

Monitoring of CO2 emissions from passenger cars – Regulation 443/2009

Prod-ID: DAT-116-en
Created 07 Dec 2012 Published 11 Dec 2012 Last modified 28 Jun 2016
3 min read
This page was archived on 15 Apr 2015 with reason: Other (New version data-and-maps/data/co2-cars-emission-8 was published)
The Regulation (EC) No 443/2009 requires Member States to record information for each new passenger car registered in its territory. Every year, each Member State shall submit to the Commission all the information related to their new registration. In particular, the following details are required for each new passenger car registered: manufacturer name, type, variant, version, make and commercial name, specific emissions of CO2, mass in running order, wheel base and track width. Additional information, such as fuel type, fuel mode and engine capacity were also submitted.

European data

Monitoring of CO2 emissions from passenger cars - Data

[+] Show table definition (records:   338558)

Field nameField DefinitionData typePrimary key
ID ID integer Yes
MS Member state varchar(2) No
MP Manufacturer pooling varchar(120) No
Mh Manufacturer harmonised varchar(120) No
MAN Manufacturer name OEM declaration varchar(120) No
MMS Manufacturer name as in MS registry varchar(120) No
T Type varchar(120) No
Va Variant varchar(120) No
Ve Version varchar(120) No
Mk Make varchar(120) No
Cn Commercial name varchar(120) No
Ct Category of the vehicle type approved varchar(2) No
r Total new registrations integer No
m (kg) Mass integer No
e (g/km) Specific CO2 Emissions integer No
w (mm) Wheel Base integer No
at1 (mm) Axle width steering axle integer No
at2 (mm) Axle width other axle integer No
Ft Fuel type varchar(120) No
Fm Fuel mode varchar(1) No
ec (cm3) Engine capacity integer No
z (Wh/km) Electric energy consumption integer No
IT Innovative technology or group of innovative technologies varchar(255) No
Er (g/km) Emissions reduction through innovative technologies integer No
TAN Type approval number varchar(255) No
ep (KW) Engine power integer No


Additional information

Correspondance table between the manufacturer harmonised names in the database (Mh) and the official manufacturer names


Additional information

The data has been submitted by Member States at the beginning of 2011 and the preliminary data were published on the 20th of June. Manufacturers then had three months to verify the data and to notify the Commission of any errors in the data. 40 manufacturers verified the data in-depth and notified the Commission of errors. Eight manufacturers accepted the preliminary data without corrections.  The Commission together with EEA has considered those notifications and, where appropriate, adjusted the provisional calculations of the average specific emissions and the targets.

The data are required for the calculation by the Commission of the average specific emissions of CO2 from new passenger cars and for setting the specific emissions targets that shall be met by car manufacturers. The database provides the detailed data without taking into account other factors required for the calculation of specific emissions targets, such as phase-in percentages, credits for low emitting vehicles and E85 fuelled vehicles, or eco-innovation credits. In order to calculate the average specific emissions and specific emission targets the Commission considered only those vehicles for which emission and mass are available.