

Urban morphological zones 2000

Prod-ID: DAT-89-en
Created 14 Mar 2011 Published 15 Mar 2011 Last modified 25 Aug 2017
3 min read
This page was archived on 25 Aug 2017 with reason: A new version has been published
F3v0 - Urban morphological zones (UMZ) are defined by Corine land cover classes considered to contribute to the urban tissue and function

GIS data

Vector data

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The attributes available for each UMZ dataset are the following ones:

o UMZ00_ID: Unique identifier of each UMZ00
o POP01: Population number of each UMZ00
o Area_ha: Area in hectares

UMZ00 vs Commune06
o UMZ00_ID: Unique identifier of each UMZ00
o Euroboundary attributes: Commune_ID, Commune name, Country Code and NUTS Code


Urban morphological zones - Methodology

Additional information

INSPIRE compliant metadata set


Additional information

An Urban Morphological Zone can be defined as “A set of urban areas laying less than 200m apart”.
Those urban areas are defined from land cover classes contributing to the urban tissue and function.
The Corine Land Cover classes used to build the Urban Morphological Zone dataset are the following ones:
Core Classes
111 – Continuous urban fabric
112 – Discontinuous urban fabric
121 – Industrial or commercial units
141 – Green urban areas
Enlarged core classes: 123 (Port areas), 124 (Airports) and 142 (Sport and leisure facilities), are also considered if they are neighbours to the core classes or to one of them touching the core classes.
122 (Road and rail networks) and 511 (Water courses), when neighbours to the enlarged core classes, cut by 300m buffer.
Forests & scrub (311,312,313,322,323,324), when they are completely within the core classes.