
EEA/IAR/001/2000 - Expert assistance to the transport and environment reporting mechanishm - activities 2000 - 2001

Call For Tender Published 01 Jan 2000

Dear sirs,

Subject: Call for tender EEA/IAR/001/2000

Expert assistance to the transport and environment reporting mechanishm - activities 2000 - 2001

Please find enclosed the technical specification and other annexes which you requested following the publication of call for tender EEA/IAR/001/2000 in the Official Journal of the European Communities (No. S3-001224) of 6 January 2000.


Should you wish to make an offer, please submit a tender in triplicate by 12.2.2000 to following address:
Reply to call for tender EEA/IAR/001/2000
Ms. Ann Dom
European Environment Agency
Kongens Nytorv 6
DK-1050 Copenhagen K

You may submit your tender:

  • either by registered mail, posted not later than 12.2.2000;
  • or by delivery (in person or by an authorised representative or by private courier service) to the address above to arrive not later than 16.00 hours on 12.2.2000. Should you choose to submit your tender by delivery, a receipt must be obtained as proof of submission, signed and dated by the official of the Agency who received the delivery.

The tender (in triplicate) must be placed inside two sealed envelopes. The inner envelope, addressed to Ms. Ann Dom, must be marked Invitation to tender - not to be opened by the Agency's internal mail service. If self-adhesive envelopes are used, they must be sealed with self-adhesive tape, and the sender must sign across the tape.

The submission of a tender implies acceptance of the terms specified in the General terms and conditions applicable to contractors, a copy of which you will find enclosed. This covers all matters not governed by the invitation to tender and implies a waiver of your company's own terms of business.

The tender will be valid for a period of 12 months from 12.2.2000.

You will be informed in writing whether your tender has been accepted or not.

Yours sincerely,

David Stanners (Dr.)
Programme Manager
Integrated Assessment and Prospective Analysis

Copy of call for tender EEA/IAR/001/2000, OJ 2000/S3-001224 Technical specifications of tender EEA/IAR/001/2000 and annexes (PDF 130 Kb)

TERM Executive summary, final draft
(PDF 196 Kb)

TERM Main Report, final draft (PDF 2.03 Mb)

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