
Reference WATERBASE - Lakes: stations characteristic data

Data Table
This page was archived on 07 Jul 2014 with reason: Other (New version data-and-maps/data/waterbase-lakes-10 was published)
Stations table - this table contains data on the EUROWATERNET lake monitoring stations' physical characteristics. Each station is unique according to the combination of the 2 fields: Cry_cd and Stn_id
European data
Table definition
Country Country name (ISO 3166-1) official short name in English nvarchar(100) 0
Rev_year int(4) 0
Rep Indicates whether the lake is considered a representative lake (value=1) or not (value=0) Boolean 0
Stn_type nvarchar(1) 0
Imp Indicates whether the lake is considered as one of the most important lakes (value=1) or not (value=0) boolean 0
Cry_cd International Country Code (ISO 3166-1-Alpha-2 code elements) varchar(2) -1
Lar Indicates whether the lake is considered as one of the largest lakes (value=1) or not (value=0) boolean 0
Lat Latitude (Y) International Geographical Co-ordinates of the monitoring station in decimal format float(8) 0
Mean_dep Mean depth of lake in metres Equals volume/surface area float(8) 0
Max_dep Maximum depth of lake in metres float(8) 0
Long Longitude (X) International Geographical Co-ordinates of the monitoring station in decimal format float(8) 0
Stn_id National Station ID: used to link data provided by the participating countries and Waterbase varchar(20) -1
Res Indicates whether the lake is a reservoir (value=1) or a natural lake (value=0) Boolean 0
Region Region where the station is located, provided at national level varchar(100) 0
Alt Altitude of lake surface in metres float(8) 0
Ref Indicates whether the lake is considered a reference lake (value=1) or not (value=0) boolean 0
Ret_time Average water residence time expressed as years Equals volume/annual flow float(8) 0
Vol Volume of water in lake as million cubic metres Equals surface area*mean depth float(8) 0
Area Surface area of the lake in square kilometers float(8) 0
Remarks Additional important information on lake varchar(200) 0
Catch_area Upstream catchment area of lake float(8) 0
Stn_name National lake name varchar(200) 0


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