
Work due 01 Jan 2099

Work Item
  Indicator codes: SEBI 023
SUGGESTIONS FOR IMPROVEMENT Improvements in the methodology for calculating the ecological footprint, in data collection and management, and in application and communication of the indicator at regional and national scales will increase the value of the metric as an indicator for monitoring progress towards the 2010 target. A full description of twenty-five research topics for ecological footprint accounts can be found in 'A Research Agenda for Improving National Ecological Footprint Accounts' (Kitzes et al.). Presented to the International Ecological Footprint Conference - Stepping up the Pace: New Developments in Ecological Footprint Methodology, Policy and Practice, 8-10 May 2007, Cardiff, and in preparation for publication.


Improvements in the methodology for calculating the ecological footprint, in data collection and management, and in application and communication of the indicator at regional and national scales will increase the value of the metric as an indicator for monitoring progress towards the 2010 target.

A full description of twenty-five research topics for ecological footprint accounts can be found in 'A Research Agenda for Improving National Ecological Footprint Accounts' (Kitzes et al.). Presented to the International Ecological Footprint Conference - Stepping up the Pace: New Developments in Ecological Footprint Methodology, Policy and Practice, 8-10 May 2007, Cardiff, and in preparation for publication.

Not started

01 Jan 2099, 12:00 AM


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