
About the EEAcademy

Page Last modified 15 Mar 2022
2 min read
This page was archived on 15 Mar 2022 with reason: Content is outdated
The EEAcademy is designed to encompass capacity-building and educational activities in knowledge areas where policy needs are evolving and where the EEA/Eionet experience and competences need further development to meet new challenges
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There are three foci for knowledge developments:

  • assessing systemic challenges,
  • supporting sustainability transitions and
  • improving integrated environmental assessment methods.


At its core, the EEAcademy seeks to preserve and nurture a unique body of existing organisational knowledge as well as experiment with new learning approaches in support of continuous knowledge innovation.

The EEAcademy seeks to:

  • Integrate new knowledge and practices, tracking latest developments in the sustainability arena, tapping into the new type of knowledge needed to address sustainability challenges.
  • Strengthen the current EEA/Eionet knowledge base, formalising and consolidating existing methodologies, encouraging new approaches and assess their quality and legitimacy in contrast with other approaches.
  • Connecting knowledge and know-how that is otherwise fragmented (addressing integrated assessments, sustainability transitions and systemic challenges in a comprehensive manner).
  • Learning from and building capacity within the Eionet and beyond, supplementing existing education programmes and supporting a community of practitioners in the field.
  • Enhancing collaboration, mutual learning and knowledge sharing – towards the co-creation of knowledge in a transdisciplinary, reflexive approach.
  • Future activities will be carried out in partnership with academia and/or other knowledge communities, including targeted cooperation with existing institutional projects or research activities.



Lecture Series and Seminars (including webinars)

  • It is envisioned to develop an online web-based catalogue of lectures primarily aimed at sharing knowledge within EEA/Eionet.
  • Based on selected strategic content which is open, prospective, and at the cutting edge of systemic innovation and change, with an overarching focus on supporting long-term transitions to sustainability.
  • Attention is put on improving the leverage of existing knowledge and know-how in policy and decision making alongside the Scientific Committee.

Winter / Summer Schools and Training Workshops

  • Primarily aimed at building capacity, these activities seek to enhance and transform the knowledge-base, through hands-on practical approaches applied to the specific working contexts or relevant content.
  • Designed as learning processes, these programmes are normally conducted by joint EEA/Eionet teams, involving experts from partner institutions, academia or research communities.
  • The activities focus on improving the know-how and professional development of knowledge actors and assessors in environmental sustainability especially those working in EEA/Eionet and EU bodies.


In the making:

  • Knowledge Innovation Lab
  • Online Learning Platform


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