
Data providers and partners

Joint Research Centre (JRC)

The Joint Research Centre is the scientific and technical research laboratory of the European Union and part of the European Commission. It is a directorate-general, and provides scientific advice and the technical know-how for supporting EU policies. Its status as a Commission service, which guarantees its independence from private and national interests, is crucial for pursuing its mission.

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11 Nov 2009

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

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Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs (DG ECFIN)

This is where you find information about economic and financial issues in the European Union

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Nationalt Center for Miljø og Energi - National Environmental Research Institute (NERI)

The National Centre for Environment and Energy (NERI) is the portal for authorities, businesses, interest organisations and the public to the strong expertise of Aarhus University within nature, environment and energy.

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Council of Europe (CoE)

The Council of Europe launched its environment programme in 1961, to deal with one of the issues now perceived as one of the main challenges that Europe will have to face in the 21st century. The Council of Europe's activities in this field focus on the conservation of nature and landscapes.

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European Topic Centre on Inland, Coastal and Marine waters (ETC/ICM)

The ETC/ICM is an international consortium brought together to support the EEA in its mission to deliver timely, targeted, relevant and reliable information to policy-makers and the public for the development and implementation of sound environmental policies in the European Union and other EEA member countries.

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