
EEA/EAS/2004/006 - Award notice

Sida Senast ändrad 2016-04-22

DK-Copenhagen: outline for pan-European assessments of the marine environment based on the concept of large marine ecosystems

2004/S 121-105326

Contract award notice


Is this contract covered by the government procurement agreement (GPA)? No.

I.1)Official name and address of the contracting authority:  European Environment Agency, Att.: Ms Ewa Wlodarczyk, Kongens Nytorv 6, DK-1050 Copenhagen. Tel.: 45 33 36 71 96. Fax: 45 33 36 71 51. E-mail: Ewa.Wlodarczyk@eea.eu.int. URL: http://www.eea.eu.int/tenders.
I.2)Type of contracting authority:  EU body.
II.1) Type of contract:  Services.
II.2)Is it a framework agreement?  No.
II.3.1)Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV):  
II.3.2)Other relevant nomenclature (CPA/NACE/CPC)
II.4)Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority:  Outline for pan-European Assessments of the Marine Environment based on the concept of Large Marine Ecosystems.
II.5)Short description:  The purpose of the study is to evaluate how future pan European and EU-wide marine assessments could be outlined taken into account the relationship between regional and pan-European assessments as mentioned above and the contribution the LME concept could give to that. This includes:
  1. - An evaluation of the conceptual contribution the LME-concept could make to future pan European marine assessments as intended in the framework of the Marine Strategy.
  2. - Support to the outline and planning of such assessments.

The overall task of the successful tenderer is to provide by end 2004 a report on the outline and planning of future pan European marine assessments based on the LME-approach.
II.6)Estimated total value (excluding VAT):  
IV.1)Type of procedure:  Open.
IV.1.1)Justification for the choice of negotiated procedure without call for competition  See Annex.
IV.2)Award criteria:
 - Expertise - the consultants' knowledge of large scale assessments of the marine environment in general and especially with respect to the LME concept as evident from their previous projects and publications/reports;
- Methodology - the degree to which the methodology and detail of the consultants' work plan shows the capacity to provide the required deliverables;
- Project management - based on the quality of the team organisation and project management procedures, which should be clearly outlined in the tender;
- Understanding - the degree to which tenderers have taken into consideration all the aspects of the tasks required by the contract, such as they appear above, as well as the contents of the deliverables; and
- Value for money - total price and number of working days offered in comparison to overall project output.

Points system:
A points system is used to choose the best tender. The distribution of maximum points to each criterion is as follows:
30 points to 'Expertise'
30 points to 'Methodology' 15 points to 'Project Management' 10 points to 'Understanding' 15 points to 'Value for money'. In descending order of priority: No.
V.1)Award and contract value
V.1.1)Name and address of successful supplier, contractor or service provider:  Contract No 3443/B2004.EEA.51988 UNEP World Conservation and Monitoring Centre , Attn: Keveh Zahedi, Director, Hunting Road 219, CB3 0DL, Cambridge, United Kingdom. Tel.: +44 1223 277314 Fax: +44 1223 277136. E-mail: darrel.taylor@unep-wcmc.org Internet address: http://www.unep-wcmc.org
V.1.2)Information on value of contract or on lowest and highest tenders taken into consideration (excluding VAT):  Price 84 783 EUR.
V.2.1)Is the contract likely to be subcontracted?  
VI.1)Is this notice a non-mandatory notice?  No.
VI.2)Reference number attributed to the file by the contracting authority:  EEA/EAS/2004/006
VI.3)Date of contract award:  20.12.2004.
VI.4)Number of tenders received:  4.
VI.5)Was this contract subject to a notice in the Official Journal?  Yes. Notice number in OJ content list: 2004/s 125-105326 of 30.06.2004.
VI.6)Does this contract relate to a project/programme financed by EU Funds?  No
VI.7)Other information:  
VI.9)Date of dispatch of this notice:  06.01.2005.

