INSPIRE Theme Count Percent
Coordinate reference systems 131 2.800940774
Geographical grid systems 32 0.684199273
Geographical names 257 5.494975412
Administrative units 494 10.56232628
Addresses 360 7.697241822
Cadastral parcels 192 4.105195638
Transport networks 1182 25.27261065
Hydrography 888 18.98652983
Protected sites 1141 24.39598033
Elevation 776 21.74887892
Land cover 674 18.89013453
Orthoimagery 1012 28.3632287
Geology 1106 30.99775785
Statistical units 144 1.482243953
Buildings 593 6.103962944
Soil 450 4.632012352
Land use 1755 18.06484817
Human health and safety 183 1.883685023
Utility and governmental services 851 8.759650026
Environmental monitoring facilities 841 8.656716418
Production and industrial facilities 340 3.499742666
Agricultural and aquaculture facilities 185 1.904271745
Population distribution — demography 84 0.864642306
Area management/restriction/regulation zones and reporting units 1039 10.69480185
Natural risk zones 880 9.058157488
Atmospheric conditions 238 2.449819866
Meteorological geographical features 326 3.355635615
Oceanographic geographical features 142 1.461657231
Sea regions 104 1.070509521
Bio-geographical regions 96 0.988162635
Habitats and biotopes 609 6.268656716
Species distribution 505 5.198147195
Energy resources 163 1.677817808
Mineral resources 187 1.924858466