

Indices of climate, soil and vegetation quality

Prod-ID: DAT-43-en
Created 22 Aug 2003 Published 22 Aug 2003 Last modified 17 Mar 2023
2 min read
This page was archived on 17 Mar 2023 with reason: Content is outdated
Climate quality index: Structural analysis 1961-1990

GIS data

Zipped tif-file, raster data
Zipped tif-file, raster data
Zipped tif-file, raster data


Mapping sensitivity to desertification (DISMED), 2008


Additional information

Climate data in DISMED will be based on the aridity index, which requires a harmonized way of computing evapotransipration, that at present differs among countries. In this respect FMA will be in charge of defining the most suitable algorithm(s) concerning evapotranspiration and the correct time frame, which depends on the available data and on the methodological approach adopted. Soil quality index: This index is one of the components of the sensitivity to desertification index for UNCCD annex IV countries (convention text). It is based on: soil parent material, soil depth, soil texture and the slope of the land surface. Vegetation quality index: This index is one of the components of the sensitivity to desertification index for UNCCD annex IV countries (convention text). It is based four aspects of the vegetation: the fire risk, the protection provided against different types of erosion, the resistance to water shortages and the amount of land surface coverage. The dataset was created by assigning values for each parameter to Corine Land Cover third level classes.