European data
Table definition

Association habitats and MAES typologie at regional level (habitats_maes)

Data on the association between habitat types of the Habitats Directive and ecosystems (MAES typology) at the regional level

Field nameDefinitionNoteData type
id Auto generated unique identifier long
region Biogeographical or marine region Codelist: lu_biogeoreg text(20)
codeeco Code ecosystems Codelist: lu_ecosystems_maes text(20)
habitatcode Code Habitats Directive habitat type text(10)
description Description of the habitat type as in the Habitat Directive Annex I text(200)

Association birds and MAES typologie at EU level (species_birds_maes_EU27)

Data on the association between bird species of the Birds Directive and ecosystems (MAES typology and one additional for agricultural mosaics ) at the EU level

Field nameDefinitionNoteData type
id Auto generated unique identifier long
region Regional scope (here the EU27) on which the relation to the MAES classification is relevant for a given species and season text(20)
speciescode Code for species "concept" according to Birds Directive Article 12 reporting text(10)
speciesname Part of species "concept", Scientific name of the species text(200)
speciesname_supplement Part of species "concept", this supplement differentiates flyways and taxonomic units according to Birds Directive Article 12 reporting text(255)
season Season in which data were collected Codelist: lu_season text(1)
codeeco Code ecosystems (MAES typology) Codelist: lu_ecosystems_maes text(20)
euringcode Code for species according to EURING long
typeasso Importance of the bird relation/link to the MAES classification. Codelist: lu_spec_hab_association text(1)

Association birds and MAES typologie at regional level (species_birds_maes_region)

Data on the association between bird species of the Birds Directive and ecosystems (MAES typology) at the regional level

Field nameDefinitionNoteData type
id Auto generated unique identifier long
region Biogeographical or marine region Codelist: lu_biogeoreg text(20)
speciescode Code for species "concept" according to Birds Directive Article 12 reporting The codes for ‘species’ are unique for the combination of species name and subspeciesUnit (flyway) text(10)
speciesname Part of species "concept", Scientific name of the species text(200)
speciesname_supplement Part of species "concept", this supplement differentiates flyways and taxonomic units according to Birds Directive Article 12 reporting text(255)
season Season in which data were collected Codelist: lu_season text(1)
codeeco Code ecosystems (MAES typology) Codelist: lu_ecosystems_maes text(20)
euringcode Code for species according to EURING long
typeasso Importance of the bird relation/link to the MAES classification. Codelist: lu_spec_hab_association text(1)

Association non-bird species and MAES typologie at regional level (species_maes)

Data on the association between species of the Habitats Directive and ecosystems (MAES typology) at the regional level

Field nameDefinitionNoteData type
id Auto generated unique identifier long
region Biogeographical or marine region Codelist: lu_biogeoreg text(20)
speciesname Species name text(200)
codeeco Code ecosystems (MAES typology) Codelist: lu_ecosystems_maes text(20)
typeasso Importance of the species relation/link to the MAES classification. Codelist: lu_spec_hab_association text(1)
assessment_speciesname Name of species used for EU assessment. Only species/regions which are part of Art.17 reporting are indicated in this field (i.e. If there is no assessment at the EU level for a given species in a given region, the assessment speciesname is not available) text(200)
speciesgroup Higher taxonomic group (simplified) text(20)
HD_name Species name according to the Annexes of the Habitats Directive text(255)

Status of scientific names (scientificnames_status)

Status of scientific names used in the dataset. Information on accepted name when the scinetific name is a synonym

Field nameDefinitionNoteData type
speciesname scientific species name text(200)
acceptedName accepted name in case that species name is a synonym text(255)
acceptedName_author species author of the accepted name text(255)
status acceptance status mainly taken from Catalogue of Life text(50)

Association non-bird species and agricultural mosaics at regional level (species_agrimosaics)

Data on the association between species of the Habitats Directive and agricultural mosaics (not from MAES typology) at the regional level

Field nameDefinitionNoteData type
id Auto generated unique identifier long
region Biogeographical or marine region Codelist: lu_biogeoreg text(20)
speciesname Species name text(200)
codeeco Code ecosystems (MAES typology) Codelist: lu_ecosystems_maes text(20)
typeasso Importance of the species relation/link to the MAES classification. Codelist: lu_spec_hab_association text(1)
assessment_speciesname Name of species used for EU assessment. Only species/regions which are part of Art.17 reporting are indicated in this field (i.e. If there is no assessment at the EU level for a given species in a given region, the assessment speciesname is not available) text(200)
speciesgroup Higher taxonomic group (simplified) text(20)
HD_name Species name according to the Annexes of the Habitats Directive text(255)

Association bird species and agricultural mosaics at regional level (species_birds_agrimosaics_region)

Data on the association between bird species of the Birds Directive and agricultural mosaics (not from MAES typology) at the regional level

Field nameDefinitionNoteData type
id Auto generated unique identifier long
region Biogeographical or marine region Codelist: lu_biogeoreg text(20)
speciescode Code for species "concept" according to Birds Directive Article 12 reporting text(10)
speciesname Part of species "concept", Scientific name of the species text(200)
speciesname_supplement Part of species "concept", this supplement differentiates flyways and taxonomic units according to Birds Directive Article 12 reporting text(255)
season Season in which data were collected Codelist: lu_season text(1)
codeeco Code ecosystems (MAES typology) Codelist: lu_ecosystems_maes text(20)
euringcode Code for species according to EURING long
typeasso Importance of the bird relation/link to the MAES classification. Codelist: lu_spec_hab_association text(1)

Lookup table biogeographical regions (lu_biogeoreg)

Lookup table for the coding of the biogeographical or marine regions

Field nameDefinitionNoteData type
code code of the biogeographical region text(10)
name description of the biogeographical region text(255)
URI link to the data vocabulary text(255)

Lookup table MAES ecosystems (lu_ecosystems_maes)

Lookup table for the coding of ecosystems

Field nameDefinitionNoteData type
code Code for MAES ecosystems text(20)
label Description text(50)
maes Indication for MAES ecosystems (y: this is a MAES ecosystem, n: this is not a MAES ecosystem) text(1)

Lookup table association to MAES (lu_spec_hab_association)

Lookup table for the coding of the species/habitat association

Field nameDefinitionNoteData type
code Code describing the importance of the bird relation/link to the MAES classification text(1)
label Short description text(50)
description Detailed description text(255)

Lookup table season (lu_season)

Lookup table for the coding of the season for bird species

Field nameDefinitionNoteData type
code Code for season text(1)
name Description text(255)


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