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eu_distributionMap - Distribution of IAS of Union and regional concern (28 records)
Links to delivered spatial data and metadata
Element name | Element definition |
Idreport | Primary key |
country | iso2 country code |
distributionMap | Link to the spatial data file in CDR for IAS of Union concern |
distributionMap_natList | Link to the spatial data file in CDR for IAS of Member State's concern |
inspireMetadata | Link to the meta data file in CDR for IAS of Union concern |
inspireMetadata_natlist | Link to the meta data file in CDR for IAS of Member State's concern |
envelope_link | Link to the envelope |
eu_horizontalinfo - Horizontal information (28 records)
Information on cross-cutting (horizontal) issues of the implementation of the IAS Regulation
Element name | Element definition |
IDreport | Primary key |
country | iso2 country code |
actionPlans | Action plans referred to in Article 13(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1143/2014 |
addInfo | Additional information |
costs | Cost of action undertaken to comply with the Regulation (EU) No 1143/2014 |
actionPlanFile | Link to the file with information on action plans referred to in Article 13(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1143/2014 |
addInfoFile | Link to the file with additional information |
costsFile | Link to the file with cost of action undertaken to comply with the Regulation (EU) No 1143/2014 |
informPublicFile | Description of measures taken to inform public |
controlSystemFile | Link to the file with description of the official control system pursuant to Article 15 of Regulation (EU) No 1143/2014 |
surveillanceSystemFile | Link to the file with description of the surveillance system pursuant to Article 14 of Regulation (EU) No 1143/2014 |
controlSystem | Description of the official control system pursuant to Article 15 of Regulation (EU) No 1143/2014 |
surveillanceSystem | Description of the surveillance system pursuant to Article 14 of Regulation (EU) No 1143/2014 |
weblinkPermits | Web link to information on the internet regarding the permits issued as required under Article 8(7) of Regulation (EU) No 1143/2014 |
informPublic | Description of measures taken to inform public |
envelope_link | Link to the envelope |
eu_impactdescription - Impact of the species (1357 records)
Information on the impact of each IAS of Union concern
Element name | Element definition |
IDimpactDescription | Primary composite key |
IDspecies | Primary composite key |
IDreport | Primary composite key |
country | iso2 country code |
description | Observations on the impact of the species during the reporting period |
envelope_link | link to the envelope |
eu_impactedEcosystems - Impacted ecosystems (42 records)
Impact of the species on ecosystems
Element name | Element definition |
IDecosystem | Primary composite key |
IDimpactDescription | Primary composite key |
IDreport | Primary composite key |
country | iso2 country code |
class | ecosystem |
group | ecosystem group |
envelope_link | Link to the envelope |
eu_impactedProtectedHabitats - Impacted protected habitats (11 records)
Impact of the species on habitats of the Habitats Directive
Element name | Element definition |
IDimpactedProtectedHabitats | Primary composite key |
IDimpactDescription | Primary composite key |
IDreport | Primary composite key |
country | iso2 country code |
habitatCode | Habitat code |
name | Habitat name |
envelope_link | Link to the envelope |
eu_impactedProtectedSpecies - Impacted protected species (12 records)
Impact of the species on species of the Habitats and Birds Directive
Element name | Element definition |
IDimpactedProtectedSpecies | Primary composite key |
IDimpactDescription | Primary composite key |
IDreport | Primary composite key |
country | iso2 country code |
speciesCode | Species code |
name | Species name |
envelope_link | Link to the envelope |
eu_impacts - Impact of the management and rapid eradication measures (747 records)
Impact of the management and rapid eradication measures on the IAS of Union concern and on non targeted species
Element name | Element definition |
IDimpacts | Primary composite key |
IDmeasures | Primary composite key |
IDreport | Primary composite key |
country | iso2 country code |
impactedNonTargetedSpecies | Impacted non-targeted species |
impactPerSpecies | Impact per species |
envelope_link | Link to the envelope |
eu_inspectionsPermits - Inspections (130 records)
List of inspections per Member State
Element name | Element definition |
IDinspectionsPermits | Primary composite key |
IDinspectionsPermitsReported | Primary composite key |
IDreport | Primary composite key |
country | iso2 country code |
inspectionStatus | Flag to distinguish compliant | noncompliant |
unit | Fixed value 'Number' |
value | Number of establishments |
envelope_link | Link to the envelope |
eu_inspectionsPermitsReported - Inspections per species (65 records)
Information on inspections per IAS of Union concern
Element name | Element definition |
IDinspectionsPermitsReported | Primary composite key |
IDspecies | Primary composite key |
IDreport | Primary composite key |
country | iso2 country code |
EASINCode | Code IAS of Union concern |
numberEstablishments | Number of establishments |
numberEstablishmentsInspected | Number of establishments inspected |
permitPurpose | Purpose of the permit (vocabulary |
year | Year of the permit |
envelope_link | Link to the envelope |
eu_measures - Management and rapid eradication measures (742 records)
Information on managemet and rapid eradication measure(s) taken for IAS of Union cocern
Element name | Element definition |
IDmeasures | Primary composite key |
IDspecies | Primary composite key |
IDreport | Primary composite key |
addInfo | iso2 country code |
country | Additional information |
effectiveness | Effectiveness of the measures (vocabulary |
objective | Objective of the measures (vocabulary |
type | Flag to distinguish management measures and rapid eradication (management | eradication) |
noNegativeImpact | True when no negative impacts have been observed |
populationId | Identifier of the population |
populationName | Name of the population |
startDate | Start date of the measure |
endDate | End date of the measure |
envelope_link | Link to the envelope |
eu_measures_natList - Measures taken (4173 records)
Information on measures taken for IAS of regional concern
Element name | Element definition |
IDmeasures_natList | Primary composite key |
IDspecies_natList | Primary composite key |
IDreport | Primary composite key |
country | iso2 country code |
measure | Measures for IAS of Member State's concern (vocabulary |
envelope_link | Link to the envelope |
eu_methodsUsed - Methods used for management and rapid eradication (809 records)
List of methods used for management and rapid eradication
Element name | Element definition |
IDmethodsUsed | Primary composite key |
IDmeasures | Primary composite key |
IDreport | Primary composite key |
country | iso2 country code |
methodCode | Method |
envelope_link | Link to the envelope |
eu_partTerritoryBiogeo - Biogeographical regions (554 records)
Biogeographical regions where measures are applied for each IAS of Union concern
Element name | Element definition |
IDpartTerritoryBiogeo | Primary composite key |
IDmeasures | Primary composite key |
IDreport | Primary composite key |
country | iso2 country code |
code | Code of the biogeographical region |
name | Name of the biogeographical region |
envelope_link | Link to the envelope |
eu_partTerritoryMarineSubregions - Marine sub-regions (38 records)
Marine sub-regions where measures are applied for each IAS of Union concern
Element name | Element definition |
IDreport | Primary composite key |
IDpartTerritoryMarineSubregions | Primary composite key |
IDmeasures | Primary composite key |
country | iso2 country code |
label | Name of the marine subregion |
code | Code of the marine subregion |
envelope_link | Link to the envelope |
eu_partTerritoryNUTS - Territorial Units (NUTS) (1153 records)
NUTS code where measures are applied for each IAS of Union concern
Element name | Element definition |
IDpartTerritoryRiverBasinSubunit | Primary composite key |
IDmeasures | Primary composite key |
IDreport | Primary composite key |
country | iso2 country code |
code | Code of the NUTS region |
name | Name of the NUTS region |
envelope_link | Link to the envelope |
eu_partTerritoryRiverBasinSubunit - River basin sub-units (250 records)
River basin sub-units where measures are applied for each IAS of Union concern
Element name | Element definition |
IDpartTerritoryRiverBasinSubunit | Primary composite key |
IDmeasures | Primary composite key |
IDreport | Primary composite key |
country | iso2 country code |
name | Name of the river basin subunit |
envelope_link | Link to the envelope |
eu_pathways - Priority pathways (1255 records)
Information on priority pathways addressed per IAS of Union concern
Element name | Element definition |
IDpathway | Primary composite key |
IDreport | Primary composite key |
country | iso2 country code |
EASINCode | Code of the IAS of Union concern |
pathwayCode | Code of the pathway (vocabulary |
envelope_link | Link to the envelope |
eu_permitsIssued - Issued permits (113 records)
Information on permits issued per IAS of Union Concern
Element name | Element definition |
IDpermitsIssued | Primary composite key |
IDspecies | Primary composite key |
IDreport | Primary composite key |
country | iso2 country code |
EASINCode | Code of the IAS of Union concern |
numberIssued | Number of permits issues |
numberValid | Number of valid permits |
permitPurpose | Purpose of the permits (vocabulary |
year | Year of the permit |
envelope_link | Link to the envelope |
eu_permittedSpecimens - Permitted specimens (235 records)
Information on number or volume of permitted specimens corresponding to permits
Element name | Element definition |
IDpermittedSpecimens | Primary composite key |
IDpermitsIssued | Primary composite key |
IDreport | Primary composite key |
country | iso2 country code |
permit_type | Flag to distinguish between issued specimens and valid specimens (issued | valid) |
unit | Unit (vocabulary |
value | Number or volume of permitted specimens |
envelope_link | Link to the envelope |
eu_reportingParty - Countries reporting (28 records)
Information on existence of Member States reporting on IAS of Union and of Member State concern
Element name | Element definition |
IDreport | Primary composite key |
country | iso2 country code |
hasNationalList | True if the country has a national list |
startYear | Reporting period from, fixed value 2015 |
endYear | Reporting period to, fixed value 2018 |
envelope_link | Link to the envelope |
eu_species - IAS of Union concern (1344 records)
Information on IAS of Union concern
Element name | Element definition |
IDspecies | Primary composite key |
IDreport | Primary composite key |
country | iso2 country code |
EASINCode | Code of the IAS of Union concern |
addInfoSpecies | Additional information for the species |
addInfoInspections | Additional information for inspections |
addInfoPermits | Additional information for permits |
commonNameNational | Common name of the IAS of Union concern in national language |
eradicationMeasures | Eradication measures taken (true/false) |
noInspections | No inspections carried out (true/false) |
permitsIssued | Permits issues (true/false) |
present | Species present in the territory of the Member State (vocabulary |
reproductionPattern | Reproduction pattern of the species (vocabulary |
managementMeasures | Management measures taken (true/false) |
envelope_link | Link to the envelope |
eu_species_natList - IAS of Member State concern (464 records)
Inforation on IAS of Member State concern
Element name | Element definition |
IDspecies_natList | Primary composite key |
IDreport | Primary composite key |
country | iso2 country code |
addInfoSpecies | Additional information on the species |
addInfoMeasures | Additional information on measures |
commonNameNational | Common name of the IAS |
present | Species present in the territory of the Member State (vocabulary |
reproductionPattern | Reproduction pattern of the species (vocabulary |
scientificName | Scientific name of the IAS |
envelope_link | Link to the envelope |
EASINcode | EASIN code |
eu_spreadPatterns - Spread patterns of IAS of Union concern (1418 records)
Information on spread patterns of IAS of Union concern
Element name | Element definition |
IDspreadPatterns | Primary composite key |
IDspecies | Primary composite key |
IDreport | Primary composite key |
country | iso2 country code |
EASINCode | Code of the IAS of Union concern |
section | Section of the report format (A|B) |
spreadPattern | Code of the spread pattern (vocabulary |
envelope_link | Link to the envelope |
eu_spreadPatterns_natList - Spread patterns of IAS of Member State concern (1069 records)
Information on spread patterns of IAS of Member State concern
Element name | Element definition |
IDspreadPatterns_natList | Primary composite key |
IDspecies_natList | Primary composite key |
IDreport | Primary composite key |
country | iso2 country code |
EASINCode | Code of the IAS of Member State's concern |
section | Section of the report format (A|B) |
spreadPattern | Spread pattern (vocabulary |
envelope_link | Link to the envelope |
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