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See Corrigendum.
The European Environment Agency (EEA) and the European Environment and Information Network (Eionet) were established by Regulation (EEC) No 1210/90 of 7 May 1990 with later amendments (the founding regulation – codified version is Regulation (EC) No 401/2009 of 23 April 2009).
The core objective of the European Environment Agency (EEA) is to produce European, pan-European and regional integrated environmental data and indicator sets, assessments and thematic analyses in order to provide a sound decision basis for environmental policies in the EU and member countries of the EEA, and for cooperation with candidate and potential candidate countries to the EU and those covered by the European Neighbourhood Policy.
Data and information are gathered and disseminated through the Eionet, which is a collaborative network of the EEA and its 32 member countries, connecting National Focal Points (NFPs) in the EU and collaborating countries, European Topic Centres (ETCs) and National Reference Centres (NRCs).
The EEA thus works intensively with Eionet as well as cooperating countries and a wide range of partner institutions, including the European Commission, government departments and agencies, international conventions and UN bodies, the scientific, technical and research communities, the private sector and civil society in order to provide comprehensive and quality-assured data and information to policy-makers and the general public.
The Scientific Committee provides essential support to the governance of the European Environment Agency. As set out in article 10 of the founding regulation, it assists the Management Board and the Executive Director in carrying out their duties by providing independent scientific opinions on the Agency’s annual and multi-annual work programmes, on the recruitment of scientific staff, and on scientific questions directed to it by the Management Board or Executive Director.
The Committee as a body and its individual members also advise the Board, the EEA and the Eionet on other scientific matters.
The EEA Scientific Committee is composed of members of high scientific standing in one or more key areas of expertise relevant to the work of the EEA.
As a whole the members cover all key areas of expertise relevant to the work of the EEA, as well as reflecting regional and gender balances to the extent possible. It is estimated that a committee size of approximately 15 members should be adequate to achieve this.
The Chairperson and two Vice-Chairpersons of the Scientific Committee are elected from amongst its members.
The members of Scientific Committee are expected to attend its meetings on a regular basis – at least twice per year. Meetings of the Scientific Committee shall normally be held at the EEA premises in Copenhagen.
Members of the Scientific Committee do not receive remuneration but are entitled to an indemnity for each full day meeting. Members will also receive travel and subsistence allowance in accordance with the Agency’s policy for the reimbursement of travel and accommodation expenses.
The Chairman and rapporteurs are entitled to an indemnity to defray costs related to the coordination of draft opinions.
The EEA organises this call to appoint approximately 5 Scientific Committee members with expertise in one or more of the following priority areas as identified by the EEA Management Board:
To assist the Agency with scientific advice on biodiversity, nature conservation and ecosystems resilience and ecosystems-based management, in support to the implementation of the EU biodiversity strategy to 2020 “Our life insurance, our natural capital”. Relevant areas of expertise include research in and practice of: field-related policy-science interface tools and processes – Europe will design the regional node of the International Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES); landscape ecology and ecosystems characteristics with a focus on dynamics and resilience across spatial scales; methods for performing ecosystems assessments having conceptual roots in ecological theory and empirical research; trans-disciplinary concepts that bridge the natural, social and health sciences for ecological integrity approaches; finally, knowledge in ecological economics would be an asset with regards to accounting, monetization and valuation issues and methods.
To assist the Agency with scientific advice on monitoring, reporting and verification requirements related to land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF); on environmental issues related to food security; and on the environmentally compatible potential of bioenergy to contribute to environmental policy targets. Relevant areas of expertise include a thorough understanding of physical, biological and chemical processes and of international and European Union policy processes in relation to these areas; and experience with modelling, inventories, and accounting in relation to LULUCF, food security and bioenergy.
To assist the Agency with scientific advice on the marine environment and related maritime activities in support of the implementation of the EU Marine Strategy Framework directive and the EU Integrated Maritime policy. Relevant areas of expertise include research in and practice of: operational oceanography as well as trans-disciplinary familiarity with coastal sciences; the concept of (non-) use value that captures the direct link between marine and coastal ecosystems, their services and human welfare; theory-to-practice study of marine spatial planning policies and tools, including environmental impact assessment methodologies; analysis of maritime economy and reduced uncertainty in the behaviour of the marine environment, as an approach to the concept of ecosystem-based management; finally, acquaintance with data and information management issues would be an asset as regards the requirements and use of monitoring programmes (in situ and remote sensing).
To assist the Agency with scientific advice on urban and environment issues. Soon more than 80% of European citizens will be living in urban settlements which face many challenges - from social to health to environmental - that require to be informed and analysed. Relevant areas of expertise include research in and practice of: urban and regional planning concepts, tools and policies directed to balanced spatial development and territorial cohesion; impact studies or other research in order to compile and analyse data on economic, social, regulatory and physical factors affecting land components /use; trans-disciplinary understanding of urban design theories and exercise that enables sustainable urban functionalities and lifestyles; familiarity with assessment tools such as life-cycle analysis (urban metabolism) or environmental accounting; finally, acquaintance with data and information management issues would be an asset as regards the requirements and use of monitoring programmes (e.g. EU Urban atlas).
To assist the Agency with scientific advice on the socio-economic dimensions of systems resilience and adaptation to environmental change; on instruments to address vulnerabilities of natural and human systems and to strengthen resilience to impacts of climate change; on ecosystem-based adaptation; on integrated approaches across natural systems and economic sectors to address climate change impacts, vulnerabilities and adaptation to climate change; on economic aspects of the risks related to climate change. Relevant areas of expertise include the socio-economic and ecological dynamics of risks affecting natural and human systems; a thorough understanding of adaptation responses to climate change; good knowledge on the information and policy-support processes in relation to climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation.
To assist the Agency with scientific advice on improving information and assessments on the effects on people and ecosystems of exposures to chemical substances and how these can be mitigated through innovations and other means. The chemicals of most interest include heavy metals, endocrine disrupting substances, pharmaceuticals and green chemistry. The most relevant issues include the exposures of foetuses and children to chemical mixtures, and long-term, low-dose exposures of adults through the use of every day products. Knowledge of how to deal with uncertainties in the assessment of chemicals pathways, exposures, and impacts, alongside the application of the precautionary principle would be desirable.
To assist the Agency with scientific advice on enhancing its understanding of policy formulation, policy implementation, and policy effectiveness; on the various stages of environment policy cycles; on instruments of environmental policy from a trans-disciplinary (i.e. science, administrative, legal, economic, and political science) perspective; and on multi-level governance related to European Union environmental policies in the area of work of the Agency. Knowledge of a broad scope of methodologies and concepts related to the above would be desirable. Relevant areas of expertise include experience with and scientific knowledge on the analysis of European Union environmental policies; environmental economics, law, policy and sociology; a thorough understanding of the Agency’s network of experts and their relation to decision-makers; practical experience with policy advice on European Union and national levels.
To assist the Agency with scientific advice on geo-statistical methods applicable to environmental accounting. Relevant areas of expertise include: familiarity with UN System of Environmental and Economic Accounting (environmental pressures and ecosystem health) embedded in the System of National Accounting used for the production of e.g. GDP; the relations between ecosystems capital, functions and services and how to account for these in monetary terms in line with European policy priorities (biodiversity/ecosystems, resource efficiency, green economy); relatedly, the processing of geo-statistical / spatial data integration and assimilation modelling techniques for environmental analysis using an accounting framework. Other areas of relevance include data modelling methods and results using available information coming from statistics, satellites and in-situ monitoring systems.
To assist the Agency with scientific advice for the further development of the content, the infrastructure and the institutional cooperation of a shared environmental information system (SEIS, INSPIRE). Relevant areas of expertise include research and development related to information and communication technology, web 3.0, mobile technology, standardisation processes and QA/QC procedures, spatial data infrastructures, reference data, geographic information systems, data centres, relational data base management, near real time data flows, citizen science, crowd sourcing, Eye on Earth.
To assist the Agency with scientific advice for improving environmental monitoring based on space and airborne remote sensing in combination with in-situ monitoring. Relevant areas of expertise include all topics covered by the Global Monitoring for Environment and Security initiative (GMES) for improving data and information services concerning air, land, inland water, marine, climate and emergency response as well as data and information for the societal benefits covered by the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) on disasters, health, energy, climate, water, weather, ecosystems, agriculture and biodiversity.
Candidates must have:
Eligible expressions of interest will be subject to a comparative evaluation against the following criteria:
The Management Board has also agreed that preference should be given to broad expertise in a listed area, and to expertise in more than one of the listed areas.
Furthermore, good knowledge of English would be an asset since this is the working language of the committee. An ability to use modern, electronic means of document exchange and communications would be an advantage, given the Agency’s intention to make best use of these techniques.
Scientific Committee members are identified through an open process, leading to designation of chosen candidates by the EEA Management Board on the basis of a recommendation from the Executive Director after consultation of the Scientific Committee.
The Executive Director can call on a panel to assess the professional experience of candidates.
Shortlisted candidates (up to 15) will be invited for an interview at the EEA on 08 October 2012 (new date, instead of 04-05 October as previously announced).
The experts who meet best the above criteria will be appointed for a term of four years which is renewable once for a maximum of another four-year period.
Experts meeting the requirements for membership who are not appointed will be retained on a reserve list. The reserve list may be used for similar activities and will be valid until 31 December 2014. The validity of the reserve list can be extended.
Selected experts will be appointed on a personal basis. They are required to sign a declaration of commitment and, on an annual basis, make a declaration of interests which may be deemed prejudicial to their independence.
The EEA is an equal opportunities employer and committed to avoid any form of discrimination.
Interested candidates are requested to submit their expression of interest by filling in the on-line application form and the template CV to be found under each of the links indicated below.
The CV shall contain a list of the applicant’s scientific publications, preferably in English, and other professional experience.
Apart from their primary area of expertise, candidates shall also indicate their secondary and tertiary areas of expertise which may be taken into account in order to ensure better support in cross-cutting and thematic areas of the EEA’s work.
Applicable rules of procedure of the Scientific Committee of the EEA can also be found under the following link:
(English document)
When applying via the on-line application form, please ensure that you observe the following:
On-line application forms (English) and template CV (English) for the different areas can be found under the following links:
The candidates are kindly requested to direct any questions on the current call to the following e-mail address:
Supporting documents may be requested at a later stage.
All expressions of interest will be treated as confidential.
Any personal data provided by the applicant shall be processed pursuant to European Regulation related to personal data protection, in particular Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions and bodies and on the free movements of such data. This applies in particular to the confidentiality and security of such data.
The purpose of processing the personal data which candidates submit is to manage expressions of interest with a view to possible pre-selection, selection and the appointment of Members of the Scientific Committee of the EEA.
The applicant shall have the right of access to his/her personal data and the right to rectify or update any such data that is inaccurate or incomplete at any time during the application procedure. The right to rectify can only be exercised up to the closing date for submission of applications. However, inaccurate identification data may be rectified at any time during and after the application procedure. Any request for access or rectification of personal data shall be addressed in writing to the Human Management Resource Group at the address: European Environment Agency, Kongens Nytorv 6, 1050 Copenhagen K, Denmark, or at the e-mail address:
The applicant can, upon request, be provided with their evaluation results at all stages of the selection procedure. The request must be submitted to the Human Management Resource Group at the address: European Environment Agency, Kongens Nytorv 6, 1050 Copenhagen K, Denmark, or at the e-mail address:
The Agency does not make public the names of successful candidates on reserve lists. However, it is possible that, for the purposes of recruitment and related planning purposes, members of the Agency’s senior management team may have access to reserve lists and in specific cases, to the application of a candidate.
Should the applicant have any queries concerning the processing of his/her personal data, s/he shall address them to the European Environment Agency at the following e-mail address:
Applicants are entitled to have recourse at any time to the European Data Protection Supervisor (; if they consider that their rights under Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 have been infringed as a result of the processing of their personal data by the EEA.
Expressions of interest shall be submitted via the specific on-line application form not later than Wednesday 12 September 2012 at 12.00 Central European Time.
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