label bookmark query
List of Reportnet countries PREFIX rod: PREFIX rdfs: SELECT * WHERE { ?country a rod:Locality; rod:loccode ?code; rdfs:label ?name. } ORDER BY ?name
List Eurostat, EEA and FAO country codes side-by-side PREFIX owl: PREFIX e: PREFIX eea: PREFIX fao: SELECT DISTINCT ?estatcode ?eeacode ?nutscode ?faocode ?gdptotal/?population AS ?gdp ?name WHERE { ?uri a e:Country . ?uri e:name ?name . ?uri e:code ?estatcode . ?uri e:protocolOrder ?order . OPTIONAL { ?uri owl:sameAs ?eeaURI . ?eeaURI a eea:Country . ?eeaURI eea:code ?eeacode . } OPTIONAL { ?uri owl:sameAs ?nuts . ?nuts a e:NUTSRegion . ?nuts e:code ?nutscode . } OPTIONAL { ?eeaURI owl:sameAs ?faourl . ?faourl a fao:self_governing; fao:codeFAOSTAT ?faocode; fao:GDPTotalInCurrentPrices ?gdptotal; fao:populationTotal ?population. } } ORDER BY ?order
Noise dataflow (DF1 and DF5) Airports PREFIX rdf: PREFIX cr: PREFIX rod: PREFIX noise: PREFIX sources: SELECT ?subject ?icaocode ?DF WHERE { { GRAPH sources:DF5_MAir.rdf { ?subject rdf:type noise:DF5_MAir OPTIONAL {?subject noise:icaocode ?icaocode} OPTIONAL {?subject noise:annualtraffic ?annualtraffic} } noise:DF5_MAir rdfs:label ?DF } UNION { GRAPH sources:DF1_MAir.rdf { ?subject rdf:type noise:DF1_MAir . OPTIONAL {?subject noise:icaocode ?icaocode} . OPTIONAL {?subject noise:annualtraffic ?annualtraffic} . } noise:DF1_MAir rdfs:label ?DF } } ORDER BY ?subject
Noise dataflow (DF1 and DF5) Major Railways PREFIX rdf: PREFIX cr: PREFIX rod: PREFIX noise: PREFIX sources: SELECT DISTINCT ?subject ?reportingentityuniquecode ?uniquerailid ?DF WHERE { { GRAPH sources:DF5_MRail.rdf { ?subject rdf:type noise:DF5_MRail . OPTIONAL {?subject noise:reportingentityuniquecode ?reportingentityuniquecode} . OPTIONAL {?subject noise:uniquerailid ?uniquerailid } . } noise:DF5_MRail rdfs:label ?DF } UNION { GRAPH sources:DF1_MRail.rdf { ?subject rdf:type noise:DF1_MRail . OPTIONAL {?subject noise:reportingentityuniquecode ?reportingentityuniquecode} . OPTIONAL {?subject noise:uniquerailid ?uniquerailid } . } noise:DF1_MRail rdfs:label ?DF } } ORDER BY ?subject
Noise dataflow (DF1 and DF5) Major Roads PREFIX rdf: PREFIX cr: PREFIX rod: PREFIX noise: PREFIX sources: SELECT DISTINCT ?subject ?reportingentityuniquecode ?uniqueroadid ?DF WHERE { { GRAPH sources:DF5_MRoad.rdf { ?subject rdf:type noise:DF5_MRoad . OPTIONAL {?subject noise:reportingentityuniquecode ?reportingentityuniquecode} . OPTIONAL {?subject noise:uniqueroadid ?uniqueroadid} . } noise:DF5_MRoad rdfs:label ?DF } UNION { GRAPH sources:DF1_MRoad.rdf { ?subject rdf:type noise:DF1_MRoad . OPTIONAL {?subject noise:reportingentityuniquecode ?reportingentityuniquecode} . OPTIONAL {?subject noise:uniqueroadid ?uniqueroadid} . } noise:DF1_MRoad rdfs:label ?DF } } ORDER BY ?subject
Noise dataflow (DF1 and DF5) Agglomerations PREFIX rdf: PREFIX cr: PREFIX rod: PREFIX noise: PREFIX sources: SELECT ?subject ?uniqueagglomerationid ?reportingentityuniquecode ?numberofinhabitants ?agglomerationname ?typelabel WHERE { { GRAPH sources:DF5_Agg.rdf { ?subject rdf:type noise:DF5_Agg . OPTIONAL {?subject noise:uniqueagglomerationid ?uniqueagglomerationid} . OPTIONAL {?subject noise:numberofinhabitants ?numberofinhabitants} . OPTIONAL {?subject noise:agglomerationname ?agglomerationname} . OPTIONAL {?subject noise:reportingentityuniquecode ?reportingentityuniquecode} . } noise:DF5_Agg rdfs:label ?typelabel } UNION { GRAPH sources:DF1_Agg.rdf { ?subject rdf:type noise:DF1_Agg OPTIONAL {?subject noise:uniqueagglomerationid ?uniqueagglomerationid} OPTIONAL {?subject noise:numberofinhabitants ?numberofinhabitants} OPTIONAL {?subject noise:name ?agglomerationname} OPTIONAL {?subject noise:reportingentityuniquecode ?reportingentityuniquecode} } noise:DF1_Agg rdfs:label ?typelabel } } ORDER BY ?subject
50 Most recent deliveries to CDR PREFIX rod: PREFIX dct: SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE { ?subj a rod:Delivery ; rod:released ?released ; rod:locality _:locuri ; rod:obligation _:obluri . _:locuri rod:loccode ?locality. _:obluri dct:title ?obligation } ORDER BY DESC(?released) LIMIT 50
Habitats directive Article 17 assessments for the Otter PREFIX o: PREFIX e: SELECT DISTINCT ?name ?country ?region ?assessment ?future WHERE { ?r o:forSpecies . ?r o:hasRegionalReport ?s. ?s a o:SpeciesRegionalReport . ?s o:speciesname ?name . ?s o:forCountry ?curl . ?curl e:name ?country . ?s o:region ?ruri . ?ruri e:name ?region . OPTIONAL { ?s o:conclusion_assessment ?assessment } OPTIONAL {?s o:conclusion_future ?future } } ORDER BY ?region ?country
Number of deliveries per country from 1 January to now PREFIX rod: PREFIX dct: SELECT ?locality count(DISTINCT ?subj) AS ?count WHERE { ?subj a rod:Delivery ; rod:released ?released ; rod:locality _:locuri ; rod:obligation ?obluri . _:locuri rod:loccode ?locality. FILTER(bif:year(?released) = bif:year(bif:curdatetime())) } GROUP BY ?locality ORDER BY DESC(?count)
Reportnet deliveries per year in totals PREFIX rod: SELECT str(bif:year(?released)) AS ?year_label bif:year(?released) AS ?year count(DISTINCT ?subj) AS ?count WHERE { ?subj a rod:Delivery ; rod:released ?released ; rod:obligation ?obluri . } GROUP BY bif:year(?released) ORDER BY ?year
Reportnet deliveries per obligation PREFIX rod: PREFIX rdfs: SELECT ?obligation count(DISTINCT ?subj) AS ?count WHERE { ?subj a rod:Delivery ; rod:released ?released ; rod:obligation ?obluri . ?obluri rdfs:label ?obligation } GROUP BY ?obligation ORDER BY DESC(?count)
Deliveries per country per year from 2000 onwards PREFIX rod: PREFIX dct: SELECT ?locality count(DISTINCT ?subj) AS ?count bif:year(?released) AS ?year str(bif:year(?released)) as ?year_label WHERE { ?subj a rod:Delivery ; rod:released ?released ; rod:locality _:locuri ; rod:obligation ?obluri . _:locuri rod:loccode ?locality. } GROUP BY ?locality bif:year(?released) ORDER BY ?year ?locality
Surface water stations from deliveries PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX cr: PREFIX wise: PREFIX rod: SELECT ?euCode ?msCode ?lat ?long ?name ?env ?released ?loccode WHERE { GRAPH ?sourcefile { ?declaration a wise:SURFACEWATERMONITORINGSTATION ; wise:EU_CD ?euCode; wise:MS_CD ?msCode; wise:LAT ?lat; wise:LON ?long; wise:NAME ?name } ?env rod:hasFile ?sourcefile; rod:released ?released; rod:locality _:locality. _:locality rod:loccode ?loccode } ORDER BY ?euCode DESC(?released) LIMIT 50
Surface water stations from /home/roug/surfacewatermonitoringstations PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX cr: PREFIX wise: PREFIX rod: SELECT ?euCode ?msCode ?lat ?long ?name WHERE { GRAPH { ?declaration a wise:SURFACEWATERMONITORINGSTATION ; wise:EU_CD ?euCode; wise:MS_CD ?msCode; wise:LAT ?lat; wise:LON ?long; wise:NAME ?name } } ORDER BY ?euCode LIMIT 50
Hazardous substances in rivers with no match to determinants vocabulary PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX cr: PREFIX skos: PREFIX dd: PREFIX eea: SELECT count(?m) AS ?m ?casnum sql:sample(?name) WHERE { ?m a ; dd:CASNumber ?casnum; dd:DeterminandHazSubsName ?name FILTER(?name != '' && ?casnum != '') OPTIONAL { GRAPH { ?determinant eea:casnum ?casnum; skos:prefLabel ?detlabel } } FILTER(!bound(?detlabel)) } GROUP BY ?casnum ORDER BY DESC(?m)
Number of waters per municipality (Data from Länsstyrelsen, Sweden) PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX cr: PREFIX v: SELECT ?municipality count(?water) AS ?numwaters WHERE { ?water a v:Water ; v:inMunicipality ?urlmuni . ?urlmuni rdfs:label ?municipality } GROUP BY ?municipality ORDER BY ?municipality
VISS River Basin Districts joined with WISE RBDs PREFIX owl: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX cr: PREFIX viss: PREFIX wise: SELECT ?rbd ?visslabel ?wisenamenl ?country ?area WHERE { ?rbd a viss:RBD ; rdfs:label ?visslabel OPTIONAL {?rbd owl:sameAs ?eurbd . ?eurbd wise:RBDNameNL ?wisenamenl; wise:areaKM ?area; wise:countryCode ?country } }
Scandinavian RBDs (Source: E-PRTR) PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX cr: PREFIX eprtr: SELECT * WHERE { ?bookmark a eprtr:Rbd ; eprtr:code ?code; eprtr:name ?label; eprtr:countryCode ?cc FILTER(?cc in ("SE","NO","FI","DK")) } ORDER BY ?code
Sweden's counties joined with population and summary from DBPedia PREFIX owl: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX cr: PREFIX v: PREFIX dbo: SELECT ?len ?name ?dbpedia ?population ?dblabel WHERE { ?len a v:County ; v:code ?code; rdfs:label ?name; owl:sameAs ?dbpedia . ?dbpedia dbo:abstract ?dblabel FILTER(LANG(?dblabel) = 'en') ?dbpedia dbo:populationTotal ?population } ORDER BY ?code
Competent Authorities reported via the Marine Strategy Framework Directive PREFIX rod: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX cr: PREFIX msfd: SELECT ?code ?name ?street ?city ?sourcefile ?reported WHERE { GRAPH ?sourcefile { _:authority a ; msfd:MSCACode ?code; msfd:competentAuthorityName ?name; msfd:street ?street; msfd:city ?city } ?envelope rod:hasFile ?sourcefile; rod:released ?reported } ORDER BY DESC(?reported)
General government gross financial liabilities as a percentage of GDP (OECD) PREFIX tableFile: SELECT ?cc ?countryname ?y2006 ?y2007 ?y2008 ?y2009 ?y2010 ?y2011 ?y2012 ?y2013 FROM WHERE { ?CountryDebt tableFile:cc ?cc . ?CountryDebt tableFile:countryname ?countryname . ?CountryDebt tableFile:y2006 ?y2006 . ?CountryDebt tableFile:y2007 ?y2007 . ?CountryDebt tableFile:y2008 ?y2008 . ?CountryDebt tableFile:y2009 ?y2009 . ?CountryDebt tableFile:y2010 ?y2010 . ?CountryDebt tableFile:y2011 ?y2011 . ?CountryDebt tableFile:y2012 ?y2012 . ?CountryDebt tableFile:y2013 ?y2013 . } ORDER BY ?countryname
Total central government debt % of GDP (OECD) PREFIX tableFile: SELECT ?country xsd:date(concat(STR(?period),'-01-01')) AS ?period xsd:string(?period) AS ?year_label ?period AS ?year ?value FROM WHERE { ?GovernmentDebt tableFile:Variable "Total central government debt % of GDP" . ?GovernmentDebt tableFile:Unit "Percentage" . ?GovernmentDebt tableFile:Country ?country . ?GovernmentDebt tableFile:period ?period . ?GovernmentDebt tableFile:Value ?value . ?GovernmentDebt tableFile:Flags ?Flags . FILTER(?country IN ("Austria", "Belgium", "Czech Republic", "Denmark", "Estonia", "Finland", "France", "Germany", "Greece", "Hungary", "Iceland", "Ireland", "Italy", "Netherlands", "Poland", "Portugal", "Slovak Republic", "Slovenia", "Spain", "Sweden", "United Kingdom", "United States")) } ORDER BY ?country ?period
Available WHO datasets PREFIX dcterms: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX cr: PREFIX foaf: PREFIX void: SELECT ?label ?metadata ?imported WHERE { ?metadata a void:Dataset ; dcterms:creator ; rdfs:label ?label; void:dataDump ?dump OPTIONAL { ?dump cr:harvestedStatements ?imported } } ORDER BY ?metadata
20 largest dams PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX cr: PREFIX dam: SELECT ?label ?capacity ?latitude ?longitude WHERE { ?bookmark a dam:Dam ; rdfs:label ?label; dam:ic_capacity ?capacity; dam:y_val ?latitude; dam:country ?country; dam:x_val ?longitude FILTER(?latitude != -32768) FILTER(! ?country IN ('RU','KZ','UA','KG','UZ')) } ORDER BY DESC(?capacity) LIMIT 20
List of UK bathing waters PREFIX geo: PREFIX bw: PREFIX rdfs: SELECT ?code ?name ?lat ?long WHERE { _:bw a bw:BathingWater ; bw:eubwidNotation ?code; rdfs:label ?name; geo:lat ?lat; geo:long ?long }