uri title created modified published language translation_of_uri mps_code serial_title description type_uri isbn prod_id
http://www.eea.europa.eu/themes/regions/pan-european-ru/the-belgrade-ministerial-conference/novosti-i-press-relizy/belgradskaya-konferenciya-2013-obratnyi-otschet Белградская конференция – обратный отсчет 2007-09-20T08:38:50Z 2016-06-21T13:46:08Z 2008-04-30T08:38:53Z ru http://www.eea.europa.eu/themes/regions/pan-european/the-belgrade-ministerial-conference/news-and-press-releases/counting-down-to-belgrade 2011 None Обратный отсчет до 6-й Министерской конференции в рамках процесса «Окружающая среда для Европы» начат. Организатором конференции, которая проходит в Белграде, Сербия, 10-12 октября, является Европейская Экономическая Комиссия ООН (ЕЭК ООН). Главным событием конференции является официальный выпуск доклада ЕАОС «Защита окружающей среды Европы: Четвертая оценка» в первый день. В документе представлена оценка достижений в области охраны окружающей среды 53 стран – занимающих территорию с численностью населения более чем 870 млн человек. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None OMJY9QUW6H
http://www.eea.europa.eu/nl/highlights/meer-maatregelen-nodig-om-de Meer maatregelen nodig om de meest kwetsbaarste burgers van Europa te beschermen tegen luchtvervuiling, geluidshinder en extreme temperaturen 2019-01-29T09:31:03Z 2019-05-03T08:05:51Z 2019-02-04T10:55:00Z nl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/protect-vulnerable-citizens 2019 1.4.2 None Er zijn gerichte maatregelen nodig om armen, ouderen en kinderen te beschermen tegen milieuproblemen als luchtvervuiling, geluidshinder en extreme temperaturen, met name in de oostelijke en zuidelijke regio's van Europa. In een vandaag gepubliceerd rapport van het Europees Milieuagentschap (EEA) wordt gewaarschuwd dat deze problemen een onevenredige impact hebben op de gezondheid van de meest kwetsbaarste burgers van Europa, ongeacht het feit dat de kwaliteit van het milieu in Europa over het geheel genomen is verbeterd. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None UH9QONP8S3
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pt/highlights/sao-necessarias-medidas-adicionais-para São necessárias medidas adicionais para proteger os cidadãos europeus mais vulneráveis da poluição atmosférica, do ruído e das temperaturas extremas 2019-01-29T09:31:03Z 2019-05-03T08:05:51Z 2019-02-04T10:55:00Z pt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/protect-vulnerable-citizens 2019 1.4.2 None São necessárias medidas direcionadas para proteger melhor os pobres, os idosos e as crianças dos perigos ambientais, como a poluição atmosférica e sonora e as temperaturas extremas, especialmente nas regiões da Europa Oriental e Meridional. Um relatório da Agência Europeia do Ambiente (AEA) publicado hoje alerta para o facto da saúde dos cidadãos europeus mais vulneráveis continuar a ser desproporcionadamente afetada por estes perigos, apesar das melhorias na qualidade ambiental da Europa. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None CVM38UJYRZ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pl/highlights/konkurs-fotograficzny-na-temat-zrownowazonej Konkurs fotograficzny na temat zrównoważonej żywności, energii i mobilności 2019-02-22T12:52:50Z 2019-05-02T12:24:24Z 2019-03-08T14:54:40Z pl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-to-profile-sustainable 2019 3.4.3 None Sposób, w jaki produkujemy i konsumujemy żywność i energię, oraz sposób transportu ludzi i towarów mają wpływ na środowisko, klimat i zdrowie. Nowy konkurs fotograficzny Europejskiej Agencji Środowiska pt. „Sustainably Yours” (Twoje spojrzenie na zrównoważone życie) ma zachęcić Europejczyków do wysyłania zdjęć dotyczących wyzwań i możliwości w zakresie bardziej zrównoważonych wyborów dotyczących żywności, energii i mobilności. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None V2JO9Y3C6R
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pl/highlights/rosnace-zuzycie-energii-spowalnia-postep Rosnące zużycie energii spowalnia postęp UE w dziedzinie wykorzystania odnawialnych źródeł energii i poprawy efektywności energetycznej 2018-11-22T14:07:10Z 2019-03-22T14:32:56Z 2019-03-22T14:15:00Z pl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/rising-energy-consumption-slows-eu 2018 1.3.2 None Postęp w zakresie wykorzystania energii ze źródeł odnawialnych i poprawy efektywności energetycznej w Unii Europejskiej zwalnia, stawiając pod znakiem zapytania zdolność UE do osiągnięcia celów w dziedzine ograniczenia zużycia energii i emisji gazów cieplarnianych. Według wstępnych danych opublikowanych dziś w corocznej analizie Europejskiej Agencji Środowiska (EEA) dotyczącej postępu w realizacji celów w zakresie odnawialnych źródeł energii i efektywności energetycznej, za spowolnienie to głównie odpowiada wzrost zużycia energii, szczególnie w sektorze transportu. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ZTRDGXVJ9H
http://www.eea.europa.eu/da/highlights/mere-end-85-af-de Mere end 85 % af de europæiske badesteder vurderes til at have en udmærket vandkvalitet 2019-05-28T13:04:00Z 2019-12-10T09:22:34Z 2019-06-06T11:05:00Z da http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/large-number-of-europes-bathing 2019 1.5.1 None Flere end 85 % af de badevandsområder, der sidste år blev kontrolleret i Europa, levede op til EU's højeste kvalitetskrav for vands renhed og blev i den seneste rapport om europæisk badevandskvalitet betegnet som "udmærket". De resultater, der er offentliggjort i dag, giver et godt fingerpeg om, hvor man finder den bedste badevandskvalitet til sommer. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VYF5POIS4X
http://www.eea.europa.eu/hu/highlights/az-europai-furdovizek-tobb-mint Az európai fürdővizek több mint 85%-a kiváló minőségű 2019-05-28T13:04:00Z 2019-12-10T09:22:34Z 2019-06-06T11:55:00Z hu http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/large-number-of-europes-bathing 2019 1.5.1 None Az európai fürdőhelyek vízminőségéről készített legutóbbi éves jelentés tanúsága szerint az elmúlt évben vizsgált európai fürdőhelyek valamivel több mint 85%-a kiérdemelte az Európai Unió szigorú minősítési kritériumai alapján a legelőkelőbb, „kiváló” minősítést. A ma közzétett eredmények jó áttekintést nyújtanak arról, hogy ezen a nyáron várhatóan mely fürdőhelyek vízminősége a legkiválóbb. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None GC5QHKO184
http://www.eea.europa.eu/nl/highlights/zwemwater-in-meer-dan-85 Zwemwater in meer dan 85 % van Europese badzones van uitstekende kwaliteit 2019-05-28T13:04:00Z 2019-12-10T09:22:34Z 2019-06-06T11:55:00Z nl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/large-number-of-europes-bathing 2019 1.5.1 None Ruim 85 % van de afgelopen jaar gecontroleerde badzones in Europa was van het hoogste "uitstekende" kwaliteitsniveau en voldeed aan de strengste kwaliteitsnormen voor schoon water van de Europese Unie, zo blijkt uit het recentste jaarlijkse verslag over de kwaliteit van het Europese zwemwater. De vandaag gepubliceerde resultaten geven een goede indicatie van waar deze zomer de beste zwemwaterkwaliteit te vinden is. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None JC40DG2UYM
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pt/highlights/boas-noticias-para-os-turistas Boas notícias para os turistas: a qualidade da água na grande maioria das estâncias balneares europeias é excelente 2018-05-23T08:45:43Z 2020-01-13T19:09:56Z 2018-05-29T09:55:00Z pt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/good-news-for-holiday-makers 2018 1.5.2 None Apesar de uma ligeira deterioração dos resultados, segundo o último relatório anual sobre a qualidade das zonas balneares europeias publicado hoje, 85 % das zonas balneares europeias monitorizadas em 2017 satisfaziam as normas de qualidade «excelente», o que significa que a maioria está isenta de poluentes nocivos. Os resultados dão uma boa indicação aos turistas sobre as zonas em que poderão encontrar as melhores águas balneares este verão. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 1M7VE3X4YK
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pt/highlights/concurso-de-video-partilhe-as Concurso de vídeo: Partilhe as suas ações ecológicas 2017-11-29T13:15:36Z 2018-01-03T08:52:04Z 2017-12-01T08:39:05Z pt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/video-competition-share-your-green-actions 2017 3.4.3 None Como se deslocou para o trabalho ou para a escola hoje? De carro, de bicicleta ou de transporte público? Todos os dias tomamos decisões que podem ter impacte no ambiente. Algumas das nossas decisões quotidianas são esforços conscientes para viver num ambiente mais limpo e mais saudável. Organizado pela Agência Europeia do Ambiente (AEA) em conjunto com a sua rede de parceiros, o concurso de vídeo «I LIVE GREEN» convida todos os cidadãos europeus a mostrar a sua criatividade e a partilhar as suas ações em prol do ambiente. Os melhores vídeos receberão um prémio em dinheiro. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None FUP2WJ6EGM
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pt/highlights/concurso-fotografico-envie-nos-a Concurso fotográfico: Envie-nos a suas melhores fotografias sobre o tema da água 2018-04-10T12:32:52Z 2018-04-13T12:13:29Z 2018-04-16T07:00:00Z pt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-send-us-your 2018 3.4.3 None O que lhe vem à cabeça quando pensa em água? É capaz de captar essa imagem numa fotografia? A Agência Europeia do Ambiente (AEA) convida-o a enviar as suas captações mais criativas para o concurso fotográfico sobre o tema da água, WaterPIX. Os melhores vídeos receberão um prémio em dinheiro. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None J716BPGU3X
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pt/highlights/poluicao-atmosferica-ainda-demasiado-elevada Poluição atmosférica ainda demasiado elevada em toda a Europa 2018-10-23T07:54:47Z 2019-12-10T09:22:30Z 2018-10-28T23:05:00Z pt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/air-pollution-still-too-high 2018 1.1.2 None Apesar da melhoria lenta, a poluição atmosférica continua a ultrapassar os limites e as orientações da União Europeia e da Organização Mundial de Saúde, de acordo com dados e informações atualizados publicados pela Agência Europeia do Ambiente (AEA). A poluição atmosférica continua a constituir um perigo para a saúde humana e para o ambiente. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None PGS76FDZR1
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/drzave-clanice-eu-a-trebale Države članice EU-a trebale bi ambicioznije pristupiti ostvarivanju zajedničkog cilja u pogledu obnovljive energije 2018-12-14T08:17:32Z 2019-03-08T14:22:27Z 2019-02-14T12:44:04Z hr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-member-states-need-more 2018 1.3.2 None Udio energije proizvedene iz obnovljivih izvora u ukupnoj potrošnji energije Europske unije udvostručio se od 2005., ali taj se porast posljednjih godina usporio - posebno zato što se povećala potrošnja energije te zbog nedostatka napretka u prometnom sektoru. Novo izvješće Europske agencije za okoliš (EEA) pokazuje da, u pogledu korištenja obnovljive energije, države članice Europske unije trebaju uložiti više truda u postizanje cilja za 2020. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None FZ5HDTIQKE
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lv/highlights/es-dalibvalstim-japieliek-lielakas-pules ES dalībvalstīm jāpieliek lielākas pūles atjaunojamo energoresursu kopīgo mērķu sasniegšanai 2018-12-14T08:17:32Z 2019-03-08T14:22:27Z 2019-02-26T08:28:03Z lv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-member-states-need-more 2018 1.3.2 None Atjaunojamo enerģijas avotu daļa Eiropas Savienības (ES) enerģijas izmantojumā kopš 2005. gada ir dubultojusies, taču šī izaugsme pēdējos gados ir mazinājusies, jo īpaši tādēļ, ka enerģijas patēriņš pieaug un transporta nozarē izpaliek progress. Eiropas Vides aģentūras (EVA) jaunajā ziņojumā redzams, ka ES dalībvalstīm nepieciešams pastiprināt centienus, lai sasniegtu 2020. gada mērķi par atjaunojamo enerģiju. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 0Y31PMKWC5
http://www.eea.europa.eu/nl/highlights/de-eu-lidstaten-moeten-meer De EU-lidstaten moeten meer ambitie tonen om het gezamenlijke doel inzake hernieuwbare energie te halen 2018-12-14T08:17:32Z 2019-03-08T14:22:27Z 2019-03-07T12:55:37Z nl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-member-states-need-more 2018 1.3.2 None Sinds 2005 is het aandeel van hernieuwbare energiebronnen in de Europese Unie verdubbeld, maar deze groei is in de afgelopen jaren afgezwakt, vooral door het toenemende energieverbruik en door te weinig vooruitgang in de transportsector. Uit het recente rapport van het Europees Milieuagentschap (EEA) blijkt dat de EU-lidstaten zich meer moeten inspannen om het doel voor 2020 inzake hernieuwbare energie nog te halen. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ZY98CIDXUO
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/natjecaj-za-najbolji-videofilm-predstavite Natječaj za najbolji videofilm: Predstavite svoje „zelene” akcije 2017-11-29T13:15:36Z 2018-01-03T08:52:04Z 2017-12-01T08:39:05Z hr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/video-competition-share-your-green-actions 2017 3.4.3 None Kako ste danas došli na posao ili u školu? Autom, biciklom ili javnim prijevozom? Svakodnevno donosimo odluke koje mogu utjecati na okoliš. Neke od tih odluka odraz su naših svjesnih pokušaja da živimo u čišćem i zdravijem okolišu. Svi građani Europe pozvani su na sudjelovanje u natječaju za najbolji videofilm pod nazivom „I LIVE GREEN”, koji organiziraju Europska agencija za okoliš (EEA) i njezina mreža partnera. Na taj način mogu pokazati svoju kreativnost i predstaviti svoje djelovanje u području očuvanja okoliša. Za najbolje videofilmove predviđene su novčane nagrade http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 7543MGDOWA
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/clenske-staty-eu-musi-byt Členské státy EU musí být ambicióznější, pokud chtějí dosáhnout společného cíle v oblasti energie z obnovitelných zdrojů 2018-12-14T08:17:32Z 2019-03-08T14:22:27Z 2019-01-22T14:30:19Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-member-states-need-more 2018 1.3.2 None Podíl energie z obnovitelných zdrojů se v rámci spotřeby energie v Evropské unii od roku 2005 zdvojnásobil. Tento růst se však v posledních letech zpomalil, a to zejména kvůli vyšší spotřebě energie a malému pokroku v odvětví dopravy. Z nové zprávy Evropské agentury pro životní prostředí (EEA) vyplývá, že členské státy EU musí zintenzivnit své úsilí o dosažení cíle v oblasti energie z obnovitelných zdrojů, který byl stanoven pro rok 2020. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None W54J7DR0C8
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/fotografski-natjecaj-posaljite-nam-svoje Fotografski natječaj: Pošaljite nam svoje najbolje fotografije vode 2018-04-10T12:32:52Z 2018-04-13T12:13:29Z 2018-04-16T07:00:00Z hr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-send-us-your 2018 3.4.3 None Što vam pada na pamet kad pomislite na vodu? Možete li to prikazati fotografijom? Europska agencija za okoliš (EEA) poziva vas da joj pošaljete svoje najkreativnije fotografije vode na fotografski natječaj na temu vode WaterPIX. Za najbolje fotografije predviđene su novčane nagrade. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None UJQIW6GHK0
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fr/highlights/mention-excellente-pour-la-qualite Mention «excellente» pour la qualité de l'eau de plus de 85 % des sites de baignade européens 2019-05-28T13:04:00Z 2019-12-10T09:22:34Z 2019-06-06T10:00:00Z fr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/large-number-of-europes-bathing 2019 1.5.1 None Selon le dernier rapport annuel sur la qualité des eaux de baignade, un peu plus de 85 % des sites de baignade en Europe contrôlés l'année dernière ont satisfait aux normes de qualité les plus strictes de l'Union européenne en matière de propreté de l'eau, soit une qualité d'eau «excellente». Les résultats publiés aujourd'hui donnent une bonne indication des sites où la qualité des eaux de baignade sera probablement la meilleure cet été. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None CWHQOIBA10
http://www.eea.europa.eu/bg/highlights/sastoyanie-na-okolnata-sreda-v Състояние на околната среда в Европа през 2020 г.: неотложна промяна на посоката, за справяне с предизвикателствата, свързани с изменението на климата, обрат в процеса на влошаване и осигуряване на бъдещ просперитет 2019-11-29T09:23:12Z 2020-11-23T10:58:24Z 2019-12-03T23:05:00Z bg http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/soer2020-europes-environment-state-and-outlook-report 2019 2.4.4 None Европа няма да постигне своите цели за 2030 г. без да предприеме спешни действия през следващите 10 години, за да се справи с тревожния темп на загуба на биологично разнообразие, което ще увеличи въздействието на изменението на климата и свръхпотреблението на природни ресурси. В последния доклад за състоянието на околната среда на Европейската агенция по околна среда (ЕАОС), публикуван днес, се посочва, че Европа е изправена пред безпрецедентни по мащаб и неотложност предизвикателства, свързани с околната среда. В доклада обаче се посочва, че има основание за надежда, на фона на повишената информираност на обществеността относно необходимостта от преминаване към устойчиво бъдеще, иновациите в технологиите, увеличаващите се обществени инициативи и засилването на действията на ЕС, като например Европейски зелен курс. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None GX1NVKIDC7
http://www.eea.europa.eu/da/highlights/kvaliteten-af-europas-badevande-er Kvaliteten af Europas badevande er fortsat høj, konstateres det i den seneste Ã¥rlige vurdering 2020-06-04T11:48:00Z 2020-06-11T11:00:21Z 2020-06-08T11:30:00Z da http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/quality-of-europes-bathing-waters 2020 1.5.2 None Kvaliteten af Europas badevande er fortsat høj ifølge dette års europæiske badevandskvalitetsvurdering, som er blevet offentliggjort i dag. Lige under 85 % af de badestrande, der blev kontrolleret i Europa i 2019, levede op til Den Europæiske Unions strengeste kvalitetsstandard "udmærket". http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 9GP4FRQHSK
http://www.eea.europa.eu/et/highlights/viimase-iga-aastase-hinnangu-kohaselt Viimase iga-aastase hinnangu kohaselt on Euroopa suplusvee kvaliteet endiselt kõrge 2020-06-04T11:48:00Z 2020-06-11T11:00:21Z 2020-06-08T12:00:14Z et http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/quality-of-europes-bathing-waters 2020 1.5.2 None Täna avaldati Euroopa suplusvee kvaliteedi hinnang, mille kohaselt on Euroopa suplusvee kvaliteet endiselt kõrge. Euroopa Liidu kõige kõrgemale ja rangemale kvaliteedihindele „väga hea“ vastas 2019. aastal kogu Euroopas seiratud ujumiskohtadest veidi alla 85%. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None CBH1XYGFU6
http://www.eea.europa.eu/hu/highlights/a-legutobbi-eves-ertekeles-szerint A legutóbbi éves értékelés szerint Európa fürdővizeinek minősége továbbra is kiváló 2020-06-04T11:48:00Z 2020-06-11T11:00:21Z 2020-06-08T12:36:09Z hu http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/quality-of-europes-bathing-waters 2020 1.5.2 None A mai napon közzétett idei európai fürdővízminőség-értékelés szerint Európa fürdővizeinek minősége továbbra is kiváló. 2019-ben a vizsgált európai uszodák közel 85%-a megfelelt az Európai Unió legmagasabb és legszigorúbb előírásainak, azaz a „kiváló” minősítésnek. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None MEJQ5UAN49
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pt/highlights/a-qualidade-das-aguas-balneares A qualidade das águas balneares europeias continua a ser elevada, segundo a última avaliação anual 2020-06-04T11:48:00Z 2020-06-11T11:00:21Z 2020-06-08T12:40:00Z pt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/quality-of-europes-bathing-waters 2020 1.5.2 None De acordo com a avaliação da qualidade das águas balneares europeias, hoje publicada, a qualidade das águas balneares europeias continua a ser elevada. Quase 85 % das zonas balneares de toda a Europa monitorizadas em 2019 respeitavam as normas de qualidade mais elevadas e mais rigorosas da União Europeia, sendo classificadas como «excelentes». http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None MV8TUAO9BX
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sv/highlights/fortsatt-hog-kvalitet-pa-europas Fortsatt hög kvalitet på Europas badvatten enligt den senaste årliga bedömningen 2020-06-04T11:48:00Z 2020-06-11T11:00:21Z 2020-06-08T12:48:16Z sv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/quality-of-europes-bathing-waters 2020 1.5.2 None Fortsatt hög kvalitet på Europas badvatten enligt årets bedömning av den europeiska badvattenkvaliteten som offentliggörs idag. Strax under 85 % av de badplatser över hela Europa som kontrollerades under 2019 uppfyllde Europeiska unionens högsta och strängaste kvalitetsstandard ”utmärkt”. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 8OXCVURS7K
http://www.eea.europa.eu/ro/highlights/conform-celei-mai-recete-evaluari Conform celei mai recete evaluări anuale, calitatea apelor pentru scăldat din Europa rămâne ridicată 2020-06-04T11:48:00Z 2020-06-11T11:00:21Z 2020-06-08T13:16:51Z ro http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/quality-of-europes-bathing-waters 2020 1.5.2 None Conform evaluării din acest an a calității apelor pentru scăldat, publicate astăzi, calitatea apelor pentru scăldat din Europa este în continuare ridicată. Aproape 85 % din zonele de scăldat din Europa monitorizate în 2019 au îndeplinit condițiile pentru a li se atribui cel mai înalt și mai exigent standard de calitate al Uniunii Europene- „excelent”. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 4RWV08T5DM
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fi/highlights/euroopan-merten-tulevaisuus-on-epavarma Euroopan merten tulevaisuus on epävarma, jos johdonmukaisiin toimiin ei ryhdytä heti 2020-06-19T12:37:18Z 2021-11-17T08:45:27Z 2020-06-26T12:40:00Z fi http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-seas-face-uncertain-future 2020 1.6.2 None Euroopan merillä on entistä enemmän uhkia, muun muassa meren luonnonvarojen ylihyödyntäminen, saasteet ja ilmastonmuutos. Merten palauttaminen hyvään kuntoon edellyttää kiireellisiä toimia. Euroopan ympäristökeskuksen raportti merten ekosysteemeistä julkaistiin tänään. Raportin mukaan pian ei ole enää mahdollista korjata vuosikymmenten laiminlyöntiä ja väärinkäyttöä. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None G4FC1ZB6PN
http://www.eea.europa.eu/et/highlights/uusima-hinnangu-kohaselt-on-euroopa Uusima hinnangu kohaselt on Euroopa loodus tõsiselt ja jätkuvalt halvenemas 2020-10-07T08:25:08Z 2021-01-18T16:02:28Z 2020-10-19T09:23:53Z et http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/latest-evaluation-shows-europes-nature 2020 1.7.1 None Kestmatu põllumajandus ja metsandus, valglinnastumine ja saaste on peamised tegurid, mille süül Euroopa bioloogiline mitmekesisus drastiliselt halveneb, ohustades tuhandete loomaliikide ja nende elupaikade säilimist. Lisaks rakendavad liikmesriigid siiani puudulikult Euroopa Liidu (EL) loodusdirektiive ja teisi keskkonna õigusakte. Euroopa Keskkonnaameti (EEA) täna avaldatud aruande „Looduse seisund ELis“ järgi on enamiku kaitstud elupaikade ja liikide kaitsestaatus halb ning olukorra tagasi pööramiseks tuleb teha palju rohkem. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None MQH9OVPNX3
http://www.eea.europa.eu/no/highlights/siste-evaluering-viser-en-fortsatt Siste evaluering viser en fortsatt alvorlig forverring av naturen i Europa 2020-10-07T08:25:08Z 2021-01-18T16:02:28Z 2020-10-19T09:23:53Z no http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/latest-evaluation-shows-europes-nature 2020 1.7.1 None Jordbruk og skogbruk som ikke er bærekraftig, urban utbygging og forurensning er de viktigste faktorene til en drastisk nedgang i Europas biologiske mangfold, noe som truer eksistensen til tusenvis av dyrearter og habitater. Videre er det fortsatt medlemstater som ikke har implementert EUs naturdirektiver og andre miljølover. De fleste vernede habitater og arter har ikke en god bevaringsstatus, og det må gjøres mye mer for å snu utviklingen, ifølge Det europeiske miljøbyråets (EEA) “State of nature in the EU”-rapport, som publiseres i dag. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None EA8UNRVJB3
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/najnovije-procjene-pokazuju-da-se Najnovije procjene pokazuju da se stanje prirode u Europi ozbiljno i kontinuirano pogorÅ¡ava 2020-10-07T08:25:08Z 2021-01-18T16:02:28Z 2020-10-19T09:23:53Z hr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/latest-evaluation-shows-europes-nature 2020 1.7.1 None Neodržive poljoprivredne i šumarske prakse, širenje urbanih područja i onečišćenje glavni su pritisci koji uzrokuju drastičan pad biološke raznolikosti Europe, koji ugrožava opstanak tisuća životinjskih vrsta i staništa. Osim toga, države članice još uvijek ne provode direktive o prirodi Europske unije (EU) i druge zakone o okolišu. Prema danas objavljenom izvješću Europske agencije za okoliš (EEA) o stanju prirode u EU većina zaštićenih staništa i vrsta nije u dobrom stanju očuvanosti i potrebno je učiniti mnogo više kako bi se stanje promijenilo. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None B2SA7TGH10
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pt/highlights/os-plasticos-sao-uma-preocupacao Os plásticos são uma preocupação ambiental e climática crescente: como pode a Europa reverter esta tendência? 2021-01-20T13:36:04Z 2021-01-28T11:43:08Z 2021-01-28T11:24:46Z pt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/plastics-environmental-concern 2021 4.0.2 None A quantidade cada vez maior de plásticos, o seu impacto na biodiversidade e a sua contribuição para as alterações climáticas, bem como a forma de lidar com esta situação na perspetiva de uma economia circular, são questões que figuram na agenda política da União Europeia desde há anos. A pandemia de COVID-19 mais não fez do que aumentar atenção dada aos resíduos de plástico, com imagens de máscaras de proteção nos oceanos e grandes quantidades de equipamento de proteção descartável. No relatório sobre a economia circular dos plásticos publicado hoje, a Agência Europeia do Ambiente (AEA) analisa a necessidade e o potencial de uma transição para uma abordagem circular e sustentável à utilização dos plásticos. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ZK34WFJTOG
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sl/highlights/drzave-clanice-eu-bi-morale Države članice EU bi morale biti ambicioznejše pri doseganju skupnega cilja glede obnovljive energije 2018-12-14T08:17:32Z 2019-03-08T14:22:27Z 2019-02-13T12:59:35Z sl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-member-states-need-more 2018 1.3.2 None Delež energije, pridobljene iz obnovljivih virov, se je pri skupni porabi energije v Evropski uniji (EU) od leta 2005 podvojil, vendar pa se je ta rast v zadnjih letih upočasnila, zlasti zaradi vse večje porabe energije in pomanjkanja napredka v prometnem sektorju. Novo poročilo Evropske agencije za okolje (EEA) kaže, da morajo države članice EU vložiti še več truda, če želijo do leta 2020 izpolniti cilj glede obnovljive energije. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None H2CB4KXSRY
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sl/highlights/potrebnih-vec-ukrepov-za-zascito Potrebnih več ukrepov za zaščito najranljivejših državljanov Evrope pred onesnaženostjo zraka, hrupom in ekstremnimi temperaturami 2019-01-29T09:31:03Z 2019-05-03T08:05:51Z 2019-02-04T10:55:00Z sl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/protect-vulnerable-citizens 2019 1.4.2 None Sprejeti je treba ciljno naravnane ukrepe za boljšo zaščito revnih, starejših in otrok pred okoljskimi nevarnostmi, kot so onesnaženost zraka, obremenitev s hrupom in ekstremne temperature, zlasti v regijah vzhodne in južne Evrope. Evropska agencija za okolje (EEA) v danes objavljenem poročilu opozarja, daso kljub splošnemu izboljšanju kakovosti okolja v Evropi najranljivejši državljani Evrope še naprej nesorazmerno izpostavljeni tem nevarnostim. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None K27T9VUQ5R
http://www.eea.europa.eu/de/highlights/fotowettbewerb-zum-thema-nachhaltigkeit-von Fotowettbewerb zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit von Lebensmitteln, Energie und Mobilität 2019-02-22T12:52:50Z 2019-05-02T12:24:24Z 2019-02-28T11:11:18Z de http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-to-profile-sustainable 2019 3.4.3 None Die Art und Weise, wie wir Lebensmittel und Energie produzieren und konsumieren und wie wir Menschen und Güter befördern, hat Auswirkungen auf unsere Umwelt, unser Klima und unsere Gesundheit. Die Europäische Umweltagentur (EUA) veranstaltet einen Fotowettbewerb unter dem Motto „Sustainably Yours“ („Mit nachhaltigen Grüßen“) und lädt die Bürgerinnen und Bürger Europas ein, Fotos einzusenden, die die Chancen und Herausforderungen in Verbindung mit einer größeren Nachhaltigkeit von Lebensmitteln, Energie und Mobilität zum Ausdruck bringen. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None TZJVN82Q53
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lv/highlights/vajadziga-aktivaka-riciba-lai-aizsargatu Vajadzīga aktīvāka rīcība, lai aizsargātu Eiropas visneaizsargātākos iedzīvotājus no gaisa piesārņojuma, trokšņa un galēju temperatūru ietekmes 2019-01-29T09:31:03Z 2019-05-03T08:05:51Z 2019-04-16T14:40:43Z lv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/protect-vulnerable-citizens 2019 1.4.2 None Ir vajadzīga mērķtiecīga rīcība, lai labāk aizsargātu trūcīgas personas, vecus cilvēkus un bērnus no tādiem vides apdraudējumiem kā gaisa un trokšņa piesārņojums un galējas temperatūras, jo īpaši Eiropas austrumu un dienvidu reģionos. Šodien publicētajā Eiropas Vides aģentūras (EVA) ziņojumā ir ietverts brīdinājums, ka šādi apdraudējumi joprojām nesamērīgi kaitē Eiropas visneaizsargātāko iedzīvotāju veselībai, neraugoties uz to, ka vides kvalitāte Eiropā kopumā ir uzlabojusies. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None UPV0E1KFON
http://www.eea.europa.eu/it/highlights/la-qualita-dellacqua-risulta-eccellente La qualità dell'acqua risulta "eccellente" in più dell'85 % dei siti di balneazione europei 2019-05-28T13:04:00Z 2019-12-10T09:22:34Z 2019-06-06T10:00:00Z it http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/large-number-of-europes-bathing 2019 1.5.1 None Secondo l'ultima relazione annuale sulla qualità delle acque di balneazione europee, oltre l'85 % dei siti monitorati l'anno scorso ha soddisfatto i più rigorosi criteri dell'Unione europea in materia di pulizia ed è stato classificato di qualità "eccellente". I risultati pubblicati oggi sono un buon indicatore dei siti in cui quest'estate, con ogni probabilità, si potranno trovare le migliori acque balneabili. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ZMVINP1X98
http://www.eea.europa.eu/el/highlights/pano-apo-to-85-ton Πάνω από το 85 % των ευρωπαϊκών κολυμβητικών περιοχών χαρακτηρίζονται ως εξαιρετικής ποιότητας για την ποιότητα των υδάτων 2019-05-28T13:04:00Z 2019-12-10T09:22:34Z 2019-06-06T11:15:00Z el http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/large-number-of-europes-bathing 2019 1.5.1 None Σύμφωνα με την πιο πρόσφατη ετήσια ευρωπαϊκή έκθεση για την ποιότητα των υδάτων κολύμβησης, λίγο περισσότερο από το 85 % των περιοχών κολύμβησης σε ολόκληρη την Ευρώπη που αποτέλεσαν αντικείμενο παρακολούθησης πέρυσι, πληρούσαν τα υψηλότερα και πιο αυστηρά πρότυπα ποιότητας για την καθαρότητα των υδάτων. Τα αποτελέσματα που δημοσιεύονται δείχνουν ποιες είναι οι περιοχές με τα καλύτερα ύδατα κολύμβησης για φέτος το καλοκαίρι. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None GNSEFUOTP2
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fr/highlights/la-qualite-des-eaux-de La qualité des eaux de baignade européennes reste élevée, selon la dernière évaluation annuelle 2020-06-04T11:48:00Z 2020-06-11T11:00:21Z 2020-06-08T10:10:00Z fr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/quality-of-europes-bathing-waters 2020 1.5.2 None Selon l'évaluation annuelle de la qualité des eaux de baignade, publiée aujourd'hui, la qualité des eaux de baignade européennes reste élevée. Un peu moins de 85 % des sites de baignade en Europe contrôlés en 2019 répondaient aux normes de qualité les plus élevées et les plus strictes (qualité «excellente») de l'Union européenne. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None MY4D2FUS0E
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lt/highlights/naujausio-metinio-vertinimo-duomenimis-europos Naujausio metinio vertinimo duomenimis, Europos maudyklų vandens kokybė išlieka aukšta 2020-06-04T11:48:00Z 2020-06-11T11:00:21Z 2020-06-08T13:33:28Z lt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/quality-of-europes-bathing-waters 2020 1.5.2 None Remiantis šiandien paskelbtu Europos maudyklų vandens kokybės vertinimu, Europos maudyklų vandens kokybė ir toliau išlieka aukšta. Beveik 85 proc. 2019 metais stebėtų maudyklų visoje Europoje atitiko aukščiausius ir griežčiausius Europos Sąjungos puikios kokybės reikalavimus. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None SIY240EOKD
http://www.eea.europa.eu/da/highlights/rediscover-nature-2014-genopdag-naturen REDISCOVER Nature — Genopdag naturen - Miljøagenturets årlige fotokonkurrence 2020-05-19T05:09:14Z 2020-08-03T14:07:12Z 2020-06-09T12:03:18Z da http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/rediscover-nature-photo-competition 2020 3.4.3 None Uanset hvor vi er, kan vi alle sætte pris på naturen, måske nu mere end nogensinde før. I det Europæiske Miljøagenturs (EEA) fotokonkurrence "REDISCOVER Nature", som starter i dag, opfordres du til at indfange og dele dit bånd med naturen og omgivelserne omkring dig. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None EYQZIW627G
http://www.eea.europa.eu/no/highlights/rediscover-nature-i-arets-eea-fotokonkurranse REDISCOVER Nature i Ã¥rets EEA fotokonkurranse 2020-05-19T05:09:14Z 2020-08-03T14:07:12Z 2020-06-09T13:05:00Z no http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/rediscover-nature-photo-competition 2020 3.4.3 None Uansett hvor vi er kan vi alle sette pris på naturens underverker, nå kanskje mer enn noensinne. Årets fotokonkurranse fra Det europeiske miljøbyrået (EEA), «REDISCOVER Nature», som åpnes i dag, inviterer deg til å fange inn og dele din tilknytning til naturen og miljøet rundt deg. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VRF7O4Y0EI
http://www.eea.europa.eu/de/highlights/rediscover-nature-ist-das-motto REDISCOVER Nature ist das Motto des diesjährigen Fotowettbewerbs der EUA 2020-05-19T05:09:14Z 2020-08-03T14:07:12Z 2020-06-10T14:15:00Z de http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/rediscover-nature-photo-competition 2020 3.4.3 None Wo wir uns auch befinden – jeder von uns kann die Wunder der Natur wahrnehmen – heute vielleicht mehr als je zuvor. Mit „REDISCOVER Nature“, dem heute beginnenden diesjährigen Fotowettbewerb der Europäischen Umweltagentur (EUA) laden wir Sie ein, Ihre Verbundenheit mit Natur und Umwelt zu spüren und zu teilen. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None E5C8DBNSY3
http://www.eea.europa.eu/nl/highlights/rediscover-nature-voor-onze-fotowedstrijd REDISCOVER Nature voor onze fotowedstrijd van dit jaar 2020-05-19T05:09:14Z 2020-08-03T14:07:12Z 2020-06-10T14:15:00Z nl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/rediscover-nature-photo-competition 2020 3.4.3 None Waar we ook zijn, kunnen we genieten van de wonderen der natuur, misschien nu wel meer dan ooit. De jaarlijkse fotowedstrijd van het Europees Milieuagentschap (EEA) met als thema REDISCOVER Nature gaat vandaag van start. Hiervoor nodigen wij u uit om uw band met de natuur en het milieu vast te leggen en te delen. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None SD8M4X96C5
http://www.eea.europa.eu/el/highlights/i-teleytaia-aksiologisi-deichnei-oti Η τελευταία αξιολόγηση δείχνει ότι η φύση της Ευρώπης υφίσταται σοβαρή, συνεχιζόμενη επιδείνωση 2020-10-07T08:25:08Z 2021-01-18T16:02:28Z 2020-10-19T09:23:53Z el http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/latest-evaluation-shows-europes-nature 2020 1.7.1 None Η μη βιώσιμη γεωργία και δασοκομία, η αστική εξάπλωση και η ρύπανση αποτελούν τους σημαντικότερους παράγοντες πίεσης που ευθύνονται για τη δραστική μείωση της βιοποικιλότητας στην Ευρώπη, καθώς απειλούν την επιβίωση χιλιάδων ειδών ζώων και οικοτόπων. Επιπλέον, οι οδηγίες της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης (ΕΕ) για τη φύση και η νομοθεσία για την προστασία του περιβάλλοντος εξακολουθούν να μην εφαρμόζονται πλήρως από τα κράτη μέλη. Σύμφωνα με την έκθεση του Ευρωπαϊκού Οργανισμού Περιβάλλοντος με τίτλο «State of nature in the EU» (Η κατάσταση της φύσης στην ΕΕ) που δημοσιεύθηκε σήμερα, η κατάσταση διατήρησης των περισσότερων προστατευόμενων ενδιαιτημάτων και ειδών δεν είναι καλή και πρέπει να γίνουν πολύ περισσότερα για την αντιστροφή της κατάστασης. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None MEQHZP0VX3
http://www.eea.europa.eu/es/highlights/la-ultima-evaluacion-muestra-que La última evaluación muestra que la naturaleza se encuentra en un declive grave y continuado en Europa 2020-10-07T08:25:08Z 2021-01-18T16:02:28Z 2020-10-19T09:23:53Z es http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/latest-evaluation-shows-europes-nature 2020 1.7.1 None Las prácticas agrícolas y forestales insostenibles, la expansión urbana y la contaminación son las principales responsables del deterioro de la biodiversidad en Europa, que amenaza la supervivencia de miles de hábitats y especies animales. Además, los Estados miembros siguen sin aplicar en su totalidad las directivas de protección de la naturaleza y demás legislación en materia medioambiental de la Unión Europea. La mayoría de los hábitats y las especies protegidas no presentan un buen estado de conservación y queda mucho por hacer para revertir la situación, según el informe «State of nature in the EU» publicado hoy por la Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente (AEMA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ANZUHXCBRO
http://www.eea.europa.eu/tr/highlights/en-son-yapilan-degerlendirme-avrupada En son yapılan değerlendirme, Avrupa'da doğanın ciddi ve devam eden bir düşüşte olduğunu gösteriyor 2020-10-07T08:25:08Z 2021-01-18T16:02:28Z 2020-10-19T09:23:53Z tr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/latest-evaluation-shows-europes-nature 2020 1.7.1 None Sürdürülebilir olmayan çiftçilik ve ormancılık, kentsel yayılma ve kirlilik, Avrupa'nın biyolojik çeşitliliğinde şiddetli düşüşe neden olan ve binlerce hayvan türünün ve yaşam alanının varlığını sürdürmesini tehdit eden en büyük baskılardır. Bunun yanı sıra, Avrupa Birliği (AB)’nin doğa direktifleri ve diğer çevre yasaları Üye Devletler tarafından halen uygulanmamaktadır. Avrupa Çevre Ajansı'nın (EEA) bugün yayınlanan 'AB'de doğanın durumu' raporuna göre, korunan yaşam alanlarının ve türlerin çoğu iyi korunmamaktadır ve durumu tersine çevirmek için çok daha fazlasının yapılması gerekmektedir. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None YJZT4FK72D
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pl/highlights/ostatnia-ocena-pokazuje-ze-europejska Najnowsza ocena pokazuje, że stan europejskiej przyrody niebezpiecznie i ciągle się pogarsza 2020-10-07T08:25:08Z 2021-01-18T16:02:28Z 2020-10-19T09:25:00Z pl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/latest-evaluation-shows-europes-nature 2020 1.7.1 None Niezrównoważone rolnictwo i leśnictwo, rozrost miast oraz zanieczyszczenie to główne czynniki, które można winić za drastyczny spadek bioróżnorodności w Europie, zagrażający tysiącom gatunków zwierząt i siedlisk. Co więcej, w państwach członkowskich wciąż istnieją luki we wdrażaniu dyrektyw europejskich dotyczących przyrody oraz innych praw ochrony środowiska. Zgodnie z opublikowanym dziś raportem Europejskiej Agencji Środowiska (EEA) „State of nature in the EU” («Stan przyrody w UE« ) stan ochrony większości chronionych siedlisk i gatunków nie jest dobry i należy podjąć zdecydowane kroki, aby zmienić tę sytuację. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None J7MTXCGKA0
http://www.eea.europa.eu/hu/highlights/fotopalyazat-az-eghajlatvaltozas-hatasairol-es-megoldasairol Fotópályázat az éghajlatváltozás hatásairól és megoldásairól 2021-04-20T07:30:42Z 2021-08-18T12:52:28Z 2021-06-15T12:01:59Z hu http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-on-climate-change 2021 6.3.7 None Az éghajlatváltozás sokféle módon hat társadalmunkra és a környezetünkre. Az éghajlatváltozás kezeléséhez csökkentenünk kell a kibocsátásokat, hogy a legsúlyosabb hatásokat enyhíteni tudjuk és megtanuljunk alkalmazkodni azokhoz, amelyeket nem tudjuk megállítani. Az Európai Környezetvédelmi Ügynökség (EEA) ma megnyíló „Climate Change PIX” című fotópályázata arra hívja fel a résztvevőket, hogy mutassák be, hogy néz ki Európában az éghajlatváltozás, és hogyan reagálunk rá mi, európaiak. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 3CU9WSHGRE
http://www.eea.europa.eu/et/highlights/euroopa-linnade-uue-ohukvaliteedivaaturi-abil Euroopa linnade uue õhukvaliteedivaaturi abil saab tutvuda kodukoha õhusaaste pikaajalise tasemega 2021-06-11T08:36:58Z 2021-10-19T06:30:30Z 2021-06-17T08:20:00Z et http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-european-city-air-quality 2021 3.0.2 None Õhusaaste on suur tegelikku terviseriski põhjustav probleem paljudes Euroopa linnades. Täna võtab Euroopa Keskkonnaamet (EEA) kasutusele Euroopa linnade õhukvaliteedi vaaturi. Saate uurida, milline on õhukvaliteet olnud viimasel kahel aastal teie kodulinnas ja muudes linnades kogu Euroopas. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 6NRYB01PQA
http://www.eea.europa.eu/et/highlights/kliimamuutuste-moju-ja-lahenduste-teemaline-fotokonkurss Kliimamuutuste mõju ja lahenduste teemaline fotokonkurss 2021-04-20T07:30:42Z 2021-08-18T12:52:28Z 2021-08-18T12:49:48Z et http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-on-climate-change 2021 6.3.7 None Kliimamuutused mõjutavad meie ühiskonda ja keskkonda mitmeti. Kliimamuutuste vastu võitlemine nõuab heitkoguste vähendamist, et saaksime leevendada muutuste halvimat mõju, ja kohaneda sellistega, mida me ei saa peatada. Täna algavas Euroopa Keskkonnaameti (EEA) fotokonkursis „Climate Change PIX“ kutsutakse osavõtjaid üles kirjeldama, millised kliimamuutused Euroopas praegu toimuvad ja kuidas me neile reageerime. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None FA1WT6NSYE
http://www.eea.europa.eu/bg/highlights/prirodata-na-evropa-e-podlozhena Природата на Европа е подложена на натиск — предизвикателства и решения 2021-09-28T07:36:21Z 2022-02-25T10:56:57Z 2021-12-10T10:50:35Z bg http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-nature-under-pressure 2021 1.0.2 None Европейската агенция по околна среда (ЕАОС) и други оценки показват, че европейските екосистеми са сериозно застрашени. Векове на експлоатация са оставили своя отпечатък върху естествения свят на Европа и повечето защитени местообитания и видове не са в добро екологично състояние. В сигналите на ЕАОС за 2021 г. се прави преглед на проблемите пред природата в Европа и се посочват стратегии за промяна на положението. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None N6FKXIWMAJ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/de/highlights/die-natur-in-europa-unter Die Natur in Europa unter Druck – Herausforderungen und Lösungen 2021-09-28T07:36:21Z 2022-02-25T10:56:57Z 2021-12-10T10:56:03Z de http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-nature-under-pressure 2021 1.0.2 None Die Arbeiten der Europäischen Umweltagentur (EUA) und andere Bewertungen haben gezeigt, dass die europäischen Ökosysteme ernsthaft bedroht sind. Die jahrhundertelange Ausbeutung hat ihre Spuren in der natürlichen Umwelt Europas hinterlassen, und die meisten geschützten Lebensräume und Arten sind in keinem guten Erhaltungszustand. Die EUA-Veröffentlichung „Signale 2021“ gibt einen Überblick über die Probleme, mit denen die Natur in Europa konfrontiert ist, und verweist auf Strategien zur Umkehrung der Lage. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 1G03B92YWI
http://www.eea.europa.eu/es/highlights/la-naturaleza-de-europa-bajo La naturaleza de Europa bajo presión: retos y soluciones 2021-09-28T07:36:21Z 2022-02-25T10:56:57Z 2021-12-10T10:58:01Z es http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-nature-under-pressure 2021 1.0.2 None El trabajo de la Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente (AEMA) y otras evaluaciones han puesto de manifiesto que los ecosistemas europeos están gravemente amenazados. Siglos de explotación han dejado su huella en el entorno natural de Europa y la mayoría de los hábitats y especies protegidos no se encuentran en buen estado de conservación. El informe Señales 2021 de la AEMA presenta una visión general de los problemas a los que se enfrenta Europa y apunta a estrategias para revertir la situación. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None CAUE951OYB
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fi/highlights/euroopan-luontoon-kohdistuviin-paineisiin-liittyvia Euroopan luontoon kohdistuviin paineisiin liittyviä haasteita ja ratkaisuja 2021-09-28T07:36:21Z 2022-02-25T10:56:57Z 2021-12-10T11:58:48Z fi http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-nature-under-pressure 2021 1.0.2 None Euroopan ympäristökeskuksen arvioinnit (EEA) ja muut arvioinnit osoittavat, että Euroopan ekosysteemit ovat vakavasti uhattuina. Vuosisatoja kestänyt hyväksikäyttö on jättänyt jälkensä Euroopan luontoon, ja useimpien suojeltujen elinympäristöjen ja lajien suojelutilanne on huono. Euroopan ympäristökeskuksen vuoden 2021 Ympäristösignaalit-raportissa on yleiskatsaus Euroopan luonnon kohtaamiin ongelmiin, ja siinä tuodaan esiin strategioita tilanteen korjaamiseksi. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 7SV3TGU9P4
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fr/highlights/la-nature-de-l2019europe-sous La nature de l’Europe sous pression — défis et solutions 2021-09-28T07:36:21Z 2022-02-25T10:56:57Z 2021-12-10T11:00:19Z fr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-nature-under-pressure 2021 1.0.2 None Les travaux de l’Agence européenne pour l’environnement (AEE) ainsi que d’autres évaluations ont montré que les écosystèmes européens sont gravement menacés. Des siècles d’exploitation ont laissé des traces sur l’environnement naturel européen et la plupart des habitats et espèces protégés ne sont pas dans un bon état de conservation. La publication «Signaux de l’AEE 2021» présente un aperçu des problèmes auxquels la nature de l’Europe est confrontée et met en évidence des stratégies visant à inverser la situation. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 32SRZ7AP04
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/priroda-u-europi-pod-pritiskom Priroda u Europi pod pritiskom – izazovi i rješenja 2021-09-28T07:36:21Z 2022-02-25T10:56:57Z 2021-12-10T11:11:18Z hr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-nature-under-pressure 2021 1.0.2 None Djelovanje Europske agencije za okoliš (EEA) i druge procjene pokazali su da su europski ekosustavi ozbiljno ugroženi. Stoljeća iskorištavanja ostavila su trag na prirodni svijet u Europi, a većina zaštićenih staništa i vrsta nije u dobrom stanju očuvanosti. Publikacija EEA Signali 2021. sadržava pregled problema s kojima se suočava priroda u Europi i upućuje na strategije kako bi se situacija poboljšala. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None RWSGYZCUB8
http://www.eea.europa.eu/nl/highlights/europese-natuur-onder-druk-2013 Europese natuur onder druk – uitdagingen en oplossingen 2021-09-28T07:36:21Z 2022-02-25T10:56:57Z 2021-12-10T11:02:20Z nl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-nature-under-pressure 2021 1.0.2 None Uit het werk van het Europees Milieuagentschap (EEA) en uit andere beoordelingen is gebleken dat Europese ecosystemen ernstig worden bedreigd. Eeuwenlange exploitatie heeft haar sporen nagelaten op de Europese natuur, en de meeste beschermde leefgebieden en soorten zijn niet in goede staat van behoud. EEA Signalen 2021 geeft een overzicht van de problemen waarmee de Europese natuur te maken heeft, en benoemt strategieën om de situatie om te keren. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None WXT16MKAEI
http://www.eea.europa.eu/no/highlights/europas-natur-under-press-2013 Europas natur under press – utfordringer og løsninger 2021-09-28T07:36:21Z 2022-02-25T10:56:57Z 2021-12-10T11:04:02Z no http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-nature-under-pressure 2021 1.0.2 None Det europeiske miljøbyråets (EEA) arbeid og andre vurderinger har vist at Europas økosystemer er alvorlig truet. Århundrer med utnyttelse har satt varige spor på naturen i Europa, og bevaringsstatusen for de fleste verneområder og arter er ikke god. EEA Miljøsignaler 2021 gir en oversikt over problemene naturen i Europa står overfor, og peker på strategier for å bøte på situasjonen. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None UH40TR2WDA
http://www.eea.europa.eu/ro/highlights/natura-europei-sub-presiune-2013 Natura Europei sub presiune – provocări și soluții 2021-09-28T07:36:21Z 2022-02-25T10:56:57Z 2021-12-10T11:56:57Z ro http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-nature-under-pressure 2021 1.0.2 None Lucrările Agenției Europene de Mediu (AEM) și alte evaluări au arătat că ecosistemele europene sunt grav amenințate. După secole de exploatare care și-au pus amprenta asupra naturii Europei, cele mai multe habitate și specii protejate nu se află într-o stare bună de conservare. Raportul „Semnale de mediu AEM” din 2021 prezintă o viziune de ansamblu asupra problemelor cu care se confruntă natura Europei și propune strategii menite să ducă la inversarea situației. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None NZX5QAK3V4
http://www.eea.europa.eu/es/highlights/los-riesgos-climaticos-estan-aumentando Los riesgos climáticos están aumentando en toda Europa en frecuencia y gravedad 2021-11-10T19:38:40Z 2022-03-08T14:19:43Z 2021-12-10T12:06:14Z es http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-hazards-are-increasing-in 2021 2.0.2 None Dado que los fenómenos meteorológicos extremos y otros riesgos climáticos están aumentando en toda Europa en frecuencia y gravedad, se necesita información sólida para evaluar estas amenazas y planificar la adaptación. El nuevo informe interactivo de la Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente (AEMA) ofrece una visión actualizada de cómo están cambiando los riesgos climáticos en las distintas regiones de Europa. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None OD9R2HZ0GT
http://www.eea.europa.eu/mt/highlights/opportunitajiet-cari-ghad-dizakkoppjament-tal Opportunitajiet ċari għad-diżakkoppjament tal-ġenerazzjoni tal-iskart tal-Ewropa mit-tkabbir ekonomiku 2021-12-13T13:23:57Z 2022-03-28T07:42:10Z 2022-03-28T07:42:10Z mt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/clear-opportunities-to-decouple-europes 2021 4.0.2 None Fil-biċċa l-kbira tal-pajjiżi Ewropej u fl-UE kollha kemm hi, il-ġenerazzjoni tal-iskart qed tiżdied, iżda b’pass inqas mgħaġġel mill-ekonomija. Madankollu, ma hemm l-ebda sinjal li l-għan ġenerali tat-tnaqqis tal-ġenerazzjoni totali tal-iskart jinsab qrib li jintlaħaq, skont rapport tal-Aġenzija Ewropea għall-Ambjent ippubblikat dan l-aħħar. Is-sejbiet tar-rapport jenfasizzaw l-opportunitajiet biex l-iskart jiġi evitat b’mod aktar effettiv, b’lenti fuq it-tessuti. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None YIEPOH5MAU
http://www.eea.europa.eu/bg/highlights/nulevo-zamarsyavane-golyama-chast-ot Нулево замърсяване: Голяма част от водите за къпане в Европа отговарят на най-високите стандарти за качество 2022-06-01T07:14:53Z 2022-06-03T13:15:50Z 2022-06-03T13:10:30Z bg http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/zero-pollution-large-number-of 2022 1.0.2 None Според публикувания днес годишен доклад за водите за къпане почти 85 % от обектите за къпане в Европа през 2021 г. са отговаряли на най-строгите „отлични“ стандарти на Европейския съюз за качество на водите за къпане. Оценката дава добра представа за това къде плувците могат да намерят най-добрите места за къпане в цяла Европа това лято. Оценката, изготвена от Европейската агенция за околна среда (ЕАОС) в сътрудничество с Европейската комисия, се основава на мониторинга на 21 859 места за къпане в цяла Европа. Те обхващат териториите на държавите — членки на ЕС, както и на Албания и Швейцария, през 2021 г. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None F5WG3U6PJE
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/nulove-znecisteni-2013-velke-mnozstvi Nulové znečištění – velké množství evropských vod ke koupání splňuje nejvyšší normy kvality 2022-06-01T07:14:53Z 2022-06-03T13:15:50Z 2022-06-03T13:10:41Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/zero-pollution-large-number-of 2022 1.0.2 None Z dnes zveřejněné výroční zprávy o vodách ke koupání vyplývá, že v roce 2021 splňovalo téměř 85 % evropských lokalit ke koupání ty nejpřísnější normy Evropské unie, které zajišťují výbornou kvalitu vody. Posouzení dává plavcům dobré vodítko pro výběr lokalit, které letos v Evropě nabízející nejkvalitnější letní koupání. Toto posouzení, které vypracovala Evropská agentura pro životní prostředí (EEA) ve spolupráci s Evropskou komisí, vychází z monitorování 21 859 lokalit ke koupání v celé Evropě. Výsledky monitorování za celý rok 2021 pokrývají členské státy EU spolu s Albánií a Švýcarskem. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 3FRY2C8TBW
http://www.eea.europa.eu/da/highlights/nulforurening-et-stort-antal-af Nulforurening: Et stort antal af Europas badeområder lever op til de højeste kvalitetsstandarder 2022-06-01T07:14:53Z 2022-06-03T13:15:50Z 2022-06-03T13:10:55Z da http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/zero-pollution-large-number-of 2022 1.0.2 None Den årlige badevandsrapport, der offentliggøres i dag, viser, at næsten 85 % af Europas badevandsområder i 2021 opfyldte EU's strengeste standarder for "udmærket" vandkvalitet. Vurderingen giver et godt fingerpeg om, hvor svømmere kan finde badevand af bedste kvalitet i Europa denne sommer. Den vurdering, som Det Europæiske Miljøagentur (EEA) har foretaget i samarbejde med Europa-Kommissionen, er baseret på overvågning af 21 859 badeområder i Europa. Det omfatter EU-landene, Albanien og Schweiz i hele 2021. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 8OIJMZPD2A
http://www.eea.europa.eu/el/highlights/diagonismos-fotografias-eop-2022-well Διαγωνισμός φωτογραφίας ΕΟΠ 2022: «Well with Nature» 2022-06-13T09:19:40Z 2022-07-20T07:58:49Z 2022-07-19T08:17:46Z el http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eea-photo-competition-2022-well 2022 3.0.2 None Βγάζετε καλές φωτογραφίες; Σας αρέσει να περνάτε χρόνο στη φύση; Εάν η απάντησή σας και στις δυο ερωτήσεις είναι «ναι», τότε ίσως να είστε κατάλληλοι για να συμμετάσχετε και να κερδίσετε ένα από τα χρηματικά έπαθλα του διαγωνισμού φωτογραφίας του Ευρωπαϊκού Οργανισμού Περιβάλλοντος (ΕΟΠ) με τίτλο «Well with Nature». Στείλτε μας τις καλύτερες λήψεις σας έως την 1η Οκτωβρίου 2022. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None Y786K3GJEZ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fi/highlights/eu-n-jasenvaltioiden-on-oltava EU:n jäsenvaltioiden on oltava kunnianhimoisempia saavuttaakseen uusiutuvaa energiaa koskevan yhteisen tavoitteen 2018-12-14T08:17:32Z 2019-03-08T14:22:27Z 2019-02-25T14:28:34Z fi http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-member-states-need-more 2018 1.3.2 None Uusiutuvien energianlähteiden osuus Euroopan unionin (EU) energiankäytöstä on kaksinkertaistunut vuodesta 2005, mutta kasvu on hidastunut viime vuosina, mikä johtuu erityisesti energiankulutuksen kasvusta ja puutteellisesta edistymisestä kuljetusalalla. Euroopan ympäristökeskuksen (EEA) uusi raportti osoittaa, että EU:n jäsenvaltioiden pitää tehostaa toimiaan saavuttaakseen vuoden 2020 uusiutuvaa energiaa koskevan tavoitteen. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None S2T6W7JOHA
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fi/highlights/lisaa-toimia-tarvitaan-euroopan-heikoimmassa Lisää toimia tarvitaan Euroopan heikoimmassa asemassa olevien kansalaisten suojelemiseksi ilmansaasteilta, melulta ja äärimmäisiltä lämpötiloilta 2019-01-29T09:31:03Z 2019-05-03T08:05:51Z 2019-02-04T10:55:00Z fi http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/protect-vulnerable-citizens 2019 1.4.2 None Jotta köyhiä, vanhuksia ja lapsia voitaisiin suojella paremmin ympäristöhaitoilta kuten ilmansaasteilta, melulta ja äärimmäisiltä lämpötiloilta, tarvitaan kohdennettuja toimia erityisesti Euroopan itäisillä ja eteläisillä alueilla. Euroopan ympäristökeskuksen (EEA) tänään julkaiseman raportin mukaan nämä ympäristöhaitat rasittavat yhä suhteettomasti Euroopan heikoimmassa asemassa olevien kansalaisten terveyttä, vaikka ympäristön laatu onkin Euroopassa yleisesti parantunut. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None WNME0QOUSJ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fi/highlights/valokuvauskilpailu-esittelee-ruoan-energian-ja Valokuvauskilpailu esittelee ruoan, energian ja liikkumisen kestävyyttä 2019-02-22T12:52:50Z 2019-05-02T12:24:24Z 2019-02-28T07:45:00Z fi http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-to-profile-sustainable 2019 3.4.3 None Tapa, jolla tuotamme ja kulutamme ruokaa ja energiaa sekä kuljetamme ihmisiä ja tavaroita, vaikuttaa ympäristöömme, ilmastoomme ja terveyteemme. Euroopan ympäristökeskuksen (EEA) uudessa valokuvauskilpailussa ”Sustainably Yours” kehotetaan eurooppalaisia lähettämään kuvia haasteista ja mahdollisuuksista ruoka-, energia- ja liikkuvuusvalintojen kestävyyden parantamisessa. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 5NFP8047EI
http://www.eea.europa.eu/bg/highlights/rediscover-nature-za-tazgodishniya-fotokonkurs REDISCOVER Nature за тазгодишния фотоконкурс на ЕАОС 2020-05-19T05:09:14Z 2020-08-03T14:07:12Z 2020-06-05T14:25:00Z bg http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/rediscover-nature-photo-competition 2020 3.4.3 None Без значение къде се намираме, всички можем да оценим чудесата на природата — а сега повече от всякога. Тази година фотоконкурсът на Европейската агенция за околна среда (ЕАОС) REDISCOVER Nature, който започва днес, ви приканва да уловите и споделите вашата връзка с природата и средата около вас. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ZQRTFVNE20
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/podle-nejnovejsiho-rocniho-hodnoceni-zustava Podle nejnovějšího ročního hodnocení zůstává kvalita vod ke koupání v Evropě vysoká 2020-06-04T11:48:00Z 2020-06-11T11:00:21Z 2020-06-08T11:15:52Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/quality-of-europes-bathing-waters 2020 1.5.2 None Podle dnes zveřejněného letošního posouzení jakosti vod ke koupání v Evropě je jejich kvalita i nadále vysoká. Kvalita vody v téměř 85 % evropských koupališť sledovaných v roce 2019 splnila nejpřísnější evropskou normu a je hodnocena jako „výborná“. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None PY0E3FI8KO
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lv/highlights/pec-jaunaka-ikgadeja-novertejuma-eiropas Pēc jaunākā ikgadējā novērtējuma, Eiropas peldvietu ūdens joprojām ir ļoti kvalitatīvs 2020-06-04T11:48:00Z 2020-06-11T11:00:21Z 2020-06-08T13:50:00Z lv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/quality-of-europes-bathing-waters 2020 1.5.2 None Saskaņā ar šodien publicēto šīgada Eiropas peldvietu ūdens kvalitātes novērtējumu Eiropas peldvietu ūdens joprojām ir ļoti kvalitatīvs. 2019. gadā Eiropas Savienības visaugstākajiem un visstingrākajiem “izcilas” kvalitātes standartiem atbilda mazliet mazāk nekā 85 % Eiropas peldvietu, kurās tiek veikts monitorings. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 1HKDJSIPXV
http://www.eea.europa.eu/bg/highlights/darzhavite-2014-chlenki-na-es Държавите — членки на ЕС, трябва да бъдат по-амбициозни, за да постигнат общата цел за енергията от възобновяеми източници 2018-12-14T08:17:32Z 2019-03-08T14:22:27Z 2019-01-21T09:20:03Z bg http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-member-states-need-more 2018 1.3.2 None От 2005 г. насам делът на възобновяемите енергийни източници в потреблението на енергия в Европейския съюз (ЕС) се е удвоил, но през последните години този растеж се забавя, по-специално поради нарастващото потребление на енергия и липсата на напредък в транспортния сектор. В новият доклад на Европейската агенция за околна среда (ЕАОС) се посочва, че държавите — членки на ЕС, трябва да увеличат усилията си за постигане на целта за 2020 г. в областта на енергията от възобновяеми източници. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None E27CUGX9BR
http://www.eea.europa.eu/ro/highlights/concurs-de-fotografie-pe-tema Concurs de fotografie pe tema alimentelor, energiei și mobilității durabile 2019-02-22T12:52:50Z 2019-05-02T12:24:24Z 2019-02-28T08:00:30Z ro http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-to-profile-sustainable 2019 3.4.3 None Modul în care producem și consumăm alimentele și energia și în care ne deplasăm și transportăm produsele are un impact asupra mediului, climei și sănătății. Noul concurs de fotografie al Agenției Europene de Mediu, „Sustainably Yours”, invită europenii să trimită fotografii ale provocărilor și oportunităților legate de opțiuni mai durabile în domeniul alimentației, energiei și mobilității. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 30KOR61ZB8
http://www.eea.europa.eu/ro/highlights/sunt-necesare-eforturi-suplimentare-pentru Sunt necesare eforturi suplimentare pentru a-i proteja pe cei mai vulnerabili cetățeni ai Europei de poluarea aerului, poluarea fonică și temperaturile extreme 2019-01-29T09:31:03Z 2019-05-03T08:05:51Z 2019-02-04T10:55:00Z ro http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/protect-vulnerable-citizens 2019 1.4.2 None Avem nevoie de acțiuni specifice pentru a proteja mai bine persoanele sărace, persoanele în vârstă și copiii de pericolele de mediu, precum poluarea atmosferică și fonică și temperaturile extreme, în special în regiunile din estul și sudul Europei. Un raport al Agenției Europene de Mediu (AEM) publicat astăzi avertizează că aceste pericole continuă să afecteze în mod disproporționat sănătatea celor mai vulnerabili cetățeni din Europa, în ciuda îmbunătățirii generale a calității mediului în Europa. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 7AXBJ0MCTZ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/signaly-2015-zivot-v-menicim Signály 2015: Život v měnícím se klimatu 2015-06-29T14:45:19Z 2020-11-23T10:58:34Z 2015-08-07T09:38:27Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/living-in-a-changing-climate 2015 3.4.3 None Naše klima se mění. Vyšší teploty, změny v množství a rozložení srážek či extrémní povětrnostní jevy již Evropu ovlivňují a zanechávají za sebou reálné ztráty. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None B39PM6OIUH
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/emise-sklenikovych-plynu-z-novych Emise skleníkových plynů z nových osobních automobilů registrovaných v EU dále poklesnou 2011-12-20T09:12:22Z 2016-06-21T13:46:11Z 2012-09-11T08:32:11Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/most-carmakers-must-further-improve 2011 4.2.1 None Výrobci osobních automobilů musí nadále zlepšovat uhlíkovou efektivnost svých vozů a snižovat tak emise skleníkových plynů produkované jejich vozidly. Ukládá jim to evropská legislativa, která stanovuje cílové hodnoty měrných emisí oxidu uhličitého na kilometr zvlášť pro každou automobilku na evropském trhu k roku 2015. Naplňování cílů je rozfázováno od roku 2012 tak, aby snižování bylo postupné. Při neplnění limitů hrozí progresivní finanční sankce za každý prodaný automobil a každý gram emisí nad limit. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None JWIKHVD65Y
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pt/highlights/um-numero-inedito-de-locais Um número inédito de locais europeus cumpre as normas de excelência da qualidade das águas balneares 2017-05-18T13:09:57Z 2017-05-31T11:36:33Z 2017-05-23T09:43:54Z pt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/more-european-sites-meet-excellent 2017 1.5.2 None Segundo o relatório anual sobre a qualidade das águas balneares, publicado hoje, mais de 85 por cento das zonas balneares europeias monitorizadas em 2016 satisfaziam as mais rigorosas normas de qualidade (qualidade «excelente»), o que significa que a maioria das zonas balneares está isenta de poluentes nocivos para a saúde humana e para o ambiente. Mais de 96 por cento das zonas balneares satisfazem os requisitos mínimos de qualidade estabelecidos ao abrigo das regras da União Europeia. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 4J02VB1Q6M
http://www.eea.europa.eu/de/highlights/europa-ruestet-sich-fuer-den Europa rüstet sich für den Klimawandel: Koordinierung ist der Schlüssel zur Minderung der Gefahren extremer Wetterbedingungen 2017-10-11T11:23:19Z 2019-12-10T09:22:35Z 2017-10-17T05:55:00Z de http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/preparing-europe-for-climate-change 2017 1.4.2 None Eine stärkere Vernetzung der Experten, die sich mit der Anpassung an den Klimawandel sowie der Katastrophenvorsorge befassen, ist angesichts der jüngsten verheerenden Extremwetterereignisse innerhalb und außerhalb Europas wichtiger denn je. Die Intensivierung der Zusammenarbeit – einschließlich einer verbesserten Abstimmung der politischen Strategien – wird für die Minimierung der Folgen klima- und wetterbedingter Gefahren, wie Hochwasser, Hitzewellen, Waldbrände oder Sturmfluten, entscheidend sein. Einem Bericht zufolge, den die Europäische Umweltagentur (EUA) heute veröffentlicht hat, kann durch kohärentere Maßnahmen und innovative Methoden besser mit solchen Extremereignissen umgegangen werden. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None O1JE34F2VX
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pt/highlights/as-alteracoes-climaticas-representam-riscos As alterações climáticas representam riscos cada vez mais graves para os ecossistemas, para a saúde humana e para a economia da Europa 2017-01-17T13:52:41Z 2020-11-23T10:59:01Z 2017-01-25T07:30:00Z pt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-change-poses-increasingly-severe 2016 1.4.2 None De acordo com um relatório da Agência Europeia do Ambiente publicado hoje, devido às alterações climáticas. as regiões da Europa enfrentam o aumento do nível do mar e condições meteorológicas mais extremas, como ondas de calor mais frequentes e mais intensas, inundações, secas e tempestades. O relatório avalia as últimas tendências e projeções sobre as alterações climáticas e os seus impactes em toda a Europa e considera que são essenciais estratégias, políticas e medidas de adaptação, melhores e mais flexíveis, para atenuar estes impactes. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 7RP46AHBMQ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fr/highlights/eviter-la-pollution-a-l2019ozone Eviter la pollution à l’ozone durant l’été 2012-08-09T13:13:07Z 2016-06-21T13:46:13Z 2012-09-03T07:57:24Z fr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/avoiding-harmful-ozone-pollution-this-summer 2012 1.0.2 None Les températures estivales élevées associées à la pollution de l'air peuvent causer la formation d'ozone troposphérique. Cela a des répercussions négatives sur la santé, en particulier pour les personnes âgées, les enfants, et les personnes souffrant d'asthme et de problèmes respiratoires. L'Agence européenne pour l'environnement (AEE) donne des informations utiles pour la protection de la santé contre l'ozone troposphérique cet été. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 9SWPD6Y4G2
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fi/highlights/ilmanlaadun-parantaminen-euroopan-kaupungeissa-tuo Ilmanlaadun parantaminen Euroopan kaupungeissa tuo merkittäviä terveyshyötyjä 2017-10-06T09:27:55Z 2019-12-10T09:22:21Z 2017-10-06T09:27:55Z fi http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/improving-air-quality-in-european 2017 1.1.2 None Useimmat Euroopan kaupungeissa asuvat ihmiset altistuvat huonolaatuiselle ilmalle. Euroopan ympäristökeskuksen (EYK:n) tänään julkaisemat uusimmat arviot osoittavat, että pienhiukkaset aiheuttavat edelleen vuosittain yli 400 000 eurooppalaisen ennenaikaisen kuoleman. Tieliikenne, maatalous, energiantuotanto, teollisuus ja kotitaloudet ovat suurimpia ilman epäpuhtauksien lähteitä Euroopassa. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 7RZDVBW5IO
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/spolecny-pristup-v-managementu-vodniho Společný přístup v managementu vodního hospodářství a lidských aktivit 2012-08-23T11:49:39Z 2016-06-21T13:45:31Z 2012-09-10T07:11:06Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/managing-water-and-human-activities-together 2012 2.6.2 None Vodní toky a plochy často nerespektují politické a administrativní hranice, a proto je potřeba zajistit koordinaci mezi územním plánováním a vodohospodářským managementem. Tomuto tématu se věnuje i zpráva Evropské agentury pro životní prostředí (EEA) „Territorial cohesion and water management in Europe: the spatial perspective“. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None J6PMV0IWC3
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1147357656 Tackling climate change delivers better air quality for Europe 2006-05-11T14:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:25Z 2006-05-11T14:00:00Z en None 2011 None Tackling climate change will improve Europe's air quality, cut premature deaths and could save 12 billion EUR annually in air pollution control costs by 2030, a new EEA report says. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions, by burning smaller amounts of fossil fuels, will mean less air pollution. As a result the cost of tackling air pollution will be cut significantly. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None UH86JME5WN
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-data-collected-by-citizens New data collected by citizens: Cigarette butts and filters the most common pieces of litter on Europe’s beaches 2018-06-07T08:59:52Z 2019-12-10T09:22:34Z 2018-06-08T08:30:00Z en None 2018 1.6.2 None The European Environment Agency (EEA) has released new data about litter found on Europe’s beaches. Based on nearly 700,000 collected items, disposable plastics are the biggest contributor to marine litter, with cigarette butts and filters being the most commonly found individual items. The new data has been collected by volunteers using the EEA’s Marine LitterWatch mobile app. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None E3MJFG8DSI
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-change-conference-opens-in-poland Climate change conference opens in Poland 2008-11-27T08:40:36Z 2016-06-21T13:45:27Z 2008-11-28T11:00:37Z en None 2011 None A step closer to a post-2012 deal on climate change is what is at stake as over 10 000 participants from governments, non-governmental organisations, and science and business communities gather for a two-week UN conference in Poznań, Poland. The European Environment Agency (EEA) is hosting a side event on 'Impacts of and adaptation to climate change in Europe' on 11 December 2008. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None UXMH9KCD3T
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-on-track-to-end EU on track to end use of chemicals harming the ozone layer 2019-09-12T14:46:12Z 2019-09-16T08:56:38Z 2019-09-16T07:43:09Z en None 2019 1.3.5 None The European Union (EU) has achieved its goals to phase out ozone-depleting substances under the Montreal Protocol. A new European Environment Agency (EEA) report shows that in 2018 the EU again destroyed or exported more ozone-depleting substances than it produced or imported. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None FVZ3G0IDJY
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/kopernikus-to-take-environmental-monitoring-one-step-further Kopernikus to take environmental monitoring one step further 2008-09-16T08:10:53Z 2016-06-21T13:46:05Z 2008-09-16T11:22:22Z en None 2011 None The Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) initiative is today being re-launched under a new name: Kopernikus. To mark the start of its pre-operational phase, a major Conference on this initiative is taking place under the French Presidency of the EU at Lille. Kopernikus will contribute to the better collection and dissemination of environmental data, core tasks of the European Environment Agency (EEA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 95Y7XJN4AE
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/environmental-tax-on-aggregate-materials-in-the-eu-towards-sustainable-construction-1 Environmental taxes on aggregate materials in the EU: towards sustainable construction 2008-06-26T12:09:34Z 2016-06-21T13:46:11Z 2008-06-27T11:00:00Z en None 2011 None Environmental taxes on construction materials can be a key element in achieving better sustainability in the construction sector, says a report presented today by the European Environment Agency. The study reviews taxation schemes for extractive activities in the Czech Republic, Italy, Sweden and the United Kingdom, focusing on a EUR 15.2 billion industry producing essential materials for the construction sector. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None U692MRA5E3
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/aarhus-convention-empowering-citizens-10-years-on Aarhus Convention: empowering citizens 10 years on 2008-11-13T08:43:38Z 2016-06-21T13:46:06Z 2008-11-13T09:00:00Z en None 2011 None Ten years after the signature of the Aarhus Convention, access to environmental information remains a priority. Combating climate change demands a huge involvement from citizens, not just from policymakers and businesses. In order to promote changes leading to better environmental protection, "the public needs to be properly informed and empowered to participate in political debates at all levels, as well being empowered to change their own way of living", says Professor Jacqueline McGlade, EEA Executive Director. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None QKN9ZSWOTI
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/average-co2-emissions-from-new-cars-vans-2019 Average CO2 emissions from new cars and new vans increased again in 2019 2020-06-22T14:40:32Z 2020-12-03T12:41:24Z 2020-06-26T08:00:00Z en None 2020 1.3.7 None According to provisional data, published today by the European Environment Agency (EEA), average carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from new passenger cars registered in the European Union (EU), Iceland, Norway and the United Kingdom (UK), increased in 2019, for the third consecutive year. The average CO2 emissions from new vans also increased slightly. Zero- and low-emission vehicles must be deployed much faster across Europe to achieve the stricter targets that apply from 2020. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 56M10THK34
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/protecting-marine-life-in-europe2019s-seas-1 Protecting marine life in Europe’s seas 2015-09-29T13:59:53Z 2019-12-10T09:22:23Z 2015-10-01T10:00:00Z en None 2015 3.4.3 None Europe´s seas are under pressure. Marine protected areas (MPAs) can act as a key management measures to safeguard marine ecosystems and biodiversity so to maintain their potential to deliver key services to our societies and economies. European countries have been extending marine protected areas across Europe’s seas. More effective management of these marine protected areas and a convergent implementation of related legislation now constitute important challenges. A new report by the European Environment Agency assesses the progress made and concludes with perspectives for the future. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 01TZA4NFVC
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/not-just-dirt-2013-the Not just dirt: the importance of soil 2014-12-05T10:15:35Z 2016-06-21T13:45:18Z 2014-12-05T12:20:00Z en None 2014 1.8.2 None Soil is connected to almost all aspects of our lives, yet we often take it for granted. To mark the International Day of Soil on December 5, we interviewed several project managers at the European Environment Agency (EEA) about this precious resource. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 81WPVF3Z7H
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann979228688 EC CHM - The European Community Clearing House Mechanism 2000-05-09T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:36Z 2000-05-09T23:00:00Z en None 2011 None The EC CHM aims at facilitating scientific and technical co-operation and at providing access to information relevant to the implementation of the CBD by the European Community. It should also contribute to education programmes and to raising public awareness of biodiversity. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None AEW3742C5Z
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1112873426 EEA and Airparif aim to cooperate on air quality information 2005-04-06T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:07Z 2005-04-06T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None 'Bringing Airparif's air quality information into the EEA's In Your Neighbourhood project would be highly valuable and could spearhead similar cooperation for the Agency elsewhere in Europe' says EEA Executive Director Prof. Jacqueline McGlade as representatives from the regional French air monitoring body met with EEA management today to discuss potential future cooperation. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 3BQCO20T15
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/become-an-undercover-agent-to-defend-the-environment-in-a-comic-strip Become an undercover agent to defend the environment in a comic strip 2008-04-09T15:12:37Z 2016-06-21T13:46:14Z 2008-04-30T08:37:36Z en None 2011 None Children can now learn about ways to protect the environment, while chasing eco-villains on the European Environment Agency's new 'Eco Agents' website, available in 24 languages. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None RIA4CZB2V8
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20020121135953 The Barcelona EU summit. 2002-03-19T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:27Z 2002-03-19T23:00:00Z en None 2011 None Personal Statement by Domingo Jiménez-Beltrán http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None AEC4P5S3NJ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20020523100958 Environmental signals 2002 : Benchmarking the millenium. 2002-05-22T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:29Z 2002-05-22T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None Environmental assessment report No 9 http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None QN6V39XAR0
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20020530095050 Energy and environment in the European Union 2002-05-29T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:30Z 2002-05-29T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None Environmental issue report No 31 http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 8BMR0GOD2C
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20020530143952 National and central estimates for air emissions from road transport 2002-05-29T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:31Z 2002-05-29T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None Technical report No 74 http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None D10YZ9TERJ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20020807135903 Towards an urban atlas: Assessment of spatial data on 25 European cities and urban areas 2002-07-29T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:31Z 2002-07-29T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None Environmental issue report No 30 http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None QE6152FUOJ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20020807140219 Indicator in focus: Total phosphorus and nitrate concentrations in rivers, selected EU and accession countries 2002-05-30T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:32Z 2002-05-30T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None Although concentrations of phosphorus decreased in both the EU and the accession countries during the 1990s, nitrate concentrations remained relatively unchanged. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None KP8GINEJT7
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20020813113108 Europe's biodiversity - biogeographical regions and seas 2002-05-30T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:33Z 2002-05-30T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None Europe's biodiversity needs to be used wisely to ensure a sustainable future. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 1NVMW56UOH
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20021008185439 EEA remembers Michele Fontana on 1st anniversary of Milan air crash 2002-10-07T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:43Z 2002-10-07T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None European Environment Agency staff today held a special meeting of remembrance for Michele Fontana, an Italian colleague killed in the air accident at Milan’s Linate airport one year ago. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 23I15Y6QVB
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20021011123526 United Nations Environment Programme launches new European-wide environmental information portal on the internet 2002-10-10T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:43Z 2002-10-10T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None Among the first group of environmental information portals available as part of the globally distributed UNEP.Net information network, UNEP’s European Portal is publicly accessible at http://europe.unep.net or through http://www.unep.net as of today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 246RU9NQFV
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20021016124258 Fishery indicator factsheets 2002-10-16T11:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:44Z 2002-10-16T11:00:00Z en None 2011 2.4.2 None Four new indicators on fishery have been published http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None S0FNMU89W6
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20030128153328 Turkey brings EEA membership to 31 2003-01-27T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:48Z 2003-01-27T23:00:00Z en None 2011 None Turkey has informed the European Environment Agency that it has completed the procedure of ratification of its EEA membership agreement. This makes it likely that Turkey will officially join the EEA by 1 April 2003, once the ratification has been formally notified to the European Commission. The Agency will then number 31 member countries. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None D1P5NJX7V9
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20030220101447 Greenhouse gas emission trends in Europe, 1990-2000 2003-02-19T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:49Z 2003-02-19T23:00:00Z en None 2011 None Topic report 2002 no. 7 http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None BRID0QTUK6
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20030225142556 Environmental scientist appointed to lead EEA 2003-02-25T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:49Z 2003-02-25T23:00:00Z en None 2011 None Professor Jacqueline McGlade, an environmental scientist active across a broad spectrum of the life sciences, is to be the next Executive Director of the European Environment Agency. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None IHXME58B2A
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20030303102019 Greenhouse gas emission trends in Europe, 1990-2000 2003-03-02T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:50Z 2003-03-02T23:00:00Z en None 2011 None EU and candidate countries' progress between 1990 and 2000 towards reaching their targets under the Kyoto Protocol is assessed in this report. It shows which countries are on track, the greenhouse gas emission trends in each sector and the reasons for increases or decreases. The report supports the European Commission's annual evaluation report under the EU greenhouse gas monitoring mechanism and is a background report to the EEA Environmental Issue report No. 33 "Greenhouse gas emission trends and projections in Europe". http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None OUXAP0VE5N
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20030326095813 Importance of monitoring agri-environmental indicators highlighted in new publication 2003-03-25T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:50Z 2003-03-25T23:00:00Z en None 2011 None A new publication entitled "Building agri-environmental indicators : focussing on the European area frame survey LUCAS" has been released today. The product of a collaboration between the European Environment Agency, the Agriculture and Environment Directorate-Generals, Eurostat, and the Joint Research Centre, the publication focuses on use of the Land Use/Cover Area Frame Statistical Survey (LUCAS) for building landscape and agri-environmental indicators. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None SJQE5NPDF8
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20030401144355 Annual work programme 2003 2003-03-31T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:51Z 2003-03-31T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None The Agency’s work programme 2003 http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None SU6MTN04BV
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20030403094114 OECD/EEA launch new database on economic instruments used in environmental policy 2003-04-02T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:51Z 2003-04-02T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and the European Environment Agency have developed a database which will help governments choose a mix of economic instruments and voluntary approaches for environmental protection. These new tools play an increasingly important role in many countries, supplementing or replacing various types of regulatory instruments. The database is now freely available to policy makers, researchers and the public. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 92QXDA8KFJ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20030506082951 EU greenhouse gas emissions rise for second year running 2003-05-05T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:52Z 2003-05-05T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the European Union have increased for the second consecutive year, moving the EU further away from meeting its commitment to achieve a substantial emissions cut by the 2008-2012 period. Total EU emissions of six gases widely considered to be contributing to global climate change are estimated to have stood 1.0% higher in 2001, the latest year for which data are available, than a year earlier, the annual emissions inventory compiled by the European Environment Agency shows. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None PKYUA4EZ78
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20030512123828 Europe's environmental progress at risk from unsustainable economic activities 2003-05-11T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:52Z 2003-05-11T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None The state of the environment across Europe has improved in several respects over the past decade, but much of the progress is likely to be wiped out by economic growth because governments have yet to make significant strides towards decoupling environmental pressures from economic activity. This is one of the key messages from the European Environment Agency's latest assessment of the environment in Europe, published today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None QIM9KJV2NH
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20030617153309 Europe's water: An indicator-based assessment - Summary 2003-06-16T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:52Z 2003-06-16T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None This summary presents the main findings and key messages from the upcoming report Europe's water - an indicator-based assessment, which assesses the quality and quantity of Europe's water resources. The report seeks to answer a number of questions formulated to assess whether the broad objectives and targets of EU water policy are being achieved and to indicate where policy gaps may occur. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None SY89E23PN4
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20030804151958 Forest fires in Southern Europe 2003-09-01T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:53Z 2003-09-01T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None An increase over recent years in the frequency and extent of forest fires in the Mediterranean region, has had a significant impact on soil erosion. Frequently repeated forest fires contribute to the desertification of marginal lands. EEA's report "Europe's environment - The Third Assessment" provides an overview of the effects of wildfire on the environment, in particular soil erosion. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None Q7V6GJYM2B
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20030807142829 Heatwaves, floods and droughts in Europe 2003-08-06T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:53Z 2003-08-06T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None Currently much of Europe is drying up in a heatwave, but one year ago the problem was too much rain as parts of central Europe suffered serious flooding. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None RC7UV26TPY
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20031001141058 Indicator in focus 2003-09-30T09:30:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:57Z 2003-09-30T09:30:00Z en None 2011 None Greenhouse gas emissions in 10 EU accession countries compared with Kyoto target for 2008–12 (excluding fluorinated gases and land-use change and forestry) http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None T1AP87J9RF
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20031010104235 New nature database launched 2003-10-09T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:58Z 2003-10-09T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None Expanded information on selected species, habitats and sites of importance for protecting Europe's biodiversity is now available through the new European Nature Information System (EUNIS). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 2UIFV4WC0E
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20031014143448 European chemicals reform 2003-10-13T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:58Z 2003-10-13T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None Debate on a major overhaul of the European Union’s regulatory system for chemicals — the so-called REACH system — continues to rage as the European Commission prepares to adopt its proposals. In the European Parliament, a series of seminars with all major stakeholders begins this week with a political evaluation of the forthcoming proposals. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None BM9IYZQ23H
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20031022104430 Domestic measures taken or planned so far are insufficient to meet EU climate emissions targets, projections show 2003-12-02T08:30:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:58Z 2003-12-02T08:30:00Z en None 2011 None The European Union and many of its Member States will fail to meet their Kyoto Protocol targets for limiting greenhouse gas emissions on the basis of the domestic policies and measures implemented or planned so far, according to new projections compiled by the European Environment Agency. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None NCHK0ZY7JD
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20031024094555 Summer 2003 ozone pollution hits high; levels could recur for several more years 2003-10-23T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:59Z 2003-10-23T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None Harmful ozone pollution was the worst for almost a decade in large parts of Europe this summer, particularly during the long August heatwave, according to a preliminary assessment by the EEA. The unusually hot and sunny weather, combined with air pollutants emitted mainly by traffic, industry and vegetation, caused very long lasting and geographically extensive ‘episodes’ with high concentrations of harmful ground-level ozone. And this situation is likely to repeat itself in any future summers with above-average temperatures until measures taken under current legislation result in a much larger cut in emissions of the ‘precursor’ pollutants that cause ground-level ozone, towards the year 2010. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 31X8VWHCET
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20031125194130 European Environment Agency adopts new strategy and work programme 2003-11-24T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:59Z 2003-11-24T23:00:00Z en None 2011 None A new strategy for the European Environment Agency covering the next five years as well as the Agency's management plan (work programme) for 2004 were adopted by the EEA management board today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 8TMADCSYR2
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20031127095748 Europe's water quality generally improving but agriculture still the main challenge 2003-11-26T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:59Z 2003-11-26T23:00:00Z en None 2011 None The protection and quality of Europe's water is generally improving but there is little or no progress in combating some types of pollution or overuse of water in certain regions, both issues that are linked particularly to agriculture. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None V9ZE3G80XK
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20031203073039 Most of central and eastern Europe on track to meet Kyoto targets 2003-12-01T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:04:00Z 2003-12-01T23:00:00Z en None 2011 None Seven of the central and eastern European countries that plan to join the European Union are on track to achieve their targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions under the Kyoto climate change protocol, in most cases by a wide margin, their latest projections show. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None OJEZFN4VS8
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20040301200924 European packaging waste trends and the role of economic instruments 2004-03-01T17:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:04:02Z 2004-03-01T17:00:00Z en None 2011 None Text of a speech by the EEA's Executive Director, Prof. Jacqueline McGlade, at the European Voice conference 'Packaging our Futures' on 1 March 2004 in Brussels. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 1R9QV4HK03
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20040323100013 Mapping the impacts of recent natural disasters and technological accidents in Europe 2004-03-22T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:04:03Z 2004-03-22T23:00:00Z en None 2011 None EEA today issues its first publication to address the impacts of natural disasters and technological accidents across Europe. The report focuses on the impacts of a range of extreme events, including floods, storms, forest fires, oil spills and mining accidents, that took place between 1998 and 2002/2003. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None I7E34Q02BJ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20040421093747 EEA seeks proposals for two European Topic Centres 2004-04-20T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:04:10Z 2004-04-20T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None The EEA is inviting proposals from consortia to run two European Topic Centres (ETCs), on biological diversity and on resource and waste management. ETCs provide important support to the Agency in carrying out its work programme, for instance by harmonising environmental monitoring, compiling and processing data and producing environmental indicators. The call for tender has been issued as contracts with the existing ETCs on nature protection and biodiversity and on waste and material flows expire later this year. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None S7TFHB81J2
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20040428100527 New EU states need measures to limit farming impact on environment 2004-04-27T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:04:10Z 2004-04-27T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None The countries joining the European Union (EU) next month need to give a central role to well-targeted rural development measures to minimise a likely increase in environmental pressures from farming after accession, the European Environment Agency (EEA) said today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None MTVQ4IAEZU
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20040429111315 Nature-rich farmland areas need greater support to prevent species loss 2004-04-28T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:04:11Z 2004-04-28T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None The European Union will not reach the goal of halting species loss by 2010 if it does not do more to prevent the decline of its most nature-rich areas of farmland, the European Environment Agency (EEA) and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) warned today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None F0CV426B3S
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20040527132959 The Day After Tomorrow 2004-05-26T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:04:11Z 2004-05-26T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None In the new Hollywood eco-disaster movie 'The Day After Tomorrow', the northern hemisphere is plunged into an ice age as global climate change causes the Gulf Stream in the North Atlantic to 'switch off'. The film is a reminder that global climate change is a serious threat to society and the environment. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 58VNEFG249
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20040528101003 Launch of EEA Signals 2004 2004-05-27T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:04:11Z 2004-05-27T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None EEA will launch its annual report on selected environmental trends, EEA Signals 2004, at an event on 1 June during the European Commission's Green Week in Brussels. This year's report covers aspects of agriculture, water pollution, nature protection, packaging waste, energy, transport, air pollution and climate change. The full report will be available through this website. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None RIHGEUK8PQ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20040601131230 Latest trends show need for more environmental action in key sectors 2004-05-31T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:04:12Z 2004-05-31T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None Evidence of climate change is growing; nitrate pollution from farming continues; much of Europe's urban population is still exposed to air pollution above health protection levels; packaging waste is increasing and is projected to continue doing so. These are among the main findings of the EEA's latest annual survey of environmental trends in its 31 member countries, EEA Signals 2004, published today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 73FQTHROWP
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20040604090220 EU needs to set renewable energy targets for 2020, EEA head says 2004-06-02T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:04:12Z 2004-06-02T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None The European Union needs to set renewable energy targets for 2020 to help cut greenhouse gas emissions and give energy markets long-term investment security, Prof. Jacqueline McGlade, Executive Director of the EEA, said today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None QTA6UY19XK
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20040624103634 Honoloko: environmental game 2004-06-24T08:00:00Z 2019-12-10T09:22:26Z 2004-06-24T08:00:00Z en None 2011 None The EEA has launched a game to reach a younger audience. In cooperation with WHO / Europe, the EEA is launching a game, called Honoloko at the WHO conference on environment and Health in Budapest, Hungary (23 - 25 June). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None M1B3ZSI4FX
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20041011101537 EEA Scientific Committee opinion on GMES 2004-10-10T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:04:14Z 2004-10-10T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None Europe's Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) initiative must do more than add to the collection of environmental data, the EEA's Scientific Committee says in an advisory opinion on GMES adopted on 6 October. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 0UXER162FB
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20051221153854 IRENA's insight into agriculture 2005-12-22T11:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:04:34Z 2005-12-22T11:00:00Z en None 2011 None The IRENA indicator report on agriculture and the environment was released today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ZGE0Y2TJ74
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20060713141800 Find out the level of ozone pollution in Europe 2006-07-18T05:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:04:44Z 2006-07-18T05:00:00Z en None 2011 None Ozone Web, a new internet tool, released by the EEA today, offers users the opportunity to monitor and track ground level ozone incidents on a pan-European scale, for the first time. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None CEVNQWF6BM
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20060726105221 Agency passes eco-management test with flying colours 2006-07-26T11:47:24Z 2016-06-21T13:45:41Z 2008-04-30T08:38:50Z en None 2011 None The European Environment Agency has successfully passed the EU's Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) for the second consecutive year. The annual external audit concluded that the EEA passed with zero deviations. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None QZ9DCXBWR8
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1000108460 Final result of The BET 2001-09-06T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:04:44Z 2001-09-06T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None As referee, the European Environment Agency declared today that 88 schools and universities in 13 European countries had won a bet with the European Commissioner for the Environment http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None KC861I2T9H
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1003936806 European Community and Member States greenhouse gas emission trends 1990-1999; Topic Report No. 10 2001-10-23T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:04:45Z 2001-10-23T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None This report serves as input to the annual progress evaluation report of the European Commission, under the Monitoring Mechanism of Community CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions... http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 1UDH5CNXO0
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1004089762 European Commission Press note. 2001-10-25T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:04:45Z 2001-10-25T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None “Territorial” nature of agriculture essential to detecting environmental problems http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None D6TUQMS7RX
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1006268368 How effective is EU environmental legislation? 2001-11-28T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:04:45Z 2001-11-28T23:00:00Z en None 2011 None In most cases it is impossible to tell, according to a new report from the European Environment Agency called Reporting on environmental measures: Are we being effective? http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ZPFVT21RD7
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1016620947-en The Barcelona EU summit: The results are worrying from an environmental and sustainable development viewpoint 2002-03-19T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:04:48Z 2002-03-19T23:00:00Z en None 2011 None Personal Statement by Domingo Jiménez-Beltrán http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None GB2JWYHDNR
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1021894542 EEA celebrates its enlargement to 13 new countries 2002-05-19T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:04:50Z 2002-05-19T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None On 17 May the European Environment Agency held a special event to celebrate its enlargement to the 13 countries in central and eastern Europe and the Mediterranean basin that are seeking accession to the European Union. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None CYXDNOZU0R
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1034095932 EEA remembers Michele Fontana on 1st anniversary of Milan air crash 2002-10-07T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:04:54Z 2002-10-07T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None European Environment Agency staff today held a special meeting of remembrance for Michele Fontana, an Italian colleague killed in the air accident at Milan’s Linate airport one year ago. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None Z47WH8GBUS
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1034331919 United Nations Environment Programme launches new European-wide environmental information portal on the internet 2002-09-30T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:04:54Z 2002-09-30T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None Among the first group of environmental information portals available as part of the globally distributed UNEP.Net information network, UNEP’s European Portal is publicly accessible at http://europe.unep.net or through http://www.unep.net as of today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 4HXYCAQDNF
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1035371281 OECD/EU/EEA database on economic instruments 2002-10-22T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:04:55Z 2002-10-22T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None Much information on the use of economic instruments for environmental protection and natural resource management is available in a new database. This is the result of collaboration between the EEA, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and DG Environment of the European Commission. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None X6FWIRHNQO
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1037955953 Oil spill off Galicia badly damages highly valuable ecosystems 2002-11-21T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:04:55Z 2002-11-21T23:00:00Z en None 2011 None The oil spill from the now-sunken tanker “Prestige” off the coast of Galicia is affecting one of the most beautiful and spectacular parts of the Spanish coastline. The spill is destroying the ecosystems of Costa da Morte and Cabo Fisterra, biological habitats of great value, and creating a real drama for many families in this rural area living primarily from fishing. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None CMQYPKTGXF
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1043764126 Turkey brings EEA membership to 31 2003-01-27T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:04:56Z 2003-01-27T23:00:00Z en None 2011 None Turkey has informed the European Environment Agency that it has completed the procedure of ratification of its EEA membership agreement. This makes it likely that Turkey will officially join the EEA by 1 April 2003, once the ratification has been formally notified to the European Commission. The Agency will then number 31 member countries. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VBUPYJ1KQI
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1049355169 OECD/EEA Launch New Database on Economic Instruments Used in Environmental Policy 2003-04-02T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:04:56Z 2003-04-02T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and the European Environment Agency have developed a database which will help governments choose a mix of economic instruments and voluntary approaches for environmental protection. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None TU8ECM05K3
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1082730150 Second meeting of the EPA network 11-12 March 2004 2004-04-22T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:04:57Z 2004-04-22T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None The Network of European Environmental Protection Agencies held its second meeting at the Italian Agency for Environmental Protection and Technical Services premises in Rome on 11-12 March 2004. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None BTUHXMNI2V
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1085586471 The Day After Tomorrow 2004-05-26T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:04:57Z 2004-05-26T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None 'The Day After Tomorrow,' the northern hemisphere is plunged into an ice age as global climate change causes the Gulf Stream in the North Atlantic to 'switch off.' Pure fiction? A worst case scenario that can't be ruled out? Or a reminder that global climate change is a serious threat to society and the environment? http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 6D3AYFOHTP
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1087370284 Summary report of workshop on Global Change and the Future of Ecosystems in Europe, 10-11 June 2004 2004-06-15T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:04:58Z 2004-06-15T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None Ecosystems in Europe are changing as a result of both climate change and land use change, with the most dramatic changes taking place in the Mediterranean," Dagmar Schröter, scientific co-ordinator of a European research project on ecosystems, told the workshop. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None JVPNYHKGA7
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1095317201 Saturday night fever can be fatal 2004-09-15T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:04:58Z 2004-09-15T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None European Mobility Week 2004 is running from 16 to 22 September with 'Safe streets for children' as its central focus. Over 340 towns and cities in 35 countries are participating, with 950 organising an 'In town without my car' day during Mobility Week to encourage citizens to try alternatives to driving. Information prepared for the EEA's latest report on transport and environment, due out next month, shows that Saturday night is the most dangerous time of the week for young people on the roads. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None YK5P1ZVQAW
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1096279337 Network of European Environment Protection Agencies
3rd meeting, Stirling, 9-10 September 2004
2004-09-26T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:04:59Z 2004-09-26T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None The Network of European Environment Protection Agencies held its 3rd meeting in Stirling, UK, on 9 10 September 2004. There were representatives from agencies from 28 countries, as well as from the European Commission and the European Environment Agencies. The meeting was hosted jointly by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency and the Environment Agency for England and Wales, who both provided an overview of the UK environment at the start of the meeting. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None K56FQWOU3E
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1096279338 New scientific consensus: Arctic is warming rapidly
Much larger changes are projected, affecting global climate
2004-11-09T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:04:59Z 2004-11-09T23:00:00Z en None 2011 None The Arctic is warming much more rapidly than previously known, at nearly twice the rate as the rest of the globe, and increasing greenhouse gases from human activities are projected to make it warmer still, according to the final report of the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA), an unprecedented four-year scientific study of the region conducted by an international team of 300 scientists. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None U4GOESP076
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1096279339 Launch event: Corine Land Cover 2000 2004-11-11T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:04:59Z 2004-11-11T23:00:00Z en None 2011 None On 17 November 2004, EEA is organising a launch event to present the outcome of the Corine Land Cover 2000 project and how it can be used to support environmental, agriculture, spatial planning and other policies at national and European level. The event will take place in Brussels in the European Commission from 10am-1pm (GMT +1h). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 430K2NOMH7
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1096279342 Commission consults public on action plan to reduce air pollution 2004-11-30T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:04Z 2004-11-30T23:00:00Z en None 2011 None The European Commission is seeking input from the public on the measures to be included in a new comprehensive European action plan to reduce air pollution. This plan, which is due by mid-2005, will have a direct impact on people's lives. The Commission is therefore launching an internet consultation in order to reach the largest possible number of citizens. Starting today, the consultation will run until 31 January 2005 with results to be published by March 2005. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None B0V962UROT
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1096279343 Pan-European air pollution treaty celebrated 2004-11-30T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:04Z 2004-11-30T23:00:00Z en None 2011 None Celebrations were held on 1 Dec 2004 in Geneva to mark the 25th anniversary of the convention on long-range transboundary air pollution (CLRTAP). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ONF1UPISCJ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1107509840 EEA launches Environmental Technology portal as a contribution to the EU's Environmental Technology Action Plan 2005-02-03T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:06Z 2005-02-03T23:00:00Z en None 2011 None A Web portal, which provides easy access to information on environmental technologies, was launched today at the HELECO '05 conference in Athens, Greece. The portal, developed and managed by the European Environment Agency, provides an entry point to information on technologies that are cleaner and more resource efficient and which can improve environmental monitoring. The portal was launched by former EU Commissioner for Environment Mr Yiannis Paleokrassas on behalf of the EU's current Environment Commissioner Stavros Dimas. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None HJX37TEP2Y
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1108541351 The Kyoto Protocol entered into force 16 February 2005 2005-02-16T08:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:07Z 2005-02-16T08:00:00Z en None 2011 None The entry into force of the Kyoto Protocol is an important milestone in international actions to combat climate change. It was welcomed by governments and many other interested parties around the world. The EU believes climate change is a serious challenge to mankind and likely to have significant negative global environmental, economic and social implications. According to the UNFCCC, to avoid dangerous climate change, greenhouse gas concentration levels should be stabilised in future. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None H5JWGM1VXQ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1111481116 EEA-boss sets focus on communication 2005-03-21T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:07Z 2005-03-21T23:00:00Z en None 2011 None Two communications experts have been recruited to the European Environment Agency in Copenhagen to make sure that its messages get through to policy-makers and the public. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 30SRXNMP81
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1113292390 Technology cannot solve all environmental problems 2005-04-12T08:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:08Z 2005-04-12T08:00:00Z en None 2011 None Humans urgently need to ease the strains on the planet's natural systems if we want to continue to bring better living standards to all: we totally depend on our natural resources for food, water and shelter. This is one of the conclusions of the newly published Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, the most comprehensive global survey of the state of our planet. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None FIA3XG7YD0
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1113403997 EEA achieves EMAS registration 2005-04-13T14:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:08Z 2005-04-13T14:00:00Z en None 2011 None The European Environment Agency has now an externally verified environmental management system. The EEA has received certification under the EU eco-management and audit scheme, EMAS. This means that the Agency and its staff comply with a set of clearly defined rules and procedures to ensure eco-efficiency in many aspects of its daily operations. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 92CY30K5XA
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1113555476 30 sustainable energy indicators agreed 2005-04-15T08:50:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:08Z 2005-04-15T08:50:00Z en None 2011 None The European Environment Agency has joined forces with other international institutions and identified 30 sustainable energy indicators. These indicators will help policy makers to take the right decisions in the energy sector in order to improve the environment. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None Q7J2ZCS1RH
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1113835079 Eco-innovation boosts economic growth 2005-04-18T14:40:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:08Z 2005-04-18T14:40:00Z en None 2011 None More than 100 prominent Danish and European researchers, politicians, officials and corporate leaders meet at the European Environment Agency in Copenhagen to discuss challenges and potentials regarding eco-innovation. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None BOT8V7D9QN
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1114789317 Skeptical environmentalist Bjorn Lomborg visits the EEA 2005-04-29T15:30:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:08Z 2005-04-29T15:30:00Z en None 2011 None With the aptly titled lecture "If we can't do it all, where should we start?", associate professor Bjørn Lomborg kicked off an afternoon of lively debate at the EEA Friday 29 April. The author of "The Skeptical Environmentalist" and now "Global Crises, Global Solutions" was himself met with some stiff questioning by the Agency staff. Lomborg has made international headlines with his views on environmental policy and was the man behind the Copenhagen Consensus project last year - also the subject of his lecture. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 5OV7I81GJY
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1115203649 EEA wins awards for audiovisual communication 2005-05-04T12:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:09Z 2005-05-04T12:00:00Z en None 2011 None Two European Environment Agency products received top awards during the Worldfest film and video festival in Houston, Texas last week. The EEA video Biodiversity 2010 won the platinum award in the Environment and Conservation category, whereas the joint EEA/WHO computergame Honoloko won the gold award in the Children's Interactive Entertainment category. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VE21XWMUQH
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1115215299 Healthy environment - top priority for Europeans 2005-05-04T14:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:09Z 2005-05-04T14:00:00Z en None 2011 None For Europeans, a healthy environment is as important to their quality of life as the state of the economy and social factors, according to a new Eurobarometer survey. The environmental issues that citizens worry most about are water pollution, man-made disasters, climate change, air pollution and chemicals. The survey is also the first to examine attitudes towards the environment across the enlarged EU-25. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VUOXGA1WS8
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1116597947 EEA celebrates international biodiversity day 2005-05-22T14:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:09Z 2005-05-22T14:00:00Z en None 2011 None The theme of this year's International Biological Diversity Day promoted by The United Nations was "Biodiversity: Life Insurance for a Changing World". http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None EAD69YGTRN
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1116833942 Arctic leaders urge further action on climate change 2005-05-20T07:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:10Z 2005-05-20T07:00:00Z en None 2011 None Our economies, our societies, and in some cases even our cultures are threatened by the effects of climate change. This is one of the main messages from the group of indigenous leaders, who are touring Europe to raise awareness on the impacts that warmer temperatures have on the people from the Arctic regions. Rising temperatures affect plants, animals and therefore food and hunting conditions. Also the melting of the permafrost is a threat to houses and infrastructure built upon it, said Chief Gary Harrison from Alaska, who represents the Arctic Athabaskan Council at a meeting in Denmark this week. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None BTO4RX37JE
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1116928794 Network of Heads of European Environment Protection Agencies - 4th meeting, Ljubljana, 10 - 11 March 2005 2005-05-24T10:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:14Z 2005-05-24T10:00:00Z en None 2011 None The Network of Heads of European Environment Protection Agencies held its 4th meeting in Ljubljana, Slovenia, on 10 - 11 March 2005. There were representatives from agencies from 23 countries, as well as from the European Commission and the European Environment Agency. The Environmental Protection Agency of the United States was also invited to take part in the meeting. The meeting was hosted by the Environment Protection Agency of the Republic of Slovenia, who provided an overview of both the work of the Agency and the state of the environment of Slovenia at the start of the meeting. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None JVMRTEKUFQ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1117546193 High visibility for the Agency at Green Week 2005-05-31T13:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:14Z 2005-05-31T13:00:00Z en None 2011 None The European Commission's annual Green Week conference and exhibition in Brussels is this year dedicated to presenting and discussing various aspects of climate change. The Agency takes part in the event as we have done over the last years, this time with both an exhibition stand and with contributors in the conference part. The exhibition this year covers three floors in the Charlemange building in Brussels and numbers 72 public bodies, NGOs and private companies. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None EOYAH954J7
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1117705577 Europe must help fast growing economies meet tomorrows transport challenge 2005-06-02T06:50:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:15Z 2005-06-02T06:50:00Z en None 2011 None How should we engage tomorrow's economic power houses like China, India, Brazil and Indonesia to work towards cleaner transport? The question was posed by the renowned Brussels based think tank Friends of Europe at a round table debate during Green Week from 31 May to 3 June. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None Y8W4X7RKOS
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1118298498 Room for improvement in environmental policy integration 2005-06-09T06:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:15Z 2005-06-09T06:00:00Z en None 2011 None The past decades saw important strategic developments to promote the integration of environmental concerns into other policies in order to support sustainable development. There is however much scope to reinforce implementation and to improve evaluation and policy learning. This according to a new technical report - Environmental policy integration in Europe: state of play and an evaluation framework - released by the EEA. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None CA7X8R3T0G
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1120649962 Environmental policy integration in Europe - the role of administrations 2005-07-06T11:30:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:16Z 2005-07-06T11:30:00Z en None 2011 None Environmental policy integration (EPI) means including environmental considerations into other policies, with a view to achieving sustainable development. While political commitment to this has received much attention, there has been less focus on support for EPI from administrations. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None S08RXWY72J
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1124961719 Honoloko goes multilingual 2005-08-25T09:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:16Z 2005-08-25T09:00:00Z en None 2011 None The PC game Honoloko, developed jointly by the European Environment Agency and the World Health Organisation Regional Office for Europe, is launched in 26 languages on 25 August. This means that the Honoloko game is now available in all the official EU languages plus Bulgarian, Icelandic, Norwegian, Romanian, Russian and Turkish. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None C423NTE86D
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1126186577 Gold medal to EEA director 2005-09-08T14:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:16Z 2005-09-08T14:00:00Z en None 2011 None EEA director Professor Jacqueline McGlade was awarded the gold medal from Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic, on Wednesday 7 September. The award was made during the opening ceremony of the international conference EnviroInfo 2005. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 4C1SMEFT3J
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1126276903 A PRELUDE to the future? 2005-09-11T10:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:16Z 2005-09-11T10:00:00Z en None 2011 None PRELUDE, a highly visual presentation from the European Environment Agency in Copenhagen, explores five possible futures for a Europe that is experiencing major changes in the way we use our land. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None PZ5V036M7C
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1126597983 Environmental effect on diseases could be underestimated 2005-09-13T07:30:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:17Z 2005-09-13T07:30:00Z en None 2011 None The current way of analysing connections between environment and health attributes only 2-5% of European mortality and morbidity to environmental factors. However, this so-called "burden of disease" approach is likely to be flawed, according to EEA executive director Professor Jacqueline McGlade who spoke today at the 2005 conference of the UK Health Protection Agency at Warwick University. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None FQTAVK3SM2
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1128324768 Transport greenhouse gas emissions: Range of measures needed 2005-10-03T12:20:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:17Z 2005-10-03T12:20:00Z en None 2011 None - People seem to have a fixed part of their time and budget that they use for transport. This means that transport tends to increase with improved infrastructure and as people get richer, said EEA Executive Director Professor Jacqueline McGlade in a speech to the Austrian parliament on 3 October at an event to celebrate Austria's 10th anniversary as an EU member. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 1BAM0Q9TP2
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1128418669 On the road again - for the environment 2005-10-04T09:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:17Z 2005-10-04T09:00:00Z en None 2011 None Travelling in a hybrid car running on electricity as well as on petrol, Michael Mathres and Alex Lambie from the upstart environmental organisation Climate Change Now visited the EEA on 3 October as part of their awareness-raising tour through sixteen European countries. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None Q4C8OMWP7E
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1128505777 Denmark clean but not spotless 2005-10-05T09:30:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:17Z 2005-10-05T09:30:00Z en None 2011 None Denmark is among the European leaders in environmental performance in areas such as renewable energies, water protection and organic farming, but there are other areas which could still be improved http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 8I3VJBED6P
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1129535908 Bioenergy future doesn't cost the earth 2005-10-18T07:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:18Z 2005-10-18T07:00:00Z en None 2011 None Energy potential from biomass big enough to support renewable energy targets http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ISF08TBMG1
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1132149255 EPA network calls for greater environmental regulation 2005-11-17T09:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:19Z 2005-11-17T09:00:00Z en None 2011 None Good environmental regulation in Europe can support a clean, competitive economy and a healthy environment in which to work and live, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) network's first joint paper, launched today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None RQ5W3KA7ET
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1133171819 Launch of the European Environment - State and Outlook 2005 2005-11-29T08:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:20Z 2005-11-29T08:00:00Z en None 2011 None Programme for launch of the European Environment - State and Outlook 2005 http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ZDGMQCFPAY
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1133967119 Europe needs to adapt to climate change 2005-12-07T16:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:21Z 2005-12-07T16:00:00Z en None 2011 None Climate change is happening, and will affect all aspects of European life. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ICTJHAPW73
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1134543911 New European Community biodiversity portal launched 2005-12-14T08:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:21Z 2005-12-14T08:00:00Z en None 2011 None A new, enhanced version of the European Community's Biodiversity Portal - the Clearing House Mechanism (EC-CHM) was launched today in Tallinn, Estonia. The Portal is a tool for exchanging biodiversity information and helping cooperation between European Community Institutions, Member States and the rest of the world. It was developed and is managed by the European Environment Agency in Copenhagen. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 7896NXTDI0
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1134544272 Bleak future forecast for the Mediterranean... and Europe 2005-12-14T08:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:21Z 2005-12-14T08:00:00Z en None 2011 None Tourism and urbanisation put serious pressures on the Mediterranean's fragile coastal regions. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 1593M6TVJO
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1137663011 Award winning glimpse into the future 2006-01-19T09:30:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:22Z 2006-01-19T09:30:00Z en None 2011 None 'Ecosystems and Well-Being: Scenarios' a new report, will be released in Washington today. A sub-report of the Millennium Assessment (MA), it looks at potential global developments and their impacts on ecosystems by 2050. The report considers the knock-on effect of these impacts for human health. The EEA was heavily involved in writing the report as part of its ongoing work in the field of scenarios. Scientists involved in the report were recently awarded the Zayed International Prize for the Environment. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 1BHFKUZQ5S
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1141218345 Thirty-one becomes thirty-two 2006-03-01T13:15:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:23Z 2006-03-01T13:15:00Z en None 2011 None Switzerland joins the European Environment Agency as full member from 1 April, thus becoming the Agency’s thirty-second member country. This decision was concluded 28 February by the Council, which also ratified a number of other bilateral agreements with the country. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None EU85P3X0CS
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1142851816 European early warning systems would help against natural disasters 2006-03-20T13:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:23Z 2006-03-20T13:00:00Z en None 2011 None Alert systems would warn Europe against natural disasters and help minimise their effects. This was the message Jacqueline McGlade, Executive Director of the European Environment Agency, gave at a public hearing in the European Parliament today in Brussels. The hearing, 'Natural Disasters - How should Europe Respond' focused on how the EU could best prepare for future events. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 0QR3PD15UK
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1143119306 Air pollution from traffic is still a pressing problem for European cities 2006-03-23T13:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:23Z 2006-03-23T13:00:00Z en None 2011 None Human exposure to increased pollutant concentrations in densely populated urban areas is high. Air quality limit values, which are aimed at protecting public health, are frequently exceeded especially in streets and other urban hotspots. An EEA study of 20 European cities found air pollution above recommended levels in every one, according to a new EEA report. The improvement of air quality is therefore imperative. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None I9AQZ20CEM
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1143210763 Gold and Silver for EEA's PRELUDE Project 2006-03-25T01:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:24Z 2006-03-25T01:00:00Z en None 2011 None PRELUDE, an interactive tool developed by the European Environment Agency (EEA) showing how land use could change in the next 30 years, has won two prizes at the International Visual Communication Association (IVCA) awards. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None MQGU80CA1Z
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1144241421 Member States put Emissions Trading Scheme into practice 2006-04-05T10:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:25Z 2006-04-05T10:00:00Z en None 2011 None Member States are looking to improve and harmonise ways of running the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), according to a report released today by the EEA. The report, 'Application of the Emissions Trading Directive by EU Member States', covers the first four months of the Emission Trading Scheme's operation in 2005 and provides the first comprehensive picture of how Member States are putting the Scheme into practice. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 95V3GTXQKY
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1145613668 High-flying plans in Graz 2006-04-20T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:25Z 2006-04-20T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None The work to improve European environmental monitoring took another step forward with a symposium on Global Monitoring for Environment and Security, GMES, held in Graz in Austria this week. GMES is an EU-led project aiming to combine ground- and satellite-data in order to give a better picture of what is happening to the environment. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 017OWIUTX3
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1147853748 Information out in the open 2006-05-17T07:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:25Z 2006-05-17T07:00:00Z en None 2011 None A new outdoor photo exhibition with an environmental focus and titled "Spirit of the wild" opens on one of the main squares in downtown Copenhagen on 16 May (http://uk.earthmatters.dk/) . http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None N0Q1DWGE6K
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1147868675 Plan B: Rethinking the future 2006-05-16T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:25Z 2006-05-16T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None Lester Brown, environmental thinker, visionary, author and activist spoke to the Scientific Committee and staff of the EEA recently. The subject was his latest book entitled, 'Plan B 2.0: Rescuing a Planet Under Stress and a Civilization in Trouble'. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None JHDNAW9MKU
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1149584239 Climate change awareness campaign: The Finnish start 2006-06-05T07:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:28Z 2006-06-05T07:00:00Z en None 2011 None The European Commission's climate campaign 'Contribute to limiting climate change' is now rolling in country after country. On 5 June, which is also the UN Environment Day, EEA Executive Director Prof Jacqueline McGlade took part in the kick-off press conference in Helsinki, alongside the Finnish Environment Minister and Trade and Industry Minister and the Director General of the Finnish Meteorological Institute, among others. The press conference was followed by a public event in the Esplanadi Park. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 5SW7AVXM0Z
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1149688459 Bioenergy - Fuelling Europe's future? 2006-06-08T07:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:29Z 2006-06-08T07:00:00Z en None 2011 None Europe can produce sufficient bioenergy to meet its renewable energy target without harming the environment. However, this requires an appropriate policy framework, says a new report from the European Environment Agency (EEA). The report, 'How much bioenergy can Europe produce without harming the environment?' was launched today to coincide with the Transport, Telecommunications and Energy council meeting in Luxembourg, where ministers will discuss the Biomass Action Plan. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None GSZCXQ9T0R
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1150486616 Summer ozone levels remain dangerously high over the Mediterranean 2006-06-16T14:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:29Z 2006-06-16T14:00:00Z en None 2011 None Summer ozone levels continue to exceed EU safe levels, threatening health across Europe, according to a report released today by the EEA. Although not as high as in the record year 2003, ozone levels in the summer of 2005 went beyond levels considered safe by the EU Ozone Directive. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 6TVJO7U03E
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1151398593 Corine land cover database passes accuracy test 2006-06-27T08:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:30Z 2006-06-27T08:00:00Z en None 2011 None The Corine Land Cover (CLC2000) database received a thumbs up for accuracy from an assessment of the project, details of which were released by the EEA today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None HR695YP3ZB
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1151659044 Paper and cardboard waste - how to deal with it? 2006-06-30T09:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:30Z 2006-06-30T09:00:00Z en None 2011 None The initial goal of the report "Paper and cardboard – recovery or disposal" is to find out if studies that pass a quality test reach the same conclusion. The second, and more important, objective is to find our why results of such studies differ. Here, the report looks at how definitions of system boundaries, i.e. how much of the full life cycle system is included in the assessment, and other parameters influence the results. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 49WJ65DUK7
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann979226781 On the eve of enlargement of the EEA: 2000-11-29T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:30Z 2000-11-29T23:00:00Z en None 2011 None Today, the Management Board held its fifth and last annual meeting with top executives from candidate countries in central and eastern Europe and the Mediterranean area. From next year (provided ratification procedures are completed by then) the Agency will have 13 new members, making a total of 31 countries. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None Q8A15FKRN2
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann979227586 New report: Is the EU on target to meet its climate change commitments? 2000-11-07T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:31Z 2000-11-07T23:00:00Z en None 2011 None A new report from the European Environment Agency, European Community and Member States greenhouse gas emission trends 1990-1998, evaluates progress towards meeting commitments under the Climate Change Convention and Kyoto Protocol. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None TXA2RNQ5Z6
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann979228028 Enlargement of the Agency a reality 2000-10-08T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:32Z 2000-10-08T23:00:00Z en None 2011 None The Final Acts of Membership of the European Environment Agency were signed in Brussels today (9 October 2000) by representatives of the candidate countries in Central- and Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean area and by Commissioner Margot Wallström on behalf of the European Community. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ZE81K5O239
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann979228255 Enlargement of the Agency on course for 2001 2000-07-16T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:32Z 2000-07-16T23:00:00Z en None 2011 None On 10 July 2000 the second round of negotiations on enlargement of the Agency took place in the European Commission in Brussels. DG Environment led the process. All thirteen candidate countries attended the meeting, namely the ten PHARE accession countries, Malta, Cyprus and Turkey. The Executive Director represented the Agency. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 0A97ZGEWUY
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann979228326 Environment and trade: Internet chat with Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy. 2000-06-20T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:32Z 2000-06-20T23:00:00Z en None 2011 None Environment and trade Events under the meeting of the World Trade Organisation in Seattle last year demonstrated clearly the need to integrate environmental and social concerns into the work of the WTO. The EEA would therefore like to bring your attention to the following Internet event. Under the title "Why the world of trade is changing for the better" the European Trade Commissioner, Pascal Lamy, invites you to participate in an Internet chat on 12 July between 6-8 pm. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None C51O7TW86A
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann979228460 New report: total EU greenhouse gas emissions have fallen slightly (2%) from 1990 to 1998 2000-05-28T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:35Z 2000-05-28T23:00:00Z en None 2011 None The EEA, through work by its European Topic Centre on Air Emissions, has compiled the official European Community Greenhouse Gas Inventory 1990-1998 in a report and database, both available on this web site. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None T7089XA4E2
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann979228777 Negotiations on enlargement of the European Environment Agency opened 2000-03-28T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:36Z 2000-03-28T23:00:00Z en None 2011 None On 27 March the formal negotiations for membership of the European Environment Agency kicked off in Brussels with all 13 candidate countries in Central and Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VO1WS4TRFK
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann979228840 What is NATLAN? 2000-03-05T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:36Z 2000-03-05T23:00:00Z en None 2011 None NATLAN (NATure/LANd cover) is an information package designed for viewing and distributing information and applications on topics like land cover and nature in a comprehensive and user-friendly way A lot of information on the environment is linked to nature sites and areas, e.g. the geographical distribution of forests. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None KR1J0AIX6N
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann979228909 Enlargement of the European Environment Agency 2000-02-27T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:36Z 2000-02-27T23:00:00Z en None 2011 None On 14 February, the Council formally adopted negotiating directives concerning the participation of applicant countries in the European Environment Agency. Negotiations between the European Commission and the applicant countries are planned to start next month. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 9V8FGYBTM7
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann979229046 Environmental Film Festivals Symposium 2000-02-27T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:37Z 2000-02-27T23:00:00Z en None 2011 None On 2 — 3 March, the European Environment Agency is hosting a symposium "Environmental Film Festivals Co-operation and Networking", in order to prepare for the Millennium Environmental Film Award and to improve co-operation between the major film festivals in Europe. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 1K3I05ABV6
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann979229103 The next five years - 2000-02-13T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:37Z 2000-02-13T23:00:00Z en None 2011 None At its next meeting on 20 March, the Agency's Management Board will be presented with a view of the desired configuration of the Agency in 5 years' time and the steps necessary to get there, also from the point of view of financial and personnel resources. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None OEFJTCBXI0
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann979229168 Conference on Sustainable Cities - Hanover, 9-12 February 2000-02-13T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:37Z 2000-02-13T23:00:00Z en None 2011 None EEA's Executive Director, Domingo Jiménez Beltran, introduced one of the main themes in Plenary: "Managing, Monitoring and Evaluating Sustainability". Building on the experience of the Agency concerning monitoring and reporting, on the ongoing work on environmental indicators and on the work on integration of environmental concerns in sectoral policies taking place under the European Council "Cardiff Initiative" http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 71HFVM9S8B
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann980509317 New European topic centres 2001-01-25T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:37Z 2001-01-25T23:00:00Z en None 2011 None At its meeting on 29 November 2000, the Management Board of the Agency appointed four organisations to lead new European Topic Centres (ETCs) in 2001. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None PF2XS8QZEK
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann986394900 Bridging the gap 2001-04-03T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:38Z 2001-04-03T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None From research to action - Bridging the Gap - A conference on research and policy in Stockholm 9-11 May http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 1QDOG08F5T
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann986545490 EEA Statement on the OECD Environmental Outlook report 2001-04-04T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:38Z 2001-04-04T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None The European Environment Agency warmly congratulates the OECD on its Environmental Outlook report, launched today in Paris. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 7KTP0VW5UR
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann993644410 EEA expansion on course following EU ratification 2001-06-26T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:39Z 2001-06-26T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None The European Environment Agency welcomes the European Union’s ratification of agreements that will enable the 13 countries seeking accession to the EU to become members of the Agency within the next few months. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None JXUGKVPQ8E
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann994662702 Summary of EEA Bureau meeting of 13 June 2001 2001-07-08T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:39Z 2001-07-08T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None The Bureau of the EEA met on 13 June 2001 at the Agency’s headquarters in Copenhagen. The meeting was chaired by Kees Zoeteman, chairman of the Management Board and deputy Director General for Environment at the Dutch Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None RPEQ82H40D
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann995374556 EEA reorganises to meet new challenges 2001-07-17T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:39Z 2001-07-17T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None The Agency has after 6 years of existence decided to reorganise to better meet the challenges in the coming years. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 92DE1KJQ5X
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/a-first-glimpse-at-2008-emissions-trading-data A first glimpse at 2008 emissions trading data 2009-04-03T12:11:30Z 2016-06-21T13:46:12Z 2009-04-03T12:15:00Z en None 2011 None The European Environment Agency (EEA) is launching a revamped version of its EU Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) data viewer, allowing users to retrieve easily the latest greenhouse gas emissions covered by the EU ETS up to 2008. Data available as of 29 April 2009 covers 85% of the emissions encompassed within the EU ETS. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 64Q78CYEHA
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/a-greener-music-festival-in-roskilde A greener music festival in Roskilde 2009-06-26T12:37:50Z 2016-06-21T13:45:55Z 2009-06-26T13:44:45Z en None 2011 None The European Environment Agency (EEA) is teaming up with Roskilde Festival to give thousands of music fans visiting Denmark this week relevant, up-to-date information about Europe's environment.The Roskilde Festival is northern Europe's biggest music event, drawing 100 000 visitors from around the world and bringing together some of the world's leading rock, pop, soul, R&B, electronic and hip hop artists. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None PKUVJF73ZA
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/a-walk-in-the-woods A walk in the woods on May 22 - International Biodiversity Day 2011-05-19T14:34:23Z 2016-06-21T13:45:23Z 2011-05-19T15:30:36Z en None 2011 4.2.1 None Forests are some of the most important ecosystems in Europe, and are home to many thousands of species. Although the amount of forest cover is stable across Europe, it is declining worldwide, and the rich variety of life on Earth is also following this downward trend. On 22 May, International Biodiversity Day, the European Environment Agency invites you to explore and enjoy biodiversity in Europe’s forests. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None FID2B1G58A
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/achieving-a-sustainable-low-carbon Achieving a sustainable, low-carbon future will be a huge challenge for European society 2018-03-13T11:01:24Z 2018-03-14T07:59:57Z 2018-03-14T08:20:00Z en None 2018 2.3.3 None Shifting to an environmentally sustainable society will bring huge challenges for Europe, involving fundamental changes in how it meets its demand for necessities such as food, energy, transport and housing. Diverse academic and policy communities are confronting these challenges, according to a European Environment Agency report published today, which brings together insights from different perspectives as to how such a complex transition could be achieved. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None OKQX2RI6FD
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/action-now-on-climate-change-makes-economic-sense Action now on climate change makes economic sense 2007-05-03T09:17:26Z 2016-06-21T13:46:02Z 2008-04-30T08:37:54Z en None 2011 None The latest IPCC report on climate change estimates that there are only two decades to implement effective greenhouse gas reduction measures to control and limit global temperature increases. 'The sooner we act, the more effective and cost efficient efforts at controlling climate change will be,' said Professor Jacqueline McGlade, Executive Director of the EEA. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None R41Y5ITKD9
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/adapting-to-climate-change-european-1 Adapting to climate change: European countries assess vulnerability and risks 2018-04-23T11:12:08Z 2019-08-30T08:02:37Z 2018-04-23T11:55:00Z en None 2018 1.4.2 None Almost all European countries have conducted national climate change vulnerability and risk assessments as part of their adaptation plans to better deal with the impacts of climate-related hazards, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) report published today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ERGAZ72SFX
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/agency-fuels-debate-on-adapting-water-polices-to-climate-change EEA fuels debate on adapting water policies to climate change 2007-02-12T09:06:43Z 2016-06-21T13:46:01Z 2008-04-30T08:38:25Z en None 2011 None Climate change needs to be mainstreamed into water quality, water availability and flooding policies and strategies, according to a new EEA report. The report 'Climate change and water adaptation issues', says that existing adaptive measures are not sufficient, and are concentrated in flood defences. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None MUOA34QJ1Y
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/agency2019s-new-eco-management-ideas-applauded Agency's new eco-management ideas appreciated 2007-08-22T07:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:46Z 2007-08-22T07:00:00Z en None 2011 None The European Environment Agency has successfully passed the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme for the third consecutive year. The EEA was the first EU body to gain registration under EMAS. In 2004, the Agency introduced its own environmental management system to make sure it continued improving its environmental performance. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ZC6E7ARDTF
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/air-pollutant-emissions-to-exceed Air pollutant emissions to exceed limits 2010-09-23T14:37:31Z 2016-06-21T13:45:34Z 2010-09-23T15:16:32Z en None 2011 None In 2010, around half of the European Union's Member States expect to surpass one or more of the legal limits set by the National Emission Ceilings Directive (NEC Directive). The annual status report released today by the European Environment Agency (EEA) confirms that 11 countries anticipate an exceedance of their ceilings for NOx — some by more than 40 %. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None T60F5HM9IN
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/air-pollution-agriculture-and-transport Air pollution: agriculture and transport emissions continue to pose problems in meeting agreed limits 2018-07-06T11:39:32Z 2018-08-16T12:06:25Z 2018-07-09T08:00:00Z en None 2018 1.1.2 None Emissions from agriculture and transport continue to pose problems for European Union Member States in meeting EU and United Nations air pollution limits, according to updated data published by the European Environment Agency (EEA) today. While emissions of most air pollutants remain on a downward trend, ammonia emissions continued to rise in 2016. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None W2QGKN34UM
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/air-pollution-remains-a-threat-to-health-in-eu-27 Transport remains main source of health-damaging pollutants 2008-07-11T08:49:30Z 2016-06-21T13:45:29Z 2008-07-14T13:52:04Z en None 2011 None A report launched today by the European Environment Agency shows that road transport remains the single main source of nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO) and non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs), and the second-most important source of fine particulate emissions (PM10 and PM2.5) in the EU-27. This report contains essential data that helps understand the evolution of air pollutant emissions since 1990. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None IZGEDHO8R0
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/air-pollution-still-too-high Air pollution still too high across Europe 2018-10-23T07:54:47Z 2019-12-10T09:22:30Z 2018-10-28T23:05:00Z en None 2018 1.1.2 None Despite slow improvements, air pollution continues to exceed European Union and World Health Organization limits and guidelines, according to updated data and information published by the European Environment Agency (EEA). Air pollution still poses a danger to human health and the environment. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 0F48VEWQXR
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/al-gore-and-ipcc-win-nobel-peace-prize Al Gore and IPCC win Nobel Peace Prize 2007-10-12T12:30:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:46Z 2007-10-12T12:30:00Z en None 2011 None The EEA is thrilled with the decision of the Norwegian Nobel Committee on awarding the Nobel Peace Prize to Al Gore and the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. 'This is great news for us all, climate change has topped the world news for some years now, through the IPCC's regular reports and others that alongside with Al Gore have lead a tireless climate change awareness campaign. The rapid melting of the Arctic is putting great pressure on how to proceed with a more ambitious plan after Kyoto and I look forward to seeing how countries like the United States, China and India will commit to addressing this problem!', says Professor Jacqueline McGlade, Executive Director of the EEA. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None QCRFJZBIDS
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/algal-blooms-disrupt-holidaymakers-across-europe Algal blooms disrupt holidaymakers across Europe 2006-08-17T07:05:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:40Z 2006-08-17T07:05:00Z en None 2011 None A nasty surprise has met many Europeans reaching their holiday destinations on the coasts of Italy, Scotland, Sweden and Denmark this summer... http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None PAR58DEXJ0
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/ambitious-emission-limits-for-power Ambitious emission limits for power plants would result in significant pollution cuts in the EU 2018-12-10T08:51:41Z 2018-12-10T09:31:42Z 2018-12-12T09:00:00Z en None 2018 1.2.2 None European Union (EU) Member States have an opportunity to set ambitious limits for pollutant emissions from power plants. According to a new European Environment Agency (EEA) analysis, published today, setting strict but realistic emission limits for the power sector could cut emissions of key pollutants by 79-91 % by 2030. These limits are in line with EU law that establishes a flexible range of requirements, from minimum to more ambitious targets. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 2OFAER4B73
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/an-inconvenient-truth-eea-film-review 'An Inconvenient Truth' - EEA film review 2006-09-08T10:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:43Z 2006-09-08T10:00:00Z en None 2011 None "Al Gore's film 'An Inconvenient Truth' is remarkable in its simplicity and clarity of messages," says an EEA climate change expert lucky enough to get a sneak preview. "The film shows Al Gore travelling the world with a slideshow setting out key causes, effects and solutions to global climate change." "Gore clearly shows the evidence that the increase in global temperature over the last 100 years is, to a large extent, due to greenhouse gas emissions from human activity. He then presents the three 'causes': population, technology and barriers to new thinking." Read the full review here: http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None NZDV53SKF1
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/asia-europe-co-operating-on-climate-change Asia and Europe — cooperating on climate change 2007-04-20T12:37:22Z 2016-06-21T13:45:34Z 2008-04-30T08:38:40Z en None 2011 None Closer, more effective cooperation in tackling global climate change will be one of the topics under discussion today as the EEA hosts a panel discussion amongst Asian and European experts in climate change policy. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VPZCHAN7IU
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/back-to-the-future-at-green-week-2007 Back to the future at Green Week 2007 2007-06-11T08:20:17Z 2016-06-21T13:46:02Z 2008-04-30T08:38:00Z en None 2011 None What will Europe’s society and environment look like some thirty years from now? The PRELUDE project, which attempts to go far beyond the perspective of two legislative cycles and explore this question, will feature prominently for the European Environment Agency at this year’s four-day EU ‘Green Week’ event in Brussels, starting today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None BYUD8I965T
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/better-information-needed-on-europes-forests Better information needed on Europe's forests 2018-11-22T12:22:04Z 2018-11-27T09:26:16Z 2018-11-27T09:00:00Z en None 2018 1.7.8 None There is a growing demand for forest products and ecosystem services but information on the changes in Europe's forests is currently limited. According to an EEA briefing, published today, high-resolution satellite images will improve knowledge about changes in structure, function and condition of forest ecosystems and the impacts of different forest management practices across Europe. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None NCMGKTPUSW
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/better-management-of-municipal-waste-will-reduce-greenhouse-gas-emissions Improved waste management delivering climate benefits 2008-01-30T14:21:30Z 2019-12-10T09:22:33Z 2008-04-30T08:38:16Z en None 2011 None Improved waste management is already contributing to lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, according to a new EEA study launched today at the international conference on waste and climate change in London. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None Y4VHM05BW1
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/better-public-information-in-european-pollutant-emission-register-eper Better public information in European Pollutant Emission Register (EPER) 2007-06-07T09:24:44Z 2016-06-21T13:46:02Z 2007-06-07T12:15:00Z en None 2011 None A clearer picture of the air and water pollution coming out of Europe's industrial installations is now available to the public due to improved and more complete reporting from industry. This is a key conclusion in an EPER data review report released today by the European Commission. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 76BCDUTZF5
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/better-targeted-agricultural-spending-could-enhance-biodiversity-protection Better targeted agricultural spending could enhance biodiversity protection 2010-03-09T10:20:02Z 2016-06-21T13:46:10Z 2010-03-09T14:00:00Z en None 2011 None Continuous change in agricultural land use directly affects Europe's biodiversity. A new report by the European Environment Agency (EEA) finds that Common Agricultural Policy payments could be used more effectively to support High Nature Value farmland and help halt biodiversity loss. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None GOS071UQIM
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/big-potential-of-cutting-greenhouse Big potential of cutting greenhouse gases from waste 2011-08-25T13:00:27Z 2019-12-10T09:22:21Z 2011-08-29T08:00:00Z en None 2011 2.5.3 None There is a big potential to cut greenhouse gases (GHGs) from municipal solid waste management, according to a new report from the European Environment Agency (EEA). The report, 'Waste opportunities – Past and future climate benefits from better municipal waste management in Europe', covers the EU-27 (excluding Cyprus), Norway and Switzerland. It estimates that these countries could make GHG savings of up to 78 million tonnes carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2-e) by 2020, or 1.53 % of Europe's emissions in 2008. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None HUI4G5DATC
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/biodiversity-and-forest-ecosystems-in-europe-1 Biodiversity and forest ecosystems in Europe 2010-03-26T13:52:35Z 2016-06-21T13:46:07Z 2010-04-06T08:00:00Z en None 2011 None Forests offer much more than Sunday walks, clean air and water, wild birds and mushrooms. In addition to being home to numerous species, forests are vital to the overall health of our environment. The European Environment Agency's (EEA) new short assessment provides an overview of their state and their main threats. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None EYOZMWC21P
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/biodiversity-in-europe-policy-scope Biodiversity in Europe: policy scope must be widened for effective conservation 2010-10-01T08:42:44Z 2016-06-21T13:46:11Z 2010-10-01T15:13:16Z en None 2011 None Europe is still far from meeting its 2010 target and we risk missing future targets unless we change the way we are managing our environment. The European Environment Agency’s new biodiversity report based on SEBI 2010 indicators assesses the state of biodiversity in Europe and makes recommendations for improving policy effectiveness. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None FNUH1RW845
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/biodiversity-indicators-sebi-2010-among-the-2018best-ideas-to-save-nature2019 Biodiversity indicators SEBI 2010 among the 'best ideas to save nature' 2008-06-16T15:18:49Z 2016-06-21T13:45:28Z 2008-06-17T08:00:00Z en None 2011 None SEBI 2010 (Streamlining European 2010 Biodiversity Indicators) has received an award from the Spanish magazine 'Red Life' and the Fundación Caja Rural del Sur as 'one of 10 best ideas to save nature in 2008'. The European Environment Agency is coordinating this pan-European initiative to measure and help achieve progress towards the target of halting biodiversity loss by 2010. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None GJETDC1KHX
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/biodiversity-year-comes-to-end Biodiversity year comes to end, the challenge remains 2010-12-21T09:06:40Z 2016-06-21T13:45:26Z 2010-12-21T11:00:00Z en None 2011 None The International Year of Biodiversity 2010 has officially ended with closing ceremonies held last weekend. The European Environment Agency (EEA) will continue supporting European policy makers in their efforts to implement measures agreed earlier this year in Nagoya, Japan. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 7Y1FUAO8WQ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/bise-and-baseline-new-tools BISE and baseline: new tools to combat biodiversity loss in Europe 2010-05-31T13:33:41Z 2016-06-21T13:46:13Z 2010-05-31T16:04:55Z en None 2011 None At the opening session of the Green Week conference in Brussels, the European Commission and the European Environment Agency (EEA) unveiled two new tools to combat biodiversity loss: BISE (the Biodiversity Information System for Europe) and 'Biodiversity baseline'. BISE is a web portal centralising information about European biodiversity in a single location. The baseline offers a comprehensive snapshot of the current state of biodiversity and will be used to monitor progress in the renewed efforts to halt biodiversity loss. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None I0VP6JDEXC
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/bridging-the-gap-between-scientists-and-policy-makers Bridging the Gap between scientists and policy-makers 2008-05-08T13:28:59Z 2016-06-21T13:46:05Z 2008-05-14T15:09:01Z en None 2011 None Improving environmental policies requires reliable and timely information on the environment. Professor Jacqueline McGlade, Executive Director of the European Environment Agency, explained at the Bridging the Gap Conference in Slovenia, how the Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS) will help turn scientific data into policy-relevant information. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None KP0CJAEXUM
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/building-stronger-links-for-sharing Building stronger links for sharing environmental data 2010-12-13T13:22:49Z 2016-06-21T13:45:53Z 2010-12-13T16:00:00Z en None 2011 None What we know about Europe’s environment comes from data collected by countless data providers. The Belgian Presidency of the European Union and the European Environment Agency (EEA) organised a conference to facilitate the sharing of environmental information. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None Q8OB1RT2UZ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/car-and-van-manufacturers-meet Car and van manufacturers meet CO2 emission targets for 2016 2017-12-11T09:40:37Z 2019-03-28T10:14:36Z 2018-01-18T10:55:00Z en None 2017 1.1.2 None All car and van manufacturers met their carbon dioxide (CO2) specific emission targets in 2016, based on current European vehicle test rules, but they will need to continue their efforts to meet future agreed-to cuts. These are the findings of the latest report tracking progress on CO2 emission targets for new passenger cars and vans published today by the European Environment Agency (EEA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 8HUZS4EYQ0
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/car-free-friday Car Free Friday 2006-09-21T18:20:27Z 2016-06-21T13:46:01Z 2008-04-30T08:37:24Z en None 2011 None Today is European ‘Car Free Day’. In over a thousand towns and cities across the continent, people will be going about their business without their cars. The environment is not the only one to benefit. EEA staff, who regularly travel to work without a car in Copenhagen, see health and flexibility as major bonuses in avoiding the gridlock. “Pleasure, freedom and a little bit of exercise everyday” is what walking or cycling to work means for one staff member. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 57R9UFV0YX
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/celebrating-europe-and-its-environment Celebrating Europe and its environment 2007-03-22T08:27:09Z 2016-06-21T13:46:02Z 2008-04-30T08:37:23Z en None 2011 None This year not only marks the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome, but also 35 years of European Union environmental policy. The European Environment Agency celebrates the occasion by looking back at the last 50 years and reflecting on the environmental challenges that lie ahead. On 25 March 1957, six countries signed the Treaty of Rome, establishing the European Economic Community. Their aim was to create a Common Market in order to secure prosperity, peace and stability. Environment was not part of the policy package. Today, sustainable development and environmental protection are among the core values of the European Union, which now counts 27 Member States. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None K9CZ4MAUHR
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/challenges-ahead-for-south-east-europe-caucasus-and-central-asia Challenges ahead for South-East Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia 2008-04-24T09:59:06Z 2016-06-21T13:46:04Z 2008-04-24T15:25:00Z en None 2011 None A joint UNEP-EEA study of environmental issues in the countries of South-East Europe (SEE), Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia (EECCA) — now also available in Russian — shows that the region is facing many challenges in the wake of economic growth. The report identifies several opportunities to 'leapfrog' and avoid some of the environmental problems experienced in western Europe. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None G69CUR5JZ0
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/changing-environmental-governance-in-a Changing environmental governance in a changing world 2011-07-22T08:52:50Z 2016-06-21T13:46:08Z 2011-07-22T09:00:00Z en None 2011 4.2.1 None Climate change, growing consumption and urbanisation, spiralling resource use and new health risks are just some of the global pressures the world will face in the 21st Century. These are the findings from the Assessment of Global Megatrends, launched in November 2010 as part of the State and Outlook of the European Environment Report (SOER) and now published in a new book version. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 4K6WTCO9SU
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/check-last-year2019s-water-quality-in-your-favourite-bathing-spot Check last year's water quality in your favourite bathing spot 2008-05-30T11:55:18Z 2016-06-21T13:46:05Z 2008-05-30T13:51:50Z en None 2011 None The 'Water Information System for Europe' (WISE) now allows users to view the quality of the bathing water in more than 21 000 coastal beaches and freshwater bathing sites across Europe during the 2007 bathing season. WISE also includes new information on urban wastewater treatment and water quality in European lakes and rivers. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None WYI0VX3TQS
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/cherishing-the-variety-of-life-on-our-planet Cherishing the variety of life on our planet 2009-05-18T11:19:48Z 2016-06-21T13:45:29Z 2009-05-18T15:23:29Z en None 2011 None Today, 22 May, is the International Day for Biological Diversity. To help policy-makers, civil society and the public tackle biodiversity loss, the European Environment Agency has placed biodiversity and ecosystems at the heart of its strategy and work programme for 2009–2013. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None RUG4PZXH2I
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/cifas-good-farming-leads-to-a-better-environment CIFAS: Good farming leads to a better environment 2007-03-07T10:50:32Z 2016-06-21T13:45:29Z 2008-04-30T08:38:32Z en None 2011 None Developing farm advisory services to help farmers protect the environment is a key purpose of the CIFAS project, the results of which will be discussed at a seminar in the European Parliament today. 'Farmers now play an important role in managing environmental resources. They have an increasing number of environmental standards to meet and it’s important to explain clearly what their obligations are and how they might meet them,' said Jeff Huntington, Head of the Environmental Assessment programme at the EEA. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None C81STVOIKH
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/clear-recommendations-for-the-eu-action-plan-on-sustainable-consumption-and-production Clear recommendations for the EU Action Plan on Sustainable Consumption and Production 2007-10-02T08:15:55Z 2016-06-21T13:46:03Z 2007-10-02T08:40:00Z en None 2011 None The forthcoming EU Action Plan on Sustainable Consumption and Production should include clear sustainability targets, concrete steps to internalise environmental costs into prices and a directive on green public procurement. These were three top-priority recommendations identified during the discussions last week at the conference 'Time for Action — Towards Sustainable Consumption and Production in Europe' which brought together 100 experts from governments in Europe, researchers, NGOs and business. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None EQX5GOHZKM
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-change-targets-350-ppm-and-the-eu-2-degree-target Climate change targets: 350 ppm and the EU two-degree target 2008-06-23T13:38:14Z 2016-06-21T13:46:05Z 2008-06-23T14:30:00Z en None 2011 None The 350 ppm CO2 target is the focus of an international campaign announced today in several media by the Tällberg Forum. This is the follow-up to the objective proposed by the NASA Chief Scientist James Hansen and his colleagues to limit the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to 350 ppm (parts per million). The goal is to avoid global climate change with potentially very large and irreversible effects on human society and the natural environment. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None SY879I2RG1
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-change-the-main-environmental-concern-of-european-youth Climate change the main environmental concern of European youth 2007-05-07T11:08:10Z 2016-06-21T13:46:02Z 2008-04-30T08:37:17Z en None 2011 None More environmental education, alternative sources of energy and stricter transportation laws are some of the proposals put forth by Europe's next generations of policy-makers and voters. 9 May, Europe day, commemorates the speech the French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman gave 57 years ago, advocating closer European cooperation. Europe day has a particularly special meaning this year as we also celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Rome Treaty. Curious as to how the future policy-makers and voters feel about Europe's environment, the EEA's communication team interviewed young Europeans. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VRNHZTWFBY
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/concentrations-of-air-pollutants-constant-despite-drop-in-emissions Concentrations of air pollutants constant despite drop in emissions 2007-11-12T13:55:18Z 2016-06-21T13:46:03Z 2008-04-30T08:37:30Z en None 2011 None Concentrations of ozone and particulate matter, two harmful airborne pollutants, have not improved since 1997 despite substantial cuts in emissions of air pollutants across Europe, says a new EEA report, released today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None IU6O7SGNK0
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/cooperation-is-key-to-improve Cooperation is key to improve climate change adaptation across Europe’s border regions 2018-12-07T13:58:56Z 2018-12-11T09:22:20Z 2018-12-11T09:10:00Z en None 2018 1.4.2 None Europe’s border regions and shared maritime areas are facing increased negative impacts due to climate change, but countries and regions responsible for these areas are already taking action at transnational scale to adapt to these impacts according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing published today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None RNK2TA39PX
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/cop10-nature-talks-ended-with COP10: Nature talks ended with three inter-linked goals 2010-11-04T15:17:32Z 2016-06-21T13:45:21Z 2010-11-05T10:00:00Z en None 2011 None Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity closed the Nagoya Biodiversity Summit (COP10) by adopting decisions that will permit the community of nations to meet the unprecedented challenges of the continued loss of biodiversity compounded by climate change. The European Environment Agency will continue to support Europe's policymakers in implementing the ensuing measures. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None BOGSDK3TFQ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/cop15-outcomes-and-the-way-forward COP15: outcomes and the way forward 2010-01-20T12:15:30Z 2016-06-21T13:45:18Z 2010-01-20T12:45:18Z en None 2011 None The United Nations Climate Change Conference held in Copenhagen ended on Saturday, 19 December 2009. The main outcome of the conference was a political agreement – known as the Copenhagen Accord – to cap the global temperature rise by committing to significant emission reductions and to raise funds to help the developing world address climate change. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ROK8BVM5D4
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/cop16-climate-change-talks-start COP16: climate change talks start in Mexico 2010-11-26T10:39:58Z 2016-06-21T13:46:06Z 2010-11-29T10:45:00Z en None 2011 None Governments, civil society and business representatives are convening in Cancun, Mexico, on 29 November – 10 December for a United Nations conference (COP16) on combating climate change. In the run up to the conference, the European Union reiterated its desire to see a balanced set of decisions in Cancún. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 36Q51A0B7O
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/cop16-climate-talks-set-the COP16: Climate talks set the way forward 2010-12-15T14:13:52Z 2016-06-21T13:45:23Z 2010-12-16T09:00:00Z en None 2011 None Two-week long negotiations on a global climate deal ended with a balanced and substantive package of decisions adopted on 11 December, known as the Cancún Agreement. The European Union welcomed the positive outcome of the COP16 conference and stressed that it is willing to do its fair share of the global effort. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None BWZNO1YAKF
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/countries-give-only-limited-information-1 Countries give only limited information on the results of their policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 2018-07-04T14:41:46Z 2018-07-05T08:00:46Z 2018-07-05T08:00:00Z en None 2018 1.3.2 None Most national policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Europe target energy consumption and energy supply, while economic and regulatory instruments are the most common means of cutting emissions, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) report, published today. The report also reveals that EU Member States report the actual effects and costs for only a small number of their policies and measures. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 056CIVD3H9
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/danish-civil-society-debates-eu-climate-proposals Danish civil society debates EU climate proposals 2008-01-31T10:07:36Z 2016-06-21T13:46:03Z 2008-01-31T15:00:00Z en None 2011 None Just a week after the launch in Brussels of the European Commission's climate change and energy package, EEA hosted a high-level debate with EU officials and representatives of the Danish industry and civil society organisations. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 2M7X8YDHWI
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/discover-europe2019s-landscape-through-satellite-and-ground-level-pictures-1 Discover Europe's landscape through satellite and ground-level pictures 2008-03-17T15:26:57Z 2016-06-21T13:46:04Z 2008-04-30T08:37:40Z en None 2011 None The LUCAS viewer, a new mapping tool managed by the European Environment Agency, now allows users to see land-cover information based on satellite images as well as thumbnail-size photographs taken in sampled locations across Europe. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 36YE7NJTGZ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/discovering-what-lies-beneath-our-feet Discovering what lies beneath our feet 2010-10-29T12:31:13Z 2016-06-21T13:46:10Z 2010-10-29T15:56:07Z en None 2011 None The Earth provides the resources that sustain our lives and economies. We extract water from underground aquifers and oil from deposits in sedimentary rock. We use sand, rocks and metals as construction materials. Today, the European Environment Agency (EEA) and EuroGeoSurveys (EGS) have signed a partnership agreement to improve understanding of Europe’s geology. The deal promotes the use of geo-scientific data and knowledge sharing, helping us manage our natural resources and mitigate hazards. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None K972ATSNCY
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eea-awarded-for-its-contribution-to-environment-policy EEA awarded for its contribution to environment policy 2009-05-27T22:00:00Z 2016-06-21T13:45:46Z 2009-05-27T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None The European Environment Agency yesterday received the WWF award for Conservation Merit 2009. The award is given in recognition of long-standing commitment to local, grassroots conservation. The Agency was presented the award in recognition of its consistent excellence in collecting, analysing, interpreting and communicating environmental data to improve decision making in Europe and globally. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None RDQZPGT7OX
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eea-co-hosts-media-environment-conference EEA co-hosts media-environment conference 2009-03-30T08:45:00Z 2016-06-21T13:45:45Z 2009-03-30T08:45:00Z en None 2011 None The European Environment Agency is this week collaborating with the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and the Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa to host an international conference: 'The media and the environment — between complexity and urgency'. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 9UZB30IDRS
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eea-invites-submissions-of-evidence-on-global-trends-to-support-forthcoming-assessments EEA invites submissions of evidence on global trends to support forthcoming assessments 2009-07-07T09:02:20Z 2016-06-21T13:45:52Z 2009-07-07T10:00:00Z en None 2011 None Understanding the state of Europe's environment and its future prospects is impossible without an appreciation of the situation and trends outside the continent. Many environmental issues are inherently transboundary and are influenced by numerous other international forces, including social, technological, economic and political interaction. At the same time, many global socio-economic drivers operate over decades, necessitating a long-term perspective. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 4B9RHGMFPU
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eea-joins-forces-with-european-water-partnership EEA joins forces with European Water Partnership 2009-09-29T07:41:50Z 2016-06-21T13:45:26Z 2009-09-29T11:00:00Z en None 2011 None The European Environment Agency and the European Water Partnership (EWP) announced today a new cooperation plan to improve water use in Europe. The first initiatives of the cooperation will be to develop a vision for sustainable water, raise awareness and strengthen information flows. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None IQ3OAFT4WN
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eea-kicks-off-public-activities-in-the-run-up-to-cop15 EEA kicks off public activities in the run-up to COP15 2009-10-07T12:19:53Z 2016-06-21T13:45:30Z 2009-10-09T07:00:00Z en None 2011 None On the occasion of Copenhagen Culture Night, the European Environment Agency (EEA) unveils today a webpage on its activities related to the international climate conference 'COP15'. The new webpage explains the EEA's role in the context of the international climate conference. It allows the public to explore the role of the EEA as leading European body providing authoritative information on the effects of climate change mitigation policies and the impacts of climate change. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None M4AB6P8IEY
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eea-meets-its-challenges EEA meets its challenges 2006-08-10T07:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:04:53Z 2006-08-10T07:00:00Z en None 2011 None The annual report points out how the scope and format of "The European Environment - State and Outlook 2005" was changed considerably along the way, and how the Agency managed to respond to these changes in a flexible way and deliver the close to 600 pages report on time in late November. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None V7F3JMQU9W
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eea-member-countries-delivering-more-environmental-data EEA member countries delivering more environmental data 2006-10-23T13:20:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:22Z 2006-10-23T13:20:00Z en None 2011 None Latvia and Austria topped the list for delivering environmental data to the European Environment Agency (EEA), followed by Sweden, Bulgaria and Slovakia, according to a new report released today. Overall performance by countries was up by 5 % compared to the previous reporting cycle. Many of the new EU Member States performed particularly well. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ZH7M9GRNWA
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eea-offsets-emissions-by-funding-2018gold-standard2019-carbon-projects EEA offsets emissions by funding 'Gold Standard' carbon projects 2007-04-17T08:07:35Z 2016-06-21T13:46:02Z 2008-04-30T08:38:24Z en None 2011 None Setting a trend in the way organisations deal with their carbon footprints, the European Environment Agency has introduced its own carbon offsetting scheme. The Agency bought EUR 13 500 carbon offsets corresponding to 673 tonnes of CO2 emissions for its air travel in 2006. This sum covers both air travel of staff attending meetings and conferences outside Denmark and invited guests coming to the Agency. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VU0J1HAFT8
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eea-reach-european-environmental-management-award-finals EEA reaches European environmental management award finals 2006-11-16T12:51:37Z 2016-06-21T13:46:01Z 2006-11-16T12:52:44Z en None 2011 None The European Environment Agency was pipped at the post for the 2006 European EMAS Award in Athens on 13 November. The Agency qualified for the European finals ceremony after receiving the Danish national prize for the best EMAS communication by a medium-sized enterprise. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None DKCM8OPQFA
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eea-report-confirms-electric-cars EEA report confirms: electric cars are better for climate and air quality 2018-11-16T08:50:20Z 2020-11-23T10:58:31Z 2018-11-22T09:00:00Z en None 2018 1.1.2 None Battery electric cars emit less greenhouse gases and air pollutants over their entire life cycle than petrol and diesel cars, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) report, published today. Promoting renewable energy and circular economy — including the shared use of vehicles and product design that supports reuse and recycling — will help maximise the benefits of shifting to electric vehicles. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 1PSG7ZOYFE
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eea-reports-on-progress-in-greenhouse-gas-emissions-reductions-in-2006 EEA reports on progress in greenhouse gas emissions reductions in 2006 2008-06-13T11:39:05Z 2016-06-21T13:46:05Z 2008-06-18T10:00:00Z en None 2011 None Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the European Union decreased slightly between 2005 and 2006 according to the official inventory report prepared by the European Environment Agency (EEA). Overall emissions within the EU-27 fell by 14 million tonnes (0.3 %) and now stand 7.7 % below 1990 levels. Total emissions in the European Union were slightly more than 5.1 billion tonnes in 2006. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 8HSTFNQMWJ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eea-set-to-improve-data-flows-for-gmes EEA set to improve data flows for GMES 2010-02-10T14:40:44Z 2016-06-21T13:45:45Z 2010-02-11T23:00:00Z en None 2011 None The European Environment Agency (EEA) has started coordinating data flows from ground, sea and air observations, which will be used for Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) services. Building on existing mechanisms and capacities, EEA will develop an innovative and sustainable framework to make the data accessible. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 79I6HERCQZ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eea-staff-walking-the-walk-during-european-mobility-week EEA staff walking the walk during European Mobility Week 2007-09-18T08:27:42Z 2016-06-21T13:46:02Z 2007-09-18T10:30:00Z en None 2011 0.0.0 None This week is the European Mobility Week and the staff of the European Environment Agency in Copenhagen is looking at ways to reduce the number of missions, and to do the daily commuting in an environmentally friendly way. A recent survey among staff showed that 53 % of them walk or cycle to get to work and many others walk or cycle in combination with public transport. None of the staff members responding to the survey use only their car for daily commuting, and merely 10 % use their car in combination with public transport. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None W4DVUMK0GA
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eea-takes-first-step-on-measuring-european-transport-subsidies EEA takes first step in measuring European transport subsidies 2007-03-16T09:06:44Z 2016-06-21T13:46:01Z 2008-04-30T08:37:54Z en None 2011 None Subsides worth between EUR 270 to 290 billion a year are estimated to go into European transport, according to a preliminary report released by the European Environment Agency today. From this figure, road transport receives EUR 125 billion annually, rail EUR 73 billion, aviation EUR 27–35 billion and water-borne transport EUR 14–30 billion. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 1FQBUOI3T8
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eea-website-meets-international-standards New-look EEA website improves accessibility 2006-08-31T11:31:38Z 2016-06-21T13:45:50Z 2008-04-30T08:38:39Z en None 2011 None Today the European Environment Agency unveils a new-look website offering users better functionality and improved accessibility. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None C0JIXQ1RAH
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eea-welcomes-the-stern-review EEA welcomes the Stern review 2006-10-31T19:54:50Z 2016-06-21T13:45:29Z 2008-04-30T08:38:32Z en None 2011 None The Stern review, a UK government report, suggests that the cost of climate change will be enormous if we do not take strong global action now to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 3PJCQ7TMWX
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eea-wins-award-for-its-environment-friendly-management EEA wins award for its environment friendly management 2008-11-12T14:44:48Z 2016-06-21T13:46:06Z 2008-11-21T12:30:00Z en None 2011 6.1.1 None The European Environment Agency has won a national EMAS (Eco-management and audit scheme) award for its efforts in reducing energy consumption and increasing energy efficiency. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None QTS7UZNI0P
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eea-workshop-leads-to-new-international-declaration EEA workshop leads to new international activities on land and ecosystem accounting 2006-11-28T09:01:32Z 2016-06-21T13:46:01Z 2008-04-30T08:37:49Z en None 2011 None Improving decision-making for sustainability by forging closer links between economists and environmentalists was the objective of an international workshop held in Copenhagen today. The workshop addressed better international cooperation between key international institutions. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None XGO6QV1RZS
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eeas-input-to-post-2010-biodiversity-policy EEA's input to post-2010 biodiversity policy 2010-02-02T14:47:02Z 2016-06-21T13:46:07Z 2010-02-04T09:00:00Z en None 2011 None As a contribution to European debate on post-2010 vision and targets, the European Environment Agency (EEA) will enhance its support to policy makers by providing a detailed picture of the current state of biodiversity in Europe, as well as develop an information system for sharing knowledge on biodiversity across Europe. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 8ZVHQ6MB73
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/effectiveness-of-eu-cohesion-spending-on-the-environment Effectiveness of EU cohesion spending on the environment 2009-09-03T12:33:42Z 2016-06-21T13:46:11Z 2009-09-03T14:00:00Z en None 2011 None Structural Funds and the Cohesion Fund are the European Union's main financial instruments to reduce the gap between poor and rich regions. In its new report, the European Environment Agency evaluates the effectiveness of these funds in achieving environmental goals by focusing on investments in wastewater treatment, biodiversity, and energy efficiency and renewable energy in three pilot countries: Austria, Italy and Spain. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None DN1XTKVP2Z
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/emissions-of-sulphur-oxides-and Emissions of sulphur oxides and ozone-forming pollutants fall significantly 2010-07-09T08:53:53Z 2016-06-21T13:46:08Z 2010-07-09T10:40:46Z en None 2010 1.1.2 None The European Union air pollutant emission inventory report compiled by the European Environment Agency (EEA) shows that the EU-27 has cut sulphur oxides (SOx) emissions by 78 % since 1990. The decline was particularly sharp during the latest reporting year, falling 20 % in 2008 compared to 2007. The emissions of three ozone precursors — CO, NMVOCs and NOx — also continued the downward trend. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None U51MIY293Q
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/energy-package Climate action and renewable energy package a major step forward 2008-01-23T14:12:57Z 2016-06-21T13:46:03Z 2008-04-30T08:37:32Z en None 2011 None Professor Jacqueline McGlade, Executive Director of the European Environment Agency (EEA), highlights the importance of the Climate action and renewable energy package unveiled yesterday by the European Commission in Brussels. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 34IJ186OF2
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/environmental-information-network-extends-across Environmental information network extends across Europe, Central Asia and Russian Federation 2011-09-23T14:17:19Z 2016-06-21T13:45:45Z 2011-09-23T14:17:45Z en None 2011 3.1.3 None Government ministers and delegates from 53 countries agreed to extend the European network for sharing environmental information across the pan-European region. The commitment was made at the seventh Ministerial Environment for Europe summit in Astana, Kazakhstan, which concluded today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None AHNQKC9VPG
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-goal-on-phase-down EU goal on phase-down of F-gases remains on track 2018-12-14T09:11:20Z 2019-12-10T09:22:22Z 2018-12-19T09:00:00Z en None 2018 1.3.1 None Updated data reported by industry shows the European Union’s goal to phase-down the use of fluorinated greenhouse-gases (F-gases) remained on track in 2017, according to the latest annual update published by the European Environment Agency (EEA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VZYCUWFPO5
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-greenhouse-gas-emissions-drop-in-2005 EU greenhouse gas emissions drop in 2005 2007-05-04T11:24:23Z 2016-06-21T13:45:34Z 2008-04-30T08:38:40Z en None 2011 None Emissions of climate-changing greenhouse gases (GHG) decreased between 2004 and 2005, according to preliminary data from a forthcoming EEA report. The report, 'Annual European Community greenhouse gas inventory 1990-2005 and inventory report 2007', was submitted to the secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) as the European Community’s official submission on 14 April. It will be officially launched in mid-June 2007. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None F09M2YDO6P
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-member-states-need-more EU Member States need more ambition to reach joint target on renewable energy 2018-12-14T08:17:32Z 2019-03-08T14:22:27Z 2018-12-18T09:00:00Z en None 2018 1.3.2 None The share of renewable energy sources in the European Union’s (EU) energy use has doubled since 2005 but this growth has been slowing down in recent years, especially due to increasing energy consumption and lack of progress in the transport sector. The European Environment Agency’s (EEA) new report shows that EU Member States need to step up their efforts to reach the 2020 target on renewable energy. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None F65UJTV1RW
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-to-exceed-air-pollutant-limit-due-to-growth-in-road-transport EU to exceed air pollutant limit due to growth in road transport 2008-11-26T08:25:05Z 2016-06-21T13:45:27Z 2008-11-28T14:17:03Z en None 2011 None Despite significant emission reductions in recent years, only 11 EU Member States expect to remain within their emission limits for all four air pollutants set by the EU National Emission Ceilings Directive (NEC Directive). The nitrogen oxides ceiling remains the most difficult to comply with. This is partly due to the fact that demand for road transport has grown faster than anticipated. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 9SR0EHJVGZ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-to-exceed-nitrogen-oxides EU to exceed nitrogen oxides emission ceiling, mostly due to road transport 2011-06-01T13:17:34Z 2016-06-21T13:45:53Z 2011-06-01T13:19:21Z en None 2011 1.1.1 None The EU-27 and its Member States must meet legally binding limits for four air pollutants set by the National Emission Ceilings Directive (NEC Directive) to protect human health and the environment. The annual status report released today by the European Environment Agency (EEA) shows that while EU-27 emissions for three air pollutants are projected to meet the ceilings, nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions for the EU-27 as a whole will exceed its ceiling by 17 %. Ten Member States expect to miss their respective NOx ceilings. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None JID2EPZW84
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europe-cannot-halt-the-loss-of-biodiversity-without-sustainable-use-of-forests Europe cannot halt the loss of biodiversity without sustainable use of forests 2008-05-20T14:37:06Z 2016-06-21T13:46:05Z 2008-05-21T15:22:39Z en None 2011 None Forests are home to a large number of the plant and animal species and therefore closely linked to the overall state of biodiversity in Europe. On the World Biodiversity Day, 22 May, the European Environment Agency draws attention to the growing demand for forest resources, including for bioenergy, which will exert greater pressures on forest biodiversity. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None HU8JMKS3DE
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europe-continues-to-phase-out-substances Europe continues to phase out substances harmful to the ozone layer under the Montreal Protocol 2018-09-13T13:11:16Z 2019-12-10T09:22:28Z 2018-09-14T08:00:00Z en None 2018 1.3.1 None Overall efforts to reduce the use of chemicals harming the ozone layer across the European Union continued in 2017 and the EU has already achieved its goals on the phase-out of ozone-depleting substances under the Montreal Protocol, according to the latest data released today by the European Environment Agency (EEA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 18Z7EHO5FX
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europe-is-losing-biodiversity-2013-even-in-protected-areas Europe is losing biodiversity — even in protected areas 2008-10-06T15:33:56Z 2016-06-21T13:46:05Z 2008-10-07T13:00:00Z en None 2011 None At the World Conservation Congress currently being held in Barcelona, the European Environment Agency (EEA) presented an analysis of the latest reports from member countries on the state of protected species and habitats in Europe. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None DZPFIT2671
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europe-needs-better-ecosystem-accounting Europe must grasp the true value of biodiversity 2009-04-24T12:18:26Z 2016-06-21T13:45:51Z 2009-04-27T10:00:00Z en None 2011 None Europe clears forests, ploughs fields, drains wetlands and builds cities and roads, often at the expense of natural ecosystems. But how much does our current consumption and production affect the integrity of ecosystems? How much and how fast is the loss of biodiversity in Europe? The European Environment Agency (EEA) has provided some answers to these questions at a high-level conference organised this week by the European Commission. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None M7YUAX9S35
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europe2019s-coasts-reconciling-development-and-conservation Europe's coasts: reconciling development and conservation 2010-08-24T11:15:45Z 2016-06-21T13:45:43Z 2010-08-25T09:00:00Z en None 2011 None Europe’s coastal zones are under increasing pressure from erosion, pollution, climate change, urbanisation and tourism. Such pressures threaten entire ecosystems — vital not only for wildlife but also for the economy and human well-being. The European Environment Agency (EEA) takes a closer look at the state of coastal ecosystems and policy responses to the pressures affecting them. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None T48WOFPE2D
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europe2019s-first-green-capitals-stockholm-and-hamburg Europe’s first Green Capitals: Stockholm and Hamburg 2009-02-23T12:52:01Z 2016-06-21T13:45:53Z 2009-02-24T09:00:00Z en None 2011 None Stockholm and Hamburg have been named as the European Green Capitals for 2010 and 2011, respectively, in recognition of their consistent records of high environmental standards and strong commitment to further improvement. The European Environment Agency took part in the evaluation panel and the final jury. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 0WJBCRAID1
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europe2019s-mountains-rich-in-biodiversity Europe's mountains: rich in biodiversity but increasingly vulnerable 2010-07-02T10:03:09Z 2016-06-21T13:46:08Z 2010-07-27T12:40:23Z en None 2011 None Snow-capped peaks, rocky inclines, rich forests and sloping meadows provide recreation and economic opportunities for humans and a home to many plants and animals. The European Environment Agency's new assessment of mountain ecosystems sheds light on their state and the pressures they face. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None RIY0S7T2ZQ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europe2019s-transport-sector-aviation-and Europe’s transport sector: Aviation and shipping face big challenges in reducing environmental impacts 2018-01-30T13:51:56Z 2018-01-31T08:55:47Z 2018-01-31T10:50:00Z en None 2018 1.1.2 None A massive shift in innovation, consumer behaviour and the take up of more ambitious green technologies to power aircraft and sea-faring cargo ships will be crucial to reducing their long-term carbon footprint. A European Environment Agency (EEA) report says incremental measures such as improving fuel efficiency to cut emissions will not be enough for the aviation and shipping sectors to meet European greenhouse gas emissions and sustainability targets. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 0ME65HKJTV
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/european-commission2019s-dg-environment-is-looking-for-high-quality-candidates European Commission's DG Environment is looking for high-quality candidates 2007-08-29T06:31:13Z 2016-06-21T13:46:02Z 2007-08-29T07:00:00Z en None 2011 None The European Commission's Environment department is looking to identify high-quality candidates from the new EU Member States to work on a range of environmental issues at its Brussels headquarters. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None G2IERQM403
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/european-community-submits-its-initial-report-under-the-kyoto-protocol The European Community submits its initial report under the Kyoto Protocol 2006-12-15T09:46:47Z 2016-06-21T13:46:01Z 2008-04-30T08:38:25Z en None 2011 None 'The European Community's initial report under the Kyoto Protocol', a new EEA report, sets the maximum amount of greenhouse gases the EU-15 can emit between 2008-2012 (excluding the Kyoto mechanisims). The report constitutes the main part of the European Community’s submission of its initial report to the secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None U37T25JBGH
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/european-environmental-technology-atlas-launched European environmental technology atlas launched 2007-05-31T07:37:41Z 2016-06-21T13:46:02Z 2008-04-30T08:37:30Z en None 2011 None A web-based navigation tool, the environmental technology atlas, was presented today during the EU informal council meeting in Essen, Germany. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None XB75WD80GI
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/european-green-capital-award-how-green-is-your-town European Green Capital Award: how green is your town? 2008-07-02T07:49:07Z 2016-06-21T13:45:28Z 2008-07-04T09:54:10Z en None 2011 None How clean is the air in your city? Is the local transport environmentally friendly? What about noise pollution and the state of the green areas? Four out of five Europeans now live in cities and the environment in urban areas is directly linked to our quality of life. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None D8QIBGJXH0
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/european-waters-getting-cleaner-but European waters getting cleaner, but big challenges remain 2018-06-26T12:31:08Z 2020-11-23T10:58:42Z 2018-07-03T05:00:00Z en None 2018 1.5.2 None Despite progress in improving the quality of Europe’s lakes, rivers, coastal waters and groundwater sources, pollution, structures like dams, and over-abstraction remain top threats to their long-term health. A vast majority of Europe’s water bodies still fail to meet the European Union’s minimum target for ‘good status’, according to a European Environment Agency ‘state of water’ report published today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None AJO7Q9E26P
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-land-cover-changes-on-dvd Europe’s land cover on DVD 2006-09-21T08:51:08Z 2016-06-21T13:46:01Z 2008-04-30T08:38:25Z en None 2011 None The Corine Land Cover 2000 (CLC 2000) database, which offers borderless information on land cover and land cover changes over the past decade, is now out on DVD. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 4Z8JHRIMAG
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eus-climate-adapt-found-to EU’s Climate-ADAPT found to be a key tool for adaptation in Europe 2018-06-05T11:56:05Z 2018-06-06T12:05:57Z 2018-06-06T08:05:00Z en None 2018 1.4.3 None The number of users of the joint European Environment Agency (EEA) – European Commission Climate-ADAPT online knowledge hub has increased fivefold since its launch in 2012, according to an EEA report published today. The assessment confirms the increasing value of the web platform for users such as policy makers, city planners, and other experts who are looking to share and make use of information and best practices in adapting to climate change. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None H7PSUVIW53
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/everything-about-fresh-water-in-europe Everything about fresh water in Europe 2010-03-19T16:09:15Z 2016-06-21T13:45:29Z 2010-03-22T08:20:00Z en None 2011 None Clean fresh water is essential to life. Unfortunately, almost all human activities affect water quality. On World Water Day, 22 March, the European Environment Agency (EEA) is enriching the information on the web-based Water Information System for Europe (WISE) with two new sets of data on urban waste water and pollutant releases. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 12T5C6EH4D
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/everything-about-your-favourite-beach-is-now-at-your-fingertips Everything about your favourite beach is now at your fingertips 2009-06-17T12:09:09Z 2016-06-21T13:45:20Z 2009-06-17T15:16:53Z en None 2011 None How is the water quality at your favourite bathing spot? What do other beachgoers think? What does the beach look like? The European Environment Agency (EEA) and Microsoft environmental information portal 'Eye on Earth' shows not only the latest information on water quality but also user ratings and comments, pictures and live webcam streaming. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 6S2YJIM8KP
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/explore-europe2019s-changing-landscape Explore Europe's changing landscape 2008-02-19T08:18:18Z 2016-06-21T13:46:04Z 2008-02-19T17:00:00Z en None 2011 None What does Europe use its land for? Where are farmlands, urban areas and forests? How has Europe's land cover changed over a decade? http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ROPXQSBFA3
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/follow-us-on-facebook-twitter Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube 2011-05-05T08:00:00Z 2016-06-21T13:45:49Z 2011-05-06T08:11:05Z en None 2011 4.2.5 None As part of our efforts to bring environmental information to as many people as possible, we have added social media to the European Environment Agency's range of communication channels. Facebook is the newest addition and it allows us to be more connected with European citizens. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None KDPAC0IEJV
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/forest-fires-in-southern-europe-destroy-much-more-than-trees Forest fires in Southern Europe destroy much more than trees 2009-07-27T22:00:00Z 2016-06-21T13:45:46Z 2009-07-27T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None Forest fires in Spain, France, Italy and Greece burned more than 50 000 hectares in the last four days. The economic and environmental damage caused by such fires extends well beyond the affected areas. Damage to biodiversity and livelihoods may take decades to reverse. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None S1B8JTK0QA
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/friends-at-the-gates-major-success-for-eea-open-house-event Friends at the gates - Major success for EEA open house event. 2006-10-20T08:55:36Z 2016-06-21T13:46:01Z 2006-10-20T09:12:12Z en None 2011 None Nearly a thousand Copenhageners visited the European Environment Agency when we stayed open to the public all evening during Copenhagen Culture night on the 13th October. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None PB9D1V6CNM
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/from-efficient-water-use-to From efficient water use to quitting fossil fuels – survey shows different approaches to resource efficiency across Europe 2011-10-10T14:39:38Z 2016-06-21T13:45:43Z 2011-10-10T15:48:04Z en None 2011 4.2.1 None Resource efficiency is a policy priority for Europe. However, across the region there are many different approaches to ‘doing more with less’, as shown by a survey of countries’ policies, carried out by the European Environment Agency (EEA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 4FV9HWTAXR
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/get-wise-about-clean-bathing-water Get WISE about clean bathing water 2007-05-30T13:21:10Z 2016-06-21T13:46:02Z 2008-04-30T08:37:30Z en None 2011 None Use WISE (Water Information System for Europe) - a European Commission/European Environment Agency interactive internet tool - to check how clean bathing water is becoming at your next holiday destination. WISE offers a fully integrated picture of water quality along Europe's coastlines and inland waterways by showing both bathing water quality levels and wastewater treatment at each location. It also documents how bathing water has improved throughout Europe over the last 10 years and provides a full summary of Europe’s bathing water quality in 2006. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None SOAWMU27CK
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/getting-an-instant-sharper-picture-of-europes-air-pollution Getting an instant, sharper picture of Europe's air pollution 2008-02-06T15:24:27Z 2016-06-21T13:46:04Z 2008-04-30T08:37:03Z en None 2011 None The EEA has concluded an agreement with a consortium led by the European Space Agency to provide improved information on air pollution. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VRHZNTWXI1
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/getting-the-most-out-of-europes-bioenergy-potential Getting the most out of Europe's bioenergy potential 2008-01-29T13:55:50Z 2016-06-21T13:46:03Z 2008-01-29T15:10:00Z en None 2011 None A new report by the European Environment Agency confirms that there is a large potential for bioenergy production from agricultural biomass in Europe. However, the increasing demand for biofuels raises concerns about additional pressure on Europe’s environment and farmland biodiversity. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None BW1UIX8QE2
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/good-news-for-holiday-makers Good news for holiday makers: excellent water quality at vast majority of European bathing sites 2018-05-23T08:45:43Z 2020-01-13T19:09:56Z 2018-05-29T09:55:00Z en None 2018 1.5.2 None Despite a slight drop in results, 85% of swimming sites across Europe monitored in 2017 met the European Union's highest and most stringent 'excellent' quality standards for waters mostly free from pollutants, according to the latest annual European bathing water quality report published today. The results give a good indication where holiday makers can find the best quality bathing waters this summer. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 82R465W0OU
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/green-budgets-the-potential-for Green budgets: the potential for economic instruments to power environmental change 2011-09-16T07:42:18Z 2016-06-21T13:45:55Z 2011-09-16T09:27:29Z en None 2011 3.3.2 None The budget is one area where governments can influence our interaction with the environment – encouraging beneficial behaviour, and discouraging environmental destruction. As a conference on environmental fiscal reform opens at the European Environment Agency (EEA), we consider the potential for using financial carrots and sticks to improve the environment. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 6NK7YT0Q5W
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/green-tax-reform-can-boost-eco-innovation-and-employment Green tax reform can boost eco-innovation and employment 2007-03-16T09:23:24Z 2016-06-21T13:46:02Z 2008-04-30T08:37:54Z en None 2011 None A gradual shift of today’s taxes away from personal income and capital towards taxes on consumption, pollution, and inefficient use of energy and resources can boost employment, eco-innovation and protect the environment. This is the message Jacqueline McGlade, Executive Director of the European Environment Agency, will deliver today at Brussels Tax Forum 2007. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None N16ETFDBRA
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/greenhouse-gases-member-states-shaping-up-reporting-under-the-emission-trading-scheme Greenhouse gases: Member States shaping up reporting under the Emission Trading Scheme 2008-03-13T13:25:19Z 2016-06-21T13:45:50Z 2008-03-13T14:00:00Z en None 2011 None The European Union is running the largest multi-country, multi-sector greenhouse gas Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) world-wide. A report presented today by the European Environment Agency shows that the implementation of the ETS is improving. For the reporting year 2007, all Member States have delivered information on their experience in accordance with Article 21 of the Emissions Trading Directive. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 3257Q8FKWE
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/greening-european-transport-consumption-change-user-behaviour-and-set-carbon-targets Greening European transport consumption: change user behaviour and set carbon targets 2008-06-24T12:57:21Z 2016-06-21T13:45:28Z 2008-06-24T14:00:00Z en None 2011 None There must be a clear, ambitious target for cutting CO2 emissions from transport in Europe. Citizen behaviour, together with improved use of technologies, have a major role to play. These are just a few of the messages emerging from the seminar: “Right on track - choosing the most eco-friendly transport option” organised by the International Union of Railways (UIC) today at the European Environment Agency. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None C5B9KZUFNA
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/greenland-is-stepping-up-its Greenland is stepping up its efforts to improve waste management 2011-06-10T08:37:16Z 2016-06-21T13:45:49Z 2011-06-10T08:38:04Z en None 2011 2.5.2 None Reduce, reuse, recycle – the common mantra of waste management makes the process sound simple. But while these three ingredients may be the same, the recipe for sustainable waste management can be very different – and Greenland’s unique environment presents some considerable challenges. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None KV621P4USC
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/has-policy-improved-europe2019s-air-quality Has policy improved Europe's air quality? 2011-01-05T10:46:05Z 2016-06-21T13:45:25Z 2011-01-05T10:47:34Z en None 2011 None In recent decades, the EU has introduced a range of policies to improve air quality by controlling pollutant emissions. A new report by the European Environment Agency (EEA) evaluates three key instruments and finds that they have significantly improved Europe's air quality and reduced pollution-induced health effects. There is scope for even more progress, however, if countries achieve all their binding commitments to reduce emissions. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None F3RZIWDE5B
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/heading-for-your-favourite-beach-is-the-bathing-water-clean Heading for your favourite beach? Is the bathing water clean? 2008-07-09T07:43:11Z 2016-06-21T13:46:05Z 2008-07-09T12:09:25Z en None 2011 None The European Environment Agency (EEA) and Microsoft today launched a new environmental information portal ‘Eye on Earth’, displaying the latest information on the water quality in bathing sites across Europe. Through its first application ‘Water Watch’, the new portal allows users to rate beaches and to share their comments with others. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 3RKEDMO0NU
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/health-risks-from-mobile-phone Health risks from mobile phone radiation – why the experts disagree 2011-10-12T14:17:53Z 2016-06-21T13:46:08Z 2011-10-12T15:33:27Z en None 2011 4.2.1 None Mobile phones and other digital devices are now a big part of modern life – but are they dangerous? There were an estimated 5.3 billion mobile phone subscriptions worldwide by the end of 2010, so if mobile phone use is linked to head cancers, the implications are immense. We look at the scientific uncertainty in this area, and what this means for policy. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 3RIWHD74T6
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/high-potential-to-cut-air-pollution-from-europes-power-plants High potential to cut air pollution from Europe's power plants 2008-04-30T14:05:13Z 2016-06-21T13:46:04Z 2008-05-06T06:36:11Z en None 2011 None Emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and sulphur dioxide (SO2) from large combustion plants (LCP) could have been considerably lower in 2004, a report presented today by the European Environment Agency says. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 4WUPQ86ROA
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/how-can-waste-policy-become How can waste policy contribute to a resource-efficient economy? 2010-04-19T07:53:12Z 2016-08-31T14:40:49Z 2010-04-20T08:41:31Z en None 2011 None Some countries are frontrunners on waste recycling and prevention; others could be inspired by these experiences. The European Environment Agency (EEA) and its European Topic Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production (ETC/SCP) have compiled a set of fact sheets presenting information on national strategies, targets and instruments for prevention and better management of waste. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None AKX9U4CYJ3
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/how-clean-is-europe2019s-air How clean is Europe's air? 2009-03-13T08:00:11Z 2016-06-21T13:46:11Z 2009-03-24T08:00:00Z en None 2011 None Particulate matter and ground-level ozone remain important air pollutants in Europe. Despite improvements due to EU legislation, they continue to have a heavy toll on human health especially in southern and eastern Europe. Two reports released today by the European Environment Agency (EEA) shed light on Europe’s air quality. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None XYK851Z4PE
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/how-europe2019s-agriculture-can-boost-biodiversity How Europe's agriculture can boost biodiversity 2010-06-25T07:54:49Z 2016-06-21T13:45:20Z 2010-06-25T09:06:31Z en None 2011 None Intensive farming has long been a major cause of biodiversity decline in Europe. The European Environment Agency's (EEA) new short assessment examines Europe's efforts to strike a balance between producing sufficient food and maintaining agro-ecosystems that are rich in biodiversity above and below ground. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None OQC0X1KG3Z
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/how-to-manage-the-planet How to manage the planet within its limits 2011-05-17T07:54:02Z 2016-06-21T13:45:30Z 2011-05-17T07:55:31Z en None 2011 5.1.4 None European Environment Agency (EEA) Executive Director Jacqueline McGlade is participating in the 3rd Nobel Laureate Symposium on Global Sustainability, from 17-19 May. Prof. McGlade will act as a delegate and moderator. The key outcome of the Symposium, the Stockholm Memorandum, will develop a new vision for sustainable development and prosperity, along with mechanisms for achieving it. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None B8WXY6G1K4
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/how-to-optimise-the-use-of-bioenergy-for-europe2019s-climate-efforts-1 How to optimise the use of bioenergy for Europe’s climate efforts 2008-11-12T09:00:55Z 2016-06-21T13:46:06Z 2008-11-12T09:03:08Z en None 2011 None Bioenergy can substantially reduce Europe's greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to achieving the EU's renewable energy target, says a new report by the European Environment Agency. Such benefits, however, can only be realised if policy and economic incentives are in place to minimise the potential negative impacts of bioenergy production. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None HWD3N0KJ75
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/how-will-the-western-balkans How will the Western Balkans shape its environmental future? 2010-05-12T11:14:38Z 2016-06-21T13:46:06Z 2010-05-12T14:00:00Z en None 2011 None Economic development in the Western Balkan countries is putting additional strains on the environment, affecting primarily resource use, waste and biodiversity. A new report by the European Environment Agency (EEA) provides a detailed analysis of the environmental pressures and forces at play and urges policy-makers to take action towards sustainable development. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None D1EBZQMRK3
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/implementation-of-emissions-trading-scheme-still-not-fully-aligned Implementation of Emissions Trading Scheme still not fully aligned 2007-02-22T09:11:05Z 2016-06-21T13:46:01Z 2008-04-30T08:38:25Z en None 2011 None Further alignment of operating procedures of the Emissions Trading Scheme is still possible, according to a report released by the European Environment Agency today. The report, 'Application of the Emissions Trading Directive by EU Member States' also says that in many cases it has been difficult for Member States to stick to the time table for reporting and verification. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None XY5QMGRIHF
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/in-memory-of-svend-auken In memory of Svend Auken 2009-08-04T10:00:00Z 2016-06-21T13:45:23Z 2009-08-04T10:00:00Z en None 2011 None The Executive Director and staff of the European Environment Agency were very sad to hear of the death of Svend Auken the morning of 4 August, after lengthy illness. Svend Auken played a major role in the establishment of the EEA in Copenhagen in 1993 and was ever since a strong supporter and friend of the Agency. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 37KTYADH0C
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/increase-in-eu-greenhouse-gas Increase in EU greenhouse gas emissions hampers progress towards 2030 targets 2018-10-24T09:37:57Z 2019-12-10T09:22:30Z 2018-10-26T09:00:00Z en None 2018 1.3.2 None Greenhouse gas emissions across the European Union rose slightly in 2017, mostly because of the transport sector. Preliminary estimates published today in the European Environment Agency’s (EEA) annual ‘trends and projections’ assessments show a 0.6% emissions increase in 2017 from 2016. This limited increase means that the EU is still expected to achieve its 2020 emissions reduction target, albeit by a narrower margin. However, national measures will need to be urgently stepped up to achieve the EU’s new reduction targets for 2030. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None WOGJKNS930
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/informing-interpreting-empowering Informing. Interpreting. Empowering. 2009-02-12T12:59:26Z 2016-06-21T13:46:13Z 2009-02-17T14:15:00Z en None 2011 None The EEA’s new Strategy outlines our plans for the next five years. It is shaped around today's and tomorrow's information needs with an emphasis on a much wider use of the environmental information being collected. We are streamlining our activities, creating new ways of working and developing new methods to bring environmental thinking into the mainstream of economic and social policy-making. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None UFYSKIH2CZ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/integrating-circular-economy-and-bioeconomy Integrating circular economy and bioeconomy would improve sustainability in Europe 2018-08-23T12:50:50Z 2019-11-14T14:40:08Z 2018-08-27T08:50:00Z en None 2018 2.1.4 None Europe uses natural resources unsustainably and the European Union has put in place policies on circular economy and bioeconomy in response. A new European Environment Agency (EEA) report argues that implementing these two concepts in tandem, by applying specific design principles within a systemic approach, would improve resource efficiency and reduce environmental pressures. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None YNSQC2J59W
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/land-use-conflicts-necessitate-integrated-policy Land use conflicts necessitate integrated policy 2011-03-29T08:55:39Z 2016-06-21T13:45:22Z 2011-03-29T08:56:57Z en None 2011 2.6.1 None Demand for land in Europe is high. Food and biomass production, housing, infrastructure and recreation all compete for space, with impacts on our climate, biodiversity and ecosystem services. In a recent assessment, the European Environment Agency (EEA) analyses land use change in Europe, concluding that we need an integrated policy approach based on reliable data to balance sectoral demands and manage land sustainably. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None A610I5MX2K
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/major-step-in-protecting-the-ozone-layer Major step in protecting the ozone layer 2007-09-28T07:50:03Z 2016-06-21T13:46:03Z 2007-09-28T07:51:24Z en None 2011 None World governments meeting in Montreal last week agreed to freeze production of the ozone depleting substances hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) in 2013 and bring forward the final phase-out date of these chemicals by ten years. Industrialised countries also pledged to provide 'stable and sufficient' funds to help developing countries meet the accelerated phase-out deadline. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None R5AO0T4V87
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/marine-biodiversity-life-in-seas Marine biodiversity: life in seas under threat 2010-03-16T16:17:43Z 2016-06-21T13:46:08Z 2010-03-17T10:00:00Z en None 2011 None Climate change, pollution, acidification, over-exploitation of fish stocks, invasive alien species all threaten life in our seas and consequently the services we obtain from them. The European Environment Agency’s (EEA) new short assessment of marine biodiversity takes a closer look at the ‘less known half’ of EU territory. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None YFJ79SG5ON
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/mercury-pollution-remains-a-problem Mercury pollution remains a problem in Europe and globally 2018-09-13T14:12:48Z 2018-09-27T07:30:06Z 2018-09-19T07:50:00Z en None 2018 1.2.2 None Historical and current emissions of mercury continue to present a significant risk to the environment and human health, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) report, published today. The main source of new mercury emissions in Europe is coal burning but about half of the mercury deposited in Europe’s environment originates from outside Europe. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VT8GBX1FQD
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/more-action-needed-to-tackle More action needed to tackle mixtures of chemicals in Europe's waters 2019-01-15T08:39:09Z 2019-12-10T09:22:29Z 2019-01-16T08:55:00Z en None 2019 1.5.2 None Despite successes in addressing some of the most hazardous chemicals, more attention is needed to address the danger posed by the 'cocktail effect' of lower concentrations of chemicals in European lakes, rivers and other surface water bodies, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) report released today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None G7YBZWCT0F
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/more-efforts-required-to-reduce More efforts required to reduce ozone pollution in Europe 2011-06-06T09:46:05Z 2016-06-21T13:45:29Z 2011-06-06T09:47:46Z en None 2011 1.0.2 None Ground-level ozone is one of the most harmful air pollutants in Europe today. A new report by the European Environment Agency (EEA) shows that despite efforts to reduce ozone pollution, in 2010 levels continued to exceed the long-term objective established in EU legislation to protect human health. EU Member States will also face difficulties in meeting the target value, applicable as of 2010. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 16SVGIWT0K
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-estimates-confirm-the-declining-trend-in-eu-greenhouse-gas-emissions New estimates confirm the declining trend in EU greenhouse gas emissions 2009-08-31T08:33:13Z 2016-06-21T13:45:53Z 2009-08-31T10:00:00Z en None 2011 None New European Environment Agency (EEA) estimates indicate that EU greenhouse gas emissions decreased in 2008 for the fourth consecutive year. Compared to the 2007 official emissions published earlier this year, the annual reduction is estimated to be about 1.3 % for the EU-15 and 1.5 % for the EU-27. Based on these estimates, the greenhouse gas emissions in 2008 stand approximately 6.2 % below the Kyoto base-year emissions for the EU-15, and 10.7 % below the 1990 level for the EU-27. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None QEKWIUV259
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-european-topic-centre-opens-in-barcelona European Topic Centre for Land Use and Spatial Information opens in Barcelona 2007-06-07T07:21:12Z 2016-06-21T13:46:02Z 2007-06-07T14:30:00Z en None 2011 None The new European Topic Centre for Land Use and Spatial Information (ETC/LUSI) was inaugurated today at Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona. The European Environment Agency's Executive Director, Prof. Jacqueline McGlade, joined the Spanish Minister of the Environment, Cristina Narbona, and dignitaries from both Catalonia and Andalucia for the event. ETC/LUSI is an international consortium assisting the European Environment Agency in its mission to deliver information on the state and trends of the European environment to policy-makers and the general public. The consortium will also work with Spanish authorities and organisations, helping to reflect pan-European developments at regional and national level. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None CI1YBMVO5R
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-film-on-waste-management New film on waste management in Greenland 2011-10-13T08:59:08Z 2020-11-23T10:59:03Z 2011-10-13T12:00:00Z en None 2011 4.2.1 None Dealing with large quantities of unwanted (and sometimes toxic) waste is often difficult – but it becomes even more complicated when people live in isolated communities, in extreme environments hundreds of kilometres from the nearest treatment plant. This is the subject of a new film considering waste management in Greenland, entitled ‘Mission Greenland – for a cleaner future’. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 4FS06UCIGN
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-toolkit-for-biodiversity-conservation-sebi-2010-set-of-indicators-launched New toolkit for biodiversity conservation — SEBI 2010 set of indicators launched 2007-10-12T07:40:13Z 2016-06-21T13:46:03Z 2007-10-12T08:00:00Z en None 2011 None To help policy-makers halt the loss of biodiversity in Europe, the European Environment Agency today launched a report proposing 26 biodiversity indicators — the so-called SEBI 2010 set — to measure progress towards policy targets. The work with biodiversity indicators was given further recognition in the Biodiversity Declaration adopted on Thursday at the UNECE ministerial conference in Belgrade. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None JCZU5D7YVH
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-water-information-system-for-europe-wise-unveiled New water information system for Europe (WISE) unveiled 2007-03-21T10:21:10Z 2016-06-21T13:45:34Z 2008-04-30T08:38:40Z en None 2011 None WISE (Water Information System for Europe) — a new interactive Internet tool that informs Europe’s citizens about water quality and EU water policy — was jointly released by the European Commission and the European Environment Agency (EEA) today at the European Water Conference 2007 in Brussels. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None UVAFSIY2P9
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-website-connects-european-epas New website connects European EPAs 2007-12-13T15:10:51Z 2016-06-21T13:46:03Z 2008-04-30T08:37:29Z en None 2011 None A new website connecting environmental protection agencies (EPA) across Europe has been launched with the support of the European Environment Agency (EEA) today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None RYH67KA4VQ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/no-2018one-size-fits-all2019-solution-for-european-municipal-waste-management No 'one size fits all' solution for European municipal waste management 2007-10-18T13:31:38Z 2016-06-21T13:46:03Z 2008-04-30T08:37:47Z en None 2011 None Waste management strategies must be customised to individual national conditions if they are to prove effective, according to a new EEA brochure released today. The brochure, 'The road from landfilling to recycling: common destination, different routes' is accompanied by a set of online national factsheets on waste management covering the EU-25. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 943IAZB0KX
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/no-improvements-on-average-co2 No improvements on average CO2 emissions from new cars in 2017 2018-04-20T12:26:17Z 2020-11-23T10:59:24Z 2018-04-23T10:00:00Z en None 2018 1.1.2 None Efforts to improve the fuel efficiency of new cars sold in the European Union (EU) stalled in 2017 compared to 2016, according to provisional data published today by the European Environment Agency (EEA). While past years have seen steady declines, new passenger cars registered in 2017 emitted on average 0.4 grammes (g) of carbon dioxide (CO2) per kilometre more than in 2016. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None MX5THJNSCF
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/no-technical-obstacles-to-bringing-international-aviation-and-shipping-under-post-kyoto-protocol No technical obstacles to bringing international aviation and shipping under post-Kyoto Protocol 2007-10-08T09:19:16Z 2016-06-21T13:46:03Z 2007-10-08T09:55:00Z en None 2011 None Emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) from international aviation and maritime transport could be included in a successor to the Kyoto Protocol, according to a workshop in Oslo last week. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None JE9IN20SQZ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/nuclear-accident-in-japan-where Nuclear accident in Japan: where to get up-to-date information 2011-03-23T14:55:45Z 2016-06-21T13:45:31Z 2011-03-23T15:16:53Z en None 2011 1.1.1 None Following the massive earthquake and tsunami of 11 March 2011, a number of explosions and fires took place at the reactor buildings of Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. Japan declared a state of alert and reported leaks of radioactive material. Given the magnitude and the global dimension of the disaster, Japanese authorities and the international community are following the situation very closely. A series of sources provide the public with up-to-date information on the accident's possible impacts on Europe's environment as well as radiation measurements across Europe. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None RKDS71VXT9
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/ozone-levels-last-summer-lowest-in-a-decade Ozone levels last summer lowest in a decade 2008-04-30T13:37:19Z 2016-06-21T13:46:04Z 2008-04-30T14:05:00Z en None 2011 None High concentrations of ozone in Europe were lower during the summer of 2007 than any other year in the past decade, according to the latest data unveiled by the European Environment Agency's technical report 'Air pollution by ozone across Europe during summer 2007'. In contrast to the same season in 2006, the threshold of 180 µg/m3 was not exceeded in northern Europe. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None AWX07N4OBI
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-send-us-your Photo competition: Send us your best water pictures 2018-04-10T12:32:52Z 2018-04-13T12:13:29Z 2018-04-16T07:00:00Z en None 2018 3.4.3 None What comes to your mind when you think about water? Can you capture that in a photograph? The European Environment Agency (EEA) invites you to send your most creative shots to WaterPIX, a photo competition about water. The best entries will receive a cash prize. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None R7Z125ADK4
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/policy-makers-must-address-transport-demand-in-europe Policy makers must address transport demand in Europe 2008-12-19T10:13:12Z 2016-06-21T13:45:20Z 2008-12-19T13:00:00Z en None 2011 None Transport’s carbon footprint is a major obstacle to achieving a sustainable, low-carbon economy in Europe. A new report by the European Environment Agency (EEA) urges policy makers to take a fresh approach to address the spiralling growth of transport, supporting “realistic” measures that include pricing schemes for unsustainable mobility and improving citizens’ awareness about the environmental consequences of their shopping basket and travel choices. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None UZP2YMFJVQ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/prelude-picks-up-a-fourth-award PRELUDE picks up a fourth award 2006-09-29T11:25:08Z 2016-06-21T13:46:01Z 2008-04-30T08:37:39Z en None 2011 None PRELUDE, an audio and video animated tool developed by the European Environment Agency, has won a Clarion Award - the fourth award for the project this year. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None U08DYPMKVO
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/product-reuse-and-longer-lifespans Product reuse and longer lifespans hold untapped potential to cut waste in Europe 2018-06-22T08:29:24Z 2019-12-10T09:22:25Z 2018-06-25T08:00:00Z en None 2018 1.6.2 None Reuse of products can reduce material demand and prevent waste, which are important aspects of EU waste policy and essential for achieving a circular economy. However, current approaches to promote reuse in Member States are diverse and rely mostly on voluntary arrangements, according to a European Environment Agency report, published today. While reuse is an established market model for some products, such as cars, similar practices are still in their infancy for most other product groups. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 9DIG28AU1E
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/proposed-new-classifying-tools-capture-condition-of-europes-forests Proposed new classifying tools capture condition of Europe’s forests 2006-11-09T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:44Z 2006-11-09T23:00:00Z en None 2011 None European forest types, a new scheme for classifying Europe’s forests, is presented today in a report by the European Environment Agency. The scheme offers 14 new major forest type categories to replace the previous three categories - deciduous, coniferous and mixed – used in reporting of forest data. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None KIUXGHFY64
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/protecting-europe2019s-cultural-landscapes-and Protecting Europe's cultural landscapes and biodiversity heritage 2010-09-27T07:19:29Z 2016-06-21T13:45:46Z 2010-09-27T07:24:06Z en None 2011 None European landscapes reflect not only the continent's diverse climate and geology but also centuries of interaction between man and nature. A new European Environment Agency (EEA) study reviews this interplay, highlighting the main threats to this rich heritage and initiatives to protect it. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None US1KC5FQHX
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/putting-a-value-on-nature Putting a value on nature 2010-09-09T12:06:26Z 2019-12-10T09:22:29Z 2010-09-09T12:08:35Z en None 2011 None The natural world provides many services that are essential for human existence and prosperity but because they’re free, we often don’t do enough to preserve them. The European Environment Agency today presents 35 initiatives compiled as part of the TEEB study, which are incorporating the economic value of ecosystem services. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 6T8BAJKUXC
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/radiation-risk-from-everyday-devices-assessed Radiation risk from everyday devices assessed 2007-09-17T13:18:55Z 2020-11-23T10:59:16Z 2007-09-17T13:23:17Z en None 2011 None A new report raising concerns about the effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF) on human health calls for tougher safety standards to regulate radiation from mobile phones, power lines and many other sources of exposure in daily life. The report, 'Bioinitiative: A Rationale for a Biologically-Based Public Exposure Standard for Electromagnetic Fields' was compiled by the BioInitiative Working Group, an international group of scientists, researchers and public health policy professionals. The EEA has contributed to this new report with a chapter drawn from the EEA study 'Late lessons from early warnings: the precautionary principle 1896–2000' published in 2001. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None E09UF4C1RM
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/recession-accelerates-the-decline-in Recession accelerates the decline in EU greenhouse gas emissions 2010-09-08T14:20:25Z 2016-06-21T13:45:23Z 2010-09-09T08:16:03Z en None 2011 None According to the European Environment Agency's (EEA) new estimates, EU-27 and EU-15 greenhouse gas emissions both decreased by 6.9 % in 2009 compared to 2008. Based on these estimates, the EU-27’s 2009 emissions stand approximately 17.3 % below the 1990 level and therefore very close to the bloc’s target of cutting emissions 20 % by 2020. The EU-15 stands 12.9 % below the base-year level, exceeding its Kyoto commitment to an 8 % reduction for the first time. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None WGVXOS6Z3U
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/recognising-the-true-value-of Recognising the true value of Europe's mountains 2010-09-14T13:21:42Z 2016-06-21T13:45:29Z 2010-09-14T15:03:43Z en None 2011 None Mountains have contributed to shaping not only Europe's history, society and economy, but also its climate and environment. A new report by the European Environment Agency (EEA) provides an in-depth analysis of populations, ecosystems, water cycles, land cover and policies in mountain areas. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None XVK65YEMPN
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/reconnect-with-europe2019s-nature-on Reconnect with Europe's nature on World Environment Day 2010-06-04T12:59:27Z 2016-06-21T13:45:43Z 2010-06-04T14:30:00Z en None 2011 None What is a bee to you? Or a mushroom that grows in parts of Finland? Do you consider yourself an apple connoisseur? A new series of biodiversity stories developed by the European Environment Agency (EEA) and its Eionet partners can help us rediscover our connection with the natural world around us and understand why we urgently need to halt the loss of biodiversity. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 4HYR3GMK6C
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/reducing-the-environmental-impact-of-our-activities Reducing the environmental impact of our activities 2008-06-18T08:08:56Z 2016-06-21T13:46:05Z 2008-07-07T11:45:48Z en None 2011 None Do we really need to print everything? Could we replace travelling for meetings by video-conferencing? How could we increase energy efficiency in our offices? For the fourth consecutive year, the European Environment Agency has successfully passed an external audit, certifying its compliance with the rules of the Eco-Management Audit Scheme (EMAS). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 7DI3TYZJVF
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/renewable-energy-production-must-grow Renewable energy production must grow fast to reach the 2020 target 2011-02-02T14:27:07Z 2016-06-21T13:45:53Z 2011-02-02T15:30:00Z en None 2011 None Europe has committed to obtain 20 % of its energy from renewable sources by 2020. An analysis of the 27 EU Member State action plans shows that renewable energy output is projected to grow by 6 % per year on average. Wind power, solar electricity and biofuels are foreseen to contribute with the highest growth rates. If all Member States follow the trajectory outlined in their plans, the EU will exceed its 20 % renewable energy target by 0.7 percentage points. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None PW19S8V4ZX
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/restoring-floodplains-would-improve-state Restoring floodplains would improve state of water, ecosystems and climate protection in Europe 2018-11-15T10:52:15Z 2018-11-19T09:09:05Z 2018-11-19T09:00:00Z en None 2018 1.5.1 None Areas next to rivers hold potential for cost-effective flood protection and improving the health of an entire river ecosystem. According to a European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing published today, restoring European floodplains closer to their natural state would contribute to the achievement of several European Union policies. Estimates suggest that 70-90 % of Europe’s floodplain area is ecologically degraded. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None QDGAX87WRP
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/several-eu-member-states-to-miss-2010-air-pollutant-targets Several EU Member States to miss 2010 air pollutant targets 2007-12-04T13:52:17Z 2016-06-21T13:46:03Z 2008-04-30T08:37:29Z en None 2011 None A number of EU Member States are likely to miss legally-binding 2010 emission targets for four important air pollutants, according to the 'NEC Directive status report 2006' from the EEA. The report is based on the latest data officially reported by Member States under the EU National Emission Ceilings Directive (NEC Directive). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None KJ4Y1M5EFP
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/sharing-environmental-information-to-improve-policy Sharing environmental information to improve policy 2008-02-20T11:57:17Z 2016-06-21T13:46:04Z 2008-04-30T08:37:33Z en None 2011 None Public authorities across Europe collect a vast range of environmental data but different practices of classification and reporting make it difficult to access them and use them for cross-border analyses. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 1FMONXVDRZ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/six-success-stories-on-improving-environmental-performance-of-road-transport-in-europe Six success stories on improving environmental performance of road transport in Europe 2008-03-18T12:39:46Z 2016-06-21T13:46:04Z 2008-04-30T08:37:40Z en None 2011 None Europe's road transport has made a clear contribution to economic growth, but its environmental performance is still unacceptable. Traffic congestion, poorer air quality, noise and in particular greenhouse gas emissions are some of the key challenges effectively addressed by six initiatives identified by the European Environment Agency as success stories. Such measures should also be implemented elsewhere, but to reach intermediate and long-term climate change targets, transport demand has to be addressed as well. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None OZBS2QCDJ1
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/small-cut-in-eus-total Small cut in EU's total greenhouse gas emissions in 2016 but transport emissions keep increasing 2018-05-29T12:31:25Z 2018-06-04T12:41:01Z 2018-05-31T09:55:00Z en None 2018 1.3.2 None Total greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union (EU) decreased by 0.4 % in 2016, according to latest official data published today by the European Environment Agency (EEA). Using less coal to produce heat and electricity was enough to make a slight cut in total emissions despite an increase in transport emissions for the third consecutive year. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VQ4INOS5P3
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/southern-europe-hit-by-dangerous-ozone-levels-in-2006 Southern Europe hit by dangerous ozone levels in 2006 2007-03-12T10:09:25Z 2016-06-21T13:46:01Z 2008-04-30T08:37:39Z en None 2011 None Summer ozone levels exceeded the EU’s long-term target level in 2006, threatening the health of Europeans, according to a report released today by the European Environment Agency. The frequency of ozone level exceedances was higher than in previous years, though not as high as in the record year 2003. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None Z9W48UBR2J
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/st-andrews-environment-prize-2008-still-open-to-entrants St Andrews Prize for the Environment 2008 still open to entrants 2007-09-11T13:34:56Z 2016-06-21T13:46:02Z 2008-04-30T08:38:04Z en None 2011 None The St Andrews Prize for the Environment is still accepting applications for its 2008 annual prize worth $ 50 000. The prize, which is one of the biggest environmental prizes worldwide, celebrates its 10th anniversary next year. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None I7Z20FQBEP
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/st-andrews-prize-2010-are-you-doing-something-for-the-environment St Andrews Prize 2010: are you doing something for the environment? 2009-06-30T12:18:01Z 2016-06-21T13:46:11Z 2009-07-01T15:16:47Z en None 2011 None The St Andrews Prize awards sustainability initiatives worldwide with USD 125 000. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None UOVQ5WCA4P
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/st-andrews-prize-for-the-environment-2009-open-for-submissions St Andrews Prize for the Environment 2009 open for submissions 2008-07-01T12:33:08Z 2016-06-21T13:46:05Z 2008-07-02T08:22:17Z en None 2011 None Does your environmental conservation project need more resources and greater visibility? The St Andrews Prize for the Environment might give your project that extra boost. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None QZ728PEABR
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/sulphur-and-nitrogen-emissions-continue-to-fall-in-eu-15 Sulphur and nitrogen emissions continue to fall in EU-15 2006-10-13T09:51:22Z 2016-06-21T13:46:01Z 2006-10-13T10:20:37Z en None 2011 None Emissions of nitrogen oxides are down by 30% since the early 1990’s, according to a report released today by the European Environment Agency. The report, ‘Annual European Community LRTAP Convention emission inventory 1990-2004’ also says that emissions of sulphur (SOx) as reported by Member States dropped by 70% between 1990 and 2004 within the EU-15. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None MPRUDQY3GZ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/summer-ozone-record-low-concentrations-in-2009 Summer ozone: record low concentrations in 2009 2010-03-03T12:37:01Z 2016-06-21T13:45:43Z 2010-03-03T12:40:17Z en None 2011 None Ozone levels in Europe during summer 2009 were among the lowest since comprehensive data reporting started in 1997. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None IW5PE9JU3S
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/suspend-10-percent-biofuels-target-says-eeas-scientific-advisory-body Suspend 10 percent biofuels target, says EEA's scientific advisory body 2008-04-09T13:35:10Z 2016-06-21T13:46:04Z 2008-04-30T08:37:00Z en None 2011 None The EEA Scientific Committee has made public an opinion on the environmental impacts of biofuel use in Europe. The Scientific Committee recommends a new, comprehensive scientific study on the environmental risks and benefits of biofuels, and that the EU target to increase the share of biofuels used in transport to 10 % by 2020 should therefore be suspended. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None JOCTPR6YIG
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/sustainable-consumption-and-production-key-challenge-for-post-soviet-post-yugoslav-countries-legacies-of-the-past-offer-opportunities-for-a-sustainable-future Legacies of the past – opportunities for a sustainable future 2007-10-09T12:14:40Z 2016-06-21T13:46:03Z 2008-04-30T08:37:30Z en None 2011 None Breaking the link between economic growth and its environmental impacts is one of the key challenges facing economies in South East Europe (SEE), Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia (EECCA), says a new report. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ST9GHQIUYB
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/sustainable-use-of-forests-is-a-must-for-halting-biodiversity-loss Sustainable use of forests is a must for halting biodiversity loss 2008-04-11T14:09:25Z 2016-06-21T13:46:04Z 2008-04-30T08:37:36Z en None 2011 None Professor Jacqueline McGlade, Executive Director of the European Environment Agency, warned EU ministers of increasing demands on Europe's forest resources. She recommended a management approach taking into account the wide range of services provided by forests. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None O0P2H7ZQEI
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/sustainable-water-management-better-information-for-better-choices Sustainable water management: better information for better choices 2008-09-03T15:41:00Z 2016-06-21T13:46:05Z 2008-09-05T10:30:00Z en None 2011 None Clear information and citizen involvement are crucial if we are to bring about improvements in Europe's environment, particularly in the field of water, says Professor Jacqueline McGlade, Executive Director of the EEA. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None D3FKBOZR4X
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/take-a-closer-look-at Taking a closer look at Europe's renewable energy plans for 2020 2010-09-13T09:52:10Z 2016-06-21T13:45:29Z 2010-09-14T12:50:00Z en None 2011 None Europe is committed to obtaining 20 % of its energy from renewable sources by 2020. But how is the responsibility for reaching this common target shared among EU countries? And how will individual countries achieve their targets? The European Environment Agency (EEA) provides answers to such questions via a database, which facilitates the comparison of figures across technologies and between Member States. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None YWUMZ7ISQT
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/take-a-look-at-the Take a look at your water environment 2010-06-23T11:36:41Z 2016-06-21T13:45:51Z 2010-06-23T15:45:00Z en None 2011 None What are the nutrient levels in your coastal waters or nearby lake? Do you live in an area where urban waste water treatment fails to meet the EU requirements? The European Environment Agency (EEA) provides the answers through its interactive maps, which have been updated with new water quality data. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ZBJOWSEC68
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/taking-stock-of-resources-on Taking stock of our resource use on World Environment Day – 5 June 2011 2011-06-01T15:17:05Z 2016-06-21T13:45:29Z 2011-06-01T15:26:03Z en None 2011 4.2.1 None Humans are consuming the world’s limited resources at increasingly rapid rate, and Europe is particularly reliant on imported goods to sustain its high levels of consumption. On World Environment Day, the European Environment Agency (EEA) draws attention to Europe’s resource use and offers tips to reduce it. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 7F2IH4U198
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/taming-goliath-2013-tackling-consumption-patterns-1 Taming Goliath — tackling consumption patterns 2008-06-03T15:16:49Z 2016-06-21T13:46:05Z 2008-06-03T15:17:40Z en None 2011 None 'Europe's citizens represent only 7 % of Earth's total population, but consume 15 % of the world's energy, 15 % of the meat production and 24 % of the paper produced in the planet', said Professor Jacqueline McGlade, Executive Director of the European Environment Agency (EEA), speaking at the opening of Green Week in Brussels this afternoon. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None GKHB3OD6YS
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/tax-breaks-and-incentives-make Tax breaks and incentives make Europeans buy cleaner cars 2018-04-11T06:38:25Z 2019-12-10T09:22:36Z 2018-04-12T07:00:00Z en None 2018 1.1.2 None Emissions of carbon dioxide from new passenger cars have dropped in a number of European countries where a range of taxes, subsidies and other incentives are used to encourage consumers to purchase lower-carbon-dioxide (CO2) emitting vehicles. The number of countries offering incentives for electric vehicles in particular, continues to grow, according to European Environment Agency (EEA) data published today. At the same time, emissions from trucks and buses are expected to increase further if new measures are not taken. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 4RXVWJU9SQ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/the-inconvenient-truth-and-you The inconvenient truth and you 2006-09-04T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:43Z 2006-09-04T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None This week, as Al Gore and his blockbuster documentary, ‘An Inconvenient Truth’, arrive in Europe, climate change is again making waves around the world. The film, essentially a multimedia, whistle-stop tour of the likely causes and impacts of climate change, concludes that the issue is no longer simply an environmental or political issue. Rather, Gore says, it is the biggest single challenge facing our global civilization. So what can we do? http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None BH2JN10C93
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/the-road-from-dobris-to-belgrade The road from Dobříš to Belgrade 2006-09-13T07:35:17Z 2016-06-21T13:46:01Z 2006-09-13T07:36:56Z en None 2011 None This September the EEA celebrates the 11th anniversary of the publication of 'The Dobříš Assessment', the first Pan-European report on the state of the environment. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None XRKZYH9UD0
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/the-waste-trade-2013-legal-and-illegal The waste trade – legal and illegal 2009-03-04T13:35:05Z 2020-11-23T10:58:44Z 2009-03-04T14:00:00Z en None 2011 None A new EEA report 'Waste without borders in the EU' examines the increase in cross-border waste shipments and the drivers behind them. It also reveals that the number of reported illegal shipments of waste is increasing. But while the European Union can do better in tracking electronic waste as well as other hazardous and problematic "waste streams", almost all waste generated in the EU that needs to be disposed is in fact disposed within EU borders. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 9A273ETW6M
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/time-to-step-up-efforts-towards-sustainable-consumption-and-production-says-a-new-report Time to step up efforts towards sustainable consumption and production, says a new report 2008-02-25T13:05:51Z 2016-06-21T13:46:04Z 2008-02-25T17:50:00Z en None 2011 None Housing, food and drink, and mobility have the greatest environmental impact over their lifecycle, the EEA and the European Commission have shown. This concern brought together European governments, researchers, NGOs and business under the same roof during a conference held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, back in September last year. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 2QW10ZIOV4
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/updated-eper-launched Updated European Pollutant Emission Register launched 2006-11-13T12:54:39Z 2016-06-21T13:46:01Z 2008-04-30T08:37:54Z en None 2011 None EPER, a register of 50 air and water pollutants' emissions produced by large and medium-sized industrial facilities in all EU Member States and Norway, was originally launched in 2004. The updated version of EPER contains data for the new EU Member States. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None XMSCFVRUY3
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/using-models-for-air-quality Using models for air quality assessment and planning: a guide 2011-09-26T09:29:56Z 2020-11-23T10:58:44Z 2011-09-26T09:30:00Z en None 2011 4.2.1 None Computer models are increasingly used for estimating air quality or forecasting changes in pollution levels. Various different models are currently used across Europe. The new FAIRMODE reference guide aims to make these models comparable, well documented and validated in order to achieve reliable results. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None R7V6USFTJC
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/video-competition-share-your-green-actions Video competition: Share your green actions 2017-11-29T13:15:36Z 2018-01-03T08:52:04Z 2017-12-01T08:39:05Z en None 2017 3.4.3 None How did you get to work or school today? By car, bicycle or public transport? Every day we make decisions that can impact the environment. Some of our daily decisions are conscious efforts to live in a cleaner and healthier environment. The video competition ‘I LIVE GREEN’, organised by the European Environment Agency (EEA) and its partner network, invites all Europeans to show their creativity and to share their actions to help the environment. The best videos will receive a cash prize. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VDHOT6NICA
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/vote-for-your-favourite-waterpix Vote for your favourite WaterPIX finalist photos 2018-09-11T12:05:31Z 2018-09-14T13:28:16Z 2018-09-15T07:00:00Z en None 2018 3.4.3 None The WaterPIX photo competition, organised by the European Environment Agency (EEA), has reached its last stage with 49 finalist photos. A public online vote that starts today will decide the winner of the Public Choice Award. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None UWCZJA0B9D
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/water-in-europe-means-life Water in Europe means life, health, food, leisure, energy and more 2018-08-28T13:40:21Z 2018-08-30T08:24:19Z 2018-08-30T07:50:00Z en None 2018 3.4.3 None Europe's freshwater and marine resources may seem limitless but they are under increasing pressure from pollution, over-exploitation and climate change. The European Environment Agency's (EEA) Signals 2018 explores the state and trends of Europe’s waters, asking how we can ensure healthy rivers, lakes, groundwater resources and seas for future generations. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 2OWKXB3M01
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/waterpix-photo-competition-winners-announced WaterPIX photo competition winners announced 2018-10-18T07:28:08Z 2018-10-23T09:33:43Z 2018-10-24T07:00:00Z en None 2018 3.4.3 None Cattle crossing a river in Turkey, a dramatic shot of a diving kingfisher in Croatia and a fisherman paddling on a Polish lagoon were some of the top winners of the WaterPIX photo competition announced today. The European Environment Agency’s (EEA) competition drew over 2000 entries from 34 countries. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None NWD921MB7P
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/winners-of-i-live-green Winners of I LIVE GREEN video competition selected 2018-06-04T12:19:43Z 2018-06-05T07:14:44Z 2018-06-05T08:00:00Z en None 2018 3.4.2 None Videos sent from Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, and Spain won the prizes of the ‘I LIVE GREEN’ video competition announced today. The competition, organised by the European Environment Agency (EEA) and its partner network, attracted more 120 entries from 21 European countries. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None F7WX0DT6B5
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/witness-climate-change-in-the-arctic-watch-2018our-arctic-challenge2019-1 Witness climate change in the Arctic: watch 'Our Arctic Challenge' 2008-03-11T11:12:59Z 2016-06-21T13:46:04Z 2008-04-30T08:38:16Z en None 2011 None 'Our Arctic Challenge' is now available on DVD. Please contact the EEA Information Centre to obtain a copy for personal and educational use. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None S4TA7V5PUH
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/world-forest-day-highlights-multiple World Forest Day highlights multiple threats on forests 2011-03-21T09:38:47Z 2016-06-21T13:45:55Z 2011-03-21T10:55:00Z en None 2011 1.2.2 None Forests cover over 30 % of the earth's surface. They are one of the most important 'storehouses' of biological diversity on land and play a key role in regulating our planet's climate. Their importance and the wide array of threats on world's forests are in the spotlight during the World Forest Day 21 March and the UN International Year of Forests 2011. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None HUK58YCDGS
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/world-water-day-turning-to World Water Day: Turning to nature for solutions 2018-03-21T12:55:22Z 2021-11-17T08:45:27Z 2018-03-22T08:45:00Z en None 2018 1.5.1 None Nature-based solutions are playing an increasingly important role to better protect Europeans against floods, droughts and water pollution. On World Water Day 2018, the European Environment Agency is highlighting the importance of clean water and how nature can help protect this valuable resource for generations to come. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 5N0321XFWB
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/almost-all-car-makers-met-their Almost all car makers met their 2017 CO2 emission targets on new sales, but overall progress towards the 2021 targets is insufficient 2019-03-26T14:11:10Z 2019-12-10T09:22:29Z 2019-04-04T08:00:00Z en None 2019 1.3.7 None All but three car manufacturers met their specific emission targets in 2017, based on current European vehicle test rules. Nevertheless, average carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from new cars sold in the European Union in 2017 rose by 0.4 grammes (g) of CO2 per kilometre (km) from 2016, according to final data published by the European Environment Agency (EEA). This increase brings car manufacturers further away from their 2021 targets. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None Z9XB20FQ7M
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/cities-play-pivotal-roles-in Cities play pivotal roles in shifting to green, sustainable future 2021-06-09T10:29:11Z 2021-06-14T07:38:51Z 2021-06-14T07:37:28Z en None 2021 5.0.2 None European cities have the potential to lead the way towards green, sustainable future, according to two assessments on urban environmental change, published by the European Environment Agency (EEA) today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None D0RB8XYSCQ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/volcanic-ash-is-having-little Volcanic ash is having little impact on Europe's air quality 2010-04-23T13:06:25Z 2016-06-21T13:45:49Z 2010-04-23T13:11:58Z en None 2011 None The European Environment Agency (EEA) is closely following the impacts of recent volcanic eruptions in Iceland, in particular assessing changes in ground-level air pollution. According to preliminary monitoring data, ground-level air quality across Europe has not deteriorated significantly as a result of the volcanic activity. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None IPS5XVF72B
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-to-profile-sustainable Photo competition to profile sustainable food, energy and mobility 2019-02-22T12:52:50Z 2019-05-02T12:24:24Z 2019-02-25T09:00:00Z en None 2019 3.4.3 None How we produce and consume food and energy and how we move people and goods around have an impact on our environment, climate and health. The European Environment Agency’s new photo competition, ‘Sustainably Yours’, invites Europeans to send photos of the challenges and opportunities in making food, energy and mobility choices more sustainable. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None SEKDMCZRJP
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/large-number-of-europes-bathing Over 85% of European bathing sites rated as excellent for water quality 2019-05-28T13:04:00Z 2019-12-10T09:22:34Z 2019-06-06T09:50:00Z en None 2019 1.5.1 None Just over 85% of bathing water sites across Europe monitored last year met the European Union’s highest ‘excellent’ and most stringent quality standards for water cleanliness, according to the latest annual European bathing water quality report. The results published today give a good indication of where the best quality bathing waters are likely to be found this summer. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None WGOIBSQN5M
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/reuse-and-recycling-are-key Reuse and recycling are key to tackling Europe’s waste problem and to foster a more circular economy 2019-10-24T14:10:14Z 2020-08-31T10:38:21Z 2019-10-28T08:55:00Z en None 2019 2.1.3 None Improved circular and climate-friendly business models and policies to boost reuse and recycling, plus improved consumer awareness will help the European Union tackle the growing problem posed by plastic, battery, electronic and textile waste, according to two European Environment Agency (EEA) briefings published today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None NZ9XSAG32B
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/renewables-crucial-for-eu-decarbonisation Renewables crucial for EU decarbonisation, but technology choices matter for air quality 2019-12-17T12:26:03Z 2019-12-19T09:25:48Z 2019-12-19T09:00:00Z en None 2019 1.3.8 None Growth in renewable energy use since 2005 has been instrumental in reducing greenhouse gas emissions across the European Union (EU), according to a briefing published today by the European Environment Agency (EEA). Many renewables, including those sourced from wind, solar geothermal energy or heat pumps, are also effective in cutting air pollutant emissions but the results are mixed when biomass replaces fossil fuel burning, especially in households. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None JB50EN1CHV
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/quality-of-europes-bathing-waters Quality of Europe’s bathing waters remains high, latest annual assessment finds 2020-06-04T11:48:00Z 2020-06-11T11:00:21Z 2020-06-08T10:00:00Z en None 2020 1.5.2 None The quality of Europe’s bathing water remains high, according to this year’s European bathing water quality assessment published today. Just under 85 % of swimming sites across Europe monitored in 2019 met the European Union’s highest and most stringent ‘excellent’ quality standards. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None MRSKCFWXN1
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eea-and-microsoft-will-bring-environmental-information-to-your-fingertips EEA and Microsoft will bring environmental information to your fingertips 2008-05-07T12:25:06Z 2016-06-21T13:46:04Z 2008-05-14T15:00:00Z en None 2011 None Millions of people across Europe will have easy access to environmental information through mobile and online technology as a result of the partnership between the European Environment Agency and Microsoft. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VGQR28MNKB
http://www.eea.europa.eu/themes/regions/pan-european/the-belgrade-ministerial-conference/news-and-press-releases/counting-down-to-belgrade Counting down to Belgrade 2007-09-20T08:38:50Z 2016-06-21T13:46:08Z 2008-04-30T08:37:04Z en None 2011 None The countdown to the Sixth 'Environment for Europe' Ministerial Conference has started. The conference, taking place from 10–12 October 2007 in Belgrade, Serbia, is organised by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). The launch of the EEA report 'Europe's environment — The fourth assessment' will be a key event on the first day. The report assesses environmental progress in 53 countries — an area with a total population of more than 870 million people. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 3MHWEP9VJB
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1096279341 Corine Land Cover 2000 event 2004-11-23T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:00Z 2004-11-23T23:00:00Z en None 2011 None On 17 November 2004, EEA organised a launch event to present the outcome of the Corine Land Cover 2000 project. The high level event focussed on the possible use of the Corine Land Cover 2000 dataset in support to environmental, agriculture, spatial planning and other policies at national and European level. The event took place in Brussels in the European Commission. Find more about the event by clicking the meeting agenda. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None JVKOW2A90M
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/biodiversity-rich-croatia-becomes-33rd Biodiversity-rich Croatia becomes 33rd full EEA member country 2013-06-28T14:15:28Z 2017-10-02T13:52:56Z 2013-07-01T07:45:00Z en None 2013 4.2.1 None As Croatia joins the European Union, it also becomes a full member of the European Environment Agency (EEA) on July 1, 2013. On this landmark day, the EEA takes a look at the country’s environment. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ZKNF8614J9
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/homes-responsible-for-one-quarter Homes responsible for one quarter of European greenhouse emissions from energy 2011-12-15T10:25:45Z 2016-06-21T13:45:26Z 2011-12-15T10:30:00Z en None 2011 4.2.1 None Home energy use is responsible overall for 25 % of energy-related greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union (EU), according to a new analysis from the European Environment Agency (EEA). The report calculates emissions based on their 'end use', or the sector using the energy. Homes in the EU only emit 12 % of energy emissions directly, but this doubles when related emissions from power plants and district heating are factored in. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None GU1MNSTXH2
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eleven-member-states-exceed-air Eleven Member States exceed air emissions limits under LRTAP Convention 2012-07-26T09:50:01Z 2016-06-21T13:45:44Z 2012-07-26T12:17:55Z en None 2012 4.2.1 None Emissions of most air pollutants have fallen over the last two decades in Europe. But many Member States have exceeded internationally-agreed pollutant limits set to protect human health and the environment, according to a new report from the European Environment Agency (EEA). Road transport, households, power plants, agricultural activities and certain industry sectors continue to emit significant amounts of air pollution. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None K1H2ZTW7VU
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/european-demand-for-goods-and-1 European consumption still highly unsustainable, despite efficiency gains 2012-06-14T09:25:53Z 2016-07-15T09:28:01Z 2012-06-14T12:30:00Z en None 2012 4.2.1 None Humanity’s growing appetite for bigger houses, overseas travel, food and consumer goods is the main cause of our most pressing environmental problems, according to a new report from the European Environment Agency (EEA) which considers the links between the environment and consumption. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ZFQK0871IX
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-cars-sold-in-2011 New cars sold in 2011 were 3.3 % more fuel efficient than those sold in 2010 2012-06-19T14:16:56Z 2016-06-21T13:45:44Z 2012-06-20T09:45:00Z en None 2012 4.2.1 None Europeans are buying cars that are more efficient. Average carbon dioxide emissions per kilometre continue to fall in Europe, according to preliminary figures released today. The 2011 data from the European Environment Agency (EEA) also show that car manufacturers are mostly on track to meeting European Union (EU) targets. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 2Q0TCHYNKF
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/sahara-dust-sea-spray-and Sahara dust, sea spray and fires contribute to bad air quality 2012-07-10T13:28:11Z 2016-06-21T13:46:10Z 2012-07-10T15:25:24Z en None 2012 4.2.1 None Human activities are the main cause of poor air quality, but natural sources of air pollution also play a role. A new report from the European Environment Agency (EEA) considers how particulate matter from these natural sources affects the air we breathe. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 5IZ7UWFDSM
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/massive-renewable-energy-growth-this Huge renewable energy growth this decade, if EU countries meet projections 2011-11-28T10:31:21Z 2016-06-21T13:45:27Z 2011-11-28T11:00:00Z en None 2011 4.2.1 None Offshore wind energy capacity in Europe is projected to increase 17-fold between 2010 and 2020, while newer renewable technologies such as concentrated solar power and wave/tidal power will also increase more than 11-fold according to projections. European countries are also expected to significantly boost solar photovoltaic power, onshore wind and other renewable technologies over the next decade. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VEXFP37NKS
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/most-carmakers-must-further-improve Most carmakers must further improve carbon efficiency by 2015 2011-12-20T09:12:22Z 2016-06-21T13:46:11Z 2011-12-20T10:00:00Z en None 2011 4.2.1 None Several carmakers need to make their fleets even more carbon-efficient in order to meet 2012 carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions target, according to updated data published today by the European Environment Agency (EEA). The data also show that almost all manufacturers must reduce emissions to meet 2015 targets under European legislation for new passenger cars, based on average CO2 emissions for each manufacturer. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 01AGRSM69P
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/recycling-industry-can-boost-the Recycling industry can boost the European economy 2011-12-05T10:09:42Z 2016-07-15T09:32:25Z 2011-12-05T15:15:00Z en None 2011 4.2.1 None Recycling has multiple benefits for many areas of the economy – providing raw materials, creating jobs and encouraging business opportunities and innovation. These economic benefits of recycling are examined in a new report from the European Environment Agency (EEA). The report considers the recycling industry in the context of building a 'green economy', a major European policy objective. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None TD2JAN3S4C
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/an-artistic-view-of-europe2019s An artistic view of Europe's waste – EEA announces competition winners 2013-12-11T13:33:08Z 2019-01-15T16:11:42Z 2013-12-12T15:10:00Z en None 2013 4.2.2 None After 200 entries from 29 countries, the European Environment Agency (EEA) is pleased to announce five winners of the Waste•smART competition, which invited Europeans to produce a video, cartoon or photo on the topic of waste. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None K2U1HTGRBJ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/potent-greenhouse-gases Potent greenhouse gases – fluorinated gases in the European Union 2012-09-10T09:15:48Z 2016-09-02T09:48:20Z 2012-09-10T15:05:00Z en None 2012 4.2.1 None The European Environment Agency (EEA) has published new aggregated information on the production and trade of fluorinated gases – or F-gases – in the EU. Although emitted in relatively small quantities, the emissions of these gases are increasing, and many are several thousand times more powerful greenhouse gases than carbon dioxide (CO2). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None P2V7Y3KNGW
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/do-we-live-in-a Do we live in a 'green economy'? New report assesses progress in Europe 2012-05-16T09:16:22Z 2016-07-15T09:30:47Z 2012-05-16T10:00:00Z en None 2012 4.2.1 None Despite progress in some areas, Europe must do more to create the 'green economy' needed for the continent to become sustainable, according to a new report from the European Environment Agency (EEA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None QNY12REOSV
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/an-overview-of-eu-environment An overview of EU environment policy targets and objectives 2013-07-24T10:15:35Z 2020-11-23T10:58:52Z 2013-07-24T13:15:00Z en None 2013 3.3.1 None European Union legislation has established more than 130 separate environmental targets and objectives to be met between 2010 and 2050. Together, these can provide useful milestones supporting Europe’s transition towards a ‘green economy’, according to a report published by the European Environment Agency (EEA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 5WUJ9TFCX2
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/winners-announced-for-environmental-innovation-award Environmental innovation award - winners announced 2014-04-08T10:00:00Z 2020-06-08T17:38:04Z 2014-04-08T10:00:00Z en None 2014 4.2.1 None Winners of this year's European Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) Awards have been announced by the European Commission. The six winning organisations were selected by an independent jury for innovating to improve their environmental performance. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None BU4EQ9HRAK
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/beyond-gdp Beyond GDP — Brussels Conference 2007-11-23T08:28:17Z 2016-08-31T13:05:02Z 2007-11-23T16:10:00Z en None 2011 0.0.0 None 'Gross domestic product, regularly used as an indicator of the size of a country's economy, does not factor in the benefits from nor the costs to the ecosystem,' said EEA Executive Director Prof. Jacqueline McGlade in her presentation at the expert workshop preceding the 'Beyond GDP' conference in Brussels this week. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None Q9E2U8H7JA
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/global-megatrends-shaping-europe2019s-environment Global megatrends shaping Europe's environment 2013-12-06T08:00:29Z 2017-07-17T08:05:04Z 2013-12-06T09:55:00Z en None 2013 4.2.1 None Surging economic growth in many emerging economies is increasing global competition for resources and the burden on natural systems. The European Environment Agency (EEA) is analysing these changes and their implications for Europe’s environment in an updated assessment of 'global megatrends'. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None AIGQ1K0VOM
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/economic-growth-must-be-decoupled Economic growth must be decoupled from environmental harm – the EEA evaluates findings from 2011 2011-12-21T10:58:27Z 2016-06-21T13:45:44Z 2011-12-21T11:00:00Z en None 2011 4.2.1 None Europe’s impact on the environment is still very much linked to the economy. This message was clear in many of the reports and datasets published by the European Environment Agency (EEA) in 2011, as analysts were able to clearly see a decrease in various emissions and types of environmental damage during the 2009 recession. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 8D5FSC2HVA
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/environmental-tax-reform-increasing-individual Environmental tax reform: increasing individual incomes and boosting innovation 2012-01-06T10:38:53Z 2019-12-10T09:22:31Z 2012-01-09T10:00:00Z en None 2012 4.2.1 None European governments could simultaneously reduce income tax, increase innovation and cut pollution by introducing well-targeted environmental taxes and recycling the revenues back into the economy. This was one of the findings from a pair of reports on environmental tax reform (ETR) published today by the European Environment Agency (EEA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None MSPR7BFKNW
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/land-recycling-helps-europe Land recycling helps Europe to maintain its land resource 2016-12-07T14:46:58Z 2017-08-03T08:22:16Z 2016-12-08T09:55:00Z en None 2016 1.8.2 None Land degradation and taking land for urban development threaten critical ecosystem services, including provision of food and water, climate regulation and recreation. A new report, by the European Environment Agency (EEA), shows how land recycling, such as reusing neglected sites and turning roads or parking lots to green spaces or residential areas, can have positive impacts on the environment and support Europe’s transition towards a circular and green economy. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None HV35CDAPJO
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/competing-demands-on-europe2019s-environment Competing demands on Europe's environment undermining human well-being 2013-11-20T08:43:12Z 2016-08-31T12:36:39Z 2013-11-20T10:55:00Z en None 2013 3.0.2 None Meeting European demands for food, water, energy and housing exerts major pressures on the environment, indirectly affecting human health and well-being. To reduce the impact of Europe's resource use, a new assessment from the European Environment Agency (EEA) reflects on integrating different policy areas and improved spatial planning. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None U792RA5CBF
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/greening-the-economy-2013-preparing Greening the economy – preparing for a new Earth Summit in Rio 2011-05-05T15:25:19Z 2018-01-10T14:33:25Z 2011-05-06T17:50:00Z en None 2011 4.2.2 None European Environment Agency (EEA) Executive Director Jacqueline McGlade will be in New York this week, working towards a historic environmental summit next year. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None HWJFZRDQXG
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europe-in-bloom-a-living Europe in bloom: a living façade adds life to central Copenhagen 2010-05-20T13:34:06Z 2017-02-20T14:48:45Z 2010-05-20T19:05:00Z en None 2011 0.0.0 None From the depths of oceans to the highest summits, from icy waters to baking deserts, life flourishes in every corner of our planet. On 22 May, World Biodiversity Day, the European Environment Agency shows how by mimicking nature we can redesign our cities to enhance green space and biodiversity. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VBAF8DR6YJ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/communication-tools-can-foster-greener-behaviour Communication tools can foster greener behaviour 2016-06-13T12:56:01Z 2017-02-22T14:57:28Z 2016-06-14T09:40:00Z en None 2016 3.4.4 None Communication has a key role in supporting the implementation of environmental legislation, spurring public participation and can help foster environment-friendly behaviours to build a sustainable future. A European Environment Agency (EEA) study published today explores how communication can support legal and economic policy tools. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None FZGRWICSN9
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-firmly-on-course-to EU firmly on course to reach 2020 target, despite a slight increase in greenhouse gas emissions in 2015 2016-11-07T14:51:18Z 2016-12-06T14:20:11Z 2016-11-08T11:00:00Z en None 2016 1.3.2 None Preliminary estimates show that emissions across the European Union in 2015 were 22 % lower than 1990 levels, despite a slight increase compared to 2014, according to new reports from the European Environment Agency (EEA) published today. The reports confirm that the EU is well on course to meet its greenhouse gas emission target set for 2020. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ARH3ZSWFNX
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/vacancy-notice-now-published-for Vacancy notice now published for EEA Executive Director - to take office June 2013 2012-02-10T14:20:12Z 2016-06-21T13:45:27Z 2012-02-10T14:45:00Z en None 2012 4.2.1 None The EEA has a key role in providing the knowledge base to help the European Commission, European Parliament, EU Member States and other EEA member and cooperating countries to make informed decisions and policies about improving the environment and integrating environmental considerations into economic activities, so as to develop Europe along a sustainable, low-carbon and resource-efficient path. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 610D4X2SUZ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/very-high-air-pollution-levels Very high air pollution levels across Western Europe 2014-03-14T16:14:05Z 2017-02-20T14:29:16Z 2014-03-14T16:25:00Z en None 2014 1.1.1 None High pollutant levels currently experienced in parts of France, Belgium and Germany are leading some areas to take urgent action to lower air pollution – for example, public transport is free in Paris over the weekend as an incentive for people to avoid car use. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None DQ0MGPXRCV
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/restoring-european-rivers-and-lakes Restoring European rivers and lakes in cities improves quality of life 2016-10-24T11:33:56Z 2020-11-23T10:59:24Z 2016-10-25T10:20:00Z en None 2016 1.5.2 None Rivers and lakes located in European cities and towns are getting cleaner thanks to improvements in waste water treatment and restoration projects which have brought many waterways back to life. New forms of water management contribute to make our cities greener, smarter and more sustainable, but key challenges remain, according to a new report by the European Environment Agency (EEA) released today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None OQB6KSGHJ3
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/carbon-capture-and-storage-could Carbon capture and storage could also impact air pollution 2011-11-17T15:21:59Z 2020-11-23T10:58:44Z 2011-11-17T17:10:00Z en None 2011 1.1.2 None Carbon capture and storage (CCS) involves capturing carbon dioxide released by power stations and other industrial sources, and burying it deep underground. But in addition to keeping an important greenhouse gas (GHG) out of the atmosphere, this technology will lead to benefits and trade-offs for air pollution. A new report from the European Environment Agency (EEA) describes the effects that CCS may have on emissions of some key air pollutants. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 8SWFGY62CI
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/zmena-klimatu-prinasi-stale-zavaznejsi Změna klimatu přináší stále závažnější rizika pro ekosystémy, lidské zdraví a hospodářství v Evropě 2017-01-17T13:52:41Z 2020-11-23T10:59:01Z 2017-01-25T07:30:00Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-change-poses-increasingly-severe 2016 1.4.2 None Podle dnes vydané zprávy Evropské agentury pro životní prostředí čelí regiony Evropy v důsledku změny klimatu růstu hladiny moří a zvyšující se extremitě počasí, která se projevuje častějšími a intenzivnějšími vlnami veder, povodněmi, epizodami sucha a bouřemi. Zpráva posuzuje aktuální trendy a prognózy změny klimatu a dopadů změny klimatu v celé Evropě. Dochází k závěru, že pro zmírnění těchto dopadů jsou nezbytné lepší a flexibilnější adaptační strategie, politiky a opatření. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 9T48O2P0K5
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/v-eu-klesa-pouzivani-latek V EU klesá používání látek poškozujících ozonovou vrstvu Země 2014-09-15T12:24:39Z 2017-01-13T14:33:46Z 2015-08-07T09:20:37Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europe-successfully-phasing-out-known 2014 4.2.1 None Látky poškozující ozonovou vrstvu Země jsou v EU postupně stahovány z výroby a průmyslového využití a nahrazovány vhodnějšími alternativami. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None EO5JNQ3YA2
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/predchazeni-vzniku-odpadu-v-evropskych-zemich Předcházení vzniku odpadů v evropských zemích 2015-12-04T13:52:38Z 2016-08-31T11:59:45Z 2016-01-28T14:12:46Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/waste-prevention-where-do-european 2015 3.4.3 None Evropané každoročně vyprodukují více než dvě miliardy tun odpadu, způsobujícího nejen problémy v oblasti životního prostředí, ale také ekonomickou ztrátu. Předcházení vzniku odpadů má nejvyšší prioritu v odpadové hierarchii a leží tak ve středu zájmu odpadové politiky EU, neboť snížení produkce odpadů může přinést širokou škálu environmentálních, ekonomických a sociálních výhod, jako je pokles znečištění vody a půdy, emisí skleníkových plynů a ztráty cenných materiálů.Nová zpráva Evropské agentury pro životní prostředí (EEA) "Waste prevention in Europe – the status in 2014" je druhou v řadě výročních hodnocení 27 národních a regionálních programů předcházení vzniku odpadů přijatých do konce roku 2014 v Evropě, jak je stanoveno v rámcové směrnici o odpadech. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None G37VPUH5IQ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/bg/highlights/neobhodimi-sa-po-strogi-merki Необходими са по-строги мерки за справяне с вредите от замърсяването на въздуха 2016-11-17T13:35:41Z 2018-04-26T13:39:12Z 2016-12-05T14:54:34Z bg http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/stronger-measures-needed 2016 1.1.2 None Замърсяването на въздуха има значително въздействие върху здравето на европейците, особено в градските зони, посочва нов доклад на Европейската агенция за околна среда (ЕАОС). Качеството на въздуха постепенно се подобрява, но в същото време замърсяването му продължава да бъде най-голямата заплаха за здравето в Европа — причина за по-ниско качество на живот, поради заболявания и изчислени 467 000 случаи на преждевременна смърт на година. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None G4EHYAQS91
http://www.eea.europa.eu/nl/highlights/meer-europese-badzones-dan-ooit Meer Europese badzones dan ooit tevoren voldoen aan de normen voor uitstekende zwemwaterkwaliteit 2017-05-18T13:09:57Z 2017-05-31T11:36:33Z 2017-05-23T09:44:06Z nl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/more-european-sites-meet-excellent 2017 1.5.2 None Volgens het jaarlijkse verslag over de zwemwaterkwaliteit, dat vandaag is gepubliceerd, voldeed meer dan 85 procent van de in 2016 gecontroleerde zwemlocaties in heel Europa aan de strengste kwaliteitsnormen om als "uitstekend" te worden beschouwd. Dit betekent dat zij grotendeels vrij zijn van verontreinigende stoffen die schadelijk zijn voor de menselijke gezondheid en het milieu. Meer dan 96 procent van de badzones voldeed aan de minimumeisen van de EU-regelgeving. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ISQD34EOTB
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/cesta-k-efektivnejsimu-vyuzivani-vody Cesta k efektivnějšímu využívání vody 2014-05-05T16:03:05Z 2016-06-21T13:46:11Z 2014-06-18T13:32:59Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/improving-transparency-in-water-services 2014 4.2.1 None Průměrný Evropan spotřebuje přibližně 130 litrů vody za den. Se spotřebou vody souvisí také ztráty vody v trubní síti, které se v Evropě výrazně liší. Na základě testovacího vzorku (benchmarking data) činí průměrné ztráty okolo 8,5 m3 na km trubní sítě za den. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 2ONZK5I6FT
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/river-basin-management-relies-on River basin management relies on effective public participation 2014-10-22T08:46:58Z 2016-07-15T09:18:56Z 2014-10-24T09:55:00Z en None 2014 1.5.3 None Rivers are home of many thousands of wildlife species, vital arteries for farmland, a source of cooling for industry, flood regulation, navigation channels and source of drinking water, to name just a few important functions. Such multiple demands on water bodies mean that many different groups need to be actively involved in managing a river basin. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None X629I3PHSV
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europe2019s-climate-continues-to-change Europe’s climate continues to change 2014-08-05T14:30:02Z 2017-05-08T14:32:19Z 2014-08-05T14:55:00Z en None 2014 4.2.1 None The period from 2004-2013 was the warmest decade on record in Europe. Many other changes significant for Europe have been observed across the climate system, including warming oceans, rising sea level and shrinking snow cover, ice sheets, sea ice and glaciers. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None GQ9XTAJ085
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/term-2017-mixed-progress-for TERM 2017: mixed progress for Europe’s transport sector in meeting environment, climate goals 2017-12-05T09:17:31Z 2018-11-19T09:40:27Z 2017-12-05T10:50:00Z en None 2017 1.1.2 None Europe’s transport sector is making only mixed progress in meeting its environment, health and climate policy targets, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) assessment published today, which tracks the short and long-term environmental performance of this key economic sector across the European Union. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None R027DUTZOV
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eye-on-earth-first-user Eye on Earth First User Conference: A real eye opener 2013-03-07T12:14:07Z 2016-06-21T13:45:23Z 2013-03-07T12:15:00Z en None 2013 4.2.1 None The city of Dublin was the setting for the first Eye on Earth User Conference, organised by the European Environment Agency (EEA) in association with the Irish Presidency of the Council of the European Union. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 6PQ3U9WDHT
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/air-pollution-in-europe-countries Air pollution in Europe: Countries struggle to meet emission limits due to emissions from agriculture and transport 2017-06-30T13:00:50Z 2017-06-30T14:27:17Z 2017-07-03T07:55:00Z en None 2017 1.1.2 None Eleven EU Member States breached air pollution ceilings in 2015 mostly due to high emissions from agricultural and transport sources, according to new data and a briefing released today by the European Environment Agency (EEA). The briefing includes information on countries’ 2015 emissions and national ceilings for different pollutants. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 873HIZFSYD
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/independent-evaluation-commends-eea-impact Independent evaluation commends EEA impact and efficiency 2013-04-05T11:56:11Z 2016-06-21T13:46:14Z 2013-04-08T09:00:00Z en None 2013 4.3.2 None The European Environment Agency (EEA) has been given overall good marks in an independent evaluation of its work, which has concluded that the European body is a well-functioning and effective organisation. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None A6PVWU2RBS
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/mapping-habitats-to-describe-ecosystems Mapping habitats to describe ecosystems 2014-02-26T10:22:40Z 2016-06-21T13:45:33Z 2014-02-26T11:00:00Z en None 2014 1.7.2 None As technology has improved, so has our understanding of the environment. For example, satellite imagery and other remote sensing techniques can quickly show us that forest cover is increasing in Europe. But in order to capture the complexity of ecological conditions and dynamics on the ground, it is essential to also use field-based surveying methods. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None O7G2HTE84V
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/shift-to-sustainable-food-system Shift to sustainable food system in Europe is possible, but faces challenges 2017-10-11T07:54:03Z 2020-11-23T10:58:50Z 2017-10-16T05:55:00Z en None 2017 2.1.3 None Making Europe’s production, consumption and trade in food environmentally sustainable is possible, but it will require a major shift in public attitudes, policies and knowledge and seizing current opportunities for change, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) report published today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None E0F47UZIKD
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/our-natural-europe-conservation-stories Our Natural Europe: conservation stories show importance of local action 2013-06-14T12:53:30Z 2016-06-21T13:45:22Z 2013-06-17T11:55:00Z en None 2013 4.2.1 None When fishermen in the Koster Sea in Southern Sweden understood the value of the ecosystems beneath the waves, they voluntarily agreed to change fishing practices. The area became Sweden’s first marine national park in 2006. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None M26SEZHDKT
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/international-shipping-should-cut-air International shipping should cut air pollutants and greenhouse gases together 2013-03-13T11:33:42Z 2016-06-21T13:45:51Z 2013-03-14T10:25:00Z en None 2013 4.2.1 None Emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases from the shipping sector have increased substantially in the last two decades, contributing to both climate change and air pollution problems, according to a report from the European Environment Agency (EEA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None S0JGW2CYUM
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/the-european-soundscape-award-2013 The European Soundscape Award 2013 - open for applications 2013-04-23T12:59:12Z 2020-11-23T10:58:25Z 2013-04-23T16:55:00Z en None 2013 1.0.3 None Do you want to make some noise about your campaign for a quiet environment? Or do you want to show others how your community solved a noise problem and created a healthier soundscape? The European Soundscape Award 2013 aims to draw attention to these kinds of projects. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 4NV6IQBM1H
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/restoring-floodplains-and-wetlands-offer Restoring floodplains and wetlands offer value-for-money solution to river flooding 2017-11-20T08:53:31Z 2019-12-10T09:22:35Z 2017-11-21T08:50:00Z en None 2017 1.5.1 None Investing in ‘green infrastructure’ like restoring floodplains or wetlands to bolster flood prevention not only generates more environmental and socio-economic benefits, especially in the long term, but also lowers the amount of financial investment needed to defend against damaging floods. This is the conclusion of a new European Environment Agency (EEA) report published today, which assesses the green options available in building climate resilience in wake of the increased risk posed by river flooding. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None GR1S2FUYAM
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/capture-the-invisible-for-the Capture the invisible for the EEA photo story competition 2012-09-18T12:48:53Z 2016-06-21T13:45:44Z 2012-09-18T13:00:00Z en None 2012 4.2.1 None The air we breathe may not be the most photogenic subject, but depicting an odourless, colourless gas is the challenge set out by ImaginAIR, a new competition created by the European Environment Agency (EEA) which invites participants to tell a story about Europe's air in three pictures. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VWS89XK0BQ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/ozone-pollution-is-declining-2014-but-not-everywhere Ozone pollution is declining — but not everywhere 2009-07-20T13:27:33Z 2017-02-20T14:57:26Z 2009-07-20T16:00:00Z en None 2011 0.0.0 None Ground-level ozone is among the most harmful air pollutants in Europe today. Elevated ozone levels cause health problems, premature deaths, reduced agricultural crop yields, damage to plants in semi-natural ecosystems and corrosion of physical infrastructure and cultural heritage. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 89VAPJY362
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sk/highlights/invazne-druhy-sposobuju-v-europe Invázne druhy spôsobujú v Európe škody za 12 miliárd eur ročne 2013-02-18T13:09:45Z 2020-11-23T10:58:43Z 2013-03-08T13:46:45Z sk http://www.eea.europa.eu/de/highlights/invasive-arten-wachsendes-problem-fuer 2013 4.2.1 None Živočíchy a rastliny prinesené do Európy z iných častí sveta sú pre zdravie, životné prostredie i hospodárstvo väčšou hrozbou než sa predpokladalo. Ročne pritom spôsobia škody vo výške najmenej 12 miliárd eur, vyplýva z dnes zverejnenej štúdie. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None BPCJYT0O1G
http://www.eea.europa.eu/de/highlights/fang-das-unsichtbare-ein-eua Fang das Unsichtbare ein - EUA Fotostory Wettbewerb 2012-09-18T12:48:53Z 2016-06-21T13:45:44Z 2012-09-19T10:01:26Z de http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/capture-the-invisible-for-the 2012 4.2.1 None Die Luft, die wir atmen ist vielleicht nicht das einfachste Fotomotiv, aber ein geruchloses, farbloses Gas bildlich darzustellen ist genau die Herausforderung von ImaginAir. ImaginAir ist der neue Wettbewerb der Europäischen Umweltagentur (EUA), bei dem die Teilnehmer aufgefordert werden, eine Geschichte über die Luft in Europa in drei Bildern zu erzählen. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None K25NH871CP
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fr/highlights/des-mesures-plus-strictes-sont Des mesures plus strictes sont nécessaires pour lutter contre les dommages provoqués par la pollution atmosphérique 2016-11-17T13:35:41Z 2018-04-26T13:39:12Z 2016-12-07T10:13:18Z fr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/stronger-measures-needed 2016 1.1.2 None La pollution atmosphérique a des effets significatifs sur la santé des Européens, en particulier dans les zones urbaines, comme l'indique un nouveau rapport de l'Agence européenne pour l'environnement (AEE). Si la qualité de l'air s'améliore peu à peu, la pollution atmosphérique demeure toutefois le plus grand risque écologique pour la santé en Europe, engendrant une baisse de la qualité de vie du fait des maladies et des quelques 467 000 décès prématurés qu’elle provoque chaque année. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None CONUSX43P5
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pt/highlights/melhorar-a-qualidade-do-ar Melhorar a qualidade do ar nas cidades europeias trará importantes benefícios para a saúde 2017-10-06T09:27:55Z 2019-12-10T09:22:21Z 2017-10-11T07:50:00Z pt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/improving-air-quality-in-european 2017 1.1.2 None O ar a que está exposta a maior parte dos residentes nas cidades europeias é de má qualidade. As estimativas mais recentes da Agência Europeia do Ambiente (AEA), divulgadas hoje, revelam que as partículas finas em suspensão continuam a causar a morte prematura a mais de 400 mil europeus anualmente. Os transportes rodoviários, a agricultura, as centrais elétricas, a indústria e as residências constituem os maiores emissores de poluentes atmosféricos na Europa. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None I8UB1XYSPH
http://www.eea.europa.eu/it/highlights/i-cambiamenti-climatici-comportano-rischi I cambiamenti climatici comportano rischi sempre più gravi per gli ecosistemi, la salute umana e l’economia in Europa 2017-01-17T13:52:41Z 2020-11-23T10:59:01Z 2017-01-25T07:30:00Z it http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-change-poses-increasingly-severe 2016 1.4.2 None Secondo un report dell’Agenzia Europea dell’Ambiente pubblicato oggi, a causa dei cambiamenti climatici, le regioni europee si trovano ad affrontare l’innalzamento del livello del mare ed eventi meteorologici più estremi, come per esempio ondate di calore, inondazioni, siccità e tempeste più frequenti e più intense. Il report valuta le ultime tendenze e proiezioni riguardanti i cambiamenti climatici e le relative conseguenze in tutta Europa ed evidenzia comesarà fondamentale adottare strategie, politiche e misure di adattamento migliori e più flessibili per ridurre tali conseguenze. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 0N9ORQ53KE
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/horke-letni-pocasi-prispelo-ke Horké letní počasí přispělo ke znečištění přízemním ozonem 2013-08-14T08:26:52Z 2020-11-23T10:58:57Z 2014-01-15T08:55:24Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/hot-summer-weather-exacerbating-ozone-pollution 2013 1.0.2 None Troposférický ozon vzniká v ovzduší sekundárně, není emitován žádným zdrojem. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None V0IAWPZ6T1
http://www.eea.europa.eu/es/highlights/numero-record-de-zonas-europeas Número récord de zonas europeas con aguas de baño de calidad excelente 2017-05-18T13:09:57Z 2017-05-31T11:36:33Z 2017-05-23T09:40:34Z es http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/more-european-sites-meet-excellent 2017 1.5.2 None Más del 85% de las zonas de baño supervisadas en Europa en 2016 cumplían las normas más estrictas, con una calidad calificada de «excelente», lo que significa que se encontraban prácticamente libres de contaminantes nocivos para la salud humana y el medio ambiente, según el informe anual sobre la calidad de las aguas de baño que se ha publicado hoy. Más del 96 % de las zonas de baño respetó los requisitos mínimos de calidad que establece la normativa de la Unión Europea. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VOHF75ICMJ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sl/highlights/izboljsanje-kakovosti-zraka-v-evropskih IzboljÅ¡anje kakovosti zraka v evropskih mestih bo pozitivno vplivalo na zdravje ljudi 2017-10-06T09:27:55Z 2019-12-10T09:22:21Z 2017-10-06T09:27:55Z sl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/improving-air-quality-in-european 2017 1.1.2 None Večina ljudi, ki živijo v evropskih mestih, je izpostavljena slabi kakovosti zraka. Po zadnjih ocenah Evropske agencije za okolje (EEA), ki so bile objavljene danes, naj bi bili delci še vedno vzrok za več kot 400 000 primerov prezgodnjih smrti v Evropi na leto. Cestni promet, kmetijstvo, elektrarne, industrija in gospodinjstva povzročajo največ izpustov onesnaževal zraka v Evropi. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VJ01785D96
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/vitezove-evropske-souteze-o-umelecke Vítězové evropské soutěže o umělecké ztvárnění tématu „odpad“ 2013-12-11T13:33:08Z 2019-01-15T16:11:42Z 2014-06-03T10:24:31Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/an-artistic-view-of-europe2019s 2013 4.2.2 None V červnu loňského roku vyhlásila Evropská agentura pro životní prostředí (EEA) soutěž o zachycení tématu odpad Waste•smART v podobě fotografie, komiksu či krátkého videa. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None IXTSD6QER3
http://www.eea.europa.eu/no/highlights/forbedring-av-luftkvaliteten-i-europeiske Forbedring av luftkvaliteten i europeiske byer vil gi store helsemessige fordeler 2017-10-06T09:27:55Z 2019-12-10T09:22:21Z 2017-10-06T09:27:55Z no http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/improving-air-quality-in-european 2017 1.1.2 None De fleste som bor i europeiske byer utsettes for dårlig luftkvalitet. De siste estimatene fra Det europeiske miljøbyrået (EEA), som ble utgitt i dag, viser at fint svevestøv (PM) fortsetter å forårsake for tidlig død hos mer enn 400 000 europeere årlig. Veitransport, landbruk, kraftverk, industri og husholdninger er de største kildene for utslipp av luftforurensende stoffer i Europa. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 132K9FW0PE
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sv/highlights/klimatforandringen-innebar-allt-allvarligare-risker Klimatförändringen innebär allt allvarligare risker för ekosystem, människors hälsa och ekonomin i Europa. 2017-01-17T13:52:41Z 2020-11-23T10:59:01Z 2017-01-25T07:30:00Z sv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-change-poses-increasingly-severe 2016 1.4.2 None Europas regioner kommer att drabbas av stigande havsnivåer och extremare väder, t.ex. fler och kraftigare värmeböljor, översvämningar, torka och stormar till följd av klimatförändringen, enligt en rapport som Europeiska miljöbyrån offentliggjorde i dag. I rapporten analyseras den aktuella utvecklingen och prognoserna för klimatförändringen och dess effekter i hela Europa. Slutsatsen är att bättre och flexiblare anpassningsstrategier, politik och åtgärder kommer att ha avgörande betydelse för att mildra effekterna. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None PC7OAB8TH0
http://www.eea.europa.eu/es/highlights/el-cambio-climatico-plantea-riesgos El cambio climático plantea riesgos cada vez más graves para los ecosistemas, la salud humana y la economía en Europa 2017-01-17T13:52:41Z 2020-11-23T10:59:01Z 2017-01-25T07:30:00Z es http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-change-poses-increasingly-severe 2016 1.4.2 None Las regiones de Europa están padeciendo un aumento del nivel del mar y un clima más extremo, en forma de olas de calor, inundaciones, sequías y tormentas más frecuentes e intensas debidas al cambio climático, según el informe que publica hoy la Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente. En el informe se evalúan las últimas tendencias y proyecciones en materia de cambio climático y sus repercusiones en toda Europa y se concluye que la adopción de mejores y más flexibles estrategias, políticas y medidas de adaptación será crucial para atenuar estos impactos. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 6VKOFGU1Q0
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fr/highlights/le-changement-climatique-presente-des Le changement climatique présente des risques de plus en plus graves pour les écosystèmes, la santé humaine et l’économie en Europe 2017-01-17T13:52:41Z 2020-11-23T10:59:01Z 2017-01-25T07:30:00Z fr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-change-poses-increasingly-severe 2016 1.4.2 None Les régions européennes sont confrontées à une augmentation du niveau de la mer et des phénomènes météorologiques plus extrêmes, tels que des vagues de chaleur, des inondations, des sécheresses et des tempêtes plus fréquentes et plus intenses, en raison du changement climatique, selon un rapport de l’Agence européenne pour l'environnement publié aujourd’hui. Ce rapport évalue les dernières tendances et prévisions relatives au changement climatique, et leurs incidences dans l’ensemble de l’Europe. Il constate que des stratégies, politiques et mesures d’adaptation améliorées et plus flexibles seront fondamentales pour atténuer ces impacts. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None F463T250HJ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pl/highlights/poprawa-jakosci-powietrza-w-europejskich Poprawa jakości powietrza w europejskich miastach przełoży się na znaczne korzyści zdrowotne 2017-10-06T09:27:55Z 2019-12-10T09:22:21Z 2017-10-06T09:27:55Z pl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/improving-air-quality-in-european 2017 1.1.2 None Większość mieszkańców europejskich miast jest narażona na zanieczyszczenia powietrza. Najnowsze szacunkowe dane, opublikowane dziś przez Europejską Agencję Środowiska (EEA), pokazują, że drobny pył zawieszony wciąż powoduje co roku przedwczesną śmierć ponad 400 000 Europejczyków. Największe źródła zanieczyszczenia powietrza w Europie stanowią: transport drogowy, rolnictwo, elektrownie, przemysł i gospodarstwa domowe. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None TB104ESO92
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/vetsina-automobilek-splni-cile-pro Většina automobilek splní cíle pro emise CO2 2012-12-10T10:15:37Z 2016-06-21T13:46:12Z 2013-03-07T09:31:02Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/most-car-manufacturers-on-track 2012 4.2.1 None Emise oxidu uhličitého z provozu osobních automobilů se snižují. V roce 2011 dosáhlo nebo překročilo cílovou úroveň průměrných emisí, která zajišťuje splnění cílů v roce 2015, celkem 47 výrobců automobilů, kteří ovládají 95 % trhu s novými osobními vozidly v EU, uvádí aktuálně publikovaná analýza Evropské agentury pro životní prostředí (EEA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None B9VR25Z0Q3
http://www.eea.europa.eu/ro/highlights/schimbarile-climatice-reprezinta-un-factor Schimbările climatice reprezintă un factor de risc din ce în ce mai mare pentru ecosisteme, sănătatea oamenilor și economie în Europa 2017-01-17T13:52:41Z 2020-11-23T10:59:01Z 2017-01-25T07:30:00Z ro http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-change-poses-increasingly-severe 2016 1.4.2 None Regiunile Europei se confruntă cu creșterea nivelului mărilor și condiții meteorologice mai extreme, cum ar fi valuri de căldură, inundații, perioade de secetă și furtuni mai frecvente și mai intense, cauzate de schimbările climatice, conform raportului Agenției Europene de Mediu, publicat astăzi. Raportul evaluează ultimele tendințe și previziuni în ceea ce privește schimbările climatice și impactul acestora pe teritoriul Europei și susține că utilizarea unor strategii, politici și măsuri de adaptare mai flexibile va deveni critică pentru a atenua acest impact. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 3ZMQHYKEW0
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pl/highlights/europejski-wskaznik-jakosci-powietrza-aktualne Europejski wskaźnik jakości powietrza: aktualne informacje o jakości powietrza na wyciągnięcie ręki 2017-11-13T12:52:21Z 2019-12-10T09:22:22Z 2017-11-16T08:50:00Z pl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/european-air-quality-index-current 2017 1.1.2 None Nowy europejski wskaźnik jakości powietrza, wprowadzony dziś przez będący efektem działań Europejskieją Agencjię Środowiska (EEA) i Komisjię Europejskąiej, od dzisiaj umożliwia sprawdzanie na bieżąco jakości powietrza w europejskich miastach i regionach. Wraz ze wskaźnikiem zostały opublikowane prowadzeniu wskaźnika towarzyszy publikacja noweych krajoweych arkuszye informacyjneych, zawierająceych zaktualizowane informacje o jakości powietrza w państwach członkowskich EEA. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None BSTEXV2DZG
http://www.eea.europa.eu/no/highlights/med-europeisk-luftkvalitetsindeks-er-opplysninger Med europeisk luftkvalitetsindeks er opplysninger om luftkvaliteten tilgjengelig med et tastetrykk 2017-11-13T12:52:21Z 2019-12-10T09:22:22Z 2017-11-16T08:50:00Z no http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/european-air-quality-index-current 2017 1.1.2 None Den nye europeiske luftkvalitetsindeksen, European Air Quality Index, som lanseres i dag av Det europeiske miljøbyrået (EEA) og Europakommisjonen, gir brukerne mulighet til å sjekke den aktuelle luftkvaliteten i alle byer og regioner i Europa. Sammen med indeksen publiseres nye landfaktaark med oppdatert informasjon om luftkvaliteten i EEAs medlemsland. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None Q0OR7GN4B3
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/nove-osobni-automobily-prodavane-v Nové osobní automobily prodávané v EU již plní limity pro emise CO2 2015-04-14T14:41:42Z 2016-06-21T13:46:07Z 2015-08-07T10:16:34Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-cars2019-co2-emissions-well 2015 1.1.1 None Průměrná produkce emisí CO2 z nových osobních automobilů prodaných EU poklesla v roce 2014 v meziročním srovnání dle předběžných dat EEA o 2,6 % na 123,4 g.km-1, což je hodnota zřetelně nižší než představuje cíl 130 g.km-1 stanovený k roku 2015. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 7P6CUR8WID
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-meets-most-international-air EU meets most international air pollutant emissions limits, further cuts possible 2013-06-26T09:13:28Z 2016-06-21T13:46:14Z 2013-06-26T09:55:00Z en None 2013 1.1.2 None Many air pollutant emissions are below internationally agreed limits, except nitrogen oxides, according to a European Environment Agency report released today. Emissions of three air pollutants, including fine particulate matter, are only slightly above targets to be met in 2020. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 81C264GPFH
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/blue-green-algae-check-the Blue-green algae - check the water before you swim 2013-07-29T08:15:43Z 2017-10-02T13:52:23Z 2013-07-29T09:05:00Z en None 2013 4.2.1 None Most beaches, lakes and rivers in Europe were clean and healthy last year. But water quality can be affected by many unforeseen factors, including sewage, agricultural waste and algae. The European Environment Agency (EEA) recommends checking local water quality information before you jump in. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 3GWQTIK17O
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-air-story-told-in-pictures Europe's air story told in pictures 2012-11-14T15:16:23Z 2019-12-10T09:22:30Z 2012-11-15T10:55:00Z en None 2012 4.2.1 None Air is a tricky subject to photograph, but this challenge has proved to be a source of inspiration for the winners of photo storycompetition ‘ImaginAIR’, organised by the European Environment Agency (EEA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None NT45SR8X30
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/co2-emissions-from-new-vans CO2 emissions from new vans – revised data 2013-12-16T16:50:26Z 2019-12-10T09:22:36Z 2013-12-17T11:05:00Z en None 2013 4.2.1 None In 2012, the average new van sold in the European Union emitted 180.2 g of carbon dioxide for every kilometre travelled, which is close to the 175 g CO2/km target to be gradually phased in between next year and 2017. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None IEYX69MSD1
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/milan-uhersky-brod-nicosia-take Milan, Uherský Brod, Nicosia take top prizes in ‘My City’ photo competition 2016-10-31T10:34:39Z 2017-02-20T15:00:26Z 2016-10-31T11:20:00Z en None 2016 3.4.3 None Photos taken in Milan (Italy), Uherský Brod (Czech Republic), Nicosia (Cyprus), have won the top three prizes in the European Environment Agency (EEA) photo competition which this year encouraged photographers to share moments captured in urban areas where they live, work, rest and play. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None NTWV2MQ8IP
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/road-traffic-remains-biggest-source Road traffic remains biggest source of noise pollution in Europe 2017-04-19T10:59:53Z 2020-11-23T10:58:28Z 2017-04-24T07:00:00Z en None 2017 1.1.2 None With an estimated 100 million Europeans affected by harmful levels, road traffic is by far the largest source of noise pollution in Europe, according to a new assessment published by the European Environment Agency (EEA) today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None G5DY78JN1E
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/towards-better-tools-for-decision Towards better tools for decision-making – EEA indicators and accounts 2014-06-02T09:21:43Z 2016-08-31T12:38:58Z 2014-06-02T10:00:00Z en None 2014 4.2.1 None Effective environmental policy should be based on robust information on trends. The European Environment Agency (EEA) has published two reports today which demonstrate how indicators and environmental accounting support policy and decision making. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None YR43295DXT
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/mapping-europe2019s-quiet-areas Mapping Europe’s quiet areas 2016-06-15T11:02:48Z 2020-11-23T10:59:24Z 2016-06-16T06:45:00Z en None 2016 1.1.2 None One-third of Europe’s countryside is potentially affected by noise pollution caused by human activity, according to a new report published today by the European Environment Agency (EEA). Protecting areas not yet affected by noise can bring significant environmental and health benefits, the report says. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None KXR0V7IWHY
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/renewables-successfully-driving-down-carbon Renewables successfully driving down carbon emissions in Europe 2014-12-16T10:01:26Z 2017-01-13T14:32:58Z 2015-02-16T13:10:00Z en None 2014 1.3.1 None Wind, solar, biomass and other renewable energy technologies continued to grow in 2013. New data shows they have been an important driving force in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Europe. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None PE1ZISTC3V
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/cop15-is-on-let2019s-talk-climate-change COP15 is on: let's talk climate change 2009-12-03T10:58:13Z 2016-06-21T13:46:10Z 2009-12-04T15:44:59Z en None 2011 1.1.1 None Governments, civil society and business representatives are convening in Copenhagen on 7–18 December for a United Nations conference on combating climate change. European Environment Agency will host several events and contribute to some of the many activities taking place around the city. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None GFZQ6INH93
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/increasing-fragmentation-of-landscape-threatens Increasing fragmentation of landscape threatens European wildlife 2011-09-05T08:43:55Z 2017-02-20T14:36:55Z 2011-09-05T13:30:00Z en None 2011 4.2.1 None Roads, motorways, railways, intensive agriculture and urban developments are breaking up Europe’s landscapes into ever-smaller pieces, with potentially devastating consequences for flora and fauna across the continent, according to a new joint report from the European Environment Agency (EEA) and the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN). The report, 'Landscape fragmentation in Europe', demonstrates how areas of land are often unable to support high levels of biodiversity when they are split into smaller and smaller parcels. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 4QDFCZ7PNK
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/is-europe-doing-enough-to Is Europe doing enough to ensure long-term health of forests? 2016-03-18T08:54:27Z 2016-07-15T09:12:42Z 2016-03-21T09:10:00Z en None 2016 1.7.7 None Climate change, pollution and encroaching human development are posing an increased threat to the long-term stability and health of European forests, according to a new European Environment Agency (EEA) report released today. Forest ecosystems play a vital role for the environment and in combatting climate change. The report recommends that better sustainable management is needed to ensure this precious green resource is there for future generations. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 20VXZ461QD
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/reduction-of-co2-emissions-from Reduction of CO2 emissions from new vans slowed in 2015 2016-05-13T14:40:07Z 2016-07-11T13:13:22Z 2016-05-17T13:00:00Z en None 2016 1.1.2 None The fuel efficiency of new vans registered in the European Union (EU) increased slightly in 2015 compared to the previous year. Average emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) fell by less than 1 gramme (g) of CO2 per kilometre, according to preliminary data published today by the European Environment Agency (EEA). This is the smallest annual reduction since monitoring of emissions from new light commercial vehicles started in 2012. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 5HZ1PRTK7M
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/neonicotinoid-pesticides-are-a-huge Neonicotinoid pesticides are a huge risk – so ban is welcome, says EEA 2013-04-30T14:04:16Z 2016-09-02T09:45:40Z 2013-05-02T08:40:00Z en None 2013 4.2.1 None The European Commission has decided to ban three neonicotinoid insecticides. These chemicals can harm honeybees, according to a large body of scientific evidence, so the European Environment Agency (EEA) commends the precautionary decision to ban them. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 9QA4CE6W0K
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/better-mix-of-measures-including Better mix of measures including pricing and awareness campaigns key to improving sustainable water use 2017-06-28T12:06:48Z 2017-07-04T07:44:13Z 2017-07-04T07:55:00Z en None 2017 1.5.4 None In the face of challenges like drought and growing demand in many European Union countries, managing water supplies will require a better mix of pricing and non-pricing measures to ensure efficient household water use, according to a new European Environment Agency briefing published today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None AVQ0TS2HOX
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europe2019s-green-economy-and-other Europe’s green economy and other stories: what you may have missed in 2014 2014-12-19T15:21:40Z 2016-06-21T13:45:53Z 2014-12-20T11:22:33Z en None 2014 3.4.3 None As 2014 comes to a close, the European Environment Agency (EEA) looks back at some of the interesting findings from its work throughout the year. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 5BPUYIFW3E
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europe-using-less-ozone-damaging-chemicals Europe using less ozone-damaging chemicals 2012-12-04T14:51:43Z 2016-09-02T09:46:40Z 2012-12-05T10:55:00Z en None 2012 4.2.1 None Europe has made significant progress in phasing out chemicals which damage the ozone layer, according to a report from the European Environment Agency (EEA). The report considers production and use of more than 200 chemicals which damage the planet’s ozone layer, which are controlled by the Montreal Protocol and EU legislation. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 9GH75EYPUW
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-exporting-more-waste-including EU exporting more waste, including hazardous waste 2012-11-06T09:57:44Z 2016-06-21T13:45:22Z 2012-11-06T10:55:00Z en None 2012 4.2.1 None Waste is increasingly moving across EU borders, for recovery or disposal. This is true for waste shipments between EU countries, and also transfers of waste outside the EU, according to a new assessment from the European Environment Agency (EEA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 6PANWMKV7I
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eleven-countries-exceed-air-pollutant Eleven countries exceed air pollutant emission limits 2014-03-24T08:27:07Z 2016-06-21T13:45:46Z 2014-03-24T11:55:00Z en None 2014 1.1.1 None Air pollutants are still being emitted above legal limits in the EU. Recent data from the EU Member States shows that a number of countries continued to breach their emission ceilings in 2012. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None FYA5NQ9C2Z
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/what-money-can2019t-buy-un-1 What money can't buy - UN discusses happiness as a measure of progress 2012-04-04T15:00:00Z 2016-06-21T13:45:47Z 2012-04-04T15:00:00Z en None 2012 4.2.1 None The world needs to move away from measuring success in purely economic terms, and should instead consider other criteria, including distribution of resources, sustainability, health, human rights and education. These were the discussions in a landmark meeting of the United Nations (UN), calling for new measurements of wellbeing beyond GDP in the run up to the Rio sustainability summit in June. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None BDJG1NRF3M
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/air-pollution-breaches-of-legal Air pollution: breaches of legal limits continued through 2010 and 2011 2013-03-15T10:50:21Z 2016-06-21T13:46:12Z 2013-03-18T09:55:00Z en None 2013 4.2.1 None Air pollutant emissions were above legal limits in eight Member States in 2011, preliminary data shows. In 2010, 12 Member States exceeded these limits, according to final official data reported under the European Union’s National Emission Ceilings (NEC) Directive. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 6CHXRVNK21
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/consumers-buying-more-efficient-cars Consumers buying more efficient cars in Europe 2013-04-29T15:24:02Z 2016-06-21T13:45:47Z 2013-04-30T08:55:00Z en None 2013 4.2.1 None The average car sold in the EU in 2012 was 9 % more fuel-efficient than the average three years before, according to a new report from the European Environment Agency (EEA). Improved technology and an increase in the share of diesel cars are the main reasons behind the fall in average CO2 emissions. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 920PXM6BID
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/fuel-efficiency-improvements-of-new Fuel efficiency improvements of new cars in Europe slowed in 2016 2017-04-20T08:57:15Z 2019-12-10T09:22:33Z 2017-04-20T09:50:00Z en None 2017 1.1.2 None The fuel efficiency of new cars sold in the European Union (EU) continued to improve last year but at a slower rate. In fact, the 1.4 grammes (g) of carbon dioxide (CO2) per kilometre (km) reduction compared to 2015 constitutes the smallest annual improvement recorded over the last decade, according to provisional data published today by the European Environment Agency (EEA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ARPDUY0W5I
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/copenhagen-beats-bristol-and-frankfurt Copenhagen beats Bristol and Frankfurt to win European Green Capital 2014 2012-06-29T12:16:13Z 2016-06-21T13:45:26Z 2012-06-29T20:00:00Z en None 2012 4.2.1 None The city of Copenhagen in Denmark has won the European Green Capital Award for 2014, fending off strong competition from two other finalists, Bristol in England and Frankfurt in Germany. Fourteen cities entered the competition, of which three finalist cities presented their vision, action plans and communication strategies to the jury earlier this month. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 2RN06KT1MB
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/more-action-needed-to-reduce More action needed to reduce transport's environmental impact 2014-12-08T10:35:46Z 2019-12-10T09:22:30Z 2014-12-08T11:00:00Z en None 2014 1.1.1 None The transport sector is still generating excessive greenhouse gas emissions and harmful levels of air pollution and noise, according to the latest edition of the European Environment Agency's annual report on environment and transport. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 75GHNDMS0K
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/more-effort-needed-to-reduce More effort needed to reduce summer ozone 2012-03-19T10:00:00Z 2017-02-20T14:33:28Z 2012-03-19T10:00:00Z en None 2012 4.2.1 None Ground level ozone causes health problems, decreases crop yields and damages the environment. Ozone levels exceeding certain targets in Europe were less frequent in summer 2011 than in any year since monitoring started in 1997. However, the long-term objective was exceeded in all EU Member States and it is likely many of them will not meet the target value, applicable as of 2010. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None HPIVUDGXAS
http://www.eea.europa.eu/de/highlights/schadliche-ozonbelastung-im-sommer-vermeiden Schädliche Ozonbelastung im Sommer vermeiden 2012-08-09T13:13:07Z 2016-06-21T13:46:13Z 2012-08-10T12:31:14Z de http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/avoiding-harmful-ozone-pollution-this-summer 2012 1.0.2 None Hohe Temperaturen im Sommer kombiniert mit Luftverschmutzung können die Bildung bodennahen Ozons verursachen, das schwerwiegende Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheit hat, besonders für ältere Menschen und Kinder oder Menschen mit Asthma und anderen Atembeschwerden. Die Europäische Umweltagentur (EUA) hat nützliche Informationen zusammengestellt, wie Sie Ihre Gesundheit in diesem Sommer vor der Schädigung durch bodennahes Ozon schützen können. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None FVRGI6MNJS
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sv/highlights/forbattrad-luftkvalitet-i-europas-stader Förbättrad luftkvalitet i Europas städer kommer att medföra stora hälsofördelar 2017-10-06T09:27:55Z 2019-12-10T09:22:21Z 2017-10-11T08:09:52Z sv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/improving-air-quality-in-european 2017 1.1.2 None De flesta som bor i Europas städer är utsatta för dålig luftkvalitet. De senaste uppskattningarna från Europeiska miljöbyrån (EEA) som publicerades i dag, visar att fina partiklar fortsätter att leda till att över 400 000 européer dör i förtid varje år. Vägtransporter, jordbruk, kraftverk, industrier och hushåll är de som släpper ut mest luftföroreningar i Europa. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None YTI16GNSFR
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fi/highlights/ilmastonmuutos-aiheuttaa-yha-enemman-vakavia Ilmastonmuutos aiheuttaa yhä enemmän vakavia riskejä ekosysteemeille, ihmisten terveydelle ja taloudelle Euroopassa 2017-01-17T13:52:41Z 2020-11-23T10:59:01Z 2017-01-25T07:30:00Z fi http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-change-poses-increasingly-severe 2016 1.4.2 None Merenpinnan taso nousee ja äärimmäiset sääilmiöt, kuten entistä useammin toistuvat ja ankarammat lämpöaallot, tulvat, kuivat kaudet ja myrskyt, ovat ilmastonmuutoksen vuoksi Euroopan alueella yhä yleisempiä, todetaan tänään julkaistussa Euroopan ympäristökeskuksen raportissa. Raportissa arvioidaan ilmastonmuutoksen ja sen vaikutusten uusimpia suuntauksia ja ennusteita koko Euroopassa. Siinä todetaan, että paremmat ja joustavammat sopeutumisstrategiat, -toimintalinjat ja -toimenpiteet ovat erittäin tärkeitä vaikutusten lieventämiseksi. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 3C8S5JXFZQ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sv/highlights/bionn-na-rioscai-a-bhaineann Bíonn na rioscaí a bhaineann leis an athrú aeráide ag éirí níos déine d’éiceachórais, do shláinte an duine agus don gheilleagar san Eoraip 2017-01-17T13:52:41Z 2020-11-23T10:59:01Z 2017-01-25T07:30:00Z ga http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-change-poses-increasingly-severe 2016 1.4.2 None De réir tuarascála ón nGníomhaireacht Eorpach Chomhshaoil a foilsíodh inniu, bíonn réigiúin na hEorpa ag dul i ngleic le leibhéil farraige a bhíonn ag ardú agus le teagmhais aimsire níos foircní, amhail tonnta teasa, tuile, triomach agus stoirmeacha, ar bhonn níos minice agus níos déine mar gheall ar an athrú aeráide. Sa tuarascáil, déantar measúnú ar na treochtaí agus na réamh-mheastacháin is déanaí maidir leis an athrú aeráide agus ar an tionchar atá aige ar fud na hEorpa. Is é tátal na tuarascála go mbeidh straitéisí, beartais agus bearta atá níos fearr agus níos solúbtha ríthábhachtach chun an tionchar sin a mhaolú. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None SKA35W4FN7
http://www.eea.europa.eu/tr/highlights/iklim-degisikligi-avrupadaki-ekosistemler-insan İklim değişikliği, Avrupa'daki ekosistemler, insan sağlığı ve ekonomi için giderek daha ciddi riskler yaratıyor 2017-01-17T13:52:41Z 2020-11-23T10:59:01Z 2017-01-25T07:30:00Z tr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-change-poses-increasingly-severe 2016 1.4.2 None Avrupa Çevre Ajansı’nın bugün yayınladığı rapora göre, Avrupa'nın bölgeleri yükselen deniz seviyeleri ve iklim değişikliğinden kaynaklanan daha sık ve daha şiddetli ısı dalgaları, sel, kuraklık ve fırtınalar gibi aşırı hava koşullarıyla karşı karşıya bulunuyor. Rapor, iklim değişikliği ve Avrupa'daki etkileri hakkındaki son trendleri ve projeksiyonları değerlendirip bu etkileri azaltmak için daha iyi ve daha esnek adaptasyon stratejileri, politikaları ve önlemlerin alınması gerektiğini vurguluyor. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 6R4NYQ9BW8
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/letni-znecisteni-prizemnim-ozonem Letní znečištění přízemním ozonem 2013-01-31T10:35:00Z 2016-06-21T13:45:53Z 2013-08-15T09:33:51Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/fewer-summer-ozone-peaks-2012 2013 4.2.1 None Během letních měsíců roku 2012 došlo v Evropě k nejnižšímu překročení imisního limitu pro troposférický ozon od doby jeho sledování v roce 1997. Epizody překročení imisního limitu byly kratší a rovněž byla dosažena nižší maximální koncentrace. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 0MWQ8XS9P4
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/vybornou-kvalitu-vody-ke-koupani Výbornou kvalitu vody ke koupání vykazuje více evropských lokalit než dříve 2017-05-18T13:09:57Z 2017-05-31T11:36:33Z 2017-05-23T09:39:24Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/more-european-sites-meet-excellent 2017 1.5.2 None Více než 85 lokalit ke koupání sledovaných v celé Evropě splnilo v roce 2016 nejpřísnější normy pro „výbornou“ kvalitu vody – podle dnes zveřejněné výroční zprávy o kvalitě vody ke koupání tedy voda neobsahovala téměř žádné znečišťující látky škodlivé pro lidské zdraví a životní prostředí. Minimální požadavky na kvalitu vody stanovené předpisy Evropské unie splnilo více než 96 procent lokalit ke koupání. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 1Z5H3S4X6D
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sv/highlights/europeiskt-luftkvalitetsindex-smidig-lattillganglig-och Europeiskt luftkvalitetsindex: smidig lättillgänglig och aktuell information om luftkvaliteten 2017-11-13T12:52:21Z 2019-12-10T09:22:22Z 2017-11-16T08:50:00Z sv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/european-air-quality-index-current 2017 1.1.2 None Europeiska miljöbyrån (EEA) och EU-kommissionen lanserade i dag ett nytt europeiskt luftkvalitetsindex. Nu kan du ta reda på hur luftkvaliteten är just nu i städer och regioner runt om i Europa. Indexet åtföljs av nya nationella faktablad med uppdaterad information om luftkvaliteten i EEA:s medlemsländer. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None BO5YMP78ZV
http://www.eea.europa.eu/nl/highlights/wat-betekent-de-natuur-voor Wat betekent de natuur voor u? Start van de fotocompetitie NATURE@work 2017-03-14T10:33:33Z 2019-12-10T09:22:28Z 2017-03-14T10:33:33Z nl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/what-does-nature-mean-to 2017 3.4.2 None De natuur werkt hard aan onze bescherming en aan de instandhouding van ons dagelijks leven - een feit dat vaak onvoldoende wordt gewaardeerd. De natuur is echter van levensbelang, het levert schone lucht, zuiver drinkwater, kleding, voedsel en grondstoffen die we gebruiken voor ons onderdak. Andere weldaden zijn minder bekend, zoals de rol van de natuur bij het verlichten van de effecten van klimaatverandering. Teneinde de belangrijke rol van de natuur in ons leven te benadrukken, nodigt het Europees Milieuagentschap (EMA) u uit vast te leggen hoe de natuur u voordelen biedt en mee te doen aan de fotocompetitie NATURE@work (natuur aan het werk). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None PQDRIHASXF
http://www.eea.europa.eu/nl/highlights/ce-chomh-tabhachtach-is-ata Cé chomh tábhachtach is atá an dúlra duit? Seoladh an chomórtais grianghrafadóireachta NATURE@work 2017-03-14T10:33:33Z 2019-12-10T09:22:28Z 2017-03-15T09:03:47Z ga http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/what-does-nature-mean-to 2017 3.4.2 None Oibríonn an dúlra go crua chun sinn a chosaint agus a chothú gach lá – ach ní bhímid buíoch de as sin i gcónaí. Comhlíonann an dúlra ról riachtanach, áfach, toisc gurb as an dúlra a fhaighimid aer glan, uisce óil glan, éadaí, bia agus na hamhábhair a úsáidimid chun foscadh a thógáil. Is beag eolas atá ann ar na tairbhí eile a sholáthraíonn an dúlra dúinn, amhail an ról a imríonn sé chun éifeachtaí an athraithe aeráide a mhaolú. Chun aird a tharraingt ar an ról tábhachtach atá ag an dúlra inár saol, tá an Ghníomhaireacht Eorpach Chomhshaoil (EEA) ag iarraidh ort na tairbhí a bhaineann tú as an dúlra a léiriú trí ghrianghraif a iontráil sa chomórtas grianghrafadóireachta ‘NATURE@work’. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None Z5DHU1VC3S
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sk/highlights/europsky-index-kvality-ovzdusia-aktualne Európsky index kvality ovzdušia: aktuálne informácie o kvalite ovzdušia na dosah 2017-11-13T12:52:21Z 2019-12-10T09:22:22Z 2017-11-16T08:50:00Z sk http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/european-air-quality-index-current 2017 1.1.2 None Nový európsky index kvality ovzdušia, ktorý dnes prestavila Európska environmentálna agentúra (EEA) a Európska komisia, umožňuje používateľom sledovať aktuálny stav kvality ovzdušia v európskych mestách a regiónoch. K indexu je pripojený nový informačný leták pre každú krajinu a prináša aktualizované informácie o kvalite ovzdušia v členských krajinách EEA. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 1EVH4OKCYP
http://www.eea.europa.eu/no/highlights/klimaendringene-utgjor-en-stadig-alvorligere Klimaendringene utgjør en stadig alvorligere risiko for økosystemer, menneskers helse og økonomien i Europa. 2017-01-17T13:52:41Z 2020-11-23T10:59:01Z 2017-01-25T07:30:00Z no http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-change-poses-increasingly-severe 2016 1.4.2 None Europas regioner står overfor stigende havnivåer og mer ekstremvær, som hyppigere og mer intense hetebølger og episoder med flom, tørke eller storm på grunn av klimaendringene, ifølge en rapport som Det europeiske miljøbyrå offentliggjør i dag. Rapporten vurderer de siste trendene og prognosene for klimaendringer i Europa og konsekvensene av dem, og finner at bedre og mer fleksible tilpasningsstrategier, retningslinjer og tiltak vil bli avgjørende for å redusere disse konsekvensene. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 01C9XSGUWR
http://www.eea.europa.eu/it/highlights/inquinamento-atmosferico-necessarie-misure-piu Inquinamento atmosferico: necessarie misure più incisive per affrontare i danni 2016-11-17T13:35:41Z 2018-04-26T13:39:12Z 2016-12-05T15:36:20Z it http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/stronger-measures-needed 2016 1.1.2 None L’inquinamento atmosferico ha effetti significativi sulla salute dei cittadini europei, in particolare nelle aree urbane. Questo è il risultato di un nuovo rapporto dell’Agenzia Europea dell’Ambiente (AEA). Malgrado un lento miglioramento della qualità dell’arial’inquinamento atmosferico rimane, in Europa, il principale pericolo di origine ambientale per la salute, provocando malattie che incidono negativamente sulla qualità della vita e causando, secondo le stime, 467 000 decessi prematuri ogni anno. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None YPRQUJFEDS
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fr/highlights/poboljsanje-kvalitete-zraka-u-europskim Poboljšanje kvalitete zraka u europskim gradovima znatno će doprinijeti zdravlju 2017-10-06T09:27:55Z 2019-12-10T09:22:21Z 2017-10-06T09:27:55Z hr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/improving-air-quality-in-european 2017 1.1.2 None Većina ljudi u europskim gradovima izložena je lošoj kvaliteti zraka. Najnovije procjene Europske agencije za okoliš (EEA) objavljene danas, pokazuju da su sitne lebdeće čestice i dalje uzrok prerane smrti više od 400 000 Europljana godišnje. Cestovni promet, poljoprivreda, elektrane, industrija i kućanstva imaju najveće emisije onečišćujućih tvari u Europi. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None SX4JMQK8R3
http://www.eea.europa.eu/el/highlights/i-beltiosi-tis-poiotitas-toy Η βελτίωση της ποιότητας του αέρα στις ευρωπαϊκές πόλεις θα αποφέρει σημαντικά οφέλη για την υγεία 2017-10-06T09:27:55Z 2019-12-10T09:22:21Z 2017-10-06T09:27:55Z el http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/improving-air-quality-in-european 2017 1.1.2 None Οι περισσότεροι άνθρωποι που ζουν στις ευρωπαϊκές πόλεις εκτίθενται σε αέρα κακής ποιότητας. Σύμφωνα με τις τελευταίες εκτιμήσεις του Ευρωπαϊκού Οργανισμού Περιβάλλοντος (ΕΟΠ), που δημοσιεύθηκαν σήμερα, τα λεπτά σωματίδια εξακολουθούν να προκαλούν πρόωρο θάνατο σε περισσότερους από 400 000 Ευρωπαίους ετησίως. Οι οδικές μεταφορές, η γεωργία, οι μονάδες παραγωγής ηλεκτρικής ενέργειας, η βιομηχανία και τα νοικοκυριά αποτελούν τους τομείς με τις υψηλότερες εκπομπές ατμοσφαιρικών ρύπων στην Ευρώπη. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None XVYZCBOWT2
http://www.eea.europa.eu/el/highlights/eyropaikos-deiktis-poiotitas-aera-amesa Ευρωπαϊκός δείκτης ποιότητας αέρα: άμεσα διαθέσιμες πληροφορίες για την τρέχουσα ποιότητα του αέρα 2017-11-13T12:52:21Z 2019-12-10T09:22:22Z 2017-11-16T08:50:00Z el http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/european-air-quality-index-current 2017 1.1.2 None Ένας νέος ευρωπαϊκός δείκτης ποιότητας αέρα, ο οποίος εγκαινιάστηκε σήμερα από τον Ευρωπαϊκό Οργανισμό Περιβάλλοντος (ΕΟΠ) και την Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή, δίνει στους χρήστες τη δυνατότητα να ελέγχουν την τρέχουσα ποιότητα του αέρα σε όλες τις πόλεις και τις περιφέρειες της Ευρώπης. Ο δείκτης συνοδεύεται από νέα ενημερωτικά δελτία ανά χώρα τα οποία παρέχουν επικαιροποιημένες πληροφορίες για την ποιότητα του αέρα στις χώρες μέλη του ΕΟΠ. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 72VGP8BHTD
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/kvalita-ovzdusi-a-prekroceni-narodnich Kvalita ovzduší a překročení národních emisních stropů 2013-03-15T10:50:21Z 2016-06-21T13:46:12Z 2013-08-15T08:56:47Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/air-pollution-breaches-of-legal 2013 4.2.1 None Znečišťování ovzduší v EU nadále překračuje legislativně stanovené limity. Na základě předběžných dat reportingu dle Směrnice Evropského parlamentu a Rady 2001/81/ES o národních emisních stropech pro některé látky znečišťující ovzduší (NECD) překročilo emisní stropy v roce 2011 celkem 8 členských zemí EU, v roce 2010 to bylo 12 zemí. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 9ENI6GFP8O
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/mapovani-biotopu Mapování biotopů 2014-02-26T10:22:40Z 2016-06-21T13:45:33Z 2014-06-03T10:16:49Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/mapping-habitats-to-describe-ecosystems 2014 1.7.2 None Evropská agentura pro životní prostředí (EEA) v únoru 2014 vydala hodnotící zprávu s názvem „Terrestrial habitat mapping in Europe: an overview“. Publikace obsahuje přehled současných konceptů a klasifikačních systémů mapování biotopů (použití leteckých snímků, družicových snímků, celoplošného terénního mapování) a výsledky aktuálního sběru dat jak na národní úrovni, tak na případových studiích. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None YDUQ0S6FV4
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/lepsi-kvalita-ovzdusi-evropskych-mest Lepší kvalita ovzduší evropských měst bude vysoce přínosná pro lidské zdraví 2017-10-06T09:27:55Z 2019-12-10T09:22:21Z 2017-10-06T09:27:55Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/improving-air-quality-in-european 2017 1.1.2 None Většina obyvatel evropských měst je vystavena zhoršené kvalitě ovzduší. Z nejnovějších odhadů Evropské agentury pro životní prostředí (EEA), které byly dnes zveřejněny, vyplývá, že suspendované částice i nadále způsobují předčasné úmrtí více než 400 000 Evropanů ročně. K největším zdrojům emisí znečišťujících látek do ovzduší v Evropě patří silniční doprava, zemědělství, elektrárny, průmysl a domácnosti. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 4YT05G9K32
http://www.eea.europa.eu/ro/highlights/ce-inseamna-natura-pentru-tine Ce înseamnă natura pentru tine? A fost lansat concursul de fotografii NATURE@work 2017-03-14T10:33:33Z 2019-12-10T09:22:28Z 2017-03-15T09:06:20Z ro http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/what-does-nature-mean-to 2017 3.4.2 None Deseori, se subestimează efortul naturii de a ne proteja și de a ne susține în viața de zi cu zi. Ea joacă însă un rol vital pentru că ne oferă aer curat, apă potabilă curată, haine, mâncare și materii prime pentru a ne construi adăpost. Nu toate beneficiile sunt la fel de cunoscute, de exemplu rolul naturii în reducerea efectelor provocate de schimbările climatice. Pentru a evidenția rolul important pe care îl joacă natura în viața noastră, Agenția Europeană de Mediu (AEM) vă invită să surprindeți beneficiile aduse de natură participând la concursul de fotografii „NATURE@work”. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 25ODAEZB90
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lv/highlights/gaisa-kvalitates-uzlabosana-eiropas-pilsetas Gaisa kvalitātes uzlabošana Eiropas pilsētās sniegs būtiskus ieguvumus veselībai 2017-10-06T09:27:55Z 2019-12-10T09:22:21Z 2017-10-06T09:27:55Z lv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/improving-air-quality-in-european 2017 1.1.2 None Lielākā daļa Eiropas pilsētu iedzīvotāju elpo sliktas kvalitātes gaisu. Eiropas Vides aģentūra (EVA) šodien publicē jaunākās aplēses, kas liecina, ka vairāk nekā 400 000 Eiropas iedzīvotāju priekšlaicīgas nāves cēlonis ik gadu joprojām ir gaisā esošās smalkās cietās daļiņas. Vislielākie gaisa piesārņotāji Eiropā ir autotransports, lauksaimniecība, spēkstacijas, rūpniecības nozare un mājsaimniecības. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None QB61GWTODM
http://www.eea.europa.eu/de/highlights/europaeischer-luftqualitaetsindex-jederzeit-aktuelle-daten Europäischer Luftqualitätsindex: Jederzeit aktuelle Daten zur Luftqualität 2017-11-13T12:52:21Z 2019-12-10T09:22:22Z 2017-11-16T08:50:00Z de http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/european-air-quality-index-current 2017 1.1.2 None Heute veröffentlichten die Europäische Umweltagentur (EUA) und die Europäische Kommission einen neuen europäischen Luftqualitätsindex, mit dem die Nutzer die aktuelle Luftqualität in Städten und Regionen in ganz Europa prüfen können. Begleitend wurden neue Profile für die Mitgliedsländern der EUA mit aktualisierten Informationen zur Luftqualität herausgegeben. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 7Z4KSRNFIG
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/nova-soutez-eea-na-tema-odpad Nová soutěž EEA na téma odpad 2013-05-31T13:58:41Z 2019-12-10T09:22:20Z 2013-08-15T08:20:43Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/what-does-waste-look-like 2013 4.2.1 None Evropská agentura pro životní prostředí (EEA) vás zve, abyste se o své názory na odpady v Evropě podělili v nové kreativní soutěži nazvané Waste•smART. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VJC4G85S3F
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sv/highlights/flera-europeiska-badplatser-an-nagonsin Flera europeiska badplatser än någonsin tidigare har utmärkt vattenkvalitet 2017-05-18T13:09:57Z 2017-05-31T11:36:33Z 2017-05-23T09:46:58Z sv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/more-european-sites-meet-excellent 2017 1.5.2 None Mer än 85 procent av de badplatser som kontrollerades i Europa 2016 klarade den högsta normen ”utmärkt” kvalitet – dvs. var i huvudsak fria från föroreningar som är skadliga för människors hälsa och miljön – enligt den årliga badvattenrapport som offentliggörs i dag. Över 96 procent av badplatserna uppfyller EU:s minimikrav för vattenkvalitet. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None F1ZRAOEXC5
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/energeticka-efektivnost-novych-osobnich-automobilu Energetická efektivnost nových osobních automobilů se v EU zvyšuje 2012-06-19T14:16:56Z 2016-06-21T13:45:44Z 2012-09-10T12:59:16Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-cars-sold-in-2011 2012 4.2.1 None Obyvatelé Evropy si pořizují osobní automobily, které jsou stále energeticky efektivnější, spotřebovávají méně paliva a produkují tak i méně emisí skleníkových plynů. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None TJH4N37UVP
http://www.eea.europa.eu/de/highlights/klimawandel-birgt-zunehmend-ernste-risiken Klimawandel birgt zunehmend ernste Risiken für die Ökosysteme, die Gesundheit der Menschen und die Wirtschaft in Europa 2017-01-17T13:52:41Z 2020-11-23T10:59:01Z 2017-01-25T07:30:00Z de http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-change-poses-increasingly-severe 2016 1.4.2 None In Europa steigen durch den Klimawandel die Meeresspiegel und immer häufiger kommt es zu Extremwetterereignissen wie ausgeprägten Hitzewellen, Überschwemmungen, Dürreperioden und Stürmen; dies ist einem heute von der Europäischen Umweltagentur veröffentlichten Bericht zu entnehmen. Der Bericht, für den neueste Trends und Prognosen zum Klimawandel und seinen Folgen in ganz Europa ausgewertet wurden, gelangt zu dem Schluss, dass bessere und flexiblere Strategien, Konzepte und Maßnahmen zur Anpassung entscheidend dafür sein werden, ob es gelingt, diese Folgen zu mindern. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None RYK0CUG1HZ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fi/highlights/uimaveden-laatu-erinomainen-ennatysmaarassa-euroopan-uimarantoja Uimaveden laatu erinomainen ennätysmäärässä Euroopan uimarantoja 2017-05-18T13:09:57Z 2017-05-31T11:36:33Z 2017-05-23T09:41:11Z fi http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/more-european-sites-meet-excellent 2017 1.5.2 None Eri puolilla Eurooppaa vuonna 2016 seuratuista uimarannoista yli 85 prosenttia täytti tiukimmat ”erinomaisen” laatuluokan vaatimukset. Uimavedessä ei siis juurikaan ollut ihmisten terveydelle ja ympäristölle haitallisia epäpuhtauksia. Näin kertoo tänään julkaistu vuotuinen raportti uimaveden laadusta. Yli 96 prosenttia uimarannoista täytti Euroopan unionin sääntöjen mukaiset uimaveden laadun vähimmäisvaatimukset. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ZB9R0U8PYQ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/index-kvality-ovzdusi-v-evrope Index kvality ovzduší v Evropě: aktuální informace o kvalitě ovzduší na dosah 2017-11-13T12:52:21Z 2019-12-10T09:22:22Z 2017-11-16T08:50:00Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/european-air-quality-index-current 2017 1.1.2 None Nová služba European Air Quality Index (Index kvality ovzduší v Evropě), kterou dnes spustila Evropská agentura pro životní prostředí (EEA) a Evropská komise, umožňuje uživatelům sledovat aktuální kvalitu ovzduší v evropských městech a regionech. Součástí indexu jsou nové informační listy o jednotlivých zemích, které poskytují aktualizované informace o kvalitě ovzduší v členských zemích EEA. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 3X9BT6JZRS
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lt/highlights/oro-kokybes-gerinimas-europos-miestuose Oro kokybės gerinimas Europos miestuose turės didelės naudos sveikatai 2017-10-06T09:27:55Z 2019-12-10T09:22:21Z 2017-10-06T09:27:55Z lt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/improving-air-quality-in-european 2017 1.1.2 None Dauguma Europos miestuose gyvenančių žmonių yra priversti kvėpuoti prastos kokybės oru. Iš šiandien paskelbtų naujausių Europos aplinkos agentūros (EAA) skaičiavimų matyti, kad dėl smulkių kietųjų dalelių daromos žalos ir toliau kasmet per anksti miršta daugiau nei 400 000 europiečių. Kelių transportas, žemės ūkis, elektrinės, pramonė ir namų ūkiai yra didžiausi oro teršėjai Europoje. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None DCV81PW5Q6
http://www.eea.europa.eu/ro/highlights/numarul-zonelor-pentru-scaldat-din Numărul zonelor pentru scăldat din Europa care îndeplinesc standarde de calitate excelentă a apei este mai mare ca niciodată 2017-05-18T13:09:57Z 2017-05-31T11:36:33Z 2017-05-23T09:43:39Z ro http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/more-european-sites-meet-excellent 2017 1.5.2 None Peste 85 la sută din zonele pentru scăldat monitorizate la nivel european în 2016 au îndeplinit cele mai stricte standarde de calitate (calificativul „excelent”), ceea ce înseamnă că ele au fost, în mare parte, lipsite de substanțe poluante nocive pentru sănătatea umană și pentru mediu, în conformitate cu Raportul anual privind calitatea apei pentru scăldat, publicat astăzi. Peste 96 la sută din zonele pentru scăldat au îndeplinit cerințele minime de calitate stabilite în conformitate cu normele Uniunii Europene. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None Z169UJB75E
http://www.eea.europa.eu/bg/highlights/podobryavaneto-na-kachestvoto-na-vazduha Подобряването на качеството на въздуха в европейските градове ще донесе големи ползи за здравето 2017-10-06T09:27:55Z 2019-12-10T09:22:21Z 2017-10-06T09:27:55Z bg http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/improving-air-quality-in-european 2017 1.1.2 None Повечето хора, живеещи в европейските градове, са изложени на лошо качество на въздуха. Последните оценки на Европейската агенция за околна среда (ЕАОС), оповестени днес, показват, че фините прахови частици продължават да причиняват преждевременна смърт на над 400000 европейци годишно. Автомобилният транспорт, селското стопанство, електроцентралите, промишлеността и домакинствата са най-големите източници на замърсители на въздуха в Европа. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 0Y9V3IDT4R
http://www.eea.europa.eu/ro/highlights/indicele-european-al-calitatii-aerului Indicele european al calității aerului: informații privind calitatea actuală a aerului, la îndemâna dumneavoastră 2017-11-13T12:52:21Z 2019-12-10T09:22:22Z 2017-11-16T08:50:00Z ro http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/european-air-quality-index-current 2017 1.1.2 None Un nou indice european privind calitatea aerului, lansat astăzi de Agenția Europeană de Mediu (AEM) și de Comisia Europeană, permite utilizatorilor să verifice calitatea actuală a aerului în toate orașele și regiunile Europei. Indicele este însoțit de fișe informative naționale noi care oferă informații actualizate privind calitatea aerului pentru țările membre ale AEM. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VN8WASM06C
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sl/highlights/podnebne-spremembe-predstavljajo-vse-vecje Podnebne spremembe predstavljajo vse večje tveganje za ekosisteme, zdravje ljudi in gospodarstvo v Evropi 2017-01-17T13:52:41Z 2020-11-23T10:59:01Z 2017-01-25T07:30:00Z sl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-change-poses-increasingly-severe 2016 1.4.2 None Na podlagi poročila Evropske agencije za okolje (EEA) se evropske regije srečujejo z dvigovanjem morske gladine in skrajnejšimi vremenskimi pojavi, kot so pogostejši in intenzivnejši vročinski valovi, poplave, suše in nevihte, ki so posledica podnebnih sprememb. V poročilu so ocenjeni najnovejši trendi in napovedi podnebnih sprememb in njihovih učinkov v Evropi ter ugotovitve, da bodo za zmanjšanje teh učinkov ključne boljše in prožnejše strategije, politike in ukrepi prilagajanja. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None B0RD2UM3OA
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fi/highlights/euroopan-ilmanlaatuindeksi-ajantasaista-tietoa-ilmanlaadusta Euroopan ilmanlaatuindeksi: ajantasaista tietoa ilmanlaadusta 2017-11-13T12:52:21Z 2019-12-10T09:22:22Z 2017-11-16T08:50:00Z fi http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/european-air-quality-index-current 2017 1.1.2 None Euroopan ympäristökeskuksen (EYK) ja Euroopan komission tänään julkaisemasta uudesta Euroopan ilmanlaatuindeksistä saa selville ajantasaisen ilmanlaadun Euroopan kaupungeissa ja muilla alueilla. Indeksin lisäksi julkaistaan uusia maakohtaisia tiedotteitaa, joissa annetaan päivitettyä tietoa ilmanlaadusta EYK:n jäsenvaltioissa. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None REOH4FZCMA
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/lucnich-motylu-ubyva Lučních motýlů ubývá 2013-07-17T09:26:17Z 2019-12-10T09:22:36Z 2014-01-15T09:00:26Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/populations-of-grassland-butterflies-decline 2013 1.2.2 None Velikost populací lučních motýlů v evropských zemích se během uplynulých dvou dekád snížila téměř na polovinu, uvádí zpráva Evropské agentury pro životní prostředí (EEA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None CXKT7EN19A
http://www.eea.europa.eu/hu/highlights/az-europai-furdovizek-minosege-minden Az európai fürdővizek minősége minden eddiginél kiválóbb 2017-05-18T13:09:57Z 2017-05-31T11:36:33Z 2017-05-23T09:43:06Z hu http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/more-european-sites-meet-excellent 2017 1.5.2 None Az Európai Környezetvédelmi Ügynökség (EEA) és az Európai Bizottság a mai napon közzétette éves jelentését a fürdővizek minőségéről. A 2016-ban megvizsgált európai fürdőhelyek több mint 85%-a kiérdemelte a legmagasabb „kiváló” minősítést, ami azt jelenti, hogy ezeken a helyeken a fürdővíz jórészt mentes az emberi egészségre és a környezetre ártalmas szennyezőanyagoktól. A fürdőhelyek több mint 96%-a megfelelt az európai uniós szabályok alapján felállított minimumkövetelményeknek. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None D3ZY7AUKVP
http://www.eea.europa.eu/da/highlights/hvad-betyder-naturen-for-dig Hvad betyder naturen for dig? Fotokonkurrencen NATURE@work er skudt i gang 2017-03-14T10:33:33Z 2019-12-10T09:22:28Z 2017-03-15T09:02:46Z da http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/what-does-nature-mean-to 2017 3.4.2 None Naturen er afgørende for, at vi kan opretholde vores daglige tilværelse – en kendsgerning vi ikke altid påskønner. Den spiller en væsentlig rolle i at sikre os ren luft, rent drikkevand, tøj på kroppen, dagligt brød og tag over hovedet. Mindre kendt er det, at naturen også er med til at afbøde virkningerne af klimaændringer. For at sætte fokus på naturens vigtige betydning for hele vores tilværelse inviterer Det Europæiske Miljøagentur (EEA) dig til at deltage i "NATURE@work"-fotokonkurrencen, hvor deltagerne skal skildre, hvordan naturen indvirker på deres liv. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None SO760MR439
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/zmeny-klimatu-zasahnou-evropu-vice Změny klimatu zasáhnou Evropu více, než se původně předpokládalo 2014-08-05T14:30:02Z 2017-05-08T14:32:19Z 2015-08-07T09:27:58Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europe2019s-climate-continues-to-change 2014 4.2.1 None Období 2004–2013 bylo v Evropě nejteplejší v dosavadní historii pozorování. Pokračující změnu klimatu dokládají i další pozorované trendy v klimatickém systému, jako je oteplování oceánů, zvyšování hladiny oceánů a naopak zřetelný pokles rozsahu pevninského a mořského zalednění Arktidy i horských ledovců. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None RCMY8KJ6VT
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lt/highlights/europos-oro-kokybes-indeksas-naujausia Europos oro kokybės indeksas. Naujausia jums lengvai prieinama informacija apie oro kokybę 2017-11-13T12:52:21Z 2019-12-10T09:22:22Z 2017-11-16T08:50:00Z lt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/european-air-quality-index-current 2017 1.1.2 None Šiandien Europos aplinkos agentūra (EAA) ir Europos Komisija paskelbė naują Europos oro kokybės indeksą, kuris leidžia naudotojams sužinotipateikia naujausius duomenis apie oro kokybę Europos miestuose ir regionuose. Prie indekso pridedamosIndeksas papildytas naujomis šalių informacijos suvestinėmis, kuriose pateikiama atnaujinta informacija apie EAA šalių narių oro kokybę. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 3PDGBTIS5F
http://www.eea.europa.eu/mt/highlights/illum-aktar-minn-qatt-qabel Illum aktar minn qatt qabel, jeżistu siti tal-għawm Ewropej bi standard ta' kwalità tal-ilma eċċellenti 2017-05-18T13:09:57Z 2017-05-31T11:36:33Z 2017-05-23T09:44:10Z mt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/more-european-sites-meet-excellent 2017 1.5.2 None Skont ir-rapport annwali dwar il-kwalità tal-ilma tal-għawm li ġie ppubblikat illum, aktar minn 85 fil-mija tas-siti tal-għawm li ġew issorveljati fl-Ewropa fl-2016 laħqu l-iktar standards stretti, bi kwalità tal-ilma “eċċellenti” - dan ifisser li kienu kważi kompletament ħielsa minn sustanzi niġġiesa li jagħmlu l-ħsara lis-saħħa tal-bniedem u lill-ambjent. Aktar minn 96 fil-mija tas-siti tal-għawm laħqu r-rekwiżiti minimi tal-kwalità stipulati fir-regoli tal-Unjoni Ewropea. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None UOZSV8BQ1K
http://www.eea.europa.eu/de/highlights/wie-gut-konnte-ihre-stadt Wie gut könnte Ihre Stadt Klimafolgen meistern? 2012-08-17T11:49:41Z 2017-07-17T08:14:05Z 2012-09-07T12:04:00Z de http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/how-vulnerable-is-your-city 2012 4.2.1 None Der Klimawandel wird sich auf die europäischen Städte unterschiedlich auswirken. Um einen Gesamteindruck über die Herausforderungen für die europäischen Städte bei der Anpaasung an den Klimawandel zu geben, hat die Europäische Umweltagentur (EUA) eine Reihe von detaillierten interaktiven Karten veröffentlicht. Mit diesen können Sie Daten von mehr als 500 Städten in ganz Europa erkunden. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None RJDXQMU6Y7
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/deputy-director-gordon-mcinnes-retires Deputy Director Gordon McInnes retires after 20 years at the EEA 2012-08-01T14:26:32Z 2016-06-21T13:46:08Z 2012-08-01T14:30:00Z en None 2012 4.2.1 None Gordon McInnes retired from the European Environment Agency (EEA) yesterday. He has worked at the EEA and its predecessor, the Commission’s Task Force, since 1992. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None UXOS9N2C57
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/towards-clean-and-smart-mobility Towards clean and smart mobility 2016-06-28T08:00:26Z 2016-06-29T10:49:41Z 2016-06-29T10:49:41Z en None 2016 1.1.2 None Transport plays a critical role in the way we live. Our food, clothes and household waste all need to be transported, contributing to our economy and quality of life. But the increasing use of planes, cars and other fossil-fuel dependent modes of transport is causing more pollution, putting at risk our environment and health. The European Environment Agency’s (EEA) Signals 2016 explores how Europe’s carbon-dependent transport sector can be turned into a clean and smart mobility system. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None J06I2CB438
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eight-facts-about-europe2019s-forest-ecosystems Eight facts about Europe’s forest ecosystems 2014-03-21T11:00:00Z 2019-12-10T09:22:20Z 2014-03-21T11:00:00Z en None 2014 4.2.1 None Europe is one of the few regions of the world where forest cover has increased over the last century. To mark International Day of Forests (21 March), the European Environment Agency (EEA) takes a look at Europe’s valuable forest ecosystems. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None I68RVYNUFE
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/less-household-waste-going-to Less household waste going to landfill in Europe 2016-11-10T14:07:28Z 2017-02-22T14:56:30Z 2016-11-14T12:00:00Z en None 2016 1.9.1 None European countries are improving their methods to prevent household trash and other municipal waste from ending up in landfill sites. Recycling rates, in particular, have increased considerably across Europe over the past decade, due in part to European environmental policies, according to a new European Environment Agency (EEA) assessment published today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None PXSGKJ7CQO
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/creating-a-quiet-environment Creating a quiet environment 2012-04-24T12:59:08Z 2017-02-20T14:32:46Z 2012-04-25T12:00:00Z en None 2012 1.0.3 None Do you know someone who is doing something to create a healthy soundscape in your working environment, neighbourhood or municipality—implementing innovative solutions to noise problems or creating quiet green areas where the sounds of birds and bees can be enjoyed? If so, encourage them to apply for the European Soundscape Award 2012 which is open for submission from 25 April, the International Noise Awareness Day. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None BMYSDXWZVJ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/unsustainable-consumption-2013-the-mother Unsustainable consumption – the mother of all environmental issues? 2012-03-15T08:00:00Z 2019-12-10T09:22:21Z 2012-03-15T08:00:00Z en None 2012 4.2.1 None Consumption of products and services impacts the environment in many different ways. For example, the things we buy contribute, directly or indirectly through the product lifecycle, to climate change, pollution, biodiversity loss and resource depletion in Europe and other regions. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 4JBONASMFX
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/water-how-can-we-account Water: how can we account for our most vital resource? 2012-05-10T08:49:29Z 2016-07-15T09:31:03Z 2012-05-10T09:20:00Z en None 2012 4.2.1 None The world is entering a period of growing water scarcity: by 2030, global demand for fresh water could outstrip supply by more than 40 % if water is used in the same way that it is today. These stark figures are the background to a new report from the International Resource Panel, a group of natural resources experts hosted by the United Nations Environment Programme. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 8MQT1XIDA7
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europe2019s-transport-network-vulnerable-to Europe's transport network vulnerable to climate change 2014-12-10T08:47:46Z 2017-02-20T14:25:15Z 2014-12-10T10:50:00Z en None 2014 1.4.2 None Disasters such as floods and storms have led to several high-profile disruptions of Europe's transport network over the last few years. As the climate changes, the transport system urgently needs to adapt, according to a new assessment. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None IXQA31VDY2
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/ireland-takes-a-glimpse-of-climate-change-in-the-arctic Ireland takes a glimpse of climate change in the Arctic 2008-07-04T11:57:29Z 2017-05-04T13:17:11Z 2008-07-07T14:55:00Z en None 2008 0.0.0 None ‘Changing Climate, Changing People’ an EEA photography exhibition by Pulitzer Prize winner photojournalist John McConnico, currently on display in Dublin, was visited by Irish minister for the Environment John Gormley today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 0AZPTOE568
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/term-2016-fundamental-changes-needed TERM 2016: Fundamental changes needed for sustainable mobility 2016-12-13T13:43:53Z 2016-12-14T09:51:42Z 2016-12-14T08:20:00Z en None 2016 1.1.2 None What changes are needed in order to move towards a more sustainable mobility system in Europe? A European Environment Agency (EEA) report released today assesses the latest environmental trends in transport and presents examples of the different transitions needed in terms of technology, urban planning and societal behaviour to make transport more sustainable. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None UA74C8FKO9
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/building-better-environmental-policy-by Building better environmental policy by looking into the future 2011-10-21T09:51:41Z 2016-06-21T13:45:49Z 2011-10-21T12:00:00Z en None 2011 4.2.1 None As we prepare for a future yet unwritten, a cascade of uncertainty presents itself - the future structure of our society and economies is uncertain; the environmental changes that may result are uncertain; and how we might react or adapt to such environmental changes is also uncertain. Against the backdrop of these and many other uncertainties, long-term analysis can help create more robust environmental policy and the space for innovative thinking. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None UAMTFCB1HW
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europe2019s-water-information-at-your-fingertips Europe's water information at your fingertips 2011-03-21T12:29:48Z 2017-02-20T14:46:42Z 2011-03-22T09:20:00Z en None 2011 1.4.2 None Our demand for water and wastewater discharges, often have a substantial impact on the quality and quantity of freshwater resources. On World Water Day, 22 March, the European Environment Agency (EEA) and partners presented a new and improved version of the web portal Water Information System for Europe (WISE). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None N8GFRI1DPS
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/fish-to-fork-a-need Fish to fork: a need to implement changes in the food system 2016-10-20T09:13:45Z 2017-10-04T13:27:54Z 2016-10-20T09:50:00Z en None 2016 1.6.2 None Securing our need for food has become a major threat to the environment, driving increased emissions and over-exploitation of natural resources such as water, soil and fish. Our health and well-being have also been affected. Ensuring nutritious food for all in a fair and environmentally sound way has become a societal, economic and policy challenge across the world. A shared understanding of the food system and the roles different actors — policy makers, producers and other stakeholders in the food supply-chain — play will be crucial to a sustainable future, according to a new European Environment Agency report published today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 0ED27YBAWR
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/best-way-to-get-around-bicycle-car-or-on-foot Best way to get around: bicycle, car or on foot? 2009-09-14T10:01:16Z 2017-02-20T14:55:44Z 2009-09-16T11:00:00Z en None 2011 0.0.0 None Every day, millions of Europeans make short trips to work, school or the shops. Their choice of how to reach their destination has a significant impact on the environment. During European Mobility Week from 16 to 22 September 2009, Europe will focus on sustainable mobility in urban areas. The European Environment Agency has tips to help you make your daily trips more environmentally friendly. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None AU4JD7VWHM
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/state-of-nature-in-the State of nature in the EU: biodiversity still being eroded, but some local improvements observed 2015-05-19T11:45:52Z 2020-11-23T10:58:41Z 2015-05-20T09:55:00Z en None 2015 3.4.3 None The majority of habitats and species in Europe have an unfavourable conservation status despite significant improvements for many species in recent years, according to a new technical report published by the European Environment Agency (EEA) today. The report presents the most comprehensive European overview on the conservation status and trends of the habitats and species covered by the European Union’s (EU) two nature directives. Building on the reports submitted by EU member states, the report contributes to policy discussions in the context of the EU 2020 Biodiversity Strategy. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None S63QBTMFCO
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/production-and-consumption-systems-need Production and consumption systems need fundamental rethink 2014-10-20T06:59:31Z 2018-01-11T14:27:37Z 2014-10-20T10:00:00Z en None 2014 2.1.5 None Production and consumption systems in the European Union have large, global impacts on the environment. More sustainable ways of satisfying our needs are emerging, but they need more support, according to a new assessment. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None NFJMDZ8UY6
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/sharing-knowledge-on-climate-change-adaptation Sharing knowledge on climate change adaptation 2015-05-11T13:06:10Z 2017-02-20T14:23:57Z 2015-05-11T15:55:00Z en None 2015 1.4.3 None For all stakeholders, e.g. policymakers, cities, businesses, relevant and timely information is essential for developing and implementing strategies and measures to adapt to climate change. A new report by the European Environment Agency (EEA) provides an overview of existing information platforms across European countries. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None M6IB0FDUPX
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/air-pollution-from-agriculture-ammonia Air pollution from agriculture: ammonia exceeds emission limits in 2015 2017-07-11T08:46:13Z 2017-07-12T12:30:19Z 2017-07-12T11:45:00Z en None 2017 1.1.2 None Ammonia (NH3) emissions in Europe have fallen since 1990, but not as much as emissions of other air pollutants tracked under an internationally agreed United Nations Convention. According to a European Environment Agency (EEA) report published today, ammonia emissions increased in 2015 and several European Union Member States as well as the EU as a whole exceeded their respective NH3 emission limits under the Convention. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 65J9MQPTZE
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/air-pollutant-emission-limits-exceeded Air pollutant emission limits exceeded in twelve EU Member States 2012-02-22T12:57:16Z 2016-06-21T13:46:13Z 2012-02-22T13:00:00Z en None 2012 4.2.1 None Twelve Member States exceeded one or more of the emission limits set by the EU National Emission Ceilings (NEC) Directive, according to recent official data for 2010 reported to the European Environment Agency (EEA). In some instances the limits were exceeded by significant amounts. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None S3QJ8VACF7
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/renewables-continue-to-grow-in Renewables continue to grow in the EU, but Member States need to step up ambition on energy savings 2016-11-30T14:30:57Z 2016-12-07T09:40:10Z 2016-12-01T08:40:00Z en None 2016 1.3.2 None The EU Member States have lowered their energy consumption in recent years, despite a slight increase in 2015. At the same time, they use more and more renewable energy. Overall, the 28 Member States are collectively well on their way to meeting their 2020 targets on renewables, energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions. However, continuing current trends will fall short of longer term objectives, according to a new European Environment Agency (EEA) assessment published today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None SE5MIGYKWB
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/european-union2019s-total-greenhouse-emissions European Union's total greenhouse emissions down 2.5 % in 2011 2012-09-05T14:45:49Z 2016-06-21T13:46:10Z 2012-09-06T14:35:09Z en None 2012 4.2.1 None Greenhouse gas emissions from the European Union (EU) fell by 2.5 %, despite higher coal consumption and a growing gross domestic product (GDP), according to new estimates from the European Environment Agency (EEA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None Q6Y01XR542
http://www.eea.europa.eu/media/newsreleases/eea-reviews-new-findings-from EEA reviews new findings from 2012, the Year of Water 2012-12-20T15:12:00Z 2016-06-21T13:45:46Z 2012-12-21T14:01:22Z en None 2012 4.2.1 None Europe needs to work harder to protect its water resources from increasing pressures. This was one of the messages that emerged during 2012, ‘European Year of Water’. The European Environment Agency (EEA) also presented important findings in many other areas, including air, climate, biodiversity and chemicals. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ZURP35BQMF
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/unsustainable-land-use-threatens-european-landscapes Unsustainable land use threatens European landscapes 2017-09-06T14:06:14Z 2019-12-10T09:22:33Z 2017-09-07T09:10:00Z en None 2017 1.8.2 None Accelerating rates of construction, changing demographics, technological changes, and climate change are some of the key drivers influencing the use of Europe’s vast landscapes. A European Environment Agency report published today says that the continent’s land use increasingly sees striking changes and conflicts over land demand which will require reconciling place-based management and macro policies to foster responsible land use. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None TW5QVE26ZS
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europe-successfully-phasing-out-known Europe successfully phasing out known ozone layer-harming chemicals 2014-09-15T12:24:39Z 2017-01-13T14:33:46Z 2014-09-15T14:25:00Z en None 2014 4.2.1 None Chemicals which damage the ozone layer continue to be phased out in the European Union, according to the latest data from the European Environment Agency (EEA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None GBU5W4ZN72
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eea-seeks-five-new-members EEA seeks five new members of its Scientific Committee 2012-08-03T13:42:42Z 2016-06-21T13:45:52Z 2012-08-03T15:00:00Z en None 2012 4.2.1 None The European Environment Agency (EEA) is looking for scientists interested in becoming members of its Scientific Committee. The Scientific Committee supports the EEA by providing independent opinions on the Agency's work programmes, recruitment of scientific staff, and scientific questions from the Management Board or Executive Director. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None SC3JY7ZXGF
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/biodiversity-beyond-2010-deciding-the Biodiversity beyond 2010: deciding the way ahead 2010-10-14T09:45:33Z 2016-06-21T13:45:31Z 2010-10-18T13:00:00Z en None 2011 0.0.0 None World leaders and policymakers are gathering at a major conference in Japan to debate how to halt global biodiversity loss. At this 10th Conference of the Parties (COP-10), the European Environment Agency is presenting its assessments on Europe’s biodiversity, including its new report on the EU 2010 Biodiversity Baseline. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None SRKETWHF6V
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/water-nutrient-and-heavy-metal Water: nutrient and heavy metal pollution 'decoupling' from growth 2013-12-19T13:11:03Z 2016-06-21T13:46:09Z 2014-02-24T14:00:00Z en None 2013 4.2.1 None European households are generating lower levels of nutrient pollution in water, despite a growing population. In a similar example of 'absolute decoupling', levels of some pollutants from agriculture and manufacturing have fallen in recent years, while the economic production of these sectors has grown. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None NUXOWHI78Z
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/hazardous-substances-in-europe2019s-fresh Hazardous substances in Europe’s fresh and marine waters – an overview 2011-07-14T08:42:56Z 2018-07-03T05:47:50Z 2011-07-15T09:20:00Z en None 2011 1.4.2 None Hazardous substances in fresh and marine water can harm aquatic life and pose a risk to human health, according to a new report published today by the European Environment Agency (EEA). The report notes that while European legislation to address the issue is relatively strong, new challenges exist including ‘emerging pollutants’ where potential effects are not yet fully understood. More effort is also needed to ensure that chemicals are produced and used more sustainably. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None E58VSA7B1Z
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/emissions-of-air-pollutants-down-in-eu-27 Emissions of air pollutants down in EU-27 2009-08-20T13:14:16Z 2017-02-20T14:55:57Z 2009-08-21T16:30:00Z en None 2011 0.0.0 None The European Community's air pollutant emission inventory report released by the European Environment Agency finds that in 2007, sulphur oxides (SOx) emissions were down by 72 % from 1990 levels. The downward emission trend of three main pollutants which cause ground-level ozone continued in 2007: carbon monoxide (CO) fell by 57 %, non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs) were down by 47 % and nitrogen oxides (NOx) have dropped 36 %. EU-27 emissions of all four pollutants were lower in 2007 than in 2006. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None IDC6PYBUH5
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/energy-support-policies-putting-the Energy support policies: putting the EU on a low-carbon path? 2014-12-15T11:12:54Z 2016-06-21T13:45:24Z 2014-12-15T14:30:00Z en None 2014 1.3.1 None European countries have increased renewable energy’s share of energy consumption in recent years, in part thanks to support mechanisms for the renewables sector. A new report finds that many energy support policies could be better focused to lead the EU more effectively to decarbonise the energy sector. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None B1MUPCQIZG
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/air-pollution-from-agriculture-eu Air pollution from agriculture: EU exceeds international limit in 2014 2016-07-01T14:38:38Z 2016-07-06T09:38:24Z 2016-07-06T09:38:24Z en None 2016 1.1.2 None Ammonia emissions in Europe have fallen since 1990, but by not as much as emissions of other air pollutants tracked under an internationally agreed United Nations convention. According to a new report from the European Environment Agency (EEA), ammonia emissions increased in 2014, meaning several EU Member States as well as the EU now exceed their respective ammonia emission limits under the convention. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 49FBEYXITG
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/soil-protection-critical-to-safeguard Soil protection critical for Europe's economy and ecosystems 2012-02-14T09:12:06Z 2016-06-21T13:45:48Z 2012-02-14T11:00:00Z en None 2012 4.2.1 None Soil is one of the planet's invaluable resources but continues to be degraded in Europe. Together, the mineral particles, water, air, organic matter, and living organisms that constitute soil perform key functions which underpin our society. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None SD4ON6J3XF
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/putting-clean-air-laws-in Putting clean air laws in to practice – report shows potential for improvement 2013-06-05T14:31:58Z 2016-06-21T13:45:32Z 2013-06-05T21:50:15Z en None 2013 1.1.1 None Air-related legislation in the EU aims to protect human health and the environment from pollution. But this legislation is not always fully implemented. Bridging this gap is the subject of a new publication from the European Environment Agency (EEA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None AKEOZ59MS1
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/designing-tax-systems-for-a Designing tax systems for a green economy transition 2016-08-30T12:58:44Z 2019-12-10T09:22:35Z 2016-09-06T09:00:00Z en None 2016 2.1.2 None Environmental taxes can contribute to a healthier planet and healthier people. They also spur jobs and growth, are easy to administer and difficult to evade. However, meeting EU climate and other environmental policy targets will erode the existing base for these sort of taxes. This and other systemic factors have implications for the design of future tax systems in Europe, according to an EEA report published today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None IDU97SK5MN
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/world-environment-day-why-is World Environment Day: Why is the environment important? 2013-06-05T07:44:42Z 2016-06-21T13:45:22Z 2013-06-05T08:31:15Z en None 2013 4.2.1 None On World Environment Day (5 June), the European Environment Agency's new Executive Director Hans Bruyninckx discusses the importance of the environment. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None RGXEJIC8Y0
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europe-reduced-use-of-ozone Europe reduced use of ozone layer-harming chemicals in 2015 2016-09-16T08:24:50Z 2016-09-16T09:49:53Z 2016-09-16T08:55:00Z en None 2016 1.2.2 None Chemicals which harm the ozone layer continue to be phased out in the European Union. In 2015, consumption of these chemicals reached its lowest level since 2006, partly due to a drop in imports according to a new report from the European Environment Agency (EEA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 59ME6AGP2F
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/improving-air-quality-in-european Improving air quality in European cities will bring major health benefits 2017-10-06T09:27:55Z 2019-12-10T09:22:21Z 2017-10-11T07:55:00Z en None 2017 1.1.2 None Most people living in European cities are exposed to poor air quality. Latest estimates by the European Environment Agency (EEA), released today, show that fine particulate matter continues to cause the premature death of more than 400 000 Europeans annually. Road transport, agriculture, power plants, industry and households are the biggest emitters of air pollutants in Europe. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None SB8CX5DHZN
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/strengthening-cooperation-on-earth-observation Strengthening cooperation on Earth observation and the environment 2015-07-06T13:44:55Z 2018-01-11T14:27:05Z 2015-07-15T15:15:00Z en None 2015 3.6.1 None The European Environment Agency (EEA) and the European Space Agency (ESA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding today, which sets out common objectives and areas of cooperation in the field of Earth observation and the environment over the coming years. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None GA42T1XZJI
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/tracking-the-environmental-performance-of Tracking the environmental performance of industry in Europe: new interactive country profiles 2017-12-05T12:29:39Z 2017-12-06T10:59:11Z 2017-12-06T10:50:00Z en None 2017 1.2.2 None Industry across Europe is responsible for more than half of all carbon dioxide, particulate matter and other key pollutants emitted into the air, according to updated industrial pollution country profiles published today by the European Environment Agency (EEA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None CND436WJG0
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/building-a-shared-environmental-information Building a shared environmental information system with Eastern neighbours 2015-04-23T13:24:48Z 2016-06-21T13:45:25Z 2015-04-24T08:30:00Z en None 2015 3.1.2 None The European Union's eastern neighbours have achieved progress in developing systems for collecting environmental information, according to a recently published analysis. However, they need to strengthen further their capacities to be able to produce regular, policy-relevant and indicator-based state of the environment reports. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ZRWTU165JI
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-chair-of-the-eea New Chair of the EEA Management Board takes up duty 2014-08-26T12:00:21Z 2016-06-21T13:45:52Z 2014-08-31T22:05:00Z en None 2014 3.4.2 None Today, Elisabeth Freytag-Rigler succeeds Karsten Sach as Chair of the European Environment Agency (EEA) Management Board. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None GC3QMDIW0P
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/2018environment-me2019-photo-competition-open ‘Environment & Me’ photo competition open for entries 2014-04-30T15:14:17Z 2016-06-21T13:45:49Z 2014-04-30T15:15:54Z en None 2014 4.2.1 None A new competition from the European Environment Agency (EEA) invites both professional and amateur photographers to capture what the environment means to them. Participants can win cash prizes and their photographs may be used to communicate environmental issues in major EEA reports. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 71H0C5EIGR
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/recession-contributes-to-air-pollutant Recession contributes to air pollutant emissions decrease in 2009 2011-07-25T13:38:00Z 2017-02-20T14:37:17Z 2011-07-27T10:00:00Z en None 2011 4.2.1 None Emissions of almost all main air pollutants fell across the EU-27 in 2009, according to the latest annual European Union air pollutant emission inventory report compiled by the European Environment Agency (EEA). Some pollutants decreased significantly compared to the previous year, with analysis showing economic recession to be an important factor in this reduction. The drop was most evident for sulphur oxides (SOx), with emissions falling by 21 % between 2008 and 2009. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None FADV7W49EZ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/cherishing-nature-world-biodiversity-day Cherishing nature: World Biodiversity Day 2015-05-22T07:14:04Z 2016-07-15T09:15:44Z 2015-05-22T08:20:00Z en None 2015 3.4.3 None Today, 22 May, is the International Day for Biological Diversity. We are currently witnessing a steady loss of biodiversity, with profound consequences for the natural world and for human well-being. Through its extensive network and close collaboration with partners, the European Environment Agency (EEA) brings together the most comprehensive knowledge base on Europe’s biodiversity in order to help policymakers, civil society and the public tackle biodiversity loss. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 30P1ZIQ4J2
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-greenhouse-gas-emissions-from-transport-increased EU greenhouse gas emissions from transport increase for the second year in a row 2017-05-31T13:50:49Z 2019-12-10T09:22:28Z 2017-06-01T08:40:00Z en None 2017 1.3.1 None Total European Union greenhouse gas emissions increased by 0.5 % in 2015, according to new European Environment Agency (EEA) data published today. Transport was a key reason for that increase: better fuel efficiency in that sector was not enough to counter the effects of an increasing demand for transport. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 8P71ZQARWI
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europe-continues-to-phase-out Europe continues to phase out ozone layer-damaging chemicals 2015-09-15T15:06:14Z 2016-09-02T09:39:03Z 2015-09-16T09:15:00Z en None 2015 1.2.1 None Europe continues to make progress in phasing out chemicals which damage the ozone layer according to a new report from the European Environment Agency (EEA). The report considers the use of more than 200 chemicals controlled by the Montreal Protocol and EU legislation. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None GFU2CZ1VKM
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/picture2050-new-photo-competition-now Picture2050: new photo competition now open for submissions 2015-05-29T13:19:11Z 2016-09-02T12:24:58Z 2015-06-01T08:00:00Z en None 2015 3.4.3 None What comes to your mind when you think of nature, economy and well-being? The European Environment Agency (EEA) invites you to share your views and observations of Europe’s environment in a photography competition ‘Picture2050 – Living well, within the limits of our planet’. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None NWM0YR5XVH
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/kvalita-lidskeho-zdravi-v-evrope Kvalita lidského zdraví v Evropě 2013-05-30T08:56:04Z 2016-09-02T09:44:03Z 2013-08-15T08:28:11Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europe2019s-environment-now-healthier-2013 2013 4.2.1 None None http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None SXB86U2YJ9
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20020110082101 Genetically modified organisms (GMOs): The significance of gene flow through pollen transfer 2002-01-09T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:26Z 2002-01-09T23:00:00Z en None 2011 None None http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None S6FZACU715
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20020128111232 Update on the environmental dimension of the EU Sustainable Development Strategy from Environmental signals 2002 2002-01-27T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:28Z 2002-01-27T23:00:00Z en None 2011 None None http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 2POAJVWU1B
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20020321105128 EEA highlights key measures for reducing landfilling of biodegradable waste 2002-03-20T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:28Z 2002-03-20T23:00:00Z en None 2011 None None http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 3HQS8N9PF6
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20020530095217 Interim director to take over at European Environment Agency 2002-05-29T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:31Z 2002-05-29T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None None http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 0FINZ9AHRY
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20020927151513 EEA/WHO Workshop on health-related indicators of air quality. 2002-09-26T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:42Z 2002-09-26T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None None http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None C6SHP107OF
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20021016093354 Air pollution by ozone in Europe : Overview of exceedances of EC ozone threshold values during the summer season April-August 2002-10-16T10:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:44Z 2002-10-16T10:00:00Z en None 2011 None None http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None QYGCMO8ZD6
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20021023131104 OECD/EU/EEA database on economic instruments 2002-10-22T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:46Z 2002-10-22T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None None http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ZY3QTGFDXJ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20021125120911 EMEP/CORINAIR Emission Inventory Guidebook - Third edition, October 2002 update 2002-11-24T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:47Z 2002-11-24T23:00:00Z en None 2011 None None http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None DYK9BONR1W
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20021203152948 Indicators and fact sheets about transport have been updated 2002-12-10T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:47Z 2002-12-10T23:00:00Z en None 2011 None None http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None V6QU3YO1WM
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20030930111546 Climate change in the spotlight 2003-09-30T10:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:57Z 2003-09-30T10:00:00Z en None 2011 None None http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None FYZH8ISJ25
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20030930164702 EEA Evaluation 2003-09-30T09:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:57Z 2003-09-30T09:00:00Z en None 2011 None None http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None CPO2A6I1GJ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20040223112507 Commission and EEA make public extensive information about industrial pollution in your neighbourhood 2004-02-22T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:04:02Z 2004-02-22T23:00:00Z en None 2011 None None http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None DF1ORGJKA2
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20040423085953 EEA website goes multilingual 2004-04-28T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:04:10Z 2004-04-28T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None None http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VM5JC7EQAU
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20040624111418 Website for kids 2004-06-24T10:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:04:13Z 2004-06-24T10:00:00Z en None 2011 None None http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None IQ3G2FSUMA
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20040629114716 Budapest workshop on 'Children in their environments' 2004-06-28T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:04:13Z 2004-06-28T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None None http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None KGY31X9CJA
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20040921154518 A more sustainable EU requires investments that benefit economy and environment alike 2004-09-20T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:04:14Z 2004-09-20T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None None http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 40P8TW91UC
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20041011101758 Natural disasters and their impacts 2004-10-12T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:04:14Z 2004-10-12T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None None http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 60TRWNQ2XG
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20041124093135 EEA 10th Anniversary 2004-11-24T19:30:00Z 2016-06-28T16:04:16Z 2004-11-24T19:30:00Z en None 2011 None None http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None GWKS2HJ8TN
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20051122115248 The European environment - State and outlook 2005 2005-11-29T08:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:04:31Z 2005-11-29T08:00:00Z en None 2011 None None http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VDGSC310Y8
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1016205018 EEA Management Board meeting of 14-15 March 2002 2002-03-14T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:04:47Z 2002-03-14T23:00:00Z en None 2011 None None http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None OIMETKGSBU
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1048666068 Importance of monitoring agri-environmental indicators highlighted in new publication 2003-03-25T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:04:56Z 2003-03-25T23:00:00Z en None 2011 None None http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None AOE6V2TFY9
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann985593768 Summary of EEA Management Board meeting of 20 March 2001 2001-03-25T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:38Z 2001-03-25T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None None http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VIDQGF7J1E
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann996569444 EEA publishes annual report for 2000 2001-07-31T17:10:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:40Z 2001-07-31T17:10:00Z en None 2011 None None http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 1UOIXWADJV
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann996661235 EEA enlarges to embrace countries in central and eastern Europe, Mediterranean 2001-07-31T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:40Z 2001-07-31T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None None http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None WCEXRNHTI8
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fr/highlights/rekordan-broj-europskih-kupalista-s Rekordan broj europskih kupališta s izvrsnom kakvoćom vode za kupanje 2017-05-18T13:09:57Z 2017-05-31T11:36:33Z 2017-05-23T09:42:27Z hr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/more-european-sites-meet-excellent 2017 1.5.2 None Prema godišnjem izvješću o kakvoći vode za kupanje, koje je objavljeno danas, više od 85 posto europskih kupališta na kojima se 2016. pratila kakvoća vode dobilo je najvišu ocjenu „izvrstan”, što znači da na njima nisu pronađene onečišćujuće tvari štetne za ljudsko zdravlje i okoliš. Više od 96 posto kupališta ispunjuje minimalne zahtjeve kvalitete u skladu s propisima Europske unije. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None KM5CAJI0XY
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/co-pro-vas-znamena-priroda Co pro vás znamená příroda? Fotografická soutěž NATURE@work vyhlášena 2017-03-14T10:33:33Z 2019-12-10T09:22:28Z 2017-03-15T09:02:38Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/what-does-nature-mean-to 2017 3.4.2 None Příroda se usilovně snaží nás chránit a pomáhat nám v našem každodenním životě – to je často nedoceňovaná skutečnost. Příroda ale v našem životě hraje klíčovou roli – poskytuje nám čistý vzduch a pitnou vodu, oblečení, potraviny a materiály pro stavbu obydlí. Mezi další méně známé přínosy patří například důležitá role přírody při zmírňování dopadů změny klimatu. S cílem upozornit na zásadní roli, kterou příroda sehrává v našem životě, vyhlašuje Evropská agentura pro životní prostředí (EEA) fotografickou soutěž NATURE@work. Zachyťte na fotografii, čím vás příroda obohacuje, a přihlaste se. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None X9RF4DMQV7
http://www.eea.europa.eu/nl/highlights/sto-vama-znaci-priroda-otvoren Što vama znači priroda? Otvoren je fotografski natječaj NATURE@work (PRIRODA na djelu) 2017-03-14T10:33:33Z 2019-12-10T09:22:28Z 2017-03-15T09:03:58Z hr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/what-does-nature-mean-to 2017 3.4.2 None Činjenica da nas priroda neprestano štiti i održava na životu često je nedovoljno cijenjena. No ipak, njezina je uloga od presudne uloge za čovjeka, jer nam osigurava svjež zrak, čistu pitku vodu, odjeću, hranu i sirovine koje rabimo kako bismo izgradili svoj prostor za život. Ostale blagodati koje nam priroda pruža nisu toliko poznate, kao što je na primjer uloga koju ona ima u ublažavanju posljedica klimatskih promjena. Stoga, u namjeri da istakne tu važnu ulogu koju priroda ima u našim životima, Europska agencija za zaštitu okoliša (EEA) poziva vas da sudjelujete u fotografskom natječaju „NATURE@work” i snimite fotografije kojima ćete prikazati na koje sve načine priroda obogaćuje vaš život. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None A6EOJK1IPY
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sk/highlights/klimaticka-zmena-predstavuje-coraz-vaznejsie Klimatická zmena predstavuje čoraz vážnejšie riziká pre ekosystémy, zdravie ľudí a hospodárstvo v Európe 2017-01-17T13:52:41Z 2020-11-23T10:59:01Z 2017-01-25T07:30:00Z sk http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-change-poses-increasingly-severe 2016 1.4.2 None Regióny v Európe čelia rastúcej hladine morí a extrémnejšiemu počasiu, napríklad častejším a intenzívnejším vlnám horúčav, záplavám, obdobiam sucha a búrok v dôsledku klimatickej zmeny, ako sa uvádza v dnes uverejnenej správe Európskej environmentálnej agentúry. Posudzujú sa v nej najnovšie trendy a prognózy ohľadom klimatickej zmeny a jej vplyvov v celej Európe a konštatuje sa, že na zmiernenie týchto vplyvov budú nevyhnutne lepšie a flexibilnejšie adaptačné stratégie, politiky a opatrenia. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None FQHW82JNIE
http://www.eea.europa.eu/tr/highlights/doga-sizin-icin-ne-anlama Doğa sizin için ne anlama geliyor? NATURE@work fotoğraf yarışması başladı 2017-03-14T10:33:33Z 2019-12-10T09:22:28Z 2017-03-15T09:07:19Z tr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/what-does-nature-mean-to 2017 3.4.2 None Doğa bizi korumak ve gündelik yaşamımızı sürdürebilmemiz için çok çalışıyor. Bu gerçeklik ise genellikle yeterince takdir edilmiyor. Ancak temiz hava, içme suyu, giyim, gıda ve barınak yapmada kullandığımız ham maddeleri sağlama konusunda doğa, hayati bir rol oynuyor. İklim değişikliğinin etkilerini hafifletmede doğanın üstlendiği diğer faydalar da pek iyi bilinmez. Doğanın yaşamlarımızda sahip olduğu önemli rolü vurgulamak için Avrupa Çevre Ajansı (AÇA) ‘NATURE@work’ fotoğraf yarışmasıyla sizleri, doğanın hangi açılardan bizlere fayda sağladığını fotoğraf karelerinizde yakalamaya çağırıyor. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None XJFGZ1BTW6
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/eea-vita-zakaz-pouzivani-neonikotinoidovych-pesticidu EEA vítá zákaz používání neonikotinoidových pesticidů 2013-04-30T14:04:16Z 2016-09-02T09:45:40Z 2013-08-15T08:39:25Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/neonicotinoid-pesticides-are-a-huge 2013 4.2.1 None Evropská komise se rozhodla zakázat 3 druhy neonikotinoidových pesticidů, a to na základě doložených vědeckých důkazů, které ukazují, že aplikace těchto pesticidů může poškozovat včelí společenstva. Evropská agentura pro životní prostředí (EEA) proto oceňuje předběžné opatření vedoucí k jejich zákazu. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 6327ROACHY
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lv/highlights/eiropa-izcilas-udens-kvalitates-standartiem Eiropā izcilas ūdens kvalitātes standartiem atbilst vairāk peldvietu nekā jebkad agrāk 2017-05-18T13:09:57Z 2017-05-31T11:36:33Z 2017-05-23T09:44:16Z lv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/more-european-sites-meet-excellent 2017 1.5.2 None Šodien publicētais ikgadējais ziņojums par peldūdeņu kvalitāti norāda, ka vairāk nekā 85 procenti visā Eiropā monitorēto peldvietu 2016. gadā atbilda visstingrākajiem “izcilas” kvalitātes standartiem — tas nozīmē, ka peldvietas lielākoties bija brīvas no cilvēka veselībai un videi kaitīgajiem piesārņotājiem. Vairāk nekā 96 procenti peldvietu atbilda minimālajām kvalitātes prasībām, ko nosaka Eiropas Savienības noteikumi. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None WIGAHEQVO6
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/jak-pokracuje-adaptace-na-zmenu Jak pokračuje adaptace na změnu klimatu v EU? 2015-11-27T14:14:14Z 2017-05-08T13:49:03Z 2016-01-28T14:07:05Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-change-adaptation-in-europe 2015 3.4.3 None Adaptace současným, a hlavně předpokládaným dopadům změny klimatu na evropském kontinentu vyžaduje přijetí řady politik a opatření na národní, regionální i lokální úrovni. Aby byl adaptační proces efektivní, je nutné pochopit, které kroky fungují, v jakém kontextu a proč a dobré zkušenosti mezi sebou navzájem sdílet. K tomu slouží systémy monitoringu, hodnocení a reportingu aktivit souvisejících s adaptacemi v jednotlivých členských zemích. Jejich přehled a závěry, které jejich hodnocení přináší, obsahuje právě vydaná zpráva Evropské agentury pro životní prostředí (EEA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 5IVEKSFONB
http://www.eea.europa.eu/da/highlights/en-forbedring-af-luftkvaliteten-i En forbedring af luftkvaliteten i europæiske byer vil gavne sundheden betydeligt 2017-10-06T09:27:55Z 2019-12-10T09:22:21Z 2017-10-11T07:48:19Z da http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/improving-air-quality-in-european 2017 1.1.2 None Størstedelen af de personer, der bor i europæiske byer, udsættes for dårlig luftkvalitet. De seneste estimater fra Det Europæiske Miljøagentur (EEA), der offentliggøres i dag, viser, at fine partikler fortsat forårsager for tidlig død hos mere end 400.000 europæere årligt. Vejtransport, landbrug, kraftværker, industri og husholdninger er de største udledere af luftforurenende stoffer i Europa. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None DZB0NG4J2Q
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pl/highlights/wiecej-niz-kiedykolwiek-obiektow-w Więcej niż kiedykolwiek obiektów w Europie spełnia najwyższe normy jakości wody w kąpieliskach 2017-05-18T13:09:57Z 2017-05-31T11:36:33Z 2017-05-23T09:44:00Z pl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/more-european-sites-meet-excellent 2017 1.5.2 None Według opublikowanego dziś rocznego sprawozdania dotyczącego jakości wody w kąpieliskach ponad 85 proc. europejskich monitorowanych obiektów spełniało w 2016 r. najbardziej rygorystyczne normy „doskonałej” jakości – oznacza to, że były prawie całkowicie wolne od zanieczyszczeń szkodliwych dla zdrowia i środowiska. Ponad 96 proc. kąpielisk spełniało minimalne wymagania jakościowe określone w przepisach Unii Europejskiej. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None K6R1X7MBUD
http://www.eea.europa.eu/bg/highlights/izmenenieto-na-klimata-vodi-do Изменението на климата води до все по-сериозни рискове за екосистемите, човешкото здраве и икономиката в Европа. 2017-01-17T13:52:41Z 2020-11-23T10:59:01Z 2017-01-25T07:30:00Z bg http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-change-poses-increasingly-severe 2016 1.4.2 None Според публикуван днес доклад на Европейската агенция за околна среда, регионите на Европа са изправени пред покачване на морското равнище и по-екстремни метеорологични събития, като по-чести и по-интензивни горещи вълни, наводнения, суша и бури, причинени от изменението на климата. В доклада се прави оценка на последните тенденции и прогнози по отношение на изменението на климата и въздействието му в цяла Европа като се посочва, че по-добрите и по-гъвкави стратегии, политики и мерки за адаптация ще бъдат от ключово значение за смекчаване на това въздействие. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 51DA2MBNQ6
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sl/highlights/stevilo-evropskih-kopalisc-ki-dosega Število evropskih kopališč, ki dosega odlične standarde kakovosti kopalne vode, večje kot kdaj koli prej 2017-05-18T13:09:57Z 2017-05-31T11:36:33Z 2017-05-23T09:47:08Z sl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/more-european-sites-meet-excellent 2017 1.5.2 None Letno poročilo o kakovosti kopalnih voda, objavljeno danes, navaja, da je v letu 2016 več kot 85 odstotkov kopališč, ki se spremljajo po Evropi, izpolnilo najstrožje standarde in pridobilo oceno „odlične“ kakovosti vode – kar pomeni, da na teh območjih večinoma ni bilo onesnaževal, ki škodujejo zdravju ljudi in okolju. Več kot 96 odstotkov kopališč je izpolnilo minimalne zahteve kakovosti, določene v pravilih Evropske unije. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None NCRDJV25AI
http://www.eea.europa.eu/da/highlights/europaeisk-luftkvalitetsindeks-direkte-adgang-til Europæisk luftkvalitetsindeks: direkte adgang til oplysninger om den aktuelle luftkvalitet 2017-11-13T12:52:21Z 2019-12-10T09:22:22Z 2017-11-16T08:50:00Z da http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/european-air-quality-index-current 2017 1.1.2 None Det nye europæisk luftkvalitetsindeks, der i dag lanceres af Det Europæiske Miljøagentur (EEA) og Europa-Kommissionen, gør det muligt for brugerne at orientere sig om den aktuelle luftkvalitet i Europas byer og regioner. Indekset ledsages af nye landefaktablade med ajourførte oplysninger om luftkvaliteten i EEA's medlemslande. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None XJ96MQP184
http://www.eea.europa.eu/el/highlights/arithmos-rekor-eyropaikon-periochon-pliroyn Αριθμός ρεκόρ ευρωπαϊκών περιοχών πληρούν τα πρότυπα υδάτων κολύμβησης εξαιρετικής ποιότητας 2017-05-18T13:09:57Z 2017-05-31T11:36:33Z 2017-05-23T09:40:25Z el http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/more-european-sites-meet-excellent 2017 1.5.2 None Σύμφωνα με την ετήσια έκθεση για την ποιότητα των υδάτων κολύμβησης που δημοσιεύεται σήμερα, πάνω από το 85 τοις εκατό των περιοχών κολύμβησης που αποτέλεσαν αντικείμενο παρακολούθησης σε ολόκληρη την Ευρώπη το 2016 πληρούν τα αυστηρότερα πρότυπα «εξαιρετικής ποιότητας» — γεγονός που σημαίνει ότι ήταν, ως επί το πλείστον, απαλλαγμένες από ρύπους επιβλαβείς για την ανθρώπινη υγεία και το περιβάλλον. Οι περιοχές κολύμβησης που πληρούσαν τις ελάχιστες απαιτήσεις ποιότητας που ορίζουν οι κανόνες της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης ξεπέρασαν το 96 τοις εκατό. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None P2UE7FK3TW
http://www.eea.europa.eu/nl/highlights/europese-luchtkwaliteitsindex-actuele-luchtkwaliteitsinformatie-direct Europese luchtkwaliteitsindex: actuele luchtkwaliteitsinformatie direct binnen handbereik 2017-11-13T12:52:21Z 2019-12-10T09:22:22Z 2017-11-16T08:50:00Z nl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/european-air-quality-index-current 2017 1.1.2 None Het Europees Milieuagentschap (EEA) en de Europese Commissie hebben vandaag een nieuwe Europese luchtkwaliteitsindex gepresenteerd waarmee gebruikers de actuele luchtkwaliteit in steden en regio's in heel Europa kunnen controleren. Naast de index worden ook nieuwe landeninformatiebladen gepresenteerd met actuele luchtkwaliteitsinformatie voor de landen die lid zijn van het EEA. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None RBJMDAV9QN
http://www.eea.europa.eu/el/highlights/i-klimatiki-allagi-synepagetai-oloena Η κλιματική αλλαγή συνεπάγεται ολοένα και πιο σοβαρούς κινδύνους για τα οικοσυστήματα, την ανθρώπινη υγεία και την οικονομία στην Ευρώπη 2017-01-17T13:52:41Z 2020-11-23T10:59:01Z 2017-01-25T07:30:00Z el http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-change-poses-increasingly-severe 2016 1.4.2 None Σύμφωνα με έκθεση του Ευρωπαϊκού Οργανισμού Περιβάλλοντος που δημοσιεύεται σήμερα, περιοχές της Ευρώπης βρίσκονται αντιμέτωπες με την άνοδο της στάθμης της θάλασσας και με ακραία καιρικά φαινόμενα, όπως οι συχνότεροι και εντονότεροι καύσωνες, οι πλημμύρες, οι ξηρασίες και οι καταιγίδες που οφείλονται στην κλιματική αλλαγή. Η έκθεση αποτιμά τις πιο πρόσφατες τάσεις και προβλέψεις σχετικά με την κλιματική αλλαγή και τις επιπτώσεις της σε ολόκληρη την Ευρώπη και καταλήγει στο ότι για τον μετριασμό αυτών των επιπτώσεων εξαιρετικά σημαντικές είναι καλύτερες και πιο ευέλικτες στρατηγικές, πολιτικές και μέτρα προσαρμογής. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None WYVGRIX0T4
http://www.eea.europa.eu/hu/highlights/az-europai-varosok-levegominosegenek-javitasa Az európai városok levegőminőségének javítása fontos egészségügyi előnyökkel jár 2017-10-06T09:27:55Z 2019-12-10T09:22:21Z 2017-10-06T09:27:55Z hu http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/improving-air-quality-in-european 2017 1.1.2 None Az európai városokban élők többsége túl szennyezett levegőnek van kitéve. Az Európai Környezetvédelmi Ügynökség (EEA) ma közzétett legutóbbi becslései azt mutatják, hogy a finom szálló por továbbra is évente több mint 400 000 európai polgár idő előtti elhalálozását okozza. A közúti közlekedés, a mezőgazdaság, az erőművek, az ipar és a háztartások a legnagyobb európai légszennyezőanyag-kibocsátók. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 5WAF1NGQDP
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/evropa-mene-skodi-ozonove-vrstve-zeme Evropa méně škodí ozonové vrstvě Země 2012-12-04T14:51:43Z 2016-09-02T09:46:40Z 2013-03-07T09:40:37Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europe-using-less-ozone-damaging-chemicals 2012 4.2.1 None Dle Zprávy 17/2012 Evropské agentury pro životní prostředí (EEA) učinila Evropa významný pokrok při postupném vyřazování chemických látek ohrožujících ozonovou vrstvu Země. V 70. a 80. letech 20. století bylo zjištěno, že některé uměle vyráběné chemikálie poškozují ozon ve stratosféře. Toto zjištění bylo potvrzeno mimořádně nízkou koncentrací ozonu nad Antarktidou – tzv. ozonovou dírou. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None T2P9GI51ZF
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fr/highlights/un-nombre-sans-precedent-de Un nombre sans précédent de sites européens de baignade répondent à la norme de qualité «excellente» 2017-05-18T13:09:57Z 2017-05-31T11:36:33Z 2017-05-23T09:45:00Z fr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/more-european-sites-meet-excellent 2017 1.5.2 None Selon le rapport annuel sur les eaux de baignade publié aujourd’hui, plus de 85 % des sites de baignade contrôlés dans toute l’Europe en 2016 répondaient à la norme de qualité la plus stricte (qualité «excellente»), ce qui signifie qu’ils étaient, pour la plupart, exempts de polluants nocifs pour la santé humaine et pour l’environnement. Plus de 96 % des sites de baignade remplissaient les conditions de qualité minimales établies par la réglementation de l’Union européenne. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None RYUA54HK76
http://www.eea.europa.eu/et/highlights/euroopa-ohukvaliteedi-indeks-2013-uusim Euroopa õhukvaliteedi indeks – uusim õhukvaliteedi teave teie käeulatuses 2017-11-13T12:52:21Z 2019-12-10T09:22:22Z 2017-11-16T08:50:00Z et http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/european-air-quality-index-current 2017 1.1.2 None Euroopa Keskkonnaamet (EEA) ja Euroopa Komisjon võtavad täna kasutusele uue teenuse – Euroopa õhukvaliteedi indeksi, mis võimaldab kasutajatel kontrollida õhukvaliteeti Euroopa linnades ja piirkondades. Koos indeksiga ilmuvad uued riikide teabelehed, kus on ajakohane EEA liikmesriikide õhukvaliteedi teave. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 1RDME8X9PG
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/klimatske-promjene-predstavljaju-sve-veci Klimatske promjene predstavljaju sve veći rizik za ekosustave, ljudsko zdravlje i gospodarstvo u Europi 2017-01-17T13:52:41Z 2020-11-23T10:59:01Z 2017-01-25T07:30:00Z hr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-change-poses-increasingly-severe 2016 1.4.2 None Prema izvješću Europske agencije za okoliš (EEA) koje je danas objavljeno, europska se područja suočavaju s podizanjem razine mora i sve ekstremnijim vremenskim prilikama, poput čestih i intenzivnih toplinskih valova, poplava, suša i olujnog nevremena nastalima pod utjecajem klimatskih promjena. U izvješću se ocjenjuju najnoviji trendovi i predviđanja u pogledu klimatskih promjena te njihov utjecaj diljem Europe te se zaključuje kako će biti presudno donijeti bolje i fleksibilnije strategije prilagodbe, politike i mjere kako bi se smanjio taj utjecaj. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None PUGBS0Q7TD
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/zijeme-v-201ezelene-ekonomice201c Žijeme v „zelené ekonomice“? 2012-05-16T09:16:22Z 2016-07-15T09:30:47Z 2012-09-10T13:11:34Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/do-we-live-in-a 2012 4.2.1 None Nová zpráva Evropské agentury pro životní prostředí (EEA) Environmental indicator report 2012 hodnotí vývoj „zelené ekonomiky“ v Evropě. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VURC8I2AB4
http://www.eea.europa.eu/et/highlights/rohkem-euroopa-supluskohtasid-vastab-vaga Rohkem Euroopa supluskohtasid vastab väga hea kvaliteedi nõuetele 2017-05-18T13:09:57Z 2017-05-31T11:36:33Z 2017-05-23T09:40:58Z et http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/more-european-sites-meet-excellent 2017 1.5.2 None Kogu Euroopas 2016. aastal kontrollitud supluskohtadest vastab rohkem kui 85 % kõige rangematele ehk väga hea suplusvee kvaliteedi nõuetele. See tähendab, et täna avaldatud suplusvee kvaliteedi aruande andmetel ei ole suplusvees enamasti inimeste tervist ja keskkonda kahjustavaid saasteaineid. Euroopa Liidu eeskirjade kohastele kvaliteedi miinimumnõuetele vastab üle 96 % supluskohtadest. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 7TYCMNGUO5
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/nova-metodologie-mapovani-zelene-infrastruktury Nová metodologie mapování zelené infrastruktury 2014-03-06T10:03:20Z 2016-06-21T13:46:14Z 2014-06-03T10:20:17Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-mapping-method-for-2018green 2014 4.2.1 None Zelená infrastruktura je nástrojem, jenž využívá přírodu k zajištění ekologických, ekonomických a sociálních přínosů. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None DQ7ATYX8NE
http://www.eea.europa.eu/bg/highlights/kakvo-e-za-vas-prirodata Какво е за вас природата? Открит е фотоконкурс на тема NATURE@work 2017-03-14T10:33:33Z 2019-12-10T09:22:28Z 2017-03-15T09:02:21Z bg http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/what-does-nature-mean-to 2017 3.4.2 None Природата прави много, за да ни закриля и да поддържа живота ни в ежедневието — факт, който често подценяваме. Но тя играе жизненоважна роля като ни предоставя чист въздух, чиста питейна вода, облекло, храна и суровини, които използваме, за да си построим подслон. Има и други, не толкова известни ползи, като ролята на природата за облекчаване на последиците от изменението на климата. С цел изтъкване на важната роля на природата в нашия живот, Европейската агенция за околната среда (EАОС) ви кани да участвате в улавянето на начина, по който природата се грижи за вас чрез фотоконкурса ‘NATURE@work’. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None G3JERT7MDQ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fr/highlights/preparer-l2019europe-au-changement-climatique Préparer l’Europe au changement climatique: la coordination est essentielle pour réduire les risques liés aux conditions météorologiques extrêmes 2017-10-11T11:23:19Z 2019-12-10T09:22:35Z 2017-10-17T05:55:00Z fr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/preparing-europe-for-climate-change 2017 1.4.2 None Eu égard aux événements météorologiques dévastateurs et extrêmes qui se sont récemment produits en Europe et ailleurs, il importe plus que jamais de renforcer les liens entre les spécialistes de l’adaptation au changement climatique et les spécialistes de la réduction des risques de catastrophe. Une coopération plus étroite, notamment une meilleure harmonisation des politiques, sera essentielle pour réduire les effets des aléas climatiques et météorologiques tels que les inondations, les vagues de chaleur, les incendies de forêts ou les ondes de tempête. Selon un rapport publié aujourd’hui par l’Agence européenne pour l’environnement (AEE), le renforcement de la cohérence des actions et le recours à des méthodes innovantes peuvent améliorer notre façon d’aborder ces événements. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 4FCOJ0ZWRK
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/novy-reditel-eea-1 Nový ředitel EEA 2013-05-31T14:21:34Z 2016-06-21T13:45:32Z 2013-08-15T08:24:12Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-director-hans-bruyninckx-starts 2013 4.2.1 None Od 1. června 2013 nastoupil do čela Evropské agentury pro životní prostředí (EEA) nový ředitel - belgický profesor Hans Bruyninckx. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None FH3BO1S2MV
http://www.eea.europa.eu/es/highlights/mejorar-la-calidad-del-aire Mejorar la calidad del aire en las ciudades europeas resultará muy beneficioso para la salud 2017-10-06T09:27:55Z 2019-12-10T09:22:21Z 2017-10-11T07:50:00Z es http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/improving-air-quality-in-european 2017 1.1.2 None La mayoría de los habitantes de las ciudades europeas están expuestos a aire de mala calidad. Los últimos cálculos de la Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente (AEMA), publicados hoy, demuestran que las partículas finas siguen siendo responsables de la muerte prematura de más de 400000 europeos cada año. El tráfico rodado, la agricultura, las centrales eléctricas, la industria y los hogares son los mayores emisores de contaminantes atmosféricos de Europa. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None GUQCKV054M
http://www.eea.europa.eu/de/highlights/was-bedeutet-natur-fuer-sie Was bedeutet Natur für Sie? NATURE@work-Fotowettbewerb eröffnet 2017-03-14T10:33:33Z 2019-12-10T09:22:28Z 2017-03-15T09:03:02Z de http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/what-does-nature-mean-to 2017 3.4.2 None Die Natur tut wirklich viel, um uns zu schützen und unser tägliches Leben zu erhalten – eine Tatsache, die oft nicht genügend gewürdigt wird. Sie spielt jedoch eine wesentliche Rolle, indem sie uns mit sauberer Luft, sauberem Trinkwasser, Kleidung und Nahrung versorgt und uns Rohstoffe liefert, die wir nutzen, um uns ein Heim zu bauen. Anderes ist uns nicht so bewusst, wie beispielsweise die Rolle, die die Natur dabei spielt, die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels abzumildern. Um die bedeutende Rolle der Natur in unser aller Leben hervorzuheben, lädt die Europäische Umweltagentur (EUA) Sie ein, am Fotowettbewerb „NATURE@work“ teilzunehmen und mit Fotos einzufangen, was die Natur für uns tut. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 0H8S6MOGCW
http://www.eea.europa.eu/de/highlights/mehr-europaeische-badegewaesser-als-je Mehr europäische Badegewässer als je zuvor erfüllen Standards für ausgezeichnete Qualität 2017-05-18T13:09:57Z 2017-05-31T11:36:33Z 2017-05-23T09:39:58Z de http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/more-european-sites-meet-excellent 2017 1.5.2 None Gemäß dem heute veröffentlichten jährlichen Bericht über die Qualität der Badegewässer erfüllen mehr als 85 Prozent der in ganz Europa im Jahr 2016 überprüften Badegebiete die strengsten Qualitätsnormen und verdienen die Beurteilung „ausgezeichnet“, d. h diese Badegewässer sind weitgehend frei von Schadstoffen, die die menschliche Gesundheit und die Umwelt belasten könnten. Mehr als 96 Prozent der Badegebiete erfüllen die Mindestqualitätsanforderungen gemäß den Vorschriften der Europäischen Union. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None NARMUO0YVH
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/jak-snizit-spotrebu-energie-v-domacnostech Jak snížit spotřebu energie v domácnostech? 2013-04-08T15:26:56Z 2016-06-21T13:45:51Z 2013-08-15T09:01:45Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/can-we-save-energy-by 2013 2.8.1 None Spotřeba energie v domácnostech v zemích EU byla v roce 2010 o 13 % vyšší než před 20 lety; domácnosti jsou tak zodpovědné za produkci 25 % emisí skleníkových plynů z výroby energie. Tento vývoj je v rozporu s cílem EU snížit spotřebu primárních energetických zdrojů o 20 % do roku 2020. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None NA5W68CJKX
http://www.eea.europa.eu/bg/highlights/evropeyski-indeks-za-kachestvoto-na Европейски индекс за качеството на въздуха: лесно достъпна текуща информация за качеството на въздуха 2017-11-13T12:52:21Z 2019-12-10T09:22:22Z 2017-11-16T08:50:00Z bg http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/european-air-quality-index-current 2017 1.1.2 None Един нов европейски индекс за качеството на въздуха беше пуснат днес от Европейската агенция за околната среда (ЕАОС) и Европейската комисия, позволява на потребителите да проверяват текущото качество на въздуха в различните градове и региони на Европа. Индексът се придружава от нови национални информационни документи, които съдържат актуализирана информация за качеството на въздуха за страните членки на ЕАОС. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None E9FY0HN451
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/novy-reditel-eea Nový ředitel EEA 2012-12-14T13:50:52Z 2016-06-21T13:45:23Z 2013-03-07T09:26:32Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/hans-bruyninckx-selected-as-new 2012 4.2.1 None V prosinci 2012 byl zvolen nový výkonný ředitel Evropské agentury pro životní prostředí, pro kterou je CENIA kontaktním místem za Českou republiku. Stal se jím belgický profesor Hans Bruyninckx, který od 1. června 2013 nahradí ve funkci stávající ředitelku Jacqueline McGlade. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None J67YC3ZVKP
http://www.eea.europa.eu/de/highlights/eine-verbesserung-der-luftqualitaet-in Eine Verbesserung der Luftqualität in europäischen Städten bringt deutliche Vorteile für die Gesundheit 2017-10-06T09:27:55Z 2019-12-10T09:22:21Z 2017-10-06T09:27:55Z de http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/improving-air-quality-in-european 2017 1.1.2 None Die meisten in europäischen Städten lebenden Menschen sind schlechter Luftqualität ausgesetzt. Den jüngsten heute veröffentlichten Schätzungen der Europäischen Umweltagentur (EUA) zufolge ist Feinstaub nach wie vor Ursache für den vorzeitigen Tod von jährlich über 400 000 Menschen in Europa. Straßenverkehr, Landwirtschaft, Heizkraftwerke, Industrie und Haushalte sind in Europa die größten Emittenten von Luftschadstoffen. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None YMA2KI1S4H
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sk/highlights/poziadavky-na-vybornu-kvalitu-vody Požiadavky na výbornú kvalitu vody určenej na kúpanie dnes spĺňa viac európskych lokalít ako kedykoľvek predtým 2017-05-18T13:09:57Z 2017-05-31T11:36:33Z 2017-05-23T09:44:56Z sk http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/more-european-sites-meet-excellent 2017 1.5.2 None Z výsledkov dnes zverejnenej výročnej správy o kvalite vody na kúpanie vyplýva, že viac ako 85 % lokalít určených na kúpanie monitorovaných v roku 2016 v celej Európe spĺňa tie najprísnejšie požiadavky na výbornú kvalitu vody, t. j. vody, ktorá je prevažne bez znečisťujúcich látok škodlivých pre ľudské zdravie a životné prostredie. Minimálne požiadavky stanovené v predpisoch Európskej únie spĺňa viac ako 96 % lokalít určených na kúpanie. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None YQZS5JI7KA
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lt/highlights/klimato-kaita-kelia-vis-didesne Klimato kaita kelia vis didesnę riziką Europos ekosistemoms, žmonių sveikatai ir ekonomikai 2017-01-17T13:52:41Z 2020-11-23T10:59:01Z 2017-01-25T07:30:00Z lt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-change-poses-increasingly-severe 2016 1.4.2 None Šiandien paskelbtoje Europos aplinkos agentūros ataskaitoje teigiama, kad Europos regionams dėl klimato kaitos kyla didėjančio jūros lygio ir vis ekstremalesnių oro sąlygų, pvz., dažnesnių ir intensyvesnių karščio bangų, potvynių, sausrų ir audrų, grėsmė. Ataskaitoje vertinamos naujausios tendencijos ir pateikiamos įžvalgos dėl klimato kaitos ir jos padarinių visai Europai, taip pat daroma išvada, kad, siekiant sušvelninti šiuos padarinius, labai svarbu parengti geresnes ir lankstesnes prisitaikymo prie klimato kaitos strategijas, politiką ir priemones. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None S0P1DKQ5M4
http://www.eea.europa.eu/de/highlights/treibhausgas-emissionen-in-der-eu Treibhausgas-Emissionen in der EU im Jahr 2011 um 2,5 % gesunken 2012-09-05T14:45:49Z 2016-06-21T13:46:10Z 2012-09-13T09:47:26Z de http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/european-union2019s-total-greenhouse-emissions 2012 4.2.1 None Nach neuen Schätzungen der Europäischen Umweltagentur (EUA) sanken die Treibhausgas-Emissionen in der Europäischen Union (EU) um 2,5 %, trotz höherem Kohleverbrauch und einem wachsenden Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None SOC4E2TGAW
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fr/highlights/ameliorer-la-qualite-de-l2019air Améliorer la qualité de l’air dans les villes européennes apportera des avantages majeurs pour la santé 2017-10-06T09:27:55Z 2019-12-10T09:22:21Z 2017-10-06T09:27:55Z fr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/improving-air-quality-in-european 2017 1.1.2 None La plupart des personnes qui vivent dans des villes européennes sont exposées à de l'air de mauvaise qualité. Les dernières estimations de l’Agence européenne pour l’environnement (AEE), publiées aujourd’hui, montrent que les particules fines continuent de provoquer le décès prématuré de plus de 400 000 Européens chaque année. Le transport routier, l’agriculture, les centrales électriques, l’industrie et les ménages sont les principaux émetteurs de polluants atmosphériques en Europe. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 7DY2R6XBTV
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/fotograficka-soutez-environment-me Fotografická soutěž "Environment & Me" 2014-04-30T15:14:17Z 2016-06-21T13:45:49Z 2014-06-19T08:38:39Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/2018environment-me2019-photo-competition-open 2014 4.2.1 None Evropská agentura pro životní prostředí (EEA) vyhlásila soutěž na téma "Životní prostředí a já", určenou pro profesionální i amatérské fotografy. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None F7UIWN4JD6
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pt/highlights/preparar-a-europa-para-as Preparar a Europa para as alterações climáticas: coordenação é crucial para reduzir os riscos causados pelas condições meteorológicas extremas 2017-10-11T11:23:19Z 2019-12-10T09:22:35Z 2017-10-17T07:51:33Z pt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/preparing-europe-for-climate-change 2017 1.4.2 None Na sequência dos eventos meteorológicos devastadores e extremos na Europa e noutras partes do mundo, é mais importante do que nunca a criação de fortes ligações entre os peritos de adaptação às alterações climáticas e redução dos riscos de catástrofe . É crucial uma estreita cooperação, nomeadamente um melhor alinhamento político, para reduzir os impactes dos riscos relacionados com as condições meteorológicas e com o clima, tais como cheias, ondas de calor, incêndios florestais ou tempestades. Uma maior coerência das ações e a utilização de métodos inovadores podem melhorar a forma de lidar com estes eventos, segundo um relatório da Agência Europeia do Ambiente (AEA) publicado hoje. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None TI1MKBC9P7
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/lesy-mohou-pomoci-zabranit-povodnim Lesy mohou pomoci zabránit povodním a suchu 2015-09-23T11:55:48Z 2020-11-23T10:58:35Z 2016-01-28T14:06:52Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/forests-can-help-prevent-floods 2015 3.4.3 None Jedna třetina evropského území je pokryta lesy, přičemž v jejich blízkosti nebo přímo v nich žije přibližně 296 milionů Evropanů. Lesy poskytují širokou škálu ekosystémových služeb, včetně zadržování vody. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None IJ7S2GBTMN
http://www.eea.europa.eu/hu/highlights/europai-levegominosegi-mutato-a-levegominosegre Európai levegőminőségi mutató: a levegőminőségre vonatkozó aktuális információ egy kattintással elérhető 2017-11-13T12:52:21Z 2019-12-10T09:22:22Z 2017-11-16T08:50:00Z hu http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/european-air-quality-index-current 2017 1.1.2 None Az Európai Környezetvédelmi Ügynökség (EEA) és az Európai Bizottság által ma bevezetett, új európai levegőminőségi mutató lehetővé teszi a felhasználók számára, hogy ellenőrizzék az európai nagyvárosok és régiók aktuális levegőminőségét. A mutatót olyan új, országonkénti adatlapok kísérik, amelyek az EEA tagországoknak frissített levegőminőségi információt nyújtanak. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None GOIDM20SPQ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/smeruje-eu-k-zelene-ekonomice Směřuje EU k zelené ekonomice? 2013-07-24T10:15:35Z 2020-11-23T10:58:52Z 2014-01-15T08:51:27Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/an-overview-of-eu-environment 2013 3.3.1 None Klíčovým slovem politických debat a zásadním strategickým cílem EU se v posledních letech stává tzv. zelená ekonomika. Jedná se o ekonomický koncept, který předpokládá dosažení prosperity prostřednictvím efektivního využívání zdrojů při současném zajištění stability přírodních systémů a tím i jejich funkcí pro lidskou společnost. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None J3QB8U1A96
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/vyuzivani-f-plynu-stoupa-hledaji Využívání F-plynů stoupá, hledají se alternativy 2013-10-02T09:33:44Z 2017-01-13T14:34:16Z 2014-01-15T09:04:40Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/use-of-climate-forcing-f 2013 1.3.4 None Fluorované plyny, známé též jako F-plyny, jsou látky s širokým průmyslovým využitím. Současně však jde o velmi účinné skleníkové plyny, které ovlivňují klima na Zemi, a jsou proto připravována opatření, která by jejich produkci a využívání omezila. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None MSJVEW8FK7
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/vliv-spotreby-a-vyroby-na Vliv spotřeby a výroby na životní prostředí v EU 2013-03-04T10:10:00Z 2019-12-10T09:22:23Z 2013-08-15T09:06:46Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/how-to-measure-the-environmental 2013 4.2.1 None Spotřeba a výroba zboží a služeb je v zemích EU ve vztahu k životnímu prostředí neudržitelná. Hlavní problém spočívá v nedostatečném oddělení vývoje zátěží životního prostředí z ekonomických aktivit a vývoje výkonnosti ekonomiky, v tzv. decouplingu, konstatuje zpráva EEA. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None E7Q8TYID54
http://www.eea.europa.eu/mt/highlights/fl-ewropa-it-tibdil-fil Fl-Ewropa, it-tibdil fil-klima joħloq riskji dejjem aktar severi għall-ekosistemi, għas-saħħa tal-bniedem u għall-ekonomija 2017-01-17T13:52:41Z 2020-11-23T10:59:01Z 2017-01-25T07:30:00Z mt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-change-poses-increasingly-severe 2016 1.4.2 None Skont rapport ta’ l-Aġenzija Ewropea għall-Ambjent ippubblikat illum, minħabba t-tibdil fil-klima, ir-reġjuni ta’ l-Ewropa qegħdin iħabbtu wiċċhom ma’ żieda fil-livelli tal-baħar u ma’ temp aktar estrem, bħal mewġiet tas-sħana, għargħar, nixfiet u maltempati aktar frekwenti u aktar intensi. Ir-rapport jivvaluta l-aħħar tendenzi u previżjonijiet dwar it-tibdil fil-klima u l-impatti tiegħu fl-Ewropa kollha u jsib li strateġiji ta’ adattament, politiki u miżuri aħjar u aktar flessibbli ser ikunu kruċjali biex jitnaqqsu dawn l-impatti. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None AM085PJ71S
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/jak-zranitelne-je-vase-mesto Jak zranitelné je Vaše město vůči dopadům změny klimatu? 2012-08-17T11:49:41Z 2017-07-17T08:14:05Z 2012-09-10T07:20:44Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/how-vulnerable-is-your-city 2012 4.2.1 None Jaké klimatické změny v evropských městech se očekávají a jaká je zranitelnost měst vůči klimatickým vlivům? K tomu, abychom si vytvořili bližší představu o dopadech klimatické změny na města v různých částech Evropy, a také kvůli motivaci kompetentních orgánů k včasnému rozhodnutí o adaptačních opatřeních, publikuje EEA předpověď klimatických změn a jejich dopadů pro více než 500 měst napříč Evropou. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None BVGHA96WPO
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pl/highlights/niezbedne-sa-bardziej-zdecydowane-dzialania Niezbędne są bardziej zdecydowane działania aby zaradzić szkodom powodowanym przez zanieczyszczenie powietrza 2016-11-17T13:35:41Z 2018-04-26T13:39:12Z 2016-12-05T15:26:26Z pl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/stronger-measures-needed 2016 1.1.2 None Według nowego raportu Europejskiej Agencji Środowiska (European Environment Agency, EEA) zanieczyszczenie powietrza znacząco wpływa na zdrowie Europejczyków, zwłaszcza w obszarach miejskich. Choć jakość powietrza od lat powoli się poprawia, zanieczyszczenie powietrza nadal pozostaje jednym z najpoważniejszych zagrożeń środowiskowych dla zdrowia, obniżającym jakość życia w związku z chorobami i powodującym według oszacowań 467 tysięcy przedwczesnych zgonów rocznie. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 12BTYCF9VN
http://www.eea.europa.eu/hu/highlights/az-eghajlatvaltozas-egyre-sulyosabb-fenyegetest Az éghajlatváltozás egyre súlyosabb fenyegetést jelent Európában az ökosztisztémákra, az emberi egészségre és a gazdaságra 2017-01-17T13:52:41Z 2020-11-23T10:59:01Z 2017-01-25T07:30:00Z hu http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-change-poses-increasingly-severe 2016 1.4.2 None Az Európai Környezetvédelmi Ügynökség ma kiadott jelentése arról számol be, hogy az európai régióknak emelkedő tengerszinttel és egyre szélsőségesebb időjárási jelenségekkel, köztük az éghajlatváltozás okozta egyre gyakoribb és intenzívebb hőhullámokkal, áradásokkal, szárazságokkal és viharokkal kell szembenézniük. A jelentés – megvizsgálva az éghajlatváltozást és Európára gyakorolt hatásainak legfrissebb trendjeit és előrejelzéseit – arra a következtetésre jutott, hogy e hatások mérsékléséhez hatékonyabb és rugalmasabb alkalmazkodási stratégiákra, szakpolitikákra és intézkedésekre van szükség. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None IGP6QZRNW5
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/obnovitelne-zdroje-energie-snizuji-emise Obnovitelné zdroje energie snižují emise skleníkových plynů v EU 2014-12-16T10:01:26Z 2017-01-13T14:32:58Z 2015-08-07T10:20:02Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/renewables-successfully-driving-down-carbon 2014 1.3.1 None Využívání energie slunce, větru, biomasy a dalších obnovitelných zdrojů (OZE) v EU vzrůstá. Jedná se o významnou hnací sílu poklesu uhlíkové náročnosti ekonomiky a tím i emisí skleníkových plynů. Rozvoj technologií využívajících OZE může v případě pokračující politické podpory pozitivně ovlivnit výkon ekonomiky a zaměstnanost. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None JTODY905H6
http://www.eea.europa.eu/bg/highlights/broyat-na-mestata-v-evropa Броят на местата в Европа, където водата за къпане е с отлично качество, е по-висок от всякога 2017-05-18T13:09:57Z 2017-05-31T11:36:33Z 2017-05-23T09:38:44Z bg http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/more-european-sites-meet-excellent 2017 1.5.2 None Повече от 85 % от местата за къпане в Европа, които са проверени през 2016 г., са отговаряли на най-строгите стандарти за „отлично“ качество, което означава, че там почти не е имало вредни за човешкото здраве и околната среда замърсители. Това показва публикуваният днес годишен доклад за качеството на водите за къпане. Над 96% от местата за къпане са отговаряли на минималните стандарти за качество, определени в правилата на Европейския съюз. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 7U04A23ORN
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fi/highlights/mita-luonto-merkitsee-sinulle-nature Mitä luonto merkitsee sinulle? NATURE@work-valokuvakilpailu on käynnissä 2017-03-14T10:33:33Z 2019-12-10T09:22:28Z 2017-03-15T09:03:50Z fi http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/what-does-nature-mean-to 2017 3.4.2 None Luonto tekee kovasti töitä suojellakseen ja ylläpitääkseen jokapäiväistä elämäämme, mikä on usein aliarvioitu tosiasia. Luonnolla on kuitenkin tärkeä tehtävä puhtaan ilman ja juomaveden, vaatetuksen, ruuan ja rakentamiseen käytettävien raaka-aineiden tarjoajana. Muu luonnosta saatava hyöty on vähemmän tunnettua, kuten sen ilmastonmuutosta hillitsevä vaikutus. Tuodakseen esiin luonnon osuutta jokapäiväisessä elämässämme Euroopan ympäristökeskus (EYK) järjestää NATURE@work-valokuvakilpailuun. Osallistu siihen kuvalla, josta ilmenee, mitä hyötyä luonnosta on sinulle. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None G2DRAPJH3Y
http://www.eea.europa.eu/it/highlights/mai-cosi-alto-il-numero Mai così alto il numero dei siti europei che possono vantare un’eccellente qualità delle acque 2017-05-18T13:09:57Z 2017-05-31T11:36:33Z 2017-05-23T09:42:57Z it http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/more-european-sites-meet-excellent 2017 1.5.2 None Oltre l’85% dei siti di balneazione monitorati in tutta Europa nel 2016 soddisfa i requisiti più rigorosi per fregiarsi della qualifica di “eccellente”, il che significa che sono per lo più esenti da inquinanti pericolosi per la salute umana e l’ambiente, secondo la relazione annuale sulla qualità delle acque di balneazione pubblicata oggi. Oltre il 96% dei siti di balneazione soddisfa i requisiti di qualità minimi stabiliti dalla normativa europea. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ZBJTRYNK25
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lv/highlights/eiropas-gaisa-kvalitates-indekss-2013 Eiropas gaisa kvalitātes indekss – vienmēr pieejama jaunākā informācija par gaisa kvalitāti 2017-11-13T12:52:21Z 2019-12-10T09:22:22Z 2017-11-16T08:50:00Z lv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/european-air-quality-index-current 2017 1.1.2 None Eiropas Vides aģentūra (EVA) un Eiropas Komisija šodien ir publicējušas jaunu Eiropas gaisa kvalitātes indeksu, kas lietotājiem ļauj pārliecināties par pašreizējo gaisa kvalitāti Eiropas pilsētās un reģionos. Indeksu papildina jaunas valstu faktu lapas, kurās ir sniegta atjaunināta informācija par gaisa kvalitāti EVA dalībvalstīs. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 905DZKM3PH
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fr/highlights/indice-europeen-de-la-qualite Indice européen de la qualité de l’air: des informations sur la qualité actuelle de l’air à portée de main 2017-11-13T12:52:21Z 2019-12-10T09:22:22Z 2017-11-16T08:50:00Z fr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/european-air-quality-index-current 2017 1.1.2 None Un nouvel indice européen de la qualité de l’air, lancé aujourd’hui par l’Agence européenne pour l’environnement (AEE) et la Commission européenne, permet aux utilisateurs de vérifier la qualité actuelle de l’air dans les régions et les villes européennes. L’indice s’accompagne de nouvelles fiches d’information par pays qui apportent des informations actualisées sur la qualité de l’air pour les pays membres de l’AEE. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None CYVMU8DT61
http://www.eea.europa.eu/et/highlights/kliimamuutused-ohustavad-uha-tosisemalt-euroopa Kliimamuutused ohustavad üha tõsisemalt Euroopa ökosüsteeme, inimeste tervist ja majandust 2017-01-17T13:52:41Z 2020-11-23T10:59:01Z 2017-01-25T07:30:00Z et http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-change-poses-increasingly-severe 2016 1.4.2 None Euroopa Keskkonnaameti täna avaldatud aruande kohaselt ohustavad Euroopa piirkondi tõusev merevee tase ning äärmuslikumad ilmastikutingimused, näiteks sagedamad ja tugevamad kuumalained, üleujutused, põuad ja tormid. Aruandes hinnatakse kliimamuutuste viimaseid suundumusi ning prognoose ja nende muutuste mõju kogu Euroopas ning järeldatakse, et selle mõju vähendamiseks on ülioluline kasutada paremaid ja paindlikumaid kohanemisstrateegiaid, -poliitikaid ja -meetmeid. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None OP7GK8DRIJ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sv/highlights/vad-betyder-naturen-for-dig Vad betyder naturen för dig? Fototävlingen NATURE@work öppen för tävlan 2017-03-14T10:33:33Z 2019-12-10T09:22:28Z 2017-03-15T09:06:50Z sv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/what-does-nature-mean-to 2017 3.4.2 None Naturen arbetar utan avbrott för att skydda och försörja oss i vårt dagliga liv. Vi uppskattar den sällan till dess rätta värde, men naturen spelar en livsavgörande roll och förser oss bland annat med ren luft, rent dricksvatten, kläder, mat och råmaterial för att bygga hus. Den har även andra, mindre kända funktioner som att den dämpar effekterna av klimatförändringarna. För att lyfta fram naturen och dess avgörande roll för vårt liv på jorden anordnar Europeiska miljöbyrån (EEA) fototävlingen NATURE@work där du uppmanas att i bild gestalta hur naturen gagnar dig. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None E6ADJ73KX1
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/pokles-emisi-co2-z-novych Pokles emisí CO2 z nových vozidel v EU pokračuje 2015-10-29T15:29:24Z 2016-12-06T14:20:11Z 2016-01-28T14:11:42Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/co2-emissions-from-new-vehicles 2015 1.1.1 None Automobily prodané v EU v roce 2014 byly ve srovnání s předchozím rokem o 2,5 % energeticky efektivnější, uvádí zpráva Evropské agentury pro životní prostředí (EEA), která potvrzuje dříve publikovaná předběžná data. Průměrné emise CO2 u nových osobních automobilů v roce 2014 činily 123,4 g.km-1, což je zřetelně pod cílem 130 g.km-1, který je stanoven pro celou EU28 k roku 2015. Emise z užitkových automobilů dosáhly v tomto roce 169,1 g.km-1, což je rovněž nižší hodnota než stanovený cíl 175 g.km-1, jenž má být splněn v roce 2017. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None N698ED27MU
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/rok-2013-201erok-ovzdusi201c Rok 2013 - „Rok ovzduší“ 2013-01-07T15:27:07Z 2016-06-21T13:45:52Z 2013-03-08T13:47:48Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/2013-kicking-off-the-2018year 2012 4.2.2 None Environmentální politika EU se v roce 2013 zaměří na problematiku znečištěného ovzduší. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None EZ32QDMAOK
http://www.eea.europa.eu/el/highlights/ti-simainei-i-fysi-gia Τι σημαίνει η φύση για σας; Ο διαγωνισμός φωτογραφίας NATURE@work προκηρύχθηκε 2017-03-14T10:33:33Z 2019-12-10T09:22:28Z 2017-03-15T09:02:58Z el http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/what-does-nature-mean-to 2017 3.4.2 None Η φύση εργάζεται σκληρά για να μας προστατεύει και να μας στηρίζει στην καθημερινή μας ζωή — γεγονός το οποίο συχνά αγνοούμε. Η φύση διαδραματίζει ζωτικό ρόλο· παρέχει καθαρό αέρα, καθαρό πόσιμο νερό, ρούχα, τρόφιμα και πρώτες ύλες με τις οποίες χτίζουμε τα σπίτια μας. Άλλα οφέλη της φύσης δεν είναι τόσο γνωστά, όπως για παράδειγμα ο ρόλος που παίζει στον περιορισμό των επιπτώσεων της κλιματικής αλλαγής. Για να αναδείξει τον σημαντικό αυτό ρόλο της φύσης στη ζωή μας, ο Ευρωπαϊκός Οργανισμός Περιβάλλοντος (ΕΟΠ) σας καλεί να καταδείξετε τα οφέλη της φύσης στον άνθρωπο μέσα από τη συμμετοχή σας στον διαγωνισμό φωτογραφίας «NATURE@work». http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None F49EYKZ87I
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pt/highlights/indice-europeu-da-qualidade-do Índice Europeu da Qualidade do Ar: informação sobre a qualidade do ar atual ao alcance dos seus dedos 2017-11-13T12:52:21Z 2019-12-10T09:22:22Z 2017-11-16T08:50:00Z pt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/european-air-quality-index-current 2017 1.1.2 None Um novo Índice Europeu da Qualidade do Ar, lançado hoje pela Agência Europeia do Ambiente (AEA) e a Comissão Europeia, permite aos utilizadores verificar a qualidade do ar atual nas cidades e regiões da Europa. O Índice é acompanhado de fichas informativas por país que facultam informação atualizada sobre a qualidade do ar relativa aos países membros da AEA. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None OYMB6TAQJ8
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lv/highlights/klimata-parmainas-rada-arvien-smagakus Klimata pārmaiņas rada arvien smagākus riskus ekosistēmām, cilvēku veselībai un ekonomikai Eiropā 2017-01-17T13:52:41Z 2020-11-23T10:59:01Z 2017-01-25T07:30:00Z lv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-change-poses-increasingly-severe 2016 1.4.2 None Kā vēsta šodien publicētais Eiropas Vides aģentūras ziņojums, Eiropas reģioni klimata pārmaiņu dēļ piedzīvo jūras līmeņa paaugstināšanos un ekstremālākus laika apstākļus, tādus kā biežākas un intensīvākas svelmes, plūdi, sausums un vētras. Ziņojumā ir izvērtētas jaunākās tendences un prognozes par klimata pārmaiņām un to ietekmi Eiropā un konstatēts, ka labākas un elastīgākas pielāgošanās stratēģijas, politikas un pasākumi būs izšķiroši svarīgi šīs ietekmes seku mazināšanai. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ZU0QDGIFSN
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/nova-fotograficka-soutez-eea-kvalita Nová fotografická soutěž EEA: Kvalita života na naší planetě 2015-05-29T13:19:11Z 2016-09-02T12:24:58Z 2015-08-07T10:10:28Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/picture2050-new-photo-competition-now 2015 3.4.3 None Co vás napadne, když přemýšlíte o přírodě, ekonomice a kvalitě života? Evropská agentura pro životní prostředí (EEA) vyzývá ke sdílení vašich pohledů a názorů na evropské životní prostředí ve fotografické soutěži nazvané 'Picture 2050 – Living well, within the limits of our planet', zaměřené na kvalitu lidského života v mezích naší planety. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None X4B57P6YR2
http://www.eea.europa.eu/tr/highlights/avrupa-hava-kalitesi-indeksi-guncel Avrupa Hava Kalitesi İndeksi: güncel hava kalitesi bilgileri parmaklarınızın parmağınızın ucunda 2017-11-13T12:52:21Z 2019-12-10T09:22:22Z 2017-11-16T08:50:00Z tr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/european-air-quality-index-current 2017 1.1.2 None Bugün Avrupa Çevre Ajansı (EEAAÇA) ve Avrupa Komisyonu tarafından bugün sunulan yeni Avrupa Hava Kalitesi İndeksi, kullanıcıların Avrupa kentleri ve bölgelerindeki güncel hava kalitesini kontrol etmelerine olanak sağlıyor. Bu İndeks, EEA AÇA üyesi ülkeler için güncelgüncellenen hava kalitesi bilgilerini sağlayan içeren yeni ülke bilgi formunu da eşliğinde içeriyorsunuluyor. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 8RPZ02CWBD
http://www.eea.europa.eu/es/highlights/preparar-a-europa-para-el Preparar a Europa para el cambio climático: la coordinación es fundamental para reducir los riesgos que conllevan las condiciones meteorológicas extremas 2017-10-11T11:23:19Z 2019-12-10T09:22:35Z 2017-10-17T05:55:00Z es http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/preparing-europe-for-climate-change 2017 1.4.2 None La necesidad de reforzar los vínculos entre la adaptación al cambio climático y la reducción del riesgo de desastres es hoy más imperiosa que nunca, tras los fenómenos meteorológicos extremos que han devastado recientemente Europa y otros lugares del mundo. La cooperación más estrecha, en particular mediante una mayor armonización de las políticas, será decisiva para reducir los impactos de los fenómenos meteorológicos y climáticos, como inundaciones, olas de calor, incendios forestales o marejadas ciclónicas. La adopción de medidas más coherentes y el empleo de métodos innovadores pueden mejorar la gestión de estos fenómenos, según un informe de la Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente (AEMA) publicado hoy. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None JFSHNDY71X
http://www.eea.europa.eu/nl/highlights/steeds-ernstiger-risicos-voor-ecosystemen Steeds ernstiger risico's voor ecosystemen, de menselijke gezondheid en de economie in Europa als gevolg van klimaatverandering 2017-01-17T13:52:41Z 2020-11-23T10:59:01Z 2017-01-25T07:30:00Z nl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-change-poses-increasingly-severe 2016 1.4.2 None De regio's van Europa worden als gevolg van klimaatverandering geconfronteerd met een stijgende zeespiegel en extremer weer, zoals frequentere en intensere hittegolven, overstromingen, perioden van droogte en stormen, aldus een rapport dat het Europees Milieuagentschap (EMA) vandaag heeft gepubliceerd. Volgens het rapport, waarin de meest actuele trends en prognoses met betrekking tot klimaatverandering en de gevolgen ervan in Europa worden beoordeeld, zullen betere en flexibelere aanpassingsstrategieën, beleidslijnen en maatregelen van cruciaal belang zijn om deze gevolgen te verzachten. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None NAX8H01JSD
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/vliv-namorni-dopravy-na-kvalitu-ovzdusi Vliv námořní dopravy na kvalitu ovzduší 2013-03-13T11:33:42Z 2016-06-21T13:45:51Z 2013-08-15T09:24:03Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/international-shipping-should-cut-air 2013 4.2.1 None Emise znečišťujících látek a skleníkových plynů z námořní dopravy v celosvětovém měřítku v uplynulých dvou dekádách rostly a přispívaly tak ke zhoršené kvalitě ovzduší i změně klimatu, uvádí zpráva Evropské agentury pro životní prostředí (EEA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None YJPARGFX6M
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/world-water-day-is-europe Is Europe's freshwater use sustainable? 2016-03-18T11:35:32Z 2017-02-20T14:18:59Z 2016-03-22T10:50:00Z en None 2016 1.5.2 None We need freshwater for human consumption and economic activities such as food production and industry, but does Europe manage this valuable resource in a sustainable way? An indicator assessment published by the European Environment Agency (EEA) on World Water Day takes a look at the use of freshwater resources across Europe. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 58YCAO4P0U
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europe2019s-grasslands-woodlands-and-marine Europe’s grasslands, woodlands, and marine areas face increased threats 2016-02-19T10:16:14Z 2017-01-13T14:25:33Z 2016-02-22T10:00:00Z en None 2016 1.8.4 None Europe’s ecosystems face increasing pressure to stay healthy amid rising pollution, overexploitation, urban sprawl and the effects of climate change. These are the findings of a European Environment Agency (EEA) report published today which takes stock of the condition of Europe’s ecosystems. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 7J2P4HVK0T
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/experience-2018changing-climate-2013-changing-people2019-during-copenhagen-culture-night-2007 Experience 'Changing Climate — Changing People' during The Night of Culture in Copenhagen 2007 2007-10-08T09:46:13Z 2017-07-17T09:54:35Z 2008-04-30T08:40:00Z en None 2008 0.0.0 None For the second year in a row, the European Environment Agency in Copenhagen opens its doors to the public during The Night of Culture on Friday 12 October. In recognition of the International Polar Year, climate change and the impact on the Arctic is the overall theme. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None BYS43GHUPC
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/environment-me-photo-competition-winners-announced Environment & Me: photo competition winners announced 2014-12-15T16:56:47Z 2019-12-10T09:22:21Z 2014-12-16T09:30:00Z en None 2014 3.4.3 None Five stunning images of Europe’s environment have been selected as winners of a photography competition organised by the European Environment Agency (EEA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None S2WR0CMQDH
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/protected-areas-have-increased-to Protected areas have increased to cover one fifth of Europe’s land 2012-10-22T09:13:30Z 2016-06-21T13:46:13Z 2012-10-22T11:07:28Z en None 2012 4.2.1 None More than 21 % of the land has some kind of protected status in the 39 countries which work with the European Environment Agency (EEA). However, only 4 % of the sea controlled by countries of the European Union is included within the Natura 2000 network of protected areas, according to a new report from the EEA. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None EJKQM4HCD1
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/natural-hazards-and-technological-accidents Disasters in Europe: more frequent and causing more damage 2011-01-07T12:26:19Z 2020-11-23T10:58:44Z 2011-01-12T20:25:00Z en None 2011 0.0.0 None The number and impacts of disasters have increased in Europe in the period 1998-2009, a new report by the European Environment Agency (EEA) concludes. The report assesses the frequency of disasters and their impacts on humans, the economy and ecosystems and calls for better integrated risk disaster management across Europe. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VSAN0IWGJ7
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/rio-20-agreement-a-modest Rio+20 agreement - a modest step in the right direction 2012-06-25T14:25:31Z 2016-07-15T09:26:34Z 2012-06-25T14:55:00Z en None 2012 4.2.1 None At last week’s Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, delegates did not agree to any ambitious treaties or deadlines for dealing with pressing issues such as climate change, food and water scarcity. However, there were many positive signs for the future global environment. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 2CS7R3DVKF
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/is-there-a-protected-area Is there a protected area near you? Find out on UN Biodiversity Day 2013-05-22T11:08:39Z 2016-06-21T13:45:44Z 2013-05-22T13:45:00Z en None 2013 4.2.1 None Protected areas cover more than one fifth of the land in the 39 countries working with the European Environment Agency (EEA). On International Biodiversity Day, the EEA encourages Europeans to find out more about their closest nature reserve or national park using a new interactive map. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None UFDNJ4SEVR
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20021016141753 Domingo Jiménez-Beltrán receives the "Twelve Stars for the Environment" Award 2002-10-11T00:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:45Z 2002-10-11T00:00:00Z en None 2011 0.0.0 None The European Environment Agency's former Executive Director, Domingo Jiménez-Beltrán, has received the "Twelve Stars for the Environment" Award of the European Environmental Bureau (EEB). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None V8RHX5OD7E
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20021111072940 European Environment Agency pays tribute to Poul Harremoës 2003-12-02T08:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:46Z 2003-12-02T08:00:00Z en None 2011 0.0.0 None The European Environment Agency today paid tribute to Prof. Poul Harremoës, a globally renowned water engineer and long-serving member of the EEA's Scientific Committee, who has died after a short illness. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VHIW3DJPS4
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20030506144917 From the Europa website: Commissioner Wallström calls for more stringent measures and policies to cut EU greenhouse gas emissions 2003-05-04T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:52Z 2003-05-04T22:00:00Z en None 2011 0.0.0 None Commissioner Wallström calls for more stringent measures and policies to cut EU greenhouse gas emissions (European Commission press release on europa.eu.int) http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None DMZOE5XHTW
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1006271305 Quelle est l'efficacité de la législation européenne matière d'environnement? 2001-11-28T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:04:46Z 2001-11-28T23:00:00Z en None 2011 0.0.0 None D'après un nouveau rapport de l'Agence européenne pour l'environnement intitulé «Reporting on environmental measures: Are we being effective?», il est très difficile de répondre à cette question. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 3C9H2XZ87O
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1021987665 EEA continues shift from "report producer" to "information provider" 2002-05-21T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:04:51Z 2002-05-21T22:00:00Z en None 2011 0.0.0 None EEA today launched a completely revamped Web site, the second major revision since the Agency created its site in 1995. The new-look site was opened by the Lord Mayor of Copenhagen, Jens Kramer Mikkelsen, during a visit to the EEA. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 6UJQ3NKE4F
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1035373334 Domingo Jiménez-Beltrán receives the "Twelve Stars for the Environment" Award 2002-10-11T00:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:04:55Z 2002-10-11T00:00:00Z en None 2011 0.0.0 None The European Environment Agency's former Executive Director, Domingo Jiménez-Beltrán, has received the "Twelve Stars for the Environment" Award of the European Environmental Bureau (EEB). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None GTRXB0IW78
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1105518481 EEA pays tribute to Bjarne Norup, Denmark's National Focal Point in Eionet 2005-01-09T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:05Z 2005-01-09T23:00:00Z en None 2011 0.0.0 None It was with deep sadness that we learned of the death early last week of Bjarne Norup, Denmark's national focal point representative to EEA's European environment information and observation network (Eionet), after a short illness. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 2F6H0OAKTX
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann979227386 The Agency referees The BET between European youth and Environment Commissioner Margot Wallström 2000-11-21T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:31Z 2000-11-21T23:00:00Z en None 2011 0.0.0 None Today in The Hague, participants in the European Youth Campaign, "The BET", have betted with Environment Commissioner Margot Wallström that they can save 8% of CO2 emissions in at least 88 schools in at least 8 different European countries in the coming 8 months. In total they must save at least 8.000.000 kilograms of CO2. The European Environment Agency has agreed to act as referee for the BET http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None XNFEPYC6M0
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann979228994 Environment Policy of the European Union and implications for Cyprus - Nicosia - 22/23 February 2000-02-27T23:00:00Z 2019-12-10T09:22:32Z 2000-02-27T23:00:00Z en None 2011 0.0.0 None This seminar was part of the "familiarisation" process prior to Cyprus joining the European Union. It was organised by the Cyprus Government, the European Institute of Cyprus, the European Commission and the European Environment Agency. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None COQPIRNEKX
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/hot-summer-weather-exacerbating-ozone-pollution Hot summer weather exacerbating ozone pollution 2013-08-14T08:26:52Z 2020-11-23T10:58:57Z 2013-08-14T09:02:49Z en None 2013 1.0.2 None Unusually high temperatures this summer may be contributing to poor air quality in many European cities. Thresholds to protect health from ground-level ozone have been exceeded across Europe in recent weeks, according to preliminary data reported to the European Environment Agency (EEA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None XW83Q4T0O1
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/better-integration-of-land-use Better integration of land use impacts needed across EU policies 2016-05-04T09:36:17Z 2016-06-21T13:45:50Z 2016-05-04T13:20:00Z en None 2016 1.8.2 None Land is a valuable and limited resource. The environmental impact of land used for building new roads, houses or energy grids should be better integrated into European Union policies, according to a report released today by the European Environment Agency. A preliminary review on how land is used in the EU found that more attention should be paid to environmental concerns. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None NB3V17D6UF
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/building-resilient-cities-key-to Building resilient cities key to tackling effects of climate change 2016-07-04T06:48:43Z 2019-12-10T09:22:20Z 2016-07-05T18:55:00Z en None 2016 1.4.2 None Cities across Europe must step up their adaptation efforts if they are to handle the increasingly complex challenges caused by climate change such as more extreme flooding or prolonged heatwaves. A European Environment Agency (EEA) report published today stresses the benefits of investing in long-term preventive measures that cities should take to improve their resilience. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VP46UQ5MYS
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/how-vulnerable-is-your-city How vulnerable could your city be to climate impacts? 2012-08-17T11:49:41Z 2017-07-17T08:14:05Z 2012-09-04T08:00:00Z en None 2012 4.2.1 None Climate change will affect Europe's cities in different ways. To give an overall impression of the challenge for European cities to adapt to climate change, the European Environment Agency (EEA) has published a series of detailed interactive maps, allowing users to explore data from more than 500 cities across Europe. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None T5NY6QJM49
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-year-new-focus-eea New Year, new focus: EEA priorities in 2014 2013-12-20T13:57:39Z 2016-06-21T13:45:31Z 2013-12-20T14:01:16Z en None 2013 4.2.1 None The start of the year is often a time for new projects and change. At the European Environment Agency, 2014 marks the start of a new 5-year work programme and a new set of environmental policy priorities. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VJF780GSEW
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/ipcc-report-calls-for-immediate-action IPCC report calls for immediate action on climate change 2007-11-19T14:39:04Z 2017-07-17T10:05:54Z 2007-11-19T16:10:00Z en None 2007 0.0.0 None The latest report from the Nobel-winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) underlines the need for immediate mitigation and adaptation measures according to Professor Jacqueline Mc Glade, Executive Director of the EEA. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None E8YHZMD97T
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/nitrogen-oxide-emissions-still-a Nitrogen oxide emissions still a major problem in Europe 2012-06-28T09:40:11Z 2019-12-10T09:22:19Z 2012-06-28T12:30:00Z en None 2012 4.2.1 None Air pollution emitted from sources such as traffic, industry and households is still above internationally agreed limits in many European countries, according to data published today. The accompanying report from the European Environment Agency (EEA) confirms an initial assessment published earlier this year, showing 12 EU Member States exceeded limits under the National Emissions Ceilings (NEC) Directive in 2010. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None K2P1AHOTZW
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/our-arctic-challenge Our Arctic Challenge 2007-11-26T14:58:51Z 2017-07-17T10:02:02Z 2007-11-26T18:30:00Z en None 2007 0.0.0 None His Royal Highness, Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark was guest of honour at a preview of the new EEA documentary, 'Our Arctic Challenge'. Filmed over 10 days in July 2007, the film follows an EEA team as it participates in the Extreme Arctic Team Challenge – an annual adventure race based on the island of Ammasalik, East Greenland. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None JAZR1O0GXH
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/ozone-and-particulates-most-serious Ozone and particulates most serious air quality problems in Europe 2011-11-08T09:36:21Z 2017-02-20T14:34:09Z 2011-11-08T15:20:00Z en None 2011 4.2.1 None Air quality in Europe has improved between 1990 and 2009, as emissions of most pollutants have fallen, according to a new report from the European Environment Agency (EEA). But there is still a lot of room for improvement, as many EU countries are expected to exceed the emissions ceilings in 2010 for at least one pollutant. In addition, concentration levels of ground-level ozone and particulate matter have remained stable over recent years despite efforts to improve air quality. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None FCT9XQZRO7
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europe2019s-environment-needs-you Let's clean up Europe! 2014-05-05T15:55:53Z 2016-06-21T13:46:12Z 2014-05-06T13:00:00Z en None 2014 4.2.1 None Volunteers across Europe will pick up litter on Saturday 10 May, as part of a coordinated EU Clean Up Day. The event is particularly timely, as there are growing concerns that rubbish polluting Europe's land and sea harms wildlife and may ultimately affect human health. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None O9B3VGUFP6
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/waste-prevention-where-do-european Waste prevention: where do European countries stand? 2015-12-04T13:52:38Z 2016-08-31T11:59:45Z 2015-12-07T14:00:00Z en None 2015 3.4.3 None Every year Europeans generate more than two billions of tonnes of waste, which does not only cause environmental problems but also represents an economic loss. Waste prevention lies at the centre of the European Union’s policies on waste and Member States have a legal obligation to adopt and implement waste prevention programmes. A new report by the European Environment Agency (EEA) reviews 27 national and regional waste prevention programmes adopted by the end of 2014. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None Z38VWIRGXY
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/carbon-dioxide-emissions-from-new Carbon dioxide emissions from new vans in Europe continued to fall in 2016 2017-05-16T09:37:34Z 2017-06-27T13:00:52Z 2017-05-18T09:50:00Z en None 2017 1.1.1 None Average carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions of new vans registered in 2016 in the European Union (EU) fell by 4.5 grammes (g) per kilometre, compared to the previous year. The reported fuel efficiency improved by 2.7%, according to preliminary data published today by the European Environment Agency (EEA). This is the highest annual reduction since 2013. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None TSNRU936P0
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-change-and-flood-risk Climate change and flood risk in European cities 2013-03-01T09:45:04Z 2019-12-10T09:22:36Z 2013-03-01T11:40:00Z en None 2013 4.2.1 None Increased flooding is likely to be one of the most serious effects from climate change in Europe over coming decades. Some of the conditions which may contribute to urban flooding are highlighted in a map from the European Environment Agency (EEA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 28YUORIF5D
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/can-we-save-energy-by Can we save energy by changing our behaviour? 2013-04-08T15:26:56Z 2016-06-21T13:45:51Z 2013-04-10T12:06:58Z en None 2013 2.8.1 None In 2010, European households consumed almost 13 % more energy than two decades ago and generated 25 % of energy-related greenhouse gas emissions. This trend must be reversed for the EU to reach its goal of reducing primary energy consumption by 20 % by 2020. Today, the European Environment Agency (EEA) publishes a report which investigates what it takes to achieve energy savings through changing consumer behaviour and launches an online survey to know more about society's views on the topic. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 07GUIQKNBF
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/ipcc-report-provides-new-evidence IPCC report provides new evidence of climate change 2013-09-27T08:00:00Z 2017-07-17T08:07:13Z 2013-09-27T08:00:00Z en None 2013 5.1.4 None As scientists have increased their understanding of the climate system, they have been able to state with increasing certainty that the Earth’s climate has changed beyond historic variability, and that humans are the main cause. This is demonstrated in the latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 8NB6F9C4Y5
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/water-charging-full-cost-can Water: Charging full cost can encourage more efficient use 2013-09-26T10:28:32Z 2016-08-31T12:12:41Z 2013-09-27T08:15:00Z en None 2013 1.4.3 None Flat-fee water charges are still common in parts of Europe. Such schemes, where users pay a fee regardless of the volume used, do not encourage efficient behaviour, either in households or agriculture, according to a new report from the European Environment Agency (EEA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None WCMX1PVH8I
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/river-rhine-commended-for-river River Rhine commended for river basin management 2013-09-12T22:00:00Z 2016-06-21T13:45:21Z 2013-09-12T22:00:00Z en None 2013 4.2.1 None The River Rhine has won the first ever International River Foundation (IRF) European River Prize, which is given for remarkable achievements in integrated river basin management. The other finalists were the Órbigo River in Spain, the Upper Drau in Austria, and the Mura-Drava-Danube in Central Europe. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None UOHVQIX79Z
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-companies-cut-further-the EU companies cut further the use of chemicals harmful to ozone layer 2017-09-13T13:21:15Z 2017-09-14T08:55:49Z 2017-09-14T07:40:00Z en None 2017 1.3.1 None Imports, exports and the overall consumption of chemicals harming the ozone layer decreased in the European Union in 2016, according to latest annual report on ozone-depleting substances, published today by the European Environment Agency (EEA). It shows a continuous trend in the phasing out of such chemicals over the last decade. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None M2I05JWSQC
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-nature-changing-rapidly-due-to-climate-change Europe's nature changing rapidly due to climate change 2007-05-16T08:22:27Z 2017-07-17T09:53:10Z 2008-04-30T10:40:00Z en None 2008 0.0.0 None Europe's biodiversity is already responding to climate change. 'Many species are already on the move, expanding northwards as temperatures rise,' says Prof. Jacqueline McGlade, Executive Director of the EEA on the occasion of the celebration of the International Day for Biological Diversity and the theme of 'biodiversity and climate change'. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 8OWEFRAV75
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/more-action-required-to-protect-1 More action required to protect soil in the city 2016-04-27T14:33:54Z 2016-07-15T09:35:28Z 2016-04-28T08:00:00Z en None 2016 1.8.2 None Industrial activity, pollution and exploitation are degrading the quality of soils located in and around our cities, according to a report released today by the European Environment Agency (EEA). Efficient use of soils supported by better planning and policy making in urban areas is needed to make sure that this valuable natural resource helps our cities remain liveable and able to deal with challenges like climate change. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None UXK7FWS6Z2
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/fluorinated-gases-continue-to-be Fluorinated gases continue to be phased down in Europe 2016-12-12T11:57:32Z 2016-12-13T08:41:00Z 2016-12-13T08:41:00Z en None 2016 1.2.1 None The production, import and export of fluorinated-gases (F-gases) continued to decline in the European Union, according to a new report published today by the European Environment Agency (EEA). F-gases, which are mainly used in cooling and heating equipment, have a high global warming potential and their phase-down is therefore essential to global efforts to mitigate climate change. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None FAK6QD0BTM
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/2013-kicking-off-the-2018year 2013: Kicking off the ‘Year of Air’ 2013-01-07T15:27:07Z 2016-06-21T13:45:52Z 2013-01-07T15:50:07Z en None 2012 4.2.2 None Clean air will be the focus of EU environmental policy discussions throughout 2013, the Year of Air. The European Environment Agency (EEA) provides a wealth of information underpinning the review of air pollutant legislation. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None AGBM6FUVXE
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1016620947-es Cumbre de Barcelona de la Unión Europea: Los resultados son preocupantes desde el punto de vista ambiental y del desarrollo sostenible 2002-03-19T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:04:48Z 2002-03-19T23:00:00Z en None 2011 0.0.0 None OPINIÓN PERSONAL http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None EJB9D6ANT8
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/jacqueline-mcglade-leaves-the-eea Jacqueline McGlade leaves the EEA after 10 years as Executive Director 2013-05-28T15:32:47Z 2016-06-21T13:45:27Z 2013-05-31T07:00:00Z en None 2013 4.2.1 None On 31 May, after 10 years of providing advice and information on the environment to policy makers, governments and citizens, Professor Jacqueline McGlade will end her second term as Executive Director of the European Environment Agency (EEA). Her work has shaped Europe’s most important environmental information provider. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None Y9JPITXSZF
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/rio-2012-is-an-opportunity Rio 2012 is an opportunity to move towards a green economy 2012-04-30T12:22:02Z 2016-06-21T13:45:23Z 2012-04-30T13:40:00Z en None 2012 3.3.1 None In less than two months, world leaders will gather in Rio de Janeiro for the UN Conference on Sustainable Development. It is 20 years since the last Rio conference, and Rio 2012 is an opportunity to assess the progress made toward sustainable development since 1992 and begin building a Green Economy. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ISO4D91876
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/ljubljana-wins-european-green-capital-2016 Ljubljana wins European Green Capital Award for 2016 2014-06-24T11:00:00Z 2017-02-20T14:27:05Z 2014-06-24T11:00:00Z en None 2014 4.2.1 None Slovenian capital Ljubljana has been named European Green Capital 2016 at a ceremony in Copenhagen, the current holder of the Green Capital title. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None PV9X1GCHK7
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/renewables-accounted-for-vast-majority Renewables accounted for vast majority of new EU power capacity in 2016 2017-12-13T11:16:04Z 2017-12-15T18:56:37Z 2017-12-17T23:05:00Z en None 2017 1.3.2 None Transition to renewable energy continues in the European Union (EU) but has lost some pace in the past two years. According to new European Environment Agency (EEA) estimates, renewables accounted for 86 % of the EU’s new capacity for electricity generation installed in 2016. Overall, EU Member States also continue to cut more capacity from conventional sources than they install. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 03S6ECJYX9
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/vote-for-your-favourite-environmental-photo Vote for your favourite environmental photo 2014-10-13T15:06:34Z 2018-01-11T14:26:32Z 2014-10-15T09:50:00Z en None 2014 3.4.3 None The European Environment Agency's photography competition 'Environment & Me' has closed. But you can still participate by voting for your favourite pictures. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None DS6GCF7ANZ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/2018our-arctic-challenge2019-wins-best-audience-documentary-award 'Our Arctic Challenge' wins audience award for best documentary 2008-04-16T17:13:10Z 2017-07-17T09:48:18Z 2008-04-30T08:40:00Z en None 2008 0.0.0 None The European Environment Agency's documentary film 'Our Arctic Challenge' received the audience award for best documentary feature in the Oxford International Film Festival in Ohio, USA. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None WCE4UAGP1I
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/extreme-weather-driving-countries-to Extreme weather driving countries to adapt to climate change 2014-10-07T10:16:26Z 2020-11-23T10:58:41Z 2014-10-13T11:10:00Z en None 2014 1.3.2 None Adapting to climate change has reached the political agenda in most European countries, according to the most comprehensive analysis of adaptation in Europe published to date. Extreme weather events and EU policies were the most common reasons for beginning to address adaptation. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None JCWEK26T5X
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/using-resources-more-efficiently-green Using resources more efficiently: Green Week 2011 2011-05-23T12:09:55Z 2016-08-31T12:45:02Z 2011-05-24T10:00:00Z en None 2011 4.2.1 None Rethinking the way we use and manage resources is the subject of this year's Green Week, the European Commission's annual conference on environmental policy from 24-27 May, 2011. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None JIW5N2G9ER
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/progress-reducing-emissions-of-some-air-pollutants Progress reducing emissions of some air pollutants 2007-11-23T12:42:37Z 2016-09-02T11:26:09Z 2007-11-23T16:25:00Z en None 2011 0.0.0 None Emissions of sulphur (SOx) have been reduced by almost 70 % since 1990, says a new report recently released by the European Environment Agency (EEA). The report, 'Annual European Community LRTAP Convention emission inventory report 1990–2005' also shows that levels of nitrogen oxides (NOx), as reported by the EU-27 Member States, are down by 35 %. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 3GONTFWVPQ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/many-european-countries2019-air-pollutant Many European countries' air pollutant emissions above legal limits 2015-06-10T09:40:44Z 2016-06-21T13:45:52Z 2015-06-11T08:30:00Z en None 2015 1.1.2 None Air pollutant emissions in the EU continue to exceed legal limits, according to a report from the European Environment Agency (EEA) published today. Preliminary data for 2013 shows that ten EU Member States exceeded one or more of their emission ceilings for key pollutants. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None GZJFTYQMCH
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/technological-solutions-and-behavioural-change Technological solutions and behavioural change needed to decarbonise transport 2015-12-14T07:48:35Z 2016-06-21T13:45:19Z 2015-12-14T12:35:00Z en None 2015 3.4.3 None While the transport sector contributes significantly to society and the economy it also can cause substantial adverse impacts on the environment, global climate and human health. A new report by the European Environment Agency (EEA) analyses key environmental trends with a view to identifying what has improved and what has hampered the past performance of the transport sector. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None AJ7GUC3O5W
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/renewables-assuming-greater-role-in Renewables assuming greater role in the EU energy mix, helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 2017-03-30T09:27:50Z 2017-04-03T08:29:33Z 2017-04-03T08:25:00Z en None 2017 1.3.2 None Wind, solar and other renewable energy sources are steadily increasing their share in energy consumption across the European Union, further reducing the need for CO2-emitting fossil fuel energy, according to a report published by the European Environment Agency (EEA) today. This trend is driving down greenhouse gas emissions from electricity generation, buildings’ heating and cooling, and transport. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VCP6OYRJ3G
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/take-part-in-our-photography Take part in our photography competition ‘My City’ 2016-04-14T07:21:32Z 2017-02-20T15:03:49Z 2016-04-15T08:50:00Z en None 2016 3.4.2 None Cities play an increasingly important part in our lives. Urban areas are where we live, work, rest and play. The European Environment Agency (EEA) invites you to participate in the ‘My City’ photography competition and share the moments you captured in European cities. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None WMAJ13YGK0
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/ireland2019s-laura-burke-takes-up Ireland’s Laura Burke takes up new post as European Environment Agency’s (EEA) Management Board Chair 2017-08-30T11:33:35Z 2017-09-01T07:57:09Z 2017-09-01T07:57:09Z en None 2017 3.4.4 None Laura Burke, head of Ireland’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) took up her position as Chair of the EEA Management Board today, succeeding Elisabeth Freytag-Rigler at the end of her three-year term. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None PRJUSINKB8
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/searching-for-noise-solutions-on Searching for noise solutions on awareness day 2011-04-26T15:08:49Z 2016-08-25T08:43:52Z 2011-04-27T14:00:00Z en None 2011 1.0.3 None To mark the International Noise Awareness Day on 27 April, the European Environment Agency (EEA) and the Noise Abatement Society (NAS) seek submissions for the new European Soundscape Award which will recognise innovative solutions to noise problems. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None GZMP4Y0UKE
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/european-hazardous-waste-management-improving European hazardous waste management improving, but its prevention needs attention 2016-12-15T13:50:05Z 2019-12-10T09:22:29Z 2016-12-16T07:50:00Z en None 2016 1.9.1 None Despite improvements in hazardous waste management, more measures would be required to prevent the build-up of hazardous waste across Europe, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) report released today. The report reviews the application of waste prevention programmes across European countries regarding waste types that are considered to be most dangerous to human health and the environment. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None OUPYK0TN1I
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-cars2019-co2-emissions-well New cars’ CO2 emissions well below Europe’s 2015 target 2015-04-14T14:41:42Z 2016-06-21T13:46:07Z 2015-04-15T12:00:00Z en None 2015 1.1.1 None New cars sold in 2014 emit on average 2.6 % less CO2 than those sold in 2013 and almost 7 grammes of CO2/km below the 2015 target, according to provisional data published today by the European Environment Agency. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None H63UQC5X4D
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/commission-and-eea-sign-agreement Commission and EEA sign agreement to provide detailed information on land cover in Europe 2011-05-25T14:05:44Z 2017-05-08T14:07:41Z 2011-05-25T17:00:00Z en None 2011 4.2.1 None The European Environment Agency (EEA) and the European Commission (EC) have signed an agreement to provide information on land cover in Europe, compiling data from land, air and space. The agreement was signed on May 25, during a Green Week event in Brussels. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 5RIE87H0XT
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/resource-efficiency-in-europe-benefits Resource efficiency in Europe: benefits of doing more with less 2016-06-07T11:52:54Z 2016-08-31T11:54:38Z 2016-06-09T08:00:00Z en None 2016 2.1.1 None Many European countries are realising the economic benefits of making more efficient use of material resources like metals, fossil fuels and minerals. But more action is needed to underpin this trend in resource efficiency with stronger policies on energy, material resources, waste management and on circular economy. These are the findings from a new European Environment Agency (EEA) assessment published today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None HTU5FNJVQ7
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-forcing-f-gases-2013 Climate-forcing F-gases – new report published 2014-09-29T08:52:28Z 2017-01-13T14:33:07Z 2014-09-29T11:40:00Z en None 2014 1.3.1 None Fluorinated gases (F-gases) are emitted into the atmosphere in relatively small quantities, but their effect on climate change is increasingly significant. These substances are very powerful greenhouse gases, with a warming effect thousands of times greater than CO2 in many cases. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None H876JM4TF3
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/ten-countries-continue-to-breach Ten EU countries continue to breach National Emission Ceilings Directive limits 2016-06-10T07:05:13Z 2018-05-24T09:06:42Z 2016-06-10T08:35:00Z en None 2016 1.1.2 None Air pollution from sources such as transport and agriculture is still being emitted above legal limits in 10 European Union (EU) Member States according to new data published by the European Environment Agency (EEA) today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None GUOSCQWXD3
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eea-takes-on-the-2018arctic-challenge2019 EEA takes on the ‘Siku Extreme Arctic Challenge’ 2007-07-24T07:45:00Z 2017-05-08T14:24:14Z 2007-07-24T11:45:00Z en None 2011 0.0.0 None Two EEA teams have travelled to Greenland to participate in the gruelling Siku Extreme Arctic Challenge (SEAC) . Over five days, they will cover more than 250 km of the toughest terrain east Greenland offers. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 6FWVYMXQT2
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/bend-the-trend-2013-every-small-act-counts Bend the trend — every small act counts 2009-12-11T11:18:03Z 2017-05-08T13:23:45Z 2009-12-12T09:40:00Z en None 2011 0.0.0 None International business leaders, social organisers, Lapland's reindeer herders and the Netherlands' architects all have stories to tell about how climate change has affected them. The European Environment Agency is providing them a platform to make their voices and solutions heard. The Agency also invites everyone to pledge a small change in their lifestyle. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None BA910HCPOY
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/van-manufacturers-must-make-new Van manufacturers must make new models more efficient by 2020 2013-06-13T13:11:39Z 2016-06-21T13:45:24Z 2013-06-18T09:55:00Z en None 2013 4.2.1 None New vans in the European Union (EU) must become more efficient to meet carbon dioxide targets in 2017 and 2020, according to provisional data published by the European Environment Agency (EEA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None G3V09A6EX7
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/black-carbon-better-monitoring-needed Black carbon: Better monitoring needed to assess health and climate change impacts 2013-12-09T14:30:03Z 2019-12-10T09:22:29Z 2013-12-10T07:55:00Z en None 2013 2.4.2 None Black carbon is an air pollutant which harms human health and can contribute to climate change – so cutting emissions may have many benefits. The European Environment Agency (EEA) has published a report on the measurement of black carbon in the air. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None NMK9TUP0ZX
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-still-on-track-to EU still on track to meet targets on renewables and energy efficiency but progress slowing down 2017-11-23T08:32:38Z 2017-11-24T11:48:00Z 2017-11-24T11:35:00Z en None 2017 1.3.2 None The European Union (EU) and most of its Member States are on track to reach their 2020 targets on renewable energy and energy efficiency. However, recent increases in energy consumption are slowing down progress, according to a new analysis by the European Environment Agency (EEA). The EEA analysis calls for Member States to keep energy consumption in check, particularly in times of economic growth, and to accelerate the decarbonisation of the EU energy system. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None YE43HT5N1C
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/innovations-across-europe-lead-way Innovations across Europe lead way towards sustainable future 2016-12-06T13:08:49Z 2017-02-17T14:38:36Z 2016-12-07T08:35:00Z en None 2016 2.3.3 None Achieving the European Union’s long-term objective of shifting to a sustainable, low-carbon future will be a massive undertaking. It will require fundamental changes in how we live, produce goods and consume. A new joint report by the European Environment Agency (EEA) and the European Environment Information and Observation Network (Eionet) explores the innovations and new knowledge that can catalyse and guide transitions. It further investigates how the EEA and Eionet can help support such change. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None WCZR4S2Y9P
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/coal-fired-power-plants-remain Coal-fired power plants remain top industrial polluters in Europe 2017-07-06T12:05:38Z 2017-07-07T13:53:23Z 2017-07-09T21:55:00Z en None 2017 1.1.2 None Coal-fired power plants across Europe are responsible for the largest amounts of key pollutants released into the air, according to a briefing and updated industrial pollution data published by the European Environment Agency (EEA) today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 4HWX9DUPNM
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/vote-for-your-favourite-video Vote for your favourite video in our competition! 2012-04-20T13:24:19Z 2016-06-21T13:45:45Z 2012-04-20T13:30:00Z en None 2012 4.2.2 None Twenty years ago, governments from around the world met in Rio de Janeiro to discuss sustainable development, and created some of the most far-reaching environmental agreements. As the negotiators prepare for Rio+20, we asked young people across Europe – born around the time of the first Earth Summit – to show us their vision for a sustainable future. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None UM2YHSXGVQ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/air-pollution-still-harming-europe2019s Air pollution still harming Europe's ecosystems, despite reduced emissions 2014-06-30T08:21:31Z 2016-06-21T13:45:32Z 2014-06-30T10:00:00Z en None 2014 4.2.1 None Emissions of nitrogen-containing pollutants continue to harm sensitive ecosystems, according to two new reports published today by the European Environment Agency (EEA). Nonetheless, both reports show a marked improvement over the last two decades. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None WX1EGA0U4M
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/bat-population-recovering Bat populations recovering, according to largest ever European study 2014-01-14T16:04:27Z 2016-06-21T13:46:08Z 2014-01-29T23:05:00Z en None 2013 1.7.4 None Bat numbers increased more than 40 % between 1993 and 2011, after declining for many years, according to a new report by the European Environment Agency (EEA), which considers the state of bat populations in a handful of countries across Europe. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None EV2GMC5KNX
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/quality-of-europes-water-for Quality of Europe’s water for people’s use has improved, but challenges remain to keep it clean and healthy 2016-11-29T10:15:20Z 2016-11-30T09:47:41Z 2016-11-30T11:00:00Z en None 2016 1.5.2 None The quality of drinking water and bathing water, and the effectiveness of waste water treatment across the European Union continues to improve, according to a new European Environment Agency (EEA) report published today. However, pollution from sources like waste water treatment plants, agricultural runoff and storm water overflows, and emerging risks like micro pollutants from personal care products pose challenges to maintaining clean and healthy water for people’s use. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None N395RPXSG7
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/proof-of-climate-change-unequivocal Proof of climate change 'unequivocal' 2007-02-02T13:19:21Z 2017-07-17T10:12:03Z 2007-02-02T14:20:00Z en None 2006 0.0.0 None A new UN report, written by a panel of senior scientists from around the world, says that the proof of climate change is 'unequivocal'. The report, 'Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis', the latest report from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), was released in Paris on Friday, February 2. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 2EQU4RX6K5
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/rapid-action-needed-on-climate Rapid action needed on climate financing to meet low-carbon targets 2017-07-05T13:12:56Z 2017-07-06T08:17:21Z 2017-07-06T08:00:00Z en None 2017 1.3.2 None European countries need to rapidly step up efforts and define their investment needs and plans to match their objectives in shifting to a low-carbon, climate-resilient economy. This is the key finding of a stocktaking briefing published by the European Environment Agency (EEA) today, which also stresses the need for clear information on investment needs and priorities to attract private finance. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 6WJAT0QRHX
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/soil-contamination-widespread-in-europe Soil contamination widespread in Europe 2014-05-02T10:52:38Z 2020-11-23T10:58:41Z 2014-05-02T10:55:00Z en None 2014 4.2.1 None There are an estimated 340 000 contaminated pieces of land in Europe, most of which are yet to be identified, according to a new Europe-wide assessment. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None OQU71BS4FJ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/better-targeted-measures-needed-to Better targeted measures needed to tackle urban sprawl in Europe 2016-06-07T11:35:03Z 2020-11-23T10:58:34Z 2016-06-08T10:00:00Z en None 2016 1.8.3 None There is growing evidence that urban sprawl is having an increasingly negative effect on the environment and on the quality of life across Europe. Existing actions to prevent, contain or control such development have had limited results. Better targeted measures are necessary. That is the main conclusion of a joint European Environment Agency (EEA) and Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) report published today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 9GBPMFJ6I3
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/improving-transparency-in-water-services Improving transparency in water services 2014-05-05T16:03:05Z 2016-06-21T13:46:11Z 2014-05-06T10:00:00Z en None 2014 4.2.1 None The average European directly uses approximately 130 litres of water per day. Better access to data on water supply and treatment may help Europe use this precious resource more efficiently, according to a new report on water utilities. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None KIYTC7USF9
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/protected-areas-cover-a-quarter Protected areas cover a quarter of Europe's land and almost 6 % of regional seas 2014-11-21T08:36:26Z 2016-06-21T13:45:24Z 2014-11-21T09:45:00Z en None 2014 1.7.5 None Protected areas cover more than 1 000 000 km2 of land and more than 340 000 km2 of coastal and marine ecosystems in Europe, according to the latest data. These areas are vitally important for protecting the continent’s most vulnerable species, habitats and marine life. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None HQIR9BEG42
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/picture2050-and-the-winners-are-1 Picture2050: and the winners are… 2015-10-28T13:59:00Z 2016-08-31T12:01:48Z 2015-10-28T15:15:00Z en None 2015 3.4.3 None What comes to your mind when you think of nature, economy and well-being? This was the question the European Environment Agency’s (EEA) photography competition Picture2050 asked Europeans. An external jury and the public selected the five winning entries among hundreds submitted from across Europe. Take a look at the winners. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 47BAQ82E3O
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/check-out-europe2019s-urban-atlas Check out Europe's 'Urban Atlas' 2010-04-15T08:27:15Z 2017-02-20T14:52:01Z 2010-04-15T10:00:00Z en None 2011 0.0.0 None How densely populated is your city? Where are the green areas and transport networks? The European Environment Agency (EEA) now hosts detailed maps and land cover information for the 117 European cities currently included in the new 'Urban Atlas'. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 9Y0Z6ESIUG
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/signals-2014-our-well-being Signals 2014: Our well-being depends on a resource-efficient, circular economy 2014-06-02T16:16:54Z 2016-08-31T12:40:45Z 2014-06-03T09:00:00Z en None 2014 4.2.1 None How do we create a performing economy that creates jobs and ensures our well-being, yet respects the limits of our planet? This question is considered in the latest edition of Signals, an annual publication from the European Environment Agency (EEA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None UCNHESW01F
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/ipcc-report-climate-change-impacts-are-a-fact-of-life IPCC report — climate change impacts are a fact of life 2007-04-04T12:24:10Z 2017-07-17T09:27:17Z 2008-04-30T10:40:00Z en None 2008 0.0.0 None Europe must take the lead in adapting to the impacts of climate change according to Professor Jacqueline McGlade, Executive Director of the EEA. Speaking after the launch of a report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which outlines the likely impacts of climate change, Professor McGlade stressed that effective action would need to be coordinated at the highest level. She also called on Europe to set an example. 'Europe sees itself as a leader in terms of setting targets and establishing policies for the mitigation of climate change. We also now need to lead on adaptation if we are to make a successful transition to the changing environment,' she said. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None A739IXZBKQ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/the-search-is-now-on The search is now on for European Green Capital 2014 2011-06-17T12:26:29Z 2017-02-20T14:44:26Z 2011-06-20T10:00:00Z en None 2011 4.2.1 None How green is your city? That’s the question being asked by the European Green Capital Award (EGCA), which is now searching for an exemplary city for 2014. The competition was launched by the European Commission on 14 June. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None YHIAV2MZU0
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/environment-commissioner-and-danish-minister Environment Commissioner and Danish Minister meet 80,000 workers at the EEA 2011-06-23T07:46:13Z 2017-02-20T14:45:15Z 2011-06-23T14:30:00Z en None 2011 4.2.1 None The bees living on the roof of the European Environment Agency (EEA) received some special guests today, when European Environment Commissioner Janez Potočnik and Danish Environment Minister Karen Ellemann visited their hives. The two policy makers joined EEA Executive Director Jacqueline McGlade in harvesting the first batch of honey. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VSFIEAM5N3
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/a-summary-of-the-year A summary of the Year of Air – what we know about air pollution in 2013 2013-12-20T15:47:43Z 2016-06-21T13:45:43Z 2013-12-20T15:49:04Z en None 2013 4.2.1 None In 2013 Europe’s air was a central theme of work at the European Environment Agency (EEA), with several assessments looking at issues related to the gases, liquid droplets and solid particles polluting the atmosphere in many parts of Europe. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None U6OSH4910P
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/european-air-quality-index-current European Air Quality Index: current air quality information at your finger tips 2017-11-13T12:52:21Z 2019-12-10T09:22:22Z 2017-11-16T08:53:02Z en None 2017 1.1.2 None A new European Air Quality Index, launched today by the European Environment Agency (EEA) and the European Commission, allows users to check the current air quality across Europe’s cities and regions. The Index is accompanied by new country fact sheets that provide updated air quality information for EEA member countries. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None Y34DRWPUG7
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/use-of-climate-forcing-f Use of climate-forcing F-gases underlines need for innovation 2013-10-02T09:33:44Z 2017-01-13T14:34:16Z 2013-10-02T13:05:00Z en None 2013 1.3.4 None Fluorinated gases, otherwise known as F-gases, are a range of industrial gases which have a powerful effect on the climate. As EU policy makers consider further proposals to limit the use of these gases, the European Environment Agency (EEA) has published data on their production, import and export. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None OWXCGDIRZA
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/summer-ozone-at-harmful-levels Summer ozone at harmful levels in 2013 2014-03-13T09:19:06Z 2017-02-20T14:29:30Z 2014-03-13T14:50:00Z en None 2014 1.1.1 None Ground-level ozone exceeded legal limits in every Member State and at many individual measurement sites during summer 2013, according to the European Environment Agency's annual report on this harmful pollutant. Although the number of exceedances is high, they have decreased over recent decades, the report notes. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None P4W5TMFEKS
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-fluorinated-gases-phase-down EU fluorinated gases phase-down remains on track 2017-12-06T11:56:15Z 2018-02-14T08:56:00Z 2017-12-07T08:50:00Z en None 2017 1.3.2 None European Union efforts to phase-down the production and import of fluorinated greenhouse-gases (F-gases) made good progress in 2016, according to the latest annual update published by the European Environment Agency (EEA) today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 7MZHGFX9Q0
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eea-land-cover-data-to EEA land cover data to be used in mobile phone maps 2012-12-13T13:15:30Z 2016-06-21T13:45:23Z 2012-12-13T14:00:00Z en None 2012 4.2.1 None Data on land use provided by the European Environment Agency (EEA) is soon to be included in electronic maps used for navigation in mobile phones and other devices. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None F2ANH0YDOQ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/pressure-increases-on-arctic-environment Pressure increases on Arctic environment 2007-01-25T14:36:29Z 2017-07-17T10:14:21Z 2007-01-25T15:55:00Z en None 2006 0.0.0 None 'The Arctic region provides the industrialised world with an opportunity to turn rhetoric into practice in terms of sustainable development, resource sharing and restrained resource use', Professor Jacqueline McGlade, Executive Director of the EEA, told an invited audience at the Arctic Frontiers Conference in Tromsø, Norway. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None I3KF5HMJ9B
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/flood-risk-in-europe-2013 Flood risk in Europe: the long-term outlook 2013-06-05T07:40:00Z 2016-12-16T13:50:03Z 2013-06-05T07:40:00Z en None 2013 2.2.1 None Floods in Central Europe have caused deaths and widespread property damage across parts of the Czech Republic, Germany and Austria. Such events are likely to increase in Europe for several reasons including climate change, according to recent assessments from the European Environment Agency (EEA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VOD0AX3MNW
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/the-alps-europe2019s-cherished-but-endangered-mountains The Alps: Europe’s cherished but endangered mountains 2009-09-09T09:19:13Z 2017-07-17T09:11:04Z 2009-09-09T14:00:00Z en None 2011 0.0.0 None As the ‘water towers of Europe’, the Alps play a crucial role in sustaining the social and economic wellbeing of millions of people living in vast lowland areas. A complex and vulnerable ecosystem, they represent Europe’s central landmark. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 3XY1H0RNVA
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/every-breath-we-take-2013 Every breath we take – Signals 2013 focuses on air quality in Europe 2013-04-11T08:10:25Z 2016-06-21T13:45:47Z 2013-04-15T08:45:00Z en None 2013 4.2.2 None Poor air quality can have serious impacts on our health and the environment. How is Europe’s air quality? What are the main sources of air pollutants? How do they affect our health and the environment? What does Europe do to improve air quality? The new edition of the European Environment Agency’s (EEA) Signals takes a closer look. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 4BVEYCKS6N
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/ecrins-map-project-pinpoints-water ECRINS map project pinpoints water information in Europe 2012-07-17T09:33:40Z 2019-12-10T09:22:28Z 2012-07-17T22:00:00Z en None 2012 4.2.1 None Europe’s freshwater supplies are under pressure. To improve the understanding and management of water resources, the European Environment Agency (EEA) has created a comprehensive series of map layers showing hydrological features. The tool, providing support to policy makers, spans river catchments from Iceland to the edge of the Persian Gulf. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None JSFYT2VWO7
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/fewer-summer-ozone-peaks-2012 Fewer summer ozone peaks in 2012, but levels still harmful 2013-01-31T10:35:00Z 2016-06-21T13:45:53Z 2013-01-31T10:35:00Z en None 2013 4.2.1 None Ozone pollution still exceeded target levels in Europe during summer 2012, but the number of exceedances of the alert threshold was lower than in any year since monitoring started in 1997. However, almost all EU Member States failed to keep levels of the pollutant within targets set to protect human health. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None IZ5UK8N3TM
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/populations-of-grassland-butterflies-decline Populations of grassland butterflies decline almost 50 % over two decades 2013-07-17T09:26:17Z 2019-12-10T09:22:36Z 2013-07-17T09:28:06Z en None 2013 1.2.2 None Grassland butterflies have declined dramatically between 1990 and 2011. This has been caused by intensifying agriculture and a failure to properly manage grassland ecosystems, according to a report from the European Environment Agency (EEA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None YMZRW91T6Q
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/critical-gaps-remain-in-europes Critical gaps remain in Europe’s environmental performance despite improvements 2017-11-29T10:12:34Z 2017-11-30T10:57:21Z 2017-11-30T09:25:00Z en None 2017 2.4.4 None The European Union (EU) is making stronger progress towards a resource-efficient, low-carbon economy than in protecting biodiversity, natural capital and people’s health. An annual European Environment Agency (EEA) environmental indicator report analyses whether the EU is achieving by 2020 a selected set of environmental objectives. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None WK7OGFY1RN
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/common-agricultural-policy-reform-2013 Common Agricultural Policy reform – reducing the impact of farming 2011-10-12T15:16:11Z 2016-06-21T13:46:10Z 2011-10-12T17:40:00Z en None 2011 4.2.1 None Today, the European Commission launched its proposals for the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) after 2013. The key objective is ‘to strengthen the competitiveness, sustainability and permanence of agriculture throughout the EU in order to secure for European citizens a healthy and high-quality source of food, preserve the environment and develop rural areas’. The proposals tie financial support more closely to environmental goals. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VXKIOY7FSU
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/how-to-measure-the-environmental How to measure environmental pressures from production and consumption? 2013-03-04T10:10:00Z 2019-12-10T09:22:23Z 2013-03-04T10:10:00Z en None 2013 4.2.1 None The consumption and production of goods and services is currently unsustainable in Europe, with ‘decoupling’ of environmental pressures from economic growth insufficient to date. A new report from the European Environment Agency (EEA) describes methods for quantifying environmental pressures caused by European consumption patterns and economic production sectors. These methods can help target decoupling actions. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None EW2V0APIB6
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/magic-or-recycling Magic or recycling? 2014-08-05T13:40:19Z 2019-01-11T13:51:04Z 2014-08-07T09:00:00Z en None 2014 4.2.1 None Transforming a bottle into a jacket may sound like magic, but it may be easier than you think. A new video from the European Environment Agency (EEA) shows some of the ingenious ways a plastic water bottle can be reused or recycled. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 5WC9OEUXSB
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/co2-emissions-from-cars-and CO2 emissions from cars and vans: all larger manufacturers met their 2015 targets 2016-12-15T12:08:04Z 2018-01-17T11:16:41Z 2016-12-16T11:20:00Z en None 2016 1.1.2 None Based on current testing rules in force, virtually all car and van manufacturers have met their specific CO2 emissions target in 2015, according to a new report from the European Environment Agency (EEA). The report confirms preliminary findings published earlier this year showing that the EU as a whole is well below its average emissions target for the same year. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None QKTBGHPC3A
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/managing-water-and-human-activities-together Managing water and human activities together 2012-08-23T11:49:39Z 2016-06-21T13:45:31Z 2012-08-24T08:00:00Z en None 2012 2.6.2 None River basins, lakes, floodplains and marshes often span political and administrative boundaries. This creates challenges in the management of Europe's water resources, according to a report from the European Environment Agency (EEA), which recommends better integration of coordinated spatial planning and water management. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 4CT8VBKXIF
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/major-new-website-to-assist Major new website to assist with climate change adaptation in Europe 2012-03-23T08:43:08Z 2016-12-15T16:34:39Z 2012-03-23T11:00:00Z en None 2012 4.2.1 None Climate change is already evident in Europe. Across the continent, policy makers are starting to respond to current and future impacts and risks associated with rising temperatures, changing precipitation, melting glaciers, ice and snow, rising sea levels, and more frequent and intense floods and droughts. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None B98GRF1KWM
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/car-and-van-makers-continue Car and van makers continue to meet CO2 emission targets ahead of schedule 2014-10-28T17:11:23Z 2016-06-21T13:45:53Z 2014-10-29T10:23:13Z en None 2014 1.3.1 None Almost all car and van manufacturers have met European carbon dioxide emission limits several years ahead of their deadlines, according to updated information from the European Environment Agency (EEA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ZMRQ16C4FG
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/households-and-industry-responsible-for Households and industry responsible for half of EU greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels 2012-12-20T09:46:23Z 2016-06-21T13:45:22Z 2012-12-20T10:55:00Z en None 2012 4.2.1 None Households and industry in the EU each cause approximately a quarter of energy-related greenhouse gas emissions, according to a new report by the European Environment Agency (EEA). The two sectors were largely responsible for the emissions increase in 2010, together leading to an additional 90 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent compared to 2009. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 4NUB5C62IX
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1002696034 Statement by Domingo Jiménez-Beltrán, EEA Executive Director 2001-10-08T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:04:45Z 2001-10-08T22:00:00Z en None 2011 0.0.0 None None http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None S4ZBAUY7IP
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/greetings Season's greetings 2004-12-17T02:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:24Z 2012-12-12T13:52:19Z en None 2012 1.0.3 None None http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None H6FKYI7DNX
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/nova-auta-plni-limity-pro Nová auta plní limity pro emise CO2 s dvouletým předstihem 2014-04-30T07:52:31Z 2016-06-21T13:46:10Z 2014-06-18T10:21:27Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-cars-meet-co2-target 2014 4.2.1 None Energetická efektivnost nových osobních automobilů v EU setrvale stoupá, v roce 2013 byl průměrný automobil prodaný v EU o 4 % energeticky efektivnější než v roce předchozím. Růst energetické efektivnosti vede ke snižování spotřeby paliva i produkce emisí skleníkových plynů, a tak v roce 2013 vozový park nových osobních automobilů jako celek splňoval legislativou stanovené cíle pro emise CO2 stanovené k roku 2015. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None JD05XF6A2E
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fr/highlights/gestion-coordonnee-de-l2019eau-et Gestion coordonnée de l’eau et des activités humaines 2012-08-23T11:49:39Z 2016-06-21T13:45:31Z 2012-09-03T08:02:29Z fr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/managing-water-and-human-activities-together 2012 2.6.2 None Bassins fluviaux, lacs, plaines inondables et marais ignorent souvent les limites politiques et administratives. Cela crée des défis dans la gestion des ressources hydrauliques en Europe, selon un rapport de l'Agence européenne pour l'environnement (AEE). Cette dernière recommande l’amélioration de l’intégration de la gestion combinée de l’aménagement du territoire et de l'eau. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None T8KHBENYRC
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/muze-priroda-pomoci-snizit-dopady Může příroda pomoci snížit dopady změny klimatu? 2015-09-18T10:06:10Z 2019-12-10T09:22:22Z 2016-01-28T14:09:38Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/can-nature-help-reduce-the 2015 3.4.3 None Budování a správa dobře plánované sítě přírodních oblastí by mohly poskytnout účinné a v mnoha případech i levnější řešení prevence a odstraňování následků přírodních katastrof. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None H25N691OR3
http://www.eea.europa.eu/mt/highlights/it-titjib-tal-kwalita-tal It-titjib tal-kwalità tal-arja fil-bliet Ewropej ser iwassal għal benefiċċji kbar tas-saħħa 2017-10-06T09:27:55Z 2019-12-10T09:22:21Z 2017-10-06T09:27:55Z mt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/improving-air-quality-in-european 2017 1.1.2 None Il-parti l-kbira tan-nies li jgħixu fi bliet Ewropej huma esposti għal kwalità ħażina tal-arja. L-aħħar stimi mill-Aġenzija Ewropea għall-Ambjent (EEA), li ħarġu llum, juru li l-materja partikolata fina tkompli tikkawża l-mewt prematura ta' aktar minn 400 000 Ewropew fis-sena. It-trasport bit-triq, l-agrikoltura, l-impjanti tal-enerġija, l-industrija u l-unitajiet domestiċi huma l-akbar emittenti ta' sustanzi li jniġġsu l-arja fl-Ewropa. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 0R7XQZBT6E
http://www.eea.europa.eu/it/highlights/il-miglioramento-della-qualita-dell2019aria Il miglioramento della qualità dell’aria nelle città europee apporterà notevoli benefici alla salute 2017-10-06T09:27:55Z 2019-12-10T09:22:21Z 2017-10-06T09:27:55Z it http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/improving-air-quality-in-european 2017 1.1.2 None La maggior parte delle persone che vive nelle città europee è esposta a una scarsa qualità dell’aria. Le stime più recenti dell’Agenzia Europea dell’Ambiente (AEA), pubblicate oggi, rivelano che le particelle sottili continuano a essere la causa della morte prematura di più di 400 000 europei l’anno. In Europa i maggiori responsabili delle emissioni di inquinanti atmosferici sono: il trasporto su strada, l’agricoltura, le centrali elettriche, l’industria e i nuclei domestici. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 8FXU9RM2CG
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fr/highlights/que-signifie-la-nature-pour Que signifie la nature pour vous? Le concours photo NATURE@work est ouvert 2017-03-14T10:33:33Z 2019-12-10T09:22:28Z 2017-03-15T09:20:17Z fr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/what-does-nature-mean-to 2017 3.4.2 None La nature travaille dur pour nous protéger et soutenir notre vie quotidienne, et cela est souvent sous-estimé. Elle joue un rôle vital en nous fournissant de l'air propre, de l'eau potable, des vêtements, de la nourriture et des matières premières que nous utilisons pour construire des logements. D'autres bienfaits sont moins connus, tels que le rôle que joue la nature dans l'atténuation des effets du changement climatique. Afin de souligner l'importance de la nature dans nos vies, l'Agence européenne pour l'environnement (AEE) vous invite à participer au concours photo NATURE@work afin d’illustrer ce que la nature vous offre. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 7MN0FJYOPI
http://www.eea.europa.eu/et/highlights/euroopa-linnade-ohukvaliteedi-parandamine-toob Euroopa linnade õhukvaliteedi parandamine toob tervisele palju kasu 2017-10-06T09:27:55Z 2019-12-10T09:22:21Z 2017-10-06T09:27:55Z et http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/improving-air-quality-in-european 2017 1.1.2 None Halva kvaliteediga õhk ohustab enamikku Euroopa linnades elavatest inimestest. Euroopa Keskkonnaameti täna avaldatud viimastel hinnangutel põhjustavad tahked peenosakesed jätkuvalt igal aastal Euroopas üle 400 000 inimese enneaegse surma. Suurimad saasteainete õhku paiskajad Euroopas on maanteetransport, põllumajandus, elektrijaamad, tööstus ja kodumajapidamised. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 7WGKFI9TEA
http://www.eea.europa.eu/it/highlights/indice-europeo-della-qualita-dell2019aria Indice Europeo della Qualità dell’Aria: informazioni aggiornate sulla qualità dell’aria a portata di mano 2017-11-13T12:52:21Z 2019-12-10T09:22:22Z 2017-11-16T08:50:00Z it http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/european-air-quality-index-current 2017 1.1.2 None Il nuovo Indice Europeo della Qualità dell’Aria, presentato oggi dall’Agenzia europea dell’ambiente (AEA) e dalla Commissione europea, consente agli utenti di controllare la qualità attuale dell’aria nelle città e nelle regioni europee. L’indice è integrato da nuove schede informative nazionali che forniscono informazioni aggiornate sulla qualità dell’aria per i paesi membri dell’AEA. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None NFKPX164SE
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sl/highlights/europsky-index-kvality-ovzdusia-aktualne Evropski indeks kakovosti zraka: informacije o trenutni kakovosti zraka na dosegu roke 2017-11-13T12:52:21Z 2019-12-10T09:22:22Z 2017-11-16T08:50:00Z sl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/european-air-quality-index-current 2017 1.1.2 None Novi evropski indeks kakovosti zraka, ki sta ga danes predstavili Evropska agencija za okolje (EEA) in Evropska komisija, uporabnikom omogoča preveritev pregled trenutne kakovosti zraka v evropskih mestih in regijah. Indeksu so priloženi novi informativni bilteni za posamezne države, ki vsebujejo posodobljene informacije o kakovosti zraka za države članice agencije EEA. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None N6GEA7VJFR
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sk/highlights/europa-hlasi-zdravsie-zivotne-prostredie Európa hlási zdravšie životné prostredie – novým rizikám sa ale nevyhne 2013-05-30T08:56:04Z 2016-09-02T09:44:03Z 2013-07-02T08:30:00Z sk http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europe2019s-environment-now-healthier-2013 2013 4.2.1 None V porovnaní s minulosťou žijú Európania zdravšie a dlhšie. Čiastočne je to výsledok politiky ochrany životného prostredia, ktorá prispela k zníženiu množstva škodlivých znečisťujúcich látok v ovzduší, vode a potravinách. Niektoré z nich, ako nové chemikálie a produkty, a výrazne sa meniaci životný štýl vyvolávajú nové zdravotné riziká ohrozujúce zdravie Európanov. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 2J4PARBXC5
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pt/highlights/o-que-significa-para-si O que significa para si a Natureza? Está aberto o concurso fotográfico NATURE@work 2017-03-14T10:33:33Z 2019-12-10T09:22:28Z 2017-03-15T09:06:24Z pt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/what-does-nature-mean-to 2017 3.4.2 None A Natureza esforça-se por nos proteger e manter, diariamente, realidade a que muitas vezes não se dá o devido valor. A verdade é que desempenha um papel crucial, fornecendo-nos ar limpo, água potável limpa, roupa, comida e matérias-primas que utilizamos para construir os nossos abrigos. Outros benefícios, porém, não são tão bem conhecidos, tal como a importância da Natureza na mitigação dos efeitos das alterações climáticas. Para destacar a importância do papel que a Natureza desempenha nas nossas vidas, a Agência Europeia do Ambiente (AEA) convida-o a participar com uma fotografia que capte a forma como a Natureza o beneficia, através do concurso fotográfico NATURE@work. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None M0OC2T8PKQ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/pressroom/newsreleases/nove-poznatky-z-201eevropskeho-roku Nové poznatky z „Evropského roku vody“ (2012) 2012-12-20T15:12:00Z 2016-06-21T13:45:46Z 2013-08-15T09:40:53Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/media/newsreleases/eea-reviews-new-findings-from 2012 4.2.1 None Evropa potřebuje usilovněji pracovat na ochraně vody před rostoucími tlaky. Toto bylo jedno ze sdělení, které se objevilo během roku 2012, „Evropského roku vody“. Evropská agentura pro životní prostředí (EEA) také představila důležitá zjištění z mnoha jiných oblastí zahrnujících ovzduší, klima, biodiverzitu a chemikálie. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 0G1287UVEF
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/invazni-druhy-2013-ohrozeni-pro Invazní druhy – ohrožení pro životní prostředí i lidské zdraví 2013-02-18T13:09:45Z 2020-11-23T10:58:43Z 2013-08-15T09:30:47Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/de/highlights/invasive-arten-wachsendes-problem-fuer 2013 4.2.1 None Zavlečený nebo nepůvodní druh je organismus, který byl člověkem úmyslně nebo náhodně introdukován mimo areál svého původního výskytu. Nejčastějším důvodem introdukce druhů jsou zahradnické, zemědělské, lesnické nebo rybářské účely. Ke zvýšené míře introdukce přispívá v posledních desetiletích mezinárodní obchod, turistický ruch a v neposlední řadě také změna klimatu. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 1M9J0G4FZP
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lv/highlights/ko-jums-nozime Ko jums nozīmē daba? Ir Izsludināts fotokonkurss NATURE@work (Daba darbībā) 2017-03-14T10:33:33Z 2019-12-10T09:22:28Z 2017-03-15T09:10:11Z lv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/what-does-nature-mean-to 2017 3.4.2 None Daba cītīgi strādā, lai mūs aizsargātu un uzturētu mūsu ikdienas dzīvi — šo faktu bieži vien novērtējam par zemu. Tai ir būtiska nozīme, nodrošinot svaigu gaisu, tīru dzeramo ūdeni, apģērbu, pārtiku un izejmateriālus, ko izmantojam pajumtes celšanai. Citi ieguvumi nav tik labi zināmi, piemēram, kā daba mazina klimata pārmaiņu ietekmi. Lai uzsvērtu dabas nozīmi mūsu dzīvē, Eiropas Vides aģentūra (EVA) aicina piedalīties fotokonkursā ‘NATURE@work’ (Daba darbībā), lai atspoguļotu dabas devumu jūsu labsajūtai. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 9PRNUWZCMY
http://www.eea.europa.eu/es/highlights/que-significa-la-naturaleza-para ¿Qué significa la naturaleza para ti? Convocatoria del concurso de fotografía NATURE@work 2017-03-14T10:33:33Z 2019-12-10T09:22:28Z 2017-03-15T09:02:50Z es http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/what-does-nature-mean-to 2017 3.4.2 None La naturaleza contribuye en gran medida a protegernos y sustentar nuestra vida diaria, lo cual a menudo no valoramos suficiente. Sin embargo, juega un papel esencial porque nos proporciona aire limpio y agua potable, ropa, alimentos y materias primas que utilizamos para protegernos. Otros beneficios no son tan conocidos, como la importancia de la naturaleza en la mitigación de los efectos del cambio climático. Para resaltar la importancia del papel que la naturaleza desempeña en nuestras vidas, la Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente (AEMA) te invita a participar en el concurso «NATURE@work» con una fotografía que capte cómo la naturaleza te beneficia. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 4CZ631VSKB
http://www.eea.europa.eu/nl/highlights/verbetering-van-de-luchtkwaliteit-in Verbetering van de luchtkwaliteit in Europese steden komt de volksgezondheid sterk ten goede 2017-10-06T09:27:55Z 2019-12-10T09:22:21Z 2017-10-06T09:27:55Z nl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/improving-air-quality-in-european 2017 1.1.2 None De meeste inwoners van Europese steden zijn blootgesteld aan slechte luchtkwaliteit. Volgens de meest recente (en vandaag gepubliceerde) schattingen van het Europees Milieuagentschap (EEA) overlijden er in Europa jaarlijks nog altijd meer dan 400 000 mensen vroegtijdig door fijnstof. Wegverkeer, landbouw, energiecentrales, industrie en huishoudens veroorzaken de meeste luchtverontreiniging in Europa. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None TQD31AIYE9
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/zmena-klimatu-a-riziko-povodni Změna klimatu a riziko povodní v evropských městech 2013-03-01T09:45:04Z 2019-12-10T09:22:36Z 2013-08-15T09:37:58Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-change-and-flood-risk 2013 4.2.1 None Jedním z nejzávažnějších dopadů změny klimatu na evropském kontinentu pravděpodobně bude v následujících dekádách zvýšený výskyt povodní. Největší škody je možné očekávat ve městech. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None M3HRYCU7OW
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/nova-pracovni-mista-a-inovace Nová pracovní místa a inovace díky zelené fiskální reformě 2013-05-14T08:35:00Z 2016-08-31T12:42:22Z 2013-08-15T08:31:41Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/fiscal-reform-can-create-jobs 2013 4.2.1 None Zavedení ekologických daní a omezení environmentálně nepříznivých podpor může podpořit ekonomický růst za předpokladu, že výnos těchto opatření je využit k investicím, podpoře zaměstnanosti a ke snížení celkové daňové zátěže obyvatel. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None NDTWSBFXCE
http://www.eea.europa.eu/de/highlights/wasser-und-menschliche-aktivitaten-gemeinsam-managen Wasser und menschliche Aktivitäten gemeinsam managen 2012-08-23T11:49:39Z 2016-06-21T13:45:31Z 2012-09-06T13:43:46Z de http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/managing-water-and-human-activities-together 2012 2.6.2 None Flusseinzugsgebiete, Seen, Auen und Moore überschreiten oft politische und administrative Grenzen. Daraus entstehen Herausforderungen für die Bewirtschaftung der europäischen Wasserressourcen. In einem Bericht der Europäischen Umweltagentur (EUA) wird daher eine bessere Integration von koordinierter Raumplanung und Wasserwirtschaft empfohlen. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None GIN7VEHBJK
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/palivova-efektivnost-novych-osobnich-automobilu Palivová efektivnost nových osobních automobilů prodaných v EU se zvyšuje 2013-04-29T15:24:02Z 2016-06-21T13:45:47Z 2013-08-15T08:51:33Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/consumers-buying-more-efficient-cars 2013 4.2.1 None Průměrný nový osobní automobil prodaný v EU byl v roce 2012 o 9 % palivově efektivnější než před třemi roky. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 6AQ73SGOXU
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/automobilky-plni-stanovene-cile-pro Automobilky plní stanovené cíle pro emise CO2 2013-10-29T12:28:13Z 2016-06-21T13:45:55Z 2014-01-15T09:09:23Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/all-larger-carmakers-met-co2 2013 2.9.1 None Velcí výrobci osobních automobilů, kteří v roce 2012 prodali v EU27 více než 100 000 vozidel, plní limity pro emise oxidu uhličitého. Devět automobilek, mezi nimi např. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 013FA45DVQ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/mt/highlights/xi-tfisser-in-natura-ghalik Xi tfisser in-natura għalik? Tnediet il-kompetizzjoni tar-ritratti NATURE@work 2017-03-14T10:33:33Z 2019-12-10T09:22:28Z 2017-03-14T10:33:33Z mt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/what-does-nature-mean-to 2017 3.4.2 None In-natura taħdem ħafna biex tipproteġina u ssostnina fil-ħajja tagħna ta' kuljum - fatt li ħafna drabi ma napprezzawħx biżżejjed. In-natura għandha rwol importanti billi tipprovdilna arja nadifa, ilma tax-xorb nadif, ħwejjeġ, ikel u l-materja prima biex nibnu fejn noqogħdu. Benefiċċji oħra mhumiex daqshekk magħrufa, bħar-rwol li għandha fit-taffija ta’ l-effetti tal-bidla fil-klima. Biex nissottolinjaw ir-rwol importanti li għandha n-natura f'ħajjitna, l-Aġenzija Ewropea għall-Ambjent (EEA) tistiednek tieħu sehem fil-kompetizzjoni tal-fotografija ‘NATURE@work’ bil-ħsieb li nuru l-benefiċċji li toffrilna n-natura. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None SKH29YDUGI
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/shrnuti-roku-2013-2013-roku-ovzdusi Shrnutí roku 2013 – Roku ovzduší 2013-12-20T15:47:43Z 2016-06-21T13:45:43Z 2014-06-03T10:13:13Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/a-summary-of-the-year 2013 4.2.1 None Problematika znečištěného ovzduší a změny klimatu byla ústředním tématem Evropské agentury pro životní prostředí (EEA) v roce 2013. Touto tematikou se rovněž zabývala Evropská komise. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None SOTZJVUPF4
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/pokles-emisi-sklenikovych-plynu-v Pokles emisí skleníkových plynů v EU již přesáhl stanovený cíl k roku 2020 2015-06-30T13:11:26Z 2016-06-21T13:46:14Z 2016-01-28T14:05:20Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/air-pollutant-emissions-declining-but 2015 3.4.3 None Emise skleníkových plynů v EU poklesly mezi roky 1990 a 2014 o 23 %, cíl snížit emise o 20 % do roku 2020 tak byl již s předstihem splněn, uvádí právě vydaná zpráva Evropské agentury pro životní prostředí (EEA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None WOAPQGZBMX
http://www.eea.europa.eu/is/highlights/betri-loftgaedi-i-evropskum-borgum Betri loftgæði í evrópskum borgum mun leiða til bættrar heilsu íbúa 2017-10-06T09:27:55Z 2019-12-10T09:22:21Z 2017-10-06T09:27:55Z is http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/improving-air-quality-in-european 2017 1.1.2 None Flestir íbúar evrópskra borga búa við léleg loftgæði. Nýjustu áætlanir frá Umhverfisstofnun Evrópu, sem gefnar voru út í dag, sýna að fínt svifryk heldur áfram að valda ótímabærum dauðsföllum meira en 400.000 Evrópubúa á ári. Vegaflutningar, landbúnaður, orkuver, iðnaður og heimili eru stærstu loftmengunarvaldar í Evrópu. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None EF4CXV25S3
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lt/highlights/puikios-maudyklu-vandens-kokybes-standartus Puikios maudyklų vandens kokybės standartus atitinka dar daugiau Europos maudyklų nei anksčiau 2017-05-18T13:09:57Z 2017-05-31T11:36:33Z 2017-05-23T09:45:08Z lt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/more-european-sites-meet-excellent 2017 1.5.2 None Remiantis šiandien paskelbta metine maudyklų vandens kokybės ataskaita, per 85 proc. visoje Europoje 2016 metais stebėtų maudyklų atitiko griežčiausius puikios kokybės standartus. Tai reiškia, kad jose beveik nėra žmonių sveikatai ir aplinkai kenksmingų teršalų. Daugiau nei 96 % maudyklų atitiko Europos Sąjungos taisyklėse nustatytus minimalius kokybės reikalavimus. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None RAPYM32FBU
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sl/highlights/kaj-vam-pomeni-narava-objavljen Kaj vam pomeni narava? Objavljen fotografski natečaj NATURE@work 2017-03-14T10:33:33Z 2019-12-10T09:22:28Z 2017-03-15T09:06:57Z sl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/what-does-nature-mean-to 2017 3.4.2 None Narava se zelo trudi, da bi nas zavarovala in ohranila trajnost našega vsakdanjika, a je to dejstvo pogosto podcenjeno. Ima ključno vlogo, saj nam zagotavlja čist zrak, čisto pitno vodo, oblačila, hrano in surovine, ki jih uporabljamo za izgradnjo bivališč. Druge koristi pa nam niso tako zelo znane, kot je denimo vloga, ki jo ima narava pri blažitvi posledic podnebnih sprememb. Da bi Evropska agencija za okolje (EEA) opozorila na pomembno vlogo narave v našem življenju, vas vabi k sodelovanju v fotografskem natečaju NATURE@work, da skozi objektiv ujamete podobe narave, ki vplivajo na dobrobit vašega življenja. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None NMZCQBHERF
http://www.eea.europa.eu/es/highlights/indice-europeo-de-calidad-del Índice europeo de calidad del aire: información actualizada a su alcance sobre la calidad del aire 2017-11-13T12:52:21Z 2019-12-10T09:22:22Z 2017-11-16T08:50:00Z es http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/european-air-quality-index-current 2017 1.1.2 None El nuevo índice europeo de calidad del aire, que ha puesto hoy en marcha la Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente (AEMA) y la Comisión Europea, permite a los usuarios comprobar la calidad actual del aire en ciudades y regiones de toda Europa. El índice va acompañado de unos nuevos “perfiles nacionales”, que proporcionan información actualizada sobre la calidad del aire para los distintos países miembros de la AEMA. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None O1ZXVG0QD2
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fi/highlights/indeks-kvalitete-zraka-u-europi Indeks kvalitete zraka u Europi: informacije o trenutačnoj kvaliteti zraka na dohvat ruke 2017-11-13T12:52:21Z 2019-12-10T09:22:22Z 2017-11-16T08:50:00Z hr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/european-air-quality-index-current 2017 1.1.2 None Europska agencija za okoliš (EEA) i Europska komisija danas su objavile novi indeks kvalitete zraka u Europi koji omogućava korisnicima provjeru trenutne kvalitete zraka u gradovima i regijama diljem Europe. Indeks je popraćen novim informativnim listovima po državama koji pružaju ažurirane informacije o kvaliteti zraka u državama članicama EEA-e. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None YJA9BVMQZO
http://www.eea.europa.eu/et/highlights/kui-tahtis-on-meile-loodus Kui tähtis on meile loodus? Algas fotokonkurss „NATURE@work“ 2017-03-14T10:33:33Z 2019-12-10T09:22:28Z 2017-03-15T09:19:58Z et http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/what-does-nature-mean-to 2017 3.4.2 None Vahel alahinnatakse tõsiasja, et loodus pakub meile kaitset ja võimaldab igapäevaelus hakkama saada. Ometi on meil tänu loodusele puhas õhk ja joogivesi, rõivad, toit ja materjalid, millest ehitada peavarju. Muu loodusest saadav kasu, näiteks kliimamuutuste mõju leevendamine, on vähem tuntud. Looduse tähtsuse toonitamiseks meie elus kutsub Euroopa Keskkonnaamet kõiki osalema fotokonkursil „NATURE@work“ ja jäädvustama hetki, mis näitavad, kuidas loodus on meile kasulik. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None V310UT5KO2
http://www.eea.europa.eu/es/highlights/se-precisan-medidas-mas-estrictas Se precisan medidas más estrictas para combatir el daño causado por la contaminación atmosférica 2016-11-17T13:35:41Z 2018-04-26T13:39:12Z 2016-12-05T15:10:00Z es http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/stronger-measures-needed 2016 1.1.2 None La contaminación atmosférica tiene importantes repercusiones en la salud de los europeos, sobre todo en las zonas urbanas, según un nuevo informe de la Agencia Europea del Medio Ambiente (AEMA). Si bien la calidad del aire está mejorando lentamente, la contaminación atmosférica sigue siendo el mayor peligro para la salud ambiental en Europa, dando como resultado una menor calidad de vida debido a las enfermedades y una cifra estimada de 467 000 muertes prematuras al año. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 2I7H4R81XM
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/11-clenskych-zemi-eu-prekracuje 11 členských zemí EU překračuje emisní limity stanovené úmluvou CLRTAP 2012-07-26T09:50:01Z 2016-06-21T13:45:44Z 2012-09-10T07:16:50Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eleven-member-states-exceed-air 2012 4.2.1 None I když emise většiny znečišťujících látek v Evropě během posledních dvou desetiletí výrazně poklesly, řada zemí nadále překračuje emisní stropy dojednané v rámci Göteborského protokolu, jenž je součástí Úmluvy OSN o přeshraničním znečišťování ovzduší (CLRTAP). Významnými zdroji znečišťování ovzduší zůstávají silniční doprava, domácnosti, elektrárny, určitá průmyslová odvětví a zemědělství, upozorňuje nově vydaná zpráva Evropské agentury pro životní prostředí (EEA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None WA0ON8TUCQ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/it/highlights/che-significato-ha-per-te Che significato ha per te la Natura? Prende il via il concorso fotografico NATURE@work. 2017-03-14T10:33:33Z 2019-12-10T09:22:28Z 2017-03-15T09:04:05Z it http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/what-does-nature-mean-to 2017 3.4.2 None Un fatto spesso sottovalutato è che la Natura lavora alacremente per proteggerci e per sostenere le nostre vite di tutti i giorni. Essa, infatti, svolge un ruolo vitale, offrendoci aria fresca, acqua potabile pulita, cibo e materie prima che usiamo per costruire un riparo. Altri vantaggi, quali il suo ruolo nell’alleviare gli effetti del cambiamento climatico, non sono così ben noti. Per mettere in risalto l’importante ruolo che la Natura svolge nelle nostre vite, l’Agenzia Europea dell’Ambiente (AEA) t’invita a partecipare al concorso fotografico ‘NATURE@work’, grazie al quale potrai ”catturare” quanto la natura fa per te. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 06KHA7QCVW
http://www.eea.europa.eu/mt/highlights/european-air-quality-index-current Indiċi Ewropew tal-Kwalità tal-Arja: informazzjoni attwali dwar il-kwalità tal-arja disponibbli faċilment 2017-11-13T12:52:21Z 2019-12-10T09:22:22Z 2017-11-16T08:50:00Z mt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/european-air-quality-index-current 2017 1.1.2 None Indiċi Ewropew ġdid tal-Kwalità tal-Arja, li tnieda llum mill-Aġenzija Ewropea għall-Ambjent (EEA) u l-Kummissjoni Ewropea, jippermetti lill-utenti jiċċekkjaw il-kwalità tal-arja attwali fil-bliet u fir-reġjuni tal-Ewropa. L-Indiċi huwa akkumpanjat minn skedi informattivi ġodda tal-pajjiżi li jipprovdu informazzjoni aġġornata dwar il-kwalità tal-arja għall-pajjiżi membri tal-EEA. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 6TR1N4AU7E
http://www.eea.europa.eu/da/highlights/flere-omrader-i-europa-lever Flere områder i Europa lever op til standarden for udmærket badevandskvalitet end nogensinde før 2017-05-18T13:09:57Z 2017-05-31T11:36:33Z 2017-05-23T09:39:34Z da http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/more-european-sites-meet-excellent 2017 1.5.2 None Mere end 85 procent af de badevandsområder, der blev overvåget i hele Europa i 2016, levede op til de strengeste standarder for "udmærket" kvalitet. Det betyder ifølge den årlige badevandsrapport, som blev offentliggjort i dag, at de for det meste var fri for forurenende stoffer, som er til skade for menneskers sundhed og miljøet. Over 96 procent af badevandsområderne levede op til de mindstekrav til kvalitet, der er fastsat i EU-reglerne. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 7V15EPT3HR
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/fakta-o-evropskych-lesnich-ekosystemech Fakta o evropských lesních ekosystémech 2014-03-21T11:00:00Z 2019-12-10T09:22:20Z 2014-06-03T10:09:04Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eight-facts-about-europe2019s-forest-ecosystems 2014 4.2.1 None Evropa patří k jedné z mála světových oblastí, kde došlo v průběhu minulého století ke zvýšení rozlohy lesních porostů. K Mezinárodnímu dni lesů, který si připomínáme 21. března, zveřejnila Evropská agentura pro životní prostředí (EEA) stručný přehled souvisejících zjištění uvedených v textu této aktuality. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None CAG6U48MOW
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lt/highlights/ka-gamta-reiskia-jums-paskelbtas Ką gamta reiškia jums? Paskelbtas NATURE@work fotografijų konkursas 2017-03-14T10:33:33Z 2019-12-10T09:22:28Z 2017-03-15T09:04:50Z lt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/what-does-nature-mean-to 2017 3.4.2 None Gamta visaip stengiasi mus apsaugoti ir užtikrinti kasdienio gyvenimo poreikius, tačiau to dažnai nesugebame įvertinti. O juk gamta mums – gyvybiškai svarbi: iš jos gauname gryną orą, švarų geriamąjį vandenį, drabužius, maistą ir žaliavas, iš kurių galime susiręsti pastogę. Kur kas mažiau žinome apie kitokią gamtos naudą, pavyzdžiui, kad ji padeda sušvelninti klimato kaitos padarinius. Siekdama parodyti gamtos vaidmens svarbą mūsų gyvenime, Europos aplinkos agentūra (EAA) kviečia dalyvauti ‘NATURE@work’ fotografijų konkurse ir siųsti savo nuotraukas, kuriose pavaizduota, kaip gamta padeda jums. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VJUBNHT8OF
http://www.eea.europa.eu/is/highlights/hvada-thydingu-hefur-natturan-i Hvaða þýðingu hefur náttúran í þínum huga? Ljósmyndasamkeppnin NATURE@work 2017-03-14T10:33:33Z 2019-12-10T09:22:28Z 2017-03-15T09:03:56Z is http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/what-does-nature-mean-to 2017 3.4.2 None Náttúran á fullt í fangi við að vernda okkur og viðhalda daglegu lífi okkar. Þetta hlutverk hennar er oft vanmetið. En hún spilar lykilhlutverk við að veita okkur hreint loft, drykkjarvatn, klæði, fæðu og hráefni svo við komum okkur þaki yfir höfuðið. Annar ávinningur hennar er minna þekktur, s.s. það hlutverk sem náttúran spilar í baráttunni við loftslagsbreytingar. Til að beina athyglinni að því mikilvæga hlutverki sem náttúran spilar í tilverunni blæs Umhverfisstofnun Evrópu (EEA) til ljósmyndasamkeppninnar NATURE@work. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 72MQ1S4NU0
http://www.eea.europa.eu/hu/highlights/mit-jelent-on-szamara-a Mit jelent Ön számára a természet? Elindult a NATURE@work fotópályázat 2017-03-14T10:33:33Z 2019-12-10T09:22:28Z 2017-03-15T09:03:53Z hu http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/what-does-nature-mean-to 2017 3.4.2 None A természet szorgosan munkálkodik azon, hogy védelmezzen minket, és fenntartsa mindennapi életvitelünket – ezt azonban mi hajlamosak vagyunk alábecsülni. A természet létfontosságú szerepet tölt be: neki köszönhetjük, hogy tiszta levegőhöz, tiszta ivóvízhez, ruhához, élelmiszerhez és a lakhelyünk megépítéséhez szükséges nyersanyaghoz jutunk. Azonban kevésbé ismertek a természet további előnyei, mint például az éghajlatváltozás káros hatásainak enyhítésében betöltött szerepe. Az Európai Környezetvédelmi Ügynökség (EEA) – éppen azért, hogy felhívja a figyelmet a természet életünkben játszott rendkívül fontos szerepére – fotópályázatot hirdet NATURE@work címmel, amelynek keretében a résztvevők megörökíthetik, miért hasznos számukra a természet. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 6AX37SEPZ8
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sk/highlights/co-pre-vas-znamena-priroda Čo pre vás znamená príroda? Prebieha fotografická súťaž NATURE@work 2017-03-14T10:33:33Z 2019-12-10T09:22:28Z 2017-03-15T09:06:08Z sk http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/what-does-nature-mean-to 2017 3.4.2 None Príroda sa urputne snaží chrániť a podporovať náš každodenný život, čo je často nedoceňovaná skutočnosť. Zohráva však kľúčovú úlohu, keďže poskytuje čistý vzduch a pitnú vodu, oblečenie, potraviny a suroviny, ktoré používame na stavbu príbytkov. Menej viditeľný je okrem iných aj prínos, ktorým príroda prispieva k zmierňovaniu účinkov zmeny klímy. S cieľom poukázať na významnú úlohu, ktorú príroda zohráva v našom živote, vám Európska environmentálna agentúra (EEA) prostredníctvom fotografickej súťaže s názvom NATURE@work ponúka možnosť predstaviť váš pohľad na to, čo pre vás znamená príroda. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None KC1HTBD7F4
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/revidovane-udaje-o-emisich-oxidu Revidované údaje o emisích oxidu uhličitého z užitkových automobilů v EU 2013-12-16T16:50:26Z 2019-12-10T09:22:36Z 2014-01-15T09:19:05Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/co2-emissions-from-new-vans 2013 4.2.1 None Lehké užitkové automobily prodané v Evropské unii v roce 2012 produkovaly v průměru 180,2 g CO2/km, což je hodnota, která se přibližuje stanovenému cíli 175 g CO2/km, který budou muset plnit všechna nová užitková vozidla k roku 2017 (v roce 2014 půjde o 70 % těchto vozidel). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None H3M2N5ZOTU
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/klidne-lokality-stale-existuji-je Klidné lokality stále existují, je třeba je chránit 2014-04-29T15:17:17Z 2017-02-20T14:28:30Z 2014-06-18T10:28:49Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/finding-europe2019s-quiet-areas 2014 4.2.1 None Až pětina Evropanů žije v oblastech zasažených nadměrným hlukem ze silniční dopravy. V zájmu ochrany svého zdraví lidé potřebují alespoň dočasně uniknout z tohoto prostředí a vyhledávají klidná místa k práci, odpočinku a zdravému životu. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None P1YQEXRW6C
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pl/highlights/jakie-znaczenie-ma-dla-ciebie Jakie znaczenie ma dla Ciebie przyroda? Inauguracja konkursu fotograficznego NATURE@work 2017-03-14T10:33:33Z 2019-12-10T09:22:28Z 2017-03-15T09:06:17Z pl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/what-does-nature-mean-to 2017 3.4.2 None Przyroda ciężko pracuje dla nas, aby nas chronić i podtrzymywać nasze życie codzienne, lecz jest to często niedoceniane. Odgrywa ona kluczową rolę, dostarczając czystego powietrza, czystej wody pitnej, odzieży, żywności i surowców do budowy domów. Mniej znane są inne korzyści, takie jak łagodzenie skutków zmian klimatu. Aby podkreślić istotną rolę przyrody w naszym życiu, Europejska Agencja Środowiska (EEA) zaprasza do pokazania, poprzez konkurs fotograficzny „NATURE@work”, korzystnego wpływu przyrody na nasze życie. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None GNT6J7PC04
http://www.eea.europa.eu/ro/highlights/imbunatatirea-calitatii-aerului-in-orasele Îmbunătățirea calității aerului în orașele europene va aduce beneficii majore pentru sănătate 2017-10-06T09:27:55Z 2019-12-10T09:22:21Z 2017-10-06T09:27:55Z ro http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/improving-air-quality-in-european 2017 1.1.2 None Majoritatea locuitorilor din orașele europene sunt expuși unui aer de proastă calitate. Cele mai recente estimări ale Agenției Europene de Mediu (AEM), publicate astăzi, arată că particulele fine în suspensie continuă să cauzeze anual decesul prematur a peste 400 000 de europeni. Transportul rutier, agricultura, termocentralele, industria și gospodăriile sunt cele mai mari surse de poluanți atmosferici din Europa. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 6BEAPHDI0J
http://www.eea.europa.eu/tr/highlights/avrupa-kentlerinde-hava-kalitesinin-iyilestirilmesi Avrupa kentlerinde hava kalitesinin iyileştirilmesi sağlık açısından büyük avantajlar sağlayacak 2017-10-06T09:27:55Z 2019-12-10T09:22:21Z 2017-10-06T09:27:55Z tr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/improving-air-quality-in-european 2017 1.1.2 None Avrupa kentlerinde yaşayan birçok kişi düşük hava kalitesine maruz kalıyor. Avrupa Çevre Ajansı'nın (AÇA) bugün yayınlanan son tahminleri, ince partikül maddelerin yılda 400.000'den fazla Avrupalının erken ölümüne yol açmaya devam ettiğini gösteriyor. Karayolu taşımacılığı, tarım, güç santralleri, sanayi ve konutlar, Avrupa'da hava kirliliğine neden olan en büyük unsurlardır. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None EHQ8ZDO0TS
http://www.eea.europa.eu/is/highlights/evropskur-loftgaedavisir-nuverandi-loftgaedaupplysingar-i-seilingarfjarlaegd Evrópskur loftgæðavísir: Núverandi loftgæðaupplýsingar í seilingarfjarlægð 2017-11-13T12:52:21Z 2019-12-10T09:22:22Z 2017-11-16T08:50:00Z is http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/european-air-quality-index-current 2017 1.1.2 None Nýr evrópskur loftgæðavísir hefur verið kynntur til sögunnar, þar sem Umhverfisstofnun Evrópu (EEA) og Framkvæmdastjórn ESB, gera notendum kleift að fylgjast með loftgæðum í rauntíma í borgum og svæðum Evrópu. Með vísinum fylgja ný upplýsingablöð þjóðlanda sem veita uppfærðar loftgæðaupplýsingar fyrir EEA-aðildarlönd. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 03G584US2J
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/nadmerne-vyuzivani-prirodnich-zdroju-v Nadměrné využívání přírodních zdrojů v EU ohrožuje blahobyt 2013-11-20T08:43:12Z 2016-08-31T12:36:39Z 2014-01-15T09:12:37Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/competing-demands-on-europe2019s-environment 2013 3.0.2 None Zajištění základních životních potřeb Evropanů, jako je voda, jídlo, energie a bydlení, s sebou přináší značné využívání přírodních zdrojů, a nepřímo tak ovlivňuje i lidské zdraví a kvalitu života. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None YVZB8SRC96
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pl/highlights/zmiana-klimatu-stwarza-coraz-powazniejsze Zmiana klimatu stwarza coraz poważniejsze zagrożenia dla ekosystemów, zdrowia ludzkiego i gospodarki w Europie 2017-01-17T13:52:41Z 2020-11-23T10:59:01Z 2017-01-25T07:30:00Z pl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-change-poses-increasingly-severe 2016 1.4.2 None Zgodnie z treścią opublikowanego w dniu dzisiejszym raportu Europejskiej Agencji Środowiska regiony Europy borykają się z problemem podnoszącego się poziomu mórz oraz coraz bardziej ekstremalnymi zdarzeniami pogodowymi, takimi jak częstsze i bardziej intensywne fale upałów, powodzie, susze i burze będące wynikiem zmiany klimatu. W raporcie zawarto ocenę najnowszych trendów i prognoz zmian klimatu oraz ich skutków w całej Europie. Stwierdzono w nim także, że lepsze i bardziej elastyczne strategie, polityki i środki z zakresu dostosowania się do zmiany klimatu będą miały kluczowe znaczenie dla złagodzenia tych skutków. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None I4UDNBOG5R
http://www.eea.europa.eu/it/highlights/preparare-l2019europa-ai-cambiamenti-climatici Preparare l’Europa ai cambiamenti climatici: il coordinamento è essenziale per ridurre i rischi causati dagli eventi atmosferici estremi 2017-10-11T11:23:19Z 2019-12-10T09:22:35Z 2017-10-17T05:55:00Z it http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/preparing-europe-for-climate-change 2017 1.4.2 None Rafforzare il collegamento tra gli esperti dell’adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici e gli esperti di riduzione del rischio di catastrofi è più importante che mai, alla luce dei recenti, devastanti eventi atmosferici estremi che hanno colpito l’Europa e altre aree del mondo. Una cooperazione più stretta, che comprenda un migliore allineamento delle politiche, sarà cruciale per ridurre gli impatti di rischi atmosferici e climatici quali alluvioni, ondate di calore, incendi boschivi e mareggiate. Una maggiore coerenza degli interventi e l’utilizzo di metodi innovativi consentiranno di migliorare la gestione di questi eventi, secondo una relazione dell’Agenzia europea dell’ambiente (AEA) pubblicata oggi. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None UZ7EAI0JKH
http://www.eea.europa.eu/da/highlights/klimaaendringerne-frembyder-stadig-storre-risici Klimaændringerne frembyder stadig større risici for økosystemerne, menneskers sundhed og økonomien i Europa. 2017-01-17T13:52:41Z 2020-11-23T10:59:01Z 2017-01-25T07:30:00Z da http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-change-poses-increasingly-severe 2016 1.4.2 None Ifølge en rapport fra Det Europæiske Miljøagentur, der offentliggøres i dag, står Europas regioner over for stigende vandstand og mere ekstreme vejrforhold, såsom hyppigere og mere intense hedebølger, oversvømmelser, tørker og storme på grund af klimaændringerne. I rapporten vurderes de seneste tendenser og prognoser for klimaændringerne og virkningerne heraf for hele Europa. Ifølge rapporten er det altafgørende at finde bedre og mere fleksible tilpasningsstrategier, -politikker og -foranstaltninger for at mindske disse virkninger. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None B4ET0SDN1A
http://www.eea.europa.eu/no/highlights/hva-betyr-naturen-for-deg Hva betyr naturen for deg? Fotokonkurransen NATURE@work er lansert 2017-03-14T10:33:33Z 2019-12-10T09:22:28Z 2017-03-15T09:06:31Z no http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/what-does-nature-mean-to 2017 3.4.2 None Naturen arbeider hardt for å beskytte oss og opprettholde vårt daglige liv – et faktum som ofte blir undervurdert. Men naturen spiller en avgjørende rolle. Den gir oss ren luft, rent drikkevann, klær, mat og råmaterialene vi trenger for å bygge oss tak over hodet. Andre goder er ikke så godt kjent, for eksempel den rollen naturen spiller når det gjelder å redusere virkningene av klimaendringene. For å sette søkelyset på den viktige rollen naturen spiller i våre liv, oppfordrer Det europeiske miljøbyrå (EEA) deg til å forsøke å fange hvordan naturen arbeider for deg gjennom fotokonkurransen NATURE@work. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 9C8QZU1I32
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sk/highlights/zlepsenie-kvality-ovzdusia-v-europskych Zlepšenie kvality ovzdušia v európskych mestách prinesie výrazné zlepšenie v oblasti zdravia 2017-10-06T09:27:55Z 2019-12-10T09:22:21Z 2017-10-06T09:27:55Z sk http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/improving-air-quality-in-european 2017 1.1.2 None Väčšina ľudí žijúcich v európskych mestách je vystavená zlej kvalite ovzdušia. Z najnovších odhadov Európskej environmentálnej agentúry (EEA), ktoré dnes boli zverejnené, vyplýva, že jemné tuhé častice naďalej spôsobujú predčasnú smrť viac než 400 000 Európanov ročne. Najväčšími zdrojmi látok znečisťujúcich ovzdušie sú cestná doprava, poľnohospodárstvo, elektrárne, priemysel a domácnosti. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None WOD0EQFXGM
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/povodnova-rizika-v-evrope Povodňová rizika v Evropě 2013-06-05T07:40:00Z 2016-12-16T13:50:03Z 2013-08-15T07:39:50Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/flood-risk-in-europe-2013 2013 2.2.1 None Nedávné povodně v České republice, Německu a Rakousku způsobily smrt několika lidí a rozsáhlé škody na majetku. Škody na majetku způsobené extrémními hydrometeorologickými událostmi, mezi které patří i povodně, od roku 1980 rostou. Tento nárůst je způsoben zejména změnami ve využívání krajiny, nárůstem počtu obyvatel, rostoucím bohatstvím a rozvojem lidských aktivit v ohrožených oblastech. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None NX9HR1Q4OF
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/invasive-alien-species-a-growing Invasive alien species: a growing problem for environment and health 2013-02-18T13:09:45Z 2020-11-23T10:58:43Z 2013-02-20T15:23:17Z en http://www.eea.europa.eu/de/highlights/invasive-arten-wachsendes-problem-fuer 2013 4.2.1 None Invasive alien species pose greater risks than previously thought for biodiversity, human health and economies, according to two new reports from the European Environment Agency (EEA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None AT0ZXD31RM
http://www.eea.europa.eu/hu/highlights/dobre-vijesti-za-kupace-velika Dobre vijesti za kupače: velika većina europskih plaža ima izvrsnu kvalitetu vode 2018-05-23T08:45:43Z 2020-01-13T19:09:56Z 2018-05-29T09:55:00Z hr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/good-news-for-holiday-makers 2018 1.5.2 None Usprkos nešto slabijim rezultatima, 85 % plaža diljem Europe kontroliranih tijekom 2017. zadovoljilo je najstrože standarde Europske unije te dobilo ocjenu „izvrstan” za kvalitetu vode u kojoj uglavnom nema nikakvih onečišćujućih tvari. To su podaci iz danas objavljenog najnovijeg godišnjeg izvješća o kvaliteti vode za kupanje u Europi. Rezultati su dobar pokazatelj gdje se ovoga ljeta može pronaći najbolja voda za kupanje. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VHAX0KMZR4
http://www.eea.europa.eu/de/highlights/anstieg-der-treibhausgasemissionen-in-der Anstieg der Treibhausgasemissionen in der EU behindert Fortschritte bei der Erreichung der Ziele für 2030 2018-10-24T09:37:57Z 2019-12-10T09:22:30Z 2019-01-16T10:26:06Z de http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/increase-in-eu-greenhouse-gas 2018 1.3.2 None Die Treibhausgasemissionen in der Europäischen Union sind im Jahr 2017 vor allem aufgrund des Verkehrssektors leicht angestiegen. Nach vorläufigen Schätzungen, die heute im Rahmen der jährlichen Bewertungen „Trends and Projections“ der Europäischen Umweltagentur (EUA) veröffentlicht wurden, stiegen die Emissionen 2017 gegenüber 2016 um 0,6 %. Dieser geringfügige Anstieg bedeutet, dass die EU ihr Emissionsreduktionsziel für 2020 voraussichtlich noch erreichen wird, wenn auch nur recht knapp. Jedoch müssen die Mitgliedstaaten ihre Maßnahmen dringend verstärken, um die neuen Reduktionsziele der EU für 2030 zu erreichen. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None HRJZTSECDO
http://www.eea.europa.eu/es/highlights/concurso-de-fotografia-para-dar Concurso de fotografía para retratar alimentos, energía y movilidad sostenible 2019-02-22T12:52:50Z 2019-05-02T12:24:24Z 2019-03-06T16:45:00Z es http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-to-profile-sustainable 2019 3.4.3 None La forma en la que producimos y consumimos alimentos y energía, y en la que transportamos mercancías y nos desplazamos afecta al clima, al medio ambiente y a nuestra salud. El nuevo concurso de fotografía de la Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente «Sustainably Yours» invita a los europeos a enviar fotos que ilustren los retos y las oportunidades que encierra el empeño de hacer que la alimentación, la energía y la movilidad sean más sostenibles. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None MHWN7IEU2Z
http://www.eea.europa.eu/hu/highlights/fotopalyazat-a-fenntarthato-elelmiszergazdalkodasrol-energiarol Fotópályázat a fenntartható élelmiszergazdálkodásról, energiáról és mobilitásról 2019-02-22T12:52:50Z 2019-05-02T12:24:24Z 2019-02-28T07:53:57Z hu http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-to-profile-sustainable 2019 3.4.3 None Az élelmiszerek és az energia termelésének és fogyasztásának, illetve a személy- és áruszállításnak a módja hatással van a környezetünkre, az éghajlatunkra és az egészségünkre. Az Európai Környezetvédelmi Ügynökség (EEA) „Sustainable Yours” címmel új fotópályázatot hirdet európai polgárok számára, amelynek keretében fotókat küldhetnek be azokról a kihívásokról és lehetőségekről, amelyek az élelmiszerek, az energia és a mobilitás fenntarthatóbbá tételére irányulnak. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None SICKFDUGJM
http://www.eea.europa.eu/hu/highlights/tovabbi-intezkedesekre-van-szukseg-europa További intézkedésekre van szükség Európa legkiszolgáltatottabb helyzetben lévő polgárainak a levegőszennyezés, a zaj és a szélsőséges hőmérsékletek elleni védelméhez 2019-01-29T09:31:03Z 2019-05-03T08:05:51Z 2019-02-04T09:50:00Z hu http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/protect-vulnerable-citizens 2019 1.4.2 None Célzott fellépésre van szükség a szegények, az idősek és a gyermekek környezeti veszélyektől, mint például a levegő- és zajszennyezéstől, valamint a szélsőséges hőmérsékletektől való jobb védelméhez, különösen Európa keleti és déli régióiban. Az Európai Környezetvédelmi Ügynökség (EEA) mai napon megjelent jelentése arra figyelmeztet, hogy az európai környezetminőség általános javulása ellenére Európa legkiszolgáltatottabb helyzetben lévő polgárainak egészségére továbbra is aránytalanul nagy hatással vannak ezek a veszélyek. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None IEUQD57ZTS
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pt/highlights/concurso-de-fotografia-para-retratar Concurso de fotografia para retratar a alimentação, a energia e a mobilidade sustentáveis 2019-02-22T12:52:50Z 2019-05-02T12:24:24Z 2019-02-28T07:58:46Z pt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-to-profile-sustainable 2019 3.4.3 None A forma como produzimos e consumimos os alimentos e a energia e o modo como transportamos as pessoas e os produtos têm um impacto no ambiente, no clima e na saúde. O novo concurso de fotografia da Agência Europeia do Ambiente, «Sustainably Yours», convida os cidadãos europeus a enviarem fotografias dos desafios e oportunidades que se nos deparam quando tornamos as nossas opções em matéria de alimentação, energia e mobilidade mais sustentáveis. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None QAV1RSMT6O
http://www.eea.europa.eu/nl/highlights/fotowedstrijd-om-duurzame-keuzes-op Fotowedstrijd om duurzame keuzes op het gebied van voedsel, energie en mobiliteit te promoten 2019-02-22T12:52:50Z 2019-05-02T12:24:24Z 2019-03-08T15:05:00Z nl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-to-profile-sustainable 2019 3.4.3 None De manier waarop we voedsel en energie produceren en consumeren en waarop we mensen en goederen vervoeren, heeft een grote invloed op het milieu, het klimaat en onze gezondheid. Wat zijn de uitdagingen en kansen om duurzamere keuzes te maken op het gebied van voedsel, energie en mobiliteit? Daarom draait het in de nieuwe fotowedstrijd van het Europees Milieuagentschap, getiteld ‘Sustainably Yours’, waarvoor alle Europeanen foto’s kunnen inzenden. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None NRV9E70U1O
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lt/highlights/fotografijos-konkursas-tvaraus-maisto-energijos Fotografijos konkursas tvaraus maisto, energijos ir judumo tema 2019-02-22T12:52:50Z 2019-05-02T12:24:24Z 2019-03-13T14:43:43Z lt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-to-profile-sustainable 2019 3.4.3 None Maisto, energijos gamyba bei vartojimas ir žmonių ir prekių judėjimas veikia mūsų aplinką, klimatą ir sveikatą. Skelbdama naują fotografijos konkursą „Tvariai Jūsų“, Europos aplinkos agentūra kviečia Europos šalių gyventojus siųsti nuotraukas, įamžinančias tvaresnių maisto ir energijos vartojimo ir judumo sprendimų iššūkius ir galimybes. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None DUJC3MY8N5
http://www.eea.europa.eu/es/highlights/se-necesitan-mas-medidas-para Se necesitan más medidas para proteger a los ciudadanos más vulnerables de Europa de la contaminación atmosférica, el ruido y las temperaturas extremas 2019-01-29T09:31:03Z 2019-05-03T08:05:51Z 2019-02-04T09:50:32Z es http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/protect-vulnerable-citizens 2019 1.4.2 None Se necesitan medidas específicas para proteger mejor a las personas con menos recursos, a los ancianos y a los niños frente a peligros medioambientales como la contaminación atmosférica y acústica y las temperaturas extremas, especialmente en las regiones del este y del sur de Europa. Un informe publicado hoy por la Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente (AEMA) advierte de que la salud de los ciudadanos más vulnerables de Europa sigue viéndose afectada, de manera desproporcionada, por estos peligros, a pesar de las mejoras en la calidad medioambiental de Europa. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None CXQB7G3F4O
http://www.eea.europa.eu/de/highlights/weitere-massnahmen-erforderlich-um-die Weitere Maßnahmen erforderlich, um die am stärksten gefährdeten Bürger Europas vor Luftverschmutzung, Lärm und extremen Temperaturen zu schützen 2019-01-29T09:31:03Z 2019-05-03T08:05:51Z 2019-02-04T09:50:32Z de http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/protect-vulnerable-citizens 2019 1.4.2 None Es sind gezielte Maßnahmen erforderlich, um arme und ältere Menschen sowie Kinder besser vor Umweltgefahren wie Luftverschmutzung, Lärm und Extremtemperaturen zu schützen, insbesondere in den östlichen und südlichen Regionen Europas. In einem heute veröffentlichten Bericht der Europäischen Umweltagentur (EUA) wird davor gewarnt, dass die Gesundheit der am schutzbedürftigsten Bürger Europas nach wie vor unverhältnismäßig stark von diesen Gefahren betroffen ist, obwohl sich die Umweltqualität in Europa insgesamt verbessert hat. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None HBTCQERSIJ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pl/highlights/konieczne-sa-dalsze-dzialania-w Konieczne są dalsze działania w celu ochrony przed zanieczyszczonym powietrzem, hałasem i skrajnymi temperaturami obywateli Europy najbardziej narażonych na te zjawiska 2019-01-29T09:31:03Z 2019-05-03T08:05:51Z 2019-02-04T10:55:00Z pl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/protect-vulnerable-citizens 2019 1.4.2 None Konieczne są ukierunkowane działania w celu lepszej ochrony osób ubogich i starszych oraz dzieci przed zagrożeniami środowiskowymi, takimi jak zanieczyszczenie powietrza, hałas oraz skrajne temperatury, szczególnie w regionach wschodnich i południowych Europy. Opublikowane dzisiaj sprawozdanie Europejskiej Agencji Środowiska (EEA) ostrzega, że pomimo ogólnej poprawy jakości środowiska w Europie zdrowie najbardziej wrażliwych obywateli Europy nadal jest nieproporcjonalnie narażone na te zagrożenia. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None G5ZQ82PYMB
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pt/highlights/os-mares-da-europa-enfrentam Os mares da Europa enfrentam um futuro incerto, se não forem adotadas ações urgentes e coerentes 2020-06-19T12:37:18Z 2021-11-17T08:45:27Z 2020-07-01T07:11:04Z pt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-seas-face-uncertain-future 2020 1.6.2 None Confrontados com as ameaças crescentes causadas pela sobre-exploração dos recursos marinhos, a poluição e as alterações climáticas, são necessárias ações urgentes para que os mares da Europa recuperem um bom estado. Segundo o relatório da Agência Europeia do Ambiente sobre os ecossistemas marinhos da Europa, publicado hoje, o tempo para reverter décadas de negligência e utilização indevida está a esgotar-se. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None M74W8KVRGF
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pl/highlights/przeciwdzialanie-zanieczyszczeniu-srodowiska-i-zmianom Przeciwdziałanie zanieczyszczeniu środowiska i zmianom klimatu w Europie poprawi stan zdrowia i samopoczucie, zwłaszcza osób najbardziej wrażliwych 2020-08-31T18:33:13Z 2020-11-23T10:59:14Z 2020-09-07T22:05:00Z pl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/tackling-pollution-and-climate-change 2020 2.2.2 None Zanieczyszczenie powietrza, hałas, skutki zmian klimatu, takie jak fale upałów, i narażenie na groźne chemikalia prowadzą do złego stanu zdrowia mieszkańców Europy. Według gruntownej oceny zdrowia i środowiska, opublikowanej dziś przez Europejską Agencję Środowiska (EEA), zła jakość środowiska przyczynia się do 13% zgonów. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None UE9N2W1FT5
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pt/highlights/combater-a-poluicao-e-as Combater a poluição e as alterações climáticas na Europa melhorará a saúde e o bem-estar dos cidadãos, especialmente dos mais vulneráveis 2020-08-31T18:33:13Z 2020-11-23T10:59:14Z 2020-09-07T22:05:00Z pt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/tackling-pollution-and-climate-change 2020 2.2.2 None A poluição atmosférica e sonora, os impactos das alterações climáticas (taiscomo as vagas de calor) e a exposição a produtos químicos perigosos provocam problemas de saúde na Europa. A presença de ambientes de má qualidade é responsável por 13 % das mortes, de acordo com um importante estudo de avaliação sobre a saúde e o ambiente, hoje publicado pela Agência Europeia do Ambiente (AEA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None Y47Q8JEPAH
http://www.eea.europa.eu/bg/highlights/znachitelno-podobrenie-na-kachestvoto-na Значително подобрение на качеството на въздуха в Европа през последното десетилетие, по-малко смъртни случаи, свързани със замърсяването 2020-11-16T13:24:47Z 2021-01-18T14:51:18Z 2020-11-23T10:32:27Z bg http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/marked-improvement-in-europes-air 2020 1.1.2 None През последното десетилетие по-доброто качество на въздуха доведе до значително намаляване на случаите на преждевременна смърт в Европа. Последните официални данни на Европейската агенция за околна среда (ЕАОС) обаче показват, че почти всички европейци все още страдат от замърсяването на въздуха, което води до около 400 000 случая на преждевременна смърт в целия континент. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 9ZYHVBD2FN
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/vyrazne-zlepseni-kvality-ovzdusi-v Výrazné zlepšení kvality ovzduší v Evropě za posledních deset let, méně úmrtí spojených se znečištěním 2020-11-16T13:24:47Z 2021-01-18T14:51:18Z 2020-11-23T10:32:28Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/marked-improvement-in-europes-air 2020 1.1.2 None Lepší kvalita ovzduší vedla v Evropě v posledních deseti letech k významnému snížení počtu předčasných úmrtí. Z nejnovějších oficiálních údajů Evropské agentury pro životní prostředí (EEA) však vyplývá, že téměř všichni Evropané stále trpí znečištěním ovzduší, což na celém kontinentu vede k přibližně 400 000 předčasných úmrtí. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 7U9FO5SIN8
http://www.eea.europa.eu/da/highlights/markant-forbedring-af-luftkvaliteten-i Markant forbedring af luftkvaliteten i Europa i løbet af det seneste årti, færre dødsfald som følge af forurening 2020-11-16T13:24:47Z 2021-01-18T14:51:18Z 2020-11-23T10:32:33Z da http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/marked-improvement-in-europes-air 2020 1.1.2 None Bedre luftkvalitet har ført til et betydeligt fald i antallet af for tidlige dødsfald i Europa i løbet af det seneste årti. De seneste officielle data fra Det Europæiske Miljøagentur (EEA) viser imidlertid, at næsten alle europæere stadig er udsat for luftforurening, hvilket fører til ca. 400 000 for tidlige dødsfald på kontinentet. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None RUXW1SAYIO
http://www.eea.europa.eu/de/highlights/deutliche-verbesserung-der-luftqualitaet-in Deutliche Verbesserung der Luftqualität in Europa in den vergangenen zehn Jahren, weniger Todesfälle durch Luftverschmutzung 2020-11-16T13:24:47Z 2021-01-18T14:51:18Z 2020-11-23T10:32:32Z de http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/marked-improvement-in-europes-air 2020 1.1.2 None Dank der besseren Luftqualität hat sich die Zahl vorzeitiger Todesfälle in Europa in den vergangenen zehn Jahren erheblich verringert. Die aktuellen offiziellen Daten der Europäischen Umweltagentur (EUA) belegen allerdings, dass fast alle Europäer noch immer unter Luftverschmutzung leiden, was zu rund 400 000 vorzeitigen Todesfällen auf dem gesamten Kontinent führt. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None NC5PTEF6MI
http://www.eea.europa.eu/et/highlights/euroopa-ohukvaliteet-on-viimase-kumne Euroopa õhukvaliteet on viimase kümne aasta jooksul oluliselt paranenud, saastega on seotud vähem surmajuhtumeid 2020-11-16T13:24:47Z 2021-01-18T14:51:18Z 2020-11-23T10:32:25Z et http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/marked-improvement-in-europes-air 2020 1.1.2 None Parem õhukvaliteet on viimase kümne aasta jooksul oluliselt vähendanud enneaegsete surmajuhtumite arvu Euroopas. Euroopa Keskkonnaameti (EEA) viimased ametlikud andmed näitavad siiski, et peaaegu kõik Euroopa elanikud kannatavad endiselt õhusaaste all, mille tõttu sureb Euroopas enneaegselt ligikaudu 400 000 inimest. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None M9WY1TU4FX
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fi/highlights/euroopan-ilmanlaatu-on-parantunut-huomattavasti Euroopan ilmanlaatu on parantunut huomattavasti viime vuosikymmenen aikana ja saastumiseen liittyvät kuolemantapaukset ovat vähentyneet 2020-11-16T13:24:47Z 2021-01-18T14:51:18Z 2020-11-23T10:35:00Z fi http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/marked-improvement-in-europes-air 2020 1.1.2 None Ilmanlaadun paranemisen ansiosta ennenaikaisten kuolemantapausten määrä on vähentynyt merkittävästi Euroopassa. Euroopan ympäristökeskuksen (EEA) viimeisimmät viralliset tiedot osoittavat kuitenkin, että ilmansaasteista kärsitään yhä lähes koko maanosassa. Ilmansaasteet aiheuttavat noin 400 000 ennenaikaista kuolemaa eri puolilla Eurooppaa. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None GUH085EV6M
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fr/highlights/nette-amelioration-de-la-qualite Nette amélioration de la qualité de l’air en Europe au cours des dix dernières années et baisse du nombre de décès liés à la pollution 2020-11-16T13:24:47Z 2021-01-18T14:51:18Z 2020-11-23T08:50:00Z fr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/marked-improvement-in-europes-air 2020 1.1.2 None En Europe, l’amélioration de la qualité de l’air a permis une réduction importante du nombre de décès prématurés au cours des dix dernières années. Toutefois, les dernières données officielles de l’Agence européenne pour l’environnement (AEE) indiquent que presque tous les Européens souffrent encore de la pollution de l’air, qui a provoqué le décès prématuré d’environ 400 000 personnes sur le continent. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 8ZTIURFSQO
http://www.eea.europa.eu/hu/highlights/az-elmult-evtizedben-jelentos-mertekben Az elmúlt évtizedben jelentős mértékben javult Európa levegőminősége és csökkent a szennyezéssel összefüggő halálesetek száma 2020-11-16T13:24:47Z 2021-01-18T14:51:18Z 2020-11-23T10:32:32Z hu http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/marked-improvement-in-europes-air 2020 1.1.2 None A jobb levegőminőség az elmúlt évtizedben az idő előtti halálozások számának jelentős csökkenéséhez vezetett Európában. Az Európai Környezetvédelmi Ügynökség (EEA) legfrissebb hivatalos adatai azonban azt mutatják, hogy még mindig szinte minden európai szenved a légszennyezéstől, ami mintegy 400 000 korai halálesethez vezet szerte a kontinensen. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 0PWIFJB1V2
http://www.eea.europa.eu/is/highlights/greinilegar-umbaetur-a-loftgaedum-evropu Greinilegar umbætur á loftgæðum Evrópu síðastliðinn áratug, færri dauðsföll tengd mengun 2020-11-16T13:24:47Z 2021-01-18T14:51:18Z 2020-11-23T10:32:26Z is http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/marked-improvement-in-europes-air 2020 1.1.2 None Betri loftgæði hafa leitt til verulegrar fækkunar ótímabærra dauðsfalla í Evrópu síðastliðinn áratug. Nýjustu opinberu gögn Umhverfisstofnunar Evrópu (EEA) sýna hins vegar að næstum allir Evrópubúar þjást enn af loftmengun, sem leiðir til um 400.000 ótímabærra dauðsfalla um alla álfuna. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 6M9F30Q41W
http://www.eea.europa.eu/is/highlights/vidno-poboljsanje-kvalitete-zraka-u Vidno poboljšanje kvalitete zraka u Europi u zadnjih deset godina, manje smrtnih slučajeva zbog zagađenja 2020-11-16T13:24:47Z 2021-01-18T14:51:18Z 2020-11-23T10:32:23Z hr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/marked-improvement-in-europes-air 2020 1.1.2 None Bolja kvaliteta zraka u Europi značajno je smanjila preranu smrtnost tijekom zadnjih deset godina. Međutim, najnoviji službeni podatci Europske agencije za okoliš (EEA) pokazuju da skoro svi Europljani i dalje pate zbog zagađenog zraka, što za posljedicu ima oko 400 000 slučajeva prerane smrti širom kontinenta. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None NM12AO8E5R
http://www.eea.europa.eu/it/highlights/netto-miglioramento-della-qualita-dell2019aria Netto miglioramento della qualità dell’aria in Europa nell’ultimo decennio e diminuzione dei decessi legati all’inquinamento 2020-11-16T13:24:47Z 2021-01-18T14:51:18Z 2020-11-23T10:32:29Z it http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/marked-improvement-in-europes-air 2020 1.1.2 None La migliore qualità dell’aria ha portato, nell’ultimo decennio, a una significativa riduzione dei decessi prematuri in Europa. Tuttavia, i più recenti dati ufficiali dell’Agenzia Europea dell’Ambiente (AEA) indicano che la quasi totalità degli europei risente ancora delle conseguenze dell’inquinamento atmosferico, che causa circa 400 000 decessi prematuri in tutto il continente. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None DUX0MZTPV9
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lt/highlights/per-pastaraji-desimtmeti-europoje-pagerejo Per pastarąjį dešimtmetį Europoje pagerėjo oro kokybė, nustatytas mažesnis su tarša susijęs mirtingumas 2020-11-16T13:24:47Z 2021-01-18T14:51:18Z 2020-11-23T10:32:26Z lt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/marked-improvement-in-europes-air 2020 1.1.2 None Pagerėjus oro kokybei per pastarąjį dešimtmetį Europoje gerokai sumažėjo pirmalaikių mirčių skaičius. Tačiau naujausi Europos aplinkos agentūros (EAA) oficialūs duomenys rodo, kad oro tarša vis dar kenkia beveik visiems europiečiams ir dėl jos žemyne pirma laiko miršta apie 400 000 žmonių. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None EFYMKT047C
http://www.eea.europa.eu/mt/highlights/titjib-notevoli-fil-kwalita-tal Titjib notevoli fil-kwalità tal-arja tal-Ewropa matul dawn l-aħħar għaxar snin, inqas imwiet marbuta mat-tniġġis 2020-11-16T13:24:47Z 2021-01-18T14:51:18Z 2020-11-23T10:32:28Z mt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/marked-improvement-in-europes-air 2020 1.1.2 None Kwalità tal-arja aħjar wasslet għal tnaqqis sinifikanti fl-imwiet prematuri matul dawn l-aħħar għaxar snin fl-Ewropa. Madankollu, l-aħħar data uffiċjali tal-Aġenzija Ewropea għall-Ambjent (EEA) turi li kważi l-Ewropej kollha għadhom ibatu minn tniġġis tal-arja, li jwassal għal madwar 400 000 mewta prematura fil-kontinent kollu. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 1MHD48FZOG
http://www.eea.europa.eu/nl/highlights/duidelijke-verbetering-van-de-luchtkwaliteit Duidelijke verbetering van de luchtkwaliteit in Europa in de afgelopen tien jaar, minder sterfgevallen in verband met luchtverontreiniging 2020-11-16T13:24:47Z 2021-01-18T14:51:18Z 2020-11-23T10:32:33Z nl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/marked-improvement-in-europes-air 2020 1.1.2 None Dankzij de betere luchtkwaliteit is het aantal vroegtijdige sterfgevallen in Europa de afgelopen tien jaar aanzienlijk verminderd. De meest recente officiële gegevens van het Europees Milieuagentschap (EEA) laten echter zien dat bijna alle Europeanen nog steeds last hebben van luchtverontreiniging, wat tot ongeveer 400 000 vroegtijdige sterfgevallen op het hele continent leidt. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None W5KI9GE28T
http://www.eea.europa.eu/no/highlights/markant-forbedring-i-europas-luftkvalitet Markant forbedring i Europas luftkvalitet de ti siste årene, færre dødsfall knyttet til forurensning 2020-11-16T13:24:47Z 2021-01-18T14:51:18Z 2020-11-23T10:32:32Z no http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/marked-improvement-in-europes-air 2020 1.1.2 None Bedre luftkvalitet har ført til langt færre for tidlige dødsfall de ti siste årene i Europa. De siste offisielle dataene fra Det europeiske miljøbyrået (EEA) viser imidlertid at nesten alle europeere fortsatt plages av luftforurensning, og at det er ca. 400 000 premature dødsfall på kontinentet som følge av det. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None D9NB526H4G
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pl/highlights/wyrazna-poprawa-jakosci-powietrza-w Wyraźna poprawa jakości powietrza w Europie w ciągu ostatnich dziesięciu lat, mniejsza liczba zgonów związanych z zanieczyszczeniem 2020-11-16T13:24:47Z 2021-01-18T14:51:18Z 2020-11-23T10:32:23Z pl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/marked-improvement-in-europes-air 2020 1.1.2 None Lepsza jakość powietrza doprowadziła w ostatnim dziesięcioleciu do znacznego zmniejszenia liczby przedwczesnych zgonów w Europie. Najnowsze oficjalne dane Europejskiej Agencji Środowiska (EEA) pokazują jednak, że prawie wszyscy Europejczycy nadal cierpią z powodu zanieczyszczenia powietrza, co prowadzi do około 400 000 przedwczesnych zgonów na całym kontynencie. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None GKCX2FM5VO
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pt/highlights/melhoria-acentuada-da-qualidade-do Melhoria acentuada da qualidade do ar na Europa ao longo da última década, menos mortes associadas à poluição 2020-11-16T13:24:47Z 2021-01-18T14:51:18Z 2020-11-23T10:32:31Z pt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/marked-improvement-in-europes-air 2020 1.1.2 None A melhoria da qualidade do ar conduziu a uma redução significativa das mortes prematuras na Europa ao longo da última década. No entanto, os últimos dados oficiais da Agência Europeia do Ambiente (AEA) mostram que quase todos os europeus continuam a estar expostos a poluição atmosférica, que provoca cerca de 400 000 mortes prematuras em todo o continente. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None A46N8B3RQZ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/ro/highlights/ameliorarea-semnificativa-a-calitatii-aerului Ameliorarea semnificativă a calității aerului în Europa în ultimii zece ani și scăderea numărului de decese legate de poluare 2020-11-16T13:24:47Z 2021-01-18T14:51:18Z 2020-11-23T09:25:19Z ro http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/marked-improvement-in-europes-air 2020 1.1.2 None În Europa, calitatea mai bună a aerului a dus la scăderea semnificativă a numărului de decese premature în ultimii zece ani. Cu toate acestea, cele mai recente date oficiale ale Agenției Europene de Mediu (AEM) arată că aproape toți europenii sunt încă afectați de poluarea aerului, care provoacă decesul prematur a circa 400 000 de persoane pe întreg continentul. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None RQ9I4YJ1KE
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sk/highlights/vyrazne-zlepsenie-kvality-ovzdusia-v Výrazné zlepšenie kvality ovzdušia v Európe za posledné desaťročie, menej úmrtí v dôsledku znečistenia 2020-11-16T13:24:47Z 2021-01-18T14:51:18Z 2020-11-23T10:32:25Z sk http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/marked-improvement-in-europes-air 2020 1.1.2 None Lepšia kvalita ovzdušia viedla v Európe k výraznému zníženiu počtu predčasných úmrtí v poslednom desaťročí. Z najnovších oficiálnych údajov Európskej environmentálnej agentúry (EEA) však vyplýva, že takmer všetci Európania stále trpia znečistením ovzdušia, čo vedie približne k 400 000 predčasným úmrtiam na celom kontinente. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 1YX0RAF9HZ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sv/highlights/battre-luft-och-farre-fororeningsrelaterade Bättre luft och färre föroreningsrelaterade dödsfall i Europa de senaste tio åren 2020-11-16T13:24:47Z 2021-01-18T14:51:18Z 2020-11-23T10:32:26Z sv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/marked-improvement-in-europes-air 2020 1.1.2 None Den förbättrade luftkvaliteten i Europa har medfört en betydande minskning av antalet förtida dödsfall under det senaste årtiondet. De senaste officiella uppgifterna från Europeiska miljöbyrån (EEA) visar dock att de allra flesta européer fortfarande utsätts för luftföroreningar, vilka leder till omkring 400 000 förtida dödsfall i Europa. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 76PWHCMORA
http://www.eea.europa.eu/tr/highlights/son-on-yilda-avrupa2019nin-hava Son on yılda Avrupa’nın hava kalitesinde kaydedilen belirgin iyileşme ve kirlilikle bağlantılı daha az ölüm 2020-11-16T13:24:47Z 2021-01-18T14:51:18Z 2020-11-23T10:32:30Z tr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/marked-improvement-in-europes-air 2020 1.1.2 None Hava kalitesinin daha iyi olması sayesinde Avrupa’da son on yıl içinde erken ölümlerde önemli bir azalma görüldü. Buna rağmen Avrupa Çevre Ajansı’nın (AÇA) en son resmi verileri, hemen hemen tüm Avrupalıların hava kirliliğine maruz kaldığını ve bu durumun kıtada yaklaşık 400.000 erken ölüme yol açtığını gösteriyor. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 2QWM8RC3SF
http://www.eea.europa.eu/es/highlights/notable-mejora-de-la-calidad Notable mejora de la calidad del aire en Europa en la última década y menos muertes vinculadas a la contaminación 2020-11-16T13:24:47Z 2021-01-18T14:51:18Z 2020-11-23T10:32:33Z es http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/marked-improvement-in-europes-air 2020 1.1.2 None La mejor calidad del aire ha dado lugar a una reducción significativa de las muertes prematuras en la última década en Europa. No obstante, los últimos datos oficiales de la Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente (AEMA) indican que casi todos los europeos siguen sufriendo los efectos de la contaminación atmosférica, que provoca unas 400 000 muertes prematuras en el continente. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None X2BIVYG6UK
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lv/highlights/eiropas-gaisa-kvalitates-ieverojams-uzlabojums Eiropas gaisa kvalitātes ievērojams uzlabojums pēdējā desmitgadē, mazāk nāves gadījumu saistībā ar piesārņojumu 2020-11-16T13:24:47Z 2021-01-18T14:51:18Z 2020-11-23T10:32:32Z lv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/marked-improvement-in-europes-air 2020 1.1.2 None Līdz ar labāku gaisa kvalitāti Eiropā pēdējā desmitgadē ir ievērojami samazinājies priekšlaicīgas nāves gadījumu skaits. Tomēr Eiropas Vides aģentūras (EVA) pēdējos oficiālajos datos redzams, ka gandrīz visi Eiropas iedzīvotāji joprojām cieš no gaisa piesārņojuma, kā rezultātā kontinentā ir bijis apmēram 400 000 priekšlaicīgas nāves gadījumu. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 3M2C9VJEOA
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sl/highlights/obcutno-izboljsanje-kakovosti-zraka-v Občutno izboljšanje kakovosti zraka v Evropi v zadnjem desetletju ter manj smrtnih žrtev zaradi onesnaževanja 2020-11-16T13:24:47Z 2021-01-18T14:51:18Z 2020-11-23T10:32:34Z sl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/marked-improvement-in-europes-air 2020 1.1.2 None Boljša kakovost zraka je v zadnjem desetletju prispevala k znatnemu zmanjšanju števila prezgodnjih smrti v Evropi. Vendar najnovejši uradni podatki Evropske agencije za okolje (EEA) kažejo, da skoraj vsi Evropejci še vedno trpijo zaradi onesnaženosti zraka, zaradi česar na tej celini beležimo približno 400 000 prezgodnjih smrti. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None CY5AKXG6BZ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/et/highlights/euroopa-liidu-liikmesriigid-peavad-tegema Euroopa Liidu liikmesriigid peavad tegema rohkem taastuvenergia ühiseesmärgi täitmiseks 2018-12-14T08:17:32Z 2019-03-08T14:22:27Z 2019-03-08T14:22:27Z et http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-member-states-need-more 2018 1.3.2 None Taastuvenergiaallikate osakaal Euroopa Liidu energiatarbimisest on 2005. aastast kahekordistunud, kuid viimastel aastatel on see kasv aeglustunud, eelkõige suureneva energiatarbimise ja arengu puudumise tõttu transpordisektoris. Euroopa Keskkonnaameti (EEA) uuest aruandest ilmneb, et liikmesriigid peavad 2020. aasta taastuvenergiaeesmärgi täitmiseks tegema rohkem. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 10HICQF7ZO
http://www.eea.europa.eu/et/highlights/fotokonkurss-jatkusuutliku-toidu-energia-ja Fotokonkurss jätkusuutliku toidu, energia ja transpordi jäädvustamiseks 2019-02-22T12:52:50Z 2019-05-02T12:24:24Z 2019-03-13T10:07:30Z et http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-to-profile-sustainable 2019 3.4.3 None See, kuidas me toitu ja energiat toodame ja tarbime ning kuidas inimesi ja kaupu transpordime, mõjutab keskkonda, kliimat ja tervist. Euroopa Keskkonnaamet (EEA) kutsub uue fotokonkursiga „Jätkusuutlikult Sinu“ Euroopa kodanikke üles saatma fotosid, mis kujutavad toidu, energia ja transpordi jätkusuutlikumaks muutmise kitsaskohti ja võimalusi. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None GK7X0CT6EM
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fi/highlights/potrebni-su-veci-napori-kako Potrebni su veći napori kako bi se najranjivije građane zaštitilo od onečišćenja zraka, buke i ekstremnih temperatura 2019-01-29T09:31:03Z 2019-05-03T08:05:51Z 2019-02-04T10:55:00Z hr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/protect-vulnerable-citizens 2019 1.4.2 None Potrebno je poduzeti ciljane mjere kako bi se starije osobe, siromašne i djecu bolje zaštitilo od okolišnih rizika kao što su onečišćenje zraka i onečišćenje bukom te ekstremne temperature, posebno u istočnim i južnim regijama Europe. U danas objavljenom izvješću Europske agencije za okoliš (EEA) upozorava se na to da unatoč sveukupnom poboljšanju kvalitete okoliša u Europi, te opasnosti i dalje nerazmjerno utječu na zdravlje najranjivijih građana Europe. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ESB5CYVNQ9
http://www.eea.europa.eu/et/highlights/kvaliteta-vode-na-vise-od Kvaliteta vode na više od 85 % europskih kupališta ocijenjena je izvrsnom 2019-05-28T13:04:00Z 2019-12-10T09:22:34Z 2019-06-06T13:25:00Z hr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/large-number-of-europes-bathing 2019 1.5.1 None Prema posljednjem godišnjem izvješću o praćenju kvalitete vode za kupanje u Europi više od 85 % ispitanih europskih kupališta zadovoljilo je stroge standarde EU-a i dobilo ocjenu „izvrstan” za čistoću vode. Danas objavljeni rezultati dobar su pokazatelj gdje se ovog ljeta može pronaći najbolja voda za kupanje. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None H4NZJ5TVM7
http://www.eea.europa.eu/de/highlights/warum-muss-europa-den-klimawandel Warum muss Europa den Klimawandel eindämmen und sich an dessen Auswirkungen anpassen? 2020-02-04T15:02:52Z 2020-02-20T15:24:16Z 2020-02-20T08:30:00Z de http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/why-does-europe-need-to 2020 1.4.1 None Die Regionen Europas werden in den nächsten Jahrzehnten mit sich weiter verstärkenden Auswirkungen des Klimawandels konfrontiert sein. Die Europäische Umweltagentur (EUA) veröffentlicht heute eine Zusammenstellung bestehender Karten, die veranschaulichen, wie sich Dürre, Starkregen und Überschwemmungen, Waldbrände und der Anstieg des Meeresspiegels auf ausgewählte Regionen in Europa auswirken könnten, darunter Mitteleuropa, die Iberische Halbinsel, Skandinavien, die Bretagne und Venedig. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None UD7YK82M6F
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fi/highlights/prema-najnovijoj-godisnjoj-ocjeni-kvaliteta Prema najnovijoj godiÅ¡njoj ocjeni, kvaliteta vode za kupanje u Europi i dalje je visoka 2020-06-04T11:48:00Z 2020-06-11T11:00:21Z 2020-06-08T12:25:00Z hr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/quality-of-europes-bathing-waters 2020 1.5.2 None Prema najnovijoj ocjeni vode za kupanje u Europi, njezina je kvaliteta i dalje visoka. Gotovo 85 % kupališta diljem Europe ocijenjenih 2019. ispunilo je najviše i najstrože standarde kvalitete Europske unije, što je potrebno za ocjenu „izvrsna''. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None A9UMPGQKVI
http://www.eea.europa.eu/nl/highlights/zwemwater-in-europa-nog-steeds Zwemwater in Europa nog steeds van hoge kwaliteit, zo blijkt uit de recentste jaarlijkse beoordeling 2020-06-04T11:48:00Z 2020-06-11T11:00:21Z 2020-06-08T12:42:09Z nl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/quality-of-europes-bathing-waters 2020 1.5.2 None Het zwemwater in Europa is nog steeds van hoge kwaliteit, zo blijkt uit de vandaag gepubliceerde beoordeling van de zwemwaterkwaliteit voor dit jaar. Net iets minder dan 85 % van de in 2019 in gecontroleerde badzones over heel Europa voldeed aan de hoogste en strengste “uitstekende” kwaliteitsnormen van de Europese Unie. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None MB4OCHKA6F
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lt/highlights/atraskite-gamta-dalyvaudami-siu-metu ATRASKITE gamtą dalyvaudami šių metų EAA fotografijos konkurse 2020-05-19T05:09:14Z 2020-08-03T14:07:12Z 2020-06-09T12:55:00Z lt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/rediscover-nature-photo-competition 2020 3.4.3 None Kur bebūtume, dabar labiau nei kada nors anksčiau galime džiaugtis gamtos stebuklais. Kviečiame fotografuoti tai, kas jus sieja su gamta ir jus supančia aplinka, ir dalyvauti šiandien pradedamame šių metų Europos aplinkos agentūros (EAA) rengiamame fotografijos konkurse „REDISCOVER Nature“. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 385QV92SF7
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sl/highlights/rediscover-nature-je-naslov-letosnjega REDISCOVER Nature je naslov letošnjega fotografskega natečaja Evropske agencije za okolje 2020-05-19T05:09:14Z 2020-08-03T14:07:12Z 2020-06-15T09:10:00Z sl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/rediscover-nature-photo-competition 2020 3.4.3 None Ne glede na to, kje smo, povsod se zavedamo pomena narave, morda zdaj bolj kot kdaj koli prej. Fotografski natečaj Evropske agencije za okolje (EEA) z naslovom „REDISCOVER Nature“, ki je bil objavljen danes, vas vabi, da v fotografski objektiv ujamete svojo intimno vez z naravo in okoljem okrog vas ter to delite z nami. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None D25GFKPTHR
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pl/highlights/przyszlosc-europejskich-morz-jest-niepewna Przyszłość europejskich mórz jest niepewna i trzeba pilnie podejmować spójne działania 2020-06-19T12:37:18Z 2021-11-17T08:45:27Z 2020-07-01T08:15:00Z pl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-seas-face-uncertain-future 2020 1.6.2 None W obliczu narosłych zagrożeń wynikających z nadmiernej eksploatacji zasobów morskich, zanieczyszczeń i zmiany klimatu konieczne są pilne działania, aby przywrócić dobry stan europejskich mórz. Zgodnie z opublikowanym dziś raportem Europejskiej Agencji Środowiska dotyczącym ekosystemów morskich w Europie mamy coraz mniej czasu, aby odwrócić skutki wieloletnich zaniedbań i nadużyć. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 38GA2E6KFO
http://www.eea.europa.eu/bg/highlights/rjesavanje-problema-oneciscenja-i-klimatskih Rješavanje problema onečišćenja i klimatskih promjena u Europi poboljšat će zdravlje i dobrobiti, posebice najranjivijih osoba 2020-08-31T18:33:13Z 2020-11-23T10:59:14Z 2020-09-07T22:05:00Z hr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/tackling-pollution-and-climate-change 2020 2.2.2 None Onečišćenje zraka i zagađenje bukom, učinci klimatskih promjena, kao što su toplinski valovi, te izloženost opasnim kemikalijama uzroci su lošeg zdravlja u Europi. Prema opsežnoj procjeni stanja zdravlja i okoliša koju je danas objavila Europska agencija za okoliš (EEA), 13 % smrtnih slučajeva može se povezati sa lošom kvalitetom okoliša. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None W1KEJ524FC
http://www.eea.europa.eu/it/highlights/la-lotta-all2019inquinamento-e-al La lotta all’inquinamento e al cambiamento climatico in Europa migliorerà salute e benessere, soprattutto delle fasce più vulnerabili della popolazione 2020-08-31T18:33:13Z 2020-11-23T10:59:14Z 2020-09-07T22:05:00Z it http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/tackling-pollution-and-climate-change 2020 2.2.2 None In Europa, l’inquinamento atmosferico e acustico, gli effetti del cambiamento climatico come le ondate di calore e l’esposizione a sostanze chimiche pericolose provocano problemi di salute. La scarsa qualità ambientale contribuisce al 13 % dei decessi, secondo un’importante valutazione sulla salute e sull’ambiente pubblicata oggi dall’Agenzia europea dell’ambiente (AEA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None S5F40QUTIC
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sk/highlights/na-ceste-k-nulovemu-znecisteniu Na ceste k nulovému znečisteniu v Európe 2020-10-09T10:57:54Z 2021-01-18T16:00:18Z 2020-10-21T08:59:12Z sk http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/moving-towards-zero-pollution-in-europe 2020 3.4.3 None Čo je znečistenie a aký má vplyv na ľudí a životné prostredie? V Európe sa prijímajú opatrenia na zníženie znečistenia a Európska komisia v rámci Európskej zelenej dohody prezentovala ambíciu nulového znečistenia pre Európu. Nová správa, ktorú Európska environmentálna agentúra (EEA) dnes zverejnila, skúma problematiku znečisťovania v Európe z rôznych uhlov pohľadu a pozornosť venuje aj príležitostiam na odstránenie a zabránenie vzniku znečistenia. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 5W2P9OFZ7Y
http://www.eea.europa.eu/da/highlights/eus-medlemsstater-ma-haeve-barren EU's medlemsstater må hæve barren for at nå det fælles mål for vedvarende energi 2018-12-14T08:17:32Z 2019-03-08T14:22:27Z 2019-01-28T15:14:22Z da http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-member-states-need-more 2018 1.3.2 None De vedvarende energikilders andel af Den Europæiske Unions (EU's) energiforbrug er fordoblet siden 2005, men denne vækst har været aftagende i de seneste år, især som følge af et stigende energiforbrug og manglende fremskridt inden for transportsektoren. Det Europæiske Miljøagenturs (EEA's) nye rapport viser, at EU's medlemsstater er nødt til at øge deres indsats for at nå målet for vedvarende energi i 2020. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None UP5FH73J8S
http://www.eea.europa.eu/el/highlights/ta-krati-meli-tis-ee Τα κράτη μέλη της ΕΕ πρέπει να είναι περισσότερο φιλόδοξα προκειμένου να επιτύχουν τον κοινό στόχο για την ενέργεια από ανανεώσιμες πηγές 2018-12-14T08:17:32Z 2019-03-08T14:22:27Z 2019-02-11T15:31:01Z el http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-member-states-need-more 2018 1.3.2 None Το ποσοστό ενέργειας από ανανεώσιμες πηγές που χρησιμοποιείται στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση (ΕΕ) έχει διπλασιαστεί μετά το 2005, όμως η αύξηση αυτή έχει επιβραδυνθεί τα τελευταία χρόνια κυρίως λόγω της αυξανόμενης κατανάλωσης ενέργειας και της έλλειψης προόδου στον τομέα των μεταφορών. Σύμφωνα με τη νέα έκθεση του Ευρωπαϊκού Οργανισμού Περιβάλλοντος (ΕΟΠ), τα κράτη μέλη της ΕΕ πρέπει να εντείνουν τις προσπάθειές τους προκειμένου να επιτύχουν τον στόχο του 2020 για την παραγωγή ενέργειας από ανανεώσιμες πηγές. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None QVBENYDJ53
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/fotosoutez-na-tema-udrzitelnych-potravin Fotosoutěž na téma udržitelných potravin, energie a mobility 2019-02-22T12:52:50Z 2019-05-02T12:24:24Z 2019-02-27T16:15:00Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-to-profile-sustainable 2019 3.4.3 None To, jak vyrábíme a spotřebováváme potraviny a energii a to, jak se přemisťuje populace a zboží, má dopad na naše životní prostředí, klima i zdraví. Evropská agentura pro životní prostředí (EEA) v rámci nové fotografické soutěže s názvem „Sustainably Yours“ vyzývá Evropany k zaslání fotografií výzev a příležitostí, které sebou nesou naše rozhodnutí v oblasti výroby potravin, energie a mobility. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None OJ0X93KFMU
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sk/highlights/drzave-clanice-eu-bi-morale Členské štáty EÚ musia byť ambicióznejšie, ak chcú dosiahnuť spoločný cieľ v oblasti obnoviteľnej energie 2018-12-14T08:17:32Z 2019-03-08T14:22:27Z 2019-02-18T15:25:48Z sk http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-member-states-need-more 2018 1.3.2 None Podiel obnoviteľných zdrojov energie na spotrebe energie v Európskej únii (EÚ) sa od roku 2005 zdvojnásobil. Tento rast sa však v uplynulých rokoch spomalil, a to najmä z dôvodu zvyšujúcej sa spotreby energie a chýbajúceho pokroku v odvetví dopravy. Z novej správy Európskej environmentálnej agentúry (EEA) vyplýva, že nato, aby členské štáty dosiahli cieľ, ktorý bol v oblasti problematiky energie z obnoviteľných zdrojov stanovený na rok 2020, musia zintenzívniť úsilie. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None HF0QPO4EWA
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sk/highlights/fotosutaz-na-zviditelnenie-udrzatelnych-potravin Fotosúťaž na zviditeľnenie udržateľných potravín, udržateľnej energetiky a mobility 2019-02-22T12:52:50Z 2019-05-02T12:24:24Z 2019-02-28T08:05:00Z sk http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-to-profile-sustainable 2019 3.4.3 None Spôsob výroby a spotreby potravín a energie a spôsob dopravy ľudí a tovarov vplýva na naše životné prostredie, ovzdušie a zdravie. Európska environmentálna agentúra vyhlásila novú fotosúťaž s názvom Sustainably Yours (S udržateľným pozdravom) a vyzýva Európanov, aby poslali súťažné príspevky o výzvach spojených s lepšou udržateľnosťou potravín, energie a mobility, ako aj o možnostiach, ktoré v týchto oblastiach existujú. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None TC04DOI16E
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sk/highlights/potrebne-su-dalsie-opatrenia-na Potrebné sú ďalšie opatrenia na ochranu najzraniteľnejších občanov Európy pred znečistením ovzdušia, hlukom a extrémnymi teplotami 2019-01-29T09:31:03Z 2019-05-03T08:05:51Z 2019-02-04T10:55:00Z sk http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/protect-vulnerable-citizens 2019 1.4.2 None Na lepšiu ochranu chudobných a starších ľudí, ako aj detí pred environmentálnymi nebezpečenstvami, akými sú znečistenie ovzdušia, hluk a extrémne teploty, a to najmä v regiónoch východnej a južnej Európy, je potrebné prijať cielené opatrenia. Európska environmentálna agentúra (EEA) vo svojej správe uverejnenej dnes varuje, že aj napriek celkovému zlepšeniu kvality životného prostredia v Európe majú tieto nebezpečenstvá naďalej neúmerne veľký vplyv na zdravie najzraniteľnejších občanov Európy. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 6UJSG9DMHO
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sv/highlights/over-85-av-badplatserna-i Över 85 % av badplatserna i Europa bedöms ha utmärkt vattenkvalitet 2019-05-28T13:04:00Z 2019-12-10T09:22:34Z 2019-06-06T12:50:00Z sv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/large-number-of-europes-bathing 2019 1.5.1 None Drygt 85 % av de europeiska badplatser som kontrollerades förra året klarade de striktaste vattenkvalitetskraven och fick betyget ”utmärkt”. Det här visar den senaste årliga badvattenrapporten. De resultat som läggs fram i dag ger en god fingervisning om var man kan hitta de bästa badvattnen i sommar. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 6SMOF3I74Z
http://www.eea.europa.eu/de/highlights/juengste-jaehrliche-bewertung-bestaetigt-hohe Jüngste jährliche Bewertung bestätigt hohe Qualität der europäischen Badegewässer 2020-06-04T11:48:00Z 2020-06-11T11:00:21Z 2020-06-08T10:15:00Z de http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/quality-of-europes-bathing-waters 2020 1.5.2 None Laut der heute veröffentlichten diesjährigen Bewertung ist die Qualität der Badegewässer in Europa nach wie vor hoch. Knapp 85 % der 2019 überwachten Badestellen in ganz Europa erfüllten die höchsten und strengsten Qualitätsstandards („ausgezeichnet“) der Europäischen Union. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 5FSR2N34CQ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/ro/highlights/201erediscover-nature201d-concursul-de-fotografie „REDISCOVER Nature”: concursul de fotografie al AEM din acest an 2020-05-19T05:09:14Z 2020-08-03T14:07:12Z 2020-06-10T08:25:00Z ro http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/rediscover-nature-photo-competition 2020 3.4.3 None Indiferent unde ne aflăm, putem aprecia cu toții minunile naturii, acum, poate mai mult ca niciodată. Concursul de fotografie al Agenției Europene de Mediu (AEM) din acest an, intitulat „REDISCOVER Nature”, care se lansează astăzi, vă invită să surprindeți și să împărtășiți legătura dumneavoastră cu natura și mediul înconjurător. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 0FWS8P9UHZ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/hu/highlights/surgos-koherens-fellepes-hianyaban-bizonytalan Sürgős, koherens fellépés hiányában bizonytalan jövő vár Európa tengereire 2020-06-19T12:37:18Z 2021-11-17T08:45:27Z 2020-06-25T10:00:00Z hu http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-seas-face-uncertain-future 2020 1.6.2 None A tengeri erőforrások túlzott kihasználása, a szennyezés és az éghajlatváltozás okozta egyre növekvő fenyegetések miatt sürgős fellépésre van szükség ahhoz, hogy Európa tengerei újra jó állapotúak legyenek. Az Európai Környezetvédelmi Ügynökségnek az Európa tengeri ökoszisztémáiról szóló, ma közzétett jelentése szerint egyre kevesebb időnk van arra, hogy visszafordítsuk a több évtizedes elhanyagolás és kizsákmányolás hatásait. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 71SENOFMWA
http://www.eea.europa.eu/is/highlights/nyjasta-matid-synir-ad-natturan Nýjasta matið sýnir að náttúran í Evrópu er í alvarlegri, áframhaldandi hnignun 2020-10-07T08:25:08Z 2021-01-18T16:02:28Z 2020-10-19T09:23:53Z is http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/latest-evaluation-shows-europes-nature 2020 1.7.1 None Ósjálfbær búskapur og skógrækt, útbreiðsla þéttbýlis og mengun eru mesti skaðvaldurinn þegar kemur að því að meta gífurlegan samdrátt í líffræðilegum fjölbreytileika í Evrópu og ógnar framtíð þúsunda dýrategunda og búsvæða. Ennfremur hafa mörg aðildarríkjanna Evrópusambandsins (ESB) ekki enn tekið tilskipanir um náttúruvernd og önnur umhverfislög í framkvæmd . Flest vernduð búsvæði og líftegundir eru ekki í ákjósanlegri friðunarstöðu og margt verður að gera til að snúa ástandinu við, samkvæmt skýrslu Umhverfisstofnunar Evrópu (e. European Environment Agency - EEA), sem birt var í dag undir heitinu „Ástand náttúrunnar í ESB“. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None Q5RHOU7INC
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/stav-prirody-v-evrope-se Stav přírody v Evropě se stále vážně zhoršuje, ukazuje poslední hodnocení 2020-10-07T08:25:08Z 2021-01-18T16:02:28Z 2020-10-19T09:23:53Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/latest-evaluation-shows-europes-nature 2020 1.7.1 None Neudržitelné zemědělství a lesnictví, rozrůstání měst a znečištění patří mezi hlavní zátěže, které způsobují drastický úbytek biologické rozmanitosti v Evropě a ohrožuje přežití tisíců živočišných druhů a stanovišť. Směrnice Evropské unie (EU) na ochranu přírody a další právní předpisy v oblasti životního prostředí navíc na úrovni členských států postrádají dostatečnou implementaci. Podle dnes zveřejněné zprávy Evropské agentury pro životní prostředí (EEA) nazvané „State of nature in the EU“ není stav ochrany většiny chráněných stanovišť a živočišných druhů příznivý a je potřeba učinit mnohem více, aby došlo k nápravě této situace. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 4PI0FU18EX
http://www.eea.europa.eu/ro/highlights/cea-mai-noua-evaluare-arata Cea mai nouă evaluare arată că natura Europei se află într-un declin puternic, care continuă să se agraveze 2020-10-07T08:25:08Z 2021-01-18T16:02:28Z 2020-10-19T09:23:53Z ro http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/latest-evaluation-shows-europes-nature 2020 1.7.1 None Activitățile agricole și silvicole nesustenabile, expansiunea urbană și poluarea sunt principalele presiuni care au cauzat declinul drastic al biodiversității Europei, amenințând supraviețuirea a mii de habitate și specii de animale. Mai mult, directivele Uniunii Europene (UE) în materie de protejare a naturii și alte legi referitoare la mediu nu au fost încă implementate pe deplin de statele membre. Majoritatea habitatelor și a speciilor protejate nu sunt într-o stare bună de conservare, fiind necesare mult mai multe eforturi pentru redresarea situației, se arată în raportul „Starea naturii în UE” al Agenției Europene de Mediu (AEM), publicat azi. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None OAX5K1WJ70
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fr/highlights/une-recente-evaluation-montre-que Une récente évaluation montre que la nature connaît en Europe un déclin continu et préoccupant 2020-10-07T08:25:08Z 2021-01-18T16:02:28Z 2020-10-19T09:23:53Z fr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/latest-evaluation-shows-europes-nature 2020 1.7.1 None Les pratiques agricoles et forestières non durables, l’étalement urbain et la pollution sont les principales causes d’un déclin marqué de la biodiversité en Europe, qui menace la survie de milliers d’espèces animales et d’habitats. En outre, les directives de l’Union européenne (UE) en matière de protection de la nature et d’autres lois environnementales ne sont toujours pas mises en œuvre par les États membres. La plupart des habitats et des espèces protégés ne sont pas en bon état de conservation et des efforts bien plus importants sont nécessaires pour remédier à la situation, selon le rapport de l’Agence européenne pour l’environnement (AEE) intitulé «État de la nature dans l’UE», et publié aujourd’hui. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 1JPSQK6MIO
http://www.eea.europa.eu/hu/highlights/a-legutobbi-felmeres-alapjan-europaban A legutóbbi felmérés alapján Európában a természet állapota súlyos mértékben és folyamatosan romlik 2020-10-07T08:25:08Z 2021-01-18T16:02:28Z 2020-10-19T09:23:53Z hu http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/latest-evaluation-shows-europes-nature 2020 1.7.1 None A nem fenntartható mezőgazdaság és erdőgazdálkodás, a városok terjeszkedése és a szennyezés azok a fő behatások, amelyek felelősek az európai biodiverzitás drasztikus csökkenéséért, ami állatfajok és élőhelyek ezreinek túlélését veszélyezteti. Ráadásul az Európai Unió (EU) természetvédelmi irányelveit és egyéb környezetvédelmi jogszabályait a tagállamok még mindig nem alkalmazzák kellő mértékben. Az Európai Környezetvédelmi Ügynökség (EEA) mai napon közzétett, „State of nature in the EU” című jelentése szerint a legtöbb védett élőhely és faj védettségi helyzete elégtelen, és sokkal többet kell tennünk a helyzet visszafordítása érdekében. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None QVRJK43ZC5
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/napredak-prema-nultoj-stopi-oneciscenja Napredak prema nultoj stopi onečišćenja u Europi 2020-10-09T10:57:54Z 2021-01-18T16:00:18Z 2020-10-20T07:10:00Z hr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/moving-towards-zero-pollution-in-europe 2020 3.4.3 None Što je onečišćenje i kako utječe na nas i okoliš? Europa poduzima mjere u cilju smanjenja onečišćenja, a u okviru Europskog zelenog plana Europska komisija postavila je cilj nulte stope onečišćenja za Europu. U novom, danas objavljenom izvješću Europske agencije za okoliš (EEA), s različitih se stajališta razmatra izazov onečišćenja u Europi te mogućnosti za uklanjanje i prevenciju onečišćenja. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None R1O3JSCUXG
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pl/highlights/dobra-wiadomosc-dla-urlopowiczow-doskonala Dobra wiadomość dla urlopowiczów: doskonała jakość wody w przeważającej większości kąpielisk europejskich 2018-05-23T08:45:43Z 2020-01-13T19:09:56Z 2018-05-29T09:55:00Z pl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/good-news-for-holiday-makers 2018 1.5.2 None Według opublikowanego dziś rocznego sprawozdania dotyczącego jakości wody w kąpieliskach pomimo nieznacznego spadku wyników 85 proc. kąpielisk monitorowanych w całej Europie w 2017 r. spełniało najwyższe i najbardziej rygorystyczne unijne normy „doskonałej” jakości wody – oznacza to, że były prawie całkowicie wolne od zanieczyszczeń. Wyniki te są cennym źródłem informacji dla urlopowiczów, którzy mogą dowiedzieć się, w jakich kąpieliskach woda jest najczystsza. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 8VPD3041J5
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pl/highlights/konkurs-filmowy-podziel-sie-swoimi Konkurs filmowy: Podziel się swoimi ekologicznymi działaniami 2017-11-29T13:15:36Z 2018-01-03T08:52:04Z 2017-12-01T08:39:05Z pl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/video-competition-share-your-green-actions 2017 3.4.3 None Jak dzisiaj dotarłeś do pracy lub do szkoły? Samochodem, rowerem czy transportem publicznym? Codziennie podejmujemy decyzje, które mają wpływ na środowisko. Część naszych codziennych decyzji to świadome starania aby móc żyć w czystszym i zdrowszym środowisku. Konkurs filmowy „I LIVE GREEN” (Moje zielone życie), organizowany przez Europejską Agencję Środowiska (EEA) wraz ze swoją siecią partnerów, zaprasza wszystkich Europejczyków do wykazania się kreatywnością i podzielenia się swoimi działaniami na rzecz ochrony środowiska. Najlepsze filmy otrzymają nagrodę pieniężną. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None YEJWS6057G
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pl/highlights/konkurs-fotograficzny-wyslij-nam-swoje Konkurs fotograficzny: Wyślij nam swoje najlepsze zdjęcia związane z wodą 2018-04-10T12:32:52Z 2018-04-13T12:13:29Z 2018-04-16T07:00:00Z pl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-send-us-your 2018 3.4.3 None Jakie masz skojarzenia, gdy myślisz o wodzie? Czy możesz to uchwycić na zdjęciu? Europejska Agencja Środowiska (EEA) zaprasza wszystkich zainteresowanych do przedstawienia najbardziej kreatywnych zdjęć własnego autorstwa do konkursu fotograficznego na temat wody WaterPIX. Najlepsze zdjęcia zostaną uhonorowane nagrodę pieniężną. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None AE8OC7XUSN
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pl/highlights/panstwa-czlonkowskie-ue-musza-podjac Państwa członkowskie UE muszą podjąć bardziej ambitne działania, aby osiągnąć wspólny cel w zakresie energii odnawialnej 2018-12-14T08:17:32Z 2019-03-08T14:22:27Z 2018-12-18T15:47:10Z pl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-member-states-need-more 2018 1.3.2 None Udział źródeł energii odnawialnej w ogólnym zużyciu energii w Unii Europejskiej (UE) podwoił się od 2005 r., ale wzrost ten spowolnił w ostatnich latach, głównie z powodu coraz większego zużycia energii i braku postępu w sektorze transportowym. Nowe sprawozdanie Europejskiej Agencji Środowiska (EEA) pokazuje, że państwa członkowskie UE muszą włożyć więcej wysiłku, aby osiągnąć założony cel na 2020 rok w zakresie energii odnawialnej. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None YI4KUW9GRC
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pl/highlights/wody-w-europie-sa-coraz Wody w Europie są coraz czystsze, lecz istotne wyzwania nadal przed nami 2018-06-26T12:31:08Z 2020-11-23T10:58:42Z 2018-07-03T05:00:00Z pl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/european-waters-getting-cleaner-but 2018 1.5.2 None Jak wynika z opublikowanego dzisiaj sprawozdania Europejskiej Agencji Środowiska dotyczącego stanu wód, mimo postępów poczynionych w ostatnich dziesięcioleciach w zakresie poprawy jakości środowiska wielu europejskich jezior, rzek, wód przybrzeżnych i źródeł wód podziemnych, zanieczyszczenia, konstrukcje, takie jak tamy oraz nadmierny pobór wód, wciąż stanowią główne zagrożenia dla długotrwałego dobrego stanu wód. Zdecydowana większość jednolitych części wód w Europie nadal nie spełnia minimalnego celu Unii Europejskiej, jakim jest ich dobry stan. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None BG50Y7IXDR
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pl/highlights/zanieczyszczenie-powietrza-w-europie-jest Zanieczyszczenie powietrza w Europie jest wciąż zbyt wysokie 2018-10-23T07:54:47Z 2019-12-10T09:22:30Z 2018-10-28T23:05:00Z pl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/air-pollution-still-too-high 2018 1.1.2 None Pomimo powolnej poprawy, zanieczyszczenie powietrza nadal przekracza limity i wytyczne Unii Europejskiej i Światowej Organizacji Zdrowia zgodnie z aktualnymi danymi i informacjami opublikowanymi przez Europejską Agencję Środowiska (EEA). Zanieczyszczenie powietrza nadal stanowi zagrożenie dla zdrowia ludzkiego i środowiska. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VH4WIOCK5Z
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pl/highlights/zostan-tajnym-ekoagentem-i-chron-srodowisko-w-komiksie Zostań tajnym ekoagentem i chroń środowisko w komiksie! 2008-04-09T15:12:37Z 2016-06-21T13:46:14Z 2008-04-30T08:37:35Z pl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/become-an-undercover-agent-to-defend-the-environment-in-a-comic-strip 2011 None Na nowej stronie Europejskiej Agencji Środowiska - „Ekoagenci”, dostępnej w 24 językach, dzieci mogą dowiedzieć się o tym, jak chronić środowisko poprzez ściganie ekoprzestępców. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None UHA8M90OK1
http://www.eea.europa.eu/nl/highlights/fotowedstrijd-stuur-ons-uw-beste-201cwaterfoto2019s201d Fotowedstrijd: stuur ons uw beste “waterfoto’s” 2018-04-10T12:32:52Z 2018-04-13T12:13:29Z 2018-04-16T07:00:00Z nl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-send-us-your 2018 3.4.3 None Wat komt u voor de geest als u aan water denkt? Kunt u dat in een foto vatten? Stuur die dan naar het Europees Milieuagentschap (EMA) en maak kans op een van de geldprijzen in het kader van WaterPIX, een fotowedstrijd over water. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ADS7FY2UWK
http://www.eea.europa.eu/nl/highlights/goed-nieuws-voor-vakantiegangers-uitstekende Goed nieuws voor vakantiegangers: uitstekende waterkwaliteit in verreweg de meeste Europese badzones 2018-05-23T08:45:43Z 2020-01-13T19:09:56Z 2018-05-29T09:55:00Z nl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/good-news-for-holiday-makers 2018 1.5.2 None Ondanks een lichte daling voldeed 85 % van de in 2017 in gecontroleerde badzones in Europa aan de hoogste en strengste "uitstekende" kwaliteitsnormen van de Europese Unie voor water dat meestal vrij is van verontreinigende stoffen, zo blijkt uit het recentste jaarlijkse verslag over de kwaliteit van het Europese zwemwater, dat vandaag is gepubliceerd. De resultaten geven een goede indicatie van waar vakantiegangers deze zomer de beste zwemwaterkwaliteit kunnen vinden. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None KQCZYH28BG
http://www.eea.europa.eu/nl/highlights/luchtverontreiniging-is-in-heel-europa Luchtverontreiniging is in heel Europa nog steeds te hoog 2018-10-23T07:54:47Z 2019-12-10T09:22:30Z 2018-10-28T23:05:00Z nl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/air-pollution-still-too-high 2018 1.1.2 None Ondanks langzame verbeteringen ligt de luchtverontreiniging nog altijd boven de grenswaarden en richtlijnen van de Europese Unie en de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie. Dat blijkt uit nieuwe gegevens en informatie die het Europees Milieuagentschap (EEA) heeft gepubliceerd. Luchtverontreiniging blijft een bedreiging voor de gezondheid van mens en milieu. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None MOQVJ3FNXP
http://www.eea.europa.eu/nl/highlights/videowedstrijd-deel-je-groene-acties Videowedstrijd: Deel je groene acties 2017-11-29T13:15:36Z 2018-01-03T08:52:04Z 2017-12-01T08:39:05Z nl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/video-competition-share-your-green-actions 2017 3.4.3 None Hoe ben je vandaag naar je werk of school gegaan? Met de auto, fiets of het openbaar vervoer? Elke dag nemen we beslissingen die een invloed hebben op het milieu. Soms zijn die een bewuste inspanning om in een schoner en gezonder milieu te leven. De videowedstrijd ‘I LIVE GREEN’, georganiseerd door het Europees Milieuagentschap (EEA) en zijn partnernetwerk, nodigt alle Europeanen uit om hun creativiteit te laten zien en hun acties voor een beter milieu te delen. De beste video’s kunnen een geldprijs winnen. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None K3XYJU1R2C
http://www.eea.europa.eu/nl/highlights/word-undercover-agent-en-verdedig-het-milieu Word undercover-agent en verdedig het milieu 2008-04-09T15:12:37Z 2016-06-21T13:46:14Z 2008-04-30T08:37:36Z nl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/become-an-undercover-agent-to-defend-the-environment-in-a-comic-strip 2011 None Op de nieuwe ‘Eco Agents’-website van het Europees Milieuagentschap kunnen kinderen nu leren hoe ze milieuovertreders achtervolgen, terwijl ze ondertussen het milieu kunnen beschermen. De website is beschikbaar in 24 talen. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None RMB60F1C9K
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fr/highlights/concours-de-photographie-envoyez-nous Concours de photographie: envoyez-nous vos meilleures photos sur le thème de l’eau 2018-04-10T12:32:52Z 2018-04-13T12:13:29Z 2018-04-16T07:00:00Z fr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-send-us-your 2018 3.4.3 None Qu’est-ce qui vous vient à l’esprit lorsque vous pensez à l’eau? Pouvez-vous matérialiser cette pensée sous la forme d’une photo? L’Agence européenne pour l’environnement (AEE) vous invite à envoyer vos photographies les plus créatives à WaterPIX, un concours de photos consacré au thème de l’eau. Un prix en espèces récompensera les meilleures photos. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None J8HWPSX61Y
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fr/highlights/concours-video-faites-decouvrir-vos Concours vidéo: faites découvrir vos initiatives en faveur de l’environnement 2017-11-29T13:15:36Z 2018-01-03T08:52:04Z 2017-12-01T08:39:05Z fr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/video-competition-share-your-green-actions 2017 3.4.3 None Comment vous êtes-vous rendu au travail ou à l’école aujourd’hui? En voiture, à vélo ou en transports en commun? Tous les jours, nous prenons des décisions qui peuvent avoir un impact sur l’environnement. Certaines de nos décisions quotidiennes sont des efforts conscients pour vivre dans un environnement plus propre et plus sain. Le concours vidéo «I LIVE GREEN» (Je vis en respectant l’environnement), organisé par l’Agence européenne pour l’environnement (AEE) et son réseau de partenaires, invite l’ensemble des Européens à montrer leur créativité et à faire découvrir leurs initiatives en faveur de l’environnement. Un prix récompensera les meilleures vidéos. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None CD02ATRZ4G
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fr/highlights/deviens-un-agent-sous-couverture-pour-defendre-l2019environnement-dans-une-bande-dessinee Deviens un agent sous couverture pour défendre l’environnement dans une bande dessinée 2008-04-09T15:12:37Z 2016-06-21T13:46:14Z 2008-04-30T08:37:02Z fr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/become-an-undercover-agent-to-defend-the-environment-in-a-comic-strip 2011 None Les enfants peuvent désormais découvrir des moyens de protéger l’environnement, en donnant la chasse aux éco-délinquants sur le nouveau site web «Eco Agents» de l’Agence européenne pour l’environnement, disponible en 24 langues. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None O36ME9GITF
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fr/highlights/l2019augmentation-de-la-consommation-d2019energie L’augmentation de la consommation d’énergie ralentit les progrès de l'UE en matière d’énergies renouvelables et d’objectifs d’efficacité énergétique 2018-11-22T14:07:10Z 2019-03-22T14:32:56Z 2019-01-04T14:29:42Z fr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/rising-energy-consumption-slows-eu 2018 1.3.2 None Les progrès en matière d’augmentation de l’utilisation des énergies renouvelables et d’amélioration de l’efficacité énergétique ralentissent dans l’ensemble de l’Union européenne. Cela met en péril sa capacité à atteindre ses objectifs en matière de réduction de la consommation énergétique et des émissions. L’augmentation de la consommation énergétique, en particulier dans le secteur des transports, est à l’origine du ralentissement, selon les données préliminaires publiées aujourd’hui dans l’analyse annuelle de l’Agence européenne pour l’environnement (AEE) sur les progrès accomplis par l’UE par rapport à ses objectifs en matière d’énergies renouvelables et d’efficacité énergétique. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None TG1R94IUVX
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fr/highlights/l2019eau-en-europe-devient-plus L’eau en Europe devient plus propre, mais des problèmes importants subsistent 2018-06-26T12:31:08Z 2020-11-23T10:58:42Z 2018-07-03T05:00:00Z fr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/european-waters-getting-cleaner-but 2018 1.5.2 None Selon un rapport sur l'état de l’eau publié aujourd'hui par l'Agence européenne pour l'environnement, malgré les progrès réalisés au cours des dernières décennies dans l’amélioration de la qualité environnementale des nombreux lacs, rivières, eaux côtières et eaux souterraines en Europe, la pollution, les structures telles que les barrages et la surexploitation représentent toujours des menaces majeures pour leur santé à long terme. La grande majorité des masses d'eau européennes ne parviennent toujours pas à atteindre l'objectif minimum de « bon état » fixé par l'Union européenne. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None C3609JWKH2
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fr/highlights/la-pollution-atmospherique-reste-trop La pollution atmosphérique reste trop élevée dans l’ensemble de l’Europe 2018-10-23T07:54:47Z 2019-12-10T09:22:30Z 2018-10-28T23:05:00Z fr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/air-pollution-still-too-high 2018 1.1.2 None Malgré de lentes améliorations, la pollution atmosphérique dépasse toujours les limites établies par l’Union européenne et les lignes directrices de l’Organisation mondiale de la santé, selon des données et informations récentes publiées par l’Agence européenne pour l’environnement (AEE). La pollution atmosphérique continue de représenter un danger pour la santé humaine et l’environnement. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 0298HMBXZT
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fr/highlights/la-taxe-environnementale-sur-les-agregats-dans-l2019ue-vers-une-construction-durable La taxe environnementale sur les agrégats dans l’UE: vers une construction durable 2008-06-26T12:09:34Z 2016-06-21T13:46:11Z 2008-06-27T11:00:00Z fr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/environmental-tax-on-aggregate-materials-in-the-eu-towards-sustainable-construction-1 2011 None Selon le rapport présenté aujourd'hui par l’Agence européenne pour l’environnement, les taxes environnementales sur les matériaux de construction peuvent jouer un rôle clé en vue d'assurer un développement plus durable dans ce secteur. L’étude examine les régimes fiscaux applicables aux activités extractives en République tchèque, en Italie, en Suède et au Royaume-Uni, et s’intéresse plus particulièrement à une industrie représentant 15,2 milliards d'euros qui produit des matériaux essentiels pour le secteur de la construction. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 4YEK9J3N0R
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fr/highlights/les-etats-membres-de-l2019ue Les États membres de l’UE doivent se montrer plus ambitieux pour atteindre l’objectif commun en matière d’énergies renouvelables 2018-12-14T08:17:32Z 2019-03-08T14:22:27Z 2018-12-18T13:53:50Z fr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-member-states-need-more 2018 1.3.2 None La part des sources d’énergie renouvelables dans la consommation d’énergie de l’Union européenne (UE) a doublé depuis 2005, mais cette croissance a ralenti ces dernières années, notamment en raison de la hausse de la consommation d’énergie et de progrès insuffisants dans le secteur des transports. Le dernier rapport de l’Agence européenne pour l’environnement (AEE) montre que les États membres de l’UE doivent redoubler d’efforts pour atteindre l’objectif de 2020 en matière d’énergies renouvelables. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ZBI9N7406W
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fr/highlights/une-bonne-nouvelle-pour-les Une bonne nouvelle pour les vacanciers: la qualité de l’eau dans la grande majorité des sites de baignade européens est excellente 2018-05-23T08:45:43Z 2020-01-13T19:09:56Z 2018-05-29T09:55:00Z fr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/good-news-for-holiday-makers 2018 1.5.2 None Malgré une légère baisse des résultats, 85 % des sites de baignade contrôlés dans toute l’Europe en 2017 respectaient les normes de qualité les plus élevées et les plus strictes (qualité «excellente») pour les eaux largement exemptes de polluants, selon le dernier rapport annuel sur la qualité des eaux de baignade en Europe, publié aujourd’hui. Les résultats donnent une bonne indication des sites où les vacanciers peuvent trouver des eaux de baignade de la meilleure qualité cet été. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None OE0C21P6H5
http://www.eea.europa.eu/tr/highlights/avrupa-genelinde-hava-kirliligi-hala Avrupa genelinde hava kirliliği hala çok fazla 2018-10-23T07:54:47Z 2019-12-10T09:22:30Z 2018-10-28T23:05:00Z tr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/air-pollution-still-too-high 2018 1.1.2 None Avrupa Çevre Ajansı (AÇA) tarafından yayınlanan güncel veri ve bilgilere göre, yavaşilerlemelere rağmen , hava kirliliği Avrupa Birliği ve Dünya Sağlık Örgütü sınırlarını ve kılavuzlarını aşmaya devam ediyor. Hava kirliliği halen insan sağlığı ve çevre için bir tehlike oluşturmaktadır. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 74Y930MES8
http://www.eea.europa.eu/tr/highlights/bir-cizgi-romanda-cevreyi-koruyacak-gizli-ajan-olun Bir çizgi romanda çevreyi koruyacak gizli ajan olun 2008-04-09T15:12:37Z 2016-06-21T13:46:14Z 2008-04-30T08:37:02Z tr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/become-an-undercover-agent-to-defend-the-environment-in-a-comic-strip 2011 None Çocuklar artık Avrupa Çevre Ajansı’nın 24 dilde yayımlanan yeni ‘Eko Ajanları’ web sitesindeki eko kötüleri kovalayarak çevreyi korumanın yollarını öğrenebilir. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None SOIH80PJMT
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europe2019s-environment-now-healthier-2013 Europe’s environment now healthier – but new risks emerging 2013-05-30T08:56:04Z 2016-09-02T09:44:03Z 2013-05-30T09:50:00Z en None 2013 4.2.1 None Europeans live longer and healthier lives than in the past, partly due to successful environmental policies that have reduced the exposure to harmful environmental contaminants in air, water and food, according to a new report. However, these contaminants are still a problem, and several new health risks are emerging, for example, from new chemicals, new products and changing lifestyle patterns. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None MSADN2HVC6
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/most-car-manufacturers-on-track Most car manufacturers on track to meet 2012 CO2 targets 2012-12-10T10:15:37Z 2016-06-21T13:46:12Z 2012-12-11T13:00:00Z en None 2012 4.2.1 None In 2011, average CO2 vehicle emissions for most carmakers were below target levels estimated for 2012. This was the situation for 47 carmakers, responsible for 95% of the new cars registered in the EU in 2011, according to the latest European Environment Agency (EEA) analysis. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 98X1UJACBI
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/campaigning-for-the-use-of Campaigning for the use of low-noise tyres 2013-11-05T13:31:20Z 2016-08-25T08:28:43Z 2013-11-05T15:15:00Z en None 2013 1.0.3 None A Swiss communication campaign promoting the use of better tyres has won the European Soundscape Award 2013. The prize, presented by the European Environment Agency (EEA) and the Dutch Noise Abatement Society at the Gouden Decibel Award Ceremony in the Netherlands Tuesday evening, recognises initiatives that can help cut noise and create more attractive acoustic environments. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 9E825JFGRU
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europeans-hit-by-melting-snow-and-ice Europeans hit by melting snow and ice 2007-06-01T08:44:24Z 2018-07-03T05:47:50Z 2008-04-30T10:40:00Z en None 2008 0.0.0 None The United Nations Environment Programme's global outlook for ice and snow report, released today, shows how Europeans will be hit by a reduction in ice and snow both on the continent and in remote regions like the Arctic. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 37M94A02XY
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/measuring-the-cost-of-climate-change Counting the cost of climate change 2007-12-18T10:39:19Z 2017-05-08T14:09:01Z 2008-04-30T12:40:00Z en None 2011 0.0.0 None The future economic costs of climate change — known as the costs of inaction — will be significant in Europe, says a new European Environment Agency (EEA) report, released today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 360W2BNQDR
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/measuring-biodiversity-with-indicators Measuring biodiversity with indicators – new report describes SEBI approach 2012-09-18T15:31:51Z 2016-06-21T13:45:32Z 2012-09-19T08:00:00Z en None 2012 4.2.1 None The continuing loss of biodiversity – made up of genes, species and ecosystems – is a matter of growing concern in Europe. Yet measuring the extent of the loss and the threat it poses is a huge challenge. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None Y2KRDWIST1
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/planning-to-tackle-climate-change Planning to tackle climate change 2007-06-29T08:37:47Z 2017-07-17T09:48:29Z 2008-04-30T12:40:00Z en None 2008 0.0.0 None 'While the worst effects of climate change may not hit Europe for many years we must prepare now. Climate change will have profound effects on our natural resources and will also change the way we go about our daily lives. We will not only lose biodiversity but also large parts of our territory, for example low-lying coastal areas and river basins as sea levels rise,' said EEA Executive Director, Professor Jacqueline McGlade, at the ESPACE initiative in London on Friday. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None C9V7OB1G3K
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-change-adaptation-in-europe Climate change adaptation in Europe: tracking progress and sharing know-how 2015-11-27T14:14:14Z 2017-05-08T13:49:03Z 2015-12-02T10:15:00Z en None 2015 3.4.3 None An increasing number of initiatives and measures are being put in place to adapt to current and potential impacts of climate change at European, national, regional and local levels. It is now critical to understand better which actions work in which contexts and why. Where do countries stand in terms of tracking climate change adaptation in their territories? A new report by the European Environment Agency provides an overview of national monitoring, reporting and evaluation (MRE) systems in European countries. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None OZGJE6HBFV
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/explore-nature-across-europe-on Explore nature across Europe on Biodiversity Day 2014-05-22T09:43:10Z 2016-06-21T13:45:51Z 2014-05-22T10:00:00Z en None 2014 4.2.1 None The European Environment Agency (EEA) has upgraded EUNIS, the only web portal comprehensively linking protected sites, species and habitat types, to coincide with International Day for Biological Diversity, 22 May. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None F5WIOBQSTJ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/assessing-climate-change-impacts-in Assessing climate change impacts in the Pyrenees 2011-10-26T21:27:12Z 2017-05-08T13:16:39Z 2011-10-27T12:00:00Z en None 2011 2.1.2 None Europe’s mountain regions may suffer some of the most severe impacts of climate change. Increasing temperatures can change snow-cover patterns and lead to water shortages and other problems such as reduced ski tourism. Species may also face extinction if unable to move northward or uphill. To investigate these current and potential impacts in the Pyrenees, the European Environment Agency (EEA) and the Pyrenees Working Community (CTP) have recently signed an agreement to work together. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VWN96T8152
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/european-mobility-week-2010-travel European Mobility Week 2010: travel smarter, live better 2010-09-15T09:34:11Z 2017-02-20T14:48:04Z 2010-09-15T17:55:00Z en None 2011 0.0.0 None Widespread and increasing use of motor vehicles in urban areas impacts not only human health but also the quality of life in cities. During European Mobility Week, 16–22 September, more than 1 500 cities across Europe will promote sustainable transport in urban areas and let their residents enjoy a car-free day. The European Environment Agency has tips to help you make your daily trips more environmentally friendly. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 5UJ36B1X9S
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/european-mobility-week-2012-moving European Mobility Week 2012: Moving in the right direction 2012-09-14T14:20:41Z 2016-08-25T08:37:04Z 2012-09-17T09:15:00Z en None 2012 4.2.1 None Imagine a city with clean air and little noise. A place free of congestion, where getting around town is easy. To move towards this goal, cities need to develop sustainable and efficient urban transport systems which integrate all modes of transport both in the cities and in their surrounding areas. Citizens can help by making the right choices. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 8YUOSA13G4
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/hans-bruyninckx-selected-as-new Hans Bruyninckx selected as new EEA Executive Director to take office 1 June 2013 2012-12-14T13:50:52Z 2016-06-21T13:45:23Z 2012-12-14T14:00:00Z en None 2012 4.2.1 None Belgian Professor Hans Bruyninckx has been selected by the EEA Management Board as the EEA Executive Director to take office from 1 June 2013. A formal offer of appointment will be made after all procedures have been finalised. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None JYCTV1DK97
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/shaping-the-future-of-energy Shaping the future of energy in Europe 2017-08-29T09:16:24Z 2017-08-29T09:50:33Z 2017-08-29T09:50:33Z en None 2017 1.3.2 None In many ways energy powers our lives and we depend on a reliable supply of energy at an affordable price, but at what cost to our environment? The European Environment Agency’s (EEA) Signals 2017 published today looks into Europe’s energy system and its transition towards clean, smart and renewable energy. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 0NPYXQ83TG
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europe-set-to-miss-2010-air-pollutant-limits EU set to miss 2010 air pollutant limits 2009-10-01T08:09:53Z 2017-02-20T14:54:19Z 2009-10-02T09:10:00Z en None 2011 0.0.0 None With 2010 now quickly approaching, updated emission estimates for that year show just 14 Member States expect to meet their respective 2010 air pollutant limits set under the EU National Emission Ceilings Directive (NEC Directive). A small group of Member States anticipates missing two or more of their legally-binding emission ceilings. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ISDRCTJH7O
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/preparing-europe-for-climate-change Preparing Europe for climate change: coordination is key to reduce risks posed by extreme weather 2017-10-11T11:23:19Z 2019-12-10T09:22:35Z 2017-10-17T05:55:00Z en None 2017 1.4.2 None Building stronger links between climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction experts is more important than ever in wake of recent devastating and extreme weather events across Europe and elsewhere. Closer cooperation, including better policy alignment, will be crucial to reduce the impacts of weather- and climate-related hazards like floods, heatwaves, forest fires, or storm surges. Increasing coherence in actions and using innovative methods can improve the handling of these events, according to a report by the European Environment Agency (EEA) published today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None MATC8NR6OZ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/winners-announced Generation ’92 video competition: And the winners are... 2012-05-08T11:43:08Z 2016-06-21T13:45:23Z 2012-05-08T15:15:16Z en None 2012 4.2.2 None After lengthy deliberations, the winners of the Generation ’92 video competition have been decided. The video competition from the European Environment Agency (EEA) asked young people across Europe to submit a short video showing their idea of a sustainable future. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None EO18JQNYS7
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/greenhouse-gas-emissions-across-eu Greenhouse gas emissions across EU drop slightly in 2016 2017-11-06T12:18:28Z 2020-11-23T10:58:48Z 2017-11-07T10:50:00Z en None 2017 1.3.2 None Greenhouse gas emissions across the European Union decreased modestly in 2016, according to estimates published in the latest climate ‘trends and projections’ assessments released today by the European Environment Agency (EEA). The estimates confirm that the EU remains on track to meet its emission reduction target set for 2020, but more work is needed to meet longer-term goals. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None HIS681UGWV
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/unep-report-maps-the-pathways UNEP report maps the pathways to a green economy 2011-02-20T23:00:00Z 2016-08-31T12:46:48Z 2011-02-21T01:00:00Z en None 2011 0.0.0 None The EEA welcomes the publication today of UNEP's report 'Pathways to a green economy'. It represents a valuable contribution to the current debate on moving the world to a sustainable path in the 21st century. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None T5IAZ9FHYJ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/air-pollutant-emissions-declining-but Air pollutant emissions declining, but still above limits 2015-06-30T13:11:26Z 2016-06-21T13:46:14Z 2015-07-02T11:30:00Z en None 2015 3.4.3 None Emissions of most air pollutants decreased in 2013, confirming the long-term downward trend in Europe since 1990. But many countries are still exceeding internationally-agreed pollutant limits, set to protect human health and the environment, according to a new report from the European Environment Agency (EEA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 91F43AQEWP
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/building-the-future-we-want Building the future we want – new report launched on World Environment Day 2012-06-05T08:00:00Z 2016-07-15T09:30:21Z 2012-06-05T08:00:00Z en None 2012 4.2.1 None While much of Europe is still suffering the effects of economic recession, a new report argues that efforts to increase prosperity should not damage the environment. Indeed, Europe’s economy depends on a healthy environment, including the materials and services provided by the natural world, according to the new edition of Signals from the European Environment Agency (EEA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None QMB7HAO9FW
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/more-than-half-of-eu More than half of EU surface waters below ‘good’ ecological status 2012-11-13T14:23:01Z 2016-06-21T13:45:48Z 2012-11-13T16:24:28Z en None 2012 4.2.1 None Water pollution and physical modifications are still affecting the ecology of many of Europe’s lakes, rivers, transitional water bodies and coastal waters. These problems are likely to prevent the water bodies reaching ‘good’ status by 2015, a target set by the EU’s Water Framework Directive (WFD). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 07Q1TS92FY
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/how-vulnerable-are-cities-to How vulnerable are cities to climate change? 2015-06-02T15:20:49Z 2020-11-23T10:58:58Z 2015-06-04T06:55:00Z en None 2015 3.4.3 None The European Environment Agency (EEA) published today a series of interactive maps, illustrating various climate threats European cities face as well as cities’ capacity to respond to these threats. This new ‘map book’ provides background information and allows users to view the maps, selecting different parameters. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None YPXDZJE4A2
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eea-signs-agreement-to-work EEA signs agreement to work with Copernicus programme 2014-12-01T09:32:56Z 2017-02-20T14:26:17Z 2014-12-01T14:00:00Z en None 2014 3.6.2 None The European Environment Agency (EEA) will continue to work with Copernicus, the European earth observation programme, after an agreement signed 1 December. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 31R5SZTIM7
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/teaming-up-to-cut-noise Teaming up to cut noise across Europe 2010-11-09T14:40:23Z 2016-08-25T08:46:05Z 2010-11-09T17:40:00Z en None 2011 0.0.0 None The impacts of unwanted noise can range from mild disturbance to serious disease. At a prestigious ceremony in London last night, the European Environment Agency (EEA) and the Noise Abatement Society (NAS) announced a new European noise award, which will recognise innovative solutions to noise problems. Today, the EEA also publishes a set of guidelines on the health impacts of noise. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 1C8NOH0XK5
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/green-week-stakeholders-put-nature Green Week: stakeholders put nature in the spotlight 2015-06-02T10:05:08Z 2020-11-23T10:58:47Z 2015-06-02T14:10:00Z en None 2015 3.4.3 None Stakeholders from across Europe are coming together at Green Week to discuss biodiversity and ecosystem services in Europe. The European Environment Agency (EEA) will present its latest findings, recently published in its reports 'State of nature in the EU' and 'The European Environment – state and outlook 2015'. To contribute to the knowledge base, the EEA released today a new technical report on mapping and assessment of ecosystems. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None NE4QHS39B6
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-satellite-data-to-be EU satellite data to be freely available 2013-11-18T09:50:24Z 2016-06-21T13:45:46Z 2013-11-18T14:00:00Z en None 2013 4.2.1 None Satellite observations have become vital to our understanding of the environment. From next month, the European Commission will provide free, full and open access to a wealth of data gathered by Copernicus, Europe’s Earth observation system. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None CMGEBIN3TF
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europe-still-playing-catch-up Europe still playing catch-up on air pollution, despite reduction successes 2012-10-18T08:57:47Z 2016-06-21T13:45:54Z 2012-10-18T10:00:00Z en None 2012 4.2.1 None The European Union appears to have met several objectives to reduce the impacts of air pollution, according to the original scientific understanding used to set the objectives. But when using the improved scientific understanding of air pollution now available, it becomes clear that emissions need to be even further reduced to protect health and the environment. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None RKFCZYGH4Q
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/avoiding-harmful-ozone-pollution-this-summer Avoiding harmful ozone pollution this summer 2012-08-09T13:13:07Z 2016-06-21T13:46:13Z 2012-08-09T13:30:00Z en None 2012 1.0.2 None High summer temperatures combined with air pollution can cause ground-level ozone to form, which has serious effects on health, especially for older people or children, or those with asthma and other breathing problems. The European Environment Agency (EEA) presents some useful information on protecting your health from ground-level ozone this summer. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None TJSH983NR2
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/201cclimate-change-act-and-adapt201d-at-green-week-2009 "Climate change: act and adapt" at Green Week 2009 2009-06-23T09:34:20Z 2017-05-08T12:14:41Z 2009-06-23T14:00:00Z en None 2009 0.0.0 None 2009 will be a critical year in the battle against climate change, with negotiations on a global agreement to succeed the Kyoto Protocol due to conclude at the Copenhagen climate conference in December. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None QASJ3T09U4
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/cities-taking-action-learning-from Cities taking action, learning from each other to adapt to climate change 2017-02-23T07:54:24Z 2017-03-08T10:25:33Z 2017-02-27T07:00:00Z en None 2017 1.4.2 None Despite budgetary challenges, cities and towns across Europe are taking action to put in place measures that will help them adapt to the impacts of climate change. A new European Environment Agency (EEA) report released today highlights the opportunities open to municipalities to share best practices and how they can support projects like green roofs or expanding city parks to help alleviate the negative effects of climate change. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None V6R8ZSQ3UW
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-ipcc-report-addresses-risks-2 New IPCC report addresses risks of extreme events and disasters 2011-11-23T08:50:19Z 2016-12-15T17:44:47Z 2011-11-23T09:30:00Z en None 2011 4.2.1 None It is "virtually certain" that warm weather extreme events will become more frequent this century, according to a new summary report published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) on 18 November. In order to explore ways of adapting to heatwaves and other extreme events potentially exacerbated in future by climate change, the IPCC has brought together a range of scientific and professional expertise. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None MYIR8ATSQX
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/ipcc-report-shows-growing-risks IPCC report shows growing risks from already-present climate change 2014-03-31T09:55:00Z 2017-07-17T08:02:07Z 2014-03-31T09:55:00Z en None 2014 1.4.2 None Climate change is already having substantial and widespread impacts around the world, according to the latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Drawing on a larger body of evidence than ever before, it highlights a wide range of risks in vital areas such as food supply, human health and economic development. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None YDOH9XGIZF
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/biodiversity-is-life-biodiversity-is-our-life Biodiversity is life. Biodiversity is our life. 2010-01-08T14:37:58Z 2017-05-08T13:28:02Z 2010-01-08T18:40:00Z en None 2011 0.0.0 None To celebrate the launch of the International Year of Biodiversity on 11 January, the European Environment Agency (EEA) is commencing a series of concise, thematic assessments of biodiversity. The first of these '10 messages for 2010' presents the interaction between climate change and biodiversity. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 986MRNXKW2
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/river-mur-recognised-for-effective River Mur recognised for effective river basin management 2014-10-29T16:41:59Z 2016-06-21T13:45:23Z 2014-10-29T16:51:04Z en None 2014 1.5.3 None The River Mur flows from Austria, Slovenia, Hungary and Croatia before reaching Drava, a tributary of the Danube. The organisation managing the Mur Basin was awarded the second European River Prize during the 6th European River restoration conference (ERRC) in Vienna yesterday. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 34IJSR2OEX
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/more-action-is-needed-to More action is needed to protect the natural environment and people’s health 2016-12-08T11:57:03Z 2016-12-08T13:24:56Z 2016-12-09T07:00:00Z en None 2016 2.4.1 None Substantial progress in cutting greenhouse gas emissions, air and other pollutants, and improving energy and material efficiency, needs to be complemented by more actions by EU Member States to fully apply agreed-to policies to better protect biodiversity, natural resources, and people’s health. These are the key findings of a new European Environment Agency (EEA) report which reviews key trends and outlook towards achieving EU 2020 environmental objectives. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None OQ7Y59NF10
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/floodplain-management-reducing-flood-risks Floodplain management: reducing flood risks and restoring healthy ecosystems 2016-01-22T15:07:49Z 2016-06-21T13:46:14Z 2016-01-26T13:00:00Z en None 2016 1.5.3 None Floodplains once covered wide stretches along European rivers, but today only fractions of them remain. These ecosystems have an important role to play in reducing flood risks and are also the natural habitat of many endangered species. A new report by the European Environment Agency (EEA) provides an overview of significant floods in Europe and looks at the role of floodplains in flood protection, water management and nature conservation. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None TBFNCP7DO5
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/rio-20-2013-time-to Rio+20 – time to rethink the way we use natural resources 2012-06-18T11:27:23Z 2016-07-15T09:27:27Z 2012-06-19T07:40:00Z en None 2012 4.2.1 None This week the Rio de Janeiro summit on sustainable development will open. Rio+20 is an opportunity to look back at changes in our environment since the first Earth Summit in 1992, and also a time to look to the future, re-evaluating the way our economies and our societies depend on the environment and natural resources. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None F6CAK403JB
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/ozone-pollution-in-europe-fewer Ozone pollution in Europe: fewer alert days but concentrations still high 2015-05-05T13:19:38Z 2016-06-21T13:46:06Z 2015-05-06T08:00:00Z en None 2015 1.1.2 None Air pollution by ground-level ozone continued to affect many countries across Europe during summer 2014, according to a new briefing published by the European Environment Agency (EEA). Almost all reporting countries exceeded at least once the long-term objective set by EU legislation, while the stricter alert threshold was exceeded only on four occasions. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None P30O8R5YKA
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/landfilling-down-as-europe-shifts-to-better-waste-management Landfilling down as Europe shifts to better waste management 2009-06-10T09:37:12Z 2017-02-20T14:58:40Z 2009-06-10T14:00:00Z en None 2011 0.0.0 None The EEA report 'Diverting waste from landfill' finds that the EU Landfill Directive has been a positive force in altering management of biodegradable municipal waste in the EU. The study explains how setting medium- and long-term targets for reducing landfilling has helped countries to define waste strategies and target investments. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 1P90WOHNFG
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/my-city-photo-competition-public 'My City' photo competition: public vote now open 2016-09-12T08:21:12Z 2017-02-20T15:21:16Z 2016-09-12T11:40:00Z en None 2016 3.4.2 None The European Environment Agency invited European citizens to share what urban environment means to them through photographs. They could choose to depict a European city of their choice, tell a positive or a negative story through their submissions. More than 50 photos made it to the final round. Tell us which ones are your favourites. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None CUJKN68PHO
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/world-environment-day-2013-friday-5-june-your-planet-needs-you World Environment Day – Friday 5 June: your planet needs you! 2009-06-04T12:35:23Z 2017-07-17T09:12:02Z 2009-06-04T14:00:00Z en None 2011 0.0.0 None On Friday 5 June, millions of people around the world will unite for the planet with a strong call for environmental action just six months before the crucial United Nations climate change talks in Copenhagen, Denmark. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None G9W1QKNHMJ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/de/highlights/invasive-arten-wachsendes-problem-fuer Invasive Arten - wachsendes Problem für Gesundheit und Ökosysteme 2013-02-18T13:09:45Z 2020-11-23T10:58:43Z 2013-02-27T08:14:33Z de None 2013 4.2.1 None Invasive gebietsfremde Arten (Invasive Alien Species) sind ein größeres Risiko als bisher angenommen und können weitreichende negative Auswirkungen auf die biologische Vielfalt, Ökosystemleistungen und auf die menschliche Gesundheit haben. Das zeigt ein neuer Bericht der Europäischen Umweltagentur (EEA), an dem auch Umweltbundesamt-Experten mitgearbeitet haben. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 3N7F6HJ5IU
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/all-larger-carmakers-met-co2 All larger carmakers met CO2 targets in 2012 2013-10-29T12:28:13Z 2016-06-21T13:45:55Z 2013-10-30T10:30:00Z en None 2013 2.9.1 None All the main carmakers have met their 2012 targets for vehicles' average carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, according to the European Environment Agency (EEA). However, most will need to sell increasingly efficient vehicles to meet targets in 2015 and beyond. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None KH2U4JGVFZ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/finding-europe2019s-quiet-areas Finding Europe's quiet areas 2014-04-29T15:17:17Z 2017-02-20T14:28:30Z 2014-04-29T17:25:00Z en None 2014 4.2.1 None At least 110 million people are adversely affected by noise from Europe’s busiest roads alone. People need to escape this pollution and access quiet places to work, relax and live a healthy life. Such ‘quiet areas’ should be protected under EU legislation, but how does this work in practice? http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VBK4T19UMQ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/co2-emissions-calculations-explaining-concepts CO2 emissions calculations: explaining concepts and methodologies 2013-12-18T09:42:44Z 2020-11-23T10:59:20Z 2013-12-18T11:55:00Z en None 2013 4.2.1 None There are several methods for accounting for carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. The European Environment Agency (EEA) explains the key characteristics of different emissions accounting methods, highlighting the need for methodological improvements as well as better data coverage and quality. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None GCYPZDXSBJ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/reducing-noise-pollution-success-stories Reducing noise pollution - success stories 2014-10-02T09:36:45Z 2016-08-25T08:25:36Z 2014-10-02T13:55:00Z en None 2014 1.1.1 None A project in Ireland has won the European Soundscape Award 2014 for its work on acoustic planning and urban sound design. The prize, presented by the European Environment Agency (EEA) on Thursday evening in Bern, recognises initiatives that can help reduce noise and create healthy soundscapes. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None GEC4KJ5QUM
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/world-remains-on-unsustainable-path World remains on unsustainable path – UNEP report on eve of Rio+20 Summit 2012-06-05T13:35:03Z 2016-06-21T13:46:13Z 2012-06-06T13:30:00Z en None 2012 4.2.1 None The world continues to speed down an unsustainable path despite over 500 internationally agreed goals and objectives to support the sustainable management of the environment and improve human wellbeing, according to a new and wide-ranging assessment coordinated by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None IU6PCF1W39
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/more-european-sites-meet-excellent More European sites meet excellent bathing water quality standards than ever before 2017-05-18T13:09:57Z 2017-05-31T11:36:33Z 2017-05-23T09:30:00Z en None 2017 1.5.2 None More than 85 percent of bathing water sites monitored across Europe in 2016 met the most stringent ‘excellent’ quality standards — meaning they were mostly free from pollutants harmful to human health and the environment, according to the annual bathing water quality report published today. Over 96 percent of bathing water sites met minimum quality requirements set out under European Union rules. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None GZK5BPX17H
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/smarter-products-and-services-key Smarter products and services key to resource-efficient, circular economy 2017-06-02T08:21:25Z 2017-06-06T08:09:39Z 2017-06-06T07:55:00Z en None 2017 2.1.4 None Making products like mobile phones and other consumer goods last longer and easier to repair and reuse will be key to the shift towards a more resource-efficient circular economy. A European Environment Agency (EEA) report published today stresses that ‘circular’ business models cannot rely on smarter product design alone, but will also require the development of related support services and recycling infrastructure. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None AFUE8BVMJW
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/cop17-climate-talks-mapping-the COP17 climate talks: Mapping the way towards a legal framework by 2015 2011-12-19T14:03:40Z 2016-06-21T13:45:34Z 2011-12-19T14:05:00Z en None 2011 4.2.1 None A new way forward has been agreed upon in Durban, South Africa, after two weeks of climate change negotiations. The European Union welcomed the agreement from the COP17 climate conference as a breakthrough in the fight against climate change. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None H1964ZV7PM
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/nature-work-competition-vote-for NATURE@work competition: Vote for your favourite photos 2017-09-13T13:52:16Z 2017-09-15T07:54:03Z 2017-09-15T07:54:03Z en None 2017 3.4.3 None Fifty photos have made it to the final round of the NATURE@work photo competition, organised by the European Environment Agency (EEA). An online vote, opening today, will decide the winner of the Public Choice Award. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 9I361TB74K
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/application-of-eu2019s-emissions-trading Application of EU’s Emissions Trading System rules improving 2017-05-18T09:23:16Z 2019-12-10T09:22:23Z 2017-05-19T07:50:00Z en None 2017 1.3.2 None Application of the rules that underpin the European Union’s Emissions Trading System is improving, with more complete data being reported by EU Member States, according to a new assessment published by the European Environment Agency today. However, improvements are still needed in monitoring and reporting, both by operators and countries. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None WIHD1JRS26
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/water-quality-and-wastewater-treatment Water quality and wastewater treatment — WISE interactive maps updated 2011-07-25T08:52:16Z 2017-02-20T14:41:00Z 2011-07-25T11:00:00Z en None 2011 4.2.1 None A series of maps on water quality, updated with the latest information reported by countries, has been published by the European Environment Agency (EEA). The maps display water quality parameters in various receiving waters across Europe, alongside information on urban wastewater treatment and receiving areas sensitive to eutrophication. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None RSCG23W408
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/what-does-nature-mean-to What does nature mean to you? NATURE@work photo competition launched 2017-03-14T10:33:33Z 2019-12-10T09:22:28Z 2017-03-15T09:00:00Z en None 2017 3.4.2 None Nature works hard to protect us and to sustain our everyday lives — a fact that is often under-appreciated. But it plays a vital role, providing clean air, clean drinking water, clothing, food and raw materials we use to build shelter. Other benefits are not so well known, such as the role nature plays in alleviating the effects of climate change. To highlight the important role nature plays in our lives, the European Environment Agency (EEA) invites you to participate in capturing how nature benefits you through the ‘NATURE@work’ photography competition. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None KQ7I2AJNC1
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/european-action-can-help-ease European action can help ease pressure on threatened Arctic environment 2017-06-14T13:41:50Z 2017-10-04T13:28:19Z 2017-06-15T07:45:00Z en None 2017 3.1.2 None The Arctic region is warming at a rate of almost twice the global average, resulting in profound and rapid changes in its living conditions and the environment. A European Environment Agency (EEA) report, published today, looks at how the rest of Europe affects the Arctic environment and how changes in the region impact Europe in return. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VEFZWADPJO
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/a-quarter-of-europe2019s-population A quarter of Europe’s population exposed to harmful traffic noise 2014-12-18T12:25:40Z 2017-02-20T14:24:02Z 2014-12-18T14:20:00Z en None 2014 1.3.1 None More than 125 million Europeans could be exposed to levels of road traffic noise above legal guidelines. This causes a range of health problems, according to a new assessment from the European Environment Agency (EEA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None Q38INM964U
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-change-immediate-action-is Climate change: immediate action is the best economic option 2014-04-14T07:00:00Z 2016-06-21T13:46:10Z 2014-04-14T07:00:00Z en None 2014 4.2.1 None In the last decade, global greenhouse gas emissions have increased more rapidly than ever, and without global cooperation they will continue to rise. Reduction efforts will become increasingly challenging and costly the longer they are delayed, according to a new report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None J9ZC5UXAHP
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-vans-sold-in-europe New vans sold in Europe are increasingly more fuel-efficient 2015-05-12T11:47:48Z 2016-06-21T13:45:51Z 2015-05-13T09:00:00Z en None 2015 1.1.1 None The average van sold in the European Union in 2014 was around 2.4% more fuel-efficient than those sold in 2013, according to preliminary data from the European Environment Agency (EEA). Fuel efficiency has continued to improve and new vans now emit almost 6 grams of CO2/km below the 2017 target. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None MWAPNO9ERV
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/resource-efficient-cities-vital-step Resource-efficient cities: vital step towards urban sustainability in Europe 2015-12-09T12:45:30Z 2020-11-23T10:58:40Z 2015-12-10T13:00:00Z en None 2015 1.8.3 None Cities increasingly require and use natural resources and energy to sustain daily life and activities of the urban population. Their impacts are felt across the globe. But cities can also be designed and changed in ways to offer opportunities to reduce resource needs and environmental impacts. Three new reports by the European Environment Agency (EEA) take a closer look at what a resource-efficient city is and what cities can do to enhance urban sustainability while improving the well-being of their residents. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None FM8KSPA35C
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/celebrating-and-protecting-biodiversity Celebrating and protecting biodiversity 2017-05-19T10:26:40Z 2017-05-22T10:21:18Z 2017-05-22T10:21:18Z en None 2017 1.7.2 None Biodiversity plays a key role in the functioning of ecosystems and the provision of ecosystem services essential for human well-being. However, Europe's biodiversity continues to be eroded, and the main EU target of 'halting the loss of biodiversity and the degradation of ecosystem services' by 2020 remains a serious challenge. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None MBXODYUH27
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/forests-can-help-prevent-floods Forests can help prevent floods and droughts 2015-09-23T11:55:48Z 2020-11-23T10:58:35Z 2015-09-24T10:00:00Z en None 2015 3.4.3 None Forests can retain excess rainwater, prevent extreme run-offs and reduce the damage from flooding. They can also help mitigate the effects of droughts. A new report published today by the European Environment Agency (EEA) provides an overview of the water-retention potential of European forests. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None BDKF4EW2ZV
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/explaining-vehicle-emissions Explaining vehicle emissions – why do laboratory and road measurements differ? 2016-01-25T08:04:03Z 2016-06-21T13:46:14Z 2016-01-27T09:00:00Z en None 2016 1.1.2 None The road transport sector is a major contributor to Europe’s emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollution. For certain pollutants, vehicles can emit substantially higher emissions on the road than official emissions tested in laboratories. A report released today by the European Environment Agency (EEA) provides a non-technical guide that describes the reasons for these often significant discrepancies. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None XNAPFOIMZ4
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/can-nature-help-reduce-the Can nature help reduce the impacts of climate change? 2015-09-18T10:06:10Z 2019-12-10T09:22:22Z 2015-09-21T10:00:00Z en None 2015 3.4.3 None Building and managing a well-planned network of natural areas might provide an effective and, in many cases, cheaper solution for coping with natural disasters such as floods or landslides. A new report published today by the European Environment Agency (EEA) explores how ‘green infrastructure’ can help Europe prepare for and reduce the loss from weather- and climate-related hazards. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None KBORGH64MV
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/reducing-pollution-in-the-southern-mediterranean Reducing pollution in the southern Mediterranean 2014-05-12T13:16:36Z 2016-06-21T13:46:13Z 2014-05-13T06:00:00Z en None 2014 3.4.2 None Countries bordering the south and east of the Mediterranean need to continually improve many aspects of environmental management to reduce pollution in the sea, according to a new assessment. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None OJ6TAP4HYU
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/biodiversity-loss-and-climate-change-the-need-for-an-ecosystem-approach Biodiversity loss and climate change: the need for an ecosystem approach 2009-05-06T09:20:26Z 2017-05-08T13:38:41Z 2009-05-06T13:25:00Z en None 2011 0.0.0 None Biodiversity loss and climate change are now a part of our lives. Both are rooted in overexploitation of natural resources. Both require a coherent policy response. The Syracuse Charter and the Athens Conference underline the strong political commitment to take action. To ensure our society and economy have a healthy future, we need a way to assess our impacts on the natural world. The European Environment Agency's European Ecosystem Assessment (EURECA) responds to that need. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None JK83PVAGB4
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/electric-vehicles-will-help-the Electric vehicles will help the shift toward EU's green transport future 2016-09-23T08:52:05Z 2020-11-23T10:58:46Z 2016-09-26T11:55:00Z en None 2016 1.1.2 None A large scale roll-out of electric cars on European roads would result in significantly lower greenhouse gas emissions and lower levels of certain air pollutants, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) assessment released today. However, widespread use of such vehicles would pose challenges for Europe’s power grid in meeting increased electricity demand. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None MC519VG4H6
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-winners-european-landscapes Photo competition winners: European landscapes, flora and fauna 2017-10-26T12:21:34Z 2017-10-27T08:01:34Z 2017-10-26T14:10:00Z en None 2017 3.4.3 None Mountain views, cows, ladybird and a hungry squirrel sweep top prizes in NATURE@work photo competition. European Environment Agency’s (EEA) competition encouraged citizens to take and share photos of benefits and services provided by nature. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ZPHYWGNT32
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europe2019s-demand-for-resources-reaching Europe's demand for resources reaching far beyond its borders 2012-06-07T07:17:28Z 2016-07-15T09:28:19Z 2012-06-07T08:00:00Z en None 2012 4.2.1 None Demand for materials is so intense that between 20 and 30 % of the resources we use in Europe are now imported. With the boom in international trade, EU consumption and production damage ecosystems and human health far beyond Europe’s borders, according to a report published by the European Environment Agency (EEA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None K8DBMVOSPI
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/stronger-measures-needed Stronger measures needed to tackle harm from air pollution 2016-11-17T13:35:41Z 2018-04-26T13:39:12Z 2016-11-23T08:00:00Z en None 2016 1.1.2 None Air pollution has significant impacts on the health of Europeans, particularly in urban areas, according to a new report from the European Environment Agency (EEA). While air quality is slowly improving, air pollution remains the single largest environmental health hazard in Europe, resulting in a lower quality of life due to illnesses and an estimated 467 000 premature deaths per year. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None POS6EFZ1JG
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-cars-meet-co2-target New cars meet CO2 target two years ahead of the deadline 2014-04-30T07:52:31Z 2016-06-21T13:46:10Z 2014-04-30T10:00:00Z en None 2014 4.2.1 None Cars sold in 2013 were 4 % more efficient than the year before, according to provisional data. Average carbon dioxide emissions per kilometre have continued to fall, so in 2013 the European Union fleet already collectively met its legal target for 2015. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None K6S97YZMWD
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-vans-become-more-efficient New vans more fuel efficient 2014-05-20T15:03:42Z 2016-06-21T13:45:32Z 2014-05-21T10:00:00Z en None 2014 4.2.1 None The average van sold in 2013 was around 4 % more efficient than the previous year, so the new vans fleet has already met the collective carbon emissions target ahead of the 2017 deadline, preliminary data shows. Similar findings were recently published for new cars, which have also met their target in advance. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None KMZFTCG5WJ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-mapping-method-for-2018green New mapping method for 'green infrastructure', Europe's vital natural areas 2014-03-06T10:03:20Z 2016-06-21T13:46:14Z 2014-03-06T10:55:00Z en None 2014 4.2.1 None Healthy natural areas often fulfil important yet unseen functions, from preventing floods to filtering air. A new report from the European Environment Agency (EEA) proposes a method for mapping this 'green infrastructure'. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None PV83M571ZT
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/assessing-biodiversity Assessing biodiversity — where does Europe stand? 2009-07-14T12:46:19Z 2016-06-21T13:45:45Z 2009-07-14T13:55:39Z en None 2011 None In 2002, when the world committed to reduce the rate of biodiversity loss by 2010, Europe went one step further and pledged to halt the loss completely. A set of 26 indicators, known as 'Streamlining European 2010 Biodiversity Indicators' (SEBI 2010), was compiled to measure change. The first assessment based on SEBI 2010 by the European Environment Agency (EEA) shows that despite progress, biodiversity loss continues. It also identified important gaps in our knowledge. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None RVW07BSYK8
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-reaches-the-aichi-target EU reaches the Aichi target of protecting ten percent of Europe's seas 2018-10-25T08:43:40Z 2019-12-10T09:22:21Z 2018-10-25T10:00:00Z en None 2018 1.6.2 None A total of 10.8 % of the surface of Europe’s seas was designated as marine protected areas by the end of 2016, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) assessment, published today. This means the EU has reached the global Aichi target of protecting at least 10 % of coastal and marine areas by 2020. However, the EEA analysis also shows that the protected area networks are skewed towards coastal waters and do not sufficiently cover the deep sea. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VFRU2NO0A1
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/protect-vulnerable-citizens More action needed to protect Europe’s most vulnerable citizens from air pollution, noise and extreme temperatures 2019-01-29T09:31:03Z 2019-05-03T08:05:51Z 2019-02-04T10:55:00Z en None 2019 1.4.2 None Targeted action is needed to better protect the poor, the elderly and children from environmental hazards like air and noise pollution and extreme temperatures, especially in Europe’s eastern and southern regions. A European Environment Agency (EEA) report published today warns that the health of Europe’s most vulnerable citizens remains disproportionately affected by these hazards, despite overall improvements in Europe’s environmental quality. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None GXVM0UI3W9
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-member-states-make-only EU Member States make only mixed progress in reducing emissions under UN convention, latest air pollution data shows 2019-07-22T07:44:14Z 2019-08-30T14:29:24Z 2019-07-22T09:00:00Z en None 2019 1.1.4 None European Union (EU) Member States have made only mixed progress in reducing emissions of the most harmful air pollutants, according to updated data published today by the European Environment Agency (EEA). The data is from the annual EU emission inventory report sent to the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (LRTAP). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 5HJWOM9AYD
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-launches-new-forest-information EU launches new Forest Information System to improve knowledge on forests and woodlands 2020-01-31T10:08:47Z 2020-06-08T17:35:52Z 2020-02-05T08:00:00Z en None 2020 1.7.8 None Amid a need for more accurate, up-to-date and harmonised data and monitoring on Europe’s valuable woodlands, the European Environment Agency and the European Commission today launched a new Forest Information System for Europe (FISE) which aims to become Europe’s knowledge hub to monitor the state, health and sustainability of Europe’s many forests. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None O5SDGA26U1
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/connecting-protected-areas-with-green Connecting protected areas with green infrastructure would strengthen Europe’s ecosystems 2020-06-29T11:44:05Z 2020-07-02T08:01:22Z 2020-07-02T08:00:00Z en None 2020 1.7.5 None The European Union’s (EU) network of protected sites, Natura 2000, could be further connected with green infrastructure to create a trans-European nature network. According to a European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing, published today, highways and other infrastructure currently disconnect about 15 % of the Natura 2000 sites from other nature areas, reducing their capacity for ecosystem services. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None BJK8G7DWEZ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/many-of-europes-protected-areas Many of Europe's protected areas lack specific conservation measures and objectives 2020-10-02T08:09:24Z 2020-10-06T08:52:53Z 2020-10-06T08:00:00Z en None 2020 1.7.5 None The European Union’s (EU) Natura 2000 network of protected areas is expanding. To make full use the network’s potential, the protected sites need to be managed better with clear conservation goals, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing, published today. The briefing shows, that currently many of Europe’s protected sites lack specific and measurable conservation objectives. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None MGCKFYXJW8
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eus-eastern-partnership-countries-face EU's Eastern partnership countries face problems with water scarcity and pollution 2020-11-03T08:46:03Z 2021-01-18T16:04:24Z 2020-11-03T08:55:00Z en None 2020 3.7.6 None Freshwater resources are unevenly distributed throughout the European Union’s (EU) six Eastern Partnership countries — Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine — according to a European Environment Agency’s report, published today. The EEA report presents an assessment of freshwater availability and water-use efficiency in the region. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None GKE6J4QO72
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/impact-of-covid-19-lockdown COVID-19 measures have mixed impacts on the environment 2020-11-03T10:05:50Z 2021-01-18T16:06:42Z 2020-11-05T09:00:00Z en None 2020 3.4.3 None The COVID-19 pandemic and resulting restrictions imposed to fight the spread of the disease have provided some short-term positive impacts on Europe’s environment, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing published today. These include temporary improvements in air quality, lower greenhouse gas emissions and lower levels of noise pollution. However, the assessment also stresses that there have been negative consequences such as increased use of single-use plastics, and that ways out of the pandemic should focus on reshaping our unsustainable production and consumption systems to achieve long-term environmental benefits. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None N4DRGXEJZB
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/use-of-climate-warming-fluorinated Use of climate-warming fluorinated gases continues to drop across EU 2020-11-30T10:10:22Z 2020-12-01T10:18:36Z 2020-12-01T08:45:00Z en None 2020 1.3.5 None Demand for and use of climate-warming fluorinated gases continues to drop across the European Union, according to the latest annual update of EU progress in phasing down the use of F-gases, published today by the European Environment Agency (EEA). Industry is substituting these F-gases with more climate-friendly products. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 7O4QW01CVS
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/co2-emissions-from-new-vehicles CO2 emissions from new vehicles in Europe continued to decrease in 2014 2015-10-29T15:29:24Z 2016-12-06T14:20:11Z 2015-11-26T09:30:00Z en None 2015 1.1.1 None Vehicles sold in the European Union in 2014 were, on average, 2.5% more efficient than those sold the previous year, according to a new report from the European Environment Agency (EEA). The report, which updates the preliminary data published earlier this year, tracks progress towards CO2 emission targets for new passenger cars and vans. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None U8TROX9EIK
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/decommissioning-fossil-fuel-power-plants Decommissioning fossil fuel power plants between now and 2030 essential for Europe’s low carbon future 2016-10-06T12:54:46Z 2016-12-06T14:20:11Z 2016-10-07T09:50:00Z en None 2016 1.3.2 None Significant changes will be needed in the Member States’ energy-generating mix if the European Union is to meet its 2050 goal to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 80-95 % compared to 1990 levels, according to a new European Environment Agency (EEA) report published today. While the European Union has made considerable progress in improving energy efficiency and using renewable energy sources, a well-planned transition out of carbon-intensive power generation is needed to meet the long-term aim of creating a low-carbon society. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None P7EMJUGI5T
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-greenhouse-gas-emissions-at EU greenhouse gas emissions at lowest level since 1990 2016-06-17T13:41:01Z 2019-12-10T09:22:27Z 2016-06-21T09:50:00Z en None 2016 1.3.2 None European Union (EU) greenhouse gas emissions continued to decrease in 2014, with a 4.1% reduction in emissions to 24.4% below 1990 levels, according to the EU’s annual inventory published today by the European Environment Agency (EEA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 1TVEQ4J0G2
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/phase-down-of-fluorinated-gases Phase-down of fluorinated gases essential to reduce effect on climate 2015-12-04T16:05:58Z 2017-01-13T14:32:04Z 2015-12-09T11:00:00Z en None 2015 1.2.1 None Fluorinated gases (F-gases) have been introduced as substitutes for ozone-depleting substances in many sectors, but they contribute significantly to climate change. The European Environment Agency (EEA) has today published a new report on their production, import and export, which contributes to tracking progress towards their phase-down. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None XNG0OQUSK7
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/renewables-increasingly-curbing-reliance-on Renewables increasingly curbing reliance on fossil fuels 2016-03-16T08:40:19Z 2016-12-06T14:20:11Z 2016-03-16T10:00:00Z en None 2016 1.3.2 None The use of fossil fuels across the European Union continues to decline due in part to increased consumption of renewable energy sources like wind, solar and biomass, according to a report published today by the European Environment Agency (EEA). The report, which assesses progress on the use of renewable energy, found that clean energy technologies are an important driving force in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and in creating employment in Europe. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None B76PI8ES1N
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/reported-co2-emissions-from-new Reported CO2 emissions from new cars continue to fall 2016-04-13T07:23:07Z 2020-11-23T10:58:37Z 2016-04-14T09:55:00Z en None 2016 1.1.2 None Emissions from official testing reported by national authorities show that new cars sold in the European Union (EU) are increasingly more fuel-efficient. Last year, new passenger cars emitted on average 119.6 grammes (g) of carbon dioxide (CO2) per kilometre, 8% below the official EU target set for 2015, according to provisional data published today by the European Environment Agency (EEA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None UO0QWKG38J
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/surplus-emission-permits-start-decreasing Surplus emission permits start decreasing in the EU’s emissions trading system 2016-10-17T07:39:09Z 2020-11-23T10:58:51Z 2016-10-17T10:00:00Z en None 2016 1.3.2 None The surplus of CO2 emission allowances in the European Union’s Emissions Trading System (ETS) started declining in 2015. This is the first significant decrease since unused allowances started accumulating in 2008. However, the surplus remains substantial, according to the European Environment Agency’s annual report on the EU’s emissions cap and trade system published today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None UKDSGEVXPM
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-change-poses-increasingly-severe Climate change poses increasingly severe risks for ecosystems, human health and the economy in Europe 2017-01-17T13:52:41Z 2020-11-23T10:59:01Z 2017-01-25T08:30:00Z en None 2016 1.4.2 None Europe’s regions are facing rising sea levels and more extreme weather, such as more frequent and more intense heatwaves, flooding, droughts and storms due to climate change, according to a European Environment Agency report published today. The report assesses the latest trends and projections on climate change and its impacts across Europe and finds that better and more flexible adaptation strategies, policies and measures will be crucial to lessen these impacts. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ZMCJHAI3Q6
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-mobile-phone-app-will New mobile phone app will help track marine litter 2014-02-28T16:05:18Z 2016-06-21T13:45:52Z 2014-03-03T09:30:00Z en None 2014 1.6.2 None People will soon be able to report the litter they find on the beach, thanks to a new mobile phone app developed by the European Environment Agency (EEA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None KMGR32UTIN
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/mapping-europe2019s-ecosystems-key-to Mapping Europe’s ecosystems key to ensuring their future health and resilience 2019-02-26T14:19:38Z 2019-06-19T07:43:32Z 2019-02-27T08:55:00Z en None 2019 1.7.5 None Mapping Europe’s vast land and marine ecosystems is crucial to assessing the health of the continent’s biodiversity and ensuring its future survival. That is why the European Environment Agency (EEA) is currently working on enhancing the data and knowledge of Europe’s ecosystems which will support the European Union’s work on the final evaluation of the EU biodiversity strategy in 2020. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 092CJYOIP7
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-initiative-to-measure-outdoor New initiative to measure outdoor air quality at schools across Europe 2019-05-22T11:57:59Z 2020-11-23T10:58:51Z 2019-05-27T09:00:00Z en None 2019 1.1.2 None Air pollution is a growing concern in Europe and globally. CleanAir@School initiative is putting focus on air quality around Europe’s schools by involving children, parents and teachers in measuring pollutant concentrations. The project is a joint initiative of the European Environment Agency and the European Network of the Heads of Environmental Protection Agencies. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None PM5WI3KE0O
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/average-co2-emissions-from-new Average CO2 emissions from new cars and new vans increased in 2018 2019-06-20T12:13:49Z 2020-11-23T10:59:00Z 2019-06-24T08:00:00Z en None 2019 1.3.7 None According to provisional data published today by the European Environment Agency (EEA), the average carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from new passenger cars registered in the European Union (EU) in 2018 increased for the second consecutive year, reaching 120.4 grammes of CO2 per kilometre. For the first time, the average CO2 emissions from new vans also increased. Manufacturers will have to reduce emissions of their fleet significantly to meet the upcoming 2020 and 2021 targets. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None W7NB8Z0G14
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/ammonia-emissions-from-agriculture-continue Ammonia emissions from agriculture continue to pose problems for Europe 2019-06-26T07:32:54Z 2019-12-10T09:22:25Z 2019-06-28T08:00:00Z en None 2019 1.1.4 None While emissions of most air pollutants remain on a downward trend across the European Union, emissions of ammonia from the agricultural sector continue to rise, posing a challenge for EU Member States in meeting EU air pollution limits, according to updated data released by the European Environment Agency (EEA) today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 0OVUJEHMTF
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eea-policy-evaluation-eu-law EEA policy evaluation: EU law on combustion plants very effective in greening the energy sector 2019-06-21T12:48:07Z 2020-11-23T10:59:00Z 2019-06-26T08:00:00Z en None 2019 1.2.2 None Emissions of key air pollutants from large combustion plants have significantly decreased in the European Union (EU) over past years. According to a European Environment Agency (EEA) assessment published today, the EU Large Combustion Plant Directive regulating this sector was the main reason behind these major emission cuts from 2004 to 2015. Understanding the reasons for past policy successes is essential to inform how new policies can be designed to ensure that Europe meets its health, environment and climate targets. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None IWAZ786BY2
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/european-pollutant-register-an-important European pollutant register an important tool for EU in tackling industrial emissions 2019-07-04T07:14:35Z 2019-07-11T13:11:30Z 2019-07-08T08:00:00Z en None 2019 1.2.2 None A decade after its launch, the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR) continues to prove its value. The online register is a widely recognised tool, used to assess pollution trends and evaluate the effectiveness of EU legislation in various areas, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) assessment published today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None FRHW518V2U
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/how-to-accelerate-change-towards-sustainability How to accelerate change towards sustainability? 2019-09-06T07:36:51Z 2019-09-06T08:14:18Z 2019-09-10T07:00:00Z en None 2019 2.3.3 None There is growing recognition that achieving prosperity within environmental limits requires fundamental changes in core systems of production and consumption. A new European Environment Agency (EEA) report, published today, identifies ten focus areas for enabling sustainability transitions. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 810UD6V3R7
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-challenges-facing-europe2019s-wastewater New challenges facing Europe’s waste water treatment plants present opportunities for improving sustainability 2019-10-07T08:01:57Z 2020-11-23T10:58:25Z 2019-10-09T08:00:00Z en None 2019 1.5.2 None More investment is needed to make urban waste water treatment plants fit to meet the difficult challenges posed by the impacts of climate change, as well as the presence of antibiotics and other micro-pollutants in waste water, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing published today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None QM9BHX5NKY
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/farming-by-satellite-prize-2020 Farming by Satellite Prize 2020 is open for applications 2020-03-03T08:27:29Z 2020-06-08T17:38:05Z 2020-03-16T09:00:00Z en None 2020 3.6.7 None The European GNSS Agency (GSA), an agency of the European Union (EU) that manages Europe’s Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) programmes, EGNOS and Galileo, today announced the return of the Farming by Satellite Prize. Registration is now open for young innovators to explore the use of satellite technologies in agriculture to enable sustainable farming practices, improve efficiency and reduce the environmental impact. The Farming by Satellite Prize is a joint initiative with the European Environment Agency (EEA) that also manages the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service and cross-service In Situ co-ordination. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VDSI9Z3TUC
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-environmental-footprints-exceed-several Europe’s environmental footprints exceed several safe limits 2020-04-14T12:33:15Z 2020-11-23T10:58:33Z 2020-04-17T08:00:00Z en None 2020 2.3.1 None Global sustainability challenges increasingly raise concerns about the stability of the Earth system that supports all life on our planet. A joint study by the European Environment Agency (EEA) and the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN), published today, focuses on four critical elements of that system, such as the nitrogen cycle and changes in land use. The study explores different ways of defining Europe’s share of the global safe operating space and shows that Europe is not yet living within those limits. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ZSQEKHYMR7
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/still-insufficient-progress-in-making Still insufficient progress in making transport fuels more climate friendly, latest EEA data show 2020-11-18T08:18:23Z 2021-01-18T16:08:43Z 2020-11-19T11:00:00Z en None 2020 1.3.1 None Achieving the 2020 target to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from transport fuels remains problematic for most European Union Member States according to the latest reported data up to 2018 released by the European Environment Agency (EEA) today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None PR3ABIX2CE
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/environment-and-climate-impacts-of Environment and climate impacts of aviation continue growing 2019-01-21T10:55:41Z 2019-12-10T09:22:36Z 2019-01-24T11:00:00Z en None 2019 1.1.2 None Improving technology, more efficient operations, better airports and market-based measures have not been enough to mitigate the aviation sector’s growing impacts on the environment, climate and people's health. These are the key findings of a new report, published jointly today by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), the European Environment Agency (EEA) and EUROCONTROL. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None HI042U8P9J
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-circular-economy-still-in Europe's circular economy still in its infancy 2019-09-26T17:06:13Z 2019-12-10T09:22:22Z 2019-10-01T08:00:00Z en None 2019 2.1.4 None Circular material use can minimise waste and resource extraction, improve resource efficiency, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and contribute to conserving biodiversity. However, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) report, published today, circular economy initiatives in Europe are still at an early stage and would benefit from more investments in upscaling promising innovations and in monitoring progress towards circularity. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None TZ2983UGWC
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/protecting-europes-land-and-soil Protecting Europe's land and soil resources is fundamental for a sustainable future 2019-09-26T17:15:26Z 2020-11-23T10:59:08Z 2019-09-30T08:00:00Z en None 2019 3.4.3 None Land and soil underpin life on our planet. The way we currently use these vital and finite resources in Europe is not sustainable. Human activities — growing cities and infrastructure networks, intensive agriculture, pollutants and greenhouse gases released to the environment — transform Europe’s landscapes and exert increasing pressure on land and soil. The European Environment Agency’s (EEA) Signals 2019, published today, looks at a series of issues linked to land and soil, including links to climate change, agriculture, soil biodiversity, contamination and governance, and stresses why we need to manage them sustainably. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 6UJSDE4Y31
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/waste-prevention-decoupling-waste-generation Waste prevention: decoupling waste generation from economic growth 2014-12-16T15:23:26Z 2019-12-10T09:22:20Z 2014-12-17T11:00:00Z en None 2014 1.9.2 None Preventing waste is a top priority of waste policy in the European Union with potential economic and environmental benefits. A new European Environment Agency (EEA) report reviews the state of play in the EU Member States, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None RFNT8Z0BA9
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/living-in-a-changing-climate Living in a changing climate 2015-06-29T14:45:19Z 2020-11-23T10:58:34Z 2015-06-30T10:00:00Z en None 2015 3.4.3 None Our climate is changing. Warmer temperatures, changes in precipitation levels and patterns, or extreme weather events are already impacting Europe, and these impacts result in real losses. In a series of short articles and interviews, the European Environment Agency’s Signals 2015 presents an overview of what causes climate change and what climate change means for human health, the environment, and the economy. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None RZ47CBSGHV
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/abundant-natural-capital Abundant 'natural capital' in Europe's faraway lands 2014-10-22T08:04:53Z 2017-10-02T14:03:59Z 2014-10-22T14:15:00Z en None 2014 1.7.5 None From tropical islands to icy tundra, European Union overseas entities are rich in 'natural capital'. Many of these areas have highly productive land and seas, and a huge diversity of ecosystems; collectively they are home to an astounding number of globally significant species. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None MVR0I3WT1C
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/what-does-waste-look-like What does waste look like? Photo, cartoon and video competition 2013-05-31T13:58:41Z 2019-12-10T09:22:20Z 2013-06-01T08:20:00Z en None 2013 4.2.1 None The European Environment Agency (EEA) is launching a new competition for artistic depictions of waste in Europe. Each European generates approximately half a tonne of household waste on average. A lot of this so-called waste is actually a useful resource, but only two fifths is recycled, according to a recent analysis. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None OHVNGXAM29
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fr/highlights/Ann1112873426-fr L\'AEE et Airparif ensemble dans le but de coop\xe9rer sur les informations sur la qualit\xe9 de l\'air 2006-07-26T11:29:06Z 2016-06-21T13:45:26Z 2005-04-06T22:00:00Z fr None 2011 None 'L'introduction des informations sur la qualité de l'air d'Airparif dans le projet de 'voisinage' de l'AEE serait très précieuse et pourrait être le fer de lance d'une coopération similaire ailleurs en Europe' a dit Jacqueline McGlade, Directrice exécutive de l'AEE, lors de la rencontre aujourd'hui des représentants de l'organisme régional français de surveillance de l'air avec la direction de l'AEE afin de discuter de la future coopération potentielle. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None EZ2U39HXCR
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/reducing-and-recycling-food-and Reducing and recycling food and garden waste to boost Europe's circular economy 2020-06-15T12:18:02Z 2020-06-17T08:02:23Z 2020-06-17T08:00:00Z en None None None Bio-waste is one of the key waste streams in Europe and holds great potential for the circular economy. According to the European Environment Agency’s new assessment, reducing and using bio-waste could cut emissions, improve soils and provide energy. Recycling bio-waste is also key for meeting the European Union’s target to recycle 65 % of municipal waste by 2035. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None HZAUO614VB
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/signaly-2013-s-kazdym-nadechem Signály 2013 - S každým nádechem 2013-04-11T08:10:25Z 2016-06-21T13:45:47Z 2013-08-15T08:44:00Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/every-breath-we-take-2013 2013 4.2.2 None None http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 9VMW831PS6
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20040216114923 European Commission and EEA launch first Europe-wide industrial pollution register 2004-02-23T12:30:00Z 2016-06-28T16:04:01Z 2004-02-23T12:30:00Z en None 2011 None None http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None BK9OXQ87DH
http://www.eea.europa.eu/tr/highlights/fotograf-yarismasi-suyla-ilgili-en Fotoğraf yarışması: Suyla ilgili en iyi fotoğraflarınızı bize gönderin 2018-04-10T12:32:52Z 2018-04-13T12:13:29Z 2018-04-16T07:00:00Z tr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-send-us-your 2018 3.4.3 None Su deyince aklınıza ne geliyor? Bunu bir fotoğraf karesinde yakalayabilir misiniz? Avrupa Çevre Ajansı (AÇA), en yaratıcı fotoğraflarınızı suyla ilgili bir fotoğraf yarışması olan WaterPIX'e göndermeniz için davet ediyor. En iyi fotoğraflar nakit para ödülü ile ödüllendirilecektir. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None O3ISPAE0RX
http://www.eea.europa.eu/tr/highlights/video-yarismasi-cevreci-eylemlerinizi-paylasin Video yarışması: Çevreci eylemlerinizi paylaşın 2017-11-29T13:15:36Z 2018-01-03T08:52:04Z 2017-12-01T08:39:05Z tr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/video-competition-share-your-green-actions 2017 3.4.3 None Bugün işe ya da okula nasıl gittiniz? Arabayla mı , bisikletle mi yoksa toplu taşımayla mı? Her gün çevreyi etkileyebilecek kararlar alıyoruz. Günlük kararlarımızın bazıları, daha temiz ve daha sağlıklı bir çevrede yaşamak için bilinçli çabalardan ibarettir. Avrupa Çevre Ajansı ve Avrupa Çevre Bilgi ve Gözlem Ağı tarafından düzenlenen ‘I LIVE GREEN (ÇEVRECİ YAŞIYORUM)’ video yarışması, Avrupa'da yaşayan tüm vatandaşları çevreye katkıda bulunmak için yaratıcılıklarını sergilemeye ve eylemlerini paylaşmaya davet ediyor. En iyi videolar nakit para ödülü ile ödüllendirilecektir. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None PFMZQBHE7I
http://www.eea.europa.eu/hu/highlights/az-unios-tagallamoknak-nagyobb-erofeszitest Az uniós tagállamoknak nagyobb erőfeszítést kell tenniük a megújuló energiaforrásokkal kapcsolatos közös célkitűzés elérésére 2018-12-14T08:17:32Z 2019-03-08T14:22:27Z 2019-01-11T14:32:12Z hu http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-member-states-need-more 2018 1.3.2 None Az Európai Unió (EU) energiafelhasználásában a megújuló energiaforrások részaránya 2005 óta megduplázódott, de ez a növekedés az utóbbi években lelassult, különösen a növekvő energiafogyasztás és a közlekedési ágazat fejlődésének hiánya miatt. Az Európai Környezetvédelmi Ügynökség (EEA) új jelentése szerint az uniós tagállamoknak fokozniuk kell erőfeszítéseiket a megújuló energiára vonatkozó, 2020-ra kitűzött cél elérése érdekében. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None JXE31D8W0H
http://www.eea.europa.eu/hu/highlights/fotopalyazat-varjuk-a-legjobb-vizes-kepeket Fotópályázat: várjuk a legjobb vizes képeket 2018-04-10T12:32:52Z 2018-04-13T12:13:29Z 2018-04-16T07:00:00Z hu http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-send-us-your 2018 3.4.3 None Mi jut eszébe a vízről? Fényképen is meg tudja örökíteni? Az Európai Környezetvédelmi Ügynökség (EEA) WaterPIX néven fotópályázatot hirdet, ahová a legkreatívabb alkotásokat várja. A legjobb fényképek beküldői pénzjutalomban részesülnek. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None GA8Y5SUTNK
http://www.eea.europa.eu/hu/highlights/jo-hirek-a-nyaraloknak-kivalo Jó hírek a nyaralóknak: kiváló vízminőség Európa szinte valamennyi fürdőhelyén 2018-05-23T08:45:43Z 2020-01-13T19:09:56Z 2018-05-29T09:55:00Z hu http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/good-news-for-holiday-makers 2018 1.5.2 None Az eredmények ugyan némi visszaesést mutatnak, ugyanakkor az európai fürdőhelyek vízminőségéről készített és a mai napon közzétett éves jelentés megállapította, hogy a 2017-ben vizsgált európai fürdőhelyek több mint 85%-a kiérdemelte az Európai Unió szigorú minősítési kritériumai alapján a legmagasabb, „kiváló” minősítést, ami azt jelenti, hogy ezeken a helyeken a víz csaknem teljes mértékben mentes az emberi egészségre és a környezetre ártalmas szennyezőanyagoktól. Az adatok alapján az utazók könnyen át tudják tekinteni, hogy ezen a nyáron mely fürdőhelyek vízminősége a legkiválóbb. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 4UYXDROBSF
http://www.eea.europa.eu/hu/highlights/meg-mindig-tul-magas-a Még mindig túl magas a légszennyezettség egész Európában 2018-10-23T07:54:47Z 2019-12-10T09:22:30Z 2018-10-28T23:05:00Z hu http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/air-pollution-still-too-high 2018 1.1.2 None A lassú javulás ellenére a légszennyezettség továbbra is meghaladja az Európai Unió és az Egészségügyi Világszervezet határértékeit és iránymutatásait az Európai Környezetvédelmi Ügynökség (EEA) által kiadott friss adatok és tájékoztatás szerint. A légszennyezettség még mindig veszélyt jelent az emberi egészségre és a környezetre. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None BFP9UOD5JV
http://www.eea.europa.eu/hu/highlights/valj-titkos-ugynokke-egy-kepregenyben-a-kornyezet-vedelmeben Válj titkos ügynökké egy képregényben a környezet védelmében 2008-04-09T15:12:37Z 2016-06-21T13:46:14Z 2008-04-30T08:37:34Z hu http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/become-an-undercover-agent-to-defend-the-environment-in-a-comic-strip 2011 None A gyerekek most megismerhetik hogyan védhetik meg a környezetet, miközben az Európai Környezetvédelmi Ügynökség új, 24 nyelven elérhető „ökoügynök” weboldalán üldözik az ökobűnözőket. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None QRI9Z1PS2F
http://www.eea.europa.eu/hu/highlights/videofilmes-palyazat-ossza-meg-masokkal Videofilmes pályázat: Ossza meg másokkal környezetbarát „zöld” tevékenységeit! 2017-11-29T13:15:36Z 2018-01-03T08:52:04Z 2017-12-01T08:39:05Z hu http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/video-competition-share-your-green-actions 2017 3.4.3 None Hogyan ment ma munkába, illetve iskolába? Autóval, kerékpárral vagy tömegközlekedéssel? Nap mint nap olyan döntéseket hozunk, amelyek hatással lehetnek a környezetre. Napi döntéseink egy részével tudatosan hozzájárulunk egy tisztább és egészségesebb környezet megteremtéséhez. Az Európai Környezetvédelmi Ügynökség (EEA) és partnerhálózata által szervezett „I LIVE GREEN” elnevezésű európai videofilmes pályázat mindenki előtt nyitva áll, aki kreativitásával és tevékenységei megosztásával hozzá kíván járulni környezetünk megóvásához. A legjobb videók alkotói pénzjutalomban részesülnek. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ZUV78TPM9I
http://www.eea.europa.eu/it/highlights/energie-rinnovabili-necessario-un-maggiore Energie rinnovabili: necessario un maggiore impegno degli Stati membri dell’UE per raggiungere l’obiettivo comune 2018-12-14T08:17:32Z 2019-03-08T14:22:27Z 2019-01-21T10:12:58Z it http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-member-states-need-more 2018 1.3.2 None La quota di fonti energetiche rinnovabili nel consumo energetico dell’Unione europea (UE) è cresciuta fino a raddoppiare dal 2005. Tale crescita ha tuttavia subito un rallentamento negli ultimi anni, soprattutto a causa dell’aumento del consumo di energia in generale e della mancanza di progressi nel settore dei trasporti. Il nuovo rapporto dell’Agenzia europea dell’ambiente (AEA) evidenzia che gli Stati membri dell’UE devono intensificare gli sforzi per raggiungere l’obiettivo del 2020 in materia di energie rinnovabili. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None PFK92WJEYC
http://www.eea.europa.eu/bg/highlights/dobra-novina-za-letovnitsite-tazi Добра новина за летовниците тази година: качеството на водите в по-голямата част от местата за къпане в Европа е отлично 2018-05-23T08:45:43Z 2020-01-13T19:09:56Z 2018-05-29T09:55:00Z bg http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/good-news-for-holiday-makers 2018 1.5.2 None Въпреки слабото понижение при получените резултати, 85 % от плувните обекти в цяла Европа, подложени на мониторинг през 2017 г., отговарят на най-високите и най-строги стандарти на Европейския съюз за „отлично“ качество на водите (в основната си част свободни от замърсители), по данни от последния годишен доклад за качеството на водите за къпане в Европа, който бе публикуван днес. Резултатите дават възможност на летовниците добре да се ориентират къде точно могат да намерят най-добрите в това отношение води за къпане през това лято. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ZA68HNFPTD
http://www.eea.europa.eu/bg/highlights/fotokonkurs-izpratete-ni-nay-hubavite Фотоконкурс: Изпратете ни най-хубавите си снимки на вода 2018-04-10T12:32:52Z 2018-04-13T12:13:29Z 2018-04-16T07:00:00Z bg http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-send-us-your 2018 3.4.3 None Какви образи поражда у вас мисълта за вода? Можете ли да ги уловите във фотография? Европейската агенция за околна среда (ЕАОС) ви приканва да изпратите най-творческите си снимки за участие във фотоконкурса WaterPIX, посветен на водата. Най-добрите фотографии ще получат парична награда. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None MG3Z9NBC8F
http://www.eea.europa.eu/bg/highlights/stani-agent-pod-prikritie-v-komiks-i-zaschiti-okolnata-sreda Стани агент под прикритие в комикс и защити околната среда 2008-04-09T15:12:37Z 2016-06-21T13:46:14Z 2008-04-30T08:38:52Z bg http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/become-an-undercover-agent-to-defend-the-environment-in-a-comic-strip 2011 None Децата вече могат да научат за различните начини за защита на околната среда, като преследват еконарушители на новия уебсайт на Европейската агенция за околна среда, достъпен на 24 езика. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 9CGP4Q1HXS
http://www.eea.europa.eu/bg/highlights/videokonkurs-spodelete-kakvo-napravihte-za Видеоконкурс: Споделете какво направихте за околната среда 2017-11-29T13:15:36Z 2018-01-03T08:52:04Z 2017-12-01T08:39:05Z bg http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/video-competition-share-your-green-actions 2017 3.4.3 None Как отидохте на работа или на училище днес? С кола, с колело или с градски транспорт? Всеки ден ние вземаме решения, които могат да окажат влияние върху околната среда. Някои от нашите дневни решения са съзнателни усилия да живеем в по-чиста и по-здравословна среда. Видеоконкурсът „I LIVE GREEN“, организиран от Европейската агенция за околна среда (ЕАОС) и нейната мрежа от партньори, отправя покана към всички европейци да покажат творчество споделят действията в полза на околната среда. Най-добрите видеоклипове ще получат парична награда. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None S4JNGOKXI5
http://www.eea.europa.eu/bg/highlights/zamarsyavaneto-na-vazduha-vse-oshte Замърсяването на въздуха все още е твърде голямо в цяла Европа 2018-10-23T07:54:47Z 2019-12-10T09:22:30Z 2018-10-28T23:05:00Z bg http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/air-pollution-still-too-high 2018 1.1.2 None Актуализираните данни и информация, публикувани от Европейската агенция за околна среда (ЕАОС), показват, че въпреки бавните подобрения, замърсяването на въздуха продължава да превишава допустимите норми и насоките на Европейския съюз и Световната здравна организация. Замърсяването на въздуха продължава да води до рискове за здравето на човека и за околната среда. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None YQ97EPTZOI
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sk/highlights/dobre-novice-za-turiste-odlicna Dobré správy pre dovolenkárov: väčšina európskych vôd na kúpanie má výbornú kvalitu 2018-05-23T08:45:43Z 2020-01-13T19:09:56Z 2018-05-29T09:55:00Z sk http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/good-news-for-holiday-makers 2018 1.5.2 None Z výsledkov dnes zverejnenej výročnej správy o kvalite európskych vôd na kúpanie vyplýva, že napriek miernemu poklesu viac ako 85 % lokalít určených na kúpanie monitorovaných v roku 2017 v celej Európe, spĺňa tie najvyššie a najprísnejšie normy výbornej kvality vody prevažne bez znečisťujúcich látok. Výsledky poskytujú dobrý prehľad, kde možno toto leto nájsť lokality s najvyššou kvalitou vody. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 3TFI57DOPN
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sk/highlights/fotosutaz-poslite-nam-vasu-najzaujimavejsiu Fotosúťaž: Pošlite nám vašu najzaujímavejšiu fotku o vode 2018-04-10T12:32:52Z 2018-04-13T12:13:29Z 2018-04-16T07:00:00Z sk http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-send-us-your 2018 3.4.3 None Aká je vaša predstava vody? Dokážete ju zachytiť fotografiou? Európska environmentálna agentúra (EEA) vyhlasuje súťaž WaterPIX o najzaujímavejšiu fotografiu na tému voda. Najlepšie príspevky budú finančne odmenené. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None CBX3EQPTFG
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sk/highlights/ovzdusie-v-europe-nadalej-nadmerne-znecistene Ovzdušie v Európe naďalej nadmerne znečistené 2018-10-23T07:54:47Z 2019-12-10T09:22:30Z 2018-10-28T23:05:00Z sk http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/air-pollution-still-too-high 2018 1.1.2 None Z aktualizovaných údajov a informácií, ktoré uverejňuje Európska environmentálna agentúra (EEA), vyplýva, že napriek slabým zlepšeniam znečistenie ovzdušia naďalej prekračuje limity a hodnoty Európskej únie a Svetovej zdravotníckej organizácie. Znečistenie ovzdušia stále predstavuje nebezpečenstvo pre ľudské zdravie a životné prostredie. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None XQO08CJ7FE
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sk/highlights/stan-sa-tajnym-agentom-a-ochranuj-zivotne-prostredie-v-komikse Staň sa tajným agentom a ochraňuj životné prostredie v komikse 2008-04-09T15:12:37Z 2016-06-21T13:46:14Z 2008-04-30T08:37:35Z sk http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/become-an-undercover-agent-to-defend-the-environment-in-a-comic-strip 2011 None Deti sa teraz môžu naučiť spôsobom, akými sa dá chrániť životné prostredie. Naháňajú darebákov, ktorí ho poškodzujú: na internetovej stránke Európskej environmentálnej agentúry pre eko-agentov dostupnej v 24 jazykoch. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None UZEGH1304M
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sk/highlights/video-sutaz-predstavte-ostatnym-svoje Video súťaž: predstavte ostatným svoje ekologické opatrenia 2017-11-29T13:15:36Z 2018-01-03T08:52:04Z 2017-12-01T08:39:05Z sk http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/video-competition-share-your-green-actions 2017 3.4.3 None Ako ste dnes išli do práce alebo do školy? Autom, na bicykli alebo verejnou dopravou? Každý deň prijímame rozhodnutia, ktoré môžu mať vplyv na životné prostredie. Niektorými z nich sa vedome usilujeme prispieť k tomu, aby sme žili v čistejšom a zdravšom prostredí. Video súťaž s názvom I LIVE GREEN (Žijem ekologicky), ktorú organizuje Európska environmentálna agentúra (EEA) a jej sieť partnerov, vyzýva všetkých Európanov, aby predviedli svoju kreativitu a predstavili svoje opatrenia v prospech životného prostredia. Najlepšie video príspevky budú finančne odmenené. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 0ZDKAX5VO9
http://www.eea.europa.eu/de/highlights/die-eu-mitgliedstaaten-muessen-mehr Die EU-Mitgliedstaaten müssen mehr Anstrengungen unternehmen, um das gemeinsame Ziel für erneuerbare Energien zu erreichen 2018-12-14T08:17:32Z 2019-03-08T14:22:27Z 2018-12-18T13:30:00Z de http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-member-states-need-more 2018 1.3.2 None Der Anteil erneuerbarer Energiequellen am Energieverbrauch der Europäischen Union (EU) hat sich seit 2005 verdoppelt. In den letzten Jahren hat sich dieser Anstieg jedoch verlangsamt, insbesondere aufgrund des steigenden Energieverbrauchs und der mangelnden Fortschritte im Verkehrssektor. Der neue Bericht der Europäischen Umweltagentur (EUA) zeigt, dass die EU-Mitgliedstaaten ihre Anstrengungen verstärken müssen, um das Ziel für erneuerbare Energien für 2020 zu erreichen. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None MSF8Z5UBW1
http://www.eea.europa.eu/de/highlights/die-europaeischen-gewaesser-werden-sauberer Die europäischen Gewässer werden sauberer, aber große Herausforderungen bleiben bestehen 2018-06-26T12:31:08Z 2020-11-23T10:58:42Z 2018-07-03T05:00:00Z de http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/european-waters-getting-cleaner-but 2018 1.5.2 None Trotz der Fortschritte in der Verbesserung der Umweltqualität vieler Seen, Flüsse, Küstengewässer und des Grundwassers in Europa in den letzten Jahrzehnten bestehen weiterhin ernsthafte Bedrohungen für deren langfristige Gesundheit. Top Ursachen sindUmweltverschmutzung, Bauobjekte wie Dämme, und übermäßige Wasserentnahme, so – ein Bericht über die Wasserqualität der Europäischen Umweltagentur (EUA), der heute veröffentlicht wurde. Eine große Mehrheit der europäischen Gewässer erfüllt nach wie vor nicht das in der Europäischen Union angestrebte Minimalziel des „guten Zustands“. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None MJVS1HX24C
http://www.eea.europa.eu/de/highlights/fotowettbewerb-schicken-sie-uns-ihre Fotowettbewerb: Schicken Sie uns Ihre schönsten Fotos mit Wassermotiven 2018-04-10T12:32:52Z 2018-04-13T12:13:29Z 2018-04-16T07:00:00Z de http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-send-us-your 2018 3.4.3 None Woran denken Sie zuerst, wenn Sie das Wort „Wasser“ hören? Können Sie das vielleicht sogar in einem Bild festhalten? Schicken Sie der Europäischen Umweltagentur (EUA) im Rahmen von WaterPIX, dem Fotowettbewerb zum Thema Wasser, Ihre kreativsten Schnappschüsse. Für die besten Bilder gibt es einen Geldpreis zu gewinnen. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None TFBYX43QAR
http://www.eea.europa.eu/de/highlights/gute-nachrichten-fuer-urlauber-ausgezeichnete Gute Nachrichten für Urlauber: ausgezeichnete Wasserqualität an überwiegender Mehrheit der europäischen Badeorte 2018-05-23T08:45:43Z 2020-01-13T19:09:56Z 2018-05-29T09:55:00Z de http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/good-news-for-holiday-makers 2018 1.5.2 None Trotz einer leichten Verschlechterung der Ergebnisse erfüllten nach dem heute veröffentlichten Jahresbericht über die Qualität der europäischen Badegewässer 85 % der im Jahr 2017 überprüften Badegebiete in ganz Europa die höchsten und strengsten Qualitätsnormen der Europäischen Union für weitgehend schadstofffreie Gewässer. Sie wurden daher als „ausgezeichnet“ eingestuft. Die Ergebnisse bieten einen guten Anhaltspunkt dafür, wo Urlauber in diesem Sommer die Badegewässer mit der höchsten Wasserqualität finden können. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None UFVW8O2IYE
http://www.eea.europa.eu/de/highlights/luftverschmutzung-in-europa-nach-wie Luftverschmutzung in Europa nach wie vor zu hoch 2018-10-23T07:54:47Z 2019-12-10T09:22:30Z 2018-10-28T23:05:00Z de http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/air-pollution-still-too-high 2018 1.1.2 None Aktuelle Daten der Europäischen Umweltagentur (EUA) belegen: Trotz allmählicher Verbesserungen liegt die Luftverschmutzung immer noch über den Grenzwerten und Leitlinien der Europäischen Union und der Weltgesundheitsorganisation. Die Luftverschmutzung gefährdet weiterhin die menschliche Gesundheit und die Umwelt. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None HOCYS6FR9D
http://www.eea.europa.eu/de/highlights/umweltsteuern-auf-gesteinsmaterial-in-der-eu-auf-dem-weg-zu-einer-nachhaltigen-bauwirtschaft Umweltsteuern auf Gesteinsmaterial in der EU: auf dem Weg zu einer nachhaltigen Bauwirtschaft 2008-06-26T12:09:34Z 2016-06-21T13:46:11Z 2008-06-27T11:00:00Z de http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/environmental-tax-on-aggregate-materials-in-the-eu-towards-sustainable-construction-1 2011 None Umweltsteuern auf Baustoffe können nach einem heute von der Europäischen Umweltagentur vorgelegten Bericht ein wesentliches Element sein, um mehr Nachhaltigkeit in diesem Sektor zu erreichen. Die Studie untersucht die Besteuerungssysteme für Abbauaktivitäten in der Tschechischen Republik, Italien, Schweden und dem Vereinigten Königreich mit Schwerpunkt auf einem Industriezweig mit einem Volumen von 15,2 Mrd. EUR , der wichtige Materialien für den Bausektor herstellt. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ASZVBHNMJ4
http://www.eea.europa.eu/de/highlights/undercoveragenten-zur-verteidigung-der-umwelt-gesucht Undercoveragenten zur Verteidigung der Umwelt gesucht 2008-04-09T15:12:37Z 2016-06-21T13:46:14Z 2008-04-30T08:38:15Z de http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/become-an-undercover-agent-to-defend-the-environment-in-a-comic-strip 2011 None Auf der neuen Website „Öko-Agenten“ der Europäischen Umweltagentur können Kinder jetzt in einem Comic Öko-Schurken jagen und lernen dabei, wie man die Umwelt schützt. Die Website wird in 24 Sprachen angeboten. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None MS9DP0CZTB
http://www.eea.europa.eu/de/highlights/video-wettbewerb-zeigen-sie-was Video-Wettbewerb: Zeigen Sie, was Sie für die Umwelt tun 2017-11-29T13:15:36Z 2018-01-03T08:52:04Z 2017-12-01T08:39:05Z de http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/video-competition-share-your-green-actions 2017 3.4.3 None Womit sind Sie heute zur Arbeit bzw. zur Schule gefahren? Mit dem Auto, Fahrrad oder öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln? Jeden Tag treffen wir Entscheidungen, die Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt haben können. Einige unserer täglichen Entscheidungen werden ganz bewusst im Sinne einer saubereren und gesünderen Umwelt getroffen. Der Video-Wettbewerb „I LIVE GREEN“, der von der Europäischen Umweltagentur (EUA) und ihrem Partnernetzwerk organisiert wird, ruft alle Europäer dazu auf, ihre Kreativität unter Beweis zu stellen und zu zeigen, was sie für die Umwelt tun. Die besten Videos erhalten einen Geldpreis. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 7X1ZG96H2U
http://www.eea.europa.eu/ro/highlights/concurs-video-faceti-va-cunoscute Concurs video: Faceți-vă cunoscute acțiunile ecologice 2017-11-29T13:15:36Z 2018-01-03T08:52:04Z 2017-12-01T08:39:05Z ro http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/video-competition-share-your-green-actions 2017 3.4.3 None Cum ați mers astăzi la serviciu sau la școală? Cu mașina, cu bicicleta sau cu mijloace de transport în comun? În fiecare zi luăm decizii care pot avea un impact asupra mediului. Unele din deciziile noastre zilnice sunt dovada eforturilor conștiente depuse pentru a trăi într-un mediu mai curat și mai sănătos. Concursul video „I LIVE GREEN” (TRĂIESC VERDE), organizat de Agenția Europeană de Mediu (AEM) și rețeaua sa parteneră, îi invită pe toți cetățenii europeni să își demonstreze creativitatea și să își facă cunoscute acțiunile de protecție a mediului. Cele mai bune materiale video vor fi premiate în bani. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None GQDSBE074M
http://www.eea.europa.eu/ro/highlights/concurso-fotografico-envie-nos-a Concurs foto: Trimiteți-ne cele mai bune fotografii despre apă 2018-04-10T12:32:52Z 2018-04-13T12:13:29Z 2018-04-16T07:00:00Z ro http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-send-us-your 2018 3.4.3 None Ce vă vine în minte când vă gândiți la apă? Puteți surprinde acest lucru într-o fotografie? Agenția Europeană de Mediu (AEM) vă invită să vă trimiteți cele mai creative poze la WaterPIX, un concurs foto despre apă. Cele mai bune materiale vor fi premiate în bani. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None SIV80TB3GO
http://www.eea.europa.eu/ro/highlights/poluarea-aerului-este-inca-prea Poluarea aerului este încă prea ridicată în Europa 2018-10-23T07:54:47Z 2019-12-10T09:22:30Z 2018-10-28T23:05:00Z ro http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/air-pollution-still-too-high 2018 1.1.2 None În ciuda îmbunătățirilor lente, poluarea aerului continuă să depășească limitele și valorile din ghidurile Uniunii Europene și ale Organizației Mondiale a Sănătății, potrivit datelor și informațiilor actualizate publicate de Agenția Europeană de Mediu (AEM). Poluarea aerului încă prezintă un pericol pentru sănătatea umană și pentru mediu. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None PA8BSIR6XY
http://www.eea.europa.eu/ro/highlights/statele-membre-ale-ue-trebuie Statele membre ale UE trebuie să dea dovadă de mai multă ambiție pentru a-și atinge obiectivul comun în materie de energie din surse regenerabile 2018-12-14T08:17:32Z 2019-03-08T14:22:27Z 2019-01-10T10:33:05Z ro http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-member-states-need-more 2018 1.3.2 None Ponderea surselor regenerabile în totalul energiei consumate în Uniunea Europeană (UE) s-a dublat față de anul 2005, însă această creștere a încetinit în ultimii ani, în special ca urmare a consumului sporit de energie și a lipsei de progrese în sectorul transporturilor. Noul raport al Agenției Europene de Mediu (AEM) arată că statele membre trebuie să-și intensifice eforturile pentru a îndeplini obiectivul legat de energia din surse regenerabile stabilit pentru anul 2020. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None U3C9MOXGWV
http://www.eea.europa.eu/ro/highlights/vesti-bune-pentru-turisti-calitatea Vești bune pentru turiști: calitatea apei este excelentă în marea majoritate a zonelor de îmbăiere din Europa 2018-05-23T08:45:43Z 2020-01-13T19:09:56Z 2018-05-29T09:55:00Z ro http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/good-news-for-holiday-makers 2018 1.5.2 None Raportul anual privind calitatea apei de îmbăiere, publicat astăzi, arată că deși s-a înregistrat o ușoară scădere a rezultatelor, 85 % dintre zonele de îmbăiere din întreaga Europă monitorizate în 2017 au îndeplinit cele mai stricte standarde de calitate (calificativul „excelent”), fiind în general lipsite de substanțe poluante. Rezultatele le oferă turiștilor indicii utile cu privire la zonele de îmbăiere cu cea mai bună calitate a apei în vara aceasta. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None JR0IK3CYT6
http://www.eea.europa.eu/ro/highlights/vino-sa-devii-agent-de-spionaj-ca-sa-protejezi-mediul-intr-o-banda-desenata Vino să devii agent de spionaj ca să protejezi mediul într-o bandă desenată 2008-04-09T15:12:37Z 2016-06-21T13:46:14Z 2008-04-30T08:37:34Z ro http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/become-an-undercover-agent-to-defend-the-environment-in-a-comic-strip 2011 None Copiii pot învăţa acum în ce mod pot ocroti mediul înconjurător, urmărindu-i pe eco-răufăcătorii de pe noul site web al “eco-agenţilor” al Agenţiei Europene pentru Mediu, disponibil în 24 de limbi. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None TVGYIJO2Q7
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sv/highlights/forsvara-miljon-som-hemlig-agent-i-en-tecknad-serie Försvara miljön som hemlig agent i en tecknad serie 2008-04-09T15:12:37Z 2016-06-21T13:46:14Z 2008-04-30T08:38:15Z sv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/become-an-undercover-agent-to-defend-the-environment-in-a-comic-strip 2011 None Nu kan barnen lära sig att skydda miljön på olika sätt medan de jagar miljöbovar på Europeiska miljöbyråns nya webbplats Eco Agents, som finns på 24 språk. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None WSJBZK8A3O
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sv/highlights/fortfarande-for-hoga-halter-av Fortfarande för höga halter av luftföroreningar i Europa 2018-10-23T07:54:47Z 2019-12-10T09:22:30Z 2018-10-29T08:43:29Z sv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/air-pollution-still-too-high 2018 1.1.2 None Trots långsamma förbättringar fortsätter luftföroreningarna att överskrida EU:s och WHO:s gränsvärden och riktlinjer enligt uppdaterade uppgifter som offentliggjorts av Europeiska miljöbyrån (EEA). Luftföroreningar utgör fortfarande en fara för människors hälsa och miljön. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None HYW27JUT1M
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sv/highlights/fototavling-skicka-oss-dina-basta-vattenbilder Fototävling: Skicka oss dina bästa vattenbilder 2018-04-10T12:32:52Z 2018-04-13T12:13:29Z 2018-04-16T07:00:00Z sv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-send-us-your 2018 3.4.3 None Vad tänker du på när du tänker på vatten? Kan du fånga det med ett foto? Europeiska miljöbyrån uppmanar dig att skicka dina mest kreativa bilder till WaterPIX, en fototävling om vatten. De bästa bidragen belönas med en prissumma. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None TAMEWF65PZ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sv/highlights/goda-nyheter-for-semesterfirare-utmarkt Goda nyheter för semesterfirare: utmärkt vatten vid de flesta badplatserna i EU 2018-05-23T08:45:43Z 2020-01-13T19:09:56Z 2018-05-29T09:55:00Z sv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/good-news-for-holiday-makers 2018 1.5.2 None Trots en viss försämring fick 85 % av de kontrollerade badplatserna EU:s högsta betyg ”utmärkt” och var i stort sett fria från föroreningar. Det framgår av den senaste badvattenrapporten som släpps i dag. Resultaten ger en god indikation på var badsugna semesterfirare kan hitta det renaste badvattnet i sommar. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 07KEVABPXR
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sv/highlights/miljoskatt-pa-krossmaterial-inom-eu-mot-en-hallbar-byggsektor Miljöskatt på krossmaterial inom EU: på väg mot en hållbar byggsektor 2008-06-26T12:09:34Z 2016-06-21T13:46:11Z 2008-06-27T11:00:00Z sv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/environmental-tax-on-aggregate-materials-in-the-eu-towards-sustainable-construction-1 2011 None Miljöskatter på byggmaterial kan vara avgörande för att uppnå hållbarhet inom byggsektorn, enligt en rapport som idag överlämnas av Europeiska miljöbyrån. Studien granskar skattesystemen för utvinningsverksamheter i Sverige, Tjeckien, Italien och Storbritannien. Branschen i fråga omsätter 15,2 miljarder euro i arbetet med att framställa nödvändiga material för byggsektorn. Den bidrar därmed på ett avgörande sätt till Europas ekonomi, där 3 miljarder ton sand, grus och sten förs ut på marknaden varje år. 1) http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None MU5WPQ1K3D
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sv/highlights/videotavling-dela-med-dig-av Videotävling: Dela med dig av dina miljöåtgärder 2017-11-29T13:15:36Z 2018-01-03T08:52:04Z 2017-12-01T08:39:05Z sv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/video-competition-share-your-green-actions 2017 3.4.3 None Hur tog du dig till jobbet eller skolan idag? Med bil, cykel eller kollektivtrafik? Varje dag tar vi beslut som kan påverka miljön. Några av besluten är medvetna ansträngningar för att vi ska ha en renare och hälsosammare miljö att leva i. Europeiska miljöbyrån och dess partnernätverk anordnar videotävlingen ”I LIVE GREEN” och inbjuder alla européer att delta för att visa sin kreativa förmåga och dela med sig av de åtgärder de vidtar för miljöns skull. De bästa videofilmerna belönas med en prissumma. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None X1HZYJVGCE
http://www.eea.europa.eu/no/highlights/bli-med-og-kjemp-for-miljoet-som-hemmelig-agent-i-en-tegneserie Bli med og kjemp for miljøet som hemmelig agent i en tegneserie 2008-04-09T15:12:37Z 2016-06-21T13:46:14Z 2008-04-30T08:37:02Z no http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/become-an-undercover-agent-to-defend-the-environment-in-a-comic-strip 2011 None Nå kan barn lære om miljøvern samtidig som de tar opp jakten på miljøskurker på Det europeiske miljøbyråets nye nettsted ”Miljøagentene”, som er tilgjengelig på 24 språk. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None CP7BVSEUON
http://www.eea.europa.eu/no/highlights/fotokonkurranse-send-oss-dine-beste-vannbilder Fotokonkurranse: Send oss dine beste vannbilder 2018-04-10T12:32:52Z 2018-04-13T12:13:29Z 2018-04-16T07:00:00Z no http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-send-us-your 2018 3.4.3 None Hva er det første du tenker på når du tenker på vann? Kan du fange det i et foto? Det europeiske miljøbyrået (EEA) inviterer deg til å sende dine mest kreative blinkskudd til WaterPIX, en fotokonkurranse om vann. De beste bidragene belønnes med en pengepremie. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None O7VMAWX1HF
http://www.eea.europa.eu/no/highlights/fremdeles-for-hoy-luftforurensning-i-europa Fremdeles for høy luftforurensning i Europa 2018-10-23T07:54:47Z 2019-12-10T09:22:30Z 2018-10-29T15:12:37Z no http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/air-pollution-still-too-high 2018 1.1.2 None Selv om situasjonen langsomt bedrer seg, fortsetter luftforurensningen å overskride EUs og Verdens helseorganisasjons grenser og retningslinjer, ifølge oppdaterte data og opplysninger publisert av Det europeiske miljøbyrået (EEA). Luftforurensning utgjør fremdeles en fare for menneskers helse og miljøet. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 1E08BJNTP4
http://www.eea.europa.eu/no/highlights/videokonkurranse-vis-fram-dine-gronne-valg Videokonkurranse: Vis fram dine grønne valg 2017-11-29T13:15:36Z 2018-01-03T08:52:04Z 2017-12-01T08:39:05Z no http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/video-competition-share-your-green-actions 2017 3.4.3 None Hvordan kom du deg til jobb eller på skolen i dag? Med bil, sykkel eller offentlig transport? Hver dag gjør vi valg som kan påvirke miljøet. Noen av disse valgene gjør vi bevisst fordi vi ønsker å leve i et renere og sunnere miljø. Med videokonkurransen “I LIVE GREEN”, som organiseres av Det europeiske miljøbyrået (EEA) og deres partnernettverk, inviteres alle europeere til å være kreative og vise hva de gjør for å bidra til miljøet. De beste videoene belønnes med en pengepremie. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None BT7WAP0V3Z
http://www.eea.europa.eu/mt/highlights/ahbar-tajba-ghat-turisti-kwalita Aħbar tajba għat-turisti: kwalità eċċellenti tal-ilma fil-biċċa l-kbira tas-siti għall-għawm tal-Ewropa 2018-05-23T08:45:43Z 2020-01-13T19:09:56Z 2018-05-29T09:55:00Z mt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/good-news-for-holiday-makers 2018 1.5.2 None Minkejja tnaqqis żgħir fir-riżultati, 85% tas-siti għall-għawm madwar l-Ewropa mmonitorjati fl-2017 laħqu l-ogħla u l-aktar standards stretti ta’ kwalità “eċċellenti” għall-ilmijiet fil-biċċa l-kbira tagħhom ħielsa minn sustanzi li jniġġsu, skont l-aħħar rapport annwali Ewropew dwar il-kwalità tal-ilma għall-għawm ippubblikat illum. Ir-riżultati jagħtu indikazzjoni tajba ta’ fejn it-turisti jistgħu jsibu l-aħjar ilma għall-għawm ta’ kwalità dan is-sajf. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None V3NARYU5KZ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/mt/highlights/it-tniggis-tal-arja-ghadu It-tniġġis tal-arja għadu għoli wisq madwar l-Ewropa 2018-10-23T07:54:47Z 2019-12-10T09:22:30Z 2018-10-28T23:05:00Z mt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/air-pollution-still-too-high 2018 1.1.2 None Minkejja titjib bil-mod, it-tniġġis tal-arja għadu jaqbeż il-limiti u l-linji gwida tal-Unjoni Ewropea u tal-Organizzazzjoni Dinjija tas-Saħħa, skont id-data aġġornata u l-informazzjoni ppubblikata mill-Aġenzija Ewropea għall-Ambjent (EEA). It-tniġġis tal-arja huwa ta’ periklu għas-saħħa tal-bniedem u għall-ambjent. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None O4FX3MK7YA
http://www.eea.europa.eu/mt/highlights/kompetizzjoni-ghal-vidjo-ikkondividi-l Kompetizzjoni għal vidjo: Ikkondividi l-azzjonijiet ekoloġiċi tiegħek 2017-11-29T13:15:36Z 2018-01-03T08:52:04Z 2017-12-01T08:39:05Z mt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/video-competition-share-your-green-actions 2017 3.4.3 None Kif ġejt ix-xogħol jew l-iskola llum? Bil-karozza, bir-rota jew bit-trasport pubbliku? Kuljum aħna nieħdu deċiżjonijiet li jista’ jkollhom impatt fuq l-ambjent. Xi wħud mid-deċiżjonijiet tagħna ta’ kuljum huma sforzi konxji għal għixien f’ambjent iktar nadif u iktar favorevoli għas-saħħa. Il-kompetizzjoni għal vidjo ‘I LIVE GREEN’, organizzata mill-Aġenzija Ewropea għall-Ambjent (EEA) u n-netwerk sieħeb tagħha, tistieden lill-Ewropej kollha sabiex juru l-kreattività tagħhom u jikkondividu l-azzjonijiet tagħhom biex jgħinu lill-ambjent. L-aħjar vidjos ser jirċievu premju fi flus. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None CP56N7EUTG
http://www.eea.europa.eu/mt/highlights/kompetizzjoni-tal-fotografija-ibghatilna-l Kompetizzjoni tal-fotografija: Ibgħatilna l-aħjar ritratti tiegħek tal-ilma 2018-04-10T12:32:52Z 2018-04-13T12:13:29Z 2018-04-16T07:00:00Z mt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-send-us-your 2018 3.4.3 None X’jiġi f’moħħok meta taħseb fl-ilma? Tista’ taqbad dan il-ħsieb f’ritratt? L-Aġenzija Ewropea għall-Ambjent (EEA) tistiednek tibgħat ir-ritratti l-aktar kreattivi tiegħek lil WaterPIX, kompetizzjoni tal-fotografija dwar l-ilma. L-aħjar ritratti se jirċievu premju fi flus. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None CNHZY5E6P7
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pl/highlights/wzrost-emisji-gazow-cieplarnianych-w Wzrost emisji gazów cieplarnianych w UE utrudnia postęp na drodze do realizacji celów na 2030 r. 2018-10-24T09:37:57Z 2019-12-10T09:22:30Z 2019-01-24T08:37:07Z pl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/increase-in-eu-greenhouse-gas 2018 1.3.2 None Emisje gazów cieplarnianych w całej Unii Europejskiej (UE) nieznacznie wzrosły w 2017 r., głównie z powodu sektora transportu. Wstępne dane szacunkowe opublikowane dzisiaj w rocznych ocenach tendencji i prognoz Europejskiej Agencji Środowiska (EEA) wskazują na wzrost emisji o 0,6% w 2017 r. w porównaniu z rokiem 2016. Ten nieznaczny wzrost oznacza, że nadal oczekuje się, iż UE osiągnie swój cel redukcji emisji na 2020 r., chociaż margines ten będzie węższy. Konieczne będzie jednak pilne zwiększenie środków krajowych, aby osiągnąć nowe cele UE w zakresie ograniczenia emisji na 2030 r. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None W9QT1IC8GU
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lt/highlights/kad-pasiektu-bendra-tiksla-atsinaujinanciosios Kad pasiektų bendrą tikslą atsinaujinančiosios energijos srityje, ES valstybės narės turi imtis platesnio užmojo veiksmų 2018-12-14T08:17:32Z 2019-03-08T14:22:27Z 2019-02-28T12:31:37Z lt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-member-states-need-more 2018 1.3.2 None Europos Sąjungos (ES) iš atsinaujinančiųjų energijos išteklių gaunamos suvartojamos energijos dalis nuo 2005 m. padidėjo du kartus, tačiau pastaraisiais metais šis augimas lėtėja – ypač dėl didėjančio energijos vartojimo ir dėl to, kad nedaroma pažanga transporto sektoriuje. Iš Europos aplinkos agentūros (EAA) naujos ataskaitos matyti, kad ES valstybės narės turi dėti daugiau pastangų, kad pasiektų 2020 m. tikslą atsinaujinančiosios energijos srityje. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None W7UY8AP3JM
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lt/highlights/reikia-imtis-daugiau-veiksmu-siekiant Reikia imtis daugiau veiksmų, siekiant apsaugoti labiausiai pažeidžiamus Europos piliečius nuo oro taršos, triukšmo ir didelių temperatūros svyravimų 2019-01-29T09:31:03Z 2019-05-03T08:05:51Z 2019-02-04T10:55:00Z lt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/protect-vulnerable-citizens 2019 1.4.2 None Norint geriau apsaugoti skurstančiuosius, pagyvenusius asmenis ir vaikus (ypač gyvenančius rytiniuose ir pietiniuose Europos regionuose) nuo pavojingų aplinkos veiksnių, kaip antai, oro taršos ir triukšmo ir didelių temperatūros svyravimų, būtina imtis tikslingų veiksmų. Europos aplinkos agentūra (EAA) šiandien paskelbtoje ataskaitoje perspėja, kad nors Europos aplinkos kokybė apskritai pagerėjo, šie pavojingi veiksniai vis dar pernelyg stipriai veikia labiausiai pažeidžiamų Europos piliečių sveikatą. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None UNMG5B7PEQ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/es/highlights/el-aumento-del-consumo-de El aumento del consumo de energía frena los avances de la UE en materia de energía renovable y los objetivos de eficiencia energética 2018-11-22T14:07:10Z 2019-03-22T14:32:56Z 2019-01-18T09:49:55Z es http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/rising-energy-consumption-slows-eu 2018 1.3.2 None Los avances en el aumento del uso de energías renovables y la mejora de la eficiencia energética se están frenando en toda la Unión Europea, poniendo en peligro la capacidad de la UE para lograr sus objetivos de reducción de emisiones y del consumo de energía. Este freno se debe al aumento del consumo de energía, especialmente en el sector del transporte, según datos preliminares publicados hoy en el análisis anual de la Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente (AEMA) sobre los avances de la UE con respecto a sus objetivos en materia de energías renovables y eficiencia energética. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 9W0H5UJ6Z3
http://www.eea.europa.eu/da/highlights/fotokonkurrence-profilering-af-baeredygtige-fodevarer Fotokonkurrence: Profilering af bæredygtige fødevarer, energi og mobilitet 2019-02-22T12:52:50Z 2019-05-02T12:24:24Z 2019-02-28T07:45:00Z da http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-to-profile-sustainable 2019 3.4.3 None Hvordan vi producerer og forbruger fødevarer og energi, og hvordan vi transporterer mennesker og varer, har indflydelse på vores miljø, klima og sundhed. Det Europæiske Miljøagenturs nye fotokonkurrence "Sustainably Yours" (Med bæredygtig hilsen) opfordrer europæerne til at indsende billeder af udfordringerne ved og mulighederne for mere bæredygtige valg af fødevarer, energi og mobilitet. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None PH9C2M3ZEF
http://www.eea.europa.eu/da/highlights/nodvendigt-med-flere-tiltag-for Nødvendigt med flere tiltag for at beskytte Europas mest sårbare borgere mod luftforurening, støj og ekstreme temperaturer 2019-01-29T09:31:03Z 2019-05-03T08:05:51Z 2019-02-04T10:55:00Z da http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/protect-vulnerable-citizens 2019 1.4.2 None Der skal en målrettet indsats til for at beskytte fattige, ældre og børn bedre mod miljørisici som luft- og støjforurening og ekstreme temperaturer. Dette gælder navnlig i de østlige og sydlige dele af Europa. I dag offentliggøres en rapport fra Det Europæiske Miljøagentur (EEA), der advarer om, at Europas mest sårbare borgere fortsat i uforholdsmæssig høj grad udsættes for disse sundhedsrisici, selvom miljøet i Europa generelt er blevet forbedret. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None OJNTWX9P2B
http://www.eea.europa.eu/it/highlights/concorso-fotografico-per-rappresentare-l2019alimentazione Concorso fotografico per rappresentare l’alimentazione, l’energia e la mobilità sostenibili 2019-02-22T12:52:50Z 2019-05-02T12:24:24Z 2019-02-28T07:54:37Z it http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-to-profile-sustainable 2019 3.4.3 None Il modo in cui produciamo e consumiamo alimenti ed energia e il modo in cui assicuriamo la circolazione di persone e prodotti hanno un impatto su ambiente, clima e salute. Il nuovo concorso fotografico dell’Agenzia europea dell’ambiente (AEA), Sustainably Yours, invita i cittadini europei a inviare foto che rappresentino le sfide e le opportunità legate alla ricerca di una maggiore sostenibilità nelle scelte in termini di alimentazione, energia e mobilità. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None NRGC9Q1DH3
http://www.eea.europa.eu/bg/highlights/fotokonkurs-za-predstavyane-na-ustoychivi Фотоконкурс за представяне на устойчиви храни, енергия и мобилност 2019-02-22T12:52:50Z 2019-05-02T12:24:24Z 2019-02-28T14:36:57Z bg http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-to-profile-sustainable 2019 3.4.3 None Начинът на производство и консумация на храни и енергия, както и движението на хора и стоки оказват въздействие върху околната среда, климата и здравето. В рамките на новия фотоконкурс на Европейската агенция за околна среда ‘Sustainably yours’ европейските граждани могат да изпратят снимки, показващи предизвикателствата и възможностите, свързани с постигане на по-устойчиво производство на храни, енергия и мобилност. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ZNVHP2I9YJ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/bg/highlights/neobhodimi-sa-poveche-deystviya-za Необходими са повече действия за защита на най-уязвимите граждани на Европа от замърсяването на въздуха, шума и екстремните температури 2019-01-29T09:31:03Z 2019-05-03T08:05:51Z 2019-02-04T10:55:00Z bg http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/protect-vulnerable-citizens 2019 1.4.2 None Необходими са целенасочени действия за по-добра защита на бедните, възрастните хора и децата от екологични рискове като замърсяването на въздуха, шумовото замърсяване и екстремните температури, особено в източните и южните региони на Европа. В публикувания днес доклад на Европейската агенция по околна среда (ЕАОС) се предупреждава, че здравето на най-уязвимите граждани на Европа остава непропорционално засегнато от тези опасности въпреки общото подобрение на качеството на околната среда в Европа. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None TSGVJMO645
http://www.eea.europa.eu/et/highlights/fotokonkurss-saatke-meile-oma-ilusamad-veepildid Fotokonkurss: saatke meile oma ilusamad veepildid 2018-04-10T12:32:52Z 2018-04-13T12:13:29Z 2018-04-16T07:00:00Z et http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-send-us-your 2018 3.4.3 None Mida sa ette kujutad, kui mõtled veest? Kuidas see kujutluspilt fotol välja näeks? Saatke oma loomingulisemad fotod Euroopa Keskkonnaameti (EEA) veefotode konkursile WaterPIX. Parimad fotod saavad rahalise auhinna. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 6X2BGM4UH8
http://www.eea.europa.eu/et/highlights/ohusaaste-on-euroopas-endiselt-suur Õhusaaste on Euroopas endiselt suur 2018-10-23T07:54:47Z 2019-12-10T09:22:30Z 2018-10-28T23:05:00Z et http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/air-pollution-still-too-high 2018 1.1.2 None Kuigi õhukvaliteet on aeglaselt paranemas, ületab õhusaaste Euroopa Keskkonnaameti (EEA) avaldatud ajakohastatud andmete ja teabe kohaselt ikka veel Euroopa Liidu ja Maailma Terviseorganisatsiooni piir- ja suunisväärtusi. Õhusaaste ohustab endiselt inimtervist ja keskkonda. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 43HRJGP76U
http://www.eea.europa.eu/et/highlights/roomusonum-puhkajaile-valdava-osa-euroopa Rõõmusõnum puhkajaile: valdava osa Euroopa supluskohtade vee kvaliteet on väga hea 2018-05-23T08:45:43Z 2020-01-13T19:09:56Z 2018-05-29T09:55:00Z et http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/good-news-for-holiday-makers 2018 1.5.2 None Täna avaldatud aruandest suplusvee kvaliteedi kohta Euroopas selgub, et hoolimata näitajate mõningasest halvenemisest vastas 2017. aastal kogu Euroopas seiratud ujumiskohtadest 85% Euroopa Liidu kõige kõrgematele ja rangematele kvaliteedinõuetele, st vesi oli enamasti saasteainevaba. Tulemused annavad hea ülevaate sellest, kus võivad puhkajad sel suvel leida parima veekvaliteediga supluskohad. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None RNQMZHC5IV
http://www.eea.europa.eu/et/highlights/sinust-saab-salaagent-kes-kaitseb-keskkonda-koomiksi-pildiseerias Sinust saab salaagent, kes kaitseb keskkonda koomiksi pildiseerias 2008-04-09T15:12:37Z 2016-06-21T13:46:14Z 2008-04-30T08:38:53Z et http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/become-an-undercover-agent-to-defend-the-environment-in-a-comic-strip 2011 None Euroopa Keskkonnaagentuuri uuel ökovolinike kodulehel, mis on kättesaadav 24 keeles saavad lapsed ökovõrukaelu taga ajades keskkonnakaitse alaseid teadmisi. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 4M2YWH1DK3
http://www.eea.europa.eu/et/highlights/videokonkurss-jaga-oma-keskkonnasobralikke-tegevusi Videokonkurss: jaga oma keskkonnasõbralikke tegevusi 2017-11-29T13:15:36Z 2018-01-03T08:52:04Z 2017-12-01T08:39:05Z et http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/video-competition-share-your-green-actions 2017 3.4.3 None Kuidas satäna tööle või kooli läksid? Auto, ratta või ühistranspordiga? Iga päev teeme otsuseid, mis võivad mõjutada keskkonda. Mõni meie igapäevaotsustest on teadlik samm puhtama ja tervislikuma keskkonna poole. Videokonkurss „I LIVE GREEN“ („Elan keskkonnasõbralikult“), mida korraldavad Euroopa Keskkonnaamet ja selle partnervõrgustik, kutsub kõiki eurooplasi näitama oma loovust ja jagama keskkonnasõbralikke tegevusi. Parimad videod saavad rahalise auhinna. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 2RTZHVUG7A
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sl/highlights/dobre-novice-za-turiste-odlicna Dobre novice za turiste: odlična kakovost vode v večini evropskih kopališč 2018-05-23T08:45:43Z 2020-01-13T19:09:56Z 2018-05-29T09:55:00Z sl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/good-news-for-holiday-makers 2018 1.5.2 None Danes objavljeno najnovejše letno evropsko poročilo o kakovosti kopalnih voda kaže, da je kljub rahlemu poslabšanju 85 % evropskih kopališč, za katera je bil izveden monitoring leta 2017, dosegalo najvišje in najstrožje standarde Evropske unije. To pomeni, da bila njihova kakovost vode „odlična“, tj. večinoma brez onesnaževal. Ti rezultati so dobro vodilo za turiste, saj jim omogočajo, da za letošnji oddih izberejo kopališča z najboljšo kakovostjo kopalnih voda. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None FWUS8PN37I
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sl/highlights/fotografski-natecaj-posljite-nam-svoje Fotografski natečaj: pošljite nam svoje najboljše slike vode 2018-04-10T12:32:52Z 2018-04-13T12:13:29Z 2018-04-16T07:00:00Z sl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-send-us-your 2018 3.4.3 None Na kaj pomislite, ko slišite besedo voda? Ali lahko to ujamete na fotografijo? Evropska agencija za okolje (EEA) vas vabi, da svoje najbolj ustvarjalne posnetke pošljete na WaterPIX, fotografski natečaj na temo voda. Najboljši posnetki bodo nagrajeni z denarnimi nagradami. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None CZ3R7NYAF1
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sl/highlights/natecaj-za-najboljsi-videoposnetek-izmenjava Natečaj za najboljši videoposnetek: izmenjava zamisli o zelenih ukrepih 2017-11-29T13:15:36Z 2018-01-03T08:52:04Z 2017-12-01T08:39:05Z sl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/video-competition-share-your-green-actions 2017 3.4.3 None Kako ste danes prišli v službo ali šolo? Z avtom, kolesom ali javnimi prevoznimi sredstvi? Vsak dan sprejemamo odločitve, ki lahko vplivajo na okolje. Nekatere med njimi so plod naših zavestnih prizadevanj za ustvarjanje čistejšega in bolj zdravega okolja. Natečaj za najboljši videoposnetek z naslovom „I LIVE GREEN“, ki ga organizirata Evropska agencija za okolje (EEA) in njena partnerska mreža, poziva vse Evropejce, naj pokažejo svojo ustvarjalnost in si izmenjajo zamisli o ukrepih v podporo okolju. Najboljši videoposnetki bodo nagrajeni z denarnimi nagradami. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None WUED104NMG
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sl/highlights/onesnazenost-zraka-v-evropi-se Onesnaženost zraka v Evropi še vedno previsoka 2018-10-23T07:54:47Z 2019-12-10T09:22:30Z 2018-10-30T14:28:51Z sl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/air-pollution-still-too-high 2018 1.1.2 None Po najnovejših podatkih in informacijah, ki jih je objavila Evropska agencija za okolje (agencija EEA), onesnaženost zraka kljub počasnim izboljšavam še vedno presega omejitve in smernice Evropske unije in Svetovne zdravstvene organizacije. Onesnaženost zraka še vedno predstavlja nevarnost za zdravje ljudi in okolje. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None HCI1Y754J6
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sl/highlights/postani-tajni-agent-in-v-stripu-varuj-okolje Postani tajni agent in v stripu varuj okolje 2008-04-09T15:12:37Z 2016-06-21T13:46:14Z 2008-04-30T08:37:34Z sl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/become-an-undercover-agent-to-defend-the-environment-in-a-comic-strip 2011 None Otroci se lahko o načinih, na katere je mogoče varovati okolje, poučijo, medtem ko preganjajo ekozločince na novi spletni strani Evropske agencije za okolje „Ekoagenti“, ki je na voljo v 24 jezikih. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None HUJ62K0ZSO
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lv/highlights/fotografijos-konkursas-atsiuskite-mums-geriausias Fotokonkurss: Nosūtiet mums savus labākos ūdens attēlus 2018-04-10T12:32:52Z 2018-04-13T12:13:29Z 2018-04-16T07:00:00Z lv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-send-us-your 2018 3.4.3 None Kas jums ienāk prātā, iedomājoties ūdeni? Vai varat to attēlot fotogrāfijā? Eiropas Vides aģentūra (EVA) jūs aicina nosūtīt savus visradošākos attēlus uz WaterPIX – fotokonkursu par ūdeni. Labākie attēli saņems naudas balvu. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None GROQ96K0XJ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lv/highlights/gaisa-piesarnojums-eiropa-joprojam-parak-augsts Gaisa piesārņojums Eiropā joprojām pārāk augsts 2018-10-23T07:54:47Z 2019-12-10T09:22:30Z 2018-10-28T23:05:00Z lv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/air-pollution-still-too-high 2018 1.1.2 None Eiropas Vides aģentūras (EVA) jaunākie dati un publicētā informācija liecina, ka, neraugoties uz lēnajiem uzlabojumiem, gaisa piesārņojums joprojām pārsniedz Eiropas Savienības un Pasaules Veselības organizācijas noteiktās robežvērtības un nostādnes. Gaisa piesārņojums joprojām apdraud cilvēku veselību un vidi. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None QJV1EPBAKC
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lv/highlights/klusti-par-komiksa-varoni-2013-slepeno-agentu-aizsarga-vidi Kļūsti par komiksa varoni – slepeno aģentu, aizsargā vidi! 2008-04-09T15:12:37Z 2016-06-21T13:46:14Z 2008-04-30T08:38:15Z lv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/become-an-undercover-agent-to-defend-the-environment-in-a-comic-strip 2011 None Tagad bērni var apgūt vides aizsardzības metodes, vajājot ekonoziedzniekus Eiropas Vides aģentūras jaunajā „Ekoaģentu” tīmekļa vietnē, kas pieejama 24 valodās. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 95KFTJY6N0
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lv/highlights/labas-zinas-atputniekiem-2013-vairuma Labas ziņas atpūtniekiem – vairumā Eiropas peldvietu ūdens kvalitāte ir izcila 2018-05-23T08:45:43Z 2020-01-13T19:09:56Z 2018-05-29T09:55:00Z lv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/good-news-for-holiday-makers 2018 1.5.2 None Šodien publicētais ikgadējais ziņojums par peldūdeņu kvalitāti norāda, ka, neraugoties uz nelielu rezultātu lejupslīdi, 85 procenti visā Eiropā monitorēto peldvietu 2017. gadā atbilda visstingrākajiem “izcilas” kvalitātes standartiem — tas nozīmē, ka peldvietas lielākoties bija brīvas no piesārņotājiem. Šis novērtējums sniedz labas norādes par to, kur šovasar būs meklējamas labākās peldvietas ar augstāko ūdens kvalitāti. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 45BO8ZF16U
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lv/highlights/videokonkurss-pastasti-par-savu-zalo-ricibu Videokonkurss: pastāsti par savu zaļo rīcību 2017-11-29T13:15:36Z 2018-01-03T08:52:04Z 2017-12-01T08:39:05Z lv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/video-competition-share-your-green-actions 2017 3.4.3 None Kā tu šodien nokļuvi līdz darbam vai skolai? Ar automašīnu, velosipēdu vai sabiedrisko transportu? Katru dienu mēs pieņemam lēmumus, kuri var ietekmēt vidi. Daži no mūsu ikdienas lēmumiem ir apzināti centieni dzīvot tīrākā un veselīgākā vidē. Eiropas Vides aģentūras (EVA) un tās partneru tīkla organizētais videokonkurss “I LIVE GREEN” (“Es dzīvoju zaļi”) aicina visus Eiropas iedzīvotājus paust savu radošumu un stāstīt par darbībām, kas palīdz videi. Labākie video saņems naudas balvu. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None RH7O6BSZQ8
http://www.eea.europa.eu/da/highlights/fa-et-energitilskud-hos-det-europeiske-miljagentur-pa-kulturnatten Få et energitilskud hos Det Europæiske Miljagentur på Kulturnatten 2006-10-10T09:33:59Z 2016-06-21T13:46:01Z 2006-10-10T09:35:00Z da http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/get-an-energy-boost-at-the-eea-during-kulturnatten 2011 None Energi er hovedtemaet når Det Europæiske Miljøagentur (EEA) for første gang deltager i Kulturnatten fredag d. 13 oktober. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None BWS3RYK0DO
http://www.eea.europa.eu/da/highlights/forsvar-miljoet-som-undercoveragent-i-en-tegneserie Forsvar miljøet som undercoveragent i en tegneserie 2008-04-09T15:12:37Z 2016-06-21T13:46:14Z 2008-04-30T08:37:34Z da http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/become-an-undercover-agent-to-defend-the-environment-in-a-comic-strip 2011 None Nu kan børnene lære om forskellige metoder til beskyttelse af miljøet og samtidig jagte miljøskurke på Det Europæiske Miljøagenturs nye websted ”Eco Agents”, der findes på 24 sprog. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None M0VZEW6JQY
http://www.eea.europa.eu/da/highlights/fotokonkurrence-send-os-dine-bedste-vandbilleder Fotokonkurrence: Send os dine bedste vandbilleder 2018-04-10T12:32:52Z 2018-04-13T12:13:29Z 2018-04-16T07:00:00Z da http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-send-us-your 2018 3.4.3 None Hvad får vand dig til at tænke på? Kan du fange det i et billede? Det Europæiske Miljøagentur (EEA) opfordrer dig til at indsende dine mest kreative billeder til WaterPIX, som er en fotokonkurrence om vand. De bedste billeder modtager en kontantgevinst. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 9UT7BHIYG1
http://www.eea.europa.eu/da/highlights/gode-nyheder-for-ferierejsende-udmaerket Gode nyheder for ferierejsende: udmærket vandkvalitet i størstedelen af de europæiske badeområder 2018-05-23T08:45:43Z 2020-01-13T19:09:56Z 2018-05-29T09:55:00Z da http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/good-news-for-holiday-makers 2018 1.5.2 None Ifølge den seneste årlige rapport om den europæiske badevandskvalitet, der offentliggøres i dag, lever 85 % af de badeområder, der er blevet overvåget på tværs af Europa i 2017, op til EU's højeste og strengeste kvalitetsstandarder for vand med klassifikationen "udmærket". Det vil sige at vandet stort set er fri for forurenende stoffer. Resultaterne giver et godt fingerpeg om, hvor feriefolket kan finde den bedste badevandskvalitet til sommer. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 86T4U0QP1G
http://www.eea.europa.eu/da/highlights/luftforurening-stadig-for-hoj-i-europa Luftforurening stadig for høj i Europa 2018-10-23T07:54:47Z 2019-12-10T09:22:30Z 2018-10-28T23:05:00Z da http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/air-pollution-still-too-high 2018 1.1.2 None Selvom det langsomt går bedre, overskrider luftforureningen fortsat EU's og WHO's grænseværdier og retningslinjer, viser ajourførte data og information offentliggjort af Det Europæiske Miljøagentur (EEA). Luftforurening udgør stadig en fare for menneskers sundhed og miljøet. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None TWAM7D3EVJ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/da/highlights/videokonkurrence-del-din-gronne-indsats Videokonkurrence: Del din grønne indsats 2017-11-29T13:15:36Z 2018-01-03T08:52:04Z 2017-12-01T08:39:05Z da http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/video-competition-share-your-green-actions 2017 3.4.3 None Hvordan kom du på arbejde eller i skole i dag? I bil, på cykel eller med offentlig transport? Hver dag træffer vi beslutninger, som kan påvirke miljøet. Nogle af vores daglige beslutninger er bevidste forsøg på at leve i et renere og sundere miljø. Videokonkurrencen "I LIVE GREEN", som organiseres af Det Europæiske Miljøagentur (EEA) og dets partnernetværk, opfordrer alle europæere til at vise deres kreative evner og dele deres indsats for at forbedre miljøet. De bedste videoer vil modtage en pengepræmie. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None NHQ5WV6073
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lt/highlights/fotografijos-konkursas-atsiuskite-mums-savo Fotografijos konkursas: atsiųskite mums savo geriausias vandens nuotraukas 2018-04-10T12:32:52Z 2018-04-13T12:13:29Z 2018-04-16T07:00:00Z lt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-send-us-your 2018 3.4.3 None Kokios mintys pirmiausia jums ateina į galvą pagalvojus apie vandenį? Ar galite tai nufotografuoti? Europos aplinkos agentūra (EAA) kviečia siųsti kūrybiškiausias savo nuotraukas vandens fotografijos konkursui „WaterPIX“. Geriausios nuotraukos bus apdovanotos pinigine premija. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None F0ZP46GREU
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lt/highlights/gera-zinia-atostogautojams-2013-daugumos Gera žinia atostogautojams – daugumos Europos maudyklų vandens kokybė yra puiki 2018-05-23T08:45:43Z 2020-01-13T19:09:56Z 2018-05-29T09:55:00Z lt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/good-news-for-holiday-makers 2018 1.5.2 None Kaip nurodoma šiandien paskelbtoje naujausioje metinėje maudyklų vandens kokybės ataskaitoje, nors vandens kokybės rezultatai šiek tiek suprastėjo, 85 proc. visoje Europoje 2017 metais stebėtų maudyklų beveik nėra teršalų ir jos atitinka aukščiausius ir griežčiausius Europos Sąjungos puikios kokybės standartus. Iš rezultatų aiškiai matyti, kur šią vasarą atostogautojai gali rasti geriausios kokybės maudyklų vandenį. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 4KI5W0YZ97
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lt/highlights/oro-tarsa-vis-dar-per Oro tarša vis dar per didelė visoje Europoje 2018-10-23T07:54:47Z 2019-12-10T09:22:30Z 2018-10-28T23:05:00Z lt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/air-pollution-still-too-high 2018 1.1.2 None Remiantis naujausiais Europos aplinkos agentūros (EAA) paskelbtais duomenimis bei informacija, nepaisant lėtos pažangos, oro tarša vis dar viršija Europos Sąjungos ir Pasaulio sveikatos organizacijos nustatytas ribas ir gaires. Oro tarša vis dar kenkia žmogaus sveikatai ir aplinkai. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None J7Z1Q2XCWN
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lt/highlights/tapk-slaptu-agentu-ir-saugok-aplinka-dalyvaudamas-nuotaikinguose-siuzetuose Tapk slaptu agentu ir saugok aplinką dalyvaudamas nuotaikinguose siužetuose 2008-04-09T15:12:37Z 2016-06-21T13:46:14Z 2008-04-30T08:37:02Z lt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/become-an-undercover-agent-to-defend-the-environment-in-a-comic-strip 2011 None Vaikai gali sužinoti, kaip galima saugoti aplinką, kovodami su gamtos chuliganais naujojoje Europos aplinkos agentūros tinklavietėje „Gamtos agentai“, kurioje informacija pateikiama 24 kalbomis. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VQ09XCWFS3
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lt/highlights/vaizdo-klipu-konkursas-papasakokite-kaip Vaizdo klipų konkursas. Papasakokite, kaip tausojate aplinką 2017-11-29T13:15:36Z 2018-01-03T08:52:04Z 2017-12-01T08:39:05Z lt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/video-competition-share-your-green-actions 2017 3.4.3 None Kaip šiandien atvykote į darbą ar į mokyklą? Automobiliu, dviračiu, o gal viešuoju transportu? Mūsų kasdien priimami sprendimai gali turėti poveikį aplinkai. Kai kurie iš šių sprendimų yra mūsų sąmoningų pastangų gyventi švaresnėje ir sveikesnėje aplinkoje atspindys. Europos aplinkos agentūra (EAA) ir jos partnerių tinklas organizuoja vaizdo klipų konkursą „I LIVE GREEN“ („AŠ TAUSOJU APLINKĄ“) ir kviečia visus europiečius parodyti savo kūrybingumą ir pasidalinti aplinką tausojančiais veiksmais. Geriausi vaizdo klipai bus apdovanoti piniginiu prizu. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None G0F4CB6KHA
http://www.eea.europa.eu/it/highlights/buone-notizie-per-i-turisti Buone notizie per i turisti: la qualità dell’acqua nella grande maggioranza dei siti balneari europei è eccellente 2018-05-23T08:45:43Z 2020-01-13T19:09:56Z 2018-05-29T09:55:00Z it http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/good-news-for-holiday-makers 2018 1.5.2 None Malgrado un leggero calo dei risultati, l’85% dei siti balneari monitorati in tutta Europa nel 2017 soddisfa le norme più elevate e rigorose dell’Unione europea per una qualità “eccellente” delle acque, per lo più prive di inquinanti, secondo l’ultima relazione annuale sulla qualità delle acque di balneazione pubblicata oggi. I risultati danno una buona indicazione su dove trovare le migliori acque di balneazione quest’estate. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None AWM5QV1OGB
http://www.eea.europa.eu/it/highlights/concorso-fotografico-inviaci-i-tuoi Concorso fotografico: inviaci i tuoi migliori scatti dedicati all’acqua 2018-04-10T12:32:52Z 2018-04-13T12:13:29Z 2018-04-16T07:00:00Z it http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-send-us-your 2018 3.4.3 None Che cosa ti viene in mente quando pensi all’acqua? Riesci a immortalarlo in una foto? L’Agenzia europea dell’ambiente (AEA) ti invita a inviare i tuoi scatti più creativi a WaterPIX, un concorso fotografico dedicato all’acqua. Le migliori fotografie riceveranno un premio in denaro. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 2NMF019Y7G
http://www.eea.europa.eu/it/highlights/concorso-video-condividi-le-tue Concorso video: condividi le tue azioni verdi 2017-11-29T13:15:36Z 2018-01-03T08:52:04Z 2017-12-01T08:39:05Z it http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/video-competition-share-your-green-actions 2017 3.4.3 None Come ti sei recato al lavoro o a scuola oggi? In automobile, in bicicletta o coi trasporti pubblici? Ogni giorno prendiamo decisioni suscettibili di ripercuotersi sull’ambiente. Alcune delle nostre decisioni giornaliere sono sforzi deliberati di vivere in un ambiente più pulito e salubre. Il concorso video “I LIVE GREEN”, organizzato dall’Agenzia europea dell’ambiente (AEA) e dalla sua rete di partner, invita tutti gli europei a dar prova della loro creatività e a condividere le loro azioni per tutelare l’ambiente. I migliori video riceveranno un premio in denaro. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None WDT1O6B094
http://www.eea.europa.eu/it/highlights/inquinamento-atmosferico-ancora-eccessivo-in-europa Inquinamento atmosferico ancora eccessivo in Europa 2018-10-23T07:54:47Z 2019-12-10T09:22:30Z 2018-10-28T23:05:00Z it http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/air-pollution-still-too-high 2018 1.1.2 None Nonostante i lenti miglioramenti, l’inquinamento atmosferico continua a superare i limiti e gli orientamenti dell’Unione europea e dell’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità, secondo le informazioni e i dati aggiornati pubblicati dall’Agenzia Europea dell’Ambiente (AEA). L’inquinamento atmosferico rappresenta ancora un pericolo per la salute umana e per l’ambiente. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None OGJV2QWPF7
http://www.eea.europa.eu/it/highlights/le-acque-europee-diventano-piu Le acque europee diventano più pulite, ma rimangono ancora grandi problemi da risolvere 2018-06-26T12:31:08Z 2020-11-23T10:58:42Z 2018-07-03T05:00:00Z it http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/european-waters-getting-cleaner-but 2018 1.5.2 None Secondo un rapporto pubblicato in data odierna sullo stato delle acque a cura dell’Agenzia europea dell’ambiente, nonostante i progressi osservati negli ultimi decenni in termini di miglioramento della qualità ambientale per molti laghi, fiumi, acque costiere e sorgenti sotterranee d’Europa, , l’inquinamento, strutture come le dighe e l’eccessiva estrazione restano tra le principali minacce per la salute nel lungo termine dei corpi idrici. La stragrande maggioranza di essi non raggiunge ancora il traguardo minimo UE del «buono stato». http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None W21JT4PZ83
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/stanovlenie-ustoichivogo-potrebleniya-i-proizvodstva-kak-osnovnaya-problema-stran-postsovetskogo-prostranstva-v-tom-chisle-byvshei-yugoslavii-nasledie-proshlogo-daet-nadezhdu-na-uverennost-v-buduschem Становление устойчивого потребления и производства как основная проблема стран постсоветского пространства, в том числе бывшей Югославии — Наследие прошлого дает надежду на уверенность в будущем 2007-10-09T12:14:40Z 2016-06-21T13:46:03Z 2008-04-30T08:37:30Z ru http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/sustainable-consumption-and-production-key-challenge-for-post-soviet-post-yugoslav-countries-legacies-of-the-past-offer-opportunities-for-a-sustainable-future 2011 None Согласно новому докладу разрыв взаимосвязи между экономическим ростом и его отрицательным влиянием на окружающую среду — одна из ключевых проблем, с которыми сталкивается экономика стран Юго-Восточной и Восточной Европы, Кавказа и Центральной Азии. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None FMKSC321I4
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fr/highlights/razina-oneciscenja-zraka-u-europi Razina onečišćenja zraka u Europi i dalje je previsoka 2018-10-23T07:54:47Z 2019-12-10T09:22:30Z 2018-10-28T23:05:00Z hr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/air-pollution-still-too-high 2018 1.1.2 None Na temelju ažuriranih podataka i informacija koje je objavila Europska agencija za okoliš (EEA), onečišćujuće tvari u zraku i dalje prekoračuju standarde i smjernice Europske unije i Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije, unatoč sporom napretku. Onečišćenje zraka i dalje predstavlja opasnost za ljudsko zdravlje i okoliš. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 63KYMP28J5
http://www.eea.europa.eu/it/highlights/inquinamento-atmosferico-rumore-e-temperature Inquinamento atmosferico, rumore e temperature estreme: necessari maggiori interventi a difesa delle persone più vulnerabili 2019-01-29T09:31:03Z 2019-05-03T08:05:51Z 2019-02-04T10:55:00Z it http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/protect-vulnerable-citizens 2019 1.4.2 None È necessaria un’azione mirata per proteggere maggiormente i poveri, gli anziani e i bambini dai rischi ambientali quali l’inquinamento atmosferico e acustico e le temperature estreme, soprattutto nelle regioni orientali e meridionali dell’Europa. Una relazione dell’Agenzia europea dell’ambiente (AEA) pubblicata oggi avverte che questi rischi continuano a mettere a repentaglio in particolare la salute dei cittadini europei più vulnerabili, nonostante i miglioramenti generali della qualità dell’ambiente in Europa. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 023KJOS4C9
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/je-zapotrebi-prijmout-dalsi-opatreni Je zapotřebí přijmout další opatření k ochraně nejzranitelnějších občanů Evropy před znečištěním ovzduší, hlukem a extrémními teplotami 2019-01-29T09:31:03Z 2019-05-03T08:05:51Z 2019-02-04T10:55:00Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/protect-vulnerable-citizens 2019 1.4.2 None Je třeba opatření, která lépe chrání chudé, starší osoby a děti před environmentálními riziky, jako je znečištění ovzduší, znečištění hlukem a extrémní teplotami, zejména ve východních a jižních regionech Evropy. Dnes vydaná zpráva Evropské agentury pro životní prostředí (EEA) varuje, že i přes celková zlepšení v kvalitě životního prostředí v Evropě je zdraví nejzranitelnějších občanů Evropy těmito riziky nadále neúměrně ohrožováno. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 9RH2K68U7O
http://www.eea.europa.eu/et/highlights/euroopa-koige-haavatavamate-kodanike-kaitsmiseks Euroopa kõige haavatavamate kodanike kaitsmiseks õhusaaste, müra ja äärmuslike temperatuuride eest on vaja teha rohkem 2019-01-29T09:31:03Z 2019-05-03T08:05:51Z 2019-02-04T10:55:00Z et http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/protect-vulnerable-citizens 2019 1.4.2 None Vaeste, eakate ja laste kaitsmiseks selliste keskkonnaohtude nagu õhu- ja mürasaaste ning äärmuslikud temperatuurid, on vaja suunatud meetmeid, eelkõige Euroopa ida- ja lõunapoolsetes piirkondades. Euroopa Keskkonnaameti (EEA) tänases aruandes hoiatatakse, et kuigi Euroopa keskkonnakvaliteet on üldiselt paranenud, avaldavad need ohud jätkuvalt ebaproportsionaalset mõju Euroopa kõige haavatavamate kodanike tervisele. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 6WO7JP2URV
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pt/highlights/e-necessaria-mais-ambicao-por É necessária mais ambição por parte dos Estados-Membros da UE para alcançar o objetivo comum de energias renováveis 2018-12-14T08:17:32Z 2019-03-08T14:22:27Z 2019-02-13T12:52:48Z pt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-member-states-need-more 2018 1.3.2 None A quota das fontes de energia renováveis no consumo energético da União Europeia (UE) duplicou desde 2005, mas este crescimento tem vindo a abrandar nos últimos anos, em especial devido ao aumento do consumo de energia e à falta de progressos no setor dos transportes. O novo relatório da Agência Europeia do Ambiente (AEA) revela que os Estados-Membros da UE necessitam de intensificar os seus esforços para atingir o objetivo de 2020 em matéria de energias renováveis. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None XJ6M7EDFN3
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/dobra-zprava-pred-dovolenou-kvalita Dobrá zpráva před dovolenou: kvalita vody na většině evropských pláží a koupališť je vynikající 2018-05-23T08:45:43Z 2020-01-13T19:09:56Z 2018-05-29T09:55:00Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/good-news-for-holiday-makers 2018 1.5.2 None Voda v 85 % sledovaných evropských lokalit ke koupání splňuje ty nejvyšší a nejpřísnější evropské normy pro výbornou kvalitu vody. To znamená, že se v nich téměř nevyskytují žádné znečišťující látky. Takové jsou závěry dnes zveřejněné každoroční zprávy o kvalitě vody ke koupání, která shrnuje výsledky sledování za rok 2017. Oproti zprávě za rok 2016 jde nicméně o mírné zhoršení. Pro všechny, kdo zvažují, kam pojedou na dovolenou, může být zpráva dobrým vodítkem, jak si vybrat letovisko s tou nejčistší vodou. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 2M76J8BTRX
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/ekologicka-dan-z-kameniva-v-eu-cesta-k-udrzitelne-vystavbe Ekologická daň z kameniva v EU: cesta k udržitelné výstavbě 2008-06-26T12:09:34Z 2016-06-21T13:46:11Z 2008-06-27T11:00:00Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/environmental-tax-on-aggregate-materials-in-the-eu-towards-sustainable-construction-1 2011 None Ekologické daně ze stavebních materiálů mohou být podle zprávy, kterou dnes představila Evropská agentura pro životní prostředí, klíčovým prvkem při dosahování lepší udržitelnosti odvětví. Studie zkoumá daňové systémy platné pro těžební činnosti v České republice, Itálii, Švédsku a Spojeném království a zaměřuje se při tom na odvětví, které produkuje základní materiály pro stavebnictví a představuje 15,2 mld. EUR . 1) http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 8BZUV9RQO4
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/fotosoutez-poslete-nam-sve-nejlepsi Fotosoutěž: pošlete nám své nejlepší fotografie s vodní tematikou 2018-04-10T12:32:52Z 2018-04-13T12:13:29Z 2018-04-16T07:00:00Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-send-us-your 2018 3.4.3 None Co vás napadne, když začnete přemýšlet o vodě? Dokážete to zachytit na fotografii? Evropská agentura pro životní prostředí (EEA) vás vyzývá k zaslání vašich nejpůsobivějších snímků do fotografické soutěže s vodní tematikou nazvané WaterPIX. Nejlepší příspěvky obdrží finanční ocenění. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None C3V2JQAESG
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/stan-se-tajnym-agentem-a-bran-zivotni-prostredi-v-zabavnem-pribehu Staň se tajným agentem a braň životní prostředí v zábavném příběhu 2008-04-09T15:12:37Z 2016-06-21T13:46:14Z 2008-04-30T08:37:35Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/become-an-undercover-agent-to-defend-the-environment-in-a-comic-strip 2011 None Děti se nyní mohou naučit, jak chránit životní prostředí, protože na nových internetových stránkách „ekoagentů“ Evropské agentury pro životní prostředí, které jsou k dispozici ve 24 jazycích, mohou chytat ekozloduchy. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None UC7A5HBNF9
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/videosoutez-jak-se-podilite-na Videosoutěž: Jak se podílíte na ochraně životního prostředí 2017-11-29T13:15:36Z 2018-01-03T08:52:04Z 2017-12-01T08:39:05Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/video-competition-share-your-green-actions 2017 3.4.3 None Jak jste se dnes dostali do práce nebo do školy? Autem, na kole nebo veřejnou dopravou? Každý den činíme rozhodnutí, která mohou mít dopad na životní prostředí. A některá z našich každodenních rozhodnutí jsou přímo motivována zájmem o život v čistším a zdravějším prostředí. Videosoutěž s názvem I LIVE GREEN (ŽIJU ZELENĚ), pořádaná Evropskou agenturou pro životní prostředí (EEA) a její sítí partnerů, vyzývá všechny Evropany, aby se pochlubili svou tvořivostí a sdíleli konkrétní zkušenosti, jak přispívají životnímu prostředí. Nejlepší videopříspěvky obdrží finanční ocenění. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 3POAESFD6Y
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/znecisteni-ovzdusi-je-v-cele Znečištění ovzduší je v celé Evropě stále příliš vysoké 2018-10-23T07:54:47Z 2019-12-10T09:22:30Z 2018-10-29T08:58:46Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/air-pollution-still-too-high 2018 1.1.2 None Z aktualizovaných dat a informací zveřejněných Evropskou agenturou pro životní prostředí (EEA) vyplývá, že i přes pomalé zlepšování kvality ovzduší jsou i nadále překračovány imisní limity a doporučení Evropské unie a Světové zdravotnické organizace. Znečištění ovzduší stále představuje nebezpečí pro lidské zdraví i životní prostředí. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None DNB85CM72Q
http://www.eea.europa.eu/is/highlights/leynilegir-erindrekar-oskast-til-ad-verja-umhverfid-i-teiknimyndasyrpu Leynilegir erindrekar óskast til að verja umhverfið í teiknimyndasyrpu 2008-04-09T15:12:37Z 2016-06-21T13:46:14Z 2008-04-30T08:38:15Z is http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/become-an-undercover-agent-to-defend-the-environment-in-a-comic-strip 2011 None Núna geta börn lært leiðir til að vernda umhverfið á meðan þau eltast við umhverfis-þorpara á nýju ‘Umhverfis Erindreka’ (‘Eco Agents’) vefsetri Umhverfisstofnunar Evrópu, sem er aðgengilegt á 24 tungumálum. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None C351Z9POMH
http://www.eea.europa.eu/is/highlights/ljosmyndasamkeppni-sendu-okkur-bestu-vatnamyndirnar-thinar Ljósmyndasamkeppni: Sendu okkur bestu vatnamyndirnar þínar 2018-04-10T12:32:52Z 2018-04-13T12:13:29Z 2018-04-16T07:00:00Z is http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-send-us-your 2018 3.4.3 None Hvaða mynd kemur upp í hugann þegar þú hugsar um vatn? Geturðu fangað hana á ljósmynd? Umhverfisstofnun Evrópu (EEA) býður þér að senda bestu myndirnar þínar til WaterPIX, sem er ljósmyndasamkeppni um vatn. Peningaverðlaun verða veitt fyrir bestu ljósmyndirnar. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None PTG97W2YX4
http://www.eea.europa.eu/is/highlights/loftmengun-i-evropu-er-enn Loftmengun í Evrópu er enn of mikil 2018-10-23T07:54:47Z 2019-12-10T09:22:30Z 2018-11-13T10:31:03Z is http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/air-pollution-still-too-high 2018 1.1.2 None Þrátt fyrir hægar umbætur heldur loftmengun áfram að vera meiri en hámörk og viðmiðunarreglur Evrópusambandsins og Alþjóðaheilbrigðismálastofnunarinnar kveða á um, samkvæmt uppfærðum gögnum frá Umhverfisstofnun Evrópu (EEA). Heilbrigði manna og umhverfi stafar enn mikil hætta af loftmengun. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None UKF7HV2JEI
http://www.eea.europa.eu/is/highlights/myndbandasamkeppni-deildu-thvi-graena-sem Myndbandasamkeppni: Deildu því græna sem þú gerir 2017-11-29T13:15:36Z 2018-01-03T08:52:04Z 2017-12-01T08:39:05Z is http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/video-competition-share-your-green-actions 2017 3.4.3 None Hvernig fórstu í vinnuna eða skólann í dag? Með bíl, hjóli eða almenningssamgöngum? Á hverjum degi tökum við ákvarðanir sem geta haft áhrif á umhverfið. Sumar af daglegum ákvörðunum okkar eru meðvituð viðleitni til að lifa í hreinna og heilbrigðara umhverfi. Myndbandasamkeppnin „GRÆNA LÍFIÐ MITT“, sem Umhverfisstofnun Evrópu (EEA) og félaganet hennar skipuleggja, býður öllum Evrópubúum að sýna sköpunargleði sína og deila því sem þau gera til að hjálpa umhverfinu. Peningaverðlaun verða veitt fyrir bestu myndböndin. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 4AJVHCENR5
http://www.eea.europa.eu/es/highlights/concurso-de-videos-comparte-tus Concurso de vídeos: Comparte tus acciones ecológicas 2017-11-29T13:15:36Z 2018-01-03T08:52:04Z 2017-12-01T08:39:05Z es http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/video-competition-share-your-green-actions 2017 3.4.3 None ¿Cómo has ido hoy al trabajo o a clase? ¿En coche, bicicleta o transporte público? Cada día tomamos decisiones que afectan al medio ambiente. Algunas de estas decisiones que tomamos diariamente son acciones deliberadas por vivir en un entorno más limpio y sano. El concurso de vídeos «I LIVE GREEN», organizado por la Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente (AEMA) y su red de socios, invita a todos los europeos a mostrar su creatividad y a compartir sus acciones para ayudar al medio ambiente. Los mejores vídeos recibirán un premio en metálico. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 7AG10YXCWF
http://www.eea.europa.eu/es/highlights/diagonismos-photographias-steilte-mas-tis Concurso fotográfico: envíenos sus mejores fotografías con el agua como protagonista 2018-04-10T12:32:52Z 2018-04-13T12:13:29Z 2018-04-16T07:00:00Z es http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-send-us-your 2018 3.4.3 None ¿Qué imagen se le viene a la cabeza cuando piensa en el agua? ¿Puede capturarla en una imagen? La Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente (AEMA) le invita a enviar sus instantáneas más creativas a WaterPIX, un concurso de fotografía con temática centrada en el agua. Las mejores fotografías recibirán un premio en metálico. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None WCTJYMKNES
http://www.eea.europa.eu/es/highlights/el-aumento-de-las-emisiones El aumento de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero de la UE dificulta el avance hacia los objetivos de 2030 2018-10-24T09:37:57Z 2019-12-10T09:22:30Z 2019-01-04T13:21:09Z es http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/increase-in-eu-greenhouse-gas 2018 1.3.2 None Las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero en toda la Unión Europea aumentaron ligeramente en 2017, principalmente debido al sector del transporte. Las estimaciones preliminares publicadas hoy en el informe anual de la Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente (AEMA) «Tendencias y proyecciones» muestran un aumento de las emisiones del 0,6 % en 2017 desde 2016. Este moderado aumento significa que aún se espera que la UE alcance su objetivo de reducción de las emisiones de 2020, aunque por un margen más estrecho. No obstante, deberán intensificarse urgentemente las medidas nacionales para alcanzar los nuevos objetivos de reducción de la UE para 2030. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None MPCV90Y7X1
http://www.eea.europa.eu/es/highlights/la-contaminacion-atmosferica-todavia-demasiado La contaminación atmosférica todavía demasiado elevada en toda Europa 2018-10-23T07:54:47Z 2019-12-10T09:22:30Z 2018-10-28T23:05:00Z es http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/air-pollution-still-too-high 2018 1.1.2 None A pesar de la lenta mejora, la contaminación atmosférica sigue superando los límites y las directrices de la Unión Europea y de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), de acuerdo con los datos actualizados y la información que ha publicado la Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente (AEMA). La contaminación atmosférica sigue representando un peligro para la salud humana y el medio ambiente. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None NQD62VWCYF
http://www.eea.europa.eu/es/highlights/las-aguas-europeas-estan-cada Las aguas europeas están cada vez más limpias, pero subsisten grandes desafíos 2018-06-26T12:31:08Z 2020-11-23T10:58:42Z 2018-07-03T05:00:00Z es http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/european-waters-getting-cleaner-but 2018 1.5.2 None A pesar de los avances experimentados en las últimas décadas en el ámbito de la mejora de la calidad medioambiental de los numerosos lagos, ríos, aguas costeras y fuentes de aguas subterráneas en Europa, la contaminación, estructuras como las presas y la extracción excesiva siguen siendo las principales amenazas para su salubridad a largo plazo, según un informe publicado hoy por la Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente sobre el estado del agua. La gran mayoría de las masas de agua europeas siguen sin cumplir el objetivo mínimo de «buen estado» de la Unión Europea. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 7EODGZT2YV
http://www.eea.europa.eu/es/highlights/los-estados-miembros-de-la Los Estados miembros de la UE necesitan más ambición para alcanzar un objetivo común en materia de energías renovables 2018-12-14T08:17:32Z 2019-03-08T14:22:27Z 2018-12-18T15:16:43Z es http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-member-states-need-more 2018 1.3.2 None La proporción de las fuentes de energía renovables en el consumo energético de la Unión Europea se ha duplicado desde 2005, pero este crecimiento se ha ralentizado en los últimos años, debido especialmente al aumento del consumo de energía y a que no ha habido mejoras en el sector del transporte. El nuevo informe de la Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente (AEMA) muestra que los Estados miembros de la UE deben incrementar sus esfuerzos para alcanzar el objetivo de 2020 relativo a las energías renovables. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None U6ZIQDPVX0
http://www.eea.europa.eu/es/highlights/tasas-ambientales-sobre-los-aridos-en-la-union-europea-hacia-una-construccion-sostenible Tasas ambientales sobre los áridos en la Unión Europea: hacia una construcción sostenible 2008-06-26T12:09:34Z 2016-06-21T13:46:11Z 2008-06-27T11:00:00Z es http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/environmental-tax-on-aggregate-materials-in-the-eu-towards-sustainable-construction-1 2011 None Las tasas ambientales sobre los materiales de construcción pueden constituir un elemento fundamental a la hora de mejorar la sostenibilidad en el sector, según se afirma en un informe presentado hoy por la Agencia Europea del Medio Ambiente. En el estudio se examinan los planes fiscales para las actividades extractivas en la República Checa, Italia, Suecia y el Reino Unido, y se centra en una industria de 15.200 millones de euros que produce materiales básicos para el sector de la construcción. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 9ENC17F435
http://www.eea.europa.eu/es/highlights/un-comic-propone-a-los-ninos-convertirse-en-agentes-secretos-encargados-de-la-proteccion-del-medio-ambiente Un cómic propone a los niños convertirse en agentes secretos encargados de la protección del medio ambiente 2008-04-09T15:12:37Z 2016-06-21T13:46:14Z 2008-04-30T08:37:35Z es http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/become-an-undercover-agent-to-defend-the-environment-in-a-comic-strip 2011 None La nueva página web Ecoagentes (‘Eco Agents’) de la Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente, disponible en 24 idiomas, enseña a los niños cómo proteger el medio ambiente al tiempo que persiguen a eco-enemigos . http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None JY5XRIVE9M
http://www.eea.europa.eu/es/highlights/una-buena-noticia-para-los Una buena noticia para los veraneantes: la calidad del agua en la inmensa mayoría de las zonas de baño europeas es excelente 2018-05-23T08:45:43Z 2020-01-13T19:09:56Z 2018-05-29T09:55:00Z es http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/good-news-for-holiday-makers 2018 1.5.2 None Según el último informe anual sobre la calidad de las aguas de baño en Europa, que se publica hoy, a pesar de un ligero descenso en los resultados, el 85 % de las zonas de baño controladas en 2017 reúnen los criterios más elevados y más estrictos que exige la Unión Europea para calificar como «excelente» la calidad de sus aguas, en su mayoría libres de contaminantes. Los resultados son una buena indicación de dónde pueden encontrar los veraneantes las aguas de baño de mejor calidad durante las vacaciones estivales. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 4EC9I0V2GP
http://www.eea.europa.eu/el/highlights/diagonismos-fotografias-steilte-mas-tis Διαγωνισμός φωτογραφίας: στείλτε μας τις καλύτερες φωτογραφίες σας με θέμα το νερό 2018-04-10T12:32:52Z 2018-04-13T12:13:29Z 2018-04-16T07:00:00Z el http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-send-us-your 2018 3.4.3 None Τι έρχεται στο μυαλό σας όταν σκέφτεστε το νερό; Μπορείτε να το αποτυπώσετε σε μια φωτογραφία; Ο Ευρωπαϊκός Οργανισμός Περιβάλλοντος (ΕΟΠ) σας προσκαλεί να στείλετε τις πιο δημιουργικές σας φωτογραφίες στον διαγωνισμό φωτογραφίας WaterPIX με θέμα το νερό. Οι καλύτερες συμμετοχές θα λάβουν χρηματικό έπαθλο. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 80KVUNFCA9
http://www.eea.europa.eu/el/highlights/diagonismos-paragogis-binteo-diadoste-tis Διαγωνισμός παραγωγής βίντεο: Διαδώστε τις πράσινες ενέργειές σας 2017-11-29T13:15:36Z 2018-01-03T08:52:04Z 2017-12-01T08:39:05Z el http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/video-competition-share-your-green-actions 2017 3.4.3 None Πώς πήγατε στη δουλειά ή στο σχολείο σήμερα; Με αυτοκίνητο, με ποδήλατο ή με κάποιο μέσο μεταφοράς; Κάθε μέρα λαμβάνουμε αποφάσεις που μπορούν να έχουν αντίκτυπο στο περιβάλλον. Ορισμένες από τις καθημερινές μας αποφάσεις αποτελούν συνειδητές προσπάθειες που έχουν ως στόχο να ζήσουμε σε ένα πιο καθαρό και υγιές περιβάλλον. Ο Ευρωπαϊκός Οργανισμός Περιβάλλοντος (ΕΟΠ) και το δίκτυο των εταίρων του διοργανώνουν τον διαγωνισμό παραγωγής βίντεο «I LIVE GREEN» και καλούν όλους τους Ευρωπαίους να δείξουν τη δημιουργικότητά τους και να μοιραστούν τις ενέργειες τους για την προστασία του περιβάλλοντος. Τα καλύτερα βίντεο θα λάβουν χρηματικό έπαθλο. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None D1SM5JAG8Z
http://www.eea.europa.eu/el/highlights/i-atmosfairiki-rypansi-paramenei-se Η ατμοσφαιρική ρύπανση παραμένει σε πολύ υψηλά επίπεδα σε όλη την Ευρώπη 2018-10-23T07:54:47Z 2019-12-10T09:22:30Z 2018-10-28T23:05:00Z el http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/air-pollution-still-too-high 2018 1.1.2 None Σύμφωνα με τα επικαιροποιημένα στοιχεία και τις πληροφορίες που δημοσιεύθηκαν από τον Ευρωπαϊκό Οργανισμό Περιβάλλοντος (ΕΟΠ), η ατμοσφαιρική ρύπανση, παρά τη σημειούμενη βραδεία βελτίωση, εξακολουθεί να υπερβαίνει τις οριακές και τις κατευθυντήριες τιμές της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης και της Παγκόσμιας Οργάνωσης Υγείας. Η ατμοσφαιρική ρύπανση εξακολουθεί να ενέχει κινδύνους για την ανθρώπινη υγεία και το περιβάλλον. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 16NFYWMD9Z
http://www.eea.europa.eu/el/highlights/kala-nea-gia-toys-paratheristes Καλά νέα για τους παραθεριστές: ύδατα εξαιρετικής ποιότητας στη συντριπτική πλειονότητα των ευρωπαϊκών περιοχών κολύμβησης 2018-05-23T08:45:43Z 2020-01-13T19:09:56Z 2018-05-29T09:55:00Z el http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/good-news-for-holiday-makers 2018 1.5.2 None Παρά την ελαφρά πτώση των αποτελεσμάτων, το 85 % των περιοχών κολύμβησης σε ολόκληρη την Ευρώπη το 2017 πληρούσαν τα υψηλότερα και πλέον αυστηρά ενωσιακά πρότυπα «εξαιρετικής» ποιότητας για τα ύδατα, ως επί το πλείστον, απαλλαγμένα από ρύπους, σύμφωνα με την πιο πρόσφατη ετήσια έκθεση για την ποιότητα των ευρωπαϊκών υδάτων κολύμβησης που δημοσιεύεται σήμερα. Τα αποτελέσματα παρέχουν μια καλή ένδειξη των τόπων διακοπών στους οποίους οι παραθεριστές μπορούν να βρουν τα βέλτιστης ποιότητας ύδατα κολύμβησης το φετινό καλοκαίρι. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None EVPM3NCY41
http://www.eea.europa.eu/el/highlights/ps-na-ginete-mystikos-praktoras-kai-na-yperaspisteite-to-periballon-se-komiks Πώς να γίνετε μυστικός πράκτορας και να υπερασπιστείτε το περιβάλλον σε κόμιξ 2008-04-09T15:12:37Z 2016-06-21T13:46:14Z 2008-04-30T08:37:35Z el http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/become-an-undercover-agent-to-defend-the-environment-in-a-comic-strip 2011 None Τα παιδιά μπορούν πλέον να μαθαίνουν πως να προστατεύουν το περιβάλλον ενώ ταυτόχρονα κυνηγούν οικο-κακούς στη νέα ιστοσελίδα του Ευρωπαϊκού Οργανισμού Περιβάλλοντος που λέγεται «Οικο-πράκτορες» και διατίθεται σε 24 γλώσσες. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None IUA2CG7SJ8
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fi/highlights/euroopan-ilmassa-edelleen-liikaa-epapuhtauksia Euroopan ilmassa edelleen liikaa epäpuhtauksia 2018-10-23T07:54:47Z 2019-12-10T09:22:30Z 2018-10-28T23:05:00Z fi http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/air-pollution-still-too-high 2018 1.1.2 None Vaikka parannuksia on saatu hitaasti aikaan, ilmansaasteet ylittävät vieläkin Euroopan unionin ja Maailman terveysjärjestön (WHO) rajat ja ohjearvot Euroopan ympäristökeskuksen (EYK) julkaisemien päivitettyjen tietojen mukaan. Ilmansaasteet ovat yhä vaaraksi ihmisten terveydelle ja ympäristölle. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None P8MQACR5Y6
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fi/highlights/hyvia-uutisia-lomailijoille-uimaveden-laatu Hyviä uutisia lomailijoille: uimaveden laatu on erinomainen useimmilla Euroopan uimarannoista 2018-05-23T08:45:43Z 2020-01-13T19:09:56Z 2018-05-29T09:55:00Z fi http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/good-news-for-holiday-makers 2018 1.5.2 None Eri puolilla Eurooppaa vuonna 2017 seuratuista uimarannoista yli 85 prosenttia täytti tiukimmat ”erinomaisen” laatuluokan vaatimukset. Uimavedessä ei siis juurikaan ollut ihmisten terveydelle ja ympäristölle haitallisia epäpuhtauksia. Tuloksissa oli havaittavissa vain hienoista laskua edellisvuodesta, todetaan tänään julkaistussa vuotuisessa raportissa uimaveden laadusta. Tulokset antavat lomailijoille osviittaa uimaveden laadusta eri rantakohteissa tänä kesänä. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None HESZ7CD8AJ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fi/highlights/ryhdy-puolustamaan-luontoa-sarjakuvan-salaisena-agenttina Ryhdy puolustamaan luontoa sarjakuvan salaisena agenttina 2008-04-09T15:12:37Z 2016-06-21T13:46:14Z 2008-04-30T08:37:35Z fi http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/become-an-undercover-agent-to-defend-the-environment-in-a-comic-strip 2011 None Nyt lapsilla on mahdollisuus oppia, miten suojella luontoa jahtaamalla ympäristökonnia Euroopan ympäristökeskuksen uusilla verkkosivuilla ‘Ekoagentit’, joka on tarjolla 24 kielellä. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None TJGD7EKF35
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fi/highlights/valokuvakilpailu-laheta-parhaat-vesikuvasi Valokuvakilpailu: Lähetä parhaat vesikuvasi 2018-04-10T12:32:52Z 2018-04-13T12:13:29Z 2018-04-16T07:00:00Z fi http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-send-us-your 2018 3.4.3 None Mitä tulee mieleesi, kun ajattelet vettä? Saisitko sen napattua valokuvaan? Euroopan ympäristökeskus (EYK) pyytää lähettämään luovimmat otoksesi WaterPIX-valokuvakilpailuun, jonka aiheena on vesi. Parhaat kuvat saavat rahapalkinnon. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None WMCU6741PD
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fi/highlights/videokilpailu-jaa-vihreat-ratkaisusi Videokilpailu: Jaa vihreät ratkaisusi 2017-11-29T13:15:36Z 2018-01-03T08:52:04Z 2017-12-01T08:39:05Z fi http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/video-competition-share-your-green-actions 2017 3.4.3 None Miten menit kouluun tai töihin tänään? Autolla, pyörällä vai julkisella kulkuneuvolla? Teemme päivittäin päätöksiä, jotka voivat vaikuttaa ympäristöön. Jotkin noista päätöksistä ovat tietoisia pyrkimyksiä elää puhtaammassa ja terveellisemmässä ympäristössä. Euroopan ympäristökeskuksen (EEA) ja sen kumppaneiden järjestämässä videokilpailussa ”I LIVE GREEN” pyydetään kaikkia eurooppalaisia osoittamaan luovuutensa ja jakamaan oman vihreän tapansa elää ympäristön parantamiseksi. Parhaat videot saavat rahapalkinnon. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None DXQAOYMS1W
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pt/highlights/transforma-te-em-agente-secreto-defensor-do-ambiente-numa-banda-desenhada Transforma-te em agente secreto defensor do ambiente numa banda desenhada 2008-04-09T15:12:37Z 2016-06-21T13:46:14Z 2008-04-30T08:37:34Z pt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/become-an-undercover-agent-to-defend-the-environment-in-a-comic-strip 2011 None As crianças podem agora aprender a proteger o ambiente enquanto perseguem os seus malfeitores no novo website Eco-Agentes da Agência Europeia do Ambiente, disponível em 24 línguas. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None N5G72DZ3TR
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lt/highlights/daugiau-kaip-85-proc-europos Daugiau kaip 85 proc. Europos maudyklų vandens kokybė įvertinta puikiai 2019-05-28T13:04:00Z 2019-12-10T09:22:34Z 2019-06-06T13:50:00Z lt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/large-number-of-europes-bathing 2019 1.5.1 None Naujausios metinės Europos maudyklų kokybės ataskaitos duomenimis, daugiau kaip 85 proc. visos Europos pernai stebėtų maudyklų atitiko aukščiausius ir griežčiausius vandens švarumo standartus. Šiandien paskelbti rezultatai rodo, kurių maudyklų vanduo šią vasarą greičiausiai bus aukščiausios kokybės. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None F3WD48R52U
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lv/highlights/vairak-neka-85-eiropas-peldvietu Vairāk nekā 85 % Eiropas peldvietu ūdens kvalitāte novērtēta par izcilu 2019-05-28T13:04:00Z 2019-12-10T09:22:34Z 2019-06-06T13:50:00Z lv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/large-number-of-europes-bathing 2019 1.5.1 None Pēc jaunākā ikgadējā ziņojuma par Eiropas peldvietu ūdens kvalitāti, Eiropas Savienības augstākajam novērtējamam “ izcils” un visstingrākajiem ūdens tīrības kvalitātes standartiem atbilst vairāk kā 85 % pagājušajā gadā monitorēto Eiropas peldvietu. Pēc šodien publicētajiem rezultātiem viegli noskaidrot, kur šovasar būs rodami augstākās kvalitātes peldūdeņi. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None M9RUSVFNI8
http://www.eea.europa.eu/mt/highlights/aktar-minn-85-tas-siti Aktar minn 85 % tas-siti tal-għawm fl-Ewropa huma meqjusa li għandhom kwalità tal-ilma eċċellenti 2019-05-28T13:04:00Z 2019-12-10T09:22:34Z 2019-06-06T13:55:00Z mt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/large-number-of-europes-bathing 2019 1.5.1 None Skont l-aħħar rapport annwali Ewropew dwar il-kwalità tal-ilma għall-għawm, is-sena loħra, b'rabta mal-indafa tal-ilma ftit aktar minn 85 % tas-siti tal-għawm immonitorjati fl- Ewropa laħqu l-ogħla standards tal-kwalità tal-Unjoni Ewropea li huma wkoll l-aktar stretti, jiġifieri “eċċellenti”. Ir-riżultati ppubblikati llum jagħtu indikazzjoni tajba ta' fejn dan is-sajf wieħed jista' jsib l-aħjar ilmijiet għall-għawm. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None REOYBV8MJ3
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sk/highlights/hodnotenie-201evyborna-kvalita-vody201c-ziskalo Hodnotenie „výborná kvalita vody“ získalo viac než 85 % lokalít na kúpanie v Európe 2019-05-28T13:04:00Z 2019-12-10T09:22:34Z 2019-06-06T14:15:00Z sk http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/large-number-of-europes-bathing 2019 1.5.1 None Podľa aktuálnej ročnej správy o kvalite vody na kúpanie dosiahlo vyše 85 % vôd na kúpanie v Európe pri minuloročnom monitorovaní hodnotenie EÚ „výborná“. Znamená to, že spĺňajú najprísnejšie kvalitatívne normy na čistotu vody. Dnes uverejnené výsledky poskytujú dobrý prehľad, kde možno toto leto nájsť lokality s najkvalitnejšou vodou. Z http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 9IMZDUSVQ1
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sl/highlights/vec-kot-85-evropskih-kopalnih Več kot 85 % evropskih kopalnih voda ocenjenih kot odličnih glede kakovosti vode 2019-05-28T13:04:00Z 2019-12-10T09:22:34Z 2019-06-06T14:05:00Z sl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/large-number-of-europes-bathing 2019 1.5.1 None Najnovejše letno evropsko poročilo o kakovosti kopalnih voda kaže, da je malo več kot 85 % lani pregledanih evropskih kopališč dosegalo najstrožje standarde Evropske unije glede čistosti vode. To pomeni, da je bila kakovost vode ocenjena kot odlična, kar je najvišja ocena. Danes objavljeni rezultati so dober pokazatelj, kje se bodo letošnje poletje najverjetneje nahajala kopališča z najkakovostnejšimi kopalnimi vodami. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None TDU6OXBFJW
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fr/highlights/augmentation-attendue-du-nombre-d2019europeens Augmentation attendue du nombre d’Européens exposés aux nuisances sonores 2020-02-25T13:12:55Z 2020-06-24T19:55:53Z 2020-03-04T23:05:00Z fr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/number-of-europeans-exposed-to 2020 1.1.6 None À l’heure actuelle, au moins un Européen sur cinq est exposé à des niveaux sonores considérés comme dangereux pour sa santé. Tel est le constat du rapport sur la pollution sonore environnementale publié aujourd’hui par l’Agence européenne pour l’environnement (AEE). Ce chiffre devrait augmenter dans les années à venir. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None KZ80TCQISA
http://www.eea.europa.eu/de/highlights/steigender-energieverbrauch-bremst-fortschritte-der Steigender Energieverbrauch bremst Fortschritte der EU bei den Zielen für erneuerbare Energien und Energieeffizienz 2018-11-22T14:07:10Z 2019-03-22T14:32:56Z 2019-01-21T14:38:34Z de http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/rising-energy-consumption-slows-eu 2018 1.3.2 None Die verstärkte Nutzung von Energie aus erneuerbaren Quellen und die weitere Verbesserung der Energieeffizienz kommen in der gesamten Europäischen Union nur schleppend voran, sodass die Erreichung der Energie- und Emissionsreduktionsziele der EU in Gefahr gerät. Nach vorläufigen Daten, die heute von der Europäischen Umweltagentur (EUA) in ihrer jährlichen Analyse der Fortschritte der EU bei der Erfüllung ihrer Ziele im Bereich der erneuerbaren Energien und der Energieeffizienz veröffentlicht wurden, ist der steigende Energieverbrauch, insbesondere im Verkehrssektor, für die Verlangsamung verantwortlich. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None S1JOT5603P
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sl/highlights/fotografski-natecaj-na-temo-trajnostne Fotografski natečaj na temo trajnostne preskrbe s hrano, energije in mobilnosti 2019-02-22T12:52:50Z 2019-05-02T12:24:24Z 2019-03-21T14:57:47Z sl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-to-profile-sustainable 2019 3.4.3 None Naš način proizvodnje in potrošnje hrane in energije ter način prevoza potnikov in blaga imata velik vpliv na naše okolje, podnebje in zdravje. Evropska agencija za okolje s svojim novim fotografskim natečajem z naslovom „Trajnostno vaš“ vabi vse Evropejce, naj pošljejo svoje fotografije, ki upodabljajo izzive in možnosti, kako narediti naš način prehranjevanja, porabe energije in mobilnosti bolj trajnosten. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None C0I731VBSD
http://www.eea.europa.eu/el/highlights/anagki-peraitero-drasis-gia-tin Ανάγκη περαιτέρω δράσης για την προστασία των πλέον ευάλωτων πολιτών της Ευρώπης από την ατμοσφαιρική ρύπανση, την ηχορρύπανση και τις ακραίες θερμοκρασίες 2019-01-29T09:31:03Z 2019-05-03T08:05:51Z 2019-02-04T10:55:00Z el http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/protect-vulnerable-citizens 2019 1.4.2 None Απαιτείται στοχευμένη δράση για καλύτερη προστασία των απόρων, των ηλικιωμένων και των παιδιών από περιβαλλοντικούς κινδύνους όπως η ατμοσφαιρική ρύπανση, η ηχορρύπανση και οι ακραίες θερμοκρασίες, ιδίως στις ανατολικές και νότιες περιοχές της Ευρώπης. Σε έκθεσή του που δημοσιεύθηκε σήμερα, ο Ευρωπαϊκός Οργανισμός Περιβάλλοντος (ΕΟΠ) προειδοποιεί ότι η υγεία των πλέον ευάλωτων πολιτών της Ευρώπης εξακολουθεί να επηρεάζεται δυσανάλογα από αυτούς τους κινδύνους, παρά τις συνολικές βελτιώσεις στην ποιότητα του περιβάλλοντος της Ευρώπης. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VQG2INTUKA
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fr/highlights/concours-photo-sur-l2019alimentation-l2019energie Concours photo sur l’alimentation, l’énergie et la mobilité durables 2019-02-22T12:52:50Z 2019-05-02T12:24:24Z 2019-02-28T07:50:00Z fr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-to-profile-sustainable 2019 3.4.3 None La manière dont nous produisons et consommons des denrées alimentaires et de l’énergie, ainsi que la manière dont nous nous déplaçons et transportons des marchandises, a une incidence sur notre environnement, notre climat et notre santé. Dans le cadre du nouveau concours de photographie de l’Agence européenne pour l’environnement, «Sustainably Yours», les Européens sont invités à envoyer des photos représentant les défis et opportunités rencontrés pour rendre les choix alimentaires, énergétiques et de mobilité plus durables. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None D68NQ71FCE
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fr/highlights/il-est-necessaire-d2019en-faire Il est nécessaire d’en faire plus pour protéger les citoyens européens les plus vulnérables contre la pollution atmosphérique, le bruit et les températures extrêmes 2019-01-29T09:31:03Z 2019-05-03T08:05:51Z 2019-02-04T10:55:00Z fr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/protect-vulnerable-citizens 2019 1.4.2 None Des actions ciblées se révèlent nécessaires afin de mieux protéger les plus démunis, les personnes âgées et les enfants contre les dangers environnementaux tels que la pollution atmosphérique et sonore et les températures extrêmes, surtout dans les régions de l’est et du sud de l’Europe. Un rapport de l’Agence européenne pour l’environnement (AEE) publié aujourd’hui met en garde contre le fait que la santé des citoyens européens les plus vulnérables reste touchée de manière disproportionnée par ces dangers, en dépit d’améliorations globales de la qualité de l’environnement en Europe. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ZWR92XC8KP
http://www.eea.europa.eu/mt/highlights/hemm-bzonn-ta2019-aktar-azzjoni Hemm bżonn ta’ aktar azzjoni biex iċ-ċittadini l-aktar vulnerabbli tal-Ewropa jiġu protetti mit-tniġġis tal-arja, mill-istorbju u mit-temperaturi estremi 2019-01-29T09:31:03Z 2019-05-03T08:05:51Z 2019-02-04T10:55:00Z mt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/protect-vulnerable-citizens 2019 1.4.2 None Hemm bżonn ta’ azzjoni mmirata biex tipproteġi aħjar lill-foqra, lill-anzjani u lit-tfal minn perikli ambjentali bħat-tniġġis tal-arja u mill-istorbju u temperaturi estremi, speċjalment fir-reġjuni tal-Lvant u tan-Nofsinhar tal-Ewropa. Rapport tal-Aġenzija Ewropea għall-Ambjent (EEA) ippubblikat illum, iwissi li s-saħħa taċ-ċittadini l-aktar vulnerabbli tal-Ewropa tibqa’ affettwata b’mod sproporzjonata minn dawn il-perikli, minkejja t-titjib ġenerali fil-kwalità ambjentali tal-Ewropa. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None OIATBE296Z
http://www.eea.europa.eu/mt/highlights/kompetizzjoni-tal-fotografija-dwar-l Kompetizzjoni tal-fotografija dwar l-ikel, l-enerġija u l-mobbiltà sostenibbli 2019-02-22T12:52:50Z 2019-05-02T12:24:24Z 2019-02-28T07:57:01Z mt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-to-profile-sustainable 2019 3.4.3 None Il-mod kif nipproduċu u nikkunsmaw l-ikel u l-enerġija u kif inċaqilqu n-nies u l-oġġetti għandu impatt fuq l-ambjent u l-klima tagħna kif ukoll saħħitna. Il-kompetizzjoni tal-fotografija l-ġdida tal-Aġenzija Ewropea għall-Ambjent, ‘Sustainably Yours’ (Tiegħek b’mod Sostenibbli), tistieden lill-Ewropej jibagħtu ritratti tal-isfidi u l-opportunitajiet fl-għażliet aktar sostenibbli tal-ikel, l-enerġija u l-mobilità. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None YDZJ6OM8RV
http://www.eea.europa.eu/mt/highlights/l-istati-membri-tal-ue L-Istati Membri tal-UE jeħtieġu aktar ambizzjoni biex jilħqu l-mira konġunta tal-enerġija rinnovabbli 2018-12-14T08:17:32Z 2019-03-08T14:22:27Z 2019-02-13T12:49:57Z mt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-member-states-need-more 2018 1.3.2 None Is-sehem ta’ sorsi tal-enerġija rinnovabbli fl-użu tal-enerġija fl-Unjoni Ewropea (UE) rdoppja mill-2005 ’l hawn, iżda dan it-tkabbir beda jonqos f’dawn l-aħħar snin, speċjalment minħabba ż-żieda fil-konsum tal-enerġija u n-nuqqas ta’ progress fis-settur tat-trasport. Ir-rapport il-ġdid tal-Aġenzija Ewropea għall-Ambjent (EEA) juri li jeħtieġ li l-Istati Membri tal-UE jżidu l-isforzi tagħhom biex jilħqu l-mira għall-2020 tal-enerġija rinnovabbli. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 6EQGX85Y0F
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lv/highlights/fotokonkurss-ilgtspejigai-partikai-energijai-un-mobilitatei Fotokonkurss ilgtspējīgai pārtikai, enerģijai un mobilitātei 2019-02-22T12:52:50Z 2019-05-02T12:24:24Z 2019-03-04T08:15:59Z lv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-to-profile-sustainable 2019 3.4.3 None Veids, kā mēs ražojam un patērējam pārtiku un enerģiju, kā arī pārvietojam cilvēkus un preces, ietekmē vidi, klimatu un veselību. Eiropas Vides aģentūra ar jauno fotokonkursu “Ilgtspējīgi faktori” aicina Eiropas iedzīvotājus sūtīt fotogrāfijas par problēmām un iespējām, kā padarīt pārtikas, enerģijas un mobilitātes izvēli ilgtspējīgāku. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 4UR1NBAOIK
http://www.eea.europa.eu/el/highlights/diagonismos-fotografias-me-thema-tin Διαγωνισμός φωτογραφίας με θέμα την απεικόνιση των βιώσιμων τροφίμων, της βιώσιμης ενέργειας και της βιώσιμης κινητικότητας 2019-02-22T12:52:50Z 2019-05-02T12:24:24Z 2019-03-06T10:02:28Z el http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-to-profile-sustainable 2019 3.4.3 None Ο τρόπος που παράγουμε και καταναλώνουμε τρόφιμα και ενέργεια και ο τρόπος μετακίνησης των ανθρώπων και αγαθών έχουν αντίκτυπο στο περιβάλλον, το κλίμα και την υγεία μας. Ο νέος διαγωνισμός φωτογραφίας του Ευρωπαϊκού Οργανισμού Περιβάλλοντος (ΕΟΠ), με τίτλο «Sustainably Yours», καλεί τους Ευρωπαίους να στείλουν φωτογραφίες των προκλήσεων και των ευκαιριών με τις οποίες έρχονται αντιμέτωποι στην προσπάθειά τους να καταστήσουν τις επιλογές τους βιωσιμότερες σε ό,τι αφορά τα τρόφιμα, την ενέργεια και την κινητικότητα. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 9G7BK0Y32Q
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sv/highlights/eu-landerna-maste-hoja-ribban EU-länderna måste höja ribban för att klara det gemensamma målet för förnybar energi 2018-12-14T08:17:32Z 2019-03-08T14:22:27Z 2019-02-18T15:29:52Z sv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-member-states-need-more 2018 1.3.2 None Andelen förnybar energi i EU har fördubblats sedan 2005 men ökningen har saktat av på senare år. Det beror särskilt på den ökade energiförbrukningen och på bristande framsteg i transportsektorn. I Europeiska miljöbyråns (EEA) nya rapport konstateras att det krävs större ansträngningar från EU:s medlemsstater om 2020-målet för förnybar energi ska kunna uppnås. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 8Q5R0WAB2E
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sv/highlights/fler-atgarder-behovs-for-att Fler åtgärder behövs för att skydda Europas mest utsatta invånare mot luftföroreningar, buller och extrema temperaturer 2019-01-29T09:31:03Z 2019-05-03T08:05:51Z 2019-02-04T10:55:00Z sv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/protect-vulnerable-citizens 2019 1.4.2 None Det behövs riktade åtgärder för att bättre skydda fattiga, äldre och barn mot miljörisker som luftföroreningar, buller och extrema temperaturer, särskilt i de östra och södra delarna av Europa. I en rapport som publiceras idag varnar Europeiska miljöbyrån (EEA) för att svaga grupper i samhället fortfarande utsätts för dessa hälsorisker i oproportionerligt hög grad, trots att miljön i Europa har blivit bättre över lag. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None I8KARGXN9P
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sv/highlights/fototavling-for-att-profilera-hallbara Fototävling för att profilera hållbara val av livsmedel, energi och rörlighet 2019-02-22T12:52:50Z 2019-05-02T12:24:24Z 2019-03-01T14:15:18Z sv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-to-profile-sustainable 2019 3.4.3 None Hur vi producerar och konsumerar livsmedel och energi och hur vi förflyttar människor och varor påverkar miljön, klimatet och hälsan. I Europeiska miljöbyråns nya fototävling, ”Sustainably Yours”, uppmanas européer att skicka in foton som visar utmaningar och möjligheter när det gäller att göra våra val av livsmedel, energi och rörlighet mer hållbara. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 41END0TSMO
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/kvalita-vody-na-vice-nez Kvalita vody na více než 85 % koupališť v Evropě hodnocena jako „výborná“ 2019-05-28T13:04:00Z 2019-12-10T09:22:34Z 2019-06-06T11:35:00Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/large-number-of-europes-bathing 2019 1.5.1 None Podle nejnovější výroční zprávy o kvalitě vody ke koupání v Evropě byla kvalita vody ve více než 85 % všech lokalit, které byly v loňském roce monitorovány, hodnocena v Evropské unii jako „výborná“, a splnila tak nejpřísnější normy pro čistotu vody. Dnes zveřejněné výsledky ukazují, kde budou v letošním létě pravděpodobně nejlepší vody ke koupání. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 0FH47AGVEU
http://www.eea.europa.eu/et/highlights/ule-85-euroopa-supluskohtade-vesi Üle 85% Euroopa supluskohtade vesi on kvaliteedilt väga hea 2019-05-28T13:04:00Z 2019-12-10T09:22:34Z 2019-06-06T13:10:00Z et http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/large-number-of-europes-bathing 2019 1.5.1 None Viimasest aruandest suplusvee kvaliteedi kohta Euroopas selgub, et mullu vastas 85% kogu Euroopas seiratud ujumiskohtadest Euroopa Liidu kõige kõrgematele ja rangematele kvaliteedinõuetele. Täna avaldatud tulemused annavad hea ülevaate sellest, kust leida eeloleval suvel parima veekvaliteediga supluskohad. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None WOR06AD4HJ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/el/highlights/rediscover-nature-gia-ton-fetino REDISCOVER Nature για τον φετινό διαγωνισμό φωτογραφίας που διοργανώνει ο ΕΟΠ 2020-05-19T05:09:14Z 2020-08-03T14:07:12Z 2020-06-09T12:07:45Z el http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/rediscover-nature-photo-competition 2020 3.4.3 None Ανεξαρτήτως του πού βρισκόμαστε, όλοι μας μπορούμε να εκτιμήσουμε τα θαύματα της φύσης, τώρα δε ίσως περισσότερο από ποτέ. Ο φετινός διαγωνισμός φωτογραφίας που διοργανώνει ο Ευρωπαϊκός Οργανισμός Περιβάλλοντος (ΕΟΠ) με τίτλο «REDISCOVER Nature», ο οποίος αρχίζει σήμερα, σας καλεί να απαθανατίσετε και να μοιραστείτε τον δεσμό σας με τη φύση και το περιβάλλον. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 4RU2N9GM7V
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lv/highlights/sa-gada-eva-fotokonkursa-tema Šā gada EVA fotokonkursa tēma ir REDISCOVER Nature (Atklājiet dabu no jauna) 2020-05-19T05:09:14Z 2020-08-03T14:07:12Z 2020-06-09T12:55:00Z lv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/rediscover-nature-photo-competition 2020 3.4.3 None Neatkarīgi no tā, kur atrodamies, mēs visi varam novērtēt dabas brīnumus, tagad, iespējams, lielākā mērā nekā jebkad agrāk. Šodien tiek atklāts šā gada Eiropas Vides aģentūras (EVA) fotokonkurss “REDISCOVER Nature”, aicinot jūs uztvert un dalīties savā saiknē ar dabu un apkārtējo vidi. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 1DQXOCFUWA
http://www.eea.europa.eu/es/highlights/los-mares-de-europa-se Los mares de Europa se enfrentan a un futuro incierto si no se toman medidas urgentes y coherentes 2020-06-19T12:37:18Z 2021-11-17T08:45:27Z 2020-06-25T10:00:00Z es http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-seas-face-uncertain-future 2020 1.6.2 None Ante el aumento de las crecientes amenazas que suponen la sobreexplotación de los recursos marinos, la contaminación y el cambio climático, es necesario actuar urgentemente para que los mares europeos vuelvan a un buen estado medioambiental. Según el informe de la Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente sobre los ecosistemas marinos europeos, publicado hoy, estamos agotando el tiempo necesario para revertir la situación, tras décadas de abandono y abuso. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None R69ESHZ017
http://www.eea.europa.eu/ro/highlights/peste-85-din-zonele-pentru Peste 85 % din zonele pentru scăldat din Europa au o calitate excelentă a apei 2019-05-28T13:04:00Z 2019-12-10T09:22:34Z 2019-06-06T11:55:00Z ro http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/large-number-of-europes-bathing 2019 1.5.1 None Potrivit ultimului raport anual privind calitatea apelor pentru scăldat din Europa, puțin peste 85 % din zonele pentru scăldat din Europa monitorizate anul trecut au îndeplinit standardul de calitate „excelent” al Uniunii Europene, cel mai înalt și mai strict în ceea ce privește apa pentru scăldat. Rezultatele publicate astăzi sunt un indicator bun al zonelor în care puteți găsi în această vară ape pentru scăldat de cea mai bună calitate. Potrivit http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None DRQ8UPG7AK
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/fotografski-natjecaj-na-temu-odrzive Fotografski natječaj na temu održive hrane, energije i mobilnosti 2019-02-22T12:52:50Z 2019-05-02T12:24:24Z 2019-03-05T16:04:30Z hr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-to-profile-sustainable 2019 3.4.3 None Način na koji proizvodimo i konzumirano hranu i energiju te načini kretanja ljudi i robe utječu na naš okoliš, klimu i zdravlje. Svrha je fotografskog natječaja Europske agencije za okoliš „Održivo vaš” pozvati Europljane da pošalju fotografije izazova i prilika u aktivnostima za povećanje održivosti odabira u pogledu hrane, energije i mobilnosti. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None QV25Y9HBI6
http://www.eea.europa.eu/bg/highlights/nad-85-ot-mestata-za Над 85 % от местата за къпане в Европа са оценени като отлични по отношение на качеството на водата 2019-05-28T13:04:00Z 2019-12-10T09:22:34Z 2019-06-06T12:55:00Z bg http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/large-number-of-europes-bathing 2019 1.5.1 None Според последния годишен европейски доклад за качеството на водите за къпане, малко над 85 % от наблюдаваните през миналата година места за къпане в Европа са отговаряли на най-високите и най-строгите стандарти на Европейския съюз за „ отлично“ качество по отношение на чистотата на водата. Публикуваните днес резултати дават добра представа къде би могло да има най-висококачествени води за къпане през това лято. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None QZR69HTB08
http://www.eea.europa.eu/es/highlights/mas-del-85-de-las Más del 85 % de las zonas de baño de Europa han sido calificadas como excelentes por la calidad del agua 2019-05-28T13:04:00Z 2019-12-10T09:22:34Z 2019-06-06T10:00:00Z es http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/large-number-of-europes-bathing 2019 1.5.1 None Según el último informe anual europeo sobre la calidad de las aguas de baño, más del 85 % de las zonas de baño de Europa supervisadas el año pasado cumplían las normas de calidad más elevadas y estrictas (calidad «excelente») de la Unión Europea por la limpieza del agua. Los resultados publicados hoy ofrecen una buena indicación de dónde es probable que se encuentren las aguas de baño de calidad más alta este verano. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None S219AI4QKM
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pl/highlights/w-ponad-85-proc-europejskich W ponad 85 proc. europejskich kąpielisk jakość wody uznana została za doskonałą 2019-05-28T13:04:00Z 2019-12-10T09:22:34Z 2019-06-06T10:00:00Z pl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/large-number-of-europes-bathing 2019 1.5.1 None Zgodnie z najnowszym europejskim sprawozdaniem dotyczącym jakości wody w kąpieliskach nieco ponad 85 proc. kąpielisk monitorowanych w ubiegłym roku w Europie spełniało najwyższe i najbardziej rygorystyczne unijne normy „doskonałej” jakości wody. Opublikowane dziś wyniki stanowią dobrą wskazówkę na temat tego, gdzie latem tego roku możemy oczekiwać najlepszej jakości wody w kąpieliskach. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None KSMCFZUQ3D
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pt/highlights/mais-de-85-das-zonas Mais de 85 % das zonas balneares europeias têm excelente qualidade da água 2019-05-28T13:04:00Z 2019-12-10T09:22:34Z 2019-06-06T10:55:00Z pt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/large-number-of-europes-bathing 2019 1.5.1 None Segundo o mais recente relatório anual sobre a qualidade das águas balneares europeias, mais de 85 % das zonas balneares monitorizadas em toda a Europa no ano passado satisfaziam as mais rigorosas normas de qualidade «excelente» quanto à limpeza das águas. Os resultados, publicados hoje, fornecem uma boa indicação quanto às zonas em que as águas balneares de melhor qualidade podem ser encontradas neste verão. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None I1RSHMCO30
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fi/highlights/yli-85-euroopan-uimavesista-ovat Yli 85 % Euroopan uimavesistä ovat laadultaan erinomaisia 2019-05-28T13:04:00Z 2019-12-10T09:22:34Z 2019-06-06T13:15:00Z fi http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/large-number-of-europes-bathing 2019 1.5.1 None EU ja Euroopan ympäristökeskus (EEA) laativat vuosittain raportin uimaveden laadusta. Tuoreimman raportin mukaan viime vuonna hieman yli 85 % arvioiduista eurooppalaisista uimarannoista täytti tiukimmat EU:n laatukriteerit ja ansaitsi arvosanan ”erinomainen”. Tänään julkaistut tulokset antavat hyvän kuvan siitä, mistä löydät Euroopan parhaat uimavedet tänä kesänä. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None KZW1G7BP5U
http://www.eea.europa.eu/is/highlights/astand-umhverfisins-i-evropu-2020 Ástand umhverfisins í Evrópu 2020: brýn þörf á stefnubreytingu til að takast á við áskoranir í loftslagsmálum, snúa við hnignuninni og tryggja velmegun í framtíðinni 2019-11-29T09:23:12Z 2020-11-23T10:58:24Z 2019-12-03T23:05:00Z is http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/soer2020-europes-environment-state-and-outlook-report 2019 2.4.4 None Evrópa mun ekki ná þeim markmiðum sem hafa verið sett fyrir 2030 án áríðandi aðgerða á næstu 10 árum til þess að takast á við hinn ógnvænlega hraða rýrnunar líffræðilegs fjölbreytileika, aukinna áhrifa loftslagsbreytinga og ofnotkunar á náttúruauðlindum. Í nýjustu skýrslu Umhverfisstofnunar Evrópu (EEA) um ‘Ástand umhverfisins’ sem gefin var út í dag er greint frá því að Evrópa stendur frammi fyrir áskorunum í umhverfismálum sem eru fordæmalausar að umfangi og nauðsyn. Í skýrslunni segir, samt sem áður, að vonir séu bundnar við vaxandi vitund almennings um þörfá því að skipta yfir í sjálfbæra framtíð, tæknilega nýsköpun, vaxandi frumkvæði sveitarfélaga og auknar aðgerðir ESB, sem dæmi grænt samkomulag í Evrópu. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None OJVHY4XFK0
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pt/highlights/o-estado-do-ambiente-na O estado do ambiente na Europa em 2020: mudança de direção necessária com urgência para fazer face às alterações climáticas, inverter a degradação e assegurar a prosperidade futura 2019-11-29T09:23:12Z 2020-11-23T10:58:24Z 2019-12-03T23:05:00Z pt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/soer2020-europes-environment-state-and-outlook-report 2019 2.4.4 None A Europa não atingirá os seus objetivos para 2030 sem medidas urgentes nos próximos 10 anos para fazer face ao ritmo alarmante da perda de biodiversidade, ao aumento dos impactes das alterações climáticas e ao consumo excessivo de recursos naturais. O último «Relatório sobre o estado do ambiente», da Agência Europeia do Ambiente (AEA), publicado hoje, afirma que a Europa enfrenta desafios ambientais de escala e urgência sem precedentes. No entanto, o relatório refere que há motivos para ter esperança, num contexto de maior sensibilização dos cidadãos para a necessidade de uma transição para um futuro sustentável, de inovações tecnológicas, de crescentes iniciativas comunitárias e de reforço da ação da UE, como o Pacto Ecológico Europeu. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None KO4JI3ANXG
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pl/highlights/stan-srodowiska-w-europie-w Stan środowiska w Europie w 2020 r.: musimy pilnie obrać nowy kierunek, aby stawić czoła wyzwaniom związanym ze zmianami klimatu, odwrócić procesy degradacji i zapewnić dobrobyt w przyszłości 2019-11-29T09:23:12Z 2020-11-23T10:58:24Z 2019-12-03T23:05:00Z pl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/soer2020-europes-environment-state-and-outlook-report 2019 2.4.4 None Europa nie osiągnie swoich celów na 2030 r. bez podjęcia w ciągu najbliższych 10 lat pilnych działań na rzecz rozwiązania problemu niepokojącego tempa utraty różnorodności biologicznej, rosnącego wpływu zmian klimatu oraz nadmiernej konsumpcji zasobów naturalnych. W najnowszym opublikowanym dziś raporcie Europejskiej Agencji Środowiska (EEA) stwierdza się, że Europa stoi w obliczu wyzwań środowiskowych o bezprecedensowej skali i stopniu pilności. Raport daje również powody do nadziei z uwagi na wzrost świadomości społecznej co do potrzeby transformacji w kierunku zrównoważonego rozwoju w przyszłości, a także z uwagi na innowacje technologiczne, rozwijające się inicjatywy wspólnotowe oraz intensyfikację działań UE, takich jak Europejski Zielony Ład. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 3B962R5FKT
http://www.eea.europa.eu/da/highlights/miljoets-tilstand-i-europa-2020 Miljøets tilstand i Europa 2020: Det haster med at få ændret retning for at imødegå klimaudfordringerne, vende nedbrydningen af miljøet og sikre den fremtidige velstand 2019-11-29T09:23:12Z 2020-11-23T10:58:24Z 2019-12-03T23:05:00Z da http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/soer2020-europes-environment-state-and-outlook-report 2019 2.4.4 None Europa vil ikke nå sine 2030-mål uden hurtig handling i løbet af de næste ti år for at imødegå det alarmerende tab af biodiversitet, de tiltagende konsekvenser af klimaændringerne og overforbruget af naturressourcer. I den seneste rapport om miljøets tilstand fra Det Europæiske Miljøagentur (EEA), som blev offentliggjort i dag, fremgår det, at Europa står over for miljømæssige udfordringer af et hidtil uset omfang og hastende karakter. Det hedder imidlertid i rapporten, at der er anledning til håb, idet offentligheden er blevet mere opmærksom på behovet for en omstilling til en bæredygtig fremtid, teknologiske innovationer samt flere fællesskabsinitiativer og EU-tiltag som den europæiske ”Green Deal”. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None OM1J2N7ZY9
http://www.eea.europa.eu/hu/highlights/europa-kornyezeti-allapota-2020-ban Európa környezeti állapota 2020-ban: sürgős irányváltásra van szükség az éghajlatváltozás okozta kihívások kezeléséhez, a környezetromlás megfordításához és a jövőbeli jólét biztosításához 2019-11-29T09:23:12Z 2020-11-23T10:58:24Z 2019-12-03T23:05:00Z hu http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/soer2020-europes-environment-state-and-outlook-report 2019 2.4.4 None Európa nem fogja teljesíteni 2030-ra kitűzött céljait, ha a következő tíz évben nem lép fel sürgősen annak érdekében, hogy kezelje a biológiai sokféleség riasztó mértékű csökkenését, az éghajlatváltozás növekvő hatásait és a természeti erőforrások túlzott felhasználását. Az Európai Környezetvédelmi Ügynökség (EEA) ma közzétett legfrissebb környezeti állapotjelentése szerint Európa korábban nem látott mértékű és sürgősségű környezeti kihívásokkal szembesül. A jelentés szerint azonban mindezek ellenére van ok a reményre, mert a közvélemény egyre inkább tisztában van a fenntartható jövőre való áttérés, a technológiai innovációk, a fokozottabb közösségi részvétel, valamint az európai zöld megállapodáshoz hasonló, határozottabb uniós fellépés szükségességével. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None MGV38C5T61
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sl/highlights/stanje-okolja-v-evropi-2020 Stanje okolja v Evropi 2020: sprememba smeri nujna, če se hočemo spoprijeti z izzivi, ki nastajajo zaradi podnebnih sprememb, zaustaviti degradacijo in zagotoviti blaginjo v prihodnje 2019-11-29T09:23:12Z 2020-11-23T10:58:24Z 2019-12-03T23:05:00Z sl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/soer2020-europes-environment-state-and-outlook-report 2019 2.4.4 None Evropa svojih ciljev do leta 2030 ne bo dosegla brez nujnih ukrepov v naslednjih desetih letih, s katerimi bo obravnavala skrb vzbujajoč tempo izgube biotske raznovrstnosti, čedalje večje učinke podnebnih sprememb in čezmerno porabo naravnih virov. Najnovejše poročilo z naslovom State of the Environment (poročilo o stanju okolja), ki ga je Evropska agencija za okolje (EEA) objavila danes, ugotavlja, da se Evropa spoprijema s tako obsežnimi in nujnimi okoljskimi izzivi, kakršnih še ni bilo. Vendar pa hkrati navaja, da razlog za upanje še obstaja, in sicer zaradi večje ozaveščenosti javnosti o potrebi po prehodu na trajnostno prihodnost, tehnoloških inovacij, rastočih pobud skupnosti in okrepljene dejavnosti EU, kot je evropski zeleni dogovor. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 1MS4QW0HXC
http://www.eea.europa.eu/hu/highlights/varhatoan-novekszik-az-artalmas-zajszennyezesnek Várhatóan növekszik az ártalmas zajszennyezésnek kitett európai lakosok száma 2020-02-25T13:12:55Z 2020-06-24T19:55:53Z 2020-03-04T23:05:00Z hu http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/number-of-europeans-exposed-to 2020 1.1.6 None Az Európai Környezetvédelmi Ügynökség (EEA) mai napon közzétett jelentése szerint jelenleg öt európai lakos közül legalább egy egészségre káros mértékűnek tekinthető zajszennyezésnek van kitéve. Az előrejelzések szerint a következő években ez a szám emelkedni fog. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 1AW5FHEBDR
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pt/highlights/numero-de-europeus-expostos-a Número de europeus expostos a poluição sonora prejudicial deverá aumentar 2020-02-25T13:12:55Z 2020-06-24T19:55:53Z 2020-03-04T23:05:00Z pt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/number-of-europeans-exposed-to 2020 1.1.6 None Pelo menos um em cada cinco europeus está atualmente exposto a níveis de ruído considerados prejudiciais para a saúde, segundo o relatório sobre a poluição sonora no meio ambiente da Agência Europeia do Ambiente (AEA) publicado hoje. Prevê-se que este número aumente nos próximos anos. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 2BWQI5RJVO
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/rediscover-nature-2013-ovogodisnji-fotografski REDISCOVER Nature – ovogodišnji fotografski natječaj Europske agencije za okoliš (EEA) 2020-05-19T05:09:14Z 2020-08-03T14:07:12Z 2020-06-05T12:25:00Z hr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/rediscover-nature-photo-competition 2020 3.4.3 None Bez obzira na to gdje se nalazimo, svi se možemo diviti čudima prirode, a sada možda više nego ikad prije. Ovogodišnji fotografski natječaj Europske agencije za okoliš (EEA) „REDISCOVER Nature”, koji danas počinje, poziva vas da zabilježite i podijelite svoju povezanost s prirodom i okolišem. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None RXO7BMVNDE
http://www.eea.europa.eu/es/highlights/la-calidad-de-las-aguas La calidad de las aguas de baño de Europa sigue siendo elevada, según ha determinado la última evaluación anual. 2020-06-04T11:48:00Z 2020-06-11T11:00:21Z 2020-06-08T10:50:00Z es http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/quality-of-europes-bathing-waters 2020 1.5.2 None Según la última evaluación anual de la calidad de las aguas de baño en Europa, que se publica hoy, la calidad de las aguas de baño europeas sigue siendo elevada. Algo menos del 85 % de las zonas de baño europeas controladas en 2019 reúnen los criterios más elevados y estrictos que exige la Unión Europea para calificarlas como «excelentes». http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 3JM6G8ETO0
http://www.eea.europa.eu/it/highlights/la-qualita-delle-acque-di La qualità delle acque di balneazione europee resta elevata, come attesta l'ultima valutazione annuale 2020-06-04T11:48:00Z 2020-06-11T11:00:21Z 2020-06-08T10:48:12Z it http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/quality-of-europes-bathing-waters 2020 1.5.2 None In base alla valutazione della qualità delle acque di balneazione europee di quest'anno pubblicata oggi, la loro qualità resta elevata. Quasi l'85 % dei siti balneari monitorati in tutta Europa nel 2019 soddisfa gli standard di qualità più elevati e rigorosi dell'Unione europea e può fregiarsi della qualifica di "eccellente". http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 4EYHNK6C7U
http://www.eea.europa.eu/bg/highlights/spored-poslednata-godishna-otsenka-kachestvoto Според последната годишна оценка качеството на водите, в които европейците се къпят, остава високо 2020-06-04T11:48:00Z 2020-06-11T11:00:21Z 2020-06-08T11:05:00Z bg http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/quality-of-europes-bathing-waters 2020 1.5.2 None Според публикуваната днес тазгодишна оценка за качеството на водите за къпане в Европа то остава високо. Близо 85 % от наблюдаваните през 2019 г. обекти за къпане в Европа отговарят на най-високите и най-строгите „отлични“ стандарти за качество на Европейския съюз. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None Z51DQW6NY0
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fr/highlights/l2019aee-vous-invite-a-redecouvrir L’AEE vous invite à redécouvrir la nature au travers de la nouvelle édition de son concours de photographie intitulé REDISCOVER Nature 2020-05-19T05:09:14Z 2020-08-03T14:07:12Z 2020-06-09T12:12:13Z fr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/rediscover-nature-photo-competition 2020 3.4.3 None Où que nous soyons, nous pouvons tous apprécier les merveilles de la nature, peut-être aujourd’hui plus que jamais. Cette année, le concours de photographie de l’Agence européenne pour l’environnement (AEE), qui s’ouvre aujourd’hui, vous invite à redécouvrir la nature en saisissant et en partageant le lien qui vous unit à la nature et à votre environnement. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None OAE35P4U9W
http://www.eea.europa.eu/it/highlights/rediscover-nature-il-concorso-fotografico «REDISCOVER Nature»: il concorso fotografico dell’AEA di quest’anno 2020-05-19T05:09:14Z 2020-08-03T14:07:12Z 2020-06-11T08:30:00Z it http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/rediscover-nature-photo-competition 2020 3.4.3 None Ovunque ci troviamo, tutti noi possiamo apprezzare le meraviglie della natura, forse adesso più che mai. Il concorso fotografico dell’Agenzia europea dell’ambiente (AEA) di quest’anno, «REDISCOVER Nature» (RISCOPRI la natura), che inizia oggi, è un invito a cogliere e a condividere il legame con la natura e l’ambiente circostante. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 79HKRAGI84
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/pokud-nebudou-bezodkladne-prijata-soudrzna Pokud nebudou bezodkladně přijata soudržná opatření, čeká evropská moře nejistá budoucnost 2020-06-19T12:37:18Z 2021-11-17T08:45:27Z 2020-06-26T06:39:19Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-seas-face-uncertain-future 2020 1.6.2 None Pro opětovné zlepšení stavu evropských moří je třeba přijmout bezodkladná opatření z důvodu rostoucích hrozeb, kterými jsou nadměrné využívání mořských zdrojů, znečištění a změna klimatu. Podle dnes zveřejněné zprávy Evropské agentury pro životní prostředí (EEA) o evropských mořských ekosystémech, nám dochází čas na odvrácení následků zanedbávání a nesprávného využívání moří, které trvalo celá desetiletí. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None W6SH1AM0FT
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sk/highlights/brez-hitrega-in-usklajenega-ukrepanja Európske moria budú vystavené neistej budúcnosti, ak sa neprijmú urýchlené a jednotné opatrenia 2020-06-19T12:37:18Z 2021-11-17T08:45:27Z 2020-07-02T08:10:00Z sk http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-seas-face-uncertain-future 2020 1.6.2 None Vzhľadom na nárast hrozieb v dôsledku nadmerného využívania morských zdrojov, znečisťovania a zmeny klímy, je potrebné urýchlene konať, aby sa opäť obnovil dobrý stav európskych morí. Podľa správy Európskej environmentálnej agentúry o európskych morských ekosystémoch, ktorá bola dnes uverejnená, zostáva nám len málo času na zvrátenie toho, čo sa celé desaťročia zanedbávalo a zneužívalo. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 30TNI1VOQP
http://www.eea.europa.eu/is/highlights/ad-fast-vid-mengun-og Að fást við mengun og loftlagsbreytingar í Evrópu mun bæta heilbrigði og velferð, sérstaklega fyrir þá sem viðkvæmastir eru 2020-08-31T18:33:13Z 2020-11-23T10:59:14Z 2020-09-07T22:05:00Z is http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/tackling-pollution-and-climate-change 2020 2.2.2 None Loft- og hávaðamengun, áhrif loftlagsbreytinga s.s. hitabylgjur, og varnarleysi gagnvart hættulegum efnum valda slæmri heilsu í Evrópu. Umhverfi í lélegum gæðum stuðlar að 13% dauðsfalla samkvæmt meiriháttar mati á heilbrigði og umhverfi sem gefið var út í dag af Umhverfisstofnun Evrópu (EEA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None Z8TDHKWBYV
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lv/highlights/cina-pret-piesarnojumu-un-klimata Cīņa pret piesārņojumu un klimata pārmaiņām Eiropā uzlabos veselību un labklājību — jo īpaši visneaizsargātāko iedzīvotāju vidū 2020-08-31T18:33:13Z 2020-11-23T10:59:14Z 2020-09-07T22:05:00Z lv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/tackling-pollution-and-climate-change 2020 2.2.2 None Gaisa un trokšņa piesārņojums, klimata pārmaiņu ietekme, piemēram, karstuma viļņi, un bīstamu ķīmisku vielu iedarbība Eiropā rada veselības problēmas. Saskaņā ar Eiropas Vides aģentūras (EVA) šodien publiskoto veselības un vides novērtējumu 13 % no visiem nāves gadījumiem ietekmējusi sliktas kvalitātes vide. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 6OXFNW7BAH
http://www.eea.europa.eu/hu/highlights/uton-a-szennyezoanyag-mentes-europaba Úton a szennyezőanyag-mentes Európába 2020-10-09T10:57:54Z 2021-01-18T16:00:18Z 2020-10-22T08:25:34Z hu http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/moving-towards-zero-pollution-in-europe 2020 3.4.3 None Mi a szennyezés és hogyan hat ránk, illetve a környezetünkre? Európa a szennyezés csökkentésére törekszik, és az európai zöld megállapodás keretében az Európai Bizottság szennyezőanyag-mentességi stratégiát dolgozott ki Európa számára. Az Európai Környezetvédelmi Ügynökség (EEA) ma megjelent új jelentésében több szemszögből veszi górcső alá, hogy a szennyezés milyen kihívások elé állítja Európát, illetve azt, hogy mik a szennyezés felszámolására és megelőzésére irányuló lehetőségek. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None EVZ4XAIFT6
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sv/highlights/pa-vag-mot-nollfororening-i-europa På väg mot nollförorening i Europa 2020-10-09T10:57:54Z 2021-01-18T16:00:18Z 2020-10-26T13:05:00Z sv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/moving-towards-zero-pollution-in-europe 2020 3.4.3 None Vad är föroreningar och hur påverkar det oss och miljön? Europa vidtar åtgärder för att minska föroreningarna och som en del av den europeiska gröna given lägger kommissionen fram en nollföroreningsambition för Europa. I en ny rapport från Europeiska miljöbyrån (EEA) som publiceras idag behandlas utmaningen med föroreningar i Europa från olika vinklar, liksom utsikterna för att rena och förebygga föroreningar. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None BZFSV9O602
http://www.eea.europa.eu/mt/highlights/rediscover-nature-ghall-kompetizzjoni-tal REDISCOVER Nature għall-kompetizzjoni tal-fotografija tal-EEA ta’ din is-sena 2020-05-19T05:09:14Z 2020-08-03T14:07:12Z 2020-06-09T13:05:00Z mt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/rediscover-nature-photo-competition 2020 3.4.3 None Irrispettivament minn fejn ninsabu, ilkoll kemm aħna nistgħu napprezzaw il-meravilji tan-natura, issa probabbilment aktar minn qatt qabel. Il-kompetizzjoni tal-fotografija tal-Aġenzija Ewropea għall-Ambjent (EEA) ta’ din is-sena “REDISCOVER Nature”, li tiftaħ illum, tistiednek taqbad u tikkondividi r-rabta tiegħek man-natura u l-ambjent ta’ madwarek. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None PQ6EWVT0FJ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pl/highlights/rediscover-nature-to-tegoroczny-konkurs REDISCOVER Nature to tegoroczny konkurs fotograficzny organizowany przez EEA 2020-05-19T05:09:14Z 2020-08-03T14:07:12Z 2020-06-09T13:10:00Z pl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/rediscover-nature-photo-competition 2020 3.4.3 None Niezależnie od tego, gdzie jesteśmy wszyscy możemy docenić piękno przyrody – a teraz możliwe, że bardziej niż kiedykolwiek wcześniej. Tegoroczny konkurs fotograficzny Europejskiej Agencji Środowiska (EEA) pt. „REDISCOVER Nature”, którego inauguracja ma miejsce dziś, zachęca do uwiecznienia osobistego kontaktu z przyrodą i otoczeniem oraz do podzielenia się tym z innymi. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None KDEFVNCX5U
http://www.eea.europa.eu/de/highlights/ueber-85-europaeischer-badegewaesser-haben Über 85 % europäischer Badegewässer haben ausgezeichnete Wasserqualität 2019-05-28T13:04:00Z 2019-12-10T09:22:34Z 2019-06-06T10:00:00Z de http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/large-number-of-europes-bathing 2019 1.5.1 None Über 85 % der Badestellen in ganz Europa, die im vergangenen Jahr überwacht wurden, haben laut dem jüngsten EU-Jahresbericht über die Qualität der Badegewässer die höchsten Anforderungen für „ausgezeichnete“ Wasserqualität erfüllt. Die heute veröffentlichten Ergebnisse sind ein guter Indikator dafür, wo in diesem Sommer voraussichtlich die Badegewässer mit der besten Wasserqualität zu finden sind. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None T6QRCDY3H5
http://www.eea.europa.eu/it/highlights/lo-stato-dell-ambiente-in-europa Lo stato dell’ambiente in Europa nel 2020: urge un cambio di rotta per affrontare le sfide poste dai cambiamenti climatici, invertire il processo di degrado e assicurare il benessere alle generazioni future 2019-11-29T09:23:12Z 2020-11-23T10:58:24Z 2019-12-03T23:05:00Z it http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/soer2020-europes-environment-state-and-outlook-report 2019 2.4.4 None L’Europa non riuscirà a centrare gli obiettivi fissati per il 2030 senza un intervento urgente, nell’arco dei prossimi dieci anni, che affronti l’allarmante tasso di perdita di biodiversità, gli effetti sempre maggiori dei cambiamenti climatici e l’eccessivo sfruttamento delle risorse naturali. La relazione dell’Agenzia europea dell’ambiente (AEA) sullo “Stato dell’Ambiente”, pubblicata oggi, mostra come l’Europa si trovi di fronte a urgenti sfide ambientali di portata senza precedenti. Tuttavia, secondo quanto emerge dalla relazione, si ravvisano margini di speranza, data la maggiore consapevolezza generale della necessità di cambiare rotta verso un futuro sostenibile, l’adozione di innovazioni tecnologiche, le iniziative comunitarie sempre più numerose ed il potenziamento delle misure dell’UE come ad esempio nel caso del Green Deal europeo. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ES8ZO9PBAI
http://www.eea.europa.eu/tr/highlights/2020-yilinda-avrupada-cevrenin-durumu 2020 yılında Avrupa'da çevrenin durumu: iklim değişikliğinin beraberinde getirdiği zorluklarla yüzleşmek, bozulmayı tersine çevirmek ve gelecekte için refahı sağlamak için yön değişikliği acilen gerekmektedir. 2019-11-29T09:23:12Z 2020-11-23T10:58:24Z 2019-12-03T23:05:00Z tr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/soer2020-europes-environment-state-and-outlook-report 2019 2.4.4 None Avrupa, gelecek 10 yıl boyunca biyolojik çeşitlilik kaybının endişe verici oranını, iklim değişikliğinin olumsuz etkilerini ve doğal kaynakların aşırı tüketimini ele alacak acil eylem planını oluşturmadan 2030 hedeflerine ulaşamayacak. Avrupa Çevre Ajansı’nın (AÇA) bugün yayınlanan “Çevrenin Durumu” raporu, Avrupa'nın benzersiz bir ölçek ve aciliyette çevresel zorluklarla karşı karşıya olduğunu belirtmektedir. Ancak raporda, sürdürülebilir bir geleceğe geçiş ihtiyacı için toplumsal farkındalığın artması, teknolojik yenilikler, toplumun artan girişimleri ve Avrupa Yeşil Anlaşması gibi AB eylemlerinin hızlandırılması noktaları ele alındığında, umudun hala olduğu da belirtiliyor. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None R9ZA7VYJ41
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fr/highlights/etat-de-lenvironnement-en-europe État de l’environnement en Europe en 2020: un changement de direction est nécessaire de toute urgence pour affronter les défis posés par le changement climatique, inverser le processus de dégradation et assurer la prospérité future 2019-11-29T09:23:12Z 2020-11-23T10:58:24Z 2019-12-03T23:05:00Z fr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/soer2020-europes-environment-state-and-outlook-report 2019 2.4.4 None L’Europe ne réalisera pas ses objectifs pour 2030 si aucune mesure urgente n’est prise au cours des dix prochaines années pour répondre au rythme alarmant de l’appauvrissement de la biodiversité, aux effets de plus en plus marqués du changement climatique et à la surconsommation des ressources naturelles. Le dernier rapport de l’Agence européenne pour l’environnement (AEE) sur l’«État de l’environnement», publié aujourd’hui, indique que l’Europe fait face à des défis environnementaux d’une ampleur et d’une urgence sans précédent. Toutefois le rapport précise qu’il existe des raisons d’espérer dans un contexte où le public est de plus en plus sensibilisé à la nécessité de s’orienter vers un avenir durable, des innovations technologiques voient le jour, des initiatives communautaires se développent et l’action de l’UE se renforce, comme le pacte vert pour l’Europe. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None WNUQ24OJIZ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/stanje-okolisa-u-europi-2020 Stanje okoliša u Europi,2020.: hitno je potrebna promjena smjera kako bi se suočili s izazovima klimatskih promjena, preokrenuli trendovi degradacije i osiguralo buduće blagostanje 2019-11-29T09:23:12Z 2020-11-23T10:58:24Z 2019-12-03T23:05:00Z hr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/soer2020-europes-environment-state-and-outlook-report 2019 2.4.4 None Europa neće ostvariti svoje ciljeve za 2030. bez hitnih mjera tijekom sljedećih 10 godina u borbi protiv alarmantne stope gubitka biološke raznolikosti, povećanja utjecaja klimatskih promjena i pretjerane potrošnje prirodnih resursa. U najnovijem izvješću Europske agencije za okoliš (EEA) naziva „Stanje okoliša” koje je objavljeno danas, navodi se da se Europa suočava izazovima u vezi s okolišem čiji su razmjeri, kao i hitnost suočavanja s njima, dosad nezabilježeni. Međutim, razloga za nadu prema izvješću ima - zbog povećane javne svijesti o potrebi za promjenama koje podrazumijevaju održivu budućnost, tehnološke inovacije, sve veći broj inicijativa zajednica i pojačane mjere EU-a kao što je europski zeleni dogovor (Green Deal). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None AJR6OW0XYU
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fi/highlights/euroopan-ympariston-tila-2020-suuntaa Euroopan ympäristön tila 2020: suuntaa on muutettava heti, jotta voidaan vastata ilmastonmuutoksen haasteisiin, pysäyttää ympäristön pilaantuminen ja varmistaa tuleva hyvinvointi 2019-11-29T09:23:12Z 2020-11-23T10:58:24Z 2019-12-03T23:05:00Z fi http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/soer2020-europes-environment-state-and-outlook-report 2019 2.4.4 None Eurooppa ei saavuta vuoden 2030 tavoitteitaan, ellei seuraavan kymmenen vuoden aikana puututa ripeästi luonnon monimuotoisuuden hälyttävän nopeaan vähenemiseen, ilmastonmuutoksen kasvaviin vaikutuksiin ja luonnonvarojen ylikulutukseen. Euroopan ympäristökeskuksen (EEA) tänään julkaistussa uusimmassa Ympäristön tila -raportissa todetaan, että Euroopalla on ennennäkemättömän laajoja ja kiireellisiä ympäristöhaasteita. Raportin mukaan toivoa kuitenkin on, sillä kansalaiset tiedostavat, että siirtymä kestävään tulevaisuuteen on välttämätön. Myös teknologiset innovaatiot, lisääntyvät yhteisöjen aloitteet sekä EU:n tehostuneet toimet, kuten Euroopan vihreän kehityksen ohjelma, luovat uskoa paremmasta. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 1V6W7ZDBT8
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sv/highlights/miljotillstandet-i-europa-2020-en Miljötillståndet i Europa 2020: en omedelbar kursändring är nödvändig för att klara av klimatförändringarnas utmaningar, stoppa försämringen och garantera fortsatt välstånd 2019-11-29T09:23:12Z 2020-11-23T10:58:24Z 2019-12-03T23:05:00Z sv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/soer2020-europes-environment-state-and-outlook-report 2019 2.4.4 None Europa kommer inte att uppnå sina mål för 2030 utan omedelbara insatser de närmaste 10 åren, för att ta itu med den alarmerande snabba förlusten av biologisk mångfald, klimatförändringarnas ökande effekter och överutnyttjandet av naturresurser. Enligt Europeiska miljöbyråns (EEA) senaste rapport av miljötillståndet, som kommer ut i dag, står Europa inför miljöutmaningar av aldrig tidigare skådad skala och betydelse. Dock säger rapporten att det finns hopp tack vare allmänhetens ökade medvetenhet om behovet av en omställning till en hållbar framtid, tekniska innovationer, växande gemensamma initiativ och intensifierade insatser av EU, såsom den europeiska Gröna Given. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None UOAX42EF7B
http://www.eea.europa.eu/et/highlights/kahjuliku-murasaastega-kokkupuutuvate-eurooplaste-arv Kahjuliku mürasaastega kokkupuutuvate eurooplaste arv eeldatavasti suureneb 2020-02-25T13:12:55Z 2020-06-24T19:55:53Z 2020-03-04T23:05:00Z et http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/number-of-europeans-exposed-to 2020 1.1.6 None Euroopa Keskkonnaameti (EEA) täna avaldatud keskkonna mürasaaste aruande kohaselt puutub praegu vähemalt viiendik eurooplasi kokku tervisele kahjulikuks peetava müratasemega. Prognoositakse, et see arv lähiaastatel suureneb. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None KUGFTV04J8
http://www.eea.europa.eu/mt/highlights/l-ghadd-ta2019-ewropej-esposti L-għadd ta’ Ewropej esposti għal tniġġis akustiku ta’ ħsara mistenni li jiżdied 2020-02-25T13:12:55Z 2020-06-24T19:55:53Z 2020-03-04T23:05:00Z mt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/number-of-europeans-exposed-to 2020 1.1.6 None Skont ir-rapport dwar it-tniġġis akustiku ambjentali tal-Aġenzija Ewropea għall-Ambjent (EEA) ippubblikat illum, mill-anqas wieħed minn kull ħames Ewropej huwa espost għal livelli ta’ storbju li huma kkunsidrati ta’ ħsara għas-saħħa tiegħu. Dan in-numru mistenni jiżdied fis-snin li ġejjin. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 0TJCDMNQ83
http://www.eea.europa.eu/ro/highlights/numarul-de-cetateni-europeni-expusi Numărul de cetățeni europeni expuși la poluare fonică nocivă va crește, se preconizează 2020-02-25T13:12:55Z 2020-06-24T19:55:53Z 2020-03-04T23:05:00Z ro http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/number-of-europeans-exposed-to 2020 1.1.6 None Cel puțin unu din cinci europeni este la ora actuală expus la niveluri de zgomot considerate nocive pentru sănătate, conform raportului Agenției Europene de Mediu (AEM) privind poluarea fonică ambientală publicat azi, Prognozele arată că acest număr va crește în următorii ani. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None M8D3SHFPZG
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sl/highlights/stevilo-evropejcev-ki-so-izpostavljeni Število Evropejcev, ki so izpostavljeni škodljivim obremenitvam s hrupom, naj bi po pričakovanjih v prihodnosti še naraščalo 2020-02-25T13:12:55Z 2020-06-24T19:55:53Z 2020-03-04T23:05:00Z sl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/number-of-europeans-exposed-to 2020 1.1.6 None Evropska agencija za okolje (EEA) je v danes objavljenem poročilu o obremenitvah z okoljskim hrupom navedla, da je vsaj eden od petih Evropejcev trenutno izpostavljen ravnem hrupa, ki veljajo za zdravju škodljive. Ta številka naj bi se v prihodnjih letih še povečala. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 83STK7QXUR
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pl/highlights/oczekuje-sie-ze-liczba-europejczykow Oczekuje się, że liczba Europejczyków narażonych na szkodliwe zanieczyszczenie hałasem wzrośnie 2020-02-25T13:12:55Z 2020-06-24T19:55:53Z 2020-03-17T09:55:00Z pl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/number-of-europeans-exposed-to 2020 1.1.6 None Co najmniej jeden na pięcioro Europejczyków jest obecnie narażony na poziom hałasu uznawany za szkodliwy dla zdrowia – zgodnie z raportem o zanieczyszczeniu środowiska hałasem, opublikowanym dziś przez Europejską Agencję Środowiska (EEA). Szacuje się, że w kolejnych latach liczba ta jeszcze wzrośnie. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 2RQMGS9T0U
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fi/highlights/vuotuinen-selvitys-euroopan-uimavedet-edelleen Vuotuinen selvitys: Euroopan uimavedet edelleen hyvässä kunnossa 2020-06-04T11:48:00Z 2020-06-11T11:00:21Z 2020-06-08T12:15:00Z fi http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/quality-of-europes-bathing-waters 2020 1.5.2 None Euroopan uimavesien laatu on pysynyt korkealla tasolla. Tämä käy ilmi tänään julkaistusta Euroopan uimavesien vuotuisesta laatuarvioinnista. Melkein 85 prosenttia vuonna 2019 tarkastetuista Euroopan uimarannoista täytti EU:n tiukimmat ”erinomaisen” laatuluokan vaatimukset. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None C56HT8RVFB
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pl/highlights/wedlug-ostatniej-oceny-rocznej-jakosc Według ostatniej oceny rocznej jakość wody w europejskich kąpieliskach pozostaje wysoka 2020-06-04T11:48:00Z 2020-06-11T11:00:21Z 2020-06-08T13:04:14Z pl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/quality-of-europes-bathing-waters 2020 1.5.2 None Jakość wody w europejskich kąpieliskach pozostaje wysoka, jak wynika z opublikowanej dziś oceny jakości wody w kąpieliskach europejskich. W 2019 r. prawie 85 proc. kąpielisk monitorowanych w całej Europie spełniało najwyższe i najbardziej rygorystyczne unijne normy „doskonałej” jakości. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 72TIFV36GM
http://www.eea.europa.eu/et/highlights/rediscover-nature-2013-euroopa-keskkonnaameti REDISCOVER Nature – Euroopa Keskkonnaameti selle aasta fotokonkurss 2020-05-19T05:09:14Z 2020-08-03T14:07:12Z 2020-06-17T14:55:00Z et http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/rediscover-nature-photo-competition 2020 3.4.3 None Olenemata sellest, kus viibime, saame imetleda loodust praegu ehk rohkem kui kunagi varem. Täna avatakse Euroopa Keskkonnaameti selle aasta fotokonkurss „REDISCOVER Nature“, mis kutsub meist igaühte üles jäädvustama ja jagama oma suhet looduse ja ümbritseva keskkonnaga. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None Y5IC8Q2GJ3
http://www.eea.europa.eu/de/highlights/die-bekaempfung-von-umweltverschmutzung-und Die Bekämpfung von Umweltverschmutzung und Klimawandel in Europa wird die Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden verbessern, insbesondere bei den am stärksten Gefährdeten 2020-08-31T18:33:13Z 2020-11-23T10:59:14Z 2020-09-07T22:05:00Z de http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/tackling-pollution-and-climate-change 2020 2.2.2 None Luftverschmutzung und Lärmbelastung, die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels, wie etwa Hitzewellen, sowie die Exposition gegenüber Chemikalien führen zu Erkrankungen in Europa. Eine niedrige Umweltqualität trägt, gemäß einer heute von der Europäischen Umweltagentur (EUA) veröffentlichten umfassenden Bewertung von Gesundheit und Umwelt, zu 13 % aller Todesfälle bei. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None CRB9J2KUMX
http://www.eea.europa.eu/bg/highlights/preminavane-kam-nulevo-zamarsyavane-v-evropa Преминаване към нулево замърсяване в Европа 2020-10-09T10:57:54Z 2021-01-18T16:00:18Z 2020-10-20T07:15:41Z bg http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/moving-towards-zero-pollution-in-europe 2020 3.4.3 None Какво представлява замърсяването и как се отразява върху нас и околната среда? Европа предприема действия за намаляване на замърсяването, а Европейската комисия предложи амбиция за нулево замърсяване в Европа като част от Европейския зелен пакт. Докладът на Европейската агенция по околна среда (ЕАОС), публикуван днес, разглежда от различни ъгли предизвикателството, свързано със замърсяването в Европа, , както и възможностите за почистване и предотвратяване на замърсяването. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None GMKJX564IE
http://www.eea.europa.eu/ro/highlights/catre-reducerea-la-zero-a Către reducerea la zero a poluării în Europa 2020-10-09T10:57:54Z 2021-01-18T16:00:18Z 2020-10-21T09:02:20Z ro http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/moving-towards-zero-pollution-in-europe 2020 3.4.3 None Ce este poluarea și cum ne afectează pe noi și mediul? Europa ia măsuri pentru reducerea poluării și, în cadrul Pactului ecologic european, Comisia Europeană a stabilit pentru Europa o strategie de reducere la zero a poluării. Un nou raport al Agenției Europene de Mediu (AEM), publicat astăzi, analizează problema poluării în Europa din diferite perspective, precum și posibilitățile de decontaminare și prevenire a poluării. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 7S86KGM5XV
http://www.eea.europa.eu/da/highlights/mod-nulforurening-i-europa Mod nulforurening i Europa 2020-10-09T10:57:54Z 2021-01-18T16:00:18Z 2020-10-21T09:05:53Z da http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/moving-towards-zero-pollution-in-europe 2020 3.4.3 None Hvad er forurening, og hvordan påvirker det os og miljøet? Europa træffer foranstaltninger til at mindske forureningen, og som en del af Den europæiske grønne pagt har Europa-Kommissionen opstillet en målsætning om nulforurening for Europa. En ny rapport fra Det Europæiske Miljøagentur (EEA), som offentliggøres i dag, ser på forureningsudfordringen i Europa fra forskellige vinkler og på mulighederne for at rydde op og forebygge forurening. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 2AFOTX34BY
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fr/highlights/vers-une-pollution-zero-en-europe Vers une pollution zéro en Europe 2020-10-09T10:57:54Z 2021-01-18T16:00:18Z 2020-10-21T09:30:08Z fr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/moving-towards-zero-pollution-in-europe 2020 3.4.3 None Qu’est-ce que la pollution et quelle est son incidence sur la population et sur l’environnement? Alors que l’Europe s’engage en faveur de la réduction de la pollution, la Commission européenne présente, dans le cadre du pacte vert pour l’Europe, un objectif de pollution zéro pour l’Europe. Un nouveau rapport de l’Agence européenne pour l’environnement (AEE), publié aujourd’hui, examine le problème de la pollution en Europe sous différents angles ainsi que les moyens d’agir en matière d’assainissement et de prévention de la pollution. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None EZD1CN0VKJ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/it/highlights/verso-un-inquinamento-zero-in-europa Verso un inquinamento zero in Europa 2020-10-09T10:57:54Z 2021-01-18T16:00:18Z 2020-10-21T09:44:13Z it http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/moving-towards-zero-pollution-in-europe 2020 3.4.3 None Cos’è l’inquinamento e quali effetti ha su di noi e sull’ambiente? L’Europa si sta mobilitando per ridurre l’inquinamento e, nel quadro del Green Deal europeo, la Commissione Europea ha proposto l’iniziativa ‘ambizione inquinamento zero in Europa’. Un nuovo rapporto dell’Agenzia europea dell’ambiente (AEA), pubblicato oggi, analizza la problematica dell’inquinamento in Europa da diverse angolature nonché le opportunità di risanamento e prevenzione dell’inquinamento. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None RW6DT40QJ2
http://www.eea.europa.eu/da/highlights/antallet-af-europaeere-der-eksponeres Antallet af europæere, der eksponeres for skadelig støjforurening, forventes at stige 2020-02-25T13:12:55Z 2020-06-24T19:55:53Z 2020-03-04T23:05:00Z da http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/number-of-europeans-exposed-to 2020 1.1.6 None I dag udsættes mindst én ud af fem europæere for støjniveauer, der anses som skadelige for deres helbred, ifølge en rapport fra Det Europæiske Miljøagentur (EEA) om ekstern støjforurening, der offentliggøres i dag. Antallet forventes at stige i de kommende år. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None MRX6TQEBUI
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/pocet-evropanu-vystavenych-skodlivemu-hlukovemu Počet Evropanů vystavených škodlivému hlukovému znečištění vzroste 2020-02-25T13:12:55Z 2020-06-24T19:55:53Z 2020-03-04T23:05:00Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/number-of-europeans-exposed-to 2020 1.1.6 None Podle dnes zveřejněné zprávy Evropské agentury pro životní prostředí (EEA) o hlukovém znečištění ve venkovním prostředí je v současnosti nejméně každý pátý Evropan vystaven hladině hluku, která je považována za zdraví škodlivou. Předpokládá se, že toto číslo v nadcházejících letech dále poroste. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None QGO94528BZ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/el/highlights/o-arithmos-ton-eyropaion-poy Ο αριθμός των Ευρωπαίων που εκτίθενται σε επιβλαβή ηχορύπανση αναμένεται να αυξηθεί 2020-02-25T13:12:55Z 2020-06-24T19:55:53Z 2020-03-05T13:44:39Z el http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/number-of-europeans-exposed-to 2020 1.1.6 None Τουλάχιστον ένας στους πέντε Ευρωπαίους εκτίθεται σήμερα σε επίπεδα θορύβου που θεωρούνται επιβλαβή για την υγεία, σύμφωνα με την έκθεση του Ευρωπαϊκού Οργανισμού Περιβάλλοντος (ΕΟΠ) σχετικά με την περιβαλλοντική ηχορύπανση που δημοσιεύτηκε σήμερα. Αυτός ο αριθμός αναμένεται να αυξηθεί τα επόμενα χρόνια. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None B192JYE53S
http://www.eea.europa.eu/it/highlights/atteso-un-aumento-del-numero Atteso un aumento del numero di persone esposte a inquinamento acustico nocivo in Europa 2020-02-25T13:12:55Z 2020-06-24T19:55:53Z 2020-03-26T10:25:34Z it http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/number-of-europeans-exposed-to 2020 1.1.6 None Secondo il rapporto sull’inquinamento acustico ambientale, pubblicata oggi dall’Agenzia europea dell’ambiente (AEA), almeno una persona su cinque in Europa è esposta a livelli di rumore considerati nocivi per la salute. Le proiezioni per gli anni a venire indicano un aumento di questa cifra. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 92CE10BDQN
http://www.eea.europa.eu/et/highlights/euroopa-keskkonnaseisund-2020-aastal-on Euroopa keskkonnaseisund 2020. aastal: on vaja kiiret suunamuutust, et tegeleda kliimamuutustest tulenevate väljakutsetega, pöörata tagasi keskkonnaseisundi halvenemine ja tagada heaolu tulevikus 2019-11-29T09:23:12Z 2020-11-23T10:58:24Z 2019-12-03T23:05:00Z et http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/soer2020-europes-environment-state-and-outlook-report 2019 2.4.4 None Euroopa ei saavuta oma 2030. aasta eesmärke, kui lähima 10 aasta jooksul ei astuta kiireid samme, et tegelda bioloogilise mitmekesisuse vähenemise alarmeeriva kiiruse, kliimamuutuste suureneva mõju ja loodusvarade ülekasutamise probleemidega. Euroopa Keskkonnaameti (EEA) täna avaldatud uusimas keskkonnaseisundi aruandes märgitakse, et Euroopa peab lahendama enneolematu ulatuse ja kiireloomulisusega keskkonnaprobleemid. Samas on aruande järgi siiski tänu üldsuse suuremale teadlikkusele vajadusest liikuda kestliku tuleviku suunas lootust tehnoloogilistele uuendustele, kasvavatele kogukonnaalgatustele ja hoogustunud ELi tegevusele, näiteks Euroopa roheline kokkulepe. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 8WXJF0G6B9
http://www.eea.europa.eu/nl/highlights/de-toestand-van-het-milieu De toestand van het milieu in Europa 2020: er is dringend behoefte aan een koerswijziging om de problemen van de klimaatverandering het hoofd te bieden, de achteruitgang van het milieu terug te draaien en toekomstige welvaart te waarborgen 2019-11-29T09:23:12Z 2020-11-23T10:58:24Z 2019-12-03T23:05:00Z nl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/soer2020-europes-environment-state-and-outlook-report 2019 2.4.4 None Europa zal zijn doelstellingen voor 2030 niet halen als er de komende tien jaar niet snel actie wordt ondernomen om het alarmerende tempo van het biodiversiteitsverlies, de toenemende effecten van de klimaatverandering en het overmatig gebruik van natuurlijke hulpbronnen aan te pakken. Het vandaag gepubliceerde rapport van het Europees Milieuagentschap (EEA) over de toestand van het milieu wijst erop dat Europa geconfronteerd wordt met milieuproblemen van ongekende omvang en urgentie. Het rapport stelt echter dat er reden is voor hoop, gezien het toenemende publieke besef over de noodzaak van een duurzame toekomst, op technologische innovaties, en dankzij steeds meer gemeenschapsinitiatieven en krachtige EU-maatregelen zoals de Europese Green Deal. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None K67MT4RVI3
http://www.eea.europa.eu/no/highlights/miljostatus-i-europa-2020-det Miljøstatus i Europa 2020: Det haster med en ny kurs for å takle klimaendringer, snu ødeleggelsen av miljøet og sikre framtidig velstand 2019-11-29T09:23:12Z 2020-11-23T10:58:24Z 2019-12-03T23:05:00Z no http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/soer2020-europes-environment-state-and-outlook-report 2019 2.4.4 None Europa vil ikke nå sine 2030-mål uten hastetiltak de ti neste årene. Det må gjøres noe med den alarmerende raske nedgangen i artsmangfold, økte konsekvenser av klimaendringer og overforbruket av naturressurser. Ifølge miljøstatusrapporten fra Det europeiske miljøbyrået (EEA) som ble publisert i dag, står Europa overfor miljøutfordringer med overveldende omfang og hastverk, som savner sidestykke i historien. Økt bevissthet i befolkningen om behovet for omstilling til en bærekraftig framtid, teknologiske innovasjoner, økende lokale initiativer og opptrapping av EU-tiltak som den europeiske miljøavtalen, «European Green Deal», gir imidlertid grunn til håp, ifølge rapporten. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None BEIR2OQJ1H
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lv/highlights/vides-stavoklis-eiropa-2020-gada Vides stāvoklis Eiropā 2020. gadā — steidzami jāmaina virziens, lai risinātu klimata pārmaiņu radītās problēmas, apturētu degradāciju un nodrošinātu turpmāku labklājību 2019-11-29T09:23:12Z 2020-11-23T10:58:24Z 2019-12-03T23:05:00Z lv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/soer2020-europes-environment-state-and-outlook-report 2019 2.4.4 None Eiropa nesasniegs savus 2030. gadam noteiktos mērķus, ja tā nākamo 10 gadu laikā steidzami nerīkosies, lai novērstu satraucoši straujo bioloģiskās daudzveidības izzušanu, klimata pārmaiņu pieaugošo ietekmi un dabas resursu pārtēriņu. Eiropas Vides aģentūras (EVA) jaunākajā ziņojumā “Vides stāvoklis”, kas publicēts šodien, ir norādīts, ka Eiropa saskaras ar vides problēmām, kas sasniegušas nebijušus mērogus un ir steidzami jārisina. Tomēr ziņojumā ir arī norādīts, ka ir pamats cerībām, jo tomēr ir palielinājusies sabiedrības izpratne par vajadzību pārorientēties uz ilgtspējīgu nākotni, tiek vairāk izmantotas tehnoloģiskas inovācijas, pieaug kopienu iniciatīvas un notiek intensīvāka ES rīcība, piemēram, Eiropas zaļais kurss. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None BYVNP86XCE
http://www.eea.europa.eu/ro/highlights/starea-mediului-in-europa-2020 Starea mediului în Europa 2020: este nevoie de o schimbare de direcție urgentă pentru a face față provocărilor legate de schimbările climatice, pentru a inversa procesul de degradare și pentru a asigura prosperitatea în viitor 2019-11-29T09:23:12Z 2020-11-23T10:58:24Z 2019-12-03T23:05:00Z ro http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/soer2020-europes-environment-state-and-outlook-report 2019 2.4.4 None Europa nu își va atinge obiectivele stabilite pentru 2030 dacă nu se întreprind acțiuni urgente în următorii 10 ani pentru a soluționa rata alarmantă a pierderii biodiversității, impactul crescând al schimbărilor climatice și consumul excesiv de resurse naturale. Potrivit celui mai recent raport privind „Starea Mediului”, publicat astăzi de Agenția Europeană de Mediu (AEM), Europa se confruntă cu provocări în domeniul mediului de o amploare și o urgență fără precedent. Cu toate acestea, raportul susține că există motive de speranță în contextul creșterii sensibilizării publicului cu privire la necesitatea orientării către un viitor durabil, al inovațiilor tehnologice, al inițiativelor comunitare în creștere și al intensificării acțiunilor UE, precum Pactul ecologic european. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None KASMR2TGDJ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/de/highlights/zustand-der-umwelt-in-europa Zustand der Umwelt in Europa 2020: Kurswechsel dringend erforderlich, um dem Klimawandel zu begegnen, die Zerstörung der Umwelt zu stoppen und künftigen Wohlstand zu sichern 2019-11-29T09:23:12Z 2020-11-23T10:58:24Z 2019-12-03T23:05:00Z de http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/soer2020-europes-environment-state-and-outlook-report 2019 2.4.4 None Europa wird seine Ziele für 2030 nicht erreichen, wenn es in den nächsten zehn Jahren nicht dringend gebotene Maßnahmen gegen den alarmierenden Rückgang der Artenvielfalt, die zunehmenden Auswirkungen des Klimawandels und den übermäßigen Verbrauch natürlicher Ressourcen ergreift. Der heute veröffentlichte Bericht „Zustand der Umwelt“ der Europäischen Umweltagentur (EUA) stellt fest, dass Europa im Umweltbereich vor Herausforderungen von nie da gewesener Größenordnung und Dringlichkeit steht. Dem Bericht zufolge besteht jedoch auch Anlass zur Hoffnung. Sie gründet sich auf das gestiegene öffentliche Bewusstsein für Nachhaltigkeit, technologische Innovationen, wachsende Gemeinschaftsinitiativen und neue EU-Maßnahmen wie dem „Europäischen Green Deal“. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None C4EM7UB0D1
http://www.eea.europa.eu/mt/highlights/l-istat-tal-ambjent-tal L-istat tal-ambjent tal-Ewropa 2020: hija meħtieġa b’mod urġenti bidla fid-direzzjoni biex jiġu ffaċċjati l-isfidi tat-tibdil fil-klima, titreġġa' lura d-degradazzjoni u tiġi żgurata l-prosperità futura 2019-11-29T09:23:12Z 2020-11-23T10:58:24Z 2019-12-03T23:05:00Z mt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/soer2020-europes-environment-state-and-outlook-report 2019 2.4.4 None L-Ewropa mhux se tilħaq l-għanijiet tagħha għall-2030 mingħajr azzjoni urġenti matul l-10 snin li ġejjin biex tiġi indirizzata r-rata allarmanti ta’ telfien tal-bijodiversità, iż-żieda fl-impatti tat-tibdil fil-klima u l-konsum eċċessiv ta' riżorsi naturali. L-aħħar rapport “State of the Environment” (L-Istat tal-Ambjent) tal-Aġenzija Ewropea għall-Ambjent (EEA) ippubblikat illum jiddikjara li l-Ewropa qed tħabbat wiċċha ma' sfidi ambjentali ta’ skala u urġenza bla preċedent. Madankollu, ir-rapport jgħid li hemm raġuni għal tama, fost sensibilizzazzjoni pubblika akbar dwar il-ħtieġa li jkun hemm bidla lejn futur sostenibbli, innovazzjonijiet teknoloġiċi, inizjattivi komunitarji li qed jikbru u azzjoni akbar tal-UE bħall-Patt Ekoloġiku Ewropew. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None BR8IDKC5QV
http://www.eea.europa.eu/mt/highlights/il-kwalita-tal-ilmijiet-ghall Il-kwalità tal-ilmijiet għall-għawm tal-Ewropa għadha għolja, skont l-aħħar evalwazzjoni annwali 2020-06-04T11:48:00Z 2020-06-11T11:00:21Z 2020-06-08T14:57:14Z mt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/quality-of-europes-bathing-waters 2020 1.5.2 None Il-kwalità tal-ilma għall-għawm tal-Ewropa għadha għolja, skont il-valutazzjoni Ewropea tal-kwalità talilma għall-għawm fl-Ewropa ta' din is-sena, li ġiet ippubblikata llum. Ftit anqas minn 85 % tas-siti talgħawm madwar l-Ewropa mmonitorjati fl-2019 laħqu l-ogħla standards ta' kwalità “eċċellenti” u dawk l-aktar stretti tal-Unjoni Ewropea. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None R2BE50ZH9I
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sl/highlights/po-najnovejsi-letni-oceni-kakovost Po najnovejÅ¡i letni oceni kakovost kopalnih voda v Evropi ostaja visoka 2020-06-04T11:48:00Z 2020-06-11T11:00:21Z 2020-06-08T14:39:52Z sl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/quality-of-europes-bathing-waters 2020 1.5.2 None Rezultati letošnje ocene kakovosti kopalnih voda v Evropi, ki je bila objavljena danes, kažejo, da kakovost ostaja visoka. Skoraj 85 % evropskih kopališč, na katerih se je leta 2019 spremljala kakovost vode, je izpolnjevalo najvišje in najstrožje standarde kakovosti EU (za oceno „odlično“). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None UQ2G6MVZ05
http://www.eea.europa.eu/et/highlights/euroopa-merede-tulevik-on-ebaselge Euroopa merede tulevik on ebaselge, kui ei võeta kiireloomulisi ja sidusaid meetmeid 2020-06-19T12:37:18Z 2021-11-17T08:45:27Z 2020-07-13T13:25:00Z et http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-seas-face-uncertain-future 2020 1.6.2 None Mereressursside liigkasutus, reostus ja kliimamuutustest tulenevad ohud suurenevad, mis nõuab kiireloomulisi meetmeid, et taastada Euroopa merede hea seisund. Vastavalt täna avaldatud Euroopa Keskkonnaameti aruandele Euroopa mereökosüsteemide kohta on meil aeg heastada aastakümnete pikkune hooletus ja väärkasutus. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None Z9X1438YPH
http://www.eea.europa.eu/es/highlights/hacia-la-contaminacion-cero-en-europa Hacia la contaminación cero en Europa 2020-10-09T10:57:54Z 2021-01-18T16:00:18Z 2020-10-20T07:22:56Z es http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/moving-towards-zero-pollution-in-europe 2020 3.4.3 None ¿Qué es la contaminación y cómo nos afecta a nosotros y al medio ambiente? Europa se está esforzando por reducir la contaminación y, como parte del Pacto Verde Europeo, la Comisión Europea se ha propuesto el objetivo cero en materia de contaminación en Europa. Un nuevo informe de la Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente (AEMA) publicado hoy analiza el problema de la contaminación en Europa desde distintas perspectivas, así como las oportunidades para deshacernos de la contaminación y prevenirla. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VTMY04RPBD
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lt/highlights/plastikas-kelia-vis-didesne-gresme Plastikas kelia vis didesnę grėsmę aplinkai ir klimatui. Kaip Europa galėtų tai pakeisti? 2021-01-20T13:36:04Z 2021-01-28T11:43:08Z 2021-01-27T20:59:43Z lt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/plastics-environmental-concern 2021 4.0.2 None Nuolat didėjantis plastiko kiekis, jo poveikis biologinei įvairovei ir klimato kaitai, jo tvarkymas remiantis žiedine ekonomika – tai temos, kurios jau daugelį metų nagrinėjamos Europos Sąjungos politikos darbotvarkėje. O COVID-19 pandemija tik dar labiau išryškino plastiko atliekų problemą, kurią puikiai iliustruoja jūroje plaukiojančių veido kaukių vaizdai ir krūvos vienkartinių apsaugos priemonių. Šiandien paskelbtoje žiedinės plastikų ekonomikos ataskaitoje Europos aplinkos agentūra (EAA) analizuoja perėjimo prie žiedinio ir tvaraus plastikų naudojimo poreikį ir galimybes. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None XQ7GUVC9MO
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fi/highlights/kaupunkien-ilmanlaatuportaalista-tietoa-asuinpaikkasi-pitkan Kaupunkien ilmanlaatuportaalista tietoa asuinpaikkasi pitkän aikavälin ilmansaastepitoisuuksista 2021-06-11T08:36:58Z 2021-10-19T06:30:30Z 2021-06-17T01:40:25Z fi http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-european-city-air-quality 2021 3.0.2 None Ilman saastuminen on vakava ongelma monissa eurooppalaisissa kaupungeissa, ja se on todellinen riski terveydelle. Euroopan ympäristökeskus (EEA) julkisti tänään uuden eurooppalaisten kaupunkien ilmanlaatuportaalin. Portaalista voi katsoa asuinkaupunkinsa ilmanlaatua koskevia tietoja viimeisten kahden vuoden ajalta ja verrata ilmanlaadun tilaa muihin kaupunkeihin eri puolilla Eurooppaa. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None I15DP4EG0W
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sv/highlights/nu-kan-du-folja-folja Nu kan du följa följa hur luftföroreningsnivåerna i din stad förändras över tid i en ny europeiskt webbtjänst 2021-06-11T08:36:58Z 2021-10-19T06:30:30Z 2021-06-28T14:21:50Z sv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-european-city-air-quality 2021 3.0.2 None Luftföroreningar är ett allvarligt problem i många europeiska städer och utgör en verklig hälsorisk. I dag lanserar Europeiska miljöbyrån (EEA) webbtjänsten för luftkvaliteten i europeiska städer (European city air quality viewer). Med den kan du till exempel ta reda på hur luftkvaliteten har sett ut i din stad under de två senaste åren och jämföra med andra städer i Europa. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 0Y5REHD8UF
http://www.eea.europa.eu/de/highlights/eu-seeverkehr-erster-umweltvertraeglichkeitsbericht-wuerdigt EU-Seeverkehr: Erster Umweltverträglichkeitsbericht würdigt gute Fortschritte bei der Nachhaltigkeit, bekräftigt jedoch auch die Notwendigkeit einer besseren Vorbereitung auf eine steigende Nachfrage 2021-08-16T13:08:41Z 2022-01-19T09:22:28Z 2021-09-01T07:37:48Z de http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-maritime-transport-first-environmental 2021 1.0.2 None Der Seeverkehr spielt für den Handel und die Wirtschaft in Europa und der Welt heute und auch in Zukunft eine wichtige Rolle. In den letzten Jahren wurden in diesem Bereich wichtige Maßnahmen eingeleitet, um die Umweltauswirkungen der Branche zu mindern. Im Vorfeld der erwarteten Zunahme des globalen Seeverkehrsaufkommens zeigt ein aktueller Bericht erstmals das volle Ausmaß der Auswirkungen des EU-Seeverkehrs auf die Umwelt sowie die Herausforderungen für das Erreichen des Nachhaltigkeitsziels. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 42Y7FR19NI
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/pomorski-promet-eu-a-prvo Pomorski promet EU-a: prvo izvješće o utjecaju na okoliš potvrđuje dobar napredak prema održivosti i ukazuje da su potrebni dodatni napori za sve veće zahtjeve 2021-08-16T13:08:41Z 2022-01-19T09:22:28Z 2021-09-01T07:37:51Z hr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-maritime-transport-first-environmental 2021 1.0.2 None Pomorski promet ima i nastavit će imati ključnu ulogu u globalnoj i europskoj trgovini te gospodarstvu. Pomorski sektor posljednjih je godina poduzeo značajne mjere kako bi ublažio svoj utjecaj na okoliš. Uoči predviđenog povećanja količine pomorskog prometa na svjetskoj razini, u novom izvješću prvi se put otkriva sveobuhvatni učinak sektora pomorskog prometa EU-a na okoliš i utvrđuju izazovi za postizanje održivosti. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None DPYW941VE0
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fi/highlights/ilmastouhat-yleistyvat-ja-muuttuvat-vakavammiksi Ilmastouhat yleistyvät ja muuttuvat vakavammiksi kaikkialla Euroopassa; uusi alueellinen katsaus julkaistu 2021-11-10T19:38:40Z 2022-03-08T14:19:43Z 2021-12-10T12:07:31Z fi http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-hazards-are-increasing-in 2021 2.0.2 None Äärimmäiset sääilmiöt ja muut ilmastouhat yleistyvät, ja niiden vakavuus lisääntyy kaikkialla Euroopassa. Sen vuoksi ilmastoriskien arviointia ja sopeutumistoimien suunnittelua varten tarvitaan luotettavaa tietoa. Euroopan ympäristökeskuksen (EEA) uudessa vuorovaikutteisessa raportissa esitetään ajantasainen yleiskatsaus siihen, miten ilmastouhat muuttuvat Euroopan eri alueilla. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 2BOAGP510Z
http://www.eea.europa.eu/no/highlights/klimatske-opasnosti-sve-su-cesce Klimatske opasnosti sve su češće i ozbiljnije diljem Europe; objavljen novi regionalni pregled 2021-11-10T19:38:40Z 2022-03-08T14:19:43Z 2021-12-10T11:09:24Z hr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-hazards-are-increasing-in 2021 2.0.2 None Budući da su ekstremne vremenske pojave i druge klimatske opasnosti sve češće i ozbiljnije širom Europe, potrebne su pouzdane informacije za procjenu klimatskih rizika i planiranje prilagodbe. U novom interaktivnom izvješću Europske agencije za okoliš (EEA) pruža se ažurirani pregled promjena klimatskih opasnosti u različitim europskih regijama. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None I4QDP6X7KY
http://www.eea.europa.eu/ro/highlights/frecventa-si-gravitatea-pericolelor-climatice Frecvența și gravitatea pericolelor climatice sunt în creștere în toată Europa, conform unui nou raport cu date pe regiuni 2021-11-10T19:38:40Z 2022-03-08T14:19:43Z 2021-12-10T12:08:40Z ro http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-hazards-are-increasing-in 2021 2.0.2 None Pe măsură ce frecvența și gravitatea fenomenelor meteorologice extreme și a altor pericole climatice cresc în toată Europa, este nevoie de informații cât mai solide pentru a evalua riscurile de mediu și a planifica măsuri de adaptare. Noul raport interactiv al Agenției Europene de Mediu (AEM) trece în revistă schimbările care au loc în privința pericolelor climatice în diferite regiuni din Europa. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None H7R04GMQWX
http://www.eea.europa.eu/it/highlights/frequenza-e-gravita-dei-pericoli Frequenza e gravità dei pericoli climatici in aumento in tutta Europa: pubblicata la nuova panoramica per regioni 2021-11-10T19:38:40Z 2022-03-08T14:19:43Z 2021-12-13T14:35:10Z it http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-hazards-are-increasing-in 2021 2.0.2 None In un contesto in cui gli eventi meteorologici estremi e gli altri pericoli derivanti da cambiamenti climatici aumentano in frequenza e in gravità in tutta Europa, sono necessarie informazioni ben fondate per valutare i rischi climatici e pianificare gli interventi di adattamento. La nuova relazione interattiva dell’Agenzia europea dell’ambiente (AEA) fornisce una visione aggiornata dell’evoluzione dei pericoli climatici in atto nelle diverse regioni europee. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 1VANHO3PW9
http://www.eea.europa.eu/nl/highlights/eea-fotowedstrijd-2022-201cwell-with-nature201d EEA-fotowedstrijd 2022: “Well with Nature” 2022-06-13T09:19:40Z 2022-07-20T07:58:49Z 2022-07-07T13:05:46Z nl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eea-photo-competition-2022-well 2022 3.0.2 None Maakt u goede foto’s? Bent u graag in de natuur? Als u twee keer “ja” hebt geantwoord, maakt u kans op een van de geldprijzen in de nieuwe fotowedstrijd “Well with Nature” van het Europees Milieuagentschap (EEA). Stuur ons uiterlijk 1 oktober 2022 uw beste opnames. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 5B9P1FECU3
http://www.eea.europa.eu/it/highlights/tendenze-e-proiezioni-contenuto-rialzo Tendenze e proiezioni: contenuto rialzo delle emissioni dell’UE in un contesto di ripresa dalla pandemia e di crisi energetica 2022-10-20T08:04:55Z 2023-01-10T11:52:33Z 2022-12-14T10:19:55Z it http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/trends-and-projections-limited-rebound 2022 2.0.2 None Secondo l’ultima relazione «Tendenze e proiezioni» pubblicata oggi dall’Agenzia europea dell’ambiente (AEA), nel 2021 le emissioni di gas a effetto serra e il consumo di energia sono aumentati principalmente a causa della ripresa dagli effetti della pandemia in Europa. La maggior parte degli Stati membri dell’UE ha centrato gli obiettivi dell’UE in materia di clima ed energia per il 2020 e punta ora alla neutralità climatica, affrontando nel contempo l’attuale crisi dell’approvvigionamento energetico. Per conseguire i più ambiziosi obiettivi climatici ed energetici previsti per il 2030 sarà necessario più che raddoppiare i progressi annuali in termini di diffusione delle energie rinnovabili nonché di riduzione del consumo energetico e delle emissioni di gas a effetto serra. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 7J2KWB6FVD
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fr/highlights/pourquoi-l2019europe-doit-elle-limiter Pourquoi l’Europe doit-elle limiter le changement climatique et s’adapter aux effets qu’il engendre? 2020-02-04T15:02:52Z 2020-02-20T15:24:16Z 2020-02-20T15:24:16Z fr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/why-does-europe-need-to 2020 1.4.1 None De nombreuses régions d’Europe devraient être confrontées à une aggravation des effets du changement climatique au cours des prochaines décennies. L’Agence européenne pour l’environnement (AEE) publie aujourd’hui une compilation de plusieurs cartes existantes illustrant la manière dont la sécheresse, les fortes précipitations et les inondations, les feux de forêt et l’élévation du niveau de la mer pourraient affecter certaines régions d’Europe, notamment l’Europe centrale, la péninsule ibérique, la Scandinavie, la Bretagne et Venise. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None C8WTSDFMPG
http://www.eea.europa.eu/bg/highlights/ochakva-se-broyat-evropeytsi-izlozheni Очаква се броят европейци, изложени на опасно шумово замърсяване, да се увеличи 2020-02-25T13:12:55Z 2020-06-24T19:55:53Z 2020-03-05T13:06:18Z bg http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/number-of-europeans-exposed-to 2020 1.1.6 None Според доклада за шумово замърсяване на околната среда, публикуван днес от Европейската агенция по околна среда (ЕАОС), поне един от всеки пет европейци е изложен на нива на шум, които се смятат за опасни за здравето. Очаква се през следващите години този брой да се увеличи. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 36V0KSCG5R
http://www.eea.europa.eu/da/highlights/fremtiden-uvis-for-europas-havomrader Fremtiden uvis for Europas havområder uden en hurtig, sammenhængende indsats 2020-06-19T12:37:18Z 2021-11-17T08:45:27Z 2020-07-01T07:05:00Z da http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-seas-face-uncertain-future 2020 1.6.2 None Med stigende trusler fra overudnyttelse af havenes ressourcer, forurening og klimaforandringer er der behov for akutte tiltag for at genoprette Europas havområder. Ifølge Det Europæiske Miljøagenturs rapport om Europas marine økosystemer, som offentliggøres i dag, er tiden ved at rinde ud for at vende årtiers forsømmelse og misbrug. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None EJX6KVTPYH
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/bez-poduzimanja-hitnih-i-dosljednih Bez poduzimanja hitnih i dosljednih mjera europskim morima prijeti nesigurna budućnost 2020-06-19T12:37:18Z 2021-11-17T08:45:27Z 2020-07-01T14:50:00Z hr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-seas-face-uncertain-future 2020 1.6.2 None Potrebno je poduzeti hitne mjere kako bismo europska mora, koja su izložena sve većim prijetnjama zbog prekomjernog iskorištavanja morskih resursa, onečišćenja i klimatskih promjena, ponovno doveli u dobro stanje. Izvješće Europske agencije za okoliš o europskim morskim ekosustavima, koje je danas objavljeno, pokazuje kako imamo sve manje vremena da nadoknadimo desetljeća nemara i prekomjernog iskorištavanja. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None TXRQIKNZD0
http://www.eea.europa.eu/ro/highlights/combaterea-poluarii-si-a-schimbarilor Combaterea poluării și a schimbărilor climatice în Europa va îmbunătăți sănătatea și bunăstarea oamenilor, în special pe a celor mai vulnerabili 2020-08-31T18:33:13Z 2020-11-23T10:59:14Z 2020-09-07T22:05:00Z ro http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/tackling-pollution-and-climate-change 2020 2.2.2 None Poluarea atmosferică și fonică, efectele schimbărilor climatice (de exemplu caniculele) și expunerea la substanțe chimice periculoase provoacă probleme de sănătate în Europa. Calitatea scăzută a mediului contribuie la 13 % din numărul deceselor, potrivit unei evaluări referitoare la sănătate și mediu publicate azi de Agenția Europeană de Mediu (AEM). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None SBXUAWZ3OM
http://www.eea.europa.eu/it/highlights/la-piu-recente-valutazione-dell2019aea La più recente valutazione dell’AEA fotografa il grave e costante declino della natura in Europa 2020-10-07T08:25:08Z 2021-01-18T16:02:28Z 2020-10-19T09:23:53Z it http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/latest-evaluation-shows-europes-nature 2020 1.7.1 None Agricoltura e silvicoltura non sostenibili, espansione urbana incontrollata e inquinamento sono i principali fattori a cui va imputato il drastico declino della biodiversità in Europa, un fenomeno che minaccia la sopravvivenza di migliaia di specie animali e habitat. Inoltre, le direttive dell’Unione europea (UE) sulla tutela della natura e altre normative ambientali non sono ancora attuate dagli Stati membri. La maggior parte delle specie e degli habitat protetti non gode di un buono stato di conservazione ed è necessario un maggiore impegno per invertire la rotta, come emerge dal rapporto«Lo stato della natura nell’UE» pubblicata oggi dall’Agenzia europea dell’ambiente (AEA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 3J6H4RC59O
http://www.eea.europa.eu/et/highlights/euroopa-nullsaaste-eesmark Euroopa nullsaaste eesmärk 2020-10-09T10:57:54Z 2021-01-18T16:00:18Z 2020-10-23T06:37:31Z et http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/moving-towards-zero-pollution-in-europe 2020 3.4.3 None Mis on saaste ja kuidas see mõjutab meid ja keskkonda? Euroopa võtab meetmeid, et vähendada saastet ning osana Euroopa rohelisest kokkuleppest esitas Euroopa Komisjon Euroopa nullsaaste eesmärgi. Täna avaldatud uues Euroopa Keskkonnaameti (EEA) aruandes vaadeldakse eri vaatenurkadest saasteprobleemi Euroopas ning saaste kõrvaldamise ja ennetamise võimalusi. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 5MJZRW3HYE
http://www.eea.europa.eu/de/highlights/hin-zu-einer-schadstofffreien-umwelt Hin zu einer schadstofffreien Umwelt in Europa 2020-10-09T10:57:54Z 2021-01-18T16:00:18Z 2020-10-23T06:45:53Z de http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/moving-towards-zero-pollution-in-europe 2020 3.4.3 None Was ist Umweltverschmutzung und in welcher Weise betrifft sie uns und die Umwelt? Europa ergreift Maßnahmen, um die Umweltverschmutzung zu reduzieren, und als Teil des europäischen Grünen Deals schlägt die Europäische Kommission ein Null-Schadstoff-Ziel für Europa vor. In einem neuen Bericht der Europäischen Umweltagentur (EUA), der heute veröffentlicht wurde, wird die Herausforderung, die Umweltverschmutzung in Europa bedeutet, aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln beleuchtet. Es werden außerdem Möglichkeiten aufgezeigt, Umweltverschmutzung zu beseitigen und zu verhindern. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 2BP0Z4QEJ8
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/marine-litter-2013-a-growing Marine litter – a growing threat worldwide 2013-08-07T09:41:36Z 2017-10-02T13:52:02Z 2013-08-07T12:55:00Z en None 2013 1.5.2 None Increasing amounts of litter are ending up in the world’s oceans and harming the health of ecosystems, killing animals when they become trapped or swallow the litter. Human health is also at risk, as plastics may break down into smaller pieces that may subsequently end up in our food. These are just a few of the problems emerging from the waste collecting in our seas. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 5Y3UZCQJNS
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-director-hans-bruyninckx-starts New director Hans Bruyninckx starts work at the EEA 2013-05-31T14:21:34Z 2016-06-21T13:45:32Z 2013-06-03T08:25:00Z en None 2013 4.2.1 None Belgian Hans Bruyninckx has taken office as Executive Director at the European Environment Agency (EEA) in Copenhagen. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None JV3DO5BH1M
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/berlin-park-wins-award-for Berlin park wins award for its soundscape design 2012-11-06T12:29:29Z 2016-08-25T08:31:02Z 2012-11-06T13:55:00Z en None 2012 1.0.3 None A city park in Berlin has won the European Soundscape Award for its innovative design which cuts traffic noise and creates a more attractive acoustic environment. The prize, presented at a ceremony in London by the European Environment Agency (EEA) and the Noise Abatement Society (NAS), is intended to raise awareness of the health impacts of noise and recognise initiatives that help create more tranquil environments. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None DWMXQTFVRG
http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/eye-on-earth/whats-coming-soon Eye on Earth 2011-08-31T22:00:00Z 2016-06-21T13:45:33Z 2011-08-31T22:00:00Z en None 2011 4.0.5 None Eye on Earth is a website for collecting and sharing environmental data and information. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None SAUEZ2GW9O
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/cutting-noise-with-quiet-asphalt Cutting noise with quiet asphalt and traffic lane management 2011-11-08T09:55:16Z 2016-08-25T08:40:57Z 2011-11-08T19:30:00Z en None 2011 1.0.3 None Noise pollution affects many Europeans, and for some, it is not only a nuisance - it can also trigger serious disease. Tuesday evening, at a prestigious ceremony in London, the European Environment Agency (EEA) and the Noise Abatement Society (NAS) presented the European Soundscape Award for the first time to raise awareness and recognise initiatives that help reduce noise levels. The winner was a Dutch project which was commended for its integrated traffic noise reduction scheme. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None TG43BRQPAM
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eea-to-enhance-cooperation-with-greenland EEA to enhance cooperation with Greenland 2010-11-26T08:00:09Z 2016-06-21T13:45:29Z 2010-11-26T09:00:00Z en None 2011 5.1.4 None This week the Government of Greenland and the European Environment Agency signed an agreement aimed at improving bilateral cooperation in environmental monitoring and sharing environmental data and information. Environmental data obtained in Greenland and the Arctic in general play a key role in monitoring environmental change around the globe. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None S0J6ZEPTW7
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-vans-sold-in-europe-2017 New vans sold in Europe in 2017: large decrease in annual average CO2 emissions 2018-05-16T06:52:02Z 2018-05-17T10:01:22Z 2018-05-17T10:00:00Z en None 2018 1.1.1 None Average carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions of new vans registered in the European Union (EU) in 2017 were 4.7% lower than in 2016, according to preliminary data published today by the European Environment Agency (EEA). This is the highest annual reduction reported since the regulation to reduce CO2 emissions from light-duty vehicles came into force in 2011. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None MIYRS8ZEP7
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/carbon-efficiency-of-new-cars Carbon efficiency of new cars is increasing 2011-06-29T08:24:28Z 2016-06-21T13:46:12Z 2011-06-29T10:10:00Z en None 2011 2.9.1 None Preliminary data published today by the European Environment Agency (EEA) show that new passenger cars registered in the European Union (EU) in 2010 are emitting 3.7 % less CO2 per kilometre travelled than new cars from 2009. A new data viewer with confirmed data will be available in October allowing consumers to compare the carbon efficiency of cars from different manufacturers. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None RJUZH9YCEF
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/swarming-jellyfish-dampening-the-holiday-spirit Swarming jellyfish dampening the holiday spirit 2006-08-17T07:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:42Z 2006-08-17T07:00:00Z en None 2011 None Jellyfish are swarming on to Europe’s beaches this summer to the despair of holidaymakers. The Mediterranean, in particular, is being hardest hit with huge swarms reported along the Maltese and Spanish coasts, and 14,000 people in Catalonia alone have reportedly been treated for painful stings. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None BHP1ZYAJIF
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/vote-for-best-video Vote for best ‘I LIVE GREEN’ videos 2018-04-25T13:05:33Z 2018-05-01T07:45:17Z 2018-05-01T06:00:00Z en None 2018 3.4.3 None The video competition ‘I LIVE GREEN’, organised by the European Environment Agency (EEA) and its partner network, has reached the final stage. The Public Choice Award will be decided through an open online vote where you can have your say about the best video. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 6RM72IW8SN
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europe-to-exceed-air-pollutant Europe to exceed air pollutant emission limits – NOx in particular 2010-05-03T13:59:08Z 2016-06-21T13:45:30Z 2010-05-04T10:00:00Z en None 2011 None In 2010, around half of the European Union's Member States expect to miss one or more of the legal limits set by the National Emission Ceilings Directive. According to recent data compiled by the European Environment Agency (EEA), 11 countries expect to exceed their ceilings by significant amounts — some missing NOx targets by more than 40 %. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None QGJNWZY4UB
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/more-transparent-data-on-eus-greenhouse-gas-emissions More transparent data on EU's greenhouse gas emissions 2008-04-10T10:57:37Z 2016-06-21T13:46:04Z 2008-04-10T11:40:00Z en None 2011 None The European Environment Agency presented today a new greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions viewer, where users can display emission data broken down by Member State, year and trading sector in a user-friendly interface. With this viewer, the EU Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) data become significantly more accessible for a wide range of users. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None B8A30TUNZP
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/achieving-eus-key-environmental-objectives Achieving EU's key 2020 environmental objectives slipping away 2018-11-28T10:28:35Z 2018-11-28T16:10:56Z 2018-11-29T11:00:00Z en None 2018 2.4.7 None According to the European Environment Agency’s (EEA) updated environmental indicator report published today, the European Union continues to fall short of achieving a number of environmental objectives by 2020, especially in areas aimed at protecting biodiversity and natural capital. When it comes to 'boosting sustainable, resource-efficient, low-carbon economy', trends and outlooks cause more concern compared to the assessment from last year, while progress in addressing environment-related threats to health remains rather mixed. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None YFG5CDSMKN
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/prelude-launched-in-brussels PRELUDE - interactive land use scenarios - officially launched 2006-11-27T13:39:36Z 2016-06-21T13:46:01Z 2008-04-30T08:38:24Z en None 2011 None PRELUDE, an EEA scenarios study that explores future European landscapes, has been officially launched in Brussels and on the EEA website. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None C1FG2HOQI4
http://www.eea.europa.eu/media/newsreleases/kids-can-come-and-learn-about-environment Kids can come and learn about environment 2006-08-18T07:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:04:51Z 2006-08-18T07:00:00Z en None 2011 None This summer the EEA Information Centre has been giving environmental talks to groups of schoolchildren visiting the "Spirit of the wild" photo exhibition on Kongens Nytorv. The exhibition shows 100 huge wildlife photos by the world famous nature photographer - Steve Bloom. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None HWYJ6QDFEB
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/fiscal-reform-can-create-jobs Green fiscal reform can create jobs and stimulate innovation across the EU 2013-05-14T08:35:00Z 2016-08-31T12:42:22Z 2013-05-14T08:35:00Z en None 2013 4.2.1 None Increasing some tax rates and removing subsidies on environmentally harmful products and services can boost economic growth if the revenue generated is then used to relieve the tax burden on employment and investment. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ISDB4Z7OEW
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/noise-levels-across-europe-now Noise levels across Europe now mapped by new EEA application 2011-12-01T13:41:19Z 2016-08-25T08:39:18Z 2011-12-01T13:45:00Z en None 2011 4.2.1 None European citizens will soon be able to access and upload data on noise levels in their area, thanks to a new application on the Eye on Earth online map service. The European Environment Agency (EEA) has developed NoiseWatch to help the many millions of people across the EU exposed to damaging levels of noise. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None NZKOCHUQVR
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/are-you-an-eco-traveller Are you an eco traveller? 2008-09-16T07:34:54Z 2016-06-21T13:46:05Z 2008-09-16T07:38:48Z en None 2011 None Transport remains a major and growing source of greenhouse gas emissions, which cause climate change. During the European Mobility Week between 16-22 September, more than a thousand cities across Europe will promote sustainable transport in urban areas and let their residents enjoy a car-free day. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 5QDIA4GWCX
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/understanding-the-full-value-of-biodiversity-loss Understanding the full value of biodiversity loss 2008-05-29T10:49:58Z 2016-06-21T13:46:05Z 2008-05-29T11:10:13Z en None 2011 None Accounting for all the benefits we gain from ecosystems is an effective way of measuring how biodiversity loss affects our well-being and quality of life. The European Environment Agency is feeding into the debate on the 'economics of ecosystems and biodiversity' with an extensive study on 'Ecosystems accounts for Mediterranean wetlands'. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ES6QFV85UD
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1149689388 EEA leaders visit Switzerland 2006-06-08T06:59:59Z 2016-06-28T16:05:29Z 2006-06-08T06:59:59Z en None 2011 None The Chairman of the EEA Management board Lars Erik Liljelund and the Agency's Executive Director Prof Jacqueline McGlade met with Swiss authorities on 8 June to discuss among other things the integration of Switzerland into EEA activities. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None PZG1RQH8EX
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1148286105 EEA opens its doors to UN's Environment Watch proposal 2006-05-22T07:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:26Z 2006-05-22T07:00:00Z en None 2011 None Today, the EEA will play host to the first global expert meeting for the United Nations Environment Programme's (UNEP) proposed global information network system - Environment Watch. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None CK18YHF0U6
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20040331125552 Children in Their Environments: Vulnerable, Valuable and at Risk - The Need for Action 2004-05-23T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:04:09Z 2004-05-23T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None The EEA, in collaboration with WHO/Europe and the Collegium Ramazzini, is organising a science-policy workshop on emerging environmental threats to children on 22 June 2004 in Budapest. The workshop is being held in connection with the WHO's fourth ministerial conference on environment and health, taking place in the Hungarian capital on 23-25 June. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 847AT6UX5C
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20021205142309 Further action needed to reach EU climate change target, projections show 2002-12-05T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:48Z 2002-12-05T23:00:00Z en None 2011 None Policy measures taken so far by European Union countries to curb their emissions of greenhouse gases fall well short of enabling the EU to meet its obligations under the Kyoto climate change protocol, latest projections show. But additional measures under discussion, if fully implemented, as well as use of emissions trading or other instruments could still ensure that the EU complies with its target. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None O5KEMHRXI3
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20021016091744 Summer 2002 smog levels exceed critical threshold three days in four 2002-10-16T12:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:43Z 2002-10-16T12:00:00Z en None 2011 None Levels of potentially harmful ground-level ozone exceeded a critical threshold somewhere in Europe on more than three days out of four this summer, according to preliminary information compiled by the European Environment Agency. Ozone, the main component of summer smog, can cause serious health problems in humans and damage to ecosystems, agricultural crops and materials. It forms when certain air pollutants emitted by industry and transport react with sunlight. Ozone levels tend to be highest during warm, sunny weather, and are generally higher in southern Europe than in the north. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None WC7TFDA1SP
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/greenland2019s-health-ministry-signs-cooperation Greenland’s Health Ministry signs cooperation agreement with EEA 2012-01-13T10:15:23Z 2017-07-17T08:16:21Z 2012-01-13T14:15:00Z en None 2012 4.2.1 None The Ministry of Health in Greenland has signed an agreement with the European Environment Agency (EEA). The two organisations committed to exchange personnel, and share knowledge, data and other expertise on environment-related health issues. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None WPYT60NACU
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/more-eu-member-states-to-miss-2010-air-pollutant-limits More EU Member States to miss 2010 air pollutant limits 2008-05-19T08:39:24Z 2016-06-21T13:46:05Z 2008-05-19T12:30:00Z en None 2011 None A preliminary analysis of data reported under the EU National Emission Ceilings Directive (NEC Directive) by Member States at the end of 2007 indicates that more countries anticipate missing one or more of their legally-binding 2010 emission ceilings compared to last year. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None GW4EQS75MJ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/bringing-europes-natura-2000-sites Bringing Europe's Natura 2000 sites to your pocket 2018-05-17T09:35:34Z 2019-12-10T09:22:30Z 2018-05-22T08:00:00Z en None 2018 1.7.2 None Are there nature sites of European importance near you? Are cranes breeding there? What types of habitats and other species can you find at these sites? Check this and other key information on the EU's Natura 2000 network with the updated Natura 2000 viewer. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 95NBWCHQG8
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/rising-energy-consumption-slows-eu Rising energy consumption slows EU progress on renewables and energy efficiency targets 2018-11-22T14:07:10Z 2019-03-22T14:32:56Z 2018-11-25T23:05:00Z en None 2018 1.3.2 None Progress on increasing the use of renewable energy and improving energy efficiency is slowing across the European Union, putting at risk the EU’s ability to achieve its energy and emissions reduction targets. Rising energy consumption, particularly in the transport sector, is to blame for the slowdown, according to preliminary data released today in the European Environment Agency’s (EEA) annual analysis on the EU’s progress towards its targets on renewables and energy efficiency. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 15TINFQPR7
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/circular-economy-to-have-considerable Circular economy to have considerable benefits, but challenges remain 2016-01-15T12:19:45Z 2020-11-23T10:59:24Z 2016-01-18T09:00:00Z en None 2016 2.1.4 None The environmental benefits of adopting a circular economy in Europe could be considerable – reducing waste, and minimising the continent’s heavy dependence on imports of raw materials. A new report published today by the European Environment Agency (EEA) draws attention to both the benefits and challenges of such an economic transition. The report also describes possible ways to measure progress and highlights the areas where more attention is required from research and policy in order to turn the concept into reality. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None DZO49QWEBH
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/urban-sprawl-eating-into-wildlife Urban sprawl eating into wildlife habitats in Europe 2013-07-09T14:33:31Z 2016-06-21T13:46:08Z 2013-07-10T09:55:00Z en None 2013 2.6.2 None As cities expand into the countryside, the habitats of many animals and plants are reduced. Roads, railways, car parks and buildings also split up habitats, dividing wildlife populations into increasingly smaller groups. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ID7C9EOF5W
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/global-initiative-for-sharing-information Global initiative for sharing information takes off at Eye on Earth Summit 2011-12-16T16:08:52Z 2016-06-21T13:45:33Z 2011-12-16T16:10:00Z en None 2011 4.2.1 None At the Eye on Earth summit in Abu Dhabi this week, many different global and national organisations committed to contributing large volumes of environmental data to the new Eye on Earth global public information service developed by the European Environment Agency (EEA) and partners. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None TQY96EGV1C
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/ten-things-everyone-should-know Ten things everyone should know about Europe's productive seas 2014-02-28T16:15:58Z 2017-07-17T08:03:56Z 2014-03-03T08:00:00Z en None 2014 1.6.2 None A recent assessment by the European Environment Agency (EEA) showed that European seas are in a worrying state. As policy makers meet to discuss the marine environment that sustains maritime development, the EEA summarises ten important facts about the ecosystems beneath the waves. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None Y3MFD1S4BT
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/consumption-patterns-need-to-change-to-cope-with-growing-cities Consumption patterns need to change to cope with growing cities 2008-09-18T14:47:50Z 2016-06-21T13:46:05Z 2008-09-19T08:28:17Z en None 2011 None Urban areas are spreading, minimising the time and distances between and in-and-out of cities. The International Planning Congress in Dalian, China, addressed this ‘urban sprawl’ and sought ways to achieve sustainable urbanisation. The European Environment Agency contributed to this debate by urging policy makers to tackle underpinning consumption patterns. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None NJIZTYB2EA
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1133269280 Successful launch of the report in Brussels. 2005-11-29T13:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:21Z 2005-11-29T13:00:00Z en None 2011 None "Environment policy works", EEA executive director Jacqueline McGlade stated boldly when presenting "The European environment - State and outlook 2005" at the launch in Brussels 29 November. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None DER6Y8W9U4
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1132753060 The Ecological Footprint: A resource accounting framework for measuring human demand on the biosphere 2005-11-23T13:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:19Z 2005-11-23T13:00:00Z en None 2011 None The 2005 Edition of the 'National Ecological Footprint and Biocapacity Accounts' are now available. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None QHW871GEJ3
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1128583697 Programme: EEA launch of two pilot studies on policy effectiveness 2005-10-07T09:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:18Z 2005-10-07T09:00:00Z en None 2011 None Event programme http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None AGXOSWF1CE
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1103205606 Biodiversity 2010 - Video News Release 2004-12-16T08:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:05Z 2004-12-16T08:00:00Z en None 2011 None From the Mediterranean Coast to the Artic Circle, Europe is blessed with a rich heritage of biodiversity, both in terms of wild and domestic species of plants and animals. But industrialisation, intensification of agriculture and urbanisation, leading to loss of habitats, are putting Europe's biodiversity under pressure and many species are declining in number and under threat of extinction. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None Q2PAFVC0UN
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1096279340 10th Anniversary of the European Environment Agency 2004-11-23T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:00Z 2004-11-23T23:00:00Z en None 2011 None For ten years now, the EEA has worked to increase environmental knowledge and awareness. We celebrate our 10th anniversary on 24 November looking forward: prepared and motivated to address the challenges that the coming years will bring. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 6AGXYVH4N3
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20040209100619 EEA issues briefing paper and poster to mark UN biodiversity conference 2004-02-08T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:04:00Z 2004-02-08T23:00:00Z en None 2011 None The seventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP-7) to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity is taking place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 9 to 20 February. Priority issues include the biodiversity of mountain ecosystems, the role of protected areas in the preservation of biological diversity, technology cooperation and transfer and implementation of the target of achieving a significant reduction in the rate of biodiversity loss by 2010. The European Environment Agency is participating in the conference and has published a briefing paper and a poster to coincide with it. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 0HSW7B9O1U
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20021218161223 The EEA wishes you a merry christmas and a happy new year 2002-12-17T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:48Z 2002-12-17T23:00:00Z en None 2011 None The EEA wishes you a merry christmas and a happy new year http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 5X4SET6K8U
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20020828142624 World Summit on Sustainable Development 2002-08-27T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:41Z 2002-08-27T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None At the Johannesburg Summit, Heads of State and Government and other national delegates, representatives from international organisations and leaders from non-governmental organizations (NGOs), businesses and other major groups are presently discussing difficult challenges for sustainable development, including improving the quality of life and conserving our natural resources in a world that is growing in population, with ever-increasing demands for food, water, shelter, sanitation, energy, health services and economic security. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None F92ZC0JBQ6
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/environmental-pressures-from-industrys-heavy Environmental pressures from industry’s heavy metal pollution decreasing 2018-05-23T07:18:17Z 2018-05-29T17:23:30Z 2018-05-24T08:00:00Z en None 2018 1.2.2 None Environmental pressures caused by heavy metal emissions from Europe's large industrial facilities decreased from 2010 to 2016, according to new data from the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR), released by the European Environment Agency (EEA). A small fraction of facilities was responsible for more than half of the environmental pressures linked to heavy metal pollution in 2016. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 0U452JMEA3
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/president-pottering-visits-the-eea-climate-change-a-201cshared-top-priority201d President Pöttering visits the EEA: climate change — a 'shared top priority' 2008-04-02T13:28:02Z 2016-06-21T13:46:04Z 2008-04-02T13:54:28Z en None 2011 None The President of the European Parliament, Hans-Gert Pöttering, visited today the European Environment Agency, where he was welcomed by its Executive Director, Professor Jacqueline McGlade. President Pöttering had a short but lively discussion with the EEA's Management Board, chaired by Lars Erik Liljelund. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None CNDI4UK8E1
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1148473248 Europe's biodiversity under pressure 2006-05-30T07:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:26Z 2006-05-30T07:00:00Z en None 2011 None 'Changing our behaviour - biodiversity loss' is the theme of Green Week 2006, and the event runs from 30 May to 2 June. The EEA exhibition team and experts will be on hand ready to answer questions on biodiversity, alongside some seventy other exhibitors. This year, the EEA exhibition stand will take on a more interactive dimension, offering a quiz and awareness-raising activities. An online version of the quiz is available on this web page. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None QTSZ8DGIYU
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1148284484 Agency feeds debate on quality of life in European cities 2006-05-21T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:26Z 2006-05-21T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None As a result of Europe's growing urban population, urban spread and the quality of life in cities are becoming major problems. The EEA background paper, 'The urban environment in its broader territorial context' says that these issues cannot be dealt with solely by looking at towns and cities in isolation or as 'islands'. Urban areas must be viewed in the broader context of their surrounding countryside or hinterlands. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 31G4W9UZVF
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1138194370 Market-based instruments spreading across Europe 2006-01-26T09:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:22Z 2006-01-26T09:00:00Z en None 2011 None Market based instruments (MBIs), such as environment taxes and emission trading schemes, are increasingly being used to implement environmental policy across Europe. This is according to a report released by the European Environment Agency at a meeting of high-level economists in Copenhagen today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 52FD4NSYZ3
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1133245575 State and outlook 2005 - Country analysis 2005-11-29T08:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:20Z 2005-11-29T08:00:00Z en None 2011 None Find out how your country performs. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 5AHXM3ETDW
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1117697382 Europe still fighting against air pollution 2005-06-02T07:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:15Z 2005-06-02T07:00:00Z en None 2011 None High level European policymakers meet on 2-3 June 2005 in Copenhagen, at the new European Environment and Health Committee (EEHC) to examine how much progress has been made since last June when 52 countries agreed to reduce children's exposure to air pollution. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None R75TGNBVCX
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1102683276 Corine land cover 2000 2004-12-09T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:05Z 2004-12-09T23:00:00Z en None 2011 None This video news release presents Corine land cover 2000 - a multipurpose land use dataset based on satellite imaging and data input from most of the European countries, many of them members of the European Environment Agency. CLC 2000 offers a data set that is consistent across Europe and allows users to see land cover and land use changes over the past decade. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None KX5DBPCTYN
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1102681064 Climate Change - Impacts and responses 2004-12-09T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:04Z 2004-12-09T23:00:00Z en None 2011 None Drawing on data from the recent European Environment Agency report Impacts of Climate Change in Europe, and from other information sources this video news release outlines the likely future impacts of climate change if the current rate of increase of global greenhouse gas emissions continues unchecked, and considers strategies for the future. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None KIE4ARNCFP
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20030811104233 Algal bloom in coastal waters 2003-08-10T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:54Z 2003-08-10T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None The hot weather affecting much of Europe is encouraging the formation of coloured 'blooms' of algae in several coastal areas, which can make bathing unpleasant and pose a range of problems for coastal ecosystems. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None JT153QI9WF
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20030819134711 Heatwave sparks smog warnings through Europe 2003-08-18T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:56Z 2003-08-18T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None Concentrations of damaging ground-level ozone increase when summer sunshine ignites polluting emissions from transport and industry. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None WOJ8D7ZBVE
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20030411110300 SERIS - Links to national state of the environment reports 2003-04-14T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:51Z 2003-04-14T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None SERIS, the EEAs State of the Environment Reporting Information System, is launched. Seris contains bibliographic information about national and international state of the environment reports. The database is published on the web for users to quickly identify and locate recent SoE reports at http://countries.eea.eu.int. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None CHZNRFD8U5
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20021202151011 Accession countries taking over EU's unsustainable transport patterns, EEA report warns 2002-12-02T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:47Z 2002-12-02T23:00:00Z en None 2011 None The 13 countries seeking accession to the European Union are rapidly adopting the EU’s unsustainable transport patterns, as roads gain increasing importance in their transport systems at the expense of the railways and economic recovery brings growing levels of traffic. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None Z3JVSUMW6K
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20020814151433 Floods in Europe 2002-08-13T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:40Z 2002-08-13T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None Environmental Issues No 21 http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 85FEA3MGVY
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/adapting-to-climate-change-european Adapting to climate change: European countries assess vulnerability and risks 2018-04-23T11:11:38Z 2020-11-23T10:58:28Z 2018-04-24T08:00:00Z en None 2018 1.4.2 None Almost all European countries have conducted national climate change vulnerability and risk assessments as part of their adaptation plans to better deal with the impacts of climate-related hazards, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) report published today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None H6NEPDGB4K
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eea-unveils-preliminary-eu-inventory-of-greenhouse-gas-emissions EEA unveils preliminary EU inventory of greenhouse gas emissions 2008-04-21T08:02:21Z 2016-06-21T13:46:04Z 2008-04-21T09:20:00Z en None 2011 None Provisional greenhouse gas emissions data compiled by the EEA show that EU-15 Member States reduced their emissions by 0.9 % between 2005 and 2006. EU-27 emissions are now 7.4 % below 1990 levels. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 2Z5U6PCH3A
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/Ann1143705634 The latest success of an early report 2006-03-30T08:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:05:24Z 2006-03-30T08:00:00Z en None 2011 None Danish television (DR1 & DR2) is currently broadcasting a documentary series on the environment inspired by the EEA report , 'Late lessons from early warnings'. The series, 'Progress gone astray' ("Fremskridt på afveje") runs from 27 February to 15 May. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None W8IV20YRKD
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/get-an-energy-boost-at-the-eea-during-kulturnatten Get an energy boost at the EEA during Kulturnatten 2006-10-10T09:33:59Z 2016-06-21T13:46:01Z 2006-10-10T09:35:00Z en None 2011 None Energy is the main theme as the EEA takes part in ‘Culture night’ (Kulturnatten) for the first time on Friday 13 October. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None X02765QPJI
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/better-planning-and-methods-needed Better planning and methods needed to restore nature 2019-03-22T09:54:00Z 2019-12-10T09:22:22Z 2019-03-27T09:00:00Z en None 2019 1.7.5 None Maintaining natural capital is vital for the function of our societies and people’s well-being. A new briefing from the European Environment Agency (EEA), published today, analyses how to plan for green infrastructure and ecosystem restoration, which in turn can enhance biodiversity, support green economy and create job opportunities. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None JXMFEA9C02
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/industrial-emissions-to-water-decreased Industrial emissions to water decreased in Europe but current levels are still a challenge for European waters 2019-03-15T11:03:11Z 2019-12-10T09:22:21Z 2019-03-20T09:00:00Z en None 2019 1.2.2 None Direct emissions released to water bodies from Europe’s large industrial sites have decreased in recent years for many pollutants. However, industrial pollution transferred through the sewer systems to urban waste water treatment plants (UWWTPs) has slightly increased, putting pressure on the waste water treatment infrastructure. While EU legislation tracks emissions from large industries, the extent of emissions from many small facilities remain largely unknown at European level. These are the key findings of a new European Environment Agency (EEA) analysis on data reported to the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR) and under EU legislation on water. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None G0VFORP9D2
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/challenges-for-achieving-clean-air Challenges for achieving clean air — lessons from ten cities across Europe 2019-03-14T12:32:59Z 2020-11-23T10:58:28Z 2019-03-18T10:00:00Z en None 2019 1.1.2 None Implementing EU air quality legislation to protect human health and the environment from pollution can be demanding for countries and cities. The European Environment Agency (EEA) has worked together with a number of European cities to better understand policy implementation challenges. The EEA’s new report, published today, summarises key findings on the cities’ progress over the past five years and highlights on-going challenges for improving air quality at the local level. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ND4U839YMV
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/small-increase-in-eus-total-ghg Small increase in EU’s total greenhouse gas emissions in 2017, with transport emissions up for the fourth consecutive year 2019-05-28T13:12:52Z 2019-05-29T10:02:09Z 2019-05-29T10:00:00Z en None 2019 1.3.1 None Total greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union (EU) increased by 0.7 % in 2017, according to latest official data published today by the European Environment Agency (EEA). Less coal was used to produce heat and electricity but this was offset by higher industrial and transport emissions, the latter increasing for the fourth consecutive year. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None C49PMB6FHX
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/gap-between-real-world-and Gap between real-world and type-approval emissions undermines incentives for cleaner cars 2019-09-18T12:25:58Z 2019-12-10T09:22:24Z 2019-09-24T08:00:00Z en None 2019 1.3.7 None Incentives to promote fuel-efficient cars have not always resulted in expected emission reductions, due to the growing gap between real-world and type approval emissions. However, according to a new European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing, incentives that boost the uptake of electric vehicles considerably reduce greenhouse gas and air pollutant emissions. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 92RIFS4U61
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-change-significant-drop-in Climate change: Significant drop in EU emissions in 2018 but further effort needed to reach 2030 target 2019-10-29T14:04:14Z 2019-12-10T09:22:23Z 2019-10-31T11:00:00Z en None 2019 1.3.2 None The European Union (EU) cut its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2 % in 2018, according to preliminary estimates released today by the European Environment Agency. However, rising energy consumption continues to hamper progress on the share of energy generated by renewable sources and on energy efficiency. As in previous years, the transport sector remains a particular concern with rising GHG emissions, low uptake of renewable energy sources and insufficient reductions of transport fuels’ life-cycle emissions. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None AYCRV28XFG
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/measuring-condition-of-europes-ecosystems How to measure the condition of Europe's ecosystems? 2019-05-15T09:56:40Z 2019-05-22T07:08:58Z 2019-05-22T07:50:00Z en None 2019 1.7.6 None Healthy forests, soils, seas and other ecosystems form Europe’s ‘natural capital’, which is vital for our well-being and the economy. The European Environment Agency’s (EEA) new analysis, published today, looks at how to measure the condition of Europe’s natural capital and provides a first overview of the state and trends of Europe’s ecosystems. The report also highlights the need for better data on the condition of ecosystems in Europe. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VOJ9C4MFXH
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/images-of-tradition-and-green Images of tradition and green solutions win photo competition prizes 2019-06-18T08:33:13Z 2019-06-18T12:58:02Z 2019-06-19T06:00:00Z en None 2019 3.4.3 None The winners of the European Environment Agency’s (EEA) photo competition, ‘Sustainably Yours’, have been selected. The winning photos depict agricultural traditions and low-carbon solutions for energy and mobility. More than 400 photos from 32 European countries were sent to the competition. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None JU630ITDZP
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/european-environment-agency-marks-its European Environment Agency marks its 25th anniversary by reflecting on future challenges at high-level seminar 2019-06-18T12:04:14Z 2019-12-10T09:22:35Z 2019-06-19T08:00:00Z en None 2019 3.4.2 None The European Environment Agency (EEA) is marking its 25th anniversary today with a special meeting involving senior officials and experts from the EEA’s 39 member and cooperating countries, the European Commission, and the European Parliament. The participants will contribute to a new, 10-year strategy to steer the future work of the Agency and its network in providing sound, independent and reliable environmental information amid growing demand across Europe for more action on the environment. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None B3IQ7KXY9G
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/complex-network-of-european-and Complex network of European and global developments impacts sustainability 2020-05-15T09:20:15Z 2023-01-30T08:53:11Z 2020-05-19T08:00:00Z en None 2020 2.3.1 None A wide variety of rapid and long-term societal developments in Europe and globally have important effects on the environment in Europe. A European Environment Agency (EEA) report, published today, analyses these ‘drivers of change’, providing insights on their impacts on EU sustainability ambitions. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None C0EKDSTXV1
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/ageing-population-emerging-technologies-and Ageing population, emerging technologies and fiscal sustainability can influence EU’s path to sustainable future 2020-06-22T10:25:10Z 2020-07-01T08:36:16Z 2020-06-24T08:00:00Z en None 2020 2.4.6 None Environmental policies must be better integrated across all government work if Europe is to stay on target toward a sustainable, carbon-neutral future. This will be crucial amid the profound changes which are expected to happen as a result of an ageing European population, a widespread technological change, and the competing allocations of public budgets. Tackling these complex challenges with sustainability in mind will require clear, bold, long-term and future-proof policies, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) report published today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None EP4FJUKD9S
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/emissions-of-most-harmful-air Emissions of most harmful air pollutants dropped in 2018, marking EU progress under UN Convention 2020-07-21T08:11:30Z 2020-09-04T08:16:53Z 2020-07-23T08:00:00Z en None 2020 1.1.4 None Emissions of the five most harmful air pollutants, including particulate matter (PM), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and ammonia (NH3) reduced across the European Union between 2017 and 2018 according to updated data published today by the European Environment Agency (EEA). The data is from the annual EU emission inventory report sent to the UNECE Air Convention (Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution - CLRTAP). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None MJW5PQD2TB
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/tackling-pollution-and-climate-change Tackling pollution and climate change in Europe will improve health and well-being, especially for the most vulnerable 2020-08-31T18:33:13Z 2020-11-23T10:59:14Z 2020-09-07T22:05:00Z en None 2020 2.2.2 None Air and noise pollution, the impacts of climate change such as heatwaves, and exposure to dangerous chemicals cause ill health in Europe. Poor quality environments contribute to 13 % (one in every eight) of deaths according to a major assessment on health and environment released today by the European Environment Agency (EEA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None F601C32RB9
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/stronger-joint-efforts-needed-to Stronger joint efforts needed to achieve cleaner Mediterranean 2020-09-16T13:55:04Z 2020-09-21T07:37:43Z 2020-09-21T09:00:00Z en None 2020 3.7.16 None Achieving a cleaner Mediterranean Sea requires better implementation of policies and enhanced environmental data and information, according to a joint report by the European Environment Agency (EEA) and United Nations Environment Programme’s Mediterranean Action Plan (UNEP/MAP), published today. Cumulative effects of waste and marine litter, and wastewater and industrial emissions remain key challenges for the region. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None MP4A29SG3B
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/contamination-of-european-seas-continues Contamination of European seas continues despite some positive progress 2019-05-08T13:14:53Z 2019-05-15T07:30:14Z 2019-05-15T08:00:00Z en None 2019 1.6.2 None There is a shared vision to achieve clean, non toxic seas but their contamination with synthetic substances as well as heavy metals continues to be a large-scale problem in Europe. According to a new European Environment Agency (EEA) report, published today, between 75 and 96 % of the assessed area of Europe’s regional seas have a contamination problem. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 6PE0BWS4OH
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/what-are-european-countries-doing What are European countries doing to tackle plastic waste? 2019-05-28T13:09:53Z 2019-12-10T09:22:22Z 2019-06-03T08:00:00Z en None 2019 1.9.2 None Despite some promising efforts to address the growing problem of plastic waste like banning plastic shopping bags or straws, specific prevention targets for different plastic waste are still not widespread in Europe, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) assessment published today. Only nine countries have explicit targets in place for plastic waste prevention. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 6UW174KYOG
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-member-states-add-more EU Member States add more climate policies, better evidence on costs and effectiveness needed 2019-11-21T14:15:06Z 2019-12-10T09:22:32Z 2019-11-27T09:00:00Z en None 2019 1.3.3 None The European Union (EU) Member States reported more than 400 new climate change mitigation policies between 2017 and 2019, according to data released today by the European Environment Agency (EEA). EU Member States have now reported more than 1 900 climate actions, most of them targeting energy supply or energy consumption. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None N9EQIGB375
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-change-puts-pressure-on Climate change puts pressure on Europe’s energy system 2019-06-12T11:34:07Z 2019-12-10T09:22:30Z 2019-06-18T08:00:00Z en None 2019 1.4.2 None All parts of Europe’s energy system, from availability of energy sources to energy consumption, are potentially vulnerable to climate change and extreme weather events, according to a European Environment Agency report, published today. To secure reliable supply of clean energy, Europe’s energy system needs to adapt and become more climate resilient, the report states. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None DH0TF4XGQS
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/vote-for-your-favourite-sustainability-photos Vote for your favourite sustainability photos 2019-06-03T14:37:27Z 2019-06-05T13:45:40Z 2019-06-05T08:00:00Z en None 2019 3.4.3 None The final stage of the European Environment Agency’s (EEA) photo competition ‘Sustainably Yours’ showcases 45 photos depicting sustainable food, energy and mobility in Europe. An online vote, opening today, will decide the winner of the Public Choice Award. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None KO38PGE7UH
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/cutting-air-pollution-in-europe Cutting air pollution in Europe would prevent early deaths, improve productivity and curb climate change 2019-10-11T11:52:09Z 2020-11-23T10:58:51Z 2019-10-16T08:00:00Z en None 2019 1.1.2 None Europe’s air is getting cleaner but persistent pollution, especially in cities, still damages people’s health and the economy. The European Environment Agency’s (EEA) new analysis on air quality shows that exposure to air pollution caused about 400,000 premature deaths in the European Union (EU) in 2016. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None IQG3XF8WEN
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/member-states-must-cut-emissions Member States must cut emissions across all sectors to achieve EU climate targets by 2030 2020-03-06T12:51:48Z 2020-06-08T17:38:06Z 2020-03-10T11:00:00Z en None 2020 1.3.10 None Emission cuts in the European Union’s (EU) Effort Sharing sectors need to accelerate considerably from 2018 onwards to achieve the current EU 2030 targets, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing, published today. In particular, the large amount of emission reductions from planned measures in the transport sector need to materialise through concrete actions. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None Q2EFY6JXWN
http://www.eea.europa.eu/soer/2010/2010 The European environment – state and outlook 2010 2010-10-17T09:30:00Z 2021-04-26T13:17:36Z 2011-11-17T10:30:00Z en None 2010 3.0.4 None SOER 2010 provides a set of assessments of the current state of Europe's environment, its likely future state, what is being done and what could be done to improve it, how global megatrends might affect future trends… and more. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None KUPLUPKOKLU888
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-greenhouse-gas-emissions-kept EU greenhouse gas emissions kept decreasing in 2018, largest reductions in energy sector 2020-05-27T07:55:53Z 2020-11-23T10:59:14Z 2020-05-29T08:00:00Z en None 2020 1.3.1 None The European Union (EU) cut its greenhouse gas emissions by 23.2 % from 1990 to 2018, according to latest official data, published today by the European Environment Agency (EEA). Over the period, the EU’s contribution to global emissions is estimated to have decreased from 15 % to 8 %. In 2018, the EU’s emissions decreased by 2.1 %, confirming the EEA’s preliminary estimates published in October 2019. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ISZ52MF9GJ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-debate-series-by-eea New debate series by EEA: How does COVID-19 impact the environment and climate? 2020-09-08T13:16:38Z 2020-09-09T07:25:07Z 2020-09-09T08:00:00Z en None 2020 3.4.3 None The European Environment Agency together with the network of the heads of Environmental Protection Agencies (EPA Network) today launch the first in a series of online high-level panel debates focusing on the impacts of COVID-19 and the challenges the pandemic poses in meeting long-term climate and environment goals. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None TB1HCXJUD8
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/vote-for-your-favourite-photos Vote for your favourite photos while rediscovering Europe's nature 2020-10-15T15:02:13Z 2021-01-18T16:01:20Z 2020-10-15T15:10:00Z en None 2020 3.4.3 None This year’s European Environment Agency’s (EEA) ‘REDISCOVER Nature’ photo competition is our most successful ever and as of today, you can vote for your favourite photos and help decide the winner of the Public Choice Award. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 4ZQWSMV9PH
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-change-threatens-future-of Climate change threatens future of farming in Europe 2019-09-02T08:00:08Z 2020-11-23T10:58:47Z 2019-09-03T22:05:00Z en None 2019 1.4.2 None Crop and livestock production is projected to decrease and may even have to be abandoned in parts of Europe’s southern and Mediterranean regions due to the increased negative impacts of climate change, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) report published today. The study says that adapting to climate change must be made a top priority for the European Union’s agriculture sector if it is to improve resilience to extreme events like droughts, heatwaves and floods. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 194CFGEIWS
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/collecting-litter-and-data-to Collecting litter and data to combat plastic pollution 2019-09-12T07:10:04Z 2019-12-10T09:22:24Z 2019-09-17T07:07:55Z en None 2019 1.6.1 None More and more communities around the world are working against marine litter and plastic pollution. A Danish initiative mobilises schoolchildren to collect plastic waste and research data that will become part of the European Environment Agency’s (EEA) database on marine litter. Better data on plastic pollution helps inform policies and tackle the problem. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None Q9XZRCPVNB
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-cars-and-vans-sold New cars and vans sold in 2018 more CO2 intensive, final data confirms 2020-05-06T12:27:22Z 2020-06-03T08:24:42Z 2020-06-03T08:00:00Z en None 2020 1.3.7 None Average carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from new cars registered in the European Union (EU), the United Kingdom (UK) and Iceland increased in 2018 for the second year in a row, according to final data published today by the European Environment Agency (EEA). For the first time, average CO2 emissions from new vans also increased in 2018. More efforts are needed from manufacturers to reduce vehicle CO2 emissions. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None DAYMQV6C2X
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/pfas-pollution-is-widespread-in PFAS pollution is widespread in Europe but risks are still poorly understood 2019-12-09T14:14:44Z 2019-12-12T08:56:12Z 2019-12-12T09:00:00Z en None 2019 2.2.1 None People and the environment are exposed to a wide variety of extremely persistent chemicals known as PFAS, many of which are known to be toxic. A briefing by the European Environment Agency, published today, presents an overview of these chemicals, which continue to accumulate in people and the environment. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None EINBC50GAP
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/the-eu-continues-to-phase European Union continues to phase-down its use of climate-warming fluorinated gases 2020-01-29T13:27:38Z 2020-11-23T10:59:01Z 2020-02-04T08:55:00Z en None 2020 1.3.5 None The European Union remains on track in meeting the goal to phase-down the use of fluorinated greenhouse gases (F-gases), according to updated data published by the European Environment Agency today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None EG3UF1RHBV
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/number-of-europeans-exposed-to Number of Europeans exposed to harmful noise pollution expected to increase 2020-02-25T13:12:55Z 2020-06-24T19:55:53Z 2020-03-04T23:05:00Z en None 2020 1.1.6 None At least one in five Europeans are currently exposed to noise levels considered harmful to their health, according to the European Environment Agency’s (EEA) environmental noise pollution report published today. This number is projected to increase in the years ahead. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 7BV29AOTUD
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/doubling-recycling-across-europe-is Doubling recycling across Europe is feasible, for certain waste streams 2020-06-22T10:05:54Z 2020-11-23T10:58:43Z 2020-06-23T08:00:00Z en None 2020 1.9.2 None There is significant potential to increase recycling across Europe for municipal, construction and electronic waste according to a European Environment Agency briefing released today. Compared to current recycled amounts, this potential can double recycling for municipal and electronic waste and increase it by 30 % for construction and demolition waste. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None I9OBJWS72U
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/executive-director-welcomes-slovak-president Executive Director welcomes Slovak President Čaputová to EEA 2021-05-11T09:22:45Z 2021-05-18T12:48:57Z 2021-05-11T09:39:09Z en None 2021 6.3.7 None European efforts to tackle climate change, air pollution and achieving carbon neutrality were the main issues discussed during a visit of President Zuzana Čaputová of Slovakia to the European Environment Agency (EEA) on Tuesday (11 May 2021). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None PEAR5KUQZ9
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-european-scientific-advisory-board New European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change appointed 2022-03-23T08:55:31Z 2022-03-25T13:14:13Z 2022-03-24T13:25:00Z en None 2022 2.0.2 None The members of the new European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change have been designated today, making the new independent advisory body ready to provide the European Union (EU) with scientific knowledge, expertise and advice relating to climate change. The Advisory Board’s work will underpin the EU’s climate action and efforts to reach climate neutrality by 2050. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 5D0CA2VEKP
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/looking-for-our-next-executive-director Looking for our next Executive Director 2022-06-06T11:57:10Z 2022-06-07T09:26:08Z 2022-06-07T07:50:00Z en None 2022 6.3.1 None The European Environment Agency (EEA), an agency of the European Union located in Copenhagen, is looking for its new Executive Director to take office in June 2023. The applications for the position are now open. Candidates need, among others, extensive experience in leading large organisations in a dynamic and innovative work environment as well in-depth knowledge about European environmental and climate policies. Applications close on 7 July 2022. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None GVKESIHODB
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/citizens-can-contribute-to-europes-energy-transition Citizens can contribute to Europe's energy transition 2022-08-29T12:31:56Z 2022-09-01T12:10:09Z 2022-09-01T08:00:00Z en None 2022 2.0.2 None Citizens, institutions and businesses can help deploy renewable energy and reduce fuel imports by becoming prosumers who both produce and consume energy. A European Environment Agency (EEA) report, published today, shows that prosumption already exists in many forms and it is expected to grow with enabling policies and better and cheaper technology. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None V2ZRIT0EPC
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/serious-challenges-in-agri-food Serious challenges in Europe's agri-food systems 2022-10-03T10:39:16Z 2022-10-06T10:00:09Z 2022-10-06T10:00:09Z en None 2022 5.0.2 None A profound rethink of how we produce food and operate global food chains and related industrial processing sectors is needed to make them resilient and sustainable. Much more must be done to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions as well as their pressures on water resources and biodiversity — efforts which are currently almost stagnant — according to European Environment Agency (EEA) briefings on agriculture and food systems, published today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 1X8K0FO2PW
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eutrophication-remains-a-major-problem Eutrophication remains a major problem for Europe’s seas despite some progress 2019-12-09T13:47:14Z 2019-12-11T09:43:24Z 2019-12-11T09:43:24Z en None 2019 1.6.2 None The shared vision for Europe’s seas is a healthy marine environment where human-induced eutrophication is minimised. However, the European Environment Agency’s (EEA) assessment, published today, shows that eutrophication still remains a large scale problem in some of Europe’s regionals seas. The assessment shows some positive effects from better nutrient management but the overall target of healthy seas will not be met everywhere by 2020. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None TP2QGFJKC3
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/longer-lasting-electronics-benefit-environment Longer-lasting electronics benefit environment, climate and circular economy 2020-06-15T12:12:15Z 2020-11-23T10:59:18Z 2020-06-18T07:20:00Z en None 2020 2.1.2 None Extending the lifetime and delaying obsolescence of electronics can significantly reduce their environmental and climate impacts and contribute to meeting the European Union’s (EU) environment, climate and circular economy objectives. According to a European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing, published today, smartphones, televisions, washing machines and vacuum cleaners all are used on average for shorter periods than both their designed and desired lifetimes. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None MHDYIZ8Q02
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/greater-circularity-in-the-buildings Greater circularity in the buildings sector can lead to major cuts in greenhouse gas emissions 2020-07-07T07:08:21Z 2022-12-06T12:26:56Z 2020-07-09T08:00:00Z en None 2020 1.3.1 None Improving efficiency and reuse of materials to construct houses and other buildings can open significant new opportunities to further reducing greenhouse gas emissions, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing released today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 0FISZ9YQD5
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/emerging-trends-what-are-the Emerging trends: What are the environmental impacts of artificial meat, delivery drones, blockchain and synthetic biology? 2020-11-18T08:48:10Z 2021-01-18T16:10:01Z 2020-11-20T09:00:00Z en None 2020 2.3.2 None Assessing the environment’s prospects in a fast-changing world requires the consideration of emerging trends. A series of joint European Environment Agency (EEA) and Eionet briefings, published today, explores the potential environmental and policy impacts from four emerging technological innovations. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None SD6KW271TZ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20020430084424 EU reaches CO2 stabilisation target despite upturn in greenhouse gas emissions 2002-04-29T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:29Z 2002-04-29T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None None http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 1O4RUQ0KYN
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20021122093500 Oil spill off Galicia badly damages highly valuable ecosystems 2002-11-21T23:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:46Z 2002-11-21T23:00:00Z en None 2011 None None http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None M3DN2VCEGT
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/20020906161244 Indicator in focus: Human health and air quality 2002-09-05T22:00:00Z 2016-06-28T16:03:42Z 2002-09-05T22:00:00Z en None 2011 None None http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None B2SFD37C80
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sl/highlights/novi-pregledovalnik-kakovosti-zraka-v Novi pregledovalnik kakovosti zraka v evropskih mestih vam omogoča, da preverite dolgotrajne ravni onesnaženosti zraka v kraju, kjer živite 2021-06-11T08:36:58Z 2021-10-19T06:30:30Z 2021-06-22T11:02:32Z sl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-european-city-air-quality 2021 3.0.2 None Onesnaženost zraka je v številnih evropskih mestih resen problem, ki resnično ogroža zdravje. Evropska agencija za okolje (EEA) je danes objavila pregledovalnik kakovosti zraka v evropskih mestih. Z njim lahko preverite kakovost zraka v zadnjih dveh letih v mestu, kjer živite, in jo primerjate z drugimi mesti po vsej Evropi. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None Z3YV65HKPE
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fi/highlights/eu-n-meriliikenne-ensimmaisessa-ymparistovaikutusraportissa EU:n meriliikenne: ensimmäisessä ympäristövaikutusraportissa annetaan tunnustusta hyvälle etenemiselle kestävyydessä ja vahvistetaan, että kasvavaan kysyntään valmistautumiseksi vaaditaan lisätoimia 2021-08-16T13:08:41Z 2022-01-19T09:22:28Z 2021-09-01T07:37:48Z fi http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-maritime-transport-first-environmental 2021 1.0.2 None Meriliikenteellä on nyt ja tulevaisuudessa olennainen rooli maailman ja Euroopan kaupassa ja taloudessa. Meriliikenteessä on toteutettu viime vuosina merkittäviä toimenpiteitä toimialan ympäristövaikutusten vähentämiseksi. Merenkulun määrän odotetaan kuitenkin kasvavan. Siksi uudessa raportissa selvitetään ensimmäisen kerran EU:n meriliikennealan kokonaisvaikutusta ympäristöön ja esitellään haasteita, joita kestävyyden saavuttamisessa on. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None NFB6GQXDES
http://www.eea.europa.eu/hu/highlights/2019-ben-a-tisztabb-levego 2019-ben a tisztább levegő legalább 178 ezer életet menthetett volna meg az EU-ban 2021-11-10T19:28:34Z 2022-03-01T09:34:34Z 2022-01-12T09:56:00Z hu http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/cleaner-air-could-have-saved 2021 3.0.2 None A légszennyezés 2019-ben is jelentős terhet jelentett Európában az idő előtti halálozás és a betegségek tekintetében. Az Európai Környezetvédelmi Ügynökség (EEA) elemzése azt mutatja, hogy a levegőminőségnek az Egészségügyi Világszervezet (WHO) által a közelmúltban ajánlott szintre történő javítása megelőzhetné a finomrészecskének való kitettség okozta korai halálesetek több mint felét. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 8PM7T3NSB4
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sv/highlights/rediscover-nature-for-arets-upplaga REDISCOVER Nature för årets upplaga av EEA:s fototävling 2020-05-19T05:09:14Z 2020-08-03T14:07:12Z 2020-06-11T08:35:00Z sv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/rediscover-nature-photo-competition 2020 3.4.3 None Det spelar ingen roll var vi är, vi kan alla uppskatta naturens under, nu kanske mer än någonsin. Årets upplaga av Europiska miljöbyråns (EEA) fototävling ”REDISCOVER Nature” som inleds idag uppmanar dig att fotografera och dela med dig av ditt band till naturen och miljön runt dig. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None N950IGX4MY
http://www.eea.europa.eu/es/highlights/rediscover-nature-lema-del-concurso REDISCOVER Nature, lema del concurso de fotografía de la AEMA de este año 2020-05-19T05:09:14Z 2020-08-03T14:07:12Z 2020-06-17T14:30:00Z es http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/rediscover-nature-photo-competition 2020 3.4.3 None Estemos donde estemos, todos podemos apreciar las maravillas de la naturaleza, ahora posiblemente más que nunca. Este año, el concurso fotográfico de la Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente (AEMA) «REDISCOVER Nature», que se abre hoy, te invita a capturar y compartir los vínculos con la naturaleza y su entorno. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 2OC8ZYGH0P
http://www.eea.europa.eu/is/highlights/rediscover-nature-i-ljosmyndasamkeppni-eea REDISCOVER Nature í ljósmyndasamkeppni EEA í ár 2020-05-19T05:09:14Z 2020-08-03T14:07:12Z 2020-06-17T14:55:00Z is http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/rediscover-nature-photo-competition 2020 3.4.3 None Það skiptir ekki máli hvar við erum, við getum öll notið þess sem náttúran hefur upp á að bjóða og nú jafnvel meira en áður. Ljósmyndasamkeppni Umhverfisstofnunar Evrópu (EEA) í ár „REDISCOVER Nature“, sem hefst í dag, gefur þér kost á að mynda og deila sambandi þínu við náttúruna og umhverfið í kring um þig. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 9IJU3T1FXO
http://www.eea.europa.eu/el/highlights/simantiki-beltiosi-tis-poiotitas-toy Σημαντική βελτίωση της ποιότητας του αέρα στην Ευρώπη κατά την τελευταία δεκαετία, μείωση των θανάτων που συνδέονται με τη ρύπανση 2020-11-16T13:24:47Z 2021-01-18T14:51:18Z 2020-11-23T11:20:00Z el http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/marked-improvement-in-europes-air 2020 1.1.2 None Η βελτίωση της ποιότητας του αέρα έχει οδηγήσει σε σημαντική μείωση των πρόωρων θανάτων κατά την τελευταία δεκαετία στην Ευρώπη. Ωστόσο, τα τελευταία επίσημα στοιχεία του Ευρωπαϊκού Οργανισμού Περιβάλλοντος (ΕΟΠ) δείχνουν ότι σχεδόν όλοι οι Ευρωπαίοι εξακολουθούν να υποφέρουν από την ατμοσφαιρική ρύπανση, με αποτέλεσμα να σημειώνονται περίπου 400 000 πρόωροι θάνατοι σε ολόκληρη την ήπειρο. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 1P0ARI3Q9M
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sv/highlights/plast-ett-vaxande-miljo-och Plast, ett växande miljö- och klimatproblem: hur kan Europa vända trenden? 2021-01-20T13:36:04Z 2021-01-28T11:43:08Z 2021-01-28T05:00:00Z sv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/plastics-environmental-concern 2021 4.0.2 None Den ständigt ökande mängden plast, dess inverkan på den biologiska mångfalden och bidrag till klimatförändringarna och hur man ska handskas med den utifrån en cirkulär ekonomi har i flera år varit en fråga för EU. Covid-19-pandemin har i ännu högre grad riktat uppmärksamheten mot plastavfallet, med bilder av masker och munskydd i haven och stora mängder skyddsutrustning för engångsbruk. I sin rapport om cirkulär plastekonomi, som offentliggörs idag, analyserar Europeiska miljöbyrån (EEA) behovet av och möjligheten att övergå till en cirkulär och hållbar strategi för plastanvändning. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None US5GFR739B
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sk/highlights/plastove-vyrobky-predstavuju-coraz-vacsi Plastové výrobky predstavujú čoraz väčší environmentálny a klimatický problém: ako môže Európa tento trend zvrátiť? 2021-01-20T13:36:04Z 2021-01-28T11:43:08Z 2021-01-28T05:00:00Z sk http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/plastics-environmental-concern 2021 4.0.2 None Čoraz väčšie množstvo plastov, ich vplyv na biodiverzitu a podiel na zmene klímy a spôsoby, ako sa s nimi vyrovnať z hľadiska obehového hospodárstva, sú témy, ktoré sú už roky súčasťou politického programu Európskej únie. Pandémia ochorenia COVID-19 len zvýšila pozornosť venovanú plastovému odpadu prostredníctvom fotografií rúšok v našich moriach a množstva ochranného vybavenia na jedno použitie. Európska environmentálna agentúra (EEA) v dnes uverejnenej správe o obehovom hospodárstve v oblasti plastov analyzuje potrebu a potenciál prechodu na obehový a udržateľný prístup k nášmu používaniu plastov. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None OU6ZRMQVKY
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/koji-je-nacin-motornog-prometa Koji je način motornog prometa ekološki najprihvatljiviji : vlak, zrakoplov ili brod? 2021-03-19T10:09:51Z 2021-04-16T09:25:28Z 2021-03-26T10:38:35Z hr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/motorised-transport-train-plane-road 2021 2.0.2 None Prema dvjema studijama o prometu i okolišu koje je danas objavila Europska agencija za okoliš (EEA) putovanje vlakom i dalje je, s obzirom na emisije stakleničkih plinova, ukupno gledano ekološki najprihvatljiviji način motornog putničkog prometa u Europi, u usporedbi s putovanjem automobilom ili zrakoplovom. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None QMCNWOIZ52
http://www.eea.europa.eu/es/highlights/transporte-motorizado-tren-avion-transporte Transporte motorizado: tren, avión, transporte por carretera o barco, ¿cuál es el más ecológico? 2021-03-19T10:09:51Z 2021-04-16T09:25:28Z 2021-03-26T10:58:37Z es http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/motorised-transport-train-plane-road 2021 2.0.2 None Los viajes en tren siguen siendo, en general, el modo de transporte motorizado de pasajeros más respetuoso con el medio ambiente en Europa en cuanto a emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, en comparación con los desplazamientos en coche o en avión, según dos estudios sobre el transporte y el medio ambiente publicados hoy por la Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente (AEMA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None E71M8TPV65
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fr/highlights/transports-motorises-train-avion-route Transports motorisés: train, avion, route ou bateau — quel est le plus écologique? 2021-03-19T10:09:51Z 2021-04-16T09:25:28Z 2021-04-14T11:16:37Z fr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/motorised-transport-train-plane-road 2021 2.0.2 None Le transport ferroviaire reste globalement le mode de transport de passagers motorisé le plus respectueux de l’environnement en Europe — en termes d’émissions de gaz à effet de serre — par rapport aux déplacements en voiture ou en avion, selon deux études sur les transports et l’environnement publiées aujourd’hui par l’Agence européenne pour l’environnement (AEE). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 1EFDOA573T
http://www.eea.europa.eu/de/highlights/fotowettbewerb-zum-thema-klimawandel-auswirkungen Fotowettbewerb zum Thema Klimawandel – Auswirkungen und Lösungen 2021-04-20T07:30:42Z 2021-08-18T12:52:28Z 2021-08-18T12:47:31Z de http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-on-climate-change 2021 6.3.7 None Der Klimawandel wirkt sich auf vielerlei Art auf die Gesellschaft und die Umwelt aus. Zu seiner Bekämpfung müssen wir die Emissionen verringern, damit wir seine schlimmsten Auswirkungen verhindern können. Gleichzeitig müssen wir uns den Folgen, die wir nicht verhindern können, stellen. Der diesjährige Fotowettbewerb der Europäischen Umweltagentur (EUA), der unter dem Motto „Climate Change PIX“ steht und heute eröffnet wird, bietet den Teilnehmern Gelegenheit, den Klimawandel in Europa und unseren Umgang damit darzustellen. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None GQYP46M7JE
http://www.eea.europa.eu/it/highlights/trasporto-marittimo-nell2019ue-nella-prima Trasporto marittimo nell’UE: Nella prima relazione sull’impatto ambientale si annunciano buoni progressi per uno sviluppo sostenibile del settore marittimo anche se ulteriori sforzi saranno necessari in vista dell’aumento della domanda 2021-08-16T13:08:41Z 2022-01-19T09:22:28Z 2021-09-01T07:37:47Z it http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-maritime-transport-first-environmental 2021 1.0.2 None Il trasporto marittimo svolge e continuerà a svolgere un ruolo essenziale nel commercio e nell’economia mondiale ed europea. Negli ultimi anni, il settore marittimo ha adottato misure significative per alleviare il proprio impatto ambientale. In vista di un atteso aumento dei trasporti via mare a livello globale, per quanto riguarda l’UE un nuova relazione rivela per la prima volta la piena portata dell’impatto di tale settore sull’ambiente e individua le problematiche da risolvere per conseguire uno sviluppo sostenibile. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None C5VEA4OJF9
http://www.eea.europa.eu/es/highlights/el-transporte-maritimo-en-la El transporte marítimo en la UE: el primer estudio sobre impacto ambiental reconoce los progresos realizados hasta la fecha hacia la sostenibilidad aun cuando reitera la necesidad de redoblar esfuerzos ante el aumento de la demanda 2021-08-16T13:08:41Z 2022-01-19T09:22:28Z 2021-09-01T07:37:49Z es http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-maritime-transport-first-environmental 2021 1.0.2 None El transporte marítimo desempeña y seguirá desempeñando un papel esencial en el comercio y en la economía mundial y europea. En los últimos años, se han adoptado importantes medidas para mitigar su impacto en el medio ambiente. Ante el aumento previsto en el volumen de transporte marítimo global, un nuevo estudio revela por primera vez, la magnitud del impacto sobre el medio ambiente del sector en la UE, a la vez que señala los retos para lograr su sostenibilidad. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 9F3VIGCB48
http://www.eea.europa.eu/no/highlights/renere-luft-kunne-ha-reddet Renere luft kunne ha reddet minst 178 000 liv over hele EU i 2019 2021-11-10T19:28:34Z 2022-03-01T09:34:34Z 2021-12-10T11:30:17Z no http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/cleaner-air-could-have-saved 2021 3.0.2 None Luftforurensning fortsatte å forårsake en betydelig byrde av for tidlig død og sykdom i Europa i 2019. En analyse fra Det europeiske miljøbyrået (EEA) viser at forbedring av luftkvaliteten til de nivåene som nylig ble anbefalt av Verdens helseorganisasjon (WHO), kunne forhindre mer enn halvparten av de for tidlige dødsfallene forårsaket av eksponering for fint svevestøv. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 6GM3AVR10I
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/priroda-evropy-pod-tlakem-2013 Příroda Evropy pod tlakem – výzvy a řešení 2021-09-28T07:36:21Z 2022-02-25T10:56:57Z 2022-02-03T12:19:56Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-nature-under-pressure 2021 1.0.2 None Práce Evropské agentury pro životní prostředí (EEA) a výsledky zpracovaných hodnocení prokázaly, že evropské ekosystémy jsou vážně ohroženy. Staletí nadměrného využívání přírodních zdrojů se na evropské přírodě podepsala a většina chráněných přírodních stanovišť a druhů není z hlediska ochrany v dobrém stavu. Zpráva „Signály EEA 2021“ poskytuje přehled problémů, s nimiž se Evropa potýká, a nastiňuje strategie vedoucí k nápravě situace. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None OU2SVH9A15
http://www.eea.europa.eu/hu/highlights/europa-termeszete-nyomas-alatt-2013 Európa természete nyomás alatt – kihívások és megoldások 2021-09-28T07:36:21Z 2022-02-25T10:56:57Z 2022-02-03T12:21:27Z hu http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-nature-under-pressure 2021 1.0.2 None Az Európai Környezetvédelmi Ügynökség (EEA) munkája és egyéb értékelései azt mutatják, hogy az európai ökoszisztémákat komoly veszély fenyegeti. A természeti erőforrások évszázadokon át tartó kiaknázása nyomot hagyott Európa természeti világán, és a legtöbb védett élőhely és faj védettségi helyzete nem megfelelő. A 2021. évi EEA-jelzések című jelentés áttekintést nyújt az Európa természetét érintő problémákról, és rámutat a helyzet megfordítását célzó stratégiákra. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None AXHV92QCKP
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pt/highlights/a-natureza-da-europa-esta A natureza da Europa está sob pressão — desafios e soluções 2021-09-28T07:36:21Z 2022-02-25T10:56:57Z 2022-02-03T12:22:46Z pt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-nature-under-pressure 2021 1.0.2 None O trabalho da Agência Europeia do Ambiente (AEA) e outras avaliações revelaram que os ecossistemas europeus estão seriamente ameaçados. Séculos de exploração deixaram marcas no mundo natural da Europa e a maioria dos habitats e das espécies protegidos não apresenta um bom estado de conservação. A Sinais 2021 da AEA apresenta uma panorâmica dos problemas que a natureza da Europa está a enfrentar e aponta estratégias para reverter a situação. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None KHEX85P1RC
http://www.eea.europa.eu/es/highlights/claras-oportunidades-para-desvincular-la Claras oportunidades para desvincular la generación de residuos en Europa del crecimiento económico 2021-12-13T13:23:57Z 2022-03-28T07:42:10Z 2022-02-09T11:21:40Z es http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/clear-opportunities-to-decouple-europes 2021 4.0.2 None En la mayoría de países europeos y en la UE en su conjunto, la generación de residuos está creciendo, si bien a un ritmo más lento que la economía. Sin embargo, según un informe publicado recientemente por la Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente, no hay indicios de que el objetivo general de reducir la generación total de residuos esté cerca de lograrse. En las conclusiones del informe se destacan las oportunidades de prevenir los residuos con mayor eficacia, con los textiles en el punto de mira. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None BKMY2TWQZR
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/jasne-mogucnosti-za-odvajanje-stvaranja Jasne mogućnosti za odvajanje stvaranja otpada u Europi od gospodarskog rasta 2021-12-13T13:23:57Z 2022-03-28T07:42:10Z 2022-03-03T15:44:23Z hr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/clear-opportunities-to-decouple-europes 2021 4.0.2 None U većini europskih zemalja i na razini EU stvaranje otpada raste, ali sporije od rasta gospodarstva. Međutim, prema nedavno objavljenom izvješću Europske agencije za okoliš nema znakova da će se skoro ostvariti opći cilj smanjenja ukupnog stvaranja otpada. U nalazima izvješća istaknute su mogućnosti za učinkovitije sprječavanje nastanka otpada, pri čemu su tekstilni proizvodi u središtu pozornosti. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 9BXRP6IA2Q
http://www.eea.europa.eu/el/highlights/i-katastasi-toy-periballontos-stin Η κατάσταση του περιβάλλοντος στην Ευρώπη το 2020: απαιτείται επειγόντως αλλαγή κατεύθυνσης για την αντιμετώπιση των προκλήσεων της κλιματικής αλλαγής, την αντιστροφή της περιβαλλοντικής υποβάθμισης και την διασφάλιση της μελλοντικής ευημερίας 2019-11-29T09:23:12Z 2020-11-23T10:58:24Z 2019-12-03T23:05:00Z el http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/soer2020-europes-environment-state-and-outlook-report 2019 2.4.4 None Η Ευρώπη δεν πρόκειται να επιτύχει τους στόχους της για το 2030 εάν δεν λάβει επειγόντως μέτρα εντός της επόμενης δεκαετίας, ούτως ώστε να ανακόψει τον ανησυχητικό ρυθμό της απώλειας της βιοποικιλότητας, τον αυξανόμενο αντίκτυπο της κλιματικής αλλαγής και την υπερκατανάλωση φυσικών πόρων. Η πλέον πρόσφατη έκθεση του Ευρωπαϊκού Οργανισμού Περιβάλλοντος (ΕΟΠ) που δημοσιεύεται σήμερα, με τίτλο «Η κατάσταση του περιβάλλοντος», αναφέρει ότι η Ευρώπη είναι αντιμέτωπη με επιτακτικές περιβαλλοντικές προκλήσεις πρωτοφανούς κλίμακας. Στην έκθεση επισημαίνεται, ωστόσο, ότι υπάρχουν λόγοι αισιοδοξίας, καθώς παρατηρείται μια ολοένα και μεγαλύτερη ευαισθητοποίηση της κοινής γνώμης σχετικά με την ανάγκη για μετάβαση σε ένα βιώσιμο μέλλον, για τεχνολογικές καινοτομίες καθώς και για περισσότερες κοινοτικές πρωτοβουλίες και δράσεις της ΕΕ όπως η ευρωπαϊκή πράσινη συμφωνία. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None QK823SFNO0
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/stav-evropskeho-zivotniho-prostredi-v Stav evropského životního prostředí v roce 2020: naléhavě je zapotřebí změnit směr, abychom dokázali čelit výzvám spojeným se změnou klimatu, zastavit degradaci přírodních zdrojů a zajistit budoucí prosperitu 2019-11-29T09:23:12Z 2020-11-23T10:58:24Z 2019-12-03T23:05:00Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/soer2020-europes-environment-state-and-outlook-report 2019 2.4.4 None Evropa nedosáhne svých cílů do roku 2030, pokud během nadcházejících 10 let nepodnikne naléhavé kroky s cílem řešit znepokojivý úbytek biologické rozmanitosti, rostoucí dopady změny klimatu a nadměrnou spotřebu přírodních zdrojů. Jak se uvádí v nejnovější zprávě o stavu životního prostředí, kterou dnes zveřejnila Evropská agentura pro životní prostředí (EEA), Evropa čelí v oblasti životního prostředí výzvám nebývalého rozsahu a naléhavosti. Zpráva však také uvádí, že existuje naděje díky rostoucímu povědomí veřejnosti o nezbytnosti přechodu k udržitelné budoucnosti, technologickým inovacím, přibývajícím společenským iniciativám a ambicióznějším činnostem EU, jako je Zelená dohoda pro Evropu. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None OFUHGTMYSB
http://www.eea.europa.eu/es/highlights/euroopan-ympariston-tila-2020-suuntaa La situación del medio ambiente en Europa 2020: urge un cambio de rumbo para afrontar los desafíos del cambio climático, revertir la degradación y garantizar la prosperidad futura 2019-11-29T09:23:12Z 2020-11-23T10:58:24Z 2019-12-03T23:05:00Z es http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/soer2020-europes-environment-state-and-outlook-report 2019 2.4.4 None Europa no alcanzará sus objetivos para 2030 si no toma medidas urgentes durante los próximos diez años para actuar ante la alarmante tasa de pérdida de biodiversidad, las repercusiones -en aumento- del cambio climático y la sobreexplotación de los recursos naturales, según el informe «La situación del medio ambiente» («European environment — state and outlook 2020 - SOER 2020») de la Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente (AEMA), que hoy se publica. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None U8ESH4XI5Y
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lt/highlights/europos-aplinkos-bukle-2020-m Europos aplinkos būklė 2020 m. Būtina skubiai keisti kryptį, kad būtų galima spręsti klimato kaitos keliamus sunkumus, pasiekti, kad aplinkos būklė, užuot toliau blogėjusi, imtų gerėti, ir užtikrinti gerovę ateityje 2019-11-29T09:23:12Z 2020-11-23T10:58:24Z 2019-12-03T23:05:00Z lt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/soer2020-europes-environment-state-and-outlook-report 2019 2.4.4 None Europa nepasieks savo 2030 m. tikslų, jei per ateinančius 10 metų nesiims skubių veiksmų, kad išspręstų nerimą keliančio masto biologinės įvairovės nykimo, didėjančio klimato kaitos poveikio ir gamtos išteklių pereikvojimo problemas. Šiandien paskelbtoje naujausioje Europos aplinkos agentūros (EAA) ataskaitoje „Aplinkos būklė“ teigiama, kad Europa susiduria su beprecedenčiais aplinkos iššūkiais, kuriuos būtina neatidėliotinai spręsti. Tačiau ataskaitoje sakoma, kad pagrindo optimizmui yra – visuomenė vis sąmoningiau suvokia būtinybę pradėti kurti tvarią ateitį, diegiamos technologinės inovacijos, gausėja bendruomenės iniciatyvų, taip pat stiprinami ES veiksmai, pavyzdžiui, Europos žaliasis kursas. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None WF1U4EQBAJ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sk/highlights/stav-zivotneho-prostredia-europy-2020 Stav životného prostredia Európy 2020: aby sme mohli čeliť výzvam v oblasti zmeny klímy, zvrátiť degradáciu a zabezpečiť budúcu prosperitu, treba urýchlene zmeniť smerovanie 2019-11-29T09:23:12Z 2020-11-23T10:58:24Z 2019-12-03T23:05:00Z sk http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/soer2020-europes-environment-state-and-outlook-report 2019 2.4.4 None Bez naliehavých opatrení v priebehu najbližších 10 rokov nedosiahne Európa svoje ciele do roku 2030 zamerané na riešenie alarmujúcej miery straty biodiverzity, rastúcich vplyvov zmeny klímy a nadmernej spotreby prírodných zdrojov. V najnovšej správe Európskej environmentálnej agentúry (EEA) o stave životného prostredia, ktorá bola uverejnená dnes, sa uvádza, že Európa čelí environmentálnym výzvam bezprecedentného rozsahu a naliehavosti. Avšak existuje aj dôvod na nádej vzhľadom na zvyšovanie informovanosti verejnosti o potrebe prechodu na udržateľnú budúcnosť, technologické inovácie, nárast iniciatív spoločenstiev a zintenzívnenie opatrení EÚ, akým je napríklad Európsky ekologický dohovor. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None GOEJ4XF37P
http://www.eea.europa.eu/nl/highlights/stijging-verwacht-van-het-aantal Stijging verwacht van het aantal Europeanen dat schadelijke geluidshinder ondervindt 2020-02-25T13:12:55Z 2020-06-24T19:55:53Z 2020-03-04T23:05:00Z nl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/number-of-europeans-exposed-to 2020 1.1.6 None Volgens het vandaag gepubliceerde verslag van het Europees Milieuagentschap (EEA) over omgevingslawaai wordt momenteel minstens een op de vijf Europeanen blootgesteld aan geluidsniveaus die schadelijk zijn voor de gezondheid. Naar verwachting zal dit cijfer in de komende jaren stijgen. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None I3BUGME2HW
http://www.eea.europa.eu/es/highlights/previsiones-de-aumento-del-numero Previsiones de aumento del número de habitantes europeos expuestos a contaminación acústica nociva 2020-02-25T13:12:55Z 2020-06-24T19:55:53Z 2020-03-04T23:05:00Z es http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/number-of-europeans-exposed-to 2020 1.1.6 None Según el informe sobre contaminación acústica ambiental publicado hoy por la Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente (AEMA), al menos uno de cada cinco europeos está expuesto actualmente a niveles de ruido que se consideran nocivos para la salud. Según las previsiones, esta cifra aumentará en los próximos años. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None GJDNZC1TBK
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lt/highlights/tiketina-kad-europos-gyventoju-susidurianciu Tikėtina, kad Europos gyventojų, susiduriančių su žalinga akustine tarša, skaičius didės 2020-02-25T13:12:55Z 2020-06-24T19:55:53Z 2020-03-09T15:35:00Z lt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/number-of-europeans-exposed-to 2020 1.1.6 None Šiandien paskelbtoje Europos aplinkos agentūros (EAA) aplinkos akustinės taršos ataskaitoje teigiama, kad šiuo metu bent vienas iš penkių europiečių kenčia nuo triukšmo lygio, kuris laikomas žalingu jų sveikatai. Numatoma, kad ateinančiais metais šis skaičius didės. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None O9V1DZTRS6
http://www.eea.europa.eu/is/highlights/buist-vid-ad-fjoldi-evropubua Búist við að fjöldi Evrópubúa sem búa við skaðlega hávaðamengun aukist 2020-02-25T13:12:55Z 2020-06-24T19:55:53Z 2020-04-15T11:34:07Z is http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/number-of-europeans-exposed-to 2020 1.1.6 None Samkvæmt skýrslu Umhverfisstofnunar Evrópu um hávaðamengun, sem birt var í dag, er minnst einn af hverjum fimm Evrópubúum útsettur fyrir hávaðastigi sem telst skaðlegt heilsu fólks. Samkvæmt spám mun þessi tala hækka á næstu árum. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None UAN7XM80ZB
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sk/highlights/kvalita-vod-na-kupanie-v Kvalita vôd na kúpanie v Európe je podľa posledných výročných hodnotení aj naďalej vysoká 2020-06-04T11:48:00Z 2020-06-11T11:00:21Z 2020-06-08T14:57:32Z sk http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/quality-of-europes-bathing-waters 2020 1.5.2 None Podľa dnes uverejneného výročného hodnotenia je kvalita vôd v Európe naďalej vysoká. Takmer 85 % lokalít určených na kúpanie monitorovaných v roku 2019 v celej Európe spĺňa tie najvyššie a najprísnejšie normy výbornej kvality vody. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 6KD7IG2ETP
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fi/highlights/loyda-yhteys-luontoon-euroopan-ymparistokeskuksen Löydä yhteys luontoon Euroopan ympäristökeskuksen REDISCOVER Nature -valokuvauskilpailussa 2020-05-19T05:09:14Z 2020-08-03T14:07:12Z 2020-06-09T12:10:00Z fi http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/rediscover-nature-photo-competition 2020 3.4.3 None Luonnon ihmeitä osataan arvostaa nyt kenties aiempaa enemmän missä tahansa liikummekaan. Euroopan ympäristökeskuksen (EEA) tämänvuotinen valokuvauskilpailu REDISCOVER Nature käynnistyy tänään. Ikuista yhteytesi luontoon ja ympäristöön valokuvassa ja jaa kuvasi muiden kanssa osallistumalla kilpailuun. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None IG7OB1VYSR
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sk/highlights/rediscover-nature-2013-tohtorocna-fotograficka REDISCOVER Nature – tohtoročná fotografická súťaž agentúry EEA 2020-05-19T05:09:14Z 2020-08-03T14:07:12Z 2020-06-09T13:10:00Z sk http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/rediscover-nature-photo-competition 2020 3.4.3 None Bez ohľadu na to, kde sa nachádzame, môžeme všetci spoločne obdivovať zázraky prírody, teraz možno viac ako kedykoľvek predtým. Tohtoročná fotografická súťaž Európskej environmentálnej agentúry (EEA) s názvom REDISCOVER Nature (Znovu objavte prírodu), ktorá sa začína dnes, vám ponúka možnosť zachytiť a podeliť sa o svoj vzťah k prírode a životnému prostrediu okolo vás. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None WN9PEM1TYR
http://www.eea.europa.eu/hu/highlights/rediscover-nature-fedezze-fel-ujra REDISCOVER Nature: Fedezze fel újra a természetet az EEA idei fotópályázatán! 2020-05-19T05:09:14Z 2020-08-03T14:07:12Z 2020-06-11T08:45:00Z hu http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/rediscover-nature-photo-competition 2020 3.4.3 None Bárhol is élünk, mindannyian ámulhatunk a természet csodáin, különösen a mostani időkben. Az Európai Környezetvédelmi Ügynökség (EEA) idei fotópályázata a REDISCOVER Nature (Fedezzük fel újra a természetet!) elnevezést kapta. A ma induló pályázat keretében arra kérjük Önöket, hogy örökítsék meg a természettel, a környezetükkel való kapcsolatukat, és osszák meg velünk a végeredményt. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None I43PC1JSTH
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/boj-proti-znecisteni-a-zmene Boj proti znečištění a změně klimatu v Evropě zlepší zdraví a kvalitu života, a to zejména nejzranitelnějších osob 2020-08-31T18:33:13Z 2020-11-23T10:59:14Z 2020-09-07T22:05:00Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/tackling-pollution-and-climate-change 2020 2.2.2 None Znečištění ovzduší a hlukové znečištění, dopady změny klimatu, jako jsou vlny veder, a expozice nebezpečným chemickým látkám jsou příčinou špatného zdraví obyvatel Evropy. Špatná kvalita prostředí se podle výsledků rozsáhlého hodnocení situace v oblasti zdraví a životního prostředí, které dnes zveřejňuje Evropská agentura pro životní prostředí (EEA), podílí na 13 % úmrtí. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None FUWB4GNTHS
http://www.eea.europa.eu/no/highlights/handtering-av-forurensning-og-klimaendringer Håndtering av forurensning og klimaendringer i Europa vil forbedre helsen og velværet, særlig for de mest sårbare 2020-08-31T18:33:13Z 2020-11-23T10:59:14Z 2020-09-07T22:05:00Z no http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/tackling-pollution-and-climate-change 2020 2.2.2 None Luft- og støyforurensning, konsekvensene av klimaendringer så som hetebølger og eksponering for farlige kjemiske stoffer skaper dårlig helse i Europa. Dårlig miljøkvalitet bidrar til 13 prosent av alle dødsfall ifølge en større helse- og miljøvurdering Det europeiske miljøbyrået (EEA) publiserte i dag. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None TA0S9XHI86
http://www.eea.europa.eu/da/highlights/europas-natur-i-frit-fald Europas natur i frit fald ifølge ny undersøgelse 2020-10-07T08:25:08Z 2021-01-18T16:02:28Z 2020-10-19T09:23:53Z da http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/latest-evaluation-shows-europes-nature 2020 1.7.1 None Ikke-bæredygtigt landbrug og skovbrug, byspredning og forurening er de primære syndere bag et drastisk fald i Europas biodiversitet, som nu truer tusindvis af dyrearter og levesteders overlevelse. Desuden mangler flere medlemsstater stadig at gennemføre EU's naturdirektiver og anden miljølovgivning. De fleste beskyttede levesteder og arter har en dårlig bevaringsstatus, og der skal gøres meget mere for at rette op på situationen i henhold til miljøtilstandsrapporten fra Det Europæiske Miljøagentur (EEA), der blev offentliggjort i dag. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None WBJZHV2DTU
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sk/highlights/najnovsie-hodnotenie-ukazuje-ze-stav Najnovšie hodnotenie ukazuje, že stav prírody v Európe sa naďalej vážne zhoršuje 2020-10-07T08:25:08Z 2021-01-18T16:02:28Z 2020-10-19T09:23:53Z sk http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/latest-evaluation-shows-europes-nature 2020 1.7.1 None Neudržateľné poľnohospodárstvo a lesníctvo, rozrastanie miest a znečisťovanie sú najväčšími tlakmi, ktoré spôsobujú drastický úbytok biodiverzity v Európe, a to ohrozuje prežitie tisícov druhov zvierat a biotopov. Členské štáty okrem toho ešte stále nie vždy dostatočne vykonávajú smernice Európskej únie v oblasti ochrany prírody a iné environmentálne právne predpisy. Podľa správy Európskej environmentálnej agentúry s názvom State of nature in the EU (Stav prírody v EÚ), ktorá bola zverejnená dnes, nie je stav ochrany „najviac chránených biotopov a druhov“ priaznivý a aby bolo možné túto situáciu zvrátiť, je potrebné urobiť toho oveľa viac. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None RS1XGOKMPQ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/mt/highlights/l-ahhar-evalwazzjoni-turi-n L-aħħar evalwazzjoni turi n-natura tal-Ewropa f'deterjorament serju u kontinwu 2020-10-07T08:25:08Z 2021-01-18T16:02:28Z 2020-10-19T09:23:53Z mt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/latest-evaluation-shows-europes-nature 2020 1.7.1 None Il-biedja u l-forestrija mhux sostenibbli, it-tifrix urban u t-tniġġis huma l-akbar pressjonijiet li jwasslu għal deterjorament drastiku tal-bijodiversità tal-Ewropa, li jhedded is-sopravivenza ta’ eluf ta’ speċijiet ta’ annimali u ħabitats. Barra minn hekk, għad hemm nuqqas ta’ implimentazzjoni tad-direttivi tal-Unjoni Ewropea (UE) dwar in-natura u liġijiet ambjentali oħra mill-Istati Membri. Skont ir-rapport tal-Aġenzija Ewropea għall-Ambjent (EEA) “State of nature in the EU” (L-Istat tan-natura fl-UE), li ġie ppubblikat illum, il-biċċa l-kbira tal-ħabitats u l-ispeċijiet protetti mhumiex fi stat ta’ konservazzjoni tajjeb u jrid isir ħafna aktar biex titreġġa’ lura s-sitwazzjoni. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 0Y7UXC5V63
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sl/highlights/zadnja-ocena-kaze-na-hudo Zadnja ocena kaže na hudo in nenehno poslabševanje narave v Evropi 2020-10-07T08:25:08Z 2021-01-18T16:02:28Z 2020-10-19T09:23:53Z sl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/latest-evaluation-shows-europes-nature 2020 1.7.1 None Netrajnostno kmetovanje in gozdarstvo, širjenje mest in onesnaževanje so največje težave, ki povzročajo drastično upadanje biotske raznovrstnosti v Evropi, kar ogroža preživetje več tisoč živalskih vrst in habitatov. Poleg tega države članice zaostajajo z izvajanjem direktiv Evropske unije (EU) o naravi in drugih okoljevarstvenih zakonov. Po podatkih danes objavljenega poročila Evropske agencije za okolje (EEA) z naslovom „Stanje narave v EU“ večina zaščitenih habitatov in živalskih in rastlinskih vrst ni dobro ohranjenih, za izboljšanje tega stanja pa moramo storiti še veliko več. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None JYR5CUWSV7
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/evropa-smerem-k-nulovemu-znecisteni Evropa směrem k nulovému znečištění 2020-10-09T10:57:54Z 2021-01-18T16:00:18Z 2020-10-26T12:04:21Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/moving-towards-zero-pollution-in-europe 2020 3.4.3 None Co je znečištění a jaký má vliv na nás a na naše životní prostředí? Evropa podniká kroky ke snížení znečištění, přičemž Evropská komise v rámci Zelené dohody pro Evropu navrhla pro Evropu cíl nulového znečištění. Dnes zveřejněná nová zpráva Evropské agentury pro životní prostředí (EEA) se zabývá z různých úhlů pohledu jak problémem znečištění v Evropě, tak i příležitostmi jejich odstranění a prevencí. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None RBFM293J10
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lv/highlights/cela-uz-nulles-piesarnojumu-eiropa Ceļā uz nulles piesārņojumu Eiropā 2020-10-09T10:57:54Z 2021-01-18T16:00:18Z 2020-10-26T13:16:13Z lv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/moving-towards-zero-pollution-in-europe 2020 3.4.3 None Kas ir piesārņojums un kā tas ietekmē mūs un vidi? Eiropa rīkojas, lai samazinātu piesārņojumu, un Eiropas Komisija kā daļu no Eiropas zaļā kursa ir izvirzījusi Eiropai mērķi – panākt nulles piesārņojuma līmeni. Šodien publicētajā jaunajā Eiropas Vides aģentūras (EVA) ziņojumā piesārņojuma problēma Eiropā aplūkota no dažādiem aspektiem, kā arī norādītas iespējas kā attīrīt un novērst piesārņojumu. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None U4OCEDB7X9
http://www.eea.europa.eu/no/highlights/antall-europeere-som-utsettes-for Antall europeere som utsettes for skadelig støyforurensning, forventes å øke 2020-02-25T13:12:55Z 2020-06-24T19:55:53Z 2020-03-04T23:05:00Z no http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/number-of-europeans-exposed-to 2020 1.1.6 None Minst én av fem europeere er i dag utsatt for støynivåer som anses som helseskadelige, ifølge Det europeiske miljøbyrået (EEA) sin miljøstøyforurensningsrapport som ble publisert i dag. Antallet forventes å øke i årene fremover. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None YR01VENQ4X
http://www.eea.europa.eu/el/highlights/abebaio-to-mellon-ton-thalasson Αβέβαιο το μέλλον των θαλασσών της Ευρώπης χωρίς την ανάληψη επείγουσας συνεκτικής δράσης 2020-06-19T12:37:18Z 2021-11-17T08:45:27Z 2020-07-01T12:13:48Z el http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-seas-face-uncertain-future 2020 1.6.2 None Καθώς αυξάνονται οι απειλές εξαιτίας της υπερεκμετάλλευσης των θαλάσσιων πόρων, της ρύπανσης και της κλιματικής αλλαγής, απαιτείται η ανάληψη επείγουσας δράσης προκειμένου να επανέλθουν οι ευρωπαϊκές θάλασσες σε καλή κατάσταση. Σύμφωνα με την έκθεση του Ευρωπαϊκού Οργανισμού Περιβάλλοντος σχετικά με τα θαλάσσια οικοσυστήματα της Ευρώπης, η οποία δημοσιεύεται σήμερα, λιγοστεύει ο χρόνος που έχουμε στη διάθεσή μας προκειμένου να αναστρέψουμε τα αποτελέσματα δεκαετιών παραμέλησης και κατάχρησης. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None RO401BYSD8
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sv/highlights/att-ta-itu-med-fororeningar Att ta itu med föroreningar och klimatförändringar i Europa kommer att förbättra hälsan och välbefinnandet, särskilt för de mest utsatta 2020-08-31T18:33:13Z 2020-11-23T10:59:14Z 2020-09-07T22:05:00Z sv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/tackling-pollution-and-climate-change 2020 2.2.2 None Luftföroreningar och buller konsekvenser av klimatförändringar såsom värmeböljor, samt exponering för farliga kemikalier leder till ohälsa i Europa. Undermåliga miljöförhållanden bidrar till 13 % av dödsfallen enligt en omfattande hälso- och miljöbedömning som offentliggörs i dag av Europeiska miljöbyrån (EEA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 49RKBVGP8Z
http://www.eea.europa.eu/is/highlights/stefna-i-att-ad-mengunarlausri-evropu Stefna í átt að mengunarlausri Evrópu 2020-10-09T10:57:54Z 2021-01-18T16:00:18Z 2020-10-23T06:40:37Z is http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/moving-towards-zero-pollution-in-europe 2020 3.4.3 None Hvað er mengun og hvernig hefur hún áhrif á okkur og umhverfið? Evrópa er að grípa til aðgerða til að draga úr mengun og sem hluti af evrópska græna samningnum lagði Framkvæmdastjórn Evrópusambandsins fram metnaðarfulla áætlun sem miðar að mengunarlausri Evrópu. Ný skýrsla Umhverfisstofnunar Evrópu (EEA), sem birt var í dag, skoðar mengunaráskorunina í Evrópu frá mismunandi sjónarhornum sem og tækifæri til að hreinsa til og koma í veg fyrir mengun. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None N9EOVD475J
http://www.eea.europa.eu/nl/highlights/zeevervoer-in-de-eu-eerste Zeevervoer in de EU: eerste milieueffectrapportage stelt vast dat goede vooruitgang is geboekt op weg naar duurzaamheid en bevestigt dat meer moet worden gedaan ter voorbereiding op een stijgende vraag 2021-08-16T13:08:41Z 2022-01-19T09:22:28Z 2021-09-01T07:37:51Z nl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-maritime-transport-first-environmental 2021 1.0.2 None Zeevervoer speelt een essentiële rol in de wereldwijde en Europese handel en economie en zal deze ook in de toekomst blijven spelen. In de afgelopen jaren heeft de zeevervoersector belangrijke stappen gezet om de milieueffecten van de sector te beperken. Voorafgaand aan de verwachte toename van het mondiale zeevervoer wordt in een nieuw rapport voor het eerst aangetoond wat de totale effecten van de zeevervoersector in de EU op het milieu zijn en wordt gewezen op uitdagingen voor het bereiken van duurzaamheid. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None NQDKUR8AFM
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fr/highlights/un-air-plus-pur-aurait Un air plus pur aurait pu sauver au moins 178 000 vies dans l’UE en 2019 2021-11-10T19:28:34Z 2022-03-01T09:34:34Z 2021-12-10T11:25:03Z fr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/cleaner-air-could-have-saved 2021 3.0.2 None En 2019, la pollution atmosphérique a continué de causer un nombre considérable de décès prématurés et de maladies en Europe. Une analyse de l’Agence européenne pour l’environnement (AEE) montre que l’amélioration de la qualité de l’air aux niveaux récemment recommandés par l’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) pourrait éviter plus de la moitié des décès prématurés causés par l’exposition aux particules fines. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 4RCBIMQ5J0
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sk/highlights/cistejsie-ovzdusie-mohlo-v-roku Čistejšie ovzdušie mohlo v roku 2019 zachrániť najmenej 178 000 životov v EÚ 2021-11-10T19:28:34Z 2022-03-01T09:34:34Z 2021-12-15T13:55:02Z sk http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/cleaner-air-could-have-saved 2021 3.0.2 None Znečistenie ovzdušia predstavovalo v Európe v roku 2019 naďalej významnú záťaž z hľadiska predčasných úmrtí a chorôb. Analýza Európskej environmentálnej agentúry (EEA) ukazuje, že zlepšenie kvality ovzdušia na úrovne, ktoré nedávno odporučila Svetová zdravotnícka organizácia (WHO), mohlo zabrániť viac než polovici predčasných úmrtí spôsobených vystavením jemným tuhým časticiam. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VMS3EXYRKF
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sk/highlights/podla-noveho-zverejneneho-regionalneho-prehladu Podľa nového zverejneného regionálneho prehľadu sa frekvencia a závažnosť klimatických nebezpečenstiev v Európe zvyšujú 2021-11-10T19:38:40Z 2022-03-08T14:19:43Z 2021-12-15T14:02:19Z sk http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-hazards-are-increasing-in 2021 2.0.2 None Keďže sa v Európe zvyšuje frekvencia a závažnosť extrémnych poveternostných javov a ďalších klimatických nebezpečenstiev, na posúdenie klimatických rizík a plánovanie adaptácie na zmenu klímy sú potrebné spoľahlivé informácie. Nová interaktívna správa Európskej environmentálnej agentúry (EEA) poskytuje aktualizovaný prehľad o tom, ako sa klimatické nebezpečenstvá menia v rôznych regiónoch Európy http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None RO452ANPI6
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fr/highlights/la-frequence-et-la-gravite La fréquence et la gravité des aléas climatiques augmentent dans toute l’Europe; un nouveau panorama de la situation régionale a été publié 2021-11-10T19:38:40Z 2022-03-08T14:19:43Z 2021-12-15T13:59:36Z fr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-hazards-are-increasing-in 2021 2.0.2 None Au vu de l’augmentation de la fréquence et de la gravité des phénomènes météorologiques extrêmes et des autres aléas climatiques dans l’ensemble de l’Europe, des informations fiables sont nécessaires pour évaluer les risques climatiques et planifier l’adaptation. Le nouveau rapport interactif de l’Agence européenne pour l’environnement (AEE) présente un panorama actualisé de l’évolution des risques climatiques dans les différentes régions d’Europe. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 50NBQC3F82
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fr/highlights/des-opportunites-a-saisir-pour Des opportunités à saisir pour dissocier production de déchets et croissance économique en Europe 2021-12-13T13:23:57Z 2022-03-28T07:42:10Z 2022-01-31T11:16:57Z fr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/clear-opportunities-to-decouple-europes 2021 4.0.2 None Dans la plupart des pays européens, ainsi que dans l’ensemble de l’UE, la production de déchets est en hausse, mais à un rythme moins rapide que l’économie. Toutefois, rien n’indique que l’objectif général visant à réduire la production totale de déchets sera bientôt atteint, selon un rapport récemment publié par l’Agence européenne pour l’environnement. Dans les conclusions de ce rapport, l’AEE a mis en lumière les possibilités existantes pour prévenir plus efficacement les déchets, en mettant l’accent sur le secteur textile. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 5WV64UPDG8
http://www.eea.europa.eu/el/highlights/me-katharotero-aera-tha-mporoysan Με καθαρότερο αέρα θα μπορούσαν να είχαν σωθεί τουλάχιστον 178 000 ζωές σε ολόκληρη την ΕΕ το 2019 2021-11-10T19:28:34Z 2022-03-01T09:34:34Z 2022-02-25T11:01:30Z el http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/cleaner-air-could-have-saved 2021 3.0.2 None Η ατμοσφαιρική ρύπανση συνέχισε να επιφέρει σημαντικό αριθμό πρόωρων θανάτων και ασθενειών στην Ευρώπη το 2019. Όπως καταδεικνύεται σε ανάλυση του Ευρωπαϊκού Οργανισμού Περιβάλλοντος (ΕΟΠ), η βελτίωση της ποιότητας του αέρα στα επίπεδα που εισηγήθηκε πρόσφατα ο Παγκόσμιος Οργανισμός Υγείας (ΠΟΥ) θα μπορούσε να αποτρέψει περισσότερους από τους μισούς πρόωρους θανάτους που προκαλούνται από την έκθεση σε λεπτά αιωρούμενα σωματίδια. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None YWMPE6SQBZ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lt/highlights/tarsos-poveikis-sukelia-10-visu Taršos poveikis sukelia 10 % visų Europoje nustatomų vėžio atvejų 2022-06-21T16:34:16Z 2022-07-05T09:31:14Z 2022-06-28T15:25:00Z lt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/pollution-and-cancer 2022 3.0.2 None Remiantis šiandien paskelbta Europos aplinkos agentūros (EAA) ataskaita, daugiau kaip 10 % visų Europoje nustatomų vėžio atvejų sukelia oro taršos, pasyvaus rūkymo, radono ir ultravioletinės spinduliuotės, asbesto, tam tikrų cheminių medžiagų ir kitų teršalų poveikis. Gera žinia yra tai, kad dėl šių rizikos veiksnių galima imtis prevencinių priemonių. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None Q63PNEZJ8M
http://www.eea.europa.eu/no/highlights/eeas-fotokonkurranse-2022-well-with-nature2019 EEAs fotokonkurranse 2022: 'Well with Nature’ 2022-06-13T09:19:40Z 2022-07-20T07:58:49Z 2022-07-07T10:35:17Z no http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eea-photo-competition-2022-well 2022 3.0.2 None Tar du gode bilder? Liker du å ferdes ute i naturen? Hvis svaret er "ja" på begge spørsmål, har du en sjanse til å vinne en av pengepremiene i Det europeiske miljødirektoratets (EEA) nye fotokonkurranse 'Well with Nature'. Send oss dine beste bilder innen 1. oktober 2022 http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None SMWECAR3Y6
http://www.eea.europa.eu/bg/highlights/201etendentsii-i-prognozi201c-ogranicheno-vazstanovyavane „Тенденции и прогнози“: ограничено възстановяване на емисиите в ЕС в контекста на възстановяването след пандемията и енергийната криза 2022-10-20T08:04:55Z 2023-01-10T11:52:33Z 2022-11-24T10:20:00Z bg http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/trends-and-projections-limited-rebound 2022 2.0.2 None Според последния доклад „Тенденции и прогнози“, публикуван днес от Европейската агенция по околна среда (ЕАОС), емисиите на парникови газове и потреблението на енергия са се увеличили през 2021 г. главно поради възстановяването на Европа след пандемията. Повечето държави — членки на ЕС, успешно постигнаха целите на ЕС в областта на климата и енергетиката за 2020 г. и сега насочват вниманието си към неутралност по отношение на климата, като същевременно се борят с настоящата криза с енергийните доставки. Постигането на по-амбициозните цели в областта на климата и енергетиката за 2030 г. ще изисква повече от два пъти годишен напредък в разгръщането на възобновяемите енергийни източници, намаляването на потреблението на енергия и емисиите на парникови газове. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None TPQ7CJWS1N
http://www.eea.europa.eu/et/highlights/suundumused-ja-prognoosid-eli-heitkoguste Suundumused ja prognoosid: ELi heitkoguste piiratud suurenemine keset pandeemiajärgset taastumist ja energiakriisi 2022-10-20T08:04:55Z 2023-01-10T11:52:33Z 2022-11-24T10:20:00Z et http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/trends-and-projections-limited-rebound 2022 2.0.2 None Euroopa Keskkonnaameti (EEA) täna avaldatud suundumuste ja prognooside aruande kohaselt suurenesid 2021. aastal kasvuhoonegaaside heitkogused ja energiatarbimine peamiselt Euroopa pandeemiajärgse taastumise tõttu. Enamik ELi liikmesriike saavutasid edukalt ELi 2020. aasta kliima- ja energiaeesmärgid ning on pööranud nüüd tähelepanu kliimaneutraalsusele, käsitledes ka praegust energiavarustuse kriisi. Ambitsioonikamate 2030. aasta kliima- ja energiaeesmärkide saavutamiseks on vaja enam kui kahekordistada iga-aastaseid edusamme taastuvenergiaallikate kasutuselevõtul, energiatarbimise ja kasvuhoonegaaside heitkoguste vähendamisel. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None GDSN58VQ9F
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fi/highlights/suuntauksia-ja-ennusteita-eu-n Suuntauksia ja ennusteita: EU:n päästöt lisääntyneet jonkin verran pandemian jälkeisen elpymisen ja energiakriisin myötä 2022-10-20T08:04:55Z 2023-01-10T11:52:33Z 2022-11-24T10:20:00Z fi http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/trends-and-projections-limited-rebound 2022 2.0.2 None Euroopan ympäristökeskuksen (EEA) tänään julkaiseman viimeisimmän Trends and Projections kertomuksen mukaan kasvihuonekaasupäästöt ja energiankulutus kasvoivat vuonna 2021, mikä johtui pääasiassa pandemian jälkeisestä elpymisestä Euroopassa. Useimmat EU:n jäsenvaltiot saavuttivat menestyksekkäästi EU:n vuoden 2020 ilmasto- ja energiatavoitteet ja siirtävät nyt katseensa kohti ilmastoneutraaliuden tavoitteita, samalla kun ne käsittelevät meneillään olevaa energiahuollon kriisiä. Jotta vuoden 2030 kunnianhimoiset ilmasto- ja energiatavoitteet voidaan saavuttaa, on uusiutuvan energian käyttöönoton lisäännyttävä sekä energiankulutuksen ja kasvihuonekaasupäästöjen vähennyttävä vuosittain yli kaksinkertaista vauhtia verrattuna aiempaan kehitykseen. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None U5DASX984K
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/trendovi-i-predvidanja-djelomican-porast Trendovi i predviđanja: djelomičan porast emisija u EU-u zbog oporavka nakon pandemije i energetske krize 2022-10-20T08:04:55Z 2023-01-10T11:52:33Z 2022-11-24T10:20:00Z hr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/trends-and-projections-limited-rebound 2022 2.0.2 None Prema najnovijem izvješću „Trendovi i predviđanja” koje je danas objavila Europska agencija za okoliš (EEA) emisije stakleničnih plinova i konzumacija energije porasla je 2021. prvenstveno zbog oporavka nakon pandemije. Većina država članica EU-a postigla je klimatske i energetske ciljeve EU-a iz 2020. te se sada okreće prema klimatskoj neutralnosti uz istovremeno rješavanje postojeće krize s opskrbom energijom. Postizanje ambicioznijih klimatskih i energetskih ciljeva do 2030. zahtijeva više od dvostruko većeg godišnjeg napretka u uvođenju obnovljive energije te smanjenju potrošnje energije i emisija stakleničnih plinova. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None RSX41VIKT7
http://www.eea.europa.eu/hu/highlights/trendek-es-elorejelzesek-korlatozott-merteku Trendek és előrejelzések: korlátozott mértékű növekedés az uniós kibocsátások terén a világjárványt követő helyreállítás és az energiaválság közepette 2022-10-20T08:04:55Z 2023-01-10T11:52:33Z 2022-11-24T10:20:00Z hu http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/trends-and-projections-limited-rebound 2022 2.0.2 None Az Európai Környezetvédelmi Ügynökség (EEA) által a mai napon közzétett legfrissebb „Trendek és előrejelzések” című jelentés szerint 2021-ben – főként a világjárványt követő európai helyreállítás miatt – emelkedett az üvegházhatásúgáz-kibocsátás és az energiafogyasztás. A legtöbb európai uniós tagállam sikeresen teljesítette az Unió 2020-ra vonatkozó éghajlat- és energiapolitikai céljait, és most a klímasemlegesség felé törekszik, miközben a jelenlegi energiaellátási válságot is kezeli. A 2030-ig tartó időszakra vonatkozó, ambiciózusabb éghajlat- és energiapolitikai célok eléréséhez több mint kétszeresére kell növelni a megújuló energiaforrások alkalmazása, illetve az energiafogyasztás és az üvegházhatásúgáz-kibocsátás csökkentése terén elért éves előrehaladást. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None UHX5W9AOKS
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lv/highlights/tendences-un-prognozes-es-emisiju Tendences un prognozes: ES emisiju ierobežots kāpums, ņemot vērā atveseļošanos pēc pandēmijas un enerģētikas krīzi 2022-10-20T08:04:55Z 2023-01-10T11:52:33Z 2022-11-24T10:20:00Z lv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/trends-and-projections-limited-rebound 2022 2.0.2 None Siltumnīcefekta gāzu emisijas un enerģijas patēriņš 2021. gadā palielinājās galvenokārt saistībā ar Eiropas atveseļošanos pēc pandēmijas - to liecina jaunākais ziņojums “Tendences un prognozes”, ko šodien publicējusi Eiropas Vides aģentūra (EVA). Lielākā daļa ES dalībvalstu ir sekmīgi sasniegušas ES 2020. gada klimata un enerģētikas mērķrādītājus un tagad pievērš lielāku uzmanību klimatneitralitātei, vienlaikus risinot arī pašreizējās energoapgādes krīzes jautājumus. Lai sasniegtu vērienīgākos 2030. gada klimata un enerģētikas mērķrādītājus, nāksies vairāk nekā divkāršot ikgadējo progresu, ieviešot atjaunojamos energoresursus un samazinot enerģijas patēriņu un siltumnīcefekta gāzu emisijas. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 46RQ3JW0MT
http://www.eea.europa.eu/mt/highlights/xejriet-u-projezzjonijiet-rikorrenza-limitata Xejriet u projezzjonijiet: rikorrenza limitata fl-emissjonijiet tal-UE fost l-irkupru wara l-pandemija u l-kriżi tal-enerġija 2022-10-20T08:04:55Z 2023-01-10T11:52:33Z 2022-11-24T10:20:00Z mt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/trends-and-projections-limited-rebound 2022 2.0.2 None L-emissjonijiet ta’ gassijiet serra u l-konsum tal-enerġija żdiedu fl-2021 l-aktar minħabba l-irkupru tal-Ewropa wara l-pandemija, skont l-aħħar rapport “Xejriet u Projezzjonijiet” ippubblikat illum mill-Aġenzija Ewropea għall-Ambjent (EEA). Il-biċċa l-kbira tal-Istati Membri tal-UE rnexxielhom jilħqu b’suċċess il-miri tal-UE dwar il-klima u l-enerġija għall-2020 u issa qed iħarsu lejn in-newtralità klimatika filwaqt li jindirizzaw ukoll il-kriżi attwali tal-provvista tal-enerġija. Il-kisba ta’ miri aktar ambizzjużi għall-klima u l-enerġija għall-2030 se tirrikjedi aktar mid-doppju tal-progress annwali fit-tnedija tas-sorsi ta’ enerġija rinnovabbli, it-tnaqqis tal-konsum tal-enerġija u l-emissjonijiet ta’ gassijiet serra. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 5708UQGHBX
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pl/highlights/tendencje-i-przewidywania-ograniczony-efekt Tendencje i przewidywania: ograniczony efekt odbicia w zakresie unijnych emisji w kontekście odbudowy po pandemii i kryzysu energetycznego 2022-10-20T08:04:55Z 2023-01-10T11:52:33Z 2022-11-24T10:20:00Z pl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/trends-and-projections-limited-rebound 2022 2.0.2 None Według najnowszego raportu „Tendencje i prognozy” opublikowanego dziś przez Europejską Agencję Środowiska (EEA) emisje gazów cieplarnianych i zużycie energii wzrosły w 2021 r. głównie z powodu odbudowy Europy po pandemii. Większość państw członkowskich UE z powodzeniem osiągnęła cele UE na 2020 r. w zakresie klimatu i energii,a obecnie kieruje swą uwagę na neutralność klimatyczną, jednocześnie zajmując się obecnym kryzysem dostaw energii. Osiągnięcie ambitniejszych celów w zakresie klimatu i energii na 2030 r. będzie wymagało więcej niż podwojenia rocznych postępów w zakresie przyspieszenia wprowadzania odnawialnych źródeł energii, ograniczania zużycia energii i emisji gazów cieplarnianych. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None HYSXB178AG
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pt/highlights/tendencias-e-projecoes-ressalto-limitado Tendências e projeções: ressalto limitado das emissões da UE num contexto de recuperação pós-pandemia e de crise energética 2022-10-20T08:04:55Z 2023-01-10T11:52:33Z 2022-11-24T10:20:00Z pt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/trends-and-projections-limited-rebound 2022 2.0.2 None As emissões de gases com efeito de estufa e o consumo de energia aumentaram em 2021, principalmente devido à recuperação pós-pandemia na Europa, de acordo com o último relatório «Trends and Projections» (Tendências e Projeções) publicado hoje pela Agência Europeia do Ambiente (AEA). A maioria dos Estados-Membros da UE alcançou com êxito as metas da UE em matéria de clima e energia para 2020 e está agora de olhos postos na neutralidade climática, ao mesmo tempo que enfrenta a atual crise de aprovisionamento energético. Para atingir as metas mais ambiciosos em matéria de clima e energia para 2030 será necessário mais do que duplicar os progressos anuais na implantação das energias renováveis, na redução do consumo de energia e nas emissões de gases com efeito de estufa. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None HDBOZW7RIN
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fi/highlights/haitalliselle-melusaasteelle-altistuvien-eurooppalaisten-maaran Haitalliselle melusaasteelle altistuvien eurooppalaisten määrän odotetaan kasvavan 2020-02-25T13:12:55Z 2020-06-24T19:55:53Z 2020-03-04T23:05:00Z fi http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/number-of-europeans-exposed-to 2020 1.1.6 None Tällä hetkellä ainakin viidesosa eurooppalaisista altistuu melutasoille, joiden katsotaan olevan haitallisia heidän terveydelleen. Tämä käy ilmi Euroopan ympäristökeskuksen (EEA) tänään julkaisemasta raportista, jossa käsitellään ympäristömelusaastetta. Altistuneiden määrän arvioidaan kasvavan tulevina vuosina. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None PQBA0EOSVU
http://www.eea.europa.eu/tr/highlights/zararli-gurultu-kirliligine-maruz-kalan Zararlı gürültü kirliliğine maruz kalan Avrupalı sayısının artması bekleniyor 2020-02-25T13:12:55Z 2020-06-24T19:55:53Z 2020-03-06T10:53:09Z tr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/number-of-europeans-exposed-to 2020 1.1.6 None Avrupa Çevre Ajansı’nın (AÇA) bugün yayınlanan çevresel gürültü kirliliği raporuna göre her beş Avrupalıdan en az biri halen sağlık için zararlı olduğu düşünülen gürültü seviyelerine maruz kalmaktadır. Önümüzdeki yıllarda bu sayının artması beklenmektedir. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None NUFYEGZD6X
http://www.eea.europa.eu/de/highlights/die-zahl-der-europaeer-die Die Zahl der Europäer, die einer schädlichen Lärmbelastung ausgesetzt sind, wird voraussichtlich zunehmen 2020-02-25T13:12:55Z 2020-06-24T19:55:53Z 2020-03-10T15:45:00Z de http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/number-of-europeans-exposed-to 2020 1.1.6 None Laut dem heute veröffentlichen Bericht der Europäischen Umweltagentur (EUA) über die Belastung durch Umgebungslärm ist mindestens jeder fünfte Europäer derzeit als gesundheitsschädlich eingestuften Lärmpegeln ausgesetzt. Diese Zahl wird in den kommenden Jahren voraussichtlich noch zunehmen. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None OMI745CR8Q
http://www.eea.europa.eu/el/highlights/i-poiotita-ton-ydaton-kolymbisis Η ποιότητα των υδάτων κολύμβησης της Ευρώπης παραμένει υψηλή, σύμφωνα με την τελευταία ετήσια αξιολόγηση 2020-06-04T11:48:00Z 2020-06-11T11:00:21Z 2020-06-08T11:48:12Z el http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/quality-of-europes-bathing-waters 2020 1.5.2 None Η ποιότητα των υδάτων κολύμβησης της Ευρώπης παραμένει υψηλή, σύμφωνα με την εφετινή αξιολόγηση για την ποιότητα των ευρωπαϊκών υδάτων κολύμβησης που δημοσιεύεται σήμερα. Σχεδόν το 85 % των περιοχών κολύμβησης σε όλη την Ευρώπη το 2019 πληρούσαν τα υψηλότερα και πλέον αυστηρά ενωσιακά πρότυπα «εξαιρετικής» ποιότητας για τα ύδατα. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None COV1RXMNBI
http://www.eea.europa.eu/nl/highlights/de-europese-zeeen-gaan-een De Europese zeeën gaan een onzekere toekomst tegemoet als er niet dringend coherente maatregelen worden genomen 2020-06-19T12:37:18Z 2021-11-17T08:45:27Z 2020-06-26T10:01:54Z nl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-seas-face-uncertain-future 2020 1.6.2 None Gezien de toenemende dreiging die uitgaat van de roofbouw op mariene hulpbronnen, vervuiling en klimaatverandering, moeten er dringend maatregelen worden genomen om de Europese zeeën weer in goede staat te brengen. Volgens het verslag van het Europees Milieuagentschap over de mariene ecosystemen in Europa, dat vandaag is gepubliceerd, wordt het een race tegen de klok om tientallen jaren van verwaarlozing en misbruik terug te draaien. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None FD6PU9M8XZ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fi/highlights/ympariston-pilaantumisen-ja-ilmastonmuutoksen-torjunta Ympäristön pilaantumisen ja ilmastonmuutoksen torjunta Euroopassa parantaa etenkin heikoimmassa asemassa olevien terveyttä ja hyvinvointia 2020-08-31T18:33:13Z 2020-11-23T10:59:14Z 2020-09-07T22:05:00Z fi http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/tackling-pollution-and-climate-change 2020 2.2.2 None Ilmansaasteet ja melusaaste, ilmastonmuutoksen vaikutukset, kuten lämpöaallot, sekä vaarallisille kemikaaleille altistuminen aiheuttavat Euroopassa terveysongelmia. Huonolaatuinen ympäristö on osatekijänä 13 prosentissa kuolemista. Tämä käy ilmi Euroopan ympäristökeskuksen (EEA) tänään julkaisemasta terveyttä ja ympäristöä koskevasta laajasta arvioinnista. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 62KPOGJIZN
http://www.eea.europa.eu/el/highlights/poreia-pros-tin-ekmidenisi-tis Πορεία προς την εκμηδένιση της ρύπανσης στην Ευρώπη 2020-10-09T10:57:54Z 2021-01-18T16:00:18Z 2020-10-21T09:23:25Z el http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/moving-towards-zero-pollution-in-europe 2020 3.4.3 None Τι είναι η ρύπανση και πώς επηρεάζει εμάς και το περιβάλλον; Η Ευρώπη λαμβάνει μέτρα για τη μείωση της ρύπανσης και η Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή, στο πλαίσιο της Ευρωπαϊκής Πράσινης Συμφωνίας, θέτει ως στόχο την εκμηδένιση της ρύπανσης στην Ευρώπη. Μια νέα έκθεση του Ευρωπαϊκού Οργανισμού Περιβάλλοντος (ΕΟΠ) που δημοσιεύτηκε σήμερα εξετάζει από διαφορετικές οπτικές γωνίες την πρόκληση της ρύπανσης στην Ευρώπη, καθώς και τις ευκαιρίες για τον καθαρισμό και την πρόληψή της. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 2MI3TB6WK4
http://www.eea.europa.eu/tr/highlights/avrupada-sifir-kirlilige-dogru-ilerleme Avrupa'da sıfır kirliliğe doğru ilerleme 2020-10-09T10:57:54Z 2021-01-18T16:00:18Z 2020-10-21T12:54:54Z tr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/moving-towards-zero-pollution-in-europe 2020 3.4.3 None Kirlilik nedir, bizi ve çevreyi nasıl etkilemektedir? Avrupa, kirliliği azaltmak üzere harekete geçmekte olup; Avrupa Komisyonu da, Avrupa Yeşil Anlaşmasının bir parçası olarak, Avrupa için sıfır kirlilik hedefini öne çıkarmaktadır. Bugün yayınlanan yeni bir Avrupa Çevre Ajansı (AÇA) raporu, Avrupa'daki kirlilik sorununa ve bunun yanı sıra kirliliği temizleme ve önleme fırsatlarına farklı açılardan bakmaktadır. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None FQ5N2OT6IA
http://www.eea.europa.eu/no/highlights/veien-mot-et-forurensningsfritt-europa Veien mot et forurensningsfritt Europa 2020-10-09T10:57:54Z 2021-01-18T16:00:18Z 2020-10-26T14:15:54Z no http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/moving-towards-zero-pollution-in-europe 2020 3.4.3 None Hva er forurensning, og hvordan påvirker det menneskene og miljøet? I Europa blir det iverksatt tiltak for å redusere forurensningen, og som et ledd i “Europeisk grønn giv” fremmer Europakommisjonen en ambisjon om et forurensningsfritt Europa. En ny rapport fra Det europeiske miljøbyrået (EEA) som offentliggjøres i dag, ser nærmere på forurensningsutfordringen i Europa fra ulike vinkler og på mulighetene for å rydde opp i og forebygge forurensning. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 5EB0SDX6AW
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lt/highlights/kuri-motorine-transporto-priemone-2013 Kuri motorinė transporto priemonė – traukinys, lėktuvas, automobilis ar laivas – yra žaliausia? 2021-03-19T10:09:51Z 2021-04-16T09:25:28Z 2021-04-07T10:08:14Z lt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/motorised-transport-train-plane-road 2021 2.0.2 None Remiantis šiandien Europos aplinkos agentūros (EAA) paskelbtais dviem transporto ir aplinkos tyrimais, pagal išmetamą šiltnamio efektą sukeliančių dujų kiekį kelionės traukiniu ir toliau yra labiausiai aplinką tausojanti motorinio keleivinio transporto rūšis Europoje, palyginti su kelionėmis automobiliu ar lėktuvu. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ZNVMJ0QUCY
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pl/highlights/transport-zmotoryzowany-pociag-samolot-samochod Transport zmotoryzowany: pociąg, samolot, samochód czy statek — który jest najbardziej ekologiczny? 2021-03-19T10:09:51Z 2021-04-16T09:25:28Z 2021-04-16T09:25:28Z pl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/motorised-transport-train-plane-road 2021 2.0.2 None Podróże koleją są ogólnie najbardziej przyjaznym dla środowiska rodzajem zmotoryzowanego transportu pasażerskiego w Europie - pod względem emisji gazów cieplarnianych - w porównaniu z podróżowaniem samochodem lub samolotem — tak wynika z dwóch badań dotyczących transportu i środowiska opublikowanych dziś przez Europejską Agencję Środowiska (EEA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None RWB8Q9ATH3
http://www.eea.europa.eu/bg/highlights/nulevo-zamarsyavane-po-golyamata-chast Нулево замърсяване: По-голямата част от водите за къпане в Европа отговарят на най-високите стандарти за качество 2021-05-31T05:35:30Z 2021-06-02T07:22:42Z 2021-06-01T09:55:00Z bg http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/zero-pollution-vast-majority-of 2021 1.0.2 None Според публикувания днес годишен доклад за водите за къпане почти 83 % от обектите за къпане в Европа през 2020 г. са отговаряли на най-строгите „отлични“ стандарти на Европейския съюз за качество на водите за къпане. Последната оценка, изготвена от Европейската агенция по околна среда (ЕАОС) в сътрудничество с Европейската комисия, се основава на мониторинга на 22 276 места за къпане в цяла Европа — разположени на териториите на държавите — членки на ЕС, както и в Албания и Швейцария. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None FVURNGJAXH
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/nulove-znecisteni-2013-prevazna-vetsina Nulové znečištění – převážná většina evropských vod ke koupání splňuje nejvyšší normy kvality 2021-05-31T05:35:30Z 2021-06-02T07:22:42Z 2021-06-01T09:55:00Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/zero-pollution-vast-majority-of 2021 1.0.2 None Z dnes zveřejněné výroční zprávy o vodách ke koupání vyplývá, že v roce 2020 splňovalo téměř 83 % evropských lokalit ke koupání ty nejpřísnější normy Evropské unie, které zajišťují výbornou kvalitu vody. Poslední posouzení, které vypracovala Evropská agentura pro životní prostředí (EEA) ve spolupráci s Evropskou komisí, vychází z monitorování 22 276 lokalit v celé Evropě v průběhu roku 2020. Výsledky monitorování za celý rok 2020 pokrývají členské státy EU spolu s Albánií a Švýcarskem. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None HBYOXS309I
http://www.eea.europa.eu/da/highlights/ingen-forurening-langt-storstedelen-af Ingen forurening: Langt størstedelen af Europas badevand opfylder de højeste kvalitetsstandarder 2021-05-31T05:35:30Z 2021-06-02T07:22:42Z 2021-06-01T10:30:00Z da http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/zero-pollution-vast-majority-of 2021 1.0.2 None Den årlige badevandsrapport, der offentliggøres i dag, viser, at næsten 83 % af Europas badevandsområder i 2020 opfyldte EU's strengeste standarder for "fremragende" vandkvalitet. Den seneste vurdering, som Det Europæiske Miljøagentur (EEA) har foretaget i samarbejde med EuropaKommissionen, er baseret på sidste års overvågning af 22 276 badeområder i Europa. Det omfatter EU-landene, Albanien og Schweiz i hele 2020. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None DKPR8NGMJC
http://www.eea.europa.eu/de/highlights/keine-verschmutzung-die-allermeisten-europaeischen Keine Verschmutzung: Die allermeisten europäischen Badegewässer entsprechen höchsten Qualitätsstandards. 2021-05-31T05:35:30Z 2021-06-02T07:22:42Z 2021-06-01T10:00:00Z de http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/zero-pollution-vast-majority-of 2021 1.0.2 None Der heute veröffentlichte Jahresbericht über Badegewässer zeigt, dass im Jahr 2020 fast 83 % der Badegewässer in Europa die strengsten Anforderungen der Europäischen Union für die Wasserqualität erfüllten und somit als „ausgezeichnet“ gelten. Die neueste Bewertung, die von der Europäischen Umweltagentur (EUA) in Zusammenarbeit mit der Europäischen Kommission vorgenommen wurde, bezieht sich auf 22 276 Badestellen in ganz Europa, die über das gesamte Jahr 2020 überwacht wurden und die in den EU-Mitgliedstaaten, Albanien und der Schweiz liegen. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None OVRNMKUDSQ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/el/highlights/mideniki-rypansi-ta-eyropaika-ydata Μηδενική ρύπανση: τα ευρωπαϊκά ύδατα κολύμβησης πληρούν, στη συντριπτική τους πλειονότητα, τα υψηλότερα πρότυπα ποιότητας 2021-05-31T05:35:30Z 2021-06-02T07:22:42Z 2021-06-01T10:40:00Z el http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/zero-pollution-vast-majority-of 2021 1.0.2 None Η ετήσια έκθεση για τα ύδατα κολύμβησης, που δημοσιεύεται σήμερα, δείχνει ότι το 2020 σχεδόν το 83 % των ευρωπαϊκών περιοχών κολύμβησης πληρούσαν τα πιο αυστηρά πρότυπα της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης για τα ύδατα «εξαιρετικής ποιότητας». Η τελευταία αξιολόγηση που εκπονήθηκε από τον Ευρωπαϊκό Οργανισμό Περιβάλλοντος (ΕΟΠ), σε συνεργασία με την Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή, βασίζεται στην παρακολούθηση 22.276 περιοχών από όλη την Ευρώπη το 2020. Καλύπτει τα κράτη μέλη της ΕΕ, την Αλβανία και την Ελβετία καθ' όλη τη διάρκεια του 2020. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None OPBWJUV7DQ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/es/highlights/contaminacion-cero-la-gran-mayoria Contaminación cero: la gran mayoría de las aguas de baño de Europa cumplen los niveles de calidad más elevados 2021-05-31T05:35:30Z 2021-06-02T07:22:42Z 2021-06-01T10:45:00Z es http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/zero-pollution-vast-majority-of 2021 1.0.2 None El Informe anual sobre las aguas de baño publicado hoy muestra que en 2020 casi el 83 % de las zonas de baño de Europa cumplían el nivel de calidad más exigente de la Unión Europea (calidad «excelente»). La última evaluación, elaborada por la Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente (AEMA) en cooperación con la Comisión Europea, se basa en la supervisión de 22 276 zonas de baño en toda Europa en 2020. Las zonas de baño supervisadas a lo largo de todo el 2020 se hallan en los Estados miembros de la UE, Albania y Suiza. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None PV7UKF8GS2
http://www.eea.europa.eu/et/highlights/nullsaaste-enamik-euroopa-suplusveekogusid-vastab Nullsaaste: enamik Euroopa suplusveekogusid vastab kõrgeimatele kvaliteedistandarditele 2021-05-31T05:35:30Z 2021-06-02T07:22:42Z 2021-06-01T10:45:00Z et http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/zero-pollution-vast-majority-of 2021 1.0.2 None Täna avaldatud iga-aastane suplusvee aruanne näitab, et 2020. aastal vastas peaaegu 83% Euroopa supluskohtadest Euroopa Liidu kõige rangematele veekvaliteedi standarditele, saades hindeks „väga hea“. Viimane hinnang, mille koostas Euroopa Keskkonnaamet koostöös Euroopa Komisjoniga, põhineb 2020. aasta seirel 22 276 supluskohas üle kogu Euroopa. Lisaks ELi liikmesriikidele toimus seire 2020. aastal Šveitsis ja Albaanias. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None CM0TFAJN83
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fi/highlights/saasteettomuus-suurin-osa-euroopan-uimavesista Saasteettomuus: Suurin osa Euroopan uimavesistä täyttää tiukimmat laatuvaatimukset 2021-05-31T05:35:30Z 2021-06-02T07:22:42Z 2021-06-01T10:50:00Z fi http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/zero-pollution-vast-majority-of 2021 1.0.2 None Tänään julkaistun vuoden 2020 uimavesiraportin mukaan lähes 83 % Euroopan uimarannoista kuului Euroopan unionin laatuluokkaan ”erinomainen”. Euroopan ympäristökeskuksen (EEA) yhteistyössä Euroopan komission kanssa laatima tuorein arviointi perustuu 22 276 uimarannan seurantaan eri puolilla Eurooppaa vuonna 2020. Seuranta kattaa EU-maiden lisäksi myös Albanian ja Sveitsin. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None A6JFOKBM1Y
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fr/highlights/pollution-zero-la-grande-majorite Pollution zéro La grande majorité des eaux de baignade européennes satisfont aux normes de qualité les plus élevées 2021-05-31T05:35:30Z 2021-06-02T07:22:42Z 2021-06-01T10:10:00Z fr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/zero-pollution-vast-majority-of 2021 1.0.2 None Le rapport annuel sur les eaux de baignade publié aujourd'hui montre qu'en 2020, près de 83 % des sites de baignade européens respectaient la norme de qualité la plus stricte de l'Union européenne (qualité «excellente»). La dernière évaluation, réalisée par l'Agence européenne pour l'environnement (AEE) en coopération avec la Commission européenne, repose sur la surveillance exercée au cours de l'année 2020 sur 22 276 sites de baignade dans l'ensemble de l'Europe. Les sites de baignade qui ont été surveillés tout au long de l'année 2020 sont situés dans les États membres de l'UE, en Albanie et en Suisse. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 3BTDOVUAF1
http://www.eea.europa.eu/hu/highlights/szennyezoanyag-mentesseg-europa-furdovizeinek-tulnyomo Szennyezőanyag-mentesség: Európa fürdővizeinek túlnyomó többsége megfelel a legmagasabb szintű minőségi előírásoknak 2021-05-31T05:35:30Z 2021-06-02T07:22:42Z 2021-06-01T11:05:00Z hu http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/zero-pollution-vast-majority-of 2021 1.0.2 None A fürdővizek minőségéről készült, ma közzétett legújabb éves jelentés szerint 2020-ban az európai fürdőhelyek közel 83%-a megfelelt az Európai Unió legszigorúbb, a „kiváló” vízminőségi osztályra vonatkozó előírásainak. Az Európai Környezetvédelmi Ügynökség (EEA) által, az Európai Bizottsággal együttműködésben összeállított legfrissebb értékelés az Európa-szerte 22 276 fürdőhelyet felölelő, 2020-ban elvégzett vizsgálaton alapul. Ez a vizsgálat az uniós tagállamokra, valamint Albániára és Svájcra terjedt ki a 2020-as évben. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None Z3HDJ78XWP
http://www.eea.europa.eu/it/highlights/inquinamento-zero-la-stragrande-maggioranza Inquinamento zero: La stragrande maggioranza delle acque di balneazione europee soddisfa i più elevati standard di qualità 2021-05-31T05:35:30Z 2021-06-02T07:22:42Z 2021-06-01T10:20:00Z it http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/zero-pollution-vast-majority-of 2021 1.0.2 None La relazione annuale sulle acque di balneazione pubblicata oggi evidenzia che nel 2020 quasi l'83 % dei siti di balneazione europei ha rispettato gli standard di qualità più severi dell'Unione europea, meritandosi la classificazione "eccellente". L'ultima valutazione, elaborata dall'Agenzia europea dell'ambiente (AEA) in collaborazione con la Commissione europea, si basa sul monitoraggio effettuato nel 2020 su 22 276 siti di balneazione in tutta Europa, ovvero gli Stati membri dell'UE più l'Albania e la Svizzera. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None WVO1BFIAEX
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lt/highlights/nuline-tarsa-didzioji-dauguma-europos Nulinė tarša: didžioji dauguma Europos maudyklų atitinka aukščiausius kokybės standartus 2021-05-31T05:35:30Z 2021-06-02T07:22:42Z 2021-06-01T11:15:00Z lt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/zero-pollution-vast-majority-of 2021 1.0.2 None Šiandien paskelbtos metinės maudyklų vandens kokybės ataskaitos duomenimis, 2020 m. beveik 83 proc. Europos maudyklų vandens telkinių atitiko griežčiausius Europos Sąjungos puikios vandens kokybės standartus. Naujausias vertinimas, kurį atliko Europos aplinkos agentūra (EAA), bendradarbiaudama su Europos Komisija, grindžiamas 22 276 maudyklų Europoje stebėsena 2020 m. Vertinta ES valstybių narių, taip pat Albanijos ir Šveicarijos maudyklų būklė 2020 m. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None MFKR4NI5E6
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lv/highlights/nulles-piesarnojums-lielaka-dala-eiropas Nulles piesārņojums: lielākā daļa Eiropas peldūdeņu atbilst visaugstākajiem kvalitātes standartiem 2021-05-31T05:35:30Z 2021-06-02T07:22:42Z 2021-06-01T11:10:00Z lv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/zero-pollution-vast-majority-of 2021 1.0.2 None Šodien publicētais ikgadējais ziņojums par peldūdeņiem liecina, ka 2020. gadā gandrīz 83 % Eiropas peldvietu atbilda visstingrākajiem Eiropas Savienības ūdens kvalitātes standartiem, proti, to ūdens kvalitāte bija izcila. Jaunākais novērtējums, ko sadarbībā ar Eiropas Komisiju sagatavojusi Eiropas Vides aģentūra (EVA), ir balstīts uz 2020. gadā veikto 22 276 peldvietu monitoringu visā Eiropā. Tās ir ES dalībvalstu, Albānijas un Šveices peldvietas, kas monitorētas 2020. gadā. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None KP87YQ4BFW
http://www.eea.europa.eu/mt/highlights/tniggis-zero-il-maggoranza-l Tniġġis Żero: Il-maġġoranza l-kbira tal-ilmijiet għall-għawm tal-Ewropa jilħqu l-ogħla standards ta' kwalità 2021-05-31T05:35:30Z 2021-06-02T07:22:42Z 2021-06-01T11:15:00Z mt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/zero-pollution-vast-majority-of 2021 1.0.2 None Skont ir-rapport annwali dwar l-Ilma għall-Għawm ippubblikat illum, fl-2020 kważi 83 % tas-siti talilma għall-għawm tal-Ewropa ssodisfaw l-aktar standards stretti tal-Unjoni Ewropea għal kwalità talilma “eċċellenti”. L-aħħar valutazzjoni, imfassla mill-Aġenzija Ewropea għall-Ambjent (EEA) b'kooperazzjoni mal-Kummissjoni Ewropea, hija bbażata fuq il-monitoraġġ tal-2020 ta' 22,276 sit tal-għawm madwar l-Ewropa. Dawn ikopru lill-Istati Membri tal-UE, l-Albanija u l-Iżvizzera matul l2020. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None MVXSGZNT42
http://www.eea.europa.eu/nl/highlights/verontreiniging-tot-nul-terugbrengen-zwemwater Verontreiniging tot nul terugbrengen: zwemwater in Europa voldoet in de overgrote meerderheid van de gevallen aan de hoogste kwaliteitsnormen 2021-05-31T05:35:30Z 2021-06-02T07:22:42Z 2021-06-01T11:20:00Z nl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/zero-pollution-vast-majority-of 2021 1.0.2 None Volgens het vandaag gepubliceerde jaarlijkse zwemwaterverslag voldeed in 2020 bijna 83 % van de Europese zwemwaterlocaties aan de strengste waterkwaliteitsnorm (uitstekend) van de EU. De recentste beoordeling, die door het Europees Milieuagentschap (EEA) in samenwerking met de Europese Commissie is opgesteld, is gebaseerd op de monitoring van 22 276 zwemwaterlocaties in heel Europa in 2020. Deze monitoring omvat zwemwaterlocaties in alle EU-lidstaten plus Albanië en Zwitserland en is over heel 2020 uitgevoerd. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None QP5RIK8YS6
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pl/highlights/zerowy-poziom-zanieczyszczen-zdecydowana-wiekszosc Zerowy poziom zanieczyszczeń: zdecydowana większość europejskich kąpielisk spełnia najwyższe normy jakości 2021-05-31T05:35:30Z 2021-06-02T07:22:42Z 2021-06-01T11:25:00Z pl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/zero-pollution-vast-majority-of 2021 1.0.2 None Z opublikowanego dzisiaj rocznego sprawozdania dotyczącego wody w kąpieliskach wynika, że w 2020 r. prawie 83 proc. kąpielisk w Europie spełniało najbardziej rygorystyczne wymogi dotyczące wody „doskonałej” jakości w Unii Europejskiej. Najnowsza ocena sporządzona przez Europejską Agencję Środowiska (EEA) we współpracy z Komisją Europejską opiera się na monitorowaniu 22 276 kąpielisk w całej Europie w 2020 r. Obejmuje ona państwa członkowskie UE, Albanię i Szwajcarię na przestrzeni całego 2020 r. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None UZ1GRON3S9
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pt/highlights/poluicao-zero-a-grande-maioria Poluição zero: a grande maioria das águas balneares europeias satisfaz as normas de qualidade mais elevadas 2021-05-31T05:35:30Z 2021-06-02T07:22:42Z 2021-06-01T11:40:00Z pt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/zero-pollution-vast-majority-of 2021 1.0.2 None O relatório anual sobre as águas balneares publicado hoje revela que, em 2020, quase 83 % das zonas balneares da Europa respeitavam as normas de qualidade mais rigorosas da União Europeia, sendo classificadas como «excelentes». A última avaliação, elaborada pela Agência Europeia do Ambiente (AEA) em cooperação com a Comissão Europeia, baseia-se na monitorização de 22 276 zonas balneares em toda a Europa em 2020, abrangendo os Estados-Membros da UE, a Albânia e a Suíça ao longo desse ano. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None OKSE8V2U65
http://www.eea.europa.eu/ro/highlights/reducerea-la-zero-a-poluarii Reducerea la zero a poluării: Marea majoritate a apelor pentru scăldat din Europa îndeplinesc cele mai înalte standarde de calitate 2021-05-31T05:35:30Z 2021-06-02T07:22:42Z 2021-06-01T11:55:00Z ro http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/zero-pollution-vast-majority-of 2021 1.0.2 None Raportul anual privind apa pentru scăldat publicat astăzi arată că în anul 2020, aproape 83 % din zonele de scăldat din Uniunea Europeană îndeplineau cele mai stricte standarde de calitate a apei, anume „excelentă”. Cea mai recentă evaluare, elaborată de Agenția Europeană de Mediu (AEM) în cooperare cu Comisia Europeană, se bazează pe monitorizarea din 2020 a 22 276 de zone de scăldat din întreaga Europă. Este vorba de o monitorizare pe întreaga durată a anului 2020 a zonelor de scăldat din statele membre UE, Albania și Elveția. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None FDHIV4ACSM
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sk/highlights/nulove-znecistenie-prevazna-vacsina-vod Nulové znečistenie: prevažná väčšina vôd na kúpanie v Európe spĺňa najprísnejšie kvalitatívne normy 2021-05-31T05:35:30Z 2021-06-02T07:22:42Z 2021-06-01T11:55:00Z sk http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/zero-pollution-vast-majority-of 2021 1.0.2 None Podľa dnes zverejnenej výročnej správy o vode na kúpanie v roku 2020 splnilo tie najprísnejšie normy Európskej únie na „výbornú“ kvalitu vody takmer 83 % európskych lokalít na kúpanie. Najnovšie hodnotenie, ktoré vypracovala Európska environmentálna agentúra (EEA) v spolupráci s Európskou komisiou, vychádza z monitorovania z roku 2020, ktoré zahŕňalo 22 276 lokalít na kúpanie v celej Európe. Ide o lokality nachádzajúce sa v členských štátoch EÚ, Albánsku a vo Švajčiarsku, ktoré boli monitorované počas celého roka 2020. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 5MQP7K2A9N
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sl/highlights/nicelno-onesnazevanje-velika-vecina-evropskih Ničelno onesnaževanje: velika večina evropskih kopalnih voda dosega najvišje standarde kakovosti 2021-05-31T05:35:30Z 2021-06-02T07:22:42Z 2021-06-01T12:05:00Z sl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/zero-pollution-vast-majority-of 2021 1.0.2 None Iz danes objavljenega letnega poročila o kopalnih vodah je razvidno, da je leta 2020 skoraj 83 % evropskih kopališč izpolnjevalo najstrožje standarde kakovosti Evropske unije za „odlično“ kakovost vode. Najnovejša ocena, ki jo je pripravila Evropska agencija za okolje (EEA) v sodelovanju z Evropsko komisijo, temelji na spremljanju 22 276 kopališč po vsej Evropi leta 2020. V oceni za leto 2020 so bile zajete države članice EU ter Albanija in Švica. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None EYFNB7TM2Q
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sv/highlights/nollfororening-de-allra-flesta-badvatten Nollförorening: De allra flesta badvatten i Europa uppfyller de högsta kvalitetsnormerna 2021-05-31T05:35:30Z 2021-06-02T07:22:42Z 2021-06-01T12:10:00Z sv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/zero-pollution-vast-majority-of 2021 1.0.2 None Den årliga badvattenrapporten som offentliggörs i dag visar att nästan 83 % av Europas badplatser under 2020 uppfyllde EU:s strängaste normer för ”utmärkt” vattenkvalitet. Den senaste bedömningen, som sammanställts av Europeiska miljöbyrån (EEA) i samarbete med Europeiska kommissionen, bygger på 2020 års övervakning av 22 276 badplatser i hela Europa. Dessa omfattar EU:s medlemsländer Albanien och Schweiz under hela 2020. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None CGKR6VMD1J
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fi/highlights/valokuvakilpailu-ilmastonmuutoksen-vaikutuksista-ja-ratkaisuista Valokuvakilpailu ilmastonmuutoksen vaikutuksista ja ratkaisuista 2021-04-20T07:30:42Z 2021-08-18T12:52:28Z 2021-06-02T14:48:21Z fi http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-on-climate-change 2021 6.3.7 None Ilmastonmuutos vaikuttaa monin tavoin yhteiskuntaan ja ympäristöön. Ilmastonmuutoksen torjunta edellyttää päästöjen vähentämistä, jotta sen pahimpia vaikutuksia voidaan lieventää, ja sopeutumista niihin vaikutuksiin, joita ei voida pysäyttää. Tänään alkavassa Euroopan ympäristökeskuksen (EEA) Climate Change PIX -valokuvakilpailussa pyydetään kuvia siitä, miltä ilmastonmuutos näyttää Euroopassa ja miten siihen reagoidaan. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 90ZHOK5IT6
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fr/highlights/concours-de-photographie-sur-les Concours de photographie sur les incidences du changement climatique et les solutions en la matière 2021-04-20T07:30:42Z 2021-08-18T12:52:28Z 2021-06-02T14:44:13Z fr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-on-climate-change 2021 6.3.7 None Le changement climatique affecte nos sociétés et notre environnement de multiples manières. La lutte contre le changement climatique nécessite de réduire les émissions pour atténuer les effets les plus graves de ce changement, et de s’adapter aux effets incontrôlables. Lancé aujourd’hui, le concours de photographie «Climate Change PIX» de l’Agence européenne pour l’environnement (AEE) invite les participants à décrire en images à quoi ressemble le changement climatique en Europe et comment nous y réagissons. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None GTUQYIRHV6
http://www.eea.europa.eu/it/highlights/concorso-fotografico-sulle-conseguenze-dei Concorso fotografico sulle conseguenze dei cambiamenti climatici e sulle relative soluzioni 2021-04-20T07:30:42Z 2021-08-18T12:52:28Z 2021-06-02T14:40:09Z it http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-on-climate-change 2021 6.3.7 None I cambiamenti climatici incidono in molti modi sulle società e sull’ambiente. Per affrontarli è necessario ridurre le emissioni in modo da attenuarne le conseguenze più gravi e adattarsi a quelle che è impossibile neutralizzare. Aperto oggi, il concorso fotografico «Climate Change PIX» dell’Agenzia europea dell’ambiente (AEA) invita i partecipanti a tradurre in immagini i cambiamenti climatici in Europa e i modi in cui li affrontiamo. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 0DN75UPQRB
http://www.eea.europa.eu/mt/highlights/kompetizzjoni-tal-fotografija-dwar-l-1 Kompetizzjoni tal-fotografija dwar l-impatti u s-soluzzjonijiet tat-tibdil fil-klima 2021-04-20T07:30:42Z 2021-08-18T12:52:28Z 2021-06-02T14:35:39Z mt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-on-climate-change 2021 6.3.7 None It-tibdil fil-klima jaffettwa s-soċjetajiet u l-ambjent tagħna b’diversi modi. It-trattament tat-tibdil fil-klima jirrikjedi li jitnaqqsu l-emissjonijiet sabiex jiġu mmitigati l-agħar impatti tiegħu u biex nadattaw għal dawk li ma nistgħux inwaqqfu. Il-kompetizzjoni tal-fotografija tal-Aġenzija Ewropea għall-Ambjent (EEA) “Climate Change PIX”, li se tibda llum, tistieden lill-parteċipanti juru kif jidher it-tibdil fil-klima fl-Ewropa u kif qed nirreaġixxu għalih. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None C4NAG2Y0WZ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/nl/highlights/fotowedstrijd-over-de-gevolgen-van Fotowedstrijd over de gevolgen van en oplossingen voor klimaatverandering 2021-04-20T07:30:42Z 2021-08-18T12:52:28Z 2021-06-02T13:53:40Z nl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-on-climate-change 2021 6.3.7 None Klimaatverandering heeft zeer uiteenlopende gevolgen voor onze samenleving en het milieu. Willen we klimaatverandering aanpakken, dan moeten we emissies terugdringen om de ernstigste gevolgen ervan te verzachten en ons aanpassen aan de gevolgen die we niet kunnen tegenhouden. Vandaag gaat de fotowedstrijd “Climate Change PIX” van het Europees Milieuagentschap (EEA) van start. De vraag aan deelnemers is om uit te beelden hoe klimaatverandering in Europa eruitziet en hoe wij erop reageren. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 78KAM0GIJF
http://www.eea.europa.eu/no/highlights/fotokonkurranse-om-klimaendringer-og-losninger Fotokonkurranse om klimaendringer og løsninger 2021-04-20T07:30:42Z 2021-08-18T12:52:28Z 2021-06-02T13:49:32Z no http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-on-climate-change 2021 6.3.7 None Klimaendringer påvirker samfunnet og miljøet på mange forskjellige måter. Å takle klimaendringene krever kutt i utslipp for å redusere de verste konsekvensene og tilpasning til de vi ikke lengre kan stoppe. Det europeiske miljøbyråets (EEA) fotokonkurranse «Climate Change PIX» inviterer deltakere til å skildre hvordan klimaendringene ser ut i Europa og hvordan vi reagerer på dem. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None YG5IW6HURQ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pt/highlights/concurso-de-fotografia-sobre-o Concurso de fotografia sobre o impacto das alterações climáticas e as soluções desenvolvidas 2021-04-20T07:30:42Z 2021-08-18T12:52:28Z 2021-06-02T13:45:24Z pt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-on-climate-change 2021 6.3.7 None As alterações climáticas afetam as nossas sociedades e o nosso ambiente a diversos níveis. O combate a estas alterações passa necessariamente pela redução das emissões para mitigar os seus efeitos mais graves e por uma adaptação aos que são impossíveis de controlar. Lançado hoje, o concurso de fotografia da Agência Europeia do Ambiente (AEA), intitulado «Climate Change PIX», convida os participantes a retratar o rosto das alterações climáticas na Europa e a forma como lhes estamos a dar resposta. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None URNJFXA2OG
http://www.eea.europa.eu/ro/highlights/concurs-de-fotografie-privind-impactul Concurs de fotografie privind impactul schimbărilor climatice și găsirea de soluții pentru acestea 2021-04-20T07:30:42Z 2021-08-18T12:52:28Z 2021-06-02T13:23:50Z ro http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-on-climate-change 2021 6.3.7 None Schimbările climatice ne afectează societatea și mediul în multe feluri. Combaterea schimbărilor climatice impune reducerea emisiilor pentru a atenua consecințele cele mai grave, dar și adaptarea la schimbările pe care nu le putem opri. Concursul de fotografie „Climate Change PIX” al Agenției Europene de Mediu (AEM), care începe astăzi, invită participanții să ilustreze schimbările climatice în Europa și reacția noastră la ele. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 2YIS1ODPW7
http://www.eea.europa.eu/bg/highlights/morskiyat-transport-na-es-parviyat Морският транспорт на ЕС: първият по рода си доклад за въздействието върху околната среда отчита добър напредък по отношение на устойчивостта и потвърждава необходимостта от допълнителни усилия предвид очакваното нарастване в търсенето 2021-08-16T13:08:41Z 2022-01-19T09:22:28Z 2021-09-01T07:37:47Z bg http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-maritime-transport-first-environmental 2021 1.0.2 None Морският транспорт играе и ще продължи да играе съществена роля в световната и европейската търговия и икономика. През последните години в сектора на морския транспорт бяха предприети значителни мерки за смекчаване на въздействието му върху околната среда. В условията на очаквано увеличение на обема на корабоплаването в световен мащаб, новият доклад за първи път разкрива пълният обхват на въздействието на сектора на морския транспорт на ЕС върху околната среда и посочва предизвикателствата пред постигането на устойчивост. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None SYHV95FQKC
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pl/highlights/transport-morski-w-ue-pierwszy Transport morski w UE: pierwszy raport o oddziaływaniu na środowisko potwierdza, że poczyniono postępy w kierunku zrównoważonego rozwoju i że należy nasilić działania, aby przygotować się na wzrost popytu 2021-08-16T13:08:41Z 2022-01-19T09:22:28Z 2021-09-01T07:37:39Z pl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-maritime-transport-first-environmental 2021 1.0.2 None Transport morski odgrywa i nadal będzie odgrywać istotną rolę w światowym i europejskim handlu i gospodarce. Sektor gospodarki morskiej podjął w ostatnich latach znaczne środki w celu złagodzenia jego wpływu na środowisko. Wobec przewidywanego zwiększenia się wolumenów transportu, nowy raport po raz pierwszy omawia pełny zakres środowiskowych skutków unijnego transportu morskiego oraz wskazuje wyzwania związane ze zrównoważonym rozwojem. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None OMXJ874REY
http://www.eea.europa.eu/da/highlights/europas-natur-under-pres-2014 Europas natur under pres — udfordringer og løsninger 2021-09-28T07:36:21Z 2022-02-25T10:56:57Z 2021-12-13T13:27:58Z da http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-nature-under-pressure 2021 1.0.2 None Gennem såvel Det Europæiske Miljøagenturs (EEA's) arbejde som andre vurderinger er det påvist, at de europæiske økosystemer er alvorligt truet. Flere hundrede års udnyttelse har sat sit præg på den europæiske natur, og de fleste beskyttede levesteders og arters bevaringsstatus er ikke god. EEA Signals 2021 giver et overblik over de problemer, den europæiske natur står over for, og peger på strategier til at vende situationen. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None Y0A7583MCR
http://www.eea.europa.eu/it/highlights/natura-sotto-pressione-in-europa Natura sotto pressione in Europa: problematiche e soluzioni 2021-09-28T07:36:21Z 2022-02-25T10:56:57Z 2021-12-13T13:35:00Z it http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-nature-under-pressure 2021 1.0.2 None Il lavoro e altre valutazioni dell’Agenzia europea dell’ambiente (AEA) hanno evidenziato che gli ecosistemi europei sono fortemente a rischio. Secoli di sfruttamento hanno lasciato il segno sull’ambiente naturale in Europa: la maggior parte degli habitat e delle specie protetti non è in buono stato di conservazione. Presentando una panoramica dei problemi che l’Europa si trova ad affrontare in materia ambientale, «AEA Segnali 2021» ipotizza strategie per invertire la tendenza. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None IKA42YTR1N
http://www.eea.europa.eu/mt/highlights/in-natura-tal-ewropa-taht In-natura tal-Ewropa taħt pressjoni — sfidi u soluzzjonijiet 2021-09-28T07:36:21Z 2022-02-25T10:56:57Z 2021-12-13T13:33:02Z mt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-nature-under-pressure 2021 1.0.2 None Il-ħidma tal-Aġenzija Ewropea għall-Ambjent (EEA) u valutazzjonijiet oħra wrew li l-ekosistemi Ewropej huma taħt theddida serja. Sekli ta’ sfruttament ħallew il-marka tagħhom fuq id-dinja naturali tal-Ewropa u l-biċċa l-kbira tal-ħabitats u l-ispeċijiet protetti mhumiex fi stat tajjeb ta’ konservazzjoni. Signals 2021 tal-EEA jippreżenta ħarsa ġenerali lejn il-problemi li qed tiffaċċja n-natura tal-Ewropa u tindika strateġiji biex titreġġa’ lura s-sitwazzjoni. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None DZQOSKFHAU
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sl/highlights/narava-evrope-je-pod-pritiskom Narava Evrope je pod pritiskom – izzivi in rešitve 2021-09-28T07:36:21Z 2022-02-25T10:56:57Z 2021-12-13T13:35:25Z sl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-nature-under-pressure 2021 1.0.2 None Zahvaljujoč neutrudnemu delu Evropske agencije za okolje (EEA) in drugim ocenjevalnim poročilom je postalo jasno, da so evropski ekosistemi močno ogroženi. Stoletja izkoriščanja so pustila posledice v naravi Evrope, za večino zaščitenih habitatov in vrst pa je značilno slabo stanje ohranjenosti. V publikaciji Signali EEA 2021 so izpostavljene težave, s katerimi se sooča narava Evrope, v njej pa so opisane tudi strategije za njihovo odpravljanje. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None H3SI2DMV8O
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sv/highlights/europas-natur-under-press-2014 Europas natur under press — utmaningar och lösningar 2021-09-28T07:36:21Z 2022-02-25T10:56:57Z 2021-12-13T13:37:49Z sv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-nature-under-pressure 2021 1.0.2 None Europeiska miljöbyråns (EEA) arbete och andra bedömningar har visat att europeiska ekosystem är allvarligt hotade. Århundraden av exploatering har satt sina spår i Europas naturområden och bevarandestatusen för de flesta skyddade livsmiljöer och arter är inte god. Europeiska miljöbyråns miljösignaler 2021 presenterar en översikt över de problem som Europas natur står inför och pekar på strategier för att vända utvecklingen. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None TGI4PK03Q1
http://www.eea.europa.eu/tr/highlights/avrupa2019da-doga-tehdit-altinda-sorunlar Avrupa’da doğa tehdit altında - sorunlar ve çözümleri 2021-09-28T07:36:21Z 2022-02-25T10:56:57Z 2021-12-13T13:40:01Z tr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-nature-under-pressure 2021 1.0.2 None Avrupa Çevre Ajansı’nın (AÇA) yürüttüğü çalışma ve yapılan başka değerlendirmeler, Avrupa ekosistemlerinin ciddi tehdit altında olduğunu göstermiştir. Doğanın yüzyıllardır sömürülmesi, Avrupa’nın doğal yaşamı üzerinde olumsuz bir etki bırakmıştır. Koruma altında olan habitat ve türlerin büyük kısmı iyi düzeyde korunamamaktadır. AÇA İşaretler 2021 raporu, Avrupa’da doğal yaşamın karşı karşıya olduğu sorunlara ilişkin genel bir bakış sunuyor ve durumu tersine çevirecek stratejilere dikkat çekiyor. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None D6SBJ7Z508
http://www.eea.europa.eu/da/highlights/klimahaendelser-bliver-hyppigere-og-alvorligere Klimahændelser bliver hyppigere og alvorligere i Europa — ny regional oversigt offentliggjort 2021-11-10T19:38:40Z 2022-03-08T14:19:43Z 2021-12-13T14:32:50Z da http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-hazards-are-increasing-in 2021 2.0.2 None Efterhånden som ekstreme vejrforhold og andre klimahændelser bliver hyppigere og alvorligere i Europa, er der behov for solide data til vurdering af klimarisici og planlægning af klimatilpasning. Den nye interaktive rapport fra Det Europæiske Miljøagentur (EEA) giver en opdateret oversigt over, hvordan klimarisiciene ændrer sig i Europas forskellige regioner. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None RZIN4PTGQS
http://www.eea.europa.eu/da/highlights/renere-luft-kunne-have-reddet Renere luft kunne have reddet mindst 178 000 liv i EU i 2019 2021-11-10T19:28:34Z 2022-03-01T09:34:34Z 2021-12-13T14:17:49Z da http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/cleaner-air-could-have-saved 2021 3.0.2 None Luftforurening var fortsat en væsentlig grund til for tidlig død og sygdom i Europa i 2019. En analyse fra Det Europæiske Miljøagentur (EEA) viser, at en forbedring af luftkvaliteten til de niveauer, der for nylig er blevet anbefalet af Verdenssundhedsorganisationen (WHO), kan forhindre over halvdelen af de for tidlige dødsfald, der skyldes eksponering for fine partikler. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None RDX4K5T1C7
http://www.eea.europa.eu/mt/highlights/arja-aktar-nadifa-setghet-salvat Arja aktar nadifa setgħet salvat mill-inqas 178,000 ħajja madwar l-UE fl-2019 2021-11-10T19:28:34Z 2022-03-01T09:34:34Z 2021-12-13T14:24:07Z mt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/cleaner-air-could-have-saved 2021 3.0.2 None It-tniġġis tal-arja kompla jikkawża piż sinifikanti ta’ mewt prematura u mard fl-Ewropa fl-2019. Analiżi tal-Aġenzija Ewropea għall-Ambjent (EEA) turi li t-titjib tal-kwalità tal-arja għall-livelli rakkomandati reċentement mill-Organizzazzjoni Dinjija tas-Saħħa (WHO) jista’ jipprevjeni aktar minn nofs l-imwiet prematuri kkawżati mill-esponiment għal materja partikolata fina. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ZF2HDTO906
http://www.eea.europa.eu/mt/highlights/il-perikli-klimatici-qed-jizdiedu Il-perikli klimatiċi qed jiżdiedu fil-frekwenza u fis-severità madwar l-Ewropa; pubblikazzjoni ta’ ħarsa ġenerali reġjonali ġdida 2021-11-10T19:38:40Z 2022-03-08T14:19:43Z 2021-12-13T14:36:24Z mt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-hazards-are-increasing-in 2021 2.0.2 None Peress li l-avvenimenti ta’ temp estrem u perikli klimatiċi oħra qed jiżdiedu fil-frekwenza u fis-severità madwar l-Ewropa, informazzjoni solida hija meħtieġa għall-valutazzjoni tar-riskji tat-tibdil fil-klima u għall-ippjanar għall-adattament. Ir-rapport interattiv ġdid tal-Aġenzija Ewropea għall-Ambjent (EEA) jagħti ħarsa ġenerali aġġornata lejn kif il-perikli klimatiċi qed jinbidlu fir-reġjuni differenti tal-Ewropa. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VP384TR25U
http://www.eea.europa.eu/no/highlights/gode-muligheter-for-a-koble Gode muligheter for å koble Europas avfallsproduksjon fra økonomisk vekst 2021-12-13T13:23:57Z 2022-03-28T07:42:10Z 2022-01-31T11:19:47Z no http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/clear-opportunities-to-decouple-europes 2021 4.0.2 None Avfallsproduksjonen vokser i de fleste europeiske land og EU som en helhet, men med et lavere tempo enn økonomien. I henhold til en nylig rapport fra Det europeiske miljøbyrået (EEA) er det imidlertid ingen tegn til at det overordnede målet om en reduksjon av den totale produksjonen av avfall er i nærheten av å bli oppnådd. Rapportens funn fremhever muligheter for mer effektivt forebygging av avfall, med særlig fokus på tekstiler. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None DAPHQM3NI4
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pl/highlights/wyrazne-mozliwosci-oddzielenia-wytwarzania-odpadow Wyraźne możliwości oddzielenia wytwarzania odpadów od wzrostu gospodarczego w Europie 2021-12-13T13:23:57Z 2022-03-28T07:42:10Z 2022-01-31T11:20:42Z pl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/clear-opportunities-to-decouple-europes 2021 4.0.2 None Obserwowany jest wzrost wytwarzania odpadow w większości krajów Europy i w całej UE (UE) ,jednakze tempo tego wzrostu jest wolniejsze niż tempo wzrostu gospodarki. Niemniej jednak – zgodnie z niedawno opublikowanym sprawozdaniem Europejskiej Agencji Środowiska (EEA) – nic nie przemawia za tym, by zbliżano się do osiągnięcia ogólnego celu ograniczenia wytwarzania odpadów. Przedstawione w sprawozdaniu wyniki podkreślają możliwość skuteczniejszego zapobiegania powstawaniu odpadów, zwłaszcza tekstylnych. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 0M5N1RFSZQ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/et/highlights/eea-fotokonkurss-2022-201eloodusega-sober201c EEA fotokonkurss 2022: „Loodusega sõber“ 2022-06-13T09:19:40Z 2022-07-20T07:58:49Z 2022-07-07T10:29:51Z et http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eea-photo-competition-2022-well 2022 3.0.2 None Kas teed häid fotosid? Kas naudid looduses viibimist? Kui vastad mõlemale küsimusele „jah“, võib sinus peituda see, mida on vaja Euroopa Keskkonnaameti uue fotokonkursi „Loodusega sõber“ rahalise auhinna võitmiseks. Saada meile oma parimad fotod 1. oktoobriks 2022. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 1N8AE3DI54
http://www.eea.europa.eu/it/highlights/concorso-fotografico-aea-2022-well Concorso fotografico AEA 2022: «Well with Nature» 2022-06-13T09:19:40Z 2022-07-20T07:58:49Z 2022-07-19T10:00:43Z it http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eea-photo-competition-2022-well 2022 3.0.2 None Scatti delle belle foto? Ami trascorrere del tempo nella natura? Se la risposta è «sì» a entrambe le domande, potresti avere le carte in regola per vincere uno dei premi in denaro del nuovo concorso fotografico «Well with Nature» promosso dall’Agenzia europea dell’ambiente (AEA). Invia i tuoi scatti migliori entro il 1º°ottobre 2022. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 2SHP5OCF1R
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sk/highlights/pocet-europanov-vystavenych-skodlivemu-znecisteniu Počet Európanov vystavených škodlivému znečisteniu hlukom bude stúpať 2020-02-25T13:12:55Z 2020-06-24T19:55:53Z 2020-03-04T23:05:00Z sk http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/number-of-europeans-exposed-to 2020 1.1.6 None Podľa dnes uverejnenej správy Európskej environmentálnej agentúry (EEA) o znečistení environmentálnym hlukom je minimálne jeden z piatich Európanov v súčasnosti vystavený zdraviu škodlivej hladine hluku. Predpokladá sa, že tento počet bude v nasledujúcich rokoch ďalej stúpať. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None GN4E1P2RHV
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lv/highlights/paredzams-ka-kaitigam-troksna-piesarnojumam Paredzams, ka kaitīgam trokšņa piesārņojumam pakļauto Eiropas iedzīvotāju skaits pieaugs 2020-02-25T13:12:55Z 2020-06-24T19:55:53Z 2020-03-04T23:05:00Z lv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/number-of-europeans-exposed-to 2020 1.1.6 None Saskaņā ar šodien publiskoto Eiropas Vides aģentūras (EVA) ziņojumu par vides trokšņa piesārņojumu vismaz 20 % Eiropas iedzīvotāju ir pakļauti tādam trokšņa līmenim, kas tiek uzskatīts par kaitīgu viņu veselībai. Tiek prognozēts, ka šis skaitlis pieaugs tuvāko gadu laikā. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None B3UPIMK297
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sv/highlights/antalet-europeer-som-utsatts-for Antalet européer som utsätts för skadligt buller förväntas öka 2020-02-25T13:12:55Z 2020-06-24T19:55:53Z 2020-03-04T23:05:00Z sv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/number-of-europeans-exposed-to 2020 1.1.6 None I dag utsätts minst en av fem européer för bullernivåer som anses skadliga för hälsan, enligt en rapport från EEA – Europeiska miljöbyrån. Den andelen förväntas öka under de kommande åren. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None CUMP1S9NBH
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/ocekuje-se-porast-broj-europljana Očekuje se porast broj Europljana izloženih štetnom onečišćenju bukom 2020-02-25T13:12:55Z 2020-06-24T19:55:53Z 2020-03-09T12:10:00Z hr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/number-of-europeans-exposed-to 2020 1.1.6 None Prema danas objavljenom izvješću Europske agencije za okoliš (EEA) o onečišćenju bukom iz okoliša, najmanje jedan od pet Europljana trenutačno je izložen razinama buke koje se smatraju štetnima za zdravlje. Predviđa se da će u narednim godinama taj broj rasti. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 9ACO82RP5J
http://www.eea.europa.eu/hu/highlights/a-kornyezetszennyezes-es-a-klimavaltozas A környezetszennyezés és a klímaváltozás kezelése Európában jobb egészségét és jóllétet eredményez majd, különösen a legsérülékenyebbek számára 2020-08-31T18:33:13Z 2020-11-23T10:59:14Z 2020-09-07T22:05:00Z hu http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/tackling-pollution-and-climate-change 2020 2.2.2 None Európában a lég- és zajszennyezés, a klímaváltozás hatásai, mint például a hőhullámok, valamint a veszélyes vegyi anyagoknak való kitettség mind egészségügyi problémákhoz vezetnek. A rossz minőségű környezet az Európai Környezetvédelmi Ügynökség (EEA) által ma kiadott, átfogó egészségügyi és környezeti felmérés szerint a halálozások 13%-áért felelős. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None UME7PJOIXK
http://www.eea.europa.eu/bg/highlights/mepki-za-spravyane-sas-zamarsyavaneto Mepки за справяне със замърсяването и изменението на климата в Европа ще подобри здравето и благосъстоянието, особено на най-уязвимите лица 2020-08-31T18:33:13Z 2020-11-23T10:59:14Z 2020-09-07T22:05:00Z bg http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/tackling-pollution-and-climate-change 2020 2.2.2 None Замърсяването на въздуха и шумовото замърсяване, въздействията на изменението на климата, например горещините, и излагането на опасни химикали, са причина за влошено здраве в Европа. Околната среда с ниско качество е довела до 13 % от смъртните случаи според основна оценка на здравето и околната среда, публикувана днес от Европейската агенция за околна среда. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None J51SAHF7KQ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/da/highlights/kampen-mod-forurening-og-klimaaendringer Kampen mod forurening og klimaændringer i Europa vil gavne sundhed og trivsel — navnlig i udsatte befolkningsgrupper 2020-08-31T18:33:13Z 2020-11-23T10:59:14Z 2020-09-07T22:05:00Z da http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/tackling-pollution-and-climate-change 2020 2.2.2 None Luft- og støjforurening, klimaændringer, såsom hedebølger, og eksponering for farlige kemikalier indvirker negativt på folkesundheden i Europa. Dårlige miljømæssige vilkår er en medvirkende årsag til 13 % af alle dødsfald, fremgår det af en tilbundsgående sundheds- og miljøvurdering, som Det Europæiske Miljøagentur (EEA) i dag har udsendt. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 463WJMQVHX
http://www.eea.europa.eu/el/highlights/i-antimetopisi-tis-rypansis-kai Η αντιμετώπιση της ρύπανσης και της κλιματικής αλλαγής στην Ευρώπη θα βελτιώσει την υγεία και την ευημερία, ιδιαίτερα για τις πιο ευάλωτες ομάδες 2020-08-31T18:33:13Z 2020-11-23T10:59:14Z 2020-09-07T22:05:00Z el http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/tackling-pollution-and-climate-change 2020 2.2.2 None Η ατμοσφαιρική ρύπανση και η ηχορύπανση, οι επιπτώσεις της κλιματικής αλλαγής όπως κύματα καύσωνα, και η έκθεση σε επικίνδυνες χημικές ουσίες προκαλούν ασθένειες στην Ευρώπη. Η κακή ποιότητα του περιβάλλοντος συμβάλλει στο 13 % των θανάτων σύμφωνα με μια μεγάλης κλίμακας αξιολόγηση για την υγεία και το περιβάλλον η οποία δημοσιεύτηκε σήμερα από τον Ευρωπαϊκό Οργανισμό Περιβάλλοντος (ΕΟΠ). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 6ZAQ9EWDYJ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/et/highlights/voitlus-reostuse-ja-kliimamuutuste-vastu Võitlus reostuse ja kliimamuutuste vastu Euroopas parandab tervist ja heaolu, eriti kõige haavatavamate jaoks 2020-08-31T18:33:13Z 2020-11-23T10:59:14Z 2020-09-07T22:05:00Z et http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/tackling-pollution-and-climate-change 2020 2.2.2 None Õhusaaste ja mürareostus, kliimamuutuste mõju (nt kuumalained) ning kokkupuuted ohtlike kemikaalidega halvendavad Euroopas inimeste tervist. Täna Euroopa Keskkonnameti (EEA) poolt avaldatud suure tervise- ja keskkonnamõju hinnangu kohaselt on 13% surmajuhtumitest osaliselt tingitud keskkonna halvast kvaliteedist. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 8N7PZQ2D9X
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lt/highlights/kova-su-tarsa-ir-klimato Kova su tarša ir klimato kaita Europoje užtikrins geresnę sveikatą ir gerovę, ypač pažeidžiamiausiems asmenims 2020-08-31T18:33:13Z 2020-11-23T10:59:14Z 2020-09-07T22:05:00Z lt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/tackling-pollution-and-climate-change 2020 2.2.2 None Oro ir triukšmo tarša, klimato kaitos padariniai, kaip antai karščio bangos, ir pavojingų cheminių medžiagų poveikis sukelia sveikatos sutrikimus Europoje. Europos aplinkos agentūros (EAA) šiandien paskelbto plataus sveikatos ir aplinkos vertinimo duomenimis, nekokybiška aplinka prisideda prie 13 proc. mirčių. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 2E3WMDVCSF
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fr/highlights/s-attaquer-aux-problemes-de S'attaquer aux problèmes de pollution et changement climatique en Europe améliorera la santé et le bien-être, notamment des plus vulnérables 2020-08-31T18:33:13Z 2020-11-23T10:59:14Z 2020-09-07T22:05:00Z fr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/tackling-pollution-and-climate-change 2020 2.2.2 None La pollution atmosphérique et sonore, les conséquences du changement climatique, notamment les vagues de chaleur et l’exposition à des produits chimiques dangereux sont à l’origine de problèmes de santé en Europe. Selon une importante étude sur la santé et l’environnement publiée aujourd’hui par l’Agence européenne pour l’environnement (AEE), la mauvaise qualité des environnements contribue à 13 % des décès. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 97PEUCXTR8
http://www.eea.europa.eu/mt/highlights/l-indirizzar-tat-tniggis-u L-indirizzar tat-tniġġis u t-tibdil fil-klima fl-Ewropa se jtejjeb is-saħħa u l-benesseri, speċjalment għal dawk l-aktar vulnerabbli 2020-08-31T18:33:13Z 2020-11-23T10:59:14Z 2020-09-07T22:05:00Z mt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/tackling-pollution-and-climate-change 2020 2.2.2 None It-tniġġis tal-arja u akustiku, l-impatti tat-tibdil fil-klima bħal mewġ ta’ sħana, u l-esponiment għal sustanzi kimiċi perikolużi jikkawżaw il-mard fl-Ewropa. Ambjenti ta’ kwalità baxxa jikkontribwixxu għal 13 % tal-imwiet skont valutazzjoni ewlenija dwar is-saħħa u l-ambjent li nħarġet illum mill-Aġenzija Ewropea għall-Ambjent (EEA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None TWPKJGUIR5
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sk/highlights/riesenie-znecistovania-a-zmeny-klimy Riešenie znečisťovania a zmeny klímy v Európe znamená zlepšenie zdravia a dobré životné podmienky, najmä pre tých najzraniteľnejších 2020-08-31T18:33:13Z 2020-11-23T10:59:14Z 2020-09-07T22:05:00Z sk http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/tackling-pollution-and-climate-change 2020 2.2.2 None Znečistenie ovzdušia a hluk, vplyv klimatickej zmeny, ako sú vlny horúčav, a vystavenie nebezpečným chemickým látkam, sú príčinou zlého zdravotného stavu v Európe. Podľa rozsiahleho posúdenia zdravia a životného prostredia, ktoré dnes vydala Európska environmentálna agentúra (EEA), zlá kvalita životného prostredia prispieva k 13 % úmrtnosti. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None KZIA5S9MDJ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/tr/highlights/avrupa-da-kirlilik-ve-iklim Avrupa'da kirlilik ve iklim değişikliğiyle mücadele, özellikle en savunmasız olan kişilerin sağlık ve refah durumlarını iyileştirecek 2020-08-31T18:33:13Z 2020-11-23T10:59:14Z 2020-09-07T22:05:00Z tr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/tackling-pollution-and-climate-change 2020 2.2.2 None Hava ve gürültü kirliliği, sıcak hava dalgaları gibi iklim değişikliği kaynaklı etkiler ve tehlikeli kimyasallara maruz kalma Avrupa'da hastalıklara neden olmaktadır. Avrupa Çevre Ajansı (AÇA) tarafından bugün yayınlanan önemli sağlık ve çevre değerlendirmesine göre kalitesiz çevre koşulları ölümlerin % 13'üne neden olmaktadır. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None EM6GRN0JX9
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pt/highlights/ultima-avaliacao-mostra-que-a Última avaliação mostra que a natureza da Europa se encontra em declínio acentuado e continuado 2020-10-07T08:25:08Z 2021-01-18T16:02:28Z 2020-10-19T09:23:53Z pt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/latest-evaluation-shows-europes-nature 2020 1.7.1 None Práticas agrícolas e silvícolas insustentáveis, expansão urbana e poluição são as principais pressões responsáveis pelo drástico declínio da biodiversidade na Europa, que ameaça a sobrevivência de milhares de espécies animais e de habitats. Além disso, as diretivas da União Europeia (UE) de proteção da natureza e outras leis ambientais continuam a não ser aplicadas pelos Estados-Membros. A maioria das espécies e habitats protegidos não se encontram em bom estado de conservação e é preciso fazer muito mais para reverter a situação, segundo o relatório da Agência Europeia do Ambiente (AEA), intitulado «Estado da Natureza na UE», hoje publicado. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None WN2H6OSACK
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sv/highlights/den-senaste-utvarderingen-visar-en Den senaste utvärderingen visar en allvarlig och stadig försämring av naturen i Europa 2020-10-07T08:25:08Z 2021-01-18T16:02:28Z 2020-10-19T09:23:53Z sv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/latest-evaluation-shows-europes-nature 2020 1.7.1 None Ohållbart skogs- och jordbruk, stadsutbredning och föroreningar är de främsta anledningarna till den dramatiska minskningen av biologisk mångfald i Europa, som nu hotar överlevnaden för tusentals djurarter och habitat. Dessutom har Europeiska unionens naturdirektiv och andra miljölagar ännu inte genomförts av medlemsstaterna. Bevarandestatusen är dålig för de flesta skyddade habitat och arter och det måste göras mycket mer för att vända utvecklingen, enligt Europeiska miljöbyråns (EEA) rapport om ”Tillståndet för naturen i EU” som publicerades i dag. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None H5PVGRSY28
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lv/highlights/jaunakaja-izvertejuma-redzama-eiropas-dabas Jaunākajā izvērtējumā redzama Eiropas dabas nopietnā un ilgstošā lejupslīde 2020-10-07T08:25:08Z 2021-01-18T16:02:28Z 2020-10-19T09:23:53Z lv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/latest-evaluation-shows-europes-nature 2020 1.7.1 None Neilgtspējīga lauksaimniecība un mežsaimniecība, urbanizācija un piesārņojums ir galvenais slogs, kas vainojams pie Eiropas bioloģiskās daudzveidības krasas samazināšanās, apdraudot tūkstošiem dzīvnieku sugu un dzīvotņu izdzīvošanu. Turklāt dalībvalstīs joprojām netiek īstenotas Eiropas Savienības (ES) dabas aizsardzības direktīvas un citi vides tiesību akti. Lielākā daļa aizsargājamo dzīvotņu un sugu nav labā saglabāšanās stāvoklī, un, lai mainītu situāciju, ir jādara daudz vairāk, kā teikts šodien publicētajā Eiropas Vides aģentūras (EVA) ziņojumā “Dabas stāvoklis ES”. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None Y60M5T89A1
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pl/highlights/dazenie-do-zerowego-poziomu-emisji Dążenie do zerowego poziomu emisji zanieczyszczeń w Europie 2020-10-09T10:57:54Z 2021-01-18T16:00:18Z 2020-10-30T15:07:10Z pl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/moving-towards-zero-pollution-in-europe 2020 3.4.3 None Czym jest zanieczyszczenie i jak wpływa ono na nas i na środowisko? Europa podejmuje działania mające na celu ograniczenie poziomu emisji zanieczyszczeń, a w ramach Europejskiego Zielonego Ładu Komisja Europejska przedstawiła ambicję osiągnięcia zerowego poziomu emisji zanieczyszczeń w Europie. Opublikowany dziś nowy raport Europejskiej Agencji Środowiska (EEA) przygląda się różnym aspektom wyzwań związanych z zanieczyszczeniem w Europie, a także możliwościom jego usuwania i zapobiegania mu. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 91U2FPSCI8
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sl/highlights/na-poti-k-nicelnemu-onesnazenju Na poti k ničelnemu onesnaženju v Evropi 2020-10-09T10:57:54Z 2021-01-18T16:00:18Z 2020-11-16T10:00:44Z sl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/moving-towards-zero-pollution-in-europe 2020 3.4.3 None Kaj je onesnaženje ter kako vpliva na nas in okolje? Evropa je za zmanjšanje onesnaženja sprejela različne ukrepe. Tako je Evropska komisija v okviru Evropskega zelenega dogovora predlagala cilj ničelne stopnje onesnaženja za Evropo. Najnovejše poročilo Evropske agencije za okolje (EEA), ki je bilo objavljeno danes, izziv onesnaženja v Evropi obravnava iz različnih vidikov ter proučuje priložnosti za čiščenje okolja in za preprečevanje onesnaževanja. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None OQT3FMJ8PU
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lt/highlights/nulines-tarsos-europoje-link Nulinės taršos Europoje link 2020-10-09T10:57:54Z 2021-01-18T16:00:18Z 2020-10-29T14:53:15Z lt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/moving-towards-zero-pollution-in-europe 2020 3.4.3 None Kas yra tarša ir kokį poveikį ji daro mums ir aplinkai? Europa imasi veiksmų taršai mažinti ir, įgyvendindama Europos žaliąjį kursą, Europos Komisija siūlo Europai siekti nulinės taršos. Šiandien paskelbtoje naujoje Europos aplinkos agentūros (EAA) ataskaitoje įvairiais aspektais nagrinėjama taršos problema Europoje, taip pat galimybės taršą pašalinti ir užkirsti jai kelią. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None Q1396FIY5N
http://www.eea.europa.eu/it/highlights/trasporto-motorizzato-treno-aereo-strada Trasporto motorizzato: treno, aereo, strada o nave, qual è la soluzione più verde? 2021-03-19T10:09:51Z 2021-04-16T09:25:28Z 2021-03-29T08:25:48Z it http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/motorised-transport-train-plane-road 2021 2.0.2 None Sulla base di due studi su trasporti e ambiente pubblicati oggi dall’Agenzia europea dell’ambiente (AEA), quella ferroviaria puo’ considerarsi a livello Europeo la modalità di trasporto motorizzato di passeggeri più rispettosa dell’ambiente, in termini di emissioni di gas a effetto serra e rispetto agli spostamenti in automobile o in aereo. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None HKDTYCE4AV
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sv/highlights/fototavling-pa-temat-klimatforandringars-effekter Fototävling på temat klimatförändringars effekter och lösningar 2021-04-20T07:30:42Z 2021-08-18T12:52:28Z 2021-06-28T14:24:56Z sv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-on-climate-change 2021 6.3.7 None Klimatförändringar påverkar samhället och miljön på många sätt. För att bekämpa klimatförändringar måste utsläppen minskas så att de värsta effekterna mildras, men vi måste också anpassa oss till de klimatförändringar som inte längre går att hejda. I dag lanserar Europeiska miljöbyrån (EEA) sin nya fototävling Climate Change PIX. Den syftar till att gestalta hur klimatförändringarna tar sig uttryck runt om i Europa och visa vad vi gör för att anpassa oss till eller motverka förändringarna. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None Y5TEFVI106
http://www.eea.europa.eu/is/highlights/ljosmyndasamkeppni-um-ahrif-loftslagsbreytinga-og Ljósmyndasamkeppni um áhrif loftslagsbreytinga og lausnir við þeim 2021-04-20T07:30:42Z 2021-08-18T12:52:28Z 2021-08-18T12:52:28Z is http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-on-climate-change 2021 6.3.7 None Loftslagsbreytingar hafa áhrif á samfélög okkar og umhverfi með margvíslegum hætti. Til að taka á loftslagsbreytingum verðum við að draga úr útblæstri til að minnka verstu áhrif þeirra og laga okkur að þeim sem við getum ekki stöðvað. Frá og með deginum í dag hvetur ljósmyndasamkeppni Umhverfisstofnunar Evrópu „Climate Change PIX“ þátttakendum að mynda hvernig loftslagsbreytingar líta út í Evrópu og hvernig við bregðumst við þeim. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None RA50VMEJST
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sk/highlights/jasne-prilezitosti-na-oddelenie-tvorby Jasné príležitosti na oddelenie tvorby európskeho odpadu od hospodárskeho rastu 2021-12-13T13:23:57Z 2022-03-28T07:42:10Z 2022-02-09T11:24:27Z sk http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/clear-opportunities-to-decouple-europes 2021 4.0.2 None Vo väčšine európskych krajín a v EÚ ako celku rastie tvorba odpadu, ale pomalším tempom ako hospodárstvo. Podľa nedávno uverejnenej správy Európskej environmentálnej agentúry však neexistujú žiadne náznaky toho, že by sa sme sa priblížili k dosiahnutiu celkového cieľa, ktorým je zníženie celkovej tvorby odpadu. Zistenia správy poukazujú na príležitosti na účinnejšie predchádzanie vzniku odpadu, pričom pozornosť sa upriamuje na textílie. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None FCNAZX9OJT
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lt/highlights/klimato-pavojai-visoje-europoje-vis Klimato pavojai visoje Europoje vis dažnesni ir sunkesni; paskelbta nauja regioninė apžvalga 2021-11-10T19:38:40Z 2022-03-08T14:19:43Z 2022-02-28T13:18:07Z lt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-hazards-are-increasing-in 2021 2.0.2 None Kadangi ekstremalūs meteorologiniai reiškiniai ir kiti klimato pavojai visoje Europoje vis dažnesni ir sunkesni, patikima informacija yra reikalinga tam, kad būtų galima įvertinti klimato riziką ir planuoti, kaip prisitaikyti. Europos aplinkos agentūros (EAA) naujoje, interaktyvioje ataskaitoje pateikiama atnaujinta apžvalga apie klimato pavojų pokyčius įvairiuose Europos regionuose. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 2X5I0GAOM1
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sl/highlights/izpostavljenost-onesnazenju-povzroca-10-vseh Izpostavljenost onesnaženju povzroča 10 % vseh primerov raka v Evropi 2022-06-21T16:34:16Z 2022-07-05T09:31:14Z 2022-06-28T07:34:58Z sl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/pollution-and-cancer 2022 3.0.2 None V danes objavljenem poročilu Evropske agencije za okolje (EEA) ugotavljajo, da izpostavljenost onesnaženemu zraku, pasivnemu kajenju, radonu, ultravijoličnemu sevanju, azbestu, nekaterim kemikalijam in drugim onesnaževalom povzroča več kot 10 % vseh primerov raka v Evropi. Dobra novica pa je, da je ta tveganja mogoče preprečiti. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None C62UI04XEP
http://www.eea.europa.eu/de/highlights/trends-und-prognosen-erneut-geringer Trends und Prognosen: erneut geringer Anstieg der Treibhausgasemissionen in der EU inmitten der Erholung nach der Pandemie und der Energiekrise 2022-10-20T08:04:55Z 2023-01-10T11:52:33Z 2022-11-10T12:50:00Z de http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/trends-and-projections-limited-rebound 2022 2.0.2 None Laut dem jüngsten Bericht „Trends und Prognosen“, der heute von der Europäischen Umweltagentur (EUA) veröffentlicht wird, stiegen im Jahr 2021 die Treibhausgasemissionen sowie der Energieverbrauch an, was in erster Linie der Erholung Europas nach der Pandemie geschuldet ist. Die meisten EU-Mitgliedstaaten erreichten die Klima- und Energieziele der EU für 2020 und richten ihren Fokus nun auf Klimaneutralität und die aktuelle Energieversorgungskrise. Um die ehrgeizigeren Klima- und Energieziele für 2030 zu erreichen, müssen die jährlichen Fortschritte bei der Einführung erneuerbarer Energien sowie bei der Verringerung des Energieverbrauchs und der Treibhausgasemissionen verdoppelt werden. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None CVM2470D15
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fr/highlights/tendances-et-projections-rebond-limite Tendances et projections: rebond limité des émissions de l’UE dans un contexte de reprise post-pandémie et de crise énergétique 2022-10-20T08:04:55Z 2023-01-10T11:52:33Z 2022-11-10T12:50:00Z fr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/trends-and-projections-limited-rebound 2022 2.0.2 None Selon le dernier rapport «Trends and Projections» publié aujourd’hui par l’Agence européenne pour l’environnement (AEE), les émissions de gaz à effet de serre et la consommation d’énergie ont augmenté en 2021, principalement en raison de la reprise post-pandémie observée en Europe. La plupart des États membres de l’UE ont réussi à atteindre les objectifs 2020 de l’UE en matière de climat et d’énergie et visent désormais la neutralité climatique alors qu’ils font actuellement face à une crise de l’approvisionnement énergétique. Pour atteindre les objectifs climatiques et énergétiques plus ambitieux fixés à l’horizon 2030, il faudra plus que doubler le rythme des progrès annuels réalisés en matière de déploiement des énergies renouvelables, de réduction de la consommation d’énergie et d’émissions de gaz à effet de serre. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 5M92ZJBWGK
http://www.eea.europa.eu/tr/highlights/bu-yilin-aca-fotograf-yarismasi Bu yılın AÇA fotoğraf yarışması için REDISCOVER Nature 2020-05-19T05:09:14Z 2020-08-03T14:07:12Z 2020-06-26T12:15:00Z tr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/rediscover-nature-photo-competition 2020 3.4.3 None Nerede olursak olalım, hepimiz doğanın harikalarına hayranlıkla bakıyoruz; hele şimdi daha da çok! Bugün başlayacak Avrupa Çevre Ajansı (AÇA) yıllık fotoğraf yarışması 'REDISCOVER Nature', sizi doğayla ve çevrenizle olan bağınızı fotoğraflamaya ve paylaşmaya davet ediyor. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 25QCP0MH6I
http://www.eea.europa.eu/nl/highlights/de-vervuiling-in-europa-tot De vervuiling in Europa tot nul terugbrengen 2020-10-09T10:57:54Z 2021-01-18T16:00:18Z 2020-10-30T13:43:35Z nl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/moving-towards-zero-pollution-in-europe 2020 3.4.3 None Wat is vervuiling en wat zijn de gevolgen ervan voor mens en milieu? Europa doet er wat aan en in het kader van de Europese Green Deal heeft de Europese Commissie de ambitie om in Europa alle verontreiniging tot nul terug te brengen. In een nieuw rapport van het Europees Milieuagentschap (EEA), dat vandaag is gepubliceerd, wordt het probleem van vervuiling in Europa vanuit verschillende invalshoeken belicht, evenals de mogelijkheden om vervuiling op te ruimen en te voorkomen. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None S26XHV7IYE
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pt/highlights/transporte-motorizado-comboio-aviao-estrada Transporte motorizado: comboio, avião, estrada ou barco — o que é mais ecológico? 2021-03-19T10:09:51Z 2021-04-16T09:25:28Z 2021-03-29T08:28:32Z pt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/motorised-transport-train-plane-road 2021 2.0.2 None O transporte ferroviário continua a ser, de um modo geral, o modo de transporte motorizado de passageiros mais amigo do ambiente na Europa — em termos de emissões de gases com efeito de estufa — em comparação com as viagens de automóvel ou de avião, de acordo com dois estudos sobre transportes e ambiente publicados hoje pela Agência Europeia do Ambiente (AEA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None M5DVRUBJ8Z
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lv/highlights/fotokonkurss-par-klimata-parmainu-ietekmi Fotokonkurss par klimata pārmaiņu ietekmi un risinājumiem 2021-04-20T07:30:42Z 2021-08-18T12:52:28Z 2021-06-04T07:57:38Z lv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-on-climate-change 2021 6.3.7 None Klimata pārmaiņas daudzējādā ziņā ietekmē mūsu sabiedrību un vidi. Lai risinātu klimata pārmaiņu problēmu, ir jāsamazina emisijas, lai mazinātu to smagāko ietekmi, un jāpielāgojas tām pārmaiņām, ko mēs nevaram apturēt. Šodien atklājot Eiropas Vides aģentūras (EVA) fotokonkursu “Climate Change PIX”, dalībnieki tiek aicināti parādīt, kādas klimata pārmaiņas ir novērojamas Eiropā un kā mēs reaģējam uz tām. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None JCUT738GMD
http://www.eea.europa.eu/it/highlights/la-nuova-mappa-visuale-europea La nuova mappa visuale europea della qualità dell’aria urbana consente di verificare i livelli di inquinamento atmosferico a lungo termine nella propria zona di residenza 2021-06-11T08:36:58Z 2021-10-19T06:30:30Z 2021-06-17T08:21:25Z it http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-european-city-air-quality 2021 3.0.2 None In molte città europee l’inquinamento atmosferico è un problema grave, che rappresenta un rischio reale per la salute. L’Agenzia europea dell’ambiente (AEA) ha presentato oggi una mappa visuale della qualità dell’aria nelle città europee, che permette di verificare quale sia stata la qualità dell’aria negli ultimi due anni nella propria città e di confrontarla con quella di altre città europee. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 5ZQDWO4KUF
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fi/highlights/puhtaampi-ilma-olisi-voinut-pelastaa Puhtaampi ilma olisi voinut pelastaa vähintään 178 000 ihmishenkeä EU:ssa vuonna 2019 2021-11-10T19:28:34Z 2022-03-01T09:34:34Z 2021-12-10T12:01:54Z fi http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/cleaner-air-could-have-saved 2021 3.0.2 None Ilmansaasteet aiheuttivat vuonna 2019 edelleen merkittävän määrän ennenaikaisia kuolemia ja tauteja Euroopassa. Euroopan ympäristökeskuksen (EEA) analyysi osoittaa, että ilmanlaadun parantaminen Maailman terveysjärjestön (WHO) hiljattain suosittelemille tasoille voisi estää yli puolet pienhiukkasille altistumisen aiheuttamista ennenaikaisista kuolemista. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ESYJXNOCQT
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/cisci-zrak-mogao-je-2019 Čišći zrak mogao je 2019. spasiti najmanje 178 000 života diljem EU 2021-11-10T19:28:34Z 2022-03-01T09:34:34Z 2021-12-10T11:19:03Z hr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/cleaner-air-could-have-saved 2021 3.0.2 None Onečišćenje zraka i dalje je uzrokovalo znatan teret preuranjenih smrti i bolesti u Europi tijekom 2019. Analiza Europske agencije za okoliš (EEA) pokazuje da bi se poboljšanjem kvalitete zraka do razine koju je nedavno preporučila Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija (WHO) moglo spriječiti više od polovine preuranjenih smrtnih slučajeva uzrokovanih izloženošću sitnim lebdećim česticama. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 8ZCFIXPJKR
http://www.eea.europa.eu/it/highlights/l2019aria-piu-pulita-avrebbe-potuto L’aria più pulita avrebbe potuto salvare almeno 178 000 vite in tutta l’UE nel 2019 2021-11-10T19:28:34Z 2022-03-01T09:34:34Z 2021-12-10T11:27:35Z it http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/cleaner-air-could-have-saved 2021 3.0.2 None L’inquinamento atmosferico ha continuato a causare un numero significativo di decessi prematuri e malattie in Europa nel 2019. Un’analisi dell’Agenzia europea dell’ambiente (AEA) mostra che il miglioramento della qualità dell’aria ai livelli recentemente raccomandati dall’Organizzazione mondiale della sanità (OMS) potrebbe prevenire oltre la metà dei decessi prematuri causati dall’esposizione al particolato fine. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 1G6CIZ4URM
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pl/highlights/czystsze-powietrze-w-europie-pozwoliloby Czystsze powietrze w Europie pozwoliłoby ocalić życie co najmniej 178 000 ludzi w 2019 r. 2021-11-10T19:28:34Z 2022-03-01T09:34:34Z 2021-12-10T11:39:40Z pl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/cleaner-air-could-have-saved 2021 3.0.2 None W 2019 r. w Europie zanieczyszczenie powietrza w dalszym ciągu znacznie przyczyniało się do występowania wcześniejszych zgonów i zachorowań. Analiza Europejskiej Agencji Środowiska (EEA) pokazuje, że podniesienie jakości powietrza do poziomu zgodnego z ostatnimi zaleceniami Światowej Organizacji Zdrowia (WHO) mogłaby zapobiec ponad połowie przedwczesnych zgonów i zachorowań z powodu narażenia na pył drobny. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None NOMZDWBRK9
http://www.eea.europa.eu/ro/highlights/un-aer-mai-curat-in Un aer mai curat în 2019 ar fi putut salva cel puțin 178 000 de vieți în Uniunea Europeană 2021-11-10T19:28:34Z 2022-03-01T09:34:34Z 2021-12-10T12:04:25Z ro http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/cleaner-air-could-have-saved 2021 3.0.2 None În 2019, poluarea atmosferică a continuat să cauzeze un număr semnificativ de boli și de decese premature în Europa. Într-o analiză efectuată de Agenția Europeană de Mediu (AEM) se arată că ameliorarea calității aerului până la nivelurile recomandate recent de Organizația Mondială a Sănătății (OMS) ar putea să prevină peste jumătate din decesele premature cauzate de expunerea la particule fine de materie. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None YVW9Q5Z04P
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/cistsi-vzduch-mohl-v-roce Čistší vzduch mohl v roce 2019 v EU zachránit přinejmenším 178 000 životů 2021-11-10T19:28:34Z 2022-03-01T09:34:34Z 2021-12-15T13:43:37Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/cleaner-air-could-have-saved 2021 3.0.2 None Znečištění ovzduší v Evropě v roce 2019 i nadále způsobovalo značnou zátěž a vedlo k nemocím a předčasným úmrtím. Analýza Evropské agentury pro životní prostředí (EEA) ukazuje, že zlepšení kvality ovzduší na úroveň nedávno doporučenou Světovou zdravotnickou organizací (WHO) by mohlo zabránit více než polovině předčasných úmrtí, které způsobuje vystavení jemným suspendovaným částicím. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 3Y2PJRST7N
http://www.eea.europa.eu/de/highlights/sauberere-luft-haette-2019-in Sauberere Luft hätte 2019 in der EU mindestens 178 000 Menschenleben retten können 2021-11-10T19:28:34Z 2022-03-01T09:34:34Z 2021-12-15T13:47:39Z de http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/cleaner-air-could-have-saved 2021 3.0.2 None 2019 waren durch Luftverschmutzung bedingte Todesfälle und Krankheiten weiterhin eine große Belastung für Europa. Eine Untersuchung der Europäischen Umweltagentur (EUA) zeigt, dass durch eine Verbesserung der Luftqualität auf die kürzlich von der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) empfohlenen Werte mehr als die Hälfte der vorzeitigen Todesfälle durch Exposition gegenüber Feinstaub hätte verhindert werden können. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None Y7UI43ASOP
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pt/highlights/um-ar-mais-limpo-poderia Um ar mais limpo poderia ter salvado pelo menos 178 000 vidas em toda a UE em 2019 2021-11-10T19:28:34Z 2022-03-01T09:34:34Z 2021-12-15T13:53:02Z pt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/cleaner-air-could-have-saved 2021 3.0.2 None A poluição atmosférica continuou a causar um número significativo de mortes prematuras e doenças na Europa em 2019. Uma análise da Agência Europeia do Ambiente (AEA) mostra que melhorar a qualidade do ar para os níveis recentemente recomendados pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) poderia evitar mais de metade das mortes prematuras causadas pela exposição a partículas finas. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 70HXPZDV5B
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sl/highlights/kaze-se-priloznost-za-locitev Kaže se priložnost za ločitev trenda nastajanja odpadkov v Evropi od trenda gospodarske rasti 2021-12-13T13:23:57Z 2022-03-28T07:42:10Z 2022-02-09T11:25:28Z sl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/clear-opportunities-to-decouple-europes 2021 4.0.2 None V večini evropskih držav in v EU kot celoti količina proizvedenih odpadkov sicer narašča, vendar počasneje od gospodarske rasti. Vendar v skladu z nedavno objavljenim poročilom Evropske agencije za okolje še ni vidnih znakov, da bi bil splošni cilj zmanjšanja skupne količine odpadkov kmalu dosežen. Iz ugotovitev v poročilu je razvidno, da se kažejo priložnosti za učinkovitejše preprečevanje nastajanja odpadkov, pri čemer je glavna pozornost namenjena tekstilnim izdelkom. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 920341FHET
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/znovuobjevujte-pouto-s-prirodou-v Znovuobjevujte pouto s přírodou v rámci letošní fotosoutěže EEA s názvem „REDISCOVER Nature“ 2020-05-19T05:09:14Z 2020-08-03T14:07:12Z 2020-06-12T09:30:00Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/rediscover-nature-photo-competition 2020 3.4.3 None Bez ohledu na to, kde se nacházíme, všichni můžeme obdivovat zázraky přírody, nyní možná dokonce více než kdykoli dříve. Dnes začíná letošní ročník fotosoutěže Evropské agentury pro životní prostředí (EEA) s názvem „REDISCOVER Nature“. Fotosoutěž nabízí možnost zachytit náš vztah k přírodě a životnímu prostředí, které vás obklopuje, a podělit se o něj. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ZM0VREH9J7
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pt/highlights/o-tema-do-concurso-de O tema do concurso de fotografia deste ano da AEA é «REDISCOVER Nature» 2020-05-19T05:09:14Z 2020-08-03T14:07:12Z 2020-06-17T11:15:00Z pt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/rediscover-nature-photo-competition 2020 3.4.3 None Seja onde estivermos, podemos sempre apreciar as maravilhas da natureza, hoje talvez mais do que nunca. Abre hoje a edição deste ano do concurso de fotografia da Agência Europeia do Ambiente (AEA), intitulada «REDISCOVER Nature», que o convida a captar e a partilhar a sua ligação com a natureza e o ambiente que o rodeia. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None JDQC94E0Y7
http://www.eea.europa.eu/is/highlights/hafsvaedi-evropu-standa-frammi-fyrir Hafsvæði Evrópu standa frammi fyrir óvissri framtíð ef ekki er gripið strax til yfirgripsmikilla aðgerða 2020-06-19T12:37:18Z 2021-11-17T08:45:27Z 2020-06-25T13:25:00Z is http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-seas-face-uncertain-future 2020 1.6.2 None Þörf er á tafarlausum aðgerðum til að koma hafsvæðum Evrópu aftur í gott lag eftir ofnýtingu á sjávarauðlindum og loftslagsbreytingar. Samkvæmt skýrslu Umhverfisstofnunar Evrópu um vistkerfi hafsins í Evrópu, sem gefin var út í dag, erum við að brenna inni á tíma til að snúa við áratugalangri vanrækslu og misnotkun. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None PS1NZB0ERD
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sv/highlights/europas-hav-star-infor-en Europas hav står inför en osäker framtid om inte brådskande och samordnade åtgärder vidtas 2020-06-19T12:37:18Z 2021-11-17T08:45:27Z 2020-07-01T08:59:27Z sv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-seas-face-uncertain-future 2020 1.6.2 None Mot bakgrund av de ökande hoten från överutnyttjande av marina resurser, föroreningar och klimatförändringar som haven i Europa står inför krävs brådskande åtgärder för att återställa dem i gott tillstånd. Enligt Europeiska miljöbyråns rapport om Europas marina ekosystem, som offentliggörs i dag, börjar tiden bli knapp för att vända den försummelse och det missbruk som pågått i årtionden. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None UA5I0Q174J
http://www.eea.europa.eu/nl/highlights/de-bestrijding-van-vervuiling-en De bestrijding van vervuiling en klimaatverandering in Europa zal leiden tot een verbetering van de gezondheid en het welzijn, met name die van de meest kwetsbare mensen 2020-08-31T18:33:13Z 2020-11-23T10:59:14Z 2020-09-07T22:05:00Z nl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/tackling-pollution-and-climate-change 2020 2.2.2 None Luchtverontreiniging en geluidshinder, de gevolgen van de klimaatverandering zoals hittegolven, en blootstelling aan gevaarlijke chemische stoffen veroorzaken gezondheidsproblemen in Europa. De slechte kwaliteit van het milieu draagt bij aan 13% van de sterfgevallen, volgens een uitgebreide analyse van de gezondheid en het milieu die het Europees Milieuagentschap (EEA) vandaag heeft gepubliceerd. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None T1P9COMU2G
http://www.eea.europa.eu/es/highlights/combatir-la-contaminacion-y-el Combatir la contaminación y el cambio climático en Europa mejorará la salud y el bienestar, especialmente para los más vulnerables 2020-08-31T18:33:13Z 2020-11-23T10:59:14Z 2020-09-07T22:05:00Z es http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/tackling-pollution-and-climate-change 2020 2.2.2 None La contaminación atmosférica y acústica, los efectos del cambio climático, como las olas de calor, y la exposición a productos químicos peligrosos causan un deterioro de la salud en Europa. Las deficiencias medioambientales del entorno contribuyen al 13 % de las muertes registradas, de acuerdo con una evaluación general sobre la salud y el medio ambiente publicada hoy por la Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente (AEMA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None QGCR016ED4
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sl/highlights/z-resevanjem-problematike-onesnazenja-in Z reševanjem problematike onesnaženja in podnebnih sprememb v Evropi bomo pripomogli k izboljšanju zdravja in počutja, zlasti najranljivejših prebivalcev 2020-08-31T18:33:13Z 2020-11-23T10:59:14Z 2020-09-07T22:05:00Z sl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/tackling-pollution-and-climate-change 2020 2.2.2 None Onesnaženje zraka in obremenitev s hrupom, učinki podnebnih sprememb, kot so vročinski vali, ter izpostavljenost nevarnim kemikalijam so vzroki za zdravstvene težave Evropejcev. Kot kaže obsežna ocena zdravja in okolja, ki jo je danes objavila Evropska agencija za okolje (EEA), slaba kakovost okolja prispeva k 13 % smrti. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None F7IYAWMR53
http://www.eea.europa.eu/nl/highlights/recentste-evaluatie-laat-zien-dat Recentste evaluatie laat zien dat de natuur in Europa onophoudelijk en ongekend snel achteruitgaat 2020-10-07T08:25:08Z 2021-01-18T16:02:28Z 2020-10-19T09:23:53Z nl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/latest-evaluation-shows-europes-nature 2020 1.7.1 None Niet-duurzame land- en bosbouw, stedelijke wildgroei en vervuiling zijn de belangrijkste oorzaken van de drastische achteruitgang van de Europese biodiversiteit, die het voortbestaan van duizenden diersoorten en habitats bedreigt. Bovendien worden de natuurrichtlijnen van de Europese Unie (EU) en andere milieuwetten nog steeds niet voldoende toegepast door de lidstaten. De meeste beschermde habitats en soorten verkeren niet in een goede instandhoudingstoestand en er moet veel meer worden gedaan om de situatie te keren, aldus het vandaag gepubliceerde rapport van het Europees Milieuagentschap (EEA) ‘Stand van de natuur in de EU’. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None S7AFMPJD01
http://www.eea.europa.eu/de/highlights/neueste-bewertung-zeigt-weiterhin-gravierenden Neueste Bewertung zeigt weiterhin gravierenden Rückgang der natürlichen Vielfalt in Europa 2020-10-07T08:25:08Z 2021-01-18T16:02:28Z 2020-10-19T09:23:53Z de http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/latest-evaluation-shows-europes-nature 2020 1.7.1 None Nicht nachhaltige Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Zersiedelung und Umweltverschmutzung sind die Hauptursachen für einen drastischen Rückgang der biologischen Vielfalt in Europa, der das Überleben tausender Tierarten und Lebensräume bedroht. Darüber hinaus lässt die Umsetzung der Naturschutzrichtlinien der Europäischen Union (EU) und anderer Umweltvorschriften durch die Mitgliedstaaten immer noch auf sich warten. Die meisten geschützten Lebensräume und Arten befinden sich in keinem guten Erhaltungszustand, und dem heute veröffentlichten Bericht der Europäischen Umweltagentur (EUA) über den Zustand der Natur in der EU zufolge muss noch viel mehr getan werden, um die Situation umzukehren. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None SJ574YCPFU
http://www.eea.europa.eu/bg/highlights/poslednata-otsenka-pokazva-che-prirodata Последната оценка показва, че природата на Европа е в сериозен, продължаващ упадък 2020-10-07T08:25:08Z 2021-01-18T16:02:28Z 2020-10-19T09:23:53Z bg http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/latest-evaluation-shows-europes-nature 2020 1.7.1 None Неустойчивото земеделие и лесовъдство, разрастването на градовете и замърсяването са най-сериозните източници на натиск, виновни за драстичното понижение на биологичното разнообразие в Европа, което застрашава оцеляването на хиляди животински видове и местообитания. Освен това директивите за околна среда и други екологични закони на Европейския съюз (ЕС) все още не се прилагат от държавите членки. Според доклада „Състоянието на природата в ЕС“ на Европейска агенция по околна среда (ЕАОС), публикуван днес, повечето защитени местообитания и видове не са в добър природозащитен статус и трябва да бъде направено още много, за да бъде променена тази ситуация. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None QHWRAJUN9F
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pt/highlights/transicao-rumo-ao-objetivo-de Transição rumo ao objetivo de poluição zero na Europa 2020-10-09T10:57:54Z 2021-01-18T16:00:18Z 2020-10-23T06:55:03Z pt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/moving-towards-zero-pollution-in-europe 2020 3.4.3 None O que é a poluição e de que forma nos afeta e ao ambiente? A Europa está a tomar medidas para reduzir a poluição e, no âmbito do Pacto Ecológico Europeu, foi apresentada, pela Comissão Europeia, uma estratégia de poluição zero para a Europa. Um novo relatório da Agência Europeia do Ambiente (AEA), publicado hoje, analisa o desafio da poluição na Europa de diferentes ângulos, bem como as oportunidades de limpeza e prevenção da poluição. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None QE7VJFX9D4
http://www.eea.europa.eu/tr/highlights/gittikce-buyuyen-bir-cevre-ve Gittikçe büyüyen bir çevre ve iklim sorunu olan plastikler: Avrupa bu eğilimi nasıl tersine çevirebilir? 2021-01-20T13:36:04Z 2021-01-28T11:43:08Z 2021-01-28T11:45:00Z tr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/plastics-environmental-concern 2021 4.0.2 None Gittikçe artan plastik miktarı, biyolojik çeşitlilik üzerindeki etkisi, iklim değişikliğine katkısı ve bu durumun döngüsel ekonomi bakış açısıyla nasıl ele alınacağı yıllardır Avrupa Birliği’nin politika gündeminde bulunuyor. COVID-19 salgını, denizlerimizdeki maskelerin görüntüleri ve büyük miktardaki tek kullanımlık koruyucu ekipmanların nedeniyle plastik atıklara olan dikkati sadece biraz daha arttırdı. Avrupa Çevre Ajansı (AÇA), bugün yayımlanan döngüsel plastik ekonomisi raporunda plastik kullanımımıza dair döngüsel ve sürdürülebilir bir yaklaşıma geçiş ihtiyacını ve potansiyelini analiz ediyor. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ZV0H5FSGY9
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/motorizovana-doprava-vlak-letadlo-automobil Motorizovaná doprava: vlak, letadlo, automobil, nebo loď – co je nejekologičtější? 2021-03-19T10:09:51Z 2021-04-16T09:25:28Z 2021-03-26T08:38:56Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/motorised-transport-train-plane-road 2021 2.0.2 None Podle dvou studií týkajících se dopravy a životního prostředí, které dnes zveřejnila Evropská agentura pro životní prostředí (EEA), zůstává železniční doprava v porovnání s automobilovou a leteckou dopravou z hlediska emisí skleníkových plynů celkově nejekologičtějším druhem motorizované osobní dopravy v Evropě. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None IGR5KJ6E04
http://www.eea.europa.eu/bg/highlights/evropeyskite-moreta-sa-izpraveni-pred Европейските морета са изправени пред несигурно бъдеще, ако не се предприемат спешни, съгласувани действия 2020-06-19T12:37:18Z 2021-11-17T08:45:27Z 2020-06-25T12:25:31Z bg http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-seas-face-uncertain-future 2020 1.6.2 None В условията на нарастващи заплахи, предизвикани от прекомерната експлоатация на морските ресурси, замърсяването и изменението на климата, са необходими спешни действия, за възстановяване на доброто състояние на европейските морета. Според доклада на Европейската агенция по околна среда относно европейските морски екосистеми, публикуван днес, времето ни за неутрализиране на ефекта от десетилетия на пренебрегване и злоупотреба изтича. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 0JDQR5BHZX
http://www.eea.europa.eu/de/highlights/die-zukunft-der-meere-europas Die Zukunft der Meere Europas ist ungewiss, wenn nicht dringende und kohärente Maßnahmen ergriffen werden 2020-06-19T12:37:18Z 2021-11-17T08:45:27Z 2020-06-25T10:00:00Z de http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-seas-face-uncertain-future 2020 1.6.2 None Angesichts der zunehmenden Bedrohungen durch den Raubbau an marinen Ressourcen, die Verschmutzung der Meere und den Klimawandel müssen dringend Maßnahmen ergriffen werden, um die europäischen Meere wieder in einen guten Zustand zu bringen. Dem heute veröffentlichten Bericht der Europäischen Umweltagentur (EUA) über die Meeresökosysteme in Europa zufolge bleibt uns kaum noch Zeit, die Entwicklung der jahrzehntelangen Vernachlässigung und missbräuchlichen Nutzung umzukehren. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None G9P61EVRDZ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fr/highlights/les-mers-europeennes-sont-confrontees Les mers européennes sont confrontées à un avenir incertain si des mesures urgentes et cohérentes ne sont pas prises 2020-06-19T12:37:18Z 2021-11-17T08:45:27Z 2020-06-25T08:13:01Z fr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-seas-face-uncertain-future 2020 1.6.2 None Face à l’augmentation des menaces liées à la surexploitation des ressources marines, à la pollution, et au changement climatique, il est urgent d’agir pour rétablir le bon état des mers européennes. D’après le rapport de l’Agence européenne pour l’environnement sur les écosystèmes marins européens, publié aujourd’hui, il est grand temps de mettre fin à des décennies de négligence et d’abus. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None F9NEU8346P
http://www.eea.europa.eu/it/highlights/futuro-incerto-per-i-mari Futuro incerto per i mari europei se non si intraprendono azioni urgenti e coerenti 2020-06-19T12:37:18Z 2021-11-17T08:45:27Z 2020-06-25T12:40:10Z it http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-seas-face-uncertain-future 2020 1.6.2 None Di fronte alle crescenti minacce poste dall’eccessivo sfruttamento delle risorse marine, dall’inquinamento e dal cambiamento climatico, è necessario intraprendere azioni urgenti per riportare i mari europei a buone condizioni. Secondo la relazione dell’Agenzia europea dell’ambiente (AEA) sugli ecosistemi marini europei, pubblicata oggi, stiamo esaurendo il tempo a disposizione per invertire decenni di incuria e uso improprio. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None DW43ZOVE1Q
http://www.eea.europa.eu/mt/highlights/l-ibhra-tal-ewropa-qed L-ibħra tal-Ewropa qed jiffaċċjaw ġejjieni inċert jekk ma titteħidx azzjoni urġenti u koerenti 2020-06-19T12:37:18Z 2021-11-17T08:45:27Z 2020-06-25T10:00:00Z mt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-seas-face-uncertain-future 2020 1.6.2 None Fid-dawl taż-żieda fit-theddid minħabba l-isfruttament żejjed tar-riżorsi tal-baħar, it-tniġġis u t-tibdil fil-klima, hija meħtieġa azzjoni urġenti biex l-ibħra tal-Ewropa jitreġġgħu lura għal kundizzjoni tajba. Skont ir-rapport tal-Aġenzija Ewropea għall-Ambjent dwar l-ekosistemi tal-baħar tal-Ewropa, li ġie ppubblikat illum, qed jispiċċalna ż-żmien biex inreġġgħu lura għexieren ta’ snin ta’ negliġenza u użu ħażin. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None Z0F9M2VUXJ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/no/highlights/europas-hav-star-overfor-en Europas hav stÃ¥r overfor en usikker fremtid hvis viktige, felles tiltak ikke iverksettes 2020-06-19T12:37:18Z 2021-11-17T08:45:27Z 2020-06-25T10:30:00Z no http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-seas-face-uncertain-future 2020 1.6.2 None Konfrontert med de økte truslene som følge av overutnyttelse av marine ressurser, forurensning og klimaendringer, kreves det presserende tiltak for å bringe Europas hav tilbake i god miljøtilstand. Ifølge rapporten fra Det europeiske miljøbyrået om Europas marine økosystemer, som ble publisert i dag, er tiden i ferd med å løpe ut for å reversere flere tiår med forsømmelse og misbruk. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None TNIZM02F4X
http://www.eea.europa.eu/ro/highlights/marile-europei-se-confrunta-cu Mările Europei se confruntă cu un viitor nesigur dacă nu se iau măsuri urgente și coerente 2020-06-19T12:37:18Z 2021-11-17T08:45:27Z 2020-06-25T10:40:00Z ro http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-seas-face-uncertain-future 2020 1.6.2 None În fața creșterii amenințărilor reprezentate de exploatarea excesivă a resurselor marine, de poluare și de schimbările climatice, mările Europei au nevoie de măsuri urgente pentru a fi readuse la o stare ecologică bună. Potrivit raportului Agenției Europene de Mediu referitor la ecosistemele marine ale Europei, publicat astăzi, nu mai avem prea mult timp la dispoziție să remediem deceniile de nepăsare și de utilizare necorespunzătoare. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 4YFON9MWTD
http://www.eea.europa.eu/tr/highlights/hemen-ve-tutarli-bir-sekilde Hemen ve tutarlı bir şekilde eyleme geçilmezse Avrupa'nın denizleri belirsiz bir gelecekle karşı karşıya kalacak 2020-06-19T12:37:18Z 2021-11-17T08:45:27Z 2020-06-25T10:00:00Z tr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-seas-face-uncertain-future 2020 1.6.2 None Deniz kaynaklarının aşırı kullanımı, kirlilik ve iklim değişikliğinin yol açtığı çok sayıda tehditle karşı karşıya olan Avrupa denizlerini iyi duruma geri getirmek üzere acilen eyleme geçilmesi gerekmekte. Avrupa Çevre Ajansının bugün yayınladığı Avrupa deniz ekosistemleri raporuna göre, onlarca yıllık ihmal ve kötüye kullanımı tersine çevirmek için zamanımız giderek azalmakta. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None M97E1BQPDH
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lt/highlights/naujausias-vertinimas-rodo-kad-europos Naujausias vertinimas rodo, kad Europos gamta smarkiai ir nuolat nyksta 2020-10-07T08:25:08Z 2021-01-18T16:02:28Z 2020-10-19T09:23:53Z lt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/latest-evaluation-shows-europes-nature 2020 1.7.1 None Didžiausią spaudimą gamtai daro netvarus ūkininkavimas ir miškininkystė, miestų plėtra ir tarša – dėl jų Europoje drastiškai nyksta biologinė įvairovė, kyla grėsmė tūkstančių gyvūnų rūšių ir buveinių išlikimui. Be to, valstybėse narėse vis dar nepakankamai įgyvendinamos Europos Sąjungos (ES) gamtos direktyvos ir kiti aplinkos teisės aktai. Remiantis šiandien paskelbta Europos aplinkos agentūros (EAA) ataskaita „ES gamtos būklė“, daugumos saugomų buveinių ir rūšių išsaugojimo būklė nėra gera ir reikia dar daug nuveikti, kad ši padėtis pasikeistų. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 62DKSEQUIF
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fi/highlights/uusin-arviointi-osoittaa-euroopan-luonnon Uusin arviointi osoittaa Euroopan luonnon tilan heikkenevän vakavasti ja jatkuvalla tavalla 2020-10-07T08:25:08Z 2021-01-18T16:02:28Z 2020-10-19T09:23:53Z fi http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/latest-evaluation-shows-europes-nature 2020 1.7.1 None Euroopan luonnon monimuotoisuuden jyrkän heikkenemisen suurimpiä syitä ovat kestämätön maa- ja metsätalous, asutuksen leviäminen ja saasteet. Ne uhkaavat tuhansien eläinlajien ja luontotyyppien säilymistä. Tämän lisäksi Euroopan unionin luontodirektiivien ja muiden ympäristölakien täytäntöönpanossa jäsenvaltioissa on puutteita. Suojelluimpien luontotyyppien ja lajien suojelun taso ei ole hyvä, ja tilanteen muuttamiseksi on tehtävä paljon nykyistä enemmän. Näin todetaan Euroopan ympäristökeskuksen (EEA) tänään julkaistavassa EU:n luonnon tilaa koskevassa raportissa ”State of nature in the EU”. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 3H16KF2GQJ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/mt/highlights/nimxu-lejn-tniggis-zero-fl-ewropa Nimxu lejn tniġġis żero fl-Ewropa 2020-10-09T10:57:54Z 2021-01-18T16:00:18Z 2020-10-21T09:20:59Z mt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/moving-towards-zero-pollution-in-europe 2020 3.4.3 None X’inhu t-tniġġis u kif jaffettwa lilna u lill-ambjent? L-Ewropa qed tieħu azzjoni biex tnaqqas it-tniġġis u, bħala parti mill-Patt Ekoloġiku Ewropew, il-Kummissjoni Ewropea ressqet ambizzjoni ta’ tniġġis żero għall-Ewropa. Rapport ġdid tal-Aġenzija Ewropea għall-Ambjent (EEA), ippubblikat illum, iħares lejn l-isfida tat-tniġġis fl-Ewropa minn angoli differenti kif ukoll l-opportunitajiet biex jitnaddaf u jiġi evitat it-tniġġis. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ZJ7KC5EQRD
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fi/highlights/kohti-saasteetonta-eurooppaa Kohti saasteetonta Eurooppaa 2020-10-09T10:57:54Z 2021-01-18T16:00:18Z 2020-10-21T09:32:22Z fi http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/moving-towards-zero-pollution-in-europe 2020 3.4.3 None Mitä saastuminen on ja miten se vaikuttaa meihin ja ympäristöön? Euroopassa tehdään jatkuvasti toimia ympäristön pilaantumisen vähentämiseksi. Euroopan komissio onkin asettanut tavoitteeksi täydellisen saasteettomuuden osana Euroopan vihreän kehityksen ohjelmaa. Tänään julkaistussa Euroopan ympäristökeskuksen (EEA) Ympäristösignaalit-raportissa tarkastellaan saastumisen aiheuttamia haasteita Euroopassa eri näkökulmista sekä mahdollisuuksia pilaantuneen ympäristön puhdistamiseen ja saastumisen ehkäisemiseen. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None QGCRBVPY1N
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pt/highlights/novo-visualizador-da-qualidade-do Novo visualizador da qualidade do ar urbano europeu permite consultar níveis de poluição atmosférica por cidade 2021-06-11T08:36:58Z 2021-10-19T06:30:30Z 2021-06-17T08:23:24Z pt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-european-city-air-quality 2021 3.0.2 None A poluição atmosférica é um problema grave em muitas cidades europeias, representando um risco real para a saúde. A Agência Europeia do Ambiente (AEA) lançou hoje o visualizador da qualidade do ar urbano europeu. Com este visualizador pode consultar a qualidade do ar dos últimos dois anos na cidade em que vive e compará-la com outras cidades da Europa. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ETKCR45J81
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pt/highlights/transportes-maritimos-da-ue-o Transportes marítimos da UE: o primeiro relatório de impacto ambiental reconhece os progressos realizados no sentido da sustentabilidade e confirma que são necessários mais esforços para preparar a procura crescente 2021-08-16T13:08:41Z 2022-01-19T09:22:28Z 2021-09-01T07:37:50Z pt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-maritime-transport-first-environmental 2021 1.0.2 None O transporte marítimo desempenha e continuará a desempenhar um papel essencial no comércio e na economia a nível mundial e europeu. Nos últimos anos, o setor marítimo tomou medidas significativas para atenuar os seus impactos ambientais. Antecipando um aumento previsto dos volumes de transporte marítimo a nível mundial, um novo relatório revela pela primeira vez a dimensão total do impacto do setor dos transportes marítimos da UE no ambiente e identifica desafios para alcançar a sustentabilidade. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None K2WXAEYP8I
http://www.eea.europa.eu/no/highlights/sjotransport-i-eu-forste-miljokonsekvensrapport Sjøtransport i EU: første miljøkonsekvensrapport anerkjenner god fremgang mot bærekraft og bekrefter at det kreves mer innsats for å forberede seg på økende etterspørsel 2021-08-16T13:08:41Z 2022-01-19T09:22:28Z 2021-09-01T07:37:52Z no http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-maritime-transport-first-environmental 2021 1.0.2 None Sjøtransport spiller og vil fortsette å spille en sentral rolle i global og europeisk handel og økonomi. De siste årene har den maritime sektoren gjennomført betydelige tiltak for å redusere miljøpåvirkningen. I forkant av en anslått økning i globale fraktvolumer, viser en ny rapport for første gang hele omfanget av virkningen av EUs sjøtransportsektor på miljøet og identifiserer utfordringer for å oppnå bærekraft. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 596FZ482BA
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sv/highlights/sjotransporten-inom-eu-den-forsta Sjötransporten inom EU: Den första miljökonsekvensrapporten visar på goda framsteg mot hållbarhet och bekräftar att mer behövs göras i förberedelserna på ökad efterfrågan 2021-08-16T13:08:41Z 2022-01-19T09:22:28Z 2021-09-01T07:37:50Z sv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-maritime-transport-first-environmental 2021 1.0.2 None Sjöfarten har och kommer även fortsättningsvis att ha en viktig roll i den globala och europeiska handeln och ekonomin. På senare år har sjöfartssektorn vidtagit betydande åtgärder för att minska sin miljöpåverkan. I en tid då de globala sjöfartsvolymerna väntas öka visar nu en ny rapport för första gången hela omfattningen av sjötransportsektorn miljöpåverkan inom EU och utmaningarna för att uppnå hållbarhet. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None XAH30BORVI
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lv/highlights/tiraks-gaiss-2019-gada-butu Tīrāks gaiss 2019. gadā būtu varējis izglābt vismaz 178 000 dzīvību visā ES 2021-11-10T19:28:34Z 2022-03-01T09:34:34Z 2021-12-15T13:49:47Z lv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/cleaner-air-could-have-saved 2021 3.0.2 None Gaisa piesārņojums 2019. gadā Eiropā joprojām radīja ievērojamu priekšlaicīgas nāves un slimību slogu. Eiropas Vides aģentūras (EVA) analīze liecina, ka, uzlabojot gaisa kvalitāti līdz līmenim, ko nesen ieteikusi Pasaules Veselības organizācija (PVO), būtu bijis iespējams novērst vairāk nekā pusi no priekšlaicīgas nāves gadījumiem, ko izraisījusi smalko daļiņu iedarbība. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None FXI3DNV4PG
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lv/highlights/visa-eiropa-klimata-apdraudejumi-klust Visā Eiropā klimata apdraudējumi kļūst aizvien biežāki un smagāki — Publicēts jauns reģionālais pārskats 2021-11-10T19:38:40Z 2022-03-08T14:19:43Z 2021-12-15T14:01:24Z lv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-hazards-are-increasing-in 2021 2.0.2 None Tā kā ekstrēmi laikapstākļi un citi klimata apdraudējumi visā Eiropā kļūst arvien biežāki un smagāki, ir vajadzīga pamatota informācija, lai novērtētu klimata riskus un plānotu pielāgošanos klimata pārmaiņām. Eiropas Vides aģentūras (EVA) jaunais interaktīvais ziņojums sniedz atjauninātu pārskatu par to, kā klimata apdraudējumi mainās dažādos Eiropas reģionos. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None V51J634WHZ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/cetnost-a-zavaznost-klimatickych-rizik Četnost a závažnost klimatických rizik v celé Evropě roste; byl zveřejněn nový regionální přehled 2021-11-10T19:38:40Z 2022-03-08T14:19:43Z 2021-12-15T13:57:11Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-hazards-are-increasing-in 2021 2.0.2 None Vzhledem k tomu, že výskyt extrémních klimatických jevů a dalších klimatických nebezpečí v celé Evropě narůstá, je zapotřebí spolehlivých informací pro hodnocení klimatických rizik a také pro plánování adaptací. Nová interaktivní zpráva Evropské agentury pro životní prostředí (EEA) poskytuje aktualizovaný přehled o tom, jak se mění klimatická rizika v různých evropských regionech. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None B30SP7KNJ8
http://www.eea.europa.eu/de/highlights/neuer-regionaler-ueberblick-veroeffentlicht-haeufigkeit Neuer regionaler Überblick veröffentlicht: Häufigkeit und Schwere von Klimagefahren nehmen in ganz Europa zu 2021-11-10T19:38:40Z 2022-03-08T14:19:43Z 2021-12-15T13:58:15Z de http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-hazards-are-increasing-in 2021 2.0.2 None Da die Häufigkeit und Schwere extremer Wetterereignisse und anderer Klimagefahren in ganz Europa zunehmen, bedarf es zuverlässiger Informationen für die Bewertung von Klimarisiken und die Anpassungsplanung. Der neue interaktive Bericht der Europäischen Umweltagentur (EUA) gibt einen aktuellen Überblick darüber, wie sich die Klimagefahren in den verschiedenen Regionen Europas verändern. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 5CFMZ0GSJB
http://www.eea.europa.eu/de/highlights/gute-moeglichkeiten-fuer-entkopplung-des Gute Möglichkeiten für Entkopplung des europäischen Abfallaufkommens vom Wirtschaftswachstum 2021-12-13T13:23:57Z 2022-03-28T07:42:10Z 2022-02-03T12:48:11Z de http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/clear-opportunities-to-decouple-europes 2021 4.0.2 None In den meisten europäischen Ländern und in der EU insgesamt steigt das Abfallaufkommen, allerdings langsamer als die Wirtschaft wächst. Laut einem kürzlich veröffentlichten Bericht der Europäischen Umweltagentur gibt es jedoch keine Anzeichen dafür, dass das übergeordnete Ziel der Verringerung des gesamten Abfallaufkommens in erreichbare Nähe gerückt ist. Die Ergebnisse des Berichts weisen auf Möglichkeiten hin, wie Abfall wirksamer vermieden werden kann, mit einem Schwerpunkt auf Textilabfällen. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None WJCQE07FBG
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lv/highlights/skaidras-iespejas-nodalit-eiropas-atkritumu Skaidras iespējas nodalīt Eiropas atkritumu rašanos no ekonomiskās izaugsmes 2021-12-13T13:23:57Z 2022-03-28T07:42:10Z 2022-02-03T12:49:05Z lv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/clear-opportunities-to-decouple-europes 2021 4.0.2 None Lielākajā daļā Eiropas valstu un ES kopumā radīto atkritumu apjoms pieaug, bet lēnāk nekā ekonomika. Tomēr saskaņā ar nesen publicēto Eiropas Vides aģentūras ziņojumu nekas neliecina, ka mērķis samazināt atkritumu rašanos kopumā būtu gandrīz sasniegts. Ziņojuma secinājumos ir uzsvērtas iespējas efektīvāk novērst atkritumu rašanos, pievēršot īpašu uzmanību tekstilizstrādājumiem. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None IH01DUQXPF
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sv/highlights/en-klar-mojlighet-att-bryta En klar möjlighet att bryta sambandet mellan ekonomisk tillväxt och avfallsgenerering i Europa 2021-12-13T13:23:57Z 2022-03-28T07:42:10Z 2022-02-03T12:49:49Z sv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/clear-opportunities-to-decouple-europes 2021 4.0.2 None I de flesta europeiska länder liksom i EU som helhet ökar avfallsgenereringen, men i en långsammare takt än den ekonomiska tillväxten. Det finns dock inga tecken på att det övergripande målet att minska den totala avfallsmängden skulle vara nära att uppnås, visar en nyligen offentliggjord rapport från Europeiska miljöbyrån. I rapporten lyfts möjligheterna fram att på ett effektivare sätt förebygga avfall, med särskilt fokus på textilier. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VKCZ4JX3RT
http://www.eea.europa.eu/tr/highlights/avrupa2019nin-atik-uretiminin-ekonomik-buyumeden Avrupa’nın atık üretiminin ekonomik büyümeden ayrıklaştırılması için açık fırsatlar 2021-12-13T13:23:57Z 2022-03-28T07:42:10Z 2022-01-31T11:22:20Z tr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/clear-opportunities-to-decouple-europes 2021 4.0.2 None Çoğu Avrupa ülkesinde ve bir bütün olarak AB'de atık üretimi, ekonomiden daha yavaş bir hızla büyümekte. Ancak, yakın zamanda yayımlanan bir Avrupa Çevre Ajansı raporuna göre, toplam atık üretiminin azaltılması genel hedefinin başarılmasına yakın olunduğuna dair hiçbir emare bulunmuyor. Raporun bulguları, tekstili odağına alarak, atıkların daha etkili bir şekilde önlenmesine yönelik fırsatları vurguluyor. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 7QD31C2KJX
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lt/highlights/europos-gamtai-gresia-pavojus-kylantys Europos gamtai gresia pavojus. Kylantys iššūkiai ir jų sprendimo būdai 2021-09-28T07:36:21Z 2022-02-25T10:56:57Z 2022-02-25T10:56:57Z lt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-nature-under-pressure 2021 1.0.2 None Europos aplinkos agentūros (EAA) vykdoma veikla ir kiti atlikti vertinimai rodo, kad Europos ekosistemoms kyla didelė grėsmė. Šimtmečius trunkanti eksploatacija smarkiai paveikė Europos gamtą, o daugumos saugomų buveinių ir rūšių išsaugojimo būklė nėra gera. 2021 m. EAA signalų ataskaitoje apžvelgiamos Europos gamtos problemos ir atkreipiamas dėmesys į strategijas, kuriomis būtų galima pakeisti esamą padėtį. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None NM7G6Z9T0E
http://www.eea.europa.eu/de/highlights/keine-verschmutzung-die-meisten-europaeischen Keine Verschmutzung: Die meisten europäischen Badegewässer entsprechen höchsten Qualitätsstandards 2022-06-01T07:14:53Z 2022-06-03T13:15:50Z 2022-06-03T13:11:05Z de http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/zero-pollution-large-number-of 2022 1.0.2 None Der heute veröffentlichte Jahresbericht über Badegewässer zeigt, dass im Jahr 2021 fast 85 % der Badegewässer in Europa die strengsten Anforderungen der Europäischen Union für die Wasserqualität erfüllten und somit als „ausgezeichnet“ gelten. Die Bewertung zeigt, wo in diesem Sommer europaweit die besten Badestellen zu finden sind. Die Bewertung, die von der Europäischen Umweltagentur (EUA) in Zusammenarbeit mit der Europäischen Kommission vorgenommen wurde, bezieht sich auf 21 859 Badestellen, die über das gesamte Jahr 2021 überwacht wurden und die in den EU-Mitgliedstaaten sowie in Albanien und der Schweiz liegen. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None HTEP6ZQ1UB
http://www.eea.europa.eu/el/highlights/mideniki-rypansi-megalos-arithmos-periochon Μηδενική ρύπανση: μεγάλος αριθμός περιοχών κολύμβησης στην Ευρώπη πληρούν τα υψηλότερα πρότυπα ποιότητας 2022-06-01T07:14:53Z 2022-06-03T13:15:50Z 2022-06-03T13:11:15Z el http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/zero-pollution-large-number-of 2022 1.0.2 None Η ετήσια έκθεση για τα ύδατα κολύμβησης, που δημοσιεύεται σήμερα, δείχνει ότι το 2021 σχεδόν το 85 % των ευρωπαϊκών περιοχών κολύμβησης πληρούσαν τα πιο αυστηρά πρότυπα της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης για τα ύδατα «εξαιρετικής ποιότητας». Η αξιολόγηση παρέχει μια καλή ένδειξη για τους τόπους στους οποίους μπορούν οι λουόμενοι να βρουν την καλύτερη ποιότητα περιοχών κολύμβησης σε ολόκληρη την Ευρώπη αυτό το καλοκαίρι. Η αξιολόγηση, η οποία εκπονήθηκε από τον Ευρωπαϊκό Οργανισμό Περιβάλλοντος (ΕΟΠ) σε συνεργασία με την Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή, βασίζεται στην παρακολούθηση 21 859 περιοχών από όλη την Ευρώπη. Καλύπτει τα κράτη μέλη της ΕΕ, την Αλβανία και την Ελβετία καθ' όλη τη διάρκεια του 2021. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None NUODQIWZJ4
http://www.eea.europa.eu/es/highlights/contaminacion-cero-un-gran-numero Contaminación cero: Un gran número de las zonas de baño de Europa cumplen los niveles de calidad más elevados 2022-06-01T07:14:53Z 2022-06-03T13:15:50Z 2022-06-03T13:11:33Z es http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/zero-pollution-large-number-of 2022 1.0.2 None El Informe anual sobre las aguas de baño publicado hoy muestra que en 2021 casi el 85 % de las zonas de baño de Europa cumplían el nivel de calidad más exigente de la Unión Europea (calidad «excelente»). La evaluación ofrece una buena indicación de dónde pueden encontrar los bañistas las zonas de baño de mejor calidad en toda Europa este verano. La evaluación, elaborada por la Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente (AEMA) en cooperación con la Comisión Europea, se basa en la supervisión de 21 859 zonas de baño en toda Europa. Las zonas de baño supervisadas a lo largo de todo el 2021 se hallan en los Estados miembros de la UE, Albania y Suiza. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None F18SYJ5N2H
http://www.eea.europa.eu/et/highlights/nullsaaste-suur-osa-euroopa-suplusveekogudest Nullsaaste: suur osa Euroopa suplusveekogudest vastab kõrgeimatele kvaliteedistandarditele 2022-06-01T07:14:53Z 2022-06-03T13:15:50Z 2022-06-03T13:11:46Z et http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/zero-pollution-large-number-of 2022 1.0.2 None Täna avaldatud iga-aastane suplusvee aruanne näitab, et 2021. aastal vastas peaaegu 85 % Euroopa supluskohtadest Euroopa Liidu kõige rangematele veekvaliteedi standarditele, saades hindeks „väga hea“. Hinnangus antakse hea ülevaade sellest, kus on tänavu suvel parimad supluskohad kogu Euroopas. Hinnang, mille koostas Euroopa Keskkonnaamet koostöös Euroopa Komisjoniga, põhineb 21 859 supluskoha seirel üle kogu Euroopa. Lisaks ELi liikmesriikidele toimus seire 2021. aastal Šveitsis ja Albaanias. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 7EWGFPO0JI
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fi/highlights/saasteettomuus-suurin-osa-euroopan-uimavesista-1 Saasteettomuus: Suurin osa Euroopan uimavesistä täyttää on laadultaan erinomaisia 2022-06-01T07:14:53Z 2022-06-03T13:15:50Z 2022-06-03T13:11:58Z fi http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/zero-pollution-large-number-of 2022 1.0.2 None Tänään julkaistun vuosittaisen uimavesiraportin mukaan vuonna 2021 lähes 85 prosenttia Euroopan uimarannoista kuului vedenlaatunsa osalta Euroopan unionin korkeimpaan laatuluokkaan ”erinomainen”. Arvioinnin tarjoamien tietojen avulla uimarit voivat löytää vedenlaadultaan parhaat uimarannat eri puolilta Eurooppaa tänä kesänä. Euroopan ympäristökeskuksen yhteistyössä Euroopan komission kanssa laatima arviointi perustuu 21 859 uimarannan seurantaan eri puolilla Eurooppaa. Vuonna 2021 toteutettu seuranta kattaa EU-maiden lisäksi myös Albanian ja Sveitsin. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None T5A6X2OS9E
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fr/highlights/pollution-zero-de-nombreuses-eaux Pollution zéro: de nombreuses eaux de baignade européennes satisfont aux normes de qualité les plus élevées 2022-06-01T07:14:53Z 2022-06-03T13:15:50Z 2022-06-03T13:12:12Z fr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/zero-pollution-large-number-of 2022 1.0.2 None Le rapport annuel sur les eaux de baignade publié aujourd'hui montre qu'en 2021, près de 85 % des sites de baignade européens respectaient la norme de qualité la plus stricte de l'Union européenne (qualité «excellente»). L'évaluation donne une bonne indication des meilleurs sites de baignade dans toute l'Europe pour cet été. L'évaluation, réalisée par l'Agence européenne pour l'environnement (AEE) en coopération avec la Commission européenne, repose sur la surveillance exercée sur 21 859 sites de baignade dans l'ensemble de l'Europe. Les sites de baignade qui ont été surveillés tout au long de l'année 2021 sont situés dans les États membres de l'UE, en Albanie et en Suisse. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 89IPGW6DEB
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/an-truailliu-nialasach-ta-lion An Truailliú Nialasach: Tá líon mór d'uiscí snámha na hEorpa i gcomhréir leis na caighdeáin cháilíochta is airde 2022-06-01T07:14:53Z 2022-06-03T13:15:50Z 2022-06-03T13:12:24Z ga http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/zero-pollution-large-number-of 2022 1.0.2 None Léirítear sa tuarascáil bhliantúil maidir hUisce Snámha a foilsíodh inniu go raibh beagnach 85% d'ionaid uisce snámha na hEorpa i gcomhréir leis na caighdeáin cáilíochta uisce is airde de chuid an Aontais Eorpaigh in 2021: cáilíocht ‘den scoth'. Tugtar sa mheasúnú léiriú maith ar an háiteanna inar féidir le snámhaithe teacht ar na hionaid snámha is fearr ar fud na hEorpa an samhradh seo. Chuir an Ghníomhaireacht Eorpach Chomhshaoil, i gcomhar leis an gCoimisiún Eorpach, an tuarascáil i dtoll a chéile, agus tá an tuarascáil bunaithe ar an monatóireacht a dhéantar ar 21 859 ionad snámha ar fud na hEorpa. Ar na hionaid sin a cumhdaíodh i gcaitheamh 2021, tá ionaid snámha Bhallstáit an Aontais Eorpaigh, na hAlbáine agus na hEilvéise. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None SBC4QRVX5I
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/nulta-stopa-oneciscenja-velika-vecina Nulta stopa onečišćenja: velika većina vode za kupanje u Europi zadovoljava najviše kriterije kvalitete 2022-06-01T07:14:53Z 2022-06-03T13:15:50Z 2022-06-03T13:12:39Z hr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/zero-pollution-large-number-of 2022 1.0.2 None Danas objavljeno godišnje izvješće o kvaliteti vode za kupanje pokazuje da je 2021. gotovo 85 % kupališta u Europi zadovoljilo najstrože standarde Europske unije te dobilo ocjenu „izvrstan” za kvalitetu vode. Ta je procjena dobar pokazatelj kupačima gdje ovog ljeta mogu pronaći najčišću vodu za kupanje. Procjena koju je sastavila Europska agencija za okoliš (EEA) u suradnji s Europskom komisijom temelji se na praćenju 21 859 kupališta u cijeloj Europi provedenom 2021. te obuhvaća države članice EU-a, Albaniju i Švicarsku. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 7N2BH15W9Q
http://www.eea.europa.eu/hu/highlights/szennyezoanyag-mentesseg-az-europai-furdovizek Szennyezőanyag-mentesség: Az európai fürdővizek legtöbbje megfelel a legmagasabb szintű minőségi előírásoknak 2022-06-01T07:14:53Z 2022-06-03T13:15:50Z 2022-06-03T13:12:57Z hu http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/zero-pollution-large-number-of 2022 1.0.2 None A fürdővizek minőségéről készült, ma közzétett legújabb éves jelentés szerint 2021-ben az európai fürdőhelyek közel 85%-a megfelelt az Európai Unió legszigorúbb, a „kiváló” vízminőségi osztályra vonatkozó előírásainak. Az értékelés jól illusztrálja, hogy a fürdeni vágyók idén nyáron hol találhatják meg a legjobb minőségű fürdővizeket Európában. Az Európai Környezetvédelmi Ügynökség (EEA) által, az Európai Bizottsággal együttműködésben összeállított értékelés egy Európa-szerte 21 859 fürdőhelyet felölelő vizsgálaton alapul. Ez a vizsgálat 2021 folyamán az uniós tagállamokra, valamint Albániára és Svájcra terjedt ki. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 4VNIYD8GOR
http://www.eea.europa.eu/it/highlights/inquinamento-zero-la-maggior-parte Inquinamento zero: la maggior parte delle acque di balneazione europee soddisfa i più elevati standard di qualità 2022-06-01T07:14:53Z 2022-06-03T13:15:50Z 2022-06-03T13:13:09Z it http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/zero-pollution-large-number-of 2022 1.0.2 None La relazione annuale sulle acque di balneazione pubblicata oggi evidenzia che nel 2021 quasi l'85 % dei siti di balneazione europei ha rispettato gli standard di qualità più severi dell'Unione europea, meritandosi la classificazione "eccellente". La valutazione fornisce una buona indicazione di quali siano le migliori acque di balneazione europee, che sarà utile ai bagnanti in vista dell'estate. È stata elaborata dall'Agenzia europea dell'ambiente (AEA) in collaborazione con la Commissione europea e si basa sul monitoraggio effettuato nel 2021 su 21 859 siti di balneazione in tutta Europa, ovvero Stati membri dell'UE più Albania e Svizzera. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 39K2VX6AYI
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lt/highlights/nuline-tarsa-daug-europos-maudyklu Nulinė tarša: daug Europos maudyklų atitinka aukščiausius kokybės standartus 2022-06-01T07:14:53Z 2022-06-03T13:15:50Z 2022-06-03T13:13:20Z lt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/zero-pollution-large-number-of 2022 1.0.2 None Šiandien paskelbtos metinės maudyklų vandens kokybės ataskaitos duomenimis, 2021 m. beveik 85 proc. Europos maudyklų atitiko griežčiausius Europos Sąjungos reikalavimus, kuriais užtikrinama puiki vandens kokybė. Iš vertinimo aiškiai matyti, kuriose Europos maudyklose šią vasarą geriausia maudytis. Vertinimas, kurį atliko Europos aplinkos agentūra (EAA), bendradarbiaudama su Europos Komisija, grindžiamas 21 859 Europos maudyklų stebėsena. Vertinta ES valstybių narių, taip pat Albanijos ir Šveicarijos maudyklų būklė 2021 m. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None PNDTX19J8R
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lv/highlights/nulles-piesarnojums-liela-dala-eiropas Nulles piesārņojums: liela daļa Eiropas peldūdeņu atbilst visaugstākajiem kvalitātes standartiem 2022-06-01T07:14:53Z 2022-06-03T13:15:50Z 2022-06-03T13:13:33Z lv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/zero-pollution-large-number-of 2022 1.0.2 None Šodien publicētais ikgadējais Ziņojums par peldūdeņiem liecina, ka 2021. gadā gandrīz 85 % Eiropas peldvietu atbilda visstingrākajiem Eiropas Savienības ūdens kvalitātes standartiem, proti, to ūdens kvalitāte bija izcila. Novērtējums sniedz labu priekšstatu par to, kur šovasar peldētājiem pieejamas vislabākās kvalitātes peldvietas Eiropā. Šis novērtējums, ko sadarbībā ar Eiropas Komisiju sagatavojusi Eiropas Vides aģentūra (EVA), ir balstīts uz 21 859 peldvietu monitoringu visā Eiropā. Novērtējums aptver 2021. gada monitoringa rezultātus ES dalībvalstīs, Albānijā un Šveicē. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None KNBO84DWJY
http://www.eea.europa.eu/mt/highlights/tniggis-zero-hafna-mill-ilmijiet Tniġġis Żero: Ħafna mill-ilmijiet għall-għawm tal-Ewropa jilħqu l-ogħla standards ta' kwalità 2022-06-01T07:14:53Z 2022-06-03T13:15:50Z 2022-06-03T13:13:44Z mt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/zero-pollution-large-number-of 2022 1.0.2 None Skont ir-rapport annwali dwar l-Ilma għall-Għawm ippubblikat illum, fl-2021 kważi 85 % tal-imkejjen tal-ilma għall-għawm tal-Ewropa ssodisfaw l-aktar standards stretti tal-Unjoni Ewropea għal kwalità tal-ilma “eċċellenti”. Il-valutazzjoni tagħti indikazzjoni tajba ta' fejn l-għawwiema jistgħu jsibu l-aħjar imkejjen għall-għawm madwar l-Ewropa dan is-sajf. Il-valutazzjoni, imfassla mill-Aġenzija Ewropea għall-Ambjent (EEA) b'kooperazzjoni mal-Kummissjoni Ewropea, hija bbażata fuq il-monitoraġġ ta' 21,859 imkejjen tal-għawm madwar l-Ewropa. Dawn ikopru lill-Istati Membri tal-UE, l-Albanija, u l-Iżvizzera matul l-2021. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 7O65IXSNHU
http://www.eea.europa.eu/nl/highlights/verontreiniging-tot-nul-terugbrengen-groot Verontreiniging tot nul terugbrengen: groot aantal badzones in Europa voldoet aan hoogste kwaliteitsnormen 2022-06-01T07:14:53Z 2022-06-03T13:15:50Z 2022-06-03T13:13:58Z nl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/zero-pollution-large-number-of 2022 1.0.2 None Volgens het vandaag gepubliceerde jaarlijkse zwemwaterverslag voldeed in 2021 bijna 85 % van de Europese zwemwaterlocaties aan de strengste waterkwaliteitsnorm (“uitstekend”) van de EU. De beoordeling geeft een goede indicatie waar zwemmers deze zomer de beste badzones in Europa kunnen vinden. De beoordeling, die door het Europees Milieuagentschap (EEA) in samenwerking met de Europese Commissie is opgesteld, is gebaseerd op de monitoring van 21 859 zwemwaterlocaties in heel Europa. Deze monitoring omvat zwemwaterlocaties in alle EU-lidstaten plus Albanië en Zwitserland en is over heel 2021 uitgevoerd. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None U0OC63KN9F
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pl/highlights/zerowy-poziom-zanieczyszczen-wiele-europejskich Zerowy poziom zanieczyszczeń: wiele europejskich kąpielisk spełnia najwyższe normy jakości 2022-06-01T07:14:53Z 2022-06-03T13:15:50Z 2022-06-03T13:14:10Z pl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/zero-pollution-large-number-of 2022 1.0.2 None Z opublikowanego dzisiaj rocznego sprawozdania dotyczącego wody w kąpieliskach wynika, że w 2021 r. prawie 85 proc. kąpielisk w Europie spełniało najbardziej rygorystyczne unijne wymogi dotyczące wody „doskonałej” jakości. Ocena stanowi dobrą wskazówkę co do tego, gdzie tego lata pływający mogą znaleźć najwyższej jakości kąpieliska w całej Europie. Ocena sporządzona przez Europejską Agencję Środowiska (EEA) we współpracy z Komisją Europejską opiera się na monitorowaniu 21 859 kąpielisk w całej Europie. Obejmuje ona państwa członkowskie UE, Albanię i Szwajcarię na przestrzeni całego 2021 r. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None TD20BMIRKV
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pt/highlights/poluicao-zero-uma-grande-parte Poluição zero: Uma grande parte das águas balneares europeias satisfaz as mais elevadas normas de qualidade 2022-06-01T07:14:53Z 2022-06-03T13:15:50Z 2022-06-03T13:14:22Z pt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/zero-pollution-large-number-of 2022 1.0.2 None O relatório anual sobre as águas balneares publicado hoje revela que, em 2021, quase 85 % das zonas balneares da Europa respeitavam as normas de qualidade mais rigorosas da União Europeia (qualidade «excelente»). A avaliação dá uma boa indicação de onde os banhistas podem encontrar as zonas balneares de melhor qualidade em toda a Europa este verão. A avaliação, elaborada pela Agência Europeia do Ambiente (AEA) em cooperação com a Comissão Europeia, baseia-se na monitorização de 21 859 zonas balneares em toda a Europa ao longo de 2021, abrangendo os Estados-Membros da UE, a Albânia e a Suíça. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None J2SZ96RDIU
http://www.eea.europa.eu/ro/highlights/reducerea-la-zero-a-poluarii-1 Reducerea la zero a poluării: un număr mare de ape pentru scăldat din Europa îndeplinesc cele mai înalte standarde de calitate 2022-06-01T07:14:53Z 2022-06-03T13:15:50Z 2022-06-03T13:15:13Z ro http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/zero-pollution-large-number-of 2022 1.0.2 None Raportul anual privind apa pentru scăldat publicat astăzi arată că, în 2021, aproape 85 % din zonele europene pentru scăldat îndeplineau cele mai stricte standarde ale Uniunii Europene în materie de calitate a apei, fiind încadrate în categoria „calitate excelentă”. Evaluarea oferă o imagine de ansamblu asupra zonelor pentru scăldat cu cea mai bună calitate a apei din întreaga Europă, de care înotătorii pot profita în această vară. Evaluarea, elaborată de Agenția Europeană de Mediu (AEM) în cooperare cu Comisia Europeană, se bazează pe monitorizarea a 21 859 de zone pentru scăldat din întreaga Europă. Monitorizarea a fost efectuată în 2021 în statele membre ale UE, în Albania și în Elveția. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 1BNXOSH4MG
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sk/highlights/nulove-znecistenie-vacsina-europskych-vod Nulové znečistenie: väčšina európskych vôd na kúpanie spĺňa najprísnejšie kvalitatívne normy 2022-06-01T07:14:53Z 2022-06-03T13:15:50Z 2022-06-03T13:15:25Z sk http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/zero-pollution-large-number-of 2022 1.0.2 None Podľa dnes zverejnenej výročnej správy o vode na kúpanie v roku 2021 splnilo tie najprísnejšie normy Európskej únie na „výbornú“ kvalitu vody takmer 85 % európskych lokalít na kúpanie. Z hodnotenia sa plavci dozvedia, kde toto leto nájdu najkvalitnejšie miesta na kúpanie po celej Európe. Vypracovala ho Európska environmentálna agentúra (EEA) v spolupráci s Európskou komisiou na základe monitorovania 21 859 lokalít na kúpanie po celej Európe. Ide o lokality nachádzajúce sa v členských štátoch EÚ, Albánsku a vo Švajčiarsku, ktoré boli monitorované počas celého roka 2021. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 67AFB2PROY
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sl/highlights/nicelno-onesnazevanje-velika-vecina-evropskih-1 Ničelno onesnaževanje: velika večina evropskih kopalnih voda dosega najvišje standarde kakovosti 2022-06-01T07:14:53Z 2022-06-03T13:15:50Z 2022-06-03T13:15:38Z sl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/zero-pollution-large-number-of 2022 1.0.2 None Iz danes objavljenega letnega poročila o kakovosti kopalnih voda je razvidno, da je leta 2021 skoraj 85 % evropskih kopališč izpolnjevalo najstrožje standarde kakovosti Evropske unije za „odlično“ kakovost vode. Ocena razkriva, kje lahko plavalci to poletje najdejo najkakovostnejša kopališča po vsej Evropi. Ocena, ki jo je opravila Evropska agencija za okolje (EEA) v sodelovanju z Evropsko komisijo, temelji na spremljanju 21 859 kopališč po vsej Evropi. V oceno za leto 2021 so bile zajete države članice EU ter Albanija in Švica. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None M2RCH7TAK6
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sv/highlights/nollfororening-hogsta-vattenkvalitet-vid-de Nollförorening: Högsta vattenkvalitet vid de flesta badplatserna i Europa 2022-06-01T07:14:53Z 2022-06-03T13:15:50Z 2022-06-03T13:15:50Z sv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/zero-pollution-large-number-of 2022 1.0.2 None Den årliga badvattenrapporten, som läggs fram i dag, visar att nästan 85 % av Europas badplatser uppfyllde EU:s strängaste normer för ”utmärkt” vattenkvalitet 2021. Bedömningen ger en god bild av var man kan hitta de allra bästa europeiska badplatserna i sommar. Bedömningen, som sammanställts av Europeiska miljöbyrån (EEA) i samarbete med EU-kommissionen, bygger på 2020 års kontroller av 21 859 badplatser runtom i Europa. Kontrollerna omfattade badplatser i EU-länderna, Albanien och Schweiz under hela 2021. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None NRUWCFI5PV
http://www.eea.europa.eu/da/highlights/forurening-er-skyld-i-10 Forurening er skyld i 10 % af alle kræfttilfælde i Europa 2022-06-21T16:34:16Z 2022-07-05T09:31:14Z 2022-06-28T12:08:54Z da http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/pollution-and-cancer 2022 3.0.2 None Eksponering for luftforurening, passiv rygning, radon, UV-stråling, asbest, visse kemikalier og andre forurenende stoffer er årsag til over 10 % af alle kræfttilfælde i Europa ifølge en rapport fra Det Europæiske Miljøagentur (EEA), der offentliggøres i dag. Den gode nyhed er, at disse risici kan forebygges. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 397N0VC4WB
http://www.eea.europa.eu/da/highlights/tendenser-og-fremskrivninger-begraenset-stigning Tendenser og fremskrivninger: begrænset stigning i EU-emissioner under genopretningen efter pandemi og energikrise 2022-10-20T08:04:55Z 2023-01-10T11:52:33Z 2022-12-14T10:26:42Z da http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/trends-and-projections-limited-rebound 2022 2.0.2 None Drivhusgasemissionerne og energiforbruget steg i 2021, hovedsagelig på grund af Europas genopretning efter pandemien, ifølge den seneste rapport "Trends and Projections", som Det Europæiske Miljøagentur (EEA) har offentliggjort i dag. De fleste EU-medlemsstater nåede EU's klima- og energimål for 2020 og vender nu blikket mod klimaneutralitet, samtidig med at de også tackler den nuværende energiforsyningskrise. At nå de mere ambitiøse klima- og energimål for 2030 vil kræve mere end en fordobling af de årlige fremskridt med hensyn til udrulningen af vedvarende energi, og reduktionen af energiforbruget og drivhusgasemissionerne. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 7XW81BKSET
http://www.eea.europa.eu/no/highlights/plast-et-voksende-miljo-og Plast, et voksende miljø- og klimaproblem: Hvordan kan Europa snu trenden? 2021-01-20T13:36:04Z 2021-01-28T11:43:08Z 2021-01-28T05:00:00Z no http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/plastics-environmental-concern 2021 4.0.2 None Den stadig voksende mengden av plast, hvordan den påvirker artsmangfoldet og bidrar til klimaendringer, og hvordan vi kan håndtere den i et sirkulærøkonomisk perspektiv har stått på EUs dagsorden i årevis. Covid-19-pandemien har bare økt oppmerksomheten rundt plastavfall, med bilder av munnbind i havet, og store mengder engangsverneutstyr. I rapporten om sirkulær plastøkonomi som ble publisert i dag, analyserer Det europeiske miljøbyrået (EEA) i hvilken grad det er nødvendig og mulig å omstille seg til en sirkulær og bærekraftig måte å bruke plast på. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None G3OX6P0EHY
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/plastika-je-sve-veci-ekoloski Plastika je sve veći ekološki i klimatski problem: kako Europa može promijeniti taj trend? 2021-01-20T13:36:04Z 2021-01-28T11:43:08Z 2021-01-28T05:00:00Z hr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/plastics-environmental-concern 2021 4.0.2 None Sve veća količina plastike, njezin utjecaj na bioraznolikost i doprinos klimatskim promjenama te način postupanja s njom u kontekstu kružnog gospodarstva –su pitanja već godinama dio političkog programa Europske unije. Pandemija bolesti COVID-19 samo je povećala pozornost koja se pridaje plastičnom otpadu, s prizorima maski u našim morima i velikim količinama zaštitne opreme za jednokratnu upotrebu. U danas objavljenom izvješću Europske agencije za okoliš (EEA) o kružnom gospodarenju plastikom analiziraju se potreba i mogućnosti prelaska na kružni i održiv pristup upotrebi plastike. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None J54KICQZ72
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lv/highlights/plastmasa-rada-arvien-lielakas-bazas Plastmasa rada arvien lielākas bažas vides un klimata jomā. Kā Eiropa var mainīt šo tendenci? 2021-01-20T13:36:04Z 2021-01-28T11:43:08Z 2021-01-28T05:00:00Z lv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/plastics-environmental-concern 2021 4.0.2 None Jautājums par arvien pieaugošo plastmasas daudzumu, tās ietekmi uz bioloģisko daudzveidību un lomu klimata pārmaiņās, arī , kā šo problēmu risināt aprites ekonomikas perspektīvā, ir bijis Eiropas Savienības politikas darba kārtībā gadiem ilgi. Covid-19 pandēmija ir tikai palielinājusi uzmanību, kas vērsta uz plastmasas atkritumiem, ar attēliem, kuros redzamas sejas maskas mūsu jūrās, un lielu daudzumu vienreizlietojamu aizsarglīdzekļu. Šodien publicētajā ziņojumā par plastmasas aprites ekonomiku Eiropas Vides aģentūra (EVA) analizē nepieciešamību un iespējas pāriet uz aprites un ilgtspējīgu pieeju plastmasas izmantošanai. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None K6V0W8JQR2
http://www.eea.europa.eu/mt/highlights/il-plastik-thassib-ambjentali-u Il-plastik, tħassib ambjentali u klimatiku li qed jikber: L-Ewropa kif tista' treġġa' lura din it-tendenza? 2021-01-20T13:36:04Z 2021-01-28T11:43:08Z 2021-01-28T05:00:00Z mt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/plastics-environmental-concern 2021 4.0.2 None L-ammont dejjem jiżdied ta’ plastik, l-impatt tiegħu fuq il-bijodiversità u l-kontribut għat-tibdil fil-klima, u kif dan jista’ jiġi indirizzat f’perspettiva ta’ ekonomija ċirkolari ilhom fuq l-aġenda politika tal-Unjoni Ewropea għal snin sħaħ. Il-pandemija tal-COVID-19 żiedet biss l-attenzjoni għall-iskart tal-plastik b'immaġnijiet ta' maskri fl-ibħra tagħna, u ammonti kbar ta' tagħmir protettiv li jintuża darba biss. Fir-rapport dwar il-plastik f'ekonomija ċirkolari, ippubblikat illum, l-Aġenzija Ewropea għall-Ambjent (EEA) tanalizza l-ħtieġa u l-potenzjal għal bidla lejn approċċ ċirkolari u sostenibbli għall-użu tagħna tal-plastik. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None PE2U6OGTJA
http://www.eea.europa.eu/bg/highlights/plastmasite-2014-narastvashta-zagrizhenost-za Пластмасите — нарастваща загриженост за околната среда и климата. Как може Европа да обърне тази тенденция? 2021-01-20T13:36:04Z 2021-01-28T11:43:08Z 2021-01-28T05:00:00Z bg http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/plastics-environmental-concern 2021 4.0.2 None Постоянно увеличаващите се количества пластмаса, въздействието от това върху биологичното разнообразие и приносът на пластмасите за изменението на климата, както и какви са начините за справяне с тези проблеми в контекста на кръговата икономика, отдавна са част от политическата програма на Европейския съюз. Пандемията от COVID-19 още повече насочи вниманието към пластмасовите отпадъци — виждаме изхвърлени маски в моретата и сме свидетели на производство на защитни средства за еднократна употреба в огромни количества. В публикувания днес доклад за кръговата икономика и пластмасите Европейската агенция по околна среда (ЕАОС) анализира необходимостта и възможностите за преминаване към кръгов и устойчив подход при използването на пластмасите. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None H945Z8BW12
http://www.eea.europa.eu/de/highlights/zug-flugzeug-auto-oder-schiff Zug, Flugzeug, Auto oder Schiff – welches Verkehrsmittel belastet die Umwelt am wenigsten? 2021-03-19T10:09:51Z 2021-04-16T09:25:28Z 2021-03-25T14:15:35Z de http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/motorised-transport-train-plane-road 2021 2.0.2 None Laut zwei Studien der Europäischen Umweltagentur (EUA), die heute veröffentlicht werden, ist die Eisenbahn im Vergleich zum Auto oder Flugzeug nach wie vor der umweltfreundlichste Verkehrsträger im motorisierten Personenverkehr in Europa. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None V0SDP4EIUH
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pl/highlights/konkurs-fotograficzny-na-temat-skutkow Konkurs fotograficzny na temat skutków zmian klimatu i rozwiązań 2021-04-20T07:30:42Z 2021-08-18T12:52:28Z 2021-06-09T11:24:19Z pl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-on-climate-change 2021 6.3.7 None Zmiany klimatu wpływają na nasze społeczeństwa i środowisko na wiele sposobów. Przeciwdziałanie zmianom klimatu wymaga ograniczenia emisji w celu złagodzenia ich najgorszych skutków i dostosowania się do tych, których nie możemy powstrzymać. Konkurs fotograficzny Europejskiej Agencji Środowiska (EEA) pt. „Climate Change PIX”, który rozpoczyna się dzisiaj, zaprasza uczestników do przedstawienia, jak wyglądają zmiany klimatu w Europie i jak na nie reagujemy. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None BS3ICQ56DX
http://www.eea.europa.eu/nl/highlights/een-nieuwe-monitor-voor-luchtkwaliteit Een nieuwe monitor voor luchtkwaliteit in Europese steden toont verontreiniging op lange termijn 2021-06-11T08:36:58Z 2021-10-19T06:30:30Z 2021-06-22T12:25:00Z nl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-european-city-air-quality 2021 3.0.2 None Luchtvervuiling is in veel Europese steden een groot probleem en vormt een ernstig risico voor de gezondheid. Vandaag heeft het Europees Milieuagentschap (EEA) de monitor voor de luchtkwaliteit in Europese steden gelanceerd. Daarmee kunt u nagaan hoe het in de afgelopen twee jaar gesteld was met de luchtkwaliteit in de stad waar u woont en deze vergelijken met andere steden in Europa. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None PX2IF9GDEH
http://www.eea.europa.eu/et/highlights/eli-meretransport-esimene-keskkonnamoju-aruanne ELi meretransport: esimene keskkonnamõju aruanne tunnustab kestlikkuse head arengut ja kinnitab vajadust tõhustada pingutusi valmistudes nõudluse kasvuks 2021-08-16T13:08:41Z 2022-01-19T09:22:28Z 2021-09-01T07:37:50Z et http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-maritime-transport-first-environmental 2021 1.0.2 None Meretranspordil on nii praegu kui ka tulevikus oluline roll ülemaailmses ja Euroopa kaubanduses ja majanduses. Viimastel aastatel on merendussektor võtnud olulisi meetmeid, et leevendada oma keskkonnamõju. Enne ülemaailmse laevandusmahu prognoositavat suurenemist avaldatakse uues aruandes esimest korda ELi meretranspordisektori keskkonnamõju täielik ulatus ja tehakse kindlaks kestlikkuse saavutamist takistavad probleemid. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None Z2S3Q1W7F9
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sk/highlights/namorna-doprava-v-eu-v Námorná doprava v EÚ: v prvej správe o vplyve na životné prostredie sa uznáva značný pokrok dosiahnutý smerom k udržateľnosti a potvrdzuje sa, že na prípravu na rastúci dopyt je potrebné vynaložiť väčšie úsilie 2021-08-16T13:08:41Z 2022-01-19T09:22:28Z 2021-09-01T07:37:52Z sk http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-maritime-transport-first-environmental 2021 1.0.2 None Námorná doprava zohráva a bude naďalej zohrávať zásadnú úlohu v svetovom a európskom obchode a hospodárstve. V posledných rokoch odvetvie námornej dopravy prijalo významné opatrenia na zmiernenie svojho vplyvu na životné prostredie. Pred plánovaným nárastom celosvetového objemu lodnej dopravy sa v novej správe po prvýkrát odhaľuje plný rozsah vplyvu odvetvia námornej dopravy EÚ na životné prostredie a identifikujú sa výzvy na dosiahnutie udržateľnosti. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None UN3PHB7JIC
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sl/highlights/pomorski-promet-eu-prvo-porocilo Pomorski promet EU: prvo poročilo o vplivu na okolje priznava precejšen napredek pri doseganju trajnosti in potrjuje, da se je treba bolje pripraviti na naraščajoče povpraševanje 2021-08-16T13:08:41Z 2022-01-19T09:22:28Z 2021-09-01T07:37:49Z sl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-maritime-transport-first-environmental 2021 1.0.2 None Pomorski promet ima in bo tudi v prihodnje imel ključno vlogo v svetovni in evropski trgovini in gospodarstvu. V zadnjih letih je pomorski sektor sprejel pomembne ukrepe za ublažitev vplivov, ki jih ima na okolje. Glede na predvideno povečanje obsega svetovnega pomorskega prometa novo poročilo prvič v celoti razkriva vpliv sektorja pomorskega prometa EU na okolje in opredeljuje izzive za doseganje trajnosti. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 7DYNHPVM39
http://www.eea.europa.eu/mt/highlights/it-trasport-marittimu-tal-ue It-trasport marittimu tal-UE: l-ewwel rapport dwar l-impatt ambjentali jirrikonoxxi progress tajjeb lejn is-sostenibbiltà u jikkonferma li hemm bżonn ta’ aktar sforz bi tħejjija għaż-żieda fid-domanda 2021-08-16T13:08:41Z 2022-01-19T09:22:28Z 2021-09-01T07:37:49Z mt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-maritime-transport-first-environmental 2021 1.0.2 None It-trasport marittimu għandu u se jkompli jkollu rwol essenzjali fil-kummerċ u l-ekonomija globali u Ewropej. F’dawn l-aħħar snin, is-settur marittimu ħa miżuri sinifikanti biex itaffi l-impatti ambjentali tiegħu. Qabel żieda prevista fil-volumi ta’ tbaħħir globali, rapport ġdid jiżvela għall-ewwel darba l-firxa sħiħa tal-impatt tas-settur tat-trasport marittimu tal-UE fuq l-ambjent u jidentifika l-isfidi biex tinkiseb is-sostenibbiltà. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None E3J7OCNIAR
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lt/highlights/aiskios-galimybes-atsieti-europos-atlieku Aiškios galimybės atsieti Europos atliekų susidarymą nuo ekonomikos augimo 2021-12-13T13:23:57Z 2022-03-28T07:42:10Z 2022-02-09T11:23:14Z lt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/clear-opportunities-to-decouple-europes 2021 4.0.2 None Daugumoje Europos šalių ir visoje ES atliekų susidarymas auga, tačiau lėčiau nei ekonomika. Tačiau, kaip teigiama neseniai paskelbtoje Europos aplinkos agentūros ataskaitoje, nėra jokių požymių, kad būtų esama arti bendro tikslo sumažinti bendrą susidarančių atliekų kiekį. Ataskaitos išvadose pabrėžiamos veiksmingesnės galimybės atliekų prevencijai, daugiausia dėmesio skiriant tekstilei. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None DFU3VH4MRA
http://www.eea.europa.eu/bg/highlights/izlaganeto-na-zamarsyavane-prichinyava-10 Излагането на замърсяване причинява 10 % от всички ракови заболявания в Европа 2022-06-21T16:34:16Z 2022-07-05T09:31:14Z 2022-06-27T22:02:41Z bg http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/pollution-and-cancer 2022 3.0.2 None Излагането на замърсен въздух, вторичен тютюнев дим, радон, ултравиолетово лъчение, азбест, определени химикали и други замърсители причинява над 10 % от всички ракови заболявания в Европа според публикувания днес доклад на Европейската агенция по околна среда. Добрата новина е, че тези рискове са предотвратими. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None QRI3X78MAH
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/expozice-znecisteni-je-pricinou-10 Expozice znečištění je příčinou 10 % všech případů onemocnění rakovinou v Evropě 2022-06-21T16:34:16Z 2022-07-05T09:31:14Z 2022-06-27T22:02:53Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/pollution-and-cancer 2022 3.0.2 None Podle dnes zveřejněné zprávy Evropské agentury pro životní prostředí (EEA) je více než 10 % všech případů onemocnění rakovinou v Evropě způsobeno expozicí znečištěnému ovzduší, pasivnímu kouření, radonu, ultrafialovému záření, azbestu, některým chemickým látkám a dalším znečišťujícím látkám. Dobrou zprávou je, že těmto rizikům lze předcházet. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None EVBK1DPOS4
http://www.eea.europa.eu/de/highlights/schadstoffbelastung-verursacht-10-aller-krebsfaelle Schadstoffbelastung verursacht 10 % aller Krebsfälle in Europa 2022-06-21T16:34:16Z 2022-07-05T09:31:14Z 2022-06-27T22:03:05Z de http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/pollution-and-cancer 2022 3.0.2 None Aus einem heute veröffentlichten Bericht der Europäischen Umweltagentur (EUA) geht hervor, dass die Belastung durch Luftverschmutzung, Passivrauchen, Radon, ultraviolette Strahlung, Asbest, bestimmte Chemikalien und andere Schadstoffe mehr als 10 % aller Krebsfälle in Europa verursacht. Die gute Nachricht ist, dass man diesen Risiken vorbeugen kann. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None TWANFRE8V7
http://www.eea.europa.eu/es/highlights/la-exposicion-a-la-contaminacion La exposición a la contaminación es la causante del 10 % de todos los casos de cáncer en Europa 2022-06-21T16:34:16Z 2022-07-05T09:31:14Z 2022-06-27T22:03:25Z es http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/pollution-and-cancer 2022 3.0.2 None Según un informe publicado hoy por la Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente (AEMA), la exposición a la contaminación atmosférica, al humo de tabaco conocido como de segunda mando (es decir, ajeno), al radón, a la radiación ultravioleta, al amianto, a determinadas sustancias químicas y a otros contaminantes causa más del 10 % de todos los casos de cáncer en Europa. La buena noticia es que estos riesgos se pueden prevenir. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 9MSAHZW85X
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fr/highlights/l2019exposition-a-la-pollution-provoque L’exposition à la pollution provoque 10 % des cas de cancer en Europe 2022-06-21T16:34:16Z 2022-07-05T09:31:14Z 2022-06-27T22:03:41Z fr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/pollution-and-cancer 2022 3.0.2 None L’exposition à la pollution atmosphérique, à la fumée de tabac ambiante, au radon, aux rayonnements ultraviolets, à l’amiante, à certaines substances chimiques et à d’autres polluants provoque plus de 10 % des cas de cancer en Europe, selon un rapport de l’Agence européenne pour l’environnement (AEE) publié aujourd’hui. La bonne nouvelle est que ces risques peuvent être évités. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VYIHXGR2ZA
http://www.eea.europa.eu/hu/highlights/a-szennyezesnek-valo-kitettseg-az A szennyezésnek való kitettség az összes rákos megbetegedés 10%-át okozza Európában 2022-06-21T16:34:16Z 2022-07-05T09:31:14Z 2022-06-27T22:03:53Z hu http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/pollution-and-cancer 2022 3.0.2 None Az Európai Környezetvédelmi Ügynökség (EEA) ma közzétett jelentése szerint a légszennyezésnek, a passzív dohányzásnak, a radonnak, az ultraibolya sugárzásnak, az azbesztnek, bizonyos vegyi anyagoknak és egyéb szennyező anyagoknak való kitettség az összes rákos megbetegedés több mint 10%-át okozza Európában. A jó hír, hogy ezek a kockázatok megelőzhetők. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None HWD1U2NYC3
http://www.eea.europa.eu/it/highlights/l2019esposizione-all2019inquinamento-all2019origine-del-10 L’esposizione all’inquinamento all’origine del 10 % dei casi di cancro in Europa 2022-06-21T16:34:16Z 2022-07-05T09:31:14Z 2022-06-27T22:04:05Z it http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/pollution-and-cancer 2022 3.0.2 None Secondo un rapporto dell’Agenzia europea dell’ambiente (AEA), pubblicato in data odierna, l’esposizione all’inquinamento atmosferico, al fumo passivo, al radon, ai raggi ultravioletti, all’amianto, a determinate sostanze chimiche e ad altri inquinanti è all’origine di oltre il 10 % di tutti i casi di cancro in Europa. La buona notizia è che prevenire questi rischi è possibile. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None QS2YZ61TC4
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sv/highlights/exponering-for-fororeningar-ligger-bakom Exponering för föroreningar ligger bakom 10 procent av samtliga cancerfall i Europa 2022-06-21T16:34:16Z 2022-07-05T09:31:14Z 2022-06-27T22:04:30Z sv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/pollution-and-cancer 2022 3.0.2 None Exponering för luftföroreningar, passiv rökning, radon, UV-strålning, asbest, vissa kemikalier och andra föroreningar ligger bakom över 10 procent av samtliga cancerfall i Europa enligt en rapport från Europeiska miljöbyrån (EEA) som offentliggjordes idag. Den goda nyheten är att dessa risker kan förebyggas. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None XASUTRMBEP
http://www.eea.europa.eu/mt/highlights/kompetizzjoni-tar-ritratti-tal-eea Kompetizzjoni tar-ritratti tal-EEA 2022: “Well with Nature” (Inħossuna Tajbin fin-Natura) 2022-06-13T09:19:40Z 2022-07-20T07:58:49Z 2022-07-20T07:58:49Z mt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eea-photo-competition-2022-well 2022 3.0.2 None Tieħu ritratti tajbin? Tieħu pjaċir tqatta’ l-ħin fin-natura? Jekk it-tweġiba tiegħek hija “iva” għaż-żewġ mistoqsijet, jaf għandek dak li teħtieġ biex tirbaħ wieħed mill-premjijiet fi flus kontanti fil-kompetizzjoni tar-ritratti l-ġdida tal-Aġenzija Ewropea għall-Ambjent (EEA) “Well with Nature”. Ibgħatilna l-aħjar ritratti tiegħek sal-1 ta’ Ottubru 2022. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None HMFVE8GPYJ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sl/highlights/trendi-in-projekcije-delno-povecanje Trendi in projekcije: delno povečanje emisij v EU v času okrevanja po pandemiji in energetske krize 2022-10-20T08:04:55Z 2023-01-10T11:52:33Z 2022-12-14T10:08:39Z sl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/trends-and-projections-limited-rebound 2022 2.0.2 None Po podatkih najnovejšega poročila „Trendi in projekcije“, ki ga je danes objavila Evropska agencija za okolje (EEA), so se emisije toplogrednih plinov in poraba energije leta 2021 povečale predvsem zaradi okrevanja Evrope po pandemiji. Večina držav članic EU je uspešno dosegla podnebne in energetske cilje EU za leto 2020, zdaj pa svojo pozornost usmerja k podnebni nevtralnosti in pri tem rešuje tudi trenutno krizo na področju oskrbe z energijo. Da bi dosegli ambicioznejše podnebne in energetske cilje za leto 2030, bo treba več kot podvojiti letni napredek pri uvajanju obnovljivih virov energije ter zmanjšati porabo energije in emisije toplogrednih plinov. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ZF42BHT3YK
http://www.eea.europa.eu/el/highlights/michanokinita-mesa-metaforas-treno-aeroplano Μηχανοκίνητα μέσα μεταφοράς: τρένο, αεροπλάνο, αυτοκίνητο ή πλοίο — ποιο είναι το πιο οικολογικό; 2021-03-19T10:09:51Z 2021-04-16T09:25:28Z 2021-03-26T10:05:23Z el http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/motorised-transport-train-plane-road 2021 2.0.2 None Οι μετακινήσεις με τρένο παραμένουν εν γένει ο πιο φιλικός προς το περιβάλλον μηχανοκίνητος τρόπος μεταφοράς επιβατών στην Ευρώπη — όσον αφορά στις εκπομπές αερίων του θερμοκηπίου — σε σύγκριση με το αυτοκίνητο ή το αεροπλάνο, σύμφωνα με δύο μελέτες για τις μεταφορές και το περιβάλλον που δημοσίευσε σήμερα ο Ευρωπαϊκός Οργανισμός Περιβάλλοντος (ΕΟΠ). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ECNQO2HIV1
http://www.eea.europa.eu/hu/highlights/motorizalt-kozlekedes-vonat-repulogep-kozuti Motorizált közlekedés: vonat, repülőgép, közúti gépjármű vagy hajó – melyik a leginkább környezetbarát? 2021-03-19T10:09:51Z 2021-04-16T09:25:28Z 2021-03-26T10:05:56Z hu http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/motorised-transport-train-plane-road 2021 2.0.2 None Az Európai Környezetvédelmi Ügynökség (EEA) által a mai napon közzétett két közlekedési és környezetvédelmi tanulmány szerint az üvegházhatásúgáz-kibocsátás szempontjából a személygépkocsival vagy repülőgéppel történő utazáshoz képest továbbra is a vasúti közlekedés a leginkább környezetbarát motorizált személyszállítási mód Európában. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None FM6PZD3KXV
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lv/highlights/motorizeti-transportlidzekli-vilciens-lidmasina-auto Motorizēti transportlīdzekļi: vilciens, lidmašīna, auto vai kuģis – kurš ir zaļāks? 2021-03-19T10:09:51Z 2021-04-16T09:25:28Z 2021-03-26T10:06:25Z lv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/motorised-transport-train-plane-road 2021 2.0.2 None Saskaņā ar diviem Eiropas Vides aģentūras (EVA) šodien publicētajiem transporta un vides pētījumiem siltumnīcefekta gāzu emisiju ziņā ceļošana ar vilcienu kopumā joprojām ir videi visdraudzīgākais pasažieru transporta veids salīdzinājumā ar ceļošanu, izmantojot automašīnu vai lidmašīnu. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ZO58E6D7CX
http://www.eea.europa.eu/mt/highlights/trasport-motorizzat-ferrovija-ajruplan-triq Trasport motorizzat: ferrovija, ajruplan, triq jew dgħajsa — liema huwa l-aktar ekoloġiku? 2021-03-19T10:09:51Z 2021-04-16T09:25:28Z 2021-03-26T10:06:54Z mt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/motorised-transport-train-plane-road 2021 2.0.2 None B’mod ġenerali, l-ivvjaġġar bil-ferrovija jibqa’ l-aktar mezz ta’ trasport tal-passiġġieri motorizzat fl-Ewropa li ma jagħmilx ħsara lill-ambjent — f’termini ta’ emissjonijiet ta’ gassijiet serra — meta mqabbel mal-ivvjaġġar bil-karozza jew bl-ajruplan, skont żewġ studji tat-trasport u tal-ambjent ippubblikati llum mill-Aġenzija Ewropea għall-Ambjent (EEA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 64DYV371NX
http://www.eea.europa.eu/nl/highlights/gemotoriseerd-vervoer-trein-vliegtuig-auto Gemotoriseerd vervoer: trein, vliegtuig, auto of boot – welke is het groenst? 2021-03-19T10:09:51Z 2021-04-16T09:25:28Z 2021-03-26T10:07:19Z nl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/motorised-transport-train-plane-road 2021 2.0.2 None Over het algemeen blijft de trein - in termen van broeikasgasemissies - de meest milieuvriendelijke vorm van gemotoriseerd passagiersvervoer in Europa, in vergelijking met reizen per auto of vliegtuig. Dit blijkt uit twee onderzoeken over vervoer en milieu die vandaag zijn gepubliceerd door het Europees Milieuagentschap (EEA). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 8QB7WAVSOT
http://www.eea.europa.eu/no/highlights/motorisert-transport-tog-fly-bil Motorisert transport: tog, fly, bil eller båt – hva er grønnest? 2021-03-19T10:09:51Z 2021-04-16T09:25:28Z 2021-03-26T10:07:46Z no http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/motorised-transport-train-plane-road 2021 2.0.2 None Å reise med tog er generelt den mest miljøvennlige formen for motorisert passasjertransport i Europa. Når det gjelder klimagassutslipp, er det mer miljøvennlig enn å reise med bil eller fly, ifølge to transport- og miljøstudier publisert av Det europeiske miljøbyrået (EEA) i dag. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None NZRAVPF6MI
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sk/highlights/motorizovana-doprava-zeleznicna-letecka-cestna Motorizovaná doprava: železničná, letecká, cestná alebo lodná — ktorá je najzelenšia? 2021-03-19T10:09:51Z 2021-04-16T09:25:28Z 2021-03-26T10:08:14Z sk http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/motorised-transport-train-plane-road 2021 2.0.2 None Podľa dvoch štúdií o doprave a životnom prostredí, ktoré dnes uverejnila Európska environmentálna agentúra (EEA), je cestovanie vlakom stále ekologicky najprijateľnejšia forma motorizovaného cestovania v Európe, pokiaľ ide o emisie skleníkových plynov, v porovnaní s cestnou a leteckou dopravou. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None OXAV8DJSFT
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sl/highlights/prevoz-z-motornimi-prevoznimi-sredstvi Prevoz z motornimi prevoznimi sredstvi: vlak, letalo, cestno vozilo ali ladja – katero prevozno sredstvo je najbolj zeleno? 2021-03-19T10:09:51Z 2021-04-16T09:25:28Z 2021-03-26T10:08:41Z sl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/motorised-transport-train-plane-road 2021 2.0.2 None Kot je bilo ugotovljeno v dveh študijah o prometu in okolju, ki ju je danes objavila Evropska agencija za okolje (EEA), ostaja potovanje z vlakom v primerjavi s potovanjem z avtomobilom ali letalom na splošno še vedno okolju najprijaznejše sredstvo motornega potniškega prometa v Evropi z vidika emisij toplogrednih plinov. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None BRCPZ1H04Y
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sv/highlights/tag-flyg-bil-eller-bat Tåg, flyg, bil eller båt – vilket transportsätt är miljövänligast? 2021-03-19T10:09:51Z 2021-04-16T09:25:28Z 2021-03-26T10:09:09Z sv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/motorised-transport-train-plane-road 2021 2.0.2 None Om man ser till utsläppen av växthusgaser är tåg generellt sett det miljövänligaste motordrivna färdmedlet för persontransporter i Europa, jämfört med flyg och bil. Det visar två transport- och miljöstudier som Europeiska miljöbyrån (EEA) offentliggör i dag. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None TFNP8J41D7
http://www.eea.europa.eu/tr/highlights/motorlu-tasimacilik-tren-ucak-karayolu Motorlu taşımacılık: tren, uçak, karayolu veya gemi- hangisi en yeşil? 2021-03-19T10:09:51Z 2021-04-16T09:25:28Z 2021-03-26T10:40:57Z tr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/motorised-transport-train-plane-road 2021 2.0.2 None Avrupa Çevre Ajansı (AÇA) tarafından bugün yayınlanan iki ulaşım ve çevre çalışmasına göre; tren yolculuğu, genel olarak Avrupa'daki motorlu yolcu taşımacılığında (sera gazı emisyonları açısından) araba veya uçakla seyahate nazaran en çevre dostu yol olmaya devam etmektedir. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 6QGVA8M15U
http://www.eea.europa.eu/bg/highlights/motoriziran-transport-zhelezopaten-vazdushen-avtomobilen Моторизиран транспорт: железопътен, въздушен, автомобилен или морски — кой от тях е най-екологосъобразен? 2021-03-19T10:09:51Z 2021-04-16T09:25:28Z 2021-03-26T15:11:40Z bg http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/motorised-transport-train-plane-road 2021 2.0.2 None Пътуванията с влак остават като цяло най-екологосъобразният вид моторизиран пътнически транспорт в Европа — по отношение на емисиите на парникови газове — в сравнение с пътуванията с автомобил или самолет. Това показват две проучвания в областта на транспорта и околната среда, публикувани днес от Европейската агенция за околна среда (ЕАОС). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 76KTG3IN8U
http://www.eea.europa.eu/da/highlights/motoriseret-transport-tog-fly-bil Motoriseret transport: tog, fly, bil eller skib — hvad er grønnest? 2021-03-19T10:09:51Z 2021-04-16T09:25:28Z 2021-03-29T08:19:25Z da http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/motorised-transport-train-plane-road 2021 2.0.2 None Ifølge to transport- og miljøundersøgelser, som Det Europæiske Miljøagentur (EEA) har offentliggjort i dag, er togrejser alt i alt stadig den mest miljøvenlige form for motoriseret passagertransport i Europa, når det drejer sig om drivhusgasemissioner, i forhold til bil- eller flyrejser. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 25HVXNT8KD
http://www.eea.europa.eu/et/highlights/mootortransport-rongi-lennuki-maantee-voi Mootortransport: rongi-, lennuki-, maantee- või laevatransport – mis on kõige rohelisem? 2021-03-19T10:09:51Z 2021-04-16T09:25:28Z 2021-03-29T08:22:44Z et http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/motorised-transport-train-plane-road 2021 2.0.2 None Euroopa Keskkonnaameti (EEA) täna avaldatud kahe transpordi- ja keskkonnauuringu kohaselt on rong endiselt kõige keskkonnahoidlikum reisijate mootortranspordi liik Euroopas, võttes kokkuvõtvalt arvesse kasvuhoonegaaside heite ja võrdluse auto või lennukiga. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None X75QE0UNKH
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lt/highlights/nuotrauku-konkursas-klimato-kaitos-poveikio Nuotraukų konkursas klimato kaitos poveikio ir sprendimo priemonių tema 2021-04-20T07:30:42Z 2021-08-18T12:52:28Z 2021-06-04T08:03:17Z lt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-on-climate-change 2021 6.3.7 None Klimato kaita įvairiai veikia mūsų visuomenę ir aplinką. Norint spręsti su klimato kaita susijusius klausimus reikia sumažinti išmetamą šiltnamio efektą sukeliančių dujų kiekį, kad būtų sušvelnintas didžiausias jos poveikis, ir prisitaikyti prie padarinių, kurių negalime išvengti. Šiandien prasidedantis Europos aplinkos agentūros (EAA) nuotraukų konkursas „Climate Change PIX“ kviečia dalyvius atskleisti, kaip klimato kaita atrodo Europoje ir kaip mes į ją reaguojame. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None REHQINT5OJ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sk/highlights/fotograficka-sutaz-na-temu-dosledkov Fotografická súťaž na tému dôsledkov zmeny klímy a ich riešení 2021-04-20T07:30:42Z 2021-08-18T12:52:28Z 2021-06-15T15:31:37Z sk http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-on-climate-change 2021 6.3.7 None Zmena klímy ovplyvňuje našu spoločnosť a životné prostredie mnohými spôsobmi. V rámci boja proti zmene klímy je potrebné znížiť emisie, aby sme najhoršie dôsledky zmiernili a prispôsobili sa tým, ktorým nemožno zabrániť. Fotografická súťaž Európskej environmentálnej agentúry (EEA) s názvom Climate Change PIX vyzýva účastníkov, aby sa pokúsili zobraziť ako vyzerá zmena klímy v Európe a spôsoby, akými na ňu reagujeme. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None T9815YMHGD
http://www.eea.europa.eu/no/highlights/med-kartviseren-for-luftkvalitet-i Med kartviseren for luftkvalitet i europeiske byer kan du sjekke hvordan luftkvaliteten har vært over tid der du bor 2021-06-11T08:36:58Z 2021-10-19T06:30:30Z 2021-06-17T01:40:25Z no http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-european-city-air-quality 2021 3.0.2 None Luftforurensning er et alvorlig problem i mange byer i Europa og utgjør en reell helserisiko. I dag lanserte Det europeiske miljøbyrået (EEA) kartviseren for luftkvalitet i europeiske byer. Her kan du sjekke hvordan luftkvaliteten har vært de siste to årene i byen der du bor, og sammenligne den med andre byer i Europa. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None JMVU0SAW6F
http://www.eea.europa.eu/hu/highlights/az-uj-europai-levegominosegi-adatmegjelenito Az új, európai levegőminőségi adatmegjelenítő segítségével ellenőrizheti lakóhelyének hosszútávú légszennyezési szintjét 2021-06-11T08:36:58Z 2021-10-19T06:30:30Z 2021-06-17T01:40:25Z hu http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-european-city-air-quality 2021 3.0.2 None A légszennyezés számos európai városban komoly problémát jelent és az egészségünkre nézve valódi veszélyforrás. A mai nappal az Európai Környezetvédelmi Ügynökség (EEA) elindította az európai városok levegőminőségi adatmegjelenítőjét. Ennek segítségével ellenőrizheti, hogy milyen volt az elmúlt két évben a levegő minősége abban a városban, ahol Ön él, és összehasonlíthatja más európai városok levegőminőségével. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None US2X10DVOF
http://www.eea.europa.eu/el/highlights/to-neo-paratiritirio-tis-poiotitas Το νέο παρατηρητήριο της ποιότητας του αέρα των ευρωπαϊκών πόλεων σάς προσφέρει τη δυνατότητα να ελέγχετε το επίπεδο της μακροχρόνιας ατμοσφαιρικής ρύπανσης στην περιοχή σας 2021-06-11T08:36:58Z 2021-10-19T06:30:30Z 2021-06-17T01:40:25Z el http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-european-city-air-quality 2021 3.0.2 None Η ατμοσφαιρική ρύπανση αποτελεί σοβαρό πρόβλημα σε πολλές ευρωπαϊκές πόλεις και συνιστά σημαντικό κίνδυνο για την υγεία. Σήμερα, ο Ευρωπαϊκός Οργανισμός Περιβάλλοντος (ΕΟΠ) έθεσε σε εφαρμογή το παρατηρητήριο της ποιότητας του αέρα των ευρωπαϊκών πόλεων. Μπορείτε να ελέγχετε την ποιότητα του αέρα των δύο τελευταίων ετών στην πόλη σας και να τη συγκρίνετε με την αντίστοιχη ποιότητα άλλων ευρωπαϊκών πόλεων. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None BTZFKS9HNY
http://www.eea.europa.eu/de/highlights/mit-dem-neuen-anzeiger-zur Mit dem neuen Anzeiger zur Luftqualität in europäischen Städten können Sie Langzeitkonzentrationen von Luftschadstoffen an Ihrem Wohnort sehen 2021-06-11T08:36:58Z 2021-10-19T06:30:30Z 2021-06-17T01:40:25Z de http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-european-city-air-quality 2021 3.0.2 None Die Luftverschmutzung ist in vielen europäischen Städten ein ernstes Problem und stellt eine reale Gefahr für die Gesundheit dar. Heute hat die Europäische Umweltagentur (EUA) den Anzeiger zur Luftqualität in europäischen Städten freigeschaltet. Damit können Sie überprüfen, wie sich die Luftqualität in den letzten zwei Jahren in ihrer Stadt entwickelt hat und sie mit anderen Städten in ganz Europa vergleichen. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None TZIP7B4RVU
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/plastics-environmental-concern Plastics, a growing environmental and climate concern: how can Europe revert that trend? 2021-01-20T13:36:04Z 2021-01-28T11:43:08Z 2021-01-28T05:00:00Z en None 2021 4.0.2 None The ever-increasing amount of plastic, its impact on biodiversity and contribution to climate change, and how to deal with it in a circular economy perspective have been on the European Union’s policy agenda for years. The COVID-19 pandemic has only increased the attention for plastic waste with images of masks in our seas, and large amounts of single-use protective gear. In the circular plastics economy report, published today, the European Environment Agency (EEA) analyses the need and potential for a shift to a circular and sustainable approach to our use of plastics. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None S9WJM6DNCV
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/advanced-digital-tech-can-play Advanced digital technologies can play a crucial role in making Europe’s waste management systems more circular and sustainable 2021-02-01T08:32:52Z 2021-02-03T08:54:02Z 2021-02-01T10:20:00Z en None 2021 4.0.2 None Digital technologies like robotics, cloud computing and artificial intelligence will help improve the sustainability of Europe’s waste management systems. According to a European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing released today, increased use of these technologies can help deliver more effective waste management across Europe, improving logistics, recycling rates and enable better purchasing and sorting decisions by consumers. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None HVN3KWEUZ7
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/motorised-transport-train-plane-road Motorised transport: train, plane, road or boat — which is greenest? 2021-03-19T10:09:51Z 2021-04-16T09:25:28Z 2021-03-23T23:05:00Z en None 2021 2.0.2 None Train travel remains overall the most environmentally friendly mode of motorised passenger transport in Europe — in terms of greenhouse gas emissions — as compared to travelling by car or plane, according to two transport and environment studies published by the European Environment Agency (EEA) today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None KIJB38WTQY
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-european-city-air-quality New European city air quality viewer allows you to check long term air pollution levels where you live 2021-06-11T08:36:58Z 2021-10-19T06:30:30Z 2021-06-17T01:40:00Z en None 2021 3.0.2 None Air pollution is a serious problem in many European cities, posing a real risk to health. Today, the European Environment Agency (EEA) launched the European city air quality viewer. You can check how the air quality has been over the past two years in the city where you live and compare it with other cities across Europe. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 61ERMUIXO9
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/rapid-shift-to-evolving-renewable Rapid shift to evolving renewable energy technologies poses new waste challenge for Europe 2021-08-11T13:45:56Z 2021-08-24T07:59:26Z 2021-08-24T07:59:26Z en None 2021 4.0.2 None A rapid transition to renewable energy is necessary if Europe is to achieve its climate objectives. Developing the infrastructure to enable this change will require substantial resources and generate large volumes of waste as equipment reaches the end of its service life. Applying circular economy principles in this sector provides a win-win approach to address both these issues, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing released today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 9V2JE8RQDW
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-maritime-transport-first-environmental EU maritime transport: first environmental impact report acknowledges good progress towards sustainability and confirms that more effort is needed to prepare for rising demand 2021-08-16T13:08:41Z 2022-01-19T09:22:28Z 2021-09-01T07:40:00Z en None 2021 1.0.2 None Maritime transport plays and will continue to play an essential role in global and European trade and economy. In recent years, the maritime sector has taken significant measures to alleviate its environmental impacts. Ahead of a projected increase in global shipping volumes, a new report reveals for the first time the full extent of the impact of the EU maritime transport sector on the environment and identifies challenges to achieving sustainability. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 2IHSP638FG
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/improving-circular-economy-practices-in Improving circular economy practices in the construction sector key to increasing material reuse, high quality recycling 2020-01-15T08:53:07Z 2020-11-23T10:59:03Z 2020-01-16T10:59:48Z en None 2020 1.9.2 None Construction and demolition waste makes up just over one third of total waste generation in the EU. Despite relatively high recovery rates of used materials, Europe’s construction sector will need to be even more ambitious in its waste management practices if it is to fully embrace Europe’s circular economy. According to a European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing published today, circular approaches are key to increasing the quality and quantity of recycling and reuse of construction and demolition materials. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None D6VNGEMIA2
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/rediscover-nature-photo-competition REDISCOVER Nature for this year’s EEA photo competition 2020-05-19T05:09:14Z 2020-08-03T14:07:12Z 2020-05-22T08:00:00Z en None 2020 3.4.3 None No matter where we are, we can all appreciate the wonders of nature, now possibly more than ever. This year’s European Environment Agency (EEA) photo competition ‘REDISCOVER Nature’, which opens today, invites you to capture and share your bond with nature and the environment around you. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None E6FJH3R8Y5
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-eastern-partnership-countries-make Europe’s Eastern Partnership countries make significant progress in expanding protected nature sites 2020-08-18T18:06:35Z 2020-08-27T07:38:03Z 2020-08-26T08:00:00Z en None 2020 3.7.7 None The six Eastern Partnership countries are making significant progress in expanding their networks of nationally protected areas, giving a boost to local nature, according to an assessment released today by the European Environment Agency (EEA) under a dedicated EU-funded project. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None DYAT0HIS8R
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/voting-opens-for-the-best Voting opens for the best climate change photo 2021-08-27T09:22:58Z 2021-09-01T07:36:13Z 2021-09-01T07:36:13Z en None 2021 6.3.7 None European Environment Agency’s (EEA) photo competition ‘Climate Change PIX’ invited participants to depict what climate change looks like in Europe and how people are responding to it. Starting today, you can be part of selecting the winner of the Public Choice Award. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None EU468QNMC0
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-environmental-taxes-in-decline Europe's environmental taxes in decline, despite potentially crucial role 2022-02-03T09:36:10Z 2022-02-07T08:50:40Z 2022-02-07T08:50:40Z en None 2022 5.0.2 None The European Green Deal acknowledges the crucial role of taxation in Europe’s sustainability transition. A new European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing, published today, shows that revenues from environmental taxes can support transition investments but future revenue streams from these taxes will erode as European Union (EU) environmental and climate policy objectives are achieved. The relative share of environmental taxes to total tax revenues has also declined in the past two decades. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 7G9TM308RP
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europe-is-not-on-track Europe is not on track to halve non-recycled municipal waste by 2030 2022-04-22T08:50:25Z 2022-04-26T07:07:06Z 2022-04-26T08:00:00Z en None 2022 4.0.2 None The European Union (EU) circular economy action plan aims to halve the amount of municipal waste in the EU that is not recycled by 2030. According to a European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing, published today, achieving this target requires both reducing waste generation and considerably increasing recycling, possibly even beyond the binding recycling target of 60%. A second EEA briefing reviews municipal waste management in the Western Balkan countries. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None J9TRK2U8CS
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/what-could-a-sustainable-europe What could a sustainable Europe look like in 2050? 2022-05-10T11:48:25Z 2022-05-12T11:11:44Z 2022-05-12T10:00:00Z en None 2022 5.0.2 None What could a sustainable Europe look like in 2050? A European Environment Agency (EEA) web report, published today, presents four ‘imaginaries’, or scenarios, offering strongly contrasting approaches to achieving Europe’s socio-economic and environmental goals. The report is based on co-creative work by the EEA and its network (Eionet). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 5Q0JEWSXIO
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-climate-advisory-board-chair-elected EU Climate Advisory Board chair elected 2022-05-18T11:10:16Z 2022-05-18T13:29:26Z 2022-05-18T13:29:26Z en None 2022 2.0.2 None The new European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change has elected Professor Ottmar Edenhofer as its chairperson for a term of four years. His task will be to represent the Advisory Board and organise its work, which is to provide the European Union (EU) with independent scientific knowledge, expertise and advice on climate change and climate policies. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None GIEO12UR0Z
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/european-soils-hold-potential-for European soils hold potential for stronger climate action 2022-09-05T10:40:23Z 2022-09-08T07:54:54Z 2022-09-08T08:00:00Z en None 2022 2.0.2 None Soils can both remove carbon from the atmosphere or emit greenhouse gas emissions. According to a European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing, published today, European soils are currently a net source of greenhouse gas emissions and, if not addressed, this could pose a risk to the European Union (EU) climate targets. Mitigation actions can reduce the loss of carbon and have important co-benefits on biodiversity, but some actions can also have trade-offs such as emissions of other greenhouse gases. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 1Q6VXISYJ7
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/average-carbon-dioxide-emissions-from Average carbon dioxide emissions from new cars registered in Europe decreased by 12% in 2020, final data shows 2022-09-23T11:18:06Z 2022-09-26T10:01:15Z 2022-09-26T10:01:15Z en None 2022 2.0.2 None Average carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions of new cars dropped by 12% in 2020 compared to the year before, according to final figures published today by the European Environment Agency. The main reason for the sharp decrease of emissions was a surge in the share of electric vehicle registrations http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 5270C84ZHO
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/trends-and-projections-limited-rebound Trends and projections: limited rebound in EU emissions amid post-pandemic recovery and energy crisis 2022-10-20T08:04:55Z 2023-01-10T11:52:33Z 2022-10-25T22:00:00Z en None 2022 2.0.2 None Greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption rose in 2021 due mostly to Europe’s post-pandemic recovery, according to the latest ‘Trends and Projections’ report published today by the European Environment Agency (EEA). Most EU Member States successfully achieved the EU’s 2020 climate and energy targets and are now turning their sights toward climate neutrality while also addressing the current energy supply crisis. Achieving the more ambitious 2030 climate and energy targets will demand more than a doubling of annual progress in the roll-out of renewables, the reduction of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None S3DAPQHFKB
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-heatwaves-how-to-keep Europe's heatwaves: How to keep buildings cool sustainably? 2022-11-06T21:28:52Z 2022-11-11T10:20:21Z 2022-11-10T08:55:00Z en None 2022 2.0.2 None Europe’s temperatures are rising more than twice as fast as the global average with more and more extreme heatwaves being recorded. The demand for sustainable cooling in buildings is increasing and, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing, published today, there is a need for buildings that are energy efficient, use passive cooling solutions and can protect people from heatwaves and contribute to human health and well-being. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None QMBIWT7CJ6
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/zero-pollution-monitoring Zero pollution: 2030 targets within reach but need stronger action 2022-12-07T14:38:55Z 2022-12-15T09:36:27Z 2022-12-08T13:00:00Z en None 2022 3.0.2 None Today, the European Commission is publishing its first Zero Pollution Monitoring and Outlook report setting pathways to cleaner air, water and soil. The Commission report, together with the European Environment Agency's monitoring assessment, shows that EU policies have contributed to reducing air pollution as well as pollution from pesticides. However, in other areas such as harmful noise, nutrient pollution or municipal waste generation, problems persist. The results show that overall much stronger action is necessary if the EU is to achieve 2030 zero pollution targets, by adopting new anti-pollution laws and better implementing existing ones. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None U50TZIB918
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/private-consumption-textiles-eus-fourth-1 Private consumption: Textiles EU's fourth largest cause of environmental pressures after food, housing, transport 2019-11-13T08:44:41Z 2020-11-23T10:59:18Z 2019-11-19T09:00:00Z en None 2019 2.1.2 None Consumption of clothing, footwear and household textiles in the European Union (EU) uses annually about 1.3 tonnes of raw materials and more than 100 cubic metres of water per person, according to a European Environment Agency briefing, published today. A wide-scale change towards circular economy in textiles production and consumption is needed to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions, resource use and pressures on nature. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None H26OA5VZJ9
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/soer2020-europes-environment-state-and-outlook-report Europe’s state of the environment 2020: change of direction urgently needed to face climate change challenges, reverse degradation and ensure future prosperity 2019-11-29T09:23:12Z 2021-11-17T12:07:22Z 2019-12-03T23:05:00Z en None 2019 2.4.4 None Europe will not achieve its 2030 goals without urgent action during the next 10 years to address the alarming rate of biodiversity loss, increasing impacts of climate change and the overconsumption of natural resources. The European Environment Agency’s (EEA) latest ‘State of the Environment’ report published today states that Europe faces environmental challenges of unprecedented scale and urgency. The report says, however, there is reason for hope, amid increased public awareness of the need to shift to a sustainable future, technological innovations, growing community initiatives and stepped up EU action like the European Green Deal. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None GEQNT4WV21
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/walking-cycling-and-public-transport Walking, cycling and public transport in cities remain greener mobility options than electric scooters or car ride-hailing 2020-01-29T10:20:08Z 2020-11-23T10:58:49Z 2020-02-03T09:16:12Z en None 2020 1.3.9 None The growing use of electric scooters and ride-hailing services is transforming how we move in urban centres — but walking, cycling and public transport remain the best way to improve sustainable mobility in cities, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) report published today. A separate EEA briefing on the environmental and climate impacts of transport finds that emissions of greenhouse gases from transport continue to increase, as demand for mobility across Europe keeps growing. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 5Y6JFCM9UR
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/why-does-europe-need-to Why does Europe need to limit climate change and adapt to its impacts? 2020-02-04T15:02:52Z 2020-02-20T15:24:16Z 2020-02-09T23:00:00Z en None 2020 1.4.1 None Europe’s many regions are expected to face worsening impacts of climate change over the next decades. A compilation of several existing maps published by the European Environment Agency (EEA) today illustrates how drought, heavy rain and flooding, forest fires and sea-level rise could affect some selected regions in Europe, including Central Europe, the Iberian peninsula, Scandinavia, Brittany and Venice. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 1CRDEQ043H
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/healthy-floodplains-have-a-key Healthy floodplains have a key role to play in improving our environment 2020-02-26T10:14:56Z 2020-11-23T10:58:37Z 2020-03-03T09:00:00Z en None 2020 1.5.1 None The preservation and restoration of Europe’s largely degraded floodplains, must be better prioritised according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) report published today. The report says floodplains have a key role to play in improving biodiversity, water, and climate change mitigation and adaptation. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ZRW5H3CN68
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/robust-monitoring-and-targets-are Robust monitoring and targets are key in shifting Europe to a more circular economy 2020-03-30T17:23:22Z 2020-11-23T10:58:28Z 2020-04-01T08:00:00Z en None 2020 1.9.3 None Introducing more robust monitoring and targets to spur Europe’s move to a circular economy would help improve resource efficiency, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) report published today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None Q56FX2V3KH
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-seas-face-uncertain-future Europe’s seas face uncertain future if urgent, coherent action not taken 2020-06-19T12:37:18Z 2021-11-17T08:45:27Z 2020-06-25T10:00:00Z en None 2020 1.6.2 None Faced with the increased threats posed by overexploitation of marine resources, pollution and climate change, urgent action is needed to bring Europe’s seas back to good condition. According to the European Environment Agency’s report on Europe’s marine ecosystems, published today, we are running out of time to reverse decades of neglect and misuse. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None D6QASR8G21
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/sharpest-decrease-of-the-decade Sharpest decrease of the decade in EU’s greenhouse gas emissions in 2019, before impacts of COVID-19 2020-09-13T20:07:49Z 2020-11-23T10:58:56Z 2020-09-17T08:00:00Z en None 2020 1.3.1 None The European Environment Agency’s (EEA) preliminary data on the European Union’s (EU) greenhouse gas emissions in 2019 show close to a 4 % decrease, compared with 2018. The only time EU emissions decreased more since 1990 was during to the economic crisis in 2009. In addition, new EEA data for 2019 show that EU stays on track to end the use of chemicals harming the ozone layer. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None A083HFYEDS
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/latest-evaluation-shows-europes-nature Latest evaluation shows Europe's nature in serious, continuing decline 2020-10-07T08:25:08Z 2021-01-18T16:02:28Z 2020-10-19T09:25:00Z en None 2020 1.7.1 None Unsustainable farming and forestry, urban sprawl and pollution are the top pressures to blame for a drastic decline in Europe’s biodiversity, threatening the survival of thousands of animal species and habitats. Moreover, European Union (EU) nature directives and other environmental laws still lack implementation by Member States. Most protected habitats and species are not in good conservation status and much more must be done to reverse the situation, according to the European Environment Agency’s (EEA) ‘State of nature in the EU’ report, published today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None EUIAGNOQS0
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/marked-improvement-in-europes-air Marked improvement in Europe's air quality over past decade, fewer deaths linked to pollution 2020-11-16T13:24:47Z 2021-01-18T14:51:18Z 2020-11-23T11:45:00Z en None 2020 1.1.2 None Better air quality has led to a significant reduction of premature deaths over the past decade in Europe. However, the European Environment Agency’s (EEA) latest official data show that almost all Europeans still suffer from air pollution, leading to about 400,000 premature deaths across the continent. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 3Z2QGORIJ9
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-on-track-to-meet EU on track to meet greenhouse gas emissions and renewable energy 2020 targets, progress in 2019 shows more ambitious long-term objectives are reachable 2020-11-26T13:29:02Z 2021-01-18T14:50:03Z 2020-11-30T11:00:00Z en None 2020 1.3.2 None Thanks to steady improvements in emission reductions and renewables uptake, the European Union is likely to achieve two of its three 2020 climate and energy targets, namely reducing greenhouse gas emissions and boosting renewable energy, according to the European Environment Agency's (EEA) Trends and Projections report published today. Achieving the third target — reducing energy consumption — still looks unclear. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None N94AU2I8YR
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-as-a-whole-stays European Union as a whole stays within air pollutant emission limits in 2019 2021-08-25T09:41:56Z 2021-08-26T09:59:17Z 2021-08-26T09:59:17Z en None 2021 3.0.2 None The European Union (EU) as a whole respected emission ceilings for four key pollutants in 2019, including nitrogen oxides, non-methane volatile organic compounds, sulphur dioxide and ammonia, according to a new European Environment Agency briefing. Nevertheless, Member States still need to make deeper cuts in emissions to achieve 2020-29 and 2030 reduction commitments, especially for nitrogen oxides, fine particulate matter and ammonia. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None S2TMKA6CVO
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/clear-opportunities-to-decouple-europes Clear opportunities to decouple Europe’s waste generation from economic growth 2021-12-13T13:23:57Z 2022-03-28T07:42:10Z 2021-12-15T09:01:36Z en None 2021 4.0.2 None In most European countries and in the EU as a whole, waste generation is growing but at a slower pace than the economy. However, there are no signs that the overall objective of reducing the total generation of waste is close to being achieved, according to a European Environment Agency report published today. The report’s findings highlight opportunities to more effectively prevent waste, with textiles in the spotlight. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 6QST4NXCV7
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/markets-for-many-commonly-recycled Markets for many commonly recycled materials struggle in the EU 2023-01-24T08:35:54Z 2023-01-26T09:00:44Z 2023-01-26T09:00:44Z en None 2023 4.2.2 None Europe’s ambitions for a circular economy require the timely provision of good-quality recycled raw materials to manufacturers. However, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) assessment published today, from the eight most common recyclables, only aluminium, paper and glass have well-functioning secondary markets. Lack of standardisation and competition with new materials are among the challenges for other markets, such as wood and textiles. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 3IU96NJBCR
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/sustainability-what-are-the-alternatives Sustainability: What are the alternatives to economic growth? 2021-01-08T09:36:30Z 2021-01-18T14:44:48Z 2021-01-11T11:00:00Z en None 2020 2.3.1 None How can societies and people prosper and grow without harming the environment and climate? Is it possible to implement the European Green Deal through social innovations that have little or no environmental impact? To broaden the sustainability debate, a European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing, published today, explores alternative ways of thinking about growth and progress. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None I5C03AWGEN
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-change-adaptation-is-key Climate change adaptation is key to avoid disruption of EU agricultural commodities imports 2021-02-10T07:39:34Z 2021-03-03T19:33:46Z 2021-02-11T08:55:00Z en None 2021 2.0.2 None Stepping up European Union (EU) support for international adaptation, together with trade diversification are key actions the EU can take to lessen the impacts of climate change on agricultural trade, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing published today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 8FCGPMK5IY
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/citizen-science-on-air-quality Citizen science projects on air quality produce useful information and raise public awareness 2020-03-06T13:14:36Z 2021-11-17T12:07:22Z 2020-03-12T09:00:00Z en None 2020 1.1.2 None Air pollution is the biggest environmental health threat in Europe and more and more people are taking action to claim their right to clean air. A new European Environment Agency (EEA) report provides an overview of low-cost devices that citizens and NGOs can use to measure local air quality. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None RNVPZG603H
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/air-pollution-goes-down-as Air pollution goes down as Europe takes hard measures to combat coronavirus 2020-03-24T12:18:21Z 2020-11-23T10:59:26Z 2020-03-25T09:00:00Z en None 2020 1.1.3 None The European Environment Agency’s (EEA) data confirm large decreases in air pollutant concentrations — of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentrations in particular — largely due to reduced traffic and other activities, especially in major cities under lockdown measures. Reductions of around half have been seen in some locations. The EEA’s data are measured hourly, on the ground, at about 3,000 monitoring stations across European countries. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 5Z9DAGFR7W
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/moving-towards-zero-pollution-in-europe Moving towards zero pollution in Europe 2020-10-09T10:57:54Z 2021-01-18T16:00:18Z 2020-10-15T08:00:00Z en None 2020 3.4.3 None What is pollution and how does it affect us and the environment? Europe is taking action to reduce pollution and, as part of the European Green Deal, the European Commission put forward a zero-pollution ambition for Europe. A new European Environment Agency (EEA) report, published today, looks at the pollution challenge in Europe from different angles as well as opportunities to clean up and prevent pollution. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 1C6QUM82A9
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/developing-accounting-methods-for-land Developing accounting methods for land cover changes 2020-10-07T13:42:37Z 2020-11-23T10:59:02Z 2020-10-27T09:00:00Z en None 2020 1.8.1 None The European Environment Agency (EEA) has developed land accounts that allow for assessing changes in land cover types. These changes can have environmental impacts, such as decline in biodiversity, reduced carbon stocks, or weakened capacity for food production and flood regulation. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None R58MAFQ0BC
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/winners-of-eeas-rediscover-nature Winners of EEA’s ‘REDISCOVER Nature’ photo competition announced 2020-11-13T08:34:59Z 2021-01-18T16:07:03Z 2020-11-16T09:00:00Z en None 2020 3.4.3 None A praying mantis in Cyprus, a huddle of butterflies resembling a flower, galloping Galician horses and an alpine sunset in Slovakia are the winners of this year’s European Environment Agency’s ‘REDISCOVER Nature’ photo competition announced today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None YJBXPR4VQK
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-met-air-pollution-limits EU met air pollution limits for four key pollutants, including ammonia, in 2018 2020-06-29T06:45:15Z 2020-07-07T09:33:35Z 2020-06-30T08:00:00Z en None 2020 1.1.4 None In 2018, the European Union met all air pollution limit ceilings set for total emissions of the four key pollutants monitored under EU rules. Emissions of ammonia levelled off after five years of increases, according to updated data released by the European Environment Agency (EEA) today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None NE18H7BFGU
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/better-awareness-of-biodegradable-compostable Better awareness of biodegradable, compostable plastics disposal would help tackle Europe’s plastics problem 2020-08-25T10:22:39Z 2020-08-27T08:03:07Z 2020-08-27T08:00:00Z en None 2020 2.1.2 None Biodegradable, compostable and bio-based plastic products like shopping bags, packaging or drinking cups are being increasingly promoted as greener solution than traditional plastic products for consumers. But how environmentally-friendly are they? A European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing released today says clearer labelling and better public awareness will improve the correct disposal of these plastics so that they don’t end up doing more harm than good. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None MU625SN43K
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/covid19-in-europe-increased-pollution COVID-19 in Europe: increased pollution from masks, gloves and other single-use plastics 2021-06-17T07:43:27Z 2021-07-06T12:49:08Z 2021-06-22T07:55:00Z en None 2021 4.0.2 None The coronavirus pandemic has challenged European societies in many ways. The European Environment Agency’s (EEA) briefing, published today, analyses the pandemic’s effect on the use of certain single-use plastics products, which cause greenhouse gas and other emissions and can end up littering the environment. It also brings useful lessons to improve our response to future disruptive events. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None V2OTJNZMH5
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-urban-population-remains-at Europe’s urban population remains at risk due to levels of air pollution known to damage health 2021-12-06T08:37:00Z 2021-12-07T09:15:58Z 2021-12-07T08:05:00Z en None 2021 3.0.2 None The vast majority of Europe’s urban population is exposed to levels of air pollutants above new World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines, according to an updated European Environment Agency (EEA) analysis on air quality in Europe released today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 1TIS86PNRO
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-ets-emissions-continue EU ETS emissions continued to decline during the Covid-19 pandemic 2022-01-05T09:15:44Z 2022-01-12T08:57:58Z 2022-01-12T08:57:58Z en None 2021 2.0.2 None Under current and planned measures, EU Member States project that ETS emissions will continue to decrease in the coming decades albeit at a slower pace than historically, according to the latest annual European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing 'Trends and projections in the EU ETS' published today. On recent trends, greenhouse gas emissions from stationary installations recorded under the EU’s Emissions Trading System (ETS) declined by just over 11% between 2019 and 2020. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None AM8PQC1ET9
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/vast-majority-of-europes-urban Vast majority of Europe’s urban population remains exposed to unsafe levels of air pollution 2022-03-29T11:01:28Z 2022-04-01T07:55:58Z 2022-04-01T07:55:58Z en None 2022 3.0.2 None Ninety-six percent of Europe’s urban population was exposed to fine particulate matter above the health-based guidelines set by the World Health Organization (WHO), according to the latest annual European Environment Agency (EEA) air quality assessment published today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 7F43T2IBR1
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/urban-sprawl-continues-at-the Urban sprawl continues at the cost of nature in Europe 2022-05-03T08:56:52Z 2022-05-05T09:58:02Z 2022-05-05T09:58:02Z en None 2022 2.0.2 None Land take and the sealing of soil with asphalt, concrete or buildings increased in Europe’s urban areas from 2012 to 2018, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) assessment, published today. Increasing land take and soil sealing make Europe’s ecosystems less resilient, with negative impacts on biodiversity and weaker potential for climate change adaptation. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VUYRQI58JE
http://www.eea.europa.eu/media/europes-road-transport-needs-to Europe's road transport needs to shift gears towards sustainability 2022-05-25T09:56:02Z 2022-06-01T08:00:21Z 2022-06-01T08:00:19Z en None 2022 2.0.2 None Growing transport volumes have been driving Europe’s road transport emissions up in the past two decades. A European Environment Agency (EEA) analysis, published today, shows how total greenhouse gas emissions from both passenger cars and heavy goods vehicles have increased in Europe, despite better engine efficiency and use of biofuels. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None OD640HPA7Y
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/making-europes-sewage-treatment-plants Making Europe’s sewage treatment plants more efficient and circular can help meet zero-pollution targets 2022-07-01T07:25:26Z 2022-07-05T08:00:18Z 2022-07-05T08:00:18Z en None 2022 1.0.2 None Sewage treatment can play a key role in Europe’s shift to a zero-pollution future by becoming more resource efficient and contributing to the circular economy, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) report published today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None BW7PC0NYVG
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/effective-nature-finance-needs-better Effective nature finance needs better data, analysis and tools 2022-11-21T12:54:55Z 2022-12-07T12:09:52Z 2022-12-07T11:00:00Z en None 2022 1.0.2 None Alarming degradation of biodiversity has prompted initiatives for financial investments in nature both globally and in Europe. Besides strengthening biodiversity, such investments can have other important benefits, such as supporting climate action, food security, and improving quality of life in cities. European Environment Agency’s (EEA) new briefing highlights that better data, impact analysis and coordination mechanisms are needed to make nature financing effective. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None IGX1RMDEA3
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/countries-and-cities-in-europe Countries and cities in Europe urgently need to step up adaptation to climate change impacts 2020-10-12T06:44:15Z 2021-01-18T14:52:35Z 2020-10-12T07:00:00Z en None 2020 1.4.2 None Despite the increasing awareness of climate change impacts and the need to adapt, many of Europe’s cities and towns are struggling to handle the impacts of heatwaves, severe droughts and destructive floods. Two European Environment Agency (EEA) reports published today stress the urgent need for action to improve adaptation and resilience at local and national government levels. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None E2V0BN7GYR
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/targeted-measures-can-cut-carbon Targeted measures can cut carbon emissions and improve social equality 2021-10-27T13:30:26Z 2021-10-29T09:55:02Z 2021-10-29T09:55:01Z en None 2021 2.0.2 None Recycling revenues from energy and carbon taxes to support low-income groups, investing in renovating buildings and in green mobility are among measures that could ensure public support for Europe’s sustainability agenda and a socially just transition. Vulnerable groups may feel the benefit of these measures more than others, as well as from the broader community impacts of improved air quality and reduced environmental noise. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None F7EZIJS492
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/cleaner-air-could-have-saved Cleaner air could have saved at least 178,000 lives across the EU in 2019 2021-11-10T19:28:34Z 2022-03-01T09:34:34Z 2021-11-14T23:05:00Z en None 2021 3.0.2 None Air pollution continued to cause a significant burden of premature death and disease in Europe in 2019. A European Environment Agency (EEA) analysis, published today, shows that improving air quality to the levels recently recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) could prevent more than half of the premature deaths caused by exposure to fine particulate matter. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None KQYPHU268A
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-indicator-on-pesticides-in New indicator on pesticides in European waters 2021-12-07T12:42:02Z 2021-12-09T12:01:18Z 2021-12-09T09:20:00Z en None 2021 1.0.2 None Pesticides can end up in rivers, lakes and groundwaters, with potential to harm aquatic ecosystems and water quality. The European Environment Agency’s (EEA) new indicator, which aims to track Europe’s progress in reducing pesticides in waters, shows that excessive levels of pesticides have been recorded in a considerable share of European freshwaters. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None B0OM4VKF9T
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/pollution-and-cancer Exposure to pollution causes 10% of all cancer cases in Europe 2022-06-21T16:34:16Z 2022-07-05T09:31:14Z 2022-06-27T22:05:00Z en None 2022 3.0.2 None Exposure to air pollution, second-hand smoke, radon, ultraviolet radiation, asbestos, certain chemicals and other pollutants causes over 10% of all cancer cases in Europe, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) report published today. The good news is that these risks are preventable. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None Q0W6TKNHVZ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/european-countries-taking-action-on European countries taking action on putting in place UN’s environment-related SDGs 2020-11-30T09:14:50Z 2020-12-02T09:04:17Z 2020-11-30T10:30:00Z en None 2020 2.4.6 None A vast majority of the European Environment Agency’s (EEA) 39 member and cooperating countries are putting in action United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including those focused on climate action, water and sanitation, and affordable and clean energy, according to a pan-European assessment, published today, of how the SDGs are being implemented. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 092G68D41X
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/national-measures-to-cut-air National measures to cut air pollution would benefit from stronger links with climate action 2020-12-07T10:01:48Z 2021-01-18T14:47:33Z 2020-12-10T08:25:00Z en None 2020 1.1.3 None European Union (EU) Member States report on their policies and measures to reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions separately. A European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing, published today, reveals that Member States identify links to climate action in about one third of their reported actions planned to reduce air pollution. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None OEN4C8TMUV
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/many-obsolete-barriers-harm-europes-rivers Many obsolete barriers harm Europe's rivers 2021-02-04T10:32:11Z 2021-02-08T08:39:09Z 2021-02-08T08:39:09Z en None 2021 1.0.2 None River continuity is key to improving the ecological status of Europe’s water bodies. However, very few free-flowing rivers remain and the barriers in them cause significant pressures for about 20 % of Europe’s surface water bodies. A European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing, published today, looks at the issue of river barriers and their impact on ecosystems. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 3FKCV1DEWO
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/agricultural-policy-needs-to-secure Agricultural policy needs to secure stronger environmental improvements for water in Europe 2021-02-22T09:57:28Z 2021-02-25T08:59:27Z 2021-02-25T08:59:26Z en None 2021 1.5.1 None Reducing pressures from agriculture is key to improving the status of Europe’s rivers, lakes, transitional, coastal waters and seas as well as groundwater bodies. A European Environment Agency (EEA) assessment, published today, shows that wider uptake of sustainable agricultural management practices is needed for improving the state of water, as well as biodiversity. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None W41USC7E0N
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-clean-bathing-waters Europe's clean bathing waters – success in environmental policy and management 2020-10-26T11:49:44Z 2021-03-02T08:32:35Z 2021-02-26T09:00:00Z en None 2020 1.5.1 None The share of bathing sites with excellent water quality in Europe has increased from 53 % in 1991 to 85 % in 2019, thanks to local actions guided by binding European legislation. A new European Environment Agency (EEA) report shows how improving bathing water quality can serve as a model for successful environmental legislation and management. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None UTQM3IKANZ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/sharp-decrease-in-emissions-of Sharp decrease in CO2 emissions of new cars in 2020 2021-06-28T14:51:24Z 2021-08-04T08:55:07Z 2021-06-29T08:55:00Z en None 2021 2.0.2 None The European Environment Agency (EEA) has published its provisional data about the emissions of newly registered passenger cars and vans in Europe in 2020. For cars, the data show a 12 % decrease in average carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, compared with 2019. Average van emissions also decreased slightly, by about 1.5 %. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 4HVPITXO3C
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-nature-under-pressure Europe’s nature under pressure — challenges and solutions 2021-09-28T07:36:21Z 2022-02-25T10:56:57Z 2021-09-30T09:55:00Z en None 2021 1.0.2 None The European Environment Agency’s (EEA) work and other assessments have shown that European ecosystems are under serious threat. Centuries of exploitation have left their mark on Europe’s natural world and most protected habitats and species are not in good conservation status. The EEA Signals 2021, published today, presents an overview of the problems Europe’s nature is facing and points to strategies to reverse the situation. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 4H8ORFY9VA
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/economic-losses-from-weather-and Economic losses from weather and climate-related extremes in Europe reached around half a trillion euros over past 40 years 2022-01-27T12:38:42Z 2022-02-03T08:37:31Z 2022-02-02T23:05:00Z en None 2022 2.0.2 None Extreme weather events like storms, heatwaves and flooding accounted for economic losses of around half a trillion euros over the past 40 years and led to between 85 000 and 145 000 human fatalities across Europe. Less than one-third of these losses were insured, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) analysis of economic losses and fatalities from weather and climate-related events, published today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 5PQ6HJU0VC
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-member-states-make-progress EU Member States make progress in climate adaptation to boost resilience, EEA review finds 2022-12-13T10:43:56Z 2022-12-14T09:00:16Z 2022-12-14T09:00:16Z en None 2022 2.0.2 None EU Member States recognise the importance of adapting to impacts of heatwaves, droughts, floods, heavy precipitation and changing temperatures and of mainstreaming climate change adaptation to a wide range of affected areas like agriculture, or water and disaster risk management. These are key findings of a European Environment Agency (EEA) report published today which assesses the state of national adaptation actions in 2021. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 7NG2TZWVRA
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/joint-cross-border-renewable-energy Joint cross-border renewable energy projects are feasible and beneficial 2020-12-16T08:16:57Z 2021-01-18T14:45:41Z 2020-12-18T09:00:00Z en None 2020 1.3.8 None Despite clear benefits, like cheaper energy and access to new resources, only a few European countries have embarked on cross-border renewable energy projects. Building on the experience of those countries is crucial for the success of future cross-border projects, according to a new European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing released today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None X9F0ZDVIRB
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/schools-across-europe-share-results Schools across Europe share results of their air quality projects 2021-01-29T13:26:03Z 2021-02-01T08:24:54Z 2021-02-01T11:00:00Z en None 2021 3.0.2 None More than 100 schools from 8 European countries participated in the citizen science CleanAir@School inititative, organised by the European European Agency (EEA) and the European Network of the Heads of Environmental Protection Agencies. The results of the initiative, published today, describe how schoolchildren measured pollution levels, learned about air quality and promoted actions for cleaner air. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 9HPA5QWROZ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eeas-latest-annual-environmental-performance EEA's latest annual environmental performance assessment shows lower impacts on environment due to the pandemic 2021-05-26T11:50:41Z 2021-06-14T12:10:30Z 2021-05-27T07:55:00Z en None 2021 5.0.2 None The European Environment Agency’s (EEA) latest environmental performance data shows that the Agency’s work and operations in 2020 led to considerably lower impacts on the environment due mostly to restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None BEXJM0G7R6
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/creating-a-resilient-economy-within Creating a resilient economy within environmental limits 2021-11-26T13:50:38Z 2021-11-30T08:11:59Z 2021-11-30T09:00:00Z en None 2021 5.0.2 None Creating a more resilient and sustainable future will require Europe to reimagine its economic model, according to a new European Environment Agency (EEA) report published today. The report highlights opportunities for Europe to go further in creating an economy that can deliver prosperity and sustainability. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None IZPJQ5D6B1
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/mapmytree-new-data-tool-to Biodiversity: Three billion additional trees by 2030 – launch of MapMyTree tool 2021-12-07T12:28:17Z 2021-12-09T12:29:32Z 2021-12-09T11:40:00Z en None 2021 1.0.2 None Today, the European Commission together with the European Environment Agency (EEA), are publishing a data tool — MapMyTree — for all organisations to join the pledge of planting three billion additional trees by 2030, register and map their planted trees to count the EU target. As part of the European Green Deal, the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 commits to planting at least 3 billion additional trees in the EU by 2030, in full respect of ecological principles. This would increase the EU forest area and resilience, enhance biodiversity, and help with climate change mitigation and adaptation. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None IPJ8KDSOUM
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/cities-play-pivotal-roles-in-1 Cities play pivotal roles in Europe's sustainability transition 2021-12-07T12:35:27Z 2021-12-10T10:27:00Z 2021-12-10T08:55:00Z en None 2021 5.0.2 None Most Europeans live in cities and cities are Europe’s economic, cultural, and political hubs. Cities face environmental and climate challenges but also hold keys to realise Europe’s sustainability ambitions. Two new assessments on urban sustainability, published by the European Environment Agency (EEA) today, combine several environment and climate themes, calling for better integration of policies to address the complex and interlinked challenges through win-win solutions. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None D4HCBO3NF5
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/what-lessons-does-covid-19 What lessons does Covid-19 offer for sustainability? 2022-01-19T09:01:02Z 2022-04-11T09:58:16Z 2022-01-20T10:50:00Z en None 2022 5.0.2 None The Covid-19 pandemic has prompted swift and forceful actions by governments and societies around the world. A European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing reflects on these responses and the link between the pandemic and the environment to draw lessons that could be used in making societies more sustainable. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 0KRYNGJFP6
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/how-green-are-european-cities How green are European cities? Green space key to well-being – but access varies 2022-01-28T08:01:38Z 2022-03-04T12:32:40Z 2022-02-01T08:50:00Z en None 2022 3.0.2 None High-quality green and blue spaces in cities, like parks, allotments, riverbanks and coastlines, are crucial for health and well-being, in particular for the elderly, children and people on low incomes. However, a European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing, published today, shows that access is not equal. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None E9NX35K6WT
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/what-role-can-europes-land What role can Europe’s land and marine habitats play in carbon storage and sequestration? 2022-04-22T12:10:42Z 2022-04-27T10:25:57Z 2022-04-27T07:50:00Z en None 2022 1.0.2 None What is the carbon storage and sequestration potential of Europe’s many land and marine habitats? A first scoping analysis, published today by the European Environment Agency (EEA), found that forests and wetlands can play an important role in storing carbon but doing so should take account of potential impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem services. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 7ODEHJR8TW
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/consumers-can-play-key-role Consumers can play key role in creating demand for ‘circular’ goods and services 2022-05-16T07:14:05Z 2022-05-17T09:58:24Z 2022-05-17T09:58:24Z en None 2022 4.0.2 None While companies have huge influence in framing and shaping demand for products, consumers play a key role in raising demand for goods and services that have adopted circular economy principles, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing published today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None K56BVYI380
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eea-photo-competition-2022-well EEA photo competition 2022: 'Well with Nature’ 2022-06-13T09:19:40Z 2022-07-20T07:58:49Z 2022-06-22T07:55:00Z en None 2022 3.0.2 None Do you take good photos? Do you enjoy spending time in nature? If your answer is ‘yes’ to both, you might have what it takes to win one of the cash prizes in the European Environment Agency’s (EEA) new ‘Well with Nature’ photo competition. Send us your best shots by 1 October 2022. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None P3ET5ZF7A4
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/post-pandemic-recovery-offers-european Post-pandemic recovery offers European cities chance to boost shift to sustainability 2022-10-05T07:10:28Z 2022-10-10T07:59:54Z 2022-10-10T07:59:54Z en None 2022 5.0.2 None There is a unique opportunity for European cities to better align their the post-COVID-19 recoveries with efforts to make them more sustainable and tackle the impacts of climate change all at the same time. A key legacy of the pandemic is that our cities are a lot more flexible and open to change when it comes to planning and management. This can benefit the shift to sustainability, according to the latest study on urban sustainability, published by the European Environment Agency (EEA) today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None HNXDM2ROK6
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/winners-of-eea-2022-well-with-nature Winners of EEA 2022 Well with Nature photo competition announced 2022-11-10T14:00:42Z 2022-11-11T09:02:49Z 2022-11-11T08:59:14Z en None 2022 3.0.2 None A moody shot of a windswept lighthouse in an approaching storm on the Dutch coast, which won the Public Choice Award, headlines this year’s winners of the EEA’s ‘Well with Nature’ photo competition announced today. The 2022 competition was the EEA’s largest ever, drawing a record 5236 entries from across Europe. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 5TJSVZG24H
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/more-efforts-needed-to-address More efforts needed to address land sources of marine litter 2023-01-18T08:07:12Z 2023-01-19T09:00:40Z 2023-01-19T09:00:40Z en None 2023 1.3.1 None Amid a rise in plastic waste, more must be done across Europe to tackle the root causes of marine litter at its source to prevent the waste from polluting in-land rivers and making its way to our coastlines and seas, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) web report published today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None PZNY48A917
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-action-in-europe-eu Climate action in Europe: EU ETS emissions see big drop in 2019, latest EEA assessment shows 2020-12-07T08:40:00Z 2021-02-17T09:07:57Z 2020-12-14T08:45:00Z en None 2020 1.3.4 None Greenhouse gas emissions from stationary installations covered by the European Union’s Emissions Trading System (ETS) dropped by 9.1% in 2019 from 2018 levels, the largest drop in a decade, according to the latest European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing on trends and projections in the EU ETS released today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None SBFJ4GQIUV
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/average-car-emissions-kept-increasing Average car emissions kept increasing in 2019, final data show 2021-05-20T05:48:27Z 2021-06-01T13:02:52Z 2021-06-01T09:50:00Z en None 2021 2.0.2 None Average emissions from new passenger cars in Europe increased for the third consecutive year in 2019, reaching 122.3 grams of carbon dioxide per kilometre (g CO2/km), according to the European Environment Agency’s (EEA) final data. Data about newly registered vans show a stable trend. New EEA data set baseline for emission reductions in heavy-duty vehicles. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 1XIGRE86A2
http://www.eea.europa.eu/bg/highlights/noviyat-instrument-za-vizualizirane-kachestvoto Новият инструмент за визуализиране качеството на въздуха в европейските градове позволява да проверяваме нивата на дългосрочно замърсяване на въздуха, където живеем 2021-06-11T08:36:58Z 2021-06-22T12:54:29Z 2021-06-17T01:40:25Z bg http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-european-city-air-quality 2021 3.0.2 None Замърсяването на въздуха е сериозен проблем в много европейски градове, който представлява реален риск за здравето. Днес Европейската агенция по околна среда (ЕАОС) стартира инструмент за визуализиране качеството на въздуха в европейските градове. Можем да проверим какво е било качеството на въздуха през последните две години в града, в който живеем, и да го сравним с други градове в Европа. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None PMKAVQXT59
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/novi-preglednik-kvalitete-zraka-u Novi preglednik kvalitete zraka u europskim gradovima omogućuje vam da provjerite razinu dugoročnog onečišćenja zraka u svom gradu 2021-06-11T08:36:58Z 2021-10-19T06:30:30Z 2021-06-17T01:40:25Z hr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-european-city-air-quality 2021 3.0.2 None Onečišćenje zraka ozbiljan je problem u mnogim europskim gradovima i stvaran rizik za zdravlje. Europska agencija za okoliš (EEA) danas je pokrenula preglednik kvalitete zraka u europskim gradovima. Možete provjeriti kakva je bila kvaliteta zraka u vašem gradu tijekom protekle dvije godine i usporediti je s drugim gradovima širom Europe. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None Q8VEO90YJ6
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fr/highlights/le-nouveau-visualiseur-de-donnees Le nouveau visualiseur de données sur la qualité de l’air dans les villes européennes vous permet de vérifier les niveaux de pollution atmosphérique sur le long terme pour votre lieu de résidence 2021-06-11T08:36:58Z 2021-10-19T06:30:30Z 2021-06-17T01:40:25Z fr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-european-city-air-quality 2021 3.0.2 None De nombreuses villes européennes sont confrontées au grave problème de la pollution atmosphérique, qui entraîne de réels risques pour la santé. Aujourd’hui, l’Agence européenne pour l’environnement (AEE) met en ligne son nouveau visualiseur de données sur la qualité de l’air dans les villes européennes. Vous pouvez vérifier l’évolution de la qualité de l’air au cours des deux dernières années dans la ville où vous vivez, et la comparer à d’autres villes partout en Europe. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None EY2F0C63PR
http://www.eea.europa.eu/da/highlights/i-den-nye-oversigt-over I den nye oversigt over luftkvaliteten i byerne kan du se luftforureningsniveauet på langt sigt dér, hvor du bor 2021-06-11T08:36:58Z 2021-10-19T06:30:30Z 2021-06-17T08:18:52Z da http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-european-city-air-quality 2021 3.0.2 None Luftforurening er et alvorligt problem i mange europæiske byer og udgør en reel risiko for sundheden. I dag lancerede Det Europæiske Miljøagentur (EEA) en oversigt over luftkvaliteten i byerne. Her kan du tjekke, hvordan luftkvaliteten har været gennem de seneste to år i den by, du bor i, og sammenligne den med andre byer i hele Europa. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 45PJKRQIZC
http://www.eea.europa.eu/da/highlights/sotransport-i-eu-den-forste Søtransport i EU: Den første miljøkonsekvensrapport bekræfter, at der er sket fremskridt i retning af bæredygtighed, og at der er behov for en øget indsats som forberedelse på stigende efterspørgsel 2021-08-16T13:08:41Z 2022-01-19T09:22:28Z 2021-09-01T07:37:49Z da http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-maritime-transport-first-environmental 2021 1.0.2 None Søtransport spiller og vil fortsat spille en væsentlig rolle i den globale og europæiske handel og økonomi. I de seneste år har søtransportsektoren iværksat betydelige tiltag for at afbøde sin miljøpåvirkning. Mængden af gods, der transporteres ad søvejen, ventes at stige fremover. En ny rapport viser for første gang det fulde omfang af EU's søtransportsektors miljøpåvirkning og identificerer udfordringer for opnåelsen af bæredygtighed. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 932TYFKE5Q
http://www.eea.europa.eu/el/highlights/sychnoteroi-kai-sobaroteroi-klimatikoi-kindynoi Συχνότεροι και σοβαρότεροι κλιματικοί κίνδυνοι στην Ευρώπη - δημοσιεύθηκε νέα περιφεριακή επισκόπηση 2021-11-10T19:38:40Z 2022-03-08T14:19:43Z 2021-12-13T14:33:58Z el http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-hazards-are-increasing-in 2021 2.0.2 None Καθώς τα ακραία καιρικά φαινόμενα και άλλοι κλιματικοί κίνδυνοι αυξάνονται σε συχνότητα και σοβαρότητα σε ολόκληρη την Ευρώπη, απαιτούνται αξιόπιστες πληροφορίες για την αξιολόγηση των κλιματικών κινδύνων και τον σχεδιασμό της προσαρμογής. Η νέα διαδραστική έκθεση του Ευρωπαϊκού Οργανισμού Περιβάλλοντος (ΕΟΠ) παρέχει μια επικαιροποιημένη επισκόπηση του τρόπου με τον οποίο μεταβάλλονται οι κλιματικοί κίνδυνοι στις διάφορες περιφέρειες της Ευρώπης. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None A3UX9V2H8K
http://www.eea.europa.eu/it/highlights/opportunita-chiare-per-disaccoppiare-la Opportunità chiare per disaccoppiare la produzione di rifiuti in Europa dalla crescita economica 2021-12-13T13:23:57Z 2022-03-28T07:42:10Z 2022-01-31T11:17:53Z it http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/clear-opportunities-to-decouple-europes 2021 4.0.2 None Nella maggior parte dei paesi europei e nell’UE nel suo complesso la produzione di rifiuti è in crescita, sebbene a un ritmo più lento rispetto all’economia. Tuttavia, secondo una relazione dell’Agenzia europea dell’ambiente (AEA) di recente pubblicazione, nessun indicatore prospetta il raggiungimento a breve dell’obiettivo generale di ridurre la produzione totale di rifiuti. I risultati della relazione evidenziano opportunità per prevenire più efficacemente la produzione di rifiuti, con particolare attenzione ai prodotti tessili. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None XVAR3OEJWB
http://www.eea.europa.eu/hu/highlights/a-kozzetett-uj-regionalis-attekintes A közzétett új regionális áttekintés szerint az éghajlati veszélyek gyakorisága és súlyossága Európa-szerte fokozódik 2021-11-10T19:38:40Z 2022-03-08T14:19:43Z 2022-02-03T12:26:09Z hu http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-hazards-are-increasing-in 2021 2.0.2 None Mivel a szélsőséges időjárási jelenségek és egyéb éghajlati veszélyek gyakorisága és súlyossága Európa-szerte növekszik, megbízható információkra van szükség az éghajlatváltozás okozta kockázatok értékeléséhez és az alkalmazkodás megtervezéséhez. Az Európai Környezetvédelmi Ügynökség (EEA) új interaktív jelentése naprakész áttekintést nyújt arról, hogyan változnak az éghajlati veszélyek Európa különböző régióiban. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None S4E5AXCQVU
http://www.eea.europa.eu/de/highlights/kunststoffe-ein-zunehmendes-umwelt-und Kunststoffe, ein zunehmendes Umwelt- und Klimaproblem: Wie kann Europa diesen Trend umkehren? 2021-01-20T13:36:04Z 2021-01-28T11:43:08Z 2021-01-28T05:00:00Z de http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/plastics-environmental-concern 2021 4.0.2 None Die Menge an Kunststoffen nimmt ständig zu. Wie sie sich auf die Artenvielfalt und das Klima auswirken und wie Kunststoffe im Sinne einer Kreislaufwirtschaft genutzt werden können sind Fragen, die seit Jahren auf der politischen Agenda der Europäischen Union stehen. Die COVID-19-Pandemie hat das Plastikproblem zusätzlich verschärft: In den Meeren schwimmen achtlos weggeworfene Masken und durch die Entsorgung von Einweg-Schutzausrüstung werden Unmengen von Kunststoffabfall produziert. In ihrem heute veröffentlichten Bericht über die Kreislaufwirtschaft von Kunststoffen analysiert die Europäische Umweltagentur (EUA) die Notwendigkeit und das Potenzial für eine Umstellung auf einen kreislauforientierten und nachhaltigen Ansatz bei der Verwendung von Kunststoffen. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None GI72R5H6JT
http://www.eea.europa.eu/da/highlights/plast-et-voksende-miljo-og Plast, et voksende miljø- og klimaproblem: Hvordan kan Europa vende denne tendens? 2021-01-20T13:36:04Z 2021-01-28T11:43:08Z 2021-01-28T05:00:00Z da http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/plastics-environmental-concern 2021 4.0.2 None Den stadigt stigende mængde plastmaterialer, deres indvirkning på biodiversiteten og klimaet, og spørgsmålet om hvordan de bør håndteres i en cirkulær økonomi, har stået øverst på EU's politiske dagsorden i årevis. Covid-19-pandemien har kun øget den store opmærksomhed omkring plastaffald, med billeder af mundbind i vores maritime miljøer og med forekomsten af enorme mængder af værnemidler til engangsbrug. I rapporten om den cirkulære plastøkonomi, der offentliggøres i dag, analyserer Det Europæiske Miljøagentur (EEA) behovet og potentialet for et skift til en cirkulær og bæredygtig tilgang til vores brug af plast. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None B16CK45PA9
http://www.eea.europa.eu/es/highlights/los-plasticos-son-una-preocupacion Los plásticos son una preocupación climática y medioambiental creciente: ¿qué puede hacer Europa para invertir esa tendencia? 2021-01-20T13:36:04Z 2021-01-28T11:43:08Z 2021-01-28T05:00:00Z es http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/plastics-environmental-concern 2021 4.0.2 None La gran cantidad de plásticos, que no deja de aumentar, su impacto en la biodiversidad y su contribución al cambio climático, así como la forma de abordar estas cuestiones desde una perspectiva de economía circular, forman parte de la agenda política de la Unión Europea desde hace años. La pandemia de la COVID-19 no ha hecho más que aumentar el interés por los desechos plásticos al dejar imágenes de mascarillas en los océanos y grandes cantidades de equipos de protección de un solo uso. En el informe sobre la economía circular de los plásticos, publicado hoy, la Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente (AEMA) analiza la necesidad y el potencial de una transición hacia un enfoque circular y sostenible del uso que hacemos de los plásticos. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None DCAZBTMIR5
http://www.eea.europa.eu/tr/highlights/avrupa-genelinde-iklim-tehlikelerinin-sikligi Avrupa genelinde iklim tehlikelerinin sıklığı ve şiddetinin arttığını gösteren yeni bölgesel genel bakış yayımlandı. 2021-11-10T19:38:40Z 2022-03-08T14:19:43Z 2021-12-13T14:39:17Z tr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-hazards-are-increasing-in 2021 2.0.2 None Aşırı hava olayları ve diğer iklim tehlikelerinin Avrupa genelinde sıklığı ve şiddeti arttıkça, iklim risklerinin değerlendirilmesi ve uyum planlanması için sağlam bilgilere ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Avrupa Çevre Ajansı'nın (AÇA) etkileşimli yeni raporu, Avrupa'nın farklı bölgelerinde iklim tehlikelerinin nasıl değiştiğine dair güncel bir genel bakış sunuyor. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 1F0X9YRTHW
http://www.eea.europa.eu/tr/highlights/temiz-hava-2019da-ab-genelinde Temiz hava, 2019'da AB genelinde en az 178,000 hayat kurtarabilirdi. 2021-11-10T19:28:34Z 2022-03-01T09:34:34Z 2021-12-13T14:31:23Z tr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/cleaner-air-could-have-saved 2021 3.0.2 None Hava kirliliği, 2019'da Avrupa'da önemli bir erken ölüm ve hastalık yüküne neden olmaya devam etti. Avrupa Çevre Ajansı (AÇA)’nın bir analizi, hava kalitesinin Dünya Sağlık Örgütü (DSÖ) tarafından yakın zamanda önerilen iyileştirici seviyelere doğru getirilmesi suretiyle, ince partikül maddeye maruz kalmanın neden olduğu erken ölümlerin yarısından fazlasının önlenebileceğini gösteriyor. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 3QBJMGXKV9
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fi/highlights/hyvat-mahdollisuudet-purkaa-jatteen-syntymisen Hyvät mahdollisuudet purkaa jätteen syntymisen ja talouskasvun välinen kytkös Euroopassa 2021-12-13T13:23:57Z 2022-03-28T07:42:10Z 2022-01-31T11:15:54Z fi http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/clear-opportunities-to-decouple-europes 2021 4.0.2 None Vaikka jätemäärien kasvu useimmissa Euroopan maissa ja koko EU:ssa on talouskasvua hitaampaa, vaikuttaa siltä, ettei jätteen kokonaismäärän vähentämistä koskevaa yleistä tavoitetta olla saavuttamassa. Tämä käy ilmi hiljattain julkaistusta Euroopan ympäristökeskuksen raportista. Raportin havainnoissa tuodaan esiin mahdollisuuksia ehkäistä tehokkaammin jätteen ja etenkin tekstiilijätteen syntymistä. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None GKOYSXQ09H
http://www.eea.europa.eu/bg/highlights/fotokonkurs-na-eaos-za-2022g Фотоконкурс на ЕАОС за 2022 г.: „Well with Nature“ 2022-06-13T09:19:40Z 2022-07-20T07:58:49Z 2022-06-30T12:55:07Z bg http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eea-photo-competition-2022-well 2022 3.0.2 None Правите ли хубави снимки? Обичате ли да прекарвате време сред природата? Ако и на двата въпроса сте отговорили с „да“, вероятно притежавате необходимото, за да спечелите една от паричните награди в новия фотоконкурс на Европейската агенция по околна среда (ЕАОС) „Well with Nature“. Изпратете ни най-добрите си кадри до 1 октомври 2022 г. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 70X3RDF1J8
http://www.eea.europa.eu/nl/highlights/plastic-een-groeiend-milieu-en Plastic, een groeiend milieu- en klimaatprobleem: hoe kan Europa deze trend keren? 2021-01-20T13:36:04Z 2021-01-28T11:43:08Z 2021-01-27T20:55:00Z nl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/plastics-environmental-concern 2021 4.0.2 None De steeds grotere hoeveelheid plastic, het effect van plastic op de biodiversiteit, de bijdrage ervan aan de klimaatverandering en de vraag hoe we het plasticprobleem moeten aanpakken in de circulaire economie, staan al jaren op de beleidsagenda van de Europese Unie. Door de beelden van in zee ronddrijvende mondkapjes en het gebruik van grote hoeveelheden beschermende wegwerpuitrusting heeft de COVID-19-pandemie de aandacht voor plastic afval alleen maar vergroot. In het vandaag gepubliceerde rapport over plastic in de circulaire economie analyseert het Europees Milieuagentschap (EEA) de wenselijkheid en het potentieel van een verschuiving naar circulair en duurzaam gebruik van plastic. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None Z4G5C8UKM7
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lv/highlights/eiropas-daba-ir-apdraudeta-2014 Eiropas daba ir apdraudēta — problēmas un risinājumi 2021-09-28T07:36:21Z 2022-02-25T10:56:57Z 2021-12-15T13:38:04Z lv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-nature-under-pressure 2021 1.0.2 None Eiropas Vides aģentūras (EVA) darbs un citi novērtējumi liecina, ka Eiropas ekosistēmas ir nopietni apdraudētas. Gadsimtiem ilgā izmantošana ir atstājusi savas pēdas Eiropas dabiskajā pasaulē, un lielākā daļa aizsargājamo dzīvotņu un sugu nav labā saglabāšanās stāvoklī. “EVA signāli, 2021. gads” sniedz pārskatu par problēmām, ar kurām saskaras Eiropas daba, un norāda uz stratēģijām situācijas maiņai. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None GXEZISTJRU
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sk/highlights/priroda-v-europe-pod-tlakom Príroda v Európe pod tlakom — výzvy a riešenia 2021-09-28T07:36:21Z 2022-02-25T10:56:57Z 2021-12-15T13:40:24Z sk http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-nature-under-pressure 2021 1.0.2 None Z práce Európskej environmentálnej agentúry (EEA) a iných posúdení vyplynulo, že európske ekosystémy sú vážne ohrozené. Stáročia využívania natrvalo poznačili prírodu v Európe a väčšina chránených biotopov a druhov sa nenachádza v dobrom stave ochrany. V správe Signály EEA 2021 je uvedený prehľad problémov, ktorým príroda v Európe čelí, a poukazuje sa na stratégie na zvrátenie tejto situácie. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None G8JWONCQ05
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pl/highlights/przyroda-w-eurpie-zagrozona-2014 Przyroda w Eurpie zagrożona — wyzwania i rozwiązania 2021-09-28T07:36:21Z 2022-02-25T10:56:57Z 2022-01-12T10:05:00Z pl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-nature-under-pressure 2021 1.0.2 None Raporty Europejskiej Agencji Środowiska (EEA) i inne analizy wskazują, że ekosystemy przyrodnicze w Europie są poważnie zagrożone. Eksploatacja przez wieki odcisnęła piętno na przyrodzie w Europie, większość chronionych siedlisk przyrodniczych i gatunków nie znajduje się we właściwym stanie ochrony. Publikacja Sygnały EEA 2021 przedstawia przegląd problemów, które wpływają na funkcjowanwanie przyrody w Europie, i wskazują strategie zmiany tej sytuacji. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None JGPRNUX1D7
http://www.eea.europa.eu/da/highlights/oplagte-muligheder-for-at-afkoble Oplagte muligheder for at afkoble Europas affaldsproduktion fra økonomisk vækst 2021-12-13T13:23:57Z 2022-03-28T07:42:10Z 2022-01-31T11:13:17Z da http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/clear-opportunities-to-decouple-europes 2021 4.0.2 None I de fleste europæiske lande og i EU som helhed vokser affaldsproduktionen, men i et langsommere tempo end økonomien. Der er imidlertid ingen tegn på, at det overordnede mål om at reducere den samlede affaldsproduktion er tæt på at blive nået ifølge en rapport fra Det Europæiske Miljøagentur, der blev offentliggjort for nylig. I rapportens konklusioner fremhæves mulighederne for mere effektiv affaldsforebyggelse, med særlig fokus på tekstiler. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None YZRK09S74V
http://www.eea.europa.eu/et/highlights/puhtam-ohk-oleks-voinud-2019 Puhtam õhk oleks võinud 2019. aastal päästa ELis vähemalt 178 000 inimelu 2021-11-10T19:28:34Z 2022-03-01T09:34:34Z 2022-02-25T11:04:14Z et http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/cleaner-air-could-have-saved 2021 3.0.2 None Õhusaaste oli 2019. aastal Euroopas jätkuvalt märkimisväärse hulga enneaegsete surmade ja haiguste põhjustaja. Euroopa Keskkonnaameti (EEA) analüüsis näidatakse, et õhukvaliteedi parandamine Maailma Terviseorganisatsiooni (WHO) hiljuti soovitatud tasemeni võib ära hoida enam kui pooled enneaegsed surmad, mida põhjustab kokkupuude tahkete peenosakestega. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None N0W9GC3BFH
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pl/highlights/czestotliwosc-i-dotkliwosc-zagrozen-klimatycznych Częstotliwość i dotkliwość zagrożeń klimatycznych rośnie w całej Europie; opublikowano nowy przegląd regionalny 2021-11-10T19:38:40Z 2022-03-08T14:19:43Z 2022-03-03T15:48:57Z pl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-hazards-are-increasing-in 2021 2.0.2 None Z uwagi na rosnącą w całej Europie częstotliwość i dotkliwość ekstremalnych zjawisk pogodowych i innych zagrożeń klimatycznych konieczne są rzetelne informacje umożliwiające ocenę zagrożeń klimatycznych i planowanie przystosowania się. Nowe, interaktywne sprawozdanie Europejskiej Agencji Środowiska (EEA) zawiera zaktualizowany przegląd zmian zagrożeń klimatycznych w różnych regionach Europy. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None YXSB51KMC0
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fi/highlights/epapuhtauksille-altistuminen-aiheuttaa-10-prosenttia Epäpuhtauksille altistuminen aiheuttaa 10 prosenttia kaikista syöpätapauksista Euroopassa 2022-06-21T16:34:16Z 2022-07-05T09:31:14Z 2022-06-28T04:00:00Z fi http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/pollution-and-cancer 2022 3.0.2 None Tänään julkaistun Euroopan ympäristökeskuksen raportin mukaan altistuminen ilmansaasteille, ympäristön tupakansavulle, radonille, ultraviolettisäteilylle, asbestille, tietyille kemikaaleille ja muille epäpuhtauksille aiheuttaa yli 10 prosenttia kaikista syöpätapauksista Euroopassa. Hyvä uutinen on, että nämä riskit ovat ehkäistävissä. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 1WY2ATDGQE
http://www.eea.europa.eu/el/highlights/plastika-ayksanomeni-anisychia-gia-to Πλαστικά: αυξανόμενη ανησυχία για το περιβάλλον και το κλίμα. Πώς μπορεί η Ευρώπη να αντιστρέψει αυτή την τάση; 2021-01-20T13:36:04Z 2021-01-28T11:43:08Z 2021-01-28T05:00:00Z el http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/plastics-environmental-concern 2021 4.0.2 None Η συνεχώς αυξανόμενη ποσότητα πλαστικών, ο αντίκτυπός τους στη βιοποικιλότητα και η συμβολή τους στην κλιματική αλλαγή, καθώς και ο τρόπος αντιμετώπισής τους στο πλαίσιο της κυκλικής οικονομίας βρίσκονται εδώ και χρόνια στο θεματολόγιο πολιτικής της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης. Η πανδημία COVID-19 έχει στρέψει την προσοχή ακόμη περισσότερο στα πλαστικά απόβλητα, με εικόνες από μάσκες και μεγάλες ποσότητες προστατευτικού εξοπλισμού μίας χρήσης στις θάλασσές μας. Στην έκθεση για την κυκλική οικονομία πλαστικών που δημοσιεύεται σήμερα, ο Ευρωπαϊκός Οργανισμός Περιβάλλοντος (ΕΟΠ) αναλύει την ανάγκη και τις δυνατότητες μετάβασης σε μια κυκλική και βιώσιμη προσέγγιση όσον αφορά τη χρήση πλαστικών. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None B38WP64GHU
http://www.eea.europa.eu/is/highlights/plast-vaxandi-umhverfis-og-loftslagsahyggjuefni Plast, vaxandi umhverfis- og loftslagsáhyggjuefni: hvernig getur Evrópa snúið þeirri þróun við? 2021-01-20T13:36:04Z 2021-01-28T11:43:08Z 2021-01-28T05:00:00Z is http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/plastics-environmental-concern 2021 4.0.2 None Sívaxandi magn plasts, áhrif þess á líffræðilegan fjölbreytileika og framlag þess til loftslagsbreytinga, og hvernig á að bregðast við því frá sjónarmiðum hringlaga hagkerfis hefur verið á stefnuskrá Evrópusambandsins um árabil. COVID-19 heimsfaraldurinn hefur beint athygli okkar að plastúrgangi með myndum af grímum í hafinu, og miklu magni af einnota hlífðarbúnaði. Í skýrslunni um hringlaga plasthagkerfi (e. circular plastics economy report), sem birt var í dag, greinir Umhverfisstofnun Evrópu (EEA) þörfina og möguleikana á breytingu á hringlaga og varanlegri nálgun varðandi notkun okkar á plasti. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None CS18MPHZEY
http://www.eea.europa.eu/et/highlights/plast-kasvav-keskkonna-ja-kliimaprobleem Plast, kasvav keskkonna- ja kliimaprobleem: kuidas saab Euroopa selle suundumuse tagasi pöörata? 2021-01-20T13:36:04Z 2021-01-28T11:43:08Z 2021-01-28T05:00:00Z et http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/plastics-environmental-concern 2021 4.0.2 None Üha suurenev plastikogus, selle mõju bioloogilisele mitmekesisusele ja kliimamuutustele ning käsitlemine ringmajanduse seisukohast on olnud Euroopa Liidu poliitilises tegevuskavas juba aastaid. COVID-19 pandeemia on suurendanud plastijäätmetele pööratavat tähelepanu fotodega, mis kujutavad meres hõljuvaid maske ja ühekorra-kaitsevahendite hunnikuid. Täna avaldatud plasti ringmajanduse aruandes analüüsib Euroopa Keskkonnaamet (EEA) vajadust ja võimekust minna plasti kasutamisel üle ringmajandusele ja kestlikule lähenemisviisile. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None FQ423P86RB
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pl/highlights/tworzywa-sztuczne-rosnacym-zagrozeniem-dla Tworzywa sztuczne rosnącym zagrożeniem dla środowiska i klimatu — w jaki sposób można odwrócić ten trend w Europie? 2021-01-20T13:36:04Z 2021-01-28T11:43:08Z 2021-01-28T05:00:00Z pl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/plastics-environmental-concern 2021 4.0.2 None Problematyka ciągle zwiększających się ilości tworzyw sztucznych, ich wpływu na bioróżnorodność oraz zmiany klimatyczne oraz sposobów postępowania z tworzywami w perspektywie gospodarki o obiegu zamkniętym znajdują się od lat w programie polityk Unii Europejskiej. Pandemia COVID-19 obrazami maseczek pływających w naszych morzach i stosów jednorazowych wyrobów ochronnych nasiliła uwagę kierowaną w stronę odpadów plastikowych . W opublikowanym dziś raporcie dotyczącym tworzyw sztucznych w gospodarce o obiegu zamkniętym Europejska Agencja Środowiska (EEA) analizuje konieczność i możliwości stosowania obiegu zamkniętego i zrównoważonego podejścia do tworzyw sztucznych. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None IBDZ208A9Q
http://www.eea.europa.eu/hu/highlights/muanyagok-hogyan-fordithatja-vissza-europa Műanyagok: Hogyan fordíthatja vissza Európa az általuk jelentett egyre nagyobb környezeti és éghajlati problémát? 2021-01-20T13:36:04Z 2021-01-28T11:43:08Z 2021-01-28T05:00:00Z hu http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/plastics-environmental-concern 2021 4.0.2 None A műanyagok egyre növekvő mennyisége, a biológiai sokféleségre gyakorolt hatása és az éghajlatváltozáshoz való hozzájárulása, valamint a körforgásos gazdaságban való kezelésének módja évek óta szerepel az Európai Unió szakpolitikai napirendjén. A Covid19-világjárvány még jobban felhívta a figyelmet a műanyagok problémájára: a tengerekbe kerülő maszkokról és a rengeteg, egyszer használatos védőfelszerelésről készült képek bejárták a világot. Az Európai Környezetvédelmi Ügynökség (EEA) ma megjelenő, a körforgásos műanyag-gazdálkodásról szóló jelentése azt elemzi, hogy szükség van-e a körforgásos és fenntartható megközelítésre való átállásra a műanyagok felhasználása terén, illetve milyen lehetőségek nyílnak minderre. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None HRDQ0AXB52
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/novy-prohlizec-kvality-ovzdusi-v Nový prohlížeč kvality ovzduší v evropských městech umožní sledovat dlouhodobé úrovně znečištění ovzduší v místě vašeho bydliště 2021-06-11T08:36:58Z 2021-10-19T06:30:30Z 2021-06-22T11:16:07Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-european-city-air-quality 2021 3.0.2 None Znečištění ovzduší je v mnoha evropských městech zásadním problémem a představuje závažné zdravotní riziko. Evropská agentura pro životní prostředí (EEA) dnes spustila prohlížeč kvality ovzduší v evropských městech. Umožní vám zjistit, jak se ve městě, ve kterém bydlíte, v posledních dvou letech vyvíjela kvalita ovzduší, a porovnat ji s kvalitou ovzduší v jiných městech po celé Evropě. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 2YM8UTGSCV
http://www.eea.europa.eu/es/highlights/concurso-fotografico-de-la-aema Concurso fotográfico de la AEMA 2022: «Well with Nature» 2022-06-13T09:19:40Z 2022-07-20T07:58:49Z 2022-07-11T18:48:45Z es http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eea-photo-competition-2022-well 2022 3.0.2 None ¿Se te da bien la fotografía? ¿Te gusta pasar tiempo en contacto con la Naturaleza? Si tu respuesta es afirmativa en ambos casos, no necesitas nada más para optar a uno de los premios en efectivo del concurso fotográfico «Well with Nature» (“En buenos términos con la Naturaleza”) que convoca la Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente (AEMA). Envíanos tus mejores fotografías a más tardar el 1 de octubre de 2022. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None T51AMYRXSV
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/fotograficka-soutez-agentury-eea-2022 Fotografická soutěž agentury EEA 2022: „Well with Nature“ 2022-06-13T09:19:40Z 2022-07-20T07:58:49Z 2022-07-19T09:57:29Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eea-photo-competition-2022-well 2022 3.0.2 None Fotíte dobře? Trávíte rádi čas v přírodě? Pokud jste na obě otázky odpověděli kladně, možná máte na to, abyste vyhráli jednu z peněžních cen v nové fotografické soutěži Evropské agentury pro životní prostředí (EEA) nazvané „Well with Nature“. Pošlete nám své nejlepší snímky do 1. října 2022. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 3HJYU9DC4M
http://www.eea.europa.eu/es/highlights/concurso-de-fotografia-sobre-los Concurso de fotografía sobre los efectos del cambio climático y sus soluciones 2021-04-20T07:30:42Z 2021-08-18T12:52:28Z 2021-06-04T07:53:26Z es http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-on-climate-change 2021 6.3.7 None El cambio climático afecta a nuestra sociedad y al medio ambiente de diversas maneras. La lucha contra con el cambio climático exige que reduzcamos las emisiones con el fin de mitigar sus peores repercusiones y que nos adaptemos a aquellas que no podemos evitar. Hoy se inaugura el concurso fotográfico «Climate Change PIX», organizado por la Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente (AEMA), en el que se invita a los participantes a representar el cambio climático en Europa y nuestras respuestas a este fenómeno. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None RGS9BJEDZ7
http://www.eea.europa.eu/da/highlights/foto-natjecaj-na-temu-ucinaka Foto-natječaj na temu učinaka klimatskih promjena i odgovora na njih 2021-04-20T07:30:42Z 2021-08-18T12:52:28Z 2021-06-09T08:51:49Z hr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-on-climate-change 2021 6.3.7 None Klimatske promjene na mnogo načina utječu na naša društva i okoliš. Suzbijanje klimatskih promjena zahtijeva smanjenje emisija kako bi se ublažili njihovi najnepovoljniji učinci, kao i prilagodbe onim promjenama koje ne možemo spriječiti. U organizaciji Europske agencije za okoliš (EEA) danas se otvara foto-natječaj pod nazivom „Climate Change PIX”, a sudionike se poziva da svojim fotografijama pokažu kako izgledaju klimatske promjene u Europi i kako na njih odgovaramo. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 72I3DSBX1Y
http://www.eea.europa.eu/da/highlights/fotokonkurrence-klimaaendringer-2014-virkninger-og-losninger Fotokonkurrence: Klimaændringer — virkninger og løsninger 2021-04-20T07:30:42Z 2021-08-18T12:52:28Z 2021-06-09T08:48:26Z da http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-on-climate-change 2021 6.3.7 None Klimaændringerne påvirker vores samfund og miljø på mange måder. Vi nødt til at reducere emissionerne. Kun da vil vi kunne afbøde klimaændringernes værste virkninger og leve med de virkninger, der allerede er en realitet. Fotokonkurrencen "Climate Change PIX" skydes i gang i dag. Det Europæiske Miljøagentur (EEA) indbyder alle interesserede til at stille skarpt på klimaændringerne — hvordan de påvirker Europa, og hvordan vi reagerer på dem. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ZR25QTFE08
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sl/highlights/fotografski-natecaj-na-temo-vpliva Fotografski natečaj na temo vpliva podnebnih sprememb in rešitev 2021-04-20T07:30:42Z 2021-08-18T12:52:28Z 2021-06-09T08:55:04Z sl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-on-climate-change 2021 6.3.7 None Podnebne spremembe na številne načine vplivajo na naše družbe in okolje. Ukrepanje proti podnebnim spremembam zahteva zmanjšanje emisij, da bi ublažili njihove najhujše posledice, in prilagoditev tistim, ki jih ne moremo ustaviti. Evropska agencija za okolje je danes objavila fotografski natečaj z naslovom „Climate Change PIX“ (Podnebne spremembe v slikah) in vabi vse zainteresirane, da s fotografijami predstavite podnebne spremembe v Evropi in različne načine, kako se nanje odzivamo. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None DA97PZUR6W
http://www.eea.europa.eu/tr/highlights/iklim-degisikligi-etkileri-ve-cozumleri İklim değişikliği etkileri ve çözümleri hakkında fotoğraf yarışması 2021-04-20T07:30:42Z 2021-08-18T12:52:28Z 2021-06-09T08:57:53Z tr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-on-climate-change 2021 6.3.7 None İklim değişikliği, toplumlarımızı ve çevremizi pek çok açıdan etkiliyor. İklim değişikliğiyle mücadele, en kötü etkilerini hafifletmek amacıyla emisyonları azaltmayı, durduramayacağımız etkilerine ise uyum sağlamayı gerektiriyor. Bugün başlayan Avrupa Çevre Ajansı (AÇA) fotoğraf yarışması "Climate Change PIX", katılımcıları iklim değişikliğinin Avrupa'da nasıl göründüğünü ve buna nasıl tepki verdiğimizi tasvir etmeye davet ediyor. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None A9JRIFNWGE
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/prvni-zprava-o-vlivu-namorni První zpráva o vlivu námořní dopravy na životní prostředí konstatuje významné zlepšení směrem k udržitelnosti a upozorňuje, že vzhledem k očekávané rostoucí poptávce bude nutné vynaložit další úsilí na udržení příznivého trendu 2021-08-16T13:08:41Z 2022-01-19T09:22:28Z 2021-09-01T07:37:47Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-maritime-transport-first-environmental 2021 1.0.2 None Námořní doprava hraje a bude i nadále hrát zásadní úlohu v globálním i evropském obchodu a hospodářství. V posledních letech podnikl sektor námořní dopravy důležité kroky ke zmírnění vlivu na životní prostředí. Ještě před předpovídaným nárůstem celosvětových objemů lodní dopravy odhaluje nová zpráva poprvé plný rozsah vlivu sektoru námořní dopravy EU na životní prostředí a uvádí překážky bránící v dosažení udržitelnosti. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None M7JZI5Y6AN
http://www.eea.europa.eu/bg/highlights/chestotata-i-tezhestta-na-klimatichnite Честотата и тежестта на климатичните опасности в Европа се повишават; публикуван е нов регионален обзор 2021-11-10T19:38:40Z 2022-03-08T14:19:43Z 2021-12-10T11:06:48Z bg http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-hazards-are-increasing-in 2021 2.0.2 None Предвид повишаването на честотата и тежестта на сериозните метеорологични събития и други климатични опасности в Европа, е необходима надеждна информация за оценка на климатичните рискове и планиране за адаптация. Новият интерактивен доклад на Европейската агенция по околна среда (ЕАОС) предоставя актуализиран обзор на промените на климатичните опасности в различните региони на Европа. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None TJNWKGHCZX
http://www.eea.europa.eu/bg/highlights/po-chistiyat-vazduh-e-mozhel По-чистият въздух е можел да спаси поне 178 000 живота в ЕС през 2019 г. 2021-11-10T19:28:34Z 2022-03-01T09:34:34Z 2021-12-10T11:22:24Z bg http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/cleaner-air-could-have-saved 2021 3.0.2 None Замърсяването на въздуха продължава да бъде една от значителните причини за преждевременна смърт и заболеваемост в Европа през 2019 г. Анализът на Европейската агенция по околната среда (ЕАОС) показва, че подобряването на качеството на въздуха до нивата, препоръчани наскоро от Световната здравна организация (СЗО) може да предотврати повече от половината преждевременни смъртни случаи, предизвикани от експозиция на фини прахови частици. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None MQK4Y5AOFS
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sv/highlights/klimatriskerna-blir-allt-vanligare-och Klimatriskerna blir allt vanligare och allvarligare i hela Europa: ny regional översikt ute nu 2021-11-10T19:38:40Z 2022-03-08T14:19:43Z 2021-12-13T14:37:24Z sv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-hazards-are-increasing-in 2021 2.0.2 None Eftersom extrema väderhändelser och andra klimatrisker blir allt vanligare och allvarligare i Europa behövs tillförlitlig information för att bedöma klimatriskerna och planera för klimatanpassning. Europeiska miljöbyråns (EEA) nya interaktiva rapport ger en uppdaterad översikt över hur klimatriskerna förändras i Europas olika regioner. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ORXF23AV4C
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sv/highlights/renare-luft-kan-ha-raddat Renare luft kan ha räddat minst 178 000 liv i EU under 2019 2021-11-10T19:28:34Z 2022-03-01T09:34:34Z 2021-12-13T14:28:41Z sv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/cleaner-air-could-have-saved 2021 3.0.2 None Under 2019 fortsatte luftföroreningar att leda till en betydande belastning i form av förtida dödsfall och sjukdomar i Europa. En analys utförd av Europeiska miljöbyrån (EEA) visar att om luftkvaliteten förbättras till de nivåer som nyligen rekommenderats av Världshälsoorganisationen (WHO) är det möjligt att förhindra över hälften av de förtida dödsfallen till följd av exponering för fina partiklar. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 7NWPCZ4GB3
http://www.eea.europa.eu/es/highlights/en-2019-una-calidad-mejor En 2019, una calidad mejor del aire podría haber evitado al menos 178.000 muertes en el conjunto de la UE. 2021-11-10T19:28:34Z 2022-03-01T09:34:34Z 2021-12-13T14:21:19Z es http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/cleaner-air-could-have-saved 2021 3.0.2 None La contaminación atmosférica siguió provocando en 2019 una carga significativa de muertes prematuras y enfermedades en Europa. Un análisis de la Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente (AEMA) pone de relieve que mejorar la calidad del aire hasta los niveles recomendados recientemente por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) podría prevenir más de la mitad de las muertes prematuras causadas por la exposición a partículas finas. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None Y8PDTOJ50V
http://www.eea.europa.eu/el/highlights/i-fysi-tis-eyropis-yfistatai Η φύση της Ευρώπης υφίσταται πιέσεις — Προκλήσεις και λύσεις 2021-09-28T07:36:21Z 2022-02-25T10:56:57Z 2022-01-12T10:00:58Z el http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-nature-under-pressure 2021 1.0.2 None Το έργο του Ευρωπαϊκού Οργανισμού Περιβάλλοντος (ΕΟΠ) καθώς και άλλες αξιολογήσεις έχουν καταδείξει ότι τα ευρωπαϊκά οικοσυστήματα βρίσκονται υπό σοβαρή απειλή. Αιώνες εκμετάλλευσης έχουν αφήσει το σημάδι τους στον φυσικό κόσμο της Ευρώπης και η κατάσταση διατήρησης των περισσότερων προστατευόμενων οικοτόπων και ειδών δεν είναι καλή. Στην έκθεση «Σήματα» του ΕΟΠ για το 2021 συνοψίζονται τα προβλήματα που αντιμετωπίζει η φύση της Ευρώπης και επισημαίνονται στρατηγικές για την αναστροφή της κατάστασης. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 9R8PNKZ65G
http://www.eea.europa.eu/bg/highlights/yasni-vazmozhnosti-za-otdelyane-na Ясни възможности за отделяне на образуването на отпадъци в Европа от икономическия растеж 2021-12-13T13:23:57Z 2022-03-28T07:42:10Z 2022-01-31T11:12:10Z bg http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/clear-opportunities-to-decouple-europes 2021 4.0.2 None В повечето европейски държави и в ЕС като цяло образуването на отпадъци нараства, но с по-бавни темпове от икономиката. Въпреки това според наскоро публикуван доклад на Европейската агенция по околна среда няма признаци, че общата цел за намаляване на общото количество образувани отпадъци ще бъде постигната скоро. Констатациите на доклада подчертават възможностите за по-ефективно предотвратяване на образуването на отпадъци, като текстилните изделия са в центъра на вниманието. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None XZA071YVKP
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sk/highlights/vystavenie-znecisteniu-sposobuje-10-vsetkych Vystavenie znečisteniu spôsobuje 10 % všetkých prípadov rakoviny v Európe 2022-06-21T16:34:16Z 2022-07-05T09:31:14Z 2022-06-30T12:32:55Z sk http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/pollution-and-cancer 2022 3.0.2 None Podľa dnes zverejnenej správy Európskej environmentálnej agentúry (EEA) je vystavenie znečistenému ovzdušiu, pasívnemu fajčeniu, radónu, ultrafialovému žiareniu, azbestu, niektorým chemikáliám a iným znečisťujúcim látkam príčinou viac ako 10 % všetkých prípadov rakoviny v Európe. Dobrou správou je, že týmto rizikám možno predchádzať. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None O352SGWJAQ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pl/highlights/konkurs-fotograficzny-eea-2022-201ewell Konkurs fotograficzny EEA 2022: „Well with Nature” 2022-06-13T09:19:40Z 2022-07-20T07:58:49Z 2022-07-07T13:08:44Z pl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eea-photo-competition-2022-well 2022 3.0.2 None Robisz dobre zdjęcia? Lubisz spędzać czas na łonie natury? Jeśli Twoja odpowiedź na oba te pytania brzmi „tak”, być może masz szansę wygrać jedną z nagród pieniężnych w nowym konkursie fotograficznym Europejskiej Agencji Środowiska (EEA) „Well with Nature”. Prześlij nam swoje najlepsze ujęcia do 1 października 2022 r.! http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 673QVWRZB0
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sl/highlights/fotografski-natecaj-agencije-eea-za Fotografski natečaj agencije EEA za leto 2022: „Well with Nature“ 2022-06-13T09:19:40Z 2022-07-20T07:58:49Z 2022-07-18T13:42:50Z sl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eea-photo-competition-2022-well 2022 3.0.2 None Ali ustvarjate dobre fotografije? Ali radi preživljate čas v naravi? Če ste na obe vprašanji odgovorili pritrdilno, bi lahko osvojili eno od denarnih nagrad v okviru novega fotografskega natečaja Evropske agencije za okolje (EEA) z naslovom „Well with Nature“ (Dobro z naravo). Svoje najboljše fotografije nam pošljite do 1. oktobra 2022. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 9XJHDO504K
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fr/highlights/face-aux-inquietudes-environnementales-et Face aux inquiétudes environnementales et climatiques grandissantes suscitées par les matières plastiques, comment l’Europe peut-elle inverser la tendance? 2021-01-20T13:36:04Z 2021-01-28T11:43:08Z 2021-01-28T05:00:00Z fr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/plastics-environmental-concern 2021 4.0.2 None Depuis des années, les questions relatives au volume toujours croissant des matières plastiques, aux effets qu’elles produisent sur la biodiversité et à leur contribution au changement climatique, ainsi qu’à la manière de les traiter dans le cadre d’une économie circulaire, figurent dans l’agenda politique de l’Union européenne. La pandémie de COVID-19 n’a fait que renforcer l’attention portée aux déchets plastiques, avec les photos de masques flottant dans la mer et l’utilisation d’un grand nombre d’équipements de protection à usage unique. Dans le rapport sur l’économie circulaire des matières plastiques publié aujourd’hui, l’Agence européenne pour l’environnement (AEE) examine la nécessité d’inscrire désormais notre utilisation des matières plastiques dans une approche circulaire et durable et s’intéresse au potentiel présenté par une telle transition. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None H643JG8QET
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fi/highlights/muovien-aiheuttamat-haitat-ymparistolle-ja Muovien aiheuttamat haitat ympäristölle ja ilmastolle lisääntyvät – voidaanko suuntaus Euroopassa kääntää? 2021-01-20T13:36:04Z 2021-01-28T11:43:08Z 2021-01-28T05:00:00Z fi http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/plastics-environmental-concern 2021 4.0.2 None Alati kasvava muovin määrä, sen vaikutus luonnon monimuotoisuuteen ja ilmastonmuutoksen edistymiseen sekä muovien käsittely kiertotalouden näkökulmasta ovat olleet Euroopan unionin poliittisessa ohjelmassa jo vuosia. Valokuvat merissä kelluvista kasvomaskeista ja tietoisuus kertakäyttöisten suojavarusteiden käyttömääristä ovat lisänneet muovijätteeseen kohdistuvaa huomiota myös covid-19-pandemian myötä. Tänään julkaistussa muovin kiertotaloutta koskevassa raportissa Euroopan ympäristökeskus (EEA) analysoi mahdollisuuksia siirtyä kiertotalouteen perustuvaan ja kestävään muovien käyttöön sekä tällaisen siirtymän tarvetta. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 528NJ9VG46
http://www.eea.europa.eu/it/highlights/la-plastica-un-motivo-di La plastica, un motivo di crescente preoccupazione per l’ambiente e il clima: di quali strategie può avvalersi l’Europa per invertire la tendenza? 2021-01-20T13:36:04Z 2021-01-28T11:43:08Z 2021-01-28T05:00:00Z it http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/plastics-environmental-concern 2021 4.0.2 None La quantità sempre crescente di plastica, il suo impatto sulla biodiversità e il suo ruolo nel determinare i cambiamenti climatici nonché le modalità con le quali affrontare il problema in una prospettiva di economia circolare sono da anni nell’agenda politica dell’Unione europea. Con immagini di mascherine che invadono i nostri mari e grandi quantità di dispositivi di protezione monouso, la pandemia di COVID-19 non ha fatto che attirare ancor di più l’attenzione sui rifiuti di plastica. Nella relazione sull’economia circolare della plastica, pubblicata oggi, l’Agenzia europea dell’ambiente (AEA) analizza la necessità di un passaggio a un approccio circolare e sostenibile all’uso della plastica e le potenzialità per attuarlo. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None BQZTEFC549
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/plasty-jako-rostouci-problem-voblasti Plasty jako rostoucí problém v oblasti životního prostředí a klimatu: jak může Evropa tento trend zvrátit? 2021-01-20T13:36:04Z 2021-01-28T11:43:08Z 2021-01-28T05:00:00Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/plastics-environmental-concern 2021 4.0.2 None Neustále se zvyšující množství plastů, jejich dopad na biologickou rozmanitost a jejich podíl na změně klimatu, stejně tak i způsob, jak s nimi nakládat z hlediska oběhového hospodářství – témata, která jsou součástí politického programu Evropské unie již celou řadu let. Pandemie COVID-19 pouze zvýšila pozornost věnovanou plastovému odpadu díky fotografiím roušek vyplavených do našich moří a značnému množství ochranných prostředků na jedno použití. V dnes zveřejněné zprávě o oběhovém hospodářství v oblasti plastů analyzuje Evropská agentura pro životní prostředí (EEA) nutnost a potenciál transformace k udržitelnému a oběhovému využívání plastů. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None NQZBVKSPXG
http://www.eea.europa.eu/ro/highlights/materialele-plastice-o-amenintare-tot Materialele plastice, o amenințare tot mai mare pentru mediu și climă: cum poate Europa să inverseze această tendință? 2021-01-20T13:36:04Z 2021-01-28T11:43:08Z 2021-01-28T05:00:00Z ro http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/plastics-environmental-concern 2021 4.0.2 None Creșterea continuă a cantității de materiale plastice, impactul lor asupra biodiversității și contribuția lor la schimbările climatice, precum și modul de abordare a acestui fenomen din perspectiva economiei circulare se află de mulți ani pe agenda politică a Uniunii Europene. Pandemia de COVID-19 nu a făcut decât să atragă și mai mult atenția asupra deșeurilor de plastic, cu imagini de măști plutind pe mare și cantități considerabile de echipamente de protecție de unică folosință. În raportul privind economia circulară a materialelor plastice publicat astăzi, Agenția Europeană de Mediu (AEM) analizează necesitatea și potențialul trecerii la o abordare circulară și durabilă a modului în care utilizăm materialele plastice. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VAK2UIY63S
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sl/highlights/plastika-vse-bolj-pereca-okoljska Plastika, vse bolj pereča okoljska in podnebna skrb: kako lahko Evropa obrne trenutni trend? 2021-01-20T13:36:04Z 2021-01-28T11:43:08Z 2021-01-28T05:00:00Z sl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/plastics-environmental-concern 2021 4.0.2 None Vse večja količina plastike, njen vpliv na biotsko raznovrstnost in prispevek k podnebnim spremembam ter način ravnanja s plastiko z vidika krožnega gospodarstva so že več let del politične agende Evropske unije. Pandemija bolezni covid-19 je s podobami mask v naših morjih in z velikimi količinami zaščitne opreme za enkratno uporabo še dodatno opozorila na problematiko plastičnih odpadkov. Evropska agencija za okolje (EEA) je v poročilu o krožnem gospodarstvu na področju plastike, ki ga je objavila danes, analizirala potrebo po prehodu na krožno in trajnostno uporabo plastike ter možnosti za ta prehod. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None SYMNX3RJ1W
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fi/highlights/juna-lentokone-auto-vai-laiva Juna, lentokone, auto vai laiva – mikä moottorikäyttöisistä kulkuneuvoista on ympäristöystävällisin? 2021-03-19T10:09:51Z 2021-04-16T09:25:28Z 2021-04-06T14:37:16Z fi http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/motorised-transport-train-plane-road 2021 2.0.2 None Junamatkustus on yhä yleisesti ottaen ympäristöystävällisin moottoriajoneuvoilla tapahtuvan matkustajaliikenteen muoto, kun tarkastellaan liikenteen aiheuttamia kasvihuonekaasupäästöjä Euroopassa. Näin todetaan kahdessa Euroopan ympäristökeskuksen (EEA) tänään julkaistavassa liikenne- ja ympäristötutkimuksessa, joissa verrattiin raide-, maantie- ja lentoliikenteen päästöjä. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None CR3MEZAI7F
http://www.eea.europa.eu/es/highlights/el-nuevo-visualizador-europeo-de El nuevo visualizador europeo de la calidad del aire urbano permite comprobar los niveles de contaminación atmosférica a largo plazo de nuestras ciudades 2021-06-11T08:36:58Z 2021-10-19T06:30:30Z 2021-06-17T14:18:18Z es http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-european-city-air-quality 2021 3.0.2 None La contaminación atmosférica es un problema grave en muchas ciudades europeas y entraña un riesgo real para la salud. La Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente (AEMA) ha presentado hoy el visualizador de la calidad del aire de las ciudades europeas. El visualizador nos permite comprobar la calidad del aire en los dos últimos años de nuestra ciudad y compararla con otras ciudades de Europa. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None TZ1Y59IGD8
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pl/highlights/nowa-europejska-przegladarka-jakosci-powietrza Nowa europejska przeglądarka jakości powietrza w miastach pozwala sprawdzić w długoterminowym okresie poziomy zanieczyszczenia powietrza w miejscu twojego zamieszkania 2021-06-11T08:36:58Z 2021-10-19T06:30:30Z 2021-06-17T14:18:36Z pl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-european-city-air-quality 2021 3.0.2 None Zanieczyszczanie powietrza stanowi poważny problem w wielu europejskich miastach, stwarzając realne zagrożenie dla zdrowia. Europejska Agencja Środowiska (EEA) uruchomiła dziś przeglądarkę miejskiej jakości powietrza. Dzięki niej możesz sprawdzić, jaka była jakość powietrza w ciągu ostatnich dwóch lat w mieście, w którym mieszkasz i porównać wynik z innymi miastami w całej Europie. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None WP8R5YIDJ0
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lv/highlights/es-juras-transports-2014-pirmaja ES jūras transports — Pirmajā ziņojumā par ietekmi uz vidi ir atzīts labs progress virzībā uz ilgtspēju un apstiprināts, ka ir jāpieliek lielākas pūles, lai sagatavotos pieaugošajam pieprasījumam 2021-08-16T13:08:41Z 2022-01-19T09:22:28Z 2021-09-01T07:37:51Z lv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-maritime-transport-first-environmental 2021 1.0.2 None Jūras transportam ir un arī turpmāk būs svarīga nozīme pasaules un Eiropas tirdzniecībā un ekonomikā. Pēdējos gados jūrniecības nozare ir veikusi būtiskus pasākumus, lai mazinātu ietekmi uz vidi. Gaidot prognozēto pasaules kuģniecības apjoma pieaugumu, jaunā ziņojumā pirmo reizi ir atklāts, cik liela ir ES jūras transporta nozares ietekme uz vidi, un apzinātas problēmas ilgtspējas sasniegšanā. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None N23IJ6MEOV
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pl/highlights/narazenie-na-zanieczyszczenie-srodowiska-odpowiada Narażenie na zanieczyszczenie środowiska odpowiada w Europie za 10% wszystkich przypadków nowotworów 2022-06-21T16:34:16Z 2022-07-05T09:31:14Z 2022-06-28T15:28:37Z pl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/pollution-and-cancer 2022 3.0.2 None Zgodnie z opublikowanym dziś raportem Europejskiej Agencji Środowiska (EEA) narażenie na zanieczyszczenie powietrza, wtórny dym tytoniowy, radon, promieniowanie ultrafioletowe, azbest, niektóre związki chemiczne i inne substancje zanieczyszczające odpowiada za ponad 10% wszystkich przypadków nowotworów w Europie. Na szczęście takim zagrożeniom można zapobiec. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None YJ8SFV69R5
http://www.eea.europa.eu/el/highlights/i-ekthesi-sti-rypansi-prokalei Η έκθεση στη ρύπανση προκαλεί το 10 % όλων των κρουσμάτων καρκίνου στην Ευρώπη 2022-06-21T16:34:16Z 2022-07-05T09:31:14Z 2022-07-01T08:50:00Z el http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/pollution-and-cancer 2022 3.0.2 None Η έκθεση στην ατμοσφαιρική ρύπανση, το παθητικό κάπνισμα, το ραδόνιο, η υπεριώδης ακτινοβολία, ο αμίαντος, ορισμένες χημικές ουσίες και άλλοι ρύποι προκαλουν πάνω από το 10 % όλων των κρουσμάτων καρκίνου στην Ευρώπη, σύμφωνα με έκθεση του Ευρωπαϊκού Οργανισμού Περιβάλλοντος (ΕΟΠ) που δημοσιεύεται σήμερα. Τα καλά νέα είναι ότι οι κίνδυνοι αυτοί μπορούν να προληφθούν. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None QEPRW4YCXA
http://www.eea.europa.eu/nl/highlights/blootstelling-aan-verontreiniging-is-de Blootstelling aan verontreiniging is de oorzaak van 10 % van alle gevallen van kanker in Europa 2022-06-21T16:34:16Z 2022-07-05T09:31:14Z 2022-07-01T11:42:24Z nl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/pollution-and-cancer 2022 3.0.2 None Blootstelling aan luchtverontreiniging, passief roken, radon, ultraviolette straling, asbest, bepaalde chemische stoffen en andere verontreinigende stoffen veroorzaakt meer dan 10 % van alle gevallen van kanker in Europa. Dat staat te lezen in een rapport van het Europees Milieuagentschap (EEA) dat vandaag werd gepubliceerd. Het goede nieuws is dat deze risico’s te voorkomen zijn. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 8VXJ1937SY
http://www.eea.europa.eu/ro/highlights/expunerea-la-poluare-este-cauza Expunerea la poluare este cauza a 10% din totalul cazurilor de cancer din Europa 2022-06-21T16:34:16Z 2022-07-05T09:31:14Z 2022-07-01T11:54:46Z ro http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/pollution-and-cancer 2022 3.0.2 None Potrivit unui raport al Agenției Europene de Mediu (AEM), publicat astăzi, expunerea la aerul poluat, fumul de tutun ambiant, radon, radiațiile ultraviolete, azbest, anumite substanțe chimice și alți poluanți cauzează peste 10 % din totalul cazurilor de cancer din Europa. Vestea bună este că aceste riscuri pot fi prevenite. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 1A680F9XVG
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/natjecaj-za-najbolju-fotografiju-agencije Natječaj za najbolju fotografiju agencije EEA 2022.: „Well with Nature” 2022-06-13T09:19:40Z 2022-07-20T07:58:49Z 2022-07-01T13:46:12Z hr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eea-photo-competition-2022-well 2022 3.0.2 None Imate li dara za fotografiranje? Volite li provoditi vrijeme u prirodi? Ako ste na oba pitanja odgovorili potvrdno, možda upravo vi možete osvojiti jednu od novčanih nagrada Europske agencije za okoliš (EEA) u novom natječaju za najbolju fotografiju „Well with Nature”. Pošaljite nam svoje najbolje snimke do 1. listopada 2022. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 6U9WMFQKE1
http://www.eea.europa.eu/hu/highlights/az-eea-2022-evi-fotopalyazata Az EEA 2022. évi fotópályázata: „Well with Nature” (Összhangban a természettel) 2022-06-13T09:19:40Z 2022-07-20T07:58:49Z 2022-07-01T13:49:42Z hu http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eea-photo-competition-2022-well 2022 3.0.2 None Jó képeket készítesz? Élvezed a természetben töltött időt? Ha mindkét kérdésre igen a válasz, elképzelhető, hogy az Európai Környezetvédelmi Ügynökség (EEA) „Well with Nature” című új fotópályázatának egyik pénzdíja elérhetővé válik az számodra. Küld el nekünk legjobb fotód 2022. október 1-jéig! http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None INKUCTGH2F
http://www.eea.europa.eu/bg/highlights/konkurs-za-snimka-otnosno-vazdeystvieto Конкурс за снимка относно въздействието от изменението на климата и адаптирането към него 2021-04-20T07:30:42Z 2021-08-18T12:52:28Z 2021-05-31T08:07:47Z bg http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-on-climate-change 2021 6.3.7 None Изменението на климата влияе на нашите общества и на околната среда по много начини. Справянето с изменението на климата налага намаляване на емисиите, за да смекчим най-неблагоприятните последици и да се адаптираме към ефектите, които не можем да предотвратим. Днес се открива конкурсът за снимка Climate Change PIX („Снимки на изменението на климата“) на Европейската агенция по околна среда (ЕАОС) с покана към участниците да покажат как изглежда изменението на климата в Европа и как реагираме на него. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None MQJKXC15SH
http://www.eea.europa.eu/is/highlights/nytt-skodunartaeki-loftgaeda-i-evropskum Nýtt skoðunartæki loftgæða í evrópskum borgum gerir þér kleift að skoða langtíma loftmengunarstig þar sem þú býrð 2021-06-11T08:36:58Z 2021-10-19T06:30:30Z 2021-06-17T01:40:25Z is http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-european-city-air-quality 2021 3.0.2 None Loftmengun er alvarlegt vandamál í mörgum evrópskum borgum, sem veldur raunverulegri áhættu fyrir heilsu. Í dag tók Umhverfisstofnun Evrópu (EEA) skoðunartæki í gagnið sem mælir loftgæði í evrópskum borgum. Þú getur skoðað hvernig loftgæðin hafa verið yfir síðustu tvö ár í þeirri borg sem þú býrð í og borið þau saman við önnur lönd innan Evrópu. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ZUCS39OF06
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lt/highlights/su-naujaja-europos-miestu-oro Su naująja Europos miestų oro kokybės peržiūros priemone galite patikrinti savo gyvenamos vietos ilgalaikę oro taršos koncentraciją 2021-06-11T08:36:58Z 2021-10-19T06:30:30Z 2021-06-22T11:12:47Z lt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-european-city-air-quality 2021 3.0.2 None Oro tarša – rimta daugelio Europos miestų problema, kelianti realų pavojų sveikatai. Šiandien pradėjo veikti Europos aplinkos agentūros (EAA) Europos miestų oro kokybės peržiūros priemonė. Galite patikrinti miesto, kuriame gyvenate, pastarųjų dvejų metų oro kokybę ir palyginti ją su kitų Europos miestų. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None AFT1PHX4B9
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sk/highlights/novy-prehliadac-kvality-ovzdusia-europskych Nový Prehliadač kvality ovzdušia európskych miest vám umožní kontrolovať úrovne znečistenia ovzdušia v mieste vášho bydliska 2021-06-11T08:36:58Z 2021-10-19T06:30:30Z 2021-06-24T13:17:57Z sk http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-european-city-air-quality 2021 3.0.2 None Znečistenie ovzdušia je v mnohých európskych mestách vážnym problémom, ktorý predstavuje vysoké zdravotné riziko. Európska environmentálna agentúra (EEA) dnes spustila Prehliadač kvality ovzdušia európskych miest. Vďaka tomuto prehliadaču máte teraz možnosť skontrolovať kvalitu ovzdušia za posledné dva roky v meste v ktorom žijete, a porovnať ju s inými európskymi mestami. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 4GIN065YM7
http://www.eea.europa.eu/ro/highlights/transportul-maritim-din-ue-primul Transportul maritim din UE: primul raport privind impactul asupra mediului recunoaște progresele semnificative în direcția durabilității și confirmă că sunt necesare mai multe eforturi pentru a face față cererii în creștere 2021-08-16T13:08:41Z 2022-01-19T09:22:28Z 2021-09-01T07:37:52Z ro http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-maritime-transport-first-environmental 2021 1.0.2 None Transportul maritim joacă și va continua să joace un rol esențial în comerțul și economia de la nivel mondial și european. În ultimii ani, sectorul maritim a luat măsuri importante pentru a atenua impactul său asupra mediului. Înainte de creșterea preconizată a volumelor de transport maritim la nivel mondial, noul raport dezvăluie pentru prima dată întreaga amploare a impactului asupra mediului pe care o are sectorul transportului maritim din UE și identifică provocările în calea îndeplinirii obiectivelor de durabilitate. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 3N5XH62YUA
http://www.eea.europa.eu/hu/highlights/tengeri-szallitas-az-europai-unioban Tengeri szállítás az Európai Unióban: a környezeti hatásokról szóló első jelentés elismeri a fenntarthatóság felé tett előrehaladást, és megerősíti, hogy jobban fel kell készülni a kereslet növekedésére 2021-08-16T13:08:41Z 2022-01-19T09:22:28Z 2021-09-01T07:37:50Z hu http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-maritime-transport-first-environmental 2021 1.0.2 None A tengeri szállítás jelenleg és a jövőben is alapvető szerepet tölt be a globális és európai kereskedelemben és gazdaságban. A tengeri ágazat az utóbbi években érdemi intézkedéseket tett a környezeti hatásainak enyhítése érdekében. A globális szállítási mennyiségek várható növekedésére számítva egy új jelentés most először vizsgálta az uniós tengeri szállítási ágazat környezetre gyakorolt hatásainak egészét, és azonosította a fenntarthatóság elérésének útjában álló akadályokat. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None IQGY43JMWT
http://www.eea.europa.eu/tr/highlights/ab-denizyolu-tasimaciligi-birinci-cevresel AB denizyolu taşımacılığı: Birinci çevresel etki raporu, sürdürülebilirliğe doğru iyi bir gidişat olduğunu bildirmekte ve artan talebe hazırlanmak için daha fazla çabanın gerektiğini doğrulamaktadır 2021-08-16T13:08:41Z 2022-01-19T09:22:28Z 2021-09-01T07:37:52Z tr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-maritime-transport-first-environmental 2021 1.0.2 None Denizyolu taşımacılığı küresel ve Avrupa’daki ticaret ve ekonomide temel bir rol oynamaktadır ve oynamaya devam edecektir. Son yıllarda denizyolu sektörü çevresel etkilerini azaltmak amacıyla önemli önlemler aldı. Küresel sevkiyat hacimlerinde öngörülen bir artış öncesinde, yeni bir rapor AB denizyolu taşımacılık sektörünün çevre üzerindeki etkisinin tam kapsamını ilk defa ortaya çıkarmakta ve sürdürülebilirliğe ulaşmanın önündeki güçlükleri tespit etmektedir. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None K6XP0S7AVZ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/el/highlights/simantikes-eykairies-na-aposyndethei-i Σημαντικές ευκαιρίες να αποσυνδεθεί η παραγωγή αποβλήτων στην Ευρώπη από την οικονομική ανάπτυξη 2021-12-13T13:23:57Z 2022-03-28T07:42:10Z 2022-01-31T11:14:08Z el http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/clear-opportunities-to-decouple-europes 2021 4.0.2 None Στις περισσότερες ευρωπαϊκές χώρες αλλά και σε ολόκληρη την ΕΕ, η παραγωγή αποβλήτων αυξάνεται, αλλά με βραδύτερο ρυθμό από ό,τι η οικονομία. Ωστόσο, σύμφωνα με την πρόσφατα δημοσιευθείσα έκθεση του Ευρωπαϊκού Οργανισμού Περιβάλλοντος, καμία ένδειξη δεν υπάρχει ότι βρισκόμαστε σε καλό δρόμο για να επιτευχθεί ο γενικός στόχος για τη μείωση της συνολικής παραγωγής αποβλήτων. Τα πορίσματα της έκθεσης αναδεικνύουν τις ευκαιρίες για να αποτρέψουμε πιο αποτελεσματικά την παραγωγή αποβλήτων, κυρίως των κλωστοϋφαντουργικών. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None GFKE0MTRWD
http://www.eea.europa.eu/nl/highlights/goede-mogelijkheden-om-de-europese Goede mogelijkheden om de Europese afvalproductie los te koppelen van economische groei 2021-12-13T13:23:57Z 2022-03-28T07:42:10Z 2022-01-31T11:18:42Z nl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/clear-opportunities-to-decouple-europes 2021 4.0.2 None In de meeste Europese landen en in de EU als geheel neemt de afvalproductie toe, maar langzamer dan de economie groeit. Volgens een onlangs gepubliceerd rapport van het Europees Milieuagentschap lijkt de algemene doelstelling om de totale afvalproductie terug te dringen nog niet binnen bereik. Het rapport belicht mogelijkheden om afval op doeltreffender wijze te voorkomen, met speciale aandacht voor textiel. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None Y169FS7C82
http://www.eea.europa.eu/nl/highlights/klimaatgerelateerde-gevaren-steeds-frequenter-en Klimaatgerelateerde gevaren steeds frequenter en ernstiger in Europa; nieuw regionaal overzicht gepubliceerd 2021-11-10T19:38:40Z 2022-03-08T14:19:43Z 2022-03-08T14:19:43Z nl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-hazards-are-increasing-in 2021 2.0.2 None Nu extreme weersomstandigheden en andere klimaatgerelateerde gevaren in heel Europa vaker voorkomen en ernstiger worden, is betrouwbare informatie nodig voor de beoordeling van klimaatrisico’s en de planning van aanpassing. Het nieuwe interactieve verslag van het Europees Milieuagentschap (EEA) geeft een actueel overzicht van de ontwikkeling van klimaatgerelateerde gevaren in de verschillende Europese regio’s. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None XY2WCI9KJV
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/fotosoutez-na-tema-zmena-klimatu Fotosoutěž na téma změna klimatu, její dopady a řešení 2021-04-20T07:30:42Z 2021-08-18T12:52:28Z 2021-05-31T07:45:00Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-on-climate-change 2021 6.3.7 None Změna klimatu ovlivňuje společnost a životní prostředí v mnoha ohledech. V rámci boje proti tomuto jevu je nutné, abychom snížili emise a zmírnili tak nejhorší dopady a abychom se přizpůsobili změnám, jimž nedokážeme zabránit. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None O7SCTMXVK9
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lv/highlights/jauna-eiropas-pilsetu-gaisa-kvalitates Jaunā Eiropas pilsētu gaisa kvalitātes pārlūkprogramma ļauj pārbaudīt ilgtermiņa gaisa piesārņojuma līmeni vietā, kur dzīvojat 2021-06-11T08:36:58Z 2021-10-19T06:30:30Z 2021-06-17T08:23:02Z lv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-european-city-air-quality 2021 3.0.2 None Daudzās Eiropas pilsētās gaisa piesārņojums ir nopietna problēma, kas rada reālu risku veselībai. Šodien Eiropas Vides aģentūra (EVA) laida klajā Eiropas pilsētu gaisa kvalitātes pārlūkprogrammu. Jūs varat pārbaudīt, kāda gaisa kvalitāte pēdējo divu gadu laikā ir bijusi pilsētā, kurā dzīvojat, un salīdzināt to ar citām pilsētām visā Eiropā. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None K8GSRQ9D3I
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fr/highlights/transport-maritime-europeen-le-premier Transport maritime européen: le premier rapport sur l’impact environmental du transport maritime europeen salue des progrès encourageants vers la durabilité et confirme que des efforts supplémentaires sont nécessaires en prévision de la hausse de la deman 2021-08-16T13:08:41Z 2022-01-19T09:22:28Z 2021-09-01T07:37:50Z fr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-maritime-transport-first-environmental 2021 1.0.2 None Le transport maritime joue et continuera de jouer un rôle essentiel dans le commerce et l’économie au niveau mondial et européen. Ces dernières années, le secteur maritime a pris des mesures importantes pour atténuer ses effets sur l’environnement. Dans la perspective d’une augmentation prévisible des volumes de transport maritime dans le monde, un nouveau rapport prend pour la première fois toute la mesure de l’incidence environnementale du secteur du transport maritime de l’UE et recense les défis à relever pour parvenir à la durabilité. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None V5S3ROWPQ8
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sl/highlights/s-cistejsim-zrakom-bi-lahko S čistejšim zrakom bi lahko na območju EU v letu 2019 rešili vsaj 178 000 življenj 2021-11-10T19:28:34Z 2022-03-01T09:34:34Z 2021-12-13T14:26:24Z sl http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/cleaner-air-could-have-saved 2021 3.0.2 None Onesnaženost zraka je v letu 2019 še naprej povzročala veliko breme prezgodnjih smrti in bolezni v Evropi. Analiza Evropske agencije za okolje (EEA) kaže, da bi lahko z izboljšanjem kakovosti zraka do ravni, ki jih je nedavno priporočila Svetovna zdravstvena organizacija (SZO), preprečili več kot polovico prezgodnjih smrti zaradi izpostavljenosti drobnim delcem. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ECWV4MN6S5
http://www.eea.europa.eu/tr/highlights/avrupadaki-tum-kanser-vakalarinin-10unun Avrupa'daki tüm kanser vakalarının %10'unun nedeni kirliliğe maruz kalma 2022-06-21T16:34:16Z 2022-07-05T09:31:14Z 2022-06-28T04:00:00Z tr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/pollution-and-cancer 2022 3.0.2 None Bugün yayınlanan Avrupa Çevre Ajansı (AÇA) raporuna göre; hava kirliliği, ikinci el duman (pasif içicilik - pasif olarak maruz kalınan sigara dumanı), radon, ultraviyole radyasyon, amyant, belirli kimyasallar ve diğer kirleticilere maruz kalma, Avrupa'daki tüm kanser vakalarının %10'undan fazlasına neden olmaktadır. İyi haber ise, bu risklerin önlenebilir olmasıdır. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 56Q78YJCBP
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/izlaganje-oneciscenju-uzrokuje-10-svih Izlaganje onečišćenju uzrokuje 10 % svih slučajeva raka u Europi 2022-06-21T16:34:16Z 2022-07-05T09:31:14Z 2022-06-28T07:27:55Z hr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/pollution-and-cancer 2022 3.0.2 None Izlaganje onečišćenju zraka, pasivnom pušenju, radonu, ultraljubičastom zračenju, azbestu, određenim kemikalijama i drugim onečišćujućim tvarima uzrokuje više od 10 % svih slučajeva raka u Europi, prema danas objavljenom izvješću Europske agencije za okoliš (EEA). Dobra je vijest da se ti rizici mogu spriječiti. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None H71JN5RFOE
http://www.eea.europa.eu/ro/highlights/concurs-de-fotografii-lansat-de Concurs de fotografii lansat de AEM, 2022: „Well with Nature” 2022-06-13T09:19:40Z 2022-07-20T07:58:49Z 2022-07-07T10:40:46Z ro http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eea-photo-competition-2022-well 2022 3.0.2 None Te pricepi la fotografiat? Îți place să petreci timpul în natură? Dacă răspunsul este „da” la ambele întrebări, atunci ai șansa de a câștiga unul dintre premiile în bani oferite în cadrul noului concurs de fotografii „Well with Nature”, lansat de Agenția Europeană de Mediu (AEM). Trimite-ne cele mai bune fotografii până pe 1 octombrie 2022. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 0RTKISUM8Q
http://www.eea.europa.eu/de/highlights/eua-fotowettbewerb-2022-well-with-nature EUA-Fotowettbewerb 2022: „Well with Nature“ 2022-06-13T09:19:40Z 2022-07-20T07:58:49Z 2022-07-11T18:44:37Z de http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eea-photo-competition-2022-well 2022 3.0.2 None Machen Sie gute Fotos? Sind Sie gerne in der Natur unterwegs? Wenn sie beide Fragen mit „Ja“ beantworten, haben Sie vielleicht gute Chancen auf einen der Geldpreise, die Sie beim neuen Fotowettbewerb „Well with Nature“ der Europäischen Umweltagentur (EUA) gewinnen können! Schicken Sie uns bis zum 1. Oktober 2022 Ihre besten Bilder. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None T93DXOCEAS
http://www.eea.europa.eu/ro/highlights/noul-instrument-de-vizualizare-a Noul instrument de vizualizare a calității aerului în orașele europene vă permite să verificați nivelurile de poluare a aerului pe termen lung în orașul în care locuiți 2021-06-11T08:36:58Z 2021-10-19T06:30:30Z 2021-06-18T09:42:06Z ro http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-european-city-air-quality 2021 3.0.2 None Poluarea aerului este o problemă gravă în multe orașe europene, prezentând un risc real pentru sănătate. Agenția Europeană de Mediu (AEM) a lansat astăzi un instrument interactiv de vizualizare a calității aerului în orașele europene. Puteți verifica starea calității aerului din ultimii doi ani în orașul în care locuiți și să o comparați cu cea din alte orașe din Europa. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None X3MAKIPCVZ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/mt/highlights/viewer-gdid-tal-kwalita-tal Viewer ġdid tal-kwalità tal-arja tal-ibliet Ewropej jippermettilek tiċċekkja l-livelli ta’ tniġġis tal-arja fit-tul fejn toqgħod 2021-06-11T08:36:58Z 2021-10-19T06:30:30Z 2021-06-22T11:08:24Z mt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-european-city-air-quality 2021 3.0.2 None It-tniġġis tal-arja huwa problema serja f’bosta bliet Ewropej, u huwa riskju reali għas-saħħa. Illum, l-Aġenzija Ewropea għall-Ambjent (EEA) nediet il-viewer tal-kwalità tal-arja tal-ibliet Ewropej. Tista’ tiċċekkja kif kienet il-kwalità tal-arja f’dawn l-aħħar sentejn fil-belt fejn tgħix u tqabbilha ma’ bliet oħra fl-Ewropa. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None MASYQBTUWV
http://www.eea.europa.eu/el/highlights/h-periballontiki-ekthesi-gia-tis H περιβαλλοντική έκθεση για τις Ευρωπαϊκές Θαλάσσιες Μεταφορές (εκθεση EMTER) αναγνωρίζει την ικανοποιητική πρόοδο που έχει επιτευχθεί στον τομέα της βιωσιμότητας και επιβεβαιώνει την ανάγκη περαιτέρω μέτρων ενόψει της αναμενόμενης αυξανόμενης ζήτησης 2021-08-16T13:08:41Z 2022-01-19T09:22:28Z 2021-09-01T07:37:51Z el http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-maritime-transport-first-environmental 2021 1.0.2 None Οι θαλάσσιες μεταφορές διαδραματίζουν και θα συνεχίσουν να διαδραματίζουν σημαντικό ρόλο στις παγκόσμιες και ευρωπαϊκές εμπορικές και οικονομικές δραστηριότητες. Τα τελευταία χρόνια ο τομέας των θαλάσσιων μεταφορών έχει λάβει σημαντικά μέτρα για να ελαττώσει τον περιβαλλοντικό του αντίκτυπο. Ενόψει της αναμενόμενης αύξησης του όγκου των εμπορευμάτων που διακινούνται παγκοσμίως με πλοία, μια νέα έκθεση τεκμηριώνει τον πλήρη περιβαλλοντικό αντίκτυπο του τομέα των θαλάσσιων μεταφορών της ΕΕ και παρουσιάζει τις προκλήσεις για την επίτευξη της βιωσιμότητας. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None Q0IEKPFMV9
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lt/highlights/es-juru-transportas-pirmojoje-poveikio ES jūrų transportas. Pirmojoje poveikio aplinkai ataskaitoje pripažįstama, kad siekiant tvarumo padaryta didelė pažanga, ir patvirtinama, kad norint pasirengti didėjančiai paklausai reikia dėti daugiau pastangų 2021-08-16T13:08:41Z 2022-01-19T09:22:28Z 2021-09-01T07:37:50Z lt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-maritime-transport-first-environmental 2021 1.0.2 None Jūrų transportas yra ir toliau bus labai svarbus pasaulio ir Europos prekybai ir ekonomikai. Pastaraisiais metais jūrų transporto sektorius ėmėsi svarbių priemonių, kad sumažintų savo poveikį aplinkai. Prieš prognozuojamą pasaulinės laivybos apimties didėjimą naujojoje ataskaitoje pirmą kartą aptariamas visas ES jūrų transporto sektoriaus poveikis aplinkai ir nurodomi sunkumai, kylantys siekiant tvarumo. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None NZURYJVHC8
http://www.eea.europa.eu/et/highlights/selged-voimalused-euroopa-jaatmetekke-ja Selged võimalused Euroopa jäätmetekke ja majanduskasvu lahtisidumiseks 2021-12-13T13:23:57Z 2022-03-28T07:42:10Z 2022-01-31T11:15:09Z et http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/clear-opportunities-to-decouple-europes 2021 4.0.2 None Enamikus Euroopa riikides ja ELis tervikuna kasvab jäätmeteke, kuid aeglasemas tempos kui majandus. Euroopa Keskkonnaameti hiljuti avaldatud aruande kohaselt ei ole aga mingeid märke selle kohta, et ollakse saavutamas üldist eesmärki vähendada jäätmeteket. Aruande tulemustes rõhutatakse võimalusi, kuidas tõhusamalt vältida jäätmete teket, keskendudes tekstiilile. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VK1PJHOM4Z
http://www.eea.europa.eu/ro/highlights/oportunitati-clare-de-decuplare-a Oportunități clare de decuplare a producției de deșeuri de creșterea economică în Europa 2021-12-13T13:23:57Z 2022-03-28T07:42:10Z 2022-01-31T11:21:36Z ro http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/clear-opportunities-to-decouple-europes 2021 4.0.2 None Producția de deșeuri este în creștere în majoritatea țărilor europene și în întreaga UE, însă ritmul este mai lent decât cel de creștere a economiei. Cu toate acestea, conform unui raport al Agenției Europene de Mediu publicat recent, nu există semne că obiectivul de reducere a producției totale de deșeuri se apropie de îndeplinire. Constatările raportului pun în evidență oportunități de prevenire cu mai multă eficacitate a generării de deșeuri, în primul rând a celor provenite din textile. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 8I1P09QUEC
http://www.eea.europa.eu/et/highlights/euroopa-loodus-surve-all-2013 Euroopa loodus surve all – väljakutsed ja lahendused 2021-09-28T07:36:21Z 2022-02-25T10:56:57Z 2022-02-25T10:54:08Z et http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-nature-under-pressure 2021 1.0.2 None Euroopa Keskkonnaameti töö ja teised hindamised on näidanud, et Euroopa ökosüsteemid on suures ohus. Sajanditepikkune kasutamine on Euroopa loodusele jälje jätnud ning kõige rangema kaitse all elupaikade ja liikide kaitsestaatus ei ole hea. Väljaandes „EEA signaalid 2021“ esitatakse ülevaade Euroopa looduse probleemidest ning tuuakse välja strateegiad olukorra ümber pööramiseks. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 3UFRHZB0PI
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lt/highlights/jei-oras-butu-buves-svaresnis Jei oras būtų buvęs švaresnis, 2019 m. visoje ES būtų išgelbėta mažiausiai 178 000 gyvybių 2021-11-10T19:28:34Z 2022-03-01T09:34:34Z 2022-02-28T13:16:41Z lt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/cleaner-air-could-have-saved 2021 3.0.2 None 2019 m. oro tarša ir toliau buvo dideė ankstyvų mirčių ir ligų skaičiaus priežastis. Iš Europos aplinkos agentūros (EAA) analizės matyti, kad oro kokybę pagerinus iki neseniai Pasaulio sveikatos organizacijos (PSO) rekomenduoto lygio, būtų galima išvengti daugiau nei pusės ankstyvų mirčių, kurias sukelia ore esančių smulkių kietųjų dalelių poveikis. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None FQKA0ODISV
http://www.eea.europa.eu/cs/highlights/jednoznacne-prilezitosti-k-oddeleni-produkce Jednoznačné příležitosti k oddělení produkce odpadů v Evropě od hospodářského růstu 2021-12-13T13:23:57Z 2022-03-28T07:42:10Z 2022-03-08T09:55:39Z cs http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/clear-opportunities-to-decouple-europes 2021 4.0.2 None Ve většině evropských zemí a v Evropské unii jako celku produkce odpadů roste, nicméně tento růst je pomalejší než v případě hospodářství. Podle nedávno zveřejněné zprávy Evropské agentury pro životní prostředí (EEA) však neexistují žádné známky toho, že by se Evropa blížila dosažení obecného cíle v oblasti snižování celkové produkce odpadů. Závěry zprávy poukazují na příležitosti k účinnějšímu předcházení vzniku odpadů, přičemž v centru pozornosti se nachází odvětví textilu. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 524UIZQEVN
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pt/highlights/oportunidades-claras-para-dissociar-a Oportunidades claras para dissociar a produção de resíduos do crescimento económico na Europa 2021-12-13T13:23:57Z 2022-03-28T07:42:10Z 2022-03-17T09:46:03Z pt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/clear-opportunities-to-decouple-europes 2021 4.0.2 None Na maioria dos países europeus, e na UE como um todo, a produção de resíduos está a crescer, mas a um ritmo mais lento do que a economia. No entanto, de acordo com um relatório da Agência Europeia do Ambiente publicado recentemente, não há sinais de que o objetivo global de reduzir a produção total de resíduos esteja prestes a ser atingido. As conclusões do relatório evidenciam oportunidades para prevenir mais eficazmente os resíduos, com destaque para os têxteis. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None RZ0VADYQ81
http://www.eea.europa.eu/fr/highlights/concours-photo2022-de-l2019aee-well Concours photo 2022 de l’AEE: «Well with nature» 2022-06-13T09:19:40Z 2022-07-20T07:58:49Z 2022-06-30T12:42:10Z fr http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eea-photo-competition-2022-well 2022 3.0.2 None Vous prenez de belles photos? Vous aimez passer du temps dans la nature? Si vous avez répondu «oui» à ces deux questions, vous disposez peut-être de tous les atouts pour remporter l’un des prix du nouveau concours photo organisé par l’Agence européenne pour l’environnement (AEE) intitulé «Well with Nature» (« En harmonie avec la nature »). Envoyez-nous vos plus beaux clichés avant le 1er octobre 2022. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None SRQOZ50F2C
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lt/highlights/2022m-eaa-nuotrauku-konkursas-201edarnoje 2022 m. EAA nuotraukų konkursas „Darnoje su gamta“ 2022-06-13T09:19:40Z 2022-07-20T07:58:49Z 2022-06-30T13:00:06Z lt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eea-photo-competition-2022-well 2022 3.0.2 None Puikiai fotografuojate? Patinka leisti laiką gamtoje? Jei į abu klausimus atsakėte ,,taip”, jūsų nuotraukos gali būti vertos vieno iš piniginių prizų, kurį Europos aplinkos agentūra (EAA) numatė skirti naujajame nuotraukų konkurse „Darnoje su gamta“. Geriausias savo nuotraukas siųskite iki 2022 m. spalio 1 d. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None IDE7VPRAZW
http://www.eea.europa.eu/pt/highlights/concurso-de-fotografia-da-aea Concurso de fotografia da AEA 2022: «Well with Nature» 2022-06-13T09:19:40Z 2022-07-20T07:58:49Z 2022-07-19T10:04:51Z pt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eea-photo-competition-2022-well 2022 3.0.2 None Tira boas fotografias? Gosta de passar tempo na natureza? Se respondeu «sim» às duas perguntas, tem todas as chances de ganhar um dos prémios em dinheiro no âmbito do novo concurso de fotografia «Well with Nature» organizado pela Agência Europeia do Ambiente (AEA). Envie-nos as suas melhores fotografias até 1 de outubro de 2022. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 24OPDR9NVA
http://www.eea.europa.eu/no/highlights/ti-prosent-av-alle-krefttilfeller Ti prosent av alle krefttilfeller i Europa skyldes forurensning 2022-06-21T16:34:16Z 2022-07-05T09:31:14Z 2022-06-28T04:00:00Z no http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/pollution-and-cancer 2022 3.0.2 None Eksponering for luftforurensning, passiv røyking, radon, ultrafiolett stråling, asbest, visse kjemikalier og andre forurensende stoffer forårsaker over ti prosent av alle krefttilfeller i Europa ifølge en rapport Det europeiske miljøbyrået (EEA) publiserte i dag. Den gode nyheten er at disse risikoene kan forebygges. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None QCFN1IXZ38
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lv/highlights/vides-piesarnojums-izraisa-10-no Vides piesārņojums izraisa 10 % no visiem vēža gadījumiem Eiropā 2022-06-21T16:34:16Z 2022-07-05T09:31:14Z 2022-06-28T04:00:00Z lv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/pollution-and-cancer 2022 3.0.2 None Saskaņā ar šodien publicēto Eiropas Vides aģentūras (EVA) ziņojumu gaisa piesārņojuma, pasīvās smēķēšanas, radona, ultravioletā starojuma, azbesta, noteiktu ķīmisku vielu un citu piesārņotāju ietekme izraisa vairāk nekā 10 % no visiem vēža gadījumiem Eiropā. Labā ziņa ir tā, ka šos riskus ir iespējams novērst. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 5G0O4AW76R
http://www.eea.europa.eu/et/highlights/kokkupuude-saastega-pohjustab-10-koigist Kokkupuude saastega põhjustab 10% kõigist Euroopa vähijuhtudest 2022-06-21T16:34:16Z 2022-07-05T09:31:14Z 2022-07-05T09:20:20Z et http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/pollution-and-cancer 2022 3.0.2 None Täna avaldatud Euroopa Keskkonnaameti (EEA) aruande kohaselt põhjustab kokkupuude õhusaaste, radooni, ultraviolettkiirguse, asbesti, teatavate kemikaalide ja muude saasteainetega, samuti passiivne suitsetamine üle 10% kõigist vähijuhtudest Euroopas. Õnneks on need riskid ennetatavad. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 1H4PQ3EBNK
http://www.eea.europa.eu/hu/highlights/egyertelmu-lehetosegek-az-europai-hulladekkeletkezes Egyértelmű lehetőségek az európai hulladékkeletkezés és gazdasági növekedés szétválasztására 2021-12-13T13:23:57Z 2022-03-28T07:42:10Z 2022-02-28T13:23:18Z hu http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/clear-opportunities-to-decouple-europes 2021 4.0.2 None A hulladékkeletkezés a legtöbb európai országban és az EU egészében fokozódik, de lassabb ütemben, mint a gazdasági növekedés. Az Európai Környezetvédelmi Ügynökség nemrégiben közzétett jelentése szerint azonban nincs jele annak, hogy a teljes hulladékkeletkezés csökkentésére irányuló átfogó célkitűzés közel állna a megvalósításához. A jelentés megállapításai kiemelik a hulladékkeletkezés hatékonyabb megelőzésére kínálkozó lehetőségeket, előtérbe helyezve a textilipart. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None PC6T5HY8JN
http://www.eea.europa.eu/es/highlights/tendencias-y-proyecciones-repunte-leve Tendencias y proyecciones: repunte leve de las emisiones en la UE en el contexto de la recuperación tras la pandemia y de la crisis energética 2022-10-20T08:04:55Z 2023-01-10T11:52:33Z 2022-12-01T11:19:47Z es http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/trends-and-projections-limited-rebound 2022 2.0.2 None Las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero y el consumo de energía aumentaron en 2021 debido principalmente a la recuperación europea tras la pandemia, según el último informe «Tendencias y proyecciones» publicado hoy por la Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente (AEMA). La mayoría de los Estados miembros de la UE lograron alcanzar los objetivos energéticos y climáticos de la UE para 2020 y están dirigiendo su atención hacia la neutralidad climática, al tiempo que abordan la actual crisis de suministro de energía. Para lograr los objetivos climáticos y energéticos de 2030, que son más ambiciosos, será necesario incrementar el progreso anual en el despliegue de energías renovables a una velocidad más del doble de la actual, así como reducir el consumo de energía y las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None MNOA21KW84
http://www.eea.europa.eu/lt/highlights/tendencijos-ir-prognozes-es-ismetamas Tendencijos ir prognozės: ES išmetamas ŠESD kiekis atsigavus po pandemijos ir energetikos krizės laikotarpiu vėl šiek tiek padidėjo 2022-10-20T08:04:55Z 2023-01-10T11:52:33Z 2022-12-01T11:20:10Z lt http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/trends-and-projections-limited-rebound 2022 2.0.2 None Remiantis naujausia šiandien Europos aplinkos agentūros (EAA) paskelbta ataskaita „Tendencijos ir prognozės“, išmetamas šiltnamio efektą sukeliančių dujų kiekis ir energijos suvartojimas 2021 m. išaugo daugiausia dėl to, kad Europa atsigavo po pandemijos. Dauguma ES valstybių narių sėkmingai pasiekė ES 2020 m. klimato ir energetikos tikslus. Dabar jos sutelkė dėmesį į poveikio klimatui neutralumą, tuo pačiu kovodamos su dabartine energijos tiekimo krize. Kad būtų pasiekti platesnio užmojo 2030 m. klimato ir energetikos tikslai, kasmet reikės padaryti daugiau nei dukart didesnę pažangą diegiant atsinaujinančiuosius energijos išteklius, mažinant energijos vartojimą ir išmetamą šiltnamio efektą sukeliančių dujų kiekį. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None D4IMSK2RGF
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sk/highlights/trendy-a-vyhliadky-mierny-narast Trendy a vyhliadky: mierny nárast emisií EÚ v súvislosti s obnovou po pandémii a energetickou krízou 2022-10-20T08:04:55Z 2023-01-10T11:52:33Z 2022-12-01T11:19:24Z sk http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/trends-and-projections-limited-rebound 2022 2.0.2 None Podľa najnovšej správy „Trends and Projections“ (Trendy a vyhliadky), ktorú dnes uverejnila Európska environmentálna agentúra (EEA), sa emisie skleníkových plynov a spotreba energie v roku 2021 zvýšili najmä v dôsledku obnovy Európy po pandémii. Väčšina členských štátov EÚ úspešne dosiahla ciele EÚ v oblasti klímy a energetiky do roku 2020 a v súčasnosti obracia pozornosť na klimatickú neutralitu a zároveň rieši súčasnú krízu dodávok energie. Dosiahnutie ambicióznejších cieľov v oblasti klímy a energetiky do roku 2030 si bude vyžadovať viac než zdvojnásobenie ročného pokroku pri zavádzaní využívania obnoviteľných zdrojov energie, znižovaní spotreby energie a emisií skleníkových plynov. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 0WJDQBY4TH
http://www.eea.europa.eu/sv/highlights/tendenser-och-prognoser-begransade-rekyleffekter Tendenser och prognoser: begränsade rekyleffekter på EU:s utsläpp i samband med energikrisen och återhämtningen efter pandemin 2022-10-20T08:04:55Z 2023-01-10T11:52:33Z 2022-12-01T11:20:26Z sv http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/trends-and-projections-limited-rebound 2022 2.0.2 None Enligt den senaste rapporten om tendenser och prognoser som offentliggjorts i dag av Europeiska miljöbyrån (EEA) ökade utsläppen av växthusgaser och energianvändningen under 2021, främst på grund av Europas återhämtning efter pandemin. De flesta av medlemsstaterna lyckades med framgång nå EU:s klimat- och energimål för 2020 och siktar nu mot att bli klimatneutrala samtidigt som de tar itu med den nuvarande energiförsörjningskrisen. För att nå de ambitiösare klimat- och energimålen för 2030 kommer det att krävas mer än en fördubbling av de årliga framstegen när det gäller utbyggnaden av förnybara energikällor samt minskningen av energianvändningen och utsläppen av växthusgaser. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None HUFTQV4GEO
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/waste-water-treatment-improves-in Waste water treatment improves in Europe but large differences remain 2021-11-12T10:35:32Z 2021-11-24T15:02:58Z 2021-11-19T09:20:00Z en None 2021 1.0.2 None Collection and treatment of waste water are key to reducing pressures and risks to human health and the environment, especially to rivers, lakes, and coastal waters. The European Environment Agency (EEA) has published data today, on World Toilet Day, which show that the share of urban waste waters that are collected and treated in line with EU standards is increasing across Europe. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None Q5AMROGXI9
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/emissions-from-road-traffic-and Emissions from road traffic and domestic heating behind breaches of EU air quality standards across Europe 2022-02-11T13:36:27Z 2022-02-16T10:57:20Z 2022-02-16T10:57:20Z en None 2022 3.0.2 None Breaches of EU air quality limits for nitrogen dioxide across Europe were predominantly due to road traffic, while domestic heating lay behind the majority of exceedances for particulate matter, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) assessment on air quality plans published today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None VK8HRWQP2G
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/nature-based-solutions-should-play Nature-based solutions should play increased role in tackling climate change 2021-04-14T08:54:35Z 2021-04-15T07:14:51Z 2021-04-15T08:00:00Z en None 2021 2.0.2 None Working with nature and enhancing the role of ecosystems can help reduce the impacts of climate change and increase climate change resilience. Such an approach can deliver multiple benefits, including lowering pressures on biodiversity, improving human health and well-being, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and building a sustainable economy, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) report published today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 9OFTM3BDUG
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/independent-national-advisory-bodies Independent national advisory bodies can reinforce the role of science in climate policy 2021-05-10T06:19:31Z 2021-05-11T07:45:13Z 2021-05-11T08:00:00Z en None 2021 2.0.2 None Efforts in tackling climate change at national level across Europe can be made more effective by robust governance frameworks as well as well-functioning, well-resourced advisory bodies. A European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing published today analyses the institutional settings for climate policy making at the national level in Europe, the role played by advisory bodies in these settings and their influence on policy decisions. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None V83FOGWIBE
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/air-pollution-still-too-high-1 Air pollution still too high in most EU Member States 2021-09-17T07:46:03Z 2021-09-22T07:56:41Z 2021-09-21T09:55:00Z en None 2021 3.0.2 None Concentrations of key air pollutants remain too high in most European countries. According to the European Environment Agency’s official data, published today, most European Union (EU) Member States exceed at least one or more of the EU’s legal limits for pollutants in ambient air in 2019. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None AGEQXB08RD
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-sustainability-agenda-needs-knowledge Europe's sustainability agenda needs knowledge for action and more concrete targets to achieve its ambitions 2021-10-13T06:56:23Z 2021-10-14T16:23:34Z 2021-10-14T09:55:00Z en None 2021 1.0.5 None The European Green Deal has set unprecedented sustainability ambitions for the European Union (EU) and calls for transformational change across society. To realise such far-reaching changes, Europe needs knowledge for action. This means better uptake and use of existing knowledge, new types of knowledge, new ways of creating knowledge, and, in some policy areas, better data and more concrete targets, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) report, published today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None QVBRWN9DK5
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-remains-on-track-to EU remains on track to phase-down use of climate-damaging F-gases 2021-12-01T10:19:01Z 2021-12-02T11:10:02Z 2021-12-02T11:10:02Z en None 2021 2.0.2 None The supply and use of climate-warming fluorinated greenhouse gases (F-gases) rose slightly across the European Union and United Kingdom in 2020, according to the latest annual update on the EU’s progress of phasing down the use of F-gases published by the European Environment Agency (EEA) today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None UT80VOQMPY
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/european-aviation-environmental-report-2022 European Aviation Environmental Report 2022: Sustainability crucial for long-term viability of the sector 2022-09-19T14:28:06Z 2022-09-22T10:09:59Z 2022-09-21T09:55:00Z en None 2022 2.0.2 None The aviation sector has taken some steps to address its impacts on the environment and climate, but projected growth in demand calls for greater and more decisive action aligned with the European Union’s climate and environmental goals. The new European Aviation Environmental Report offers an overview of the current environmental performance of the sector. In addition to reviewing progress made since the 2019 edition, it includes recommendations with a view to reducing the climate change, noise and air quality impacts from aviation. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 7IHT3BFZ0C
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/moving-towards-sustainability-in-times Moving towards sustainability in times of multiple crises and uncertainty 2022-11-25T10:41:09Z 2022-11-28T11:00:35Z 2022-11-28T11:00:35Z en None 2022 2.0.2 None The European Environment Agency’s (EEA) assessments have shown that Europe and world face unprecedented environment and climate challenges that require ambitious policy responses, such as the European Green Deal. Published today, EEA Signals 2022 looks at Europe’s commitments for sustainability and energy system from the perspective multiple, interconnected crises. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None JR2A9UN0IF
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-hazards-are-increasing-in Climate hazards are increasing in frequency and severity across Europe; new regional overview published 2021-11-10T19:38:40Z 2022-03-08T14:19:43Z 2021-11-17T08:30:00Z en None 2021 2.0.2 None As extreme weather events and other climate hazards are increasing in frequency and severity across Europe, solid information is needed for assessing climate risks and planning for adaptation. The European Environment Agency’s (EEA) new interactive report, published today, gives an updated overview of how climate hazards are changing across Europe’s different regions. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 3WY7DIVBC5
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/world-water-day-attention-on World Water Day: attention on Europe’s groundwater 2022-03-21T08:15:46Z 2022-03-22T08:58:07Z 2022-03-22T08:58:07Z en None 2022 1.0.2 None Most of Europe’s drinking water and a significant proportion of water used in irrigation come from groundwater. A European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing, published today on World Water Day, provides a European overview of this key resource that is under increasing pressure from pollution, abstraction and climate change. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None NQ6RS4BMJ2
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/many-european-schools-and-hospitals Many European schools and hospitals at risk from heat waves and floods: How to protect vulnerable groups from climate change? 2022-06-13T09:12:35Z 2022-06-29T08:00:24Z 2022-06-29T08:00:24Z en None 2022 2.0.2 None Climate change affects all Europeans but vulnerable groups, such as the elderly, children, low-income groups and people with health problems or disabilities, are the most affected. One in ten European schools and hospitals may also be at flood risk and about half of those facilities in cities are within intense urban heat islands. A European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing, published today, looks at these inequalities and how to address them through equitable climate change adaptation. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None HWP62AGEKR
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/human-activities-put-pressure-on-seas Human activities put pressure on every part of Europe’s seas 2020-12-07T10:34:41Z 2021-01-18T14:48:45Z 2020-12-09T08:30:00Z en None 2020 1.6.2 None Many different human activities on land and at sea cause pressures on Europe’s seas. A European Environment Agency’s (EEA) briefing, published today, shows that these pressures have now reached the outermost sea areas and the deepest seafloor. Human activities affect negatively 93 % of Europe’s sea area. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 9VF0831JRB
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/major-drop-in-eus-greenhouse Major drop in EU's greenhouse gas emissions in 2019, official data confirms 2021-05-27T19:02:21Z 2021-06-01T09:57:30Z 2021-05-31T09:30:00Z en None 2021 2.0.2 None Greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union (EU) decreased by almost 4 % in 2019, according to latest official data, published today by the European Environment Agency (EEA). These data confirm the EEA’s preliminary estimates, published in October 2020. The large decline in emissions, achieved before the COVID-19 crisis, was mainly due to reduced coal use for power generation. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None RHIZGKSB1F
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/innovating-for-sustainability Innovating for sustainability 2021-09-07T07:36:50Z 2021-09-10T11:39:47Z 2021-09-09T08:05:00Z en None 2021 5.0.2 None Innovation is a political priority across Europe that can deliver many benefits for society but also generate costs that are often unaccounted for. A European Environment Agency briefing, published today, looks at how innovation can respond to sustainability challenges and how Europe needs to look for solutions beyond technological innovation. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 98XENUCSK5
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/water-stress-is-a-major Water stress is a major and growing concern in Europe 2021-10-14T19:56:13Z 2021-10-27T09:55:12Z 2021-10-27T09:55:12Z en None 2021 1.0.2 None About 30 % of Europe’s population is affected by water stress during an average year. The situation is expected to worsen as climate change is increasing the frequency, magnitude, and impact of droughts. A European Environment Agency (EEA) assessment, published today, presents the current state of water stress in Europe with the aim to put focus on managing water availability risks under the impacts of changing climate. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 60ZKFQ7O9E
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/continued-drop-in-eus-greenhouse Continued drop in EU’s greenhouse gas emissions confirms achievement of 2020 target 2022-05-25T10:08:39Z 2022-05-31T10:12:05Z 2022-05-31T09:45:00Z en None 2022 2.0.2 None The European Union continued to record substantial greenhouse gas emissions reductions in 2020, posting an 11% drop compared to 2019, according to the latest official data published today by the European Environment Agency. The data confirms a 30-year downward trend which led to the EU achieving its 2020 target to reduce emissions by 20% compared to 1990 levels. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None ZKJRU3DM29
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/zero-pollution-large-number-of Zero Pollution: Large number of Europe’s bathing waters meet highest quality standards 2022-06-01T07:14:53Z 2022-06-03T13:15:50Z 2022-06-03T10:00:00Z en None 2022 1.0.2 None The annual Bathing Water report, published today, shows that in 2021 almost 85% of Europe's bathing water sites met the European Union's most stringent ‘excellent' water quality standards. The assessment gives a good indication of where swimmers can find the best quality bathing sites across Europe this summer. The assessment, put together by the European Environment Agency (EEA) in cooperation with the European Commission, is based on the monitoring of 21 859 bathing sites across Europe. These cover the EU Member States, Albania and Switzerland throughout 2021. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None BVJ6R0O7I8
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/circularity-can-enhance-greenhouse-gas Circularity can enhance greenhouse gas emission savings when renovating Europe's buildings 2022-07-01T11:37:36Z 2022-12-06T12:27:51Z 2022-07-07T08:00:00Z en None 2022 4.0.2 None Building renovation is a key contributor to improving energy efficiency and to achieving a climate neutral European Union (EU) by 2050. A European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing, published today, investigates how circular economy principles can enhance the benefits of building renovation. It finds that, through 2050, circularity can significantly reduce the use of materials and contribute significant additional reductions in the CO2 emissions embedded in Europe’s buildings. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None E71XQWV9H6
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/premature-deaths-due-to-air Premature deaths due to air pollution continue to fall in the EU, more efforts needed to deliver a toxic-free environment 2022-11-22T08:47:28Z 2022-11-25T09:39:38Z 2022-11-23T23:05:00Z en None 2022 3.0.2 None Europe’s air quality keeps improving and the number of people dying early or suffering illness due to air pollution is in decline. However, according to European Environment Agency’s (EEA) analysis, published today, air pollution is still the largest environmental health risk in Europe, and more ambitious measures are needed to meet the health-based guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO). http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None TND5YSH634
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/most-plastic-consumption-in-europe Most plastic consumption in Europe lacks direct policy targets and data 2022-12-02T08:48:02Z 2022-12-12T09:00:28Z 2022-12-12T09:00:28Z en None 2022 4.0.2 None Plastics are used across Europe in everything from construction materials to consumer products. Recent policy actions on plastic packaging at EU and national level have established collection schemes and introduced waste prevention measures. However, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing, published today, a significant fraction of Europe’s total plastic consumption is outside this policy focus and at risk of being overlooked in Europe’s transformation towards a more circular economy. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 5C93JBA7XV
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/latest-eea-study-finds-multiple Latest EEA study finds multiple benefits of switch to renewable electricity 2021-01-14T12:37:14Z 2021-02-04T10:59:41Z 2021-01-14T14:55:00Z en None 2021 2.0.2 None The increased use of renewable electricity across the European Union has not only reduced pressures linked to climate change, but also to air and water pollution (particulate matter formation, eutrophication and acidification), according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing published today. More targeted actions can help minimise the negative environmental effects of boosting renewable electricity supply. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None H8G7SU9TOF
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/photo-competition-on-climate-change Photo competition on climate change impacts and solutions 2021-04-20T07:30:42Z 2021-08-18T12:52:28Z 2021-04-21T07:28:36Z en None 2021 6.3.7 None Climate change affects our societies and environment in many ways. Tackling climate change requires cutting emissions to mitigate its worst impacts and adapting to those we cannot stop. Opening today, European Environment Agency’s (EEA) photo competition ‘Climate Change PIX’ invites participants to depict what climate change looks like in Europe and how we are responding to it. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None GBPKUO3V8S
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/better-understanding-of-links-between A better understanding of links between natural resources can help the EU’s sustainability drive 2022-03-15T14:04:43Z 2022-06-15T09:20:46Z 2022-03-17T08:45:00Z en None 2022 5.0.2 None Addressing the links between natural resources like food, energy, water, land, materials and ecosystems services is key to supporting Europe’s ambitions in shifting to a sustainable future, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing published today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None TR4AN2OVS0
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/how-to-keep-europeans-healthy How to keep Europeans healthy and safe in a changing climate? 2021-03-02T15:05:10Z 2021-03-04T09:00:32Z 2021-03-04T09:00:00Z en None 2021 2.3.5 None European countries are facing increasing threats from climate change, including extreme weather events and infectious diseases. A new briefing by the Lancet Countdown and the European Environment Agency (EEA), published today on the European Climate and Health Observatory, draws attention to health impacts of climate change in the European Union (EU) and suggests key actions to address them. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None M3CVO2HKB4
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/better-raw-material-sourcing-can Better raw material sourcing can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions 2021-08-26T09:45:41Z 2021-09-01T09:41:09Z 2021-08-30T08:15:00Z en None 2021 4.0.2 None Climate-friendly practices for sourcing raw materials hold significant potential to cut greenhouse gas emissions in Europe and globally. According to a European Environment Agency (EEA) report, published today, focusing on raw material extraction and processing, raw material consumers can use their purchasing power to influence suppliers to become more climate friendly. Including sourcing requirements in public procurement and provisions in trade agreements could help the EU and Member States cut emissions both in Europe and also contribute to global reductions. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None KWNC2843XS
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/pollution-and-barriers-are-key Pollution and barriers are key problems for Europe’s waters 2021-09-21T08:53:42Z 2021-09-23T10:00:19Z 2021-09-23T10:00:19Z en None 2021 1.0.2 None European water bodies suffer from agricultural pollution as well as pollution from insufficiently treated waste water from cities, industry and scattered dwellings, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) report, published today. Artificial barriers, together with navigation, abstraction, aquaculture, and invasive alien species cause additional pressures. However, solutions to tackle the problems exist and should be more widely adopted. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 9UJ673X5DR
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-achieves-20-20-20 EU achieves 20-20-20 climate targets, 55 % emissions cut by 2030 reachable with more efforts and policies 2021-10-14T11:07:40Z 2021-10-26T14:31:34Z 2021-10-26T09:55:00Z en None 2021 2.0.2 None The European Union (EU) achieved its three main climate and energy targets by 2020, according to a new European Environment Agency (EEA) assessment, published today. The 2030 target of a 55 % reduction in net greenhouse gas emissions can be reached if additional efforts are made and new policies are adopted and implemented. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None TE7SJZGVIQ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/circular-business-models-and-smarter Circular business models and smarter design can reduce environment and climate impacts from textiles 2022-02-03T09:45:47Z 2023-01-27T21:52:47Z 2022-02-09T23:05:00Z en None 2022 4.0.2 None Textile consumption in Europe has on average the fourth highest impacts on the environment and climate, following consumption of food, housing and mobility. Ahead of the expected European Union (EU) strategy for sustainable and circular textiles, the European Environment Agency (EEA) published today two briefings that look at measures to reduce those impacts, including on resource use, greenhouse gas emissions and microplastic pollution. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None TYRHF8UIXV
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/designing-safe-and-sustainable-products Preventing chemical pollution requires a new approach for designing safe and sustainable products 2021-01-29T13:36:40Z 2021-02-04T09:33:53Z 2021-02-04T09:00:00Z en None 2021 2.2.1 None The recent European Union chemicals strategy for sustainability aims to ensure that chemicals make a positive contribution to society without harming the environment and people’s health. A European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing, published today, describes key approaches to make chemicals and products safe and sustainable by design, before they enter the market. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None O64FG5X1QN
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/industrial-air-pollution-in-europe Industrial air pollution in Europe costs society €277 - €433 billion 2021-09-28T07:26:15Z 2021-09-29T09:59:47Z 2021-09-29T09:59:47Z en None 2021 4.0.2 None Emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases from large industrial sites in Europe cost society between €277 and €433 billion, in 2017, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) analysis, published today. About half of the annual cost is caused by just 211 facilities, around 2 % of the largest industrial sites in Europe. The European Green Deal and the Zero pollution action plan are opportunities to improve the situation. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None V3D7M60QFE
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/new-chairpersons-to-eea-scientific-committee New chairpersons to EEA Scientific Committee 2022-11-22T08:11:16Z 2022-11-22T08:26:21Z 2022-11-22T08:26:21Z en None 2022 6.3.7 None The European Environment Agency’s (EEA) Scientific Committee has elected new Chair and Vice-Chairs. Professor Claire Dupont from Ghent University, Belgium, will chair the body of independent scientists advising EEA’s work. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None IU2N0SD1MH
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/climate-change-pix-winners-selected Climate Change PIX winners selected 2021-09-15T09:32:39Z 2021-12-12T18:49:37Z 2021-09-20T08:00:00Z en None 2021 2.0.2 None Winning captures of the European Environment Agency’s (EEA) ‘Climate Change PIX’ photo competition show how climate change is already affecting Europe but also how well-known solutions can make a difference. The winner of the Youth Prize uses artistic skills to make a bold statement about the global emergency. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None PNCZVMWIYT
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-growing-transport-demand-increases Europe's growing transport demand increases emissions from heavy-duty vehicles 2022-08-31T07:23:16Z 2022-09-08T08:19:24Z 2022-09-07T08:15:00Z en None 2022 2.0.2 None Greenhouse gas emissions from heavy-duty vehicles — trucks, buses and coaches — have increased in the European Union (EU) almost every year since 2014, mainly due to increasing demand for freight transport. According to a European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing, published today, efficiency improvements have not been enough to stop growth in total emissions and a shift to greener transport modes is needed. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None BFAT0Q3C2R
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/well-with-nature-public-vote Well with Nature: Pick the Public Choice Award winner of this year's EEA photo competition 2022-10-20T07:40:23Z 2022-10-24T08:00:12Z 2022-10-24T07:55:00Z en None 2022 3.0.2 None The online vote is open! As of today, you can help pick the Public Choice Award winner in this year’s European Environment Agency’s (EEA) ‘Well with Nature’ photo competition, which drew a record 5236 entries from across Europe. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None H8VW09DY71
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/zero-pollution-vast-majority-of Zero Pollution: Vast majority of Europe’s bathing waters meet the highest quality standards 2021-05-31T05:35:30Z 2021-06-02T07:22:42Z 2021-06-01T10:00:32Z en None 2021 1.0.2 None The annual Bathing Water report published today shows that in 2020, almost 83 % of Europe’s bathing water sites met the European Union’s most stringent ‘excellent’ water quality standards. The latest assessment (European bathing water quality in 2020), put together by the European Environment Agency (EEA) in cooperation with the European Commission, is based on the 2020 monitoring of 22 276 bathing sites across Europe. These cover the EU Member States, Albania and Switzerland throughout 2020. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None 972QMPG4VK
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/air-pollution-which-european-cities Air pollution: Which European cities have the best air quality? 2022-07-08T08:42:40Z 2023-01-29T08:50:35Z 2022-07-11T09:55:00Z en None 2022 3.0.2 None The cleanest cities in Europe in terms of air quality during 2020 and 2021 were Umeå in Sweden, and Faro and Funchal in Portugal according to the updated European city air quality data viewer published by the European Environment Agency (EEA) today. In addition to the viewer, the EEA also published two reports looking at emissions of air pollutants, targeted by different EU and UNECE requirements. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None S6WHUG3045
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/eu-unlikely-to-meet-noise EU unlikely to meet noise target by 2030 2022-09-16T09:35:07Z 2022-09-26T13:30:07Z 2022-09-23T08:00:00Z en None 2022 3.0.2 None About 18 million people suffer long-term annoyance from transport noise in the European Union (EU). The European Commission’s zero pollution action aims to reduce the number of people chronically disturbed by transport noise by 30% by 2030, compared to 2017 levels. According to the European Environment Agency’s assessment, published today, reaching this target is unlikely without further regulatory or legislative changes, mainly due to the difficulty in reducing the large number of people exposed to noise from road traffic. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None JWY4QXDZ5K
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/methane-gas-emissions-on-a Methane emissions on a downward trend, but accelerated cuts needed to meet EU climate targets 2022-11-29T11:30:07Z 2022-11-30T11:00:12Z 2022-11-30T11:00:12Z en None 2022 2.0.2 None While emissions of methane across the European Union have decreased over past years, the overall reduction in emissions needs to accelerate to meet 2030 and 2050 EU climate objectives. Increased global efforts to reduce methane emissions would also be needed to mitigate global warming in the short term, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing on trends and drivers of methane emissions published today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None XO426PDFQS
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/cities-can-offer-new-opportunities Cities can offer new opportunities for prosumers of renewable energy 2022-10-26T08:04:13Z 2022-10-28T07:59:25Z 2022-10-28T07:59:25Z en None 2022 2.0.2 None Europe’s urban centres offer opportunities for citizens to produce renewable energy as prosumers according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing, published today. Cities can play a key role in Europe’s shift to a low-carbon future. Facilitating urban prosumption can help accelerate this process. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None H5KFDR26OJ
http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/heatwaves-spread-of-infectious-diseases Heatwaves, spread of infectious diseases due to climate change growing health threats to Europeans 2022-10-28T10:59:41Z 2022-11-09T00:17:52Z 2022-11-08T23:05:00Z en None 2022 3.0.2 None Unprecedented heatwaves — as seen this year — are the greatest direct climate-related health threat to Europe’s population. Heatwaves already account for numerous deaths and illnesses. This burden is set to increase without more climate change adaptation and mitigation measures. Heat-health action plans, urban greening, better building design and adjusting working times can contribute to better protect the most vulnerable groups in society, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) report published today. http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Highlight#Highlight None MAO9JQN7U6