code name landarea totalarea
AD Andorra 47.0 47.0
AL Albania 2740.0 2875.0
AT Austria 8243.5 8387.9
BA Bosnia and Herzegovina 5100.0 5121.0
BE Belgium 3028.0 3053.0
BG Bulgaria 10856.0 11100.0
BY Belarus 20282.0 20760.0
CH Switzerland 4000.0 4128.0
CZ the Czech Republic 7725.0 7887.0
DE Germany 34861.0 35712.0
DK Denmark 4243.0 4309.0
EE Estonia 4239.0 4523.0
ES Spain 49880.0 50537.0
FI Finland 30390.0 33842.0
FO Faroe Islands 139.6 139.6
FR France 54766.0 54919.0
GB the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 24193.0 24361.0
GR Greece 12890.0 13196.0
HR Croatia 5596.0 5659.0
HU Hungary 9053.0 9303.0
IE Ireland 6889.0 7028.0
IS Iceland 10025.0 10300.0
IT Italy 29414.0 30134.0
LI Liechtenstein 16.0 16.0
LT Lithuania 6267.5 6530.0
LU Luxembourg 259.0 259.0
LV Latvia 6218.0 6456.0
MD Republic of Moldova 3289.0 3385.0
ME Montenegro 1345.0 1381.0
MK The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2522.0 2571.0
MT Malta 32.0 32.0
NL the Netherlands 3373.0 4154.0
NO Norway 30547.0 32378.0
PL Poland 30420.0 31268.0
PT Portugal 9147.0 9209.0
RO Romania 23006.0 23839.0
RS Serbia 8746.0 8836.0
RU the Russian Federation 1637687.0 1709824.0
SE Sweden 41034.0 45030.0
SI Slovenia 2014.0 2027.0
SK Slovakia 4809.0 4904.0
SM San Marino 6.0 6.0
UA Ukraine 57932.0 60355.0