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ACTIVITY (2611970 records)
The table lists all industrial activities that a facility is operating with.
Field name | Field definition | Data type |
ActivityID | Primary key. Required. | int |
FacilityReportID | Facility report unique identifier | int |
FacilityReportName | Name of reporting facility | nvarchar (255) |
AnnexIActivityCode | Industrial activity code | nvarchar (255) |
AnnexIActivityName | Industrial activity name | nvarchar (255) |
AnnexIActivityIPPCCode | Industrial activity IPPC code | nvarchar (255) |
RankingNumeric | Importance ranking of respective activity | int |
MainActivityIndicator | Indicator whether this activity is the facilities main activity | bit |
POLLUTANTRELEASE (316444 records)
The table lists the reported releases of pollutants for a facility. It covers both releases to air, water and land.
Field name | Field definition | Data type |
PollutantReleaseID | Primary key. Required. | int |
FacilityReportID | Identifies the facility report that the data belongs to. Required. | int |
ReleaseMediumCode | Identifies the environmental medium (air, water etc) code | nvarchar(255) |
ReleaseMediumName | Identifies the environmental medium name. | nvarchar(255) |
PollutantCode | Identifies the pollutant code | nvarchar(255) |
PollutantName | Identifies the pollutant name | nvarchar(255) |
PollutantGroupCode | Identifies the pollutant group code | nvarchar(255) |
PollutantGroupName | Identifies the pollutant group name | nvarchar(255) |
PollutantCAS | Pollutant CAS description | nvarchar(20) |
MethodBasisCode | Identifies the method basis code of the main method used (M/C/E). | nvarchar(255) |
MethodBasisName | Identifies the method basis name of the main method used | nvarchar(255) |
TotalQuantity | Total quantity including accidental quantity [t/year] | float |
AccidentalQuantity | Accidental quantity [t/year] | float |
UnitCode | Identities the unit code of the quantity | nvarchar(255) |
UnitName | Identifies the unit name of the quantity | nvarchar(255) |
ConfidentialIndicator | Indicates if confidentiality is claimed. Required. | bit |
ConfidentialityReasonCode | Identifies the reason code for confidentiality. Required if confidentiality is claimed for mandatory data. | nvarchar(255) |
ConfidentialityReasonName | Identifies the reason name for confidentiality. Required if confidentiality is claimed for mandatory data. | nvarchar(255) |
RemarkText | Remark | nvarchar(255) |
The table lists the methods used for measuring quantities of pollutant releases.
Field name | Field definition | Data type |
PollutantReleaseMethodUsedID | Primary key. Required. | int |
PollutantReleaseID | Identifies the pollutant report that the data belongs to. Required. | int |
MethodTypeCode | Identifies the method type code | nvarchar(255) |
MethodTypeName | Identifies the method type name | nvarchar(255) |
MethodDesignation | Identifies the method designation | nvarchar(255) |
The table lists all reported pollutant transfers for a facility. This covers all releases into waste-water.
Field name | Field definition | Data type |
PollutantTransferID | Primary key. Required. | int |
FacilityReportID | Identifies the facility report that the data belongs to. Required. | int |
PollutantCode | Identifies the pollutant code | nvarchar(255) |
PollutantName | Identifies the pollutant name | nvarchar(255) |
PollutantGroupCode | Identifies the pollutant group code | nvarchar(255) |
PollutantGroupName | Identifies the pollutant group name | nvarchar(255) |
PollutantCAS | Pollutant CAS description | nvarchar(255) |
MethodBasisCode | Identifies the method basis code of the main method used (M/C/E). | nvarchar(255) |
MethodBasisName | Identifies the method basis name of the main method used. | nvarchar(255) |
Quantity | Total quantity of reported pollutant [t/year] | float |
QuantityUnitCode | Identities the unit code of the quantity | nvarchar(255) |
QuantityUnitName | Identifies the unit name of the quantity | nvarchar(255) |
ConfidentialIndicator | Indicates if confidentiality is claimed. Required. | bit |
ConfidentialityReasonCode | Identifies the reason code for confidentiality. Required if confidentiality is claimed for mandatory data. | nvarchar(255) |
ConfidentialityReasonName | Identifies the reason name for confidentiality. Required if confidentiality is claimed for mandatory data. | nvarchar(255) |
RemarkText | Remark | nvarchar(255) |
The table lists the methods used for measuring quantities of pollutant transfers.
Field name | Field definition | Data type |
PollutantTransferMethodUsedID | Primary key. Required. | int |
PollutantTransferID | Identifies the pollutant report that the data belongs to. Required. | int |
MethodTypeCode | Identifies the method type code | nvarchar(255) |
MethodTypeName | Identifies the method type name | nvarchar(255) |
MethodDesignation | Identifies the method designation | nvarchar(255) |
WASTETRANSFER (367697 records)
The table lists the reported data on off-site transfers of waste for a facility, except transfers of pollutants in waste-water, which is stored in the PollutantTransfer table. As for pollutants more than one method could be used for determination of the quantity.
Field name | Field definition | Data type |
WasteTransferID | Primary key. Required. | int |
FacilityReportID | Identifies the facility report that the data belongs to. Required. | int |
WasteTypeCode | Identifies the type of waste code (NON-HW, HWIC, HWOC etc.). Required. | nvarchar(255) |
WasteTypeName | Identifies the waste type name (non hazardous, hazardous within country etc.) | nvarchar(255) |
WasteTreatmentCode | Identifies the waste treatment code (R, D). Required unless confidentiality is claimed. | nvarchar(255) |
WasteTreatmentName | Identifies the waste treatment operation name (recovery or disposal). | nvarchar(255) |
MethodBasisCode | Identifies the basis code of the main method used (M/C/E). Required unless confidentiality is claimed. | nvarchar(255) |
MethodBasisName | Identifies the basis name of the main method used | nvarchar(255) |
Quantity | Quantity [t/year]. Required unless confidentiality is claimed | float |
QuantityUnitCode | Identities the unit code of the quantity (Must correspond to ton) Required unless confidentiality is claimed. | nvarchar(255) |
QuantityUnitName | Identities the unit name of the quantity | nvarchar(255) |
WasteHandlerPartyName | Identifies the recoverer/disposer of the waste. Required for transfer of hazardous waste outside the country unless confidentiality is claimed. | nvarchar(255) |
WasteHandlerPartyAddressStreetName | The street name of the waste handler party (WHP) | nvarchar(255) |
WasteHandlerPartyAddressBuildingNumber | The building number of the WHP | nvarchar(255) |
WasteHandlerPartyAddressCity | Name of city where the WHP is located | nvarchar(255) |
WasteHandlerPartyAddressPostalCode | The postal code of the WHP | nvarchar(50) |
WasteHandlerPartyAddressCountryCode | Country code of WHP | nvarchar(255) |
WasteHandlerPartyAddressCountryName | Country name of WHP | nvarchar(255) |
WasteHandlerPartySiteAddressStreetName | Site street name of the WHP | nvarchar(255) |
WasteHandlerPartySiteAddressBuildingNumber | Site building number of the WHP | nvarchar(255) |
WasteHandlerPartySiteAddressCity | Name of city, where the WHP site is located | nvarchar(255) |
WasteHandlerPartySiteAddressPostalCode | The postal code of the WHP site | nvarchar(50) |
WasteHandlerPartySiteAddressCountryCode | Country code of the WHP site | nvarchar(255) |
WasteHandlerPartySiteAddressCountryName | Country name of the WHP site | nvarchar(255) |
ConfidentialIndicator | Indicates if confidentiality is claimed. Required. | bit |
ConfidentialityReasonCode | Identifies the reason code for confidentiality. Required if confidentiality is claimed. | nvarchar(255) |
ConfidentialityReasonName | Identifies the reason name for confidentiality. | nvarchar(255) |
RemarkText | Remark | nvarchar(255) |
The table lists the methods used for measuring waste quantities.
Field name | Field definition | Data type |
WasteTransferMethodUsedID | Primary key. Required. | int |
WasteTransferID | Identifies the waste transfer report that the data belongs to. Required. | int |
MethodTypeCode | Identifies the method type code | nvarchar(255) |
MethodTypeName | Identifies the method type name | nvarchar(255) |
MethodDesignation | Identifies the method designation | nvarchar(255) |
FACILITYREPORT (231455 records)
The table lists the reported data for a given facility as part of a PollutantAndTransferReport for a given reporting year. A unique E-PRTR identification of a facility is introduced by FacilityID, which is used to hold track of identical facilities across different reporting years, even though national identifier might have changed.
Field name | Field definition | Data type |
FacilityReportID | Primary key. Required. | int |
PollutantReleaseAndTransferReportID | Identifies the report that the facility report is a part of. Required. | int |
FacilityID | Unique identification of the facility. Required. | int |
NationalID | National Identification of the facility. Required. | nvarchar(255) |
ParentCompanyName | Name of the parent company, i.e. the company that owns or controls the company operating the facility. Required unless confidentiality is claimed. | nvarchar(255) |
FacilityName | Name of the facility (operator or owner) | nvarchar(255) |
StreetName | The street name of the facility | nvarchar(255) |
BuildingNumber | The building number of the facility | nvarchar(255) |
City | Name of city, where facility is located | nvarchar(255) |
PostalCode | The postal code of the facility | nvarchar(50) |
CountryCode | Country code | nvarchar(255) |
CountryName | Country name | nvarchar(255) |
Lat | Latitude | float |
Long | Longitude | float |
RBDGeoCode | Identifies the river basin district code computed by geo-coding | nvarchar(255) |
RBDGeoName | Identifies the river basin district name computed by geo-coding | nvarchar(255) |
NUTSRegionGeoCode | Identifies the NUTS region code at level 2 computed by geo-coding | nvarchar(255) |
NUTSRegionGeoName | Identifies the NUTS region name at level 2 computed by geo-coding | nvarchar(255) |
RBDSourceCode | Identifies the river basin district code as reported by the RS | nvarchar(255) |
RBDSourceName | Identifies the river basin district name as reported by the RS | nvarchar(255) |
NUTSRegionSourceCode | Identifies the NUTS region code as reported by the RS | nvarchar(255) |
NUTSRegionSourceName | Identifies the NUTS region name as reported by the RS | nvarchar(255) |
NACEMainEconomicActivityCode | Main economic activity Code for NACE reported as NACE Code | nvarchar(255) |
NACEMainEconomicActivityName | Main economic activity Name for NACE reported as NACE Code | nvarchar(255) |
CompetentAuthorityName | Name of competent authority party | nvarchar(255) |
CompetentAuthorityAddressStreetName | Street of competent authority party | nvarchar(255) |
CompetentAuthorityAddressBuildingNumber | Building number of competent authority party | nvarchar(255) |
CompetentAuthorityAddressCity | City of competent authority party | nvarchar(255) |
CompetentAuthorityAddressPostalCode | Postal code of competent authority party | nvarchar(50) |
CompetentAuthorityAddressCountryCode | Country code of competent authority party | nvarchar(255) |
CompetentAuthorityAddressCountryName | Country name of competent authority party | nvarchar(255) |
CompetentAuthorityTelephoneCommunication | Telephone number of competent authority party | nvarchar(50) |
CompetentAuthorityFaxCommunication | Fax number of competent authority party | nvarchar(50) |
CompetentAuthorityEmailCommunication | Email of competent authority party | nvarchar(255) |
CompetentAuthorityContactPersonName | Contact person at competent authority party | nvarchar(255) |
ProductionVolumeProductName | Name of primary product | nvarchar(255) |
ProductionVolumeQuantity | Production quantity of primary product | float |
ProductionVolumeUnitCode | Unit code of quantity | nvarchar(255) |
ProductionVolumeUnitName | Unit name of quantity | nvarchar(255) |
TotalIPPCInstallationQuantity | The total number of IPPC installations covered by the facility | int |
OperatingHours | The number of operating hours in reporting year | int |
TotalEmployeeQuantity | Number of employees | int |
WebsiteCommunication | The website address of Facility | nvarchar(255) |
PublicInformation | Textual information | nvarchar(255) |
ConfidentialIndicator | Indicates if confidentiality for mandatory data is claimed or not. Required. | bit |
ConfidentialityReasonCode | Identifies the reason Code for confidentiality. Required if confidentiality is claimed for mandatory data. | nvarchar(255) |
ConfidentialityReasonName | Identifies the reason Name for confidentiality. Required if confidentiality is claimed for mandatory data. | nvarchar(255) |
ProtectVoluntaryData | Indicates if voluntary data should be protected or not | bit |
RemarkText | nvarchar(255) | |
MainIASectorCode | Sector Code of main industrial activity | nvarchar(255) |
MainIASectorName | Sector Name of main industrial activity | nvarchar(255) |
MainIAActivityCode | Activity Code of main industrial activity | nvarchar(255) |
MainIAActivityName | Activity Name of main industrial activity | nvarchar(255) |
MainIASubActivityCode | Subactivity Code of main industrial activity | nvarchar(255) |
MainIASubActivityName | Subactivity Name of main industrial activity | nvarchar(255) |
The table lists common information about a report for a given reporting year. If a country has reported more than once then only the most recent report is shown. A unique E-PRTR identification of a facility is introduced by FacilityID, which is used to hold track of identical facilities across different reporting years, even though national identifier might have changed.
Field name | Field definition | Data type |
PollutantReleaseAndTransferReportID | Primary key. Required. | int |
CountryCode | The RS Code reporting. Required. | nvarchar(255) |
CountryName | The RS Name reporting. Required. | nvarchar(255) |
ReportingYear | The calendar year of which data on releases and transfers must be gathered. Required. | int |
CoordinateSystemCode | The coordinate system code used in reporting of coordinates. | nvarchar(255) |
CoordinateSystemName | The coordinate system name used in reporting of coordinates. | nvarchar(255) |
RemarkText | Remarks | nvarchar(255) |
CdrURL | URL of the envelope at within CDR | nvarchar(255) |
CdrUploaded | The time when the report was uploaded in Reportnet. | datetime |
CdrReleased | The time when the report was released in Reportnet. | datetime |
ForReview | nvarchar(255) | |
Published | The time when the report was released to public view | datetime |
ResubmitReason | nvarchar(255) |
FACILITYID_CHANGES (231455 records)
The table lists the correspondance between newest FacilityID's and previous ones, by CountryCode and by ReportingYear
Field name | Field definition | Data type |
CountryCode | The RS Code reporting | nvarchar(255) |
ReportingYear | The calendar year of which data on releases and transfers must be gathered. | int |
FacilityReportID | Facility report unique identifier. | int |
NationalID | National Identification of the facility. | nvarchar(255) |
NewFacilityID | Unique identification of the facility. | int |
OldFacilityID | Unique identification of the facility. | int |
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