
EEA/RNC/03/010 - Award notice

Sida Senast ändrad 2016-04-22

DK-Copenhagen: miscellaneous services

2003/S 230-205099

Section I: Contracting authority
I.1)Official name and address of the contracting authority: European Environment Agency, Att: Hans Vos, Kongens Nytorv 6, DK-1050 Copenhagen K. Tel.: 0045 33 36 71 41. Fax: 0045 33 36 72 93. E-mail: Hans.vos@eea.eu.int. URL: http://org.eea.eu.int.
 2)Type of contracting authority: EU institution.
Section II: Object of the contract
II.1)Type of contract: Services.

Service category 27.

In case of contract for service categories 17 to 27, do you agree to the publication of this notice? Yes.

 2)Is it a framework agreement? No.
 3.1)Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV)
 3.2)Other relevant nomenclature (CPA/NACE/CPC)
 4)Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority: Organising a workshop and drafting a report on the use of economic instruments in environmental policy in Europe.
 5)Short description: The EEA plans to publish a new report on the issue of economic instruments in Europe by 2004. The results will also be used amongst others for the next State of the Environment and Outlook Report, due by 2005, and for ongoing work on policy effectiveness analysis.

The main tasks are:

- Organising an expert workshop,

- Drafting a report with the working title: 'Economic instruments in Europe'.

 6)Estimated total value (excluding VAT): 60 000 EUR.
Section IV: Procedure
IV.1)Type of procedure: Open.
 1.1)Justification for the choice of negotiated procedure without call for competition
 2)Award criteria: The most economically advantageous tender in terms of:

Proven experience in publishing high-quality assessments reports related to economic instrument in environmental policy in European countries (30). Familiarity with relevant (scientific) knowledge and research networks (20). Understanding of the work as demonstrated by suggestions for the contents of the report (20). Competence of working team, as appearing from CVs (20). Approach to the work (10).

The bid offering the best value for money will be chosen, providing the minimum points (66) is achieved. The best bid is then calculated by dividing the price by the number of points awarded.

Section V: Award of contract
V.1)Award and contract value
 1.1)Name and address of successful supplier, contractor or service provider: Contract No 3223/B2003.EEA.51620: Institute for European Environmental Policy, Att: David Baldock, Direction, 28, Queen Anne's gate, UK-London SW1H 9AB. Tel.: +44 207 799 2244. Fax: +44 207 799 2600. E-mail: central@ieeplondon.org.uk. Internet address (URL): www.ieep.org.uk.
 1.2)Information on value of contract or on lowest and highest tenders taken into consideration (excluding VAT): Price: 59 932 EUR.
 2.1)Is the contract likely to be subcontracted? Yes.

If yes, state value or proportion of the contract likely to be subcontracted to third partie: proportion: 30%.

Section VI: Other information
VI.1)Is this notice a non-mandatory notice? No.
 2)Reference number attributed to the file by the contracting authority: EEA/RNC/03/010
 3)Date of contract award: 17.11.2003.
 4)Number of tenders received: 13.
 5)Was this contract subject to a notice in the Official Journal? Yes. Notice number in OJ content list: 2003/S 143-129416 of 29.7.2003.
 6)Does this contract relate to a project/programme financed by EU funds? No.
 7)Other information (if applicable)
 8)Date of dispatch of this notice: 18.11.2003.

