

Waterbase - Emissions

Prod-ID: DAT-105-en
Created 30 Sep 2016 Published 11 Oct 2016 Last modified 15 Dec 2022
5 min read
This page was archived on 25 Sep 2018 with reason: Other (New version data-and-maps/data/waterbase-emissions-6 was published)
Waterbase is the generic name given to the EEA's databases on the status and quality of Europe's rivers, lakes, groundwater bodies and transitional, coastal and marine waters, on the quantity of Europe's water resources, and on the emissions to surface waters from point and diffuse sources of pollution.

European data

Waterbase-Emissions (1 table)

The dataset contains time series of emissions of nutrients and hazardous substances to water, reported by EEA member countries and cooperating countries. The data has been compiled and processed by ETC-ICM and EEA. Please refer to the metadata for additional information.

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Emissions from point and diffuse sources (WISE1_Emissions, 67160 records)

Annual emissions of nutrients, organic matter and hazardous substances from point discharges and diffuse sources to inland surface waters, aggregated by pollutant and spatial unit.

UID Unique identifier of the record in the EEA WISE SOE database. int
versionId Reported data: url to the data source; Derived data: url to a summary information describing the origin of the data. nvarchar (255)
beginLifeSpanVersion Reported data: the delivery date of the source data to the Reportnet. Derived data: the entry date to the EEA WISE SOE database. datetime
spatialUnitIdentifier Unique international identifier of the spatial unit for which the data is being reported. nvarchar (255)
spatialUnitIdentifierScheme Specification of whether the spatial unit is a country ('countryCode'), a Water Framework Directive river basin district ('euRBDCode') or a Water Framework Directive sub-unit ('euSubUnitCode'). For data providers that do not report under the WFD, spatial units equivalent to river basin districts ('eionetRBDCode') or sub-units ('eionetSubUnitCode') should be used. nvarchar (255)
phenomenonTimeReferencePeriod The year or range of years to which the data applies. nvarchar (10)
observedPropertyDeterminandCode Unique code of the determinand monitored, as defined in the codelist. nvarchar (255)
parameterEmissionsSourceCategory See the code list values for a definition of each category. nvarchar (255)
parameterEPRTRfacilities Information if the Emission value is aggregated from E-PRTR Facilities or from non-E-PRTR Facilities or from both together. See codelist for details. nvarchar (255)
resultEmissionsValue Annual emission of nutrients (tonne/year), organic matter (tonne/year) or hazardous substances (kg/year) from a specific source of emissions, aggregated by spatial unit. float
resultEmissionsUom Unit of measure for the reported emission value. nvarchar (255)
procedureEmissionsMethod Method used in the quantification of the emissions value. nvarchar (255)
resultObservationStatus Status of the observed value in terms of its availability, relevancy, correctness or specifics of its source category. nvarchar (255)
Remarks Remarks, comments or explanatory notes. nvarchar (max)
waterbaseObservationStatus Status flag of the observation. The most common are 'A' - Normal value, 'V' - Unvalidated value, 'U' - Low reliability nvarchar (100)
waterbaseRemarks Explanation of the 'U' status, if indicated in the waterbaseObservationStatus field, and any additional information entered during the data processing. nvarchar (max)

Additional information

Tables definitions

Field description of all data tables.

Code lists

List and description of codes of fields present in the emission data table
