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Audiovisual procurement and production work for the European Environment Agency
(See also downloadable documents at the bottom of this page)
Open Procedure
1. Awarding authority and place of delivery
The European Environment Agency
Kongens Nytorv 6
DK-1050 Copenhagen K
Telephone +45-33 36 71 00
Telefax +45-33 36 71 97
2. Award procedure: Open call for tender No. EEA/ITS/02/004
3. Purpose
To provide the European Environment Agency with services relating to:
Lot 1: Procurement of audiovisual equipment.
Lot 2: Production of audiovisual material relating to EEA organisational matters, agency products, environmental information or other related issues.
4. Contract details
To establish one or more framework agreements for a period of three years with two possible extensions of one year each, and on the condition that the criteria (below) are continuously met.
Under the framework contracts, the selected companies will be engaged through specific agreements for each concrete project.
5. Request for specifications
a) Detailed specifications of the work to be undertaken are available herewith as attachments (see links below) or by e-mail from Written requests can also be sent by fax +45-33367197, or mail, to Linda Jandrup, European Environment Agency, Kongens Nytorv 6, DK-1050 Copenhagen K.
b) The specifications are dispatched free of charge.
6. Submission of tenders
a) Languages in which the tenders must be drawn up: one of the official languages of the European Environment Agency (the 11 official languages of the EU plus Bulgarian, Czech, Estonian, Hungarian, Icelandic, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Rumanian, Polish, Slovak, Slovenian and Turkish).
b) Deadline: Offers must be received 52 calendar days or on the first working day after, following dispatch of this call for tender to the Official Journal of European Communities.
c) Offers may be submitted for one or both lots.
Tenderers will be required to comply fully with the invitation to tender.
7. Opening of tenders
Officials from the Agency and EEAs Financial Controller are authorised to be present at the opening.
8. Prices and terms
Submission of a tender implies acceptance of the terms specified in the Agencys General terms and conditions applicable to contracts in all matters not governed by this invitation to tender and waiver your companys own terms of business.
Prices must be in euro and VAT must be specified where applicable.
9. Selection criteria
10. Awarding criteria
10.1 Lot 1: Procurement of audiovisual equipment
Quotations of costs of preparing and executing specimen procurements as described in the annex II below.
10.2 Lot 2: Audiovisual content production
The purpose of the specimen quotation is to facilitate comparison between bids, and it is therefore important the quotations be completed.
11. Date of dispatch of the notice: 5 July 2002
12. Date of receipt by the Office of Official Publications of the European Communities: 5 July 2002
Downloads: |
Download the PDF-files below.
Annex I Procedure for submitting an offer
Annex II Technical annex
Annex IIa Specimen quotations
Annex III Identification sheet
Annex IV Draft framework contract
Annex V Draft SA
Annex VI General conditions
Annex VII Reimbursement of travel
Annexes I-VII All of the annexes in one pdf
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PDF generated on 08 Sep 2024, 03:46 PM
Open call for tender EEA/EAS/002/02
Developing a High Nature Value farming area indicator
Invitation to tender EEA/.......
Project manager: Ybele Hoogeveen
1. Introduction
1.1 Background
Agriculture manages approximately 50% of all land in Europe. Regional farming traditions and extensive management practices have resulted in rich cultural landscapes with associated high biodiversity, commonly referred to as High Nature Value farming areas. Due to intensification of European agriculture, however, their extent has decreased and considerable biodiversity loss has occurred. The importance of HNV farming areas is recognised in several EU documents, such as the Rural Development Regulation 1257/1999 (as an objective for agri-environment schemes), the EC Biodiversity Action Plan for Agriculture, and Commission Communications on agri-environmental indicators (COM(2000) 20 and COM(2001) 144).
It is difficult to give an accurate and comprehensive European picture of the current situation and extent of remaining HNV farming areas. In spite of previous work during the 1990s, there is no consistent and commonly accepted indicator that combines relevant data on farming practice and associated biodiversity. Many relevant data sources are insufficiently detailed or have regional gaps. However, maintaining and developing HNV farming areas is crucial for protecting biodiversity on farmland in Europe. Policy measures, such as agri-environment schemes, should adequately target the remaining HNV farming areas.
An indicator for High Nature Value farming areas is urgently required to:
As a contribution to agri-environmental indicator development in the framework of a Memorandum of Understanding between DG Agri, DG Env, DG Eurostat, DG JRC and the EEA, and in view of the expected IRENA project on agri-environmental indicators, the EEA has therefore decided to include the development of a HNV farming area indicator in its 2002 work programme.
1.2. Previous work
On 21 and 22 February, an expert meeting was held at EEA to discuss options for the development of a HNV farming area indicator and discuss data availability. In general, there was a preference for an approach, in which farming characteristics (input/product/management parameters) would be combined with biogeographical data (quality parameters). It appeared very difficult to find HNV farming parameters that are suitable across Europe, since farming practices show big regional variation. Instead the most promising approach appeared to be to build on a simple classification of regional farming systems. In spite of the difficulty of developing a detailed concept during just one meeting, some preliminary parameters, that would be relevant in the development of a HNV farming area indicator, were proposed (see table 1).
Table 1. Preliminary HNV parameters.
Farming characteristics |
Nature quality |
Input use (fertiliser/pesticide/fodder import) |
Landscape diversity parameters |
Management practices (crop rotation) |
Share of semi-natural habitats |
Livestock density |
Presence of key species |
Biomass production/ ha of Utilized Agricultural Area (UAA) |
Data availability was not discussed in detail, given the general character of the preliminary parameters. Among other options, remote sensing techniques, as applied in Corine Land Cover, were considered helpful, but at present their resolution and discerning power are insufficient to delineate for example semi-natural grasslands. Sample based land use inventories, such as the LUCAS project, may provide useful additional data, but relevant agro-environmental aspects are still insufficiently covered in current surveys. For modelling and interpreting land use data as well as agricultural production trends, several tools are available (MARS, ELPEN, CAPRI).
The recommendations included further research into the link between farm management and farmland biodiversity and pilot studies to test different approaches for the development of a HNV farming area indicator. A second expert meeting on the basis of a further developed HNV concept was also recommended. A summary record of the results of the expert meeting is attached in annex 1.
2. Objective of the contract
The objective of the contract is to develop and test a HNV farming area indicator at EU level, on the basis of an in-depth analysis of presently available data. Secondly, the contractor should evaluate possibilities and availability of data for expanding the HNV farming area indicator, and related data sets, to all EEA member countries. The indicator to be developed should allow for a precise geographical definition of HNV farming areas and should be validated in three pilot regions. It needs to meet the general criteria as given in the Commission Communication on agri-environmental indicators (COM (2001) 144 final):
In addition, the work under the contract should build on the outcome of the expert meeting taking into account the set of preliminary parameters. Close co-ordination of work under the contract with other work at the EEA, such as the expected project on biodiversity implementation indicators, and the European Topic Centres for Terrestrial Environment as well as Biological Diversity needs to be ensured at all times. Consultation and co-operation with other partners in the Memorandum of Understanding between DG Agri, DG Env, DG Eurostat, DG JRC and the EEA is also essential.
3. Tasks
The tasks to be performed are:
Completion of the work is estimated to require between 250 300 working days. Approximately 40 % of that amount is likely to be spent on tasks 1 and 2. However, these figures should be taken as guidance only.
4. Geographic coverage
The HNV farming area indicator must in principle be applicable in all EEA member countries:
All EU Member States (EU15), plus Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Slovenia, Cyprus, Malta and Turkey. Options for extending the work to Switzerland should be investigated.
5. Time schedule and organisation of work
The work should begin within three weeks of signing the contract and be executed in discussion with the respective EEA Project Manager over a period of twelve months.
The results of tasks 1 and 2 should be presented to the EEA Project Manager for approval before starting tasks 3 and 4.
There are no special requirements regarding the location of work. It is envisaged that three meetings with the EEA Project Manager will be necessary:
Under the coordination of the EEA project manager, co-operation with the EEA Topic Centres on Terrestrial Environment as well as Biological Diversity should be sought.
6. Reports and documents to be submitted
The consultant should submit the following reports:
The final report and the map of HNV farming areas in the EU must be suitable for publication as a technical report of the EEA.
7. Payment
8. Contract
In drawing up the bid, the tenderer should bear in mind the provisions of the standard contract attached to this invitation to tender (Annex I).
This contract can be extended according to the original conditions. Such an extension has to be applied for at least one month before expiry of the original contract.
9. The tender must include:
10. Prices
The estimate of costs should be based on Annexes I/III/IV of these specifications and include any travel required to meet representatives of the Agency. In any event it should include the maximum amount of travel and subsistence expenses payable for the services provided.
11. Tenders from consortiums of firms or groups of service providers, contractors or suppliers must specify the role, qualifications and experience of each member or group.
12. Contract awarding criteria
Contract will be awarded to the tenderer whose offer is the most advantageous taking into account:
Annex 1: HNV Proceedings (summary record)
Annex I: Model for standard study contract
Annex II: Reports and documents
Annex III: General terms and conditions applicable to contracts awarded by the EEA
Annex IV: Reimbursement of travel expenses
Annex V: VAT and excise duty exemption form
Technical specification + annexes 1, I-V
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PDF generated on 08 Sep 2024, 03:46 PM
Events services for the European Environment Agency
(See also downloadable documents at the bottom of this page)
Open Procedure
1. Awarding authority and place of delivery
The European Environment Agency,
Kongens Nytorv 6,
DK-1050 Copenhagen K,
Telephone +45-33 36 71 00,
Telefax +45-33 36 71 97.
2. Award procedure: Open call for tender No. EEA/ITS/02/003
3. Purpose
To provide the European Environment Agency with services relating to the preparation and carrying out of events on EEA matters, agency products, environmental information or other related issues.
4. Contract details
The selected company will be awarded a framework contract for three years with two possible extensions of one year each, and on the condition that the criteria (below) are continuously met.
Under the framework contract, the selected company will be engaged through specific agreements for each concrete project.
5. Request for specifications
(a) Detailed specifications of the work to be undertaken are attached or can be requested by e- mail from Written requests can also be sent by fax +45-33367197, or mail, to Linda Jandrup, European Environment Agency, Kongens Nytorv 6, DK-1050 Copenhagen K.
(b) The specifications are dispatched free of charge.
6. Submission of tenders
(a) Languages in which the tenders must be drawn up: one of the 22 official languages of the European Environment Agency (the 11 official languages of the EU plus Bulgarian, Czech, Estonian, Hungarian, Icelandic, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Rumanian, Slovak and Slovenian).
(b) Deadline: Offers must be received 52 calendar days or on the first working day after, following dispatch of this call for tender to the Official Journal of European Communities.
Tenderers will be required to comply fully with the invitation to tender.
7. Opening of tenders
Officials from the Agency and EEA's Financial Controller are authorised to be present at the opening.
8. Prices and terms
Submission of a tender implies acceptance of the terms specified in the Agency's "General terms and conditions applicable to contracts" in all matters not governed by this invitation to tender and waiver your company's own terms of business.
Prices must be in euro and VAT must be specified where applicable.
9. Selection criteria
10. Awarding criteria
(The purpose of the specimen quotation is to facilitate comparison between bids, and it is therefore important the quotations be completed).
11. Date of dispatch of the notice: 4 June 2002
12. Date of receipt by the Office of Official Publications of the European Communities: 4 June 2002
Annex I Procedure for submitting an offer
Annex II Technical specifications
Annex IIa - Specimen quotation for events call for tender
Annex III Identifiaction sheet
Annex IV Draft framework contract
Annex V Draft specific agreement
Annex VI General conditions
Annex VII Reimbursement of travel expenses
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PDF generated on 08 Sep 2024, 03:46 PM
Call for Tender EEA/ADM/02/001
Framework contract for Office and paper supplies
Open procedure
Awarding authority:
European Environment Agency
Kongens Nytorv 6
DK-1050 Copenhagen K
Tel: (+45) 33 36 71 00
Fax: (+45) 33 36 71 99
Award procedure:
Open call for Tender (ref.: EEA/ADM/02/001)
Description of project:
Purchase of office and paper supplies
Contract type:
Purchase, framework contract
Division into lots:
Documents from:
European Environment Agency
Domingo Zorrilla
Kongens Nytorv 6
DK-1050 Copenhagen K
Tel: (+45) 33 36 71 00
Fax: (+45) 33 36 71 99
Deadline for receipt of tenders:
52 days from dispatch of notice (03/05/02)
25 June 2002 16.00
Spanish, Danish, German, Greek, English, French, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Finnish, Swedish.
Opening of tenders (persons admitted):
European Environment Agencys representatives, the financial controller and one representative of each tenderer.
Financing and payment:
Please see tender documents
Legal status:
- Identification sheet
- Copy of trade register (if applicable)
- Copy of VAT registration (if applicable)
Financial capacity:
Exclusion cases: Companies being bankrupt or wound up, have ceased or suspended business activities, have suspended payments, have entered into an agreement with creditors or undertaken similar measures, or be subject to any procedure of this kind.
Technical capacity:
- presentation and description of the firms activities
- Please include a sample of the following items in your tender to compare quality:Item No. 11: Carton binder green (1 flap)
Item No. 14: CD-rom recordable
Item No. 79: Plastic folder A4 0,11 mm
Item No. 87: Ringbinder A4 7cm 1414
Item No. 111: Recycling paper A4 "Svan mark" (some pages)
Offers should be made for the goods indicated in Annex II or comparable products of similar quality.
Tenders may lapse after:
6 months from the closing date of this call for tender
Award criteria:
The most economically advantageous tender as stated below:
- Quality
- Price
- Stability of delivery
- Environmental considerations
Other information:
European Environment Agency
Domingo Zorrilla
Kongens Nytorv 6
DK-1050 Copenhagen K
Tel: (+45) 33 36 71 00
Fax: (+45) 33 36 71 99
Annex 1-5 [224 Kb PDF] Procedure for submitting a Call for Tender, Technical specifications, General terms and conditions, Deaft framework contract, Identification sheet
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PDF generated on 08 Sep 2024, 03:46 PM
Framework contract for expert assistance in the area of energy and environment
(Download of annexes at the bottom of this page)
OPEN procedure (EEA/EAS/001/02)
1. Awarding authority:
The European Environment Agency
Kongens Nytorv 6
DK-1050 Copenhagen
Tel: (+45) 33 36 71 00
Fax: (+45) 33 36 71 99
2. Award procedure:
Open call for tender (ref.: EEA/EAS/001/02)
3. Description and objectives of project:
Following the Cardiff Summit, increasing attention is being given by the European Environment Agency to the monitoring of the progress of the integration of environmental concerns into the energy sectors policies and to the assessment of the effectiveness of related policy instruments.
The energy sector has been defined to include all energy related activities, both energy supply activities (coal, oil and gas exploration and extraction, public electricity and heat production, refineries and other industries engaged in transforming primary energy into other energy products) and energy consumption activities (from the transport, industry, household, services and agriculture sectors). The Agencys activities related to the energy sector (and its interaction with environment) requires access to a wide range of expertise, in particular on the integrated assessment of pressures/impacts engendered by the sector, energy - environment policy integration, energy economy, pricing, taxation, technology, links with other sectors etc. In addition, expertise will also be required regarding the wider sustainability concerns, including energy related socio-economic and health impacts and benefits.
Taking into account the priorities in the current and coming EEA work programmes, and the expertise currently available in the EEA and in its EIONET network (in particular European Topic Centres) and the co-operation with Eurostat (responsible for providing most of the statistics on developments in the socio-economic sectors), expertise is being sought to support the development of the Agencys energy related activities and the preparation of the Agencys 2002-2004 activities and projects on energy and the environment.
4. Purpose of call for tender:
To establish a framework agreement with a contractor that can provide broad support to the EEAs various energy related tasks and projects in the implementation of its work programmes for 2002, 2003 and 2004.
5. Tasks:
Tasks can, among others, include:
These tasks are to be developed in close co-operation with EEA project managers, the European Topic Centres and Eurostat.
The offer should express the tenderers views and insights on the tasks mentioned in the description above and experience in the aspects mentioned in point 10 below.
The broader requirements of the energy related projects being developed by the EEA will determine the numbers of days and staff to be allocated to each specific agreements that will be concluded under this framework contract.
6. Duration of the framework contract:
Three years (36 months) from the date of signing the contract, with the possibility to renew it twice for a period of one year, its maximum duration being limited to 5 years.
The expected consultancy workload for the first working year is (indicatively) estimated at 250 staff-days.
7. Request for tender documents:
8. Submission of tenders:
9. Persons authorised to be present at the opening of tenders:
Officials from the Agency and financial controller.
10. Prices and payment terms:
The contractors will be expected to offer their services at daily rates (in EURO per day) according to the expertise offered and levels of experience (i.e. senior and junior contractor). Travel and subsistence expenses likely to be incurred in the course of execution of the contract (for short term missions to EEA and elsewhere) are to be excluded from these daily rates and indicated separately.
Travel and subsidence costs for short term missions to EEA or elsewhere shall be agreed under the specific agreements, and shall be reimbursed in accordance with the rules and conditions relating to the payment of missions expenses in force at the Agency.
In addition, daily rates have to be given for longer term periods of intra muros work at the EEAs premises in Copenhagen (more than 14 consecutive days). These need to specify the daily fees and travel/subsistence costs (as calculated by the contractor) separately.
The terms of payment will be specified in the specific agreements and are those which are in force at the European Environment Agency for Service contracts.
11. Selection criteria:
Tenderers must provide evidence of their identity, financial and economic standing and professional and technical qualifications by means of the following documents:
Tenders will lapse: 12 months after the final date for receipt of tenders.
12. Award criteria:
The contract will be awarded to the tenderer whose offer is the most advantageous in the working area or areas of interest, taking into account the following criteria:
Tenderers from consortiums of firms or groups of service providers or contractors shall specify the role, qualifications and experience of each member or group.
13. Framework contract
The successful company/consortium will be offered a framework contract of three years (36 months) from the date of signing the contract, with the possibility to renew it twice for a period of one year.
On the basis of this framework contract, the contractor will be engaged by the EEA, through specific agreements for each concrete energy related project.
14. Date of dispatch of the notice:
15. Date of receipt by the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities:
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Copenhagen, September 17, 2001
OPEN procedure (EEA/IAR/006/01)
1. Awarding authority:
The European Environment Agency
Kongens Nytorv 6
DK-1050 Copenhagen
Tel: (+45) 33 36 71 00
Fax: (+45) 33 36 71 99
2. Award procedure:
Open call for tender (ref.: EEA/IAR/006/01)
3. Description and objectives of project:
Following the Cardiff Summit, increasing attention is being given by the European Environment Agency to the monitoring of the progress of the integration of environmental concerns into transport policies and to the assessment of the effectiveness of related policy instruments.
The Agencys activities related to the transport sector (and its interaction with environment) requires access to a wide range of expertise, in particular on the integrated assessment of pressures/impacts engendered by the sector, transport - environment policy integration, transport economy, pricing, taxation, demand management, logistics, technology, links with spatial development and other sectors, travel behaviour etc. In addition, expertise will also be required regarding the wider sustainability concerns, including transport related socio-economic and health impacts and benefits. Taking into account the priorities in the current and coming EEA work programmes, and the expertise currently available in the EEA and in its EIONET network (in particular European Topic Centres) and the co-operation with Eurostat (responsible for providing most of the statistics on developments in the sectors), expertise is being sought to support the development of the Agencys transport related activities and the preparation of the Agencys 2002-2004 activities and projects on transport and the environment.4. Purpose of call for tender:
To establish a framework agreement with a contractor that can provide broad support to the EEAs various transport related tasks and projects in the implementation of its work programmes for 2002, 2003 and 2004.
5. Tasks:
Tasks can, among others, include:
These tasks are to be developed in close co-operation with EEA project managers, the European Topic Centres and Eurostat.
The offer should express the tenderers views and insights on the tasks mentioned in the description above and experience in the aspects mentioned in point 10 below.
The broader requirements of the transport related projects being developed by the EEA will determine the numbers of days and staff to be allocated to each specific agreements that will concluded under this framework contract.
6. Duration of the framework contract:
Three years (36 months) from the date of signing the contract, with the possibility to renew it twice for a period of one year, its maximum duration being limited to 5 years.
The expected consultancy workload for the first working year is (indicatively) estimated at 400 staff-days.
7. Request for tender documents:
8. Submission of tenders:
9. Persons authorised to be present at the opening of tenders:
Officials from the Agency and financial controller.
10. Prices and payment terms:
The contractors will be expected to offer their services at daily rates (in EURO per day) according to the expertise offered and levels of experience (i.e. senior and junior contractor). Travel and subsistence expenses likely to be incurred in the course of execution of the contract (for short term missions to EEA and elsewhere) are to be excluded from these daily rates and indicated separately.
Travel and subsidence costs for short term missions to EEA or elsewhere shall be agreed under the specific agreements, and shall be reimbursed in accordance with the rules and conditions relating to the payment of missions expenses in force at the Agency.
In addition, daily rates have to be given for longer term periods of intra muros work at the EEAs premises in Copenhagen (more than 14 consecutive days). These need to specify the daily fees and travel/subsistence costs (as calculated by the contractor) separately.
The terms of payment will be specified in the specific agreements and are those which are in force at the European Environment Agency for Service contracts.
11. Selection criteria:
Tenderers must provide evidence of their identity, financial and economic standing and professional and technical qualifications by means of the following documents:
Tenders will lapse: 12 months after the final date for receipt of tenders.
12. Award criteria:
The contract will be awarded to the tenderer whose offer is the most advantageous in the working area or areas of interest, taking into account the following criteria:
Tenders from consortiums of firms or groups of service providers or contractors shall specify the role, qualifications and experience of each member or group.
13. Framework contract
The successful company/consortium will be offered a framework contract of three years (36 months) from the date of signing the contract, with the possibility to renew it twice for a period of one year.
On the basis of this framework contract, the contractor will be engaged by the EEA, through specific agreements for each concrete transport related project.
14. Date of dispatch of the notice: September 6, 2001
15. Date of receipt by the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities: September 6, 2001
Enclosures: Call for tender documents (136 Kb PDF)
Annex VI: TERM 2001 report (1.37 Mb PDF)
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PDF generated on 08 Sep 2024, 03:46 PM
Open Call for Tender:
Operation of the European Environment Agencys telecommunication services
The European Environment Agency, Copenhagen, Denmark
Open call for tender (ref.: EEA/ADM/01/002)
Tenderers must provide evidence of their identity, financial and economic standing and professional and technical qualifications by means of the following documentation:
The contract will be awarded to the tenderer whose offer is the most advantageous taking into account of:
Eclosures: Call for tender documents
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PDF generated on 08 Sep 2024, 03:46 PM
Open Call for Tender
Framework contract for the running of the security at the
European Environment Agency
11. Date of dispatch of the notice:
12. Date of receipt by the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities:
Enclosures: Call for tender documents (PDF 172 Kb)
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PDF generated on 08 Sep 2024, 03:46 PM
Call for Tender EEA/ADM/001/01
Open Procedure
1. Awarding authority and place of delivery
The European Environment Agency, Kongens Nytorv 6, DK-1050 Copenhagen K, Denmark, Telephone + 45 33 36 71 00, Telefax + 45 33 36 72 94.
2. Award procedure: Open call for tender no. EEA/ADM/001/01.
3. Purpose
Contract an employment agency in order to have at disposal, for limited periods of time, personnel with different professional profiles (secretarial personnel, personal assistants, administrative assistants, service personnel).
4. Contract details
The selected company will be awarded a framework contract for an initial period of one year, subject to tacit renewal on a yearly basis and the total duration not exceeding five consecutive years.
Tenderers will be required to comply fully with the invitation to tender.
7. Opening of tenders
Officials from the European Environment Agency and EEAs Financial Controller are authorised to be present at the opening.
8. Prices and terms
Prices shall be expressed in EUR and shall not be affected by any changes in the rate of the EUR against other currencies.
Submission of tender implies acceptance of the terms specified in the EEAs General terms and conditions applicable to contracts in all matters not governed by this invitation to tender and waiver your companys own terms or business.
11. Date of dispatch of the notice: 22 June 2001
12. Date of receipt by the Office of the Official Publications of the European Communities:
Enclosures: Call for tender documents (PDF 147 KB)
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PDF generated on 08 Sep 2024, 03:46 PM
Development of indicator fact sheets and writing of chapters for the Kiev report
OPEN procedure
1. Awarding authority: The European Environment Agency, Kongens Nytorv 6, DK-1050 Copenhagen, Denmark, Tel: (++45) 33 36 71 00, Fax: (++45) 33 36 71 99
2. Award procedure: Open call for tender (ref.: EEA/IAR/003/001)
4. Contract duration: The service must be completed within 12 months from the date of signature of the contract.
7. Persons authorised to be present at the opening of tenders: Officials from the agency and financial controller.
11. The contract is covered by the GATT Agreement.
12. Date of dispatch of the notice:
13. Date of receipt by the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities:
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PDF generated on 08 Sep 2024, 03:46 PM
Copenhagen, June 2001
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for requesting specifications for the above call for tender to award a framework contract for the running of the Canteen at the European Environment Agency.
We hereby invite you to submit an offer for the tasks in accordance with the
procedure for submission outlined in Annex I attached, by 1 August 2001 to:
European Environment Agency
Att.: Domingo Zorrilla
Kongens Nytorv 6 DK-1050
Copenhagen Denmark
In case you have any questions, please contact me by e-mail at
Yours faithfully,
Domingo Zorrilla Logistic Manager
Annex I: Procedure for submitting a Call for Tender
Annex II: Technical specifications
Annex III: Identification sheet
Annex IV: Draft framework contract
Annex V: General terms and conditions applicable to contracts
(N.B. Further information on the EEA and its products can be found on the EEA website:
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PDF generated on 08 Sep 2024, 03:46 PM
Information Technology Consultancy
and Services
for the European Environment Agency
Open Procedure
1. Awarding authority and place of delivery
The European Environment Agency, Kongens Nytorv
6, DK-1050 Copenhagen K,
Telephone +45-33 36 71 00, Telefax +45-33 36 71 97.
2. Award procedure: Open call for tender No. EEA/TIE/01/001
3. Purpose
To provide the European Environment Agency with a wide range of IT consultancy and services for the EEA Web site, intranet, cross-media publishing, office applications and database management systems.
4. Contract details
The selected companies will be awarded a framework contract for three years with two possible extensions of one year each, and on the condition that the selection criteria (below) are continuously met. Tenders have to cover at least 10 of the areas of expertise listed.
Under the framework contracts, companies will be engaged through specific agreements for each concrete project.
5. Request for specifications
(a) Detailed specifications of
the work to be undertaken can be obtained by e-mail from or by fax +45-33367197. The specifications
are also available on the Internet at the following location: Written requests can also be
sent to Linda Jandrup, European Environment Agency, Kongens
Nytorv 6, DK-1050 Copenhagen K.
(b) Deadline for request of specifications is 37 days from the
date of publication of the call for tender in the Official Journal
of the European Communities.
(c) The specifications are dispatched free of charge.
6. Submission of tenders
(a) Languages in which the tenders must
be drawn up: one of the 13 official languages of the European
Environment Agency (the 11 official Community languages, plus
Norwegian and Icelandic).
(b) Deadline: Offers must be received 52 calendar days or on the
first working day after, following the publication of this call for
tender in the Official Journal of European Communities.
Tenderers will be required to comply fully with the invitation to tender.
7. Opening of tenders
Officials from the Agency and EEAs Financial Controller are authorised to be present at the opening.
8. Prices and terms
Prices must be in euro. The offer must include the total cost per day for intramuros work at the Agency premises and, where applicable, cost per day for extramuros work carried out at the contractors premises.
Submission of a tender implies acceptance of the terms specified in the Agencys "General terms and conditions applicable to contracts" in all matters not governed by this invitation to tender and waiver your companys own terms of business.
9. Selection criteria
Tenderers must provide evidence of their professional and technical qualifications by means of the following documentation:
10. Award criteria
For each area of expertise the tenders will be scored for the two latter award criteria and companies matching the minimum criteria for at least 10 areas of expertise will be ranked for each, based on the ratio of daily rates to scores. The three companies getting the highest overall ranking, based on their 10 best areas, will be awarded a framework contract.
11. Areas of expertise
A company may choose to submit a tender for any combination of the areas below, but a minimum of 10 areas of expertise must be offered.
Deadline for requesting documentation: 1 April 2001
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CALL FOR TENDER: EEA/IAR/001/01 Should you wish to make an offer, please submit a tender in triplicate by 26th February 2001 to the following address:
You may submit your tender:
The tender (in triplicate) must be placed inside two sealed envelopes. The inner envelope, addressed to Ms. Teresa Ribeiro, must be marked Invitation to tender - not to be opened by the Agency's internal mail service. If self-adhesive envelopes are used, they must be sealed with self-adhesive tape, and the sender must sign across the tape. The submission of a tender implies acceptance of the terms specified in the General terms and conditions applicable to contractors, a copy of which you will find enclosed. This covers all matters not governed by the invitation to tender and implies a waiver of your company's own terms of business. The tender will be valid for a period of 9 months from 26th February 2001. You will be informed in writing whether your tender has been accepted or not.
Yours sincerely, David Stanners (Dr.) |
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Dear sirs, Subject: Call for tender EEA/IAR/001/2000 Please find enclosed the technical specification and other annexes which you requested following the publication of call for tender EEA/IAR/001/2000 in the Official Journal of the European Communities (No. S3-001224) of 6 January 2000.
Should you wish to make an offer, please
submit a tender in triplicate by 12.2.2000 to following address: You may submit your tender:
The tender (in triplicate) must be placed inside two sealed envelopes. The inner envelope, addressed to Ms. Ann Dom, must be marked Invitation to tender - not to be opened by the Agency's internal mail service. If self-adhesive envelopes are used, they must be sealed with self-adhesive tape, and the sender must sign across the tape. The submission of a tender implies acceptance of the terms specified in the General terms and conditions applicable to contractors, a copy of which you will find enclosed. This covers all matters not governed by the invitation to tender and implies a waiver of your company's own terms of business. The tender will be valid for a period of 12 months from 12.2.2000. You will be informed in writing whether
your tender has been accepted or not. Yours sincerely, David Stanners (Dr.) Enclosures: |
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EEA Calls for Tender Copenhagen, 24 July 1999 Call for tender EEA/AIA/003/99
Please find enclosed the technical specifications and other annexes which you requested following the publication of call for tender EEA/AIA/003/99 in the Official Journal of the European Communities (No. S142) of 24 July 1999 (ref. 99/S 142-104713). Should you wish to make an offer, please submit a tender in triplicate by 4 September 1999 to the following address: Reply to call for tender EEA/AIA/003/99 You may submit your tender:
The tender (in triplicate) must be placed inside two sealed envelopes. The inner envelope, addressed to Mr. Peter Bosch., must be marked Invitation to tender - not to be opened by the Agency's internal mail service. If self-adhesive envelopes are used, they must be sealed with self-adhesive tape, and the sender must sign across the tape. The submission of a tender implies acceptance of the terms specified in the General terms and conditions applicable to contractors, a copy of which you will find enclosed. This covers all matters not governed by the invitation to tender and implies a waiver of your company's own terms of business. The tender will be valid for a period of 9 months from 4.9.1999. You will be informed in writing whether your tender has been accepted or not. Yours sincerely,
David Stanners (Dr.)
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