
Waterbase - TCM: QualityBiota

Data Table
This page was archived on 26 Jun 2015 with reason: Other (New version data-and-maps/data/waterbase-transitional-coastal-and-marine-waters-11 was published)
The QualityBiota table contains aggregated data on hazardous substances in biota, measured at Eionet-Water transitional, coastal or marine water monitoring stations, provided by national sources or Marine Conventions. Each station has been assigned a unique Waterbase identifier (WaterbaseID) which can be used to link the Quality data with their respective Stations and Pressures data.
European data
Table definition
HighNoOfSamples High range number of samples number of samples in high range during aggregation period (high range calculated as treating values below the limit of detection as the value of the limit of detection). int(4) 0
DryFreshNoOfSamples Dry fresh ratio number of samples number of samples taken in ratio of dry weight to fresh weight of biota expressed as %. int(4) 0
FatNoOfSamples Fat content number of samples number of samples of fat content of biota expressed as % of total wet matter. int(4) 0
Year Year year of aggregation period, or year in which sample taken, in format YYYY. int(4) -1
PeriodLength Period length number of months in aggregation period. int(4) 0
LowNoOfSamples Low range number of samples number of samples in low range during aggregation period (low range calculated as treating values below the limit of detection as zero). int(4) 0
Determinand Determinand determinand name. nvarchar(200) -1
Unit Unit unit of measurement. nvarchar(30) 0
WaterbaseID WaterbaseID internally produced, unique identifier used to represent the monitoring station for rivers, lakes, transitional, coastal and marine waters and water quantity, or groundwater body, in the format CountryCode_WaterDataSet_NationalStationID (e.g. GB_RV_12345). nvarchar(200) -1
AggregationPeriod Aggregation period period of aggregation: Annual = aggregated over whole year, Summer = aggregated over summer months, Winter = aggregated over winter months, YYYY-YYYY = aggregated data over a time period. nvarchar(20) -1
CaSNo Chemical Abstract Service Number Chemical Abstract Service Number of determinand. nvarchar(20) 0
FatMinimum Fat content minimum minimum fat content of biota expressed as % of total wet matter. float(8) 0
FatMaximum Fat content maximum maximum fat content of biota expressed as % of total wet matter. float(8) 0
DryFreshMinimum Dry fresh ratio minimum minimum ratio of dry weight to fresh weight of biota expressed as %. float(8) 0
DryFreshMaximum Dry fresh ratio maximum maximum ratio of dry weight to fresh weight of biota expressed as %. float(8) 0
FatMean Fat content mean mean fat content of biota expressed as % of total wet matter. float(8) 0
High90Percentile High range 90th percentile 90th percentile concentration in high range during aggregation period (high range calculated as treating values below the limit of detection as the value of the limit of detection). float(8) 0
HighMaximum High range maximum maximum concentration in high range during aggregation period (high range calculated as treating values below the limit of detection as the value of the limit of detection). float(8) 0
DryFreshMean Dry fresh ratio mean mean ratio of dry weight to fresh weight of biota expressed as %. float(8) 0
LowMedian Low range median median concentration in low range during aggregation period (low range calculated as treating values below the limit of detection as zero). float(8) 0
HighMean High range mean mean concentration in high range during aggregation period (high range calculated as treating values below the limit of detection as the value of the limit of detection). float(8) 0
HighMedian High range median median concentration in high range during aggregation period (high range calculated as treating values below the limit of detection as the value of the limit of detection). float(8) 0
LowMinimum Low range minimum minimum concentration in low range during aggregation period (low range calculated as treating values below the limit of detection as zero). float(8) 0
Low10Percentile Low range 10th percentile 10th percentile concentration in low range during aggregation period (low range calculated as treating values below the limit of detection as zero). float(8) 0
LowMean Low range mean mean concentration in low range during aggregation period (low range calculated as treating values below the limit of detection as zero). float(8) 0
Basis Basis basis of aggregate: D = Dry, L = Lipid (fat), W = Wet. varchar(1) 0
CountryCode Country code ISO 3166-alpha-2 code elements. varchar(2) 0
Species Species species monitored. varchar(20) -1
Tissue Tissue tissue element of species monitored: LI = Liver, MU = Muscle, SB = Soft body, WO = Whole body. varchar(2) -1


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