{ "items": [ { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": "\n Concentrations of eight hazardous substances in European seas were generally 'low' or 'moderate'\u00a0in line with the results of the previous\u00a0assessment (2015).\u00a0In some cases, however, the way we have traditionally defined 'moderate' levels meant that EU environmental quality standards (EQS) were exceeded. Any concentrations of hazardous substances exceeding EQS are unacceptable for marine organisms. \r\n In general, concentrations in European Seas were 'moderate' for cadmium, mercury, lead, hexachlorobenzene, DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane), polychlorinated biphenyls and benzo[a]pyrene. Both 'moderate' and 'high' concentrations of mercury exceeded the EQS and were found in a significant proportion of all seas.\u00a0 'High' concentrations for hexachlorobenzene and benzo[a]pyrene, exceeding the EQS particularly in the case of the latter, were also found across all seas. Concentrations of lindane (gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane) were 'high' in the Mediterranean sea and generally low elsewhere. \r\n Polychlorinated biphenyl levels appear to be decreasing in the North-East Atlantic Ocean. This suggests that policy measures and initiatives to decrease inputs of these substances\u00a0in the region have had\u00a0some success. For the remaining seven hazardous substances, it appears that the impact of abatement policies in this region might have\u00a0stabilised. \r\n Abatement policies for all eight hazardous substances have been in effect for the Baltic Sea, but no downward trends could be identified in the current assessment, indicating that the impact of such policies might have stabilised. \r\n Because of insufficient data coverage, a comprehensive assessment all eight hazardous substances for the Mediterranean Sea could not be conducted.\u00a0 Available data for this region indicates that policies to reduce pollution have had an impact 'though. \r\n The Black Sea is not included in this assessment due to lack of data. \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Hazardous substances in marine organisms", "created": "2019-08-08T12:20:07Z", "manager_user_id": "aydinmus", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/hazardous-substances-in-marine-organisms-3/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-165-en", "modified": "2021-11-18T14:52:28Z", "indicator_codes": "CSI049, MAR001", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2019 1.6.1", "label": 0, "published": "2019-10-21T10:47:47Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": "\n The total reported economic damage caused by weather and climate-related extremes in the EEA member countries over the period 1980-2013 is almost 400 billion Euro (in 2013 Euro values). The average damage has varied between 7.6\u00a0billion Euro per year in the 1980s and 13.7 billion Euro in the 2000s. \r\n The observed differences in reported damage over time are difficult to interpret since a large share of the total deflated losses has been caused by a small number of events. Specifically, more than 70 percent of the damage was caused by only 3 percent of all registered events. \r\n \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Economic losses from climate-related extremes", "created": "2015-07-01T15:47:32Z", "manager_user_id": "kurnibla", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/direct-losses-from-weather-disasters-2/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-182-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:47:48Z", "indicator_codes": "CLIM039, CSI042", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2015 1.4.2", "label": 1, "published": "2016-06-01T08:49:35Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Harvested land is expected to continue to be used mainly for fodder and the production of cereals (80% of the total area). ", "language": "en", "title": "Land cover, use of arable land - outlook from EEA", "created": "2007-01-07T23:00:00Z", "manager_user_id": null, "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/land-cover-use-of-arable/land-cover-use-of-arable", "prod_id": "IND-69-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:43:51Z", "indicator_codes": "", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2010", "label": 2, "published": "2007-06-07T22:00:00Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " The majority of European Union citizens have heard of the term \"biodiversity\", but less than one third know what it means. Additionally, most do not feel informed about biodiversity loss. \r\n However, at least eight out of ten Europeans consider the various effects of biodiversity loss to be serious. \r\n About a quarter of respondents have heard of Natura 2000 network, including 16 % who say they have heard about it but don't know what it is. ", "language": "en", "title": "Public awareness", "created": "2016-06-14T12:25:32Z", "manager_user_id": "bialakat", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/public-awareness-1/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-164-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:46:49Z", "indicator_codes": "SEBI026", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2016 1.7.4", "label": 3, "published": "2016-08-09T10:15:00Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " The average carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from new passenger cars\u00a0registered in the European Union (EU), Iceland, Norway and the United Kingdom (UK), increased in 2019, for the third consecutive year, rising to 122.4 grams of CO2\u00a0per kilometre. \r\n The average CO2\u00a0emissions from new vans also increased slightly. In 2019, vans registered in the EU, Iceland, Norway and the UK\u00a0emitted on average 158.4 g CO2/km, which is 0.5 grams more than in 2018. \r\n Zero- and low-emission vehicles must be deployed much faster across Europe to achieve the targets set for cars (95 gCO2/km in 2021\u00a0\u2014\u00a0phased-in in 2020) and vans (147 gCO2/km in 2020). ", "language": "en", "title": "Average CO2 emissions from newly registered motor vehicles in Europe", "created": "2020-06-22T07:46:15Z", "manager_user_id": "pastocin", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/average-co2-emissions-from-motor-vehicles/assessment-2", "prod_id": "IND-457-en", "modified": "2021-11-24T15:02:04Z", "indicator_codes": "TERM017", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2020 1.3.9", "label": 4, "published": "2020-08-13T09:23:57Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": "\n Dissolved oxygen in sea water affects the metabolism of species. Therefore, reductions in oxygen content (i.e. hypoxic or anoxic areas) can lead to changes in the distribution of species, including so called \u2018dead zones\u2019. \r\n Globally, oxygen-depleted areas have expanded very rapidly in recent decades. The number of \u2018dead zones\u2019 has roughly doubled every decade since the 1960s and has increased from about 20 in the 1950s to about 400 in the 2000s. \r\n Oxygen-depleted zones in the Baltic Sea have increased more than 10-fold, from 5 000 to 60 000 km 2 , since 1900, with most of the increase happening after 1950. The Baltic Sea now has the largest dead zone in the world. Oxygen depletion has also been observed in other European seas in recent decades. \r\n The primary cause of oxygen depletion is nutrient input from agricultural fertilisers, causing eutrophication. The effects of eutrophication are exacerbated by climate change, in particular increases in sea temperature and in water-column stratification. \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Ocean oxygen content", "created": "2016-11-30T10:54:18Z", "manager_user_id": "rekerjoh", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/ocean-oxygen-content/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-476-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:51:25Z", "indicator_codes": "CLIM054", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2016 1.4.1", "label": 5, "published": "2016-12-20T14:01:46Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Despite a reduction in the last decade (land take was over 1000km2/year between 2000-2006), land take in EU28 still amounted to 539km2/year between 2012-2018. \r\n The net land take concept combines land take with land return to non-artificial land categories (re-cultivation). While some land was re-cultivated in the EU-28 in the period\u00a0 2000-2018, 11 times more land was taken. \r\n Between 2000 and 2018, 78 % of land take in the EU-28 affected agricultural areas, i.e. arable lands and pastures, and mosaic farmlands. \r\n From 2000 to 2018, land take consumed 0.6 % of all arable lands and permanent crops, 0.5 % of all pastures and mosaic farmlands, and 0.3 % of all grasslands into urban areas. \r\n In proportion to their area, Cyprus, the Netherlands and Albania saw the largest amount of land take between 2000 and 2018. \r\n The\u00a0 re-cultivation of land increased from 2012 to 2018, led by Luxembourg, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Belgium.\u00a0\u00a0 \r\n The main drivers of land take during 2000-2018 were industrial and commercial land use as well as extension of residential areas and construction sites. \r\n \u00a0 ", "language": "en", "title": "Land take in Europe", "created": "2019-08-09T09:14:48Z", "manager_user_id": "wasseeva", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/land-take-3/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-19-en", "modified": "2021-12-17T09:29:50Z", "indicator_codes": "CSI014, LSI001", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2019 1.8.2", "label": 6, "published": "2019-12-13T13:24:38Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " The EU is struggling to reduce its energy consumption and is at risk of not meeting its 2020 energy efficiency target. In 2019, while primary energy consumption (for all energy uses, including transformation into electricity or heat) dropped for the second consecutive year, final energy consumption (by end users) remained stable at its highest level since 2010. The COVID-19 pandemic is expected to significantly reduce energy consumption in 2020. However, substantial changes in the energy system will be necessary to achieve the EU\u2019s energy objectives and climate neutrality by 2050. ", "language": "en", "title": "Primary and final energy consumption in Europe", "created": "2020-10-04T14:54:56Z", "manager_user_id": "schistep", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/final-energy-consumption-by-sector-11/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-16-en", "modified": "2021-11-24T15:22:25Z", "indicator_codes": "ENER016", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2020 1.3.8", "label": 7, "published": "2020-12-18T13:47:51Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " \n Water temperatures in major European rivers have increased by 1\u20133\u00a0\u00b0C over the last century. Several time series show increasing lake and river temperatures all over Europe over the last 60 to 90 years. \n Lake and river surface water temperatures are projected to increase with further projected increases in air temperature. \n \n \n Increased temperature can result in marked changes in species composition and functioning of aquatic ecosystems. \n ", "language": "en", "title": "Water temperature", "created": "2012-11-12T14:57:36Z", "manager_user_id": "kristpet", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/water-temperature-1/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-202-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:50:30Z", "indicator_codes": "CLIM019", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2012 2.0.1", "label": 8, "published": "2012-11-20T12:06:10Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " A key goal of EU waste policy is to cut the amount of waste sent to landfill. Overall, the amount of landfill waste has decreased ( in 2018 it was \u00a07.6% less than in 2010), even though the total amount of waste generated has continued to increase.\u00a0The landfill rate \u2014 waste sent to landfill as a proportion of waste generated \u2014 decreased from 23% to 20% in the same period.\u00a0For some waste streams, such as (mixed) household and similar waste, relatively good progress has been made towards diverting waste from landfill. However, the amount of sorting residues sent to landfill has doubled since 2010. ", "language": "en", "title": "Diversion of waste from landfill in Europe", "created": "2021-03-24T12:26:03Z", "manager_user_id": "alvardan", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/diversion-from-landfill-1/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-488-en", "modified": "2021-06-23T18:30:39Z", "indicator_codes": "WST006", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2021 4.0.7", "label": 9, "published": "2021-06-21T14:59:05Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " All European seas have warmed considerably since 1870, particularly since the late 1970s. During the period for which comprehensive data are available (1981-2018), sea surface temperature increased by between 0.2\u00a0\u00b0C, in the North Atlantic, and 0.5\u00a0\u00b0C, in the Black Sea, per decade. This increase is projected to continue, although more slowly than that of air temperature over land. The frequency and magnitude of marine heatwaves has also increased significantly globally and in European seas and is projected to continue, with increasing impacts on ecosystems and climate expected. ", "language": "en", "title": "European sea surface temperature", "created": "2021-03-24T12:15:22Z", "manager_user_id": "fussehan", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/sea-surface-temperature-4/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-100-en", "modified": "2021-06-30T12:54:45Z", "indicator_codes": "CLIM013, CSI046", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2021 2.3.1", "label": 10, "published": "2021-06-30T12:54:05Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": "\n Despite renewable water is abundant in Europe, signals from long-term climate and hydrological assessments, including on population dynamics, indicate that there was 24% decrease in renewable water resources per capita across Europe between 1960 and 2010, particularly in southern Europe. \r\n The densely populated river basinsin different parts of Europe, which correspond to 11 % of the total area of Europe, continue to be hotspots for water stress conditions, and, in the summer of 2014, there were 86 million inhabitants in\u00a0these areas. \r\n Around 40 % of the inhabitants in the Mediterranean region lived under water stress conditions in the summer of 2014. \r\n Groundwater resources and rivers continue to be affected by overexploitation in many parts of Europe, especially in the western and eastern European basins. \r\n A positive development is that water abstraction decreased by around 7 %\u00a0between 2002 and 2014. \r\n Agriculture is still the main pressure on renewable water resources. In the spring of 2014, this sector used 66 % of the total water used in Europe. Around 80 % of total water abstraction for agriculture occurred in the Mediterranean region.\u00a0 The total irrigated area in southern Europe increased by 12 % between 2002 and 2014, but the total harvested agricultural production decreased by 36 % in the same period in this region. \r\n On average, water supply for households per capita is around 102 L/person per day in Europe, which means that there is 'no water stress'. However, water scarcity conditions created by population growth and urbanisation, including tourism, have particularly affected small Mediterranean islands and highly populated areas in recent years. \r\n Because of the huge volumes of water abstracted for hydropower and cooling, the hydromorphology and natural hydrological regimes of rivers and lakes continue to be altered. \r\n The targets set in the water scarcity roadmap, as well as the key objectives of the Seventh Environment Action Programme in the context of water quantity, were not achieved in Europe for the years 2002\u20132014. \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Use of freshwater resources", "created": "2016-08-26T07:42:33Z", "manager_user_id": "zalllnih", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/use-of-freshwater-resources-2/assessment-2", "prod_id": "IND-11-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:49:13Z", "indicator_codes": "CSI018, WAT001", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2016 1.5.4", "label": 11, "published": "2017-03-22T13:53:26Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Climate change has increased forest fire risk across Europe. Even so, the burnt area of the Mediterranean region has decreased slightly since 1980, indicating that fire control efforts have been effective. However, in recent years, forest fires have affected regions in central and northern Europe not typically prone to fires, and, in 2018, more countries suffered large fires than ever before, coinciding with record droughts and heatwaves. An expansion of fire-prone areas and longer fire seasons are projected in most European regions, so additional adaptation measures are needed. ", "language": "en", "title": "Forest fires in Europe", "created": "2021-06-29T08:06:49Z", "manager_user_id": "fussehan", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/forest-fire-danger-4/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-185-en", "modified": "2021-06-30T12:51:23Z", "indicator_codes": "CLIM035", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2021 2.3.1", "label": 12, "published": "2021-06-30T12:50:42Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Available data show that \u00a0around 1 223 non-indigenous species (NIS) are present in the Europe\u2019s seas, of which almost 81% (1 039) were recorded in the period 1949-2017. The species in question consist mostly of invertebrates (approx. 63 %). \r\n The number of NIS is highest in the Mediterranean Sea, where almost 69 % (838) of all\u00a0NIS have been recorded. A total of 21% (256) were recorded in the North-East Atlantic Ocean, 5 % (66) in the Baltic Sea and 3 % (32) in the Black Sea. \r\n Mean numbers of new NIS recorded in the period of 2006-2011 (calculated for 6 yearly periods) \u00a0were 28 species per year. The rate of new NIS recording slowed down\u00a0to 16 species per year during the 2012-2017 period. \r\n More than 80 of NIS species were identified as 'invasive alien species' (IAS) \u00a0with a high potential to negative impact biodiversity and cause economic and social consequences. ", "language": "en", "title": "Trends in marine non-indigenous species", "created": "2019-04-01T13:22:57Z", "manager_user_id": "petermon", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/trends-in-marine-alien-species-mas-3/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-344-en", "modified": "2021-11-18T14:50:57Z", "indicator_codes": "MAR002", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2019 1.6.1", "label": 13, "published": "2019-12-10T10:30:41Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Greenhouse gas emissions from the agriculture sector are covered by national annual emission targets. Between 2005 and 2019, the EU\u2019s agriculture emissions remained stable. Current national projections only foresee a modest decline of 2% by 2030, compared with 2005 levels, and a 5% reduction with the implementation of currently planned measures. This projected progress remains largely insufficient and highlights the need for further action if Member States are to reach their binding annual targets and the EU its climate neutrality goal by 2050. ", "language": "en", "title": "Greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture in Europe", "created": "2021-10-14T10:45:09Z", "manager_user_id": "qoullcla", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/greenhouse-gas-emissions-from-agriculture/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-564-en", "modified": "2021-10-26T10:33:59Z", "indicator_codes": "CLIM056", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2021 2.1.18", "label": 14, "published": "2021-10-26T10:33:54Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": "\n In the\u00a0EEA member countries (EEA-33),\u00a0the total reported economic losses caused by weather and climate-related extremes over the period 1980-2017 amounted to approximately EUR 453 billion (in 2017 Euro values).\u00a0 \r\n Average annual economic losses in the\u00a0EEA member countries\u00a0varied between EUR 7.4 billion over the period 1980-1989, EUR 13.4 billion (1990-1999) and EUR 14.0 billion (2000-2009). Between 2010 and 2017, average annual losses were around EUR 13.0 billion. This high variability makes the analysis of historical trends difficult, since the choice of years heavily influences the trend outcome. \r\n The observed variations in reported economic losses over time are difficult to interpret since a large share of the total deflated losses has been caused by a small number of events. Specifically, more than 70 % of economic losses were caused by less than 3 % of all unique registered events. \r\n In the\u00a0EU Member States (EU-28), disasters caused by weather and climate-related extremes accounted for some 83 % of the monetary losses over the period 1980-2017. Weather and climate-related losses amounted to EUR 426 billion (at 2017 values). \r\n The most expensive climate extremes in\u00a0the EU Member States\u00a0include the 2002 flood in Central Europe (over EUR 21 billion), the 2003 drought and heat wave (almost EUR 15 billion), and the 1999 winter storm Lothar and October 2000 flood in Italy and France (both EUR 13 billion), all at 2017 values. \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Economic losses from climate-related extremes in Europe", "created": "2019-01-24T10:26:43Z", "manager_user_id": "vannewou", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/direct-losses-from-weather-disasters-3/assessment-2", "prod_id": "IND-182-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:46:43Z", "indicator_codes": "CLIM039, CSI042", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2019 1.4.1", "label": 15, "published": "2019-04-02T08:08:11Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": "\n Global mean sea level in 2016 was the highest yearly average since measurements started in the late 19 th century; it was about 20\u00a0cm higher than at the beginning of the 20 th century. \r\n Estimates for the average rate of global sea level rise over the 20 th century range from 1.2 to 1.7\u00a0mm/year, with significant decadal variation. The rate of sea level rise since 1993, when satellite measurements became available, has been significantly higher, at around 3\u00a0mm/year. \r\n Evidence showing the predominant role of anthropogenic climate change in observed global mean sea level rise and the acceleration of sea level rise during recent decades has strengthened since the publication of the IPCC\u00a0Fifth Assessment Report (AR5). \r\n All coastal regions in Europe have experienced an increase in absolute sea level, but with significant regional variation. Most coastal regions have also experienced an increase in sea level relative to land, with the exception of the northern Baltic Sea and the northern Atlantic coast, which are experiencing considerable land rise as a consequence of post-glacial rebound. \r\n Extreme high coastal water levels have increased at most locations along the European coastline. This increase appears to be predominantly due to increases in mean local sea level rather than to changes in storm activity. \r\n Global mean sea level rise during the 21st century will very likely occur at a higher rate than during the period 1971\u20132010. Process-based models considered in the IPCC\u00a0AR5 project a rise in sea level over the 21st century (2100 vs. 1986\u20132005 baseline) that is likely (i.e. 66\u00a0% probability) in the range of 0.28\u20130.61\u00a0m for a low emissions scenario (RCP2.6) and 0.52\u20130.98\u00a0m for a high emissions scenario (RCP8.5). However, substantially higher values of sea level rise cannot be ruled out. Several recent model-based studies, expert assessments and national assessments have suggested an upper bound for 21st century global mean sea level rise in the range of 1.5\u20132.5\u00a0m. \r\n A recent study extending the IPCC AR5 projections estimates global sea level rise by 2300 to be in the range of 0.8\u20131.4\u00a0m for a low emissions scenario (RCP2.6) and 3.4\u20136.8\u00a0m for a high emissions scenario (RCP8.5). These values would rise substantially if the largest estimates of sea level contributions from Antarctica over the coming centuries were included. \r\n The rise in sea level relative to land along most European coasts is projected to be similar to the global average, with the exception of the northern Baltic Sea and the northern Atlantic coast, which are experiencing considerable land rise as a consequence of post-glacial rebound. \r\n Projected increases in extreme high coastal water levels are likely to mostly be the result of increases in local relative mean sea level in most locations. However, several recent studies suggest that increases in the meteorologically driven surge component could also play a substantial role, in particular along the northern European coastline. \r\n All available studies project that the damages from coastal floods in Europe would increase many-fold in the absence of adaptation, whereby the specific projections depend on the assumptions of the particular study. \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Global and European sea level", "created": "2017-11-08T19:21:21Z", "manager_user_id": "fussehan", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/sea-level-rise-5/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-193-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:41:22Z", "indicator_codes": "CLIM012, CSI047", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2017 1.4.1", "label": 16, "published": "2017-11-27T17:08:25Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " The average carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) emissions from new passenger cars registered in the European Union (EU) in 2018 increased for the second consecutive year, reaching 120.4 grams of CO 2 per kilometre.\u00a0 \r\n Despite the recent increase, new cars sold in 2018 were on average\u00a014 % more efficient than those sold in 2010. \r\n Average annual CO 2 emissions from new light commercial vehicles (vans) increased in 2018 for the first time since Regulation (EU) 510/2011 came in to force. \r\n Despite the recent increase, the average van sold in 2018 was 12 % more efficient than the one sold in 2012.\u00a0 ", "language": "en", "title": "Average CO2 emissions from newly registered motor vehicles in Europe", "created": "2019-06-21T07:24:26Z", "manager_user_id": "pastocin", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/average-co2-emissions-from-motor-vehicles/assessment-1", "prod_id": "IND-457-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:45:52Z", "indicator_codes": "TERM017", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2019 1.3.9", "label": 17, "published": "2019-08-13T08:40:55Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " A significant reduction in the consumption of ozone-depleting substances has been achieved by the 28 EU Member States plus Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey (EEA-33) since 1986. This reduction has been largely driven by the 1987 United Nations Environment Programme Montreal Protocol. \r\n Upon the entry into force of the Montreal Protocol, EEA-33 consumption was approximately 420 000 ozone-depleting potential tonnes. Consumption values of around zero were reached in 2002 and have remained at this level ever since. S ince the early 1990s, th e EU has taken additional measures, in the shape of \u00a0EU law,\u00a0 to reduce the consumption of ozone-depleting substances. In many aspects, the current EU regulation on substances that deplete the ozone layer (1005/2009/EC) goes further than the Montreal Protocol and has also brought forward the phasing out of hydrochlorofluorocarbons \u00a0in the EU. ", "language": "en", "title": "Production and consumption of ozone-depleting substances", "created": "2018-12-10T10:31:24Z", "manager_user_id": null, "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/production-and-consumption-of-ozone-2/assessment-4", "prod_id": "IND-3-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:40:42Z", "indicator_codes": "", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2018 1.3.2", "label": 18, "published": "2019-09-09T17:07:50Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": "\n Between 2009 and 2012, soil sealing (or imperviousness) increased in most EEA-39 countries by a total of 2 051 km 2 . This corresponds to 0.0356 % of the total EEA-39 area or an annual average increase of 683 km 2 . Overall, this rate of increase is lower than that documented in the 2006-2009 products, although this can be put down to a general overestimation of sealing increase in the 2006 and 2009 datasets.\u00a0 \r\n In 2012, the percentage of a countries' total area that was sealed also varied greatly, with values ranging from 0.14 % to 16.27 %. The highest sealing values, as a percentage of country area, occurred in small countries with high population densities, while the lowest sealing values could be found in large countries with low population densities.\u00a0 The most problematic situation occurs in countries where there is already a high percentage of sealing and where the annual rate of increase relative to country area is high. \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \u00a0 \r\n \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Imperviousness and imperviousness change", "created": "2016-11-30T13:41:00Z", "manager_user_id": "langatob", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/imperviousness-change-1/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-368-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:48:15Z", "indicator_codes": "LSI002", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2017 1.8.2", "label": 19, "published": "2017-12-04T12:00:29Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": "\n Noise pollution is a major environmental health problem in Europe. \r\n Road traffic is the most\u00a0widespread source of environmental noise, with an estimated 120 million people affected by harmful levels. Noise from railways, airports and industry are also important sources of noise. \r\n The European Union's (EU) Seventh Environment Action Programme sets the objective that by 2020 noise pollution in the EU has significantly decreased, moving closer to the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended levels.\u00a0 \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Exposure of Europe's population to environmental noise", "created": "2016-12-09T12:46:06Z", "manager_user_id": "periseul", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/exposure-to-and-annoyance-by-2/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-233-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:50:59Z", "indicator_codes": "CSI051, TERM005", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2016 1.1.2", "label": 20, "published": "2017-02-22T14:39:20Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Between 2004 and 2019, emissions from large combustion plants in the EU decreased: SO 2 by 89%, nitrogen oxides by 60% and dust by 88%. Declines in emissions and improvements in environmental performance were largely driven by European policy, which sets legally binding emission limit values. The amount of fossil fuels used decreased by 23%, as energy production shifts to climate-friendly sources. Stricter emission limit values and policies aimed at increasing the use of renewable or cleaner fuels are expected to drive further declines in combustion plant emissions in coming years. ", "language": "en", "title": "Emissions and energy use in large combustion plants in Europe", "created": "2021-05-18T14:40:47Z", "manager_user_id": "antogfed", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/emissions-of-air-pollutants-from-1/assessment-1", "prod_id": "IND-427-en", "modified": "2021-06-01T15:41:12Z", "indicator_codes": "INDP006", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2021 3.0.7", "label": 21, "published": "2021-06-01T15:40:54Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": "\n More and more waste is being generated. Between 2010 and 2016, total waste generation increased by 3.0 % (almost 74.7 million tonnes) in the EU-28 countries. Absolute total waste (excluding major mineral wastes) increased by 6.0 % (48.1 million tonnes) and generation per capita went up by 70 kg per capita. \r\n In 2016 the water and waste (28.0 %), households (23.0 %) and manufacturing (21.0 %)\u00a0 sectors\u00a0 generated the largest shares of waste, excluding major mineral wastes. These three sectors together produce almost 72\u202f% of all waste, excluding major mineral wastes. Between 2010 and 2016, waste generation in the water and waste sector increased by 56 % ( almost 82 million tonnes).\u00a0 This significant growth was driven mainly by secondary waste generation from the development of waste management systems in countries with growing waste treatment operations. In other sectors, the trend was gradually decreasing.\u00a0 Waste, excluding major mineral wastes, generated by all economic sectors followed growth in economic development between 2010 and 2016, with only very slight decoupling.\u00a0 \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Waste generation in Europe", "created": "2019-07-08T13:40:47Z", "manager_user_id": "durmuozl", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/waste-generation-4/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-367-en", "modified": "2021-06-23T09:36:46Z", "indicator_codes": "CSI041, WST004", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2019 1.9.1", "label": 22, "published": "2019-11-22T08:45:53Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": "\n Large combustion plants are responsible for a significant proportion of anthropogenic pollutant emissions. In 2015, large combustion plant emissions of sulphur dioxide (SO 2 ) and nitrogen oxides (NO x ) accounted for 44 % and 14 %, respectively, of EU-28 totals. \r\n Since 2004, emissions from large combustion plants in the EU-28 have decreased by 77 % for SO 2 , 49 % for NO x and 81 % for dust. \r\n The largest plants (greater than 500 megawatt thermal (MWth)) account for only 24 % of large combustion plants but are responsible for around 80 % of all large combustion plant SO 2 , NO x and dust emissions. In 2015, of a total of 3 418 large combustion plants, 50 % of all emissions came from just 40, 89 and 47 plants for SO 2 , NO x and dust, respectively. \r\n One indicator of the environmental performance of large combustion plants is the ratio between emissions and fuel consumption (i.e. the implied emission factor). The implied emission factors for all three pollutants decreased significantly between 2004 and 2015 for all sizes of large combustion plant. \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Emissions of air pollutants from large combustion plants", "created": "2017-11-16T08:06:59Z", "manager_user_id": "grangmar", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/emissions-of-air-pollutants-from/assessment-1", "prod_id": "IND-427-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:47:56Z", "indicator_codes": "INDP006", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2017 1.2.2", "label": 23, "published": "2017-12-05T08:56:03Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": "\n In the EU-28, critical loads for acidification were exceeded in 7 % of the ecosystem area in 2010, down from 43 % in 1980. The figure also decreased to 7 %\u00a0of the ecosystem area\u00a0across all EEA member countries. There are still some areas where the interim objective for reducing acidification, as defined in the EU's National Emission Ceilings Directive, has not been met.\u00a0 \r\n The EU-28 ecosystem area in which the critical loads for eutrophication were exceeded peaked at 84 % in 1990 and decreased to 63 % in 2010 (55 % in the EEA member countries). The area in exceedance is projected to further decrease to 54 % in 2020 for the EU-28 (48 % in the EEA member countries), assuming current legislation is implemented. The magnitude of the exceedances is also projected to decline considerably in most areas, except for a few 'hot spot' areas in western France and the border areas between Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands, as well as in northern Italy. \r\n Looking ahead, only 4 % of the EU-28 ecosystem area (3 % in EEA member countries) is projected to exceed acidification critical loads in 2020 if current legislation is fully implemented.\u00a0The eutrophication reduction target set in the updated EU air pollution strategy proposed by the European Commission in late 2013, will be met by 2030 if it is assumed that all maximum technically feasible reduction measures are implemented, but it will not be met by current legislation. \r\n For ozone, most of Europe's vegetation and agricultural crops are exposed to ozone levels that exceed the long term objective specified in the EU's Air Quality Directive. A significant fraction is also exposed to levels above the target value threshold defined in the directive. The effect-related concentrations show large year-to-year variations. Over the period 1996-2014,\u00a0exposure\u00a0increased before 2006, after which it decreased. During the past six years, the fractions of agricultural crops above the target value were the lowest since 1996. In 2014, the fraction decreased to 18 %,\u00a0the minimum in the whole series; and mapping results show that the highest values have also decreased. \r\n During the past six years, around two-thirds of the forest area was exposed to ozone concentrations above the critical level set by the\u00a0United Nations Economic Commission for Europe\u00a0(UNECE) for the protection of forests.\u00a0 \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Exposure of Europe's ecosystems to acidification, eutrophication and ozone", "created": "2017-10-23T09:53:44Z", "manager_user_id": "ozturevr", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/exposure-of-ecosystems-to-acidification-14/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-30-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:50:30Z", "indicator_codes": "AIR004, CSI005", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2017 1.1.2", "label": 24, "published": "2017-11-23T14:53:15Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Monitoring schemes show significant long-term (25-year) downward trends in common birds (in particular farmland birds) and grassland butterfly population numbers, with no signs of recovery. \r\n Between 1990 and 2016, there was a 9 % decrease in the index of common birds in the 26 EU Member States with bird population monitoring schemes. This decrease is slightly greater (11 %) if figures for Norway and Switzerland are included. The common forest bird index decreased by 3 % (EU) and by 5 % (EU plus Norway and Switzerland) over the same period. \r\n The decline in common farmland bird numbers over the same period was much more pronounced, at 32 % (EU) and 35 % (EU plus Norway and Switzerland).\u00a0 \r\n The index of grassland butterflies has declined significantly in the 15 EU countries where butterfly monitoring schemes exist. In 2017, the index was 39 % below its 1990 value. \r\n \u00a0 ", "language": "en", "title": "Abundance and distribution of selected European species", "created": "2019-07-08T09:00:39Z", "manager_user_id": "bialakat", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/abundance-and-distribution-of-selected-species-8/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-140-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:48:52Z", "indicator_codes": "CSI050, SEBI001", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2019 1.7.4", "label": 25, "published": "2019-08-09T11:39:48Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " EU legislation has led to improvements in air quality, with the percentage of urban citizens exposed to pollutant levels above standards set to protect human health falling between 2000 and 2019. However, poor air quality remains a problem: in 2019, 21% of citizens were exposed to O 3 and 10% to PM 10 above EU limit values. This is mainly due to emissions from transport and buildings, but also from agriculture and industry. Without radical changes to mobility, energy and food systems and industry, it is unlikely that air quality targets will be met in the near future. ", "language": "en", "title": "Exceedance of air quality standards in Europe", "created": "2021-05-19T14:07:16Z", "manager_user_id": "ozturevr", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/exceedance-of-air-quality-limit-2/assessment-1", "prod_id": "IND-34-en", "modified": "2021-10-27T15:34:41Z", "indicator_codes": "AIR003, CSI004", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2021 0.0.0", "label": 26, "published": "None" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Overall, water abstraction and economic growth in the EU showed absolute decoupling over the period 2000\u20132017. Total water abstraction declined by 17 %, while total gross value added generated from all economic sectors increased by 59 %. However, water scarcity conditions and drought events continue to cause significant risks in southern Europe, as well as in specific areas of other European regions. \r\n Agriculture remained the sector exerting the highest pressure on renewable freshwater resources overall, being responsible for 59 % of total water use in Europe in 2017. This is mainly because of agriculture levels in southern Europe. \r\n In 2017, 64 % of total water abstraction was from rivers and 24 % from groundwater. \r\n Annual renewable freshwater resources per inhabitant showed a decreasing trend across all regions except eastern Europe over the period 1990-2017. Large decreases were observed in Spain (-65 %), Malta (-54 %) and Cyprus (-32 %). Climate change and population increase exerted high pressures on renewable freshwater resources in Europe over this period. \r\n The increasing frequency and magnitude of extreme droughts and floods enhance the risk of there being reduced volumes of renewable freshwater resources in the future. ", "language": "en", "title": "Use of freshwater resources in Europe", "created": "2019-11-04T07:40:47Z", "manager_user_id": "zalllnih", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/use-of-freshwater-resources-3/assessment-4", "prod_id": "IND-11-en", "modified": "2021-11-22T15:01:17Z", "indicator_codes": "CSI018, WAT001", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2018 1.5.4", "label": 27, "published": "2019-12-23T10:55:53Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Ground-level ozone\u00a0adversely affects not only human health but also vegetation and ecosystems across Europe, leading to decreased crop yields and forest growth, and loss of biodiversity. Much of Europe\u2019s lands is exposed to ozone levels above the threshold and long-term objective values set in the EU\u2019s Ambient Air Quality Directive (AAQD) for the protection of vegetation. For instance, after a 6-year period (2009-2014) of relatively low ozone values, the fraction of arable land exposed to levels above the AAQD threshold increased to 30% in 2015, falling to 19% in 2016, before increasing again to 26% in 2017 and 45% in 2018 and decreased only to 37% in 2019. \r\n \r\n \r\n \u00a0 \r\n \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Exposure of Europe's ecosystems to ozone", "created": "2021-05-26T07:16:44Z", "manager_user_id": "ortizalb", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/exposure-of-ecosystems-to-acidification-15/assessment-1", "prod_id": "IND-30-en", "modified": "2021-05-31T10:14:31Z", "indicator_codes": "AIR004, CSI005", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2021 3.0.7", "label": 28, "published": "None" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Greenhouse gas emissions in the EU decreased by 31% between 1990 and 2020\u00a0\u2014 exceeding the EU\u2019s 2020 target by 11 percentage points. This overshoot was propelled by steep emission cuts in 2019 and 2020. While the cut in 2019 was strongly driven by fossil fuel price effects and policy measures, the decline in 2020 was additionally related to the Covid-19 pandemic. EU greenhouse gas emissions are expected to further decline until 2030. Member States have not yet realigned their ambitions to the new net 55% reduction target for 2030, and the further implementation of impactful policies and measures will be important to bring the new 2030 target within reach. ", "language": "en", "title": "Total greenhouse gas emissions trends and projections in Europe", "created": "2021-10-22T09:36:02Z", "manager_user_id": "sporemel", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/greenhouse-gas-emission-trends-8/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-37-en", "modified": "2021-11-24T16:56:43Z", "indicator_codes": "CLIM050, CSI010", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2021 2.1.4", "label": 29, "published": "2021-10-26T09:53:45Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " The risk of inaction\u00a0is high, with unabated emissions in the Baseline scenario 1 \u00a0 leading to about a 37% and 52% increase in global emissions in the 2030 and 2050\u00a0respectively compared to 2005, with a wide range of impacts on natural and human systems. This unabated emission pathway could lead to high levels of global warming, with long-term average temperatures likely to be at least 4 to 6 C higher than pre-industrial temperatures. The costs of even the most stringent mitigation cases are in the range of\u00a0a few percent of global GDP in 2050. Thus they are manageable, they are also feasible at limited cost, especially if policies are designed to start early to be cost-effective and to share the burden of costs across all regions. \u00a0 ", "language": "en", "title": "GHG emissions - outlook from MNP", "created": "2007-01-07T23:00:00Z", "manager_user_id": "velkavrh", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/ghg-emissions-outlook-from-mnp/ghg-emissions-outlook-from-mnp-1", "prod_id": "IND-67-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:43:36Z", "indicator_codes": "Outlook008", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2010", "label": 30, "published": "2007-06-07T22:00:00Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " The EU\u2019s power generation sector is decarbonising. The greenhouse gas (GHG) emission intensity of power generation is continuously falling across the EU. Supported by EU policies such as the EU Emissions Trading Scheme, the Renewable Energy Directive and legislation addressing air pollutant emissions from industrial installations, there has been a gradual switch from coal to renewable fuels and natural gas, and the efficiency of transformation processes has improved across the sector. By 2019, the GHG emission intensity of electricity generation nearly halved compared with 1990. Were the declining trend of the past decade to continue linearly, EU electricity generation would fully decarbonise by 2050.\u00a0 Additional policies and measures will be needed to enhance progress, as outlined in the European Commission\u2019s proposals to raise the EU greenhouse gas emission reductions target for 2030 from 40 % to 55 % below 1990 levels and to reach climate neutrality by 2050. ", "language": "en", "title": "Greenhouse gas emission intensity of electricity generation in Europe", "created": "2020-10-04T14:45:08Z", "manager_user_id": "tomesmih", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/overview-of-the-electricity-production-3/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-353-en", "modified": "2021-06-11T14:02:51Z", "indicator_codes": "ENER038", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2020 1.3.8", "label": 31, "published": "2020-12-08T14:29:57Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": "\n Global mean sea level has risen by 19.5\u00a0cm from 1901 to 2015, at an average rate of 1.7\u00a0mm/year, but with significant decadal variation. The rate of sea level rise since 1993, when satellite measurements have been available, has been higher, at around 3\u00a0mm/year. Global mean sea level in 2015 was the highest yearly average over the record and ~70 mm higher than in 1993. \r\n Evidence for a predominant role of anthropogenic climate change in the observed global mean sea level rise and for an acceleration during recent decades has strengthened since the publication of the IPCC\u00a0AR5. \r\n Most coastal regions in Europe have experienced an increase in absolute sea level and in sea level relative to land, but there is significant regional variation. \r\n Extreme high coastal water levels have increased at most locations along the European coastline. This increase appears to be predominantly due to increases in mean local sea level rather than to changes in storm activity. \r\n Global mean sea level rise during the 21st century will very likely occur at a higher rate than during the period 1971\u20132010. Process-based models considered in the IPCC\u00a0AR5 project a rise in sea level over the 21st century that is likely in the range of 0.26\u20130.54\u00a0m for a low emissions scenario (RCP2.6) and 0.45\u20130.81\u00a0m for a high emissions scenario (RCP8.5). However, several recent studies suggest substantially higher values. Several national assessments, expert assessments and recent model-based studies have suggested an upper bound for 21st century global mean sea level rise in the range of 1.5\u20132.0\u00a0m. \r\n Available process-based models project that global mean sea level rise by 2300 will be less than 1\u00a0m for greenhouse gas concentrations that peak and decline and do not exceed 500\u00a0ppm CO 2 -equivalent, but will be in the range of 1\u00a0m to more than 3\u00a0m for concentrations above 700\u00a0ppm CO 2 -equivalent. However, these models are likely to systematically underestimate the sea level contribution from Antarctica, and some recent studies suggest substantially higher rates of sea level rise in the coming centuries. \r\n The rise in sea level relative to land along most European coasts is projected to be similar to the global average, with the exception of the northern Baltic Sea and the northern Atlantic Coast, which are experiencing considerable land rise as a consequence of post-glacial rebound. \r\n Projected increases in extreme high coastal water levels are likely to mostly be the result of increases in local relative mean sea level in most locations. However, recent studies suggest that increases in the meteorologically driven surge component can also play a substantial role, in particular along the northern European coastline. \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Global and European sea level", "created": "2016-11-21T17:14:34Z", "manager_user_id": "fussehan", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/sea-level-rise-4/assessment-2", "prod_id": "IND-193-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:49:31Z", "indicator_codes": "CLIM012, CSI047", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2016 1.4.1", "label": 32, "published": "2016-12-20T15:53:51Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Global mean near-surface temperature during the last decade (2010-2019) was 0.94 to 1.03\u00b0C warmer than the pre-industrial level, which makes it the warmest decade on record. European land temperatures have increased even faster over the same period, by 1.7 to 1.9\u00b0C. All UNFCC member countries have committed in the Paris Agreement to limiting the global temperature increase to well below 2\u00b0C above the pre-industrial level and to aim to limit the increase to 1.5\u00b0C. Without drastic cuts in global greenhouse gas emissions, even the 2\u00b0C limit will already be exceeded before 2050. ", "language": "en", "title": "Global and European temperatures", "created": "2020-09-09T10:19:13Z", "manager_user_id": "kurnibla", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/global-and-european-temperature-10/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-4-en", "modified": "2021-11-09T16:14:09Z", "indicator_codes": "CLIM001, CSI012", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2020 1.4.1", "label": 33, "published": "2020-09-30T14:10:51Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Latest available trends show that recycling rates\u00a0for both municipal waste and packaging waste have increased substantially: recycling rates for municipal waste increased by 13 percentage points between 2004 and 2014, and recycling rates for packaging waste by 10 percentage points between 2005 and 2013. In 2014, 43 % of the municipal waste generated in the EU-27 and Norway was recycled, while in 2013, 65 % of packaging waste generated was recycled. These improvements are, among others, driven by EU targets for the recycling of these two waste streams introduced in 1994 and 2008, respectively. Higher overall recycling rates for packaging waste compared to municipal waste probably result from the earlier introduction of packaging waste targets, producer responsibility schemes and the relative ease of recycling packaging waste from commercial sources. \r\n For municipal waste, large differences in recycling rates between European countries prevail; in 2014, the rates ranged from 64 % in Germany to 1 % in Serbia. In six countries, recycling rates were equal or higher than 50 %, while five countries recycled less than 20 %. In 2014, 24 countries recycled 55 % or more\u00a0packaging waste and overall recycling rates ranged from 81 % in Belgium to 41 % in Malta. These differences indicate a large potential for improvement. ", "language": "en", "title": "Waste recycling", "created": "2016-02-29T09:39:47Z", "manager_user_id": null, "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/waste-recycling-1/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-378-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:48:29Z", "indicator_codes": "", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2016 1.9.1", "label": 34, "published": "2016-12-13T07:55:00Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Despite a small increase in annual average CO 2 emissions from passenger cars in 2017, new cars are becoming more efficient. The average car sold in 2017 was almost 16 % more efficient than the average car sold in 2010. \r\n Average annual CO 2 emissions from new light commercial vehicles (vans) continued to decrease in 2017. The average van sold in 2017 was 13 % more efficient than one sold in 2012, when Regulation (EU) 510/2011 came in to force.\u00a0 \r\n The new 'Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Procedure' (WLTP) was introduced in September 2017. It is anticipated that it will decrease\u00a0 the divergence between laboratory test and real world emissions.\u00a0 ", "language": "en", "title": "Average CO2 emissions from newly registered motor vehicles in Europe", "created": "2018-05-16T08:52:50Z", "manager_user_id": "pastocin", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/average-co2-emissions-from-motor-vehicles/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-457-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:47:11Z", "indicator_codes": "TERM017", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2018 1.1.2", "label": 35, "published": "2018-06-11T09:33:09Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " EU greenhouse gas emissions covered by national reduction targets decreased by 15% between 2005 and 2020, which is significantly more than the 10% reduction foreseen in the Effort Sharing Decision (ESD). These reductions were largely driven by improvements in energy efficiency and the switch to less carbon intensive fuels, including renewable energy. Preliminary emissions data for 2020 show that 21 EU Member States are expected to be below their national emission targets for that year. Six Member States are expected to have emissions above their 2020 target levels, despite the effects of the measures to address the pandemic. ", "language": "en", "title": "Progress towards national greenhouse gas emissions targets in Europe", "created": "2021-10-14T11:03:58Z", "manager_user_id": "sporemel", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/progress-towards-national-greenhouse-gas/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-566-en", "modified": "2021-10-26T09:52:48Z", "indicator_codes": "CLIM058", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2021 2.1.4", "label": 36, "published": "2021-10-26T09:52:39Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " The coverage of ecosystem\u00a0 classes under the EU 'Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services' (MAES) framework was affected by change processes between 2006 and 2012, with urbanisation the most dominant process. Urban ecosystems showed the highest net increase both in the EU-28 and in the EEA-39 countries, predominantly at the expense of cropland and grassland.\u00a0 \r\n A very slight increase in coverage was observed in forest and woodland, while agricultural ecosystems, both cropland and grassland, continued to decrease. \r\n Vulnerable ecosystems such as heathland and sparsely vegetated land (dunes, beaches, sand plains, bare rocks and glaciers) continued to disappear between 2006 and 2012, although the loss of wetlands seems to have levelled off for the first time over the same period. It should be borne in mind, however, that approximately two thirds of European wetlands were lost before the 1990s and their area has subsequently continued to decrease. ", "language": "en", "title": "Ecosystem coverage", "created": "2017-12-20T15:42:18Z", "manager_user_id": "bialakat", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/ecosystem-coverage-3/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-144-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:45:09Z", "indicator_codes": "SEBI004", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2018 1.7.4", "label": 37, "published": "2018-12-06T16:26:24Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " A significant reduction in the consumption of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) has been achieved by the EEA-33 countries since 1986. This reduction has largely been driven by the 1987 United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Montreal Protocol. \r\n At the entry into force of the Montreal Protocol, EEA-33 consumption was approximately 420 000 ozone-depleting potential tonnes (ODP tonnes). Consumption values around zero were reached in 2002 and have remained consistently so ever since. The European Union (EU) has taken additional measures to reduce the consumption of ODS by means of EU law since the early 1990s. In many aspects, the current EU regulation on substances that deplete the ozone layer (1005/2009/EC) goes further than the Montreal Protocol and it has also brought forward the phasing out of hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) in the EU. ", "language": "en", "title": "Production and consumption of ozone-depleting substances", "created": "2016-02-24T09:11:55Z", "manager_user_id": null, "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/production-and-consumption-of-ozone-2/assessment-1", "prod_id": "IND-3-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:46:20Z", "indicator_codes": "", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2015 1.2.2", "label": 38, "published": "2016-08-29T14:09:34Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " The air pollutants ammonia (NH 3 ), non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs), nitrogen oxides (NO X ), fine particulate matter (PM) and sulphur oxides (SO X ) damage human health and the environment, so reducing their emissions is a priority of both EU and international air quality legislation. Since 2005, emissions of all five pollutants have declined and, by 2012, the emission ceilings set for NH 3 , NMVOCs, NO X and SO X \u00a0had been met. However, based on progress so far, it is clear that more effort, particularly in the transport, energy and agriculture sectors, is essential if the EU is to fulfil longer term reduction commitments. ", "language": "en", "title": "Emissions of the main air pollutants in Europe", "created": "2021-08-26T10:32:54Z", "manager_user_id": "molnalea", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/main-anthropogenic-air-pollutant-emissions-1/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-366-en", "modified": "2021-10-13T07:32:50Z", "indicator_codes": "AIR005, CSI040", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2021 3.0.7", "label": 39, "published": "2021-10-13T07:32:46Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " The consumption of renewable energy continued to increase in 2014. The amount of renewable energy as a share of gross final energy consumption in the EU-28 countries reached 16.0 % in 2014, representing 80 % of the EU's 20 % renewable energy target for 2020. Renewable energy contributed 17.7 % of gross final energy consumption for heating and cooling, 27.5 % of final electricity consumption and 5.9 % of transport fuels consumption in 2014. \r\n In 2014, 27 Member States (i.e. all except the Netherlands) met or exceeded their indicative targets set under the Renewable Energy Directive (RED), while 22 Member States (i.e. all except France, Ireland, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland and Portugal) reached or exceeded the indicative trajectories set in their National Renewable Energy Action Plans (NREAPs). \r\n In 2014, nine countries ( Bulgaria, \u00a0 Croatia,\u00a0 the Czech Republic, \u00a0 Estonia,\u00a0 Finland,\u00a0 Italy,\u00a0 Lithuania,\u00a0 Romania and\u00a0 Sweden ) managed to reach their binding renewable energy share targets for 2020 set under the RED . ", "language": "en", "title": "Share of renewable energy in gross final energy consumption in Europe", "created": "2016-11-18T14:36:14Z", "manager_user_id": "tomesmih", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/renewable-gross-final-energy-consumption-4/assessment-1", "prod_id": "IND-125-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:51:30Z", "indicator_codes": "CSI048, ENER028", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2015 1.3.2", "label": 40, "published": "2016-12-15T15:55:54Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Transport infrastructure charges throughout the EEA region are decreasing, although at the same time the length of the motorway network that is tolled is increasing (strongly territorial road charge). The most widely spread form of taxing is the charges on the possession of vehicles, or use of roads, applicable only to vehicles registered in the country (nationality based charge), although a number of countries through EEA do not apply the tax. The nationality based charges are applied in 20 out of the 32 EEA countries. A number of countries have abolished time band charges (in other words, charges differentiated by the usage time) for the use of the road or motorway network, a practice also referred to as Eurovignette (moderately territorial road charge). Infrastructure charges for rail freight transport are higher in the new EU Member States than in the EU-15. In general, charge levels are still well below marginal cost levels. Infrastructure taxes and charges for aviation vary by country and airport. Some impose charges which internalise some of the external costs of aviation, including congestion and noise. Very few airports apply aircraft emission charges. The indicator does not cover parking charges as well as inland waterways (IWW) and marine infrastructure charges. ", "language": "en", "title": "Transport taxes and charges", "created": "2008-12-15T12:58:15Z", "manager_user_id": "pastocin", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/transport-taxes-and-charges/transport-taxes-and-charges-assessment", "prod_id": "IND-115-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:44:47Z", "indicator_codes": "TERM022", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2010", "label": 41, "published": "2010-07-05T14:34:10Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " The uptake of electric vehicles in Europe is increasing, in line with the EU\u2019s policy objective of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from transport. However, market penetration remains relatively low. In 2019, electric car registrations were close to 550\u00a0000 units, having reached 300\u00a0000 units in 2018. This represents an increase from 2 to 3.5\u00a0% of total car registrations. The uptake of electric vans also increased, from 0.8\u00a0% of total registrations in 2018 to 1.3\u00a0% in 2019. Battery electric vehicles, rather than plug-in hybrid, accounted for the majority of electric vehicle registrations in 2019 for cars and vans. ", "language": "en", "title": "New registrations of electric vehicles in Europe", "created": "2020-08-25T13:22:57Z", "manager_user_id": "pastocin", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/proportion-of-vehicle-fleet-meeting-5/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-108-en", "modified": "2021-12-02T16:41:38Z", "indicator_codes": "TERM034", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2020 1.3.7", "label": 42, "published": "2020-12-03T15:10:00Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Birds and butterflies are sensitive to environmental change and can indicate the health of the environment. Long-term monitoring shows significant declines in farmland birds and grassland butterflies. Between 1990 and 2019, the index of 168 common birds decreased by 8% in the 25 EU Member States with monitoring schemes. The decline in common farmland birds over the same period was much more pronounced at 27%, while the common forest bird index increased by 5%. Between 1991 and 2018 the grassland butterfly index also declined strongly, by 25%, in the 19 EU countries with monitoring data. ", "language": "en", "title": "Abundance and distribution of selected species in Europe", "created": "2021-04-26T12:37:03Z", "manager_user_id": "bialakat", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/abundance-and-distribution-of-selected-species-9/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-140-en", "modified": "2021-05-12T13:14:17Z", "indicator_codes": "CSI050, SEBI001", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2021 1.0.7", "label": 43, "published": "2021-05-12T13:14:10Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Through its land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF) activities, the EU currently removes a net total of 249 Mt CO 2 e from the atmosphere every year, equivalent to 7% of its annual greenhouse gas emissions. The sector will play a crucial role in helping the EU achieve net zero emissions by 2050. Doing so will require reversing the current decreasing trend of the EU's\u00a0 carbon sink . According to national projections from EU Member States, current measures in place will not be sufficient to achieve this, with an average removal of 200 Mt CO 2 e per year in 2030. However, implementing the national measures currently at planning stage could increase the current EU carbon sink by 3%. ", "language": "en", "title": "Greenhouse gas emissions from land use, land use change and forestry", "created": "2021-10-14T10:55:43Z", "manager_user_id": "qoullcla", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/greenhouse-gas-emissions-from-land/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-565-en", "modified": "2021-10-26T10:33:21Z", "indicator_codes": "CLIM057", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2021 2.1.4", "label": 44, "published": "2021-10-26T10:33:16Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Historical greenhouse gas emissions from the EU buildings sector show a decreasing trend since 2005. This is the result of the implementation of higher standards for new buildings, measures to increase energy efficiency in existing buildings (e.g. through changing of heating systems, thermal insulation and more efficient heating systems), measures to decarbonise the electricity sector but also warmer temperatures. These reductions were partly offset by the increase in dwellings and by a larger average floor area in buildings. The trend in reducing emissions is expected to continue in the future, but a very strong increase in the renovation rate is needed to meet the overall EU 2030 emissions target. ", "language": "en", "title": "Greenhouse gas emissions from energy use in buildings in Europe", "created": "2021-10-14T11:07:32Z", "manager_user_id": "quefeste", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/greenhouse-gas-emissions-from-energy/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-567-en", "modified": "2021-10-26T10:46:22Z", "indicator_codes": "CLIM059", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2021 2.4.2", "label": 45, "published": "2021-10-26T10:46:18Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " \u00a0 \r\n Between 2010 and 2018, total waste generation increased by 5% (114 million tonnes) in the EU-27. When major mineral wastes are excluded from the total, it increased by 7% (50.3 million tonnes). This means that the EU-27 is not on track to meet its policy goal of reducing waste generation.\u00a0These trends have been driven mainly by economic growth; however, the amount of waste generated increased by a smaller extent than the economy, indicating the relative decoupling of waste generation from economic growth. \r\n \u00a0 ", "language": "en", "title": "Waste generation and decoupling in Europe", "created": "2021-04-14T09:02:49Z", "manager_user_id": "alvardan", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/waste-generation-5/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-367-en", "modified": "2021-06-23T09:36:46Z", "indicator_codes": "CSI041, WST004", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2021 4.0.7", "label": 46, "published": "2021-06-23T09:36:42Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Despite an estimated decrease of total water abstraction by 19 % since 1990 in Europe, the milestone set in the EU resource efficiency roadmap \u2014 i.e. a water abstraction should stay below 20 % of available renewable water resources in Europe \u2014 has not been achieved in 36 river basins corresponding to 19 % of Europe\u2019s territory in summer 2015. \r\n Around 30 % of the total European population was exposed to water scarcity conditions in summer 2015 compared to 20% in 2014, mainly living in densely populated European cities, agriculture-dominated areas of southern Europe and small Mediterranean islands.\u00a0 \r\n From 2000 to 2015, in the EU-28, there was an absolute decoupling of water abstraction (-9 %) and the gross value added generated from all economic sectors (+53 %). \r\n A rapid increase (+11%) has been observed in bottled water consumption from 2010, particularly in southern and western Europe. ", "language": "en", "title": "Use of freshwater resources", "created": "2018-03-21T08:12:40Z", "manager_user_id": "zalllnih", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/use-of-freshwater-resources-2/assessment-3", "prod_id": "IND-11-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:49:05Z", "indicator_codes": "CSI018, WAT001", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2018 1.5.4", "label": 47, "published": "2018-10-10T12:55:37Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": "\n Water temperatures in major European rivers have increased by 1\u20133 \u00b0C over the last century. Several time series show increasing lake and river temperatures all over Europe since the early 1900s. \r\n Lake and river surface water temperatures are projected to increase further with projected increases in air temperature. \r\n Increased water temperature can result in marked changes in species composition and functioning of aquatic ecosystems. \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Water temperature", "created": "2016-12-06T14:19:28Z", "manager_user_id": "kristpet", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/water-temperature-2/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-202-en", "modified": "2021-11-18T14:58:21Z", "indicator_codes": "CLIM019", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2016 1.4.1", "label": 48, "published": "2016-12-20T14:41:58Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " The consumption of renewable energy continued to increase in 2013. The share of renewable energy in the gross final energy consumption in the EU-28 countries reached 15 % in 2013, representing 75 % of the EU's 20 % renewable energy target for 2020. Renewable energy contributed 16.5 % of gross final energy consumption for heating and cooling, 25.4 % of final electricity consumption and 5.4 % of transport fuels consumption in 2013. \r\n In 2013, 25 Member States (i.e. all except Luxembourg, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom) met or exceeded their indicative targets set under the Renewable Energy Directive (RED), while 21 Member States (i.e. all except Denmark, France, Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain) exceeded the indicative trajectories set in their National Renewable Energy Action Plans (NREAPs). \r\n In 2013, Bulgaria, Estonia and Sweden managed to reach their binding renewable energy share targets for 2020 set under the RED. ", "language": "en", "title": "Share of renewable energy in gross final energy consumption in Europe", "created": "2015-12-11T14:16:15Z", "manager_user_id": "tomesmih", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/renewable-gross-final-energy-consumption-4/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-125-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:48:37Z", "indicator_codes": "CSI048, ENER028", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2015 1.3.2", "label": 49, "published": "2015-12-21T08:20:19Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " The extent of the sea ice in the Arctic has declined at an accelerating rate, especially in summer. The record low ice cover in September 2007 was roughly half the size of the normal minimum extent in the 1950s. The summer ice is projected to continue to shrink and may even disappear at the height of the summer melt season in the coming decades. There will still be substantial ice in winter. Reduced polar ice will speed up global warming and is expected to affect ocean circulation and weather patterns. Species specialised for life in the ice are threatened. Less ice will ease access to the Arctic's resources. Oil and gas exploration, shipping, tourism and fisheries will offer new economic opportunities, but also increase pressures and risks to the Arctic environment. ", "language": "en", "title": "Arctic sea ice", "created": "2008-07-21T09:16:24Z", "manager_user_id": "fussehan", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/arctic-sea-ice/arctic-sea-ice-assessment-published", "prod_id": "IND-98-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:42:26Z", "indicator_codes": "CLIM010", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2008 0.0.0", "label": 50, "published": "2008-09-07T22:00:00Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Monitoring the pressure from soil moisture deficits can warn of potential impacts on plant development and soil health, supporting the assessment of drought-tolerant, resilient and vulnerable ecosystems. In 2000-2019, soil moisture in the growing season was several times below the long-term average in the EEA member countries plus the United Kingdom. The largest soil moisture deficits occurred in 2003, 2017 and 2019, affecting over 1.45 million km 2 in 2019. Soil moisture content was also low in 2012, 2015 and 2018, contributing to increasingly frequent and intense drought pressure. ", "language": "en", "title": "Soil moisture deficit", "created": "2020-11-12T13:14:23Z", "manager_user_id": "wasseeva", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/soil-moisture-deficit/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-530-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:49:17Z", "indicator_codes": "LSI012", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2021 1.2.6", "label": 51, "published": "2021-03-22T15:10:51Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": "\n All European seas have warmed considerably since 1870, and the warming has been particularly rapid since the late 1970s. The multi-decadal rate of sea surface temperature rise during the satellite era (since 1979) has been between 0.21 \u00b0C per decade in the North Atlantic and 0.40 \u00b0C per decade in the Baltic Sea. \r\n Globally averaged sea surface temperature is projected to continue to increase, although more slowly than atmospheric temperature. \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Sea surface temperature", "created": "2016-11-22T15:12:26Z", "manager_user_id": "fussehan", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/sea-surface-temperature-2/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-100-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:51:32Z", "indicator_codes": "CLIM013, CSI046", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2016 1.4.1", "label": 52, "published": "2016-12-20T14:01:31Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " \u2022 \u00a0Landfilling has negative impacts on the environment and economy\u00a0and therefore should be avoided if at all possible. \r\n \u2022 European countries have made relatively good progress in diverting waste from landfill in recent years for almost all waste streams, particularly for household and similar waste. \r\n \u2022 During the period 2010-2016, the\u00a0share of total waste (excluding major mineral waste) disposed of by landfilling decreased from 29 % to 25 % in the 28 EU Member States, Iceland, Norway and Serbia. The proportion of household and similar waste and other waste disposed of by landfilling decreased by 47.2 % and 19 %, respectively. However, the landfilling of combustion waste increased by 20.6 % and of sorting residues by 40.1 %. \r\n \u2022 According to the Landfill Directive, the proportion of municipal waste disposed of by landfilling should be reduced to 10 % or less of the total amount of municipal waste generated by 2035. By 2017, the proportion of municipal waste entering landfill had been reduced to 21.0 %, and, of 37 European countries, 11 had reduced municipal waste landfilling rates by more than 40.0 % and 10 landfilled less than 10 % of their municipal waste; however, 15 still had municipal waste landfilling rates of more than 50.0 %. \r\n \u2022 Trends in waste management have also changed. During the period 2008-2017, the rate of municipal waste landfilling decreased by 43.0 %, while energy recovery from municipal waste increased by 72.1 %, material recycling increased by 22.5 % and composting and digestion increased by 18.6 %. ", "language": "en", "title": "Diversion of waste from landfill", "created": "2019-07-09T10:29:26Z", "manager_user_id": "durmuozl", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/diversion-from-landfill/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-488-en", "modified": "2021-06-21T14:59:10Z", "indicator_codes": "WST006", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2019 1.9.1", "label": 53, "published": "2019-11-22T08:52:21Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": "\n Noise pollution is a major environmental health problem in Europe. \r\n Road traffic is the most\u00a0widespread source of environmental noise, with more than 100 million people affected by harmful levels in the EEA-33 member countries. Railways, air traffic and industry are also major sources of noise. \r\n The European Union's Seventh Environment Action Programme (7th EAP) sets the objective that by 2020 noise pollution in the EU will have significantly decreased, moving closer to World Health Organization (WHO) recommended levels.\u00a0 \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Exposure of Europe's population to environmental noise", "created": "2018-11-15T09:56:49Z", "manager_user_id": "periseul", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/exposure-to-and-annoyance-by-2/assessment-3", "prod_id": "IND-233-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:46:22Z", "indicator_codes": "CSI051, TERM005", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2018 1.1.2", "label": 54, "published": "2018-11-30T09:00:00Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Since the adoption of the Habitats Directive in 1992 and the creation of the Natura 2000 network, the cumulative area of the network has steadily increased in EU Member States. In 2019, the network covered an area of 1 358 125 km 2 , encompassing nine biogeographical regions. \r\n The coverage of terrestrial Natura 2000 areas was 784 994 km 2 in 2019, which is 18 % of the EU\u2019s land area. This is more than the global biodiversity target for protected areas, which aims to conserve at least 17 % of terrestrial and inland water areas by 2020 (Aichi Target 11). ", "language": "en", "title": "Natura 2000 sites designated under the EU Habitats and Birds Directives", "created": "2020-05-25T13:19:11Z", "manager_user_id": null, "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/sites-designated-under-the-eu-3/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-147-en", "modified": "2022-02-07T14:24:51Z", "indicator_codes": "", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2020 1.7.4", "label": 55, "published": "2020-06-22T12:59:50Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Between 2006 and 2009, soil sealing, or imperviousness, increased in all EEA-39 countries by a total of 4 364 k m 2 . This corresponds to an annual average increase of 1 454 k m 2 , or 0.027 % of the total EEA-39 area.\u00a0During this period, the rate of increase in soil sealing relative to country area varied from 0.001 % to 0.48 %. In 2009, the percentage of a countries' total area that was sealed also varied greatly, with values ranging from 0.15 % to 15.23 %. The highest sealing values, as a percentage of country area, occurred in small countries with high population densities, while the lowest sealing values could be found in large countries with low population densities. \r\n The most problematic situation occurs in countries where there is already a high percentage of sealing and where the annual rate of increase relative to country area is high. ", "language": "en", "title": "Imperviousness and imperviousness change", "created": "2015-05-21T09:34:12Z", "manager_user_id": "langatob", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/imperviousness-change/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-368-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:45:48Z", "indicator_codes": "LSI002", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2015 1.8.2", "label": 56, "published": "2016-04-05T08:30:28Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": "\n The burnt area in the Mediterranean region has shown a slightly decreasing trend since 1980, but with high interannual variability; the meteorological fire hazard has increased over the same period as a result of global climate change. These opposite trends suggest that efforts to improve fire management have generally been successful. \r\n Large forest fires in recent years have affected various regions in northern and western Europe in which fires were not prevalent in the past. More European countries suffered from large forest fires in 2018 than ever before, and Sweden experienced the worst fire season in reporting history. The unprecedented forest fires in several European countries in 2017 and 2018 coincided with record droughts and heatwaves in these years. \r\n More severe fire weather and, as a consequence, substantial expansion of the fire-prone area and longer fire seasons are projected in most regions of Europe, in particular for high emissions scenarios. The increase in fire danger is projected to be particularly large in western-central Europe, but the absolute fire danger remains highest in southern Europe. Adaptation measures, such as improved fire prevention and suppression, can substantially reduce fire risks. \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Forest fires", "created": "2019-11-05T10:01:36Z", "manager_user_id": "bastrann", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/forest-fire-danger-3/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-185-en", "modified": "2021-06-30T12:51:24Z", "indicator_codes": "CLIM035", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2019 1.4.1", "label": 57, "published": "2019-12-03T09:17:45Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Data indicates that while reuse and recycling of the collected waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) seems to be on track in the majority of the EU and EFTA member countries, the collection of the WEEE has shown varying but generally improving results. It appears that the amounts of WEEE that are collected, are largely reused (either as a whole appliance or components) or recycled although there is still room for improvement in some countries. However, more attention should be given to the improvement of collection systems. The level of collection is still very low in many countries, especially when compared to the amount put on the market (Figure 1). ", "language": "en", "title": "Waste electrical and electronic equipment", "created": "2012-01-11T12:09:03Z", "manager_user_id": "reichal", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/waste-electrical-and-electronic-equipment/assessment-1", "prod_id": "IND-311-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:47:40Z", "indicator_codes": "WST003", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2011 2.5.3", "label": 58, "published": "2013-06-13T10:05:00Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Following a steady decline until 2016, average CO 2 emissions from new passenger cars registered in Europe increased between 2017 and 2019. Key reasons include the growth in the sport utility vehicle segment and an increased average mass. In 2019, average CO 2 emissions from all new cars reached 122.3\u00a0g\u00a0CO 2 /km. Although this is below the EU fleet-wide target of 130\u00a0g\u00a0CO 2 /km set for the period 2015-2019, it is well above the 2021 target of 95\u00a0g\u00a0CO 2 /km, phased-in in 2020. Most car manufacturers met their individual binding CO 2 emission targets for fleets of newly registered passenger cars in 2019. ", "language": "en", "title": "CO2 performance of new passenger cars in Europe", "created": "2021-05-06T08:29:44Z", "manager_user_id": "pastocin", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/average-co2-emissions-from-motor-vehicles-1/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-457-en", "modified": "2021-06-01T10:40:35Z", "indicator_codes": "TERM017", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2021 5.2.1", "label": 59, "published": "2021-06-01T10:40:24Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": "\n Final energy consumption in the 28 EU Member States was 5.7 % lower in 2017 than in 2005, mainly due to reductions in the industry sector. Preliminary data suggests that this trend continues in 2018. \r\n Still, final energy consumption increased for all fuel types in the EU between 2016 and 2017. \r\n In 2017, the EU's final energy consumption rose for the first time in 7 years above the indicative trajectory set by the EEA to monitor progress towards the 2020 energy efficiency targets. A trend which is expected to continue also in 2018. Therefore, achieving the 2020 targets is increasingly uncertain. \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Final energy consumption by sector and fuel in Europe", "created": "2019-11-14T14:12:35Z", "manager_user_id": "schistep", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/final-energy-consumption-by-sector-10/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-16-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:50:18Z", "indicator_codes": "ENER016", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2019 1.3.8", "label": 60, "published": "2020-01-31T16:23:18Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " In 2014,\u00a0 low-carbon energy sources (renewables and nuclear energy) continued to dominate the electricity mix for the second year in a row, together generating\u00a0 more power than fossil fuel sources. \r\n \r\n In 2014, fossil fuels were responsible for 42 % of all gross electricity generation, a decrease of 25 % compared with 1990 across the EU-28 . \r\n By way of contrast, the share of electricity generated from renewable sources is growing rapidly and reached more than one quarter of all gross electricity generation in the EU-28 (29 % in 2014 ), more than twice as much as in 1990. As such, renewable sources generated more electricity in 2014 than nuclear sources or coal and lignite. \r\n Nuclear energy sources contributed roughly one quarter of all gross electricity generation in 2014 (27.5 %). \r\n \r\n \u00a0 \r\n Final electricity consumption (the total consumption of electricity by all end-use sectors plus electricity imports and minus exports) has increased by 25 % in the EU-28 since 1990, at an average rate of around 0.9 % per year (see ENER 016). In the EU-28, the strongest growth was observed in the services sector (2.5 % per year), followed by households (1.1 % per year). \r\n With regard to the non-EU EEA countries, between 1990 and 2014 electricity generation increased by an average of 6.5 % per year in Turkey, 6.3 % per year in Iceland and 0.5 % per year in Norway. ", "language": "en", "title": "Overview of electricity production and use in Europe", "created": "2016-11-15T15:23:20Z", "manager_user_id": "tomesmih", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/overview-of-the-electricity-production-2/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-353-en", "modified": "2021-11-24T14:40:54Z", "indicator_codes": "ENER038", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2016 1.3.2", "label": 61, "published": "2016-12-15T15:50:32Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": "\n Range shifts in forest tree species due to climate change have been observed towards higher altitudes and latitudes. These changes considerably affect the forest structure and the functioning of forest ecosystems and their services. \r\n Future climate change and increasing CO2 concentrations are expected to affect site suitability, productivity, species composition and biodiversity. In general, forest growth is projected to increase in northern Europe and to decrease in southern Europe, but with substantial regional variation. Cold-adapted coniferous tree species are projected to lose large fractions of their ranges to more drought-adapted broadleaf species. \r\n The projected changes will have an impact on the goods and services that forests provide. For example, the value of forest land in Europe is projected to decrease between 14 and 50 % during the 21st century. \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Forest composition and distribution", "created": "2016-12-15T15:15:06Z", "manager_user_id": null, "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/forest-growth-2/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-186-en", "modified": "2021-10-04T10:18:18Z", "indicator_codes": "", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2016 1.4.1", "label": 62, "published": "2016-12-20T15:20:00Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Since the introduction of the Habitats Directive in 1992 and the establishment of the Natura 2000 network, there has been a steady increase in the cumulative area of the network in EU Member States. In 2017, the network covered an area of 1 322 630 km 2 , encompassing nine terrestrial and five marine biogeographical regions. \r\n The coverage of terrestrial \u00a0Natura 2000 areas is 790 213 km 2 , which is 18.2 \u00a0% of the EU\u2019s land area, i.e. above the global biodiversity target for protected areas of 17 % (Aichi Target 11). ", "language": "en", "title": "Sites designated under the EU Habitats and Birds Directives", "created": "2017-12-19T12:22:51Z", "manager_user_id": "bialakat", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/sites-designated-under-the-eu-2/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-147-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:41:06Z", "indicator_codes": "SEBI008", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2018 1.7.4", "label": 63, "published": "2018-07-02T14:26:17Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": "\n Noise pollution is a major environmental health problem in Europe. \r\n Road traffic is the most\u00a0widespread source of environmental noise, with an estimated 100 million people affected by harmful levels in the EEA-33 member countries. Noise from railways, airports and industry are also important sources of noise. \r\n The European Union's Seventh Environment Action Programme (7th EAP) sets the objective that by 2020 noise pollution in the EU has significantly decreased, moving closer to the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended levels.\u00a0 \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Exposure of Europe's population to environmental noise", "created": "2017-11-09T11:27:20Z", "manager_user_id": "periseul", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/exposure-to-and-annoyance-by-2/assessment-1", "prod_id": "IND-233-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:46:59Z", "indicator_codes": "CSI051, TERM005", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2017 1.1.2", "label": 64, "published": "2017-11-29T07:57:44Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": "\n Fire risk depends on many factors, including climatic conditions, vegetation, forest management practices and other socio-economic factors. \r\n The burnt area in the Mediterranean region increased from 1980 to 2000; it has decreased thereafter. \r\n In a warmer climate, more severe fire weather and, as a consequence, an expansion of the fire-prone area and longer fire seasons are projected across Europe. The impact of fire events is particularly strong in southern Europe. \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Forest fires", "created": "2016-12-15T16:19:29Z", "manager_user_id": "bastrann", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/forest-fire-danger-2/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-185-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:49:00Z", "indicator_codes": "CLIM035", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2016 1.4.1", "label": 65, "published": "2016-12-20T15:20:00Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": "\n Exposure of ecosystems to acidification in the EU-28 (critical loads from 43 % in 1980 to 7 % in 2010)\u00a0and EEA member countries (to 7 %) has been decreasing since 1980s, although in some areas reduction targets, as defined as interim objective\u00a0in the EU's National Emission Ceilings Directive, have not been met. Exposure to acidification can lead to disturbances in the structure and function of ecosystems. As a result, full ecosystem recovery may take longer time after reaching the targets. \r\n Exposure of ecosystems to eutrophication in the EU-28 (critical loads from 84 % in 1990 to 63 % in 2010) and EEA member countries (to 55 %) has been decreasing since 1990. The area in exceedance is projected to further decrease to 58 % in 2020 for the EU-28 (48 % in the EEA member countries), assuming current legislation is implemented. The magnitude of the exceedances is also projected to decline considerably in most areas, except for a few 'hot spot' areas in western France and the border areas between Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands, as well as in northern Italy. \r\n Looking ahead, only 4 % of the EU-28 ecosystem area (3 % in EEA member countries) is projected to exceed acidification critical loads in 2020 if current legislation is fully implemented.\u00a0The eutrophication reduction target set in the updated EU air pollution strategy proposed by the European Commission in late 2013, will be met by 2030 if it is assumed that all maximum technically feasible reduction measures are implemented, but it will not be met by current legislation. \r\n For ozone, most of Europe's vegetation and agricultural crops are exposed to ozone levels that exceed the long term objective specified in the EU's Air Quality Directive. A significant fraction is also exposed to levels above the target value threshold defined in the directive. The effect-related concentrations show large year-to-year variations. Over the period 1996-2017,\u00a0the concentrations observed at rural background stations increased until 2006, after which they decreased. After a 6-year period (2009-2014) of relatively low values, the fraction of agricultural crops exposed to levels above the target value increased again to 30 % in 2015. However, at the low end of the exposure spectrum there was an increase in the area with levels below the long-term objective from 15 % (2014) to 24 % (2017). \r\n During the past\u00a05 years, around 50-65 % of the forest area was exposed to ozone concentrations above the critical level set by the\u00a0United Nations Economic Commission for Europe\u00a0(UNECE) for the protection of forests.\u00a0 \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Exposure of Europe's ecosystems to acidification, eutrophication and ozone", "created": "2019-06-28T09:33:47Z", "manager_user_id": "ozturevr", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/exposure-of-ecosystems-to-acidification-14/assessment-2", "prod_id": "IND-30-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:46:45Z", "indicator_codes": "AIR004, CSI005", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2019 1.1.2", "label": 66, "published": "2019-10-21T06:44:17Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": "\n Noise pollution is a major environmental health problem in Europe. \r\n Road traffic is the most\u00a0widespread source of environmental noise, with more than 100 million people affected by harmful levels in the EEA-33 member countries. Noise from railways, air traffic and industry are also important sources of noise. \r\n The European Union's Seventh Environment Action Programme (7th EAP) sets the objective that by 2020 noise pollution in the EU will have significantly decreased, moving closer to World Health Organization (WHO) recommended levels.\u00a0 \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Exposure of Europe's population to environmental noise", "created": "2018-06-06T08:09:41Z", "manager_user_id": "periseul", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/exposure-to-and-annoyance-by-2/assessment-2", "prod_id": "IND-233-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:41:34Z", "indicator_codes": "CSI051, TERM005", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2018 1.1.2", "label": 67, "published": "2018-07-19T09:54:22Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " By the end of 2012, EU Member States had designated 5.9 %, or a total of 338 000 km 2 , of their seas as part of a complex network of marine protected areas. \r\n As such, the EU had not reached Aichi target 11 of 10 % coverage of its seas. However, the target was reached in certain regional seas (Baltic Sea, the Greater North Sea including the Kattegat and the English Channel, and the Western Mediterranean Sea)\u00a0 ", "language": "en", "title": "Marine protected areas in Europe's seas", "created": "2015-12-10T09:11:03Z", "manager_user_id": "rekerjoh", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/marine-protected-area-mpa-network-coverage/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-377-en", "modified": "2021-11-18T14:59:40Z", "indicator_codes": "MAR004", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2015 1.6.1", "label": 68, "published": "2015-12-18T14:20:00Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " The reference scenario* projects that rising global fuel use continues to drive up energy related CO2 emissions, from 28Gt in 2006 to 41 Gt in 2030\u00a0- an increase of 45%. Some 97% of the global increase in energy related CO2 emissions to 2030 arises in non-OECD countries. China (6.1 Gt), India (2 Gt) and the Middle East (1.3 Gt) together account for three-quarters of the increase. Emissions in the OECD group of countries peak after 2020 and then decline. Only in Europe and Japan are emissions in 2030 lower than today. \u00a0 * The IEA Reference Scenario, indicate what would happen if, among other things, there were to be no new energy policy interventions by governments beyond these already adopted in mid-2008. The Reference Scenario is not a forecast: it is a baseline picture of how global energy markets would evolve if the underlying trends in energy demand and supply are not changed. ", "language": "en", "title": "GHG emissions - outlook from IEA", "created": "2007-01-07T23:00:00Z", "manager_user_id": "velkavrh", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/ghg-emissions-outlook-from-iea/ghg-emissions-outlook-from-iea-1", "prod_id": "IND-66-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:43:35Z", "indicator_codes": "Outlook036", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2010", "label": 69, "published": "2007-06-07T22:00:00Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Long-term monitoring schemes show significant downward trends in common farmland birds and in grassland butterfly population numbers, with no signs of recovery. \r\n Between 1990 and 2017, there was an 8 % decline in the index of 168 common bird species in the 25 EU Member States with bird population monitoring schemes and the United Kingdom (UK). The common forest bird index showed no decrease over the same period. The decreases were slightly greater if figures for Norway and Switzerland are included: 11 % for all common birds and 2 % for forest birds. \r\n The decline in common farmland bird numbers between 1990 and 2017 was much more pronounced, at 33 % (EU Member States and UK) and 35 % (if Norway and Switzerland are included).\u00a0 \r\n The index of grassland butterflies has declined strongly in the 15 EU countries where butterfly monitoring schemes exist. In 2017, the index was 39 % below its 1990 value. ", "language": "en", "title": "Abundance and distribution of selected European species", "created": "2020-04-22T15:03:24Z", "manager_user_id": "bialakat", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/abundance-and-distribution-of-selected-species-8/assessment-1", "prod_id": "IND-140-en", "modified": "2021-05-12T13:14:19Z", "indicator_codes": "CSI050, SEBI001", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2020 1.7.4", "label": 70, "published": "2020-06-19T10:37:01Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " \u00a0 \r\n The waste recycling rate \u2014 the proportion of waste generated that is recycled \u2014 is growing in the EU-27, indicating progress towards using more waste as a resource and achieving a circular economy.\u00a0The rate of progress is slowing down, however, with little improvement over the past 5 years.\u00a0Achieving a more circular economy requires a faster rate of progress, as the amount of waste recycled is still less than half of total waste generated.\u00a0Specific waste streams show varying recycling rates, ranging from 66% for packaging waste to 39% for electrical and electronic waste. \r\n \u00a0 ", "language": "en", "title": "Waste recycling in Europe", "created": "2021-04-16T10:23:23Z", "manager_user_id": "alvardan", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/waste-recycling-2/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-378-en", "modified": "2021-08-03T09:37:47Z", "indicator_codes": "CSI052, WST005", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2021 4.0.7", "label": 71, "published": "2021-08-03T09:37:40Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": "\n The share of renewable energy in gross final energy use in the EU has doubled since 2005. It reached 17.6 % in 2017 and increased further to 18.0 % in 2018, according to the early estimates from the European Environment Agency (EEA). \r\n The increase in the share of renewable energy sources in final energy consumption has slowed down in recent years. Increasing energy consumption and lack of progress in the transport sector compromise the chances of achieving both 2020 targets on renewable energy and energy efficiency at EU level. \r\n In 2018, according to the EEA's early estimates: \r\n \r\n progress towards national targets improved across the EU, with 24 Member States (all but France, Ireland, the Netherlands and Poland) meeting or exceeding their indicative targets set under the Renewable Energy Directive, compared with 21 Member States on target in 2017. In addition, 16 Member States (all except Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia and Spain) reached or exceeded the trajectories set in their own National Renewable Energy Action Plans, the same as in 2017; \r\n 12 countries (Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania and Sweden) had already managed to achieve their binding renewable energy share targets for 2020, as set under the Renewable Energy Directive; \r\n renewable energy accounted for 30.7 % of gross final electricity consumption, 19.5 % of energy consumption for heating and cooling, and 7.6 % of transport fuel consumption in the whole EU. \r\n \r\n \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Share of renewable energy in gross final energy consumption in Europe", "created": "2019-12-16T15:31:12Z", "manager_user_id": "tomesmih", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/renewable-gross-final-energy-consumption-4/assessment-4", "prod_id": "IND-125-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:48:09Z", "indicator_codes": "CSI048, ENER028", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2019 1.3.8", "label": 72, "published": "2019-12-19T17:53:37Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " The greenhouse gas emission intensity of power generation in the EU has been continuously decreasing over the last three decades: generating 1 kilowatt hour in 2020 emitted, on average, half as much CO 2 as in 1990. Policies have been playing an important role in driving this shift towards less carbon-intensive energy sources, in particular those addressing climate change, renewable energy supply and efficient energy use, and industrial emissions. The Covid-19 pandemic hardly affected electricity use in 2020, but the continued growth of renewable electricity caused a further drop in the greenhouse gas emission intensity of electricity generation. ", "language": "en", "title": "Greenhouse gas emission intensity of electricity generation in Europe", "created": "2021-10-22T15:40:10Z", "manager_user_id": "tomesmih", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/overview-of-the-electricity-production-4/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-353-en", "modified": "2021-10-26T09:09:12Z", "indicator_codes": "ENER038", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2021 2.4.1", "label": 73, "published": "2021-10-26T09:09:07Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Monitoring\u00a0 vegetation response to water deficit due to droughts is necessary to be able to introduce effective measures to increase the resilience of ecosystems in line with the EU\u2019s nature restoration plan \u2014 a key element of the EU biodiversity strategy for 2030. Between 2000 and 2016, Europe was affected by severe droughts, causing average yearly vegetation productivity losses covering around 121\u00a0000\u00a0km 2 . This was particularly notable in 2003, when drought affected most parts of Europe, covering an estimated 330\u00a0000\u00a0km 2 \u00a0of forests, non-irrigated arable land and pastures. Drought impact was also relatively severe in 2005 and 2012. ", "language": "en", "title": "Drought impact on ecosystems in Europe", "created": "2020-05-10T17:17:22Z", "manager_user_id": "wasseeva", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/drought-impact-on-vegetation-productivity/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-510-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:45:32Z", "indicator_codes": "LSI011", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2020 1.8.2", "label": 74, "published": "2020-10-30T13:30:39Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Crop production in Europe became 12% less\u00a0water intensive between 2005 and 2016. The total water input to crops under rainfed and irrigated conditions for each unit of gross value added generated from crop production, excluding subsidies, decreased from 5 m 3 to 4.4 m 3 \u00a0over the period. \r\n Western Europe demonstrated the lowest water intensity of crop production over the period, with 3.5 m 3 of total water input for each unit of gross value added generated. However, there was no significant change in the trend between 2005 and 2016. \r\n In eastern Europe, crop production became 31 % less water intensive between 2005 and 2016. The total water input to crops fell from 7.3 m 3 to 5.0 m 3 for each unit of gross value added generated over the period. \r\n Crop production also became 13 % and 11% less water intensive in northern Europe and southern Europe, respectively between 2005 and 2016. In northern Europe, total water input to crops fell from\u00a0 11.2 m 3 to 9.7 m 3 \u00a0over the period, while in southern Europe it fell from 4.2 m 3 to 3.8 m 3 . ", "language": "en", "title": "Water intensity of crop production in Europe", "created": "2019-11-14T09:02:22Z", "manager_user_id": "zalllnih", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/economic-water-productivity-of-irrigated-2/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-362-en", "modified": "2021-11-18T14:48:14Z", "indicator_codes": "WAT006", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2019 1.5.4", "label": 75, "published": "2019-12-20T14:44:44Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " A significant reduction in the EEA-33 consumption of ozone depleting substances (ODS) has been achieved since 1986. This reduction has largely been driven by the 1987 United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Montreal Protocol. \r\n At the entry into force of the Montreal Protocol, EEA-33 consumption was approximately 420 000 ozone depleting potential tonnes (ODP tonnes). Values around zero were reached in 2002 and EEA-33 consumption continues to be consistently around zero since then. The European Union (EU) has taken additional measures to reduce the consumption of ozone depleting substances by means of EU law since the early 1990s. In many aspects, the current EU regulation on substances that deplete the ozone layer (1005/2009/EC) goes further than the Montreal Protocol and also brought forward the phasing out of hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) in the EU. ", "language": "en", "title": "Production and consumption of ozone-depleting substances", "created": "2015-03-18T14:15:00Z", "manager_user_id": null, "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/production-and-consumption-of-ozone-2/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-3-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:49:59Z", "indicator_codes": "", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2015 1.2.2", "label": 76, "published": "2015-08-24T12:30:00Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": "\n Land recycling is still low in all European countries: on average, land recycling accounted for only 13.5 % of total land consumption in European cities in the 2006-2012 period. \r\n The land use densification process, i.e. when land development makes maximum use of existing infrastructure, accounts for the largest proportion of land recycling. However, in most countries, land take dominates over densification in total land management with the exception of Finland and France. \r\n Grey recycling, i.e. internal conversions between residential and/or non-residential land cover types, is secondary to densification, ranging from 14 % to less than 1 % of total land consumption. Land take predominates over grey recycling in total land management in all countries. \r\n Green recycling, i.e. the development of green urban areas using previously built-up areas, is an important trend that reverses soil sealing, but it is a marginal process in all countries and, on average, it accounts for only 0.2 % of total land consumption. \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Land recycling and densification", "created": "2018-06-15T08:28:33Z", "manager_user_id": null, "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/land-recycling-and-densification/assessment-1", "prod_id": "IND-460-en", "modified": "2021-12-17T09:27:57Z", "indicator_codes": "", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2018 1.8.2", "label": 77, "published": "2018-07-27T13:06:03Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Recognition and understanding of the term 'biodiversity' has increased in the European Union. 71 % of interviewed EU citizens have heard of biodiversity and over 41 % of these know what it means. \r\n At least eight out of ten Europeans consider the various effects of biodiversity loss to be serious for humans and for nature and agree that it is important to halt its loss. The biggest perceived threats to biodiversity are pollution of air, soil and water, man-made disasters and climate change. \r\n Just under a third of respondents are aware of the Natura 2000 network, including 19 % who say they have heard about it but do not know what it is. However, the overwhelming majority agree that nature protection areas are very important in protecting endangered animals and plants or safeguarding nature's role in providing food, clean air and water. \r\n Most Europeans are not willing to trade damage or destruction of protected areas for economic development. ", "language": "en", "title": "Public awareness of biodiversity in Europe", "created": "2019-09-17T13:39:01Z", "manager_user_id": "bialakat", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/public-awareness-2/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-164-en", "modified": "2021-11-18T14:48:45Z", "indicator_codes": "SEBI026", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2019 1.7.4", "label": 78, "published": "2019-12-20T11:13:11Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": "\n In the past 10\u201320 years European permafrost has shown a general warming trend, with greatest warming in the cold permafrost in Svalbard and Scandinavia. The depth of seasonal thaw has increased at several European permafrost sites. Some sites show great interannual variability, which reflects the complex interaction between the atmospheric conditions and local snow and ground characteristics. \r\n Recent projections agree on substantial near-surface permafrost degradation resulting in thaw depth deepening (i.e. permafrost degeneration) over much of the permafrost area. \r\n \r\n \r\n Warming and thawing of permafrost is expected to increase the risk of rock falls, debris flows and ground subsidence. Thawing of permafrost also affects biodiversity and can contribute to climate change through release of CO 2 and CH 4 from arctic permafrost areas. \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Permafrost", "created": "2012-11-06T14:06:16Z", "manager_user_id": "fussehan", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/mountain-permafrost-1/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-99-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:48:57Z", "indicator_codes": "CLIM011", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2013 2.0.1", "label": 79, "published": "2012-11-19T14:48:32Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Sea surface temperature (SST) in European seas is increasing more rapidly than in the global oceans. The rate of increase is higher in the northern European seas and lower in the Mediterranean Sea. The rate of increase in sea surface temperature in all European seas during the past 25 years has been about 10 times faster than the average rate of increase during more than the past century. The rate of increase observed in the past 25 years is the largest ever measured in any previous 25 year period. ", "language": "en", "title": "Sea surface temperature", "created": "2008-07-21T09:22:54Z", "manager_user_id": "christr", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/sea-surface-temperature/sea-surface-temperature-assessment-published", "prod_id": "IND-100-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:44:28Z", "indicator_codes": "CLIM013, CSI046", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2010", "label": 80, "published": "2008-09-07T22:00:00Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": "\n Global average concentrations of various greenhouse gases in the atmosphere continue to increase. \r\n The concentration of CO 2 , the most important greenhouse gas, increased to 397 parts per million (ppm) in 2014\u00a0\u2013 an increase of 119 ppm (43 %) compared to pre-industrial levels. \r\n The total concentration of all greenhouse gases, including cooling aerosols, reached a value of 441 ppm in CO 2 equivalents in 2014 \u2013 an increase of about 3 ppm compared to 2013, and 34 ppm compared to totals measured more than 10 years ago. \r\n The current total concentration of all greenhouse gases implies that the long-term probability of exceeding the 1.5\u00a0\u00b0C temperature increase, compared to pre-industrial levels, is already more than 50%. The atmospheric greenhouse gas concentration level that would be consistent with limiting global mean temperature increase to less than 2\u00a0\u00b0C could be exceeded over the next decades, unless greenhouse gas emissions are significantly reduced. \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations", "created": "2016-04-01T14:04:06Z", "manager_user_id": "aardejon", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/atmospheric-greenhouse-gas-concentrations-5/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-2-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:45:40Z", "indicator_codes": "CLIM052, CSI013", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2016 1.3.2", "label": 81, "published": "2016-06-01T08:20:42Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Large combustion plants (LCPs) are responsible for a significant share of anthropogenic emissions. In 2013 LCP emissions of sulphur dioxide (SO 2 ) and of nitrogen oxides (NO x ), contributed 44% and 15% respectively to EU-28 totals. \r\n Since 2004, emissions from LCPs in the EU-28 have decreased by 71% for SO 2 , 40% for NO x, and 69% for dust. \r\n The largest plants (above 500 MWth) make up just 24% of LCPs but are responsible for around 80% of all LCP SO 2 , NO x , and dust emissions. In 2013, of a total of 3 448 LCPs, 50% of all emissions came from just 50, 87 and 33 plants for SO 2 , NOx and dust respectively. \r\n One indicator of the environmental performance of large combustion plants is the ratio between emissions and fuel consumption (i.e. implied emission factor). The implied emission factors for all three pollutants have decreased significantly between 2004 and 2013 for all sizes of LCPs ", "language": "en", "title": "Emissions of air pollutants from large combustion plants", "created": "2017-02-21T14:08:14Z", "manager_user_id": "grangmar", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/emissions-of-air-pollutants-from/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-427-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:47:31Z", "indicator_codes": "INDP006", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2017 1.2.2", "label": 82, "published": "2017-04-19T11:22:36Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " The EU has been facing difficulties in reducing its energy consumption and was at risk of not meeting its 2020 energy efficiency target. In 2019, the EU\u2019s primary energy consumption (for all energy uses) decreased for the second consecutive year. Final energy consumption (by end users) saw only a modest decrease, hampered by growing energy use in transport. The COVID-19 pandemic is expected to have significantly reduced energy consumption in 2020. However, substantial changes in the energy system remain necessary to achieve the EU\u2019s energy and climate neutrality objectives by 2050. ", "language": "en", "title": "Primary and final energy consumption in Europe", "created": "2021-09-01T05:54:13Z", "manager_user_id": null, "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/final-energy-consumption-by-sector-12/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-16-en", "modified": "2021-10-26T10:06:45Z", "indicator_codes": "", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2021 2.4.2", "label": 83, "published": "2021-09-09T21:20:41Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Industrial releases of air pollutants that are damaging to human health and the environment decreased between 2010 and 2019 in Europe, with emissions of greenhouse gases (e.g. CO 2 and sulphur oxides) and other pollutants (e.g. nitrogen oxides, dust and heavy metals) all declining significantly. The value that industry generated for the European economy during this period increased, however, in line with the goal of the EU industrial strategy: to support the competitiveness of European industry while driving a reduction in emissions, the use of natural resources and the production of waste. ", "language": "en", "title": "Industrial pollutant releases to air in Europe", "created": "2021-05-25T09:18:24Z", "manager_user_id": "antogfed", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/industrial-pollution-in-europe-4/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-446-en", "modified": "2021-06-16T21:03:39Z", "indicator_codes": "CSI055, INDP003", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2021 3.0.7", "label": 84, "published": "2021-06-16T21:03:28Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " The 2020 target of improving the conservation status of species covered by the Habitats Directive seems to have been met. This apparent progress, however, is largely attributable to improved data and changes in methodology. \r\n Similarly, there has been little progress towards the target for bird populations under the Birds Directive. This indicates that significant conservation efforts need to be implemented to revert current trends. \r\n At the EU level, 23 % of the assessments of species protected under the Habitats Directive indicate a favourable conservation status. At the same time, 60 % of species assessments are unfavourable. There are still significant gaps in knowledge, especially for marine species. \r\n Fish, molluscs and amphibians have a particularly high proportion of species that exhibit a deteriorating trend. \r\n The conservation status of species varies considerably from one biogeographic region to another. At Member State level, more unfavourable assessments are showing a decline than those that are improving. \r\n In the EU, over half of the bird species listed in the Birds Directive are considered to be \u2018secure\u2019, i.e. they show no foreseeable risk of extinction, decline or depletion. On the other hand, 17 % of the species listed are still threatened and another 15 % are declining or depleted. ", "language": "en", "title": "Species of European interest", "created": "2016-09-06T09:26:21Z", "manager_user_id": "bialakat", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/species-of-european-interest-2/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-27-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:48:38Z", "indicator_codes": "CSI007, SEBI003", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2016 1.7.4", "label": 85, "published": "2016-11-28T09:45:00Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " The EU is close to reaching its target of 20% of energy consumed coming from renewable sources by 2020, but progress at the national level is uneven. Renewable energy consumption increased from 18.9% to 19.7% of total energy consumption from 2018 to 2019, and 14 Member States had reached their 2020 targets by 2019. More action was necessary in several Member States to ensure that the EU remained on track to meet the 2020 target, particularly in France, Ireland and the Netherlands. Furthermore, an unprecedented transformation in the energy system will be necessary to meet the 32% target set for 2030. ", "language": "en", "title": "Share of energy consumption from renewable sources in Europe", "created": "2020-10-04T15:02:37Z", "manager_user_id": "esparjav", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/renewable-gross-final-energy-consumption-5/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-125-en", "modified": "2021-10-26T10:05:44Z", "indicator_codes": "CSI048, ENER028", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2020 1.3.8", "label": 86, "published": "2021-03-30T15:45:00Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": "\n Global average concentrations of various atmospheric greenhouse gases are continuing to increase. \r\n The annual average concentration of carbon dioxide (CO 2 )\u00a0\u2014 the most important greenhouse gas\u00a0\u2014 increased to 400 and 403 parts per million (ppm) in 2015 and 2016, respectively. This represented an increase of about 45 % compared with pre-industrial levels. \r\n The total concentration of all greenhouse gases, including cooling aerosols, reached a value of 445 ppm in CO 2 equivalents in 2015\u00a0\u2014\u00a0an increase of nearly 4 ppm compared with 2014, and 35 ppm more than in 2005. \r\n The current total concentration of all greenhouse gases implies that the long-term probability of the global average temperature exceeding 1.5\u00a0\u00b0C above pre-industrial levels is already about 50 %. The atmospheric greenhouse gas concentration that would be consistent with limiting global mean temperature increase to less than 2\u00a0\u00b0C could be exceeded in the coming decades. \r\n This shows the urgency of changing the emission trend and reducing greenhouse gas emissions considerably. \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations", "created": "2017-12-14T10:20:31Z", "manager_user_id": "aardejon", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/atmospheric-greenhouse-gas-concentrations-10/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-2-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:46:32Z", "indicator_codes": "CLIM052, CSI013", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2017 1.3.2", "label": 87, "published": "2018-01-31T10:28:00Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": "\n In the past 10\u201320 years European permafrost has shown a general warming trend, with greatest warming in the cold permafrost in Svalbard and Scandinavia. The depth of seasonal thaw has increased at several European permafrost sites. Some sites show great interannual variability, which reflects the complex interaction between the atmospheric conditions and local snow and ground characteristics. \r\n Recent projections agree on substantial near-surface permafrost degradation resulting in thaw depth deepening (i.e. permafrost degeneration) over much of the permafrost area. \r\n \r\n \r\n Warming and thawing of permafrost is expected to increase the risk of rock falls, debris flows and ground subsidence. Thawing of permafrost also affects biodiversity and can contribute to climate change through release of CO 2 and CH 4 from Arctic permafrost areas. \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Permafrost", "created": "2014-03-28T10:52:55Z", "manager_user_id": "fussehan", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/mountain-permafrost-1/assessment-1", "prod_id": "IND-99-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:50:34Z", "indicator_codes": "CLIM011", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2014 1.4.1", "label": 88, "published": "2014-06-19T15:02:51Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": "\n A significant reduction in the consumption of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) has been achieved by the EEA-33 countries since 1986. This reduction has largely been driven by the 1987 United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Montreal Protocol. \r\n Since the introduction of the Montreal Protocol, European consumption (EEA-28 in 1986) has fallen from approximately 343 000 ozone-depleting potential (ODP) tonnes to around zero in 2002, where it has remained ever since. \r\n The European Union (EU) has taken additional measures to reduce the consumption of ODS by means of EU law since the early 1990s. In many aspects, the current EU regulation on substances that deplete the ozone layer (1005/2009/EC) goes further than the Montreal Protocol. It has also brought forward the phasing out of hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) in the EU. \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Production and consumption of ozone-depleting substances in Europe", "created": "2019-12-20T16:15:23Z", "manager_user_id": "gabriped", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/production-and-consumption-of-ozone-3/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-3-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:41:29Z", "indicator_codes": "CLIM049", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2019 1.3.5", "label": 89, "published": "2020-02-04T19:11:28Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": "\n Europe aims to have a strong, growing and low-carbon industry with closed material cycles. \r\n Currently, industry remains a significant source of pollutant releases to Europe\u2019s environment. \r\n Releases of pollutants to air and water by European industry have generally decreased during the last decade. \r\n Environmental regulation and improved pollutant abatement technology, among other factors, have led to decreasing pollutant releases to air and water in Europe. \r\n Soil contamination in Europe is, among other things, linked to industrial activity. \r\n Waste transfers from industrial facilities in the EU have remained relatively stable in the last decade. \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Industrial pollution in Europe", "created": "2017-11-29T09:18:49Z", "manager_user_id": "zeigebas", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/industrial-pollution-in-europe/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-446-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:51:51Z", "indicator_codes": "CSI055, INDP003", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2018 1.2.2", "label": 90, "published": "2018-02-22T13:37:47Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": "\n Between 2005 and 2016, final energy consumption decreased by 7.1% (0.7% annually) in the EU28. Final energy consumption decreased in all sectors, particularly in industry and households (16.4 %, and 8.0% respectively) but also in transport (0.5%). In the services sector the final energy consumption increased (3.8%). The overall decrease in final energy consumption since 2005 was influenced by economic performance, structural changes in various end-use sectors, in particular industry, improvements in end-use efficiency and lower heat consumption due to favorable climatic conditions particularly in 2011 and 2014. \r\n Between 2015 and 2016, the final energy consumption in the EU28 increased by 2% above its 2020 target. \r\n Preliminary data for 2017 suggest that the final energy consumption since 2005 decreased by 6.1% in the EU28 (0.5% annually), and increased between 2016 and 2017 by 1.1%. \r\n Between 1990 and 2016 the final energy consumption increased by 2.1% in the EU28 and by 7.5% in the EEA countries. \r\n In the EEA countries final energy consumption decreased by 3.9% (0.4% annually) between 2005 and 2016. The largest contributor of this decrease was the industry (15.7%) and the household sector (11.6%). On average, each person in the EEA countries used 2.0 tonnes of oil equivalent to meet their energy needs in 2016. \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Final energy consumption by sector and fuel", "created": "2018-11-29T08:16:31Z", "manager_user_id": "schistep", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/final-energy-consumption-by-sector-9/assessment-4", "prod_id": "IND-16-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:46:22Z", "indicator_codes": "ENER016", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2018 1.3.2", "label": 91, "published": "2018-12-21T14:53:23Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Progress towards the 2020 target of improving the conservation status of habitats covered by the EU Habitats Directive has not been substantial since 2010. This indicates that significant conservation efforts need to be implemented to revert current trends. \r\n At the EU level, only 16 % of the assessments of habitats protected under the Habitats Directive have a favourable conservation status. \r\n Bogs, mires and fens have the highest proportion of unfavourable assessments, followed closely by grasslands. \r\n Conservation status trends are quite variable across biogeographic regions, however, more habitats are stable than decreasing in the terrestrial regions. There are still significant gaps in knowledge on marine habitat types. \r\n At the EU Member State level, the majority of assessments indicate a low number of habitats with a favourable conservation status. ", "language": "en", "title": "Habitats of European interest", "created": "2016-09-13T08:37:43Z", "manager_user_id": "bialakat", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/habitats-of-european-interest-1/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-145-en", "modified": "2021-11-24T14:38:52Z", "indicator_codes": "CSI057, SEBI005", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2016 1.7.4", "label": 92, "published": "2016-11-28T10:00:00Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " The share of energy from renewable sources used for transport in the EU increased from under 2% in 2005 to almost 9% in 2019. Preliminary EEA data indicate that in 2020, this increased further to 10.1%. This suggests that collectively the EU countries reached the 10% target for share of energy from renewable sources in all forms of transport. However, EEA preliminary estimates show that this target was actually achieved by less than half of EU Member States. \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Use of renewable energy for transport in Europe", "created": "2021-09-08T12:27:36Z", "manager_user_id": "narkeras", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/use-of-cleaner-and-alternative-fuels-2/assessment-2", "prod_id": "IND-28-en", "modified": "2021-11-24T17:15:41Z", "indicator_codes": "CSI037, TERM031", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2021 2.4.1", "label": 93, "published": "2021-10-26T09:55:00Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Ground-level ozone\u00a0adversely affects not only human health but also vegetation and ecosystems across Europe, leading to decreased crop yields and forest growth, and loss of biodiversity. Much of Europe\u2019s lands are exposed to ozone levels above the threshold and long-term objective values set in the EU\u2019s Ambient Air Quality Directive (AAQD) for the protection of vegetation. For instance, after a 6-year period (2009-2014) of relatively low ozone values, the fraction of arable land exposed to levels above the AAQD threshold increased to 30 % in 2015, falling to 19 % in 2016, before increasing again to 26 % in 2017 and 45 % in 2018. \r\n \r\n \r\n \u00a0 \r\n \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Exposure of Europe's ecosystems to ozone", "created": "2020-11-10T10:20:49Z", "manager_user_id": "ortizalb", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/exposure-of-ecosystems-to-acidification-15/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-30-en", "modified": "2021-05-27T14:16:07Z", "indicator_codes": "AIR004, CSI005", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2020 1.1.2", "label": 94, "published": "2020-11-13T10:38:54Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": "\n The share of renewable energy in gross final energy use in the EU has almost doubled since 2005. It reached 17.0 % in 2016 and is expected to have reached 17.4 % in 2017, according to the early estimates from the European Environment Agency (EEA) . These levels are higher than those from the indicative EU trajectory for these years set by the Renewable Energy Directive .\u00a0 \r\n The increase in the share of renewable energy sources in final energy consumption has slowed down in recent years. An increasing energy consumption and lack of progress in the transport sector imperil the achievement of both 2020 targets on renewable energy and energy efficiency at EU level. \r\n In 2017, according to the EEA's early estimates:\u00a0 \r\n \r\n progress towards national targets deteriorated across the EU, with 20 Member States (all but Cyprus, France, Ireland, Luxembourg, the\u00a0Netherlands, Poland, Slovenia and the United Kingdom) meeting or exceeding their indicative targets set under the Renewable Energy Directive, compared with 25 Member States on target in 2016. In addition, only 16 Member States (all except Belgium, Cyprus, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia and Spain) reached or exceeded the trajectories set in their own National Renewable Energy Action Plans, compared with 19 in 2016; \r\n 11 countries (Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia,\u00a0Denmark,\u00a0Estonia,\u00a0Finland,\u00a0Hungary, Italy,\u00a0Lithuania,\u00a0Romania\u00a0and\u00a0Sweden) had already managed to achieve their binding renewable energy share targets for 2020, as set under the Renewable Energy Directive; \r\n renewable energy accounted for 30.6 % of gross final electricity consumption, 19.3 % of energy consumption\u00a0for heating and cooling, and 7.2 % of transport fuel consumption in the whole EU. \r\n \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Share of renewable energy in gross final energy consumption in Europe", "created": "2018-11-20T15:17:36Z", "manager_user_id": "tomesmih", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/renewable-gross-final-energy-consumption-4/assessment-3", "prod_id": "IND-125-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:45:21Z", "indicator_codes": "CSI048, ENER028", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2018 1.3.2", "label": 95, "published": "2018-12-18T12:58:25Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": "\n Surface-ocean pH has declined from 8.2 to below 8.1 over the industrial era due to the growth of atmospheric CO 2 concentrations. This decline corresponds to an increase in oceanic acidity of 26%. \r\n Observed reductions in surface-water pH are nearly identical across the global ocean and throughout Europe\u2019s seas. \r\n Ocean acidification in recent decades is occurring a hundred times faster than during past natural events over the last 55 million years. \r\n Ocean acidification already reaches into the deep ocean, particularly in the high latitudes. \r\n Models consistently project further ocean acidification worldwide. Surface ocean pH is projected to decrease to values between 8.05 and 7.75 by the end of 21 st century depending on future CO 2 emission levels. The largest projected decline represents more than a doubling in acidity. \r\n \r\n \r\n Ocean acidification may affect many marine organisms within the next 20 years and could alter marine ecosystems and fisheries. \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Ocean acidification", "created": "2013-12-13T16:08:08Z", "manager_user_id": "christr", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/ocean-acidification/assessment-1", "prod_id": "IND-349-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:51:37Z", "indicator_codes": "CLIM043", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2014 1.4.1", "label": 96, "published": "2014-06-19T15:40:56Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " At EU-15 level the gross nitrogen balance in 2000 was calculated to be 55 kg/ha, which is 16% lower than the balance estimate in 1990, which was 66 kg/ha. In 2000 the gross nitrogen balance ranged from 37 kg/ha (Italy) to 226 kg/ha (the Netherlands). All national gross nitrogen balances show a decline in estimates of the gross nitrogen balance (kg/ha) between 1990 and 2000, apart from Ireland (22% increase) and Spain (47% increase). The following Member States showed organic fertiliser application rates greater than the threshold of 170 kg/ha specified by the Nitrates Directive in 2000: the Netherlands (206 kg/ha) and Belgium (204 kg/ha). The general decline in nitrogen balance surpluses is due to a small decrease in nitrogen input rates (-1.0%) and a significant increase in nitrogen output rates (10%). ", "language": "en", "title": "Gross nutrient balance", "created": "2005-05-23T11:20:22Z", "manager_user_id": null, "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/gross-nutrient-balance-1/gross-nutrient-balance-assessment-published", "prod_id": "IND-33-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:46:52Z", "indicator_codes": "", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2010", "label": 97, "published": "2005-11-14T10:00:00Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Fluorinated greenhouse gases reported under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change accounted for approximately 3\u00a0% of overall greenhouse gas emissions, expressed in tonnes CO 2\u00a0 equivalent, in the EU in 2017. There was a 3 % decline in fluorinated greenhouse\u00a0emissions in the EU in 2015, the first time a decline had been observed in 15 years.\u00a0In 2016 and 2017, total fluorinated greenhouse gas\u00a0emissions\u00a0decreased by a\u00a0further 1\u00a0% and 2\u00a0%, respectively. Increases in SF 6 were offset by decreases in HFCs and NF 3 . \r\n The supply of fluorinated greenhouse gases to the EU, measured in CO 2 equivalents, has been decreasing since 2010, with the exception of 2014, which saw extraordinarily high levels of hydrofluorocarbon imports prior to the EU-wide hydrofluorocarbon\u00a0phase-down, coming into effect in 2015 under the EU F-gas Regulation (Regulation (EU) No 517/2014). \r\n The supply of unsaturated hydrofluorocarbons and hydrochlorofluorocarbons that have low global warming potential (GWP) approximately doubled each year from 2014 to 2017, replacing\u00a0hydrofluorocarbons\u00a0that have high global warming potential. However, trends in the use of non-halogenated refrigerants, which can also substitute hydrofluorocarbons, are not covered by statistics. \r\n The EU is on track to phase down the use of hydrofluorocarbons, in terms of both complying with its internal targets under the EU F-Gas Regulation since 2015,\u00a0 and reaching the hydrofluorocarbon consumption limit, in effect since 2019, under the Montreal Protocol. ", "language": "en", "title": "Emissions and supply of fluorinated greenhouse gases in Europe", "created": "2019-10-23T18:36:55Z", "manager_user_id": "gabriped", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/emissions-and-consumption-of-fluorinated-2/assessment-2", "prod_id": "IND-354-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:45:35Z", "indicator_codes": "CLIM048, CSI044", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2019 1.3.5", "label": 98, "published": "2019-10-31T15:12:47Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": "\n Ocean surface pH declined from 8.2 to below 8.1 over the industrial era as a result of an increase in atmospheric CO 2 concentrations. This decline corresponds to an increase in oceanic acidity of about 30 %. \r\n In recent decades, ocean acidification has been occurring 100 times faster than during natural events over the past 55 million years. \r\n Observed reductions in surface water pH are nearly identical across the Global Ocean and throughout European seas, except for variations near coasts. The reduction in pH in the northernmost European seas, i.e. the Norwegian Sea and the Greenland Sea, is larger than the global average. \r\n Ocean acidification has already affected the deep ocean, particularly at high latitudes. \r\n Models consistently project further ocean acidification worldwide. Ocean surface pH is projected to decrease to values between 8.05 and 7.75 by the end of the 21st century, depending on future CO 2 emission levels. The largest projected decline represents more than a doubling in acidity. \r\n Ocean acidification is affecting marine organisms and this could alter marine ecosystems. \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Ocean acidification", "created": "2019-04-05T10:57:07Z", "manager_user_id": "petermon", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/ocean-acidification-2/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-349-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:50:50Z", "indicator_codes": "CLIM043", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2019 1.6.1", "label": 99, "published": "2019-11-15T14:36:57Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Greenhouse gas emissions from the EU\u2019s transport increased in 2018 and 2019 and have not followed the EU\u2019s general decreasing emissions trend. National projections compiled by the EEA suggest that transport emissions in 2030 will remain above 1990 levels, even with measures currently planned in Member States. Further action is needed particularly in road transport, the highest contributor to transport emissions, as well as aviation and shipping, where transport demand is driving emissions upward in both absolute and relative terms. ", "language": "en", "title": "Greenhouse gas emissions from transport in Europe", "created": "2020-12-17T11:21:55Z", "manager_user_id": "narkeras", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/transport-emissions-of-greenhouse-gases-7/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-111-en", "modified": "2022-02-25T17:08:49Z", "indicator_codes": "TERM002", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2020 1.3.9", "label": 100, "published": "2020-12-18T19:38:22Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " The total area of nationally designated protected areas in Europe [1] has increased over time and amounted to 1.5 million km 2 \u00a0across 39 European countries in 2017, covering almost 26 % of terrestrial territory and inland waters. With more than 100 000 sites, though often small and fragmented, Europe has more protected areas than any other region in the world. ", "language": "en", "title": "Nationally designated protected areas", "created": "2018-08-03T13:33:05Z", "manager_user_id": "bialakat", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/nationally-designated-protected-areas-10/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-142-en", "modified": "2021-11-24T14:49:58Z", "indicator_codes": "CSI008, SEBI007", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2018 1.7.4", "label": 101, "published": "2018-12-19T17:27:51Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " The Covid-19 pandemic had a profound impact on energy consumption in the European Union. In 2020, the EU\u2019s primary energy consumption (for all energy uses) experienced a historical drop following 2 years of moderate reductions. Final energy consumption (by end users) also saw a significant decrease, albeit less pronounced. This contributed to the EU meeting their 2020 energy efficiency targets for both primary and final energy consumption. A rebound must be avoided; and long-term reductions remain necessary to achieve the EU\u2019s energy and climate objectives for 2030 and 2050. ", "language": "en", "title": "Primary and final energy consumption in Europe", "created": "2021-10-04T13:18:34Z", "manager_user_id": "esparjav", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/final-energy-consumption-by-sector-13/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-16-en", "modified": "2021-10-26T10:06:45Z", "indicator_codes": "ENER016", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2021 2.4.2", "label": 102, "published": "2021-10-26T10:06:41Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " At EU level, only 27\u00a0% of species assessments have a good conservation status, with 63\u00a0% having a poor or bad conservation status. Only 6\u00a0% of all species have improving trends. Reptiles and vascular plants have the highest proportion of good conservation status.\u00a0 The EU did not meet its 2020 target to improve the conservation status of EU protected species and habitats. At Member State level, a large proportion of assessments show few species with a good conservation status. Agriculture, urban sprawl, forestry and pollution are the pressures on species reported most. ", "language": "en", "title": "Conservation status of species under the EU Habitats Directive", "created": "2021-02-08T13:22:05Z", "manager_user_id": "bialakat", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/species-of-european-interest-3/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-27-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:41:18Z", "indicator_codes": "SEBI003", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2021 1.0.7", "label": 103, "published": "2021-03-31T15:25:00Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " \n The existence of ice cover and the timing of ice break-up influence the vertical mixing of lakes and are therefore of critical ecological importance. \n \n \n The duration of ice cover on European lakes and rivers has shortened at a mean rate of 12 days per century over the last 150\u2013200 years. \n \n \n A further decrease in the duration of lake ice cover is projected with projected climate change. \n ", "language": "en", "title": "Lake and river ice cover", "created": "2012-11-12T15:27:29Z", "manager_user_id": null, "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/lake-and-river-ice-cover-1/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-190-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:50:16Z", "indicator_codes": "", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2012 2.0.1", "label": 104, "published": "2012-11-20T11:29:57Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": "\n Over the period 1980-2016, t he total reported economic losses caused by weather and climate-related extremes in the EEA member countries\u00a0amounted to approximately EUR 436 billion (in 2016 Euro values).\u00a0 \r\n Average annual economic losses varied between EUR 7.4\u00a0billion over the period 1980-1989, EUR 13.3 billion (1990-1999) and EUR 13.9 billion (2000-2009). Between 2010 and 2016, average annual losses were around EUR 12.8 billion. This high variability makes the analysis of historical trends difficult, since the choice of years heavily influences the trend outcome. \r\n The observed variations in reported economic losses over time are difficult to interpret since a large share of the total deflated losses has been caused by a small number of events. Specifically, more than 70 % of economic losses were caused by just 3 % of all unique registered events. \r\n Between 1980 and 2016, natural disasters caused by weather and climate-related extremes accounted for some 83 % of the monetary losses in the EU Member States. Throughout these 37 years, weather and climate-related losses\u00a0accounted for a total of EUR 410 billion (at 2016 values). Reported economic losses mainly reflect monetised direct damages to certain assets. The loss of human life, cultural heritage or ecosystem services is not part of the estimation. \r\n In the EU, the most expensive climate extremes in the\u00a0 period\u00a0 analysed include the 2002 flood in Central Europe (over EUR 20 billion), the 2003 drought and heat wave (almost EUR 15 billion), and the 1999 winter storm and October 2000 flood in Italy and France (EUR 13 billion), all at 2016 values. \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Economic losses from climate-related extremes in Europe", "created": "2017-12-11T08:53:19Z", "manager_user_id": "vannewou", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/direct-losses-from-weather-disasters-3/assessment-1", "prod_id": "IND-182-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:45:12Z", "indicator_codes": "CLIM039, CSI042", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2016 1.4.2", "label": 105, "published": "2018-02-27T09:00:15Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Between 1980 and 2019, climate-related extremes caused economic losses totalling an estimated EUR\u00a0446 billion in the EEA member countries. Although analysing trends in economic losses is difficult, partly as a result of high variability from year to year, climate-related extremes are becoming more common and, without mitigating action, could result in even greater losses in the coming years. The EU adaptation strategy aims to build resilience and ensure that Europe is well prepared to manage the risks and adapt to the impacts of climate change, thus minimising economic losses and other harms. ", "language": "en", "title": "Economic losses from climate-related extremes in Europe", "created": "2020-12-02T06:37:07Z", "manager_user_id": "vannewou", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/direct-losses-from-weather-disasters-4/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-182-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:51:42Z", "indicator_codes": "CLIM039, CSI042", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2020 1.4.1", "label": 106, "published": "2020-12-20T13:59:47Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " In 2016,\u00a0 low-carbon energy sources (i.e. renewables and nuclear energy) continued to dominate the electricity mix for the second year in a row, together generating more power than fossil fuel sources. \r\n \r\n Fossil fuels (i.e. coal, natural gas and oil) were responsible for 43 % of all gross electricity generation in 2016, a decrease of 11 percentage points across the EU compared with 2005 (54 %). \r\n By way of contrast, the share of electricity generated from renewable sources has grown rapidly since 2005, but the pace of growth has slowed down after 2014. In 2016, renewable electricity reached almost one third (29 %) of all gross electricity generation in the EU. This is twice as much as in 2005. As such, renewable sources generated more electricity in 2016 than nuclear sources or coal and lignite. \r\n Nuclear energy sources contributed roughly one quarter\u00a0(26 %) of all gross electricity generation in 2016. \r\n \r\n The transition from fossil fuels to renewable fuels, together with improved transformation efficiencies in electricity generation, led to an average annual 2.6 % decrease in CO 2 emissions per kWh between 2005 and 2016. \r\n Final electricity consumption (the total consumption of electricity by all end-use sectors plus electricity imports and minus exports) in the EU increased by one percent in 2016 compared with 2015, reaching the same level as in 2005. The sharpest growth was observed in the services sector (1.2 % per year) and the sharpest decline in industry (-1.0 % per year). \r\n With regards to the non-EU EEA countries,\u00a0 between 2005 and 2016, electricity generation increased by an average of 4.9 % per\u00a0 year in Turkey, 7.1 % per year\u00a0 in Iceland and 0.7 % per year in Norway. ", "language": "en", "title": "Overview of electricity production and use in Europe", "created": "2017-11-13T15:40:47Z", "manager_user_id": "tomesmih", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/overview-of-the-electricity-production-2/assessment-4", "prod_id": "IND-353-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:46:56Z", "indicator_codes": "ENER038", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2018 1.3.2", "label": 107, "published": "2018-12-18T13:00:42Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " In 2019, the EU was not on track to meet its target to reduce the greenhouse gas emission intensity of fuels sold for road transport to 6% below 2010 levels by 2020. Between 2010 and 2019, emission intensity decreased by 4.3%, mostly due to the increased use of biofuels. Finland and Sweden are the only Member States whose emission intensities decreased by more than 6%, with the Netherlands reporting a 5.8% reduction in 2019. If the indirect land use change (ILUC) effects of biofuel production are considered, the emission intensity of fuels sold in the EU also decreased between 2018 and 2019, due to the limited substitution of oil crops as feedstocks by sugars. ", "language": "en", "title": "Greenhouse gas emission intensity of fuels and biofuels for road transport in Europe", "created": "2021-10-22T07:06:24Z", "manager_user_id": "schistep", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/greenhouse-gas-emissions-intensity-of-1/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-523-en", "modified": "2021-11-24T17:11:26Z", "indicator_codes": "CLIM055", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2021 2.5.4", "label": 108, "published": "2021-10-26T10:00:16Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " The EU is not on track to reduce the greenhouse gas emission intensity of fuels sold for road transport to 6\u00a0% below 2010 levels, as set out in its 2020 target. Between 2010 and 2018, the emission intensity decreased by 3.7 %, mostly due to the increased use of biofuels. Finland and Sweden are the only Member States whose emission intensities decreased by more than 6 %. If the indirect land use change effects of biofuel production are considered, the emission intensity of fuels sold in the EU actually increased between 2017 and 2018, because of the increased use of oil crops as feedstocks. ", "language": "en", "title": "Greenhouse gas emission intensity of fuels and biofuels for road transport in Europe", "created": "2020-10-04T15:25:20Z", "manager_user_id": "schistep", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/greenhouse-gas-emissions-intensity-of/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-523-en", "modified": "2021-10-26T10:00:21Z", "indicator_codes": "CLIM055", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2020 1.3.6", "label": 109, "published": "2020-11-19T10:49:09Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": "\n The extent and volume of Arctic sea ice is declining rapidly. Over the period 1979\u20132019, the Arctic has lost, on average, 82 000 km 2 per year by the end of summer and 42 000 km 2 of sea ice per year in winter. \r\n Arctic summer sea ice in each of the last 13 years (2007\u20132019) was lower than in any previous year (1979\u20132006). Arctic winter sea ice in 2018 and 2017 were the lowest on record. The Arctic sea ice is also getting younger and thinner. \r\n \r\n \r\n Arctic sea ice is projected to continue shrinking and thinning. At current emission rates, a nearly ice-free Arctic Ocean at the end of summer is likely before mid-century. \r\n Reduced Arctic sea ice is accelerating global warming through the ice-albedo feedback. Arctic sea ice decline has also been linked to changing climate and weather extremes in Europe and beyond. \r\n The maximum sea ice extent in the Baltic Sea shows a decreasing trend since about 1800. The decrease appears to have accelerated since the 1980s, but the interannual variability is large. \r\n Baltic Sea ice, in particular the extent of the maximal cover, is projected to continue to shrink. \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Arctic and Baltic sea ice", "created": "2019-11-05T16:11:14Z", "manager_user_id": "fussehan", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/arctic-sea-ice-3/assessment-1", "prod_id": "IND-98-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:48:15Z", "indicator_codes": "CLIM010, CSI053", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2019 1.4.1", "label": 110, "published": "2019-12-04T09:50:49Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Greenhouse gas emissions from the EU\u2019s transport sector increased steadily between 2013 and 2019, a trend that diverges significantly from those in other sectors during that period. Preliminary estimates for 2020 indicate a substantial drop in transport emissions, due to decreased activity during the Covid-19 pandemic. It is anticipated that transport emissions will rebound after 2020. National projections compiled by the EEA indicate that even with measures currently planned in the Member States, domestic transport emissions will only drop below their 1990 level in 2029. International transport emissions (aviation and maritime) are projected to continue increasing. ", "language": "en", "title": "Greenhouse gas emissions from transport in Europe", "created": "2021-09-08T12:03:20Z", "manager_user_id": "narkeras", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/transport-emissions-of-greenhouse-gases-7/assessment-2", "prod_id": "IND-111-en", "modified": "2021-10-26T09:40:20Z", "indicator_codes": "TERM002", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2021 2.5.5", "label": 111, "published": "2021-10-26T09:40:06Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": "\n Since 1990, populations of common birds have decreased by around 13 % in the 26 EU Member States that have bird population monitoring schemes. The decrease is slightly worse (14 %) if figures for Norway and Switzerland are included. \r\n The decline in common farmland bird numbers in the same period was more pronounced, at 31.5 % (EU) and 34 % (EU plus Norway and Switzerland).\u00a0 \r\n Grassland butterflies also showed a significant rate of decline (32 %) between 1990 and 2015 in the 19 European countries where butterfly population monitoring schemes exist. The rate of loss has slowed down in the last 10 years, but the population abundance trend remains negative. \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Abundance and distribution of selected species", "created": "2017-08-07T12:31:21Z", "manager_user_id": "bialakat", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/abundance-and-distribution-of-selected-species-6/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-140-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:51:41Z", "indicator_codes": "CSI050, SEBI001", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2017 1.7.4", "label": 112, "published": "2017-10-27T13:06:56Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Fluorinated greenhouse gases reported under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change accounted for approximately 3\u00a0% of overall greenhouse gas emissions expressed in tonnes CO 2\u00a0 equivalent in the EU in 2016. Hydrofluorocarbons account for more than 90 % of fluorinated greenhouse gas emissions. Remaining emissions are accounted for by perfluorinated greenhouse gases, i.e. perfluorocarbons, sulphur hexafluoride and nitrogen trifluoride. \r\n The year 2015 was the first year of declining fluorinated greenhouse\u00a0emissions (3\u00a0%) in the EU in 15 years. In 2016, total fluorinated greenhouse gas\u00a0emissions rose by 0.6\u00a0% due to increases in perfluorocarbons and sulphur hexafluoride, while hydrofluorocarbons decreased further by 0.1\u00a0%. \r\n For most applications of fluorinated greenhouse\u00a0gases, there is a significant time lag between the supply of these gases for industrial use and emissions: emissions mainly occur through the leakage of gases contained in products or equipment, or at the end of the product or equipment lifetime if fluorinated greenhouse gases are not fully recovered and destroyed or re-used. \r\n The supply of fluorinated greenhouse gases to the EU, measured in CO 2 equivalents, has been decreasing since 2010, with the exception of 2014, which saw extraordinarily high levels of hydrofluorocarbon imports prior to the EU-wide hydrofluorocarbon\u00a0phase-down, coming into effect in 2015 under the EU F-gas Regulation (Regulation (EU) No 517/2014). Hydrofluorocarbons account for 80\u00a0% of present\u00a0fluorinated greenhouse\u00a0gas supply and are used primarily as refrigerants in refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump equipment. Other important uses of hydrofluorocarbons include as foam-blowing agents and in aerosols. Perfluorinated greenhouse gases (20\u00a0% of supply in 2016) are mainly used as protective gases in electrical equipment and as etching agents in electronics manufacture. \r\n The supply of unsaturated hydrofluorocarbons and hydrochlorofluorocarbons that have low global warming potential approximately doubled each year from 2014 to 2017, replacing\u00a0hydrofluorocarbons\u00a0that have high global warming potential. Trends in the use of non-halogenated refrigerants, however, which can also substitute hydrofluorocarbons, are not covered by statistics. \r\n The EU is on track to phase down the use of hydrofluorocarbons, in terms of both complying, since 2015, with its internal targets under the EU F-Gas Regulation and reaching the hydrofluorocarbon consumption limit, coming into effect in 2019, under the Montreal Protocol. ", "language": "en", "title": "Emissions and supply of fluorinated greenhouse gases in Europe", "created": "2019-05-07T11:27:00Z", "manager_user_id": "gabriped", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/emissions-and-consumption-of-fluorinated-2/assessment-1", "prod_id": "IND-354-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:41:01Z", "indicator_codes": "CLIM048, CSI044", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2018 1.3.2", "label": 113, "published": "2019-09-09T15:34:07Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " With a 21.3% share of energy consumed from renewable sources in 2020, the EU has reached its headline target (20%) for 2020, according to EEA early estimates. This success builds upon years of consistent work by all Member States, even if national progress is uneven. The exceptional circumstances of 2020, marked by disruptions in all economic sectors due to the pandemic, have facilitated meeting the renewable energy target by lowering total energy consumption. An unprecedented transformation in the energy system will still be necessary to meet the 32% renewable energy target set for 2030. ", "language": "en", "title": "Share of energy consumption from renewable sources in Europe", "created": "2021-10-04T10:28:46Z", "manager_user_id": "esparjav", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/renewable-gross-final-energy-consumption-6/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-125-en", "modified": "2021-11-23T00:40:21Z", "indicator_codes": "CSI048, ENER028", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2021 2.4.1", "label": 114, "published": "2021-10-26T10:05:40Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Between 2010 and 2019, industrial releases to Europe\u2019s water bodies of pollutants that are damaging to human health and the environment declined overall. Releases of heavy metals declined significantly, while emissions of nitrogen and phosphorus, which cause eutrophication, declined to a lesser extent. In the same period, the economic value of industry increased by 14%, in line with the EU policy objective of supporting industrial growth while decreasing industrial emissions. However, data gaps make it difficult to assess industry\u2019s contribution to overall water pollution in Europe. ", "language": "en", "title": "Industrial pollutant releases to water in Europe", "created": "2021-05-25T09:27:21Z", "manager_user_id": "antogfed", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/industrial-pollutant-releases-to-water/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-551-en", "modified": "2021-06-21T14:11:47Z", "indicator_codes": "INDP005", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2021 3.0.7", "label": 115, "published": "2021-06-21T14:11:41Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Road traffic is, by far, the major source of traffic noise in Europe both inside and outside agglomerations. It should be also highlighted that significant numbers of people remain exposed to high levels of noise from rail and aircraft. \r\n In the largest European cities, over 250 thousand inhabitants, noise from road transport is a major concern, as in 2007 almost 67 million people were exposed to long-term average road traffic noise levels exceeding 55dB L den (weighted average day, evening, night). At night time, for the same reported cities, more than 45 million people were exposed to road noise levels higher than 50dB. Concerning noise from major roads outside agglomerations, 33 million were affected during daytime and 23 million at night periods. \r\n When available data allows for comparison between 2007 and 2012, different patterns have been observed: there has been a general increase of people exposed to all noise bands from airports, a slight increase of people exposed to noise from roads (only people exposed to lower noise bands), and a slight decrease of people exposed to noise from railways. Nevertheless, for 2012 reference year, information on strategic noise maps is missing for 12 out of 33 EEA member countries.\u00a0 ", "language": "en", "title": "Exposure to and annoyance by traffic noise", "created": "2014-11-28T13:42:23Z", "manager_user_id": "vicenalf", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/exposure-to-and-annoyance-by-1/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-233-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:47:22Z", "indicator_codes": "TERM005", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2014 1.1.2", "label": 116, "published": "2014-12-12T11:33:24Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Ocean surface pH declined from 8.2 to below 8.1 over the industrial era as a result of an increase in atmospheric CO 2 concentrations. This decline corresponds to an increase in oceanic acidity of about 30%. Reductions in surface water pH are observed across the global ocean. Ocean acidification has impacts on marine organisms and has already affected the deep ocean, particularly at high latitudes. Models project further ocean acidification worldwide. The target under United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 14.3 is to minimise the impacts of this by 2030. ", "language": "en", "title": "Ocean acidification", "created": "2021-05-10T13:54:52Z", "manager_user_id": "petermon", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/ocean-acidification-4/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-349-en", "modified": "2021-08-30T13:41:48Z", "indicator_codes": "CLIM043", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2021 1.0.7", "label": 117, "published": "2021-08-09T11:30:00Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " In 2015, on average, there were around 1.5 fragmented landscape elements per km 2 in the European Union\u00a0 [1] , a 3.7 % increase compared with 2009. \r\n Approximately 1.13 million km 2 , around 28 % of the area of the EU\u00a0 [1] , was strongly fragmented i n 2015 , a 0.7 % increase compared with 2009. \r\n There was less of an increase in fragmented landscape elements and in the area of strongly fragmented landscape between 2012 and 2015 than between 2009 and 2012 (1.4 and 0.18 percentage points, respectively). \r\n Arable lands and permanent croplands (around 42 .6 %) and pastures and farmland mosaics (around 40.2 %) were most affected by strong fragmentation pressure in 2015 in the EU. Between 2009 and 2015, however, the largest increase in the area of strongly fragmented landscape was in grasslands/pastures and in farmland mosaics. \u00a0 \r\n Luxembourg (91 %), Belgium (83 %) and Malta (70 %) had the largest proportions of strongly fragmented landscape in 2015 (as a proportion of their country area). The Baltic countries and Finland and Sweden were on average the least fragmented countries in the EU. \r\n Between 2009 and 2015, the area of strongly fragmented landscape increased most in Croatia, as well as in Greece, Hungary and Poland. \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n [1] \u00a0Romania is excluded because of the poor coverage of fragmentation geometry data in 2009. \r\n \r\n \r\n \u00a0 ", "language": "en", "title": "Landscape fragmentation pressure and trends in Europe", "created": "2019-08-29T07:31:59Z", "manager_user_id": "wasseeva", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/mobility-and-urbanisation-pressure-on-ecosystems-2/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-450-en", "modified": "2021-12-17T09:31:45Z", "indicator_codes": "CSI054, LSI004", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2019 1.8.2", "label": 118, "published": "2019-12-13T14:52:05Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Global mean sea level (GMSL) has risen about 19\u00a0cm since 1900, at an accelerating rate. GMSL reached its highest value ever in 2019. Climate models project a GMSL rise during the 21st century that will likely be in the range of 0.29-0.59\u00a0m for a low emissions scenario and 0.61-1.10\u00a0m for a high one. GMSL projections that include the possibility of faster disintegration of the polar ice sheets predict a rise of up to 2.4\u00a0m in 2100 and up to 15\u00a0m in 2300. Most coastal regions in Europe have experienced an increase in sea level relative to land, except for the northern Baltic coast. ", "language": "en", "title": "Global and European sea level rise", "created": "2020-10-28T13:42:19Z", "manager_user_id": "fussehan", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/sea-level-rise-7/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-193-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:50:49Z", "indicator_codes": "CLIM012, CSI047", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2020 1.1.2", "label": 119, "published": "2020-12-11T14:50:40Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": "\n Europe aims to have a strong, growing and low-carbon industry with closed material cycles. \r\n Currently, industry remains a significant source of pollutant releases to Europe\u2019s environment. \r\n Releases of pollutants to air and water by European industry have generally decreased during the last decade. \r\n Environmental regulation and improved pollutant abatement technology, among other factors, have led to decreasing pollutant releases to air and water in Europe. \r\n Soil contamination in Europe is, among other things, linked to industrial activity. \r\n Waste transfers from industrial facilities in the EU have remained relatively stable in the last decade. \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Industrial pollution in Europe", "created": "2018-08-06T06:30:42Z", "manager_user_id": "zeigebas", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/industrial-pollution-in-europe/assessment-1", "prod_id": "IND-446-en", "modified": "2021-11-24T14:43:20Z", "indicator_codes": "CSI055, INDP003", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2018 1.2.2", "label": 120, "published": "2018-09-25T08:35:32Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " A significant reduction in the consumption of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) has been achieved by the EEA-33 countries since 1986. This reduction has been largely driven by the 1987 United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Montreal Protocol. \r\n Upon entry into force of the Montreal Protocol, EEA-33 consumption was approximately 420 000 ozone-depleting potential tonnes (ODP tonnes). Consumption values around zero were reached in 2002 and have remained consistently so ever since. S ince the early 1990s, th e European Union (EU) has taken additional measures, in the shape of \u00a0EU law,\u00a0 to reduce the consumption of ODS. In many aspects, the current EU regulation on substances that deplete the ozone layer (1005/2009/EC) goes further than the Montreal Protocol and it has also brought forward the phasing out of hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) in the EU. ", "language": "en", "title": "Production and consumption of ozone-depleting substances", "created": "2017-11-14T18:29:42Z", "manager_user_id": null, "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/production-and-consumption-of-ozone-2/assessment-3", "prod_id": "IND-3-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:51:33Z", "indicator_codes": "", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2017 1.3.2", "label": 121, "published": "2017-12-13T13:21:02Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": "\n The total reported economic losses caused by weather and climate-related extremes in the EEA member countries over the period 1980-2015 amount to around EUR 433 billion (in 2015 Euro values). The average annual economic losses have varied between EUR 7.5\u00a0billion in the period 1980-1989, EUR 13.5 billion in the period 1990-1999, and EUR 14.3 billion in the period 2000-2009. In the period from 2010 to 2015 the average annual loss accounted to around EUR 13.3 billion. \u00a0 \r\n The observed variations in reported economic loss over time are difficult to interpret since a large share of the total deflated losses has been caused by a small number of events. Specifically, more than 70 % of the economic losses was caused by only 3 % of all registered events. \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Economic losses from climate-related extremes in Europe", "created": "2017-01-09T13:03:58Z", "manager_user_id": "vannewou", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/direct-losses-from-weather-disasters-3/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-182-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:49:58Z", "indicator_codes": "CLIM039, CSI042", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2016 1.4.2", "label": 122, "published": "2017-01-17T14:13:24Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " After increasing for 13 years, fluorinated greenhouse gas (F-gas) emissions in the EU decreased for the first time in 2015, and fell by 5\u00a0% in 2018 compared to 2017. This can be partly attributed to the EU-wide hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) phase-down set out in the F-gas Regulation, which aims to reduce F-gas emissions and mitigate global warming. HFCs account for the majority of F-gas emissions and the EU is on track to meet targets and phase down HFC use by 2030. It is also on track to meet its international obligation to reduce HFC consumption, in effect since 2019, under the Montreal Protocol. ", "language": "en", "title": "Hydrofluorocarbon phase-down in Europe", "created": "2020-11-17T12:55:39Z", "manager_user_id": "gabriped", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/emissions-and-consumption-of-fluorinated-3/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-354-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:49:17Z", "indicator_codes": "CLIM048, CSI044", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2020 1.3.5", "label": 123, "published": "2020-12-16T20:23:50Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " \n Transport activities give rise to environmental impacts, congestion and accidents. The internalisation of external costs is necessary to ensure that transport users bare the full cost of transport, so that there is more efficient use of infrastructure, the fairness between transport users is improved and that the negative side effects of transport are reduced. This will encourage users to change their behaviour in order to reduce those costs. \n \n According to available estimates\u00a0- which refer to road transport\u00a0- the most common external costs reach 2.6% of GDP. These costs are generically paid by all citizens, thus not in ways that are related to the externalities (UNITE, 2000). \n \n The EU impact assessment on the externalisation reports that if no action is taken within the next few years the environmental costs (air pollution, CO2 emissions) could reach \u20ac210 billion by 2020 COM(2008)435 \n ", "language": "en", "title": "External costs and charges per vehicle type", "created": "2010-03-31T11:48:15Z", "manager_user_id": "pastocin", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/external-costs-and-charges-per/external-costs-and-charges-per", "prod_id": "IND-175-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:43:13Z", "indicator_codes": "TERM025", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2009 2.10.2", "label": 124, "published": "2010-10-12T22:00:00Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": "\n In the EU-28, critical loads for acidification were exceeded in 7 % of the ecosystem area in 2010, down from 43 % in 1980. The figure also decreased to 7 %\u00a0of the ecosystem area\u00a0across all EEA member countries. There are still some areas where the interim objective for reducing acidification, as defined in the EU's National Emission Ceilings Directive, has not been met.\u00a0 \r\n The EU-28 ecosystem area in which the critical loads for eutrophication were exceeded peaked at 84 % in 1990 and decreased to 63 % in 2010 (55 % in the EEA member countries). The area in exceedance is projected to further decrease to 54 % in 2020 for the EU-28 (48 % in the EEA member countries), assuming current legislation is implemented. The magnitude of the exceedances is also projected to decline considerably in most areas, except for a few 'hot spot' areas in western France and the border areas between Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands, as well as in northern Italy. \r\n Looking ahead, only 4 % of the EU-28 ecosystem area (3 % in EEA member countries) is projected to exceed acidification critical loads in 2020 if current legislation is fully implemented.\u00a0The eutrophication reduction target set in the updated EU air pollution strategy proposed by the European Commission in late 2013, will be met by 2030 if it is assumed that all maximum technically feasible reduction measures are implemented, but it will not be met by current legislation. \r\n For ozone, most of Europe's vegetation and agricultural crops are exposed to ozone levels that exceed the long term objective specified in the EU's Air Quality Directive. A significant fraction is also exposed to levels above the target value threshold defined in the directive. The effect-related concentrations show large year-to-year variations. Over the period 1996-2015,\u00a0the concentrations observed at rural background stations increased until 2006, after which it decreased. After a six-year period (2009-2014) of relatively low values, the fraction of agricultural crops exposed to levels above the target value increased again to 30 % in 2015. However, at the low end of the exposure spectrum there was an increase in the area with levels below the long-term objective from 15 % (2014) to 21 % (2015). \r\n During the past\u00a05 years, around 58-62 % of the forest area was exposed to ozone concentrations above the critical level set by the\u00a0United Nations Economic Commission for Europe\u00a0(UNECE) for the protection of forests.\u00a0 \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Exposure of Europe's ecosystems to acidification, eutrophication and ozone", "created": "2018-06-19T15:06:16Z", "manager_user_id": "ozturevr", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/exposure-of-ecosystems-to-acidification-14/assessment-1", "prod_id": "IND-30-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:51:11Z", "indicator_codes": "AIR004, CSI005", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2018 1.1.2", "label": 125, "published": "2018-10-02T14:40:22Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Heavy metals accumulate in ecosystems and damage human health. In line with the EU\u2019s commitments under the Air Convention, specific legislation led to reductions in emissions of heavy metals across Europe from 1990 levels. Between 2005 and 2019, emissions have continued to decline, with lead emissions decreasing by 44%, mercury emissions by 45% and cadmium emissions by 33% across the EU-27 Member States. In 2019, Germany, Italy and Poland contributed most to heavy metal emissions in the EU. ", "language": "en", "title": "Heavy metal emissions in Europe", "created": "2021-08-26T09:20:31Z", "manager_user_id": "molnalea", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/eea32-heavy-metal-hm-emissions-2/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-171-en", "modified": "2021-10-13T07:32:39Z", "indicator_codes": "AIR001", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2021 3.0.7", "label": 126, "published": "2021-10-13T07:32:36Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " The greenhouse gas (GHG) emission intensity of power generation is falling across the EU. Climate mitigation and energy policies\u00a0and legislation addressing air pollutant emissions from industrial installations support decarbonisation via a gradual switch to renewable or to less carbon-intensive fossil fuels and by improving the efficiency of transformation processes in the sector. By 2019, the GHG emission intensity of electricity generation had halved compared with 1990. If the declining trend of the past decade continued, EU electricity generation would fully decarbonise by 2050.\u00a0To accomplish this, meet\u00a0the EU\u00a0GHG emission reductions targets for 2030 of\u00a055% below 1990 levels and reach climate neutrality by 2050, additional polices and measures are needed. ", "language": "en", "title": "Greenhouse gas emission intensity of electricity generation in Europe", "created": "2021-06-02T08:57:59Z", "manager_user_id": "tomesmih", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/overview-of-the-electricity-production-3/assessment-1", "prod_id": "IND-353-en", "modified": "2021-10-26T09:09:13Z", "indicator_codes": "ENER038", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2020 1.3.8", "label": 127, "published": "2021-06-11T14:02:08Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": "\n Currently, the ocean takes up about one quarter of global CO 2 emissions from human activities. The uptake of CO 2 in the sea causes ocean acidification, as the pH of sea water declines. \r\n Ocean surface pH declined from 8.2 to below 8.1 over the industrial era as a result of an increase in atmospheric CO 2 concentrations. This decline corresponds to an increase in oceanic acidity of about 30 %. \r\n In recent decades, ocean acidification has been occurring 100 times faster than during natural events over the past 55 million years. These rapid chemical changes are an added pressure on marine ecosystems. \r\n Observed reductions in surface water pH are nearly identical across the global ocean and throughout European seas, except for variations near coasts. The reduction in pH in the northernmost European seas, i.e. the Norwegian Sea and the Greenland Sea, is larger than the global average. \r\n Ocean acidification has wide-ranging impacts on marine ecosystems. A reduction in carbonate availability reduces the rate of calcification of marine calcifying organisms, such as reef-building corals, shellfish and plankton. Ocean acidification has already affected the deep ocean, particularly at high latitudes. \r\n Changes in pH affect biological processes, e.g. enzyme activities and photosynthesis, which in turn affects primary production. These changes may be exacerbated by rising seawater temperatures. \r\n Changes in marine primary production will have an impact on the global carbon cycle and the absorption of atmospheric CO 2 in the ocean, as well as on the overall capacity of\u00a0ocean to mitigate climate change. \r\n Models consistently project further ocean acidification worldwide. Ocean surface pH is projected to decrease to values between 8.05 and 7.75 by the end of the 21st century, depending on future CO 2 emission levels. The largest projected decline represents more than a doubling in acidity. \r\n The combined effects of elevated seawater temperatures, deoxygenation and acidification are expected to have negative effects on entire marine ecosystems and cause changes in food webs and marine production, and will also result in economic losses. \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Ocean acidification", "created": "2020-05-14T08:00:31Z", "manager_user_id": "petermon", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/ocean-acidification-3/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-349-en", "modified": "2021-08-09T11:30:57Z", "indicator_codes": "CLIM043", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2020 1.4.1", "label": 128, "published": "2020-06-24T13:51:25Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " EU legislation has led to improvements in air quality, with the percentage of urban citizens exposed to pollutant levels above standards set to protect human health falling between 2000 and 2019. However, poor air quality remains a problem: in 2019, 21% of citizens were exposed to O 3 and 10% to PM 10 \u00a0levels above EU standards. This is mainly because of emissions from transport and buildings, but also from agriculture and industry. Without radical changes to mobility, energy and food systems and industry, it is unlikely that air quality targets will be met in the near future. ", "language": "en", "title": "Exceedance of air quality standards in Europe", "created": "2021-09-30T11:00:23Z", "manager_user_id": "ortizalb", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/exceedance-of-air-quality-limit-4/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-34-en", "modified": "2021-10-27T15:34:41Z", "indicator_codes": "AIR003, CSI004", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2021 3.0.7", "label": 129, "published": "2021-10-27T15:34:09Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Between 2005 and 2014, final energy consumption decreased by 11 % (1.3 % annually) in the EU-28. Final energy consumption decreased in all sectors, particularly in the industry and households sectors (16.5 % and 14.8 %, respectively), but also in the transport (4.5 %) and services sectors (1.7 %). This decrease in final energy consumption since 2005 was influenced by economic performance, structural changes in various end-use sectors, particularly industry, improvements in end-use efficiency and lower than average heat consumption as a result of favorable climatic conditions, particularly in 2011 and 2014. In 2014, the EU-28 met its 2020 target for final energy consumption. \r\n Between 2005 and 2014, final energy consumption in some non-EU EEA countries, namely Turkey, Iceland and Norway, increased by 28 % (2.8 % per year). This difference was caused by an increase in energy consumption in Turkey (35 %) and Iceland (78 %), and a small decrease in energy consumption in Norway (1 %). Since 1990, the final energy consumption in these non-EU EEA countries has increased by 92 % (2.8 % annually). \r\n Final energy consumption in the EEA-33 countries decreased by 8.4 % (1 % annually) between 2005 and 2014. The largest contributors to this decrease were the industry and household sectors, both\u00a0contributing 13.6 % to this decrease. On average, each person in the EEA-33 countries used 2.0 tonnes of oil equivalent to meet their energy needs in 2014. ", "language": "en", "title": "Final energy consumption by sector and fuel", "created": "2016-11-30T15:15:22Z", "manager_user_id": "schistep", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/final-energy-consumption-by-sector-9/assessment-1", "prod_id": "IND-16-en", "modified": "2021-11-24T14:41:55Z", "indicator_codes": "ENER016", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2016 1.3.2", "label": 130, "published": "2017-01-11T14:49:26Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Large combustion plants are responsible for a significant proportion of anthropogenic pollutant emissions. \r\n Since 2004, emissions from large combustion plants in the 28 EU Member States have decreased, by 86 % for sulphur dioxide, 59 % for nitrogen oxides\u00a0and 84 % for dust. \r\n In 2017, from a total of 3\u00a0664 large\u00a0combustion plants, 50 % of all emissions came from just 68, 141 and 58 plants for\u00a0 sulphur dioxide , nitrogen oxides\u00a0and dust, respectively. However, the performances of these largest plants have improved greatly over time. \r\n One indicator of the environmental performance of large combustion plants is the ratio between emissions and fuel consumption (i.e. the implied emission factor). The implied emission factors for all three pollutants decreased significantly between 2004 and 2017 for all sizes of large combustion plants. \r\n \u00a0 ", "language": "en", "title": "Emissions of air pollutants from large combustion plants in Europe", "created": "2019-12-03T15:29:59Z", "manager_user_id": "grangmar", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/emissions-of-air-pollutants-from-16/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-427-en", "modified": "2021-11-24T14:58:09Z", "indicator_codes": "INDP006", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2019 1.2.2", "label": 131, "published": "2020-01-06T10:32:39Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Significant changes in the distribution of plant species in Europe are expected by 2100 due to increase of global temperature by about 3.10C. Such temperature increase going to be well above the long-term sustainable objective set in the 6th EAP. The Southwestern part and the most Eastern part (Russia) of Europe may suffer the highest changes in biodiversity; the loss of species might exceed 50 % by 2050. By 2100 most European Member States are expected to lose more than 50 species compared with the 1995 situation. ", "language": "en", "title": "Change in species diversity as a result of climate change - outlook from EEA", "created": "2007-01-07T23:00:00Z", "manager_user_id": null, "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/change-in-species-diversity-as/change-in-species-diversity-as", "prod_id": "IND-55-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:42:31Z", "indicator_codes": "", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2010", "label": 132, "published": "2007-06-07T22:00:00Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " In 2020, the EU continued to actively phase out ozone-depleting substances (ODS), in line with its commitment under the Montreal Protocol. Data for 2020 show that consumption of ODS in the EU remained negative (-2,023 metric tonnes), meaning that more substances were destroyed or exported than were produced or imported. The EU\u00b4s consumption of these substances has been negative since 2012. \r\n For more information and data reported by companies under the Ozone Regulation,\u00a0 see the online ODS data viewer . ", "language": "en", "title": "Consumption of ozone-depleting substances", "created": "2021-09-08T15:39:04Z", "manager_user_id": "gabriped", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/production-and-consumption-of-ozone-4/assessment-1", "prod_id": "IND-3-en", "modified": "2021-09-16T07:59:50Z", "indicator_codes": "CLIM049", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2021 2.1.16", "label": 133, "published": "2021-09-16T07:58:19Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " A significant reduction in the consumption of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) has been achieved by the EEA-33 countries since 1986. This reduction has been largely driven by the 1987 United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Montreal Protocol. \r\n Upon entry into force of the Montreal Protocol, EEA-33 consumption was approximately 420 000 ozone-depleting potential tonnes (ODP tonnes). Consumption values around zero were reached in 2002 and have remained consistently so ever since. S ince the early 1990s, th e European Union (EU) has taken additional measures, in the shape of \u00a0EU law,\u00a0 to reduce the consumption of ODS. In many aspects, the current EU regulation on substances that deplete the ozone layer (1005/2009/EC) goes further than the Montreal Protocol and it has also brought forward the phasing out of hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) in the EU. ", "language": "en", "title": "Production and consumption of ozone-depleting substances", "created": "2016-11-18T14:58:26Z", "manager_user_id": null, "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/production-and-consumption-of-ozone-2/assessment-2", "prod_id": "IND-3-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:47:28Z", "indicator_codes": "", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2016 1.2.2", "label": 134, "published": "2017-03-08T17:10:18Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": "\n Over the last 45 years, an increase in the number of fish species was observed in the Celtic Sea, the Greater North Sea and the Baltic Sea.\u00a0 \r\n This change is mainly related to an increase in the number of warm-favouring (Lusitanian, L) species and, to a much lesser extent, an increase in the number of cool-favouring (Boreal, B) species. \r\n Observed changes are significant in the North Sea and in the Skagerrak-Kattegat, where significant correlations were also\u00a0found between the L/B ratio and increased temperature, indicating that changes\u00a0in\u00a0fish distribution are related to climate change. \r\n In the same period, there were no observed changes in the distribution of widely distributed fish species, which are less sensitive to temperature changes but are exposed to the same combination of increased sea temperature pressures related to human activities in the assessment areas. \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Changes in fish distribution in European seas", "created": "2018-12-11T15:32:08Z", "manager_user_id": "petermon", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/fish-distribution-shifts/assessment-1", "prod_id": "IND-472-en", "modified": "2021-11-18T14:47:20Z", "indicator_codes": "MAR011", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2018 1.6.1", "label": 135, "published": "2020-01-23T12:26:55Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Following the turbulence of the late 2000s, global GDP is projected to grow steadily up to 2050. Rapid growth is projected for China, with it overtaking the USA as the biggest single economy before 2020. India is also expected to grow rapidly surpassing the EU before 2050. ", "language": "en", "title": "Gross Domestic Product (GDP) - Outlook from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)", "created": "2015-01-21T14:48:02Z", "manager_user_id": null, "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/gdp-outlook-from-oecd-1/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-62-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:51:33Z", "indicator_codes": "", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2014 2.3.1", "label": 136, "published": "2015-02-13T15:15:00Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": "\n The EU-wide share of renewable energy in gross final EU energy use has increased from 16.1\u00a0% in 2014 to 16.7\u00a0% in 2015 and to an expected 16.9\u00a0% in 2016, according to the\u00a0 EEA\u2019s early estimates . This gradual increase occurred in spite of an uptick in energy consumption from all sources observed in 2015 and 2016 across the EU. \r\n Steady renewable energy source (RES) growth indicates that the\u00a0EU remains on track to reach its 20 % RES share target for 2020, but the pace of RES growth is slowing.\u00a0 \r\n Renewable energy accounted for 18.6 % of gross final energy consumption for heating and cooling, 28.8 % of final electricity consumption and 6.7 % of transport fuel consumption in 2015. \r\n In 2015, all but three EU Member States (France, Luxembourg\u00a0and the Netherlands) met or exceeded their indicative targets set under the Renewable Energy Directive (RED), and 20 Member States (all except France, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain and Portugal) reached or exceeded the indicative trajectories set in their National Renewable Energy Action Plans (NREAPs).\u00a0 Eleven countries ( Bulgaria , Croatia, the Czech Republic,\u00a0 Denmark,\u00a0 Estonia, Finland,\u00a0 Hungary, Italy,\u00a0 Lithuania, Romania \u00a0and Sweden ) managed already in 2015 to achieve their binding renewable energy share targets for 2020, as set under the RED. \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Share of renewable energy in gross final energy consumption in Europe", "created": "2017-11-14T11:21:36Z", "manager_user_id": "tomesmih", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/renewable-gross-final-energy-consumption-4/assessment-2", "prod_id": "IND-125-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:40:58Z", "indicator_codes": "CSI048, ENER028", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2015 1.3.2", "label": 137, "published": "2017-12-14T16:08:59Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": "\n Ocean surface pH has declined from 8.2 to below 8.1 over the industrial era as a result of the increase in atmospheric CO2 concentrations. This decline corresponds to an increase in oceanic acidity of about 30 %. \r\n Ocean acidification in recent decades has been occurring 100 times faster than during past natural events over the last 55 million years. \r\n Observed reductions in surface water pH are nearly identical across the global ocean and throughout continental European seas, except for variations near the coast. The pH reduction in the northernmost European seas, i.e. the Norwegian Sea and the Greenland Sea, is larger than the global average. \r\n Ocean acidification already reaches into the deep ocean, particularly at the high latitudes. \r\n Models consistently project further ocean acidification worldwide. Ocean surface pH is projected to decrease to values between 8.05 and 7.75 by the end of 21st century, depending on future CO2 emissions levels. The largest projected decline represents more than a doubling in acidity. \r\n Ocean acidification is affecting marine organisms and this could alter marine ecosystems. \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Ocean acidification", "created": "2016-11-29T14:37:32Z", "manager_user_id": "petermon", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/ocean-acidification-1/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-349-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:51:24Z", "indicator_codes": "CLIM043", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2016 1.4.1", "label": 138, "published": "2016-12-20T14:01:15Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": "\n Widespread oxygen depletion, partly due to natural conditions (stratification),\u00a0occurs in the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea. \r\n In the Baltic Sea, oxygen concentrations in the water layer near the sea floor decreased during the period 1990-2017 at 11 % of stations, mainly in the Bothnian Bay, the Bothnian Sea, the Gulf of Finland and the Baltic Proper, and in some parts of the south-western Baltic Sea. \r\n In the Greater North Sea area, decreases in oxygen concentrations during the period 1990-2017 were observed at 9 % of stations, mainly in fjords in Denmark and along the Norwegian and Swedish Coasts and at some stations in the German Bight. \r\n Limited data were available for the Celtic Seas and the Adriatic Sea. \r\n Reduced oxygen concentrations were observed at some stations in the coastal waters of the Black Sea, but there were no significant trends in oxygen concentrations during the period 1990-2017. \r\n No significant trends in concentrations were observed for the majority of stations in all regions during the period 1990-2017. \r\n Data coverage is not sufficient in all regional seas; it is sufficient for the Baltic and the North Seas, while data for only coastal waters are available for the Adriatic and Black Seas. \u00a0 \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Oxygen concentrations in European coastal and marine waters", "created": "2019-03-29T11:29:43Z", "manager_user_id": "petermon", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/oxygen-concentrations-in-coastal-and/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-476-en", "modified": "2021-11-18T14:52:06Z", "indicator_codes": "MAR012", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2019 1.6.1", "label": 139, "published": "2019-11-15T10:59:39Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Recycling rates of municipal waste, packaging waste and waste electrical and electronic equipment \u2014 which represent significant sources of secondary materials and critical raw materials \u2014 are increasing in Europe, indicating a move towards using waste as a resource and a more circular economy. \r\n \u2022Recycling rates\u00a0for both municipal waste and packaging waste have increased substantially: by 16 percentage points between 2004 and 2017\u00a0for municipal waste and by 13 percentage points between 2005 and 2016\u00a0for packaging waste. In 2017, 46 % of the municipal waste generated in the EU-28 and Iceland, Norway and Switzerland was recycled; in 2016, 67 % of packaging waste generated in the EU-28 and Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway was recycled. \r\n \u2022 Municipal waste recycling rates differ widely between European countries, ranging from 68 % in Germany to 0.3 % in Serbia in 2017.\u00a0 In 2017, three countries recycled already 55 % or more of their municipal waste.\u00a0 In 2017, 28 countries recycled 55 % or more of their packaging waste and 15 countries recycled 65 % or more of their packaging waste. \r\n \u2022 These improvements have been partly driven by EU targets introduced in 1994 and 2008 and later by the circular economy packages (2015). ", "language": "en", "title": "Waste recycling", "created": "2019-04-09T09:29:55Z", "manager_user_id": null, "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/waste-recycling-1/assessment-1", "prod_id": "IND-378-en", "modified": "2021-08-03T09:37:48Z", "indicator_codes": "", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2019 1.9.1", "label": 140, "published": "2019-11-22T08:50:35Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Many Member States have introduced incentives to promote the use of low and zero-sulphur fuels ahead of the mandatory deadlines (a maximum of 50 ppm \"low\" in 2005 and a maximum of 10 ppm \"zero\" in 2009). The combined penetration increased from around 20 to almost 50% between 2002 and 2003, but this is still some way off the 2005 target of 100%. The penetration of biofuels and other alternative fuels is low. The share of biofuels in the EU-25 is less than 0.4 %, still far off the 2 % target set for 2005. However, following the adoption of the Biofuels Directive in 2003, national initiatives are rapidly changing the situation. ", "language": "en", "title": "Use of renewable fuels in transport in Europe", "created": "2005-05-19T13:51:54Z", "manager_user_id": "vedludia", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/use-of-cleaner-and-alternative-fuels/use-of-cleaner-and-alternative", "prod_id": "IND-28-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:44:50Z", "indicator_codes": "CSI037, TERM031", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2010", "label": 141, "published": "2005-10-02T22:00:00Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Between 1986 and 2002, the consumption of ozone-depleting substances declined significantly, falling from 343\u00a0000 ozone-depleting potential tonnes to around zero in the 28 EU Member States. This was driven by the implementation of the 1987 Montreal Protocol. Since the early 1990s, the EU has taken additional measures \u2014 set out in the EU regulation \u2014 to limit ozone-depleting substances, and has exceeded its commitments under the Montreal Protocol. Although some progress has been made towards reversing the depletion of the ozone hole, more must be done to ensure that recovery continues. ", "language": "en", "title": "Consumption of ozone-depleting substances", "created": "2020-11-20T12:34:51Z", "manager_user_id": "gabriped", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/production-and-consumption-of-ozone-4/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-3-en", "modified": "2021-09-16T07:59:51Z", "indicator_codes": "CLIM049", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2020 1.3.5", "label": 142, "published": "2020-12-18T14:52:16Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": "\n In 2018, sales of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) and battery-electric vehicles (BEV) continued to increase. \u00a0However, the combined share of PHEVs and BEVs in all car sales remained low reaching 2\u00a0% in 2018 compared with 1.5 % in 2017.\u00a0 \r\n With around 150\u00a0000 registrations, sales of BEVs increased by 50\u00a0% compared with 2017. Around 145 000 PHEVs\u00a0 were registered in 2018, a 15 % increase compared with 2017. \r\n The combined shares of PHEV and BEV sales were highest in Iceland (15\u00a0%), Sweden (8.4\u00a0%) and the Netherlands (6.8\u00a0%).\u00a0 \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Electric vehicles as a proportion of the total fleet", "created": "2019-08-13T09:34:41Z", "manager_user_id": null, "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/proportion-of-vehicle-fleet-meeting-4/assessment-4", "prod_id": "IND-108-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:51:10Z", "indicator_codes": "", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2019 1.3.9", "label": 143, "published": "2019-12-05T07:06:13Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Fossil fuels continued to dominate the electricity mix in 2013, being responsible for close to one half (45%) of all gross electricity generation in the EU-28, but their share has decreased by 20% since 1990. In contrast, for the first time, more electricity was generated from renewable sources in 2013 than from nuclear sources or from coal and lignite. The share of electricity generated from renewable sources is growing rapidly and reached more than one quarter of all gross electricity generation in the EU-28 in 2013 (27%), twice as much as in 1990. Nuclear energy sources contribute more than one quarter of all gross electricity generation in 2013 as well (27%). \r\n Final electricity consumption ( the total consumption of electricity by all end-use sectors plus electricity imports and minus exports ) has increased by 28% in the EU-28 since 1990, at an average rate of around 1.1% per year (see ENER 016). In the EU-28, the strongest growth was observed in the services sector (2.8% per year), followed by households (1.6% per year). \r\n With regard to the non-EU EEA countries, between 1990 and 2013 electricity generation increased by an average of 6.4% per year in Turkey, and 10% per year in Norway. ", "language": "en", "title": "Overview of electricity production and use in Europe", "created": "2015-10-02T12:42:35Z", "manager_user_id": "tomesmih", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/overview-of-the-electricity-production-1/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-353-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:45:55Z", "indicator_codes": "ENER038", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2015 1.3.2", "label": 144, "published": "2015-12-10T10:30:17Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Vegetation productivity indicates the spatial distribution and change of the vegetation cover - a key characteristic of ecosystem condition.\u00a0 \r\n Vegetation productivity in Europe on average has a regional pattern of increase and decline. Increase was observed most in South Eastern Europe, over croplands and wetlands in the Steppic region and grasslands and sparsely vegetated lands and in the Black Sea and Anatolian regions. Decline happened most over croplands and grasslands in the Atlantic region as well as over wetlands in the Alpine region. \r\n Climate has important influence on vegetation productivity in Europe. Strongest driver is precipitation, especially in the South Eastern regions. Decreasing number of frost days increased productivity in the Pannonian region but decreased productivity in the Atlantic region. \r\n \r\n Climatic variations are important drivers of vegetation productivity, but land use changes are even stronger. Productivity was most increased by agricultural land management and converting other lands to agriculture, whereas largest decrease was caused by sprawling urban areas. ", "language": "en", "title": "Vegetation productivity", "created": "2019-04-25T10:33:55Z", "manager_user_id": "wasseeva", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/land-productivity-dynamics/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-480-en", "modified": "2021-12-17T09:22:06Z", "indicator_codes": "LSI009", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2019 1.8.2", "label": 145, "published": "2020-03-03T11:47:01Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Fluorinated greenhouse gases (F-gases) are amongst the most powerful greenhouse gases, with a global warming effect up to 23 000 times greater than carbon dioxide (CO 2 ). \r\n Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) account for 85\u00a0% of present F-gases supply. They are used primarily as refrigerants in refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump equipment. Foam blowing and aerosols are other important uses of HFCs. The other F-gases are perfluorocarbons (PFCs), mainly used as a protective gas in electrical equipment and as etching agents in electronics manufacture, as well as sulphur hexafluoride (SF 6 ) and nitrogen trifluoride (NF 3 ). \r\n As part of its actions to fight climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the European Union is phasing down the use of HFCs. The supply of F-gases to the EU, measured in CO2\u00a0equivalents, has been overall decreasing since 2010 (HFC imports were extraordinarily high in 2014, prior to the EU-wide HFC phase-down coming into effect in 2015). Since 2015, the EU has complied with its annual targets under the EU F-Gas Regulation 517/2014 and is approaching the HFC consumption limit, which comes into effect in 2019 under the Montreal Protocol. \r\n Emissions of F-gases mainly occur by means of leakage of gases contained in products or equipment, or at the end of the lifetime of the product/equipment, where contained F-gases are not fully recovered and destroyed or re-used. Therefore, most applications of F-gases are characterised by a significant time lag between the supply of F-gases to their industrial uses and their emissions. \r\n For the first time in 2015, a decrease in the EU emissions of fluorinated greenhouse gases (F-gases) reported under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was observed, following 13 years of increases. ", "language": "en", "title": "Emissions and supply of fluorinated greenhouse gases in Europe", "created": "2018-04-05T13:12:20Z", "manager_user_id": "gabriped", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/emissions-and-consumption-of-fluorinated-2/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-354-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:51:20Z", "indicator_codes": "CLIM048, CSI044", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2018 1.3.2", "label": 146, "published": "2018-07-06T13:06:50Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " EU legislation has led to improvements in air quality, with the percentage of urban citizens exposed to pollutant levels above standards set to protect human health falling between 2000 and 2018. However, poor air quality remains a problem: in 2018, 34\u00a0% of citizens were exposed to O 3 and 15\u00a0% to PM 10 above EU limit values. This is mainly due to emissions from transport and buildings, but also from agriculture and industry. Without radical changes to mobility, energy and food systems and industry, it is unlikely that air quality targets will be met in the near future. ", "language": "en", "title": "Exceedance of air quality standards in Europe", "created": "2020-09-14T13:20:20Z", "manager_user_id": "ozturevr", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/exceedance-of-air-quality-limit-2/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-34-en", "modified": "2021-11-24T15:05:30Z", "indicator_codes": "AIR003, CSI004", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2020 1.1.2", "label": 147, "published": "2020-10-06T13:01:42Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " The share of energy from renewable sources consumed in transport increased between 2005 and 2018 in the EU, from under 2\u00a0% to over 8\u00a0%. Latest EEA data indicate that in 2019 this increased further, to 8.4%, indicating continuing progress towards the target set in the Renewable Energy Directive, namely that, by 2020, 10\u00a0% of all energy used in transport should be from renewable sources. However, because several countries are far from meeting this target, reaching the 10\u00a0% goal by 2020 is unlikely, at both country and EU levels. ", "language": "en", "title": "Use of renewable energy for transport in Europe", "created": "2020-10-23T08:23:56Z", "manager_user_id": "narkeras", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/use-of-cleaner-and-alternative-fuels-2/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-28-en", "modified": "2021-11-18T14:37:43Z", "indicator_codes": "CSI037, TERM031", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2020 1.3.9", "label": 148, "published": "2020-12-08T17:49:20Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": "\n The global average concentrations of various greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere continue to increase. The combustion of fossil fuels from human activities and land-use changes are largely responsible for this increase. \r\n The concentration of all GHGs, including cooling aerosols that are relevant in the context of the 2 o C temperature target, reached a value of 435 parts per million (ppm) CO 2 equivalents in 2012, an increase of about 3 ppm compared to 2011. As such the concentration continued to close on the threshold of 450 ppm. \u00a0 \r\n In 2012, t he concentration of the six GHGs included in the Kyoto Protocol had reached 449 ppm CO 2 equivalent, an increase of 171 ppm (around +62%) compared to pre-industrial levels. \r\n The concentration of CO 2 , the most important GHG, reached a level of 393 ppm by 2012, and further increased to 396 ppm in 2013. This is an increase of approximately 118 ppm (around +42%) compared to pre-industrial levels. \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations", "created": "2015-02-19T11:11:49Z", "manager_user_id": "aardejon", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/atmospheric-greenhouse-gas-concentrations-4/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-2-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:49:03Z", "indicator_codes": "CLIM052, CSI013", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2014 1.3.2", "label": 149, "published": "2015-02-27T14:00:49Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Between 1990 and 2013, final energy consumption in the EU28 increased by 2.2%.\u00a0 Between 2005 and 2013, final energy consumption decreased by 7.0% in the EU28. It was a result of decreased final\u00a0 energy consumption in\u00a0 industry, transport and households sectors, where final energy consumption\u00a0 dropped by 15.4%, 5.7% and 3.2%, respectively. \u00a0 In contrast,\u00a0the services sector was the only sector where energy consumption increased, by a figure of 5.7% over the same period. The decrease in final energy consumption since 2005 was influenced by\u00a0economic performance, structural changes in various end-use sectors, in particular industry, improvements in end-use efficiency and lower heat consumption due to favourable climatic conditions. In 2013, the EU28 was on track to meet its 2020 target for final energy consumption.\u00a0Early estimates suggest that final energy consumption decreased by a further 3.4% in 2014 compared to 2013.\u00a0 \r\n Final energy consumption in EEA countries increased by\u00a0 6.2% between 1990 and 2013 and t his difference is caused by the increased energy consumption in Turkey (115%) and Norway (17%). B etween 2005 and 2013, final energy consumption in EEA countries decreased by\u00a0 5.0% and the largest contributor of this decrease was industry sector (13.1%).\u00a0 \r\n On average, each person in the EEA countries used 2.0 tonnes of oil equivalent to meet their energy needs in 2013. ", "language": "en", "title": "Final energy consumption by sector and fuel", "created": "2015-08-31T14:24:59Z", "manager_user_id": "schistep", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/final-energy-consumption-by-sector-9/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-16-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:46:12Z", "indicator_codes": "ENER016", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2015 1.3.2", "label": 150, "published": "2015-10-21T12:01:54Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " The Water Framework Directive aims to achieve good status for all rivers, lakes and transitional and coastal waters in the EU. Achieving good ecological status for surface waters is critical to this. According to countries\u2019 second river basin management plans, good ecological status had been achieved for around 40% of surface waters (rivers, lakes and transitional and coastal waters) by 2015. However, these plans show only limited improvement in ecological status since the first plans were published in 2009, with ecological status remaining similar for most water bodies. \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Ecological status of surface waters in Europe", "created": "2021-04-07T08:01:45Z", "manager_user_id": "kristpet", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/ecological-status-of-surface-waters/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-542-en", "modified": "2021-08-31T13:25:59Z", "indicator_codes": "WAT008", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2021 1.0.7", "label": 151, "published": "2021-08-31T13:25:52Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": "\n While water is generally abundant in Europe, water scarcity and droughts continue to affect some water basins in particular\u00a0seasons. The Mediterranean region and most of the densely populated river basins in different parts of Europe are hot spots for\u00a0water stress conditions. \r\n During winter, some 30 million inhabitants\u00a0live under water stress conditions, while the figure for summer is 70 million. This corresponds to 6 % and 14 % of the total population of Europe respectively. \r\n Around 20 % of total the population of the Mediterranean region\u00a0live under permanent water stress conditions.\u00a0More than half (53 %) of the Mediterranean population is effected by water stress\u00a0during the summer.\u00a0\u00a0 \r\n At 46 % and\u00a035 % respectively, rivers and groundwater resources provide more than 80 % of the total water demand in Europe.\u00a0 \r\n Agriculture accounts for\u00a036 % of total water use on an annual scale. In summer, this increases to about 60 %. Agriculture in the Mediterranean region alone accounts for almost 75 % of total water use for agriculture in Europe. \r\n Public water supply is second to agriculture, accounting for 32 % of total water use. This puts pressure on renewable water resources, particularly in high population density areas with no water coming from upstream.\u00a0 \r\n Service sector has become one of the main pressures on renewable water resources, accounting for 11 % of total annual water use. Small Mediterranean islands in particular are under severe water stress conditions due to\u00a0receiving 10-15 times more tourists than they have local inhabitants.\u00a0 \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Use of freshwater resources", "created": "2015-10-27T11:38:40Z", "manager_user_id": "zalllnih", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/use-of-freshwater-resources-2/assessment-1", "prod_id": "IND-11-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:40:54Z", "indicator_codes": "CSI018, WAT001", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2015 1.5.4", "label": 152, "published": "2016-03-21T17:52:56Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": "\n In Europe, between 2005 and 2013, the average water intensity of crop production was around 6\u00a0 m 3 of water (irrigation plus soil moisture) for one unit of gross value added (GVA*) from all crops. \r\n In 2013, around 9 % less water was input to crops to produce the same GVA as in 2005. \r\n \u00a0 In western Europe, between 2005 and 2013, on average 5\u00a0 m 3 of water (irrigation plus soil moisture) was input to crops to generate one unit of GVA. The water intensity of crop production improved by 5 % over the period. \r\n In southern Europe, between 2005 and 2013, on average 6\u00a0 m 3 of water was input to crops to generate one unit of GVA. The water intensity of crop production improved by 13 % over the period. Crop patterns in southern Europe are, in general, associated with a relatively high GVA per hectare while irrigation is a major part of total water input to crops. \r\n In eastern Europe, between 2005 and 2013, on average 7\u00a0 m 3 of water was input to crops to generate one unit of GVA. The water intensity of crop production improved by 18 % over the peiod. Improvements in water infrastructure and agricultural equipment resulted in reduced water losses and increased harvested yields. \r\n Between 2005 and 2013, the average water intensity of crop production was lowest in the Netherlands (0.6 m 3 for one unit of GVA) in western Europe, Malta (2\u00a0 m 3 \u00a0for one unit of GVA ) in southern Europe and Slovenia (3\u00a0 m 3 \u00a0for one unit of GVA ) in eastern Europe. \r\n \r\n \r\n \u00a0\u00a0 * See definition of GVA and its units in Units section of this indicator. ", "language": "en", "title": "Water intensity of crop production", "created": "2017-04-27T07:19:09Z", "manager_user_id": "zalllnih", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/economic-water-productivity-of-irrigated-1/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-362-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:50:44Z", "indicator_codes": "WAT006", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2017 1.5.4", "label": 153, "published": "2017-12-21T12:40:17Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " Following a steady decline until 2017 and a slight increase between 2017 and 2018, average specific CO 2 emissions from new vans registered in Europe remained stable at 158.0\u00a0g\u00a0CO 2 /km in 2019. Although this is below the fleet-wide target of 175\u00a0g\u00a0CO 2 /km that applied in the period 2014-2019, it is well above the 147\u00a0g\u00a0CO 2 /km target which applies since 2020. In 2019, almost all van manufacturers met their binding CO 2 emissions target. ", "language": "en", "title": "CO2 performance emissions of new vans in Europe", "created": "2021-04-29T11:31:59Z", "manager_user_id": "schistep", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/co2-performance-emissions-of-new-vans/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-546-en", "modified": "2021-06-01T10:26:04Z", "indicator_codes": "TERM041", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2021 2.5.1", "label": 154, "published": "2021-06-01T10:26:00Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": "\n Noise pollution is a major environmental health problem in Europe. \r\n Road traffic is the most\u00a0widespread source of environmental noise, with more than 100 million people affected by harmful levels in the EEA-33 member countries. Railways, air traffic and industry are also major sources of noise. \r\n The European Union's Seventh Environment Action Programme (7th EAP) sets the objective that by 2020 noise pollution in the EU will have significantly decreased, moving closer to World Health Organization (WHO) recommended levels.\u00a0 \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Exposure of Europe's population to environmental noise", "created": "2019-10-31T10:44:26Z", "manager_user_id": "periseul", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/exposure-to-and-annoyance-by-2/assessment-4", "prod_id": "IND-233-en", "modified": "2021-11-18T14:51:41Z", "indicator_codes": "CSI051, TERM005", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2019 1.1.6", "label": 155, "published": "2019-11-21T19:44:45Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": "\n The total length of motorways in the EEA-33 increased by 19\u00a0% between 2004 and 2014. Over the same period, data show a 1 % increase in the total length of both inland waterways and pipelines, while the total length of railway track increased by less than 1\u00a0%. \r\n In the EEA-33, the total length of motorways increased by 77 % between 1990 and 2014. This compared with increases of 16 % for inland waterways and 19 % for pipelines. The total length of railways decreased by 9 % over the same time period. \r\n Infrastructure length is only a proxy measure for capacity, but the steady decrease in the length of conventional rail infrastructure between 1990 and today indicates a corresponding reduction in capacity. \u00a0 \r\n The full extent of the increase in road transport capacity on motorways may be understated, as the total length of motorways may have increased even more than shown because additional lanes are not counted (see the Indicator specification). In contrast, the railway figures give total track length, not length by route. \r\n Increasing infrastructure capacity is not always necessary to cope with capacity and congestion problems. Optimisation of the capacity of the existing infrastructure through interconnectivity, interoperability and intermodality still has much potential throughout Europe. In addition, policies to\u00a0 optimise \u00a0network\u00a0usage patterns, such as road pricing, have yet to be fully exploited. The application of these could be environmentally and socially beneficial compared with the construction of new infrastructure. \r\n ", "language": "en", "title": "Capacity of infrastructure networks", "created": "2016-10-06T13:21:38Z", "manager_user_id": "vedludia", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/capacity-of-infrastructure-networks-1/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-177-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:47:51Z", "indicator_codes": "TERM018", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2016 1.1.2", "label": 156, "published": "2016-12-01T09:15:16Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " An estimated 115 million hectares, 12 % of the total EU land area, are subject to water erosion. The projected changes in the climate during the 21st century, with increased variations in rainfall pattern and intensity, will make soils more susceptible to erosion. The off-site effects of soil erosion will increase with climate change and related changes in rainfall pattern and intensity. ", "language": "en", "title": "Soil erosion by water", "created": "2008-09-07T22:00:00Z", "manager_user_id": "louwagee", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/soil-erosion-by-water/soil-erosion-by-water-assessment", "prod_id": "IND-194-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:44:31Z", "indicator_codes": "CLIM028, LSI006", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2008 2.3.1", "label": 157, "published": "2008-09-07T22:00:00Z" }, { "translation_of_uri": null, "serial_title": null, "isbn": null, "description": " \n Surface-ocean pH has declined from 8.2 to 8.1 over the industrial era due to the growth of atmospheric CO 2 concentrations. This decline corresponds to a 30\u00a0% change in oceanic acidity. \n Observed reductions in surface-water pH are nearly identical across the global ocean and throughout Europe\u2019s seas. \n Ocean acidification in recent decades is occurring a hundred times faster than during past natural events over the last 55 million years. \n Ocean acidification already reaches into the deep ocean, particularly in the high latitudes. \n Average surface-water pH is projected to decline further to 7.7 or 7.8 by the year 2100, depending on future CO 2 emissions. This decline represents a 100 to 150 % increase in acidity. \n \n \n Ocean acidification may affect many marine organisms within the next 20 years and could alter marine ecosystems and fisheries. \n ", "language": "en", "title": "Ocean acidification", "created": "2012-11-15T08:58:35Z", "manager_user_id": "christr", "uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/ocean-acidification/assessment", "prod_id": "IND-349-en", "modified": "2021-05-11T09:50:17Z", "indicator_codes": "CLIM043", "type_uri": "http://www.eea.europa.eu/portal_types/Assessment#Assessment", "mps_code": "2012 2.0.1", "label": 158, "published": "2012-11-20T14:32:15Z" } ], "properties": {"uri": {"valueType": "url", "order": 0}, "title": {"valueType": "text", "order": 1}, "created": {"valueType": "date", "order": 2}, "modified": {"valueType": "date", "order": 3}, "published": {"valueType": "date", "order": 4}, "language": {"valueType": "text", "order": 5}, "translation_of_uri": {"valueType": "text", "order": 6}, "mps_code": {"valueType": "text", "order": 7}, "serial_title": {"valueType": "text", "order": 8}, "description": {"valueType": "text", "order": 9}, "type_uri": {"valueType": "url", "order": 10}, "isbn": {"valueType": "text", "order": 11}, "prod_id": {"valueType": "text", "order": 12}, "indicator_codes": {"valueType": "text", "order": 13}, "manager_user_id": {"valueType": "text", "order": 14}} }