Water quantity - flat table (114616 records),,,, Field name,Field Definition,Note,Data type,Primary key CountryCode,Abbreviation of EEA Member or Collaborating Country,ISO3166 two digit code,text(2), gentity_name,Name of the geographical entity to which the data is directly related. If it is a station this field gives the name of the station. If it is a region it gives the name of the region.,,text(200), gentity_code,"Code of the geographical entity to which the data is directly related. If it is a station this field gives the code of the station. If it is a region it gives the code of the region. For most regional categories e.g. Country, RBD, NUTS the codes are defined on the European level. For stations the codes are given by the member states.",,text(50), longitude,"In case the gentity is a station (point data), the longitude of its location. Otherwise or if not specified it is left null.",(X) International geographical co-ordinates in decimal degrees format. Coordinates that were reported in non-specified projected coordinates system were removed,double, latitude,"In case the gentity is a station (point data), the latitude of its location. Otherwise or if not specified it is left null.",(Y) International geographical co-ordinates in decimal degrees format. Coordinates that were reported in non-specified projected coordinates system were removed,double, variable,The name of the measured variable,,text(200), unit,The unit of the measured variable,,text(10), timestep,The time step of the time series,"annual, seasonal, monthly, daily (only for steamflow)",text(10), year,The reporting year,,integer, index,The index of the time series value within the given year.,"Annual time series have always index=1. The range of other time series are as follows: - seasonal: 1(wet season) – 2 (dry season) - monthly: 1-12 (starting with January i.e. calendar year, not hydrological year) - daily: 1-365 or 366 depending of the year, starting with January 1st.",integer, val,A real number giving the measured value of the variable,,double,