The main purpose of the EEAcademy Summer School on Sustainability Transitions and the Precautionary Principle is to look backwards, understand from history, and look forwards to how the world can move towards sustainability. It will bring together a solid and diverse group of scholars and practitioners with expertise in earth systems research, risk assessment and management, business transformation, innovation governance, innovations in sustainability governance, and in exploring pathways for long term transitions to sustainability. This school targets primarily practitioners from policymaking institutions, NGOs, business and international organisations as well as researchers (advanced PhD students, postdocs).
The school will take place 27 June - 03 July 2019 in Budapest, Hungary. If you have any questions regarding this EEAcademy-CEU Summer School 2019, please send an e-mail to EEAcademy@eea.europa.eu.
The course will comprise a total of 48 credit hours (50 min sessions). This will include 5 hours of tutoring sessions between faculty members and individuals or small groups of participants.
In order to ensure a broad geographical distribution and mixture of different backgrounds, potential participants are asked to provide information on their
experience and personal
learning goals in their application.
If you want to attend the Summer School 2019 on Sustainability Transitions and the Precautionary Principle, please fill in
the Summer School application form.
The deadline for applications is the end of March 2019. You will be contacted after the deadline if your application has been successful.
If you have any questions regarding the 2019 Summer School, please feel free to contact us at EEAcademy@eea.europa.eu.
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School Team
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Sybille van den Hove
Luis Pinto
Constança Belchior
Anton Shkaruba
David Stanners
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