92055 La Défense Cedex France. For regional parks network, contact also : Fédération des Parcs Naturels Régionaux de France, 9 rue Christiani, 75018 PARIS, France. 47 7829583.54682 None
France FRA FR16 B National Park - Buffer zone/Area of adhesion Parc national, aire d'adhésion TRUE Origine : loi n°60-708 du 22 juillet 1960 Loi n°2006-436 du 14 avril 2006, JORF 15 avril 2006 ; Arrêté du 23 février 2007, JORF 6 avril 2007. Code de l’environnement : Articles L. 331-1 et L. 331-3 French Ministry in charge of the environment. In march 2012, name, acronym and address as follows : Ministère de l'Écologie, du Développement durable, des Transports et du Logement (MEDDTL) 92055 La Défense Cedex France. For national parks network, contact also : Parcs Nationaux de France, Château de la Valette, 1037 rue Jean-François Breton 34090 MONTPELLIER, France. 8 2628193 None
France FRA FR17 A National Hunting and Wildlife Reserve Réserve nationale de chasse et de faune sauvage TRUE Origine : arrêté du 20 juin 1968 Loi n° 2005-157 du 23 février 2005, JORF 24 février 2005 ; Décret n°2006-1432 du 22 novembre 2006, JORF 24 novembre 2006 ; Décret n° 2007-397 du 22 mars 2007, JORF 23 mars 2007. Code de l’environnement : Articles L. 422-23 et L. 422-27, R. 422-65 et R. 422-82 à R. 422-94-1. Ministry in charge of Environment, and the national game and wildlife service. In march 2012, name, acronym and address as follows : Office National de la Chasse et de la Faune Sauvage (ONCFS), 85 bis avenue de Wagram, BP 236, 75822 PARIS Cedex 17, France 9 36142 Among Hunting reserves, only national reserves can claim real protection status. Their category is A.
France FRA FR18 B National Marine Hunting Reserve Réserve de chasse et de faune sauvage du domaine public maritime FALSE Sans objet Sans objet Préfets de département (local State). 0 0 None
France FRA FR19 B National River Hunting Reserve Réserve de chasse et de faune sauvage du domaine public fluvial FALSE Sans objet Sans objet Préfets de département (local State). 0 0 None
France FRA FR21 B State Riverine Fishing Reserve Réserve de pêche du domaine public fluvial FALSE Origine : Décret 18 octobre 1968. Code rural L. 236-12 et R. 236-84 et R. 236-95. Code de l’environnement : Articles L. 436-12 et R. 436-69 et R. 436-73 à R. 436-76. Préfets de département (local State). 0 0 None
France FRA FR22 B Conventional Nature Reserve Réserve naturelle conventionnelle FALSE Il s'agit d'une convention de gestion de site appartenant à l'Etat. Convention entre le Ministère chargé de l'Environnement et le Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique (CEA) en ce qui concerne la réserve de Saclay (seule réserve conventionnelle existant à n Sans objet Réserve de Saclay : Ministry in charge of Environment, and CEA/Saclay : Commissariat à l’énergie atomique, CEA/Saclay, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France. 0 0 None
France FRA FR23 B State Forest Forêt Domaniale FALSE Origine : Code de 1827 et décret n°52-1200 du 29 octobre 1952. Loi n°2005-157 du 23 février 2005, JORF 24 février 2005. Code forestier : Articles L. 111-1, L. 131-1 à L. 138-8 et R. 131-1 à D. 138-39 et R. 141 et R. 159-9 à R. 154-10. Ministry in charge of Agriculture. In march 2012, name, acronym and address as follows : Ministère de l'Agriculture, de l'Alimentation, de la Pêche, de la Ruralité et de l'Aménagement du Territoire (MAAPRAT), 78 rue de Varenne, 75349 PARIS 07 SP, France. 0 0 State Forests not relevant as protection types. Include FR06 reserves (forest biological reserves).
France FRA FR24 B Community Forest Forêt Communale Bénéficiant du Régime Forestier FALSE Origine : Code de 1827 et décret n°52-1200 du 29 octobre 1952. Loi n°2001-602 du 9 juillet 2001, JORF 11 juillet 2001 ; Loi n°2005-157 du 23 février 2005, JORF 24 février 2005. Code forestier : Articles L. 111-1-2°, L. 141-1 à L. 148-24 et R. 141-1 à R. 148-25 et R. 159-9 à R. 154-10. Ministry in charge of Agriculture. In march 2012, name, acronym and address as follows : Ministère de l'Agriculture, de l'Alimentation, de la Pêche, de la Ruralité et de l'Aménagement du Territoire (MAAPRAT), 78 rue de Varenne, 75349 PARIS 07 SP, France. 0 0 Community Forests not relevant as protection types. Include a few FR06 (forest biological reserves). Previous spelling was incorrect ("Forêt Communale Benificiant du Régime Forestière").
France FRA FR31 C Land acquired by a regional conservatory of natural areas Terrain acquis par un conservatoire d'espaces naturels TRUE Loi 1er juillet 1901 relative au contrat d’association. Convention du 14 novembre 1992 signée entre le Ministère de l’Environnement et la Fédération des conservatoires d’espaces naturels. Loi n° 2010-788 du 12 juillet 2010, article 129 ; Décret n° 2011-12 Code de l'environnement : Articles L. 414-11, D. 414-30 et D. 414-31. Fédération des Conservatoires d'Espaces Naturels, 6 rue Jeanne d'Arc, 45000 ORLEANS, France. 720 15354.9155 None
France FRA FR32 B Land acquired by territorial duty on sensitive natural areas Terrain acquis par un département FALSE Origine : Loi n°85-729, 18 avril 1985, JORF 19 juillet 1985 ; Décret n°86-516, 14 mars 1986, JORF 16 mars 1986. Loi n° 2002-27 du 27 février 2002, JORF 28 février 2002 ; Loi n° 2003-699 du 30 juillet 2003, JORF 31 juillet 2003 ; Ordonnance n° 2006-596 d Code de l’urbanisme : Articles L. 142-1 à L. 142-13 et R. 142-1 à R. 142-19. Départements, which will not be listed with their address here since there are 100 of them. However see Assemblée des Départements de France, 6 rue Duguay-Trouin, 75006 PARIS, France. 0 0 None
France FRA FR34 B Marine Nature Park Parc naturel marin TRUE Loi n° 2006-436 du 14 avril 2006, JORF 15 avril 2006 ; Décret n°2006-1266 du 16 octobre 2006, JORF 17 octobre 2006. Code de l’environnement : Articles L. 334-3 à L. 335-1 et R. 334-27 à R. 334-38; French Ministry in charge of the environment. In march 2012, name, acronym and address as follows : Ministère de l'Écologie, du Développement durable, des Transports et du Logement (MEDDTL) 92055 La Défense Cedex France. For marine parks network, contact also : the national agency dedicated to marine protected areas, responsible for this new designation type and for all marine protected areas : Agence des aires marines protégées, 42 bis quai de la Douane, BP 42932 - 29229 BREST Cedex 2, France. 3 7576531 None
France FRA FR35 A Regional Nature Reserve Réserve naturelle régionale TRUE Loi n°2002-276 du 27 février 2002, JORF 28 février 2002. Code de l’environnement : Articles L. 332-2 II et L. 332-3 II et III L. 332-4 à L. 332-8 et R. 332-30 à R 332-48 et R. 332-68 à R. 332-81; Ministry in charge of the environment, but also Conseils Régionaux, which will not be listed here since there are 25 of them (every region except Corsica). However see Association des Régions de France, 282 boulevard St Germain, 75007 PARIS, France. 82 19970.0115 None
France FRA FR36 A Corsican Nature Reserve Réserve naturelle de Corse TRUE Origine loi n°2002-92 du 22 janvier 2002. Loi n°2002-276 du 27 février 2002, JORF 28 février 2002. Code de l’environnement : Articles L. 332-2 III, L. 332-3 II et III, L. 332-4 à L. 332-8 et R. 332-49 à R. 332-81. French Ministry in charge of the environment. In march 2012, name, acronym and address as follows : Ministère de l'Écologie, du Développement durable, des Transports et du Logement (MEDDTL) 92055 La Défense Cedex France. Also Collectivité territoriale de la Corse. The corsican network of nature reserves is managed by Office de l'Environnement Corse, 14 avenue Jean Nicoli, 20250 CORTE, Corse, France. 6 83175 6 Nature Reserves previously classified under FR03.
France FRA FR37 B Protected perimeter around a national nature reserve Périmètre de protection d’une réserve naturelle nationale FALSE Origine : Loi n°83-663, 22 juillet 1983 Loi n°2002-276 du 27 février 2002, JORF 27 février 2002 ; Loi n°2006-1772 du 30 décembre 2006, JORF 31 décembre 2006. Code de l’environnement : L. 332-16 à L. 332-27 et R. 332-28 à R. 332-22. Préfets de département (local State). Also French Ministry in charge of the environment. In march 2012, name, acronym and address as follows : Ministère de l'Écologie, du Développement durable, des Transports et du Logement (MEDDTL) 92055 La Défense Cedex 0 0 9 National Nature Reserves have a protection perimeter.
France FRA FR38 B Protected perimeter around a regional nature reserve Périmètre de protection d’une réserve naturelle régionale ou de Corse FALSE Loi n°2002-276 du 27 février 2002, JORF 28 février 2002. Code de l’environnement : Articles L. 332-16, R. 332-28 à R. 332-29. Préfets de département and Collectivité territoriale de la Corse. 0 0 None
France FRA FR99 None Others Autres FALSE Sans objet Sans objet None 0 0 None
United Kingdom GBR GB00 None No Protection Status No Protection Status FALSE None None None 0 0 None
United Kingdom GBR GB01 A National Nature Reserve National Nature Reserve TRUE Section 19 of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949 or section 35 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 DOENI, Natural England, Natural Resources Wales, Scottish National Heritage 366 227193.96022 None
United Kingdom GBR GB02 A Marine Nature Reserve Marine Nature Reserve TRUE Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (amended 1985) in England, Scotland and Wales. Nature Conservation and Amenity Lands (NI) Order 1985 in Northern Ireland DOENI, Natural England, Natural Resources Wales 2 17807 None
United Kingdom GBR GB04 A Site of Special Scientific Interest (GB) Site of Special Scientific Interest (UK) TRUE Section 28 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981(as amended by the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000) and Section 23 of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949 Natural England, Natural Resources Wales, Scottish National Heritage 6609 2369663.34211 None
United Kingdom GBR GB05 A Marine Conservation Zone Marine Conservation Zone TRUE Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 Natural England 1 3037.87 None
United Kingdom GBR GB21 C Land owned by a non-governmental organisation for nature conservation Land owned by a non-governmental organisation for nature conservation TRUE None 1 272 None
United Kingdom GBR GB83 A Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (NI) Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (NI) TRUE Originally designated under the Amenity Lands Act (Northern Ireland) 1965, now designated under the Nature Conservation and Amenity Lands Order (Northern Ireland) 1985 DOENI 8 341180.07794 None
United Kingdom GBR GB84 A Marine Consultation Area Marine Consultation Area TRUE non-statutory Scottish National Heritage 29 111895 None
United Kingdom GBR GB85 A Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty TRUE National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949, amended in the Environment Act 1995. The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 clarifies the procedure and purpose of designating AONBs Natural England, Natural Resources Wales 39 1937135.24 None
United Kingdom GBR GB86 A Special Area (Channel Islands) Special Area (Channel Islands) TRUE The States (Jersey) Act - 18th April 1978 States of Jersey 1 980 None
United Kingdom GBR GB87 C Voluntary Reserve Voluntary Reserve TRUE None 6 1030 None
United Kingdom GBR GB88 A Regional Park Regional Park TRUE Countryside (Scotland) Act 1967 Scottish National Heritage 4 86160 None
United Kingdom GBR GB91 A National Scenic Area National Scenic Area TRUE Designated by Scottish Ministers, development control measures through SDD Circular No.20/1980;, national planning policy for NSAs set out in NPPG14 on Natural Heritage. Scottish National Heritage 40 1381117.92 None
United Kingdom GBR GB92 A Heritage Coast Heritage Coast TRUE The designation is agreed between local authorities and (in England) the Countryside Agency or (in Wales) the Countryside Council for Wales. Natural England, Natural Resources Wales 46 163408 None
United Kingdom GBR GB93 A Forest Park Forest Park TRUE Identified and managed by the Forestry Commission Forestry Commission 16 232807 None
United Kingdom GBR GB96 A Local Nature Reserve Local Nature Reserve TRUE Section 21 of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949 DOENI, Natural England, Natural Resources Wales, Scottish National Heritage 1603 53842.99145 None
United Kingdom GBR GB97 A National Park National Park TRUE National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949. The National Parks (Scotland) Act 2000 Natural England, Natural Resources Wales, Scottish National Heritage 15 2262517.55 None
United Kingdom GBR GB98 A Area of Special Scientific Interest (NI) Area of Special Scientific Interest (NI) TRUE Nature Conservation and Amenity Lands Order (Northern Ireland) 1985 DOENI 334 101657.79922 None
Denmark - Greenland GRL GL01 A National Park National Park TRUE Landstingslov nr. 11 af 12. november 1980 om naturfredning i Grønland, §15 og 16 samt Hjemmestyrets bekendtgørelse nr. 7 af 17. juni 1992 om Nationalparken i Nord- og Østgrønland Lov nr. 11 af 12. november 1980 om naturfredning i Grønland, samt Lov nr. 29 af 18. december 2003 om naturbeskyttelse The Environmental Agency The Greenland Home Rule Government 1 97200000 IUCN
Denmark - Greenland GRL GL02 A Nature Reserve Nature Reserve TRUE Landstingslov 11 samt Landstingslov nr. 29 (§5 og §16) Lov nr. 11 af 12. november 1980 om naturfredning i Grønland, samt Lov nr. 29 af 18. december 2003 om naturbeskyttelse The Environmental Agency The Greenland Home Rule Government 11 1591982 IUCN
Greece GRC GR01 A Absolute Nature Reserve area Periochi apolytis prostasias tis fysis TRUE Law 1650/1986 "On the protection of the environment" OJ 160/A/16.10.1986 Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change - Directorate General for the Environment 3 2833.42235 Change in Agency is due to changes in Administration Structure
Greece GRC GR02 A Absolute nature reserve zone in National Park Periochi apolytis prostasias tis fysis se ethniko parko TRUE Law 1650/1986 "On the protection of the environment" OJ 160/A/16.10.1986 Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change - Directorate General for the Environment 6 8816.7717 Change in Agency is due to changes in Administration Structure
Greece GRC GR03 A Absolute nature reserve zone in National Marine Park Periochi apolytis prostasias tis fysis se thalassio parko TRUE Law 1650/1986 "On the protection of the environment" OJ 160/A/16.10.1986 Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change - Directorate General for the Environment 1 28.87759 Change in Agency is due to changes in Administration Structure
Greece GRC GR04 A Absolute nature reserve in Ecodevelopment area Periochi apolytis prostasias tis fysis se periochi oikoanaptyksis FALSE Law 1650/1986 "On the protection of the environment" OJ 160/A/16.10.1986 Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change - Directorate General for the Environment 0 0 Law provides for this category but no sites have been designated so far. Lake Pamvpotis designation has been challenged and a new one is under preparation. Change in Agency is due to changes in Administration Structure
Greece GRC GR05 A Core zone in National (Woodland) Park Ethnikos Drymos (pirinas) TRUE L.D. 996/1971 "On the replacement and completion of L.D. 86/1969 for the Forestry Code and coding of L.D/ 871/1971 and 919/1971" OJ 192/A/1971 Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change - Special Secretariat for Forests 10 35433.12549 Change in Agency is due to changes in Administration Structure
Greece GRC GR06 A Natural Monuments and landmarks (protected as strict nature reserve) Diatiriteo mnimeio tis fysis TRUE L.D. 996/1971 "On the replacement and completion of L.D. 86/1969 for the Forestry Code and coding of L.D/ 871/1971 and 919/1971" OJ 192/A/1971 Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change - Special Secretariat for Forests 51 15970.46509 Change in Agency is due to changes in Administration Structure
Greece GRC GR07 A Nature reserve area Periochi prostasias tis fysis TRUE Law 1650/1986 "On the protection of the environment" OJ 160/A/16.10.1986 Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change - Directorate General for the Environment 8 30565.27302 Change in Agency is due to changes in Administration Structure
Greece GRC GR08 A Nature reserve zone in National Park Periochi prostasias tis fysis se ethniko parko TRUE Law 1650/1986 "On the protection of the environment" OJ 160/A/16.10.1986 Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change - Directorate General for the Environment 25 193825.49931 Change in Agency is due to changes in Administration Structure
Greece GRC GR09 A Nature reserve zone in National Marine Park Periochi prostasias tis fysis se thalassio parko TRUE Law 1650/1986 "On the protection of the environment" OJ 160/A/16.10.1986 Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change - Directorate General for the Environment 3 31294.58007 Change in Agency is due to changes in Administration Structure
Greece GRC GR10 A Nature reserve zone in Ecodevelopment area Periochi prostasias tis fysis se Periochi Oikoanaptyksis FALSE Law 1650/1986 "On the protection of the environment" OJ 160/A/16.10.1986 Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change - Directorate General for the Environment 0 0 Law provides for this category but no sites have been designated so far. Lake Pamvpotis designation has been challenged and a new one is under preparation. Change in Agency is due to changes in Administration Structure
Greece GRC GR11 A National (Woodland) Park - Peripheral zone Ethnikos Drymos (perifereiaki zoni) TRUE L.D. 996/1971 "On the replacement and completion of L.D. 86/1969 for the Forestry Code and coding of L.D/ 871/1971 and 919/1971" OJ 192/A/1971 Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change - Special Secretariat for Forests 5 41334.57785 Change in Agency is due to changes in Administration Structure
Greece GRC GR12 A Aesthetic Forest Aisthitiko dasos TRUE L.D. 996/1971 "On the replacement and completion of L.D. 86/1969 for the Forestry Code and coding of L.D/ 871/1971 and 919/1971" OJ 192/A/1971 Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change - Special Secretariat for Forests 19 31886.70912 Change in Agency is due to changes in Administration Structure
Greece GRC GR21 B Game breeding station Ektrofeio thiramaton TRUE L.D. 86/1969, L. 177/1975 OJ 205/A/1975, OJ 7/A/18.1.1969 Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change - Special Secretariat for Forests 21 3052.59852 Change in Agency is due to changes in Administration Structure
Greece GRC GR23 B Controlled hunting area Elenchomeni kynigetiki periochi TRUE L.D. 86/1969, Law 177/1975, P.D. 453/1977 OJ 205/A/1975, OJ 7/A/18.1.1969 Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change - Special Secretariat for Forests 7 111513.77031 Change in Agency is due to changes in Administration Structure
Greece GRC GR24 B Protected Forest Prostatevomeno dasos TRUE Forest Code OJ 7/A/18-1-69, OJ 303/A/2003 Decentralized Governance - Forestry Services 3 41742.21983 Change in Agency is due to changes in Administration Structure
Greece GRC GR28 B Protected significant natural formation, protected landscape and landscape elements Prostatevomenos fysikos schimatismos, prostatevomeno topio kai stoiheia tou topiou TRUE Law 1650/1986 "On the protection of the environment" OJ 160/A/16.10.1986 Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change - Directorate General for the Environment 3 3652.3028 Change in Agency is due to changes in Administration Structure
Greece GRC GR90 A Nature reserve area - Peripheral zone Periferiaki zoni periohis prostasias tis fysis TRUE Law 1650/1986 "On the protection of the environment" OJ 160/A/16.10.1986 Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change - Directorate General for the Environment 1 32.28744 Change in Agency is due to changes in Administration Structure
Greece GRC GR91 A National Marine Park - Peripheral zone Periferiaki zoni Ethnikou Thalassiou Parkou TRUE Law 1650/1986 "On the protection of the environment" OJ 160/A/16.10.1986 Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change - Directorate General for the Environment 1 3733.89648 Change in Agency is due to changes in Administration Structure
Greece GRC GR92 A National Park - Peripheral zone Periferiaki zoni Ethnikou Parkou TRUE Law 1650/1986 "On the protection of the environment" OJ 160/A/16.10.1986 Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change - Directorate General for the Environment 12 554471.48827 Change in Agency is due to changes in Administration Structure
Greece GRC GR93 A Ecodevelopment Area - Peripheral zone Periferiaki zoni periohis oikoanaptixis FALSE Law 1650/1986 "On the protection of the environment" OJ 160/A/16.10.1986 Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change - Directorate General for the Environment 0 0 Change in Agency is due to changes in Administration Structure
Greece GRC GR94 A Ecodevelopment Area Periohi Oikoanaptyxis TRUE Law 1650/1986 "On the protection of the environment" OJ 160/A/16.10.1986 Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change - Directorate General for the Environment 1 7295.27587 Change in Agency is due to changes in Administration Structure
Greece GRC GR95 A Wildlife Refugee Katafygio Agrias Zois TRUE L. 2637/1998 for the setting up of a Certification organization and other provisions OJ 200/A/27.8.1998 Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change - Special Secretariat for Forests 607 1067756.74701 Change in Agency is due to changes in Administration Structure
Greece GRC GR96 A National Park Ethniko Parko TRUE Law 1650/1986 "On the protection of the environment" OJ 160/A/16.10.1986 Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change - Directorate General for the Environment 15 723892.83544 Change in Agency is due to changes in Administration Structure
Greece GRC GR97 A National Marine Park Ethniko Thalassio Parko TRUE Law 1650/1986 "On the protection of the environment" OJ 160/A/16.10.1986 Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change - Directorate General for the Environment 2 240572.74707 Change in Agency is due to changes in Administration Structure
Greece GRC GR98 A Protected area not yet classified Prostatevomeni periochi pou den echei haraktiristei FALSE Law 1650/1986 "On the protection of the environment" OJ 160/A/16.10.1986 Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change - Directorate General for the Environment 0 0 In this category are included sites with a non permanent designation (Law 1650/86 provides for this designation as a transitional stage). Change in Agency is due to changes in Administration Structure
Greece GRC GR99 A Others Alla TRUE Law 1650/1986 "On the protection of the environment" OJ 160/A/16.10.1986 Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change - Directorate General for the Environment 35 648647.25561 In this category are included sites designated for the protection of nature but which do not fall in any of the previous categories (e.g. parts of Zones of Urban Control, various zones within National Parks and Ecodevelopment Areas). Change in Agency is due to changes in Administration Structure
Croatia HRV HR00 None No Protection Status Bez zaštite FALSE None 0 0 None
Croatia HRV HR01 A Strict Reserve Strogi rezervat TRUE Zakon o zaštiti prirode/Nature protection Act/art. 10 "Narodne novine" 70/05, 139/08, 57/11 Ministry of Environment and Nature Protection 2 2421.43 None
Croatia HRV HR02 A Special Reserve Posebni rezervat TRUE Zakon o zaštiti prirode/Nature protection Act/art. 12. "Narodne novine" 70/05, 139/08, 57/11 Regional authorities (Counties) 80 40481.59813 None
Croatia HRV HR03 A National Park Nacionalni park TRUE Zakon o zaštiti prirode/Nature protection Act/art. 11. "Narodne novine" 70/05, 139/08, 57/11 Ministry of Environment and Nature Protection 8 97946.6 None
Croatia HRV HR04 A Nature Park Park prirode TRUE Zakon o zaštiti prirode/Nature protection Act/art. 13. "Narodne novine" 70/05, 139/08, 57/11 Ministry of Environment and Nature Protection 11 432369.4 None
Croatia HRV HR05 A Regional Park Regionalni park TRUE Zakon o zaštiti prirode/Nature protection Act/art. 14. "Narodne novine" 70/05, 139/08, 57/11 Regional authorities (Counties) 2 102794.86825 None
Croatia HRV HR06 A Natural Monument Spomenik prirode TRUE Zakon o zaštiti prirode/Nature protection Act/art. 15. "Narodne novine" 70/05, 139/08, 57/11 Ministry of Environment and Nature Protection 87 227.57 None
Croatia HRV HR07 A Significant Landscape Značajni krajobraz TRUE Zakon o zaštiti prirode/Nature protection Act/art. 16. "Narodne novine" 70/05, 139/08, 57/11 Regional authorities (Counties) 85 128956.54 None
Croatia HRV HR08 A Forest Park Park šuma TRUE Zakon o zaštiti prirode/Nature protection Act/art.17. "Narodne novine" 70/05, 139/08, 57/11 Regional authorities (Counties) 32 3521.14 None
Croatia HRV HR09 A Horticultural Monument Spomenih parkovne arhitekture TRUE Zakon o zaštiti prirode/Nature protection Act/art. 18. "Narodne novine" 70/05, 139/08, 57/11 Regional authorities (Counties) 124 842.31 None
Croatia HRV HR99 None Others Ostalo FALSE None 0 0 None
Hungary HUN HU00 None No Protection Status Nem védett FALSE Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable 0 0 Not applicable
Hungary HUN HU01 A National Park Nemzeti Park TRUE Act No. LIII. Of 1996 on Nature Conservation 28.§ (2) MK 1996/53 Ministry for Environment, National Authority for Nature Conservation H-1121 Budapest Költõ u. 21. 10 482622 CDDA sites field was a new field in 2012, Sites data is avaliable
Hungary HUN HU02 A Landscape Protection Area Tájvédelmi Körzet TRUE Act No. LIII. Of 1996 on Nature Conservation 28.§ (3) MK 1996/53 Ministry for Environment, National Authority for Nature Conservation H-1121 Budapest Költõ u. 21. 39 336397.19 CDDA sites field was a new field in 2012, Sites data is avaliable
Hungary HUN HU03 A Nature Conservation Area Természetvédelmi Terület TRUE Act No. LIII. Of 1996 on Nature Conservation 28.§ (4) MK 1996/53 Ministry for Environment, National Authority for Nature Conservation H-1121 Budapest Költõ u. 21. 169 30561.72 CDDA sites field was a new field in 2012, Sites data is avaliable
Hungary HUN HU04 A Local Nature Conservation Area Helyi jelentõségű védett terület FALSE Act No. LIII. Of 1996 on Nature Conservation MK 1996/53 Local authorities 0 0 Site data is not available, local authorities designate these sites based on local municipality decrees
Hungary HUN HU05 A Forest Reserve Erdõrezervátum TRUE Act No. LIII. Of 1996 on Nature Conservation 29. § (3), 85. § b) MK 1996/53 Ministry for Environment, National Authority for Nature Conservation H-1121 Budapest Költõ u. 21. 55 11467 CDDA sites field was a new field in 2012, Sites data is avaliable
Hungary HUN HU06 A Ex lege Protected Mire Ex lege védett láp FALSE Act No. LIII. Of 1996 on Nature Conservation 23.§ MK 1996/53 Ministry for Environment, National Authority for Nature Conservation H-1121 Budapest Költõ u. 21. 0 0 The survey of “ex lege” mires is under way: the area is only approximate data
Hungary HUN HU07 A Ex lege Protected Sodic Lake Ex lege védett szikes tó FALSE Act No. LIII. Of 1996 on Nature Conservation 23.§ MK 1996/53 Ministry for Environment, National Authority for Nature Conservation H-1121 Budapest Költõ u. 21. 0 0 The survey of “ex lege” sodic lakes is under way: the area is only approximate data.
Hungary HUN HU08 A Natural Monument Természeti emlék FALSE Act No. LIII. Of 1996 on Nature Conservation 28.§ (5) MK 1996/53 Ministry for Environment, National Authority for Nature Conservation H-1121 Budapest Költõ u. 21. 0 0 Not applicable in the context of CDDA dataflow. Only 1 site in the country, which has almost no spatial extention.
Hungary HUN HU09 A Cave Barlang FALSE Act No. LIII. Of 1996 on Nature Conservation 22§ (1), 48.§ (1) MK 1996/53 Ministry for Environment, National Authority for Nature Conservation H-1121 Budapest Költõ u. 21. 0 0 The nember of caves differ from time to time because experts find new ones
Hungary HUN HU10 B Environmentally Sensitive Areas Érzékeny Természeti Területek FALSE Ministerial Decree 2/2002 MK 2002/9 Ministry for Agriculture and Rural Development 0 0 The name should be changed to "Magas Természeti Értékű Terület" (High Nature Value Area)
Hungary HUN HU11 C Naturpark Natúrpark TRUE Act No. LIII. Of 1996 on Nature Conservation 4§, 29§ MK 1996/53 Ministry for Environment and Water 6 270865 The category "A" was changed to "C" because „Naturpark” in Hungary is not a traditionally used category for protecting flora fauna and habitats. It is more a municipal-residential-NGO initiative for nature conservation, ecoturistic, environmental education, extensive farming purposes. The area has slight legislative background because the minister gives contribution declaration for using the name of Naturpark. The area of the Naturparks is fairly large because mostly the whole area of the contributing municipalities is counted into the area.
Hungary HUN HU99 None Other Egyéb FALSE Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable 0 0 Sites data is not avaliable
Ireland IRL IE00 None No Protection Status No Protection Status FALSE None 0 0 This is not a designation category, therefore no sites are created by it.
Ireland IRL IE01 A National Nature Reserve National Nature Reserve TRUE Section 15 of Wildlife Act 1976 S.I. 39 of 1976 Department of the Environment, Heritage & Local Government 71 20468 None
Ireland IRL IE02 A National Nature Reserve National Nature Reserve TRUE Section 16 of Wildlife Act 1976 S.I. 39 of 1976 Department of the Environment, Heritage & Local Government 2 461 CDDA_sites corrected.
Ireland IRL IE03 A National Park National Park TRUE None Department of the Environment, Heritage & Local Government 6 59171 There is an anomaly in Irish Law whereby there is currently no mechanism for legally designating National Parks, although this is in the process of being remedied.
Ireland IRL IE04 A Refuge for Fauna Refuge for Fauna TRUE Section 17 of Wildlife Act 1976 S.I. 39 of 1976 Department of the Environment, Heritage & Local Government 7 3089.19999 None
Ireland IRL IE05 A No shooting area (Wildfowl Sanctuary) No shooting area (Wildfowl Sanctuary) TRUE Section 24 of Wildlife Act 1976 S.I. 39 of 1976 Department of the Environment, Heritage & Local Government 68 71353.30007 CDDA_sites corrected.
Ireland IRL IE11 B Fresh waters designated under terms of Directive 87/659/EEC - S.I. 293 of 1988 Fresh waters designated under terms of Directive 87/659/EEC FALSE Section 3 of the European Communities Act, 1972 S.I. 293 of 1988 Department of the Environment, Heritage & Local Government 0 0 There is no legal mechanism for creating sites using this designation.
Ireland IRL IE12 B Tree preservation order Tree preservation order FALSE Section 45 of the Planning Act 1963 S.I. 28 of 1963 Department of the Environment, Heritage & Local Government 0 0 This designation is not used for creating sites with defined boundaries.
Ireland IRL IE13 B Special amenity area order Special amenity area order FALSE Section 42 of the Planning Act 1963 S.I. 28 of 1963 Department of the Environment, Heritage & Local Government 0 0 This designation is not used for creating sites with defined boundaries.
Ireland IRL IE21 C Land owned by a non-governmental organisation for nature conservation Land owned by a non-governmental organisation for nature conservation FALSE None None None 0 0 This is not a designation category, therefore no sites are created by I; Multiple NGOs could potentially be responsible for such lands. However, there are no such sites and no single agency responsible for this designation.
Ireland IRL IE97 A Refuge for Flora Refuge for Flora FALSE Wildlife Act 1976 as amended by insertion by Section 20 of the Wildlife (Amendment) Act 2000 S.I. 38 of 2000 Department of the Environment, Heritage & Local Government 0 0 There are currently no Refuges for Flora designated, but the facility is there within the legislation to do so; Category corrected to A; CDDA_sites corrected.
Ireland IRL IE98 A Natural Heritage Area Natural Heritage Area TRUE Wildlife Act 1976 as amended by insertion by Section 6 of the Wildlife (Amendment) Act 2000 S.I. 38 of 2000 Department of the Environment, Heritage & Local Government 155 0 Category corrected to A; CDDA_sites corrected.
Ireland IRL IE99 None Others Others FALSE None None None 0 0 This is not a designation category, therefore no sites are created by it.
Iceland ISL IS00 None No Protection Status No Protection Status FALSE None None None 0 0 None
Iceland ISL IS01 A National Park Thjodgardur TRUE Log nr. 44/1999 Ministry for the environment 3 1363510.42114 None
Iceland ISL IS02 A Nature Reserve Fridland TRUE Log nr. 44/1999 Ministry for the environment 39 288105.36768 None
Iceland ISL IS03 A Natural Monument Natturuvaetti Monument TRUE Log nr. 44/1999 Ministry for the environment 42 9445.56333 None
Iceland ISL IS04 A Public Recreation Area or Country Park Folkvangur TRUE Log nr. 44/1999 Ministry for the environment 19 41982.76254 None
Iceland ISL IS05 A Conservation Area Serlog TRUE Log nr. 44/1999 Ministry for the environment 2 299593.20949 None
Iceland ISL IS06 A Habitat protection Busvaedi TRUE Log nr. 44/1999 Ministry for the environment 4 3720.89866 None
Iceland ISL IS99 None Others Others FALSE None None None 0 0 None
Italy ITA IT00 None No Protection Status Nessun tipo di protezione FALSE None 0 0 None
Italy ITA IT01 A National Park Parco Nazionale TRUE L. 06/12/1991, n. 394, art. 2 G.U. 13/12/1991, n. 292, S.O. Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare 24 1537493 None
Italy ITA IT02 A State Nature Reserve Riserva Naturale Statale TRUE L. 06/12/1991, n. 394, artt. 2, 17 G.U. 13/12/1991, n. 292, S.O. Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare 147 122780 None
Italy ITA IT03 A Interregional Nature Park Parco naturale interregionale FALSE L. 06/12/1991, n. 394 artt. 2, 22 G.U. 13/12/1991, n. 292, S.O. Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare 0 0 None
Italy ITA IT04 A Regional/Provincial Nature Park Parco naturale regionale/provinciale TRUE L. 06/12/1991, n. 394, artt. 2, 22, 23 G.U. 13/12/1991, n. 292, S.O. Amministrazione Regionale/Provinciale 134 1294657 None
Italy ITA IT05 A Regional/Provincial Nature Reserve Riserva naturale regionale/provinciale TRUE L. 06/12/1991, n. 394, artt. 2, 22 G.U. 13/12/1991, n. 292, S.O. Amministrazione Regionale/Provinciale 365 231526 None
Italy ITA IT06 A Natural Monument Monumenti naturali FALSE L. 06/04/1977, n. 184, art. 2 G.U. 13/05/1977, n. 129, S.O. Amministrazione Regionale/Provinciale 0 0 None
Italy ITA IT07 B Fauna Protection Area Oasi di protezione della fauna FALSE L. 11/02/1992, n. 157, artt. 10, 21 G.U. 25/02/1992, n. 46, S.O. Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, Alimentari e Forestali 0 0 None
Italy ITA IT11 B Natural Beauties Bellezze naturali FALSE R.D. 29/06/1939, n. 1497, art. 1 G.U. 14/10/1939, n. 241 Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali; Amministrazioni locali 0 0 None
Italy ITA IT13 B Hydrogeological Obbligation Area Vincoli idrogeologici FALSE R.D. 30/12/1923, n. 3267, art. 1 G.U. 17/05/1924, n. 117 Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, Alimentari e Forestali 0 0 None
Italy ITA IT14 B Spring and Water-Bearing Stratum Protection Areas Aree di salvaguardia delle acque superficiali e sotterranee destinate al consumo umano FALSE D. Lgs. 03/04/2006, n. 152 e s.m.i., art. 80 G.U. 14/04/2006, n. 88, S.O. Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare, Ministero della Salute 0 0 None
Italy ITA IT30 A Other Protected Natural Regional Areas Altre Aree Naturali Protette Regionali TRUE Delib. Conf. Stato-Regioni 25/07/2002, n. 1500 G.U. 12/09/2002, n. 214 Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare 171 50260 None
Italy ITA IT31 A Biogenetic forest reserve Bosco da seme FALSE L. 22/05/1973, n. 269, art. 14 G.U. 11/06/1973, n. 148 Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, Alimentari e Forestali 0 0 None
Italy ITA IT32 B Protection Area for Lanes of Migratory Birds Zona di protezione lungo le rotte di migrazione dell'avifauna FALSE L. 11/02/1992, n. 157, art. 1 G.U. 25/02/1992, n. 46, S.O. Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, Alimentari e Forestali 0 0 None
Italy ITA IT33 B Catch and Release Zone Zona di ripopolamento e cattura FALSE L. 11/02/1992, n. 157, artt. 10, 21 G.U. 25/02/1992, n. 46, S.O. Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, Alimentari e Forestali 0 0 None
Italy ITA IT34 A Bordering Areas of Protected Areas Aree Contigue alle Aree Protette FALSE L. 06/12/1991, n. 394, art. 32 G.U. 13/12/1991, n. 292, S.O. Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare/Amministrazioni locali 0 0 None
Italy ITA IT35 B Environmental assets Beni ambientali FALSE D. Lgs. 29/10/1999, n. 490, artt. 138, 139, 140, 146 G.U. 27/12/1999, n. 302, S.O. n. 229/L Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali; Amministrazioni locali 0 0 None
Italy ITA IT36 B Sensible Areas Aree sensibili FALSE D. Lgs. 03/04/2006, n. 152 e s.m.i., art. 91 G.U. 14/04/2006, n. 88, S.O. Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare 0 0 None
Italy ITA IT37 A International significance Natural Marine Area Area Naturale Marina di interesse internazionale TRUE L. 11/10/2001, n. 391 G.U. 30/10/2001, n. 253 Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare, Ministero degli affari esteri 1 2557258 None
Italy ITA IT41 A Site of Community importance Siti di Importanza Comunitaria FALSE D.P.R. 8/9/1997, n. 357 and D. M. 03/04/2000, n. 65, all. B G.U. 23/10/1997, n. 248, S.O. and GU. 22/04/2000, n. 95, S.O. Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare 0 0 None
Italy ITA IT42 A Special Area of Conservation Zona di Protezione Speciale FALSE D.P.R. 8/9/1997, n. 357 and D. M. 03/04/2000, n. 65, all. A G.U. 23/10/1997, n. 248, S.O. and GU. 22/04/2000, n. 95, S.O. Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare 0 0 None
Italy ITA IT43 B Nitrate vulnerable zones Zone vulnerabili da nitrati FALSE D. Lgs. 03/04/2006, n. 152 e s.m.i., art. 92 G.U. 14/04/2006, n. 88, S.O. Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare 0 0 None
Italy ITA IT44 B Fresh waters needing protection or improvement in order to support fish life Acque idonee alla vita dei pesci FALSE D. Lgs. 03/04/2006, n. 152 e s.m.i., art. 84 G.U. 14/04/2006, n. 88, S.O. Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare 0 0 None
Italy ITA IT45 B Shellfish waters Acque idonee alla vita dei molluschi FALSE D. Lgs. 03/04/2006, n. 152 e s.m.i., art. 87 G.U. 14/04/2006, n. 88, S.O. Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare 0 0 None
Italy ITA IT90 A Natural Marine Reserve and Natural Protected Marine Areas Riserva Naturale Marina e Aree Naturali Marine Protette TRUE L. 31/12/1982, n. 979 and L. 9/12/1998, n. 426 G.U. 18/01/1983, n. 18 and G.U. 14/12/1998, n. 291 Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare 27 228508 None
Italy ITA IT94 A Biological Protection Marine Area Zona di Tutela Biologica Marina FALSE D.M. 21/07/1995 G.U. 31/08/1995, n. 203 Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, Alimentari e Forestali 0 0 None
Italy ITA IT95 C Hunting and Fauna Management Farm Azienda Faunistico-Venatoria FALSE L. 11/02/1992, n. 157 G.U. 25/02/1992, n. 46, S.O. Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, Alimentari e Forestali 0 0 None
Italy ITA IT99 None Others Altri TRUE None None None 2 219 None
Liechtenstein LIE LI01 B Nature Reserve Naturschutzgebiet TRUE 1996/117 LGBl. 1996 Amt für Wald, Natur und Landschaft, Dr. Grass-Str. 10, FL-9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein 9 161.54997 law
Liechtenstein LIE LI02 B Protected Area Geschützte Fläche TRUE 1989/49 LGBl. 1989 Amt für Wald, Natur und Landschaft, Dr. Grass-Str. 10, FL-9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein 1 6246.70019 law
Liechtenstein LIE LI03 B Forest Reserve Waldreservat TRUE 2000/230 LGBl. 2000 Amt für Wald, Natur und Landschaft, Dr. Grass-Str. 10, FL-9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein 9 1307.69999 law
Liechtenstein LIE LI04 B Protected Forest Sonderwaldflaechen TRUE 2000/230 LGBl. 2000 Amt für Wald, Natur und Landschaft, Dr. Grass-Str. 10, FL-9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein 22 459.71643 law
Lithuania LTO LT00 None No Protection Status No Protection Status FALSE None None None 0 0 None
Lithuania LTO LT01 A State Strict Reserve Valstybinis rezervatas TRUE Law on Protected Areas, Articles 6 and 7 Valstybes zinios'2001 Nr.108-3902 State Protected Areas Service under The Ministry of Environment of Lithuania 6 18772.09072 None
Lithuania LTO LT02 A Nature Reserve Gamtinis draustinis TRUE Law on Protected Areas, Articles 8 and 9 Valstybes zinios'2001 Nr.108-3902 State Protected Areas Service under The Ministry of Environment of Lithuania 285 158706.92413 In 2010 five new and in 2011 six new State Reserves was established and in 2011 two State Reserves was joined to Regional Parks territories
Lithuania LTO LT03 A State Park Valstybinis parkas TRUE Law on Protected Areas, Articles 12 and 13 Valstybes zinios'2001 Nr.108-3902 State Protected Areas Service under The Ministry of Environment of Lithuania 35 609533.04471 In 2011 boundaries of some Regional Parks was modified
Lithuania LTO LT04 A Biosphere Reserve Biosferos rezervatas TRUE Law on Protected Areas, Articles 14 and 15 Valstybes zinios'2001 Nr.108-3902 State Protected Areas Service under The Ministry of Environment of Lithuania 1 18489.68554 None
Lithuania LTO LT05 A Recuperational plot Atkuriamasis sklypas TRUE Law on Protected Areas, Articles 16 and 17 Valstybes zinios'2001 Nr.108-3902 State Protected Areas Service under The Ministry of Environment of Lithuania 3 875.42443 None
Lithuania LTO LT06 A Biosphere polygon Biosferos poligonas TRUE Law on Protected Areas, Articles 14 and 15 Valstybes zinios'2001 Nr.108-3902 State Protected Areas Service under The Ministry of Environment of Lithuania 29 251793.74745 None
Lithuania LTO LT99 None Other Other FALSE None None None 0 0 None
Luxembourg LUX LU00 None No Protection Status Aucun statut de protection FALSE None 0 0 None
Luxembourg LUX LU01 A RAMSAR Zones RAMSAR TRUE Convention on Wetlands, Ramsar 1971 Convention on Wetlands, Ramsar 1971 Ministère du Développement durable et des Infrastructures - Département de l'Environnement 2 17211.34 None
Luxembourg LUX LU02 A Protected Area Zones protégées d'intérêt national - Réserve naturelle TRUE Protection de la nature et des ressources naturelles - 19 janvier 2004 Mémorial A-No.10 du 29 janvier 2004 - Art. 40 Ministère du Développement durable et des Infrastructures - Département de l'Environnement 37 5783.02 None
Luxembourg LUX LU03 A Integral forest protection area Zones protégées d'intérêt national - Réserve forestière intégrale TRUE Protection de la nature et des ressources naturelles - 19 janvier 2004 Mémorial A-No.10 du 29 janvier 2004 - Art. 40 Ministère du Développement durable et des Infrastructures - Département de l'Environnement 4 584 None
Luxembourg LUX LU04 A Protected Landscape Zones protégées d'intérêt national - Paysage Protégé FALSE Protection de la nature et des ressources naturelles - 19 janvier 2004 Mémorial A-No.10 du 29 janvier 2004 - Art. 40 Ministère du Développement durable et des Infrastructures - Département de l'Environnement 0 0 None
Luxembourg LUX LU05 A Nature Park Parc Naturel TRUE Loi relative aux parcs naturels (Aménagement du territoire) - 10 août 1993 Mémorial A-No.67 du 25 août 1993 Ministère du Développement durable et des Infrastructures - Département de l'Aménagement du Territoire 2 46930 None
Luxembourg LUX LU06 A ZSC - Natura 2000 Zones protégées d'intérêt communautaire - Zones Habitats ZSC TRUE Protection de la nature et des ressources naturelles - 19 janvier 2004 Mémorial A-No.10 du 29 janvier 2004 - Art. 34 Ministère du Développement durable et des Infrastructures - Département de l'Environnement 48 41369.94 None
Luxembourg LUX LU07 A ZPS - Natura 2000 Zones protégées d'intérêt communautaire - Zones Oiseaux ZPS TRUE Protection de la nature et des ressources naturelles - 19 janvier 2004 Mémorial A-No.10 du 29 janvier 2004 - Art. 34 Ministère du Développement durable et des Infrastructures - Département de l'Environnement 12 14157.87 None
Luxembourg LUX LU08 A ZPIC Zones protégées d'importance communale FALSE Protection de la nature et des ressources naturelles - 19 janvier 2004 Mémorial A-No.10 du 29 janvier 2004 - Art 46, 47 et 48 Ministère du Développement durable et des Infrastructures - Département de l'Environnement Ministère du Développement durable et des Infrastructures - Département de l'Environnement 0 0 None
Luxembourg LUX LU99 None Others Autres FALSE None None None 0 0 None
Latvia LVA LV00 None No Protection Status No Protection Status FALSE None None None 0 0 None
Latvia LVA LV01 A Strict Nature Reserve Dabas rezervats TRUE LR Saeimas likumi: 1. Grinu dabas rezervata likums. 2. Teicu dabas rezervata likums.3. Krustkalnu dabas rezervata likums.4. Moricsalas dabas rezervata likums. Latvijas Vestnesis Nr.121/122,2000. MoE (Ministry of Environment) 25 Peldu str. LV-1494, Riga, Latvia 4 25067.6 None
Latvia LVA LV02 A National Park Nacionalais parks TRUE LR Saeimas likumi: 1.Kemeru nacionala parka likums. 2. Sliteres nacionala parka likums. 3.Gaujas nacionala parka likums. 4.Raznas nacionala parka likums; Latvijas Vestnesis :1.Nr.169/ 1997.2.Nr.121/122,2000.3.Nr.446/1999. 4.Nr. 183/2006 MoE (Ministry of Environment) 25 Peldu str. LV-1494, Riga, Latvia 4 205950 Category of former Razna nature park is changed to nacional park
Latvia LVA LV03 A Nature Park Dabas parks TRUE 1.Ministru kabineta noteikumi Nr.83/1999 "Noteikumi par dabas parkiem". 2. Ministru kabineta noteikumi Nr.60/1998 "Noteikumi par Engures ezera dabas parku". Noteikumi Nr.267"Grozij. MK Not.Nr.83" Latvijas Vestnesis :1.Nr.75/78,1999.2.Nr.51/52,1998.3.Nr.64,2004 MoE (Ministry of Environment) 25 Peldu str. LV-1494, Riga, Latvia 42 138387.2 None
Latvia LVA LV04 A Nature Monument Dabas piemineklis TRUE 1.Ministru kabineta noteikumi Nr.131/2001 "Noteikumi par aizsargajamiem dendrologiskiem stadijumiem." 2.Ministru kabineta noteikumi Nr.175/2001 "Noteikumi par aizsargajamiem geologiskajiem un geomorfologiskajiem dabas pieminekliem." 3.Ministru kabineta noteikumi Nr.888/2005 "Noteikumi par aizsargajamam alejam." 4.Ministru kabineta noteikumi Nr.888/2005 "Noteikumi par aizsargajamam alejam." ar grozijumiem MK 17.10.2006. not. nr.851 Latvijas Vestnesis : 1.Nr.48/2001. 2.Nr.63/2001. 3.Nr.196/2005. 4.Nr.167/2006 MoE (Ministry of Environment) 25 Peldu str. LV-1494, Riga, Latvia 355 5279.08 None
Latvia LVA LV05 A Nature Reserve Dabas liegums TRUE Ministru kabineta noteikumi Nr.212/1999 "Noteikumi par dabas liegumiem." Noteikumi Nr.266"Grozij. MK Not.Nr.212" 3.Grozijumi Nr.730,30.10.2007; 4. Grozijumi Nr.134,10.02.2009. Latvijas Vestnesis:1.Nr.200/207,1999.2.Nr.64(3012),23.04.2004;3.Nr.177,02.11.2007: 4. Nr.31(4017)25.02.2009 MoE (Ministry of Environment) 25 Peldu str. LV-1494, Riga, Latvia 260 232367.7 None
Latvia LVA LV06 A Protected Landscape Area Aizsargajamo ainavu apvidus TRUE Ministru kabineta noteikumi Nr.69/1999 "Noteikumi par aizsargajamo ainavu apvidiem." Noteikumi Nr.265 "Grozij. MK Not.Nr.69" Latvijas Vestnesis: 1.Nr. 57/59,1999.2.Nr.64,2004 MoE (Ministry of Environment) 25 Peldu str. LV-1494, Riga, Latvia 9 165387 None
Latvia LVA LV07 A Biosphere Reserve Biosferas rezervats TRUE LR Saeimas likums "Par Ziemelvidzemes biosferas rezervatu." 1997 Latvijas Vestnesis: Nr.342/346,1997. MoE (Ministry of Environment) 25 Peldu str. LV-1494, Riga, Latvia 1 475500 None
Latvia LVA LV08 A Micro-reserve Mikroliegums TRUE 1.Ministru kabineta noteikumi Nr.45/2001. "Mikroliegumu izveidošanas, aizsardzibas un apsaimniekošanas noteikumi." 2.Vides ministrijas 13.04.2004.rikojums Nr.102 Par Latvijas Natura 2000 – Eiropas nozimes aizsargajamo dabas teritoriju sarakstu Latvijas Vestnesis. 1.Nr.19 (2406) 02.02.2001. 2.Nr.66(3014) 28.04.2004 MoE (Ministry of Environment) 25 Peldu str. LV-1494, Riga, Latvia 24 1146.3 None
Latvia LVA LV09 A Protected Marine Area Aizsargajama juras teritorija TRUE Ministru kabineta noteikumi Nr.17/2010 "Noteikumi par aizsargājamām jūras teritorijām" Latvijas Vestnesis: 8 (4200), 15.01.2010. MoE (Ministry of Environment) 25 Peldu str. LV-1494, Riga, Latvia 7 436421 None
Latvia LVA LV99 None Others Others FALSE None None None 0 0 None
Montenegro MNE ME00 None No Protection Status No Protection Status FALSE None 0 0 None
Montenegro MNE ME01 None National Park Nacionalni Park or Narodni Park TRUE None None None 4 83900 None
Montenegro MNE ME02 None Regional Natural Park or Nature Park Regionalni Park Prirode, Krajinski Park, Regionalni Park FALSE None None None 0 0 None
Montenegro MNE ME03 None Natural Reserve or Nature Reserve Rezervat Prirode, Strogi, Naravni Reservat TRUE None None None 6 13060 None
Montenegro MNE ME04 None Natural Monument Spomenik Prirode, Naravni Spomenik TRUE None None None 22 6193 None
Montenegro MNE ME05 None Recreational Area Zasticeno Rekreaciono Podrucje TRUE None None None 1 5 None
Montenegro MNE ME06 None Sanctuary of Landscape or Recreational Importance Ostala Zasticena Podrucja Prirode (OZPP) or Karakteristicni Pejsazi FALSE None None None 0 0 None
Montenegro MNE ME07 None Memorial Monument Memorijalni Spomenik FALSE None None None 0 0 None
Montenegro MNE ME08 None Ornate Natural Monument or Horticultural Garden Spomenik Oblikovane Prirode or Hortikulturni Spomenik FALSE None None None 0 0 None
Montenegro MNE ME09 None Historical Sanctuary Historical Sanctuary FALSE None 0 0 None
Montenegro MNE ME10 None Landscape Park Landscape Park TRUE None 4 191 None
Montenegro MNE ME99 None Others Other FALSE None 0 0 None
Macedonia (FYR) MKD MK01 A Strict Natural Reserve Strog priroden rezervat TRUE Law on Nature Protection, Article 68 Official Gazette of R Macedonia No. 67/2004, 14/2006, 84/2007, 35/2010, 47/2011, 148/2011, 59/2012, 13/2013) Administration of Environment, Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning (MEPP) 1 23.2 None
Macedonia (FYR) MKD MK02 A National Park Nacionalen Park TRUE Law on Nature Protection, Article 72 Official Gazette of R Macedonia No. 67/2004, 14/2006, 84/2007, 35/2010, 47/2011, 148/2011, 59/2012, 13/2013) Administration of Environment, Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning (MEPP) 2 41460 None
Macedonia (FYR) MKD MK03 A Natural Monument Spomenik na prirodata TRUE Law on Nature Protection, Article 76 Official Gazette of R Macedonia No. 67/2004, 14/2006, 84/2007, 35/2010, 47/2011, 148/2011, 59/2012, 13/2013) Administration of Environment, Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning (MEPP) 8 27776 None
Macedonia (FYR) MKD MK04 A Nature Park Park na prirodata TRUE Law on Nature Protection, Article 79 Official Gazette of R Macedonia No. 67/2004, 14/2006, 84/2007, 35/2010, 47/2011, 148/2011, 59/2012, 13/2013) Administration of Environment, Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning (MEPP) 1 1916 None
Macedonia (FYR) MKD MK05 A Protected Landscape Zastiten predel FALSE Law on Nature Protection, Article 84 Official Gazette of R Macedonia No. 67/2004, 14/2006, 84/2007, 35/2010, 47/2011, 148/2011, 59/2012, 13/2013) Administration of Environment, Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning (MEPP) 0 0 None
Macedonia (FYR) MKD MK06 A Multipurpose Area Povekenamensko podracje FALSE Law on Nature Protection, Article 88 Official Gazette of R Macedonia No. 67/2004, 14/2006, 84/2007, 35/2010, 47/2011, 148/2011, 59/2012, 13/2013) Administration of Environment, Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning (MEPP) 0 0 None
Macedonia (FYR) MKD MK98 A Designated area not yet reviewed Zastiteni podracja koi seuste ne se revidirani TRUE Law on Natural Rarities Protection Official Gazette of SR Macedonia No. 41/1973 Administration of Environment, Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning (MEPP) 62 158799.49 Designation category is temporary during the process of revision of sites categorisation that should be done until 2015
Malta MLT MT00 None No Protection Status Mhux Protett FALSE None None None 0 0 No such sites in Malta
Malta MLT MT01 B Area of Ecological Importance Area ta' Importanza Ekologika TRUE Environment and Development Planning Act (Act X of 2010) refer to individual site records Malta Environment and Planning Authority, St. Francis Ravelin, Floriana, FRN 1230, Malta 22 2948.9 Designated by law specifically as AEI
Malta MLT MT02 B Area of Ecological Importance/Site of Scientific Importance Area ta' Importanza Ekologika/Sit ta' Importanza Xjentifika TRUE Environment and Development Planning Act (Act X of 2010) refer to individual site records Malta Environment and Planning Authority, St. Francis Ravelin, Floriana, FRN 1230, Malta 43 2573.69984 Designated by law specifically as AEI/SSI
Malta MLT MT03 A Bird Sanctuary Santwarju ta' l-Ghasafar TRUE Environment and Development Planning Act (Act X of 2010) refer to individual site records Malta Environment and Planning Authority, St. Francis Ravelin, Floriana, FRN 1230, Malta 26 1654.69994 Apart from site records included, this designation also includes within 50m of all cemetries in Malta and Gozo, as well as all public gardens in Malta and Gozo.
Malta MLT MT04 A Nature Reserve (Islands) Riserva Naturali (Gzejjer) TRUE Environment and Development Planning Act (Act X of 2010) refer to individual site records Malta Environment and Planning Authority, St. Francis Ravelin, Floriana, FRN 1230, Malta 2 11.29999 Designated by unique laws as Nature Reserve - islands have restricted access under EPA
Malta MLT MT05 A Nature Reserve (Filfla) Riserva Naturali (Filfla) TRUE Filfla Nature Reserve Act (Act XV of 1988, Chap 323, Art. 2,4,5) Government Gazzette 14974, 13th May 1998 Malta Environment and Planning Authority, St. Francis Ravelin, Floriana, FRN 1230, Malta 1 6.59999 Designated by unique law as Nature Reserve - island has restricted access under Filfla Act
Malta MLT MT06 A Tree Protection Area Zona ghall-Harsien tas-Sigar TRUE Environment and Development Planning Act (Act X of 2010) refer to individual site records Malta Environment and Planning Authority, St. Francis Ravelin, Floriana, FRN 1230, Malta 29 532.5 Designated by unique law as Tree Protection Area
Malta MLT MT07 B Site of Scientific Importance Sit ta' Importanza Xjentifika TRUE Environment and Development Planning Act (Act X of 2010) refer to individual site records Malta Environment and Planning Authority, St. Francis Ravelin, Floriana, FRN 1230, Malta 9 27.99999 Designated by law specifically as SSI
Malta MLT MT08 B List of Historical Trees Having an Antiquarian Importance List of Historical Trees Having an Antiquarian Importance TRUE Antiquities Protection Act (Act XI of 1925, Chapter 54, Art. 6) refer to individual site records Museums Department, Auberge de Provence, Valletta CMR 02, Malta 6 16 Repealed by the Cultural Heritage Act (Act VI of 2002, Chap 445, Art. 56) However, Article 56 states that "Any regulations made under the Antiquities (Protection) Act, repealed by this Act, shall continue in force and have effect as if made under this Act, and may be amended or repealed accordingly, and the provisions of this Act shall apply to any contravention of such regulations as if they were made under this Act."
Malta MLT MT09 B No Berthing Zone/No Entry Zone except for Fisheries Zona Projbita TRUE N/A refer to individual site records Malta Maritime Authority, Maritime House, Lascaris Wharf, Marina Pinto, Valletta VLT 01, Malta 1 1306.5 None
Malta MLT MT10 A Special Areas of Conservation - National Importance Zoni Specjali ta' Konservazzjoni - Importanza Nazzjonali TRUE Environment and Development Planning Act (Act X of 2010) refer to individual site records Malta Environment and Planning Authority, St. Francis Ravelin, Floriana, FRN 1230, Malta 7 77.39997 Nationally designated by law as SAC
Malta MLT MT11 A Special Areas of Conservation - International Importance Zoni Specjali ta' Konservazzjoni - Importanza Internazzjonali TRUE Environment and Development Planning Act (Act X of 2010) refer to individual site records Malta Environment and Planning Authority, St. Francis Ravelin, Floriana, FRN 1230, Malta 32 23195.29993 Nationally designated by law as SAC
Malta MLT MT12 B Protected Beaches Xtajtiet Protetti TRUE Environment and Development Planning Act (Act X of 2010) refer to individual site records Malta Environment and Planning Authority, St. Francis Ravelin, Floriana, FRN 1230, Malta 11 31.39998 Nationally designated as Protected Beaches; Apart from site records included, this designation also covers all beaches and other swimming areas that fall within 200m from any town or village, or other inhabited area, or within a distance of 50m from main or arterial roads.
Malta MLT MT13 A Special Protection Areas Zoni ta' Harsien Specjali TRUE Environment and Development Planning Act (Act X of 2010) refer to individual site records Malta Environment and Planning Authority, St. Francis Ravelin, Floriana, FRN 1230, Malta 13 1653.46791 Nationally designated as SPA
Malta MLT MT99 None Others Ohrajn FALSE None None None 0 0 No such sites in Malta
Netherlands NLD NL00 None No Protection Status Geen beschermingsstatus FALSE None 0 0 None
Netherlands NLD NL01 A Nature Conservation Act Natuurbeschermingswet TRUE NB-wet Staatscourant 01/10/05 Ministry ELI/DLG 216 1098327.0422 None
Netherlands NLD NL21 C Nature Reserves owned by professional nature management organizations Natuurreservaten in eigendom van terreinbeheerders TRUE not applicable not applicable Ministry ELI/DLG 67 491335.19674 (O)DESIGNATE: name change
Netherlands NLD NL22 C National Park Nationaal Park TRUE not applicable not applicable Ministry ELI/DLG 20 135367.91137 NL92-site Wieden (sitecode 341978) merged with Weerribben to Weerribben-Wieden (sitecode 331642)
Netherlands NLD NL92 C National Park to be established Nationaal Park in Oprichting FALSE not applicable not applicable Ministry ELI/DLG 0 0 merged with NL22-site (Weerribben sitecode 331642) to Weerribben-Wieden
Netherlands NLD NL99 None Others Andere FALSE None None None 0 0 None
Norway NOR NO01 A National Park Nasjonalpark TRUE Nature Diversity Act - § 35 Directorate for Nature Management, N-7485 Norway 36 3172176.19085 None
Norway NOR NO02 A Protected Landscape Landskapsvernområde TRUE Nature Diversity Actt - § 36 Directorate for Nature Management, N-7485 Norway 201 1851527.97783 For around 50 of these sites there is an additional protection. Either whole or part of the area also has a legal protection from NO13, NO15 or NO 16. These are given IUCNCAT "IV" instead of "V"
Norway NOR NO03 A Nature Reserve Naturreservat TRUE Nature Diversity Act - § 37 Directorate for Nature Management, N-7485 Norway 2056 1147983.3352 None
Norway NOR NO04 A Wildlife Conservation Area (Nature Diversity Act) Biotopvern (naturmangfoldloven) TRUE Nature Diversity Act - § 38 5 22.47915 None
Norway NOR NO11 A Natural Monument Naturminne TRUE Nature Conservation Act - § 11 Directorate for Nature Management, N-7485 Norway 259 160.29985 None
Norway NOR NO13 A Botanical Protection of Species Plantelivsfredning TRUE Nature Conservation Act - § 13 Directorate for Nature Management, N-7485 Norway 5 2889.70003 Includes many areas protected by former Nature Conservation Acts (before 1970)
Norway NOR NO15 A Zoological Protection of Species Dyrelivsfredning TRUE Nature Conservation Act - § 14 Directorate for Nature Management, N-7485 Norway 36 97806.60035 Includes many areas protected by former Nature Conservation Acts (before 1970)
Norway NOR NO16 A Botanical/Zoological Protection of Species Botanisk/Zoologisk artsfredning TRUE Nature Conservation Act - §§ 13,14 Directorate for Nature Management, N-7485 Norway 1 261.79998 Includes many areas protected by former Nature Conservation Acts (before 1970)
Norway NOR NO17 A Wildlife Conservation Area Dyrefredningsområde TRUE Nature Conservation Act - § 9 + § 14 Directorate for Nature Management, N-7485 Norway 125 33374.19041 None
Norway NOR NO19 A Botanical Conservation Area Plantefredningsområde TRUE Nature Conservation Act - § 9 + § 13 Directorate for Nature Management, N-7485 Norway 26 714.89992 None
Norway NOR NO21 A Wildlife/Botanical Conservation Area Dyrefrednings-/Plantefredningsområde TRUE Nature Conservation Act - § 9 + §§ 13,14 Directorate for Nature Management, N-7485 Norway 9 6161.49996 None
Norway NOR NO22 B Areas or Trees Protected by the local Government Administrativt fredete områder eller trær TRUE Severak acts Several references Several agencies 45 0 Update is not available. For details: see letter from Norway 2009 Management find it unclear how and to what extent these regimes contribute to fauna, flora and habitat conservation. There is no public information about the boundary data, neither for the "sites" (nr. 2) or the "zones" (nr. 1). This makes it very difficult to report anything useful for these sites. This subject is nevertheless on the agenda when we discuss biodiversity matters with our colleagues in the sector of forest and agriculture. We suggest that EEA investigate this subject with the international institutions
Norway NOR NO23 A Wildlife Conservation Area Biotopvern etter viltloven TRUE Wildlife Act - § 7 Directorate for Nature Management, N-7485 Norway 51 30226.28938 None
Norway NOR NO31 A National Park (Svalbard) Nasjonalpark (Svalbard) TRUE Svalbard Environmental Act - § 16 Directorate for Nature Management, N-7485 Norway 7 3434681 None
Norway NOR NO33 A Nature Reserve (Svalbard) Naturreservater (Svalbard) TRUE Svalbard Environmental Act - § 17 Directorate for Nature Management, N-7485 Norway 21 8351696.00003 None
Norway NOR NO34 A Protected Geotope (Svalbard) Geotopvernområde (Svalbard) TRUE Svalbard Environmental Act - § 18 Directorate for Nature Management, N-7485 Norway 1 1658 None
Norway NOR NO39 A Protected Biotope (Svalbard) Biotopvernområde (Svalbard) FALSE Svalbard Environmental Act - § 18 Directorate for Nature Management, N-7485 Norway 0 0 The designation type is not present yet (2009). But it is still a legal designation according to the Svalbard act, and should therefore be kept in the database.
Norway NOR NO43 A Nature Reserve (Antarctic) Naturreservat (Antarktis) TRUE Bouvet-Island, Peter I's Island og Dronning Maud Land Act - § 2 Directorate for Nature Management, N-7485 Norway 1 5800 The designation is also regulated by the Antarctic Treaty (
Norway NOR NO99 A Temporary Protected Area Midlertidig vern TRUE Nature Diversity Act - § 45 Directorate for Nature Management, N-7485 Norway 1 56.79999 The field "CDDA sites" is changed form "no" (0) to "yes" (-1)
Poland POL PL00 None No Protection Status obszar nie chroniony FALSE None 0 0 None
Poland POL PL01 A National Park Park Narodowy TRUE Minister of Environment Official Journal 23 303730.12907 None
Poland POL PL02 A Nature Reserve Rezerwat Przyrody TRUE Minister of Environment None 1509 188911.53206 None
Poland POL PL03 A Landscape Park Park Krajobrazowy TRUE Administrator of a province None 120 2542578.67639 None
Poland POL PL04 A Protected Landscape Area Obszar Chronionego Krajobrazu TRUE Administrator of a province None 298 6151296.63514 None
Poland POL PL05 A Nature Monument Pomnik Przyrody TRUE Administrator of a province or The group of villages council None None 234 0 None
Poland POL PL06 A Documentativ Locality Stanowiska Dokumentacyjne FALSE Administrator of a province or The group of villages council None None 0 0 None
Poland POL PL07 A Area of Ecological Use Uzytki Ekologiczne FALSE Administrator of a province or The group of villages council None None 0 0 None
Poland POL PL08 A Natural and Landscape Complex Zespoly Przyrodniczo-Krajobrazowe FALSE Administrator of a province or The group of villages council None None 0 0 None
Poland POL PL09 C Privat Reserve Privat Reserve FALSE None None None 0 0 None
Poland POL PL99 None Others Others FALSE None None None 0 0 None
Portugal PRT PT00 None No Protection Status Sem estatuto de protecção FALSE None None None 0 0 Designação que não cria sites e cuja área é difícil de estimar
Portugal PRT PT01 A Integral Reserve Reserva Integral FALSE Decreto-Lei nº 142/2008 (Artigo 22º, Nº1, Alínea a), Diário da República - I Série, nº 142 de 24 de Julho de 2008, p 4603 Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e da Biodiversidade, 0 0 Actualização dos campos "Law" e "Agency"; Designação que dá origem a sites, mas cuja informação não se encontra organizada
Portugal PRT PT03 A Botanical Reserve Reserva Botânica TRUE Lei nº9/70 de 19 de Junho (Base IV, Nº 3, Alínea a), revogada pelo Decreto-Lei nº 613/76 (Artº 2º, Nº 2), Diário do Governo - I Série, nº141 de 19 de Junho, p 802, Diário da República - I Série, nº 174 de 27 de Julho de 1976, p 1703 Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e da Biodiversidade, 1 378.69741 Apesar desta designação ter sido revogada, existe um site com esta designação, pelo que a voltámos a inserir nesta tabela
Portugal PRT PT06 A National Park Parque Nacional TRUE Decreto-Lei nº 142/2008 (Artigo 11º, Nº 2, Alínea a)), Diário da República - I Série, nº 142 de 24 de Julho de 2008, p 4601 Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e da Biodiversidade, 1 69592.5 Actualização dos campos "Law" e "Agency"
Portugal PRT PT07 A Nature Reserve Reserva Natural TRUE Decreto-Lei nº 142/2008 (Artigo 11º, Nº 2, Alínea c)),, Decreto Legislativo Regional nº 15/2007/A (Artigo 12º), Diário da República - I Série, nº 142 de 24 de Julho de 2008, p 4601 e Diário da República - I Série, nº 120 de 25 de Junho de 2007, p 4037 Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e da Biodiversidade, 36 631388.64531 Actualização dos campos "Law", "Lawreference" e "Agency"
Portugal PRT PT08 A Nature Park Parque Natural TRUE Decreto-Lei nº 142/2008 (Artigo 11º, Nº 2, Alínea b)), Diário da República - I Série, nº 142 de 24 de Julho de 2008, p 4601 Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e da Biodiversidade, 14 640828.06537 Actualização dos campos "Law" e "Agency"
Portugal PRT PT09 A Natural Monument Monumento Natural TRUE Decreto-Lei nº 142/2008 (Artigo 11º, Nº 2, Alínea e)),, Decreto Legislativo Regional nº 15/2007/A (Artigo 13º), Diário da República - I Série, nº 142 de 24 de Julho de 2008, p 4601 e Diário da República - I Série, nº 120 de 25 de Junho de 2007, p 4037 Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e da Biodiversidade, 17 1890.54339 Actualização dos campos "Law", "Lawreference" e "Agency"
Portugal PRT PT11 A Protected Landscape Paisagem Protegida TRUE Decreto-Lei nº 142/2008 (Artigo 11º, Nº 2, Alínea d)),, Decreto Legislativo Regional nº 15/2007/A (Artigo 15º), Diário da República - I Série, nº 142 de 24 de Julho de 2008, p 4601 e Diário da República - I Série, nº 120 de 25 de Junho de 2007, p 4038 Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e da Biodiversidade, 22 39243.40784 Actualização dos campos "Law", "Lawreference" e "Agency"
Portugal PRT PT12 A Leisure and Mountain Reserve Reserva de Recreio e Montanha TRUE Decreto Regional nº 14/82/M (Artigo 3º), Diário da República - I Série, nº 260 de 10 de Novembro de 1982, p 3770 Serviço do Parque Natural da Madeira, 9 210 Correcção do campo "DESIGNATE" e actualização dos campos "Law" e "Agency"
Portugal PRT PT13 A Geological and High Altitude Vegetation Reserve Reserva Geológica e de Vegetação de Altitude TRUE Decreto Regional nº 14/82/M (Artigo 3º), Diário da República - I Série, nº 260 de 10 de Novembro de 1982, p 3770 Serviço do Parque Natural da Madeira, 1 4204 Correcção dos campos "ODESIGNATE" e "DESIGNATE" e actualização dos campos "Law" e "Agency"
Portugal PRT PT14 A Silence and Tranquility Area Zona de Repouso e Silêncio TRUE Decreto Regional nº 14/82/M (Artigo 3º), Diário da República - I Série, nº 260 de 10 de Novembro de 1982, p 3770 Serviço do Parque Natural da Madeira, 4 313 Actualização dos campos "Law" e "Agency"
Portugal PRT PT15 A Habitats or Species Management Protected Area Área Protegida para a Gestão de Habitats ou Espécies TRUE Decreto Legislativo Regional nº 15/2007/A (Artigo 14º), Diário da República - I Série, nº 120 de 25 de Junho de 2007, p 4037 Secretaria Regional do Ambiente e do Mar, 53 10650881.53486 Actualização dos campos "Law" e "Agency"
Portugal PRT PT16 A Resource Management Protected Area Área Protegida de Gestão de Recursos TRUE Decreto Legislativo Regional nº 15/2007/A (Artigo 16º), Diário da República - I Série, nº 120 de 25 de Junho de 2007, p 4038 Secretaria Regional do Ambiente e do Mar, 31 107422.98924 Actualização dos campos "Law" e "Agency"
Portugal PRT PT17 A Microreserve Microreserva FALSE Decreto-Lei nº 142/2008 (Artigo 22º, Nº 1, Alínea b)), Diário da República - I Série, nº 142 de 24 de Julho de 2008, p 4603 Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e da Biodiversidade, 0 0 Actualização dos campos "DESIGNATE", "Law" e "Agency"; Designação que dá origem a sites, mas cuja informação não se encontra organizada
Portugal PRT PT18 A Marine Reserve Reserva Marinha FALSE Decreto-Lei nº 142/2008 (Artigo 22º, Nº 3, Alínea a)), Diário da República - I Série, nº 142 de 24 de Julho de 2008, p 4603 Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e da Biodiversidade, 0 0 Actualização dos campos "DESIGNATE", "Law" e "Agency"; Designação que dá origem a sites, mas cuja informação não se encontra organizada
Portugal PRT PT19 A Marine Park Parque Marinho FALSE Decreto-Lei nº 142/2008 (Artigo 22º, Nº 3, Alínea b)), Diário da República - I Série, nº 142 de 24 de Julho de 2008, p 4603 Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e da Biodiversidade, 0 0 Actualização dos campos "DESIGNATE", "Law" e "Agency"; Designação que dá origem a sites, mas cuja informação não se encontra organizada
Portugal PRT PT21 B National Ecological Reserve Reserva Ecólogica Nacional FALSE Decreto-Lei nº 166/2008 (Artigo 1º), Diário da República - I Série, nº 162 de 22 de Agosto de 2008, p 5866 Direcção-Geral de Ordenamento do Território e Desenvolvimento Urbano, 0 0 Actualização dos campos "Law" e "Agency"; Designação da responsabilidade da DGOTDU que não cria sites e cuja área é difícil de estimar
Portugal PRT PT22 B Public Hydrological Territory Domínio Público Hídrico FALSE Lei nº 54/2005 (Artigo 2º), Diário da República - I Série-A, nº 219 de 15 de Novembro de 2005, p 6520 Instituto da Água, 0 0 Actualização dos campos "Law" e "Agency"; Designação da responsabilidade do INAG que não cria sites e cuja área é difícil de estimar
Portugal PRT PT23 B National Agricultural Reserve Reserva Agrícola Nacional FALSE Decreto-Lei nº 73/2009 (Artigo 1º), Diário da República - I Série, nº 63 de 31 de Março de 2009, p 1988 Direcção-Geral da Agricultura e do Desenvolvimento Rural, 0 0 Actualização dos campos "Law" e "Agency"; Designação da responsabilidade da DGADR que não cria sites e cuja área é difícil de estimar
Portugal PRT PT24 B National Woodland Mata Nacional TRUE Decreto de 24 Dezembro de 1901 Diário do Governo nº 296 de 31 de Dezembro de 1901 Autoridade Florestal Nacional, 7 6787.71235 Actualização dos campos "DESIGNATE" e "Agency"
Portugal PRT PT28 B Hunting Prohibited Area Área de Protecção (de Caça) FALSE Lei nº 173/99 (Artigo 2º) e Decreto-Lei nº 202/2004 (Artigos 2º, 52º e 53º) com a última redação dada pelo Decreto-Lei nº 2/2011 (Artigo 2º, Alínea c)) que o republica, Diário da República - I Série-A, nº 221 de 21 de Setembro de 1999, Diário da República - I Série-A, nº 194 de 18 de Agosto de 2004 e Diário da República - I Série, nº 4 de 6 de Janeiro de 2011 Autoridade Florestal Nacional, 0 0 Actualização dos campos "ODESIGNATE", "Law", "Lawreference" e "Agency"; Designação da responsabilidade da AFN que não cria sites e cuja área é difícil de estimar
Portugal PRT PT29 B Hunting Reserve Área de Refúgio de Caça FALSE Lei nº 173/99 (Artigo 7º) e Decreto-Lei nº 202/2004 (Artigos 2º, 52º e 54º) com a última redação dada pelo Decreto-Lei nº 2/2011 (Artigo 2º, Alínea d)) que o republica, Diário da República - I Série-A, nº 221 de 21 de Setembro de 1999, Diário da República - I Série-A, nº 194 de 18 de Agosto de 2004 e Diário da República - I Série, nº 4 de 6 de Janeiro de 2011 Autoridade Florestal Nacional, 0 0 Actualização dos campos "ODESIGNATE", "Law", "Lawreference" e "Agency"; designação que cria sites mas cuja informação é da responsabilidade da AFN, pelo que não existem sites inscritos na respectiva tabela
Portugal PRT PT30 B National Hunting Zone Zona de Caça Nacional FALSE Lei nº 173/99 (Artigo 14º) e Decreto-Lei nº 202/2004 (Artigo 9º) com a última redação dada pelo Decreto-Lei nº 2/2011 (Artigo 9º, Nº 1, Alínea a)) que o republica, Diário da República - I Série-A, nº 221 de 21 de Setembro de 1999, Diário da República - I Série-A, nº 194 de 18 de Agosto de 2004 e Diário da República - I Série, nº 4 de 6 de Janeiro de 2011 Autoridade Florestal Nacional, 0 0 Actualização dos campos "Law", "Lawreference" e "Agency"; Designação da responsabilidade da AFN que não cria sites e cuja área é difícil de estimar
Portugal PRT PT31 B Fishing Prohibited Area Zona de Protecção (de Pesca) FALSE Lei nº 7/2008 (Artigos 9º e 20º, Nº 5), Diário da República - I Série, nº 33 de 15 de Fevereiro de 2008, p 1026 Autoridade Florestal Nacional, 0 0 Actualização dos campos "DESIGNATE", "Law" e "Agency"; Designação da responsabilidade da AFN que não cria sites e cuja área é difícil de estimar
Portugal PRT PT37 B Professional Fishing Zone Zona de Pesca Profissional FALSE Lei nº 7/2008 (Artigo 20º, Nº 4), Diário da República - I Série, nº 33 de 15 de Fevereiro de 2008, p 1027 Autoridade Florestal Nacional, 0 0 Actualização dos campos "Law" e "Agency"; Designação da responsabilidade da AFN que não cria sites e cuja área é difícil de estimar
Portugal PRT PT38 B Recreational Fishing Zone Zona de Pesca Lúdica FALSE Lei nº 7/2008 (Artigo 20º, Nº 3), Diário da República - I Série, nº 33 de 15 de Fevereiro de 2008, p 1027 Autoridade Florestal Nacional, 0 0 Actualização dos campos "ODESIGNATE", "Law" e "Agency"; Designação da responsabilidade da AFN que não cria sites e cuja área é difícil de estimar
Portugal PRT PT42 C Private Protected Area Área Protegida Privada TRUE Decreto-Lei nº 142/2008 (Artigo 11º, Nº 6 e Artigo 21º), Diário da República - I Série, nº 142, 24 de Julho de 2008, p 4601 Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e da Biodiversidade, 1 214.66554 Actualização dos campos "Law" e "Agency";
Portugal PRT PT43 B Hunting Prohibited Area Zona Interdita à Caça FALSE Lei nº 173/99 (Artigo 39º) e Decreto-Lei nº 202/2004 (Artigos 2º, 52º e 119º) com a última redação dada pelo Decreto-Lei nº 2/2011 (Artigos 2º, 52º e 119º) que o republica, Diário da República - I Série-A, nº 221 de 21 de Setembro de 1999, Diário da República - I Série-A, nº 194 de 18 de Agosto de 2004 e Diário da República - I Série, nº 4 de 6 de Janeiro de 2011 Autoridade Florestal Nacional, 0 0 Actualização dos campos "ODESIGNATE", "Law", "Lawreference" e "Agency"; Designação da responsabilidade da AFN que não cria sites e cuja área é difícil de estimar
Portugal PRT PT44 A Integral Natural Reserve Reserva Natural Integral TRUE Decreto-Regional nº 14/82/M (Artigo 3º), Diário da República - I Série, nº 260 de 10 de Novembro de 1982, p 3770 Serviço do Parque Natural da Madeira, 6 2265 Actualização do campo "DESIGNATE", "Law" e "Agency"
Portugal PRT PT45 A Partial Reserve Reserva Parcial TRUE Decreto-Regional nº 14/82/M (Artigo 3º), Diário da República - I Série, nº 260 de 10 de Novembro de 1982, p 3770 Serviço do Parque Natural da Madeira, 9 5731 Actualização do campo "DESIGNATE", "Law" e "Agency"
Portugal PRT PT46 A Protected Landscape Paisagem Protegida TRUE Decreto-Regional nº 14/82/M (Artigo 3º), Diário da República - I Série, nº 260 de 10 de Novembro de 1982, p 3770 Serviço do Parque Natural da Madeira, 5 4058 Actualização do campo "DESIGNATE", "Law" e "Agency"
Portugal PRT PT50 B Forest Perimeter Perímetro Florestal FALSE Decreto de 24 Dezembro de 1901 Diário do Governo nº 296 de 31 de Dezembro de 1901 Autoridade Florestal Nacional, 0 0 Actualização do campo "Agency"; Designação da responsabilidade da AFN que não cria sites e cuja área é difícil de estimar
Portugal PRT PT53 B Municipal Hunting Zone Zona de Caça Municipal FALSE Lei nº 173/99 (Artigo 14º) e Decreto-Lei nº 202/2004 (Artigo 9º) com a última redação dada pelo Decreto-Lei nº 2/2011 (Artigo 9º, Nº 1, Alínea b)) que o republica, Diário da República - I Série-A, nº 221 de 21 de Setembro de 1999, Diário da República - I Série-A, nº 194 de 18 de Agosto de 2004 e Diário da República - I Série, nº 4 de 6 de Janeiro de 2011 Autoridade Florestal Nacional, 0 0 Actualização dos campos "Law", "Lawreference" e "Agency"; Designação da responsabilidade da AFN que não cria sites e cuja área é difícil de estimar
Portugal PRT PT54 B Touristic Hunting Zone Zona de Caça Turística FALSE Lei nº 173/99 (Artigo 14º) e Decreto-Lei nº 202/2004 (Artigo 9º) com a última redação dada pelo Decreto-Lei nº 2/2011 (Artigo 9º, Nº 1, Alínea c)) que o republica, Diário da República - I Série-A, nº 221 de 21 de Setembro de 1999, Diário da República - I Série-A, nº 194 de 18 de Agosto de 2004 e Diário da República - I Série, nº 4 de 6 de Janeiro de 2011 Autoridade Florestal Nacional, 0 0 Actualização dos campos "Law", "Lawreference" e "Agency"; Designação da responsabilidade da AFN que não cria sites e cuja área é difícil de estimar
Portugal PRT PT55 B Corporate Hunting Zone Zona de Caça Associativa FALSE Lei nº 173/99 (Artigo 14º) e Decreto-Lei nº 202/2004 (Artigo 9º) com a última redação dada pelo Decreto-Lei nº 2/2011 (Artigo 9º, Nº 1, Alínea d)) que o republica, Diário da República - I Série-A, nº 221 de 21 de Setembro de 1999, Diário da República - I Série-A, nº 194 de 18 de Agosto de 2004 e Diário da República - I Série, nº 4 de 6 de Janeiro de 2011 Autoridade Florestal Nacional, 0 0 Actualização dos campos "Law", "Lawreference" e "Agency"; Designação da responsabilidade da AFN que não cria sites e cuja área é difícil de estimar
Portugal PRT PT56 B No Hunting Area Área de Direito à Não Caça FALSE Lei nº 173/99 (Artigo 2º) e Decreto-Lei nº 202/2004 (Artigo 57º) com a última redação dada pelo Decreto-Lei nº 2/2011 (Artigo 57º) que o republica, Diário da República - I Série-A, nº 221 de 21 de Setembro de 1999, Diário da República - I Série-A, nº 194 de 18 de Agosto de 2004 e Diário da República - I Série-A, nº 226 de 24 de Novembro de 2005 Autoridade Florestal Nacional, 0 0 Actualização dos campos "Law", "Lawreference" e "Agency"; Designação da responsabilidade da AFN que não cria sites e cuja área é difícil de estimar
Portugal PRT PT57 A Regional Protected Landscape Paisagem Protegida Regional TRUE Decreto-Lei nº 142/2008 (Artigo 11º, Nº 4), Diário da República - I Série, nº 142 de 24 de Julho de 2008, p 4601 Municípios ou Associações de Municípios 1 379.61044 Actualização do campo "DESIGNATE", "Law" e "Agency"
Portugal PRT PT58 A Regional Natural Monument Monumento Natural Regional FALSE Decreto-Lei nº 142/2008 (Artigo 11º, Nº 4), Diário da República - I Série, nº 142 de 24 de Julho de 2008, p 4601 Municípios ou Associações de Municípios 0 0 Actualização do campo "DESIGNATE", "Law" e "Agency"; designação que dá origem a sites mas ainda não foi criado nenhum
Portugal PRT PT59 A Regional Natural Park Parque Natural Regional FALSE Decreto-Lei nº 142/2008 (Artigo 11º, Nº 4), Diário da República - I Série, nº 142 de 24 de Julho de 2008, p 4601 Municípios ou Associações de Municípios 0 0 Actualização do campo "DESIGNATE", "Law" e "Agency"; designação que dá origem a sites mas ainda não foi criado nenhum
Portugal PRT PT60 A Regional Nature Reserve Reserva Natural Regional FALSE Decreto-Lei nº 142/2008 (Artigo 11º, Nº 4), Diário da República - I Série, nº 142 de 24 de Julho de 2008, p 4601 Municípios ou Associações de Municípios 0 0 Actualização do campo "DESIGNATE", "Law" e "Agency"; designação que dá origem a sites mas ainda não foi criado nenhum
Portugal PRT PT61 A Local Protected Landscape Paisagem Protegida Local TRUE Decreto-Lei nº 142/2008 (Artigo 11º, Nº 4), Diário da República - I Série, nº 142 de 24 de Julho de 2008, p 4601 Municípios ou Associações de Municípios 4 2212.39994 Actualização do campo "DESIGNATE", "Law" e "Agency"
Portugal PRT PT62 A Local Natural Monument Monumento Natural Local FALSE Decreto-Lei nº 142/2008 (Artigo 11º, Nº 4), Diário da República - I Série, nº 142 de 24 de Julho de 2008, p 4601 Municípios ou Associações de Municípios 0 0 Actualização do campo "DESIGNATE", "Law" e "Agency"; designação que dá origem a sites mas ainda não foi criado nenhum
Portugal PRT PT63 A Local Natural Park Parque Natural Local FALSE Decreto-Lei nº 142/2008 (Artigo 11º, Nº 4), Diário da República - I Série, nº 142 de 24 de Julho de 2008, p 4601 Municípios ou Associações de Municípios 0 0 Actualização do campo "DESIGNATE", "Law" e "Agency"; designação que dá origem a sites mas ainda não foi criado nenhum
Portugal PRT PT64 A Local Nature Reserve Reserva Natural Local FALSE Decreto-Lei nº 142/2008 (Artigo 11º, Nº 4), Diário da República - I Série, nº 142 de 24 de Julho de 2008, p 4601 Municípios ou Associações de Municípios 0 0 Actualização do campo "DESIGNATE", "Law" e "Agency"; designação que dá origem a sites mas ainda não foi criado nenhum
Portugal PRT PT65 A Partial Nature Reserve Reserva Natural Parcial TRUE Decreto-Lei nº 613/76 (Artigo 2º, Nº 2) Diário da República - I Série, nº 174 de 27 de Julho de 1976, p 1702 Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e da Biodiversidade, 1 375 Apesar desta designação ter sido revogada, existe um site com esta designação, pelo que a inserimos nesta tabela
Portugal PRT PT99 A Other Outra TRUE None None None 1 2655 Actualização dos campos "ODESIGNATE" e "CDDA_sites"; existe um site que não tem uma designação criada formalmente e que se encontrava anteriormente inscrito como PT10, situação que foi agora corrigida
Romania ROU RO00 None Unprotected area Zona fara regim de protectie FALSE - None None 0 0 None
Romania ROU RO01 A Scientific reserve Rezervatie stiintifica TRUE Emergency Gouvernamental Ordinance no. 57/2007 with subsequent changes and addition of Law 49/2011 Official Journal no. 262/13.04.2011 /29.06.2007 Ministery of Environment and Climate Changes, Bulevardul Libertatii no. 12, Bucharest, Romania 59 117493.84916 Statistical yearbook 2010 used the data belong 2009 year; the number from number_reference represented only the areas designated as IV categories IUCN
Romania ROU RO02 A National park Parc national TRUE Emergency Gouvernamental Ordinance no. 57/2007 with subsequent changes and addition of Law 49/2011 Official Journal no. 262/13.04.2011 Ministery of Environment and Climate Changes, Bulevardul Libertatii no. 12, Bucharest, Romania 13 319495.13551 None
Romania ROU RO03 A Natural monument Monument al naturii TRUE Emergency Gouvernamental Ordinance no. 57/2007 with subsequent changes and addition of Law 49/2011 Official Journal no. 262/13.04.2011 Ministery of Environment and Climate Changes, Bulevardul Libertatii no. 12, Bucharest, Romania 230 8463.56313 None
Romania ROU RO04 A Nature reserve Rezervatie naturala TRUE Emergency Gouvernamental Ordinance no. 57/2007 with subsequent changes and addition of Law 49/2011 Official Journal no. 262/13.04.2011 Ministery of Environment and Climate Changes, Bulevardul Libertatii no. 12, Bucharest, Romania 633 238291.5311 the value between Number and Number_ reference fields are different because the statistical yearbook contents only areas designated as IUCN categories: value of RO04 from Number reference = (value RO04 from Number field plus value RO07 from Number field) minus site with Site_Code 349838 which is proposed "to be deleted"
Romania ROU RO05 A Natural park Parc natural TRUE Emergency Gouvernamental Ordinance no. 57/2007 with subsequent changes and addition of Law 49/2011 Official Journal no. 262/13.04.2011 Ministery of Environment and Climate Changes, Bulevardul Libertatii no. 12, Bucharest, Romania 15 772803.45312 None
Romania ROU RO07 A Special Protected Area Arie de Protectie Speciala Avifaunistica TRUE Emergency Gouvernamental Ordinance no. 57/2007 with subsequent changes and addition of Law 49/2011 Official Journal no. 262/13.04.2011 Ministery of Environment and Climate Changes, Bulevardul Libertatii no. 12, Bucharest, Romania 27 23137.74484 these areas are filled in sites table in IUCN field as "IV" category at national level
Romania ROU RO08 A Biosphere Reserve Rezervatie a Biosferei TRUE Emergency Gouvernamental Ordinance no. 57/2007 with subsequent changes and addition of Law 49/2011 Official Journal no. 262/13.04.2011 Ministery of Environment and Climate Changes, Bulevardul Libertatii no. 12, Bucharest, Romania 1 578848.1875 only Delta Dunarii site was filled as RO08 in DESIG_ABBR field in sites table, but in Romania there are two more Biosphere Reserve: Retezat with site_code 861 and Rodna with site_code 11171 which are also national parks .
Serbia SRB RS00 None No Protection Status Bez zastite FALSE None 0 0 None
Serbia SRB RS01 A National Park Nacionalni park TRUE Law on Nature Conservation (article 27) Official Gazete of RS 88/2010 Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia 5 159000 None
Serbia SRB RS02 A Nature Reserve Rezervat prirode TRUE Law on Nature Conservation (article 27) Official Gazete of RS 88/2010 Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia 65 93401 Updated Total Area, Updated Numaber of Areas
Serbia SRB RS03 A Natural Monument Spomenik prirode TRUE Law on Nature Conservation (article 27) Official Gazete of RS 88/2010 Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia 108 8686 Updated Total Area, Updated Number of Areas, areas without Size also included
Serbia SRB RS04 A Landscape of Outstanding Qualities Predeli izuzetnih odlika TRUE Law on Nature Conservation (article 27) Official Gazete of RS 88/2010 Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia 16 45645 Updated Total Area
Serbia SRB RS05 A Area of Cultural and Historical Importance Podrucje od kulturnog i istorijskog znacaja TRUE Law on Nature Conservation (article 27) Official Gazete of RS 88/2010 Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia 36 3869 None
Serbia SRB RS06 A Nature Park Park prirode TRUE Law on Nature Conservation (article 27) Official Gazete of RS 88/2010 Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia 12 212780 None
Serbia SRB RS07 A Regional Nature Park Regionalni park prirode TRUE Law on Nature Conservation (article 27) Official Gazete of RS 88/2010 Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia 4 4487 Updated Total Area, Updated Numaber of Areas
Serbia SRB RS10 A Protected Habitat Zasticeno staniste TRUE Law on Nature Conservation (article 27) Official Gazete of RS 88/2010 Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia 1 168 New Designation
Serbia SRB RS99 None Others Ostalo FALSE None 0 0 None
Sweden SWE SE01 A National Park Nationalpark TRUE Swedish Environmental Code 7:2 SFS 1998:808 Parliament 29 739448.72671 None
Sweden SWE SE02 A Nature Reserve Naturreservat TRUE Swedish Environmental Code 7:4 SFS 1998:808 County Administrative Board and Local Authorities 3913 4420932.06032 None
Sweden SWE SE03 A Nature Conservation Area Naturvårdsområde TRUE Swedish Environmental Code 7:4 SFS 1998:808 County Administrative Board 92 107223.38522 None
Sweden SWE SE04 A Habitat Protection Area Biotopskyddsområde TRUE Swedish Environmental Code 7:11 SFS 1998:808 County Administrative Board and Regional Board of Forestry 6890 23634.80765 Habitat Protection Areas, forests
Sweden SWE SE06 A Wildlife and Plant Sanctuary Djur- och växtskyddsområde TRUE Swedish Environmental Code 7:12 SFS 1998:808 County Administrative Board and Local Authorities 929 342429.77097 None
Sweden SWE SE98 A Natural Monument Naturminne TRUE Swedish Environmental Code 7:10 SFS 1998:808 County Administrative Board and Local Authorities 1537 3944.61189 None
Sweden SWE SE99 A Others Övriga TRUE Swedish Environmental Code 7:11 SFS 1998:808 County Administrative Board 96 227.7664 Habitat Protection Areas, forests not included
Slovenia SVN SI00 None Unprotected nezavarovano FALSE None 0 0 no GIS data for all types of protected area, could not calculate protected/unprotected area
Slovenia SVN SI01 A Strict Nature Reserve strogi naravni rezervat TRUE Zakon o ohranjanju narave Ur. l. RS 56/99, 96/04 Ministry of Agriculture and Environment, Dunajska 22, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 1 1.81492 None
Slovenia SVN SI02 A Nature Reserve naravni rezervat TRUE Zakon o ohranjanju narave Ur. l. RS 56/99, 96/04 Ministry of Agriculture and Environment, Dunajska 22, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 59 8976.86489 None
Slovenia SVN SI03 A Natural Monument naravni spomenik TRUE Zakon o ohranjanju narave Ur. l. RS 56/99, 96/04 Ministry of Agriculture and Environment, Dunajska 22, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 1159 16480.83618 None
Slovenia SVN SI04 A National Park narodni park TRUE Zakon o ohranjanju narave Ur. l. RS 56/99, 96/04 Ministry of Agriculture and Environment, Dunajska 22, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 1 83979.44514 Official Statistical Yearbook 2011
Slovenia SVN SI05 A Regional Park regijski park TRUE Zakon o ohranjanju narave Ur. l. RS 56/99, 96/04 Ministry of Agriculture and Environment, Dunajska 22, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 3 42996.73857 Official Statistical Yearbook 2011
Slovenia SVN SI06 A Landscape Park krajinski park TRUE Zakon o ohranjanju narave Ur. l. RS 56/99, 96/04 Ministry of Agriculture and Environment, Dunajska 22, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 42 116707.81913 Official Statistical Yearbook 2011; 2 parks have no existing polygon; there was a change in March 2012
Slovenia SVN SI07 A Ecological Important Area ekološko pomembno območje TRUE Uredba o ekološko pomembnih obmocjih Ur. l. RS 48/04 Ministry of Agriculture and Environment, Dunajska 22, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 275 1335181.21494 this is not a real protected area, the status has no influence on management
Slovenia SVN SI08 A Specialy Protected Area posebno varstveno območje TRUE Uredba o posebnih varstvenih obmocjih (Natura 2000) Ur. l. RS 49/04,110/04, 43/08 Ministry of Agriculture and Environment, Dunajska 22, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 286 1101634.54074 these are natura 2000 sites reportes to natura database in paris (in 2004)
Slovenia SVN SI10 B Protection Forest varovalni gozd FALSE Zakon o gozdovih Ur. l. RS 30/93, 67/02, 110/07, 106/10 Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, Dunajska 58, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 0 0 at the moment we can not report this data
Slovenia SVN SI11 B Special Purpose Forest gozd s posebnim namenom FALSE Zakon o gozdovih Ur. l. RS 30/93, 67/02, 110/07, 106/10 Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, Dunajska 58, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 0 0 at the moment we can not report this data
Slovenia SVN SI12 B Special-purpose Hunting District lovišče s posebnim namenom FALSE Zakon o divjadi in lovstvu Ur. l. RS 16/04, 120/06, 17/08 Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, Dunajska 58, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 0 0 at the moment we can not report this data
Slovenia SVN SI13 B Fishing Reserve ribolovni rezervat FALSE Zakon o morskem ribištvu Ur. l. RS 29/95, 41/99, 58/02 Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, Dunajska 58, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 0 0 at the moment we can not report this data
Slovenia SVN SI14 A Horticultural Monument spomenik oblikovane narave TRUE Zakon o ohranjanju narave Ur. l. RS 56/99, 22/03, 41/04 Ministry of Agriculture and Environment, Dunajska 22, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 121 1112.10313 stands for parks, promenades, gardens…. It is a »monument of formed nature«
Slovenia SVN SI99 C Others ostalo FALSE None None None 0 0 the situation changed in 2010, the area is now under natural reserve
Slovakia SVK SK00 A Unprotected; first level of protection Bez ochrany; prvý stupeň ochrany FALSE Zákon o ochrane prírody a krajiny, § 12 Zákon č. 543/2002 Z.z. State Nature Conservancy of the Slovak Republic, Lazovna 10, 974 01 Banska Bystrica 0 0 -
Slovakia SVK SK01 A National Nature Reserve; fifth level of protection Národná prírodná rezervácia; piaty stupeň ochrany TRUE Zákon o ochrane prírody a krajiny, § 22, ods. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Zákon č. 543/2002 Z.z. State Nature Conservancy of the Slovak Republic, Lazovna 10, 974 01 Banska Bystrica 222 83142.4423 -
Slovakia SVK SK02 A Nature Reserve / Private Nature Reserve; fifth level of protection Prírodná rezervácia / súkromná prírodná rezervácia; piaty stupeň ochrany TRUE Zákon o ochrane prírody a krajiny, § 22, ods. 1, 4, 5, 6 Zákon č. 543/2002 Z.z. State Nature Conservancy of the Slovak Republic, Lazovna 10, 974 01 Banska Bystrica 387 13654.0885 -
Slovakia SVK SK03 A National Nature Monument; fifth level of protection Národná prírodná pamiatka; piaty stupeň ochrany TRUE Zákon o ochrane prírody a krajiny, § 23, ods. 2, 3, 4, 5 Zákon č. 543/2002 Z.z. State Nature Conservancy of the Slovak Republic, Lazovna 10, 974 01 Banska Bystrica 60 55.3265 -
Slovakia SVK SK04 A Nature Monument / Private Nature Monument; fifth level of protection Prírodná pamiatka / súkromná prírodná pamiatka; piaty stupeň ochrany TRUE Zákon o ochrane prírody a krajiny, § 23, ods. 1, 4, 5 Zákon č. 543/2002 Z.z. State Nature Conservancy of the Slovak Republic, Lazovna 10, 974 01 Banska Bystrica 246 1542.3282 -
Slovakia SVK SK05 A Protected Site / Private Protected Site; fourth level of protection Chránený areál / súkromný chránený areál; štvrtý stupeň ochrany TRUE Zákon o ochrane prírody a krajiny, § 21 Zákon č. 543/2002 Z.z. State Nature Conservancy of the Slovak Republic, Lazovna 10, 974 01 Banska Bystrica 165 9296.9898 -
Slovakia SVK SK06 A Buffer Zone of a National Nature Reserve, Nature Reserve, National Nature Monument, Nature Monument; Ochranné pásmo NPR, PR, NPP a PP TRUE Zákon o ochrane prírody a krajiny, § 17, ods. 6, 7, 8, 9 Zákon č. 543/2002 Z.z. State Nature Conservancy of the Slovak Republic, Lazovna 10, 974 01 Banska Bystrica 25 1753.9553 -
Slovakia SVK SK07 A Buffer Zone of a Protected Site; third level of protection Ochranné pásmo chráneného areálu; tretí stupeň ochrany TRUE Zákon o ochrane prírody a krajiny, § 21, ods. 4 Zákon č. 543/2002 Z.z. State Nature Conservancy of the Slovak Republic, Lazovna 10, 974 01 Banska Bystrica 3 2073.9142 -
Slovakia SVK SK08 A National Park; third level of protection Národný park; tretí stupeň ochrany TRUE Zákon o ochrane prírody a krajiny, § 19 Zákon č. 543/2002 Z.z. State Nature Conservancy of the Slovak Republic, Lazovna 10, 974 01 Banska Bystrica 9 317890 -
Slovakia SVK SK09 A Buffer Zone of the National Park; second level/grade of protection Ochranné pásmo národného parku; druhý stupeň ochrany TRUE Zákon o ochrane prírody a krajiny, § 17, ods. 3, 4 Zákon č. 543/2002 Z.z. State Nature Conservancy of the Slovak Republic, Lazovna 10, 974 01 Banska Bystrica 9 270128 -
Slovakia SVK SK10 A Protected Landscape Area; second level of protection Chránená krajinná oblasť; druhý stupeň ochrany TRUE Zákon o ochrane prírody a krajiny, § 18 Zákon č. 543/2002 Z.z. State Nature Conservancy of the Slovak Republic, Lazovna 10, 974 01 Banska Bystrica 14 515001 -
Slovakia SVK SK11 A Biocentre Biocentrum FALSE Zákon o ochrane prírody a krajiny, § 2 Zákon č. 543/2002 Z.z. State Nature Conservancy of the Slovak Republic, Lazovna 10, 974 01 Banska Bystrica 0 0 -
Slovakia SVK SK12 A Biocorridor Biokoridor FALSE Zákon o ochrane prírody a krajiny, § 2 Zákon č. 543/2002 Z.z. State Nature Conservancy of the Slovak Republic, Lazovna 10, 974 01 Banska Bystrica 0 0 -
Turkey TUR TR00 None No Protection Status Koruma Statusu Olmayan Alanlar FALSE None 0 0 None
Turkey TUR TR01 A National Park Milli Park TRUE 2873 18132 Sayili ve 11.08.1983 Tarihli Resmi Gazete (18132 Numbered and 11 August 1983 Dated Official Gazette) Orman ve Su İşleri Bakanligi, Doga Koruma ve Milli Parklar Genel Mudurlugu (Ministry of Environment and Forestry, General Directorate of National Conservation and National Parks Adres Sogutozu cad. No:14/E ANKARA 40 848119 None
Turkey TUR TR02 A Nature Park Tabiat Parki TRUE 2873 18132 Sayili ve 11.08.1983 Tarihli Resmi Gazete (18132 Numbered and 11 August 1983 Dated Official Gazette) Orman ve Su İşleri Bakanligi, Doga Koruma ve Milli Parklar Genel Mudurlugu (Ministry of Environment and Forestry, General Directorate of National Conservation and National Parks Adres Sogutozu cad. No:14/E ANKARA 184 81800 None
Turkey TUR TR03 A Natural Monument Tabiat Aniti TRUE 2873 18132 Sayili ve 11.08.1983 Tarihli Resmi Gazete (18132 Numbered and 11 August 1983 Dated Official Gazette) Orman ve Su İşleri Bakanligi, Doga Koruma ve Milli Parklar Genel Mudurlugu (Ministry of Environment and Forestry, General Directorate of National Conservation and National Parks Adres Sogutozu cad. No:14/E ANKARA 107 5562.54899 None
Turkey TUR TR04 A Nature Protection Areas Tabiati Koruma Alani TRUE 2873 18132 Sayili ve 11.08.1983 Tarihli Resmi Gazete (18132 Numbered and 11 August 1983 Dated Official Gazette) Orman ve Su İşleri Bakanligi, Doga Koruma ve Milli Parklar Genel Mudurlugu (Ministry of Environment and Forestry, General Directorate of National Conservation and National Parks Adres Sogutozu cad. No:14/E ANKARA 31 63694 None
Turkey TUR TR05 B Special Environmental Protection Areas Ozel Cevre Koruma Alanlari TRUE 383 20341 Sayili ve 13.11.1989 Tarihli Resmi Gazete (20341Numbered and 13 November 1989 Dated Official Gazette) Cevre ve Sehircilik Bakanligi, Tabiat Varlıklarını Koruma Genel Müdürlügü ADRES:Alparslan Türkes Cd.17.Sok.10 nolu bina.06510 Bestepe/Yenimahalle/ANKARA 15 1336363 None
Turkey TUR TR14 B Wildlife Conservation Areas Yaban Hayati Geliştirme Sahalari TRUE 4915 3603 Sayili ve 13.05.1937 Tarihli Resmi Gazete (3603 Numbered and 13 May 1937 Dated Official Gazette) Orman ve Su İşleri Bakanligi, Doga Koruma ve Milli Parklar Genel Mudurlugu (Ministry of Environment and Forestry, General Directorate of National Conservation and National Parks Adres Sogutozu cad. No:14/E ANKARA 80 1201211 None
Turkey TUR TR15 B Wildanimal Breeding Station Yaban Hayvani Uretme Istasyonu TRUE 4915 3603 Sayili ve 13.05.1937 Tarihli Resmi Gazete (3603 Numbered and 13 May 1937 Dated Official Gazette) Orman ve Su İşleri Bakanligi, Doga Koruma ve Milli Parklar Genel Mudurlugu (Ministry of Environment and Forestry, General Directorate of National Conservation and National Parks Adres Sogutozu cad. No:14/E ANKARA 19 4600.49999 None
Turkey TUR TR16 B Protected Forests Muhafaza Ormanlari TRUE 6831 9402 Sayili ve 08.09.1956 Tarihli Resmi Gazete (9402 Numbered and 08 September 1956 Dated Official Gazette) Orman ve Su İşleri Bakanligi, Orman Genel Mudurlugu Adres Gazi tesisleri, Bestepe-ANKARA 54 354503.5 None
Turkey TUR TR17 B Gene Conservation Forests (in situ) Gen Koruma Alanlari TRUE 6831 9402 Sayili ve 08.09.1956 Tarihli Resmi Gazete (9402 Numbered and 08 September 1956 Dated Official Gazette) Orman ve Su İşleri Bakanligi, Orman Genel Mudurlugu Adres Gazi tesisleri, Bestepe-ANKARA 230 34747.9999 None
Turkey TUR TR18 B Seed Stands Tohum Mescereleri TRUE 6831 9402 Sayili ve 08.09.1956 Tarihli Resmi Gazete (9402 Numbered and 08 September 1956 Dated Official Gazette) Orman ve Su İşleri Bakanligi, Orman Genel Mudurlugu Adres Gazi tesisleri, Bestepe-ANKARA 346 46669.64086 None
Turkey TUR TR21 B Seed Orchard (ex situ) Tohum Bahceleri TRUE 6831 9402 Sayili ve 08.09.1956 Tarihli Resmi Gazete (9402 Numbered and 08 September 1956 Dated Official Gazette) Orman ve Su İşleri Bakanligi, Orman Genel Mudurlugu Adres Gazi tesisleri, Bestepe-ANKARA 163 1122.99938 None
Turkey TUR TR37 B Natural Preservation Sites Dogal Sit Alanlari TRUE 648 28028 Sayili ve 17.08.2011 Tarihli Resmi Gazete (28028 Numbered and 17 August 2011 Dated Official Gazette) Cevre ve Sehircilik Bakanligi, Tabiat Varlıklarını Koruma Genel Müdürlügü ADRES:Alparslan Türkes Cd.17.Sok.10 nolu bina.06510 Bestepe/Yenimahalle/ANKARA 976 20473 None
Turkey TUR TR99 B Others Diger FALSE None 0 0 None
Kosovo (UNSCR 1244/99) XKX XK00 None No Protection Status Pa status te mbrojtjes FALSE None None None 0 0 None
Kosovo (UNSCR 1244/99) XKX XK01 A National Park Park Kombetar TRUE Ligji për mbrojtjen e natyres/Nature protection Act/Nr. 03/L-233, date 18.10.2010/ art. 11 Gazeta zyrtare e Kosovës Nr. 11/1986/ The Official Gazette of Kosovo No 11/1986 Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning 0 115957 None
Kosovo (UNSCR 1244/99) XKX XK02 A Strict Nature Reserve Rezervat Strik i Natyres TRUE Ligji për mbrojtjen e natyres/Nature protection Act/Nr. 03/L-233, date 18.10.2010/ art. 10 Gazeta zyrtare e Republikës së Kosovës Viti V/ Nr. 85/9 Nëntor 2010/ The Official Gazette of the Republic of Kosovo, Year V/ No. 85/9 November 2010 Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning 0 847 None
Kosovo (UNSCR 1244/99) XKX XK04 A Nature Park Park i Natyres TRUE Ligji për mbrojtjen e natyres/Nature protection Act/Nr. 03/L-233, date 18.10.2010/ art. 13 Gazeta zyrtare e Republikës së Kosovës Viti V/ Nr. 85/9 Nëntor 2010/ The Official Gazette of the Republic of Kosovo, Year V/ No. 85/9 November 2010 Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning 0 1126 Nature Park "Mirusha" has been change the status to Nature Monument with Special Importance and also the surface
Kosovo (UNSCR 1244/99) XKX XK05 A Protected Landscape Peizazh i Mbrojtur TRUE Ligji për mbrojtjen e natyres/Nature protection Act/Nr. 03/L-233, date 18.10.2010/ art. 15 Gazeta zyrtare e Republikës së Kosovës Viti V/ Nr. 85/9 Nëntor 2010/ The Official Gazette of the Republic of Kosovo, Year V/ No. 85/9 November 2010 Municipal Authorities 0 84 None
Kosovo (UNSCR 1244/99) XKX XK06 A Natural Monument Monument Natyre TRUE Ligji për mbrojtjen e natyres/Nature protection Act/Nr. 03/L-233, date 18.10.2010/ art. 14 Gazeta zyrtare e Republikës së Kosovës Viti V/ Nr. 85/9 Nëntor 2010/ The Official Gazette of the Republic of Kosovo, Year V/ No. 85/9 November 2010 Municipal and Govermental Authorities 0 5676.48 Nature Park "Mirusha" has been change the status to Nature Monument with Special Importance and also the surface
Kosovo (UNSCR 1244/99) XKX XK07 A Wetlands Ligatinat FALSE Ligji për mbrojtjen e natyres/Nature protection Act/Nr. 03/L-233, date 18.10.2010/ art. 55 Gazeta zyrtare e Republikës së Kosovës Viti V/ Nr. 85/9 Nëntor 2010/ The Official Gazette of the Republic of Kosovo, Year V/ No. 85/9 November 2010 Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning 0 0 None
Kosovo (UNSCR 1244/99) XKX XK08 A Elements of agricultural landscape Elemente te pejzazhit bujqesor FALSE Ligji për mbrojtjen e natyres/Nature protection Act/Nr. 03/L-233, date 18.10.2010/ art. 60 Gazeta zyrtare e Republikës së Kosovës Viti V/ Nr. 85/9 Nëntor 2010/ The Official Gazette of the Republic of Kosovo, Year V/ No. 85/9 November 2010 Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning 0 0 None